Monthly Archives: November 2020

Let’s hope we get an Attorney General who is determined to “finish” the Mueller investigation.

I’ve been pointing out for three plus years individual 1 comes across to me as a “mob boss.” So, his antics on the way out of office should surprise no one. The question, to me, is whether or now the incoming Attorney General, whoever he or she may be, is going to thoroughly investigate the wrongdoing of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president for crimes committed while in office and prior to taking office. For example, the Mueller investigation was very much “hamstrung” by individual 1’s constant OBSTRUCTION of Justice and there remains many questions regarding the Russian “interference” in the 2016 election (and beyond) which were never fully investigated by Mueller’s team. (Read “Where Law Ends” by Andrew Weismann)

Anyone who’s paid attention to individual 1’s behavior over the previous four years must be wondering “what is it Putin has on our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president?” There’s got to be something – and, it’s imperative investigators find out. There’s still MILLIONS of Americans who believe individual 1 has been “telling the truth” for the past four years, despite the data suggesting his LIES will soon total over 25,000. The “throwing our intelligence community under the bus” in Helsinki – while the whole world was watching, the attacks on our NATO allies, the issues with Ukraine, the regurgitating Russian talking points and “fake news,” the refusal to confront Putin on the bounties placed on American troops in Afghanistan, and the Russian money filtered into republican campaign coffers – and, likely, much more – is all this OK with his America “loving” cult? “We the people” need to – and deserve to – KNOW what it is the Russians have on individual 1. And, his cult needs to understand they’ve been duped by a traitor.

My previous posting was a response to a NY Times Op-Ed posted by the brother of Maureen Dowd, an opinion columnist for the Times, her brother a supporter of individual 1, and he made the claim his 74 MILLION voters “love America.” The more I’ve thought about that claim, the more I question it. If you love America so much why are you trying to undo our government? Why are you working in concert with Vladimir Putin? Why are so many of individual 1’s supporters threatening violence in the streets because they LOST the election? Is that what you call “love?” The more I think of all the individual 1 supporters I’ve seen packing automatic weapons as they complain about not getting their way, the more I see the confederate flags and the Nazi flags and symbols, the more I question whether Ms. Dowd’s brother knows what he’s talking about. (I was going to write “what the hell he’s” – but, I generally don’t talk like that)

It was not hard to argue with his reasoning for why so many Americans are supporting our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – arguments which you would NOT hear if you’re a regular on Fox “news” or – new to me but not to them – the OAN Network – which, I believe, was just banned from YouTube (Full disclosure – I didn’t know it was there and I’ve never listened/watched it) for spreading false s@#t – but emphasizing they “Love America” just isn’t working for me. What I’ve been thinking about lately is what are all these American “loving” people going to do if individual 1 is actually held accountable for his continual refusal to act within the bounds of the law – despite his claims to be a “law and order” president.

To me, that claim was maybe the most ABSURD claim he made to his supporters who, apparently, check out NOTHING factually which comes from his mouth – they just BLINDLY go along with whatever their LYING fuhrer puts out in the public domain. (Of course, there was a plethora of other ABSURD statements over the four years – many which I’ve documented in the archives) That’s like him calling himself a “stable genius” – they probably actually believe that. He called himself the “greatest president in the history of the country” and they likely believe that – although, the historians will undoubtedly call him the WORST. He wasn’t going to benefit from the tax scam according to his speeches at rallies – the scam which was pilfering TRILLIONS from “we the people” (actual taxpayers) into HIS and his rich FRIENDS pockets – they likely believed that. And, “draining the swamp?” You’ve got to be delirious to have fallen for that one – he, and the cohorts he put in charge of our institutions ARE the “swamp.”

But calling himself the “law and order” president was just way too much for me. My greatest hope is his “followers” will take that into account when he’s standing before judgeS (emphasizing the plural) and not, out of hand, suggest the prosecutions are being “political.” For heavens sake, he breaks the laws right out in the open – does that make it OK to his followers? As he was trying to justify EXTORTING Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden he made a plea to China, while he was standing on the South lawn of the “White House,” to do the same ILLEGAL thing. Those are crimes – do we overlook them because he proclaimed himself the “law and order” president? And, these attempts to get the votes of MILLIONS of voters thrown out – votes cast in largely African American communities – are violations of, likely several laws – federal and state – but, certainly, the Voting Rights Act – does he get a “pass” because he’s doing it in the open and is the “law and order” president? These “lovers of America,” in my view, are not thinking straight. And, if you confront them on any of this they start throwing things!

I took the time to read the Mueller report (twice), and, trust me, it was time consuming and “dry” reading – but, I felt it was my obligation as a citizen (who LOVES this country) to read it. You can’t read that document and not come away believing our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is corrupt up to his ears. Anyone who was innocent of the potential wrongdoing which predicated that investigation would have encouraged it to go on unimpeded in order to exonerate him/herself. Obviously, individual 1 was OBSTRUCTING the investigation at “every turn” which wouldn’t suggest “innocence” – would it? His OBSTRUCTION, along with the LYING of William Barr, helped him to avoid any kind of real accountability for what happened in that 2016 campaign but the reality is there are NUMEROUS questions which SHOULD still be answered. Individual 1 will continue his bloviating as long as he’s allowed to do so – and, it’s our Justice Department – once it has been “fixed” from the DAMAGE inflicted by Mr. Barr – which will be the necessary antithesis to his, what will surely be, ongoing LYING, cheating, and lawbreaking.

And, now you’ve got a bunch of republican Senators who see themselves as the next wave of this right wing assault on America’s fundamental values lining up to “take the reins.” I just about gagged the other day listening to Marko Rubio, for example, already starting the right wing baseless attacks on Joe Biden. And, as I’ve already predicted, the attacks on Kamala Harris are going to be disgusting and ruthless with no regard for anything resembling the TRUTH. The fearmongering republican party will not go away until “we the people” make them go away and they’ve only been emboldened by the increased numbers of voters who were/are willing to endure more of the chaos and LYING “we the people” have dealt with now for the past four years. And, with followers like Ms. Dowd’s brother totally snakebitten by the right wing “message” it will be incombent on the rest of us to stay vigilant and prepare for the continued battle for the soul of this nation.

We MUST do whatever it takes to ensure we DON’T allow right wing fascists to take over America – all while telling “we the people” they “love” this country. We’re talking about groups with monikers like “The Proud Boys,” “Atomwaffen,” “Boogaloo bois,” and others who are all right wing neo-Nazi gangs and self identified “militias.” Individual 1 is a bully and he, apparently, attracts bullies. And, these right wing gangsters are intellectually deficient so they load up on automatic weapons, lots of ammunition, and right wing websites where they can fire each other up into a frenzy and recruit young people as if they’re Islamic terrorists – they’re using the identical tactics. We saw the results of this during individual 1’s term in office with the scattered mass shootings, so I have to wonder if that’s the “plan” going forward now that their fuhrer is no longer at the “head of the table.” I’ve been writing about this possibility for over a year now.

One of my friends, who is a supporter of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, for many months, was predicting individual 1 would win the election in a landslide and “liberals” would flock to the streets and riot. I always said, and, it appears – at least for the first part – I was correct, he had it 180 degrees from reality. I predicted Joe Biden would win the election and it would be the neo-Nazi’s in the streets – and I hope I’m wrong on this part – with their weapons. My greatest concern, of course, was/is that William Barr is in charge of the Justice Department – which includes the FBI – so, what kind of response can we expect when it’s no secret how individual 1 responds to people who like/support him? So, for example, is Barr going to stop the “Proud Boys” from doing something really “naughty?” How about the group calling themselves “Atomwaffen?” (I’m sure you know where they got that moniker – or, at least I hope you do) My prediction: Any damage caused by any of these right wing groups will be blamed by individual 1 and Barr on “Antifa” – whoever they are.

My point here is when someone shows you who they are, believe them. And, individual 1 is acting like a mob boss, so I’m guessing that’s one of the main reasons he’s fighting so hard to overturn the “will of the people.” He knows what’s waiting for him on January 21’st, 2021 and he’s attempting to do what he always does – and that is BULLY his way out of trouble. When you look at his bankruptcies, for example, it was never him who took the brunt of the losses. He actually sued the bank which held the mortgage on one of his failed sky scrapers (this one in Chicago) while HE was in default and “won.” (Although, according to public records he’s on the “hook” for close to half a BILLION dollars in the next few years which may be hard to “wiggle” out of. And, the Scots are investigating where he got the money (Russia?) to purchase the iconic Turnberry golf links (money laundering?). Let’s hope we get an Attorney General who is determined to “finish” the Mueller investigation. RICO anyone?

Final Thought: I find it a bit beyond IRONIC listening to individual 1 claiming democrats CHEATED in ALL the “battleground states” where he LOST – in every instance. They apparently, according to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, cheated in every one of those six states in coordination with each other. Even the republican officials in those states participated in the cheating. While I was pointing out long before the election the ONLY way individual 1 could possibly win was by CHEATING (which, of course, he was attempting to do) and, now, he’s claiming the only way he could possibly have lost is by both democratic AND republican election officials cheating. He must think the officials in the various states conspired! Holy Cow!!!

Here’s what we KNOW. Individual 1 CHEATED to “win” the 2016 election (with 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton) and he has repeatedly tried to CHEAT since then as the 2020 election approached. He probably did in ways we may never know – but, we do KNOW, he tried to get the president of Ukraine to help him (That’s not only CHEATING but it’s also ILLEGAL) AND, of course, he also asked the Chinese to help him dig up “dirt” on Joe Biden – that’s also CHEATING and it’s also ILLEGAL. (As I’ve pointed out, our “law and order” IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president does this stuff in plain sight so I guess his cult feels it’s OK) In the election he “won” he solicited help (CHEATING) from the Russians, also in plain sight AND his campaign “COLLUDED” with the Russians throughout the campaign – which was “white washed” by the antics of Attorney General Barr – and, of course, that’s CHEATING!

And, by the way, if you think individual 1 wasn’t notified about the ILLEGAL meeting in individual 1 Tower (Sorry, I can’t bring myself to write the word) in June of 2016 between Junior, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, well, I’ve got a bridge………….. you know the rest. The reason Junior and Kushner weren’t indicted for that ILLEGAL attempt to get FOREIGN (illegal) assistance against Hillary Clinton was because the Mueller team, essentially concluded Junior was “too dumb to cheat.” OK, that was my paraphrasing, what Mueller really said was he couldn’t prove Junior KNEW his CHEATING was ILLEGAL. Of course, Junior’s refusal to be interviewed, his father’s refusal to be interviewed, and all the OBSTRUCTION caused an overly cautious Mueller to reach that conclusion. The bottom line here is individual 1 making all these baseless allegations of CHEATING is like someone throwing rocks from a cellophane house.

That reminds me – to me, Robert Mueller is no hero – and, not for the reasons individual 1’s supporters would suggest. In fact, they SHOULD be honoring BOTH Mueller and James Comey. Without Comey’s astonishing decision to intervene in the 2016 election 11 days prior to election day we wouldn’t be having this conversation – clearly, that was the final “straw” which “broke” Hillary Clinton’s “back.” Of course, we’ll never know what effect, ultimately, the Russians had (although it was and continues to be significant) – but, I watched the poll numbers crater about 2 – 3 points after Comey’s announcement – just enough to swing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to individual 1. And, Mueller, he was timid throughout his investigation – which I suspected – operating in the fear of our IMPEACHED so-called (now) two time popular vote LOSING president firing him and his team – therefore, refusing to subpoena individual 1 or his son for interviews and refusing to clearly state, in his report, the team’s findings on OBSTRUCTION. (As I suggested above read Andrew Weismann’s “Where Law Ends”)

The actions of Mueller and Comey make it that much MORE imperative that individual 1 face accountability for his ILLEGAL actions both before and while in the “White House.” Paying off the two women prior to the election was ILLEGAL (Ask Michael Cohen) not to mention some of the stuff being investigated by the New York authorities regarding individual 1’s trail of “illegalities” prior to running for office. It’s all in the public record for anyone who cares to do a bit of reading – but, the connection to various mobsters is no secret in New York “circles.” Yes, members of his cult will go “bananas” if he’s held to account – you know, the “law and order” president being expected to follow the law himself – and, of course, his most fervent followers who’ve armed themselves to the hilt and are threatening “civil war” on their internet platforms also being expected to follow the law. Yikes!!!

All I can say to the rest of the cult is WAKE up! Don’t continue supporting this creep and then tell me things like “you love America” or “I’m (you) not a racist,” or that you believe “America is a country of laws and not men.” The STUPIDITY coming from the cult these days is just too much! (Looking inward I, too, like to think “I’m not a racist” – but, when I take an honest look at the “white privilege” I’ve enjoyed my entire lifetime and think about the “stories” my Black friends have shared with me I’m just not sure I could have endured what they have/did. I’m also not sure how that addresses the topic other than to admit my part in the Civil Rights movement has been nothing more than peripheral. Do I believe there’s “systemic racism in America?” Of course I do. What am I willing to do to help diffuse it? I suppose that remains to be seen.)

Maureen Dowd decided to give her Op-Ed space in the NY Times to her individual 1 loving brother. OMG!

It’s late, I really want to go to bed, but I just finished reading an Op-Ed in the NY Times by Maureen Dowd’s brother – apparently, Ms. Dowd comes from a family of “individual 1 lovers” – of course, they use the name I called him by before he was given this name by the Southern District of New York for CHEATING to “win” the election for president of the United States, with the help of Vladimir Putin and James B Comey, back in 2016. You know, illegally paying off a porn star to hide his illicit affair from the voters. Ms. Dowd’s brother, of course, is lamenting the defeat of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president as some kind of – as he said, the historians in the future will recognize as – a great president.

I almost gagged. But, the sad reality is almost 74 MILLION Americans decided they wanted more of the chaos and incompetence we’ve endured for the previous 4 years and what really struck me was Mr. Dowd actually believed the stuff he heard coming from individual 1’s mouth over these terribly LONG and TAXING four years. I thought I’d share some of his “kudos” for a so-called president who is the THIRD in our history to be IMPEACHED and who has, during his two elections, LOST by OVER 9 – ALMOST 10 MILLION votes!

Here we go: First he referred to the democrats (“the left”) as being hypocrites for their “resistance” and brought up the “confrontation at their homes and restaurants” of officials in individual 1’s administration. I’m sure he’s referring to Sarah Sanders being asked to leave a restaurant because the people in the restaurant had had enough of the president’s press secretary (should be plural) standing at what was considered a somewhat sacred podium and bold faced LYING to the American people – repeatedly. Individual 1 supporters, I know, always respond by saying either individual 1 and his sycophants aren’t LYING or “everybody LIES.” Clearly, that’s not a majority view in America – thankfully!

The whoppers were coming “hot and heavy” – as you would expect from someone defending individual 1’s record. He next suggested our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president “gave us a strong economy, achieved the lowest unemployment in 50 years, fortified the border and guaranteed the integrity of the judicial system by appointing over 200 judges, including three Supreme Court justices.”

Where to start? OK, right at the top. The “strong economy” was INHERITED (just like all the money he’s LOST over the years) and he did little to enhance it. The trajectory of the economic recovery from what Obama/Biden INHERITED from the previous republican debacle (the last recession before this one) started in 2009 and was steady until this past spring when individual 1’s bumbling, incompetent, narcissistic response to the coronavirus pandemic caused historically high unemployment, and, by the time he leaves office, by the way, likely a similar number of American deaths as in WW II (Most which could have been avoided). The “lowest unemployment in 50 years” was simply a continuation of what he inherited – he had little to nothing to do with it. His ONLY “achievement,” legislatively was a tax cut (scam) which funneled 2 TRILLION dollars to those in America who didn’t need it and DIDN’T provide the promised stimulus. And, after LYING straight to the faces of his crowds at rallies – “I’ll receive none of the benefit – my friends will be mad at me” – his next visit to Mar a Lago, after passage of the bill, included this message to his patrons (rich people) – “I just made you all a lot of money.” Of course, that included him.

Fortify the border? Are you kidding me. That would be the suggestion of someone who’s still believing this nation of IMMIGRANTS should be banning immigration (He’s a second generation IMMIGRANT and his wife a first). Of course, what they’re really saying is immigration should be banned for people who aren’t white. And, anyone making that claim, to me, is either totally ignorant OR simply willing to accept the horrific treatment of people coming from South of our border – taking children, some nursing infants, from their parents – and, then worst still, losing track of the parents so that, as I’m writing this, there are over 600 children (in cages, still) at our Southern border who will NEVER likely see their parents again. And, these are just the children under 12 years old – who knows how many others there are? Ms. Dowd’s brother talks about the historians a few years hence – and I believe this will be one of the MAJOR “stains” on our nation FOREVER!

And, the wall? Mr. Dowd didn’t mention anything about the “Mexicans paying for it, guaranteed.” In fact, there’s virtually NO “wall,” only some refurbished “fencing” along, maybe a couple hundred miles of an 1800 mile border. Which is GOOD, because building a wall is STUPID. Yes, it makes the white supremacists, apparently, feel better – but it would do little to stop “illegal immigration” – which is only a major problem in right wing (ie white supremacist) circles. Sorry, Mr. Dowd – no offense, but, well, “come on man!”

And, the judges – OK, I’ll give you that. For four years Moscow Mitch has been focused on putting as many right wing, young, and in many cases totally unqualified, judges in various parts of the judiciary. It remains to be seen what DAMAGE that does to this republic, but that will be the lasting result of the “marriage” between individual 1 and McConnell. Suggesting that will lead to the “integrity” of our Judicial system is certainly a point of contention – considering the number of unqualified judges now with LIFETIME appointments. McConnell sees the “writing on the wall” that the republican party is about to become irrelevant unless it dramatically changes and, with supporters like Mr. Dowd, it’s not likely to change. This is why the Senate has been approving judges and ignoring those suffering from the Covid pandemic. Sadly, from my point of view, my peer group – white “baby boomers” – are the “backbone of the republican party and I’m 73. We’re going to be dying off in droves and the younger voters aren’t fooled by the republican shtick in large enough numbers to keep the party a float.

Then Mr. Dowd said, ” He was labeled a racist but funded historically black colleges and created opportunity zones with Senator Tim Scott. He was able to sign meaningful prison reform legislation.” That’s like saying “I have a Black friend so I’m no racist.” To suggest individual 1 is not a racist is to suggest you have something over your eyes when you’re looking at the FACTS or cotton in your ears when you listen to the “dog whistles” spewing from his mouth. There’s a reason why almost 90% of African Americans voted for Joe Biden. In fact, it was the African American “community” which is the reason Biden is now president. Without getting into all the other details (I’m thinking of the “birther” stuff right now) individual 1 has already started the slurring of Kamala Harris because he knows she’s a rising star in the democratic party – likely the next nominee in 2024 (Biden will be 82). Along with the 74 MILLION who voted for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, she’s having her citizenship questioned because her parents are immigrants, PLUS republicans are referring to her as a “ho.” Not racist? Give me a break! (Yes, we’ve got to add misogynist)

Next, from Mr. Dowd: ” He had foreign policy successes as well, renegotiating NAFTA and abandoning the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal (which took a $400 million cash bribe to close). He aggressively confronted China for its egregious behavior, brokered Middle East peace deals and was the greatest friend in the White House that Israel ever had.” The NAFTA treaty was “tweaked” and I haven’t seen evidence it’s brought a single manufacturing job back to America. In fact, our “manufacturing sector” was in recession BEFORE the Covid-19 pandemic arrived. The $400 million which went BACK to Iran was IRANIAN money which had been frozen. It was part of the deal designed to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon – and, by the way, they were in compliance – and EVERYONE knew that. China? He’s been kissing the behind of Xi for most of the 4 years he has been in office – seemingly another dictator he admires – and the tariffs? What did that do beside cause farmers to go broke and others to lose their jobs. Mr. Dowd, you probably believe the Chinese were paying the tariffs, don’t you? Yikes! (I’m guessing you’re not one of the “uneducated voters” individual 1 “loves” so what’s the excuse?)

And, Israel? Well, he (and Jared Kushner) definitely are “in” with Netanyahu, who seems to be as corrupt as individual 1 himself – except in Israel, the leaders are not exempt from indictment which, of course, has happened to their Prime Minister. Will the moving of our Embassy prove to help solve the issue with the Palestinians? Remains to be seen, but doesn’t look good to me. I will say, there’s a possibility individual 1 ends up with one success in his four years if it all works out in Israel – I just don’t know enough about the details to make a comment at this point in time. The connection with MBS, to me, is corrupt and, until the issue with the Palestinians is solved, to me, nothing has changed. From much of what I’ve read, moving the Embassy took away a negotiating tool to help solve that problem – but I didn’t get the feeling that individual 1’s administration cared much about the Palestinians – so, short term benefit – likely. Long term, as with pretty much everything else, not so much.

I’m only going to answer a couple more of his points – I’ll put a link to the article at the end of this post should you want to read it – next he said this: “Mark down the levels of the Dow Jones and your 401(k)s. If Biden reimposes President Barack Obama’s regulations, the economy will shortly be back to where it was under Obama.” Here’s what will happen if Biden is successful in doing exactly that. The stock market will continue to go wherever it’s going to go – likely up if Biden can get us back to where it “was under Obama.” I do have to add, under individual 1, as I’ve said here many times, the market has become like a house built on sand. It likely is going to crater – especially if Moscow Mitch decides to OBSTRUCT as he did during Obama’s two terms. Republicans are refusing to enact a “worker oriented” stimulus to the Covid crisis (Yes, they’ve offered a stimulus package, but as you would expect, it’s focus is on “tax cuts for the wealthy” not people who are suffering and out of work – or small businesses which are shuttering by the droves – surprise, surprise!)

Individual 1 is leaving office with a budget deficit which is historic ($3.3 TRILLION for this year and Trillions per year going forward, unless Biden CAN get us back to where the economy was under Obama) – greater than the largest annual deficit since records started being kept after WW II in relation to GDP. I’ve already spent a couple “rants” predicting republicans will be BLAMING Biden for the deficits and the impending crash, if it happens almost immediately after he takes the oath. In fact, they very well may facilitate a “crash” if they retain control of the Senate. That’s just what they do. Obama/Biden reduced the deficit by around 70% during their time in office (From $1.5 TRILLION – the record until individual 1 came along – to around $400 BILLION when they left office) and it didn’t take individual 1 and his republican “deficit hawks” even one year to more than double it. But, if somehow Biden gets things back to the way they were when our IMPEAHCED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president took office, things will be “swell.” For the last four years “deficits didn’t matter.” Do you think that will change?

The last point of Mr. Dowd’s I will take issue with – I could take issue with almost all of what he wrote – not sure why Maureen Dowd gave him the platform – is: ” The Democrats remain mystified by the loyalty of Trump’s base. It is rock solid because half the country was tired of being patronized and lied to and worse, taken for granted. Trump was unique because he was only interested in results.” Well, I’m not mystified. First of all, I believe much of the loyalty to individual 1 (I thought about changing the name above, but I copied and pasted it so…….) comes from the white supremacists who, apparently, encompass a larger swath of America than people like me understood. I was, peripherally, part of the Civil Rights movement back in the 60’s in that I graduated from High School in 1965 as the Voting Rights Act was being enacted, I watched in horror as the Civil Rights marchers were virtually slaughtered on the Edmond Pettis bridge and have been trying to cleanse myself of my racist upbringing ever since. Yes, I have Black friends, yes I was raised in a racist household which leaves “scars,” and, yes I’ve benefited from “white privilege” my entire life. For years, I failed to fully understand this.

The hardest part of this for me to accept, even though I understand that evangelical Christians make up a significant portion of that 74 MILLION individual 1 supporters, is what that does to our Christian “witness.” I know enough of them, as a Christian myself who regularly attends church when there’s no pandemic, to understand there are MILLIONS of one issue voters in America – the issue is, obviously, abortion (which, I keep saying, at some point I’ll write a post on that topic) and they’re happy with the judges and could care less about the rest of it. The classic “deal with the devil,” in my view. Don’t waste you’re time trying to convince me individual 1 is a Christian – or that he’s spiritually connected in any way. Just as republicans have been doing for 40 years, they’ve been using their fake concern for the abortion issue to keep the “flock” in line. (Read Frank Shaeffer’s “Crazy for God”) Oh yes, if they succeed in overturning “Roe” the “pro life” issue will NOT be solved – in fact, it will likely be worse.

Individual 1 has been credibly accused of sexually assaulting over two DOZEN women, he regularly denigrates women he doesn’t like, he’s a pathological LIAR, he CHEATS to get what he wants, and I could go on and on why I struggle to accept that it’s OK for a Christian to support this man. Please don’t tell me it’s his policies. It’s the judges and that’s about it. It’s people willing to accept a fascist in return for their one issue – at the expense of so many others. (The kids at the border, etc. etc.) The parallels with individual 1 and the Third Reich are stark – our “liberal media” doesn’t like to bring up the topic. Check out the groups like the Proud Boys and the other “right wing militias” and/or Neo-Nazi groups who are threatening violence with seditious internet postings and that should give you a good idea why MANY of those 74 MILLION are such strong supporters. They actually refer to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president as their fuhrer. Visit places like for an eye opener. God Bless Joe Biden for believing he can bring about unity!

OK, I have to add one more: According to Mr. Dowd: ” Democrats have been quick to dismiss any Trump supporter as a racist, homophobe or redneck, but they all shared a common trait with him, an unapologetic love of America.” This statement may be the most offensive, to me, of all of what Mr. Dowd wrote. Does this assume the 80 MILLION Americans (and counting) who voted for Joe Biden don’t “love America?” Again, give me a break! I started this post last night and couldn’t help but think, I’m not sure those 74 MILLION supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president actually do “love America.” If so, why are so many of his supporters threatening sedition? Why do all the so-called “boogaloo bois” want to start a race war? Why does so much HATE come from their mouths? I think Mr. Dowd may be a bit confused. If these people are willing to turn America into a fascist state – that doesn’t feel like “love” to me.

And, in fact, a large segment of individual 1’s supporters, as I just wrote, ARE RACISTS. If you don’t believe the “Proud Boys,” or “Atomwaffen,” or the “boogaloo bois,” or the people at Stormfront, or the other right wing militias spread throughout this country are not racists you’re just deluding yourself. If you’re passionately supporting someone who’s a “homophobe” doesn’t that kind of point a finger back at you? Redneck, I know a lot of “rednecks” who think just as I do about our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. And, trust me, many of those 80 MILLION Americans who voted AGAINST individual 1 had to overcome voter suppression tactics which would suggest to me they REALLY do love America – enough to do whatever it took to make their vote count. Most believed, I’m sure, as I did that STOPPING individual 1 was IMPERATIVE!

For the people I know who support individual 1 the common thread is they (everyone of them) watch Fox “news,” they don’t read basically (except their Bibles), and they don’t understand “white privilege.” When I talk to them I sense they are motivated by fear mongering, which makes them ideal targets for a démagogue such as individual 1. To me, he’s created a “death cult” and, apparently, Mr. Dowd is a happy member of it. Mr. Dowd goes on to make further statements which come across to me as hate filled, but, I have to add, a couple of my friends who are individual 1 supporters have suggested I “hate” our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and, trust me, I understand many of my postings might leave that impression. I have to say, however, I do not “hate” him. But when I search my heart, it’s clear I despise him. When I think about the racist dog whistles, the LYING (likely 25,000 documented LIES by the time he leaves office), the children at the border, the women he’s sexually violated, the fast approaching number of 300 THOUSAND dead Americans from the pandemic likely to be over 400,000 by the time he leaves office, and the apparent lack of a conscience for any of it, I just shudder. At times I’ve prayed for him but often I just feel a sense of anger at the DAMAGE he’s doing/done to our country – the one which I LOVE.

I’ve written ad nauseum about all the DAMAGE – and, I firmly believe it will be continually uncovered over the next decade – we’ll learn more and more as time goes by why individual 1 has earned a place in the history books next to Benedict Arnold – along with many of his enablers (I’m mainly right now thinking of William Barr and Moscow Mitch). One thing I’m always puzzled about by republicans – who often remark about how much they hate government – and, individual 1 has been busy undermining virtually every facet of our government institutions – so, if they hate it so, why are they so adamant about wanting to control it? Is their way of showing how much the “love” America destroying our government institutions? Or is there another reason?

Of course, the answer to that question is easy: They’ve been pilfering taxpayer dollars by the truck loads since the days of Ronald Reagan (via “trickle down” economics – ie “trickle up”) and, individual 1, we may find out, was the master at funneling taxpayer dollars into his own bank account. Of course, the benefactors of all the tax cuts are the very people individual 1’s supporters SHOULD be angry with, the so-called “swamp,” but they’ve been hoodwinked by Fox “news” and other right wing propaganda outlets into believing it’s the “liberals” who’ve been the culprits. It’s been a masterful “snow job” perpetrated by what I call the “puppet masters” – people like the “Koch brothers.” I’m not sure how Mr. Dowd got “sucked in,” but clearly he did. I’m certain he would claim his fealty to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president doesn’t carry with it suggestions of his own racism, or ignorance, or misogyny etc. That wouldn’t appear to be the case to me.

Final Thought: I mentioned the “Koch Brothers” above and, if you don’t “follow” them, only Charles Koch is left – his brother, David, died about a year or so ago from his battle with cancer. I’ve seen a couple interviews of late which Charles has granted where it appears he’s trying to repair his right wing divisive image a bit. Claiming he believes in things which certainly were a surprise to me – that is, suggesting he’s come around a bit in regard to issues which are important to the so-called “liberals.” Personally, I’m not buying it. Shortly after I listened to the last interview I read where he had donated $440,000 to the republicans in the runoff election in Georgia – which wouldn’t have surprised me before I listened to the interview. But, clearly, republicans want to win those elections so that Moscow Mitch can remain the majority leader in the Senate. Mr, Koch is not too interested in “bridging the divide” causing division in this nation if it would threaten his bottom line and, apparently, he remains willing to support more of the OBSTRUCTION which will come from McConnell.

And, don’t give me the “both sides” argument when it comes to OBSTRUCTION, by the way. That would simply suggest you don’t pay attention to FACTS. Individual 1 had a republican controlled House and Senate for the first two years of his term and, other than a tax scam and attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act – virtually nothing (except judges) was done. Here’s the reality, most Americans (apparently at least 80 MILLION) expect something other than judges from their government. During the pandemic the ONLY success was the democratic sponsored “CARES Act” which is the reason our economy has recovered somewhat since last March – but, as MILLIONS of Americans are hungry (for food), are losing their homes and cars, and maybe have lost their jobs permanently, instead of even voting on the next democratic bill to help actual working people, what did we get from Mitch McConnell? More judges! Republicans know how to CHEAT to “win” elections, they DON’T know how to govern. (Obviously, based on Mr. Dowd’s article, republicans are good at “pulling the wool” over the eyes of Millions of Americans) Democrats tried to help individual 1 “tackle” the coronavirus, he just wouldn’t listen.

If you want to read Mr. Dowd’s entire article click HERE.

It’s easy to see why we’re THANKFUL this national nightmare is soon to be over. Yes, individual 1, you LOST!

There are rumors Joe Biden doesn’t want to deal with all the “stuff” which would be involved with investigations into all the ILLEGAL behavior of individual 1 and his sycophants. Apparently, he feels it would keep our IMPEACHED so-called two time LOSER president too much in the headlines making it more difficult for him to “bring the nation together.” Well, I hate to let him know this, but SOME of what SHOULD be investigated is what individual 1 and his sycophants are doing right now which will cause it to be close to impossible to “bring the nation together.” I really hope he doesn’t fall into the same mirage individual 1 fell into when dealing with the coronavirus. Individual 1 didn’t want to deal with the virus because he thought it would ruin his chances at re-election. Oops! Obviously, he SHOULD have taken it seriously and proved he had the capability to handle a crisis. OK, I know what you’re thinking. That’s not possible for him.

So, with Biden the worst decision he can possibly make would be to allow individual 1 and others to feel even more confident they are “above the law.” The OPPOSITE must be proven. Here’s what I heard him promise, with my own ears: He will allow THE Justice Department (not “his” Justice Department) to follow evidence of wrongdoing wherever it leads. Yep, that’s what he said – so, if he starts wanting to “walk that back” there will be a PLETHRORA of people like me who won’t be happy. Biden’s job is to choose an Attorney General and, then, let his Attorney General do his/her job. It should be undeniable there’s a fair (OK, a lot of) number of ILLEGAL activity coming from individual 1’s administration. For example, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president has lots to worry about – not the least of which would be ALL the OBSTRUCTION of Justice evidence “memorialized” by Robert Mueller and the Democratic House Judiciary Committee which, I’m sure, he’s trying to figure out how to pardon himself out of liability.

I’ve listened to varying reports on whether or not individual 1 can pardon himself – although, I’m certain, he’ll force the courts to decide the issue, ultimately. I do not doubt one of his last acts as he’s being dragged from the “White House” will be pardoning himself, his children, and anyone he can think of who has complimented him over the previous four years. He’ll likely pardon Vladimir Putin, just in case. One thing I believe I’ve heard enough so that it “rings” true to me is that he can’t pardon himself from “future” transgressions. A pardon is somewhat an admission of guilt, so he will have to admit he’s guilty of specific CRIMES before leaving office if he decides he wants to find out in court if he has that power. Up until now, NO president has ever shown any inkling to feel the need to pardon himself – so, it’s still a matter of conjecture.

Sadly, in my view, there’s no law which requires a president to do a good job so, the incompetence we’ve all seen during this pandemic isn’t something individual 1 has to pardon himself for – yet, the number of Americans who will be DEAD by the time he leaves office could, conceivably reach close to half a MILLION! Yes, you read that correctly. I listened to one of the doctors, today, at the University of Washington’s cohort which has been creating the “models” being followed during this crisis, and he was clear when he said we could be LOSING 4000 American lives, or MORE, PER DAY by the first day of February. At that rate, it adds up very quickly. Like today, November 18 – with 63 more days of enduring individual 1’s term in office – according to “” (which is the site I use to follow the Covid crisis) there were 1956 people who died, just today. It’s going to get a LOT worse.

One way I follow the statistics of the pandemic is by checking the “world” section of the above mentioned site you can find out the number of Americans in “serious/critical” condition. Obviously, as those numbers increase the number of daily deaths increase. So, about a month ago, when we were experiencing about 750 deaths per day, on average, there were around 14,000 Americans in “serious/critical” condition in hospitals around the country. Today, that number was 22,195 and increasing rapidly every day. That’s an increase of over 50% in just three or four weeks. Correspondingly, the number of DEATHS has increased by MORE than 50%. Take for example, what we’re seeing in El Paso, Texas is what happens when the hospitals run out of space to deal with all the incoming Covid-19 infected people. El Paso hospitals don’t have any more ICU “beds” so they are putting people in rooms to DIE because there’s nowhere else to put them.

After they die, to make matters worse (and, of course, no family can be anywhere near them as they’re DYING) their bodies are being placed in refrigerated truck trailers because there’s no room in the morgue as well. There are more and more hospitals across America every day which are in the same position as the hospitals in El Paso and, while all this is happening, individual 1, as he has been for the past five months, at least, when it comes to Covid-19 he’s been AWOL. And, to me, his new “covid czar” Scott Atlas is even worse. He not only continues encouraging people to simply find a way to catch this virus he’s ginning up the “deplorables” to act against governors who are attempting to enact mitigating policies to prevent their hospitals from becoming the next “El Paso’s.” This, in my view, SHOULD be CRIMINAL incompetence, but, sadly, it appears it’s simply incompetence. Both individual 1 and Mr. Atlas will have to face the consequences of their INACTION when it’s time for them to “meet their maker” if not sooner.

It’s become clear to me there is no “LOW” which could possibly cause individual 1 to lose even a “wink” of sleep at night. When it comes to a conscience, it appears he was in the rest room when conscience was “passed out.” He missed the “boat.” In fact, he’s now treating the entire government as if it’s the coronavirus and he’s ignoring it. Which would be OK with me if he wasn’t being so petulant about the reality of the election and preventing Joe Biden from any access to the transition money, materials, and office space which is called for according to the law – which, of course, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president has never felt the compunction to follow. Three guesses and the first two don’t count as to what individual 1 was doing today while he was SUPPOSED to be working for “we the people” – OK, you’re correct – he was golfing! Do you remember him claiming he’d be too busy to golf when he was originally campaigning. Yeah, right! He golfed over 300 times! (Yes, I started this post a few days ago and, while individual 1 continues his futile attempts at a coup, Joe Biden has received the “keys to the transition.”)

Now, I love to play golf, so don’t get me wrong. However, when I was still teaching I didn’t golf when I was supposed to be working. If you know any teachers I’m sure you know they spend almost as much time (if not more so) planning as they do actually teaching so it’s more than a full time job. (Like many important jobs in America) I averaged around 50 – 60 hours per week during the last few years of my career and more than that in the early years when I was finding my way. There was no room for golf – other than during the couple months during the summer when I didn’t have students – although, there always seemed to be classes. Now that I’m retired I’m able to find time to golf most weeks – when the weather cooperates – but, my point is, individual 1 SHOULDN’T be able to have golfed 300 times in just four years – that’s 75 times per year (if you’re math challenged). And, to make matters worse, his secret service personnel has to follow him at taxpayer expense (money in individual 1’s pocket). It’s been reported his golfing has caused taxpayers MILLIONS – aside from him being AWOL from his duties. Just sayin…………..

It’s been a few days and, today, there were over 180,000 newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 and we’ve been averaging about that number for the past couple of weeks – and, it’s going to get much worse as people all around the nation continue to IGNORE the seriousness of this pandemic. It’s like they have NO respect for all the medical personnel who have been struggling to keep up with the numbers coming into their hospitals and trying to avoid burnout – which seems almost impossible at this point. PLUS these medical workers are getting infected by the virus at alarming numbers and there’s a serious SHORTAGE of doctors and nurses capable of treating Covid ICU patients. And, yet, individual 1 encourages people to go maskless. His campaign rallies left a “trail of Covid infections” which is obvious when you look at the statistics over the previous month. This is all simply hard for me to believe as someone who loves this country and just can’t understand how 70 MILLION Americans can be OK with this.

My youngest daughter is a registered nurse and I pray for her health every day. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I’m thankful that in about 56 days Joe Biden will be the president of the United States. Today, individual 1 pardoned Michael Flynn and it’s been interesting listening to the reaction. Further evidence we have a mob boss in the “White House” and, I believe, the pardons have just begun. When you consider all the corruption and combine that with the incompetence – especially regarding the pandemic – it’s easy to see why so many people, aside from me, are eager for January 20,2021. At this point, it’s no secret individual 1 is attempting to “burn the house down” on his way out the door – but it will soon be over and Biden will be able to reverse MOST of the DAMAGE caused in these last few days. For those of us who are either working in hospitals or have children who are doctors, nurses, or other medical personnel, it’s easy to see why we’re THANKFUL this national nightmare is soon to be over.

Final Thought: If you weren’t believing individual 1 is a fascist and was attempting to overturn America’s democratic republic just continue watching his attempts to overturn an election which he lost by MUCH more than Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 – including Joe Biden has around 6 MILLION more votes than our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president and counting – not that that matters in America, the land of the Electoral College. Not only is individual 1 refusing to accept that he LOST to “sleepy” Joe Biden but MOST of his sycophants in the Congress are going along with his insolence. They are showing themselves to be more “connected” to whatever gives them POWER than the oath they took to defend our constitution from “enemies” foreign and DOMESTIC.

I’ve been calling individual 1 a TRAITOR, using varying terms – some more direct than others, and he’s just making me prophetic (OK, along with many many others). This is exactly why people like me were calling the 2020 election the most important in my lifetime (I’ve been paying attention to presidential elections since Dwight Eisenhower defeated Adlai Stevenson for a second time back in the 1950’s) because our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president has shown he cares NOT about this nation – it’s all about himself. And, somehow he managed to get a large contingent of right wing thugs to be willing to go along with the ruse. I’ve been calling individual 1 a pseudo mob boss for 3 years now and, as I’ve said before, there’s an easy solution to prevent this from happening again.

Individual 1 MUST be held accountable for his CRIMES as we go forward. As I said above, it is IMPERATIVE Joe Biden does NOT prevent the needed investigations into the ILLEGAL actions of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president along with the ILLEGAL actions of those who have been enabling him for the past four years. All you have to do is actually READ the Mueller report to understand individual 1 brazenly considers himself above the law. And, to me, Robert Mueller was NOT the right person to lead the Russia investigation because, when you read “Where Law Ends” by Andrew Weismann you understand how deep the OBSTRUCTION of their investigation actually was. There was SO much they didn’t investigate because of the “anticipated” OBSTRUCTION – in other words, they spent the entire time of the investigation being threatened that they could be fired by the person they were investigating. This can’t happen – otherwise, we might as well get rid of the special counsel investigation.

Now, individual 1 and his enablers are going around the country attempting to overturn the just finished election via various “deplorable” means. And, keep in mind, despite me not being a lawyer, I know enough about the law to understand much of what they are doing may be added to the ILLEGAL issues they’re facing once we have a different Attorney General in office. For example, Lindsey Graham attempting to get the Secretary of State in Georgia to “throw out” legitimate ballots in order to change the result of the state’s election. That can’t be legal, period, full stop. Rudy Giuliani is out of control and likely breaking laws in various states – not to mention further embarrassing himself in one venue after another. Is the Bar Association paying attention? And, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president pressuring various election officials in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona seems to me to be a violation of the Voting Rights Act. Individual 1 and his sycophants, naturally, are trying to get the votes of African Americans in major cities thrown out. Go figure……………….

Likely, I’ll never forget listening to individual 1 after he LOST the Iowa caucuses back in the run up to the 2016 election when he said, “I love my uneducated voters.” That didn’t sink in to very many of us back then, but it certainly should be now. As I’ve pointed out here of late, I’ve lost patience with people who continue to support individual 1 and then try to come across as if they are “educated voters.” Worst yet, everyone of them I know reacts as if offended when you bring up the racist issue – that is, if you’re going to enable an overt racist, well, what does that say about you? I think that should be obvious, unless you’re an uneducated voter. I still remember when I was teaching bringing up politics with fellow teachers who didn’t want to have the discussion – saying things like “I hate politics.” I would have to answer that by telling them, “if our remit is to prepare students to be productive citizens upon reaching adulthood, that’s not an option.” Political awareness is a requirement of being a productive adult – and, VOTING is not only a great privilege in this nation, it’s a responsibility.

And, I’m OK with someone voting for the person I don’t vote for – even if it’s individual 1. Just don’t LIE to me about your reason for doing so. If you’re an “uneducated voter” don’t pretend you’re not. And, trust me, listening to Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh doesn’t make you an educated voter. (or Tucker Carlson, etc. etc.) You can read books written by academics AND you can verify the factual basis of their writing by doing a little research. It only takes effort. THEN we can have a discussion!

I have to add: Individual 1 spent four years of resentment to the reality the “Russia thing” brought a sense of illegitimacy to his term in the “White House.” And, not only did Vladimir Putin go out of his way to get our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER elected, but there was also James Comey. I know he struggled to understand his “win” – with 3 MILLION fewer votes than Hillary Clinton – was “tainted.” So, now he’s attempting to cause his CULT to believe Biden didn’t actually “win” – even though Biden now has OVER 6 MILLION more votes and counting. The two instances couldn’t be more different – but, individual 1 is going to lament his being a LOSER for perpetuity. Honestly, this doesn’t speak highly of the American public that 70 MILLION of us voted for this corrupt mobster. Yikes!!! (It remains to be seen if the media will allow individual 1 to get away with this sham)

There ARE laws against interfering in federal and state elections and, it appears, many are being broken routinely every day.

As more news becomes public about the investigation into individual 1’s New York (allegedly) criminal organization, AKA the “Trump Organization,” we’re seeing the same OBSTRUCTION tactics coming from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president which we saw while he was being investigated by the Mueller “team.” And, we’re seeing it from his children as well – when you work to interfere with an ongoing investigation it’s called OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE. Robert Mueller took pains to explain why OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE is such an egregious CRIME – of course, while he (Mueller) was failing to fully investigate individual 1 while he was still, at the time, simply our so-called president – prior to him being IMPEACHED and, of course, LOSING the popular vote a second time – this time by 6 MILLION votes and also the Electoral College by the SAME “landslide” he “won” by in 2016. (Losing the popular vote by ONLY 3 MILLION votes to Ms Clinton).

Simply put, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is now showing his MOB “colors” as he is desperately trying to find a way to OVERTURN an election in which he is CLEARLY the LOSER. Apparently, he’s having a hard time understanding how he could LOSE to someone like Joe Biden, who will be 78 years old when he takes the oath of office on January 20, 2021. Individual 1 has enlisted Rudy Giuliani, at the bargain rate of $20,000 per day to help him intimidate the electors in Michigan and Pennsylvania to somehow be prevented from voting when the Electoral College declares the next president – OFFICIALLY. Of course, there’s no doubt it will be Joe Biden, but individual 1, as he’s been doing for the previous four years, will inflict as much DAMAGE on the United States of America as he possibly can on his way out the door.

He’s making sure the Covid-19 crisis is as bad as it can possibly get before Biden takes over apparently believing he’ll get all the credit for the vaccines which will become available at some point this spring and by, maybe, summer will be available to a majority of Americans. However, by the time Biden takes office the estimates are that another 200,000 Americans will perish due to a lack of an organized federal response to the pandemic. Of course, this “missing in action” issue has been ongoing for several months now, but the outcome which was predicted based on individual 1’s incompetence as the “head of state” is becoming painfully apparent as “we the people” head into winter. It’s getting REALLY bad and it’s going to get a lot worse.

Then there’s the economy. I’m seeing signs which indicate to me, individual 1 wants to hand off a nation teetering on depression to President Elect Biden as his way of saying “screw you.” Of course, he’s got a plethora of republicans who are going along with all of this in subtle ways which most people wont even notice, or understand, and, trust me, republicans are planning to BLAME democrats for their own FAILINGS beginning the first day President Elect Biden is in office – just as they did when Barack Obama became president back in 2009. Suddenly, the deficit will “matter,” and there will be no need for economic stimulus. Unemployment is far worse than the data I see would suggest, even though it’s still really bad, but, just as in 2008 there’s some “cratering” on the horizon from my perspective. And, will republicans help to pull “we the people” out of the crisis they’ve created? Hell no! They’ve ignored the “HEROES Act” for over 5 months now.

Today, I read where Steve Mnuchin has “ordered” Jerome Powell, the head of the Fed, to return money which was authorized for him to prop up areas of the economy which were faltering – in the so-called “CARES Act.” About $500 BILLION. Powell argued against this move, but the money is supposed to be returned to the Treasury by December 31st. Do you get the picture here? I’ve pointed out several times here, with the caveat that I’m NO economist, that this money provided to Powell and the “Fed” was critical in preventing America from cratering into a depression earlier this year. Do you think these people (republicans) are OK with that outcome if there’s a democrat in the “White House?” I guarantee you they’re already thinking in terms of 2024. As I’ve said here before, brace yourself, the ATTACKS on Kamala Harris are soon to be coming “hot and heavy.” There’s NO WAY republicans will accept a WOMAN who is also of African and Indian descent as our president – and, she’s the likely “front runner” for the democratic nomination in 2024. Why?? OK, you’re not thinking – Biden will be 82!

Republicans proved to me long ago they believe in POWER above all else and at the expense of the good of this nation. They admitted as much when President Obama took office by saying their one focus was on making sure President Obama FAILED. They weren’t even subtle about it. Of course, Obama’s election led to the so-called “Tea Party,” and if you don’t believe the “Tea Party” was based on racism, you weren’t paying attention to their rallies prior to the 2010 mid-term election. This was the beginning of the rise of individual 1 – someone who is a brazen enough LIAR to suck all these so-called conservatives – white people who believe they’re the victims and “wanted their country back” – into the cult which is now trying to overthrow, essentially, out democratic republic.

And, for all you republicans who continue to suggest you’re not a racist – STOP it already! Here’s the deal – you don’t get it BOTH ways! You can’t align yourself with a group of people who clearly are racists – ie “Tea Party,” ” Proud Boys,” a plethora of other “militia” groups who are espousing white nationalist memes, and a bunch of right wing media outlets who are experts at racist “dog whistles” – and, then claim “I had no idea.” You’re all grown adults and it’s up to you to know better and if you’re, for example, listening to people like Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson and regurgitating what you hear – I’m sorry but you no longer get a pass. And, if you haven’t been paying attention since individual 1 LOST the election to Joe Biden our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president’s white nationalist supporters are threatening officials all around the country who participated in the counting of the votes and, in many instances, they’re threatening street violence to “make their point.” Should be interesting when some of these guys find themselves in the prison system. If you’re a traditional republican and haven’t figured all this out just yet, well SHAME on you! This has become a national embarrassment!

Individual 1 has tried to portray himself first as a “wartime president” while facing the coronavirus pandemic – and, of course, he’s been AWOL for over 5 MONTHS now from even a hint of trying to fight the virus – now, apparently, encouraging people to get it like his new adviser Scott Atlas has suggested, as the “plan.” It seems doing NOTHING in regard to his responsibility is what appeals to him – you know, more time for things like GOLF. And, of course, his final “pitch” to voters was he’s the “law and order” president. We can see, and we’ve been able to see since day one, if we had the where with all to “look,” that the LAWS are simply an inconvenience for him. He’s now trying to convince state legislators in Michigan and Pennsylvania to overthrow the “will of the people” in their states by, somehow, creating their own group of “electors” and finding a way to allow them to certify the election in those two states for individual 1 despite the FACT he LOST both states by well over 100,000 votes.

I’m sure I don’t have to explain this to you, but they are claiming the votes coming from the districts which are in districts with large African American communities should be thrown out. Individual 1 is actually calling people who are tasked with certifying the results and lobbying them to refuse to do so. I believe this is a CRIME. Even if you’re the IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. Can you imagine the response if individual 1 somehow manages to overthrow this election’s results? And, even though his antics are likely headed for FAILURE, he’s ginning up all those right wing “militia” types who are now threatening the lives of people in the various states who are simply doing their jobs. Personally, I’m hoping Joe Biden is a “law and order” president – for the sake of individual 1, Rudy Giuliani, William Barr, Lindsey Graham, and many others.

Republicans are even threatening republicans, if the republicans tell the truth and do what they took an oath to actually do. Take Georgia, for example – which, by the way, will have certified Biden as the winner likely before I post this rant – they have a republican Secretary of State who is going to be one of the revered republicans when all of this is said and done – if he survives all the death threats. His name is Brad Raffensperger and he’s vowed to count all the votes and certify the person, Biden as it turns out, who the voters choose for Georgia’s 16 Electoral votes. By now I’m sure you know, Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee called Raffensberger and lobbied him to “throw out enough votes” for individual 1 to be the “winner.” And, naturally, he suggested the votes coming from the African Americans around Atlanta must be fraudulent – there must be a way to prove that. Of course, I’m interpreting Graham’s reported words, but, in effect, he committed a federal crime – a FELONY. And, fortunately, there was someone beside Raffensperger on the call, so it’s not a “he said he said.” Should be interesting when there’s an Attorney General who actually follows the LAW.

People like me can only hope Joe Biden is a “law and order” president so that anyone breaking the law right now will face the consequences of their actions – including our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president. I’ve written several times, if “we the people” want all this nonsense – meaning the lawbreaking by those “at the top” – to stop there MUST be consequences for the lawbreaking by people at the top of our government. For example, if Biden does what President Obama did and block investigations into individual 1 we will be facing all this again, sooner rather than later. I made this same prediction within a day of hearing then President Elect Obama say he wanted to “look forward instead of back.” Since that day I have repeatedly pointed out you can’t stop illegal activity without looking back. If Biden follows Obama’s lead, it will be another “green light” in the eyes of republicans.

One reason individual 1 has been so brazen in his attacks on the fundamentals of our republic has been the republican belief democrats don’t have the guts to FIGHT for their own basic values. And, sadly, over the years, by my observation, they’ve been correct more often than not. I grew up admiring FDR who was a member of the privileged class, but understood that this nation is strongest when government works from the bottom up. FDR even relished the FACT the privileged class (today’s republican “donor” class) “hated” him – he famously said, “I welcome their hate.” That was the “prevailing” belief until the so-called “Powell Memo” in the early 1970’s ultimately led to Ronald Reagan and “trickle down” (trickle up) economics. Working people have been losing ever since to the point now where the numbers of Americans in poverty – working Americans – is shameful. And, still, many of these same working class people who’ve been tossed aside by the puppet masters calling the shots in republicans circles, choose to vote for republicans. It’ a great demonstration of the power of the media, in this instance the right wing “Big Lie” media. Individual 1 famously said, “I love uneducated voters.” (How does that make you feel if you’re part of his CULT?)

And, sadly, the republican establishment has been taking advantage of the lack of education among many people in my own peer group – the baby boomers – who have little interest in politics and who are susceptible to the sophisticated brainwashing which has been going on since the 1980’s. It’s considered hyperbole to mention the Nazi’s when characterizing politicians or political strategy but, in the case of today’s republicans it’s appropriate. (All while Rudy Giuliani as individual 1’s lawyer, just yesterday, was comparing voting officials in Pennsylvania and Michigan – of course, in the African American neighborhoods, to relatives of Hugo Chavez and getting funding from George Soros????) I’ve noticed republicans using the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s since Rush Limbaugh came on the scene back in the late 1980’s. And, there are other parallels to the Third Reich when you take a close look at individual 1’s campaign and his administration.

What our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president is now doing is so unthinkable to people like me it just corroborates our worst fears about what his intentions have been all along. Do we really want a mob boss and mob family running this nation? Honestly, I’m getting to the point where I don’t even want to talk to anyone who watches Fox “news.” The stuff they believe just doesn’t register with me – like how can people be this STUPID? But, the sad reality is over 70 MILLION Americans voted for the most dishonest, corrupt president likely EVER – I never thought, in my lifetime, there would be president more corrupt than Richard Nixon but, to me, individual 1 makes Nixon look like a choir boy. I’m not kidding when I say I’ve looked our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president’s supporters in the eye and ask, “Do you really believe he tells the truth?” And, the answers I get vary from “yes” to “all people lie.” And, these people are ALWAYS Christians.

What’s even worse to me is they don’t consider Joe Biden a “Christian” – one of my friends, the other day said, “He goes to church once in a while to make himself look better” – we were on the phone – and as I tried to explain to him Biden was actually a practicing Catholic and asking him if that means he’s not a “Christian?” – his wife broke into the conversation and said “Biden is going to turn America into a Socialist nation” (or words to that affect). In a state of shock, (they’re both “educated”) I asked, “Does the fact Biden is a Catholic mean he’s not a “Christian?” and my friend said, “It depends.” Then I asked, “do you actually believe individual 1 is a practicing Christian?” He started to equivocate at which point I had had enough of the conversation. He’s a good friend, he’s an engineer, and he watches Fox. Enough said!

The FACT it is a large segment of America’s Evangelical Christians who are individual 1’s base is another of the startling parallels to the Third Reich. As a Christian, myself, I have to wonder what is it that causes all these people to be willing to accept a fascist takeover of our nation – which is EXACTLY what individual 1 is attempting as I’m writing this. The chances of him pulling this off are slim and none – but the further DAMAGE he will have inflicted on this nation is enormous – especially, when you consider outlets like Fox “news” are supporting his coup attempt. Again, it’s all about the POWER with these people – and the MILLIONS of supporters mean nothing to them – other than they’re necessary to keep this power. Therefore, it will be incumbent on the “republican party” for the next four years to prevent their cult following from “seeing the light” – or, FINALLY, we could see the end of their reign – which I’ve been lobbying for since the day I started writing on this site. (Actually, for much longer, it took me a while to figure out how to create my own “cyber diary.”

Here’s the bottom line and, yes, I’m repeating myself: People MUST be held accountable for the DAMAGE being done to our republic as individual 1 and his sycophants attempt to overturn the “free and fair” election. This is ILLEGAL. What our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president is doing is ILLEGAL and, what many of his enablers are doing is ILLEGAL as he’s sucking in others who are also going to be potentially in legal jeopardy – like Lindsey Graham and a couple state legislators from Michigan for starters. And, of course, you have to include Rudy Giuliani as being someone putting himself in more legal jeopardy than he already was in after his adventures in Ukraine. There ARE laws against interfering in federal and state elections and, it appears, many are being broken routinely every day. Stay tuned……..

Final Thought: And, speaking of “accountability,” there’s a group of right wing wack jobs going around threatening people all across this great nation – including, in essence, “we the people.” Quite naturally, with William Barr at the head of the Justice Department there’s not much expectation much will be done to reign these thugs in, but it will be imperative once Biden takes the oath of office they be held to account for both their words and their deeds. Some of the threatening emails, texts, and “tweets” some people have been enduring have reminded me of the Jim Crow era which was unfolding as I was growing up – as the Civil Rights movement was taking hold. There are people threatening extreme violence against “the left” if Joe Biden is actually sworn in as our 46th president, which IS going to happen on January 20, 2021. Are these people (Proud Boys, etc.) going to attack the inauguration? Will Barr defend our republic and do whatever is necessary to bring these people to justice? I would copy some of the disgusting “tweets”/texts/emails but, quite honestly, they’re too disgusting. If you want to find them online, it’s not hard. Stay tuned……………..

How are all the MAGA maniacs going to react when their cult leader is dealing with his CRIMES after January 21st?

Shameless: Having no shame; lacking in modesty; immodest; impudent; audacious; insensible to disgrace. The first and last part of that definition fits perfectly, in my view, with what is going on in individual 1’s final two months in office – for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER of a president AND his sycophants. As “we the people” helplessly have to kind of sit by and watch the further degradation of the office of the president as the DAMAGE I’ve been talking about for almost four years now is mounting almost as exponential as the number of cases of the coronavirus which individual 1 continues to ignore. Reports are there will be poorly thought out reductions in America’s troop levels between now and January 20th and, to me, the really SHAMELESS is the hurriedly selling oil rights in the Arctic National Wildlife refuge. I’m sure there will be much more – not the least of which is SHAMELESS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo taking his wife on a seven nation tour of Europe at the expense of the taxpayers while he still, well, can. As I often say now, Mr. Pompeo is SHAMELESS!

I wrote that first paragraph yesterday, prior to the antics of Lindsey Graham (and others) becoming public knowledge and Mr. Graham is taking SHAMELESS to a new level. Well, actually, he is bordering it on taking it to the level of illegality. Usually, republicans are cagey enough to make sure there will be no legal recourse to their actions and, likely, Graham has done so (he’s got the “my word against his” defense). So, the report which came out last night was Graham badgering the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Georgia to “find a way” to throw out enough LEGAL ballots to allow individual 1 to say he won the state. What the………..???? Graham is the Senator from South Carolina (who, sadly, wasn’t voted out of office on November 3rd) and his actions would be patently ILLEGAL if the Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensberger, had a recording of his demand. And, of course, Graham’s not the only republican doing this. The result?? Well, thankfully, it appears Mr. Raffensberger, the Sec. of State, has called this for what it is and has told these people where to get off. And, of course, true to the republican creed, Raffensberger and his wife are now receiving death threats. What is wrong with these people? (A reminder: Lindsey Graham is the chair of the Senate JUDICIARY committee! Yikes!!!)

Here’s what I think – because, individual 1 is as vindictive as “they come.” Individual 1 worked to contest the legitimacy of the presidency of Barack Obama – without a shred of evidence – suggesting President Obama was not born in America – as the “head” of the so-called “birther” movement. Well, as they say, “turnabout is fair play” – well, I’m sure that’s how republicans ultimately viewed the “Russia thing” which our now IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president brought on himself with his COLLUSION with the Russians and, as time passed, the republican sycophants came to believe individual 1 that there was “no collusion and no obstruction.” (Read Andrew Weismann’s “Where Law Ends” to find the TRUTH about the obstruction and collusion) So, now I’m thinking individual 1’s refusal to admit he LOST while he’s ginning up MILLIONS of Americans to actually believe him so that Biden’s “legitimacy” will be questioned by all the right wing “ditto heads” who watch Fox “news” is, in his mind, payback. Here’s the deal, “turn about is NOT fair play” when it comes to the security of this nation. There is a PANDEMIC going on! I’ve been saying this for years, “we the people” need to retire the republican party to the history books. They’ve brainwashed enough Americans who seem almost illiterate to continue this ruse for another undetermined length of time. Sad!

So, for republicans who still remember the “women’s march” right after the “election” of individual 1 and the “resistance” which followed, there’s a HUGE difference between individual 1’s “victory” and that of Joe Biden. Biden didn’t work with a foreign government to “win” the election – he actually campaigned – while giving deference to the Covid-19 pandemic – which, by the way, was raging thanks to individual 1’s incompetence – in strategic states and he actually won, at this stage, close to 6 MILLION more votes than our IMPEACHED so-called two time LOSER president AND, more importantly, he also won the Electoral College in an identical “landslide” to individual 1’s in 2016. Any, “resistance” coming from the right wing echo chamber will, eventually, fall into the same place in our history books reserved for all the other sycophants of individual 1. The republican party has become the right wing white nationalist movement in America. The next four years should be interesting, to say the least. (And, by the way, by standing firm for the TRUTH Secretary Raffensberger is putting himself and his family in the direct line of death threats!)

Speaking of the Russians and Vladimir Putin – OK, I didn’t mention Putin, but here goes. If you’ve had your head in the sand – or you watch Fox “news” or listen to people like Rush Limbaugh (who SHOULD have to give his medal back, the one which individual 1 gave him) – you don’t understand Putin, in the 2016 election was attempting to undermine America’s election process and turn Americans against each other. They COLLUDED with members of individual 1’s campaign (those connected to Cambridge Analytica) to use Facebook in a massive misinformation campaign (AKA “Fake news” AKA “LYING”) to undermine the 2016 election which all parties assumed individual 1 would LOSE (both the Electoral College AND the popular vote). Of course, the past four years are evidence the experts were wrong regarding the Electoral College and we’ve all had to endure the corruption and incompetence of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president since. (I can’t wait to be able to stop writing that “name” because it’s getting harder the more he LOSES)

So, when you do a bit of reading and you begin to understand the “connection” which exists between individual 1 and the Russians it has to make you wonder – OK, it’s making me wonder – what REALLY is the connection of Russia with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president? Why do I ask? Well, it appears he’s still doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin. Undermining the election process in America? Putin couldn’t do it any better! Turn Americans against each other? Putin couldn’t do it any better! Start a race war? I think you, by now, know where I’m going with this – yep, Putin couldn’t do it any better! We’ve watched this with our foreign policy over the past four years and now the domestic policy issues are becoming clearer and clearer. Our NATO allies were on the edge of their seats watching our election with the future of that alliance likely hanging in the balance and, now, individual 1 is working overtime to destroy the confidence in our elections by his supporters – as if you didn’t vote for him you got cheated – like the nearly 80 MILLION people who voted for Biden were fraudulent. Rrrrrright!

I’ve written about my belief individual 1 has been acting like a traitor – is he more focused on what is best for America or is he actually doing the bidding of Putin? Many beyond me are asking the same question. He owes HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars – much of it, allegedly, to foreign interests. On top of that, the Scottish government is wanting to know where he got the money to purchase the Turnberry Golf Links over there near Aberdeen Scotland a few years ago? It appears there are people in Scotland who believe our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote loser president may have LAUNDERED some Russian money in order to purchase this golf course. I believe this potential investigation along with many others may be a large part of the reason why individual 1 continues to pretend he didn’t LOSE the election. When you’re no longer president money laundering, bank fraud, and insurance fraud are very serious CRIMES. Potentially crimes for individual 1’s entire organization which would, possibly include his children. And Jared Kushner? I read “Kushner Inc” as far as I could and all I could think about was “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I believe Kushner has a bit of worry on his legal horizon.

The reports are that individual 1, in his waning days in office, wants to cement a “legacy” which is connected to the impending Covid-19 vaccinations which are, apparently, soon to get emergency approval by the FDA. It’s also being reported our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president is refusing to allow Biden’s “team” access to any information regarding the roll out of the vaccines apparently so he’ll get more credit for things created in labs around the world – as if he actually created them. Here’s the deal, the fact he supported a “fast track” for the companies making the vaccines wasn’t some kind of “genius” decision – ANY person in his office would have done, at least, the same. That all being said, his refusal to even attempt any mitigation of this virus will actually be his LEGACY. (And, of course, Scott Atlas will be right there with him) As I’m writing this the 7 day average of NEW reported INFECTIONS is now over 150,000 per day – soon to be over 200,000 per day – numbers which SHOULD have been unthinkable. The daily DEATH total is now well over 1000 per day and, sadly, soon to be OVER 2000 per day. This will be what he’s remembered for!

One thing about us Americans is we are predictable. So, in my state (Washington) our governor has instituted another policy attempting to “stop the spread” of the coronavirus and, sure enough, the run on toilet paper (and other household items) has begun. I was at Costco yesterday and they are, once again, funneling people through the side of the building with all the things they’re “out of” on mini bulletin boards outside the entrance to the warehouse. And, naturally, toilet paper was at the top of the list. As Michael Osterholm has warned, repeatedly, we’re about to enter “Covid hell.” He’s been pointing out to anyone willing to listen that the fall and winter months are going to be a horrible time regarding the coronavirus based on the lack of policy coming from the “White House.” By the time Joe Biden is legally in charge there could be another 200,000 people DEAD. For example, right now, in El Paso Texas, there are so many people critically sick with this virus that the hospitals are being forced to tend to the people with the greatest chance of survival while putting others in cordoned off rooms where they are allowed to take their final breaths before they’re put in body bags and then stored in refrigerator trucks because the morgues are beyond their capacity. This is horrible, disgusting, and prior to Scott Atlas was preventable. Come to think of it, considering all the reports of individual 1’s FAILURES regarding the coronavirus, based on Scott Atlas’s pronouncements, this surge in Covid-19 infections along with the accompanying surge in DEATHS, in MAGA world, maybe is considered to be a wildly successful outcome. Yikes!!!

As all of this unfolds we are seeing example after example of how republicans, the so-called “law and order” party, are visualizing themselves as “above the law.” Of course, right now the focus could be on Senator Graham because his actions clearly were ILLEGAL. I mean, what reason would a Senator from South Carolina have in interfering in an election in Georgia? That’s just NOT supposed to happen. And, if something happens to the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Georgia does Graham (and individual 1, of course) have responsibility – as they are ginning up the right wing “crazies?” (Deplorables, in the words of Hillary Clinton) The governor of Michigan is now under threat again – threats which were encouraged by none other than Scott Atlas himself – apparently saving individual 1 from the need to do so. And, of course, all of this begs the questions surrounding all the OBSTRUCTION of Justice by our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president which COULD be prosecuted once he’s no longer in office. I mean, what is it going to take to get these republicans to understand the laws actually apply to them as well?

I really do have to wonder how all the MAGA maniacs are going to react when their cult leader starts having to deal with his issues with the legal system starting on January 21st. Joe Biden has assured “we the people” he will not interfere with the Justice Department if/when the investigations into the behavior of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president and his sycophants start gaining “steam.” Trust me, there’s a lot to uncover which “we the people” don’t know about as I’m writing this – but, I’ve read enough about individual 1 to have no doubt he was operating a RICO enterprise prior to FOOLING the republican party into believing he was a successful businessman who could actually run our government. Sadly, MOST Americans don’t read about politics despite the FACT we are responsible for being informed voters – which is hard to do watching TV “news” shows – no matter what network you choose. The only way I’ve ever managed to be in the 1% was by reading the Mueller report – which I did twice. If you read that report with an open mind and you actually believe we are a “system of laws and not men” you wouldn’t be driving around with a bunch of individual 1 flags flying from your truck or car. Honestly, that’s kind of embarrassing to watch.

Final thought: As I’m writing this there are 65 days until this national nightmare is finally over. The problem is the DAMAGE. I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE for almost four years now and it has been progressively mounting at higher rates. I even speculated on what this “transition period” would be like once individual 1 had officially been voted out of office. My guess was he would do as much DAMAGE as he could manage on his way out the door. After all, he’s about as vindictive a human being as they come. (Picture the mob boss, which has been my way of equating him for almost three years now) He has no SHAME and he’s NOT a “loyal republican.” The ONLY way he cares about the republican party is in ways which benefit him. He will undoubtedly announce he’s running again in 2024 (I’ve written he was going to do that regardless) and he’ll do whatever he needs to do to keep the republican “establishment” (whatever that is right now) backing him as he goes on to face a potential plethora of legal charges coming his way.

Here’s the thing for me. There’s no conceivable way to charge him with any crime for what he’s NOT doing to fight this virus, but, in my mind, that may be his greatest crime. HUNDREDS of thousands of lives very well may be attributed to his FAILURE to lead “we the people” in the face of a once a century (hopefully) pandemic – which he was warned about prior to taking office, while the virus was still confined to China, and as his own HHS Secretary warned him in January. He chose to try ignoring it because he felt any cases made him look bad (think of the cruise ship he didn’t want to allow the people with the virus to leave). Every decision he made regarding Covid-19 was wrong – most by 180 degrees. And, the worse it got the more obstinant he became – to the point where we are now and will be as he leaves office. Let’s hope he doesn’t compound all the DAMAGE he’s already done with some kind of foreign policy fiasco – like what has been reported in the past couple of days – that he’s thinking of “bombing Iran” on the way out the door and leaving Biden with that mess.

Bush/Cheney left Obama/Biden with, what at the time, was an unbelievable mess. The financial markets were cratering and jobs were being lost by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS every month. At least, during the transition, the Bush/Cheney “team” worked with the incoming “team” to help them “hit the ground running.” Individual 1 is determined to make sure that doesn’t happen. This, of course, proves he could care less about America – he’s going to increase the DAMAGE as much as he can. Where are the republicans? What the hell is going on with them? If individual 1 does some reckless foreign policy adventure to add to the mess, to me, it’s as much on the republicans in Congress as to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president himself. And, cleaning up this mess? Is Moscow Mitch going to do everything he can to OBSTRUCT that process as well? Stay tuned…………..

One last thing: Trust me, I fully understand when it comes to the DAMAGE caused to this nation by individual 1, I understand only the “tip of the iceberg.” I will say, it won’t surprise me if we learn, ultimately, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER president has been working for the Russians. At some point, “we the people” will learn what it has been they’re holding over him. And, if Joe Biden makes the same mistake as Barack Obama – which would be blocking investigations into all the wrongdoing – we’ll soon be facing a rerun of these last four miserable years. He (Biden) promised he wouldn’t do this, but as we get closer to the day he takes the oath of office I don’t have a good feeling. To republicans, this would be another democratic example of their lack os spine.

Republicans will burn America down to retain power. That is not and has not been a secret! Yikes!

As I listen to our so-called “liberal media” reporting on the fiasco which is unveiling itself in America as individual 1 continues acting like a “baby” who didn’t get his way and is having temper tantrums in the middle of the Oval Office leaving a lengthening trail of disgusting behavior in the wake of his actions (or, inactions) during the previous 9 months of his administration they continue blaming the “partisan divide.” Virtually everything individual 1 has done since he was warned about the coronavirus back in January has been wrong – him acting as if the democrats created this virus to “take him down” instead of acting like a real president whose number one interest was the safety of the American people. The issue isn’t a “partisan divide,” it’s a combination of obstinance and incompetence coming from the “White House” and they should call it as it is.

Honestly, as much as I wanted individual 1 to LOSE in November (which he, of course, did), I believe, had he chosen to put the health of “we the people” ahead of the election he would have won in a landslide. He would have shown enough people he could handle a crisis to gain enough support to prevent all the states which “flipped” from doing so. Instead, when you look at the statistics of the raging pandemic, he has left a trail of sickness and death in the wake of all the “rallies” he insisted on holding during the last month of the campaign. Not a recipe for attracting voters. Eventually, all the statistics will be available to EVERYONE who chooses to look at actual FACTS, and it’s going to look really bad for individual 1. Ultimately, he’s going to be responsible for the DEATHS of hundreds of thousands of Americans – many who will die between right now and Biden’s inauguration due to individual 1s petulance. This is actually, in my view, a travesty which is hard to imagine! (And, reportedly, our IMPEACHED so-called president is planning to run again in 2024! Yikes! The nightmare continues)

As I’m writing this, it’s not quite 5 PM in the East, (I live in the West) there are already over 150,000 NEW cases of people infected with this virus despite 10 states yet to report, including Texas, where the virus is, once again, out of control. It won’t take long for the totals to be in excess of 200,000 per day and republicans will find creative ways to “spin” all this so that the BLAME doesn’t fall where it should – which is right at the feet of individual 1. The scientists, doctors, nurses, and others in the health care industry have been pleading with our IMPEACHED so-called president to institute an organized national strategy to “crush the virus” (in the words of Nancy Pelosi). Along with the Senate republicans there has been a refusal to even pass a bill which would bring relief to all those affected negatively by this pandemic. To me, when the reporters complain about the “partisan divide” – which is true – they need to be clear about the effects of the republicans refusal to FIGHT against this virus! When democrats pass a bill and republican refuse to consider it, that’s not an issue with “both sides.”

For heaven’s sake, Mitch McConnell won handily in Kentucky despite his refusal to even bring to a vote the “HEROES Act” which would have benefited Tens of thousands of Kentuckians let alone MILLIONS of other Americans around the nation. The misinformation swirling around places like Facebook (and other right wing web sites) has created a large swath of Americans who believe stuff which is so far from reality it makes people like me want to use derogatory words like “stupid” when discussing people who believe this stuff. I “get” there are MILLIONS of Americans who care about the so-called “pro life” movement and nothing else. When I talk to these people – I’m a Christian and I go to church (when there’s no pandemic) – I just come away shaking my head. Isn’t protecting as many Americans as possible from this virus “pro life?”

Individual 1, when all is said and done, will be considered the WORST president in the history of this nation. His attempt to turn over virtually every success of Barack Obama, apparently out of spite (racist spite?), will ultimately be a really bad LOOK. He was unable to even do ANYTHING to stop the coronavirus and we’re staring the Climate Crisis straight in the face and he’s still denying it exists. He’s, to me, about as intelligent as many of the people I hang around with. I believe had I inherited half a BILLION dollars I could have become an (actual) BILLIONAIRE over the previous 50 years (we’re about the same age). And, I think I could have done this without getting myself tangled with the mob and without routinely violating the laws.

When I listen to some of the commentators on MSNBC I just think they’ve fallen into the same ruse as individual 1’s cult – and, that is refusing to simply accept our IMPEACHED so-called president is a pathological LIAR so you can’t believe a word coming from his mouth. He’s a ten on the scale ten of narcissists so you can assume EVERYTHING he says is intended to benefit him, and only him. He’s an authoritarian, likely a “mob boss.” And, he’s been the most CORRUPT president in modern times if not EVER. MSNBC has now, at least, started pulling away from his press briefings once the LYING begins, but, to me, they should have long ago simply refused to show them – reporting ONLY on anything which was newsworthy. individual 1 got over 70 MILLION Americans to vote for a dictatorship in this country. To me, that is startling and means the future of this nation remains on the line going forward and couldn’t have happened without the help of our “liberal media’s” unquenchable “thirst” for MONEY at all costs.

I’ve already started to think of the importance of the 2022 mid-term elections. Traditionally, the party in power in the “White House” usually loses. It is of paramount importance that the Biden administration does NOT lose in the next mid-term election. Individual 1 will create as much harm as he can in the remaining 68 days until he’s evicted. Once we get past that point it is paramount “we the people” don’t relax. Trust me, individual 1 will be ginning up his white nationalist base for the mid term – if, for no other reason, spite. Generally, the number of Americans who vote in mid-term elections is embarrassingly small, but democrats MUST already be planning on a large turnout in 2022 to offset the right wing backlash to Biden’s victory. These republicans aren’t going anywhere unless we make them go away – or, what would be better, they could start acting as if the success of the country is their focus, not the failure of the other party and they could work to help Biden succeed – don’t count on that!

Despite the fact individual 1 felt as if the democrats were totally focused on destroying his administration, the reality is he brought all of his problems on himself. First of all, even though William Barr LIED about the Mueller report, the COLLUSION with the Russians was a choice our soon to be former IMPEACHED so-called president made on his own. If you don’t believe that, actually READ the Mueller report and you’ll understand the truth. And, if that doesn’t do it for you, read Andrew Weismann’s book “Where Law Ends” as he explains what it was like to be part of Mueller’s “team,” as individual 1 was constantly OBSTRUCTING their work. And, the extortion of the president of Ukraine, that was a self-inflicted “wound.” And, of course, as I said above, the incompetent reaction to the coronavirus was a choice made by a narcissist who is incapable of putting “we the people” in front of his perceived interests. That is, he’s just not capable of “doing the right thing.”

None of that will slow down the members of the republican party who remain in power via misinformation (LYING), gerrymandering (CHEATING), and out and out CORRUPTION. The very best the democrats can hope for coming out of this election is a 50/50 split in the Senate, but, regardless, there’s going to be MAJOR problems going forward, and, as I’ve pointed out here over and over, republicans will start BLAMING Biden for the problems as soon as individual 1 finally concedes DEFEAT – or, on January 21st – whichever comes first. In other words, if you love this country and want it to remain a democratic republic, grab onto your ass and prepare for a few more long years fighting off this right wing assault on the fabric of our nation! Yikes!

Ideally, we’ll see an infrastructure bill which will help to insure this nation is able to remain competitive in the world economy and keep our roads, bridges, etc. from completely crumbling while somehow Moscow Mitch is prevented from blocking via his obstruction tactics. It would be great to begin a concerted effort to address the Climate crisis and, it would be awesome if we could find a way to reunite all the 600+ children who’ve been taken from their parents who were seeking a better life in this nation only to discover individual 1 and his heartless sycophants were willing to do the unthinkable in this nation of IMMIGRANTS! As I’ve pointed out several times of late, individual 1 is a second generation IMMIGRANT and his wife IS an immigrant – who brought her parents here by the same policy individual 1 opposes. Go figure!

Speaking of “immigration,” that’s an issue which is undoubtedly going to be a “hot” one going forward as republicans have decided immigration is bad unless it comes from white people – apparently, the ideal immigrant in individual 1’s mind seems to come from “Norway.” A good example of why their immigration policy is so bad would have to do with this virus – people in the Latinx community, if they’re worried about ICE deporting them will remain in the “shadows” when sick and, therefore, help to spread the virus when they SHOULD be getting tested without fear of retribution should they be positive. This pandemic only accentuates that issue which is repeated over and over in the best of times. We need to provide a way for those in this country “illegally” to become “legal” so they can continue doing “essential” jobs without fear of being exposed. I’ll say it again, to varying degrees, we’re ALL immigrants.

When I talk to people I know who are part of the right wing “Christian” base of our IMPEACHED so-called president it’s always a bit deflating. Today, as I was talking to a good friend of mine, his wife “piped” into the conversation as my friend was denigrating Joe Biden (sadly, that’s just what republicans do) and she suggested Biden was going to bring in “socialism” to America. These are reasonably intelligent people – in fact, my friend is an engineer – but, they don’t like politics and they watch Fox “news.” That’s a bad “mix” for anyone making public their “opinions.” It really is hard to reason with people who watch Fox, as I’ve pointed out many times before here. Their (Fox’s) brainwashing technique is sophisticated and is focused on power and not the good of this country. (Actually, the “technique” originated in Nazi Germany)

Final Thought: I have to wonder if our vindictive IMPEACHED so-called president is simply willing to allow the virus to continue exploding until he gets dragged out of the “White House” and if he’ll continue urging his cult following to refuse to cooperate with the mitigation attempts which will be put into place once the Biden administration takes over. When I started writing today, as I mentioned above, the number of new cases was over 150,000 with several states still to report. After a trip to the store, I’m back and the total today is our first day OVER 180,000. The virus is spreading just as the experts have been predicting all along and still we have about a third of this nation unwilling to cooperate in order to “crush” it.

This will be the final act of individual 1 as our IMPEACHED so-called president which, as I’ve said, will help cement his place in the pages of the history books where no one SHOULD want to “tread.” Of course, his future may be in numerous courtrooms around the country and maybe, to a certain extent, around the globe. I’ve heard rumors the Scottish government is planning to investigate where individual 1 got the funds (“unexplained wealth”) used to purchase the Turnberry golf club – an historic Scottish establishment.

So, as individual 1 is facing these legal challenges once we get to January 20, 2021 his obstinance could be leaving the rest of us with a depression level economy. He predicted a Biden presidential economic plan would lead to a depression, but it appears he’s going to make sure that happens, along with the Senate republicans. I’ve said many times here, I believe Wall Street is like a “house built on sand” and it could fall off the “cliff” at any point in time. Today, individual 1 spoke for a few minutes in front of the “White House” and he said, “This administration will not call for a “lockdown” and, of course, republicans still are living in fear of him. Here’s the deal, it doesn’t matter what our IMPEACHED so-called president says, this economy is in major DANGER – because the virus is spreading exponentially and will be over 200,000 new cases per day, maybe by next week. Soon, 2 – 3 THOUSAND Americans will be dying of Covid-19 EVERY day! This CAN’T be continued. The impending CRASH of the economy will NOT be the fault of Joe Biden.

As usual: I started this post a few days ago and individual 1 remains petulant and the virus remains on the “upswing” – which, likely, means 200,000 NEW cases per day soon – maybe this week. As our IMPEACHED so-called president continues sulking somewhere in the “White House” the DAMAGE is mounting and he’s leaving an even DARKER mark on his legacy, I didn’t think that was possible, as he prevents Joe Biden from access to transition assets which will/would allow a more seamless move into the White House by Biden’s “team.” Apparently, individual 1 doesn’t care that, by some estimates, maybe a HUNDRED THOUSAND lives will be lost by his sulking at LOSING the election. Individual 1 and his sycophants are showing how they could care less about this nation as they tread DANGEROUSLY close to a complete commitment to a fascist revival in 2024. They will burn America down to retain power. That is not and has not been a secret!

Do you think our IMPEACHED so-called president is going to break this norm – pardoning himself?

I’ve been talking about the DAMAGE being done by individual 1 for over three years now and we’re going to see a good example of what I’ve been talking about as our IMPEACHED so-called president takes out his anger on our government while he’s cleaning out his desk in the “White House” over the next couple of months. For example, there have been reports in the media over the past week that Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was about to give his resignation in the next day or so, but, of course, that’s not good enough for individual 1 – it’s more CHILDISH behavior as he FIRES Esper in a “you’re not resigning because I’ll FIRE you first. Trust me, there’s more to come.

If you’ve been on this site before you know I was a 6th grade teacher in my working days. I’ve had a lot of experience dealing with SPOILED 6th graders who were BULLIES and who hid behind the “mommies and daddies” when I, as the teacher, attempted to get the child to understand “bullying” was unacceptable in my classroom, but also virtually anywhere else. In every instance, when this young BULLY got “put in his place,” meaning NOT getting what he wanted, the little BULLY would start crying and show himself to be, in reality, a coward. Well, just as I’ve said many times individual 1 has reminded me of a sixth grade bully and his response to getting DEFEATED by Joe Biden – who he claimed was the worst candidate in history – has been cowardly lashing out on “Twitter” and, likely, spending time in the fetal position as he cries himself to sleep. It’s very difficult for someone as narcissistic as individual 1 to accept defeat – even though he brought this on himself. That being said:

Individual 1 has bulldozed norm after norm and he’s not going to stop now. He’s very angry he LOST, (OK, individual 1 on the miniscule chance you’d read this, YOU’RE a LOSER!) especially to a 78 year old man and a “woman of color,” and that he’s unable to find a way to CHEAT in order to change the results. He has succeeded in brainwashing his cult followers into believing the only way he could lose is for Biden to cheat which, of course, is absurd on its face. (I always felt the ONLY way he could’ve won was by CHEATING) There’s not a shred of proof to validate his accusations – not like what happened in 2016 where it’s OBVIOUS he “won” (with 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton) with the help of the Russians (yes, CHEATING) and there WAS COLLUSION despite William Barr’s cover-up. There just wasn’t a strong enough case of conspiracy for the Mueller team to take it to court – and, of course, they were NEVER going to indict “a sitting president” because of the OLC memo which the Department of Justice (therefore, Robert Mueller – a “rule follower”) strictly follows.

Right now I’m reading “Where Law Ends Inside the Mueller Investigation” by Andrew Weissmann which is a very interesting read and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in better understanding the Mueller investigation. I’m only about half way through the book and it’s becoming clearer to me my view of our IMPEACHED so-called president as a “mafia boss” is, well, right on. The firing of Esper makes me feel even more apprehensive about what MIGHT happen in the next two months – we have a republican Senate and they’ve proven themselves as cowardly in dealing with individual 1 – who, I believe, was planning his run for a third term in 2024 when the reality he’s OUT started to hit him in the face. Just picture other nations around the world figuring out what ways they can further take advantage of the DAMAGE I’ve been talking about over these past 3+ years.

One part of Weissmann’s book which really has struck me as being not only relevant, but an issue which SHOULD be “front and center” is the OBSTRUCTION which came from the “White House” (OK, individual 1) during Mueller’s investigation. There was so much more they could have uncovered but they spent the entire 22 months of the investigation wondering if “today would be the last day” – via threats from individual 1 he might fire them. In Mueller’s report he detailed 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION which over 450 former prosecutors from the Justice Department said they could prosecute if individual 1 weren’t protected by the OLC memo. Of course, on January 21, 2021 he will NO longer be covered by that memo and Mueller, clearly, in his report (I read it twice) said he was “memorializing” the evidence in case a prosecutor “down the road” might want to look into a prosecution.

I believe Mueller put it that way because he knew the possibility of IMPEACHMENT – which is the remedy for this kind of behavior in our constitution – was not a realistic option because of the gridlock in Congress and the republican party which seems to be afraid of individual 1’s tweets. Mueller did make it clear why OBSTRUCTION is such a serious CRIME. When you think about it, OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE is the stuff of organized criminals – that’s how they stay our of jail. Threatening witnesses, threatening prosecutors and judges, LYING and individual 1 was guilty of OBSTRUCTION in numerous other ways as well during Mueller’s probe. Obstruction of Justice is one of the crimes most people (I’m saying this because I’m guilty myself) don’t think about so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that most Americans didn’t “blink” when William Barr undermined Mueller’s work with his “summary” and “conclusion” there wasn’t evidence to support a charge of OBSTRUCTION. Of course, Rod Rosenstein, to his eternal shame, was standing right there agreeing with Barr (after supervising the investigation for the entire 22 months).

Similar to James Comey and Mueller, himself, Weissmann spent much of the early part of his career as a prosecutor going after the mob. Naturally, he saw similarities to those investigations with the Mueller investigation. It’s interesting reading about their probe into the crimes of Paul Manafort and their possible connection to the individual 1 campaign. Clearly, Manafort represented a possible connection with the Russians which the Mueller team simply was unable for really investigate fully because of the thread of their firing hanging over their heads pretty much the entire time of the investigation. They wanted Manafort to “flip” but he was never going to do so, because, in my view, he felt he would be safer in jail than outside if he “turned” not only on individual 1 but the Russians.

Speaking of jail, do you think that has anything to do with our IMPEACHED so-called president’s refusal to admit he’s LOST the election. It’s several days since the election was “called” and he still hasn’t conceded and he’s likely to NEVER concede. Are the federal marshals going to have to drag him out of the “White House?” I wrote the other day I can’t imagine individual 1 doing the traditional “handoff” where he rides with Biden to the inauguration and sits right behind him as Biden and Kamala Harris take the oath of office. To this point in our history individual 1 is the ONLY politician running for president to get fewer votes than a woman – both Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris (of course, she’s now the Vice President elect). Breaking another norm. Do you think our IMPEACHED so-called president is going to break this norm – pardoning himself? Would that be admitting he’s been committing crimes?

Here’s another thought that I certainly don’t have the answer to. First, I’m not sure he can pardon himself in the first place – that SHOULD be litigated because, undoubtedly there will be republican presidents in the future so we need to understand if that is actually in his power. Obviously, it seems a president shouldn’t be able to pardon himself – that would actually put him/her above the law. Can he give himself a “blanket pardon?” Meaning pardoning himself for ANY crime he can/will be charged with in the future? Isn’t a pardon for something where someone’s already been charged/convicted with a crime? When you think about it if he can give himself a “blanket pardon” for future lawbreaking, well, that would be a bit scary, wouldn’t it?

I mean, you have to wonder what is going on in the brain of our IMPEACHED so-called president as he’s filing lawsuits all over the nation in an attempt to overturn the “will of the people” where he’s still contesting the mail in votes as being fraudulent – with NO EVIDENCE just as there’s been since the first time he suggested this. If you remember, individual 1 showed his “true colors” shortly after he LIED the oath of office when he forced his press secretary to LIE about something as trivial as the crowd size of his inauguration. He couldn’t handle that Obama’s crowd was much larger than his own. Then he formed a committee to “prove” over 3 MILLION illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton – the reason he “lost” the popular vote by that number. That SHOULD have sent a message to his followers, but, clearly they weren’t thinking along those lines.

This morning I listened to an interview with a voter in Texas who voted for individual 1 and, to say the least, it was interesting. First of all, she believes individual 1 actually “won” the election because the democratic votes MUST have been fraudulent. She believes in individual 1 because he moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem thereby recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The previous three administrations considered the moving of our Embassy to Jerusalem as a negotiating “chip” in any potential peace agreement with the Palestinians, a “chip,” which obviously, is now gone. She said she believes individual 1 was placed in office by God and added, “plus Biden wasn’t having rallies with 30,000 people.” Another Texan who voted for our IMPEACHED so-called president believes we’re in the “end times” and I’m not sure how he places individual 1 in that “plan.” Is he the “anti-christ?” If you saw the movie “Left Behind” that makes those of us still here a bunch of pagans – including these individual 1 voters in Texas, doesn’t it? These people appear to be no match for “social media” – which must be where they’re getting their “misinformation” (ie “Fake News”)

As we move past the election it’s becoming clearer and clearer individual 1 has created maybe the largest death cult in the history of the world. When all these court challenges FAIL, it should be interesting to see how all his right wing supporters respond to his defeat. Are the Proud Boys going to hit the streets? Or, are they going to be creating havoc going forward? Senator Lindsey Graham is suggesting if “republicans don’t change the election system (???) there will never be another republican elected president again. OHHHHKAYYY!? What the hell is he talking about? Apparently he’s suggesting their “platform” isn’t going to change as our country is CLEARLY changing – the demographics of our country is changing – and, it appears to me he’s PANDERING to the older white nationalists who republicans have had to depend on to “win” elections (the last one anyway). These people aren’t thinking very clearly.

It’s no surprise to me to see Ted Cruz, for example, encouraging individual 1, who disparaged his WIFE, of all things – the lowest form of political attacks, to continue attempting to get ballots changed in the various states where MILLIONS would have to be overturned for him to “win” another election. Can you imaging what would happen in this nation if that happened. The votes have been COUNTED and if, somehow, individual 1 got those who he planted into the courts decided to overturn the “will of the people” I believe the prediction of my (individual 1 supporter) friend that “liberals” would be filling the streets and rioting would actually come true. Individual 1 is in the process of being the “MOTHER” of bad LOSERS! Further cementing his place next to Benedict Arnold in the American History books.

Final Thought: It IS embarrassing watching the reaction of individual 1 AND his sycophants who apparently are going to their graves in FEAR of our IMPEACHED so-called president. However, it goes way beyond EMBARRASSING! These republicans are un patriotic and this is all simply letting us all know how deep the DAMAGE – which I’ve been talking about for almost four years now – really is. There are multiple reports individual 1 is already planning to run again (God help us) in 2024 (should he avoid too much jail time) so republicans will need to be subservient to him for, well, likely the rest of my life. And, to all those who are “giddy” about Joe Biden’s message of unity, I’ve got “news” for you. Let’s call it Fox “news.” I hope you get my “drift.”

This country is in deep trouble and it’s the result of the republican push to the “right” which started back in 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan and the sooner democrats understand what is/has happening/happened the sooner they may be in a place to overcome this disaster. Let me put it succinctly – the many WHITE people in America (full disclosure, I’m one of them) feel they are the victims of the demographic shift which has been ongoing for years. Apparently, there are a lot of white people who don’t want to be forced to compete with “persons of color” so they are the perfect “stooges” for a demagogue like individual 1. Many of them shield their grievance in absurd moral issues – like “pro life” – while they support the MOST morally BANKRUPT politician in America – maybe EVER!

I could go on and on with my summation of individual 1’s moral lacking – and, of course, I have – but suffice it to say the number of Americans who are likely to DIEA between the time I’m writing this and when Joe Biden has individual 1 escorted from the “White House” should he pretend he’s still our (IMPEACHED so-called) president, could approach a quarter of a MILLION! That’s simply one issue resulting from individual 1’s “moral bankruptcy” – he could care less about all these people who are going to die. (Full disclosure – I could be one of them if I happen to contract the virus, which is starting to spread rampantly in the local area where I live) Today, as I’m writing this (11/11/2020) there have already been over 123,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 reported with, still, nine more cases to report.

Hospitals are filling up and, sadly, the people working in these hospitals are already exhausted and too many of us Americans don’t seem to care about our doctors, nurses, and other people who work in the hospitals who we expect to be there “for us” when it becomes necessary to actually be there. Personally, I’m hoping to have an “elective surgery” before the end of the year, but I’m guessing that will have to, once again, wait. The next two months as we wait for individual 1 to address his legal issues as a “private citizen” – but face his vindictiveness as he will continue to refuse any organized federal response to the pandemic – could be catastrophically BAD. Epidemiologists who once warned us about “possibly as many as 100,000 cases per day” are now suggesting over 200,000 cases per day within a couple weeks.

Today, in Wisconsin, it was reported that fully one out of EVERY three people being tested for the virus are proving to be positive – which is an ALARMING number! Anything over 5% is considered problematic, but 33%?! Yikes!!! And, the hospitals in Wisconsin are nearly FULL as are the hospitals in the surrounding states so doctors are warning there’s no place to send the overflow of patients they are expecting in the coming weeks. This is just ONE of the disasters individual 1 will he “handing off” to Joe Biden – and, makes it clear to the people of Georgia the importance of electing TWO democratic Senators in the January election because the republicans in the Senate are going along with not only what individual 1 is doing (OK, not doing) in regard to Covid-19, but also what appears to be his authoritarian attempt to challenge the very foundation of our constitution, once again – by refusing to accept the results of the previous election. (You can read my true concerns in my previous posting where I posit the question: Is individual 1 actually planning a coup de tat? And, will republicans go along with that? Well, Lindsey Graham will go along with “whatever”)

I have to add: Trust me on this one – individual 1 is leaving the MOST egregious MESS as he leaves town, however that will have to happen, for the Biden/Harris administration and “we the people” will see the right wing “echo chamber” blaming Joe Biden and Ms Harris for all the disasters they are about to “inherit” and it will be up to those of us who supported them to DEFEND them at all costs. Individual 1 is going nowhere (unless a court decides otherwise) but it really is time for those in the CULT to re-evaluate their patriotism. Many of them drive around with flags flying from their cars and trucks. We’ll soon see how hollow all of that is/was! God help us! There will come a time when people realize it’s shameful to have an individual 1 flag flying next to an American flag! I believe that time is here, but the challenge is to get those who voted for him to understand their FEARS which allow them to align with white nationalists are NOT well founded!

Reports are – individual 1 is going to announce his campaign for the 2024 nomination before he actually leaves office. Can you imagine how republicans are going to accept that “promise?” All those republicans who are making their own plans and who’ve been acting as sycophants for the past four years will have to put their plans on “hold.” Individual 1 is going to make sure he destroys the republican party one way or the other. Just look at the group who are planning the “MAGA Million” protest this weekend – a bunch of KNOWN white nationalists associated with the likes of Alex Jones, The Daily Stormer,, etc. If you’re part of America who still don’t understand individual 1 is a white nationalist, well, I’m not sure what to say to you, other than “get your head out of…………………. OK, I’ll let you finish the sentence.

Individual 1 is making himself into even more of a pathetic person for those who haven’t been sucked into his cult following!

Sadly, the people of Kentucky didn’t have the foresight to prevent another six years of OBSTRUCTION by Moscow Mitch McConnell AND the people of South Carolina failed to relieve “we the people” of Lindsey Graham’s SLIMY pandering of whoever seems most likely to give him as much limelight as possible. However, and THANKFULLY, “we the people” chose to FIRE individual 1 from the “White House,” for all intense and purposes, saving America’s republic from a second generation (from Germany, no less) pseudo fascist who, via (apparently) a reality TV show (which I NEVER watched), gained a cult following which seemed to believe he cared about their “pro life” beliefs. Similar to a démagogue who took over Germany in the 1930’s, individual 1’s base is the so-called “evangelical Christians.” For me, as a Christian, this is terribly disappointing. I know so many Christians who don’t read and almost ALL of them watch Fox “news.” Sad!

I listened to an individual 1 supporter yesterday suggesting she doesn’t believe Joe Biden could have possibly won the election “because he didn’t have rallies with thousands of supporters.” (Of course, when you look where those rallies were you see a “trail of tears” with THOUSANDS of people now suffering from the coronavirus) So, what do you think will happen if individual 1 attempts to pull off a coup de tat right here in the “World’s greatest democracy.” Here’s a scenario which would seem likely only in a movie, but I don’t put anything past our IMPEACHED so-called president, just think about how he just FIRED Mark Esper as the Secretary of Defense because he’s “not loyal enough.” Well, who is he putting into the Pentagon? Is there something nefarious going on? Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past individual 1. And, of course, the republicans are scared to death of him.

Just think about this, what if individual 1 calls in the military to prevent Joe Biden from taking control of our government? Remember, until January 20th William Barr is in charge of the Justice Department – which includes the FBI. Do you think individual 1 is STUPID – or SICK – enough to try pulling this off? Just today I heard Mike Pompeo suggesting “there’s going to be a peaceful transition into the second individual 1 administration.” What the hell does that mean? Pompeo was first in his class at West Point which is giving me pause to think about what kind of institution is our Military Academy. Supposedly, there’s an honor code at West Point which puts integrity above almost all else and, of course, we KNOW Pompeo has violated the code numerous times, so is he willing to go to the extreme of attempting to help overturn a “free and fair election” in this nation?

Clearly, there is a large segment of the American public which was willing to except an authoritarian takeover of our government – as long as it’s their “leader” at the helm. I mean, individual 1 has been showing the classic signs of a Erdogan type dictator for the entirety of his term in office. People like me have been pointing this out since day one. The parallels to the Germans back in the 1930’s have been stark from the first day I started researching them. (And, to boot, individual 1 is a second generation German) As I watch all of this playing out I will emphasize again the importance of Joe Biden allowing full investigations into the ILLEGAL behavior of individual 1 and his sycophants once this is all settled.

We all know individual 1’s final action as our IMPEACHED so-called president leaves office will be him pardoning himself (unless, of course, he has to be dragged from the White House by U.S. Marshalls who refuse to participate in any potential coup. And, I’m not sure individual 1 can give himself a “blanket pardon” which covers all potential legal violations. Doesn’t a pardon have to cover specific crimes. Would individual 1 have to admit to all of his crimes? Specifically? That being said, there’s a whole bunch of sycophants who, I believe, had better “tread lightly” right now as our IMPEACHED so-called president is encouraging them to act in very “un-American” ways. If, somehow, Biden does the “we need to look forward instead of back” thing President Obama did in the face of Bush/Cheney admitting to authorizing WAR CRIMES – we’ll be looking at another republican administration in four years. It’s time to draw the line on ILLEGAL behavior by America’s top elected officials! Period, Full Stop!

I was listening to Donny Deutch today on one of MSNBC’s afternoon shows (“Deadline Whitehouse”) and he suggested individual 1 is setting himself up to start up a TV station which will be the competition for Fox “news” – which is why Fox is probably a bit nervous with some of their commentators challenging individual 1’s integrity – FINALLY! Of course, our IMPEACHED so-called president has been LYING at an incredible rate for four years and Fox has rarely said anything negative about him – but, based on Deutch’s comments today, I’m guessing Fox’s executives are a bit nervous. Of course, Fox has already put themselves into the category of national DISGRACE, so maybe this is what they have coming. Personally, I’m not sure individual 1 will be able to pull this off because, pardon or not, he’s facing some serious legal jeopardy. Deutch may have inside information on this because it’s been rumored he’s dating ONE of individual 1’s ex-wives.

It’s also been reported individual 1 is talking about “running again” in 2024. Well, he was planning that before Joe Biden BEAT him – there were credible reports he envisioned himself as “(IMPEACHED so-called) president for life” like President Xi Jinping in China. Do you see why I’ve been saying this election is/was the MOST important election in my lifetime? And, I can guarantee you, virtually ALL the people I know who voted for individual 1 are still refusing to believe he lost. I have one who I’ve texted over the year of Covid-19 and he still has not responded to my text confirming his prediction liberals would be flooding the streets after the election, he was correct. It’s just that he also predicted they would be rioting because of individual 1’s victory in the midst of a “Red Wave.” Oops! Trust me, these people will NEVER accept Biden’s victory as legit – because republicans really are in a death cult. The next two months should be interesting (as if the last 46th haven’t been)

So, hopefully I’m wrong about individual 1 planning a coup de tat, but it’s undeniable he’s as vindictive as any person I’ve ever witnessed – and, while all the election stuff has been at the head of the news the coronavirus has been expanding at a rate which seems almost unbelievable to me right now. Not only is individual 1 doing NOTHING to help with the attempts by the medical personnel to “crush the virus” – in fact, it has appeared to me for months that he’s aspiring to the “herd immunity” approach which could, conceivably end up with anywhere from 2 to 6 MILLION Americans dying from Covid-19. So, today there were 135,000 NEW cases of the virus reported – in just one day – so, the virus is spreading “exponentially” as the epidemiologists have been warning us against – and, still, Americans are acting as if they’re tired of dealing with this – as if they could care less about those who are going to die from this disease.

Not only is individual 1 not doing ANYTHING to help mitigate this virus, it’s now being reported his vindictiveness is leading him to make it more difficult for any of the impending vaccines which are in the pipeline from proceeding at “Warp speed.” I can just wish to be the “fly on the wall” as he’s venting about how the news from the Pfizer vaccine was reported a day after he was declared the LOSER of the election. Of course, I’m sure that was a democratic conspiracy to prevent him from winning the election. So, his response is to make it more difficult for the companies working to get a vaccine ready for the American people. That’ll show us all. Maybe he can work out some deal with Pfizer to get them to ONLY provide the vaccine for people who voted for him. Is that possible? Of course not, but maybe it is in his head!

Today, I couldn’t help but think, “Is individual 1 going to break things on his way out?” Is he going to steal things? Both of those questions, of course, assumes he goes out willingly. It’s been reported individual 1 is doing a lot of “fundraising” because he needs to raise a bunch of money to get rid of his campaign debt. And, then once he’s out of the White House reports are he’s facing a “mountain of debt” for his business empire which he’s personally guaranteed. I’m not sure if he will be able to figure out how to use his fundraising to pay off his personal debt, but I’m certain he will try. He will have the DA of Manhattan and the AG of New York bearing down on him once he’s out of office and, if he pushes things, I believe he will just embolden them. He’s making himself into even more of a pathetic person for those who haven’t been sucked into his cult following.

Joe Biden is 78 years old and Nancy Pelosi is even older and both of them are “teaching” all the young and energetic democrats in the Congress and those aspiring to be part of government around the country the “art of politics.” Ms. Pelosi negotiated the “Cares Act” earlier this year which prevented America from being in a depression right now and Biden is showing all the members of Congress who, justifiably, want to get to the business of fighting Covid-19, providing health care for every American, and pick up the pace of fighting the Climate Crisis to name a few issues, how patient “we the people” have to be in overcoming the republican obstruction. For starters, I came to the conclusion Biden was the one democrat who could have defeated individual 1 – it should be clear to all democrats why individual 1 was willing to risk IMPEACHMENT in order to defeat Biden. Getting individual 1 out of office was imperative for any of the democratic agenda to have a chance. OK, that’s been accomplished. Now, I have to emphasize the work has just begun – and, that means those of us around the nation MUST stay focused and keep the pressure on.

Likely, we’ll need a successful mid-term election in 2022 in order to turn the Senate “blue” so that we can actually move forward, unless, of course, the voters of Georgia decide they want to see the Biden administration moving forward on their agenda right from the start. Both Mitch McConnell (AKA Moscow Mitch) and Lindsey Graham will be there for at least another 6 years and the sooner they’re in the minority the better. I hope the people of Georgia understand the significance of the two run-off elections in Georgia and maybe even a few republicans there might vote for the democrats so that we can move forward to defeat this virus and get our economy functioning again. At the rate we’re going, we’re looking at a major “stay at home” order sooner rather than later – and, regardless, it’s likely too late to prevent a major uptick in the numbers of Americans who are going to die from this virus.

Summary: Individual 1 is a thug, and who knows what he’s up to – one thing we know for sure, it’s not the benefit of “we the people.” I’ve always felt there’s no limit to “how low he’ll go” – but, let’s hope we don’t find out the limits. Republicans have allowed this and the only solution is the destruction of the republican party – which will require, once again, democrats winning the run-off elections in January in Georgia.

Final Thought: Speaking of the run-off elections in Georgia. Here’s my worry about the democrats. They didn’t win the Senate (even though there was a gain) and they lost seats in the House, so there’s bound to be members of Congress and the democratic party who will consider the election a “loss” – despite the FACT defeating individual 1 was the MAJOR objective and was what people were focused on. There’s going to be back-biting because – well, because it’s politics. I envision members of the House going after Nancy Pelosi – not understanding the role she played in getting Joe Biden “over the hump.” I’ve watched this too many times – democrats pulling “defeat from the jaws of victory.” In this case, there’s likely a bit of confusion as to what was a victory.

Once again, my apologies for not re-reading and editing! (I’m really getting lazy in my old age)

Naturally: I forgot something on my mind which is very important. What if someone attacks us between now and January 20th? The Pentagon just got expunged from 3 of the 4 top officials – replaced by incompetent lackeys! Yikes!! These are truly historic times!

To the people of Georgia: You can do America a great “favor” by electing the democrats in the January runoff elections!

There have been a never ending run of ironies since individual 1 took office and the republican party chose to stain itself for all time by allowing him to be his mafioso self for the past four years, but today I couldn’t help but think of a “biggie” as our IMPEACHED so-called president was pondering his “paths to victory.” If you remember, a week or so before “we the people” went to the polls individual 1 made a trip to Omaha Nebraska in an attempt to win the Nebraska #2 (2nd district) where he left a bunch of supporters “in the cold” – literally – and our IMPEACHED so-called president ended up losing this district giving Joe Biden the one Electoral College vote he would need if the election would have swung on Arizona and Nevada – with Biden failing to come through in Pennsylvania and Georgia (Both of which, likely, Biden is going to win). For one day, when Biden trailed in Georgia by between 300 and 400 THOUSAND votes and in Pennsylvania by over 600 THOUSAND – despite people like Michael Steele and James Carville saying “put the ice on hold” – I couldn’t help but think that one vote could make all the difference in a 270 – 268 Biden victory. Of course, as it has turned out both Steele and Carville were correct with Pennsylvania right from the start and likely Georgia as well (I’m not sure they were predicting that one).

OK, it’s the next morning and, essentially, Joe Biden is the president elect. He’s now well in the lead in Pennsylvania and barely in the lead in Georgia putting Biden well past the 270 number of Electoral College votes needed to win the election. (He’s ahead by over 4 MILLION in the “popular vote”) By the time all the votes are counted in Pennsylvania Biden will have a lead, by my calculation, of about 85,000 votes. It’s certain individual 1 will be asking for recounts in many states and he’ll continue filing lawsuit after lawsuit to the point where it will be looked at as a child having a temper tantrum. There are many people wondering “why is this taking so long?” And, to me, the answer is obvious.

For starters, the election process in America is antiquated. Secondly, NEVER has there been an election in the middle of a pandemic where so many Americans wanted to “vote from home” and if there was a competent person in the “White House” “voting from home” would be considered the “right” thing to do. Unbelievably, to me, individual 1 was encouraging his supporters to vote in person and NOT send their vote in via the United States Postal Service. For a period of time, that strategy was very curious to me – but, eventually, it became obvious. (Obvious, but, by no means, “smart” – I know individual 1 proclaimed himself a “very stable genius” but…………..)

After our IMPEACHED so-called president started telling his supporters to avoid sending their votes in by mail he installed a Postmaster General who began dismantling the Post Office in key “battleground states” causing significant mail delays soon after his taking office. Personally, I thought that was getting a bit “low,” but, as usual, individual 1 can always go “lower.” His plan, all along, was to get a large lead with the “in person” voting on election night and then, as he did, “declare victory.” Of course, hardly ANYONE heard him and even, now, REPUBLICANS are beginning to voice their concerns with this delusional IMPEACHED so-called president. After he declared “victory” the mail in votes started being counted and reality began to take shape. In Pennsylvania, for example, the mail in votes erased a 600,000+ lead for individual 1 and, in Georgia, a nearly 400,000 vote lead. I guess our IMPEACHED so-called president figured if he declared “victory” those votes wouldn’t be counted. DELUSIONAL!

Republicans actually had a pretty good night on election night and you’re already hearing the “small talk” among the Monday morning quarterbacks in the democratic party. This just seems to be how politics works in this nation. For example, democrats were planning to increase their majority in the House and gain a majority in the Senate. Well, they lost a handful of seats in the House and will be very lucky to gain a 50/50 tie in the Senate – which would give them control and i, for one (OK for MILLIONS) would LOVE to see that in the interests of getting “stuff” done. We’ll be hearing for weeks, “What happened?” and I’m willing to answer that right here right now.

Democrats were SO focused on defeating individual 1 they just weren’t able to keep their focus on the other places which would have helped to meet their goals in Congress. To me, the most egregious “shortcoming” of the democratic “plan” was their “miss” in regard to the Latinx community. I’ve heard reports that the different Latinx communities in Florida, for example, supported individual 1 at a rate which explained his victory in the state by several “points” when the “polls” predicted a 50/50 election. Individual 1 won Florida handily. I still remember when it was reported the democratic convention, essentially, ignored the Latinx community – with NO representative even speaking at all during the convention, they were making a huge mistake. I’m guessing democrats assumed they’d get this support based on individual 1’s disgusting behavior toward that community. It didn’t work out that way. Democrats MUST fix this problem going forward if they want to build on what they gained in this election.

I sincerely hope the fact the democrats lost ground in Congress doesn’t cause them, as usual, to run away from their fundamental beliefs. We DESPERATELY need a progressive agenda and you can expect the right wing propagandists to keep the pressure on to protect their corporatocracy for the next four years. The BS (misinformation – OK LYING) is NOT going to stop and, sadly, there’s obviously a large segment of our population who have “bought the Kool aid” and it will be challenging, at best, for Biden to “pull the nation together” as he’s set as his goal. And, of course, it’s more complicated than that.

Hold on to your seat belts because we now have a WOMAN Vice President, Kamala Harris, who is also of African American and Indian descent. The attacks on her will begin shortly and they will get ugly. Actually, we’ve already seen individual 1 doing his “birtherism” trick on Ms. Harris and you have to keep in mind that Biden will be 82 in 2024 and the likely next “leader” of the democratic party will be Kamala Harris. Remember what republicans were constantly doing to Hillary Clinton and realize they will be going after Ms. Harris on, at least, the same level. Their goal will be to make sure she’s a “one term ……….” fill in the blank. It’s going to get really nasty! (To borrow a phrase from individual 1 ;o)

Just stop, amid all the celebrating among “liberals” right now, and think for a moment what individual 1 will be “handing off” to the incoming administration. First, in a week or so republicans will be before the Supreme Court trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act which, if they succeed, will create a catastrophic situation in America’s health care system – exponentially worse than it is right now – with tens of MILLIONS of Americans without health insurance and maybe a HUNDRED MILLION susceptible to discrimination based on their previous health care issues. In addition, individual 1 will be handing off an economy which has a “net loss” of jobs since he LIED about his oath of office with over 20 MILLION Americans on some level of unemployment compensation. This is a depression era level economic reality which is being “hidden” by Jerome Powell’s bottomless ability to PUMP TRILLIONS into Wall Street which, with republicans in control of the Senate, could easily come to a screeching halt causing us all to face the reality of individual 1’s most recent squandering away what he “inherited” – which was a healthy economy from Obama/Biden.

If you question that, just remember 2009 when Bush/Cheney had turned over a near depression level of economy to the incoming Obama/Biden administration and Moscow Mitch could only say “we (republicans) will do whatever we can to make Obama a one term president.” (Democrats didn’t need to do anything to make individual 1 a “one term president” – he was fully capable of doing that to himself) This will certainly be one of the most egregious issues our IMPEACHED so-called president leaves for the incoming administration, but, as always with him, there’s more.

I’m writing this (now) on the Saturday following the election (when we KNOW Biden will be our 46th president) and by 2 pm Pacific time there have been 105,000 NEW cases of coronavirus, just today, listed on “” – which tracks every case, every death, etc. etc. – and, many states are like the one where I live (Washington State) and they don’t report full results on the weekends. This is REALLY bad – yesterday, there were OVER 130,000 cases reported in just one day. When you figure out how to find info on the “” website it’s easy to follow the numbers of Americans in “serious/critical” condition in hospitals and, in the past month the total has gone from 14,000 to well over 18,000 – in just under a month. These are people who very likely won’t survive the illness. This is REALLY bad, as I said above. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota, the expert I believe the most (he’s been correct at EVERY “turn”) is saying the next 12 to 18 weeks will be the “darkest” we’ve seen, by far. Predictions are that by the time Biden/Harris take office 2500 Americans will be DYING of this virus EVERY day! And, you can expect individual 1 to still be whining about LOSING to Biden – probably still claiming the election was “stolen” from him – and doing NOTHING to fend off this deadly virus – in order to save as many lives as possible.

MUCH of the damage, in relation to the virus, caused by individual 1 has already had its “seeds” planted by his insistance on all the political rallies where his supporters felt obligated to attend without masks (OK, most of them, but not all). As I’m writing this there have been over 30,000 cases of coronavirus attributed to his rallies with a resulting 700 deaths and, I believe, that number will be far exceeded by the time he leaves office. Remember, the “trail” he left behind the rallies shows up from the first week after to as much as three or four weeks later. But, when you look at the “map” of where the cases are, the states he was campaigning in are virtually ALL now coronavirus hotspots as well as the surrounding states. For example, Illinois is located right next to Wisconsin and Michigan with people traveling to rallies across their border and right now Illinois, and Indiana for that matter, are on fire – along with Wisconsin and Michigan – and, of course Ohio, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. The reality, according to Osterholm, is that about a third of Americans are refusing to wear masks because they’ve been convinced the virus is a “hoax.” (Well, who do you think caused them to believe that?)

So, there you have THREE major challenges individual 1 is leaving to Biden/Harris with a government which has been gutted over the previous four years and will require time to fix – and, in many instances will require cooperation from republicans. Hopefully, there’s at least a few who are willing to work with democrats – but, remember, McConnell filibustered President Obama’s agenda over 800 times – that can be a MAJOR problem. Sadly, many Americans don’t understand who is doing to OBSTRUCTING when they get frustrated by a government which isn’t “working.” Maybe, miraculously, the two Senate runoffs in Georgia will produce democrats to go to Washington giving the Senate a 50/50 split which would prevent McConnell from BLOCKING the democratic agenda. For example, without democrats in control of the Senate there’s NO CHANCE of replacing the Affordable Care Act if the Supreme Court “torpedoes it.”

I say all this and then consider the climate crisis is here – right here right now – and McConnell will have the ability to block much of what needs to be done to turn this nation to a more 21st century place in the world with a 21st century infrastructure. Trust me, the corporate elite who pull the strings of the republican party and can’t seem to get enough money aren’t going anywhere. There are MANY extremely wealthy Americans who don’t feel the obligation to pay their “fair share” of taxes. In fact, many of them pay NO taxes and believe that’s OK. And, trust me, when “we the people” talk about “patriotism” there are many corporate “leaders” in this nation who have little to no allegiance to this country. Their business models are international and they “stash” as much of their profits as they can in places like the Cayman Islands to avoid paying taxes. It’s really kind of sad.

As I tell my son, when I was young workers were more important to businesses than shareholders and that all began to change with Lewis Powell’s now infamous “memo” to the Chamber of Commerce back in the early 70’s followed by the election of Reagan in 1980. Workers have been “losing ground” ever since – and, sadly, republicans have fooled so many of them to vote republican over social issues the leaders of the republican party could care less about. I’ve been pointing out for several years now the republican advantage in “messaging.” They’ve become more sophisticated in their messaging and, of course, their willingness to “make things up” – essentially, to use the propaganda scheme of the Nazi’s back in the 1930’s – has helped them to create what now appears to be a cult following. Rush Limbaugh calls them “ditto heads” and, well, I can’t think of a better way to put it. Why would you want that moniker????

Final Thought: Michael Beschloss was on MSNBC yesterday morning pointing out how bad it is for a president to stand in front of the American people LYING and I couldn’t help thinking, “what about all the other times he’s done this?” Apparently, on the night when it became apparent that he’s no longer going to be our (IMPEACHED so-called) president standing in front of the American people and LYING through his teeth is worse than ALL the other times he’s been doing so. It will be interesting to see how many of individual 1’s supporters come to realize how STUPID they were to fall for his shtick. I taught my sixth graders how to cross reference information to identify the veracity of what they were reading/hearing. I see/know so many individual 1 followers who, to this day, still believe he “tells the truth.” I realize that’s because most of them watch Fox “news” but it doesn’t take much effort to get factual information these days with all the access to the internet.

For example, when individual 1 tells you he’s created “the greatest economy ever” it takes NO effort to discover there have been SEVERAL instances where, by all measures, he’s LYING. And, of course, it doesn’t take long to figure out he didn’t “create” anything – he INHERITED an economy which had been expanding at a steady rate for 7 years when he took office and it continued to expand at almost the exact same rate (even with the tax scam) for the first three years of his term – which would leave ANY logically oriented person to realize he simply benefited from what he INHERITED (and, of course, with the help of the coronavirus, later destroyed). How many times did he say, “I’m the least racist person you know?” That LIE is NOT hard to prove. Or, how about, “I’ve done more for the Black community than anyone except MAYBE Abraham Lincoln?” Yikes! When are even republicans going to tire of all this.

Quite naturally, with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris CLEARLY the president and vice president elect, individual 1 is “tweeting” (so I’ve heard as I don’t do ‘social media’) “I won the election bigly.” We can only imagine what the next 74 days will be like. Do you believe our IMPEACHED so-called president will leave graciously? Can you picture him riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with Joe Biden in the same limo to the inauguration? Can you imagine him trying to mitigate the virus between now and then? Of course not, of course not, of course not – and, I could go on and on with all the things I believe he’ll do further STAINING his image – which, when Americans find out all he has done, as I’ve said often here, will place him next to Benedict Arnold in the history books – with William Barr, Mike Pense, Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz, and Mike Pompeo (and many others) still “attached” and by his side.

Like most Americans, I’m tired, and, other than me, hardly anyone reads this (although, if you’re reading it this far, I hope you’ve found it interesting) so I’m going to post without editing (which I’ve done too many times – something I’d never have accepted from my sixth grade students). I’ll end by saying – To the people of Georgia: You can do America a great “favor” by electing the democrats in the January runoff elections! Both of them are worthy candidates and will do Georgia proud! (For heaven’s sake – Both your republican Senators were hiding the truth about the coronavirus while they were dumping their stocks ahead of the March sell-off – that was ugly from my perspective)

A new award for individual 1: “The Worst LOSER in the World.” And, he lost to “Sleepy Joe Biden!”

I try to pay pretty close attention to what is happening politically in America, but some of what I heard prior to the election is becoming clearer the day after the election. Both campaigns had been saying prior to election day they were anticipating things were much closer than what the polling was suggesting. The pandemic was clearly creating a situation which “we the people” haven’t seen in our lifetimes and much of what I “heard” prior to election day are playing out. For example, democrats were voting in LARGE numbers EARLY or by mail and republicans were voting in LARGE numbers in person on election day. Early reports suggested individual 1 was going to “declare victory” on the night of the election, which, apparently, he did. (I went to bed before that happened)

Of course, individual 1 was trying to get the counting of the ballots stopped. The “battleground states” were required to count the in person votes FIRST and then count the mail in and early voting AFTER the election day voting. Well, that would mean individual 1 was going to have early leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Our IMPEACHED so-called president chose to declare victory early and now, the next morning, he’s LOSING Wisconsin and Michigan and everyone is waiting for Pennsylvania, which also doesn’t look that good for individual 1.

While our IMPEACHED so-called president has a lead of around 480,000 votes in Pennsylvania (as of the time I was writing that) there are over 1.2 MILLION votes outstanding mostly in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia where it appears Biden has a lead in these votes around 70+ per cent which means Biden could “win” Pennsylvania by a razor thin majority. Plus, if you remember, mail in votes which were postmarked prior to election day and received within three days MUST be counted. Those might be the votes which decide Pennsylvania so individual 1 is likely headed for the courts. I believe this scenario is EXACTLY why he was so anxious to get Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court prior to the election. (I wrote this shortly after the polls closed)

The ONLY thing, in my mind, which will be CERTAIN coming from this election is America’s polarized society will continue for the foreseeable future. As an OLD person, that’s a bit depressing because I believe this right wing push in the republican party is far from being subdued. I can see how this election could end up with a 270 – 268 Biden win in the Electoral College with him WINNING the “popular vote” (which, SHOULD be the VOTE) by between four and five MILLION votes – yet we’re all on the edge of our seats waiting to see who actually “won.” If Biden ends up winning in Pennsylvania then, “all bets are off.”

OK, it’s now a couple days after the polls closed and it’s becoming more apparent Joe Biden is the duly elected president of the United States of America. Now, we’re going to get a straight up look at individual 1’s “promise” to not have a “smooth transition” as he just claimed victory once again, suggesting all the early voting ballots which are now being counted are “fraudulent” and he’s claiming the election is being STOLEN from him. Now, people like me – along with his niece Mary Trump – have been pointing out for years our IMPEACHED so-called president is delusional, he’s a pathological LIAR, etc. etc. and it’s going to get very ugly. I believe he’ll be calling out his ARMED militia supporters (remember: to the Proud Boys. “Stand back and Stand by”) and, as I predicted over a year ago these people will soon be filling out streets. The other thing I questioned was what will law enforcement do – being under the guidance of William Barr for that matter. Yikes!

As I’m writing this Georgia is about to turn BLUE. They are counting the final votes and individual 1’s lead, which was once over 300,000 (I believe maybe over 400,000) votes is down to just over 3000 with ONLY heavily democratic districts left to report. I think you can see why he, and other republicans, would be so upset. The mail in votes prevented Brian Kemp from suppressing the votes as he managed to do in last year’s governor’s election. In fact, I believe, it will be Stacy Abrams who is MOSTLY responsible for turning Georgia BLUE along with other places around the country. Arizona is likely going to go to Biden (although individual 1 still has a chance via the final 60,000 votes). Biden will likely win Nevada AND he’s GOING to win Pennsylvania. So, this is going to be a more definitive VICTORY for Biden than what it looked like just yesterday.

Tuesday evening, around midnight out here in the West, watching James Carville and Michael Steele telling democrats to just “relax” – they both held up wine bottles and said, “just put them on ice,” – this was when individual 1 was 600,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania which looked, at the time, like the key to the election. I, at the time, certainly wasn’t even thinking Biden would be winning Georgia and I was feeling Biden’s path to victory was via Arizona and Nevada – although their final results will be a bit “whatever” at this point in time because it appears Pennsylvania and Georgia will be decided tonight (Thursday). I believe it won’t be long before Mr. Carville and Mr. Steele are opening up those wine bottles. And, Biden looks like he will have an even bigger “landslide” than individual 1 had last year (I believe it was 304 Electoral votes).

Biden already has more votes than any candidate for president in history (for that matter, individual 1 has more votes than any LOSER in history – does that mean he’s an historic LOSER?) with over 72 MILLION votes as I’m writing this and I believe he’ll eventually surpass 75 MILLION. As time goes by we’re going to see what an incredible LOSER we’ve had in the “White House” over this past four years and the next two months could be the darkest days in America since the days of the Viet Nam war and all the protests (which, by the way, I was participating in to a small degree). Today, for example, according to there were more than 113,000 NEW cases of coronavirus, yesterday over 110,000 and, now it appears the average will be over 100,000 for the seven day average.

Soon the hospitals will be overflowing and likely needing to make hard choices about who gets treatment, our doctors and nurses are likely already “running on fumes” (this has been ongoing for 9 months) and they need to feel as if “we the people” are taking this seriously, and soon the deaths will start piling up even more than they have been as they “lag” usually about 3 – 4 weeks behind the surges in cases. The Covid-19 pandemic is surging all around the world, once again, and I listened to a medical expert today suggesting it’s very possible for us to be at a quarter MILLION new cases per day sooner rather than later based on the way we’re going. When you look at the states which are really surging you see a “path” of where our IMPEACHED so-called president was holding his rallies. And, then, today, apparently, the counties which voted for individual 1 – like the top 380 of them – are the ones which have the greatest issue with Covid-19. Thankfully, Biden will be in charge come January and there will then be an attempt to “crush the virus” in the words of Nancy Pelosi.

The republican party, under individual 1, has become like a DEATH CULT – as many of us have pointed out on numerous occasions. Additionally, I’ve been pointing out for three years now I believe our IMPEACHED so-called president appears to be a mafia boss. My biggest fear of the incoming Biden administration is that, despite Biden PROMISING he would NOT interfere in any investigations into the illegal behavior of individual 1. There is a long line of transgressions which people like me – who, like our IMPEACHED so-called president believes in “law and order” – would like to see individual 1 have to defend himself against. As he (our IMPEACHED so-called president) has said, over and over, which I always “took” as “projection,” he wanted his political opponents investigated and jailed. I think you get my drift.

Here’s my fear – with the election being closer than the pollsters had suggested (although, most states were in the margin of error of most of the higher rated polls) – I worry that Biden will, just like Barack Obama, say “We’re going to look forward instead of back.” I believe that action was one of the reasons we ended up with individual 1 in the “White House.” When democrats show they fear actually holding political leaders to “account” it’s simply like giving republicans a “green light” to continue this lawless behavior. No politician has flaunted our laws anywhere near what individual 1 has done, but Dick Cheney was no “amateur” at acting as if he was “above the law” and President Obama confirmed that. And, both Cheney and GW Bush were admitted WAR CRIMINALS – yet, ALL investigations into their illegal behavior was blocked. I really hope, NOT THIS TIME!

Tonight, as I listen to the commentators on MSNBC it’s clear NONE of them seemed to have read Mueller’s report because they’re all talking about the level of individual 1’s public persona once he’s out of office – accurately pointing out around 70 MILLION will have voted for him once this is all over. They’re actually speculating on whether our IMPEACHED so-called president will run once again in 2024? The next thing will be they’ll be speculating on individual 1 Jr., or Ivanka, or (ugh) Jared Kushner. Give me a break! These people have ALL been pilfering as much taxpayer money as they can get their hands on since the day individual 1 told his first “official LIE” – which was when he repeated the “oath of office.” The amount of legal transgressions since then are numerous and are all these people willing to “look the other way?” Individual 1 is firing off lawsuits one after the other so it’s about time for him to be on the other end of a few – namely coming from the newly confirmed Attorney General come January of 2021. Will democrats have the guts? History doesn’t bode well for people like me.

I’m going to go to bed and I believe by the time I wake up tomorrow AM Joe Biden will be the President Elect and it will be time to watch individual 1 come unglued as he’s expected to act graciously over the next couple of months – which is likely impossible. Our IMPEACHED so-called president will be attempting to find creative ways to accuse democrats of cheating and, tonight, I even heard Lindsey Graham accusing the people in Philadelphia of being “crooked as a snake” – apparently, suggesting he’s some kind of “beacon of honesty.” Here we go, as far as the “worst LOSER in the world.” I’ve previously, on many occasions called individual 1 “The Worst Person in the World” (in the words of Keith Olberman) and, by the way, Lindsey Graham has received the “award” before, but I’m creating a new award, “The Worst LOSER in the World.” Nice ring to it, don’t you think?

Final Thought: I’m a person who’s had periods of superstition in my past, but I’m going out on a limb. Calling individual 1 “The Worst LOSER in the World” before there’s been a determination makes me a bit nervous – but, I’m going to do it. Likely, if you are reading this, it’s after Joe Biden has been declared the WINNER in Pennsylvania and, likely, in Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona as well. I hope I don’t jinx Mr. Biden by calling individual 1 the LOSER before it’s official, but i’m old and it’s my final opportunity to do something like this – shake my superstitions!