Monthly Archives: April 2019

I can’t quantify how much I’d LOVE to see Mitch McConnell get DUMPED in Kentucky’s 2020 Senate election.

Every day as I watch the attack on our nation by individual 1 I become more alarmed. Make no mistake, the United States of America is presently withstanding ATTACKS on two fronts. The first, of course, is the cyber ATTACK coming from Russia which very well may have determined who “won” the previous presidential election and, likely, will be doing the SAME leading up to the 2020 election. Vladimir Putin is “laughing all the way to the bank” as he sowes discord among the so-called “right and left” in America and, for that matter, also in Western Europe as the neo-Nazi movement he’s pushing is spreading. Then, very possibly much worse, is the ATTACK from within. That is, of course, the aggressive ATTACK on our nation’s constitution by individual 1 and his sycophants.

Sadly, individual 1’s “sycophants” includes a very significant portion of what’s left of the republican party – and, if you’re not sure what that “portion” entails – well, picture in your mind those “very fine people” carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi arm bands, carrying Nazi and Confederate flags, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” last year in Charlottesville. Individual 1 and his republican enablers have a very sophisticated plan to turn America into a type of “banana republic” and, somehow, his “base” sticks with him. I’m not the first to point out individual 1 is a Putin-type wannabe, but what’s sinking in as I watch this all unfold is that he’s got a real strategy to pull this off and if democrats don’t respond with strength he may actually succeed!

I know that seems impossible – that is the United States evolving into an autocratic state – but, consider what republicans and the so-called president have been doing while the rest of us are focused on his daily scandals. They’ve been STUFFING the courts with right wing judges who very well may be political hacks – essentially, “we the people” pretty much have no idea who individual 1 – with the help of Don McGahn, who many are putting in a “hero’s” light because of his testimony to Mueller, and Mitch McConnell – have managed to get into the courts. Of course, with the exception of Brett Kavanaugh who most people know who he is – if he’s any indication of the judges they’ve been getting confirmed while the rest of us have not been looking – “we the people” could be in serious trouble.

For example, tonight individual 1 announced his administration is going to FIGHT the Congress every step of the way in the upcoming investigations which have been announced by the Democratically controlled House. Here’s what we know about the democrats – they’re going to respect the law and the courts. Here’s what we KNOW about individual 1 and his sycophants – they use their disrespect for the law as a weapon. It will be interesting to see how democrats respond if individual 1’s court lackeys support his obstruction – will they just “fold their tent?” As I’ve said, if democrats don’t end up impeaching individual 1 they will be “printing the roadmap” to their place in the minority once again. If republicans refuse to answer subpoenas the democrats need to charge them with Contempt of Congress and have them brought to testify in handcuffs, if necessary.

Even As individual 1 continues to expose his underlying motives the “stakes” continue to rise. And, “we the people” can only guess as to some of the DAMAGE he’s getting away with outside the purview of the media watchdogs. While all this DAMAGE is happening, we KNOW individual 1 succeeded in getting his “Roy Cohn” into the Justice Department in William Barr and it’s not that encouraging thinking about individual 1’s propensity to refuse to follow the law and wondering who’s going to hold him accountable – in that sense, I’m not even talking about the democrats. Say, for example, democrats do what they SHOULD and hold hearings and respond to the obstruction with impeachment, What if individual 1 simply refuses to accept the outcome? He’s been thumbing his nose at our laws since the day he came down the escalator in his phony home – the one where he even LIED about the number of floors in the building.

Everyone who’s been paying attention to what’s been happening since individual 1 took the oath of office knows that all of this craziness revolves around the campaign’s willingness to take HELP from Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin – Help which evolved into a cover-up easily comparable to the Watergate cover-up and behavior, at least in my view, which surpasses that of Nixon and his cronies in the Watergate scandal because there was less of a direct THREAT to the fabric of our nation in that scandal. Individual 1 is far worse than Nixon and far more dangerous. If he succeeds in disregarding our legal system of accountability we all lose – and, I’m including republicans in that. It’s enough to make an old man (me) have the hair on his back stand on end.

But, it gets worse, if you can believe that. Today, Jared Kushner was quoted based on an interview given to “Time 100” (whatever that is – obviously, I’m too lazy tonight to find out) where he claimed the Mueller report was more damaging to our “democracy” than the Russian ATTACK on our nation. He claimed the Russians bought “a couple adds on Facebook.” I thought I would s#@t my pants when I heard him say this (and, Kushner rarely says anything in public. If you read “Kushner Inc.” by Vicky Ward you’ll know why). The Mueller report apparently (I haven’t been able to read it yet) points out the Russians reached 126 MILLION households with their Facebook “adds” – slightly more than what you’d expect from “a couple adds.” These people are ALL so brazenly DISHONEST it’s hard for me to conceptualize. I was a sixth grade teacher for well over 20 years and I met my share of LIARS – but, NONE of them can hold a “candle” to individual 1, his family members, and his sycophants. (Yes, Sarah and Kellyanne, I’m talking about you – among many others!)

I’ve been pointing out for years this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America, but even I had no idea it would get to this point. I was wrong in assuming republicans would only stick by individual 1 until he threatened their own jobs – which, I suppose, after the blowout in 2018 may be less of an issue now – the remaining republicans in the House may be the ones who are in what are referred to as “safe” districts – although, It appears republicans are willing to support THEIR so-called president all the way to a total disregard to any accountability to democrats. I’ve been pointing this out for years, the real issues undermining our nation are almost entirely the result of the willingness of republicans to ignore the law of the land. Bush/Cheney were bad, but individual 1 makes them look like Boy Scouts.

I believe democrats should be challenging EVERY republican – period! In the next election. I’d love to see someone like Tom Steyer, for example, pledge money to help democrats get good candidates on the ballot in every election – at this point, especially for the Senate. I can’t tell you how much, for example, I’d LOVE to see Mitch McConnell get DUMPED in Kentucky’s 2020 Senate election. But, here’s the rub – democrats – along with progressive independents like myself – believe that America is a “nation of laws and not men.” We feel an obligation to honor our constitution and the legal system which has emanated from it. Individual 1 and his republican sycophants believe those of us who think this way are weak. That’s why I’ve been saying democrats need to AGGRESSIVELY pursue ALL their options – starting with, as I mentioned above, having anyone who refuses a subpoena to Congress JAILED. Period, full stop! (Of course, democrats will have to rely on the Justice Department – led by William Barr – to hold people who refuse to honor subpoenas accountable. At this time, doesn’t appear likely – yikes!)

And, keep in mind, the House has the “power of the purse” and they can use that power to make individual 1’s life even more miserable. Individual 1 is a BULLY and he needs to be given an opportunity to face his legal liability – like in the Southern District of New York. That would be his next “step” after impeachment. Bush/Cheney pushed the limits of executive power beyond anything I’d seen to that point (and, by the way, Barr helped them do it) and individual 1, again, makes them look like choir boys (earlier I said “Boy Scouts”). He MUST be stopped, it’s imperative that our nation’s laws come out of this crisis as the WINNER! I love this country and I fear this all is going to end up in the streets, one way or the other, before individual 1 gets the privilege of facing his accusers (SDNY) in court. I hope I’m wrong!

His destructive attacks on the “fabric” of America goes way beyond challenging our laws, our constitution, and our tradition of respecting our legal system and our Justice Department. The attacks on the FBI very well could undermine the public’s trust in our government, and while individual 1 is attempting to destroy that institution (and, hopefully Mr. Barr will re-think his role in this potential travesty) he’s put in place “leaders” in virtually every department of government with the goal of destroying that department. “We the people” MUST make sure individual 1 is no longer our so-called president ASAP. Impeachment is imperative as a message to future presidents this behavior is unacceptable.

Because the republicans in the Senate will not agree to “convict” individual 1it’s up to “we the people” to provide the ultimate impeachment in November of 2020. Talk to your friends if you love this country! “We the people” need to start a campaign titled “whoever the democrats choose!” – as to where our votes will go! And, remember this, if you’re in the democratic leaning groupings republicans will be making it as difficult as possible for you to vote. Especially for us old people who are progressive, African Americans, Latino’s, and young people. Across the country there will be voter suppression tactics put forth by republican operatives in every place where they can reduce the number of Americans who show up to vote in 2020. They’ll do whatever it takes – which includes voter suppression, LYING to voters, and accepting help from foreign cyber warriors – most likely like the Russians.

Final Thought: I saw today that there are 18 states considering requirements that presidential candidates SHOW their tax returns as a requirement to get on the ballot. We can hope!

Democrats took the same oath of office that individual 1 ignores and if they IGNORE their oath they will LOSE the election in 2020 and they will be complicit in the destruction of our democracy. Impeachment is NOT an option!

Well, I’ve ordered the Mueller report and should have it by the end of the week. I’ve got to hurry to finish “Kushner Inc.” before it gets here – and, by the way, that’s another book I would recommend for anyone curious about why our nation is in such dire straits. I’m only about a “third” into “Kushner Inc.” and I’m understanding why Steve Bannon, for one, referred to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump as “Javanka,” with the implication they were a HUGE part of the problem. Clearly, both Jared and Ivanka have a meticulously created public persona that belies the reality of who they REALLY are. There’s a lot of READING required to keep up with the DAMAGE being inflicted daily by the administration of individual 1. My jaw can’t drop much farther!

I just keep telling myself “we the people” have a so-called president who is akin to a mafia boss, someone with a documented history of working with varying members of the MAFIA – including the Russian MAFIYA – which is an arm of the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin – individual 1’s seeming idol. Sadly, because of outlets like Fox “news” (ie individual 1 TV) and people like Sean Hannity, a significant portion of America believes individual 1 was “completely vindicated” from the Mueller report. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Oh yes, I almost forgot – individual 1 now has his “Roy Cohn” in Attorney General William Barr. I’m almost 72, I’ve been interested in politics since Eisenhower, and I can NEVER remember an Attorney General standing in front of the American people and knowingly LYING. Barr’s incredible LYING in regard to the Mueller report was the act that put my “jaw” about as far down as it can go.

I bring this up because my thoughts of late (and, if you’ve read many of my previous posts – over the past 15 or so years) have centered on my concern that the democrats are going to check the political “winds” before deciding on whether or not to “do the right thing.” And, what is the “right thing?” Well, based on what I’ve heard from people I respect who HAVE read Mueller’s report, I’m going to “go out on a limb.” Democrats had better not shy away from a complete and THOROUGH investigation, in PUBLIC, of the details of the Mueller report, exposing individual 1 for the THUG he is – giving EVEN those who consider themselves republicans a “birds eye” view as to why individual 1 is destroying their party, and along with them, he’s destroying our democratic republic. Vladimir Putin couldn’t be doing a better job of turning Americans against each other if he was actually working in the “White House” with individual 1. (Actually, as I was writing that, the thought crossed my mind, maybe he is – considering the possibility of cyber “collusion.”)

The question on many minds, as we face the re-election bid of the most reviled so-called president in modern history is will the democrats manage to pull defeat out of the hands of certain victory. Many of the so-called “experienced” democrats are suggesting, still, that impeachment is, or should be, off the table – because it’s not politically expedient as there’s no way republicans in the Senate will vote to convict. Well, from my vantage point, despite democrats like Nancy Pelosi worrying that impeachment will cause the democrats to lose in 2020, I believe if democrats FAIL to follow a path toward impeachment, they will surely LOSE in 2020. When individual 1 is suggesting he has no worries about impeachment, that means he’s “shaking in his boots.” The OVERWHELMING democratic victory in 2018 was due to the FACT “we the people” EXPECT individual 1 to face accountability for his “high crimes and misdemeanors.” (Not to mention his FELONIES)

I’ve been lamenting for years that the reason I’m not a democrat is because they have always shown a lack of will to stand up for their own fundamental beliefs. For example, they didn’t support the Affordable Care Act as they should have until it became popular once republicans tried to destroy it after the 2016 election. Republicans have given democrats the opportunity to hand off the moniker of being the political COWARDS to the GOP after their (republicans) astonishing display of supporting a man who VIOLATES virtually EVERYTHING they claim they stand for – (of course, I knew those claims were baseless, but……….). Are democrats going to avoid their DUTY because they are afraid of the conflict? Are they going to allow Rudy Giuliani to convince them impeachment is the best thing that could happen to individual 1? OMG!

Everyone KNOWS individual 1 is up to his ears in one CRIME after another – CRIMES he committed in order to get elected – CRIMES he’s committed since being “elected” (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than Ms. Clinton) – and a plethora of “alleged” CRIMES which have led to something like a dozen investigations which are ongoing aimed directly at individual 1 and others connected to him, his administration, or his campaign. From what I’ve read, he’s been “thumbing his nose” at the law for decades. I’ve said this for years – this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America – and, make no mistake, Russia is part of the WAR and they are participating on the side of republicans – and, if democrats are unwilling to wage this WAR “we the people” are screwed.

Republicans will continue to align themselves with individual 1, Vladimir Putin, and the various Russian entities which are attempting to infiltrate America via our totally susceptible “Social Media network.” (and anyone else who will keep them in power) When all is said and done – and, trust me, eventually all will be clear and people will have taken sides in this – most significantly, our “leaders” and the people who run our Social Media networks are not going to find themselves on the “patriot” side of the ledger.

I’ve tired of the people I know who watch Fox “news” and refuse to read in order to ACTUALLY be able to claim they are informed. While I believe they should be able to understand that a book “written” by a Fox “news” host is not actual non-fiction which is reliable – just as I taught my sixth graders they SHOULD understand it requires substantiation from other information when forming your opinions – the reality is that NONE of them (Fox viewers that I know) actually read anything (accept the Bible, and I often wonder how they interpret the Bible in a way to support individual 1?). That being said, in this instance, they have the opportunity to read Mueller’s report which, based on reviews in multiple publications, is largely a compilation of testimony by individual 1’s own surrogates. However, as I’ve said, they don’t read ANYTHING and if Sean Hannity says individual 1 has been “completely exonerated” that’s the “end of the story” for them. It’s really very sad. Many of these people I’m referencing are my personal friends and I’m getting more and more impatient with them!

That gets me back to the democrats. The ONLY chance they have to change the thinking of any of these people is through DETAILED and PUBLIC hearings which bring out every detail possible of the Mueller findings that clearly seem (again, I have yet to read it myself, hopefully by next week I’ll have read it) to imply individual 1, above and beyond the TWO felonies of which he’s already an unindicted co-conspirator in the Southern District of New York where he allegedly paid hush money to hide his illicit affairs from the voters, has CLEARLY obstructed justice. The impeachments of both Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were based on OBSTRUCTION of Justice. To me, these investigations AND if warranted impeachment, are not optional for democrats. They took the same oath of office I lament individual 1 ignores and if they IGNORE their oath they will LOSE the election in 2020 and they will have a HUGE level of responsibility for the destruction of our democracy. Impeachment is NOT an option!

And, I don’t care how they get there, as far as impeachment. When I listen to Jerry Nadler I’m somewhat encouraged in that he wants to start with “Fact hearings.” I’m all for hearings, which as I said above MUST be PUBLIC and detailed with Mueller, McGahn, and ALL the others who testified in Mueller’s report. NOTHING should be “off the table” and everything, including ALL the Russia stuff needs to be exposed. Individual 1 has committed so many “high crimes and misdemeanors” that “we the people” are almost in shock, and it’s up to the democrats to expose them to, for example, “educate” the people I referenced above who refuse to read and, even worse, choose to watch Fox “news” along with listening to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the other right wing talkers who are willing to LIE for money. (It will be interesting to see whether Fox shows the hearings) Democrats have the opportunity to expose all the LIES – or, they have the opportunity to continue to prove themselves to be timid cowards. It’s the republicans themselves who are betting on the democrats as cowards to allow their un-patriotic behavior to go unchallenged.

I’ve explained how to respond to a BULLY many times on this site and it’s not by being timid. Individual 1 is going to LASH OUT no matter what the democrats do. He’ll likely continue to encourage the investigation of the investigators – with Barr by his side. Democrats MUST make it clear they’re NOT going to be intimidated by this egregious action and they’re going to uncover what’s under EVERY “rock.” I believe this administration is far more CORRUPT than we know, even with Mueller’s report – which was limited, and individual 1’s way of protecting himself is through AGGRESSIVE and arrogant attacks on his “enemies.” Of course, with individual 1, anyone who doesn’t fawn over him is an enemy. Individual 1 is even in the process of learning which of his staff – present or former – he needs to start attacking. Of course, he won’t actually read the report – I’m not sure he reads at all. The only defense we have against individual 1 is an aggressive version of the democrats! Full Stop!

Here’s how you can tell that impeachment is NECESSARY and called for. Republicans are lining up to suggest how impeachment will be the “death” of the democratic party – that if they follow through with impeachment hearings it will turn the public against them. Well, it will likely turn individual 1’s base against them – hey, wait a minute, Fox has already done that! So, I’ll end this with an “Earth to democrats” comment – worry about your own BASE. If you fail to do so, “we the people” will be struggling for at least a generation to recover! You MUST give us an alternative to the CORRUPT win at all cost republicans which is the alternative!

Final Thought: OMG! As I was finishing this it was reported Jared Kushner was quoted as saying “The Mueller report was worse than the Russian Attack on our nation!” (the exclamation point comes from me because the comment was SO disgusting) Kushner elaborated that the Russian ATTACK consisted of “A couple Facebook adds.” Yikes! And, the Fox “news” universe will believe him. A “couple” adds actually has amounted to enough Facebook propaganda to amount to HUNDREDS of thousands of “adds!” Please read “Kushner Inc.” – you’ll see where this kind of illicit behavior comes from.

My apologies, I feel as if I’m babbling because the country I love is under the control of a criminal and way too many Americans – especially “Christian” Americans are OK with it. This entire situation parallels the Third Reich in 1920’s and 30’s Germany. Progressives MUST unite to PUSH the democrats in the House of Representatives to “do the right thing” – NO MATTER WHAT!

Individual 1 and his sycophants really do feel they’re above the law – and, if not, they believe they can “get around” the law.

I’ve got to start these thoughts with the reality that I like and respect Nancy Pelosi. I was happy when democrats, again, chose her as the (only woman) Speaker of the House and, to me, it’s undeniable that she is a master politician. However, as I’ve posted several times over the years, there is one place where I have a real problem with Ms. Pelosi. And, it comes in the area of impeachment. Before the so-called “Mueller Report” was published I reminded (myself and) anybody who might read this (so-called) “blog” about how the democrats failed to have the “stones” to have an impeachment “investigation” back in the days of George W Bush and Dick Cheney despite NO QUESTION they BOTH authorized TORTURE. Well, my ability to infer led me to believe there’s no way the democrats are going to have impeachment hearings on individual 1 despite his behavior possibly well beyond that of Bush/Cheney.

Of course, Bush/Cheney violated OUR laws many more times than “just” authorizing TORTURE – they STARTED the abuses of our 4th amendment with the spying (not what Attorney General Barr was insinuating – and, by the way, he may have been the one authorizing Bush/Cheney to do so) on Americans without FISA authorization – spying which may still be going on. And, of course, this is NOT the “spying” Barr mentioned in Congressional testimony – a comment that will be in the lead line to the historical reference to Barr as a disgusting sycophant for a deeply corrupted so-called president. Seriously, I’m so sick of “conservatives” willing to LIE for money and power – but, I digress……..

Well, that was then and this is now and, how can I put this? Here we go again! This is getting to be a sorry statement on the ability of the American system of government to support the idea that “no one is above the law.” We had Reagan and GW Bush CLEARLY involved up to their eyeballs in “Iran/Contra” – illegality which Bush ultimately pardoned away with his “gifts” to those who were actually held legally accountable. Then there was the aforementioned Bush/Cheney issues with TORTURE and illegal spying on Americans with, again, no accountability for those at the top – ie Bush and Cheney. And, now we have a so-called president who is already an unindicted co-conspirator to TWO felonies relating to HIDING information from voters and who has CLEARLY committed OBSTRUCTION of Justice (that, of course, simply means attempting to impede an impending investigation) and, from my view, witness tampering and/or intimidation and, very possibly, some incredibly serious concerns in regard to the “Russia thing.”

What’s consistent here? All the legal abusers are republicans and in every instance the party “looking forward instead of back” – in the words of Barack Obama – is the democratic party. At some point democrats will understand until they draw some lines of acceptable behavior republicans will continue disregarding our constitution and the underlying laws.

I’ve been pointing out my memory of 2006 when “we the people” – just as in 2018 – voted in a democratic majority to the House in order to “check” the outrageous activity of the American president (and, in the case of Cheney, the Vice President). In 2006 the democrats in the House failed to hold an impeachment hearing in regard to the TORTURE (and, I might add, the LYING of America into an illegal invasion of Iraq – an action that took potentially MILLIONS of lives – thousands being Americans) because “Republicans in the Senate won’t vote to convict.”

Today, the CRIMES are different but the political “winds” are blowing in the same direction and Ms. Pelosi has already stated the democrats won’t have impeachment hearings as long as the republicans are sticking with individual 1. I’ve stated many times on this site my opinion on the behavior of individual 1 and I’m going to wait to elaborate in depth until I’ve actually read Mueller’s report. From what I’ve heard, it appears individual 1 finally has his “Roy Cohn” as attorney general in William Barr. Therefore, it’s up to the democrats to provide accountability and, from my point of view, don’t hold your breath. (I hope I’m wrong)

Since I began putting my thoughts down on this post I’ve had the privilege of picking my grandson up from school and taking him home. In the process I’ve been listening to MSNBC where numerous experts have been breaking down various parts of Mueller’s report. Much of what I’ve heard has confirmed much of what I had already concluded based on what I’ve heard and read over the past couple of years, but a couple things I found very interesting beyond the amount of evidence which suggests the only reason individual 1 is not headed to court is because, as I predicted (and, of course, many others), the Office of Legal Counsel has a memo saying a sitting president can’t be indicted. The two things which caught my attention affirmed my belief that if you want to work for individual 1 you’ve got to be a willing LIAR.

In the first case, it only confirmed what I already knew simply from observation and that is the reality our presidential press secretary is a willing LIAR. One particular instance was put in the report and that was Sarah Sanders re-stating individual 1’s assertion that James Comey was very unpopular with the FBI and that many had called to thank individual 1 for firing Comey. In the report, as I heard it this morning, Ms Sanders admitted the LIE in her interview with the special Counsel. This, of course, conceivably could have made Ms. Sanders part of the obstruction of the Mueller investigation. Then there’s Mr. Barr. I watched his confirmation hearings and distinctly remember him saying something along the lines of, “This is my last job and I would resign before agreeing to do something illegal.” Well, I suppose, based on the present day acceptability of LYING in our nation’s capital, Barr’s bizarre LYING on behalf of individual 1 will never have any legal consequences connected to it. But, the man has ruined any level of respect he had from legitimate observers of the independence – or, what SHOULD be the independence – of the Justice Department.

I’ve been saying almost from day one that individual 1 is DAMAGING America in untold ways and that DAMAGE is mounting well beyond where I thought republicans would be able to tolerate. Here’s where we’re at: The DAMAGE which we’re looking at – which, in my view goes well beyond that related to the undermining of one traditional American institution after another along with the DAMAGE he’s done to our traditional allies – the WORST thing which may come out of this is the precedent of our leaders in Congress allowing individual 1 to get away with what is clearly unethical if not illegal behavior that, to me, is un American. The bromance of individual 1 and Vladimir Putin becomes even clearer. Yikes!

Sadly, America has degenerated to the point where someone like individual 1 can conceivably get away with despicable, potentially treasonous behavior and strategically attempt to cover it up by OBSTRUCTING the investigation into his misbehavior at every turn because HIS party sits idly by – apparently willing to accept this type of behavior simply because he has an “R” in front of his name. The American people spoke LOUD and CLEAR in the 2018 election and this investigation of individual 1 is causing “we the people” to overlook the FACT democrats are actually PASSING legislation in the House that MOST people in America actually support which, just like the behavior of individual 1, the republicans are willingly OBSTRUCTING. It’s the republicans and their propagandists, like Fox “news” (ie Trump TV), who are tearing this nation apart – because that WORKS for their benefactors – the ultra wealthy who fund their corruption.

And, keep in mind, this almost seems like “men against boys” when we compare the republicans – who will do ANYTHING to WIN – and, democrats who continue to act as if they believe in the OATH they took to the constitution. You can watch the so-called “mainstream media” and then tune into Fox or listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and it makes you sick to your stomach that they’ve FOOLED so many Americans. Clearly, individual 1 was willing to accept the help of the Russians – and, despite being able to hide enough of the behavior to prevent investigators to be able to “prove beyond a reasonable doubt” there was a conspiracy – based on the legal definition of the law – he’s shown his “connection” to Russia since the first day he took the oath of office.

The LYING – Oh the LYING! There seems to be LYING everywhere you turn as you investigate the individual 1 investigation and, just yesterday, even Attorney General Barr showed he is a willing LIAR. Barr said stuff that was clearly LIES obviously to “get out ahead” of the actual report for those Americans who watch Fox and think they’re then “educated.” I know people who watch Fox and it’s difficult to even have a discussion with them that broaches politics. Our country is STILL under ATTACK by the Russians and individual 1 has not said ONE thing about an effort to counteract this ATTACK. No one, whether republican or whatever, should be willing to tolerate what is happening with individual 1’s administration. I’ve said for over a year he reminds me of a mafia boss and that’s MORE clear than ever.

Maybe the saddest thing of all is that individual 1 managed to get William Barr through the Senate confirmation process (another black mark on republicans) and I can guarantee you he is already under way in continued OBSTRUCTION. Democrats are going to be demanding the unredacted version of Mueller’s report (although, based on what I’ve heard I don’t think they need it to proceed with impeachment hearings) and Barr is going to be “slow walking” them. He’ll force them to go to court and, as I said above when I mentioned the “boys against men” comment, republicans have been stuffing the courts with right wing hacks for years – so Barr will likely be able to stall this out – possibly to the point where impeachment makes no sense because of the impending election. Additionally, the “White House” has already pledged to refuse any requests for documents – again forcing court battles – with their “loaded” courts. They really do feel they’re above the law – and, if not, they believe they can “get around” the law. Does that convince you why I’ve been making the “mafia boss” references?

As I said above, I’m planning to read the report myself – I’ve already ordered a copy via Barnes and Noble and expect to get it next week – but, from what I’ve heard reading it will simply cause me to simply increase the intensity of my beliefs. I’ve always admitted that individual 1 NEVER appealed to me and, after the “Access Hollywood” tape and his LYING to the nearly 20 women who came forward to confirm what he said on the tape, he actually repulses me. Then, watching individual 1’s incompetence in office I looked forward to the day he was no longer our so-called president. That day MAY have been moved up with Mueller’s report!

Final Thought: This entire “saga” is moving quickly – which is my excuse for being lazy and publishing this post without editing. My apologies for the foo-pahs!

Oh yes, one more thing. Think of how people like George Papadopoulos or the lawyer from England feel when they read in the report about all the people from individual 1’s “team” who LIED to Mueller and Mueller knew they were LYING and YET Mueller and his team did NOT prosecute them. I’d even like to know the answer to that one. I will try to figure out who the LIARS were/are when I read it. Maybe there’s an explanation????

Individual 1 pictures himself as the American version of Vladimir Putin and it’s up to “we the people” to say “Not in my house!”

The potentially damning report from Robert Mueller regarding the behavior of our so-called president, individual 1, is set to come out tomorrow. The “liberal media” (along with, I’m sure, outlets like Fox “news” – ie “Trump TV”) are teetering on the edge of their collective seats wondering “what’s in the report” and how much will Attorney General Barr “HIDE?” It’s been reported members of the present and past “White House” are “anxious” about whether or not they will be identified as “telling the truth” to Mueller – and, thereby, drawing the ire of individual 1 who will then begin referring to them as “rats.” Then there’s individual 1 himself who apparently – despite declaring himself fully exonerated based on the “summary” of the report issued by Attorney General Barr (who, by the way, seems to be volunteering for a very dark place in American history as individual 1’s “Roy Cohn”) – feels uneasy himself resulting in, according to his TV attorney Rudy (I have no conscience) Giuliani, a 35 page counter report to what is expected to come from Mueller.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? The FACT individual 1’s sycophants are preparing a counter to Mueller’s report. To me that suggests they either know something “we the people” don’t know, or they’ve been debriefing those who have given testimony to Mueller, or worse yet – Barr has given them a preview of either what’s in the report or the report itself. Regardless, it’s easy to surmise individual 1 is preparing his venomous response to the report and anyone who may have had the audacity to tell Mueller the truth.

Of course, that’s one thing individual 1 has absolutely NO connection to – the TRUTH. I’ve grown tired of watching the cable “news” on TV and so don’t watch it much, but last night I succumbed to the temptation and watched Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC’s “Last Word.” As most people know there are many in the news business keeping track of “ALL” of individual 1’s LIES and, according to O’Donnell yesterday, in the New York Times, there was an article about ALL of individual 1’s LIES about 9/11 – and, there are many, including his incredulous LIE that he saw “thousands of Muslims cheering as the Twin Towers came down.” What the Times missed, according to O’Donnell, was the most egregious LIE he’s told about 9/11 and maybe the most egregious of ALL his THOUSANDS of LIES.

During the campaign individual 1 claimed on two occasions (and, I actually remember this and remember O’Donnell, at the time, calling individual 1 out on these DISGUSTING LIES) that he lost “a couple hundred friends” as the Twin Towers came down – saying this in a debate in front of the entire nation – this was the first time he LIED about his personal connection to 9/11. O’Donnell correctly pointed out he was LYING so the next time he LIED he modified is and said “I lost many, many friends” in the 9/11 tragedy – again with O’Donnell on MSNBC pointing out this was another egregious LIE. According to last night’s show on MSNBC individual 1 has not repeated that LIE again, but O’Donnell’s point was that the New York Times didn’t include what O’Donnell believes is the WORST LIE of them all. O’Donnell pointed out individual 1 was not seen at ANY of the post 9/11 memorial services and, then he added, individual 1 likely doesn’t have “many, many friends. Who knows, but the LIES were during the campaign and unfortunately, the other candidates didn’t have what it takes to call him on all the LYING. (individual 1 actually got away with “labeling” Ted Cruz as “Lying Ted.” Wow!)

As we all wait for the Mueller report I keep thinking we shouldn’t have to wait for it to get individual 1 out of office and into the courtrooms where he belongs – investigating his questionable business which is likely as corrupt as his so-called administration. These two LIES were used in the campaign to make his unsuspecting voters believe individual 1 has some sense of loss from 9/11 – only because it came up during one of the “debates” and he simply showed his willingness to LIE under any circumstances – believing his supporters don’t care. (and, maybe they don’t) This all just reminded me that he paid hush money to keep his alleged illicit affairs from coming out right before the election and right after the “Access Hollywood” tape – and, in the court documents where he became an “unindicted co-conspirator” to Michael Cohen’s conviction for the hush money scheme, it was said “the scheme was ‘to affect the outcome of the election.'” To me, that in itself should be impeachable behavior. (Imagine republicans had this been President Obama paying off women to affect the outcome of an election)

Then, there’s all the Russia stuff. Whether Mueller found enough evidence to connect individual 1 or his sycophants directly with the Russians, I personally don’t need that. Starting with his “request” for the Russians to “find the missing emails” and progressing to his strange behavior in regards to Vladimir Putin – I don’t need to see any more than I’ve already seen. And, of course, we know individual 1’s campaign was “willing” to get the help of the Russians based on the now infamous “June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower” (or should I say individual 1 Tower?) whether that rose to the level of provable “conspiracy” doesn’t matter to me when it comes to impeachment because, of course, we KNOW individual 1 dictated the LYING memo attempting to HIDE the reality of the meeting. If that’s not OBSTRUCTION it’s certainly LYING directly to the American people – I don’t believe impeachment requires a provable CRIME. And, of course, individual 1’s disgusting behavior at the “summit” in Helsinki where he literally threw our intelligence community “under the bus” as he chose to “take Putin’s word for it” when Putin denied the Russians interfered in the election. To me, that may have been the most disgusting performance of ANY American president in history! That alone was impeachable from my perspective!

And, whether or not William Barr believes a president can commit obstruction, I believe individual 1 committed “obstruction in plain sight” repeatedly during the nearly two years of the investigation. As one of his sycophants in the House said one day, “If you’re innocent, act like it.” Well, of course, individual 1 has NEVER acted like an “innocent man” on one day since he took the OATH to “defend the constitution” – an oath, of course, we all know means absolutely NOTHING to him. Again, I personally don’t need William Barr to decide for me whether or not I believe individual 1 OBSTRUCTED the Mueller investigation. He was busy doing everything he could to OBSTRUCT and undermine whatever the final report says from day one. Again, for me, whether it rose to a level of criminal behavior or not, (I believe it did) it was behavior that should NEVER come from someone in the office of president of the United States. I believe the House of Representatives has an obligation to begin an IMPEACHMENT investigation – and, in that investigation the ENTIRE Mueller report should be made public.

And, witness tampering? OMG! I remember thinking individual 1 was acting like the head of a mafia family well over a year ago – but, when he referred to Michael Cohen as a “rat,” and then, in a Fox “news” interview said, “I don’t like flippers, flipping should be illegal.” All I could think of, at the time, was “Are you kidding me?” There’s the proof – the guys a mafia boss. I’ve read numerous books which have suggested individual 1 is in deep with the Russian Mafiya and that he regularly did business in New York with the mafia. Of course, that isn’t mentioned much by our “liberal media” but maybe that’s why so many people in Washington D.C. seem to be afraid of individual 1. And, finally, he’s got his “Roy Cohn” in William Barr. (Barr is an example of why it’s so important for democrats to re-take control of the Senate and for “we the people” somehow to urge the good people of Kentucky to vote Mitch McConnell into the history books – even people in Kentucky must be smart enough to figure out the damage McConnell is doing to our great nation)

Barr is using legal “double speak” in order to prevent “we the people” from seeing much of the report – we know this ahead of time – because he COULD avoid redacting the Grand Jury material simply by going before a judge and getting permission to give that information to the public along with whatever he chooses to “expose.” Granted there are “ongoing investigations” which should be protected, but Barr SHOULD publish as MUCH of the report as he possibly can. Obviously – and, remember the report is not out so I’m making a prediction – he’s going to HIDE as much of the report as he possibly can. At he bare minimum “we the people” should see the entire summaries written by Mueller in regard to the various sections of the report.

Here’s the reality for “we the people.” The 2020 election NOW becomes the MOST important election – certainly in my lifetime and possibly – EVER. Yes, I said the 2018 election was the most important election of my lifetime and it was – and, I’ve been thanking God ever since because “we the people” would be “screwed” had the democrats not retaken the House in that election. Sadly, as I predicted before the election, they (democrats) will likely avoid the “noise” an impeachment inquiry would create, so 2020 NOW becomes historically important. Individual 1 pictures himself as the American version of Vladimir Putin and it’s up to “we the people” to say “Not in my house!”

Over the course of the past 2+ years I’ve stated more than once I don’t (and didn’t) need the Mueller report to believe individual 1 SHOULD be impeached. My only hesitation has always been that Mike Pense is what’s “on deck.” Pense has proven himself to be a disgusting sycophant who seems willing to overlook much of what SHOULD repulse him if he’s truly a Christian. Just the LYING should be something which disgusts him, but the other behavior? Yikes! And, for years I’ve pointed out my reluctance to have faith in the democrats to do what’s right and not be defined by the direction of the “wind.” They don’t appear to have the nerve to initiate an impeachment inquiry – which, I believe, would allow ALL of the Mueller report to be made public.

Final Thought: It will take a dysfunctional democratic party to come up with a candidate who can defeat individual 1 in the 2020 election. To me, it’s kind of embarrassing the number of democrats who are lining up to take him on. And, I’ll likely have much to say about the process of finding the right candidate in due time – so far, I’ve only ruled ONE of them out. Kirsten Gillibrand was the senator who ran Al Franken from the Senate – there’s no way I will support her in the unlikely event she would be the nominee. I respect the “Me too” movement and agree that women have been treated badly over the years – but, when someone is accused of something as Franken was, he/she should have the ability to defend themselves. You can’t just automatically take the “word” of accusers in today’s political climate. Many of them have an agenda – as likely is the case recently with Joe Biden. When women are saying they didn’t like the way someone hugged them, that should not be considered sexual harassment. Just express that something makes you uncomfortable and men like Biden and Franken would apologize and change their habits. And, the picture of Franken, at the time a comedian, which was publicized, to me, was blown way out of proportion by people like Gillibrand. I’m just sayin………..

The necessity of voting individual 1 (and his republican sycophants) out of office is the requirement to “make America great again!”

I keep pondering my thoughts in regard to the “Mueller Investigation” and Attorney General Barr’s apparent attempt to keep as much of it as possible from the public and, so far, haven’t gotten past the point of “I want to see and read it.” Apparently, Barr’s so-called “memo” has drawn the ire of members of Mueller’s team who had “lock jaw” in regard to “leaks” for the entire time of the investigation. It appears the “leaking” has started, apparently in an attempt to let Mr. Barr know he won’t be able to hide the report for much longer. Of course, the 2018 election was the “firewall” for “we the people” because I actually TRUST the democrats in the House to MAKE SURE “we the people” get to see the report – whether it vindicates individual 1 or not. Before jumping to conclusions, remember the reality is that, all along, it was correctly reported Mueller would honor the Justice Department guidelines “a sitting president can NOT be indicted.”

So, Mueller indicting individual 1 – despite the Southern District of New York identifying him as an “unindicted co-conspirator” to Michael Cohen’s hush money scheme to hide individual 1’s alleged illicit affairs from the voters just prior to the 2016 election – very possibly allowing him to “win” (With nearly 3 MILLION fewer votes than his opponent – a girl) – was never a possibility. If you can’t tell, for me, it doesn’t much matter what’s in Mueller’s report, although I definitely want to read it, because individual 1 has proven himself “impeachable” on so many other accounts which would not be in Mueller’s report that I just long for the day when “we the people” are spared from another day calling him our so-called president. (Be it the hush money scheme, the Russian interference on his behalf, or James Comey’s inexplicable announcement 11 days before the election – individual 1 will ALWAYS be considered an illegitimate so-called president)

That all being said, what has motivated me to write today is just watching individual 1 continue to act as if the laws of this land do not apply to him. He just fired his Director of Homeland Security (and, by the way, “good riddance”) because he’s blaming her for the “crisis at the border.” He’s ordering all sorts of illegal actions by his surrogates in regard to his obsession with demeaning immigrants – people fleeing violence, famine, and who knows what else – from Central and South American countries which are sadly riddled with turmoil. He’s ordering the border closed, he’s ordering people to refuse to honor the rights of legitimate asylum seekers, and it appears he’s determined to restart his disgusting and shameful “child separation” policy. This is a policy “we the people” are being FORCED to be a part of and, in my view, we’re OBLIGATED to OBJECT in any way possible.

That brings me to my thought for the day. Individual 1 reminds me of the sixth grade students I taught for the last third of my working life. They pushed their “boundaries” until they were taught where the limits were – what I used to say to the younger teachers was the students were expecting us (teachers) to teach them what was OK and what was not OK. In individual 1’s case it’s clear the republicans in Congress will tolerate his lawbreaking no matter what and he ignores the laws which are SUPPOSED to set the “boundaries.” And, of course, his personal “attorney general,” William Barr, is proving to be another in the long line of republican enablers allowing individual 1 to continue thumbing his nose at our legal system.

Barr is appearing to be willing to allow himself a dark place in the American history books right next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold. Today, aside from his blocking “we the people” from seeing the Mueller report, Barr “added on” by confirming his willingness to see the Affordable Care Act overturned in the courts. (Theoretically, as the Attorney General, he should be ordering the Justice Department to defend the Act as it is the LAW, but he sounded today as if he was talking to “Fox and Friends” in his response to questioning about why he’s taking the side of the plaintiffs in the judicial attack against the law – with MILLIONS’ health insurance at risk)

The question then becomes: is there a point where the democrats say “enough already” and publicly let “we the people” understand they “get” the gravity of the attack on our nation by the “right wing” of the republican party? They need to let us understand the presidential (and, that of his republican sycophants) lawbreaking is unacceptable and will be met with appropriate accountability and they SHOULD open an impeachment inquiry without concern for whether the Senate would “convict” or not. I believe individual 1 will continue his arrogant abuse of our legal system until he’s STOPPED and held accountable. So, if he can’t be indicted, the ONLY apparent remedy for his pushing the limits of every law he doesn’t like is IMPEACHMENT!

One thing which was apparent with the BULLIES who happened into the sixth grade (very similar to individual 1) was they needed to be “hit back” to get them to stop. In individual 1’s case, the “hit” needs to come from our Justice system – whether it be via Congress and their obligation for oversight and impeachment proceedings – and from “we the people” in an increased push for the “resistance” making it clear November of 2020 will be a bad month for individual 1 with a clear understanding there will be no “pardon” for him once “out the door.” For example, it needs to be clear the charges awaiting him in the SDNY will be charges he’ll have the right to defend himself from – likely, along with other charges as well, including, by some accounts a RICO charge.

Individual 1 has been crowing as if he’s been totally exonerated since the day Mr. Barr sent out his now infamous “memo” – the one where he made the “executive decision” to clear individual 1 of OBSTRUCTION charges. Of course, “we the people” watched OBSTRUCTION in “plain sight” all the way through the investigation and, as I stated above, we’ve all been aware of Mueller’s intention to honor the Justice Department memo restricting an indictment of a sitting president. So, we have a president making even MORE absurd comments in regard to the report, we have an attorney general appearing to be willing to BLOCK substantial amounts of the report, and we’ve even got Vladimir Putin chiming in that the report was a sham. (Of course, that should EVEN piss off the republicans if they hadn’t completely lost their connection to their oaths of office and, the more I think about it, their MINDS.)

Democrats MUST do whatever it takes to get this report made public and, in my view, Robert Mueller has an obligation to speak out. There were NO leaks during the time of the report, but the report has been concluded and the American people NEED to see the FULL report. Certainly, at a minimum, the Congress SHOULD see the entire report and from what I’ve heard there’s absolutely NO justification for Barr to keep the unredacted report from Congress. We started seeing Mueller’s underlings “leaking” last week after seeing Barr’s summary and feeling as if he was “spinning” the report inappropriately. Of course, after watching individual 1 over the previous few years, none of this should be surprising.

What is surprising to me is the complicity in the republican party. We’ve been watching the republican party “tilt” farther and farther to the “right” over the previous 40 years and they’ve had a “mission” to create what was referred to be Karl Rove as the “permanent republican ‘majority.'” They had the makings of it in 2000 with Bush/Cheney and they screwed up in a plethora of ways – not the least of which were the fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan along with the bludgeoning of the economy culminating in the “great recession.” However, these republicans just wont go away – as the saying goes – they keep coming back like a bad…………. (fill in the blanks) and, they latched on to the RACIST “tea party” as a backlash to our first Black president, leading to individual 1 as their “leader.”

I certainly felt even the republican party had enough morality to distance themselves from individual 1, but, while most of my predictions on this site have borne out, that one, well, I missed it badly. If you remember, after the Access Hollywood tape was made public one republican “leader” after another claimed they wanted nothing to do with individual 1. But, true to form, they virtually ALL proved themselves to be all about the power and not at ALL about their so-called “family values.” In fact, as the last two years have unfolded, I’ve come to believe individual 1 is the PERFECT “leader” for these republicans. He has ABSOLUTELY no moral compass, when his lips are moving he’s LYING, and he appears to have no conscience – so, for republicans who care about nothing except gaining and KEEPING power individual 1 is the perfect occupant of the “White House.”

While I clearly remember my frustration in watching GW Bush and Dick Cheney arrogantly breaking laws I’ve almost come to the point where I actually miss them. Individual 1 makes even Dick Cheney look like an amateur when it comes to arrogance toward the laws and his disregard and disgust of the constitution. Clearly individual 1 is an autocrat wannabee and he’s worthy of the disgust of Americans who have any respect for our nation’s laws, her history, the “norms” which have been established over the previous 200+ years, our fundamental institutions, our media, our intelligence community, and, essentially, the basic beliefs which have “made America great.” The most shocking part of all this is the willingness of the republican party to say “this is OK.”

With the help of right wing media outlets like Fox “news” and Breitbart MILLIONS of Americans have been brainwashed into, essentially, supporting people who would turn America into something resembling Russia – and, we’re getting closer every time republicans do another “tax cut for the rich” and individual 1 gets away with breaking another law. In essence there’s now a bunch of “oligarchs” in America and then the rest of us. Thankfully, many of us in the “middle Class” still have a decent “standard of life” – but, the group at the bottom is widening as the wealth of the country accumulates into the “hands” of a few at the “top.” My father was in the military in WW II and I’m a “baby boomer” so I had a bit of a connection to the aftermath of the war and I experienced Viet Nam during my high school and college years. (I tried to enlist in the Marine PLC in 1967 only to “flunk” my physical) My point is I can remember many people in the 50’s and 60’s having a “we” mentality and a sense of patriotism which emanated from this sense of “community.” We were proud of how Americans came together to stop the Nazi’s in WW II.

The transition of America to a “me” society began, in my view during the 70’s and was put on the “front page” during the Reagan years. That’s when shareholders became more important than workers and when the republican party figured out they could pilfer TRILLIONS from American taxpayers in the guise of “trickle down” economics. America is now $20+ TRILLION in debt and MOST of it comes as the result of republican tax scams which started with Reagan and became totally OBSCENE with Bush/Cheney and now individual 1. Just as individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION has been in “plain sight,” this pilfering of American taxpayers has been in plain sight. The American people are OBLIGATED to stand up against this unprecedented power grab and vote individual 1 and his republican sycophants OUT of office! The necessity of voting individual 1 (and his republican sycophants) out of office is the ACTUAL requirement to “make America great again!”

Final Thought: I “finished” this post after William Barr’s first day of testimony before the House and prior to his (disgusting) testimony in front of the Senate. It became clear today that individual 1 has successfully put his own lawyer officially in charge of America’s legal system. I think listening to some of Barr’s comments today almost made me throw up. As I’ve said for years, this version of the republican party needs to be voted into the history books. The BRAZEN arrogance is almost beyond belief. Today, Barr exposed himself as an individual 1 sycophant as opposed to the nation’s number one defender of the constitution. He even made one (very strange) response to a question about the opioid crisis by making a seemingly un-solicited “call” for the “WALL” individual 1 is willing to upend our constitution over. Barr showed himself to be willing to put himself into, as I stated above, the most SHAMEFUL parts of future American history books.

“We the people” are being given a front row seat to individual 1’s demonstration of how a mafia boss works – and, showing us why it’s so important that our investigative bodies are allowed to do their jobs. Today, Barr seemed to imply he’s “on the team” with individual 1, Giuliani, Fox “news,” the so-called “Freedom Caucus” in the House, and other right wing media outlets in an attempt to undermine the credibility of our Justice Department. Just as individual 1 has put people in charge of other departments with the apparent objective of destroying them, so, it appears, he’s found a willing – again – sycophant, in Barr to cause as many people in America to believe any investigation of our so-called president is a “witch hunt.”

Today, individual 1 gave a demonstration of “projection” for the ages when he made accusations toward members of the FBI which MIRROR his own actions, almost to a tee! He used words like treason and coup d’ etat in describing the actions of the FBI – after being energized by the reckless words of Barr. Stay tuned! I’ve said many times before, this is a WAR for the HEART and SOUL of America and it’s NEVER been more clear than today!

We’re seeing first hand the lasting DAMAGE which can be inflicted on “we the people” by a so-called president who uses his mafia boss instincts to lead our nation.

I don’t even know where to start these days. “We the people” have a so-called president who’s such a LIAR that every day it’s another embarrassment. Of course, no matter the subject we’re going to hear “no collusion, no collusion.” Of course, there was “collusion” (treason) with, at a minimum, some members of individual 1’s campaign because we KNOW individual 1 Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Mannafort ALL met with a group of Russians who were unambiguously offering “incriminating evidence” on Hillary Clinton directly from the Russian government. Just the meeting was “collusion” and, in fact, when offered this “evidence” individual 1 Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say, I love it.” Of course, anyone without their head in the sand KNOWS individual 1 KNEW about this meeting, and, in fact, announced just prior to it that he would have this “incriminating evidence” (or words to that affect) in a “major speech Maybe Monday.”

I keep listening to pundits pondering which democrat could beat individual 1 in 2020. Every time I hear that I have to wonder who thinks “we the people” are completely stupid MORE, the pundits or individual 1 himself. When 56% of Americans, in the polls I’ve seen, say there’s NO WAY they would EVER vote for individual 1 you have to believe there’s a significant group of people either in individual 1’s campaign OR pundits on TV who believe the democrats can screw up anything. Maybe they’re counting on someone like Howard Schultz to massage their own ego to the tune of pulling enough “centrist” voters away from the democrats to allow individual 1’s 35% of the population who are faithful to be enough.

And, of course, anyone who’s paid the slightest attention to politics in America over the past 40 years knows that republicans will do anything to win an election and they’ll be busy “behind the scenes” on the 2020 election just as they have in EVERY election I can remember going back to Richard Nixon (with the possible exception of Gerald Ford in 1976. Then, there’s the issue of democrats. As I’ve said many times on this site over the years (and verbally before I started writing) democrats have proven to be unable to actually defend their own beliefs – if the “political winds” are blowing in the wrong direction. This is why many, including myself, have complained about democrats needing a spine.

Of course, the republicans, under individual 1, have made the democrats look like Ninja Warriors in the courage category – but, the reality we face is the democrats WILL NOT show courage in the face of a classically CORRUPT so-called president and republicans will continue to cower at the threat of a nasty tweet. I’m reading lots of books and I’m thinking maybe I should be reading about how “empires” fall. It appears completely possible to me that a Congress full of tepid legislators could be the undoing of America’s reign as the world’s major “super power.” Vladimir Putin is succeeding in “plain sight” – and, our so-called “liberal media” seems oblivious to what is going on – not just in America, but all across Europe. It’s almost as if people have forgotten what our fathers and grandfathers (and mothers) fought for in WW II.

Maybe worse yet, now that the Mueller report has been given to the Justice Department and individual 1’s Attorney General is doing whatever he can to make sure “we the people” don’t see anymore of it than what he wishes us to see. The result of the Attorney General’s “4 page summary” has been individual 1 giving “we the people” another MASSIVE “tweet storm” claiming “total exoneration” and continuing with the “no collusion, no obstruction” propaganda scheme. Of course, if you were paying attention you KNOW there was a credible case for a charge of OBSTRUCTION – it was OBSTRUCTION in broad daylight.

Can you imagine republicans putting up with the level of OBSTRUCTION openly spoken, tweeted, etc. by individual 1 had it come from Barack Obama? The republicans have backed themselves into the “I’m afraid of individual 1” corner which is likely to have a lasting effect on the republican party. But, as they say, “Only in America” – it’s also likely the democrats will shy away from their constitutional duty to “oversee” the executive when the executive is out of control. Yes, I do understand Nancy Pelosi’s “point” that without “bipartisan” agreement on the “high crimes and misdemeanors” of individual 1, well, impeachment will only be an exercise in the House – and, due to political expediency they (democrats) aren’t going there.

Yes, this is just like back in 2006 – in fact, I even heard Pelosi herself just a week or so ago make the parallel – democrats were elected in 2006 to end the Iraq fiasco and to hold GW Bush and Dick Cheney accountable for TORTURE – and they chose political expediency. That will likely be the case again. Democrats fear turning individual 1 into some kind of martyr figure prior to the 2020 election and I’m with them on feeling the IMPORTANCE of getting individual 1 out of office as soon as possible. The DAMAGE is mounting! And, Fast!

So, here’s the reality. Individual 1 will be our so-called president until (at least) January 20, 2021. No matter what we find in the Mueller report, once we actually are allowed to read it, I don’t see a scenario where republicans will vote to convict individual 1 should democrats “grow a pair” and actually hold impeachment hearings. At the bare minimum, there should be investigations into whether individual 1 SHOULD or should not be impeached – and, the hearings SHOULD be public. Individual 1 is an autocrat wannabee and republicans seem to be perfectly fine with that. In fact, all around the country, republicans are supporting “local” legislation aimed at suppressing the vote and blocking the free press among other “autocratic” agenda items today’s republican party are “OK” with.

I’m presently reading “One Nation After Trump” by EJ Dionne, Norman Ornstein, and Thomas Mann, and they make a strong attempt to identify individual 1’s “base” and to parse the data as to who on earth voted for the guy and why. Of course, in the book, they didn’t mention much as to the effect of the “Russian invasion” on those who chose to vote for individual 1, but the reality is there was a lot of LYING going on in the 2016 election – which is the NORM for republicans. Actually, maybe that is why individual 1 is so popular among those who continue to publicly proclaim they are republicans – he’s an incredibly arrogant LIAR!

One thing I found very interesting in the book was how the authors explained the effect of the so-called “tea party” on the republican party. They were careful to avoid the “broad brush” when describing the “tea party” but they also refused to ignore the REALITY that the “tea party” was the result of a black person (Obama) being elected to be our president. So, (this is my thought) when those “tea partiers” were proclaiming “we want our country back” – well, you know what they were really saying, don’t you. They really didn’t like having a president who was NOT white. And, while Dionne, Ornstein, and Mann only implied this, the “tea party” and the racists who made it up were the people who “catapulted” individual 1 toward the “White House.”

I bring this up because there’s really no chance those who are left standing in the republican party would EVER vote to convict individual 1 of ANYTHING while he’s still our so-called president. So, I “get” where Pelosi is coming from, but I also don’t have much confidence in the democratic party to actually coalesce around defeating him in 2020. It should be obvious to anyone who might read these words that it bothers me so many American politicians are afraid of a “would be” tyrant who’s managed to LIE and CHEAT himself into the “White House.”

Here’s the encouraging sign. There are some newcomers to Congress on the democratic side who don’t appear to be afraid to call themselves LIBERALS and who take their oath very seriously. Of course, it remains to be seen what a year or two in Washington DC will do to them and whether or not they can fight the urge to succumb to the trappings of CORRUPTION every member must deal with who ends up in our national legislature. Some of these young “newbies” have already ruffled a few “feathers” and I hope they keep “ruffling.”

I’m really tired of listening to individual 1 proclaiming he was “exonerated” by the Mueller report – my friend who is an avid support of his is now proclaiming the same thing – “we the people” need to see the entire report – unredacted. While there may not have been evidence of “collusion” I have to believe there was a mountain of other evidence which will not look good for our so-called president. Individual 1 is completely UNFIT to hold the highest office in the land and we’re seeing first hand the lasting DAMAGE which can be inflicted on “we the people” by a so-called president who uses his mafia boss instincts to lead our nation.

Aside from the obvious, having a morally CORRUPT person as our so-called president (and, by the way, in the book I mentioned, the authors have an interesting section on how the evangelical “Christian” community has embraced this “deplorable” person – a man who regularly violates virtually every core belief one would think they [should] have – but, ?) is leading to DAMAGE in so many other ways – ways “we the people” may not be aware of for years. It’s like he’s leading America off a cliff and too many Americans are willingly following! It’s become increasingly dangerous and it’s going to get more so – trust me, individual 1 is NO “commander in chief” and, it’s just a matter of time until he’s tested on the “world stage.”

Final Thought: Individual 1’s test may be fast approaching. I thought I heard, today that the Russians are putting troops into Venezuela to help prop up the failing government there!? This could get really dangerous and prime evidence Vladimir Putin has his sights set on a resurgent Russia. He’s put the right man into the “White House” to help him achieve his goal – all in plain sight as “we the people” sit by and helplessly watch.

There’s ample evidence “out there” for me to believe the Russian government is basically an organized crime syndicate with their “tentacles” slowly spreading around the globe. They are using “invisible” tools (cyber) to undermine their adversaries and is should be interesting to see how this venture into “the Americas” will sit with the individual 1 supporters. I can say this for certain, had this happened while Obama was president, republicans would have come unglued. Here’s another “test” to see how much courage they can muster.

Seems like an apology every time I write – sorry for publishing without editing first! (If you can’t tell, I write off the top of my head)