Monthly Archives: August 2011

The “Change I can believe in” doesn’t include ANY ideas that have been put forth by republicans!

I’ve stated this many times, but I believe it bears repeating; I WANT President Obama to SUCCEED!  Here’s one of the main areas where I believe he miscalculated.  It has recently occurred to me that Obama was expecting LIBERALS to “fall in line” – in the words of Randi Rhodes – just as the republicans have managed to do and WILL manage to do – even with the dearth of candidates to select from.  What you’re hearing now in “liberal” circles are comments like “Obama’s the best of the options” – with nowhere near the excitement his candidacy held when people were believing that “Change has come to America!”  I’m still trying to figure out what Obama meant by that.  Was he seriously thinking that initiating DIFFERENT proposals from the republicans would constitute what his base considered “change?”  Did he really think that the backroom “deals” which went down during the health “reform” debate would not be noticed?  Something that was unbelievable – at the time – to me, was Obama’s agreement through indifference to his former chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel’s comment calling liberals “f___ing retards.”

President Obama has made some significant achievements along the way, but I believe his foopahs far outweigh his “brownie points” and he’s running out of time to appeal to the likes of people such as myself.  What is becoming painfully real to me is that President Obama has NO INTENTION of appealing to me, and those MILLIONS of Americans who believe as I do that the New Deal is the foundation that made this country great, leaving us with that horrible choice of the best of two unappealing options when the 2012 election rolls around.  And, personally, I believe the republicans are playing Obama like a cheap fiddle and have something like a surprise candidate up their sleeves that will totally excite their base and put Obama’s presidency in dire straights.  Every day, I’m becoming more convinced that those behind the scenes in the republican party, realizing Obama’s “wounded” state, are going to turn to Jeb Bush as the “reasonable” candidate – and the collective sigh of relief from republicans of any sensible mentality that none of the FRINGE candidates being paraded around the country at present will be the nominee will cause EVERYONE in the republican party to forget that Jeb is a BUSH!  Ughhhhh! (Please read the Bush Dynasty by Kevin Phillips if you need any more motivation than just the potential Supreme Court nominees if you need motivation to vote for Obama)

Take for example the recent republican “frontrunner,” Rick Perry from Texas (that’s right, GW’s successor as governor of Texas).  The guy is making similar outlandish claims as to what a great governor he is – but, when you look deeper, about the only place where his decisions lead the nation is in administering the death penalty to criminals.  I cringe when I listen to my republican friends quoting the Fox propaganda that Perry is some kind of “education” guru.  Texas is at or near the BOTTOM of the United States in most meaningful statistics relating to their education system.  Perry is no different than GW Bush in that he would love to see public education eliminated in its present state.  What does that mean, you might ask?  Well, for starters, Perry’s part of the anti-union, anti collective bargaining group of republican governors who have been busy helping the national republican party overcome the annoying realities of remnants of the New Deal where workers actually had a say in their working conditions and compensation.  Honestly, I’m struggling to understand why it’s taking so many Americans so long to figure out what is happening here.  The reality is that MOST American citizens are WORKERS or employees or whatever you want to call them – and, taking their rights away SHOULD be a MAJOR losing proposition for any politician.  Perry has also stated that he believes Social Security and Medicare are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and he has THREATENED the head of the Federal Reserve Bank should he institute policy aimed at encouraging economic growth and job creation in America.  The FACT Perry threatened to lead a succession movement in Texas should not be lost on anyone (does that make you wonder why he’d want to lead a government he so despises?) and the hypocrisy of Perry’s condemnation of the “stimulus” money while taking OVER 17 BILLION dollars worth and using it to help stabilize a teetering state economy should make it clear where he’s really “coming from.”

Personally, as stated above, I believe it’s only a matter of time until the republicans are “looking elsewhere” for their candidate – and, it should be obvious to anyone watching the past few years that if it ends up being Mitt Romney, the “tea party” enthusiasm will be like a campfire that’s just been doused with water!  Keep in mind, the NUMBER ONE republican goal for 2012 is that President Obama would be a one term president.  Unfortunately, I believe that Obama’s “centrist” positions and constant attempts to “compromise” with the “tea partiers” has made it all the more possible for their dream to come true.  For example, I know that Obama is assuming that I’m going to vote for him (even though he doesn’t answer my letters of protest to some of his decision-making :o), but do you think he’s given much thought to the “Black Community?”  Does he think Blacks are going to vote for him simply because of the color of HIS skin?  Personally, I believe that is not only a mistake, but also demeaning to the Black community as well.  All the while we’ve been enduring this endless “debate” in Washington over things like the “debt ceiling” and such, the cities in America continue to deteriorate.  The roads and bridges continue to deteriorate.  The schools and public buildings, especially in the less affluent sections of America, continue to deteriorate.  And, I’m convinced there’s MILLIONS of Americans ready, able, and willing to help turn things in another direction.  But, what is missing?

I’ll tell you what I believe is missing: LEADERSHIP!  Maybe the best way I can explain what I’m thinking about this VOID of leadership can be summed up by telling what happened at a town hall meeting a few years ago when I confronted my then democratic representative in congress.  He gave his “shpeel” and I happened to be standing right next to where his assistant put the mike when it was time for comments and questions from the audience.  The year was 2007 and democrats had just taken control of the House of Representatives.  My congressperson, Brian Baird, had just returned from a trip to Iraq and our military leaders had convinced him to vote for the “surge” because we “owed it to the Iraqi’s.”  Of course, democrats had just been voted control of the house because the American public wanted troops OUT of Iraq (we’re still there 5 years later – does that say it all about what the American public wants versus what it gets from its leaders?) but I could see that would be a futile argument.  So, I pointed out to Mr. Baird MANY of the illegal deeds of Bush/Cheney not the least of which was all the LYING that got us embroiled in Iraq in the first place along with the TORTURING and I suggested IMPEACHMENT.  There were about a thousand people at the meeting, it was on local TV (that’s where I got the “flaming liberal” moniker) and the crowd burst out into LOUD and spontaneous applause and even cheering.  Baird was a bit taken aback and he pointed out that the Senate would never convict.  I responded that was irrelevant – the House’s duty had nothing to do with conviction, their obligation was to charge the president and vice president if they’ve committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” – failing to act due to what the senate MIGHT do, well that was political cowardice (loud cheers again) at which time I was removed from the mike and there was no further response coming from Mr. Baird.

I use that example because it appears to me that President Obama has acted in a somewhat similar “paralyzed” manner, evidently anticipating the republican obstructionism before it happens – allowing that to influence his positions and propositions accordingly.  For example, it has appeared to me that President Obama has done some negotiating amongst himself and his advisers prior to putting forth his proposals – thereby ALWAYS appearing to be negotiating from a position of weakness!  Like, “there’s no chance they’ll agree to this, but maybe we can get this” type of thinking.  Of course, those of us watching on the “sidelines” have long since realized they (republicans) aren’t going to agree to anything – unless they’re convinced their job is on the line.  That is, there is NO CHANCE they are going to agree to ANYTHING which might allow Obama some success – their stated (repeatedly) objective is that he would FAIL, but the president MUST make the RIGHT proposals just the same.  It is the voters who can help him get the CORRECT agenda through – by now, he should understand that the republicans ONLY want him to FAIL – and, he’s playing right into their hands.

Since Obama has been president I have seen little to suggest he is cognizant of the desperate conditions in America’s cities among people of “color.”  The unemployment rate among Blacks is estimated to be nearly twice the national average – approaching 16%.  The rate of unemployment among younger Americans is around 25% by some figures I’ve seen.  Everyone knows the issues with people losing their homes and MILLIONS of workers being UNDEREMPLOYED.  The president MUST demonstrate more empathy for this situation and FIGHT for MORE stimulus to generate JOBS, especially in the downtrodden areas of America’s cities (OK, there are MANY rural areas that need an infusion of capital as well). I’m not suggesting the Blacks will abandon President Obama, but what I’m saying is that it would be just as wrong for him to leave the impression with Blacks that he’s taking their support for granted as it is that he’s left that impression with liberals (such as myself).

Yes, we’ve got a republican House which is not going to agree to ANYTHING which attempts to spend government money to stimulate employment (especially for Blacks and Latinos) and, even if something made it through the House, Mitch McConnell and the republicans in the Senate would continue to abuse the “modern” FILIBUSTER rule (you no longer must stand on the floor of the Senate and talk endlessly – evidently, that would be too tiresome for our “elite” Senators) to make sure that there is NO help for our economy prior to November of 2012.  That all being the case IS NOT reason for Obama to FAIL to ATTEMPT pushing through programs designed to stimulate job growth.

While I believe a large portion of the American public are either uninformed about the realities of the political quagmire in Washington DC, or too busy trying to help their families keep their heads “above water,” or simply disinterested, or brainwashed by the likes of Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh, etc., I also believe that there are millions across the country waiting to do what the people of Wisconsin have done in response to republican abuses of power.  What we need is a courageous leader – and, by default it either needs to be President Obama – or he should step aside and allow other democrats to fill the void.  Obama MUST take a course of action similar to the Truman strategy by putting forth legislation which the republicans will vote down, but that he can then campaign on, not only for himself in 2012, but almost more importantly AGAINST the republican obstructionsists in congress!  He had the opportunity to show the American people their (republicans) true colors when he took office, but he chose to look the other way from all the illegal activity of the Bush administration.  That was a “green light” for these republicans and their supporters who NOW will say anything – with ABSOLUTELY no regard for the reality of what is happening.  Republicans were blaming Obama for the deficit prior to him taking the oath of office – and, he hasn’t figured out that the only acceptable response to them is to FIGHT back!  I’ve said this many times; This is a WAR for the heart and soul of America. (I hate to admit this, but Hillary Clinton was right when she stated that Obama would not be “up” to dealing with the ferocity of the republican party)

In my view, a great place to start would be proposals to deal with the terrible job situation among “minorities” in our inner cities.  The cities need to be rebuilt and modernized and their are MILLIONS of Americans in those cities who desperately need jobs.  Many others besides myself have been HARPING on the need to modernize our infrastructure NATIONALLY since Obama was elected.  In 2008 it was estimated the cost of bringing our roads and bridges up to code would be 2.2 TRILLION dollars.  That would have generated MILLIONS of jobs and BILLIONS or TRILLIONS in government revenue (you know, the one thing republicans don’t want to see happening).  And, these proposals don’t need to be financed by borrowing more money (although that would be preferable to the austerity measures being discussed in congress as of this writing).  There’s a couple easy ways to generate money that SHOULD be acceptable to the VAST majority of Americans.

Let’s start with Wall Street – you know, the place where politicians “fear to tread.”  A 25% of one penny tax on each share traded on Wall Street would generate much of the money needed to jump start the economy – plus, it might discourage SOME of the speculative trading that is manipulating the market and putting so many long term investors (like retirement funds, etc.) in jeopardy of losing money. Along with that, repeal the “Bush Tax Cuts” and use the funds to first finance the jobs bills and then to reduce the deficit.  Additionally, President Obama could come to his senses and bring ALL the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan – along with many of the troops stationed in so MANY places around the world.  Of course, bringing all these troops home would simply make the jobs crisis even greater, so America would have to make a national commitment to modernize and become competitive in the GREEN economy that is clearly where the future growth lies.

Right now, we are allowing the Chinese and other foreign nations to use our technology to take the lead in manufacturing things like solar and wind energy equipment.  We’re going to run out of fuel (for our cars and trucks) at some point – and, are we going to allow people like Rick Perry and Sarah Palin to talk us into ignoring the climate change issue – until it’s too late to do anything about it?  There, in my opinion, are MILLIONS of people – just like myself – “chomping on the bit”to get behind a leader who aggressively pursues policies designed to jump start and enlarge our workforce (middle class) and “tackle” the environmental issues that will put our nation at peril should we continue to ignore them.  President Obama could bridge the partisan divide through proposing progressive actions that would ignite his “base,” thus giving the American people the opportunity to solve these massive problems through collective actions – yes, that’s correct – stop negotiating with republicans!  The “Change I can believe in” doesn’t include ANY ideas that have been put forth by republicans!  The sooner Obama realizes this is “WAR”  the better his chances for re-election!

If the American public fails to understand the true republican agenda in 2012 our children and grandchildren will pay the price!

Honestly, I’m not trying to be presumptuous here – but, let’s call this a history lesson for anyone out there who might happen this way and who’s not at least in their 50’s.  I want to make sure that the political discussion as we approach the 2012 election isn’t constant ridiculing of the republican candidates (even though I would probably be one of the first to say they deserve being ridiculed) thinking they have no chance of being elected.  I’m in my mid 60’s and I can still remember the election of 1980 as if it happened yesterday.  It was a turning point in American history that, until it is REVERSED, will continue to yield disastrous results for working class Americans and the health of America itself.  Unfortunately, it appears to me that many people who consider themselves republicans have no idea what damage the extremists who’ve absconded with their party are causing.  I have stated many times that in the 1970’s I considered myself a conservative, yet when people around me listen to my thoughts today they call me a “flaming liberal.”  If that’s the case, I wear that “liberal” designation proudly.  When I listen to the likes of Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, John Kasich of Ohio, what’s his name of New Jersey, Paul Ryan, and now Rick Perry of Texas – I can do nothing but shake my head.  This really is reminding me of 1980 only in “spades.”

Ronald Reagan was a “fringe” candidate – no one gave him much chance of actually winning the presidency – and Jimmy Carter was a centrist who “lost” the “base” of his own party (sound familiar?).  We all know the end result of that election (or, at least we should know) and republicans continue to speak of Reagan as if he was the “second coming.”  Reagan, aside from the fact that MOST of the claims about him are ridiculous in relation to the reality, was a terrible President.  He JUMP STARTED America’s spiralling debt crisis (yes, that’s right – the very same people who are clamoring about the “debt ceiling” are Reagan worshippers), he increased both federal spending and TAXES several times all the while TRIPLING the national debt, he authorized an illegal war in South America – the antagonism from which we still are despised by many in that part of the world – along with supporting corporate theft of the natural resources of many of these South American countries while installing mercilous dictators in the region.  It was Reagan’s administration which funded both Saddam Hussein (including providing him the gas he used on his own people) and made secret deals with the Iranians (to help fund his war in Nicaraugua) and who simply pulled out of Lebanon after 100+ Marines were murdered.  Reagan’s idea of a challenge for our military was invading Granada!  Reagan was the president who empowered people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North, etc.  For those who believe the best way for America to “lead” is by force, I suppose Reagan gave a lot of false bravatto.

Here’s the part that people who believe someone like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann or – maybe even worse – now, Rick Perry could NOT make it to the “Oval Office,” please don’t ignore history.  The republicans have three major “things” going for them as they are now clearly “ramping up” for the coming election (and, that doesn’t even include the FACT that they HATE President Obama and can’t stand the idea of a man of color living in the WHITE HOUSE).  First, they have UNLIMITED amounts of money, coming from who knows where – thank you John Roberts and Samuel Alito (et al) for “Citizens United.”  I’ve been warning about this since the day it was enacted (actually, a bit before that thanks to Thom Hartman who was “right on top” of that court case long before it was actually enacted)  Don’t underestimate what can be done with campaign “chests” that hold BILLIONS of dollars. 

Second, do you remember Bush v Gore?  Do you remember Ohio in the 2004 presidential election?  Were you paying attention to the senate primary in South Carolina in 2010 where a “non-candidate” mysteriously “won” the democratic nomination – virtually assuring a win for the republican?  Have you been paying attention to the reports by Brad Friedman at about the republican’s ability to “hack” the electronic voting machines?  In other words, the republicans will cheat to win – they’ll do WHATEVER it takes to win – the “end justifies the means” in their eyes.  I’m sure they’d call me a whimp for expecting anything different.  All I can say is that our entire system is dependent on clean elections – and, that is not part of our recent history, thanks to republicans.  (If you haven’t noticed, the recent armada of right wing governors like Walker and Kasich are instituting voter suppression tactics in state after state – intended to disenfranchise as many of the “poor” – presumably democratic – voters as possible)

Finally, republicans will SAY ANYTHING in order to get elected.  I’ve written on several occasions about their using Goebbels’ (Hitler’s propaganda “chief”) “Big Lie Theory” as they’ve been brainwashing the American public since the days of Reagan (and probably before – I started noticing it with the introduction in the mid to late eighties of Rush Limbaugh and his “ditto heads” – just the FACT he calls them that should let them know what’s happening to them!)  Just the reality that members of this great country who have embraced the tactics of the Nazi’s are gaining momentum in their quest for power is a bit unnerving to me.  It really makes me wonder how deep the conspiracy goes.  For example, how many of the upper echelon in the media are “on board” with this scheme?  I have no idea, but it would be somewhat reassuring it we knew that someone with authority was looking into it.  (that reminds me of my GREAT dissappointment with Obama when he BLOCKED all investigations of Bush/Cheney – and, apparently what’s been happening since)

In summary, they’ll do ANYTHING to get elected.  Back in 1980 they pulled off a brilliant “third party” scheme by running a liberal republican (John Anderson) as a republican “backlash” to Reagan’s nomination.  Of course, it was Reagan’s campaign which secretly funded Anderson who took WAY MORE votes away from Carter by luring disaffected democrats than he took from Reagan (This time, you might see republicans secretly trying to encourage Ron Paul to run as an independent!).  Also, Reagan, with the help of William Casey, (future head of the CIA) made a deal with the Iranians to keep the American hostages until after the election – thereby preventing the so-called “October Surprise.”  The hostages were actually released moments after Reagan took the oath of office – and, of course, our “liberal media” hardly suspected anything.  You see, these republicans are willing to do things that are so UNBELIEVABLE, that most people simply don’t even have it cross their minds as a possibility.  And, the lying has become so routine that I think even the liars are starting to believe their own lies.  You have to understand that when 5 to 10 DIFFERENT pundits (or candidates) are using the EXACT SAME “talking points” that it’s not a coincidence.  SOMEONE is orchestrating the republican message from BEHIND THE SCENES – Propaganda 101.   They have a LOT of money and a lot of POWER!  So, I say to the democrats and those who call themselves “progressives” or “liberals” you might want to realize there’s a WAR for the heart and soul of America underway and presently, it appears that only the republicans (the aggressors) understand this!

What’s even more scary is that leading candidates such as Michele Bachman, Rick Perry, and Sarah Palin (probably others) are “dominionists.”  These are people who believe that the powerful and successful people should rule the world and they use a convoluted interpretation of Jesus Christ to FOOL Christians into following them.  Click HERE for a good descripion of what dominionism is if you’re not familiar with it – or, as I’ve suggesed several times on this site, read the book “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet.  If it’s not a sobering read for you, then you’ve been listening to too much Rush Limbaugh or watching too much Fox “news.”  Trust me on this – if any of these three wins the nomination for the republicans, they will have UNLIMITED corporate funds in the 2012 election.  The republicans will pull out all the STOPS in order to get them elected.  Not only for their HATE of Barack Obama, but because any of these candidates will “TOE THE LINE.”  It’s hard for me to believe that the country I grew up in could have deteriorated to the point where there could even be a discussion along these lines.  But, believe me, those on the left had better take 2012 SERIOUSLY or the consequences could last for generations.  Citizens United will not be overturned unless democrats win BIG in 2012 (plus develop some spine) and that will require a “Wisconsinlike” grass roots movement all across America.

There is so much at stake in 2012 that it causes me to shudder just thinking about it.  However, the MAJOR reason anyone who considers themselves ANYTHING but a republican (and, honestly – most republicans should be thinking about this as well) should vote AGAINST republicans in 2012 is the SUPREME COURT!  I can’t even imagine what America’s future would look like with two more right wing ACTIVIST judges like the FIVE we have there now.  The Citizens United decision is the most ANTI-DEMOCRATIC anything I’ve witnessed in my 60+ year lifetime.  Not only have republicans been chipping away at the “New Deal” and “Great Society” for the past 30+ years, they’ve been secretly conspiring to control the courts, the media, and their next goal is Karl Rove’s “permanent republican majority.”  And, seriously, can anyone imagine Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin in charge of America’s military?

I’ve read books and articles by economist after economist who almost all state that “austerity” is – using my summation – a “fools bargain.”  It’s EXACTLY the wrong approach to “what ails us.”  I pointed this out before the original stimulus was passed (I’m not trying to toot my own horn here, I had read this from many different “quarters”) that it was TOO SMALL!  That’s when the obsession with “compromise” that is destroying Barack Obama became obvious to me – I even wrote him a three page letter explaining why he was wrong (are you surprised I got no response?).  Now, government stimulus is needed probably even MORE than it was then and can you imagine republicans agreeing to anything that would stimulate the economy that wasn’t limited to tax cuts for rich people?  I often try to imagine how bad things would have to get before someone like Bachmann or Palin or Perry would recognize the need for government stimulus – it’s almost the same as how bad would the climate crisis have to get before they realize that Global Warming is real?

Unfortunately, (I do remember a time when there were honorable republicans) this is what the republican party represents to me: greed, selfishness, mean spiritidness, racism, and the inability to govern.  Obviously, from my vantagepoint, none of this is good.  Even my friends who have been lifelong republicans and feel the OBLIGATION to defend their “party” do so somewhat jokingly – because they know in their hearts that the “leaders” are WRONG!  They understand that the wealthy in this nation should be paying more taxes.  They understand that our military is OUT OF CONTROL.  They understand that at some point America has to be fiscally prudent – they just don’t want to admit that it has been republicans who have created the debt crisis which the “tea party” is so willing to destroy our economy over.  (and, believe me, just the FACT they were willing to threaten to NOT raise the debt ceiling will have lasting ramifications should Americans continue to vote these “quacks” into national office – Michele Bachman is STILL claiming she wouldn’t raise the debt ceiling!)

What my republican friends do seem to understand it that until America solves the JOBS crisis, our economy is in trouble.  Virtually EVERY one of the books and articles I mentioned above has said the same thing; the government is the “spender” of last resort.  When the economy is this down, it is the government which needs to step in and infuse money into the economy that goes directly towards creating jobs.  Our infrastructure is crumbling (we knew this at the time of the original Obama “stimulus” so he should have put up more of a fight to deal with the problem THEN) and there is a HUGE need for new “21st Century” businesses to form.  Businesses that deal with the Climate issues, the environmental issues, the peak oil issue, the coming water issue, and I could go on – this type of innovation could easily be spurred through government spending (grants, tax incentives, etc.) – but, we’re saddled with a republican party that says NO to anything that might solve problems – because their NUMBER ONE priority is to defeat Obama in 2012.  If the American public fails to understand the true republican agenda in 2012 our children and grandchildren will pay the price!  (I should add that if the democrats don’t “get” that this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America – they will lose in 2012.  One thing Americans don’t like is passive “leaders.”)  Oh yes, one more thing – as republicans are continuing to search for a “viable” candidate, I will just restate here that almost two years ago I started warning about the next “Bush.”  I still believe that Jeb Bush could be the person they turn to in order to block the “tea party’s” attempt to gain the WHITE HOUSE – people like Karl Rove fully understand how difficult it would be to elect a Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin or Rich Perry.  I can see republicans getting very excited about Jeb Bush as the “moderate” alternative.  It’s hard for my stomach to take that I’m even writing about another Bush!

The good people of Wisconsin are demonstrating to the rest of America what is necessary to combat the republicans and Citizens United.

You don’t have to read many of the posts in this blog (if that’s what it is – to me, it’s my online journal where I “vent” my …….?) to know that I’m very disappointed, dismayed, frustrated, angry, worried, – pick a word – about the direction of this great country that I love.  I’ve been watching for the past 30+ years as, from my perspective, the greatest nation on earth has evolved from a “we” nation to a “me” nation and, in the process, seems to be following the path of previous world powers who have self destructed due to “man’s” seeming inability to curb the natural tendency toward GREED. I, like many I’m afraid, took for granted that the circumstances we seem to find ourselves in now, based on the past, were “off the table.”  The idea that our government would become a benefactory for the rich while looking the other way from “the least of these” seemed an impossibility to me.  Being a lifelong independent I never conceived that I would get to the point where if I saw an “R” after a politician’s name it would rule out my support for them.  If you know anything about the Pacific Northwest, where I’ve lived my entire life, Tom McCall was a republican.  He, I’m sure, is “turning in his grave” at the actions of his party today.

After George W Bush arrogantly invaded Iraq, on what were obviously convoluted premises – that were “bought – hook, line, and sinker” by America’s “liberal” media – I realized that in some small way I had to, at a minimum, educate myself on “what’s going on here.”  Subsequent to that invasion I started looking for – and finding – books, and other information, written by people of varying degrees of bias – but understandable – about the true “going’s on” of our government and the “powers” that are influencing it.  What I have discovered has been startling to say the least and is what has motivated me to write.  I’m also no longer simply sitting and listening to people, who speak as if they’re informed, giving out what I’ve discovered is misinformation – leading to a few “heated debates.”  The level of LYING that has permeated our press and is coming from the mouths of our elected officials – who, I believe, don’t think twice about it because there are NEVER consequences for their LYING – is beyond belief.  The result is bad from just about any way you want to look at it.  Many people still believe that those in positions to have influence are telling the truth – hence, I run into situations such as the one I wrote about in my previous post, where a grown, educated, retired successful businessman – who happens to watch Fox “news,” and listen to Rush Limbaugh – believes that President Obama is responsible for HALF of the nation’s national debt.  This is propaganda and BRAINWASHING at it’s scarriest and most damaging level.  It is what has resulted in the radical right wing “tea partiers” who are attempting to destroy America’s economy and the severe partisan divide created in order to prevent the nation’s first Black President from succeeding.  That is one place they have been honest – in saying their TOP PRIORITY is that President Obama FAILS!

I think that what’s bothering me the most about all of this – because, I do believe eventually American’s will figure out what’s happening and take the action necessary to correct it, is that these radicals have been so obstinate and voiciferous – and, so willing to make OUTLANDISH and ridiculous claims and political “stands” that they’ve maneuvered the dialogue completely away from reason.  This morning I was reading an Op Ed in the New York Times by Joe Nocera who was apologizing for calling the “tea partiers” in the House of Representatives “terrorists” (which I had called them as well – with no apology!) and, in the process, stated – almost as if it’s becoming part of our collective self conscience – that “entitlements are fueling the deficit.”  To me, unless you would qualify that to say that our “entitlements” to the large corporations – such as their tax loopholes, the support for them sending their manufacturing plants overseas, their foreign “tax havens,” along with HUGE tax breaks for people earning amounts of money that someone such as myself can’t even imagine – is what you’re talking about, the statement is absurd.  Of course, what Nocera was referring to were things like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Unemployment insurance, Head Start, School lunches for impoverished children, public education, and on and on.

Do you remember a couple years ago in some midwest state – where fire departments were “privatized” and some poor sap didn’t pay his fee (whatever it was – something like $75), and the result was a fire department which watched his house burn to the ground as his punishment for not paying the fee?  Is that what we want America to be like for our children and grandchildren?  We’ve allowed a concerted conspiracy to brainwash the so-called “low information voter;” that is, the person who reads the headlines, watches cable “news,” and doesn’t have the time or inclination to fact check what he/she hears.  The word “liberal” has been turned into a “dirty word” by the Limbaugh’s, the Hannity’s, the O’Reilly’s, the Savage’s, the Boehner’s, the Bachmann’s, the Palin’s, and everyone else who does the “bidding” for the secret right wing cabal which is orchestrating this disaster from behind the “scenes.” 

America was turned into the envy of the rest of the world through the courageous acts of the Roosevelt “New Deal,” plus the 40 years which followed, and there seem to be MANY ordinary Americans who have been somehow led to believe that the New Deal (and Great Society of the Johnson years) is the problem – by the very people who’ve been against the New Deal since the days when it was enacted.  I’ve said this before on this site – it’s not the worker’s rights gained from the New Deal that’s the problem with our economy – it’s REVISITING the days of the ROBBER BARONS which everyone should be concerned with.  Presently, the result of the “tea partiers” managing to turn raising the debt ceiling into an “issue” is a stock market which is now teetering up and down  just like it did in the late 1920’s.  There are so many parallels today to what happened back then that people’s “alarms” should be on “high alert.”  However, what we have are politicians who are attempting to figure out how to place the blame on the “other guys” so that they can be re-elected.  It has been apparent to me since before President Obama took the oath of office that the republicans are willing to take our economy into the “abiss” if that’s what it takes to defeat him in 2012.  Unfortunately, the president and his advisors apparently haven’t picked up on this.

Should we go into another depression, how can I say this?  The BUCK STOPS HERE!  That’s my message to President Obama.  I honestly don’t know if it’s too late for him to “turn it around,” but – as they say – “there’s no time like the present.”  This idea of being the transformative democratic version of Ronald Reagan was absurd on its face from the gitgo.  Something like 20 MILLION Americans who want to work are unemployed or underemployed and the president is arguing with republicans over the debt ceiling.  He continues to allow himself to get drawn onto their “turf.”  If he could somehow (and, again, I believe it may be too late) bring himself to realize that the American public wants their “leaders” to be figuring out how to spur on the JOB market – and FOCUS on that, he may be able to salvage some of his presidency.  I personally believe that he should have refused to even get involved in the argument over the debt ceiling.  It was congress’ responsibility to raise it – Obama should have been speaking ONLY about job creation – and, then if they didn’t agree to raise it there could be no question where the “fault” would lie.  Congress has been routinely raising the debt limit for over 90 years – it was a fabricated and STUPID argument!

One thing the debt ceiling “crisis” did accomplish was to uncover the TRUTH that the stock market continues to be a shell game with the day traders and hedge fund managers making HUGE amounts of income (that’s taxed at ridiculously low percentages) based on GAMBLING (I guess a better word might be speculating – but, to me, they’re the same).  That was one of the first, and biggest, frustrations I’ve had with President Obama since he was inaugurated.  He surrounded himself with Wall Streeters right from the beginning so it was no surprise that Wall Street flourished in his first couple of years, because they went right back to doing the same CRAP that they got bailed out from at the end of the Bush/Cheney regime.  We continue to have a nation where corporations are more beholden to stockholders than they are to their workers.  Until that conundrum is reversed America will continue its downward spiral toward becoming a second rate nation.  What our “leaders” in Washington apparently fail to understand is that what made this nation great was a flourishing middle class.  Until it thrives again, this country will continue to be unhealthy and its economy will continue to be shakey.

There is hope, however.  Just a few days ago the “masses” in Wisconsin demonstrated to the rest of us what is possible if the “grass roots” organizes and pulls together to actually FORCE the politicians to take notice.  In the now infamous “Wisconsin recall elections” two previously strong republican districts recalled their state senators and replaced them with democrats.  It’s true the democrats came up short in their attempt to take back control of the Wisconsin state senate, but the accomplishment was significant when you look at the “total picture.”  There was HUGE amounts of corporate money spent to defend the republican positions which saved the senate majority for the republicans, but there were HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people from all over America who participated in the hurculean effort to send a STRONG message to people like Wisconsin’s governor who has made a full throttle attack on workers collective bargaining rights – rights that, as mentioned above, I had taken for granted were an integral “right” for America’s workers.  Obviously, if “we the people” are unwilling to defend those rights, there are “those” who would take them away.

The good news about Wisconsin, and what I believe either has or will have the attention of republicans, is that these recall elections were ALL in strong republican districts.  The clear momentum of where Wisconsin’s people are would have clearly given control of the state to democrats had this been a statewide election.  Therefore, I believe Scott Walker – Wisconsin’s “Koch Brothers” governor – is in a very tenuous situation.  I’ve already given my first donation toward the effort to recall him once he’s been in office for a year.  That is the REAL message that’s going to come from Wisconsin.  And, I hope that President Obama is watching.  The Wisconsinites are “fighters.”  They are saying “enough already” to the republican assault on our basic worker’s rights.  The recall of Walker is going to be exciting (I’m really hoping that Russ Feingold – one of my favorite US senators who was victomized by the “tea party” movement ends up running against Walker in a recall election) and I believe there is no doubt that Wisconsin voters who are angry with Walker will have NO TROUBLE gaining the signatures to cause a recall election.  The good people of Wisconsin are demonstrating to the rest of America what is necessary to combat the republicans and Citizens United.  People like me are sending money in $10 to $20 at a time – but, as one person said, “there’s more of us than there are of them” – speaking of the corporate interests that are funding people like Walker.  Koch industries generates income in the BILLIONS, so this is going to be a difficult FIGHT – because the “right wing” has control of the Supreme Court which gave them a HUGE benefit in the Citizens United decision (giving coporations the right to spend UNLIMITED amounts in our elections – ughhh!).  As I’ve been saying for several years now, the REAL war Americans should be focused on is the one right here at home – where the republicans and their corporate benefactors are attempting to gain a stranglehold on our government.  If they succeed, what people like Scott Walker in Wisconsin or John Kasich in Ohio are doing is just the “tip of the iceberg.”  I’m grateful for the people of the state of Wisconsin who are leading the “fight,” and I’m just praying that working class Americans across the country will “take note.”  I’ll end this post by saying the person who I believe is the MOST important person to take note of what’s happening in Wisconsin is BARACK OBAMA!

How do you “kick the can down the road” when you’ve said you won’t “kick the can down the road?”

Here’s today’s “question of the day.”  How do you “kick the can down the road” when you’ve said you won’t “kick the can down the road?”  Well, you’ve got to be an American politician to pull this off.  William Shakespeare must be turning in his grave at the crass absurdity of America’s “political theatre.”  The republicans manufacture a “crisis” with the so-called debt ceiling, President Obama pretends to “one-up” them by asking for “significant cuts,” and the “tea partiers” claim there will be no deal if ANY taxes are raised and if there’s no (absurdly STUPID) balanced budget amendment included in the “package.”  What do they end up with?  Essentially with NOTHING other than a vague bill which will allow the two parties to argue over who got the best of the other until the next election.  And, I might add, a continuation of the feeling by the people who I come in contact with each and every day that “if only we could replace ALL OF THEM!”

Let’s start with President Obama, who’s the main person I heard saying “We’re not going to just kick the can down the road.”  For some strange reason our president still seems to believe that these republicans will negotiate with him “in good faith.”  I honestly don’t know what it will take for him to “get it,” but it’s really getting a bit “late in the game” for that to happen.  These “good faith negotiations” he continually seems to get cornered into continue to produce similar results – and, I can’t think of ONE time when the results were good.  This “debt crisis” example is the classic.  Just last December, President Obama gave “the farm” to the republicans when he refused to simply allow the “Bush tax cuts” to expire.  That action alone would have trimmed a significant portion off of the deficit which republicans have recently become so worried about.  And, as far as “increasing taxes in a recession” is concerned – does our president actually believe that these spending cuts (mostly aimed at the disadvantaged among us – as Jesus would say, “the least among us”) are going to have a stimulative effect on the economy?  If you remember, Obama himself said that extending the “Bush tax cuts” would lead to more job creation and would stimulate the economy.  When, I keep wondering, is reality going to set in with our president.

Unfortunately, I believe President Obama’s blunders have become almost too much to overcome.  If you’ve been following this debate you’ve heard many on the “left” say that the democrats have “lost the battle of the dialogue.”  That is, they’re arguing TOTALLY on republican “turf.”  What President Obama often portrays as a “success” is unthinkable to many people who believe as I do.  His debates with the republicans are so far to the right the question regarding the outcome is always “how bad is the result going to be.”  Some of my acquaintances are finally beginning to see why I’ve so adamantly been arguing about the folly of Obama allowing the Bush/Cheney administration a pardon for all the illegal activity EVERYONE knew they were committing.  That was where President Obama lost the “high ground” in the dialogue and that’s when the republicans figured they could run “rough shod” over him.

I’ve listened to Obama’s closest supporters suggest that he got what he wanted out of this debate – and, I might add, considering the circumstances I certainly hope they’re correct – for example, one of Obama’s staunchest supporters, Randi Rhodes (liberal “talker” on the radio) claims that should the republicans and the “super congress” (set up to recommend further “cuts”) try to extend the “Bush tax cuts” beyond 2012 they would have to include at least 4 TRILLION dollars in spending cuts of which half would come from defense and none would come from Social Security or Medicare.  She considered that a brilliant move on Obama’s part.  I guess from where I’m sitting I would have preferred to have allowed them to expire last December (actually, I thought Obama should have repealed them upon entering the White House, but that’s a story for another day) and therefore dispense with all the political “one-upsmanship” which has turned the political dialogue away from the real issues of this nation.

I’m assuming that President Obama has heard Mitch McConnell, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of them on the “right” claim that their MAIN priority is for Obama to fail.  It has become painfully apparent (as the Stock Market is teetering on another “freefall”) that the republicans are TOTALLY willing to tank the ENTIRE American (and probably world) economy thinking America’s voters stupid enough to place the blame on Obama’s shoulders.  Now, I’ve been very critical of our president, but from the standpoint that he continues to attempt to “bargain in good faith” with these people who ONLY care about his demise.  It shouldn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out they are not going to agree to ANYTHING which would appear to show Obama in a good light.  Is it because he’s black? Or just because he’s a democrat and today’s republicans wont have anything to do with ANY democrat?  I don’t know the answer to that, but the solution is to VOTE the republicans OUT of office in as significant numbers as possible.

I have been an independent all my life, but these past 30+ years has made it extremely difficult to even consider voting for a republican.  And, since the inception of the “tea party” – well, just let me say that I fully believe there are many republicans out there who have no idea what’s going on with THEIR party.  I’ve been associating with some republicans this summer as I try to play a little “senior golf” during my vacation and it really grieves me to see the level of propaganda they’ve “bought” into “hook, line, and sinker.”  One of the guys (and he’s a college graduate) the other day, when talking about GW Bush said, “I think he’s a nice guy.”  I asked, “What makes you think that?”  And, he (incredulously to me) answered “I don’t know, I just think he is – that’s all.”  Honestly, I’m losing my patience with grown adults who “volunteer” to be “low information voters.”  These guys I golf with are “faithful” Fox “news” brethren – and, even when you give them “facts” they won’t look at them.

 For example, one guy the other day decided to attack Obama in my presence – thinking I would come to his aid.  Well, if you’ve read my blog, you know the answer to that – but, I decided to hold him accountable for the GARBAGE coming from his mouth.  He said, “When George Bush left office the national debt was $7 TRILLION.  OK, I’m sure if you’re reading this you know how absurd that is – but, I decided to go to the Treasury’s website and print out copies of the national debt since 1950.  Of course, when you look at the OFFICIAL statistics the widest gap between expenditures and revenues occurs during the presidencies of Nixon/Ford, Reagan, HW Bush, and W Bush/Cheney – with the last (two) more than doubling the debt in their eight years.  In FACT, the actual debt when President Obama took the  oath of office was well over 11 TRILLION and, like other republicans, my golfing friends refuse to accept the dire circumstances Obama inherited.

I’m writing this because I’ve seen so many people with the same brainwashed mentality of these retired men; good people who worked their entire lives, and who believe that those at Fox “news” are telling the truth.  The propaganda is flowing from all directions and MOST of it is coming from the direction of those behind the Fox travesty and the “think tanks” funded by the Kochs, Mellon Scaife, DaVoss, and other extremely wealthy right wing Americans.  About two weeks ago I even read an Op ed in the New York Times written by the one and only Grover Norquist making public his EXPECTATIONS of the “oath” apparently all republican members of congress took to REFUSE to raise ANY revenue in the attempt to “balance” the federal government’s “books.”  Remember, Norquist is the man who famously was quoted as saying he wanted to “starve” the government of taxes until it could be “drowned in a bathtub.”  Norquist and the people he represents have UNLIMITED amounts of money, they are greedy beyond belief, and they are ruthlessly threatening republicans that if ANY of them support a tax increase – OF ANY KIND – they will fund a primary opponent against them – in other words, unless you comply with “me and my people” (That’s my version of Norquist speaking) you will lose your next election!

So, the problem (technically) isn’t mainly Obama – it’s clearly the republicans who are leading us onto the edge of another Great Depression in their desire to MAKE SURE President Obama “fails.”  The question is – and, in my mind, has always been, how do you deal with this?  The 2012 election is still a year and a half away and there’s no guarantees that democrats and independents are going to figure this out by then.  Remember, I’ve been pointing out the problem with “Citizens United” since the day the Supreme Court decided the case.  That is a HUGE obstacle for democrats – we’re already seeing Karl Rove infusing MILLIONS into Wisconsin to stop the recall elections there (I really hope Rove fails!) – and there are something like 18 “tea party” like governors around the country who are passing voter suppresion laws aimed at Blacks and poor people (and students) with several more waiting in the wings (some reports estimate as many as 21 MILLION people could be turned away from the polls in 2012, enough to change the results)  – all receiving unlimited funding for their campaigns from people like the Koch’s, Rove, DaVoss, Norquist, and all the corporations funneling money into the elections through the above mentioned Citizens United decision which gave corporations (unbelievably) “free speech” rights as if they were individuals.  (Didn’t John Roberts rail against “legislating from the bench” in his confirmation hearings?)

While I’ve stated above the problem (technically) isn’t Obama’s – I believe with all my heart that there will be NO solution until we have a leader who will COMBAT these republicans.  Tonight, I was watching Keith Olberman on Current TV (If you haven’t checked it out, you really should – there’s one “pundit” who will criticize BOTH sides! – when appropriate) and one of his contributors is Jeffery Scahill of “The Nation” magazine (by far, the best liberal magazine in America).  Scahill wrote the book “Blackwater” which was one of – if not – the first to expose Eric Prince and his right wing militia for hire.  Scahill tonight was reporting on new evidence about the TORTURING that took place under the orders of George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld – Olberman showed video clips of EACH one of them ADMITTING to authorizing TORTURE (waterboarding) – in one clip, George W Bush tried to pin the responsibility on the “lawyers,” but, it’s clear that he HAD TO know that waterboarding is a BLATANT violation of the Geneva Conventions which the United States is a signatory to.  I was glad to hear Scahill point out the hypocrisy in President Obama’s FAILURE to allow investigations of the torturing that took place under Bush/Cheney while even going so far as to defend them in court – and, it was not clear to me that the practices have been totally abandoned since Obama took office.

Do you wonder why average people like myself and my friends who all seem to be republicans can agree on one thing – EVERYONE in Washington is corrupt (Well, I’d excuse a few – but, not many) and our Judicial System is rigged.  No one from Bush/Cheney et al has EVER been held accountable for their misdeeds, not ONE Wall Street banker has gone to jail over the 2008 meltdown (shouldn’t there have at least been some investigations), and it was pointed out tonight by Scahill that Obama’s administration is actually defending Donald Rumsfeld in court as he’s being sued by an American who was illegally imprisoned in Iraq for over 9 months with no charges ever filed – PLUS, during that nine months he was TORTURED!  The undeniable conclusion one must come to here is that what we’ve got is an endless case of “politics as usual.”  The democrats and republicans create a crisis, argue for a couple months, do virtually NOTHING, play golf together, and then hit the airwaves to convince the public “who won.”

The sad reality is that most people  in the general “public” know that “we the people” ALWAYS lose!  Therefore, getting back to my original point of the evening, it appears to me that “the can got kicked down the road.”  Maybe as Randi Rhodes claims there is some secret provision of the bill that will ultimately allow President Obama to “win,” although I believe there’s an equal chance of something overlooked by democrats which will allow republicans to “win.”  But, if you watched the Stock Market lose almost 5% today (over 500 points on the Dow Jones Industrial averages) it becomes clear that, while we’ll have to wait to fully find out who “won,” we’re already seeing who LOST!  I have friends who have 401 k’s and are on the verge of retirement – I believe they stand to lose (A LOT), I know people who are “long term” unemployed – not because they’re lazy as Michele Bachmann puts it, but because there’s NO WORK for them – while discussing this “crisis” I’ve heard NOTHING about creating jobs (in fact, I haven’t heard the word jobs mentioned since the republicans regained control of the House).  I took produce from my garden to a local homeless shelter just the other day and one of my former students greeted me there – I’m not going to list all the ways she’s losing from this diabolical political theatre – and, I could go on and on.  I guess the politicians involved feel the can wasn’t “kicked down the road” because when the “crisis” was “ended” they all had their re-election plans firmly established.  I can feel it already, the political propaganda is going to reach new heights in the next year and a half.  You just have to wonder, what will the human toll be on all of these politicians “winning?”