Monthly Archives: May 2021

Republicans, who are trying to forget January 6th, 2021 ever happened, are attempting to convince “we the people” the INSURRECTIONISTS are the “real patriots.” Yikes!

Occasionally one of the sites which are funneling “FAKE NEWS” – meaning misinformation to people who, apparently, get sucked in to their networks, finds my email address. The latest is “Patriot News Network.” You’d almost expect a “news network” with that name to be made by “patriots.” However, it didn’t take me long to realize this is just another right wing “white nationalist” “network” which is fueling HATE. As usual, I used the “junk email” part of my email program to “block this sender.” Only because I just can’t bring myself to digest the GARBAGE that sites like this put out. However, I’m well aware there are MILLIONS of Americans who either “believe” this GARBAGE or are unsuspecting of its origins and take it for “truth.”

You don’t have to read much (as I tend to do) or “fact check” what they’re spewing out to understand what their agenda is, but, sadly, many Americans don’t fact check anything – or if they “do” it is done with the same “bent” you get from people who put out GARBAGE such as what’s on the “Patriot News Network.” I spent only a few minutes researching what was on their “site” and, of course, the real “racists” in America are the African American leaders or, more specifically, anyone who is a democrat or, like me, an independent who finds himself supporting democrats simply because the right wing (republicans) in this nation are hell bent on destroying our republic – as was evident on January 6th, 2021. Naturally, in the eyes of the “Patriot news Network” the real “patriots” on January 6th, 2021 were the INSURRECTIONISTS. That’s all you need to know.

In my last posting I brought up the word “irony,” a word I made sure my sixth graders understood while I was still teaching. Well, some of these right wing groups choose names which would presuppose those who flock their way (sheep?) don’t understand that word. For example, the “Patriot “news” Network” would suggest if you adhere to their shtick you’re a “patriot,” right? Wouldn’t that seem obvious? Well, whoever is behind this abomination are part of the sycophancy to individual 1 and, therefore, are anything but “patriots.” At least from my perspective, you can’t be considered a “patriot” if you’re supporting someone who’s a sycophant to Vladimir Putin. You can’t be a “patriot” and then engage with the Russians in order to get “elected” (albeit with MILLIONS fewer votes than your opponent).

Individual 1 has proven himself to be an ALL TIME LOSER and, yet, the “republican base” (who believe themselves to be the “real patriots”) continues to demonstrate fealty to someone who cost them the Senate, the House, and, of course, the “White House.” That’s some serious LOSING! So, where are republicans in Congress “betting” the road back to POWER runs? You guessed it! Right through Mar a Lago! Talk about betting on a LOSER! (Not a “patriot” but and organized CRIMINAL)

Years ago I owned a small “herd” of thoroughbred race horses and, out of necessity, found myself training them at the race track. In the process I came across MANY old men who spent the bulk of their free time betting much of their retirement income on the “ponies.” Many of them seemed to just keep betting on horses which were LIKELY to be “losers.” If the odds were 50-1, well, their eyes would light up. I couldn’t help but think of these men as I was listening to Mitch McConnell explain why he was urging republican Senators to vote AGAINST the proposal for an INDEPENDENT commission to study the – “get to the bottom of” – INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021. By rights, EVERYONE in Congress should have voted for this “bipartisan” commission. They were all there, but…………………

In the case of my FRIENDS at the race track, I always looked up to them as men who had worked hard lives and who ALWAYS told the TRUTH. Many of these men were Black and, in my view, “were profiles in COURAGE” simply to get to this advanced stage of life. (Everyone was, at least, in his 70’s – I was in my late 30’s/early 40’s – I learned a LOT from them) To me, these men were “WINNERS” – they just bet on horses I knew were LIKELY going to LOSE. And, of course, none of them were republicans. They wouldn’t get near someone like individual 1! That just demonstrates the pathetic level of today’s republicanism. They’re “betting” on a politician with worst odds than a 99-1 horse at the racetrack. (Unless, of course, the race is “rigged” which is exactly what republican politicians are attempting to do with our electoral system,)

Well, beginning with Moscow Mitch and going right down the republican line of Senators – and MOST of the republicans in the House – I feel as if I’m looking at a pathetic group of COWARDS every time I take the effort to listen to their – as I said above – shtick. Why on earth would ALL of these members of Congress refuse to endorse a BIPARTISAN commission to STUDY the causes of the INSURRECTION – which had every one of them COWED in a room in the Capitol as the INSURRECTIONISTS were chanting “hang Mike Pense” and searching for Nancy Pelosi? 140 Police Officers were injured DEFENDING, among others, ALL these republicans – three of which (Police Officers) are no longer with us and one who lost an eye among the MOST egregious of the serious injuries.

Well, we all know why republicans are all so COWED, don’t we? They’re AFRAID of individual 1, of all things. They’re afraid of one of the most pathetically sad men in this country. Most republicans will tell you: “I believe in law and order.” However, what they’re really emphasizing as they vote down the BIPARTISAN commission to “get to the bottom of” the January 6th, 2021 is they have no appetite to support “law and order” unless it’s for police officers who’ve MURDERED Black people in various parts of the country. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin claimed the INSURRECTIONISTS were “peaceful” and he wasn’t worried from them (despite COWERING in a Capitol Building room during the INSURRECTION) – but, if it was “Black Lives Matter” protesters, well, he’d have been worried! I’ve heard members of the House claim the INSURRECTIONISTS are the victims and also, from one member, they were like Capitol visitors just taking pictures from “inside the ropes.” Are their voters STUPID enough to believe that stuff?

What do they believe their voters are going to do when individual 1 gets indicted? What are they going to do when they discover the ACTUAL person who’s being held accountable for “sex trafficking” is Matt Gaetz? I’ve called individual 1 a “Mob boss” for years now and, it appears, we’re all about to find out why. Will it be from the Manhattan DA, the Fulton County Georgia DA? The Justice Department: re – the alleged OBSTRUCTION of the Mueller investigation or the INCITING of the INSURRECTION? Or, how about the Southern District of New York and the investigation where individual 1 got his name? Remember, Michael Cohen has already been charged in that investigation and, now that individual 1 no longer has the protection of the OLC memo, is the Southern District of New York going to prove “no one is above the law.”

Individual 1 has been getting away with challenging our legal system since he first got his hands on his father’s MONEY. His in court right now because his niece is SUING him for CHEATING her and her brother out of their inheritance. By all accounts he CHEATS at golf – that’s REALLY bad if you know nothing about golf. We all KNOW he CHEATED to “win” the first election (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than the WOMAN he ran against in 2016) and, we know he’s still CHEATING as he claims he “won” the 2020 election while “grifting” MILLIONS of dollars from the members of his CULT – ie, the republican base. When I listen to the rationale of some of these people who believe individual 1’s LIES, I actually shudder. There’s one driving force behind this CULT and that is the “fear” they’re losing their “white privilege.”

For years republicans have spewed a LIE they believe in “free markets” – while, ALL the time pushing to regulate these markets to the advantage of their benefactors – their donors. This is exactly why you have someone like Charles Koch sitting in the background spending untold MILLIONS to prevent actual progress in this nation. (One of his “think tanks” is behind MOST of the voter suppression laws being proposed/enacted across the country) Those behind the scenes pulling the republican “strings” (I’ll call it the “Koch network”) are very sophisticated and individual 1 is the perfect “stooge” for their GREEDY policies which funnel more and more MONEY into their GREEDY hands. He’s a pathological LIAR, but he knows “where his bread is buttered” so his LIES are aimed at benefiting his wealthy friends – and, of course, himself – therefore, they support him.

There doesn’t seem to ever be enough for these people. Like who’s going to have the most BILLIONS? And, now that we have a president who wants to INVEST in America and the American people via an “infrastructure” bill – which will be paid for by INCREASING taxes on those who’ve been benefiting from the so-called “trickle down” economic policy of republicans since the days of Ronald Reagan – well, these RICH people are now “up in arms.” Biden wants to raise their taxes to what they were before the republican tax “scam” of 2017 along with raising Corporate taxed to a still low 25%, or so. Elizabeth Warren is proposing a “wealth tax” of 2 cents for every dollar ABOVE a net worth of $50 MILLION and something like 3 cents for every dollar of wealth above a BILLION. Trust me, all these people will continue to get RICHER while they LIKELY benefit MORE from the investment of $2 TRILLION into America’s infrastructure and another $2 TRILLION, or so, into the American people.

I’ve actually heard several people, all white and all who’ve been very financially successful during their long lives of white privilege (which they don’t recognize), call Joe Biden a “socialist.” I always wonder if they’ve read Marx’ writings and if they remember what he predicted in regard to Capitalism. If anything, Biden is attempting to restore a balance to America’s economic “landscape” which would “head off” true socialism. In reality, America has been a socialistic republic since the days of FDR. Of course, with the republicans, there goes the rub. And, by the way, here’s another “irony.” Republicans have been brainwashed to believe those who support the democratic party are “elitists.” That’s right, the “Koch Brothers,” the DeVoss family, the Coors family, etc. etc. are NOT elitists??? Barack Obama was referred to as an “elite.” How does the republican base fall for these ridiculous LIES.

Are there wealthy “elite” people in the democratic party? Of course there are. In fact, in the 2020 election Mike Bloomberg (who used to be a republican) was spending a “GOB” of money in an attempt to get individual 1 sent packing out of the “White House.” Bloomberg, supposedly, spent a hundred MILLION just in Florida – which should prove he doesn’t know where to put his money or Floridians are, by and large, part of the STUPID members of individual 1’s CULT. Remember, it’s people in Florida who voted Matt Gaetz into Congress as a republican member of the House. And, they voted Ron DeSantis in as their governor. I guess my point here is “we the people,” by and large, are shielded by the real “elitists” who are “pulling the strings” of too many of our politicians – and, I believe, it’s safe to say MOST OF THEM are republicans. But, as usual, I digress………….

Back to Biden as a “socialist.” Yikes!! I know people who’ve actually got advanced degrees from various universities who’ve suggested this. And, several of them have been collecting Social Security for years. If republicans actually succeeded in undermining Social Security AND Medicare (Reagan predicted Medicare would destroy our nation – we would become “socialists”) I’m guessing at least some members of the CULT would start to take notice. Republicans have been scheming to find ways to stop the “New Deal” since the days when it was enacted. LBJ’s “Great Society” turned the South into a republican “stronghold.” Are you BLIND to the reason why? It’s all been about protecting “white privilege” and subjugating “the other” for as long as I can remember. (Once again, I’ll add, I’ve been interested in politics since the days of Dwight Eisenhower) Republicanism has evolved into full blooded “white nationalism” in what will ultimately be a futile attempt to stop “progress” in America.

They don’t want anything to change. I could go on explaining this, but if you don’t understand what I’m talking about it wouldn’t do any good – and, the explanation puts an ugly face on where America stands right now. Of course, the reality is, the ugliness has been there for, in essence, the entirety of America’s existence as a democratic republic. However, the BEAUTY of America, in my view is the FACT the constitution is a “living document.” It has, over the year evolved and it continues to evolve – although, I do anticipate some “bumps” as we go forward – because of the brazen work of Moscow Mitch ramming right wing judges up and down our court system. You can bet republicans will be attempting to “turn back the clock” by using the courts to block progress in turning America into a “more perfect union.” (Of course, she will NEVER be a “perfect” union)

Right now, as I’m writing this, there are “cells” of right wing activists all across the land who have armed themselves to the “teeth” and are willing to create another “January 6th, 2021” when the opportunity arises. The FACT maybe as many as 1000 of them will become indicted for the January 6th, 2021 attack on our Capitol (Despite republicans’ attempt to “forget” that date, I will NEVER forget it) may deter some, but it’s apparent it has fueled the HATE of many others. Some of the voter SUPPRESSION bills in various states (and, I’ll say it again, most of them were “written” by one of Charles Koch’s “think tanks”) along with attempts to re-“audit” the votes of segments of various states where MANY African Americans voted is simply confirmation of the FACT the republican party has become even MORE racist than it seemed in the past.

These are the people behind outlets like the “Patriot News Network” (Actually, I believe their “name” might be a bit different – I deleted their emails and I’ve got the memory of an old man). People who believe the “real racists” are the African Americans who’ve had the temerity to get elected to office in various parts of the country. (With, of course, the exception of anyone of “color” who is a republican. – And, to me, I struggle to understand how anyone “of color” could find themselves in that organization) The point of all this is the ruthless and sophisticated and OF COURSE, the dishonesty which drives the republican party foments outlets like the “Patriot News” with impunity. And, obviously, there’s plenty of “dark money” to keep this GARBAGE popping up all the time. And, as LIARS go, those behind this GARBAGE likely, in their own minds, have convinced themselves they are the real “patriots.” Yikes! Stay tuned………………

Final Thought: One thing many republicans seem to forget, all the time, is that when they speak publicly what they say is RECORDED. And, still for many, there seems to be no shame. I’m thinking of people like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marko Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Moscow Mitch McConnell, to name a few off the top of my head. They ALL spoke truthfully about individual 1 until they realized he CHEATED his way into office – which, almost immediately, turned each one into a sycophant. They’ve demonstrated over the past 4+ years the only thing which matters to them is staying in POWER. McConnell may have put himself at the top of the list by, first, voting to acquit individual 1 in the SECOND impeachment trial and secondly, and almost immediately, lambasting individual 1 and confirming virtually EVERYTHING the House Managers put forth as the evidence requiring a CONVICTION, and, now, wanting to forget January 6th, 2021 EVER happened. It’s disgusting – NO – it’s DEPLORABLE!

And, here’s the rub for republicans who continue to prove their own stupidity. Had they voted to CONVICT individual 1 he’d be completely “out of their hair” by now. He’d be prevented from even thinking about running again – which won’t happen anyway because he’ll be stuck in court. Had they done the “right thing” when they had the chance they would have doused the “fire” of the right wing extremists who’ve infected their party. Apparently, they’re perfectly OK with individual 1 as a CULT leader. Heck, if republicans in the Senate wanted individual 1 to remain in office, all they had to do was listen to Nancy Pelosi and vote in the so-called “HEROES Act” – which, is essentially what the Biden administration got enacted – along with the “weak” bill the republicans passed in December of 2020 – a bill which was “too little and too late.” Essentially, the republican platform is “staying in POWER” – by whatever means necessary. Aligning with a CHEATER like individual 1 works for them. In fact, he’s teaching them the “Art of CHEATING!”

I really hope and pray Attorney General Garland lives up to the testimony I heard him give before Congress!

I’m going to have to explain my next sentence right away for the sake of my own sanity. Individual 1 is like the sore on one of my toes, he JUST won’t go away. He lives for being as much in the “public eye” as possible – even if it’s negative reporting. So, I know I write about his DISGRACEFUL attack on the fundamental institutions of America ad nauseum, but I’m pretty sure he never reads what I write, so I don’t feel as if I’m contributing to the problem. What I’m doing is venting my own frustration with the REALITY there are still a large segment of the so-called republican party who believe the LIES of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. For some of these people I believe the characterization, sadly, I have to use is that word I’ve stated I actually hate; Stupid. Sorry! (By the way, the republicans didn’t soil themselves over Mitt Romney after he LOST in 2012 – by a margin much LESS than what individual 1 LOST in 2020)

For a bunch of the others (“republicans” er neo Nazi’s), the issue is they look at individual 1 as, in essence, their “fuhrer.” (look it up) If you do the research you discover the issue of white nationalists/supremacists is much DEEPER than most of us (well, people like me) realize, especially those republicans mentioned above. For example, I know people who, when I give them the truth, who can’t bring themselves to believe Tucker Carlson is a white nationalist. They say to me, despite the FACT they watch his show regularly, “I’m not a racist.” Well, the reality is, there are a bunch of Americans who ARE racists (de facto) and don’t understand it. I actually know a person who raised several children – via adoption – who are “African American.” When you listen to him, for example, denigrate one of them because she needs public support it – well I should say for me – raises the hair on my back. I tried for several years to placate this person, but finally reached the endpoint when he started spewing the so-called “big lie” to me, as if he actually believes it and, apparently, thinks I would as well. (I think he still does – Yikes!)

When I listen to people claim today’s republican party is based on “conservatism and Christianity,” my neck gets sore shaking my head. I don’t have enough fingers to count all the “conservatives” I know who have no idea what “conservatism” actually means. I guess as with all other “factual information” they believe it is whatever they want it to be. And, sadly, the same goes for “Christianity.” I know NUMEROUS “Christians” who, when you dig deep enough, don’t believe very much farther than their opposition to “abortion.” They are willing to make a “deal with the devil” (I’ll let you figure out who the “devil” is) in order to overturn “Roe v Wade.”

Of course, overturning “Roe V Wade” will not stop women from having abortions, therefore, not solving the issue. I’m old enough to know what things were like before Roe. Men were still “getting women pregnant” who didn’t want or were not capable of raising a child and these women were going through a procedure (abortion) which was widely available – I know this because I know “men” – boys at the time, I was in College in the 1960’s – who were paying for abortions. Then, as in now, it was the women – girls back then – who bore the negativity of an unwanted pregnancy. If they chose to have the baby many would be ostracized “back home” and, if they chose to have an abortion, they not only had to deal with the reality of allowing this baby to be killed, it was often done in very dangerous circumstances for their long term health.

Now, the “Christians” who’ve made this “deal with the devil” have little to no sympathy for the women who are left to deal with the responsibility of the unwanted pregnancy, they also seem to have no “appetite” for holding the MEN (boys) who CAUSE the pregnancy to accept responsibility for their actions. (If you remember, in the 2016 campaign it was none other than individual 1 who said, the “women should be punished.”) Here’s the part in all of this which causes the most frustration (OK, at times anger) with this scenario – there is, therefore, a significant portion of Americans who are willing to, in essence, tear up the CONSTITUTION which is the “root” of this nation – a living document which has been “molded” over time and, God willing, will continue to do just that despite all these “patriots” who are willing to subject themselves to authoritarianism – as long as it’s fomented by “their guy,” to turn our democratic republic over to a dictatorial nimwit.” Because of the abortion issue? Yikes!

And, keep in mind, all these “pro lifers” demonstrate a disrespect for LIFE in “oh so many other ways.” Take for example, young children. They vote against health care, food support, education support, and child care support – as a few examples off the top of my head – for America’s LARGE number of children growing up in poverty. Republicans, for that matter, like to pretend there is no poverty Among America’s children – unless, of course, they’re “children of color.” (Which, apparently means they don’t count) Then there’s the other end of the “spectrum:” Republicans have been fighting against Social Security and Medicare since the day each program (the two MOST popular in American history) was passed into law. Of course, individual 1’s incompetence has been considered to have been responsible for something like 400,000 (or more) of the DEATHS caused by Covid-19 – a disproportionate number coming from elderly Americans or Americans of “color.” And, republicans compare wearing masks to the Holocaust. There’s many other examples of republican incompetence, but maybe the MOST egregious is their sycophancy to a multiple, criminal LOSER!

It’s now been 6 months since individual 1 LOST in a LANDSLIDE (over 7 MILLION votes) and he’s still LYING about the result of the election. He is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR so it doesn’t surprise me he’s continuing this charade. However, the “rank and file” republicans have had more than enough time to digest the reality their “fuhrer” has been LYING to them by much longer than the time following his election DEFEAT. If they choose to continue subjecting their brains to entities like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “OANN,” Breitbart,” and some of the more egregious white nationalist websites like “The Daily Stormer,” or “Stormfront” they are CHOOSING to be brainwashed by these outlets – who’ve helped create individual 1’s CULT. This is NOT “conservative” or “Christian.” It offends me to listen to anyone claiming otherwise.

For several years now (much longer than the 5 years since individual 1 came on the “scene”) I’ve been pointing out the battle against “today’s republicans” (and, they keep veering farther off the “rails”) is a “war” for the heart and soul of our nation. Of course, in my mind, this “war” will be won or lost at the ballot box. What’s become clear since individual 1 began “grooming” his “stooges” about the so-called “election fraud” – keep in mind, this “grooming” began well before last November 3rd, is his responsibility for the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021. All these politicians have pollsters who inform them of reality and individual 1 KNEW well ahead of the election he was going to LOSE. He also KNEW there would be MILLIONS of votes via mail – especially because of the pandemic – and, he pointedly encouraged republicans NOT to send in ballots by mail, but to vote on election day. This way he KNEW early returns would favor him and he planned early on to “declare victory” before MILLIONS of ballots could be counted.

For example, in several of the states, the mail in ballots CAN’T be counted until after the ballots cast on election day. This is why one of my acquaintances assumed individual 1 was “winning” because the election day ballots in Pennsylvania, for example, favored him by around half a MILLION. Unfortunately for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president there were almost 1.5 MILLION mail in ballots which favored Joe Biden roughly 4 to 1. I KNEW this because I didn’t have my “head in the sand” like individual 1’s supporters. The party affiliation numbers of the mail in ballots were published ahead of time, all though, of course, that doesn’t guarantee who anyone voted for, but it’s a pretty strong “hint.” I texted my acquaintance “don’t get ahead of your skis.” And, sure enough, after the election had been declared for Biden he was spewing the right wing “Big Lie” talking points – on this site even.

Despite the OVER 60 LOSSES in courts across America, all the way up to the Supreme Court (TWICE) these Americans, who do not seem to have the ability to think critically, STILL believe the LIES coming from individual 1 AND the COWARDLY members of Congress, who were barricaded into various rooms in the Capitol as the INSURRECTIONISTS were chanting “Hang Mike Pense.” And, some of the more egregious members of the republican party, like, for example, Ron Johnson, Louie Gohmert, and the dude from Georgia who likened the MOB to “tourists taking pictures as they walked between the ropes,” (Honestly, that guy might be the MOST stupid of them all) now all feel, apparently, that the ISURRECTIONISTS would have ignored them had they got their hands on one of them, because, well, just because.

One of these STUPID republicans, the other day, suggested (I believe it was Paul Gosar, who is a real, well “unique” example of a congress person – I’ll leave it at that) the real “victims” of the “insurrection” are all the “patriots” who are being ARRESTED by the FBI and it’s the members of the FBI who are the “insurrectionists” – or words to that effect. I’m not kidding! There HAVE been almost 500 arrests and “more on the way.” The FBI has video evidence implicating around 800 of these “patriots” who breached the Capitol, who attacked the Capitol Police – injuring over 140 of them, many seriously – and who knows how many now are suffering from PTSD, for example? – who bashed in doors, windows, ransacked Congressional offices and desks in the Senate Chamber, and, yuk, who defecated in the hallways and then smeared it on the walls of the Capitol Building with some urinating on those walls. Yep, to republicans in Congress, we’re talking about real “patriots.” (And, of course, their minions believe them)

As an aside, here’s a real irony – especially for someone living close to Portland, Oregon – after sending unmarked members of his “goon squad” to Portland to quell “George Floyd” instigated demonstrations which, by and large, didn’t exist (they were virtually ended except for about two blocks of the city) – individual 1 re-enacted a law which calls for a mandatory 10 year sentence for anyone damaging a Federal building by anything as minimal as graffiti to more serious physical damage (like bashing in windows and doors and, of course, defecating in the hallway of a Federal Building – if you get my drift) or even illegally entering a Federal Building. Do you see where I’m going with this? Like with all those (800, or so) “patriots” republicans in Congress are referring to, who now, based on individual 1’s edict, EVERY ONE of them is potentially facing a mandatory 10 year sentence if proven guilty of even “illegally entering” the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 – a date the republican party would LOVE if you’d simply forget it.

So, now the chair of the democratic Homeland Security Committee and the republican ranking member came to an agreement to form a “9/11 type” commission to “get to the bottom” of what actually happened on January 6th, 2021 – that date republican’s would like for you to forget – and Kevin McCarthy, maybe the MOST GUTLESS politician I can think of in my lifetime – and, trust me, there have been MANY – actually told his caucus NOT to vote for the bill creating this commission. His deputy, the ranking republican in the committee, did EXACTLY what McCarthy asked him to do. Of course, individual 1 wants NOTHING to do with any investigation into January 6th, 2021 – he’d ESPECIALLY like you to forget that date – because, well, he KNOWS exactly what it will find. And, it WON’T look good for him and some of the CULT might get wind of the findings. Of course, as I’ve said here many times, the TRUTH is GOING to come out – whether by “drip, drip, drip,” or, well, however, and whenever. (And, remember, there were OTHERS – Mo Brooks, Giuliani, Junior, etc. – who were part of the INCITING)

Individual 1 is in a “world of hurt” from multiple different directions. Like from the “South” – meaning the DA in Fulton County Georgia. That recorded call to Brad Raffensperger was a really DUMB idea and asking him (Raffensperger) to “find 11,780 votes” was even DUMBER than the phone call. And, then LYING about it, prompting one of Raffensperger’s “lieutenants” to release the call, was DUMBER yet. But, really, except for the CULT, not too many have suggested individual 1 is not, well, DUMB, you get my drift, right? Bottom line: There’s trouble ahead in Atlanta for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (and LOSER of OVER 60 court cases as well). Then there’s New York. Now, it’s been reported the Attorney General of New York has joined up with the Manhattan DA in a CRIMINAL probe of individual 1’s business which is located in Manhattan. Not only is he in legal jeopardy, but apparently, several others in the organization – including his children and the CFO among others – including the CFO’s children. It’s widely known those involved in real estate development in New York “often” have ties to the mob AND follow “questionable” legal strategies. Individual 1 has simply been able to “dodge” accountability for years (other than several FINES). We’re NOT talking about FINES here, now!

There’s also the Southern District of NY’s US Attorney’s office – who gave our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (along with over 60 LOSSES in court cases) the moniker “individual 1” as they were accepting the guilty plea of Michael Cohen (rule of thumb: never turn on your “fixer”) who will, I presume, follow through on the prosecution which put Cohen behind bars – simply out of fairness – to prove, “no one is above the law.” And, individual 1 very well COULD be held accountable for INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION on the Capitol Building – in fact, by my calculation, you’d have to be brain dead to not come to the conclusion he was responsible for that attack. Don’t believe me – start reading the court filings of one INDICTED attacker after another – in their court pleadings. Some of them aren’t being very kind to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (including OVER 60 LOSSES in court). Many feel betrayed by the man who said he’d “be at the Capitol there with you.” (He NEVER saw a battle he couldn’t worm his way out of – although, on January 6th, 2021 – a day he’d like you to forget – instead of claiming “bone spurs” he simply went to the “White House” to ENJOY the proceedings on all the “White House” TV’s.

Clearly, HE thinks he’s above the law, so, now, it’s up to Merrick Garland to decide if that’s the case. At this point, it appears Mr, Garland may not have the stomach to “pile on” to all these other potential CRIMINAL charges against out TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (who also LOST over 60 court cases). Sadly, Garland’s Justice Department has chosen to appeal a ruling by Judge Amy Berman Jackson who lambasted William Barr for his “disingenuous” (lying) court filings (and, testimony to Congress) regarding the Mueller report and individual 1’s alleged OBSTRUCTION of Justice – laid out very carefully in about 10 different instances in Mueller’s report. Judge Jackson ordered the “disingenuous” memo released to the public and it will now be about another year until “we the people” get to read this “disingenuous” memo Barr used to justify suggesting individual 1 could not be charged with OBSTRUCTION of Justice.

It’s perplexing to understand why Attorney General Garland’s department would continue this LIE – we can hope the Court of Appeals will agree with Judge Jackson – but, the reality is that now individual 1 very well could now by facing those 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION. I read Mueller’s report from page one to the LAST page and Mueller was very clear in explaining the significance of OBSTRUCTION and that the evidence against individual 1 was “memorialized” so that a future prosecutor could decide on whether or not to indict our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (who’s LOST over 60 court cases as well as the two elections) now that he’s out of office. The reason Mueller didn’t seek an indictment was based on the OLC memo stating a sitting president can’t (shouldn’t) be indicted. Once out of office, “all bets are off.” Now it’s up to Merrick Garland to decide if “we the people” are going to PROVE that “no one is above the law.” I read Andrew Weissman’s book about his experience on Mueller’s “team” and he made it clear individual 1’s CONSTANT OBSTRUCTION prevented the full investigation of the “Russia thing.” Here’s the bottom line: individual 1’s criminal enterprise appears to be on VERY shaky ground. Stay tuned! If you’re a member of his CULT, my advice is – WAKE UP!

Final Thought: As a former 6th grade teacher I’m often reminded of the word “irony” because it was a word I often used with my students as we were studying literature. I always felt it was a word I wanted my students to fully understand. So, the IRONY I’ve been thinking a lot about lately has to do, surprise surprise, with individual 1. His CULT – republicans – seem to believe he’s “still president.” Reports I’ve read suggest over half of all “republicans” don’t believe Joe Biden is the “legitimate” president. Here’s why I find this such an “irony.” So, I’m sure you remember 2016 and the couple years which followed. Individual 1 “won” the 2016 election with the OBVIOUS help of Vladimir Putin and the Russian cyberwarriors. Above, I mentioned Robert Mueller’s report and the issue with William Barr’s “spin” of Mueller’s report suggested there was “no collusion.”

Well, if you’d read the report (as I did TWICE) you would KNOW there WAS “collusion” and you’d know Mueller even said they didn’t investigate “collusion” because there’s no law about “collusion.” The law prevents “conspiracy” to defraud the United States and Mueller said there wasn’t sufficient evidence to GUARANTEE a guilty verdict if there were charges – presumably against individual 1 Jr. or Jared Kushner – for COLLUDING with Russians in an attempt to get “dirt” on Mrs. Clinton. Mueller suggested they couldn’t prove Jr. and Kushner KNEW they were breaking the law when they took the meeting (June of 2016). Essentially, Mueller’s team suggested individual 1’s campaign was “too stupid” to know they were “colluding.” Of course, they prosecuted Roger Stone for, essentially, LYING about all his “colluding” with the Russians and/or Wikileaks.

Here’s my point: democrats had lots of reasons to claim individual 1 was an “illegitimate president” – but, Hillary Clinton conceded the election right away, Barack Obama met with individual 1 in the “White House,” individual 1’s “team” (as it were), and there were not blocks to the “transition team” (as it were). Democrats had far more reason to question the legitimacy of individual 1’s term in office because, well, he CHEATED to get elected – but, democrats would NEVER do what he’s been doing since November 3rd, 2020 – the date of his SECOND popular vote LOSING election – and, at this point in time, it’s largely up to Merrick Garland to ensure this abuse of our political process stops “right here, right now.” What is he going to do? Is he up for the challenge? The first “step” in this process leaves me with questions I was hoping not to have – when I listened to his testimony before Congress. But, the appeal of Judge Jackson’s decision mentioned above, has caused me to wonder. I really hope and pray Attorney General Garland lives up to the testimony I heard him give before Congress!

There were suggestions (and questions) about members of Congress giving “visitors'” tours of the Capitol Building on the nights preceding January 6th, 2021??? What’s up with that???

I wrote the other day about ALL the potential legal jeopardy our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president (who allegedly COLLUDED with the Russians to get “elected” in the first place) and how it’s baffling to me why republicans would continue to be backing a LOSER – someone who “LOST” not only the 2020 election, helped the GOP LOSE the Senate, helped them LOSE the House in 2018, and LOST over 60 court challenges to the recent election along with EVERY other court case which has been determined since he took office (the ones without William Barr’s criminal intervention) – see Don McGahn – soon to be (finally) testifying to Congress re: individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION of Justice of the Mueller probe.

Well, soon, it appears, the subject will be changing to individual 1 wannabe Matt Gaetz – he who has turned off virtually EVERY non deplorable person he’s come in contact with over the past few years – the man who, apparently, takes videos of his sexual “conquests” and shares them on the floor of the House with the other “moral” republican members. He’s the man who’s been rumored to have kept a “scorecard” of his “conquests” with extra points for “virgins” – with a group of his political peers. (This is why I’m so thankful my daughter interned for Patty Murray over 20 years ago – first of all, Ms. Murray is descent and secondly people like Gaetz weren’t around back then)

So, now it appears the “dalliances” of Mr. Gaetz’ are catching up to him via Joel Greenberg, one of his “good buddies” who is in the process of a “cooperation agreement” with the attorneys of Florida’s Central (I believe) US Attorney’s office. Mr. Greenberg has plead GUILTY to 6 FELONIES, including “sex trafficking” of a minor with the caveat the remaining 27 charges he’s facing will be dropped if he TELLS THE TRUTH (a challenge for ANY republican) and gives up ALL the evidence against the “other men” involved in his schemes of PAYING for sex – including with a minor aged 17. According to the charging document, not only was Greenberg paying this 17 year old (child) for sex (on numerous occasions) but so were “several other men” – and, to top it off, Mr. Greenberg was WATCHING while these “other men” were “doing their thing.” (my characterization – Yikes!)

Much of the speculation running rampant around Washington DC tonight was how long will it be before Mr. Gaetz is going to be indicted. Here’s the way I look at it, regarding Gaetz – who I’ve been forced to listen to way too much over the previous couple of years – he’s a true individual 1 (bootlicker) sycophant – EVERY time you hear him saying “I’ve never paid for sex” just picture in your mind that means “I can’t remember how many times I’ve paid for sex.” And, when he says, “I’ve never had sex with someone under 18” picture in your mind him saying, “who checks someone’s ID before having sex with them.” After all, apparently, the women involved in this alleged sex trafficking ring all came from some escort service website.

Of course, as always with anyone associated with individual 1, there’s got to be more. We’re potentially talking about all sorts of fraudulent behavior – apparently, Greenberg and his associates were creating fake ID’s for their victims and, likely, for themselves and this guy is such a nimwit that he got caught in virtually EVERYTHING. It appears he was even attempting to stick a political opponent with a FALSE sex trafficking charge. Greenberg is the guy who “won” the job as a “tax collector” and was requiring his associates to be “packing heat.” (OK, guns if you’re as ignorant as myself)

Here’s the first thing which came to my mind when I was listening to the reporting on the plea deal which Greenberg entered into today. Who were the other MEN. The agreement didn’t say the other MAN it precisely said the other MEN. Well, rampant speculation is that Gaetz is one of them – so I was left to wonder who else might be involved. I know this will sound even CREEPIER than the above, but is it possible one of the “MEN” could be Roger Stone? Here’s why I ask that question (and, I suppose, posit that as a possibility) – some of the photos published showing Greenberg and Gaetz together – in happier times – also show Stone in the photos. And, of course, it’s been suggested in previous articles I’ve read that Stone and his wife are known to be “swingers.” Look it up!

Wouldn’t that just be the “karma” Mr. Stone deserves after getting bailed out of 7 FELONIES by the combination of William Barr and individual 1 – two people hell bent on proving some Americans ARE above the law. Both Barr and our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president would have you believe they stand for “law and order.” However, as I’ve said here MANY times, the TRUTH will come out, even if it’s “drip, drip, drip.” As we can see with this Gaetz situation it’s happening and individual 1, by my prediction, won’t be far behind. However, if it’s possible, individual 1 will be facing even more SERIOUS charges than Mr. Gaetz. And, that’s keeping in mind, the “child sex trafficking” charge – should Gaetz actually face that charge and be convicted, carries an AUTOMATIC 10 year MANDATORY sentence.

Speaking of 10 year mandatory sentences, picture if you’re one of the OVER 400 INSURRECTIONISTS who stormed the Capitol Building thinking individual 1 had asked them to do so – in fact, telling them he’d be there with them (although, what he meant was he’d be there in spirit while he was watching in glee on “white House” TV’s). Was even ONE of the INSURRECTIONISTS paying attention to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president last summer as he was sending his “goon squad” to Portland, Oregon in order to quell a “riot” which didn’t exist (I live right across the Columbia River From Portland)? Did even ONE of the INSURRECTIONISTS stop to think of what their fuhrer said would happen to anyone illegally entering or damaging ANY federal building?

Here’s his EXACT “tweet” (Obviously, before he was BANNED from “Twitter”): Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don’t do it! @DHSgov

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2020

That’s correct, a MINIMUM of TEN years in PRISON for ANYONE who breached the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. So far, almost 500 INSURRECTIONISTS have been arrested and charged and, if you believe the FORMER (so-called) president, the MINIMUM charge for any of them will be 10 YEARS in PRISON. Now, I’m of the belief those in the Justice Department under a Biden administration will likely be a bit more lenient for, at least, some of the individuals who’ve been arrested – or who are likely to be arrested going forward. Apparently, the FBI has photographic evidence of something like 800 people who COULD be arrested and charged for the siege of the Capitol.

It’s not surprising to me to be seeing MANY of the INSURRECTIONISTS wondering why they’re being charged and individual 1 is NOT. Well, I have to admit, I’m asking myself the same question – but, in my optimistic mind, I’m thinking the Justice Department, under Merrick Garland, will be taking it’s sweet time deciding if the ex president’s INCITEMENT on the 6th (and, I’m guessing, they’re going over the “grooming” he was doing prior to January 6th, 2021 along with EVERY word he spoke on the 6th PLUS what he was doing during the siege while NO reinforcements were authorized (for three hours and, only, after an intervention by Mike Pense), before determining if there’s a “winnable” CRIMINAL case against our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. By the time they make a determination, they may need to “get in line.” (If you know what I mean)

I’m going to end these thoughts tonight by wondering if and/or when both individual 1 AND Matt Gaetz are going to be headed to a court room. Can you just imagine the commotion if and when that happens? And, what if my “speculation” about Roger Stone proves correct – or, who are the “other men?” I’ve been pointing out for years the republican party is CORRUPT to its core and EVERY day more evidence comes out to PROVE this. Well, I’m predicting the next 6 months are going to be historic in the level of republican CORRUPTION which will be exposed! And, then, try to imagine the backlash which will be coming from the nutjobs who have the loudest megaphones in the republican party. (Most republicans are too scared to stand up for what they’re supposed to actually believe – but, that’s a story for another night)

For heaven’s sake, some weird Congressman from Georgia, for example claimed in Congressional Session (that’s official) that the INSURRECTIONISTS could be “confused for any other tourists” except for the “LYING” media. I’m not kidding, he actually said that! Another, this nutjob from Arizona (his siblings actually encouraged to voters to vote AGAINST him) actually suggested the “patriots” who STORMED the Capitol Building chanting “Hang Mike Pense,” were looking for Nancy Pelosi carrying “twist ties,” and had erected a gallows with a noose on the Capitol Grounds are the “victims.” He suggested the ones committing the crimes are the members of the Justice Department arresting and CHARGING these “patriots” with criminal activity – like SEDITION. How are these weirdos going to react when all the trials commence? Stay tuned!

Final Thought: There were suggestions (and questions) that members of Congress were giving “visitors” tours of the Capitol Building on the nights preceding January 6th, 2021 – when the building was closed to visitors. I’ve always presumed there would be video of these “tours” if they actually happened – and, if the “members” were associated with the INSURRECTIONISTS prior to the INSURRECTION they would be “rooted out.” Well, it’s coming to no surprise to me hearing that Marjorie Taylor Greene actually had taken one of the INSURRECTIONISTS to the office of Alexandria O’Casio-Cortez prior to the INSURRECTION. Of course, this would mean this person knew how to get around inside the Capitol. And, if the reports of “tours” prior to the 6th pan out, it could be very problematic for anyone accused of that, especially if anyone in the “tour” participated in the BREECH of the Capitol Building. I’d, personally, love to know who, if anyone, was giving tours prior to Jan. 6th, 2021 to ANYONE who was involved with the INSURRECTION attempt. I’m predicting Marjorie Taylor Greene Will eventually be EXPELLED from the House – it’s just a matter of time.

And, Oh by the way, Lauren Boebert won’t be far behind. There’s STILL much to be learned about the day of and the days surrounding January 6th, 2021 – a day which undoubtedly will “live in infamy.”

Once again, my apologies for publishing without editing!

Individual 1 is the symptom. He’s the “vehicle” which has brought the right wing white nationalist movement into the mainstream of America’s politics.

I’ve been writing exhaustively about what a “DEPLORABLE” person individual 1 is for, well, the past five plus years. Today is the day, on the surface, it appeared individual 1 continues his “stranglehold” on the republican party as Liz Cheney – no friend of ANY progressive on policy – was excommunicated from her position of leadership in the republican caucus for – yep, you guessed it – the mortal sin in the republican party of telling the TRUTH. So, I was thinking as I drove around today that the problem isn’t individual 1 – he’s just the convenient pathological LIAR who has NO moral compass so is the perfect “leader” of the white nationalists who make up a significant section of the republican base. However, it’s clear the problem goes much deeper than individual 1.

For example, take Fox “news” for example. I can only stomach a few seconds of Fox at a time because I understand their LEVEL of DISHONESTY almost the instant I turn it on. Several of the “prime time” hosts on Fox are maybe MORE responsible for the state of America than individual 1 because they’re allowing their “megaphone” to be the “funnel” for the LYING which has become normalized in the republican party. Keep in mind, this LYING has been a key part of the republican party going all the way back to Ronald Reagan. (OK, you’re right, Nixon – although, there were republicans in Congress willing to stand up to Nixon) This LYING as “policy” goes all the way back to Lee Atwater and Newt Gingrich.

You’re correct, democrats fudge on the TRUTH as well, but this issue is like “men against boys.” And, of course, individual 1 is willing to LIE about anything. In fact, as with all pathological LIARS I’ve ever encountered (a few while I was still teaching) “when his lips are moving, he’s LYING.” We’re talking about 35,000 observable, provable LIES during four years in office. That’s likely the “the “mother” of all records which will NEVER be broken.” Move over Joe DiMaggio!

It makes no sense for republicans to continue supporting a LOSER like individual 1 – remember, he’s now LOST two elections (popular vote), his party LOST the House in 2018 and the Senate, House, and “White House” in 2020 along with OVER 60 court cases as our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president proved himself to be the “mother of all poor LOSERS.” Of course, with the help of the aforementioned Fox “news” hosts like Hannity, Carlson, etc., the people at Newsmax, the people at OANN (I have to admit, that’s the one I’ve yet to encounter), Breitbart, and various whacked out conspiracy hotspots – yes, I’m talking about QAnon among others (and, there ARE others) continue to spew the so-called “Big Lie” to the republican base which has proven to have a significant MAJORITY incapable of critical thought. Yikes!

But, keep in mind, the republican party makes up less than a third of America’s voting public – so, this “base” is less and less important as time rolls on. For example, a large part of it is made up of my peers – older white people. Here’s the reality when republicans are making a “bet” for 2022 and 2024. By 2022 there’ll be fewer of us old white people (significantly) and MORE of America’s young people who are REJECTING the RACIST republican party in burgeoning numbers. Yes, republicans are “busy as bees” attempting to restrict access to the voting booth and rigging their districts against those who tend to vote for democrats, but, I don’t even think that will work. (I suspect the democrats will figure out how to get S-1 passed – McConnell’s claim he’s focused on “blocking everything coming from the democrats” maybe just might be what Joe Manchin needs to understand there’s no path to bipartisanship.

Here’s what the republican party has become. (Read “Rising Out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow) Check out Don Black and his web portal “” where you’ll find his work and that of David Duke – both former “Grand Wizards” of the KKK, who consider Tucker Carlson their hero on the TV. According to Derek Black, the son of Don and the subject of the aforementioned book (I highly recommend it) the white nationalists not only watch Carlson, they record his shows so they can go back and watch them over and over. I have acquaintances who won’t watch Fox because “it’s become too liberal” and they (mostly) watch Newsmax. I’ve only tuned into “Newsmax” a couple times and I lasted only seconds, as what happens with Fox – because the LYING IS profuse.

And, some of the people I know, who are “respectable” members of our local community (and, go to the same church I attend) regurgitate QAnon NONSENSE in such a way I have to be cautious because it’s so absurd I have to guess if they’re joking. Sadly, to this point in time, they’re NEVER joking. I made the mistake with one of them to say, “surely you’re not STUPID enough to believe that nonsense. Well, sadly, the answer was YES, that person IS stupid enough to believe it and DOES believe it. He told me, “Biden’s not president. America is two countries and the Civil War has never been settled.” Then he went on about the “Rothchild’s” money and I had to cut him off. I’ve been listening to anti-Semitic Rothchild “stuff” for MANY years, but never in a way suggesting – well, I’m 73, I can’t remember the details, only that it was, well, STUPID. I’ve been calling these right wing whack jobs STUPID, of late – reluctantly, because I hate that word, but I can’t think of anything else. Take a listen to some of individual 1’s supporters in interviews when they try to explain why they support him. Listen to people like Paul Gosar and Louie Gohmert – a couple dandies!

So, getting back to my original point, the problem in America right now is NOT individual 1 – he’s going to be too busy defending himself in Court within the next few months to be worrying about his political (lack of a) future. The problem is the very significant portion of America who believe in an American version of apartheid – white nationalism – and, they’re desperate to create obstacles to VOTING which might allow them to regain POWER in the next couple of years so they can continue their assault on our constitution. These republicans, who claim to be “for law and order” are doing everything in their power to find a way to create a situation where they can RULE with a minority of – what is likely to be, by 2024, well less than 40% of the voting public. (Their plan: voter SUPPRESSION and partisan GERRYMANDERING)

I use to claim the problem with democrats was they were “spineless” – but, today’s republicans are making the democrats come across as “Genghis Khan.” Take for example, Kevin McCarthy. Here’s a man who believes in absolutely,,,,, “NOTHING.” For example, today he led the purging of Liz Cheney (a true conservative) from the House leadership because she refuses to agree that Joe Biden won the election and individual 1 is LYING about the “election being stolen.” So, right after leading a (secret voice – complete chicken s@#t)) vote to oust Cheney for a woman who was far more “moderate” than Cheney until she saw the opportunity to replace her in the caucus – Elise Stefanik, ugh – McCarthy stood in front of the “White House” and said this, “No one questions that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President.” OK, ??????? These people are NUTS! (Later, I believe, he reversed himself again – with a “socialist” comment thrown in)

Not only are some (OK, many republicans) continuing to question the outcome of the election, but now I’m hearing a different tact. (Apparently, the last three “Q” predictions of individual 1’s return to power having come and gone they need a new “strategy”) So, I pointed out right from the start after the election it’s just a matter of time until the attacks heat up on Kamala Harris. Why would that surprise anyone? – for heaven’s sake, she’s a woman (that’s obvious), she’s half Black (not as obvious unless, well, you’re “in the know” – that means NOT a republican), and she’s half Asian. Talk about your “three strikes and you’re out” from the republican party point of view. If you read this “Otto” this is the republican party you “call home.”

Well, there has to be some way to bring grief on the Biden administration considering Joe Biden has an approval rating North of 60% and his policies are getting approval ratings above 70%. There you have the perfect legislation republicans can unite to OBSTRUCT. But, apparently, that’s not working for them, so, of late, I’ve been hearing a different approach. Here’s how it goes: Joe Biden couldn’t possibly be coming up with all this progressive legislation which so many people approve – he is so old he has trouble getting out of bed in the morning. If you’re a republican, beware, it’s the “liberal” Kamala Harris behind all this legislation. She’s the actual one doing all the work, Biden is just a convenient figurehead. Wow! (Actually, the kind of reminds me of the tax scam of 2017 for some reason)

Of course, I remember that same scenario back in the early 2000’s with Bush/Cheney. Many were speculating Dick Cheney (father of Liz, of course) was the actual president because he was responsible for MOST of the agenda – like the tax cuts and the LYING us into Iraq. Well, I’ve read about that administration extensively and would suggest that claim was partially correct. Cheney was certainly critically involved in the tax cuts and he was devious about it – in fact, he was devious about how he chose himself to be Vice President (but, You’ll have to read Bart Gelman’s book “Angler” to get the full picture) so there is some truth to the claim about Cheney, at least for the first term of GW Bush. But Harris – I believe Joe Biden is treating her just as Barack Obama treated him – he’s giving her many important responsibilities, but the claims on Fox and other places to the contrary are based in typical republican misogyny and racism. Are you surprised? I’m only surprised it took this long for the attacks to ramp up.

Individual 1 is going to play this out as long as his sycophants (and his cult followers) continue to allow him to get away with it. But, I’m predicting right here and right now, the end is “nigh.” The District Attorney in Fulton County Georgia has that tape of the call asking for just 11,780 votes with the Secretary of State – and, apparently, there were other recorded calls – which violate Georgia State law and, likely, Federal law – this episode could result in a RICO charge because there were others, apparently, involved (Lindsey Graham?). The DA in Manhattan is zeroing in on what appears to be a series of charges – like Bank Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Tax Fraud, etc. and the Southern District of New York still has the infamous “individual 1” case which SHOULD be prosecuted. Then there’s the INSURRECTION – should the “stooges” individual 1 INCITED be the only ones held accountable? (I’ve written this reminds me of Abu Ghraib were the Army grunts went to prison for following what they thought were orders and those who gave the orders: Bush/Cheney, Rumsfeld et al) got off “scott free.” Is that going to continue to remain America’s system of justice? – remember Reagan and HW Bush got off for Iran/Contra – at this point it does appear some are “above the law.”)

And, of course, now it appears the Justice Department may be zeroing in on the TEN plus examples of OBSTRUCTION of Justice in Robert Mueller’s report which individual 1 escaped because of the OLC memo “suggesting” a sitting president SHOULDN’T be indicted (which has become Justice Department policy and Mueller honored it) AND because William Barr LIED about what was in the report. A Federal judge has now admonished Barr, and, essentially, accused him of LYING to her court AND to Congress plus now Don McGahn is planning, after two years of legal “wrangling” to testify to Congress about what he witnessed while in the “White House.” There could be issues with his testimony (individual 1 can still claim “executive privilege”), but it appears just a matter of time until our former TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president could be defending himself against charges of OBSTRUCTION – a charge Mueller said in his report is fundamental to our system of LAWS.

To summarize my point here: individual 1 is the symptom. He’s the “vehicle” which has brought the right wing white nationalist movement into the mainstream of America’s politics. These people have republicans in Congress acting as if they’re afraid of their own shadows. I have to admire, although I vociferously DISAGREE with much of what comes out of Liz Cheney’s mouth in regard to policy, that this LONE woman has the guts to stand up to individual 1. I can guarantee you it will be Liz Cheney who comes out of this on top – NOT Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy has proven himself to be devoid of any belief system and he can’t even figure out if he’s for or against the LIES of individual 1. Today’s “Houdini Act” was almost comical – except it’s really serious business. To me, McCarthy is almost more PATHETIC than individual 1.

It says in the Bible to “love your enemies” (and, I have to say, I don’t consider these people my “enemies” we’re all Americans) so, I’ll say here “I love them.” (OK, that was hard) But, I’ll love it even more if the American people come to their collective senses and vote as many of these TRAITORS to our nation as possible out of office in 2022. There were actually members of Congress today suggesting the INSURRECTIONISTS were “peaceful protesters” and that the victims of January 6th, 2021 was individual 1 and all the “nice” people being “targeted” by the FBI and getting arrested. One member of the House republican caucus actually regurgitated the LIE that the INSURRECTIONISTS were NOT individual 1 supporters. (Have you heard how many of the INSURRECTIONISTS are basing their defense on “individual 1 asked me to do it?”)

America is at a crossroads and the republican party is in a shambles. As Joe Biden, himself, has said, “We need two functioning, responsible parties which can work together to ‘get things done.'” Liz Cheney is dedicating herself to salvaging the republican party by going after individual 1 and “telling it like it is.” I have to admire that and, of course, I hope she succeeds, but not with a party which believes the right wing nonsense she spews – but, if they could work with democrats, well, that’d be OK. I have an acquaintance who lamented republicans are the party of “Christians and conservatives.” Well, I’m a Christian and I don’t recognize much of what is coming from the mouths of the leaders of the republican party to be “Christian.” For example, “Thou shall NOT LIE.” That’s fundamental. I’m always reminded of Jesus’ words, “What you do TO the LEAST of these, you do TO me!” Finally, we have a party which is focused on the “least of these.”

What Joe Biden and the democrats are doing has been long overdue in this nation and I hope they have the GUTS to keep it up. They are enacting policy which provides benefits to the American people from the “bottom up.” Over 80% of Americans are directly benefiting from the “American Rescue Plan” – not even taking into account the benefit we’ll all get from the massive agenda to FIGHT the Covid-19 pandemic (which seems to be working, by the way.) Now they want to push through an INFRASTRUCTURE plan of over $2 TRILLION – which is badly needed – and the “American Families Plan” (a bit less than $2 TRILLION) which is also badly needed – AND, They want to PAY for it be raising taxes on America’s wealthy and American corporations which, in many cases, have been paying ZILCH for the past many years. A LARGE percentage of Americans support ALL of this. Just NO republicans in Congress.

And, something I’ve thought a lot about is Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to tax the WEALTH of America’s “BILLIONAIRES” by charging a “wealth tax” of 2 cents on EVERY dollar over – get this – OVER $50 MILLION and “a bit more on every dollar over $1 BILLION. Think of it, Jeff Bezos would FINALLY be expected to “pay his fair share.” His wealth GREW over $50 BILLION in just the past year. He’s trying to figure out what to do with it, so he’s buying a $500 MILLION boat which, because of the size of it’s masts can’t have a helicopter pad, SO the solution is a smaller boat (OK. yacht) with a “helicopter pad” which he can land his helicopter on and then be transferred to the larger yacht. He’ll STILL be able to do this after paying Ms. Warren’s “wealth tax.” The more I wright about republicans the more I find them “deplorable.” Stay tuned!

Final Thought: Another thing Joe Biden is doing which I like is fully funding the IRS with the mandate they collect the taxes from the tax cheats in America who’ve been getting away with simply not paying their taxes – or CHEATING on their taxes. The IRS has actually been auditing way MORE low end tax filers than the wealthy CHEATERS because they haven’t had the funding to go after the cheaters. This was a clear strategy of republicans which Biden is somehow reversing. I’ve even heard him saying he’s going after those who hide their profits in “tax havens” like the Cayman Islands. Here’s the good news for America’s wealthiest: By focusing on the tax cheaters Biden won’t have to raise taxes on the “wealthy’ as much. Here’s the bad news: It’s America’s wealthiest people who are doing the cheating which would include “stashing” money in “tax havens” in the Cayman Islands and other places where they can get away with it. What ever happened to actual “patriotism?”

And, when I say “patriotism” that doesn’t mean driving around with an America flag and an individual 1 flag flying from your rig – whatever it is you drive. I’m going to use that word I hate, once again: STUPID. That’s just a STUPID “look.” Just the other day I came across a group who “launched” a pop up tent next to the road on a busy street I happened to drive by. They were selling individual 1 2024 flags and, of course, “F Joe Biden” flags. I thought, who would allow these people to do this on their property – what business owns that property was the first thought in my mind. Well, whoever it is, I have to applaud. They turned the sprinklers on which must have worked because when I returned a while later they (and their “deplorable” flags and signs were GONE. I do have to admit, when I drove by, as the sprinklers were coming on, I rolled down my passenger window and yelled “F you guys.” I immediately had to ask God for forgiveness as I should do after my judgmental rants. But, then I think, most of my predictions have come true – so maybe this is prophecy. (This is why I hate it that I’ve come to be using the term “stupid” after listening to so many of individual 1’s supporters. He uses the phrase “uneducated voters” – and, when he says he loves them – do you really believe him?

It’s high time “we the people” vote the republicans into the history books!

I’ve been writing about my belief the republican party (as it’s now comported) SHOULD be voted into the history books for around 15 years and, it had to be heading for the right wing “cliff” to get me started. George W Bush/Dick Cheney brought the “deja vu all over again” perspective to my persona when they LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO (which has the Middle East discombobulated to this day) AND they did version two of the republican “trickle down” philosophy (I call it “trickle up”) – which, of course, began during the reign of Ronald Reagan and got progressively worse up to the administration of individual 1. I hit the panic button when America FOOLISHLY entered Iraq and then began TORTURING the so-called “enemy combatants.”

Well, if it’s possible to get worse than the administration of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – the (so-called) president who LOST two elections and over 60 court cases fighting the reality of the SECOND defeat in the 2020 election by a record number of votes – over 7 MILLION votes it could be what’s going on in republican “circles” right now. Of course, while the democrats are busy trying to make the lives of America’s working class and Middle class BETTER the republicans are OBSTRUCTING EVERYTHING and attempting to kiss up to the man who caused them to LOSE control of BOTH houses of Congress and the “White House.” Go figure!

The only way to explain what republicans are doing as I’m writing this is they’ve gone “completely off the rails.” In Arizona, they’ve got a “recount” of the votes in the largest county in the state (of course, a county which voted for Biden) being run by a whack job who is a delusional conspiracy theorist and now has control of over 2.1 MILLION ballots (likely illegally). Yikes! Of course, in Arizona and MANY other states around the nation republican state legislators are attempting to pass VOTER SUPPRESSION bills – their typical philosophy to make it so FEWER people may vote – instead of encouraging MORE people to vote and defining policies which appeal to those voters. Their present “policy” is FEARMONGERING. (OK, that’s what they’ve been doing for years)

Their FEARMONGERING seems to work with America’s “uneducated voters” which predominantly would seem to be those Americans who feel as if “white privilege” is “waning” and they are willing to do whatever it takes – including the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 – to prevent democrats – who are supported by a majority of the “people of color” in America – from gaining POWER. For example, Mitch McConnell has publicly stated what is in essence the same thing he said after the election of Barack Obama and that is republicans are unified in OBSTRUCTING everything the democrats are FOR. So, now democrats can focus on convincing Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema the FILIBUSTER is in the way of the progressive legislation which this nation desperately needs.

Those at the bottom of the “food chain” in America, for example, NEED higher wages, women who’ve been forced out of the workforce because of the lack of child care need HELP with the cost of childcare so they can go back to work, there’s a HUGE issue with food insecurity in America which democrats are addressing, there are issues with public education AND higher education which the democrats are addressing, America’s infrastructure is not only “crumbling” but much of it is falling way “behind the times,” America MUST address the issue of renewable energy – including supporting electrifying our automobiles and putting charging stations strategically along our highways, there are places across the nation which NEED high speed internet, and on and on. “We the people” support the Biden agenda and McConnell and the republicans OPPOSE everything. As is their history, republicans care about POWER and NOT about the health of this nation. (Remember, much of what Biden is proposing will HELP ALL Americans, including those republicans whose representatives are OPPOSING it – and, once passed we’ll hear those same republicans taking credit for the benefits of the legislation!)

Here’s where the republican party has gone. Liz Cheney is one of the most “conservative” members of Congress – frustratingly so, from my perspective. She’s soon to be removed from her position of leadership in the House republican caucus for, naturally, telling the TRUTH about individual 1’s DEFEAT last November and WORST yet for republicans, attempting to hold individual 1 accountable for the INSURRECTION on our nation’s Capitol Building as our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president urged his (ignorant) followers to attack the proceeding in Congress where the Electoral College votes were officially confirmed. This was SEDITION, pure and simple – and, that CHARGE should be aimed at individual 1 as well as MANY of those who chose to BREAK IN to the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 – a date which will remain in “infamy” in American history.

I was pointing out for over three years individual 1 was headed for a place in American history books right next to Benedict Arnold. Here’s the irony with this. I’ve listened to “republicans” in various parts of America being interviewed regarding, for example, Liz Cheney. One after another (I’ve heard) referred to Ms. Cheney as a “traitor.” THEY are supporting individual 1 which, in my view, makes them the “traitors.” It’s as if they have NO ability to think critically. It’s against the LAW to attempt to OVERTHROW the elected government in America (as in virtually every nation on earth). It’s the republicans in this nation, who are STILL supporting the (awful) person responsible for their LOSS of the House, the Senate, AND the “White House” and who was willing to throw our constitution “under the bus” who are the problem in this nation right now.

Clearly, there’s a significant segment of our population who do NOT believe in our constitution, despite claiming they believe in “law and order.” I believe our nation has been infiltrated by the people who believe in this manner in ways which create significant challenges. For example, the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021 included MANY members (or former members) of our military and our police departments. Clear and simple, the issue our nation MUST deal with is “white nationalism” and the “rot” which goes along with it. After reading “Rising out of Hatred,” a book focused on the son of Don Black, former “Grand Wizard” of the KKK and close associate of David Duke (another former “Grand Wizard” – who is the “god father” of Black’s son, Derek, the subject of the book) I got a closer look at the core of the white nationalist movement in America – a group which actually refers to individual 1 as their “fuhrer.” These people viewed individual 1 as their “vehicle” into the mainstream of American politics. Yikes!!

I have friends (some, apparently, former) who have fallen for this shtick. Virtually everytime I point out to ANY of them they’re supporting a RACIST movement they respond by saying, emphatically, “I’m not racist.” I suggested to one of them, the other day, “you’re watching too much Fox “TV,” His response was, “I don’t watch Fox, it’s become too liberal, I watch Newsmax.” I just have to shake my head – there’s no talking to these people. They have no idea they’re supporting a movement which is aimed at overthrowing our way of government – which has stood the test of time for over 240 years. Some of them actually believe individual 1 will be “re-installed” as our president after the Arizona (fake) recount is finished. (As an “aside,” I’m guessing those who are responsible for the Arizona recount will be facing federal charges for mishandling votes which are supposed to be “under lock and key” at all times.)

As the democrats are attempting to meet the needs of the American people it SHOULD be more and more clear the republicans have NO agenda other than OBSTRUCTION. This is what they did for the 8 years of Barack Obama’s administration and, then, they did virtually NOTHING during the reign of individual 1 aside from enacting a $2 TRILLION tax cut (scam) which funneled HUGE amounts of taxpayer dollars to America’s wealthy elite. This is one of the reasons I’ve started referring to those who support these republicans as “stupid” – it took me years to evolve to that word – as they refer to democrats as “elitist.” My God, this nation faces one irony after another!

Speaking of individual 1, I’ve also pointed out numerous times I read Robert Mueller’s report TWICE (it was 800 pages in the small paperback version I got from Barnes and Noble) AND it was clear there WAS “collusion” between individual 1’s campaign and the Russians back in 2016. Mueller simply pointed out there was insufficient evidence to support a “certain” conviction relating to “conspiracy” to bring an indictment against, for example, individual 1 Jr. or Jared Kushner – who, according to Mueller, didn’t understand (were too stupid to understand) they were breaking the law by meeting with Russians to get “dirt” on their political opponent. However, the FACT the Russians interfered on individual 1’s benefit was not in dispute – unless you believe the LIES of our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. Mueller was able to identify the actual computers in Russia which STOLE information from the DNC and John Podesta. In addition, individual 1’s reluctance to hold the Russians accountable has empowered FURTHER Russian interference in America’s “stuff.”

So, it will be on the “plate” of Joe Biden to respond to the international organized crime sanctioned by the Kremlin in Russia. Just today, in America, there’s a significant attack on the private infrastructure of America via a ransomware attack coming from a group of cyber CRIMINALS located in Russia. Of course, Vladimir Putin will deny responsibility, but everyone who pays attention to what is going on in Russia KNOWS nothing like this happens without Putin’s “blessing.” For those who look at Russia with a clear mind there is no doubt Putin is running the world’s greatest criminal enterprise – maybe in history. In the process, he, along with the so-called “oligarchs,” are robbing the Russian people of much of the natural wealth of their nation.

Sadly, I have to admit, America is also the home of a group of “oligarchs” (we seem to refer to them as the “top 1%”) – they are also pilfering “we the people” of America’s riches. I’m feeling as if Joe Biden is willing to deal with this issue in the United States so, now, we’ll see how he chooses to deal with the FACT the Russians continue to “mess” with our nation. It really is an ATTACK – albeit a cyber ATTACK – but, we’d better get a plan to deal with this in a way which encourages the Russians to “but out” or it will get worse. I’m guessing America has the capability to create a lot of “cyber” issues for the Russians should we decide to respond in a way to “get their attention.” Putin is busy all over the Western world in an attempt to undermine our “open societies” and turn that openness against us.

Individual 1 was/is the vehicle for Putin’s ATTACK on “we the people.” He’s got his “cyber warriors” constantly pushing the real “Fake news” onto “social media” platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Facebook is becoming a behemoth MONOPOLY and until our government responds to this MONOPOLY our nation will continue to be torn across the middle. I read a book about “Cambridge Analytica” and how they STOLE the data of 157 MILLION Americans which they then grouped into “neighborhoods” and, then, filtered “FAKE news” to these people in support of individual 1’s 2016 campaign. Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon were the two members of individual 1’s campaign who were “connected” with Cambridge Analytica. That data, by the way, was shared with the Russians and they are STILL pumping misinformation (“Fake News”) onto America’s Social Media platforms – stuff suggesting democrats are the “racists” and discouraging people from taking the Covid-19 vaccines. Yikes!

The challenges of this time are making it apparent Joe Biden has the opportunity to be one of the great presidents in American history. If he can encourage the entire democratic caucus, especially in the Senate, to vote for the progressive agenda which is presently “on the table” he will end up next to FDR in the history books. Of course, republicans have been working to undo the “New Deal” since the days of the Great Depression (which, of course, they caused – ie see Herber Hoover in the history books) so it shouldn’t be a surprise they’re voting AGAINST the badly needed legislation which democrats have “on the table.” As I stated above, it’s high time “we the people” vote the republicans into the history books!

Final Thought: America has a history with many “dark places” which we’ve been attempting to IGNORE for the entirety of our own history. We like to criticize others around the world why we’re ignoring our own problems. Well, it’s time to face up to our own issues – which includes saying NO to the republican party which can’t seem to shed itself of its RACIST past (and, now present) at the ballot box. As an optimist, I believe the young people in this nation overwhelmingly are (will be) rejecting the party of individual 1. Republicans fully understand their white nationalist agenda is in jeopardy – which is why they are attempting to pass restrictions to VOTING in over 45 states. It’s NOT going to work and the democrats have to power to demonstrate that by passing SR-1 which will reform the process of voting and districting all across the country. Additionally, they have the opportunity to “fix” the Voting Rights Act with the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act” legislation. John Roberts and Sam Alito should be having problems sleeping at night because of their choice to GUT section five of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – making all of this necessary.

Republicans see democrats as “spending” when what they’re really doing is INVESTING in America.

I’ve been trying to point out to my “conservative” friends they’ve been BAMBOOZLED by one of the most corrupt “con men” to come along in some time. Of course, when you read about individual 1 and his so-called “business” acumen, it becomes very clear he’s nothing more than a small time organized criminal. As I’ve told a few of these “conservatives” the truth is going to keep coming out about our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and those who have closely associated with him. For example, the “news” will be plastered with the “story” of Matt Gaetz – who I’ve referred to here often times as one of the lowest of the low in Congress – but, I digress. Gaetz, of course, is facing possible charges of “sex trafficking” if you read the NY Times or the Washington Post, or watch MSNBC or CNN (I personally, when I watch, it’s MSNBC.)

How will Gaetz problems be connected to individual 1? Well, likely there will be no connection although there’s photos of Gaetz posing next to Roger Stone, so, anything’s possible. Apparently, there are other members of Congress who chose to “dally” around with the girls Mr. Gaetz was – well, if you believe the reporting, PAYING for sex. And, apparently, the “good ol boys” weren’t too particular in checking the young girls’ ID’s. Earth to Gaetz, just in case you don’t get this, 17 and under is WAY TOO YOUNG! And, Gaetz, according to the reports, is following in the footsteps of his “fuhrer” by getting engaged in December and, then, in January, having another “dalliance” with one of his online sweethearts. OK, it’s not the same as being with a porn star while your wife is giving birth to your child, but, well, it’ll have to do – at least in the eyes of the Justice Department. Yikes!!! Ugh!!! Yuck!!!

For at least two (or three) years I’ve been pointing out that, eventually, the TRUTH will come out – and, I was referring to the person who’s LIED more than ANY other person I’ve ever witnessed (over 35,000 LIES during his reign of terror in the “White House” – of course, I’m referring to individual 1. I started this post (the first couple of paragraphs) a few weeks ago (about the time the “stories” referring to Gaetz began to circulate) – and, about the time I had surgery on both wrists for carpal tunnel syndrome – with a wavering motivation to keep writing. Things are going well with Joe Biden as president so I keep sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to find out if the Justice Department – without William Barr – might become a department based on “equal justice for all” under the law once again – or, at least more focused on reaching that “optimistic” point in time.

Well, yesterday, the FBI raided the homes and offices of Rudy Giuliani and Victoria Toensing which should make individual 1 even more nervous than he’s likely already feeling. After all, the DA in Fulton County Georgia has him “in the crosshairs” of a potential RICO charge, the DA in Manhattan, New York, already has the “goods” on our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and it appears it’s just a matter of time until individual 1 will be in a New York Courthouse, AND you have to believe Merrick Garland is spending HOURS upon HOURS considering whether (or not) to CHARGE individual 1 for INCITING the INSURRECTION of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. So, add to all that, the reality he’s likely knee deep in the “stuff” Rudy Giuliani is headed to. With him (individual 1), it never ends!

Giuliani, last night, chose to go on Tucker Carlson’s show, the favorite program of the white nationalist community (according to Derek Black the son of the man who runs the “” website – a home for many of America’s hard core white nationalists) where Giuliani made some really preposterous statements. It was over 50 years ago when I studied Constitutional Law while in my first attempt at college, but even I knew Giuliani’s claims about why the FBI would execute a warrant on someone were completely bogus – the reason the FBI executes a warrant, especially on an attorney, is because they have evidence of a CRIME which is strong enough to get a judge to give them the permission they need – they believe the “evidence” they collect will reflect that criminal activity. Giuliani had the audacity to suggest the FBI’s warrant was politically motivated. He suggested the ONLY reason the FBI is supposed to exercise a warrant is if evidence might be destroyed! Nonsense! The republican party has allowed itself to be a cesspool of LIARS! Warrants are required to show “probable cause” of a crime in order to be approved by a judge. Full Stop!

Here’s what we’re likely to find out if all the “leads” are followed based on what Giuliani was doing while he was hanging out with Ukrainians connected directly to the Kremlin: the actual level of “collusion” between individual 1 and Vladimir Putin. We’re also likely to find out the depth of the “collusion” between other top republican officials and the Russian government. Keep in mind, there are reputable reports the Russians funneled $30 MILLION into the 2016 campaign via the NRA – which was also the “home” of Marina Butina, the Russian “plant” who was convicted of “spying” and, ultimately, sent back to Russia from prison – received in Russia as a hero for what she was doing in America. Also, remember Ron Johnson, Senator from Wisconsin, who was warned about being a “useful idiot” of the Russians, but kept spouting their “talking points.” Question: does a “useful idiot” understand they’re considered an “idiot” by the Russians?

So, is it bad to have an American president (or Senator) who is operating as a “useful idiot” for the Russians? Well, in my opinion, there’s not a lot which could be worse. This makes it so clear why the previous two elections, where people voting for democrats showed up in record numbers, was so important. We were on the “edge” of the abyss in regard to our democratic republic. January 6th, 2021 is the evidence of how far individual 1 would go to put himself into position as America’s first autocrat. This is also why I believe it’s SO important for the Justice Department to be holding him accountable for the INSURRECTION because he’ll keep spewing his LIES until he’s been locked up where he belongs.

I’ve stated here my fear January 6th, 2021 might end up with similarities to the disgrace of the previous republican administration. If you remember, after the “Abu Ghraib” fiasco, only the Army “grunts” went to jail. Those who authorized the TORTURE (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.) got of “scott free.” So, now those who’ve been charged in the INSURRECTION attempt number over 500 and could swell to well over 600. Should they be the ones who spend decades in prison, or should the man who primed them to charge the Capitol Building be held to account. Well, in my mind, the answer is “all of the above.” We can only hope!

So, it’s been a few more days: I keep pointing out the TRUTH will come out, drip by drip. Well, yesterday Judge Amy Berman Jackson, in a case involving a group going by the acronym “CREW.” who filed a “freedom of information act” lawsuit against William Barr and the Justice Department regarding Barr’s misleading (LYING) “memo” in response to the “Mueller Report.” I’ve pointed out numerous times HERE that I read Mueller’s report TWICE and that it didn’t clear individual 1 of “collusion” with the Russians – it simply stated there wasn’t sufficient evidence for an indictment for “conspiracy” (and, of course, individual 1 was NOT going to be indicted anyway because of the infamous OLC memo suggesting a sitting president may not be indicted WHILE IN OFFICE.) and, in the second part of Mueller’s report there were 10 episodes suggesting individual 1 committed obstruction of justice.

In regard to the instances of OBSTRUCTION, there is where Mr. Barr may be in trouble for LYING to Congress in regard to what was really in the report and the process the DOJ went through to “support” his contention Mueller left it to him to determine whether there was OBSTRUCTION or not. Of course, by actually reading the report (it was long and tedious reading) it was OBVIOUS to me Mr. Barr was LYING when he published his original “memo.” The TRUTH is Mueller didn’t charge individual 1 because of the OLC memo, but he purposely left the evidence for the possibility of individual being charged once out of office. Mueller made it a point to help the reader of his memo understand the importance and seriousness of the charge of OBSTRUCTION.

I read the book of Andrew Weissman’s book, “Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller investigation” and it appeared to me several of the lawyers involved in Mueller’s investigation felt Mueller was way to “conservative” and were frustrated by Barr’s LYING about their report. So, as the “drip, drip, drip” continues to come out not only is individual 1 potentially in MORE trouble, but so might be people like Barr and the DOJ attorneys who were “disingenuous” in Judge Jackson’s court when this situation was first argued in front of her court.

I’ll say it again, “this is a nation of laws and not men” and if “no one is above the law” then all of these people who were LYING in court and were LYING to “we the people” SHOULD be facing accountability. Mueller was clear in his report he was “memorializing” the evidence of OBSTRUCTION for a FUTURE possibility for an indictment. So, for all you sycophants of individual 1 – members of his CULT – as I said above, you’ve been bamboozled by an expert con man – and, I have to wonder how you’ll react once he begins facing the plethora of CHARGES which appear to be “coming down the pike.” My guess is a bunch of you won’t believe the charges and you’ll continue allowing him to “grift” you for more of your cash. Yikes!

I have to add one more thing: Today, on my way home from an appointment I was listening to Nicole Wallace’s show on MSNBC and she interviewed a republican who had the audacity to “tell the TRUTH” in a campaign for the House in Texas and got 3% of the republican vote. That’s correct, just like Liz Cheney, telling the TRUTH in republican circles is a “death wish” politically. Here’s the rub for me, when I listened to this person I didn’t come away impressed with what he was saying other than republicans should be telling the TRUTH – which appears to be a non-starter in republican circles – his reference to his “conservative principles” not allowing him to agree with the “big spending” democrats was such a turn-off to me. He said he voted for individual 1 – who increased the DEFICIT way more than what will happen under President Biden and the democrats. Republicans just can’t understand the difference from “spending” and “investing.”

What the democrats are actually proposing is INVESTING in this nation and this nation’s working class people – I’ll say it again, INVESTING. “Spending” is like what republicans did with their $2 TRILLION tax giveaway for the wealthy in this nation – which returned virtually NOTHING to America’s working class. And, keep in mind, democrats have several proposals on how to PAY for these INVESTMENTS – and the increase in taxes they’re proposing is aimed at those who benefit MOST from the INVESTMENTS they’re proposing. The modernized infrastructure will help corporate interests exponentially, the INVESTMENT in things like free community college, child care, food stamps, education, high speed internet in underserved areas, fighting the pandemic, etc. etc. etc and it makes sense for corporations who are paying little to NO taxes to be paying their “fair share.” And, the republicans fear mongering against taxes being raise on income above your FIRST half MILLION or so is disingenuous as is most of their OBSTRUCTION. Here’s the reality, republicans do NOTHING but OBSTRUCT – this has been going on since the days of Newt Gingrich.

The American people are solidly behind virtually everything being proposed by President Biden’s administration so far, but republicans in Congress have united AGAINST anything the democrats want to do. Their interest is POWER and, clearly, as we saw on January 6th, 2021 they have NO will to actually defend our constitution. To republicans it’s as if the INSURRECTION didn’t happen – for God’s sake, what are they going to be saying during all the upcoming CRIMINAL cases where people will be claiming they STORMED the Capitol because they believe “their president” encouraged them to do so – to “stop the steal?” We’re going to find out how STUPID those Americans who continue being “grifted” by individual 1 really are. We continue to see evidence of one member of the republican caucus in Congress after another staining themselves in an attempt to look away from the LIES of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

Of course, because they (republicans) control the state legislatures of a majority of states, the VOTER SUPPRESSION tactics of the republicans may succeed in causing more grief in this nation should democrats like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema continue to balk at either removing the filibuster or modifying it so SR-1 can make it through the Senate – even if it gets modified to get Manchin’s approval. There are MANY proposal’s of legislation which are supported by significant majorities of the American people which will require a modification or removal of the filibuster to get through Congress. We’ll be listening to republicans claiming democrats are trying to turn America into a Socialist nation – a claim which is ABSURD on its face.

Well, enough of that, I want to talk about Joe Biden. I have to admit I was all wrong when he was running in the primaries. I “got” many democrats, independents, and “never you know who (I can’t bring myself to write the name)” republicans wanted Biden because they felt he had the best chance of beating individual 1. However, it’s turning out Biden may end up going down as a historically important and successful president. Assuming democrats can somehow get Manchin and Sinema (and, maybe a few other democrats) to modify the filibuster. As i said above: Republicans see democrats as “spending” when what they’re doing is INVESTING in America. Stay tuned!