Individual 1 is the symptom. He’s the “vehicle” which has brought the right wing white nationalist movement into the mainstream of America’s politics.

I’ve been writing exhaustively about what a “DEPLORABLE” person individual 1 is for, well, the past five plus years. Today is the day, on the surface, it appeared individual 1 continues his “stranglehold” on the republican party as Liz Cheney – no friend of ANY progressive on policy – was excommunicated from her position of leadership in the republican caucus for – yep, you guessed it – the mortal sin in the republican party of telling the TRUTH. So, I was thinking as I drove around today that the problem isn’t individual 1 – he’s just the convenient pathological LIAR who has NO moral compass so is the perfect “leader” of the white nationalists who make up a significant section of the republican base. However, it’s clear the problem goes much deeper than individual 1.

For example, take Fox “news” for example. I can only stomach a few seconds of Fox at a time because I understand their LEVEL of DISHONESTY almost the instant I turn it on. Several of the “prime time” hosts on Fox are maybe MORE responsible for the state of America than individual 1 because they’re allowing their “megaphone” to be the “funnel” for the LYING which has become normalized in the republican party. Keep in mind, this LYING has been a key part of the republican party going all the way back to Ronald Reagan. (OK, you’re right, Nixon – although, there were republicans in Congress willing to stand up to Nixon) This LYING as “policy” goes all the way back to Lee Atwater and Newt Gingrich.

You’re correct, democrats fudge on the TRUTH as well, but this issue is like “men against boys.” And, of course, individual 1 is willing to LIE about anything. In fact, as with all pathological LIARS I’ve ever encountered (a few while I was still teaching) “when his lips are moving, he’s LYING.” We’re talking about 35,000 observable, provable LIES during four years in office. That’s likely the “the “mother” of all records which will NEVER be broken.” Move over Joe DiMaggio!

It makes no sense for republicans to continue supporting a LOSER like individual 1 – remember, he’s now LOST two elections (popular vote), his party LOST the House in 2018 and the Senate, House, and “White House” in 2020 along with OVER 60 court cases as our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president proved himself to be the “mother of all poor LOSERS.” Of course, with the help of the aforementioned Fox “news” hosts like Hannity, Carlson, etc., the people at Newsmax, the people at OANN (I have to admit, that’s the one I’ve yet to encounter), Breitbart, and various whacked out conspiracy hotspots – yes, I’m talking about QAnon among others (and, there ARE others) continue to spew the so-called “Big Lie” to the republican base which has proven to have a significant MAJORITY incapable of critical thought. Yikes!

But, keep in mind, the republican party makes up less than a third of America’s voting public – so, this “base” is less and less important as time rolls on. For example, a large part of it is made up of my peers – older white people. Here’s the reality when republicans are making a “bet” for 2022 and 2024. By 2022 there’ll be fewer of us old white people (significantly) and MORE of America’s young people who are REJECTING the RACIST republican party in burgeoning numbers. Yes, republicans are “busy as bees” attempting to restrict access to the voting booth and rigging their districts against those who tend to vote for democrats, but, I don’t even think that will work. (I suspect the democrats will figure out how to get S-1 passed – McConnell’s claim he’s focused on “blocking everything coming from the democrats” maybe just might be what Joe Manchin needs to understand there’s no path to bipartisanship.

Here’s what the republican party has become. (Read “Rising Out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow) Check out Don Black and his web portal “” where you’ll find his work and that of David Duke – both former “Grand Wizards” of the KKK, who consider Tucker Carlson their hero on the TV. According to Derek Black, the son of Don and the subject of the aforementioned book (I highly recommend it) the white nationalists not only watch Carlson, they record his shows so they can go back and watch them over and over. I have acquaintances who won’t watch Fox because “it’s become too liberal” and they (mostly) watch Newsmax. I’ve only tuned into “Newsmax” a couple times and I lasted only seconds, as what happens with Fox – because the LYING IS profuse.

And, some of the people I know, who are “respectable” members of our local community (and, go to the same church I attend) regurgitate QAnon NONSENSE in such a way I have to be cautious because it’s so absurd I have to guess if they’re joking. Sadly, to this point in time, they’re NEVER joking. I made the mistake with one of them to say, “surely you’re not STUPID enough to believe that nonsense. Well, sadly, the answer was YES, that person IS stupid enough to believe it and DOES believe it. He told me, “Biden’s not president. America is two countries and the Civil War has never been settled.” Then he went on about the “Rothchild’s” money and I had to cut him off. I’ve been listening to anti-Semitic Rothchild “stuff” for MANY years, but never in a way suggesting – well, I’m 73, I can’t remember the details, only that it was, well, STUPID. I’ve been calling these right wing whack jobs STUPID, of late – reluctantly, because I hate that word, but I can’t think of anything else. Take a listen to some of individual 1’s supporters in interviews when they try to explain why they support him. Listen to people like Paul Gosar and Louie Gohmert – a couple dandies!

So, getting back to my original point, the problem in America right now is NOT individual 1 – he’s going to be too busy defending himself in Court within the next few months to be worrying about his political (lack of a) future. The problem is the very significant portion of America who believe in an American version of apartheid – white nationalism – and, they’re desperate to create obstacles to VOTING which might allow them to regain POWER in the next couple of years so they can continue their assault on our constitution. These republicans, who claim to be “for law and order” are doing everything in their power to find a way to create a situation where they can RULE with a minority of – what is likely to be, by 2024, well less than 40% of the voting public. (Their plan: voter SUPPRESSION and partisan GERRYMANDERING)

I use to claim the problem with democrats was they were “spineless” – but, today’s republicans are making the democrats come across as “Genghis Khan.” Take for example, Kevin McCarthy. Here’s a man who believes in absolutely,,,,, “NOTHING.” For example, today he led the purging of Liz Cheney (a true conservative) from the House leadership because she refuses to agree that Joe Biden won the election and individual 1 is LYING about the “election being stolen.” So, right after leading a (secret voice – complete chicken s@#t)) vote to oust Cheney for a woman who was far more “moderate” than Cheney until she saw the opportunity to replace her in the caucus – Elise Stefanik, ugh – McCarthy stood in front of the “White House” and said this, “No one questions that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President.” OK, ??????? These people are NUTS! (Later, I believe, he reversed himself again – with a “socialist” comment thrown in)

Not only are some (OK, many republicans) continuing to question the outcome of the election, but now I’m hearing a different tact. (Apparently, the last three “Q” predictions of individual 1’s return to power having come and gone they need a new “strategy”) So, I pointed out right from the start after the election it’s just a matter of time until the attacks heat up on Kamala Harris. Why would that surprise anyone? – for heaven’s sake, she’s a woman (that’s obvious), she’s half Black (not as obvious unless, well, you’re “in the know” – that means NOT a republican), and she’s half Asian. Talk about your “three strikes and you’re out” from the republican party point of view. If you read this “Otto” this is the republican party you “call home.”

Well, there has to be some way to bring grief on the Biden administration considering Joe Biden has an approval rating North of 60% and his policies are getting approval ratings above 70%. There you have the perfect legislation republicans can unite to OBSTRUCT. But, apparently, that’s not working for them, so, of late, I’ve been hearing a different approach. Here’s how it goes: Joe Biden couldn’t possibly be coming up with all this progressive legislation which so many people approve – he is so old he has trouble getting out of bed in the morning. If you’re a republican, beware, it’s the “liberal” Kamala Harris behind all this legislation. She’s the actual one doing all the work, Biden is just a convenient figurehead. Wow! (Actually, the kind of reminds me of the tax scam of 2017 for some reason)

Of course, I remember that same scenario back in the early 2000’s with Bush/Cheney. Many were speculating Dick Cheney (father of Liz, of course) was the actual president because he was responsible for MOST of the agenda – like the tax cuts and the LYING us into Iraq. Well, I’ve read about that administration extensively and would suggest that claim was partially correct. Cheney was certainly critically involved in the tax cuts and he was devious about it – in fact, he was devious about how he chose himself to be Vice President (but, You’ll have to read Bart Gelman’s book “Angler” to get the full picture) so there is some truth to the claim about Cheney, at least for the first term of GW Bush. But Harris – I believe Joe Biden is treating her just as Barack Obama treated him – he’s giving her many important responsibilities, but the claims on Fox and other places to the contrary are based in typical republican misogyny and racism. Are you surprised? I’m only surprised it took this long for the attacks to ramp up.

Individual 1 is going to play this out as long as his sycophants (and his cult followers) continue to allow him to get away with it. But, I’m predicting right here and right now, the end is “nigh.” The District Attorney in Fulton County Georgia has that tape of the call asking for just 11,780 votes with the Secretary of State – and, apparently, there were other recorded calls – which violate Georgia State law and, likely, Federal law – this episode could result in a RICO charge because there were others, apparently, involved (Lindsey Graham?). The DA in Manhattan is zeroing in on what appears to be a series of charges – like Bank Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Tax Fraud, etc. and the Southern District of New York still has the infamous “individual 1” case which SHOULD be prosecuted. Then there’s the INSURRECTION – should the “stooges” individual 1 INCITED be the only ones held accountable? (I’ve written this reminds me of Abu Ghraib were the Army grunts went to prison for following what they thought were orders and those who gave the orders: Bush/Cheney, Rumsfeld et al) got off “scott free.” Is that going to continue to remain America’s system of justice? – remember Reagan and HW Bush got off for Iran/Contra – at this point it does appear some are “above the law.”)

And, of course, now it appears the Justice Department may be zeroing in on the TEN plus examples of OBSTRUCTION of Justice in Robert Mueller’s report which individual 1 escaped because of the OLC memo “suggesting” a sitting president SHOULDN’T be indicted (which has become Justice Department policy and Mueller honored it) AND because William Barr LIED about what was in the report. A Federal judge has now admonished Barr, and, essentially, accused him of LYING to her court AND to Congress plus now Don McGahn is planning, after two years of legal “wrangling” to testify to Congress about what he witnessed while in the “White House.” There could be issues with his testimony (individual 1 can still claim “executive privilege”), but it appears just a matter of time until our former TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president could be defending himself against charges of OBSTRUCTION – a charge Mueller said in his report is fundamental to our system of LAWS.

To summarize my point here: individual 1 is the symptom. He’s the “vehicle” which has brought the right wing white nationalist movement into the mainstream of America’s politics. These people have republicans in Congress acting as if they’re afraid of their own shadows. I have to admire, although I vociferously DISAGREE with much of what comes out of Liz Cheney’s mouth in regard to policy, that this LONE woman has the guts to stand up to individual 1. I can guarantee you it will be Liz Cheney who comes out of this on top – NOT Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy has proven himself to be devoid of any belief system and he can’t even figure out if he’s for or against the LIES of individual 1. Today’s “Houdini Act” was almost comical – except it’s really serious business. To me, McCarthy is almost more PATHETIC than individual 1.

It says in the Bible to “love your enemies” (and, I have to say, I don’t consider these people my “enemies” we’re all Americans) so, I’ll say here “I love them.” (OK, that was hard) But, I’ll love it even more if the American people come to their collective senses and vote as many of these TRAITORS to our nation as possible out of office in 2022. There were actually members of Congress today suggesting the INSURRECTIONISTS were “peaceful protesters” and that the victims of January 6th, 2021 was individual 1 and all the “nice” people being “targeted” by the FBI and getting arrested. One member of the House republican caucus actually regurgitated the LIE that the INSURRECTIONISTS were NOT individual 1 supporters. (Have you heard how many of the INSURRECTIONISTS are basing their defense on “individual 1 asked me to do it?”)

America is at a crossroads and the republican party is in a shambles. As Joe Biden, himself, has said, “We need two functioning, responsible parties which can work together to ‘get things done.'” Liz Cheney is dedicating herself to salvaging the republican party by going after individual 1 and “telling it like it is.” I have to admire that and, of course, I hope she succeeds, but not with a party which believes the right wing nonsense she spews – but, if they could work with democrats, well, that’d be OK. I have an acquaintance who lamented republicans are the party of “Christians and conservatives.” Well, I’m a Christian and I don’t recognize much of what is coming from the mouths of the leaders of the republican party to be “Christian.” For example, “Thou shall NOT LIE.” That’s fundamental. I’m always reminded of Jesus’ words, “What you do TO the LEAST of these, you do TO me!” Finally, we have a party which is focused on the “least of these.”

What Joe Biden and the democrats are doing has been long overdue in this nation and I hope they have the GUTS to keep it up. They are enacting policy which provides benefits to the American people from the “bottom up.” Over 80% of Americans are directly benefiting from the “American Rescue Plan” – not even taking into account the benefit we’ll all get from the massive agenda to FIGHT the Covid-19 pandemic (which seems to be working, by the way.) Now they want to push through an INFRASTRUCTURE plan of over $2 TRILLION – which is badly needed – and the “American Families Plan” (a bit less than $2 TRILLION) which is also badly needed – AND, They want to PAY for it be raising taxes on America’s wealthy and American corporations which, in many cases, have been paying ZILCH for the past many years. A LARGE percentage of Americans support ALL of this. Just NO republicans in Congress.

And, something I’ve thought a lot about is Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to tax the WEALTH of America’s “BILLIONAIRES” by charging a “wealth tax” of 2 cents on EVERY dollar over – get this – OVER $50 MILLION and “a bit more on every dollar over $1 BILLION. Think of it, Jeff Bezos would FINALLY be expected to “pay his fair share.” His wealth GREW over $50 BILLION in just the past year. He’s trying to figure out what to do with it, so he’s buying a $500 MILLION boat which, because of the size of it’s masts can’t have a helicopter pad, SO the solution is a smaller boat (OK. yacht) with a “helicopter pad” which he can land his helicopter on and then be transferred to the larger yacht. He’ll STILL be able to do this after paying Ms. Warren’s “wealth tax.” The more I wright about republicans the more I find them “deplorable.” Stay tuned!

Final Thought: Another thing Joe Biden is doing which I like is fully funding the IRS with the mandate they collect the taxes from the tax cheats in America who’ve been getting away with simply not paying their taxes – or CHEATING on their taxes. The IRS has actually been auditing way MORE low end tax filers than the wealthy CHEATERS because they haven’t had the funding to go after the cheaters. This was a clear strategy of republicans which Biden is somehow reversing. I’ve even heard him saying he’s going after those who hide their profits in “tax havens” like the Cayman Islands. Here’s the good news for America’s wealthiest: By focusing on the tax cheaters Biden won’t have to raise taxes on the “wealthy’ as much. Here’s the bad news: It’s America’s wealthiest people who are doing the cheating which would include “stashing” money in “tax havens” in the Cayman Islands and other places where they can get away with it. What ever happened to actual “patriotism?”

And, when I say “patriotism” that doesn’t mean driving around with an America flag and an individual 1 flag flying from your rig – whatever it is you drive. I’m going to use that word I hate, once again: STUPID. That’s just a STUPID “look.” Just the other day I came across a group who “launched” a pop up tent next to the road on a busy street I happened to drive by. They were selling individual 1 2024 flags and, of course, “F Joe Biden” flags. I thought, who would allow these people to do this on their property – what business owns that property was the first thought in my mind. Well, whoever it is, I have to applaud. They turned the sprinklers on which must have worked because when I returned a while later they (and their “deplorable” flags and signs were GONE. I do have to admit, when I drove by, as the sprinklers were coming on, I rolled down my passenger window and yelled “F you guys.” I immediately had to ask God for forgiveness as I should do after my judgmental rants. But, then I think, most of my predictions have come true – so maybe this is prophecy. (This is why I hate it that I’ve come to be using the term “stupid” after listening to so many of individual 1’s supporters. He uses the phrase “uneducated voters” – and, when he says he loves them – do you really believe him?

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