Monthly Archives: July 2017

America is looking for someone who’s in a leadership position, and circumstances dictate it must be a republican, to lead the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

Today as I listened to excerpts of Jared Kushner’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee (which, of course, was NOT under oath – go figure) it became clear to me that the LYING is part of both sides of the Trump family.  And, Kushner is not very sophisticated at it.  For example, in explaining his participating in the controversial meeting of June 9, 2016 with a bevy of Russians connected to Vladimir Putin Kushner made a couple statements that pretty much contradicted each other.  He said he hadn’t completely read the email setting up the meeting (the one that said they had incriminating info on Hillary Clinton via the Russian government – and, I have to be clear, I don’t believe that statement he hadn’t read it on its face) and, then he said once he was in the meeting all they were talking about was “Russian adoption” so he felt the meeting was a “waste of time.”  He said he emailed a friend to call him giving him a reason to leave the meeting.  Riiight!

Well, think about that.  If you actually believe his words, he said he didn’t know what the meeting was about (because he hadn’t fully read the email invite) and then he said when he discovered the discussion was on “adoption” he felt the meeting was a “waste of time.”  Now, I taught Middle School for over 20 years and one thing you learn as a Middle School teacher is how to parse someone who’s LYING.  (unfortunately, in my experience, LYING was commonplace – we had a saying; “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember”)  What makes absolutely no sense to me regarding Kushner’s statement is that if he had no idea what the meeting was supposed to be about, why did he find the subject of “Russian adoption” a “waste of time.”  Doesn’t that make you think, “what was he expecting?”

Now, let me be clear.  If the subject of “Russian adoption” came up in the meeting there’s not a thread of hesitation in my mind that the subject was ACTUALLY the Magnitsky Act (which Vladimir Putin has been angry about since it was passed – not to mention the Russians who were singled out who are wanting Putin to wave his magic wand to get the sanctions the act imposed repealed) which was the legislation putting sanctions on Russians due to the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer that got on the wrong side of Putin and was eventually beaten to death in a Russian prison.  I can guarantee you there was some discussion of a “quid pro quo” regarding those sanctions in that meeting – a discussion which likely will never “come out.”  (I don’t know about you, but I don’t expect any of the Americans in the meeting, Donald Jr., Paul Manafort, and Kushner to actually tell the truth about that meeting.  The LYING about that meeting is already nearing “double digits”)

Trump Jr. was forced to publish the emails relating to this meeting because the NY Times somehow got hold of them, so there’s NO DOUBT about the purpose of the meetings, and there can be no doubt about the propensity to LIE – because Trump Jr. has left a trail of LIES as he’s been forced to give more info every time he realizes the Times already has/had copies of the emails I’m sure he thought would NEVER become public.  What’s become crystal clear is that these people only give as much “truth” as they feel they’ve been forced to by our media.  Which brings the thought to my mind that without the media, Trump el al would be totally getting away with all of this bad stuff.  (and, Kushner “forgetting” another meeting with Russians that doesn’t pass the “smell test” would never be known)

In his statement Kushner also addressed his “SF-86” disclosures which he’s had to “update” at least three and possibly four times.  (He’s exposed legally here – but, in our present situation, it’s unlikely he’ll be prosecuted for perjuring himself multiple times on this form)  Essentially, his excuse for filing false forms ranges from miscommunication with his “representative in Washington” to forgetfulness.  One of the “forgetfulness” meetings was the aforementioned June 9, 2016 meeting and another was a meeting with the head of a Russian bank under US Sanction.

There’s, in my mind, two ways to interpret this info and Kushner’s “excuses” for the memory lapses.  First, if he’s telling the truth, then he’s in way over his head with all the IMPORTANT responsibility he’s been given by Trump.  If he can’t understand an email like the one he got from Don Jr. and, then, remember a meeting like that in an environment such as exists today in Washington DC he shouldn’t be in charge of peace in the Middle East or restructuring our government to make it more efficient.  The second possibility is that he’s just not a very good LIAR and he’s part of the “Russia thing.”  To me, neither option looks very good.

Keep in mind, there’s circumstantial evidence that would suggest the latter of the two previous options and the reality is that “we the people” can’t believe a word that comes from the mouths of any of the members of Trump’s team.  (Personally, I’m thinking James Mattis is still one who could be believed – at least at this point)  Kushner divested himself from his families major business investment, 666 (yes, that’s correct, 666) 5th avenue in New York, prior to moving to Washington DC, but the property continues to be a major risk to the Kushner family’s fortune – based on multiple reports I’ve heard or read.

The Kushners are seeking financing in the BILLIONS to prevent default on a building that has a high vacancy rate and has a 1.2 BILLION dollar loan (1.4 BILLION with accrued interest) due in a year or two.  Reports are they’ve been searching for foreign financing of their plans for the site and it seems plausible that could have “come up” in Kushner’s conversation with Sergey Gorkov, the head of the sanctioned Russian bank, although Kushner’s statement would have you believe he had no idea who this man was or that he was even a “banker.”  Had the Trump clan not proven a propensity to LIE about EVERYTHING, his story might be believable – I’m just not believing it.

The fact that Kushner “volunteered” to testify – only if it was NOT under oath – certainly makes me wonder.  (update: evidently, the next day he testified in closed session under oath for the House Intelligence committee)  If, as he states, “I have nothing to hide” why is his “testimony” NOT under oath.  To me, if he’s unable or unwilling to take an oath to tell the TRUTH, then I have to question what is his purpose in the meeting?  Granted, most Americans won’t think twice about whether or not his “testimony” is under oath and republicans will undoubtedly use it to support his claims of innocence – especially those who are willing to defend Trump no matter what – but, to me, if it’s not under oath it’s likely just more “spin” – at best – or, at worst, more LYING.

I just try to imagine how the republican congress would be dealing with these issues had “the shoe been on the other foot.”  Can you imagine if President Obama or Hillary Clinton had been caught ‘red handed” colluding with the Russians?  (Yes, Kushner said he didn’t collude with any foreign government, but just going to that meeting [the June 9/ 2016 meeting] suggests otherwise). Additionally, Trump himself, and those in his administration, continue to show a “blind eye” toward the FACT the Russians interfered in our election to an extent that went way beyond what’s been normal “intelligence gathering” in the past.  We all KNOW the Russians wanted Trump to win and, if, as he says, his campaign was not involved in their scheme, then why on earth do they act like their actions need to be “hidden?”  Why the drip,drip, drip?  And, why does everything have to be forced out?

Our right to vote is basic to the fundamental tenets of a nation that believes in the rule of law.  The other foundational piece of that consistency – and, by that, I mean during my lifetime there always seems to be a significant “choice” when voting in presidential elections, but “we the people” forge on no matter the outcome and presidents try to pull the nation together.  Trump, with the help of the Russians and Vladimir Putin is putting that historical strength to a MAJOR test. Instead of pulling people together, Trump is busy attacking the press, the intelligence community, the attorney general and the Justice Department, his predecessor – STILL – and his former opponent (who, by the way, got 3 MILLION more votes than him) as if he’s still in “campaign mode.”  Meanwhile, the government is at a standstill!

“We the people,” at least at this point, are relying on republicans in Congress to be the CHECK against this BRAZEN power grab Trump and his surrogates are pushing.  At least at present, I’m not getting a sense that Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan have the stomach to take Trump on.  Obviously, Trump’s sleazy “Access Hollywood” admission caused only a temporary show of displeasure from either republican leader (and, most republicans in Congress) and his brazen and arrogant violations of the emoluments clause, from day one, is of no interest to them.  If they choose to look the other way as the “Russia thing’s” evidence continues to mount this country will be in crisis mode.  (People don’t realize the potential economic damage to America if European countries abandon the dollar as the world’s currency exchange foundation – I can’t think of a better word)

Trump is busy BASHING the media in an attempt to turn as many people as possible away from the basic source of a critically important CHECK which has traditionally protected “we the people” from something like what he’s attempting to accomplish.  Trump bashes the “Fake news” (he even did this, unbelievably – but, true – to a bunch of Boy Scouts at their annual “jamboree.”  As a former Boy Scout I found his words to a bunch of kids sickening – is he trying to begin a brainwashing of our youth?  Read about the history of Germany in the 1930’s)  The REAL FAKE NEWS is coming from Trump’s mouth and the mouth’s of his surrogates – who are giving their allegiance to a dangerous man and will be stamped forever as enablers.  Even Kushner couldn’t resist a derogatory jab at Hillary Clinton in his public remarks after his meeting with the Congressional investigators.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, while I was putting this post together, out comes another “tweet storm” from Trump, this time castigating “his” attorney general for not investigating “Crooked Hillary” and her “ties to Russia.”  (Investigating your defeated opponent is the work of tyrants – like Vladimir Putin)  Trump is clearly on the “warpath” to force Attorney General Sessions (Trump’s first and most vocal supporter in the campaign) to resign, presumably so he can stick someone in that office who will fire Robert Mueller – I’m sure Trump’s thinking is “the Russian investigation would then be over.”  I don’t think Trump understands the backlash which would ensue.  Additionally, just Trump’s comments suggesting he can order the Attorney General to investigate anyone, least of all a political opponent, suggests an even closer relationship to Putin than I had previously imagined.

Attacking the media and suggesting the Attorney General is his personal attorney and, by logical inference, that the Justice Department is a tool of the White House and not an independent body of our government would suggest we’re already at a constitutional crisis that finds itself only in the area of public debate because we have a republican Congress which apparently fears Trump.  Trump’s words and actions are the words and actions of a tyrant, but why is this republican congress remaining virtually silent?  I mean, Trump’s been making comments for years that should have pushed him to the fringes of American politics – but, republicans have shown themselves, over and over, to endorse his terrible behavior and rhetoric by their silence.  (example: five years of the “Birther” movement – which has put a stamp of racism on the republican party that even our “liberal media” seems afraid to point out in any meaningful manner)

Reports I’ve seen lately suggest there’s still 17 states where Trump has an approval rating of at least 50%.  The problem with that, for him, is there’s another 33 states where his approval rating is in the tank – lower than any president at this point in his first term than EVER – since these polls have been taken.  Should he follow through with his threats to fire Mueller or his plan for “blanket pardons” for his surrogates who are in the FBI’s “cross-hairs” Trump will face protests from “we the people” which will make the “Women’s march” look like a small group meeting.  And, if republicans in Congress continue to enable this man’s despicable behavior, they will be stamping their place in American History along side Benedict Arnold.  (a friend just returned from Europe – he told me in Italy and France Trump’s “approval rating” is sitting around 14% and that President Obama is more popular than ever since Trump took office.)

I started this post with the intention of taking a good look at Jared Kushner’s written comments and his post-testimony press briefing (with no questions) focusing on the apparent lack of veracity in both.  Then, another “tweet storm” caused my thoughts and direction to change.  This is how Trump works.  Of course, I know that Trump has no idea who I am – but, that seems to be how he works.  One absurd comment after another to manipulate where the discussion of all the wrongdoing is headed.  “We the people” never seem to spend enough time on any one TERRIBLE aspect of what Trump is doing to our nation to fully understand it.  He’s the master at causing confusion and his words and actions seem to be aimed at exacerbating the terrible political divide that exists in America.  Yesterday, I saw a speech by John McCain in the Senate calling for a return to “regular order” regarding legislation – especially the issue of health care in America.  America is looking for someone who’s in a leadership position, and circumstances dictate it must be a republican,  to lead the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

Today, I heard Trump claim:  “other than maybe Abraham Lincoln I am the most presidential president to hold this office in the history of our country.”  Yikes!  I’ve pointed out the issue of narcissism, I’ve pointed out the man is delusional, I’ve pointed out the obvious pathological LYING, but the reality is the more I listen to him the more I’m concerned at his mental capacity.  Someone who says and does the things he says and does, shouldn’t have the codes to the nuclear arsenal.  I find this really hard to say, but I’m now supporting Mike Pense for president.  Sooner rather than later!  (It’s going to happen – unless Trump fires him as well!)

Final thought:  Whoever that republican (or group of republicans if that’s what it takes) is who gathers the courage to lead the impeachment of Donald Trump, he/she/they will have a special place in American history.  The fringe groups that are the avid supporters of Trump will eventually have to return to the rocks they were hiding under until the election of Barack Obama.  We now have a clear understanding they’re still here (the avowed racists) – and, it’s up to democrats and “moderate” republicans to address the clear needs of middle class Americans in the “rust belt” who feel (justifiably) that government has abandoned them – these are people I believe would agree with me that racism is unacceptable.

It’s time for democrats to understand that those who believe abortion to be murder should still be welcome in their party.  That issue will never be resolved (or should I say addressed) in a constructive way until democrats stop allowing “wedge issues” to do what those who push them want – and, that’s to drive well meaning people apart.  There’s a reason why issues that have 75% agreement among “we the people” are not addressed in Congress – and, in my view, it’s the “wedge issues” we’re all arguing about that takes the focus off what is the real function of government.  I’ll elaborate in an upcoming post – but, as of this moment, the most important issue in American politics is the removal of Donald Trump from the office of president via impeachment!

If Trump makes a move to fire Mueller, this republican congress will be at an historic crossroads.

OMG – sometimes I just want to scream at republicans: WAKE UP!  Your president, (and, make no mistake, he’s YOUR president – republicans will be attached at the chord if they allow this man to continue in office) Donald Trump is either a BUFFOON or a TRAITOR!  During the campaign he repeatedly claimed how smart he is (the “deal maker”) – which (especially for all his “Christian” supporters) always reminds me of the Bible verse: “The man who thinks he knows is the fool, the wise man knows he doesn’t know.”  And, I have to admit, I’m thankful for the STUPID part of what Trump is showing us because a more sophisticated BULLY would possibly be able to “get away” with “the Russia thing.”  It’s almost to the point where it no longer matters whether Trump “did or didn’t” collude with the Russians (it appears he did based on his actions), the investigation is bringing out his BULLYING tendency to the point where it appears to me, and – of course – “I’m not a lawyer” (how often are we hearing that disclaimer these days?) that, just like Watergate, the coverup could  be worse than the crime.  (Although, the “colluding,” to me, is treasonous – and, that’s REALLY bad!)

Trump continues to be either brazenly arrogant or incredibly STUPID as this scenario unfolds.  I just wrote the other day how STUPID it was for Trump to give an interview to Lester Holt of NBC a day or two after firing James Comey, the head of the FBI who was leading the investigation into the “Russia thing,” and then undermine ALL of his surrogates who were busy “spinning” Comey’s firing in a way to pass the blame to Rod Rosenstein only to have Trump ADMIT he fired Comey because of the “Russia thing.”  Then a day or two later he, again, ARROGANTLY, met with the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador (he of all the controversial meetings prior to that date) and, in the process, gave out top-secret classified info and reiterated he “got rid” of Comey to take pressure off the “Russian investigation.”  (he added a few disrespectful derogative comments which prompted Comey’s leak leading to the special counsel)  All I can say is, who would want to be Trump’s legal counsel?

In the post I was working on I just assumed that someone had talked sense into Trump’s head and he would no longer grant these types of interviews – when he’s talking “off the cuff” things don’t go well – I’ve written my prior posts which would explain why – yet, last night I saw “breaking news” that Trump sat down with three reporters from the “Failing” NY Times, as he usually refers to them, and gave an even more incredible STUPID interview.  I have no idea what it’s going to take for the republicans in Congress to realize the gravity of Trump as president, but I can only hope that “we the people” are paying attention so that we can begin the process of correcting this problem in 2018 if they fail to act.  Right now, that’s looking like a really long time to have to endure this man in the “White House” – and, as I’ve repeatedly said here, the potential damage he can inflict on “we the people” is historic.  Clearly, he’s attempting to turn this nation in a direction that more closely mirrors his good buddy Vladimir Putin and Russia.  The same Russia where the “administrative state” has already been “deconstructed.” (in the words of Steve Bannon.)

How long are republicans going to put their power, and their party ahead of the nation?  Clearly, they exposed themselves during the Obama administration as their focus was on President Obama’s “failure” instead of America’s success.  But, this is getting ridiculous.  With Trump, the possibility of MASSIVE damage always exists. especially when I think about the previous republicans who “played” the “war card” during times of political crisis at home.  They seem to believe the way to jack up approval ratings is to put our troops in “harms way.”  Let’s hope these fears are not well grounded!

Yet, we see hints the republicans in Congress actually realize the gravity of the situation – evidently, they’re just waiting for the “right moment” to move toward removing Trump from office.  For example, there’s a bill going through Congress to put additional sanctions on Russia (and Iran and North Korea) that Trump opposes.  My understanding of the bill is that Trump won’t be able to remove these (or other) sanctions without meeting preconditions placed on the sanctions by Congress.  It appears republicans in Congress are daring Trump to veto the bill.  That would certainly make his association with Vladimir Putin even clearer.  (not that most of us need any more evidence)  This shows that even the republicans in Congress don’t trust Trump!

Trump has proven himself to be a LIAR beyond the imagination of most American political observers – we’re not talking about “spin,” it’s just REAL out and out LIES.  And, in the process, he’s shown himself to be pathological.  Much of what comes out of Trump’s mouth, and the surrogates who bow down to him (and, I mean that literally – if you’ve ever seen the video of the cabinet meeting where, one by one, his surrogates expressed their blubbering allegiance to him, you know what I mean), falls into the category of delusional.  The other day, Sean Spicer resigned his post as Press Secretary, and it should be interesting how much damage he did to his career by LYING, pretty much EVERY day, for Trump.  Some of Spicer’s LYING will go down in the history of press secretaries as classic.

At this point Spicer seems like a kind of pathetic victim of having worked for Trump without the guts to quit when he should have.  Some of Spicer’s press conferences will be replayed for years as history uses Trump’s presidency as a how NOT to do American politics – and, to demonstrate to those who work for any politician that your oath is to the constitution.  As kids we’re (well, at least I was) taught to be respectful and obedient to those in authority over us, UNLESS, we’re asked to something untoward – like, for example, LYING to the American people.  Trump’s next “victim,” apparently will be Sarah Sanders – again, showing a willingness to LIE for her “audience of one.”  What his surrogates understand, is that if they want to keep their jobs, they will continue the LYING – and, it appears, Trump watches – in real time – every time one of them gets in front of a mike and a camera.  In a certain way I feel a sense of compassion for them – but, it’s their careers and their character they are personally responsible for – and, if they continue to cow down, then so be it.

In Trump’s meeting with the “failing” NY Times reporters he made it clear he’s, at some point, going after Jeff Sessions (the first Senator to support him), Rob Rosenstein who Trump, himself appointed as assistant attorney general, and ultimately Robert Mueller in his attempt to stop the “Russia thing.”  His own son essentially CONFIRMED that his campaign COLLUDED with the Russians in the recently exposed meeting (of Last June) where Don Jr., Paul Mannafort, and Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner met with a group of Russians offering “dirt” (as many have characterized it) on Hillary Clinton directly from the Russian government designed to help Trump win the election.  The “mystery” – for those having trouble with OVERWHELMING circumstantial evidence – is OVER regarding the “did he or didn’t he) regarding COLLUSION.  Now the new “wave” of rationalizing has begun in the latest attempt to justify (or deflect) that our president is potentially a traitor.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump believes in “winning at any cost,” and that was how he approached the election in 2016.  No one actually thought he’d pull it off (well, almost no one – full disclosure, I lost a bet with a friend who predicted Trump would win), least of all Trump.  And, at this point, I’m guessing there are many in Trump’s “circle” who wish he hadn’t won.  Not only is the “Russia thing” getting “hotter and hotter,” but I’m pretty sure Mueller is either already perusing Trump’s taxes of the past ten years or so – or will be soon.  In the NY Times interview, it was fairly apparent that possibility has Trump very uneasy.  For anyone who’s not thinking straight, there MUST have been a very good reason Trump refused to show his taxes prior to the election – and, I’m certain, he was planning for the “audit,” preventing their disclosure, to last for at least EIGHT years!  There’s something in there he doesn’t want to see the light of day and my guess is it not only has to do with Russia, but who knows what else?  For example, how do you spell money laundering?.

The bottom line here is that if Trump was truly invested in “we the people” and is innocent of any wrongdoing this “drip, drip, drip” of secret – LIED about – meetings with Russians would have been acknowledged from day one of his administration (for example, Kushner wouldn’t have had to redo his security clearance form three or four times).  The focus would be on solving the problems of our nation instead of EVERY DAY another chapter in the Donald Trump soap opera.  Not only was the actions of Trump’s campaign incredibly stupid, but Trump’s actions since this all started coming out have been beyond STUPID.  And, this latest interview may “take the cake.”  Clearly, Trump has his “sights” set on Mueller (since the interview I’ve heard surrogates attacking Mueller’s character, for example, claiming he has “conflicts of interest”) and, if he makes a move to fire Mueller, this republican congress will be at a historic crossroads.  As much as I don’t trust hardly any of them, I believe even they would not stand for Mueller being fired.

Trump is arrogantly profiting from being president which is a violation of the emoluments clause in the constitution – and, many of his supporters don’t care.  In fact, the people I know who voted for Trump don’t care about the “Russia thing.”  All I would say to them is that this constitution has worked for well over 200 years and it should be considered a privilege to live in a country which relies on the rule of law – and, not of men/women.  It seems we’ve gotten to the point where if it doesn’t negatively affect me then I don’t care what’s happening in our government – and, REMEMBER, we are the government.  Personally, I know that I will do whatever I can to make sure The United States doesn’t  become a satellite of Russia or any other country – and, I believe our leaders are subject to the laws of the land just as “we the people.”  (If you’ve been on this site much, you know my biggest complaint about Barack Obama was his “looking forward instead of back” regarding the war crimes of the Bush/Cheney regime)  The allegations aimed at Trump et al are VERY serious – possibly, in my view, the most despicable of crimes.

Trump, clearly, is not going to “come clean” – so, it’s up to republicans in Congress to solve this problem which seems to be heading toward impeachment.  I don’t think Trump will resign – as Nixon did – and, he’s already talking about “pardoning himself” – which should catch everyone’s attention.  I’m guessing he’ll start the pardoning with Michael Flynn in an attempt to keep him from “telling his story” (do you really believe Flynn’s contact with the Russians was without Trump’s knowledge?) and will include his son, his son in law, and anyone else who might have the “goods” on him.  Obviously, if the investigation gets all the way to him he’ prepared to pardon himself.  Well, at least, we’ll be able to clear up whether or not a president can do that – it seems to be “uncharted” territory.  No matter what happens, the political future in America should be interesting to say the least.  And, the investigations should not stop until we fully understand what happened and have a plan to prevent it from EVER happening again!

I can’t bring myself to believe even Trump’s supporters want a puppet of Putin occupying the White House!

Donald Trump spent almost the entire Obama administration leading the “birther” movement that was the “white nationalists” way to express their dismay that “we the people” chose a person who isn’t “white” to live in the “White House.”  President Obama won the 2008 and 2012 elections because a MAJORITY of Americans saw him as INTELLIGENT, level headed, and someone who would stand up for the values of the middle class.  I’m not going to get into a comparison of Obama’s successes versus Trump’s FAILURES during the first 6 months of each administration other than to say I see a “mountain” of ironies regarding Trump’s boastful claims during the campaign and the reality of the “legacy” he’s leaving during his term as president – which, I might add, could be one of the shortest terms in history.

During the campaign Trump repeatedly BOASTED as to how “smart” he is and how EASY it was going to be to “make our country great again.”  (I’ll try to do this quickly, but I have to add, from my perspective, out country was MUCH greater before Trump took office than it is now, 6 months into his first – and likely ONLY – term in office)  So, the first irony – which could be looked at from many angles – is how President Obama’s signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act – has exposed Trump’s bloviating in a way that was unimaginable a few months ago.  The reality the ACA shows us is how much SMARTER Obama is than Trump.  (Do you think that reality makes Trump angry – or, is he even capable of “getting it?”)  Not only is Trump unable to “replace” the ACA (AKA “Obamacare”), it appears he will be unable to repeal it (although, there are mean spirited ways he could undermine it – and, I certainly don’t put that idea past him).  There are portions of the ACA that even republicans, at this point, are unwilling to get rid of – for the sake of keeping their jobs.  Kicking 32 MILLION Americans off of health insurance doesn’t even appeal to the most selfish of the republicans – at least enough of them to get the votes to actually repeal the ACA while they have a president who’d sign the bill.  (They were very “courageous” when they knew President Obama was sitting in the Oval Office with his veto pen in hand during their previous 60 attempts to repeal “Obamacare”)

Not only has Trump proven himself IGNORANT of how health care legislation would work, he’s seemed disinterested in the process and has been expecting republican “leaders” to “handle” the problem of “repeal and replace” – and, they appear no more qualified or willing to do the “job.”  In fact, the legislation republicans have come up with they call a “health care bill” is actually their specialty – a TAX CUT for the wealthiest Americans.  (The people who continue funding their “mean” – in the words of Trump himself – policies)  As I watch this all play out I keep wondering how Trump and those in his administration like Steve Bannon and Steven Miller – “white nationalists” – feel as they come to grips with the reality that the “black guy” is MUCH smarter than them?!

It appears as if President Obama’s “signature” piece of legislation, the ACA, is much more complicated to replace than the republicans, and Trump specifically, understood.  Their efforts to hide a HUGE tax cut in their attempts at “repeal and replace” have made the ACA much more popular than it was while republicans were continually bashing it.  (They’ve still bashing it, but, we the people “get” that if it’s repealed we want something better – which is proving to be a major challenge)  Even Trump’s supporters want to be able to afford health insurance and I find it extremely ironic that Trump’s effort to repeal Obama’s legacy is causing his own to head in a downward direction.  What’s the saying? “Be careful what you wish for!”

Of course, then there’s the “Russia thing” as Trump, himself, put it to Lester Holt while he was incriminating himself in an interview shortly after firing James Comey, the head of the FBI.  (giving that interview was extremely STUPID from my perspective)  Trump is probably still spending hours each day searching for the “bugs” he’s certain President Obama left behind so that everything he says “gets out.”  Trump’s “tweets” are beyond bizarre, but the one where he accused Obama of “wiretapping” him in Trump Tower was the warning sign to anyone who’s been paying attention that our president is deranged.  And, keep in mind, the longer he’s allowed to hold that office the greater the chance he’ll do something REALLY stupid in regards to the military, the “nuclear codes,” or who knows what.  It seems virtually every day he puts stupid on top of stupid.

The other day I saw a snipit of a Trump interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network – and, here’s the irony that makes me the sickest (as a “liberal” Christian); Trump’s “base” is seemingly contracting to the “Christian right.”  Come on people, wake up!)  The interviewer – who I don’t know his name – appeared to be “throwing softballs” Trump’s way when he asked for Trump’s view of God.  Trump’s response made my stomach queezy – and, I have to add that I didn’t hear the interviewer’s followup question so I can’t characterize him, but – Trump waved his arms toward the land they were standing on and claimed what a beautiful piece of land it was (on that, I could agree) and then went off on what a good deal he got when he purchased it and he actually said something like – “and, I don’t even have a mortgage on this – you can check the public records” – then he motioned with his arm toward the boundary of the land (I believe it was coastal property) and said, “this is God.”

I’ve pointed out Trump is a classic narcissist many times – the definition: Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes – and Trump’s answer to the question of his view of God just “nails” (pun not intended) it.  Not only does the words coming from Trump’s mouth confirm this OVER and OVER, but, when he sends his surrogates out (now, it’s always off camera) they CONFIRM it with their pre-planned “talking points.”  I could go on and on with examples, but a couple that stick in my mind come from Sean Spicer – who’s apparently been moved to the background in favor of Sarah Sanders – when he defiantly, on the first day of Trump’s administration, pointed out that the crowd as Trump took the oath of office was the “largest in history, PERIOD!” (emphasis – his).  That was stupid!  The other one that comes to mind was after Trump’s first overseas trip (Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.) that Spicer characterized as “Historic.”  He added, “It truly was an extraordinary week for America and our people,” and then, if that wasn’t enough, said, it “was a historic turning point that people will be talking about for years to come” and “was met with nearly universal praise.” Yikes!

In reality, MOST observers considered it in a range from a moderate success (few gaffes – for Trump, the “bar” is really low) to a DISASTER – on the trip, Trump further damaged relations with the countries that are (or should be) the most important allies of America.  Shortly after he returned home we started to hear comments coming from European leaders that they need to prepare to “go it alone” going forward with their foreign policy.  Keep in mind that while Trump is seemingly in continual admiration and “kissing up” mode with Vladimir Putin, the leaders of Europe view Putin without the “rose colored glasses.”  Which brings me to another of the ironies I mentioned with Trump v Obama.  Trump’s “approval rating” in countries around the world (except Israel and Russia and a couple others) stands around 20% while Obama’s is around 80%.  Listening to Trump’s words, you would think it would be the opposite.

Trump has been busy signing executive orders designed to repeal as much of what President Obama accomplished as he can.  He’s approved the oil pipelines that will bring the dirtiest oil in the world (Tar sands from Canada) to refineries in Texas – creating significant environmental harm for oil that will be shipped to other nations leaving the residue in America.  And, the number of jobs created (if this actually happens) will be a small fraction of Trump’s claim (of course, by now, you know he LIES about virtually everything).  He’s working to repeal as much of the regulation Obama and the democrats passed after the “Great Recession” Bush/Cheney left for President Obama to “fix” in 2008 – and, maybe he’ll succeed.  I’m not “smart” enough to know how effective these “executive orders” actually are when attempting to overturn actual legislation.  The fear (at least for me) is that Trump could care less the damage to our country as he tries to undo President Obama’s “legacy.”  (Of course, republicans had the same attitude as they worked to make sure Obama “failed” during his two terms in office)

Here’s another interesting (and, somewhat depressing) irony when it comes to Trump and President Obama – and the democrats in Congress.  As the Senate republicans came to the conclusion they couldn’t pass a “repeal and replace” health care bill Trump, of course, BLAMED the “obstructionist democrats.”  When I heard him say that I just had to shake my head.  Are the American people actually STUPID enough to believe that?  Let’s break that one down here:  During Obama’s two terms in office, republicans gave the word OBSTRUCTION new meaning.  I believe the number of FILIBUSTERS put forth by Mitch McConnell, in their open attempt to make sure our president FAILED, was around 700.  The republican mantra was “If Obama’s for it, we’re against it.”  All you had to do was look at the signs that showed up at “Tea party” rallies to understand what is was about President Obama that motivated them to ensure he “failed.”  (Think “birther” movement)

And, of course, President Obama didn’t fail.  He led the United States (gradually) out of the “Great Recession,” he restored our standing on the world stage – Bush and Cheney were viewed as war criminals around the world (which, sadly, is accurate), the economy produced MILLIONS of jobs during his term – I believe there was over 70 straight months of significant job growth, and there were many other areas where positive gains were made under President Obama’s “watch” – despite HISTORIC OBSTRUCTION from the republicans.

So, now we have Trump in the “White House” with a Congress controlled by republicans and they can’t get their “repeal and replace” legislation passed.  Republican leaders put the bill together behind closed doors and they openly blocked any input from democrats in the process as it was (and, of course, then blamed them for obstruction???).  The bill was so BAD that the republicans couldn’t get their own members – at least enough of them – to vote for it to even bring it before the Senate for an up or down vote.  The first thing Trump did after the reality sank in that “repeal and replace” was going nowhere was to make the above mentioned claim that the problem was the “obstructionist democrats.” The democrats didn’t obstruct (other than to encourage people to make their views about health care known to their representatives in Congress)  they simply allowed the republicans to self-destruct – republicans needed no help from democrats in messing this up.

Again, there are occasions when I listen to this man (Trump) and want to puke.  And, unfortunately, there’s outlets like Fox “news,”, right wing radio “talkers,” and corporate cronies who will tell their audiences Trump is correct as they continue the BRAINWASHING which has been their MO since the days of Ronald Reagan.  Yesterday, I heard Newt Gingrich (yes, he’s still spewing his stuff) on Fox, I believe, setting the groundwork for Trump’s next big blunder – and, that will be attempting to fire Robert Mueller – Gingrich is attacking Mueller, a republican – who has almost universal respect and support on Capital hill, as having “conflicts of interest” in his investigation of Trump.  (Just so you know – that’s one reason a special counsel could be “fired”)

Here’s the final irony for me today – if you remember the campaign, Trump’s main claim against Hillary Clinton was calling her “Crooked Hillary.”  He led chants of “lock her up, lock her up” (along with the likes of Michael Flynn and presumably others).  Well, his soon to be public attacks on Mueller will be because Trump’s son, his son in law, Flynn, and others may be soon facing that same “chant.”  I’m not here to defend the Clintons, but when Mueller gets hold of Trump’s taxes (reportedly, that’s happening), Trump could be hearing chants of “lock him up, lock him up”  I can’t bring myself to believe even Trump’s supporters want a puppet of Putin occupying the White House!



“We the people” are relying on what republicans call the “liberal media” to give us actual information as to what happened in the election so that one by one we might have a chance to educate some of Trump’s “uneducated voters” as to this attack on our nations foundation.

Anymore, it’s really hard for me to focus my thoughts in a way to fully express my frustration with the FACT that Donald Trump remains in the “White House,” and the republican party continues allowing him to do MEGA damage to this nation I love.  Yes, I’ve come to terms that “we the people” have been subjected to BRAINWASHING from the earliest days I can remember – I’m part of the “baby boom” following WW II.  However, the level and sophistication of the BRAINWASHING has gotten to the point where the future of our nation, as I see it, is at MAJOR risk.  The reality is that in the face of overwhelming evidence that our sitting president is, at best, completely incompetent or, at worst, a TRAITOR I continue to sit in amazement waiting for republicans to come to their senses.  Obviously, I’m not real confident it will happen any time soon.

I’ve been writing for years – since GW Bush/Dick Cheney LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO that essentially destabilized the world leading  to MILLIONS of people DYING (including thousands of Americans) and America’s leaders committing unquestionable WAR CRIMES – about my frustration with the republican enablers and, less often, about the democrats who have seemed to lack the spine to actually do what many Americans are doing today – RESIST – and now things have gotten to the point where it appears to me REALLY serious.  Again, not understanding whether Trump’s issue is total incompetence or he actually believes he can turn this nation into an authoritarian state isn’t totally clear to me.  I continue to hope for the former and fear the latter.

After the latest “drip” in the “drip, drip, drip” of information being uncovered regarding the Trump campaign’s COLLUSION with the Russians during the 2016 election the question of did they or didn’t they no longer exists.  THEY DID!  The UNDENIABLE meeting that took place on June 9, 2016 between Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jarrod Kushner for the purpose of getting “dirt” on Hillary Clinton directly from the Kremlin leaves no questions as to what took place during the election.  The only unanswered questions at this point is to what degree?  Just the thought of what these people were willing to do sickens me.  And, yet, just yesterday while at a press briefing in France I heard Donald Trump praise his son (who’s likely in legal jeopardy along with his son in law) and say something like, “just about anyone would have done this.”

All I can say about that last statement is, let’s just hope he’s completely wrong.  Clearly, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner were in violation of Federal Election laws simply by attending a meeting under the circumstances made apparent in the email exchange that was made public.  To me, that act of working with the Russians to impact the election goes WAY beyond the Election laws.  To me, that’s “aiding and abetting the enemy.”  I get that Trump doesn’t feel as if Vladimir Putin’s Russia is the “enemy,” but his lack of concern for what happened suggests at least two really bad things.  First – and this is really bad – he’s not concerned that Russia essentially ATTACKED America at the most basic part of our republic.  Second – and, to me, this is MUCH WORSE – he and his campaign were complicit in the attack.  Over the long haul – especially if this is not STOPPED – this attack will be worse for our nation than 9/11.

Just think of some things coming from Trump since he was elected in reference to the reality of the Russians attacking the fundamental difference between our two nations – the right to vote.  The first thing that comes to my mind was something Trump, apparently, in his meeting with Putin at the G-20 Summit put in “motion.”  He agreed to some kind of “Cyber security unit” agreement with the Russians to prevent election hacking.  My first thought when I heard that was another “are you kidding me?”  As sayings like “The fox guarding the hen-house” were going through my head I was right back to “incompetent or treasonous?” thoughts.  I’m pretty sure most of his republican enablers were able to see past that one.

Trump’s been constantly attacking the press as “fake news” since the day he took office – which is a clear trait of an authoritarian personality.  He’s convinced his “base” that all these “stories” coming out showing that he and his family AND his campaign officials were intertwined with the Russian government (which, by most accounts is akin to the mafia) are “fake news.”  The “real news,” according to Trump, comes from places like Fox “news” (what I call GOP “news” – the propaganda arm of the right wing of the republican party), – which gave us Steve Bannon and Steven Miller and is the home of the “white nationalist” movement in America, and super market tabloids like the Enquirer – not to mention all the right wing “talkers” on the radio airwaves.  I’ve said many times here that Trump laid claim to the “uneducated voters” after the Iowa primary and they are sticking with him.  (Of course, the real issue of “fake news,” like just about everything else Trump “claims” is 180 degrees from his words.  It was the Russian’s who instigated “fake news” into the 2016 campaign in ways “we the people” will probably never fully understand.)

It’s hard to talk to someone who gets their information from places like Fox, Breitbart, and the other right wing websites.  I’ve read several studies that show the most ill-informed Americans are the audience of Fox “news” and the right wing talkers on the radio airwaves such as Rush Limbaugh. (they refer to his audience as “ditto heads” for a reason)  The LYING is so commonplace coming from those outlets that I’m guessing Trump’s base actually believes he’s a “truth teller.”  And, it really doesn’t take much effort in “fact checking” to realize our president is likely a pathological LIAR – not, just someone who LIES.  He LIES all the time.  As the saying goes, if his lips are moving he’s LYING.

This is all bad, but it gets worse.  In addition to the COLLUSION (which outlets like Fox are now attempting to rationalize as OK) and the suggestion of doing “Cyber security” with Vladimir Putin (Putin’s got to be laughing at the stupidity and the naivete of Trump), Trump is also pushing some kind of voter intimidation plan (evidently in his attempt to prove 3 – 5 MILLION illegals voted for Hillary thus robbing him of his “popular vote” victory) designed to do what traditional right wing republicans have been doing since the days of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – and that is prevent as many persons of color, students, old people, or others who might vote for democrats from being able to vote.  Trump, along with Kris Kobach of Kansas is attempting to get enough voter ID information – from EVERY state in the Union – to scare people away from the polls.  And, evidently it’s working – because reports are out that many people are rescinding their voter registrations because they don’t want the “government” to have all this information.

The republicans have long called their plan the “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  Of course, they’ll never have a true majority – but, even Trump claims that 40% is enough for him to remain in power.  By intimidating MILLIONS to refrain from voting, by turning MILLIONS more off via the dysfunction that now permeates Washington DC, and by working with the Russians to publish “fake news” in strategic places they may succeed.  This has been a long term plan (arguably led by and pushed for years by Charles and David Koch) and they have control of all three branches of government – plus, the FAKE news.  “We the people” are relying on what republicans call the “liberal media” to give us actual information as to what happened in the election so that one by one we might have a chance to educate some of Trump’s “uneducated voters” as to this attack on our nations foundation.

As I stated above – it’s hard to even talk about this stuff with someone who watches Fox, or is into the right wing internet sights like Breitbart because they’re convinced Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, or the others are giving them facts.  They don’t believe Trump is LYING all the time.  And, apparently, the republicans in Congress are not going to act to save this nation from any further damage until more of the Trump “base” understands their “leader” is potentially a TRAITOR.  Trump, himself, said “anyone would have taken that meeting” referring to an offer of “dirt” on Ms. Clinton from the Russian government.  I’d like to think he’s COMPLETELY wrong about that – but, regardless, it was illegal and we still have a constitution and a set of LAWS. (When I see statistics that suggest a significant portion of the republican “base” is OK with the Russian intrusion into our election it’s disappointing to say the least.  In my heart I think, this would be one area where we would be “bipartisan.”)

Over the past 30+ years we’ve all become numb to the reality that those at the top are able to violate the laws that “we the people” would be held accountable to with impunity.  Reagan and George HW Bush were able to skirt serious legal jeopardy regarding the Iran/Contra affair – despite clear evidence they participated.  (HW Bush has a long history of skirting the law – read “Family of Secrets” by Russ Baker)  George W Bush and Dick Cheney BOTH admitted to authorizing WAR CRIMES in national TV interviews (both said, “I’d do it again) regarding TORTURE in Iraq and Afghanistan and President Obama chose to “look forward instead of back.”  (I still maintain a blunder of MAJOR proportions by Obama)  And, those in Wall Street responsible for the “Great Recession” and the subsequent tax payer BAILOUT of almost a TRILLION (and, probably more) got bonuses instead of accountability for their reckless use of working people’s money.  (many Americans lost HUGE chunks of their retirement accounts or lost their homes or their jobs – but, the “culprits” got bonuses – go figure)

However, to me, what happened in 2016 is more dangerous than anything else I’ve seen in my lifetime.  Are “we the people” going to allow Vladimir Putin (or any other foreign person or nation) to define our leadership?  We were granted privileges no other people ever had about 240 (or so) years ago by our “founding fathers.”  Are we going to blindly give these privileges away because we’ve become so complacent that we’re unwilling to give our obligation to participate in the process of free elections the time and energy it deserves?  I “get” that many people voted for Trump due to their dissatisfaction with Washington DC and their dissatisfaction with the alternative choice.  I’ve got NO problem with that.  But, the information that continues to FLOW out – “drip by drip” and the UNDENIABLE reality that our president is a LIAR requires, to me, that people pay attention and reevaluate the TRUTH.  And, it’s time for Fox viewers to start FACT checking the LIES coming from that place – I believe Fox is going to have a very negative place in American history.

I keep waiting for someone in the republican congress to take the leadership role in ending this “nightmare,” but every day – nothing!

I keep trying to figure out why the republicans in Congress continue to put up with Trump knowing that he’s taking their party “over the cliff” in American politics.  It’s just a matter of time until they pay the price at the polls for supporting this person who acts more like a mafia boss than a president.  My guess is they know a lot more about Trump’s “base” than “we the people” do – and, it’s probably pretty scary.  What we do know is that it includes the “white nationalist” movement in America – which includes groups like the skinheads, the KKK, etc. and the people in these groups are largely those who are armed to the hilt and have been storing military “rations” for years.  I still remember Chuck Norris – who was one of the people very “out front” in his disappointment that we elected a Black president in 2008 – claiming there were armed “cells” throughout the country ready to “take our country back.”  These types of people were a large part of the “base” that got Trump into the “White” house.

So, as we continue to watch the “drip, drip, drip” of information which ties Trump to Vladimir Putin and the Russian mafia (government) it’s becoming clear that it’s just a matter of time before the “hammer” drops on Trump.  If Trump chooses to wait until the final results of Robert Mueller’s investigations into the Russian collusion – and, more than likely, many other issues – then, it’s likely it will be at least 2018 until we start seeing the results of republicans’ refusal to end the Trump presidency.  Something “new” seems to come out every day connecting the “dots” suggesting there was “collusion” between the Russians and the Trump campaign and, interestingly, the right wing media outlets in America (the true “fake news”) are already pushing a campaign designed to BRAINWASH their audience into believing there’s nothing wrong with “collusion.”  I’ve heard more than one, of late, claim that “collusion is not a crime.”  As if to say, working with the Russians to win the election is the “new normal.”  Yikes!

Unfortunately, many who believe they’re getting the “straight scoop” from places like Fox “news” or Breitbart, or any of the other right wing outlets will end up believing this collusion was OK.  Despite the FACT, it’s essentially TREASON.  What you won’t hear now from Fox or Breitbart or any of the other minions who are supporting Trump is the TRUTH about Vladimir Putin and the Russian mafia – I use the word “mafia” instead of government, because that’s how, by all accounts I can find, the Russian government functions.  I have to believe that one of the reasons Trump envies Putin (and other dictators around the world) is because of how they are able to deal with annoying journalists – I say “annoying” because, true investigative journalists dig for the TRUTH and people like Putin (and Trump) would prefer to live in a world of “alternative facts” – in the words of Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump’s “advisers.”

During the campaign one thing I learned for certain was that Donald Trump is the master at manipulating the media.  I tend to watch/listen to MSNBC and Trump played them like a master musician.  I don’t believe they’ll ever admit it, but they helped “legitimize” Trump’s campaign by over and over again playing entire speeches he gave – giving him MILLIONS in FREE air time.  And, the soft ball questioning almost made me puke.  I wrote a few posts at the time expressing my concern that MSNBC was trying to make sure the election was “close” to keep people’s interest up so MSNBC would be able to cash in on the advertising and increased ratings.  It wasn’t until the reality of a Trump presidency settled in that I noticed MSNBC realizing the DANGER of Trump in the White House.

However, from day one that Trump became president his incompetence has been center stage along with the continued – as mentioned above – “drip, drip, drip” of information suggesting collusion with the Russians and more.  Trump has exposed himself to impeachment in more than one obvious way and he seems to make matters worse every day.  The damage he’s doing to our nation is mounting fast and the silence of the republicans in Congress is, to me, deafening.  I keep waiting for someone in the republican congress to take the leadership role in ending this “nightmare,” but every day – nothing.  The obvious interpretation of that is they believe Trump will sign anything they can push through both houses of Congress – a mean spirited agenda they’ve been espousing for years which was blocked by President Obama  – so far, it’s been NOTHING (thank God) – but, I’m beginning to think there’s more.  The reality is that many of the republican members of Congress are going to have to defend their “defense” of Trump come 2018 and I have to believe many are feeling a bit uneasy about that scenario at this point.

So, why the silence?  If you look at how Putin (and other dictators Trump admires) operates it might make you think Trump will stop at nothing to preserve his position as president.  Clearly, he lashes out at anyone who’s in a position of importance that criticized him.  I’ve heard he’s committed $10 MILLION of his own funds to help “primary” any republican in Congress who doesn’t support him.  He especially dislikes people who are in the media that criticize him.  I have to believe there’s method to his “madness” as he “tweets” about members of the media – especially women who criticize him – “tweeting” in rather crude manners and he posted a video of himself throwing down a person who’s got the CNN logo “attached” to his head and “pounding” him.  (Interestingly, just like the “fake news” of Trump’s followers, that video came from a “fake” episode at a wrestling match years ago)

It seems as if Trump is encouraging those in his base – and, I’ve pointed out above where some of them are coming from – that the press is attacking him with false information and encouraging them to “defend him.”  We’ve already seen one Trump supporter – who was running for office in Montana – and WON – body slam a reporter who asked a probing question related to Trump.  Are we about to see other Trump supporters taking actions against members of the press who might have the audacity to report the TRUTH about Trump’s dealings with the Russians and who knows who else – I believe Trump’s legal vulnerability goes way beyond the “Russian thing” as Trump characterized it while explaining to Lestor Holt why he fired James Comey.

Trump is certainly laying the groundwork for some kind of uprising from his base when the final results of the FBI investigation becomes public if Trump is exposed for violating the law.  (obviously, I believe he’s violated more than one law)  Unfortunately, it will still be up to a republican Congress to rid us of this plague on our nation – even if Democrats retake the House in 2018 and impeach him.  The reality is that no matter what happens in 2018 it will require republican support to “convict” Trump if the House somehow impeaches him because a two-thirds majority in the Senate is required for “conviction.”  If you can’t tell, I’m uneasy relying on republicans for anything.

Then, should all that come about (Trump being impeached) how will our government deal with the likely backlash from the right wing militia types who more than likely honestly believe the BRAINWASHING they’ve been getting from Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh (and the other right wing talkers who permeate the radio airwaves), and sites like Breitbart or “Patriot news,” etc.  If you remember when Cliven Bundy challenged the federal government over his refusal to pay grazing fees for his cattle on government land, many of the very people who make up Trump’s “base” took up arms against our government.  These people are “out there” in numbers most of us can’t comprehend and they believe Trump is telling the truth and anyone who says otherwise is “fake news.”

I’m pointing this out in my attempt to understand why the republicans continue to put up with Trump.  Just last week in a speech in Poland (which his “supporters” said, “went well”) Trump trashed America’s intelligence agencies – essentially to the world – he continued his unbelievable (believe it, it keeps happening) continuation of BLAMING former President Obama for, essentially, everything he sees as bad (including the “Russia thing”), and further exposed himself as being ill informed.  To me, what I saw of the speech was embarrassing knowing he’s representing me (and you) in front of the world.  Trump met with Vladimir Putin and, undoubtedly, got played.  In the process he elevated Putin (at least in the eyes of the Russians) and he, himself, came across as a fool.  When I listened to Rex Tillerson give his account of the meeting it was clear that, at least from the perspective of the United States, nothing good was accomplished  (Tillerson also appears “in way over his head”).  It’s clear Trump really does admire Vladimir Putin – he’s probably envious of Putin’s ability to control Russia’s opposition leaders and their “free press.”

The damage Trump is doing to America – both at home and around the world – is growing, seemingly exponentially, every day.  It’s just a matter of time until this turns into something MAJOR if republicans don’t intervene.  Take for example, our economy and the dollar as the world’s major currency.  What if the Europeans really do choose to “go their own way” as they’ve been suggesting?  Do you really think this “America first” plan of Trump (and Steve Bannon and Steven Miller) is going to “bring back American jobs?”  To me, that’s as foolish as believing “trickle down” economics will lead to a balanced budget.

I feel the republicans in Congress feel they’re in a lose/lose dilemma.  Over the years, they’ve showed a strong tendency toward cowardice.  They’ve consistently refused to accept their responsibility to curb the “perpetual war” policy put forth by Bush/Cheney where Congress has willingly abrogated their responsibility to “declare wars.”  Since the passing of the “Affordable Care Act” they’ve been voting to repeal it, all the while knowing President Obama would veto their legislation.  Now that they’re “in power” they seem unable to come up with a reasonable solution to the problem – short of working with Democrats, which, apparently in republican “circles,” is taboo.  And, regarding Trump – they have to be smart enough to read “the writing on the wall,” but, for whatever reason, they’re afraid to act.  (Some of them are actually still openly supporting Trump)  I believe one of the main problems is their fear of the backlash if/when Trump is impeached.  It seems, just about every thing in the republican party is motivated by fear – one way or the other.

As I’ve said many times since Trump took the oath of office, the damage is mounting fast and the longer he’s president the more difficult it will be to “regroup.”  Trump will be president until the republicans decide to put their country ahead of their party – the question is what will it take to get them to act.  As stated above, even democrats retaking control of Congress in 2018 won’t be enough to get rid of Trump.  For a conviction in the Senate, it will require republican votes.  My suggestion to the republicans is get this over sooner rather than later.  As someone who’s always been an independent voter (lately, I vote AGAINST republicans) I’m looking for courageous republicans who will step up and lead the fight to remove Trump from office.  Maybe that would lead us to a place where our government actually FINALLY would work in a bipartisan manner – with the purpose of putting the will of “we the people” ahead of their corporate masters.  (I can dream can’t I?)

Maybe the election of Donald Trump will actually expose the republican plan to turn our nation into an authoritarian state.

In my seemingly endless attempt to understand how “we the people” got to such a place that our president would be Donald Trump, likely the most incompetent president ever, and possibly a man with issues that transcend common sense, I’ve been rereading some of the books I read during the “Bush dynasty.”  The reality, which has been presented to me by the one person who actually “comments” on this “blog” (if that’s what it is – I look at it as my place to “vent” in cyberspace), is that republicans are much more proficient at “winning” elections than democrats – and, thus we have a government controlled by what looks like on the surface “conservatives,” but, in reality, is controlled by some very sophisticated MONEYED corporate interests with VERY deep pockets.  People like the infamous Koch brothers (read: “Sons of Wichita”) are working surreptitiously to turn local governments, state governments, and the federal government – all three branches – into what Karl Rove called the “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  I put the word “majority” in quotes because, clearly, they don’t need a “majority” to win.  When it comes to election campaigns they’ve proven the democrats to be in the “B” league.

George W Bush was the first president to screw up their plan.  They had all three branches and were in the process of gaining control in a majority of states when Bush became president.  If you don’t remember, the key to that happening was having a Supreme Court willing to overturn the will of the people and a democratic candidate and party willing to accept that result.  Bush, of course, did to our government what he had done to everything else he had “touched” in his pre-president  life and that was create a major FAILURE.  Prior to becoming president, George W Bush had been BAILED out of one failure after another by his father, referred to as “Poppy” Bush in “Family of Secrets” – the book I just finished for the fourth time.  In the book, Russ Baker makes a compelling argument that George HW Bush spent much of his life secretly as an agent of the CIA – which has been in cahoots with the oil industry since its inception.  I wont get into any of the details of that book, other than to suggest you read it, but it goes a long way in helping, at least me, understand the ability of those pulling the strings in republican politics to get people elected who have no business in their respective positions.

Bush managed to ignore multiple warnings about Al Qaeda’s plan to attack America prior to 9/11 and then used that tragedy as the justification to do what he and Dick Cheney wanted to do from day one of their administration – which was to invade Iraq, topple Saddam Hussein’s government, and turn their OIL buddies loose on Iraq’s HUGE oil reserves.  Of course, at this point in time we all know how that turned out, but, with the help of those who got Bush elected we’re still in Iraq, Afghanistan, and we still have no idea how to get out or why we’re even there – other than the aforementioned “reasons.”  Bush also managed to bungle the disaster relief abilities of FEMA by appointing “cronies” who had no idea what they were doing, then along with their incompetent FEMA managers ignored MULTIPLE warnings about the impending disaster headed toward New Orleans in the form of Hurricane Katrina, with the result being BILLIONS in damages and 1800 lives lost all the while as Bush and his “cronies” seemed dis-interested.  (until, of course, being politically forced to take notice days after the tragedy).  The bungling during the Bush/Cheney regime was monumental and covered many areas of our government, but the “crown jewel” was the meltdown of our economy due to the reckless behavior of Bush’s Wall Street supporters and the encouragement they received from the administration.  As Bush had done in his prior life, he resorted to a “BAILOUT” to get himself (and, we the people”) out of this mess – now called the “Great Recession.”  This time the “bailout” came from the Federal Reserve instead of “Poppy” but, the scenario was very similar to what Bush had done previously in his business dealings.

I bring this up because we find ourselves, at least from my perspective, unbelievably in a very similar situation with Trump as president.  After Bush, “we the people” – somewhat incredibly – elected Barack Obama to be president.  I say “incredibly” because, as we all know, President Obama’s father was a Kenyan.  That means Obama was our first Black President.  (which may be the reason Trump is now president) As President, Obama managed to pull us out of the quagmire Bush/Cheney left as they hightailed it out of Washington DC in 2009.  Obama did this despite the reality that for six of the eight years he was president there was a republican Congress determined to, as they actually put it publicly, make sure President Obama FAILED.  The country be damned – they had no intention of allowing a Black President to succeed.  Of course, despite their constant filibustering and obstructing in any and every way they could, President Obama left office with a strong history of leading a slow but steady improvement in our economy – with MILLIONS of jobs being “produced” after the fallout from the Bush/Cheney disaster subsided in about 2010.  Obama left office with an approval rating Trump can only dream about.

President Obama did something that had been BLOCKED by republicans since the aftermath of WW II, and that was lay the groundwork for a policy of national health care.  He and the democrats managed to pass the Affordable Care Act – with all its deficiencies – in the face of fierce republican opposition and at least a BILLION dollars in money spent by lobbyists to defeat the bill or to force it to be insurance company and pharmaceutical company friendly.  The restriction on Medicare negotiating drug prices, for example, remained as a concession to get the bill passed.  That legislation cost democrats the majority in congress because of the MILLIONS spent by the republican paymasters (corporatists) who could care less if people have health insurance or not – they have it and that’s all that matters to them! Republicans led a major “scare campaign” aimed at the bill and referring to imaginary items in it like “death panels.”  It wasn’t until republicans actually were in charge and planning their “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care Act that it became supported by a majority of Americans.

Subsequently to passing the bill, in 2010 these unseen republican “money-changers” (Koch brothers, etc.) led a right wing national assault on our election process via a very sophisticated system of gerrymandering that has since virtually guaranteed republican control of the House of Representatives.  Just as Hillary Clinton “lost” to Donald Trump in 2016 with 3 MILLION more votes, the republicans control the House with MILLIONS fewer votes nationally than democrats.  And, speaking of the Affordable Care Act and republican complaints that in some areas of the country people have only one choice for health insurance, there’s a similar problem that to me is much more significant.  In many parts of the country – especially the so-called “rust belt” where Donald Trump ended up gaining his strongest support, there is only ONE choice for media coverage.  On the radio it’s the Clear Channel (or whoever runs it now) right wing list of “talkers” led by Rush Limbaugh who are busy making MILLIONS upon MILLIONS by carrying the brainwashing message of the right wing to people who don’t even get a chance to hear the “other side.”  Additionally, in many areas, unless you subscribe to satellite TV all you can get is the Fox “news” version of politics.  People I know who watch Fox “news” are incredibly ill-informed, but in their own minds they honestly believe they “get it.”

Occasionally, I’ll try to listen to or watch stuff coming from Fox or Limbaugh or the like and it honestly makes my stomach queezy.  The LYING is commonplace and, at least what I hear, comes across as “hate speech” almost every time I tune in.  The other day, after a crazy person opened fire on a bunch of republican congress persons practicing for a baseball game – against the democrats – I actually heard Donald Trump give a message encouraging people to be civil to each other and respectful of each other (I don’t remember the exact words, but that’s the “gist” I got from his comments).  Soon after, there came a “tweet” denigrating former president Obama – essentially accusing Obama of “colluding with the Russians” – I know, that seems like someone in Trump’s position would have to be “nuts” to say that, but that’s what he said.  Then came a gross “tweet” about a female journalist (using his “blood” metaphor he uses when attacking women – I really don’t understand what’s going on in Trump’s mind) and that was followed up by Trump “re-tweeting” an animation of him body-slamming someone with a CNN logo affixed to his face – evidently encouraging his followers to “attack” the press with whom he’s at “war.”

All of this, I hope, is getting me to my point of how on earth we got to the place where someone like Donald Trump could manage to end up in the White House.  And, the similarities of how he, just as George W Bush before him, is likely to “screw up” the plan of the surreptitious right wing “money-changers” pushing their “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  Trump fits the bill as he’s clearly an authoritarian personality (in my mind, more similar to Dick Cheney than George W Bush), but he has the same problem GW Bush had.  Without a teleprompter (and sometimes with it) Trump has difficulty getting out a complete sentence that makes sense, or is not clearly a BLATANT LIE.  Trump and his surrogates have been “caught” LYING so many times that it is now just a “given.”  If their mouths are moving, they’re LYING.  Right now, Trump is in Hamburg, Germany at the “G-20 Summit.”  I listened as he responded to a reporters question regarding whether or not he believes the Russians “interfered” in the 2016 election.  His answer meandered all over the place, but what was clear was that Trump knows what happened, he just doesn’t want to admit it because he’s so sensitive to the FACT his legitimacy comes into question because of the Russian interference.  (not to mention the FACT he got 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton)

So, this republican “dream” of the “permanent republican ‘majority'” is once again in danger because of a bumbling, incompetent, erratic president.  In fact, I’ve even said on this site that Donald Trump makes me long for the days of GW Bush – which I could barely tolerate.  Bush created MAMMOTH problems – he, Dick Cheney, and others in his administration SHOULD have been investigated for committing WAR CRIMES – but, to me, the potential Trump has for catastrophic damage goes way beyond George W Bush.  I listened yesterday as Trump was standing next to the president of Poland (who’s clamped down hard on the “free press” in Poland) and BASHING the American press as “fake news.”  (The irony, of course, is that it was the Russians who initiated the “fake news” in the 2016 election as they tried to help Trump and it’s the right wing sites in America that are supporting Trump who are perpetuating it)  Trump also, in this press conference, continued his “attack” on President Obama – essentially accusing Obama of “doing nothing” about the Russian hacking – which he earlier had suggested might not even have happened.  Go figure!

Trump, on a daily basis, violates every norm of American politics and the so-called conservatives in the republican party continue to just look the other way. (one of the “values” of conservatism is honoring tradition – at least that’s how it’s supposed to be) Trump LIES about virtually everything – the republicans look the other way.  Trump attacks women in the most vile manner – the republicans look the other way.  Trump is an embarrassment as he goes over seas representing America – republicans look the other way.  Trump is further enriching his business “empire” via is position as president – republicans look the other way.  Trump is trying to impede the investigations into the possibility of collusion with the Russians – republicans look the other way.  Trump is surreptitiously attacking our environmental and regulatory institutions – republicans look the other way.

The way I see this there’s two possibilities.  First:  Americans wake up and vote these right wing republicans out of office – and, vote in democrats (or republicans) who will actually defend the constitution they take an oath to and this nightmare of a Trump presidency will come to a screeching halt.  Second: The American people continue to be apathetic at the polls and we will become a second rate nation in the eyes of the so-called “free world” – who, by the way, are ALREADY making trade agreements that bypass United States participation.  For those who believe in Steve Bannon’s “White Nationalist” philosophy, the end result of following that path will be the destruction of this country as we’ve known it since the days following WW II.

The republican plan for the “permanent republican ‘majority'” is  basically their attempt to short circuit the “checks and balances put in the constitution by our “founding fathers.”  The republican attempts to control every aspect of government, along with their constant attack on the “free press” emanates from the authoritarian thinking that permeates beneath the surface of their public persona.  Much of the republican base comes from the so-called “religious right” where you find “dominionists” who believe in “strong man” leadership.  (read, “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet)  Combine that with people like Trump with authoritarian personalities and you can see why they’re attacking the press, the intelligence services, the voting rights of ordinary people, and the racist immigration views.  To them, just the word “liberal” is a dirty word.  Liberal stands for things like workers rights, children’s rights, health care as a “right,” Social Security, Medicare (ie, taking care of the elderly), public education, regulations on the environment and the work place and the food supply, freedom FROM religion, and I could go on – but, hopefully, you get the drift.  This republican plan is DANGEROUS, it’s been in the works for years, and it’s backed by unlimited funding.  Maybe the election of Donald Trump will actually expose the republican plan to turn our nation into an authoritarian state.  Just as with George W Bush, if the “plan” is thwarted, it will be due to the INCOMPETENCE of the man at the top, Donald Trump.  Knowing how vain Trump has shown himself to be, I’m guessing the part of all this that aggravates him the most is that he’s showing the world what a good president Barack Obama actually was.  Trump is showing himself as far inferior to our only Black president.  Talk about irony!

If you want to learn more about the inner workings of the republican party in America I suggest you read  “Family of Secrets” by Russ Baker.

Controlling the media and voter suppression are normal in places like Russia. Maybe Trump would be better off moving to Russia.

I wrote in my last post about how I’m tiring of feeling the need to write about the terrible situation “we the people” find ourselves in – well, at least a pretty significant majority of us – as Donald Trump continues to show himself to be essentially unhinged, and certainly incapable of fulfilling the duties of being our president.  I’ve said many times it would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.  And, one thing that’s clear to me is that many of Trump’s diehard supporters have no idea how serious this situation really is.  If republicans in Congress continue to allow Trump to “do his thing” – as I’ve said before, “we the people” are depending on them to end this nightmare – the damage done could be catastrophic – to America and to the world.

By now, everyone knows that the Russians were involved in manipulating the 2016 election in a way that was designed to get Trump elected – even though most people believe they, themselves, didn’t believe they would succeed.  Their “plan B” was to damage Hillary Clinton to the point where she would be less of a threat to Vladimir Putin’s plan to “rebuild” the old “Soviet Union.”  Obviously, the starting point is in Ukraine – with the annexing of Crimea and only time will tell what Putin’s total objective is.  With Trump as our president, Putin has a much greater chance of achieving his objectives, whatever they are.  In fact, at the republican convention Trump’s “team” started the process of making it easier for Putin to achieve his goal in Ukraine.

That brings me to the thoughts that I can’t seem to get out of my head lately.  Trump is planning to meet with Putin at the upcoming G-20 summit in Europe.  As I was thinking about that meeting my mind kept reminding me of the old saying when I was much younger and still playing basketball.  When my team went up against a far superior team I still remember the prognosticators using the phrase – it’s “men against boys.” (we were the “boys”)  That’s exactly how I view Donald Trump meeting with Putin.  (and, believe me, I don’t see Trump as the “man”)

Vladimir Putin will know exactly how to play Trump to the fullest.  He’ll be prepared and he’ll flatter Trump to the point where Trump will give him exactly what he wants.  That’s presuming there’s nothing Putin has “over” Trump which could be the reason Trump has been heaping his praises on Putin since the beginning of his campaign for president.  (that would make it easier for Putin)  I clearly remember Trump’s admiration of Putin as he was bad mouthing President Obama during (and before) the campaign.  (I have to think it must really “rankle” Trump every time he sees the polling about how popular Obama is and how UNPOPULAR he is)  It’s my belief that Trump has financial ties to Russia which “we the people” don’t know about – probably the MAIN reason Trump refuses to release his tax returns – that make him even more vulnerable in any interaction with Putin than the simple truth that Putin is much smarter than Trump and will take full advantage of that.

My hope is that the meeting will be short and sweet and there will be nothing involved that will resemble any kind of negotiation.  I’ve already heard one of Trump’s surrogates say that Trump “will say whatever he feels like” in his meeting with Putin.  When I heard that, it only confirmed in my mind what I was already thinking – Putin will go into this meeting with a well planned agenda and Trump will be “winging it.”  The end result is likely to be a bad one for “we the people” – and, maybe for others around the world.

The reality is that there are many in the world who depend on the United States to prevent Russia from getting too bold.  And, those people are not stupid.  We’ve already seen the Saudi’s – who sent us MOST of the 9/11 terrorists and who are leading funders of terrorist groups around the world playing Trump – with Trump coming away thinking he had made an “historic” trip – in the words of Sean Spicer, Trump’s liar in chief.  (although KellyAnne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are very adept at LYING for Trump)  Of course, while on the subject of LYING – Trump is pretty much in a class by himself.  People all over the world are losing confidence in America because of Trump.  There are places in Europe where leaders want to ban Trump from even visiting their countries.

Watching Trump in action pretty much tells it all about why he admires people like Putin and the other dictators around the world he seems to have a fascination with – like Duterte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey.  I’m sure Trump’s “war” with the American media (less Fox “news,” Breitbart, and other right wing outlets) is due to his frustration that they’re watching what he does and reporting to “we the people” about things he’d just as soon we never heard.  Putin, Erdogan, and Duterte don’t have that bother.  Like, for example, the constant reporting of the collusion with the Russians in the last election.  (in Russia, Putin simply poisons journalists who don’t “cooperate”)  He doesn’t want us to know about this and, he doesn’t want us to know about his financial ties with the countries around the world where he’s either vulnerable to blackmail OR where he’s virtually DAILY violating the emoluments clause in the constitution.  I’m sure Trump would rather the republicans would simply remove that clause to solve the problem.

Speaking of the constitution.  It appears to me that Trump would love to just “repeal and replace” the constitution itself.  He really doesn’t like that he can’t just wish legislation into existence.  (of course, he’s so inept at even understanding the legislative process that he’d come across as bumbling even if he didn’t have “checks and balances” to deal with.)  The other day Trump made a series of demeaning “tweets” about a journalist who works at MSNBC – works with (and, I believe, is married to) Joe Scarborough – a republican.  Her name is Mika Brzezinski whose father was a foreign policy adviser to President Carter – if my memory serves me correctly.  (I know, I could look it up :o)  I don’t watch their program – I believe it’s called “Morning Joe” – but, evidently they’ve been critical of Trump (pretty much like most observers who aren’t beholden to the right wing talkers)  I heard Ms. Huckabee Sanders, one of Trump’s surrogates willing to LIE for him, defend Trump by claiming that if the media is going to be critical of him he will “fight back.”  (I don’t do “Twitter” but apparently Trump used the “blood” metaphor in referring to Ms. Brzezinski – as he’s done with other women who don’t “bow down” to him)

Can you imagine what it would have been like in America if Barack Obama had that same philosophy?  I get that some of the “stuff” coming at Trump is getting “personal,” but it’s not even in the same league as what people – Trump at the “head of the pack” – “threw” at President Obama.  The RACISTS were out in full force – again, Trump right at the front – for pretty much the entire eight years Obama was president.  He, Obama, simply “turned the other cheek” and did his job.  The vile stuff coming at Obama was far worse than what Trump should be enduring – but, Trump makes EVERYTHING worse by the way he reacts.  His “tweets” are getting him in trouble and will, eventually, get us all (meaning “we the people”) in trouble – because, “the world is watching.”  Apparently, Trump gets mad simply because of the Russian investigation – so, he tries to make it “go away,” and matters just get worse.  He brings this all on himself!  He takes it personal when reporters point out NOTHING he’s proposed has made it through Congress – and, they then compare his “progress” (or lack thereof) with Obama’s.  That must really make him mad.  He’s not as smart as a “Black” man.

Yes, Trump’s “base” is made up largely of a group of “White Nationalists” – but, the reality is they represent only a small fraction of the American public.  They do not understand how we need the “world” as much (if not more so) than the world needs us.  I’m obviously not an economic expert, but I’ve read several book dealing with economics (mostly, related to the “great recession”) and, it appears to me, our country could suffer greatly if countries around the world lose faith in our fundamental economic stability.  For example, if they decide to turn away from the dollar as the world’s standard currency all those people complaining about “no jobs” in our “rust belt” (who were responsible for Trump being president) could end up in even a worse situation.  And, I have to say, I don’t trust Trump or the people who are his base to know how to protect our economic standing in the world.  This upcoming meeting between Trump and Putin could be the first step in America’s “undoing” – which would suit Vladimir Putin just fine.

I’m trying not to be thinking such negative thoughts all the time, but, it seems, every day Trump does something else that confirms he’s either an idiot or he really is planning some kind of authoritarian coup de tat from the inside in America.  (the recent “order” by his election commission for EVERY Secretary of State in the country to essentially provide TOTAL information about EVERY voter in the nation should get people’s attention – fortunately, most of the Secretary’s of State are saying no – or, in one instance, one said, “go jump in the Gulf of Mexico”)  Controlling the media (I heard today that Trump, essentially, encouraged violence against journalists – with another ill-advised “tweet”) and voter suppression are normal in places like Russia.  Maybe Trump would be better off moving to Russia.  Their system seems more in tune with his thinking.  Come to think of it, maybe that’s his plan as he meets with Putin at the G-20 summit!