Monthly Archives: October 2016

If Chris Matthews wants to be an advisor to Donald Trump he should quit his job at MSNBC!

Donald Trump has been playing the media since the day he started his ill-fated run for the presidency.  He does whatever it takes to dominate the news cycles while throwing in one unsubstantiated accusation against his opponent – first Jeb Bush, then Ted Cruz, now Hillary Clinton – after another, then complains bitterly to his followers that he’s being unfairly treated by the same people who are suckered into giving him UNIMAGINABLE amounts of FREE air time when they report accurately what he said.  I maintain that Donald Trump would be irrelevant except for his ability to use the cable outlet “commentators” to his advantage to the tune of BILLIONS in free advertising.

And, the worst one, to me – who is constantly causing me to scratch my head AND turn off my TV (or XM radio) is Chris Matthews of MSNBC.  Tonight, I was FORCING myself to watch his show called “Hardball” – “the place for politics” and he ended the segment I watched as if he was campaigning for Donald Trump.  He, seemingly, was doing what most republicans have been doing since their “nightmare” began – with Trump’s nomination – encouraging Trump to “stay on message” – and Matthews attempted to lay out the message.  (Obviously, Matthews is not a fan of Hillary Clinton – that has been apparent to me for some time)  Matthews was encouraging Trump to focus on the immigration issue (my first thought was “are you kidding me?”  suggesting Trump’s position on immigration would be a winning one – Trump’s fascist tendencies have shown almost the brightest with this particular issue), the issue of war (earlier in the program he had implied to Michael Moore (who Matthews said, “I’ll give you 2 minutes, uninterrupted, to state your case for Hillary Clinton – then interrupted Moore withing maybe 15 seconds and NEVER allowed Moore to make his case) that Mrs. Clinton is a war “hawk” – while, apparently, suggesting Trump to be less so????  I really didn’t get that one.  And, if I remember correctly, the third issue was the national debt. (it could have been “jobs”)

What aggravated me the MOST as I FORCED myself to listen to this “commentator” – who comes across to me as almost as narcissistic as Trump himself (OK, I know that’s close to impossible – but, let’s just say it’s a matter of degree) – was that ALL THREE OF THOSE ISSUES are issues that have been initiated AND exacerbated by REPUBLICAN policy since the days of Ronald Reagan and the ONLY reason ANY republican could get away with PUSHING those three issues is because “commentators” like Matthews have allowed, over the years, republicans to foist DEBT, WAR, and BLOCK immigration reform and not pay the price they should if our MEDIA was doing its job of INFORMING the American public on the FACTS of these policies. (the Fox “news” “fair and balanced” baloney seems to have permeated their competition)

It should be no secret, to anyone, that the BALLOONING of the national debt began with the TAX CUTS during the administration of Ronald Reagan.  The FACTS demonstrate that the rise in our national debt was jump started by Reagan’s so-called “Trickle down” economic philosophy (which republicans, to this day, continue to profess – including Mr. Trump), it got worse under the first President Bush and “Bush II” put it on steroids.  Combining the thirst for tax cuts – mainly for the wealthy (remember, the middle class has been asked to pay more since those days) with deregulation aimed at the largest corporations in the nation and the push for PERPETUAL WAR – which was begun by Reagan’s MASSIVE defense buildup and has continued since – spurred on by the illegal invasion of Iraq instigated by the Bush/Cheney regime (and, by the way, not paid for AT ALL – in fact, Bush/Cheney BORROWED every cent of the money needed to fund their WAR fetish).  “We the people” will be paying for their illegal (and incompetent) wars for, very possibly, generations.  To even suggest Trump is the “answer” to this problem, to me, is well beyond PREPOSTEROUS.

Under President Obama, the deficit has been reduced approximately in half.  Every economist I’ve studied since Obama’s taking office have pointed out that the only thing Obama should have done differently, when considering the MESS he inherited as he moved into the White House, was to DEMAND and fight for a larger and more comprehensive “stimulus” package.  For all intents and purposes, the Obama administration prevented America from falling into another Great Depression.  Republicans were BLAMING President Obama for the HUGE budget deficits before he took the oath of office.  I really didn’t hear people like Matthews pointing out how preposterous that was at the time and I don’t hear them educating “we the people” on the FACTS relating to why it takes YEARS to recover from an economic disaster of the magnitude “we the people” were “given” by the Bush/Cheney regime and the republicans in congress who allowed this (STUPID) “trickle down” philosophy to survive.  As I’ve heard some people (probably myself included) say, “It’s all about the money.”  (I could get into the issue of income inequality here – but, I’ll leave that for another day)

As far as the issue of immigration.  Matthews seemingly was complaining – as he was encouraging Trump to focus on that issue – about the so-called 11 MILLION “immigrants” in America “illegally.”  Of course, he didn’t (and wouldn’t apparently) point out that Trump disparaged Mexicans, Muslims, African Americans, and who knows who else as he was proposing politics that mirrored those of the Third Reich.  In fact, the other day I heard audio of Trump supporters verbally assaulting members of the media using a term used by Nazi’s “back in the day” to attack the press.  Yikes!  Democrats – including Mrs. Clinton – have been trying for years to reform out immigration laws.  To suggest this would be a “winning” strategy for Trump just reinforces to me that people like Matthews have no interest in factual “reporting” – their (his) interest is simply in ratings and doing whatever they can do to make sure the election is “exciting” and presumably competitive.  Just like above – “It’s all about the money.” (I might add that President Obama has presided over the largest number of Illegals deported in recent history – if that’s what people like Matthews thinks will “solve” the problem)

It kind of makes me think about all the republican politicians – who refuse to disassociate themselves from Trump – that I believe are “hanging on” because they fear what will happen if he wins and they don’t support him (think of Chris Christie and the slowdown on the George Washington Bridge on steroids – for the retaliation – that’s how people like Trump work –  again, we’re dealing with authoritarian personalities – bullies – who don’t like ANYONE saying “no” to them).  My hope is that those republicans with the courage to distance themselves from Trump hold the others accountable after the election.  Are “commentators” like Matthews fearing for their future if Trump wins?  Is Chris Matthews making these preposterous comments so that he can continue his show if Trump  wins?  So he can claim he was “fair and balanced?” I know that Matthews knows better.  I know that he knows Trump is dangerous.  Does he simply hate Hillary Clinton?  I really don’t have the answers to any of those questions and all the other questions swirling around in my mind.

What I do know is that Donald Trump is DANGEROUS.  He’s the greatest threat to the fundamental values America has stood for in my lifetime.  His campaign is based on fear mongering and lies and the parallels of Trump to Hitler are startling – of course, people like Matthews will NEVER point this out.  (I mean, Hitler’s campaign “slogan” was “Make Germany Great Again” – do you get it? – if you’ve been watching – including supporters, earlier in the campaign, raising their right arms and pledging allegiance to Trump – you can piece this together)  I believe it was FDR who said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” and (I’m getting old, my memory is sketchy) I believe it was JFK who said the only way America could be “defeated” would be by an “enemy within.”  Trump has ginned up a large segment of America’s population who are ANGRY with the last 35 years and the direction we’ve been going.  What people like Matthews CONTINUE to do, is FAIL to appropriately  EDUCATE our population on why this is happening and who’s to blame.

I’m not a great supporter of the democrats – my hope is that if Mrs. Clinton wins, the HUGE segment of the population who supported Bernie Sanders will stay active and FORCE Mrs. Clinton to instigate  a PROGRESSIVE agenda AND they will work to vote out as many of these right wing fanatics that are supporting Donald Trump as possible.  (and, just to be fair, I believe ANY democrat who continues to show a lack of spine – to fail to fight for the ideals of the progressive movement – should get the same outcome as the right wing republicans I mentioned)  These people were on the FRINGE prior to Reagan’s election and they need to go back there.  I saw an electoral map tonight that represented how this election would go if just the “millennials” did the voting – and, it would compare to the landslide Reagan carried when he won his second term – maybe ONE state would go for Trump – and that’s it!  This right wing Crazy stuff is on its way out.  Obviously, the “money-changers” are doing everything they can to stop the momentum of those who supported Bernie.  The republican party is threatening its own existence by standing by Trump and people like Matthews – who have a significant voice – in my mind, should be TRUTHFUL about EVERYTHING they say.  Again, I have questions about his motivation, but none about how preposterous what he said tonight was.  If Chris Matthews wants to be an advisor to Donald Trump he should quit his job at MSNBC!  (what he did – and said – tonight, including what he did to Michael Moore, should be unacceptable to anyone who calls themselves a progressive – he should go to work for Fox)

I’ll finish be adding that at one point I considered myself a “conservative.”  I do believe in the fundamental values that made America great (yes, Mr. Trump, that has already happened) – but, those values were embedded in the philosophy that brought us the “New Deal” and the “Great Society.”  Since the days of the so-called “Powell memo” – written by future Supreme Court justice Lewis Powell in 1972 – which spurred on the corporatacracy we’re now fighting against (if you’re a middle class progressive) America’s great middle class has been shrinking.  It’s as if republicans want to take us back to the days of the “robber barons” and our “liberal” media doesn’t seem to be paying attention.  Therefore, it’s hard for someone like me to associate with the word “conservative” – because, the fight for the rights of those who are the backbone of this nation – the blue collar workers – is being re-lived.  Yes, it’s true that the times have changed and America’s workforce needs to be retrained – but, our nation has the resources to do this along with investing in our young people and our infrastructure in a way that addresses the realities of  the 21st century.  (for example, clean energy, free college education, new roads and bridges, etc. etc.)  People like Matthews need to stop falling all over themselves to “be like Fox” and focus on making the “4th estate” one of the building blocks that turns this nation back to the fundamentals our fathers and grandfathers (I’m talking 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s here) fought so hard for as we (America) emerged from the Great Depression and WW II.  The so-called 1% has plundered untold TRILLIONS from America’s working class.  It’s time for this to stop!

Trump ended the last debate by blurting out – during Mrs. Clinton’s closing remarks – “she’s a nasty woman.” To me, Donald Trump is one of the “nastiest” people EVER!

As the women come forward accusing Donald Trump of being a sexual predator – which he inadvertently admitted to on tape at “Access Hollywood” several years ago – what I’m having a hard time understanding is why republicans are so surprised.  I mean the guy’s a walking narcissist who’s demeaned women (and others) in a way that would seemingly make it obvious that he’s all about himself and, just as pathological liars believe their lies as the words come out of their mouths (and, by the way, Trump gets a check mark on that one too!), he is apparently so caught up in this improbable campaign that he actually thinks he’s “presidential” and can BS his way into the oval office.  Yikes!

Years ago, when I started writing (venting – I was so upset with the invasion of Iraq by Bush/Cheney et al), one of my first posts mentioned America’s “low information voters.”  I was challenged by a local (second rate) “conservative” talker who accused me of being “elitist” for making such a comment (his name is Lars Larsen – not sure if he’s still a paid liar for the right wing “noise” machine).  This “talker” like the rest of the republican propaganda machine which has been vilifying anything “progressive” since the days of Ronald Reagan has been cultivating these “low information voters” for years and the end result is that the republican nominee for president is now the most bizarre, unqualified, DEPLORABLE, candidate that maybe has ever gotten this far in the process – in the HISTORY of this great nation.

If you remember back during the primary season, Donald Trump hit a bit of a bump in the road in Iowa, where none other than Ted Cruz – another right wing wack job (who I personally think would have been every bit as dangerous as Trump – in fact, Cruz’s lack of character has been on bright display as he caved to the urge to remain relevant – at least in his own mind – by “endorsing” [and even phone banking for] Trump – despite Trump’s DEPLORABLE comments about Cruz’s wife and his own pledge NOT to support someone as DEPLORABLE as Trump post primary process) – defeated Trump in the Iowa caucuses.  Trump, in his rationalizing the defeat made a comment about Iowa’s “uneducated voters.”  And, then Trump said, “I love the uneducated voters.”  Well, as I listen to the Trump voters share why they’re solidly behind him, I “get” why Trump LOVES “uneducated voters.”  It all reminds me, constantly, of my earlier post when I was lamenting America’s “low information voters” that, it really is possible for a fascist like Trump to eventually gain control of this government.

I’m guessing a LARGE percentage of Trump’s supporters have no idea what  the definition of fascism really is.  They’ve heard – and many bought into – the charge that President Obama is a fascist (among other superlatives like Communist, Socialist, etc.).  Of course, in Obama’s case – despite the FACT that Wall Street and America’s big business has THRIVED under his leadership, it’s absurd to accuse him of being a fascist.  But Trump?, not so much.  Trump even, at one point in the campaign, had his followers at a rally raising their right arm (in a heil Hitler like manner) pledging to support him.  If you closely examine whatever you can discern from Trump’s boisterous comments and the people he associates with, you can’t help but come away with seeing the parallels between his rhetoric and that of those in the Third Reich.  The racist rhetoric – concerning Muslims, Jews, Mexicans, and earlier in the campaign – prior to his disingenuous “play” for votes in the African American community – his comments about African Americans (along with his history of discrimination regarding people of color) along with his authoritarian tendencies should give anyone who believes in the principles of this nation pause.

Actually, his “theme,” “Make America Great Again” mirrors Hitler’s theme back “in the day” when he campaigned on “Make Germany Great Again.”  I’ve wondered why more in the mainstream media haven’t caught on to this, and I’m constantly wondering what Trump is referring to.  What does he want to take us back to?  When was it that he thinks America was “great?”  I have to use the past tense, because just the innuendo of his theme would suggest America is not “great.”  Trump covers his bases – because he virtually lambasts EVERY part of the American system – and, of course, he’s going to “fix” it all because he knows how to negotiate.  Evidently, the courts and the congress will simply go along with whatever Trump decides is best for the rest of us.  Personally, I find the thought a bit unnerving.

I mean, Trump is threatening to JAIL Hillary Clinton if he’s elected.  He’s boasted that the FIRST thing he would do is have Mrs. Clinton – a 30 year public servant – JAILED because of an imaginary email scandal.  (let’s face it, the right wing “conspiracy” has been after Mrs. Clinton since the day she publicly exposed their existence).  The reality of American politics is that this is unheard of.  Now, I have to admit that I was in favor of INVESTIGATIONS of the Bush/Cheney regime after they left Washington DC with their “tails between their legs” – both George W Bush and Dick Cheney admitted on national TV that they had authorized WAR CRIMES.  For whatever reason, Barack Obama chose to block all the investigations just as Bill Clinton “looked the other way” in 1993 knowing that Ronald Reagan AND most probably George HW Bush had committed felonies in the “Iran/Contra” affair during the waning years of the Reagan administration.  (Evidently, that’s one of the big differences between democrats and republicans – the republicans can make a “scandal” out of nowhere – while the democrats “look the other way.”)  But, threatening to JAIL your rival in an American presidential election???  As the saying goes, “come on man!”

Many of the republicans who supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal – “I didn’t have sex with that woman” – continue to support Trump, despite the glaring REALITY that Trump’s escapades apparently make Clinton’s look like “child play.”  I mean, no matter how all the recent accusations of Trump’s alleged sexual assaults turn out, it’s undeniable that he’s been unfaithful to ALL of his wives.  Melania, his recent wife, must be having a hard time defending him after he boasted that he wanted to f@#k the guy’s co-host on “access Hollywood” despite the FACT Trump was recently married (for the third time) and the “co-host” was married. (Don’t all these republicans supporting him claim to be from the “party of family values?” – evidently, not my families values.)

In fact, part of Trump’s boasting seemed to delight in the FACT she was married – he seemed surprised that she “turned him down.”  Obviously, there’s now a long line of women who’ve turned Mr. Trump down (despite his claim to be so “good looking”).  Honestly, even as he denies the allegations – and then attempts to demean the women making them; as if to say “do you really think I’d “move” on someone who looks like that?”  “I don’t think so!” – he essentially affirms the charges.  He speaks as if he’s “god’s gift to women” and that he can do “whatever I want.”  Every time I’m forced to listen to him (MSNBC is still giving Trump unbelievable amounts of FREE airtime) I get sick to my stomach.

And, yet, over 30% of Americans are still planning to vote for this DEPLORABLE man.  He’s now suggesting that if he loses “the election is rigged” and further ginning up his “low information voters” (or, as he puts it “uneducated voters”)  Close to where I live, there are Trump supporters flying American flags along with Trump flags (I’ve never seen that before either) wearing shirts that say “Hillary for Prison” and packing handguns on their belts AKA the wild wild west.  I just want this guy to go away, but I’m thinking things could get interesting after the election.  Many of Trump’s supporters have pledged to NOT support the outcome of the election should he lose – which is highly likely – UNLESS – he’s correct that the election is rigged.  Remember, republicans have been busy passing voter suppression legislation since the Supreme Court GUTTED the Voting Rights act of 1965.  The voting machines are owned by right wing republican corporations and the corporate interests in America (re: fascisim) are so close to their “permanent republican ‘majority'” that they can probably “taste it.”

I’m sure there are people in the republican shadows that are just shaking their heads.  When Bush/Cheney were “crowned” by the Supreme Court back in 2000 they had control of all three branches of government.  But George W Bush was such a bumbling disaster as president that their plan was upended.  The Bush/Cheney fiasco in Iraq along with the domestic disasters – which included the financial meltdown – left the republicans in “ruins” – but, they didn’t slow a bit – they just moved FARTHER to the “right” and began an unprecedented OBSTRUCTION policy in their attempt to make our first Black President “fail” – which was a failure in itself – he will leave office as one of the most popular presidents at the end of his administration EVER – but, it did lead to republicans regaining control of the Senate and the House and the possibility, again, with Trump’s candidacy for republican control of our entire government.  The problem these “money changers” face – every time – is that the caliber of candidate that is willing to “tow the company line” is not appealing to the vast majority of Americans.

I mean, the ONLY way someone such as Trump could get this far is – well, look closely at the 17 candidates who were called the “clown car” running for the nomination against Trump.  Seriously, Ted Cruz was the second choice!  I believe the only way Trump gets even close to 40% of the vote is that Mrs. Clinton has been the brunt of right wing attacks for as long as I can remember.  They’ve been trying to “ruin” her since she made the first attempt to address the health care problem in America – that republicans continue to ignore (just as they continue ignoring issues like Climate Change)  In fact, due to all the vitriol in this election cycle, there has been very little talk about issues like “Climate Change” which very well could be the most significant issue facing America in the last century.  Also, Trump is planning to repeal “Obamacare” (The Affordable Care Act) with some unnamed “replacement.”  In reality, republicans have been BLOCKING national health care since the days of FDR.  As Alan Grayson so famously said, their plan is “Don’t get sick.”  And, if you do get sick, “Die quickly.”  I wish I didn’t see so much TRUTH in that!

Trump is very probably the foremost proponent of political projection I’ve yet seen (and, believe me, with today’s republicans, that’s saying something).  As the accusations come out of his mouth I always want to put a mirror up to his face.  He accuses his opponents of being “liars.”  Trump is a pathological liar.  He accuses his opponents of being “corrupt.”  From what I can tell, Trump is as corrupt as they come. Trump even had the audacity to say to Mrs. Clinton, after she reminded viewers at the last “debate” that Trump hasn’t paid taxes in 18 years, “I use the rules you made.  If you don’t like it, you should have changed the rules.”  Thereby, publicly ADMITTING that he hasn’t paid ANY taxes at least since the mid 90’s.  What a guy!

The evidence continues to spill out that he’s used his “foundation” (which, I believe, has received a “stop and desist” order from New York’s attorney general) for personal gain numerous times – and, apparently, blatantly illegally.  Trump ended the last debate by blurting out – during Mrs. Clinton’s closing remarks – “she’s a nasty woman.”  To me, Donald Trump is one of the “nastiest” people EVER!


People around the world can see what a disaster Trump is. Apparently – maybe until now – the republican party was unwilling or unable to do so.

OK, I decided to watch as much of the Vice Presidential debate as I could stomach.  When it was over, I tuned in to MSNBC to see how the “experts” saw the “debate” and, as usual, by the time I turned off the TV I was simply shaking my head.  I guess I should stop acting surprised at how things are going in our nation when I see, time after time, a “liberal media” that’s more about entertainment and trying to, I guess, say the “right thing” – while amongst peers than “reporting” what actually is going on.  I’ll preface whatever is going to come out tonight by saying I was a bit prejudiced against Mike Pense right from the start because I was aware of many of his anti-worker, right wing proselytizing positions before tuning in and I didn’t expect much from him.  (After all, he accepted the “honor” of being Donald Trump’s VP candidate – which implies that his political career in Indiana was headed for a “fall”)  I didn’t know much at all about Tim Kaine.

What got me to repeatedly have to tune out was Pense REPEATEDLY LYING about Trump’s comments/positions.  What I thought was good was that Kaine REPEATEDLY called him out on the LIES.  At the end of the “debate” I had to listen to the commentators on MSNBC defend Pense for his “demeanor” – or something along that line – while essentially attacking Kaine’s performance as “caffeinated.”  Yikes!  That kind of explains it all to me.  If you’ve been on this site before, you might know that I don’t believe there’s a “liberal media” and I’m concerned (majorly) that MSNBC is considered by many to be (at minimum) giving the “progressive” viewpoint while instead they’re focused almost exclusively on building ratings and helping to create a “contest” in this election year that will keep their viewership “up.”  To me, I didn’t hear hardly a whimper about the number of LIES that Pense was spewing (and, keep in mind, I was only able to stomach a portion of the “debate”) and yet people like Chris Matthews jumped right in panning Tim Kaine for “interrupting” Pense – personally, I was very pleased he did so.

I can’t say how many times I’ve heard Donald Trump on MSNBC (and, it’s probably worse elsewhere – I just REFUSE to watch/listen to Fox “news” or CNN or pretty much any of it any more) spewing OBVIOUS lies and “getting away with it.”  Occasionally, there will be a commentator who points out the fabrications, but I’ve seen it rarely.  It’s as if people like Matthews, Chuck Todd, and now Brian Williams are bound and determined to give Donald Trump – and his campaign – credibility.  The other day, for the first time I can remember, I heard an extended portion of one of Hillary Clinton’s speeches on MSNBC.  Up until that point, it had been Trump, Trump, Trump – all the time Trump.  It’s as if they’re so fascinated by Trump that they don’t realize he’s manipulating them for BILLIONS in free advertising.  I’ve been following politics in America since the Eisenhower/Adlai Stephenson days and I’ve never seen what I’m seeing in this election.  I guess the networks won’t make the money they’re planning on if America sees Trump as the political buffoon he actually is.  There was nothing of substance coming from Pense’s mouth in the “debate” and that falls in line with EVERYTHING I’ve heard from Trump.  It’s always GENERALITIES and LIES.  (And, most of the lies are obvious enough that if the commentators are actually following the race – they should know they”re LIES and SAY SO!).

I started this post a few days ago and the “establishment” of the republican party was still “endorsing” him – basically, in my view, because they’re covering their asses in case he actually wins.  My hope is that “we the people” will hold ANYONE who is supporting this person accountable at the ballot box.  Now, more of Trump’s “deplorable” self (to borrow a term from Mrs. Clinton) has come to light with the release of a couple of recordings of Trump being Trump “back in the day.”  Now, in my mind, it should be no surprise that the man is “deplorable” – for heaven’s sake – he hired a White Supremacist to be his CEO, and expert “fabricator” (I’m trying to be nice) as his campaign manager, and a man right out of the “Big Lie Theory” to be his media mogul for his campaign.  Trump’s racist and misogynist comments have kind of piled up all over themselves since he began running for president and a significant portion of the republican party bought into his nonsense right from the start.  Only a very few republicans have been willing to acknowledge what an almost sick man Trump really is.  I keep wondering if he getting all this attention because people are afraid of him???

So now some REALLY lewd comments he made a few years ago have many of his (hypocritical) supporters running for cover.  His bragging about trying to F@#k a married woman, bragging that because he’s famous women let him grab their “p@#%ies,” and a lot more seems to have finally gotten their attention.  I mean, I was in almost disbelief when Trump defended his lewd comments regarding Rosie O’Donnell by saying “no one would disagree with me.”  (Of course, I certainly would)  Tonight Trump gave about as disingenuous an apology as anyone could imagine about his lewd comments and ended his “apology” with what appeared to me a warning that he’s going after Bill Clinton’s infidelities.  This is no surprise.  He has deflected EVERY attempt to get him to say something of substance in this campaign – along with ALL of his surrogates – to unsubstantiated attacks on Hillary Clinton.  The upcoming presidential debate should be some spectacle.

Tonight, on MSNBC (I actually tuned in to Fox just to see what they were saying – and they were talking about Hurricane Matthew) I heard republicans – who were previously “endorsing” Trump going so far as to suggest he drop out of the race.  I seriously doubt that he’ll do that, but Lawrence O’Donnell seemed to be suggesting there may be a plethora of video showing Trump as his “deplorable” self on the shelves of various production outfits.  As I said at the start of this post – Mike Pense is nothing to shout about.  He’s part of the right wing fringe in America that has this nation retreating to the days of the robber barons.  I have no doubt that, from the standpoint of the republican establishment, Pense looks like a savior – despite the FACT he didn’t run for president, and he’s very unpopular in his home state due to some right wing policy decisions that have harmed Indiana.  That being said, I can’t imagine Trump stepping aside to placate the establishment that he so despises.

I guess the part that bothers me the most out of all of this is that it took F bombs and “grabbing p@#$ies” for these people to get disgusted.  All the other racist rhetoric, the association with the alt right and neo Nazis, all the LYING and on and on wasn’t enough.  What if these videos hadn’t come out and Trump would actually win the White House.  And, all of this, is without mentioning his TAXES.  All these people have been willing to vote for someone who’s hiding his TAXES which would educate ALL OF US on ALL the conflicts of interest someone like Trump would have as the president of this great nation.  The world is watching, and I believe Trump winning would lead to an economic crash of mammoth proportions (there’s probably some kind of crash in the offing as is) and could lead to America’s undoing as the center of world commerce.  People around the world can see what a disaster this man is, apparently – maybe until now – the republican party was unwilling or unable to do so.