Monthly Archives: December 2017

Trump and his LYING surrogates will be using their “alternative facts” in their upcoming attacks on Mike Flynn.

Reports are that Trump is preparing to do what Trump does where it involves Michael Flynn, a man Trump has repeatedly said “is a good man” and has been “treated very unfairly” but, is likely actually telling the truth where it involves Robert Mueller.  Michael Flynn recently pleaded guilty to LYING to the FBI regarding his meetings with the Russian Ambassador during the transition period in 2016 following Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 election.  There’s no doubt to me that both Trump and Mike Pense knew exactly what Flynn was doing – in fact, it was done according to their directions.  He was telling the Russians not to get all worked up over President Obama’s sanctions due to the Russian interference in the 2016 election, they would reverse them once in office.  So, the LIE coming from Trump and Pense regarding what Flynn was accused of and caused him to be fired was that Flynn LIED to the Vice President.  That was absurd back then and is to this day!  Pense has since proven to be the LIAR.  (Flynn HAS be TRUTHFUL to Mueller, or he – and his son – could face enough charges to cause them both to get old in prison – and, I believe Mueller has a “plan B” in case Trump chooses to ABUSE his pardon powers)

Now, it’s reported that Trump and his LYING surrogates are prepared to hit Flynn “with both barrels,” pointing out he is a terrible LIAR.  Despite all the accolades Trump has given Flynn over this past year, evidently to encourage Flynn to “stay strong,” well, things are changing.  I always interpreted that statement (stay strong) as meaning “don’t talk” to Mueller.  Of course, Flynn was always vulnerable – probably before Trump hired him (he should have listened to President Obama who warned him about hiring Flynn), but the turning point, in my view, was when it was reported Flynn’s son was almost as vulnerable.  In my mind, protecting his son caused Flynn to decide he was FINALLY going to tell the TRUTH.  Now, we’re about to see Trump et al accusing Flynn of being a pathological LIAR (like Trump, himself) so that no one should believe anything he tells Mueller.  No one but Mueller knows how much Flynn actually knows about Trump and his connection to the Russians (well, besides Flynn himself), but Flynn knows about the LIES during the transition and the first part of Trump’s administration.  Personally, I believe Flynn will be key to bringing Trump’s administration to a premature end.

This is typical Trump – if someone is saying nice things about him they are wonderful people (Like Vladimir Putin, the expert at “playing people”).  As soon as anyone criticizes him – or in Flynn’s case, tells the TRUTH to Mueller, all hell breaks loose.  According to reports, Trump is preparing tweets that will take Flynn into Trump’s version of Twitter hell.  The attacks will be very nasty and, likely, will be coordinated with Fox “news” and all the minions in the House who are lining up to build a “firewall” between Trump and Mueller.  The sad reality is that these House members have no interest in protecting “we the people” from the Russian attacks on our nation.  To them, it’s more important to protect Trump than to protect us.  Trust me, the Russians are still here and our Justice Department is doing NOTHING to put it to an end.  It even feels to me, the Russians are involved in the attempts to protect Trump from Mueller.  And, now people like Mike Huckabee are comparing Trump to Churchill.  OMG, give me a break!!!

I just finished reading Lawrence O’Donnell’s book “Playing With Fire” which is about the election of 1968 where Richard Nixon showed republicans “the end justifies the means” strategy.  If you want to compare Trump to anyone, it would be more honest to look at some kind of combination of Nixon and George Wallace who were fighting for the right wing votes in the 1968 election.  They were both race baiting, they both were fighting for the right wing fringe vote, and they both were LYING to the white working class people in America that they were all about “law and order.”  Nixon claimed – well, actually a reporter made the claim and Nixon, in a sense, adopted it by not refuting it, that he had a secret strategy to end the war in Viet Nam – which was a LIE.  Nixon undermined LBJ’s attempts to broker a peace deal at the end of his term and the war lasted another 6 years at the expense of over 20,000 American lives, hundreds of thousands of Vietnam lives, and untold numbers of injured.  (I would HIGHLY recommend this book)

Nixon essentially committed Treason by encouraging Thieu, the president of Viet Nam, to back out of the peace talks Johnson was proposing after he had agreed to participate.  Johnson said NOTHING to the press at the encouragement of his advisors who felt it would be too damaging for the public to know about all the secret wiretapping devices they had placed in embassies all over D.C.  His advisors felt Nixon would still win the election, people would think he was just trying to help Hubert Humphrey, the democratic nominee, and then there would be, shortly after the election impeachment hearings – which Johnson’s advisers felt would be too detrimental to the nation.  Sound familiar?

Well, in the case of Trump, it will be interesting if republicans in Congress have the stomach to stand up to him once Mueller’s investigation is complete if he’s accused of criminal activity.  Obviously, all the other stuff Trump is doing – liking PROFITING from his office (and, that’s not including the tax cut which is going to funnel MILLIONS to him and his family) isn’t even raising a single republican eyebrow.  These are the so-called “law and order” people, the “family values” people, and the “balance the budget” people.  What the republicans in Congress are afraid of is Trump’s loyal base.  One thing Trump IS doing is packing the court system with right wing judges which excites all the right wing Christians who want to see Roe v Wade overturned.  They’ve proven over and over again that abortion is the only issue that matters to them – so, they’re perfectly willing to accept all the other stuff – including TREASON – to get their way.  I keep saying I’ll write about the abortion issue at another time – which I will, (and, I have to say, I don’t believe in abortion with the exception of the mothers life) but people were having abortions prior to Roe V Wade and they will be doing so after if it gets overturned.  I’ll leave it at that.  That one issue is not worth turning America into a fascist dictatorship!

Republican presidents have a history of “fraternizing with the enemy” – Nixon did it with the South Viet Nam government (OK, they weren’t the “enemy” – although in this case you could make the argument that technically they were.  They were violating an agreement made with Lyndon Johnson for peace talks with the promise of getting a “better deal” by waiting for Nixon – maybe the “deal” they got says it all as to why Nixon was called “Tricky Dick”) and Ronald Reagan did it (a couple times) with Iran.  There were hostages in Iran for over a year at the end of Jimmy Carter’s term, and Reagan negotiated with the Iranian government to hold them until he was elected – to prevent an “October surprise” – they were released the day Reagan took the oath of office.  At the time, people thought it was a coincidence.  That was technically TREASON.  And, Reagan was up to his eyeballs in the “Iran Contra” affair which sent several of his surrogates to JAIL.  He used a similar excuse to Jeff Sessions “I don’t recall” strategy when questioned about what was an ILLEGAL operation out of the White House to avoid what should have been impeachment.  Despite the republicans holding Reagan up as their “god,” he was very unpopular at the end of his administration.  (George HW Bush was involved in “Iran Contra” as well, and managed to avoid consequences – as a lifetime CIA operative, his specialty was avoiding culpability)

So, it really should surprise no one that now we’re wondering to what level Donald Trump “fraternized with the enemy.”  And, in this case, Russia is clearly our enemy.  They are busy using our open society against us – based on the “wedge issues” that have been clearly dividing Americans over the past 35 plus years. They know how to use entities like Facebook and Twitter (which, I have to admit, I know nothing about – other than just about everyone I know, besides me, uses them) to “sneak” into America and help Trump – they helped him in the campaign and, undoubtedly, they’re still “here.”  If Mueller finds “wrongdoing” by Trump which, come on, you’d have to be living under a rock to think a thorough investigation won’t find something wrong, you can expect the Russians to be attempting to confuse Americans as to how to respond.  They, as I said, have only one purpose: to use the openness of our society to bring our society down.  If you have a short memory, Ronald Reagan did much the same to the Russians back in the eighties – in a different way.  I believe Putin’s number one goal is to resurrect the Soviet Union – starting with Ukraine – which Trump’s “people” attempted to help him during the previous convention with the “plank” regarding Ukraine.  This slimy politics weaponizing the media all started with Nixon and his association with Roger Ailes.

In fact, it was Roger Ailes, who perfected the “art” of using wedge issues to bring success to his candidates.  As I’ve said, the republicans have adopted the “end justifies the means” strategy of political operations since the days of Nixon and it has worked for them.  Ailes also worked as an operative for Reagan and pappy Bush before he was hired by Rupert Murdoch to start up Fox “news,” which was always intended to be the propaganda “arm” of the republican party.  (and, of course, it still is – now under the slimy leadership of Sean Hannity)  Fox has played a major role in DIVIDING Americans against each other in a way that furthers their own (the republicans and Fox) GREEDY ambitions .  Republicans have been FLEECING Americans since the first “trickle down” tax cut, and, obviously, it’s still going on today with the recent tax scam of Trump. (They’ll keep doing this until “we the people” put a stop to it) Fox has successfully got MILLIONS of Americans to believe they’re “conservatives” and to believe the word “liberal” should somehow be considered a “four letter word.” (I have yet to meet one Fox viewer who, when I ask them to define “conservative,” can give a cogent answer – and, I’ve asked MANY times) I’ve said it before on this site, Fox will end up in the history books along side Trump and Benedict Arnold.

Remember, Fox is part of the empire of Rupert Murdoch, a right wing Australian.  I still remember, when President Obama was giving his first state of the union speech, Samuel Alito, who was sitting in the front row, shaking his head as to say “no” when Obama pointed out the “Citizens United” decision opened the “flood gates” to foreign money coming in to affect our elections.  This, of course, has happened and it’s alarming, at least to me.  Well, having Murdoch’s “empire” so intrusive in our politics is even more alarming.  People don’t seem to understand who’s behind the Fox “empire” – and, I fault, to a degree, our so-called “liberal media.”  Murdoch not only owns Fox, he owns the Wall Street Journal, and, because I’m too lazy to Google it, I’m not sure what else, although it really is a communications empire.  The bottom line is Murdoch has a HUGE influence on American politics and he’s an Australian.  It’s almost as if he’s directing the republicans – like, in the attacks on Mueller, they seem coordinated between Fox, Trump, and the House republicans.  Like they’re all in a coordinated “Big Lie” strategy to protect Trump from his own misdeeds.

Everything about Trump and MOST of the republicans is based on LIES.  Fox “news” is based on LIES.  Occasionally, I try to watch it and can last only a few minutes.  It’s like LYING is just part of their DNA.  I have to wonder, “is Fox working in concert with the Russians?”  America is so different than when I was growing up that it’s almost hard to recognize.  Fortunately, there’s a ground swell of resistance to Trump and the “Russia thing” and, despite my concerns I’ve had over the years about our FBI, I believe Mueller will lead a fair and thorough investigation and won’t be intimidated by Trump.  However, EVERY person I know who watches Fox “news” is almost impossible to talk to about all this stuff.  They’ve been programmed to believe “collusion” is OK and that anything reported elsewhere is “fake news.”  Of course, the Russians are the perpetrators of the original “fake news” and, when I force myself to watch Fox I always come away thinking “that’s the epitome of fake news.”  As Kellyanne Conway once said about all the LYING, “we have our alternative facts.”  (I guess, at least once, she told the truth – a true rarity!)

Trump and his LYING surrogates will be using their “alternative facts” in their upcoming attacks on Mike Flynn.  Thinking they’ll get away with it is based on the republican history of the “end justifies the means” strategy.  It worked for Nixon, it worked for Reagan, and I’m sure Trump is expecting it to work for him.  However, I would remind Trump, it only worked for Nixon until it became clear to the public that he was covering up a crime.  Reagan got away with it because it was at the end of his term and people felt as if he was nearing dementia.  Trump won’t be able to LIE his way out of criminal activity, should Mueller come to that conclusion.  Either the republicans will end this nightmare or in 2018 “we the people” will send representatives to Congress who will solve the problem.

The real difference between Vladimir Putin and Trump is the U.S. Constitution and the people who vigorously defend it.

It’s the Christmas season and I’d like to take a few days off from writing :o) but, it’s not happening, I guess, if I keep paying attention to the news.  Let’s take a quick look, for example at something I believe all Americans should be paying attention to: Russia.  In this coming March Vladimir Putin will be “running” for a fourth term as Russia’s “president.”  He’s been in charge since shortly after, maybe, 2000 – but, it took a bit of “creative politics” to figure out how to have a “never ending” term as Russia’s “president.”  He’s now running for 6 year terms, where it was originally 4 years per term and, likely, he’ll figure out a way to get rid of the two term maximum (which shouldn’t be a problem for someone as creative as Putin, either way).

So, you might ask, “why pay attention to Russia and Putin’s impending election?  Well, just in case you see some similarities to what we in America seem to be evolving toward.  Let’s start with political opposition.  In Russia, Putin simply has his opposition thrown in jail so that he can then declare they are not “qualified” to run for office and, therefore, he eliminates his their political future.  As far as the media is concerned, if you’re a reporter and you report critical “stuff” about Putin you either end up in prison or, you “fall” out of a hotel room several stories up, you disappear, or – I think this is a favorite – you mysteriously get POISONED.  So, that takes care of any “oppositional research” if you know what I mean.  And, the intelligence community – like their version of the CIA or the FBI – well, no worries, because Putin is in charge.  NO ONE would be working there without pledging complete loyalty to Putin.  (That’s Trump’s wet dream)

Let’s compare Putin’s Russia with Trump’s America – maybe being able to explain why there are reports of Trump getting  very angry at all the “stuff” he has to put up with that his friend Vladimir is able to avoid.  Well, as far as the political opposition is concerned, Trump seems a bit of a “lightweight” compared to Putin – he has to go after his opponents “after the fact.”  That is, where Putin is “pro-active” and he has his opponents JAILED before any election, Trump is STUCK with America’s system and, at least in the case of Hillary Clinton, he’s being forced to attempt to get her jailed AFTER the election.  It’s not as if Trump didn’t attempt to get Mrs. Clinton “locked up” during the election – I’m sure you remember Mike Flynn leading the now infamous “lock her up” chant at the republican convention – but, Trump failed at the time and is being forced to attempt to “lock her up” post election.  And, of course, Putin could just order this and Trump is still “saddled” with a Justice system that, at least for now, still requires at least some level of due process before you can jail someone.  (Speaking of the convention, that’s another “bother” Putin can dispense with)

OMG – the media!  Sometimes you just have to feel sorry for Donald Trump, don’t you think?  Whereas Putin can imprison, vanquish (Siberia anyone?), or POISON anyone who speaks poorly of him in Russia’s media, just look at what poor Mr. Trump has to put up with.  Now, I don’t watch CNN, but it must be really bad because I hear Trump complaining about them all the time.  I believe he has succeeded in getting one of his flunkies (er, oligarchs?) to block a merger of two large communications companies unless one of them divests itself of CNN.  Poor Donald, that’s how things are in America.  Forced to find subtle ways to punish the enemies.  Putin would just have CNN’s license – if they have licenses in Russia that aren’t TOTALLY controlled by Vlad – I’m presuming that’s what his friends call him – I’m temporarily pretending I’m “the Donald” – Yuck, it’s Vladimir – I feel as if I need a shower –   OK, I’m back (I wish I knew how to write the sound a horse makes when it shakes off a bunch of water)  Obviously, I’ve digressed ……  Donald is STUCK with harassing outlets like CNN and making idle threats to outlets like MSNBC, but, he’s apparently searching for Putin like ways to eliminate them.  I’m guessing he’s going to “tweet storm” them into oblivion – at least with his fervent followers.  (those “uneducated voters” he claimed to love during the campaign)

There’s the media outlets in Russia that Putin would simply close down should they fail to complement him appropriately, but what about the reporters.  Well, in Russia, I’m sure Putin, in his private meetings with Trump, assured him there are NO unfriendly reporters in Russia.  In fact, Russian reporters are not only friendly and complementary to Putin, but also to Trump.  Putin wouldn’t have it any other way.  Poor Trump, what he has to put up with.  He so much appears to want to be like Vlad er Vladimir.   In America, not only are there reporters on TV, almost every day, who are reporting about the “Russia thing” (which, obviously, “is a made up story by the democrats”) and, reporting in a way that would suggest Trump’s COLLUSION with the Russians was somehow illegal (we all know “there’s no law against” COLLUSION) and, who he’d (Trump) likely get criticized for if he had them poisoned, but MILLIONS of uninformed Americans refuse to believe the “real” reporters on Fox and Friends.  I believe Trump is attempting to solve this problem by having the licenses of their employers pulled which is proving difficult.  I know this is much more cumbersome than in Russia, but Trump was over heard the other day saying, “you gotta do what you gotta do.”  (Another way Putin’s “lucky” is that the Russian people believe anything he says, he calls them “ditto heads”)

Then there’s the FBI and the “intelligence” community in America.  Without them, this “Russia thing” would not be a problem.  Yes, they helped get Trump elected when FBI director James Comey under cut Hillary Clinton’s campaign with an ill-advised announcement about some extraneous emails 11 days before the election that literally swung the election Trump’s way – but, that was then, this is now.  This same (pesky) FBI seems to be thinking COLLUDING with the Russians may be illegal.  Trump’s got his legal team at Fox and Friends working overtime to get them to understand this is just politics as usual.  Anyone who’d suggest Trump would do anything illegal is on drugs.  In fact, there are Senators in America, like Orrin Hatch, who believe Trump is arguably the greatest president ever.   He’s like George Washington, he not only wouldn’t COLLUDE he would NEVER LIE!  All those stories in the Washington Post and (failing) New York Times suggesting he’s a (pathological) LIAR are all LIES.  Just like ALL the claims (LIES) by the women he sexually – er, allegedly – assaulted – they’re ALL liars – just like the people in the FBI who are investigating him (unless, of course, they don’t find any wrongdoing – then they will be patriots) and Robert Mueller.

Don’t listen for a minute to ALL the people who have claimed that Mueller is honest and above reproach – like, for example, Newt Gingrich, Chuck Grassley, and Orrin Hatch.  Clearly, Mueller is part of some conspiracy to prove that Trump is no Putin – that he has to somehow be expected to follow the laws of the land.  That’s really the point here – if Putin can make up the laws as he goes why can’t Trump?  Do you know what I mean?  Isn’t it reasonable for anyone who takes a job in the Justice Department or the FBI, or the CIA, or in America’s schools for that matter, or at Costco to take an oath of LOYALTY to Trump?  I realize, in the past, in America people – like Mueller, FBI agents, and CIA agents – have taken an oath to that pesky constitution – but, don’t you see, that’s exactly what’s causing all these problems for Trump and preventing him from being like Vlad.  Sorry, Vladimir.  Put yourself in Trump’s shoes when he talks to Vladimir (I got it right that time) – picture trying to explain being investigated by people you can’t just poison.  It’s like living next to someone driving a Tesla and you’ve got an old Volkswagen.  It’s just not fair.  No one had to take an oath to President Obama because he was born in Kenya.

And, Trump had to hide his gifts to the American oligarchs in the form of a “tax cut.”  Vlad, he – oops!  There I go again, Vladimir – he’s able simply to give his “friends” businesses so they can become BILLIONAIRES and no one in Russia says a thing.  (well, unless you want a vacation in sunny Siberia)  Many Russian Oligarchs have had to launder their money through Trump businesses due to messy divorces – that’s another area where I’m certain Trump feels inferior to the “Russian way.”  (I mean, three marriages.  OK, that’s only two divorces – so, probably not a lot of “laundry” required)  I’m guessing Trump’s tax cut was designed to make sure America’s oligarchs are richer than the Russian ones for publicity purposes.  (Putin doesn’t seem to mind that it’s not public knowledge he’s the wealthiest man in the world – although, I’m guessing knowing that really bothers Trump – America’s got much more wealth than Russia, but too many people are watching Trump’s “laundry mat.”  Trump would likely be richer if he was a Putin oligarch.

There’s hope for Trump.  The republicans in America’s House of Representatives appear to want to be like Russia as well.  And, they’ve got their own TV station with lots of unsuspecting viewers – I’ve heard they want to change the name of the station from Fox “news” to AT.  (RT is already taken so, instead of Republican TV they are stuck with American TV – as I’ve said before, some times you just “got to do what ya gotta do.”  They’re perfecting Goebbels’s “Big Lie Theory” and, even though that’s  a Nazi strategy of propaganda from the thirties, it’s a safe bet the Russians are using it as well.  When you master the art of LYING (which, based on this theory means all those LIES the “failing” New York Times categorized regarding Trump are really not LIES at all – because Trump and his surrogates repeat them often enough to make them true!  In this regard Trump takes a “back seat” to no one.  And, his “White House” staff is proficient as well) you’ve taken yourself one step closer to becoming like Russia.

To fully succeed at being like Putin and making America like Russia, all Trump needs to do is get rid of that pesky Mueller, PURGE the FBI of anyone unwilling to rescind their oath to the constitution in favor of a loyalty oath to Trump, and – oh yes, also purge the CIA of anyone still harboring resentment toward Trump for disrespecting their wall of honor – loyalty oaths there as well, AND anyone in the media MUST give an oath of loyalty to Trump and agree with Orrin Hatch (and Trump himself) that Trump is the greatest president in the United States’ history and, one more thing – six year terms and anyone who wants to run against him goes to jail.  Trust me, if Trump can pull this off there will be very fine people – on both sides – in the streets with signs showing EXACTLY how much they love him!

Final Thought:  I guess the real difference between Vladimir Putin and Trump is the U.S. Constitution and the people who vigorously defend it.


Trump’s actions suggest he’s still working with the Russians.

Either I’ve got way too much time on my hands, or almost everyday I get worked up by something else that crosses my mind as I’m trying to do my patriotic duty by “keeping up” on the “Russia thing” and the DAMAGE, as I’ve characterized it since January 20, 2017 Trump is causing this great nation.  (a nation that’s a bit “less great” every day he remains in office)  Well, I listened to a couple democrats from the House today and, you guessed it, I’m all worked up again.  And, it’s about the “DAMAGE” which could conceivably become irreparable if “we the people” don’t stand up to Trump and get him where he belongs – which may be a different place than I originally was thinking.  Instead of “Trump Tower” he may need a visit to Leavenworth.  This CAN’T happen in America again!

If it ever was, this is not funny any more.  When the (so-called) President of the United States is constantly attacking the FBI in a way that could conceivably undermine public confidence in the institution (although, only around 30% of Americans take him seriously) and is BULLYING “his” Attorney General into investigating his political opponents, and when the President is working in concert with major media outlets on an orchestrated propaganda campaign we’re getting dangerously close to reliving the Third Reich.  Trump’s busy ginning up a large segment of the right wing fringe – a segment that’s armed to the hilt – to believe he wouldn’t think of “colluding” with the Russians – which likely means he DID collude with the Russians, and I’m beginning to think whatever Trump did with the Russians was minor compared to what he’s done over the years in his business – which is presumably why the Russians have such a “hold” on him.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard Trump say anything that wasn’t “glowing” about Vladimir Putin.

To make it worse – or, well I’m not sure what to call it – it seems like arrogance, Trump doesn’t hesitate to point out, beside Putin, he admires Erdogan of Turkey and Duterte of the Philippines – two of the most ruthless dictators in the world more than even our own leaders.  Well, three counting Putin.  And, Trump doesn’t hesitate to “go after” his political opponents in the Putin or Erdogan or Duterte style – although, he’s “only” suggesting “jail” for Hillary Clinton.  This is unbelievable to me.  I clearly remember the days of Richard Nixon and his “enemies list” and that was “nothing” compared to what I’m seeing from Trump.  And, EVERYONE knows Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, yet republicans are coming along side him in ways that is just boggling my mind.  It seems entirely possible to me that Trump CONTINUES to COLLUDE with the Russians – that is, all these organized attacks on the FBI, Mueller, etc. are likely still being “helped along” by Russian “trolls.”  To think they’ve stopped is naivete – NO ONE in our Justice Department has done a thing to stop them from INTRUDING on our system – which is totally vulnerable from what I can tell.

Two republicans that I just have to wonder what does Trump have on them would be Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch.  These would by two I’d think would be at the head of the “class” in wanting to fight a Russian ATTACK on America.  Yet, the other day, after the DRACONIAN republican tax cut was passed I was embarrassed to watch Hatch claiming Trump to be “maybe the greatest president ever.” (smart people around the world are watching)  I wondered,  “What did he have for breakfast today?” when I heard that.  And, Graham – the one who, at one time, I thought may be the Senator with the COURAGE to bring sanity to this situation had a couple rounds of golf with Trump and now you’d never know he was the same man who said – in one instance – if Trump comes after Mueller, “All hell will break loose.”  I have to ask myself, “what the hell happened?”

Now, you’ve got republicans who were speaking the most effusive praises for Robert Mueller, a lifelong republican, when he was appointed special counsel, leading an ill-advised smear campaign against him.  (Again, in concert with the Russians – and, of course the traitorous Fox “news”)  This all started when Mueller got a guilty plea from Michael Flynn – which anyone who was paying attention SHOULD have seen coming.  Republican members of Congress are smart enough to understand what Flynn’s plea arrangement means.  Mueller wouldn’t make the deal he made unless, as Flynn earlier attested, he has a “story to tell.”  And, they know the story is not likely about Papadopoulos.  Since Flynn’s plea deal republicans have ratcheted up the “heat” on Mueller.  This is SHAMEFUL and, is putting a bunch of republicans in the wrong section of the history books.  It almost seems as if they believe their own jobs depend on them protecting Trump, while it feels to me, just the opposite.  This is how the Russians treat their political opponents!

It’s hard for me to believe the good people of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Indiana, and other “rust belt” states would actually be OK with a president who was essentially flipping off the legal system and working in concert with a foreign adversary.  Fox “news” claims, correctly I guess, there’s no law against “collusion” (do they know something “we the people” don’t?), but, what they FAIL to point out is TREASON is a SERIOUS crime and conspiracy against the United States of America is NOT recommended for political campaigns.  I don’t believe all those good people I mentioned want a president who worked with the Russians to get elected – or who has a history of money laundering – among his other more well known misdeeds.  And, seemingly could still be working with the Russians.

It’s apparent to me the main reason Trump is our (so-called) president is because Hillary Clinton was his opponent.  Republicans spent the past 25 years SMEARING her and, during the election had considerable help from the Russians furthering the smear – turning MILLIONS of voters off to her campaign.  Then you had the FBI – that Trump is now attacking – essentially giving Trump the election because of James Comey’s ill advised announcement that the “email investigation was re-opened.”  Reports, at the time, were that a MAJORITY of FBI agents “couldn’t stand” Mrs. Clinton (despite assertions to the contrary today – evidently, with republicans, having agents biased against Mrs. Clinton was OK) forcing Comey to make the announcement due to fear the report would be leaked.  Today, with Trump apparently in jeopardy (remember, he KNOWS what he did – if there was no “there, there” why would he be worried at all?) you’d think the FBI is a bastion of liberal ideology.

By all accounts, Robert Mueller is as honest and honorable as they come.  His record, over a lifetime of achievement, is impeccable.  He’s served his nation much more honorably than the record many of the republicans in Congress are sullying themselves with as they choose to come alongside a confessed sexual predator – which most of them were “appalled” at for, like, maybe a week or two.  Additionally, I don’t know anyone who can give me – with evidence – a public figure who LIES anywhere close to the regularity of Trump.  He seems to be the “poster child” for the saying, “If his lips are moving, he’s LYING.”  And, I have to believe that if the Russians are still “intruding” the FBI knows this and Mueller would be even more determined to “get to the bottom” of what happened.  He’s NOT going to be intimidated.

When Trump took office I thought Mike Pense would be a much more acceptable “alternative” to the “real” conservatives in Congress (if they exist anymore) and, as Trump, step by step, further showed his incompetence and his underhanded nature, along with his arrogant disregard for our system of laws, and his actions similar to Putin, they would remove him and Pense would be their “true conservative” president.  Well, so much for that.  It didn’t take long and Pense showed himself to be an incredibly passive “rubber stamp” for anything “Trump.”  He’s managed to forever disgrace himself via a cabinet meeting “meltdown” where he couldn’t praise Trump enough.  Additionally, he’s proven himself willing to LIE for Trump at his beckon call.  It’s like Trump is a “god” to Pense, Hatch, and others.  To me, he’s the “god” with horns and e a pitchfork – if you get my drift!

This all started when ALL of America’s intelligence agencies reported last year that the Russians ATTACKED our nation during the election.  Trump has refused to acknowledge this, apparently because he’s a bit over sensitive to the FACT Mrs. Clinton got 3 MILLION more votes than him and the Russians may have actually swung the election for him.  Here’s the thing that may be bothering me more than anything – Trump’s actions suggest he’s still working with the Russians.  The attacks on the media, the FBI, Mueller, and his political opponents are right out of Putin’s playbook.  And, the FACT our Justice Department seems oblivious to this whole thing makes me think the Russians are supporting the Fox “news” attacks on the Russian investigation and our FBI.  I’ve never been one to feel the need to defend the FBI until recently, but they SHOULD be allowed to remain an independent agency.  If Trump succeeds in getting nothing but his loyalists into the FBI America, as we’ve known it, is finished.  He will keep pushing to turn us into a dictatorship until “we the people” insist he be REMOVED from office.  Unfortunately, Mike Pense needs to go as well.  The future of America is at stake!

Chuck Grassley, and those he’s working secretly with, are attempting to influence “we the people” not to believe whatever Mueller comes up with.

I want to take a day off from writing here once in a while, but then I read an article in one of several publications that seem to have actual reporters and, well, here I go again.  Today, I’m reading an article in the Washington Post titled, “No longer a ‘lonely battle’: How the campaign against the Mueller probe has taken hold” and, among several things reported, one in particular caused me to start typing again.  Toward the end of the article, Charles Grassley, the senior (R) Senator from Iowa (who seems to be acting a bit “long in the tooth” if you ask me) says, “that the FBI and the Justice Department have been too slow to rout out people peddling ‘political influence.'”  Here’s the thing – Grassley, and several of the republicans he’s presently allowing himself to be associated with, including Devin Nunes – the infamous one who “recused himself” from the “Russia thing” while still being totally involved in the “Russia Thing” – are doing just that; peddling political influence.

They, along with a group of other republicans who seem to be CONSPIRING to discredit Robert Mueller, apparently in order to short circuit any findings Mueller will report which would implicate Trump in any wrongdoing are doing so by “peddling political influence.” (maybe the FBI should “rout them out”) The old saying – well, actually, I might be making up a saying here, “If you can’t defeat the message, go after the messenger.”  Honestly, I’m not sure where that thought came from…. but, I digress.  Grassley, Nunez, and a plethora of other members of the House of Representatives have, recently, been attacking Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, the outfit that produced the so-called “dossier,” and anyone in the media reporting about what’s in the “dossier.” (which, by the way, hasn’t had a single part DISPROVED, while MANY parts have been proven true.  I, for one, believe we’ll never know about some of the “dossier” unless Vladimir Putin decides we should know about it.  That’s likely why Trump is so adulating toward Putin – because Putin has his “secrets.”) OK, you’re right, I keep digressing.

So, I’d personally call “political influence” that needs to be “routed out” the influence Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh, and the other water carriers for the right wing are “spouting” that is causing members of Congress to sell their souls in order to get re-elected.  In the process, many republicans who shared the near universal disdain for Trump after Trump admitted on the Access Hollywood tape that he’s a sexual predator (which just confirmed other public statements made by Trump over the years) are now swooning over him and attempting to OBSTRUCT Mueller’s investigation into the Russian ATTACK on America in the 2016 election.  That implies they maybe know something we don’t know and are willing to protect Trump at the expense of our constitution and our republic.  It appears to me republicans are more interested in POWER than patriotism.  These are the people who carry copies of the constitution in their lapels – evidently, failing to read them.

It’s as if the Russians will be allowed to “get away” with an attack on the MOST fundamental part of our republic as republicans prepare to defend Trump “come hell or high water.”  The reality is Trump pushes the “honor meter” very similarly to the candidate he and his alter ego Steve Bannon were pushing in Alabama, Roy Moore.  Trump’s rhetoric might be considered a “tick” above Moore’s, but in almost every other respect they could be “blood brothers.”  Yet, republicans in the Senate were poised to expel Moore, had he won the Alabama election, but they’re lining up to kiss Trump’s butt in an attempt to be on his ‘”good side.”  Personally, I don’t believe Trump has a good side. (Do you think they actually fear him?)

But, suggesting the FBI is “slow in routing out political influence” (which is republican “dog whistle” to let’s have another Clinton investigation) while he (Grassley) is pushing “political influence” in a very precarious way as far as defending our constitution and the rule of law is almost too much for me.  Grassley’s starting to come across as the crotchety old grandpa who has lost his senility.  Republicans are taking orders from people we’ll likely NEVER know exactly who they are (although the name “Koch Brothers” comes to mind) and they’re willing, obviously, to “do as told.”  We saw this with the incredibly arrogant tax cuts – which funnels over 80% of a TRILLION and a HALF borrowed dollars to the top 1% of Americans – and, we’re seeing it as they “circle the wagons” around Trump.  (As a slight aside:  I’ve said this recently regarding the tax cut.  When Paul Ryan said, “I’ve been waiting years to say this – we’re giving the American people their money back,” well, that’s absurd! That’s possibly the most disingenuous LIE I’ve ever heard coming from a congress person.  First – it’s NOT our money – it’s ALL borrowed, from who knows who and Second, they’re NOT giving it to “we the people.”  Over 80%, as I just said, is going to those who DON’T need it – the republican donors.  The only reason they “need” it is to show a “return” on all the money they’ve “invested” in our republican Congress)  Yes, I’m digressing – I can’t seem to help myself – there’s too much “stuff!”

Republicans in the House are meeting secretly to produce “parallel reports” to Mueller’s, apparently, reports which will attempt to divert the attention from whatever they see coming “down the pike” toward Trump – and DEFLECT (that’s a MAJOR Trump strategy – these republican congress persons are quick learners) the attention of “we the people” apparently to the Clinton’s and, presumably they’ll find a way to make accusations they never have to substantiate against President Obama and, maybe, others who might be investigating Trump.  This has worked for Trump, probably his entire life, as he’s successfully manipulated enough of the media to maintain a mid thirties approval rating – historically LOW, but apparently, in his mind, high enough to claim he’s the best president in history.  Of course, only Trump himself – and, now Orrin Hatch, would have the nerve to make that claim.  Sad! :o)

My point is these republicans, including Grassley, are “peddling political influence” and then warning their unsuspecting base about people “peddling political influence.”  I’ve written numerous times, in the past, about this “technique” of the republicans – and, others who want to spread LIES, and that is “projection.”  Here’s how it works – Grassley, Nunes, and others are in the process of “peddling political influence” – they are attempting to counter the Mueller probe before it becomes public with a false “report” – and, to protect themselves from what SHOULD be the obvious criticism, they’re attacking people in the FBI etc. as “peddling political influence” to build a “firewall” around what they must assume will be the findings.  By making their accusations before “we the people” know what is coming from Mueller, they take the focus off of their own nefarious activities, that SHOULD be scorned by ALL – not just democrats (or liberals if you must) but by EVERYONE.

The bottom line is that if Trump conspired with the Russians – or if ANYONE in his campaign CONSPIRED with the Russians (it’s apparent Michael Flynn was up to his eyeballs with the Russians in some kind of way and LIED about it – we don’t know the full details other than as a former General, his actions were disgraceful – I’m happy he is repenting, that’s the RIGHT thing to do – and, to tell the TRUTH) there should be accountability.  Our society has become somewhat obsessed with accountability – I recently retired as a public school teacher and I can attest the accountability for teachers is almost suffocating – while you’re trying to figure out how to help, in my case, around 30 students in each class.  I’m not suggesting the accountability was bad, I’m suggesting it should also be expected that those at the highest levels of government, including Trump, should be accountable for their actions.  And, in the case of the “Russia thing” we’re talking about something as serious as I can remember in my lifetime.

I believe the future of this nations lies in how this issue bears out.  I’m OK with Trump being Trump if the investigation exonerates him and those around him – although, as I’ve already said, Mike Flynn was a naughty guy (and Manafort and two others already either have been indicted or made a plea arrangement) and, it’s apparent to me, Jared Kushner is in deep legal trouble.  Trump Jr.’s willingness to meet with the Russians was problematic and, from what I can tell, the June 9, 2016 meeting, itself, was COLLUSION.  Yes, as many republicans trying to defend Trump have said, “there’s no law against “collusion.”  However, there are laws against TREASON and LYING – and, I have a feeling Trump Jr. has “pushed” the “bar” in both instances.  Whether he’s in Mueller’s sights, or not, time will tell – but, I would suspect we’ll find out about that when we find out the level of involvement with Trump himself.  Mueller is reputed to be very smart – which is what I believe is making so many republicans so nervous.

If Mueller gets real technical and what most of us suspect is actually TRUE then there are a plethora of people in the “White House” who could be in jeopardy, including, presumably Steve Bannon.  I’m guessing there’s a good reason we haven’t heard of Bannon being interviewed yet – or, for that matter, Kellyanne Conway.  I believe BOTH could be in jeopardy.  It’s apparent LYING to the American people is not a crime – so, Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders (and, possibly Conway) will maybe avoid getting caught up in all this – but, it seems as if the “White House” is being run as a kind of crime syndicate – that’s just my observation, but, I really don’t want MY country to become a satellite of Russia with Trump acting like Putin.  If we don’t stop this, the next thing that will happen will be all the “donors” who are being fed taxpayer dollars via the recent tax cut will soon be called “Oligarchs.”  Yikes!!!

So, if you’ve read this far (that’s rare) don’t be fooled by people like Grassley when he says he’s concerned about people “peddling political influence.”  That’s EXACTLY what he and those he’s conspiring with – to defend Trump – are doing.  In a recent post I wondered if House republicans might be in jeopardy, themselves, of OBSTRUCTION of justice as they try to interfere with Mueller’s investigation.  Grassley, and those he’s working secretly with, are attempting to influence “we the people” not to believe whatever Mueller comes up with.  They will try to DEFLECT our attention to something likely about the Clinton’s.  It’s an old “record,” but as long as they can continue getting away with it, I suppose they’ll keep “playing” it.  Some day, Democrats will decide to fight back in a way that prevents this kind of skullduggery from going on. (I suppose the reason they don’t – or won’t – is because they are likely guilty of the same kind of crap)

If Trump can’t OBSTRUCT justice, I have to believe neither can members of Congress.

For the past several months the interest in American politics has been focused on whether or not Trump committed OBSTRUCTION of Justice in the so-called “Russia thing.”  I’m beginning to think the number of people who could be guilty of this is spreading.  As I observe republican members of Congress coming alongside Trump and LYING about the FBI, the CIA, and Robert Mueller in an attempt to stop the investigation into the RUSSIAN attack on our republic I’m wondering if they are opening themselves up to Obstruction charges.  I’m not sure if people on Fox “news” can be vulnerable, but if members of Congress choose to work to stop a legitimate investigation – in this case, maybe the MOST significant in our lifetimes – I’m thinking they SHOULD have to face the consequences of their actions.

I’ve pointed out before how I believe several members who work in the “White House” are vulnerable to OBSTRUCTION charges.  For example, when Trump was writing the LIE about the June 9, 2016 meeting where his son met with Russians offering to give negative info on Hillary Clinton there were members of his “White House” staff either helping or being read in on the LIE.  LYING to cover up a crime is OBSTRUCTION of justice.  I’ve heard more than one lawyer claim that if you are witnessing a crime you’re obligated to report it.  There was also the letter where Trump was LYING about why he fired James Comey which sent his surrogates out the next day repeating the LIE to a plethora of media outlets – where they KNEW it was a LIE.  That, technically makes them part of a conspiracy to OBSTRUCT justice.  (Of course, the next day, Trump stabbed them all in the back when he admitted to Lester Holt the REAL reason he fired Comey – to stop the “Russia thing” – then a day or two later he “doubled down” as he incredibly [that is, incredibly stupid] repeated why he fired Comey to the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador while meeting in the Oval Office)

So, people like Mike Pense, Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders, Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner,  and others who work in the “White House” are all potentially part of a conspiracy.  What I’m wondering is, “What about all these republicans, especially in the House, who are clearly attempting to derail this investigation – is that OBSTRUCTION?”  Why would that be any different than Trump doing so?  Why would them LYING about members of the FBI and attempting to smear them and to smear Mueller be any different from Trump doing so?  And, what about Jeff Sessions?  It’s now being reported he’s “stepping back in” and ordering probes into Hillary Clinton – ostensibly to please his BOSS!  Does that bother anyone besides me, that our Justice Department is working based on appealing to Trump’s “good side?”

I can tell you, the day the American people lose faith in the independence of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and – essentially – our three independent branches of government I can assure you is the day our “democracy” is heading for third world status – which appears to be what Trump wants.  Just his one piece of “glory” – the tax cut republicans passed which funnels MILLIONS to Trump himself and the rest of America’s moneyed elite is a nice first step.  If you go to places where the government is run by autocrats or dictators you’ll find a SMALL portion of very RICH people and masses of people who are struggling to survive.  That appears to be where Trump and the republicans want to take “we the people.”  It’s up to us to so NO to his plans.

Whether or not the Russians are the reason Trump is in the “White House” is, to me, irrelevant.  What’s terribly important is to find out to what degree they were involved and were there any Americans working in concert with the Russians.  The first part of that “equation” SHOULD be resolved in the Congressional investigations.  Our members of Congress SHOULD – first and foremost – want to and be willing to find out what exactly the RUSSIANS did in their ATTACK on America during the election.  That SHOULDN’T be partisan.  However, at least in the House, it appears the Intelligence Committee’s republicans have chosen to turn their investigation into Hillary Clinton and use it to exonerate Trump.  Apparently, their plan is to shut down their investigation without “getting to the bottom of it” as most like to characterize their mission.  So, they are choosing to look the other way from what’s probably going on as far as the Russian intrusion into our government – as well as the election – as I’m writing this.  To me, that is traitorous.

The second part of that would be whether or not members of the Trump campaign were working with the Russians in the attack.  There are MILLIONS of Americans, like myself, who won’t rest until we find out.  That’s why Mueller’s investigation MUST be completed.  Personally, I doubt that Trump KNOWINGLY “colluded” with the Russians.  I do believe he has vulnerability for OBSTRUCTING the investigation – which is almost obvious – and, he may have connections to the Russians which have compromised him and is the reason he continues to flatter Vladimir Putin.  Additionally, Mueller is “following the money” and it wouldn’t surprise me if he found money laundering by Trump along with connections to organized crime.  Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, also is obviously vulnerable.  He’s LIED on several government forms that consider LYING a felony and, he was in the meeting on June 9, 2016.  Simply put, that meeting was COLLUSION.  It’s still not clear what agreement was made at that meeting, but, just taking the meeting suggests the mindset of those in Trump’s inner circle was “collusion.” (Treason)

Trump Jr. appears to be vulnerable.  He’s proven the old saying, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” in that he’s got a propensity to LIE.  Of course, his LIES were mainly to Fox “news” audience and possibly to investigators – I’m not sure if he’s capable of giving testimony without LYING – even if it’s under oath.  The bottom line here is “we the people” NEED to know what happened in 2016, if it’s still happening, (obviously, I believe it is) and how do we prevent it from happening again?  Trump, Sessions, and the rest of his surrogates seem to be disinterested in doing anything about this – which is why these investigations are so important,  To me, the republicans trying to “short circuit” these investigations are UN-American.  In the case of trying to stop Mueller, I believe it may be ILLEGAL.  I know elected officials have some level of immunity, but if Trump can’t OBSTRUCT justice, I have to believe neither can members of Congress.

To me, listening to some of the right wing “water carriers” for Trump’s message in the House, it’s just him transferring the “dirty work” to willing members of Congress.  The result, or the objective is essentially the same, to block a CRIMINAL investigation.  There can be no question there was criminal activity by Trump’s associates based on the initial findings of Mueller.  Trump’s National Security Adviser was “in up to his ears” and it’s hard for me to believe Trump didn’t know at least MOST of what he was doing.  Trump – and Pense – CERTAINLY knew Flynn was meeting with the Russian Ambassador and talking about the Sanctions President Obama had imposed on the same day letting Putin know the Trump administration would reverse them.  The FACT there was NO response from the Russians to Obama’s sanctions made the purpose of Flynn’s meeting obvious to me from the start.  And, he wouldn’t have done that as a “rogue” adviser to Trump – no way!

So, the question is who else was involved and to what level and that’s why Mueller’s investigation must proceed to it’s conclusion – no matter what the ultimate finding is.  Apparently many republicans are prepared to sacrifice their moral compass if Trump is accused of criminal activity – whether during the campaign, since he took the oath of office, or prior to the campaign in business dealings that would compromise his ability to govern free of “kompromat” with the Russians.  Additionally, how will they respond if Trump starts pardoning everyone involved – like his son and son-in-law.  Who knows how this will all turn out, MOST  Americans just want to know the TRUTH about what happened.  Most Americans want assurance that NO ONE in America is above the law.  And, that includes members of Congress as well as the president.  I hope to see media outlets considering whether the actions of some of the members of Congress who are attempting to shut down these investigations are committing OBSTRUCTION of justice?


Hopefully, the “wave” of 2018 will give enough democrats the courage necessary to make sure this sedistic behavior coming from “conservatives” apparently willing to defend Trump under any circumstances is consequenced.

It’s seeming likely to me that the solution to the issue of Russia ATTACKING America during the 2016 election to either help Trump win the election – which few thought would happen – or, more likely, to discredit Hillary Clinton in order to weaken her as the assumed winner of the election is going to require the mid-term election of 2018.  Republicans, in concert with Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the right wing water carriers on TV, radio, and the internet are setting the stage for either stopping the investigation into Trump’s involvement with the Russians or undermining the findings so that republicans will ignore any findings that prove unfavorable to Trump.  Our nation is at a crossroads and so many of us who’ve never had to defend our constitution or our way of life should be on the edge of our seats.  These “republicans” – I no longer consider them the republicans I grew up watching – MUST be stopped.

They are trying to undermine the FBI, the CIA, any media outlet that doesn’t agree with their fomenting dogma, and pretty much the traditions of America.  They call themselves “conservatives,” but, based on my understanding of what is a conservative, I see no resemblance.  Just the idea that our great traditions mean nothing to them is a disqualifier in my mind.  Their continual willingness to “give us our money back” via “tax cuts” – where ALL the money they “give back” is borrowed (and, doesn’t go to “we the people” anyway) – is NOT, at least to me, conservative.  I’ve been lamenting about “conservatives” ballooning our national debt since the days of Nixon.  They will argue this point – but, the evidence shows that with “conservatives” in power – the deficit (and debt) goes up and during democratic administrations it goes down.  That’s just the FACT.

Of course, they would argue that during President Obama’s term the national debt rose more than at any time in history.  Naturally, when doing so they “FORGET” the reason is due to what Obama “inherited” from Bush/Cheney (who, by the way, “inherited” a surplus from Clinton/Gore).  Not only did Bush/Cheney leave a budget deficit that was $1.5 TRILLION annually ALONG with the “Great Recession,” but they REFUSED to help in the process of bringing us out of the recession – presumably, they would have been OK with “we the people” falling into another prolonged DEPRESSION – that would certainly have caused Obama to “FAIL” – which was their number one goal (they publicly admitted this) – instead of saving the country from economic disaster.  STILL, by the time Obama left office the annual deficit was reduced around 70%.  And, these people call him a “liberal,” or “socialist,” or even some called him a “communist.”  Now, these “conservatives” are jacking up the debt – AGAIN – and, throwing American tradition to the waste basket.  I, personally, don’t refer to them as “conservatives.”

Robert Mueller is a lifelong registered republican, he’s a decorated ex-Marine, and when he was appointed special counsel to investigate the Russian intrusion into America’s 2016 election he was hailed as the best choice – one of the most honorable and respected members of the FBI pretty much EVER – by virtually everyone – including, notably, people like Newt Gingrich.  (I’ve lately been pointing out my belief, ultimately, that Donald Trump and Fox “news” – when all is said and done regarding this era of American governance and politics – will reside in the history books along side Benedict Arnold.  That’s right – as TRAITORS.  Well, as far as I’m concerned, put Mr. Gingrich right there – and Steve Bannon, Devin Nunes, and I could go on.)  Well, now, “conservatives” in our Congress seem to think the FBI, the CIA, and Mueller are all criminals – because the investigation is potentially leading Mueller right into the “White House.”

This group of “conservatives” have, at least some of them, suggested members of the FBI and Mueller’s staff should be “marched out in handcuffs.”  This is DEFINITELY the mindset of people in BANANA REPUBLICS.  I recently read an article in Business Week about how things work in the Philippines under Rodrigo Duterte.  Trump, and his followers, seem to be longing for that same mindset.  You simply intimidate or “disappear” anyone who disagrees with you.  (Interestingly, Duterte gained power largely via weaponizing Facebook – sound familiar?)  For some reason Trump and his followers don’t want to allow the legal system to take its course – evidently, because it appears to be headed directly toward the oval office.

Personally, I understand Trump’s trepidation – of course, he knows what he’s done (I suppose it’s possible, he doesn’t understand how the Russians may have turned him into an “asset,” although his refusal to recognize their ATTACK and to criticize Putin would suggest otherwise), but to have members of Congress “circling the wagons” prior to Mueller’s investigation concluding suggests republicans may be planning to disregard his findings.  It certainly makes me feel they all understand Trump is guilty of some level of criminal activity and they are willing to put their control of power over Country.  Supposedly, our nation is based on the premise that we are “a nation of laws and not men.”  That is, NO ONE is above the law.  Apparently, all these “conservatives” are suggesting Trump – and them – are above the law.

Well, I’m coming to the conclusion that not only is Trump a threat to the fundamental values of America, but so are many of these people who are encouraging what amounts to sedition.  I’ve seen reports of people preparing to arm themselves for the “civil war” if Trump is found to have violated laws and is impeached.  He’s been “ginning” them up for this very time. It’s why he’s been attacking the media, so that his followers won’t believe the TRUTH once it’s out there, actions which, of course, have always had me assuming the truth will not be favorable to Trump.  When you look at his history – where he’s bullied his way through life and gotten away with who knows how many legal transgressions – this should not be surprising.

And, when you consider so many republicans were willing to look the other way regarding Trump’s admitted sexual predator behavior (admitted in more than one setting) it’s not surprising they would be laying the groundwork to “look the other way” regarding collusion with Russia AND obstruction of justice.  This is just how Trump does things – he’s the deal maker, right?  Well, to me – and, I’m pretty sure MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of other Americans agree with me that, if Trump is a criminal, he should face the consequences – one of which means he should no longer be president.  And, if republicans defend a president who’s committed crimes they should no longer be in Congress.  And, if Fox “news” (and other media outlets) commit sedition, they should be held accountable for their actions.

I’ve said this many times here – 2018 can’t come soon enough for me.  I’m sure republicans are counting on “liberals” petering out in their angst toward Trump and they’re expecting they’ll find ways to keep themselves in power in 2018.  I suppose that is likely in the Senate as there are around twice the number of Democrats up for re-election as republicans – and, many of those republicans are in supposedly “safe” seats – but, who knows how large the “wave” will be by 2018.  At this time, there are HUGE numbers of people stepping up and running as democrats for the 2018 election and if “conservatives” continue attacking our FBI and CIA and Mueller (remember, these are the so-called “law and order” people) the number of democratic challengers for 2018 will likely increase even more.  I believe the “resistance” is REAL.

I know democrats are trying to protect Mueller and the investigation as ALL members of Congress and ALL Americans should – we NEED to know what happened and whether or not Americans were working with the Russians to effect the results of the election.  That just can’t be allowed to happen under any circumstance.  Really, this investigation shouldn’t be partisan – this should be the focus of any American.  If we lose confidence in our voting system then Putin and the Russians have accomplished their most fervent goal.  It’s becoming clearer it’s possible we have our own citizens who would be OK with that.  One of the things I’ve always read about republicans came from Paul Weyrich when he said, “Republicans do better when fewer people vote.”  Well, the challenge for 2018 is to get as many people to the polls as possible.

Should this democratic “wave” sweep over the 2018 election, the next “requirement” is the democratic leadership MUST listen to the “will of the people.”  The reason most people are frustrated with government is because their “will” is hardly ever the result coming out of D.C.  “Obamacare” was unpopular, at first, because there was no “public option” – which was popular with 75% of Americans.  In 2006 democrats were elected to end the war in Iraq and the result was the so-called “surge.”  Bush was not impeached because democrats were like a friend of mine – they were “chicken.” I could give a list of other issues where the “will of the people” was ignored in Congress but if you’re still reading this post, you likely know what I’m talking about.  Hopefully, the “wave” of 2018 will give enough democrats the courage necessary to make sure this sedistic behavior coming from “conservatives” apparently willing to defend Trump under any circumstances is consequenced.  Disagreeing is part of the American “culture” – undermining the “rule of law” and our constitution is unacceptable behavior.  Apparently, “conservatives” are checking to see if the rest of us are paying attention.  I am, and I’m hoping 2018 will prove I’m far from alone!

Final Thought:  I don’t “do” Facebook – although almost everyone else I know does.  After reading the article in Business Week about the Philippines and how Facebook was used to suppress dissent I’m seeing huge “red flags.”  What I’ve read about Facebook’s role in helping the Russians achieve their goals in our election had already raised “red flags.”  I’m beginning to feel that Mark Zuckerberg is someone who is dangerous – either purposely or unwittingly.  It appears to me, at least in America, it’s possible Facebook should be facing regulation.  Apparently, Facebook is being used in nefarious ways all around the globe.  I’m not sure how it works, but I, for one, don’t want Zuckerberg having the power to determine the outcome of elections in America.  Simply put, that, under any circumstances, should NOT be possible!


This tax cut is bad enough – but, it will pale if republicans allow the continued attacks on our FBI, Justice Department, AND the Mueller investigation!

There’s a good chance we’re going to survive what’s going on in America these days (despite Trump supporters spending their spare time at the shooting ranges), the question is, will our republic still be the same and will the “rule of law” still be intact.  I’ve been lamenting where the republican party was headed for over 10 years (on this site – much longer counting before I started writing) and, now they seem to have reached the tipping point.  It appears a significant number of members of Congress, especially in the House, are coalescing around Trump and, beyond all reason, even suggesting the investigation into the Russia intrusion into our previous election is a “silent coup.”  That is absurd, but now that Paul Ryan’s “wet dream” has manifested itself in this “tax overhaul” – which is actually a TAX CUT for the wealthiest Americans – over 80% going to the top 1% – they’re swooning over Trump in ways that would make grown men GAG – except for those men (mostly white) who watch Fox “news” and listen to people like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and the other propagandists of the fourth Reich who are Trump’s “base.”  (More on that later)

Republicans crammed through their tax cut which will make many of them even more wealthy and appease their donor class who were already EXTREMELY wealthy, but can’t seem to get enough (is this what you call “draining the swamp?”).  Today, one day after the scam was approved they lined up in the Rose garden and took turns trying to see who could be the MOST pathetic cult member as they, one by one, – similar to Trump’s original cabinet meeting where members went around the table thanking him for the incredible privilege of giving up their moral person-hood to him in exchange for their willingness to promote his LYING agenda – spoke about how Trump is “maybe the greatest president ever” (in the words of Orrin Hatch) because of his willingness to sign a tax cut bill that virtually no one, including Trump, knows what’s in it and what will happen because of it.

The only thing most of us know about this tax cut bill is that people like Trump (and, unfortunately, that last “holdout” among republicans, Bob Corker) will gain MILLIONS from provisions in the bill designed specifically for them.  There’s a provision in the bill for Ted Cruz and who knows how many other republicans have guided taxpayer funds from the treasury to their check books as they claim they’re “giving the American people their money back” – in the disingenuous words of Paul Ryan.  That statement is preposterous on its face – I’ll explain how later.  The unbelievable republican celebration almost (seriously) made me PUKE and, I can only imagine what our friends around the world are saying to each other.  Especially, the ones we expect to fund this massive giveaway – of which over 80% goes to the top 1% in America. (OK, I know I said that already, apparently it really bugs me)

Lest I forget, let me remind you it’s been the republicans whining about the national debt for the past 8 years while President Obama was in office.  A little history:  GW Bush/Dick Cheney left the country in a TERRIBLE mess – what easily could have been another Great Depression, but  was commonly termed the “Great Recession” (thanks to Obama’s stimulus “package”) where a MILLION jobs per month were being lost and the annual deficit was $1.5 TRILLION – yes, that’s correct, EACH year!  That’s what Obama “inherited.”  President Obama managed to get that (annual) deficit down to around $400 BILLION by the time he left office.  During those 8 years, I worried about my hearing because the NOISE coming from republicans complaining about the deficit was so LOUD – in fact, they were pinning the Bush/Cheney deficits on Obama BEFORE he took the oath of office.  (then, of course, they REFUSED to help him eradicate it)  Republicans even blamed Obama for the TARP bailouts that were the handiwork of Henry Paulsen – Bush’s Treasury Secretary – you know, another bastion of “free markets” – like these republicans who just passed this massive tax cut giveaway to the least needy in America.  (some refer to this as “corporate welfare” – of course, the republicans don’t believe in “welfare”)

On the one hand they were BLAMING Obama “out of the box” for the Bush/Cheney BAILOUT, their DEFICIT, and anything else bad they could use their Fox propaganda machine to turn unsuspecting Americans against our first person of color living in their “White House.”  On the other hand they were all claiming to be fiscal conservatives.  Over the last 7 years of Obama’s presidency the economy was on a CONSTANT upward climb.  Every month increased job growth and reduced unemployment – to the point where we were well under “full employment” when Trump took office with over 200,000 new jobs per month – for over 80 STRAIGHT months.  And, true to form, Obama’s successes “ended at the water’s edge.”  By that, I mean republicans have refused to acknowledge the gains of this past year having been largely the result of the economy President Obama “gifted” to Trump.  Republicans are what I call “the I’ll have my cake and eat it too” crowd.

Yes, it’s true the stock market got a kick in the butt because all the money changers are – and have been – anticipating this tax cut and all the executive orders removing (much needed) regulations intended to keep them from getting out of control again and creating another financial nightmare.  Well, now Trump is making his imprint on the economy and causing the next financial meltdown to to gain steam.  And, guess what, they’ll find a way to blame it on either President Obama or Hillary Clinton when it happens – count on it!  (or the next president, depending on when things crash)

Republicans say with this tax cut “we’re giving the American people their money back.” (honestly, Paul Ryan had a grin from ear to ear as he said that – along with “I’ve been waiting years to say this”) Well, that’s absurd on its face in so many ways – I’ll try to keep my focus as I explain.  First, this is almost ALL BORROWED money.  That means, it’s likely not OUR (meaning “we the people’s”) money.  It might come from China, or Saudi Arabia, or the Federal Reserve (they have high tech printing presses) or, God forbid (this thought just crossed my mind) Russia.  What we know is – it’s not “we the people’s” money.  The DEBT will be increased by at least $1.5 TRILLION (which, coincidentally, is the size of the tax cut) and I’m guessing with everything else they’re either doing or not doing, the debt will increase by at least DOUBLE that.  That’s been the result of the previous tax scams – the 1981 Scam perpetrated by Reagan and the 2001 scam perpetrated by Bush/Cheney – where Dick Cheney famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”  Evidently, with republicans deficits ONLY matter when a democrat is in the “White House.”  So, two things:  1.)  It’s not “we the people’s money and 2.) “we the people” aren’t getting it!

Further, even if this was actually being done with real money – that is, money ponied up by us “Middle Class taxpayers” – again, they wouldn’t be returning it to “hard working Americans” – as claimed by Ryan and other republicans willing to sell their souls to the donors who they can’t stay in office without.  (that’s because there’s not enough “little guys” willing to send them money AKA Bernie Sanders to fund their campaigns)  Over 80% of this money is going to the top 1% and, (Yes, I know that’s the third time I’ve said that, but it’s important info) as the saying goes, someone’s got to pay for it.  Well, that someone apparently, based on what I’m seeing from these people is our children and grandchildren (unless we keep voting in republicans and then it could be our great grandchildren).  I honestly don’t know where bankruptcy for our nation lies, but I’m guessing republicans are planning that for the next democratic administration – or the one after that – if they think they can pull off this scam one more time.  Who knows, if Fox “news” can stay in business…….. maybe.  Their “plan” is like one of my dreams, where I go to the bank and borrow way too much money and the banker says, don’t worry, you don’t have to pay it back.  We’ll contact your children or grandchildren. Wow!

Republicans claim “growth” is going to pay for this tax cut.  I’ve listened to and read from numerous respected economists and the ONLY one who I’ve heard make that claim is the guy who works for Trump.  Most say, even with the rosiest prognostication the increase to the deficit will be at least  a TRILLION over ten years.  What this means is that the reduction in the deficit caused by Obama’s policies will likely end this year and, as Reagan once famously said, “here we go again” and the national debt will balloon even more. Look at it this way – if a tax cut would stimulate the economy enough to pay for something like this it would have to be in a downturn.  We’re in a boom cycle – so it’s much more likely this tax cut will “stimulate” inflation more than any other outcome.  Why stimulate something that doesn’t need stimulating?  You know what I mean?

Despite their complaining about deficits to the contrary, this is what republicans do.  What’s interesting is that we’re fast approaching another place where we’re “hitting” the debt ceiling – should be interesting to see what all the deficit hawks in the republican party – who annually threatened default during Obama’s years – have to say.  Tomorrow, republicans have to attempt to keep the government open – that should be interesting.  They’ll probably shut it down and find a way to blame democrats – who, at a minimum are going to want a solution to the DACA issue.  This is America in the 21st century. Maybe a more likely scenario is another “kicking the can down the road.”  You know the saying – “never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.”

This all was foreshadowed by the “Powell memo” back in 1972 when republicans in concert with the Chamber of Commerce took aim at workers and unions while propping up a corporatocracy.  Of course, I don’t believe anyone, at the time, in their wildest dreams could have imagined anyone as BAD as Trump in the “White House.”  (forgive me Mr. Hatch)  This tax cut is bad enough – but, it will pale if republicans allow the continued attacks on our FBI, Justice Department, AND the Mueller investigation – as if there was no ATTACK on America by the Russians in the last election.  If you read about how authoritarian regimes are weaponizing outlets like Facebook, Twitter, etc. around the world to foment their dogma, it’s easy to see how the Russians easily could have swung the election – like they’re bragging in Moscow.  This is serious business and the rule of law MUST prevail!

I believe Trump may very well come off as connected to organized crime – either in the U.S. or via connections to Russia once Mueller’s probe is completed.  I certainly hope there’s a majority of Americans who aren’t OK with that.  Theoretically, you’d think republicans would be keeping a distance between themselves and Trump until they know how much he’s been compromised. (Can you imagine them if this was Obama under investigation?)   We know there was Russian involvement and it appears that, for example with the Facebook and Twitter “weaponizing,” it couldn’t have been done without “guidance.”  (And, I’m not talking about guidance from Moscow or some other place off of America’s shores)  If Trump is compromised by Russia, either wittingly or unwittingly, he’s a danger to our republic.  If he’s been involved in money laundering of Russian money (or his own) and/or he was aware of the collusion during the campaign, he should face the consequences.

Jared Kushner, it seems to me, would be the one who would have been helping the Russians to “focus” their Facebook and Twitter attacks in the most effective direction.  I find it hard to believe they would have known how to provide the REAL fake news so efficiently without assistance.  There’s too many coincidences to suggest the Trump administration is innocent of wrongdoing as the Russians were ATTACKING the fundamental premise of our republic – our right to vote.  If republicans put their power ahead of their country in this – well, as Kellyanne Conway said referring to child predators (she, of course, was speaking of – before Trump decided to support him – Roy Moore) – “There’s a special place in hell………..”  You know the rest.  Well, to me, there’s a special place in hell for politicians who put power ahead of patriotism.  And, in this instance, patriotism REQUIRES finding the TRUTH about the Russia ATTACK on our nation in 2016 and beyond.  (I believe it’s ongoing – and, with Jeff Sessions in Charge our Justice Department is doing absolutely NOTHING about it!

Kushner, to me, is next in Mueller’s “sights.”  And, Donald Trump Jr. may not be far behind.  You could add Mike Pense to that, Kellyanne Conway, and Steve Bannon – to name a few that appear to me to be vulnerable.  This crew is as corrupt as they come from what I can tell.  We pretty much know how Trump will react when his son or son-in-law are either indicted or given opportunities for plea deals – the question is how will republicans react?  If today’s slobber session in the Rose Garden is any indication – our nation, as a “nation of laws and not men” is far more under attack than anyone could have imagined.  I’ve predicted Trump’s Tiki Torch carrying supporters will react with violence should he be found “wanting” – as far as the law is concerned – the question is – will they get away with it?  As Rachel Maddow says, “watch this space!”

I choose to believe we’ll NEVER allow someone like Trump to turn America into a Fascist state.

I spent the eight years of the Obama administration listening to republicans complaining about the deficit, taking us to the “brink” every time the issue of the debt ceiling would come up.  Republicans would threaten, each time, to shut the government down and/or take us into default.  Yet, the first year republicans have control of every part of the government, we’re looking at a “tax reform” that will take hundreds of BILLIONS from the working class of America and shift it to the “top 1%” – just as people like me predicted.  Unfortunately, we’re stuck with these people until at least 2018 and, possibly Trump until 2020 because republicans are coalescing around Trump in what appears to be a “firewall” to protect him from his past misdeeds – which are likely to be exposed soon by Robert Mueller.

When people understand what’s in the tax scam republicans are likely to get through Congress – more to prove they can do SOMETHING than to do something USEFUL – people who don’t like Trump and the republicans are going to be even angrier.  For example, when they fully understand that Trump’s claim he won’t benefit from the scam is ludicrous and that they are the ones not benefiting from the scam the anger will increase.  When the reality of the increased deficit shows its ugly “face” people will, or should, be angrier – at republicans.  They can’t pin this on democrats because the bill was written in the offices of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and MOST members will vote on it without reading it.  Trump is set to gain at least a BILLION dollars because of this tax scam.

Those of us who are in the working class should dislike this scam especially when we discover the “bottom line” is going down once we factor in the increase in our health care costs because of republicans repealing the “individual mandate” from the Affordable Care Act along with the increases already from Trump’s purposeful attempts to ruin our health care system.  Obviously, Trump hates anything with President Obama’s name attached to it.  I’m guessing that Trump’s actions are not only making the Affordable Care Act more popular, but Obama as well.  I keep thinking of the saying “how low can you go” when I think of Trump – and, he keeps proving he can go “lower.”  There appears to be no limits as to how low he can go.

Clearly, the best hope for those of us who don’t like having a LIAR, a narcissist (well, I suppose you could argue that being a narcissist to some level is required for someone who wants to be president – but Trump is in the stratosphere of narcissists!), a misogynist, a racist, and a Nazi as our president is Robert Mueller.  Despite the reality that Trump often seems STUPID in some of the things he does and says, he’s not to STUPID as to be unsuspecting as to what’s coming “down the pike” from Mueller.  Trump knows what he’s done and very likely feels it must be legal because he’s been getting away with it for years – but, Mueller is one of the BEST FBI investigators of our generation and Trump is in trouble – and he KNOWS it!

So, true to Trump’s “form” he fights back – and, in this instance he’s fighting back before the “you know what” hits the fan.  He’s ginning up his “base” to believe the FBI is “dishonest” (can you believe Trump – the man with almost 2000 CONFIRMED LIES since he took the OATH of office – claiming anyone is dishonest?  Especially Mueller and the FBI.  You’ve got to be kidding me.  He’s basing his claim on text messages from one person who was part of Mueller’s team that was anti Trump and, to a degree, pro Clinton.  Of course, as soon as Mueller discovered the text messages this person was removed from the investigation.  Apparently, the recipient of the texts had already left – either the Mueller team, or the FBI.  I’m not sure if Trump is trying to require FBI agents to “pledge loyalty” to him – as he attempted to get James Comey to do – but, think about what that would mean if it’s true.  (well, if you watch Fox “news” I doubt if you have the ability to think – this or anything else that’s not their propaganda through) There are those in Trump’s “circle” evidently claiming the FBI is planning a “coup de tat.”  Yikes!

Let me explain this if you don’t understand.  A coup de tat (most people just say “coup”) is the ILLEGAL overthrow of a “state” (country) by the military or “some other elite force.”  What Trump (and his supporters) clearly fear is the FINDING of the Mueller investigation.  Again, Trump is smart enough to KNOW what he did – whether it’s collusion with the Russians (he’s been on the phone with Putin pretty regular of late) OR the OBSTRUCTION which would relate to firing Comey AND his attempts to protect his son from clearly being STUPID.  I can see the argument that NONE in the Trump “circle” had any idea what they were getting into when the campaign started, but as the saying goes “ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

And MOST Americans as old as Trump know, from the Watergate years, “the coverup is worse than the crime.”  I’m still not sure what all the crimes were/are in this instance, but it’s clear Trump didn’t learn from Nixon.  His attempts to cover up whatever involvement he and those in his campaign had with the Russians has been, well – at best, SLOPPY.  At worst, it has been crime family like.  I believe we’re going to learn much about Trump and his “dealings” for the past several years when Mueller’s investigation is finished.  Tangled web of following the money will likely tell us why Trump refused to show his taxes.  One lesson for “we the people” from this entire episode SHOULD be NO ONE ever is allowed to run for president without showing his/her tax returns BEFORE any election – “IRS audit” or not.  (The “audit” claim, to me, was always laughable)

So, if Trump is in trouble regarding the Mueller investigation, it will not be a coup de tat.  The reality is, and always has been, that the republicans in Congress will decide Trump’s fate should Mueller expose “high crimes and misdemeanors” that we don’t already know.  Of course, there are many beside myself who claim Trump has already committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  Richard Painter – the ethics lawyer in the GW Bush White House – has repeatedly pointed out how Trump is continually violating the emoluments clause in the Constitution as he enriches himself via foreign money being spent in his hotels.  (Of course, as I said above, he’s enriching himself with the tax cut as well – the most brazen “theft” of taxpayer money in my lifetime).  However, realistically, if Trump’s transgressions via the Mueller investigation meet the “high crimes and misdemeanors” level of traditional American jurisprudence Trump is laying the ground to encourage his “base” to believe it is “fake.”  And, apparently, republicans in Congress are laying the “groundwork” to agree.

If Trump is removed from office, at least in 2018 it will be because the republicans in Congress decide to take their oath of office seriously.  Suggesting there was no Russian ATTACK on our electoral process is LUDICROUS – but, apparently, those defending Trump are accepting of the Russians being involved in his success – no matter the level.  We’ll never know, more than likely, if their involvement actually swung the election – but, hopefully, we’ll learn if Trump’s campaign was working with them to do so.  By all reports I’ve read, the Russians didn’t believe they could actually cause Trump to win – they were attempting (and they seem to have succeeded) to sow discontent and disenchantment with our system and create problems for Hillary Clinton.  When you see some of the Facebook adds they ran it’s really hard to believe they didn’t have help – but, we all wait for Mueller.  Trump seems to know what’s coming – and, true to his form, I believe that’s what is behind the “coup” talk.  He, and his closest supporters, know Mueller has the “goods” on him.

I’m guessing, again – I believe once Mike Flynn decided to cooperate with Mueller Trump knew it’s just a matter of time until the “high crimes and misdemeanors” are public.  Flynn was at his side all the way through the campaign AND, more importantly, the period between the election and the inauguration – when the “stuff” with the Russians became more public AND Flynn had his contacts with the Russians where, apparently, there was a “quid pro quo” regarding sanctions. It all will be interesting once the investigation is made public – and, despite the right wing efforts to smear Mueller, he will still be regarded as one of the most honest and capable FBI agents in our generation.

Trump’s suggestions about the FBI being in “tatters” is absurd and interesting considering people like me believe he’s in office because of the FBI.  Reports I read (and heard – from my right wing friends) suggested, during the election the FBI was, in large part – those involved in the “email” investigation – opposed to Mrs. Clinton.  Clearly, James Comey is as responsible as anyone for Trump being in the “White House.”  So, I find it interesting they are the target of the right wingers today.  Evidently, having it “both ways” is their mantra.  Look up the video of Newt Gingrich on Mueller, for example. when he was chosen as special prosecutor and what he’s saying now.  I totally believe MOST Americans will not fall for Trump’s attempt (along with republicans like Gingrich) to turn America into the “fourth Reich.”  “We the people” aren’t as stupid as they think.

Obviously, with the tax cut, they think we’re pretty stupid.  But, most people I talk to (save for those who watch Fox – and listen to people like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, etc.) believe Robert Mueller is fair and honest and will support whatever his findings are.  If Trump and his supporters on Trump and GOP TV continue attacking Mueller and the FBI, we’re in for the greatest challenge to our Constitution in ALL of our lifetimes – in the HISTORY of this great nation.  If Trump is not challenged and held accountable to the law, America will become a pariah in the eyes of the world – with the exception of Russia and places who operate like them.  We will be forfeiting what our forefathers fought for and gave to us.

For those in America who continue complaining about our “government” I would remind them the government is “we the people.”  We’re responsible for who gets elected and Trump is there, along with many of those who support him because of all the people who choose not to vote.  There’s too many Americans who fail to take their responsibility to vote seriously and my hope is, at the very minimum, Trump motivates young people to get off their butts and become involved with the political process.  It’s not only a responsibility, it should be considered a great privilege.  It’s the reason America was great LONG before Trump ever opened his LYING mouth.  If these HORRIBLE tax cuts AND the talk of Robert Mueller and the FBI planning a coup doesn’t get the attention of fair minded Americans then this nation is in trouble.  I choose to believe we’ll NEVER allow someone like Trump to turn America into a Fascist state.  The time for resistance is NOW and every day Trump and his surrogates (or those in Congress who are choosing to enable him) remain in office.

Final thought: Personally, I’ve been beyond disappointed in people like Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham as they’ve violated their own principles in voting for a tax scam that not only eviscerates our health care system, but pushes the deficit back up into the stratosphere – likely in a year or two more than a TRILLION dollars per year.  President Obama worked hard to cut the deficit from the $1.5 TRILLION  per year – that he inherited from Bush/Cheney (Cheney who famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter) and, despite constant republican obstruction, by almost 70% (to near $400 BILLION per year) when he left office.  By next year it will likely be almost twice the deficit Trump inherited.  Republicans don’t care about this, because they are the ones benefiting from the transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top.  It’s disgraceful, and, at some point, it has to stop.  I say it should stop NOW – but, clearly, republicans don’t listen to me or the MILLIONS of people like me who don’t want to saddle the next generation with this terrible burden.  Sad!


If Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors” he SHOULD face the consequences and republicans should NOT attempt to circumvent their oaths to the constitution.

I’ve been pointing out for years the importance of voting this present version of the republican party out of office en masse.  Well, it’s getting more important than ever.  2018 can’t come soon enough for me, and I can only hope the energy that showed itself in the “Women’s March” the day after Trump’s inauguration (which was minuscule compared to Obama’s) will grow.  This needs to be a national repudiation of this republican party which, as I’m writing this, is coalescing around Trump and all the baggage that goes with doing so.

Just a few months ago republicans were touting the merits of Robert Mueller as one of the most honest and reliable members of the FBI and the perfect person to be the special counsel.  Some republicans even seemed to be concerned that our nation was ATTACKED by Russia in the last election – an ATTACK that is ongoing – AND that Trump and his administration are curiously ignoring.  Now, we’ve got one republican after another lining up with Trump as he attacks the FBI, and indirectly Mueller – those in Congress are DIRECTLY attacking Mueller as being “biased” against Trump.  This is because these people are smart enough to see the “writing on the wall.”  Trump is in Mueller’s “cross-hairs.”  Mueller really IS following the facts!

Mueller is NOT biased, the facts, simply speaking, are leading him right into the “Oval Office.”  I believe Jared Kushner will be the next person indicted and Trump Jr. is a likely target – although, from what I can tell he’s less vulnerable – except, you KNOW he’s going to LIE somewhere along the lines if he’s interviewed enough.  These people ALL LIE all the time.  Most legal experts I’ve seen, with the exception of those on Fox “news” – which should be named “GOP news,” are postulating that Trump has committed OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE on more than one occasion.  It’s clear to anyone following this “drama” that Trump’s trying to stop the investigation – before it gets to him and his family. (Now, even his lawyers appear to be lying)

The reason I’m feeling Trump is MORE dangerous than I originally thought is because I miscalculated how many republicans would join forces with him as his wrongdoing comes closer to the open.  What’s most disturbing about this to me is their willingness to ignore the Russians meddling in our republic – meddling which is going on still and our government is turning a blind eye to it because republicans control the agenda.  To me, Trump is repugnant and his willingness to upend virtually everything progressives have fought for over the past 70 years will be generational damage if he’s allowed to get away with it.  Like many others, I’m not sure republicans will support Mueller’s findings if it implicates Trump – which appears LIKELY!  Yes, we’re talking about a constitutional crisis – full blown!

I’ve said many times I believe republicans fear Trump’s base which showed its “colors” at Charlottesville with the Tiki Torches and Nazi slogans.  These were NOT “very fine people” as Trump claimed.  These are people like David Duke, former head of the KKK.  Most of them, from what I’ve read, are armed to the hilt.  Where I live, which is called the “left coast,” many of the Trump supporters I saw during the campaign were wearing holstered hand guns as they carried their “Make America Great Again” flags and signs around.  It didn’t work where I live, but, obviously, there were enough disenchanted Americans in the rust belt to swing the Electoral College for Trump by a razor thin margin. (despite the FACT he lost the “popular vote” by 3 MILLION votes!) We’ll likely never know how much the Russians and the voter suppression tactics of the republicans affected that outcome.

America was great before Trump took office – as he furthers his agenda and more of these right wing republicans cozy up to him it’s becoming less great all the time.  I recently read a right wing article (I can’t remember the publication) which was ridiculing President Obama’s economic record and trying to ignore the REALITY that Trump is riding the economy Obama left for him – one that was creating jobs EVERY quarter for 7 years and was bordering on BOOMING the day Trump took office.  Just as Obama was STUCK with the economy he inherited from Bush/Cheney for the first year (a disastrous one at that – they almost pushed us into another “Great Depression”) Trump lives off of Obama’s economy to this day.  Once his budget and other “stuff” (including this terrible tax cut) take effect, then he will be able to claim the results – good or bad.  It’s disingenuous for him to claim credit for what Obama and the democrats created – which, by the way, he derided during the election.  If he leads us into a recession, America won’t seem so great.

Since Trump took office, he’s been cozying up to one dictator after another while turning our traditional friends in Europe away.  I’ve heard reports that the Brits don’t want Trump to set foot on their soil.  If “we the people” don’t stand up against this brazen attack on our traditional institutions we stand to be isolated from the friends we fought for and with in WW II.  This is bad, It’s REAL bad!

And, democrats.  What are they doing?  I’m not sure if they have a coherent plan, I’m not sure if they have leaders who have a clue as to how to defeat this Trump “movement.”  Trust me, there’s MILLIONS of Americans who will support the right person who’s willing to stand up to Trump and his supporters.  Trump’s “approval rating” is nearing 30% – yet, for some reason people like Lindsey Graham – who I once thought would be one of the courageous republicans to stand up against Trump – are joining him in trying to turn the focus of all the investigations back to who else,  but Hillary Clinton.  Yikes!  There SHOULD be a democrat who can mobilize a national resistance to this republican nonsense and to Trump and create a situation where people are motivated to start cleansing “We the people” from this disaster in November of 2018!  Obviously, we won’t be able to count on the republicans.

Republicans have been “investigating” Hillary Clinton for as long as I can remember.  I guess they’ve forgotten the last hearing where she was grilled for 11 hours in front of the Benghazi committee – where she made them all look as if they didn’t understand how the government functions.  If you were a republican, you had to be embarrassed.  Well, apparently, here we go again.  Astonishingly, republicans are claiming the Mueller team is “pro Clinton.”  When I heard that, all I could think was “are you kidding me?”  If anyone remembers, it was James Comey who swung the election to Trump with his ill timed announcement that the “email investigation” was re-opened.  I remember, at the time, watching the effect that had on the polling – which was terrible for Mrs. Clinton.  So, the reality is, Clinton lost.  End of story, right?  Well, evidently, she is their plan to deflect the attention from the likely reality of Mueller’s probe.

I knew republicans have short term memory issues – it didn’t take them long to forget the damage done by Bush/Cheney to our economy – shortly after President Obama was inaugurated I still remember republicans blaming him for the TARP bailout (Initiated by Bush’s Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson) AND the 1.5 TRILLION deficit – EACH YEAR!  Many republicans still believe Obama was responsible for the TARP bailout (thanks to Fox “news”)!  Sadly, over the term of Obama’s presidency the so-called “liberal media” let republicans, time and again, blame Obama – and their “blaming” was relentless – for the deficit which was reduced from that $1.5 TRILLION per year when he took office to around $400 BILLION when he left.  (I can’t count how many people I’ve pointed this FACT out to who have said, “really, is that true, I’ve never heard that”) Now, the first thing republicans are doing is making the DEFICIT much worse and, of course, you don’t hear a peep out of all the so-called “deficit hawks.”  Sad!

Trump clearly has fascist tendencies along with all his other “baggage.”  I’m struggling to understand why so many in the republican caucus are now aligning themselves with him – as he’s out campaigning for Roy Moore – who, himself, has mountains of baggage beyond the claims he was a pedifile and sexual predator when he was in his thirties.  Thankfully, Alabamians – at least most of them – are able to put country and morality ahead of their political party and are likely to vote Doug Jones into the Senate as a Democrat.  Jones, by the way, seems to me to be a very practical and honorable man.

One thing that has bugged me over the years is the democrats willingness to pretty much ignore places like Alabama and other southern states – mostly because of the abortion issue.  Well, to me, that’s a stupid strategy.  First of all, there SHOULD be a dialogue in this nation about the issue of abortion.  That’s an issue for another day – here – but, it’s clear to me, the ONLY reason the Alabama election is even close is because of that issue.  Most Alabamians, as well as other parts of America where many people vote based on this issue, are hard working, honorable people.  It’s a “fools errand” for democrats to continue ignoring this and pushing people away because of making the abortion issue a “black and white” issue.

America is at a defining point in her history – and, we need to come together as a people.  We ARE the “Melting pot” of the world.  We’ve been a refuge for people who have been victims of all sorts of terrible circumstances and it’s what makes us “great.”  We need to honor our diversity and Trump and his followers are trying to do the very opposite.  I believe there’s a “wave” of resistance to Trump going across America – but, until 2018 there’s a LOT of damage Trump and the republicans can do – starting with this terrible tax cut.  We the people MUST stay strong – if republicans go after Mueller and attempt to “short circuit” his investigation we need to stand up by the MILLIONS to protest.  If Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors” he SHOULD face the consequences and republicans should NOT attempt to circumvent their oaths to the constitution.

The problem is NOT Hillary Clinton.  She lost.  She’s done.  It’s time to move on for republicans.  The problem is NOT Barack Obama (Oh, do I miss him in the Oval Office) his term is over and its a shame republicans seem to be on a vendetta to turn us back to before he took office instead of building on what he started.  (I guess they’ve really forgotten what they left Obama)  The problem IS a foreign adversary ATTACKED our nation – well beyond ANYTHING we’ve ever seen before – and, quite possibly members of Trump’s campaign were working with them to affect the election.  We NEED to know this.  (I wish the Congressional investigations weren’t so “political” – due to republicans trepidation about the REAL outcomes)

Finally:  My guess is that Trump’s “crimes” will include “stuff” that happened well before he took the oath of office.  (It really is hard for me to use the word “oath” in the same sentence with Trump – he’s proven his word is certainly not his bond)  Republicans will really NOT like seeing that.  However, he’s clearly committed enough offenses already that we KNOW of to justify impeachment.  Personally, I believe Mike Pense is right there with him – participating in the conspiracy to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.  Sadly, if Congress does it’s duty, this would leave us with Paul Ryan in the Oval Office.  That would take America “from the frying pan into the fire.”  It’s going to be tough making it to 2020 – one way or the other!



Trump is pushing an extremely dangerous narrative and “we the people” MUST resist! He’s aligned himself with people who wear NAZI armbands and shout NAZI slogans – we CAN’T allow him to succeed.

As this “drama” we call the Trump administration moves forward I continue to write about what I call the “damage” being done before “we the people” will manage to end this nightmare.  It’s mounting fast and it’s becoming hard to decide what is the most egregious of what Trump is doing to our republic.  As I force myself to watch as much Fox “news” as my stomach can tolerate it’s becoming clear that republicans have chosen to put power ahead of country.  Surprise surprise! (I’ve been pointing this out for years)  They have chosen to ratchet up the attacks on Robert Mueller, the FBI, and presumably the intelligence community as they anticipate Trump will eventually face charges which could potentially be the most egregious against anyone who’s ever inhabited the “White House.”

I’ve predicted on several occasions that Donald Trump will find himself along side Benedict Arnold when His place in American history is finally written.  Right next to Trump will be Fox “news” which is an entity that has chosen to use it’s position of having a place on the public media spectrum to BRAINWASH unsuspecting Americans who actually believe they are receiving true information and, when they turn off the TV, they believe they’ve been informed.  The BRAINWASHING goes so deep that if you’re a “progressive” (liberal) you can’t even talk to them.  Today, I talked to a lady who actually said she can’t talk politics with anyone who disagrees with her.  She claimed she was “informed” and said she watches “Fox news all the way.”  I’ve seen this over and over – these people get red in the face when their beliefs are questioned.  This particular lady said, “I’m a conservative” as if that was a measure of pride. (And, as if she could actually define what is a “conservative.”)

I didn’t engage in any discussion with this woman but I guessed she was a supporter of Trump and, had there been a discussion I inferred that she would be claiming Robert Mueller is a biased political hack that should be fired – along with his entire staff.  Keep in mind, his staff is considered the “Cadillac” of investigation staffs.  His investigators are considered the best of the best, they’re considered “a political,” they’re committed public servants who’ve taken an oath to the constitution, and – if you’ve committed a crime and they are investigating, you’re likely “up a creek without a paddle.”  Well, it’s not only obvious to people like me that Trump is in trouble, but also Fox “news” and Trump surrogates in the republican party.  The republican solution to this problem is to attack the investigators prior to the investigation’s findings – evidently to justify what they will do at that time.

What this implies is that republicans in Congress are laying the ground for their justification in refusing to IMPEACH Trump when the Mueller probe is finally published.  This would suggest republicans will support Trump’s plan to pardon those who get caught up in Mueller’s probe – which likely would include Jared Kushner, Trump Jr., Hope Hicks, Mike Pense, and many others.  I’ve watched these republicans giving cover to Trump all year as they’re supposed to be investigating the Russian ATTACK on our nation.  Each time Trump pushes the “bar” well beyond anything MOST Americans consider acceptable, continuing to do the work of the Russians by undermining our “democracy” and further pitting American against American – doing the work the Russians would be unable to do without Trump’s (and the republicans’) help – I can only imagine the smile on Vladimir Putin’s face.  I believe republicans are willing to accept this in exchange for Trump’s signature on a Tax bill which has the republican donors slobbering all over themselves.  And, whatever else they can manage to get through Congress prior to 2018.  This is shameful!

Can anyone out there imagine what republicans would have done had Barack Obama used Russian intelligence to win either of his elections to the White House.  I’ve been thinking Donald Trump’s election saved us all from a plethora of investigations into Hillary Clinton and I’m pretty sure she would already have faced impeachment had she won the last election.  (Well, actually, she DID win the election – she was defeated by the electoral college)  That last thought brought another to mind – just think what republicans would have done had Obama lost to McCain or Romney by 3 MILLION votes, but carried the Electoral College.  My thought is that would have been the end of the “college.”  (Is it a “college?”)

Here’s how I see this present situation playing out – Trump will be facing numerous charges due to the reality that investigators like Mueller “follow the facts” wherever they lead.  I believe Trump is vulnerable in several areas that likely have nothing to do with politics – other than to explain Trump’s “curious” bromance with Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Trump very possibly has money laundering liability from what I can tell by watching varying reports regarding his real estate “empire,” and his issues with “stiffing” banks over the years – to where Trump had to rely on Deutche Bank for money – a lender with HUGE issues regarding “laundering” Russian money over the years.  Both Trump and his son in law have significant exposure via loans totaling hundreds of MILLIONS with Deutche Bank.  As Mueller peruses Trump’s tax returns he’s likely to find many connections to Russia which may answer many of the questions “we the people” have been asking since we learned Russia ATTACKED America on Trump’s behalf in 2016.  Of course, as stated above, republicans appear to be setting the stage to disregard the findings of the Mueller investigation.

Which brings me back to the “damage” Trump is doing to this nation. (I wish I could think of a more sophisticated term)  I believe “we the people” are facing the possibility of the absolute MOST “damage” possible coming from this DEPLORABLE person and his impending disregard of Mueller’s findings.  It’s been documented that he’s LIED over 1600 times since taking office, but the Most disingenuous LIES are being perpetrated RIGHT NOW as I’m writing this as Trump is gearing up his counterattack to Mueller.  Obviously, Trump KNOWS that Mueller is “right around the corner” because, despite the observable FACT that Trump is delusional, he KNOWS what he did and he KNOWS Mueller probably KNOWS as well – if by no other way, through Michael Flynn – who’s obligated to tell it all to save his own “skin” and that of his son’s.

For starters, to suggest Flynn “lied to the Vice President” was preposterous on its face when they used that as the excuse for firing him AND anyone paying close attention would KNOW Flynn does “have a story to tell” as was suggested when he originally sought “immunity” to “spill his guts.”  I believe the LIES coming from the “White House” suggesting Flynn “lied to the Vice President” has put many “White House” employees from that time period, including – of course – Trump, but also Pense and others in jeopardy.  Anyone “in on that LIE” would be potentially part of a conspiracy to “OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.”  Trump’s lawyers and Fox “news” are now pushing the RIDICULOUS theory that the “president can’t obstruct justice.”  That theory is, of course, PREPOSTEROUS!

Trump and the right wing message centers along with all the programmable “water carriers” are going after Mueller and the FBI in real time (Yes, these are the very people who claim to support “law and order” while they prepare us for disorder).  They’re trying to lay the groundwork for being able to justify not IMPEACHING Trump when Mueller is done – and, instead starting an investigation into Mueller, himself, and the FBI!  I’m NOT making this up!  If Trump and Fox “news” succeed, this will lead to the very instability Putin was attempting to cause – only, he thought Hillary Clinton would be the president.  This would be a “very fine” bonus for Putin – well beyond his “wildest dreams.”  It would also threaten the very existence of our republic.  I’m guessing, because of Trump’s ginning up his “base,” and the existence of damning evidence Trump cannot hide – one way or the other – there’s going to be people in the streets after the “smoke clears.”

If Trump is allowed to get away with this, America stands to become what I heard a republican in Congress today refer to what we’d resemble if we “allow Hillary Clinton to get away with all of her crimes” and that’s a “banana republic.”  I don’t know who the Congress person was speaking, but that was a classic case of “political projection.”  Accuse your opponent of your own intentions.  If we become a nation allowing leaders to disregard the laws, one allowing our presidents to tell the justice department who to investigate, if we accept that our leaders are “above the law,” and if political aspirants have to live in fear that they will be prosecuted should they lose an election – then we will have allowed ourselves to slip into “third world” status.  You’re correct – that would be a “banana republic.”

Trump is pushing an extremely dangerous narrative and “we the people” MUST resist!  If he goes after Mueller upon the conclusion of this investigation, then “when the smoke clears” Trump needs to be held accountable for ALL his actions in a court of law.  It’s time to make it clear our leaders are not above the law.  The biggest mistake of Barack Obama, in my view, was when he chose to “look forward instead of back.”  The Bush/Cheney regime violated NUMEROUS laws and Obama chose to allow them to “go to pasture” peacefully.  This cannot happen with Trump.  He’s pushing this nation to the brink of a constitutional disaster that could change America forever.  He’s aligned himself with people who wear NAZI armbands and shout NAZI slogans – we CAN’T allow him to succeed.  His authoritarian personality has been obvious from the start – what wasn’t as obvious to me was the number of republicans who would jump on his “bandwagon.”  I’m not sure what they fear, but they’ve “got to go” as well.

Final thought:  The next couple of months are the MOST critical and dangerous to our republic in my lifetime (I’m 70).  I hope and pray that “we the people” are paying attention and that we won’t allow Trump to succeed in the MOST brazen OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in American history.