Monthly Archives: March 2023

It appears Ron DeSantis, a real sleaze bag, is laying in the weeds to “out Trump Trump.”

I have been planning to write something “positive” in response to a request from my brother-in-law who lives in Pittsburgh and is, understandably, sick of all the negative news. Well, as I sit on the edge of my seat waiting for all the “shoes” to drop regarding the pending CRIMINAL indictments of Donald Trump – with the first one, apparently, happening in Manhattan, New York soon – and, after listening to Trump’s act of desperation sending another “clown” attorney (they seem to congregate in Trump’s circles) into the Grand Jury sitting in Manhattan and, again apparently, close to making a “charging” decision I’ve got to “follow my heart.” (Sorry Tony, but coming soon! There are some actual things to be thankful for “out there”)

This attorney was there to impune the testimony of Michael Cohen, Trump’s former “fixer” (isn’t that a mob term?), and seemed to potentially set himself up to possible CRIMINAL charges. I listened to Cohen’s response to this lawyer’s “claims” and the bottom line is “someone’s LYING.” I believe Trump’s lawyer thinks no one would believe it’s him (my memory tells me his last name is Costello) because Cohen was convicted of LYING to Congress – according to him at the behest of Trump (like the hush money payments) – although Cohen says there are “receipts” for everything he said and that Costello (?) was “making things up.” (OK, I checked, it’s Costello)

All of this tells me about the level of CORRUPTION we have in this nation totally due to the American people allowing themselves – in sufficient numbers – to believe a pathalogical LIAR (in the words of Ted Cruz) putting him into the “White House.” And, since the day this “kook” (in the words of Lindsey Graham) LIED about his “oath” of office republicans across America have cowed in fear that he will say something “nasty” about them and it will cost them their political careers with the republican’s White Nationalist base – a base which has proven to believe the laws are meant for others – especially, if the “other” happens to be a “person of color.”

For example, the Attorney General of the state of Texas has been re-elected TWICE while under indictment for securities fraud in Texas and, apparently, the people of Texas could care less. Now, members of Congress are threatening to call the DA of Manhattan – where they have no authority whatsoever (and, of course, they refer to him as the “Soros backed DA” – an anti-semitic dog whistle) – to testify should he have the temerity of indicting a “former president and present candidate for that office.” This threat, of course, is coming from Jim Jordan, he of the alleged refusal to honor his student athletes at Ohio State University’s complaints of sexual assault while he was the assistant coach – AND, he who may well have been part of Trump’s CONSPIRACY to overthrow the 2020 presidential election.) The “GOP” has always claimed to be “the party of law and order.” Well, you’d have to be – STUPID – to believe that today! (Jordan has shown his loud mouth cowardice on more than one occasion)

Trump clearly is desperate to do what he’s always done – and, that is to avoid the “law” catching up with his CRIMINAL conduct. Not far behind the Manhattan DA seems to be the Fulton County, Georgia DA, Fani Willis, who could be filing charges against Trump at any point in time. Today, Trump’s lawyers filed motions to get rid of the “Special Purpose Grand Jury’s report” along with both Ms. Willis AND the judge who is in charge of the case. Ridiculous, you might say – and, I would tend to agree. But, get this, in Georgia the state legislature has passed a bill (on its way to the Governor’s office) giving ITSELF the power to remove District Attorneys who THEY don’t agree with (especially if they’re Black). Are they planning to stop the “imminent” prosecutions in Georgia? (Keeping in mind one of the TARGETS of the investigation is a KEY member of Georgia’s legislature – due to the “fake elector” scheme in the 2020 election. (Republican CORRUPTION runs deep!)

I believe, if Trump is “saved” by this legislation, the potential charges very well ALL might become FEDERAL charges as I thought they should have been in the first place. In fact, I’ve complained here several times I’ve never understood why Merrick Garland left all this up to a DA in Fulton Co. when virtually EVERYONE who’s been paying attention has heard the infamous phone call from Trump to Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s Secretary of State, DEMANDING Raffensperger “find 11,780 votes” which would have given Trump “one more” than he “needed.” (apparently, to win the state – YIKES!!!) Trump even went so far as to threaten Raffensperger and his assistants with CRIMINAL violations if they chose to ignore his pleas. (Who knows what would have happened had he actually “won” the election by STEALING it – with all the “Stop the Steal” demonstrations out there) Trump’s threats to Raffensperger were certainly FEDERAL crimes!

Which gets me back to the FEDERAL charges which SHOULD have come down LONG AGO regarding Trump’s INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 (In case you’ve forgotten the date) Maybe a year ago I started suggesting someone like myself could get a conviction of Trump for instigating the INSURRECTION simply with the public information which had “drip, drip, dripped” into a huge “puddle” of incriminating publicly available evidence. I still believe had the January 6th Committee not done such a great job Mr. Garland would have simply tried to let things “rest” because he was not up to indicting “a former president” – despite all his claims “no one is above the law” and they were following the evidence “wherever it leads.” By many accounts Jack Smith is making up for lost time as best he can, but anything he decides has to go through Mr. Garland and I don’t feel certain he’ll OK prosecutions during the campaign. (What that means is Smith is close to out of time. Depressing thoughts I have to say.

I’ve finished reading the 700 page report of the Select January 6th Committee and it goes to great lengths to provide evidence Trump committed up to 5 MAJOR felonies – including a suggestion at the end one of them would be SEDITION. The one thing I would tend to agree with those in the Committee who believed Liz Cheney was too targeted on Trump when there were many others involved in the CONSPIRACY. I was really disappointed that there wasn’t MORE of the evidence they collected suggesting, for example, that Jim Jordan was right in the middle of this CONSPIRACY along with several of his right wing Congressional peers – like Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, Scott Perry, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and several others along with Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. I was real disappointed they didn’t zero in on Ginni Thomas because she appears to have been right in the middle of the CONSPIRACY and her potential CRIMINAL conduct might very well be the way to get Clarence Thomas off the Supreme Court.

The more I watch all of this (and, I’m watching it as close as I can from 3000 miles away) it’s confirming to me that back when I started referring to Trump as a “lowlevel mob boss” (making that reference in various forms) I was exactly correct. During his reign in the “White House” I still remember an interview he gave (to someone I can’t remember who) where he referred to someone who would tell the truth about what was happening inside his administration as a “rat” it reminded me of watching the “Untouchables” on TV back when I was MUCH younger. Eliot Ness going after the mob and that was, I believe, where I first heard the word rat (dirty rat) used similarly to how Trump used it.

The using low level lawyers, the attempts to influence how witnesses are giving their testimony, the threats to anyone not going along with their “plan” (like in the case of Brad Raffensperger), the surrogates who use military style weapons to intimidate people, the “dog whistles” embedded in their speeches assuring the “base” they’re “staying strong,” and on and on – seems like the stuff of organized CRIMINALS. And, yet, here’s the republican party cowardly continuing to go along. I can assure you Liz Cheney was correct when she pointed out the republican members of Congress were going to be facing a really bad place in the history books for their cowardice in the face of all this LAWBREAKING. Now, most of them, say – well – nothing. And, that’s supposed to separate them from the “crazies” (as the MTG wing of the republican party is being referred to in “respectable” circles) and, I say, “No way!”

Today, I was driving around listening to MSNBC on my XM radio (which may soon be no more in my car) and one of MSNBC’s new “contributors,” John Kasich, came on for the discussion about Trump and the way the republicans are (foolishly) attacking the Manhattan DA and Kasich acknowledged the House is being run by a group of fringe right wing republicans who were “very loud” (or words to that affect) but, he then pivoted to members of the Senate, like Moscow Mitch, Mitt Romney, and John Thune and said something like “you’re not hearing anything from them.” My first instinct (although that wasn’t the host’s) was, yep, that’s the problem – we’re not hearing ANYTHING from any moderate republicans if there are any out there anymore. It seems to me, the bulk of the republican party are AFRAID to say anything in public about Trump – they’re just wishing he’ll go away.

And, if that happens, then what? The ONLY republicans I’ve seen who exhibit COURAGE are Ms. Cheney (and, keep in mind, I agree with little she says) and Adam Kinsinger. Based on what I saw during the January 6th Committee meetings I got the feeling I could at least TALK to Ms. Cheney and Mr. Kinsinger in an attempt to find agreeable solutions to problems. Of course, if they’re stuck on “no NEW taxes for the rich in America” our discussions would go nowhere. Of course, I’ll never be talking to any of these people. And, the reality is, anyone who has told the TRUTH about Trump has virtually NO chance, at this point in time, to gain leadership in the republican party. If Trump ends up in JAIL (:o) it appears Ron DeSantis, a real sleaze bag, is laying in the weeds to “out Trump Trump.”

Final Thought: I’m presently reading the book titled “Caste” (and, boy do I recommend this book – very HIGHLY). I’m only about a third of the way through the book, but the author, Isabel Wilkerson, gives a brutally truthful look back at the REAL American History from the time in 1619 when the first SLAVES were sold in Virginia. As I’m reading this book all I could think about was Ron DeSantis speaking with the “woke” dog whistle which simply makes him, in my mind, a rabid racist. Trump brought the white nationalists in America – in the words of former KKK Grand Wizards David Duke and Don Black who claimed Trump brought their “cause” into the political “mainstream.” (If you read the book “Rising out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow you’ll get a clear picture of these racists “hitching their wagon” to Trump.

And, it’s clear DeSantis is attempting to take over the “mantel” as “fuhrer” to a party which has allowed itself to be overrun by a bunch of white nationalist thugs. As I’m reading “Caste” it’s becoming clear I SHOULDN’T be surprised about what is happening with this right wing movement. The African Americans in America have been the bottom “layer” of the hierarchy in America – and, populist leaders have throughout our history managed to keep “low educated voters” (in the words of Trump) in FEAR of the “other.” And, of course, the “other” would be African Americans whose ancestry, in many instances, dates back into the 1600’s. (And, of course, Trump – who uses “immigration” as a “tool” in directing his “uneducated voters” – his words – to FEAR the possibility African Americans might be their “equal,” is a second generation “American.” (Married to an immigrant) In the words of DeSantis – anit “woke” this and “woke” that are what we should FEAR. (Woke is a term which originated as slang in the African American community.) That is why some of the best books in America’s libraries are being banned on one “red state” after another. Sad!!!

Regarding Trump’s legal challenges: When will the republican party say “enough all ready?”

I’ve been saying for several years now that I believe Donald Trump, AKA “individual 1,” will end up in America’s history books right next to Benedict Arnold. I’ve also been lamenting for close to two years now “What’s up with our Justice Department? Why is Trump still free spewing his venom as it’s almost time for the next election, which will simply give Merrick Garland one more opportunity to prevent what OBVIOUSLY should happen if America is truly a ‘nation of laws and not men.'” Trump repeatedly gives us examples of why he’s the modern day Benedict Arnold, but, just today, I was reading an opinion piece in a publication I subscribed to called “Raw Story” where John Stoer quoted Trump as saying “The greatest threat to western civilization today is not Russia,” Trump said and he continued. “It’s probably, more than anything else, ourselves, and some of the horrible USA-hating people that represent us.” (I later discovered this was a Trump rant on his “(un)Truth Social” – Trump’s Twitter copy)

Of course, this should surprise no one because Trump has been praising Vladimir Putin (who was indicted by the International Criminal Court of War Crimes just today) over America’s leaders for years. In 2013 he repeatedly SHAMED himself at his “Miss World Beauty Pageant” held in Moscow, Russia by continuing to attempt getting himself in the presence of Putin (unsuccessfully) allowing Russia to “archive” “Kompromat” on Trump to be used at a later date – the “Kompromat” allegedly being the so-called “pee-tape.” When Putin started his ill advised ILLEGAL invasion of Ukraine Trump referred to Putin as a “genius.” Clearly, the “stars are aligning” for Putin’s plan to get either Trump or Ron DeSantis (a sleazy Trump wannabee) back into the White House in order to fracture the Western Alliance (NATO) allowing Russia to wipe Ukraine literally off the map.

Along those lines, virtually everyone of the social media outlets who banned Trump following his failed coup d’etat attempt on January 6th, 2021 have now cleared the way for his return to their platforms. More significantly, to me, is how “we the people” always seem to let our guards down when the right wing “schemers” in America are “playing” the “long game.” They’ve managed to actually brain wash a significant portion of Americans who now consider themselves the “Real America” while those of us who are progressives are the “enemy.” (As per Trump’s comments above) Their goal is America as a theocracy – similar, I suppose to Iran (or possibly soon Israel if Netanyahu should his right wing “government” manage to gain complete control of Israel’s judiciary). These “Real Americans” can often be seen wearing shirts labeled “I’d rather be Russian than a democrat.” (By the way, Russia will welcome 7 MILLION of them as immigrants if they’re serious)

They are at the heart of the hate groups which have been growing in size for several years. When I was still teaching (I retired in 2014) I subscribed to the Southern Poverty Law Center which follows and “outs” America’s “hate groups” which continue to be “nurtured” by, for example, the Russian “active measures” campaign which started well before Russia went “all in” to help Trump in the 2016 election. Their propaganda campaign has continued and will continue with many Americans unkowingly being guided by their (actual) “fake news.” They are experts in using platforms like “Facebook,” “Twitter,” (more so on Twitter since Elon Musk pruchased it), and the other social networks which permeate the planet and are run by people like Musk and Mark Zuckerberg who are focused on making more MONEY than whether what is “infecting” their platforms harms our nation. (Of course, in our “global economy” there are many who people like myself would consider “bad actors” believing the exact opposite of what I think. These platforms are the perfect way for them to spread their “message.” The fact it goes “both ways is EXACTLY what Putin strives to “encourage” – for lack of a better word)

In fact, in my view, the social media platforms found all over the internet have seen their success rise with the division which is destablizing much of the Western world. Full disclosure, I don’t participate in most of the social media “stuff” although, as an old man who likes to play classical guitar – not all that well – I frequent YouTube because it’s there you’ll find some of the great musicians of our time – so, I have to say YouTube provides me something I can’t get anywhere else – and, of course, there are wonderful classical guitarists from Russia. So, I want to be perfectly clear I appreciate the “people” who come from anywhere in the world if they’re – well, I’ll use the word republicans are using as a perforative: “woke.”

While I believe the term “woke” is used by politicians like DeSantis (and republicans in general) as a racist “dog whistle” – the word originated in the African American community back in the 1970’s (I believe – going from memory when I first wondered what the term actually meant) as slang for “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues [especially issues of racial and social justice].”)

An example of how the term has been used in the African American community is a quote from Congresswoman Barbara Lee, “We will only succeed if we reject the growing pressure to retreat into cynicism and hopelessness. … We have a moral obligation to “stay woke,” take a stand and be active; challenging injustices and racism in our communities and fighting hatred and discrimination wherever it rises.” The inference people like DeSantis are making when they use the term “woke” as a perjorative is that white people should reject those who believe in equal rights and justice for all members of our “melting pot” society. Yikes!! The man thinks he should be president – I question if he even understands the term “melting pot,” – that would be MAGA on steroids.

Apparently, I’m one of the “woke” people DeSantis is constantly going after. I actually attempt to “dialogue” with people who are Trump supporters and it always seems to end up as a “fools” errand. They believe nonsense and they – in almost EVERY instance – get angry when you call “bulls@#t to their “alternative facts.” (I try to do it with Facts and do it politely) And, when you dig a bit deeper with anyone (of the ones I’ve met) who continues to speak to you – I’ve learned to, in almost every instance, just listen because I don’t want to cause someone to start yelling or ????, as they actually believe and/or hope for, America to become a theocracy – to be ruled “under God.” I always wonder, whose version of “God” are they referring to – although the conversations never get that far.

I used to meet with a “conservative” (who I met in a church “small group”) for breakfast about twice a month and we’d badger back and forth about politics – him thinking I’m a “liberal wack job” and me feeling the opposite about him. It was all good natured and friendly, UNTIL Trump came along. My friend acknowledged Trump wasn’t someone who a “Christian” should be supporting – certainly through the time of the Access Hollywood “confession” Trump made about himself as a sexual predator – but, it all changed when Trump won the republican nomination. Clearly, my friend was all in for WHOEVER won the nomination – despite KNOWING the truth about Trump. Willing to commit to the “devil’s bargain” for the sake of the party.

Our meetings lasted up until the little restaurant we met at was closed due to the pandemic. We had made a bet on the 2016 election – which, obviously, I LOST, and we went double or nothing on the 2020 election. (I would have bought him the steak dinner I owed him, but he apparently wanted two steak dinners) For about three years I did everything I could to show actual FACTS to my friend in opposition to the stuff he was being fed by Fox “news” and, I now believe, outlets even far more right wing than Fox. Nothing worked and, after the Mueller report came out I, after I had read it the first time, offered the book to him to read – and, he just pushed it away and wasn’t interested. That’s just one example of how I tried to get through to him. He didn’t believe ANYTHING about the Russian “intervention” in the 2016 election and he made other comments which, at the time, didn’t quite resonate with me.

I tried to show him how Trump is clearly a racist and he couldn’t see it (he adopted three African American children and raised them – from which much of my admiration of him came from) he even didn’t believe Trump to be a LIAR. (Despite the fact checkers at the Washington Post DOCUMENTING over 30,000 LIES Trump spewed in his four years in office) I tried hard to understand where he was “coming from” and, after the pandemic stopped our meetings together we continued to communicate both here (on this site) and via email. His communications became more and more “radical” (in my mind) and he even shared a thought about one of the Black children he raised which really set me aback. She was receiving public assistance – including a place to stay – which I thought was great (he told me she had a “low IQ” and had failed in school and was unemployable) but, he said he’d rather see her on the “street’ than receiving public housing.

I believe he said that in our final person to person meeting. Once the restaurant was closed he was continually regurgitating the nonsense Trump was spewing, often times making comments here. For example, Covid-19 was “just another flu.” I tried to point out to him when you see the term “novel” in front of a virus that means “we the people” don’t have the anti-bodies to fight the disease which makes it much more dangerous than “the flu.” The conversations continued on and off until after the 2020 election. He had predicted Trump would win in a landslide and “liberals” would be rioting in the streets after the election. I had told him the opposite was likely to happen.

Well, the opposite did happen and, at the time, I didn’t understand he was all in on “the election was stolen.” He challenged me here, under a Germanesque “surname,” to show him how/why Biden actually won the election. (Saying something like “how can you prove Biden won?”) I explained all the steps from the legal challenges (60 of them thrown out of court) to the vote in the Electoral “College,” which PROVED Biden to be the president-elect and I even mentioned the process all the way up to Congress “certifying” the Electoral College vote on January 6th – a hundreds old ceremonial tradition in our country. He accused me of “bullying him” because, I now realize, he had “bought the coolaid” about the “stolen election.” And, after January 6th I had to point out I was right when I said the “opposite is likely” well before the actual election (probably about two years before the election regarding his prediction – he was showing me the “odds” back then of certain gambling places who were predicting Trump to win re-election). Essentially, that was the end of the relationship. Apparently, he couldn’t handle what happened and, now, I’m sure he likely still believes the “election was stolen.”

The last thing I saw from him was him reminding me he would just focus on being “conservative and Christian.” That “story” is the reason I try to “listen” when I’m around “conservative Christians.” As I’ve re-thought conversations I had with my (ex) friend I’ve come to the conclusion he was hanging out in the fringes of the internet and adopting some really right wing “conspiracies.” At one time he told me he thought 9/11 was a “set up” or words to that affect. He would say, “there were never any pictures of the plane that supposedly struck the Pentagon.” Of course, I had never looked for those pictures, (And, haven’t since, now that I think about it) but I did see (with my own eyes in “real time”) the ” Twin World Trade Towers” actually being hit be planes and crumbling to the ground. He also, on several occasions told me he didn’t believe in “democracy.” And, he attended at least one “protest” at a state Capitol – in Idaho – where the crowd was full of neo-Nazi militia members.

As it all sunk in I felt as if the internet conpspiracy websites had, in essence, destroyed our relationship. I actually miss the breakfasts with him – where we could banter back and forth – he never yelled at me like some of the other right wing fanatics I’ve tried to have conversation with – but he just kept sliding more and more to the “right” (using that term as a perjorative) until he decided to stop communicating. Periodically, since Biden became president, I’ve sent him emails, but he doesn’t respond. Likely because I’ve pointed out to him I don’t understand how a “conservative” and a “Christian” could possibly support Trump – let alone come across as a cult member. And, trust me, he’s got a lot of peers. I live in a “republican zone” of my community and the number of right wing zealots, to me, is a bit unnerving. (Although, as long as I don’t talk about politics with neighbors we can have superficial relationships – these are people, other than the FACT most hang out with Tucker Carlson of Fox at night on their “boob tubes,” who I consider good people – just like my former friend.

However, when I sense a racist “tint” to their beliefs and that they believe a violent overthrow of our government is OK – that they’re predicting (and in support of) a “civil war” (as my former friend I wrote about above) I’m no longer interested in being around you. I’ve tried many times to permeate what I call “the Fox brainwashing” and, I have to admit, the people at Fox do a thorough job. One guy I grew up with who goes to the same church as me in one conversation said, “You can’t change my mind” (emphatically) after I asked him a question. I said, “I’m not trying to change your mind, I just want to understand where you’re getting your information,.” That’s when he started yelling and telling me “Trump is the only chance conservatives have in this country.” I said, “you’re watching too much Fox,” and he replied “I don’t watch Fox.” Apparently a pre-planned answer. The only problem was when later in our conversation (we were on a 3 hour car drive) he referred to Sean Hannity as “Sean” and Tucker Carlson as “Tucker” as if they were friends.

I point all this out because it appears the legal woes of Trump – resulting from his repeated CRIMINAL conduct and thinking himself to be “above the law” – are closing in around him – from all sides. I can guarantee you people like the ones I’ve mentioned above are going to be very angry when Trump is indicted – which, it appears could happen as many as FOUR times in the next few months (the first time possibly next week) – not to mention the Attorney General of the state of New York could very well take down the “Trump Organization” via a civil suit – plus one of the many women he admitted to sexually assaulting has brought a civil suit nearing the trial stage AND several civil suits have been brought by members of the Capitol Police and/or members ofCongress regarding his INSTIGATING the attempted coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021 which could be going to trial by this time next year. It appears these legal proceedings are all moving SLOWLY toward Mr. Trump and his rabid followers are going to be unhappy when “the chickens come home to roost.”

To me, if Trump is indicted and convicted of his CRIMINAL behavior, the “winners” will be “we the people,” and NATO and the people of Ukraine. If, as Trump, himself, has predicted, his indictment gives hime even more “power” with the white supremacists who consider him their “fuhrer,” and that props him up politically, the “winner” will be Vladimir Putin and the other right wing dictators in the world who Trump admires. Trust me, Putin, Viktor Orban, Recept Erdogan, Kim Jung un, etc. would like nothing better than for Trump to be president once again. That would likely lead to the end of the 240 (or so) year experiment in America’s democratic republic – the longest lasting example of “self rule” in world history. At first I though that point of view was hyperbole, but now I understand the underlying goal of those who support Trump and the reality is they don’t believe in America as the world’s “melting pot.” Their language is way too close to that of those in Germany’s Third Reich back in the 1930’s for my liking.

Trump’s 2024 campaign is already grounded in retribution. Trump is promising to go after those who haven’t been “loyal” to him. He, just in the past day or so, promised should he be re-elected he will purge the Justice Department, the intelligence agencies, he’ll go after the “free press” – he, of course, refers to any press which criticizes him as “the enemy of the people, and he’s promised he’ll pardon anyone who’s been caught up in the accountability for his FAILED coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021. You know, the people he called “very special” as he told them to go home after they had failed to “hang Mike Pense.”

I can’t imagine Trump will ever get close to the “White House” again, but I couldn’t imagine him ever being president in the first place. I know a lot of republicans who will vote for the republican nominee no matter who it is – they have little to no interest in politics but have been republicans all their lives – keeping in mind my peer group consists mainly of “baby boomers.” My biggest concern has been the reticence of Merrick Garland to pursue justice – in more than his public comments – regarding those who planned, financed, instigated the failed INSURRECTION. Garland comes across to me as being in the camp who would rather not be the one to take on a former president on CRIMINAL grounds. And, as I’ve said here many times, I believe if he actually prosecutes the CONSPIRACY which resulted in January 6th he will be taking on SEVERAL republican members of Congress (who participated in the planning), several republican lawyers, and, also, the wife of a Supreme Court Justice – not to mention the 100, or so, republicans in various states who signed FRAUDULENT (fake) elector documents.

The next two or three months will be critical times as America’s history continues to unfold. AG Garland is going to be a key part of that history – one way or the other – whether he likes it or not. I “get” that he’s feeling an enourmous amount of pressure, but if he’s true to his word that “no one’s above the law,” then it’s time to get on with the prosecutions. Trump is going to have enormous legal bills if all of these alleged CRIMINAL behaviors turn into indictments and, I have to wonder, will the RNC (Republican National Committee) continue to pay his legal bills. When will the republican party say “enough all ready?” Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: The sad reality for republicans is they’ve backed themselves into a corner with their “blind” support of Trump. The next best possibility for the 2024 election is Ron “DeSanctimonious” (in Trump language) and, it appears, he’s going to be a terrible candidate – beyond his fascist record in Florida – should he be the nominee. Reports are surfacing to his lack of personality and ability to “think on his feet” – apparently, his “handlers” make sure everything he does is scripted. I don’t pay more than superficial attention to him – enough to say he comes across to me as a “thug” – where he’s trying to “out Trump, Trump.”

Most of today’s republican leaders have left a “trail” of hypocrisy and cowardice since Trump won the republican nomination back in 2016. And, of course, all of it is on video – available to anyone taking the time to do simple searches – but certainly to election vetters. (Although, the FACT George Santos made it all the way to a seat in Congress suggests maybe the democrats have some “holes” in their vetting procedures. I believe eventually Liz Cheney will be the standard bearer of the republican party because she showed the courage the rest of them lack as she willingly lost her seat in Congress instead of adopting the “Big Lie.” I agree with those who say we need two viable political parties to provide a choice for “we the people” that is geared toward making us a “more perfect union.” (Yes, we’ve got a long way to go, but, I believe we were much closer until Trump came along. But, trust me, I’m not going to suggest democrats – or a party which could replace today’s republicans – use the motto “make America greate again.”)

My hands are tired, good night!

What will it take to get republicans to stop attempting to turn America into an authoritarian stronghold?.

For years I’ve been writing about the slow drift toward authoritarianism which has become emblemantic in the republican party. Donald Trump, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president wasn’t shy about voicing his admiration of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jung un, Viktor Orban, and others (especially Putin). On several occasions I’ve pointed out the TRUTH that my father fought in WW II against FASCISM and, thanks to Trump, it’s a greater threat to America today than it was back then. Trump showed how to overthrow our government from the standpoint of a violent INSURRECTION and, NOW, we have Ron DeSantis showing America – as if Florida was in a “test tube” – how to turn his state (and, presumably, laying the groundwork for a national push) into an example of how you SLOWLY create (what I’m going to call) “creeping fascism.”

DeSantis makes me wonder, do the people of Florida actually support his absurd takeover of every aspect of that state? He’s going after journalists, he’s going after corporations who even make a “squeak” in opposition to him (ie Disney) and, to make sure we know his plan is “long term” he’s attacking public education. Regarding his attacks on education (public, of course) he started with the so-called “Don’t say Gay” bill aimed at K-3 classes. He’s now pushing his anti public education agenda all the way up through the State Universities.

Short term, he’s got a lot of people, likely, scared. Teachers, who are focused on teaching their students to THINK, are being targeted for that very issue. DeSantis’ justification for all of this is a classical example of projection. He claims his agenda (burning books, defining the curriculum by banning – well, he works in generalities – anything which might make a student uncomfortable. Rest assured, he’s talking about WHITE students – because, when you look at the topics which are prohibited, it quickly becomes clear there’s no concern with a “Black or Brown” student feeling uncomfortable. Of course, along with other racist right wing governors around the country DeSantis is BANNING the teaching of CRT.

What is CRT? Well, I taught for 23 years in a high poverty Middle School, and I had no idea what “CRT” was when I first read about politicians making a big deal about it. I had been retired for several years by that point in time. When I checked it out I discovered “CRT” was ONLY taught at the university level and, as made sense by the acronym (stands for Critical Race Theory), it’s essentially republicans attempting to BLOCK the teaching of AMERICAN HISTORY. Every time I think of this I’m reminded of the old saying, “Those who ignore History are bound to repeat it.” The “freedoms” many Americans take for granted, in almost every instance, are the result of progressives, over the years, fighting for America evolving closer to her ideals.

The people like DeSantis and a whole lot of other republicans who are attacking – more and more overtly – these ideals, make no mistake, are hell bent on turning America back to the days of the “Robber Barons” with a touch (OK, more than a “touch”) of authoritarianism. And, keeping in mind that DeSantis is simply an outside “danger” to Donald Trump’s “grip” on the republican party. Almost as if “what’s it gonna be, DeSantis or Trump?” That’s like the difference between Hitler and Putin. OK, you can’t “tweet” me for that last comment because I’m not part of Twitter – hee hee, but give it a bit of thought. These guys BOTH exhibit the tendencies you see in modern day authoritarians. Maybe I should have said Orban (of Hungary) or Erdogan (of Turkey). Either way, it’s a nightmare for my children and grandchildren.

Without a doubt, Trump laid the foundation for this (impending) “takeover” of our constitution – despite the FACT his INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 FAILED. DeSantis is simply a hangeron hoping to get lucky via ALL the CRIMINAL investigations seeming to be targeted on Trump and closing in around him. Trump says he’s going to continue his campaign even after being indicted – which leaves an interesting look at the heart of the republican party – people who likely will continue supporting him and, then, how will DeSantis attempt to use Trump’s CRIMINAL exposure to his advantage. This is despite republican’s KNOWING it was coming for much of the past two years and not a whimper.

Oh yes, DeSantis has already left his markers down that he believes he’s above the law. Chartering an airplane, sending it to Texas to “find” some “illegal (NOT) aliens” – actually, a group of immigrants LEGALLY applying for admittance to America – rounding them up, sending that plane to Martha’s Vineyard, and dropping them off – period. Trust me, that act was a violation of some law I know not about and DeSantis was guessing no one would have the “stones” to challenge him on it. (As of this writing, I have no idea if anyone has legally challenged DeSantis’ move – likely not – this is the way these thugs work – and, sadly, they seem to “get away with it” over and over.

I’ll not bore you with all of my predictions regarding Trump back in the days when Barack Obama said, “We’re going to look forward instead of back” – in regard to the LAWBREAKING which was somewhat routine during the GW Bush/Cheney administration. In fact, it’s the FACT Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others faced not even a serious investigation into their authorizations of TORTURE during the ILLEGAL U.S. invasion of Iraq and the ridiculous WAR in Afghanistan that makes it a bit awkward for Americans to be urging WAR CRIMES against Vladimir Putin. Just sayin………

The connection between Obama’s giving what amount’s to a (unofficial) pardon to the GW Bush crew and my prediction back then was obvious (at least it was to me). This stuff always gets WORSE the next time. I don’t know why that’s so hard for people like Merrick Garland to understand. Now, it’s been OVER two years since Trump’s most egregious CRIME and, so far, nothing coming from the Justice Department. And, I’m sorry, but I’m putting that on AG Garland. I have not the shadow of doubt in my mind that without the Select January 6th Committee’s public report the Justice Department would have looked “forward instead of back” regarding the CRIMINAL behavior of Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, Perry, Powell, etc. etc.

Now, you have Tucker Carlson, who was inexplicably given over 40,000 hours of “tape” from the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021, by Kevin McCarthy giving Carlson a chance to “whitewash” the ASSAULT on our Capitol to the delight of “MAGA” republicans, doing what was expected – “whitewashing.” I mean, really, would you expect Carlson to EVER say anything which resembles the TRUTH? if you question me on this, check out Carlson’s part of the defamation lawsuit pending against Carlson’s employer, Fox “news,” which has become public recently – and there is “more to come” in that regard. As the saying goes “if someone’s comfortable LYING about small things, why would you expect anything different on the big ones?” (OK, I may have made that “saying” up, I can’t remember – I’m 75 1/2 years old – I probably heard it somewhere :o)

So, the foundation is set – from the standpoint of republicans. Trump is running for the republican nomination, once again – and, it may be too late for the DOJ to stop him – if Garland has what it takes to attempt to do so in any event – plus option 1A is waiting in the “wings” for his opportunity to sleeze his way in – showing he’s proven his authoritarian bonifides in Florida over the past couple of years AND, importantly, the republicans have a government run “news” network, Fox – dutifully, regurgitating the necessary LIES to keep the MAGA Americans happy. A classic “play” coming from the handbook on how do you turn a democracy into an authoritarian state. (Many republicans have shown their admiration of Viktor Orban of Hungary – Carlson has actually done his show from there)

I’ve been referring to Fox as a “news” agency for as long as I can remember (you can check my posts in the archives) and it seems, like the presidential CRIMINAL activity, it just continues to get WORSE the longer they get away with their DISHONEST broadcasting. In the Dominion case, it’s apparent – behind the scenes – those facing the cameras are routinely either expressing “FALSEHOODS” privately and/or putting “guests” on the air spewing KNOWING LIES without a scintilla of a challenge to the LYING. If it’s not obvious, the reason I’ve always put the word news between quotes is because in all my attempts to tune in to Fox I ALWAYS came away saying to myself “that’s anything but news.”

I’ll end this by pointing out I keep saying the next election is the most important election in my lifetime, and, each time I point this out, it’s true. Of course, that means the next election will be the most important in my lifetime. (Although, I shudder to think what America would be like today had democrats not retaken control of the House back in 2018.) Take women’s rights for example. Do the women of this country really want to be considered 2nd class citizens going forward? Do they want to have to be near death, for example, to abort a fetus which has already died or is clearly not feasible to live once out of the womb? Do young people want to have their ability to vote challenged every four years? Do young people want their leaders to be Climate denialists? Do old people like me want to see Social Security and Medicare bludgeoned to a slow death via their threats over the debt ceiling? Do Americans care about whether or not journalists with a public presence constantly tell LIES? Are they OK with their leaders basing their political persona on incontrovertible LIES? (Not to mention their political leaders)

Final Thought: Sadly, determining who’s doing the LYING in today’s America has been turned upside down. I was talking to a young lady today (a Trump supporter) who cleans our home (what an awesome – and hard working – young lady) about politics. She does a lot of “research” regarding, for example, the origins of the Coronavirus – Covid-19. I said, where did you get that information? Her first answer was “Doctor Navarro.” I said, “Peter Navarro?” and she said, “Yes.” I won’t go into the rest of the discussion (she frequents “Telegram” and another outlet I’ve never heard of so it’s hard to comment on them because I’ve never been there) but, I have to say that, to me, anyone considering Mr. Navarro as their source for information is, well, off base.

The good news: I said, “Do you read books?” and she said “absolutely.” I proposed a book club. I said, “If you’ll read the book I give you I’ll read a book you give me.” We have a deal. I gave her “Peril” by Bob Costa and Bob Woodward and she’s going to give me a book about Dr. Fauci – who she obviously doesn’t believe. (In fact, she made it clear it’s CERTAIN the Covid virus was the result of the Wuhan Lab. I said, “You may be correct, but, most people I read about say we’ll NEVER know for sure.” So, I’ll soon be reading a book about Dr. Fauci. I’m just finishing the report by the January 6th Committee so I’ll have another book to read next week. Should be interesting! Stay tuned……………………..