What will it take to get republicans to stop attempting to turn America into an authoritarian stronghold?.

For years I’ve been writing about the slow drift toward authoritarianism which has become emblemantic in the republican party. Donald Trump, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president wasn’t shy about voicing his admiration of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jung un, Viktor Orban, and others (especially Putin). On several occasions I’ve pointed out the TRUTH that my father fought in WW II against FASCISM and, thanks to Trump, it’s a greater threat to America today than it was back then. Trump showed how to overthrow our government from the standpoint of a violent INSURRECTION and, NOW, we have Ron DeSantis showing America – as if Florida was in a “test tube” – how to turn his state (and, presumably, laying the groundwork for a national push) into an example of how you SLOWLY create (what I’m going to call) “creeping fascism.”

DeSantis makes me wonder, do the people of Florida actually support his absurd takeover of every aspect of that state? He’s going after journalists, he’s going after corporations who even make a “squeak” in opposition to him (ie Disney) and, to make sure we know his plan is “long term” he’s attacking public education. Regarding his attacks on education (public, of course) he started with the so-called “Don’t say Gay” bill aimed at K-3 classes. He’s now pushing his anti public education agenda all the way up through the State Universities.

Short term, he’s got a lot of people, likely, scared. Teachers, who are focused on teaching their students to THINK, are being targeted for that very issue. DeSantis’ justification for all of this is a classical example of projection. He claims his agenda (burning books, defining the curriculum by banning – well, he works in generalities – anything which might make a student uncomfortable. Rest assured, he’s talking about WHITE students – because, when you look at the topics which are prohibited, it quickly becomes clear there’s no concern with a “Black or Brown” student feeling uncomfortable. Of course, along with other racist right wing governors around the country DeSantis is BANNING the teaching of CRT.

What is CRT? Well, I taught for 23 years in a high poverty Middle School, and I had no idea what “CRT” was when I first read about politicians making a big deal about it. I had been retired for several years by that point in time. When I checked it out I discovered “CRT” was ONLY taught at the university level and, as made sense by the acronym (stands for Critical Race Theory), it’s essentially republicans attempting to BLOCK the teaching of AMERICAN HISTORY. Every time I think of this I’m reminded of the old saying, “Those who ignore History are bound to repeat it.” The “freedoms” many Americans take for granted, in almost every instance, are the result of progressives, over the years, fighting for America evolving closer to her ideals.

The people like DeSantis and a whole lot of other republicans who are attacking – more and more overtly – these ideals, make no mistake, are hell bent on turning America back to the days of the “Robber Barons” with a touch (OK, more than a “touch”) of authoritarianism. And, keeping in mind that DeSantis is simply an outside “danger” to Donald Trump’s “grip” on the republican party. Almost as if “what’s it gonna be, DeSantis or Trump?” That’s like the difference between Hitler and Putin. OK, you can’t “tweet” me for that last comment because I’m not part of Twitter – hee hee, but give it a bit of thought. These guys BOTH exhibit the tendencies you see in modern day authoritarians. Maybe I should have said Orban (of Hungary) or Erdogan (of Turkey). Either way, it’s a nightmare for my children and grandchildren.

Without a doubt, Trump laid the foundation for this (impending) “takeover” of our constitution – despite the FACT his INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 FAILED. DeSantis is simply a hangeron hoping to get lucky via ALL the CRIMINAL investigations seeming to be targeted on Trump and closing in around him. Trump says he’s going to continue his campaign even after being indicted – which leaves an interesting look at the heart of the republican party – people who likely will continue supporting him and, then, how will DeSantis attempt to use Trump’s CRIMINAL exposure to his advantage. This is despite republican’s KNOWING it was coming for much of the past two years and not a whimper.

Oh yes, DeSantis has already left his markers down that he believes he’s above the law. Chartering an airplane, sending it to Texas to “find” some “illegal (NOT) aliens” – actually, a group of immigrants LEGALLY applying for admittance to America – rounding them up, sending that plane to Martha’s Vineyard, and dropping them off – period. Trust me, that act was a violation of some law I know not about and DeSantis was guessing no one would have the “stones” to challenge him on it. (As of this writing, I have no idea if anyone has legally challenged DeSantis’ move – likely not – this is the way these thugs work – and, sadly, they seem to “get away with it” over and over.

I’ll not bore you with all of my predictions regarding Trump back in the days when Barack Obama said, “We’re going to look forward instead of back” – in regard to the LAWBREAKING which was somewhat routine during the GW Bush/Cheney administration. In fact, it’s the FACT Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others faced not even a serious investigation into their authorizations of TORTURE during the ILLEGAL U.S. invasion of Iraq and the ridiculous WAR in Afghanistan that makes it a bit awkward for Americans to be urging WAR CRIMES against Vladimir Putin. Just sayin………

The connection between Obama’s giving what amount’s to a (unofficial) pardon to the GW Bush crew and my prediction back then was obvious (at least it was to me). This stuff always gets WORSE the next time. I don’t know why that’s so hard for people like Merrick Garland to understand. Now, it’s been OVER two years since Trump’s most egregious CRIME and, so far, nothing coming from the Justice Department. And, I’m sorry, but I’m putting that on AG Garland. I have not the shadow of doubt in my mind that without the Select January 6th Committee’s public report the Justice Department would have looked “forward instead of back” regarding the CRIMINAL behavior of Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, Perry, Powell, etc. etc.

Now, you have Tucker Carlson, who was inexplicably given over 40,000 hours of “tape” from the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021, by Kevin McCarthy giving Carlson a chance to “whitewash” the ASSAULT on our Capitol to the delight of “MAGA” republicans, doing what was expected – “whitewashing.” I mean, really, would you expect Carlson to EVER say anything which resembles the TRUTH? if you question me on this, check out Carlson’s part of the defamation lawsuit pending against Carlson’s employer, Fox “news,” which has become public recently – and there is “more to come” in that regard. As the saying goes “if someone’s comfortable LYING about small things, why would you expect anything different on the big ones?” (OK, I may have made that “saying” up, I can’t remember – I’m 75 1/2 years old – I probably heard it somewhere :o)

So, the foundation is set – from the standpoint of republicans. Trump is running for the republican nomination, once again – and, it may be too late for the DOJ to stop him – if Garland has what it takes to attempt to do so in any event – plus option 1A is waiting in the “wings” for his opportunity to sleeze his way in – showing he’s proven his authoritarian bonifides in Florida over the past couple of years AND, importantly, the republicans have a government run “news” network, Fox – dutifully, regurgitating the necessary LIES to keep the MAGA Americans happy. A classic “play” coming from the handbook on how do you turn a democracy into an authoritarian state. (Many republicans have shown their admiration of Viktor Orban of Hungary – Carlson has actually done his show from there)

I’ve been referring to Fox as a “news” agency for as long as I can remember (you can check my posts in the archives) and it seems, like the presidential CRIMINAL activity, it just continues to get WORSE the longer they get away with their DISHONEST broadcasting. In the Dominion case, it’s apparent – behind the scenes – those facing the cameras are routinely either expressing “FALSEHOODS” privately and/or putting “guests” on the air spewing KNOWING LIES without a scintilla of a challenge to the LYING. If it’s not obvious, the reason I’ve always put the word news between quotes is because in all my attempts to tune in to Fox I ALWAYS came away saying to myself “that’s anything but news.”

I’ll end this by pointing out I keep saying the next election is the most important election in my lifetime, and, each time I point this out, it’s true. Of course, that means the next election will be the most important in my lifetime. (Although, I shudder to think what America would be like today had democrats not retaken control of the House back in 2018.) Take women’s rights for example. Do the women of this country really want to be considered 2nd class citizens going forward? Do they want to have to be near death, for example, to abort a fetus which has already died or is clearly not feasible to live once out of the womb? Do young people want to have their ability to vote challenged every four years? Do young people want their leaders to be Climate denialists? Do old people like me want to see Social Security and Medicare bludgeoned to a slow death via their threats over the debt ceiling? Do Americans care about whether or not journalists with a public presence constantly tell LIES? Are they OK with their leaders basing their political persona on incontrovertible LIES? (Not to mention their political leaders)

Final Thought: Sadly, determining who’s doing the LYING in today’s America has been turned upside down. I was talking to a young lady today (a Trump supporter) who cleans our home (what an awesome – and hard working – young lady) about politics. She does a lot of “research” regarding, for example, the origins of the Coronavirus – Covid-19. I said, where did you get that information? Her first answer was “Doctor Navarro.” I said, “Peter Navarro?” and she said, “Yes.” I won’t go into the rest of the discussion (she frequents “Telegram” and another outlet I’ve never heard of so it’s hard to comment on them because I’ve never been there) but, I have to say that, to me, anyone considering Mr. Navarro as their source for information is, well, off base.

The good news: I said, “Do you read books?” and she said “absolutely.” I proposed a book club. I said, “If you’ll read the book I give you I’ll read a book you give me.” We have a deal. I gave her “Peril” by Bob Costa and Bob Woodward and she’s going to give me a book about Dr. Fauci – who she obviously doesn’t believe. (In fact, she made it clear it’s CERTAIN the Covid virus was the result of the Wuhan Lab. I said, “You may be correct, but, most people I read about say we’ll NEVER know for sure.” So, I’ll soon be reading a book about Dr. Fauci. I’m just finishing the report by the January 6th Committee so I’ll have another book to read next week. Should be interesting! Stay tuned……………………..

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