Monthly Archives: July 2018

Thanks to our “free press,” I was not surprised when Michael Cohen “outed” our so-called president on the LIES related to the June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with all the Russians!

Please know that when I “pat myself on the back” while writing these posts I fully understand I’m just an old man venting my frustration that the country I love seems to keep “shooting herself in the foot.”  In my head, I’m constantly reminded of the danger of things like GREED, PRIDE, dishonesty, and I could go on and what these “issues” do to people.  And, sadly, I’m reminded that our “leaders” may be even more susceptible to these “issues” – than us ordinary “peons.”  Maybe I should be saying their “failure” in these areas can have untold (unimaginable?) damage for “we the people.”  I started writing here in response to, what to me was, the unbelievable invasion of Iraq by the Bush/Cheney regime.  That was a reminder to me of the Viet Nam days and I’ll never forget it was the members of the church I was attending who almost accused me of being a traitor when I questioned why on earth would “we the people” do something this stupid.

I suppose when I really think about it, the Reagan years are what originally turned me against the republican party.  I wasn’t sure, at the time, why I was so repulsed by what was happening – with the exception of the HUGE budget deficits, which I’ve always “deplored” – but, since, I’ve read enough about Reagan and his surrogates to realize why I began my anti-republican mentality during those years.  (Well, I was no fan of Nixon either but, at the time I didn’t put that experience in the “anti-republican” platform – maybe because there were some republicans involved in the investigation and, who, ultimately “turned” on Nixon)  What I DIDN’T do during the Reagan administration was SAY anything.  I voted, but otherwise I was silent.

At the time George HW Bush was president I hadn’t yet read “A Family of Secrets” (I believe the author was Russ Baker – I’ve since “loaned” my copy of the book to someone, I can’t remember who – I’ve read it twice and would recommend it to anyone wanting to understand how the Bush clan has affected American history) so I was a bit ambivalent to his administration – I was certainly happy that “Desert Storm” was a short war and HW Bush chose NOT to make the mistake his son ultimately made – a mistake made, in my view, at least somewhat because of PRIDE.

So, after George W Bush brought back the Viet Nam memories to me (keep in mind, I joined the Marines in 1967 during my junior year of college and was set to go to boot camp once the school year ended – this was right in the peak of the “war” – but, when I took my “real” physical just prior to boot camp, I was disqualified because of a severe knee injury received while playing football in high school – so, I was medically discharged – therefore, I didn’t experience the REAL horror of Viet Nam – like coming home in a body bag like 13 of my high school classmates) I knew I had to, at a minimum, start writing to vent my frustrations and I had to stop being silent when confronted to right wing ideology by the people around me.  I believe the Bush/Cheney regime was DIRECTLY responsible for the DEATHS of hundreds of thousands of people and the dysfunction of a significant region of the world’s population, not to mention the United States of America.

“We the people” NOW have a so-called president railing against the very immigration problem that was created by the previous republican regime.  It was during the Iraq FIASCO that I started reading as many books as I could which, in my view, were written by legit authors explaining what was/is REALLY going on with the government of the country I love.  (For example, NOT books ghost written for Fox “news” hosts by right wing sycophants)  I believe the number of non fiction books I’ve read since “Shock and Awe” is now somewhere between 100 and 200.  Books about the wars themselves, about American History, about economics, about how religion is affecting our government (and, I’m a Christian), and about the various people and families involved in the decisions being made which affect virtually ALL of us.

So, what am I going to “brag” about, or “pat myself on the back?”  Well, if you’ve been on this site at all, you know I’m NO fan of our present so-called president.  I believe he’s the result of the republicans “hitching their wagon” to right wing extremists progressively more each election cycle since the days of Reagan.  I’ve made numerous observations since I started writing that have proved true over the course of time – including predictions of what would happen due to some of President Obama’s decisions – and, make no mistake, I’m a “fan” of President Obama.  Despite any foopahs he may have committed, he’s the type of honorable MAN I look up to as a true “leader.”  Regarding Trump, I’ve pointed out numerous things that are “bearing fruit” and beginning to be observed by our “liberal media.”  But, one thing became clear the other day which is likely going to be a “game changer” for our so-called president.

The one I’m thinking about today is the FACT Donald Trump was in on the now infamous meeting that took place in Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 with his son, son-in-law, his campaign manager (who, of course, is now behind bars), and a BUNCH of Russians offering “incriminating information” on Hillary Clinton.  Trump KNOWING about that meeting was obvious from the start to me – I’ve been pointing it out for months.  For heavens sake, he predicted in a speech prior to the meeting he was going to have this information “probably on Monday.”  And, when they said the meeting was about “adoption” and the “liberal media” said, “OK” I almost got sick to my stomach.  OBVIOUSLY, the meeting was some kind of negotiation regarding the Russians’ desire for the Magnitsky Act to be repealed.  (The Russian response to the Magnitsky Act was to prevent Americans from ADOPTING Russian children)

The Magnitsky Act was in response to the Russians torturing and murdering Sergei Magnitsky and, if you want to know more about it click HERE.  The bottom line is a bunch of Russian oligarchs were sanctioned from entering the U.S. and had assets frozen.  Apparently Vladimir Putin feels some of his own assets are in jeopardy, so this meeting was apparently designed to set the groundwork for the Trump administration, should the Russians succeed in helping Trump “win,” to get this Act repealed.  Fortunately for “we the people,” and, I suppose, unfortunately for Putin, the Russian “interference” being exposed put a “damper” on their plans.

So, it was no surprise to me when Michael Cohen, according to multiple sources, pointed out he was present in the meeting when Donald Trump Jr. ran it by his Dad this meeting had been offered – which led to the email titled, “If it’s what you say, I love it.”  (That tells you all you need to know about what “dear old Dad” thought) Now, allowing for the acceptance of the theory “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” it should surprise NO one that Donald Trump Jr. is a LIAR! It’s likely in the genes.  It appears anyone who manages to stay in Trump Sr.’s “good graces” (if that’s even possible) MUST be a LIAR.  Trump himself., Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Sarah Sanders (and others – including Trump’s lawyers) have been LYING about what happened at this meeting (along with just about EVERYTHING else) and who knew about it since day one!  And, it was foolhardy to think Trump Sr. was not “in the loop.”  It’s been obvious to me and MANY others, but I guess our “liberal media” needs explicit proof before they can broach any serious topic.  Well, it appears they now have it.

And, the next thing our “liberal media” needs to do is educate the American people on what’s behind all the LIES.  For example, Trump Sr. has been saying since this all started “no collusion, no collusion” EVERY chance he gets. This is the Nazi “Big Lie Theory” in all its glory.  And, despite the FACT we now know there WAS “collusion,” Trump’s “base” will continue to believe otherwise because the “Big Lie Theory” is a tried and true BRAINWASHING technique.  The Nazi’s proved IT WORKS!  Trump’s “ditto heads” will believe the investigation is a “total witch hunt” because Trump initiated that LIE as soon as he realized he’d been caught. (Read Corn and Isikoff’s “Russian Roulette”) And, I’m not talking about “collusion” – I’m talking about TREASON.

Which is another aspect of this entire scenario I’ve been trying to point out.  On many occasions I’ve said Trump, Fox “news,” the republicans in the so-called “Freedom caucus” led by Devin Nunes, and the other sycophants willing to put our nation aside for their own self interest, are going to reside right next to Benedict Arnold when the history books of this era are ultimately written.  And, Trump gives the “why” to anyone still curious as to what’s happening in our nation EVERY time the name Vladimir Putin or the subject of Russia comes before our so-called president.  Trump is finding himself in a very awkward situation – more-so by the day!  As he tries to explain it all away, his throat must be getting tight!

We saw the reality of the “squeeze” Trump finds himself in as he stood next to Vladimir Putin at Helsinki.  He returned “home” to an uproar which caused him to feebly attempt a “walk-back” – words that were clearly ordered upon him by those in the “White House” thinking more clearly than himself.  I watched him try to explain the difference between “would” and “wouldn’t” and the reason his voice was cracking was because EVEN Trump is smart enough to know MOST Americans KNEW he was LYING!  He spent the week walking in and then trying to “walk” out of self inflicted trouble only to end the week with his former lawyer turning on him and, essentially, “cooking his goose.”  While I’ve been “reporting” there WAS “collusion” and it’s “provable” for over a year I’m not trying to prove I’m a “genius.”  (Although, I’d argue I’m “very stable” :o)

My point here is that I, like Millions of other Americans, have been able to piece together what really happened in the 2016 election thanks to the “free press” that Trump has been attempting to quash since the first day he was in office.  If you remember, “This is the largest crowd at a presidential inauguration EVER! PERIOD!”  I’ve purchased subscriptions to The Washington Post, the New York Times, and I support “The Nation” whenever I have a few extra dollars because I feel an obligation to support their journalism – it’s NOT “fake news.” There are a lot of young investigative reporters out there proving our founders as geniuses for protecting the “fourth estate” – a free press with the obligation to inform “we the people” about the actions of OUR government.  In my mind, they are proving to be true patriots – muckrakers in the words of Theodore Roosevelt.  And, there are some other “patriots” helping we the people to see the full picture of the work of these great reporters – great journalists as well.

Rachel Maddow, for example, does a great job, in my view, of piecing all the information coming from the various investigative reporters together and “connecting the dots.”  Lawrence O’Donnell is, in my mind, the most knowledgeable “news anchor” regarding how the government SHOULD work and how Trump is ruining it on TV.  O’Donnell doesn’t “beat around the bush” and I, personally, find that informative and refreshing.  I also appreciate the perception of several others on MSNBC – but, more specifically Nicole Wallace – as a republican – is, to me, another refreshing voice in this time of – well, potential disaster.  I really like listening to a republican perspective on why Trump is a disaster.  (I’ve pointed out I’d love to have lunch with Ms. Wallace and Steve Schmidt – another republican, or former republican thanks to Trump – to have a dialogue on how to unite “liberals” and “conservatives” who basically believe in many fundamental “truths” together)  I know I should give CNN a “try” but, I can only handle so much TV.

My point in all of this is, thanks to all these members of the “free press,” I was not surprised when Michael Cohen “outed” our so-called president on all the LIES related to the June 9, 2016 meeting with all the Russians.  What was that?  The 30th or 40th meeting with Russians that members of Trump’s “circle” LIED ABOUT?  My frustration with our “liberal media,” I suppose, is, despite all the “muckraking,” they seem over cautious in the piecing together all of the “evidence.”  To me, Trump, at a minimum, KNOWING about this meeting was a “no brainer.”  He gave a speech the day before the meeting “teasing” his followers he’d have a big surprise in a few days “probably Monday.”  (His speech was on a Friday, the meeting on the following Saturday, I believe)  And, if anyone from the media somehow would happen on this article PLEASE – inform the public on “The Big Lie Theory.”  It’s real and it’s dangerous!

Wouldn’t it just be “the icing on the cake” if Trump is the one who blows up NATO and then creates a circumstance where “we the people”are the ones who need the alliance?

The so-called president of the United States is such a LIAR that it’s hard for me to understand how he can get a group of people together who actually believe a word he says.  This seems to me the result of the right wing’s use of the “Big Lie Theory” (yes, I’ve referenced this repeatedly of late – I’m just waiting for someone in the “liberal media” to point out what Trump and the republicans are doing) in their attacks over the past 30+ years on “liberals.”  “Liberals,” apparently, would be anyone who disagrees with this right wing corporatist push which appears to be the Mussolini form of fascism – a corporate/government partnership.  Trump is taking this push to the “right” even farther and is mimicking a form of government which more closely resembles the Third Reich.

I have a good friend – who, by the way, I can talk to about politics with no yelling and nothing being thrown – who is a Trump supporter and, the other day, he continued his attempts to “persuade” me with a website pointing out Hitler was a “Social Democrat.”  Evidently he, (I wasn’t able to continue the conversation – there were wives present :o) and the people who made the site would contend Hitler was a “socialist.”  This appears to be in response to more and more people in the “main stream media” saying what I’ve been pointing out for over a year and that is Trump’s administration – and, mainly Trump himself – is showing stark similarities to the Fascist Third Reich of the 1930’s in Germany.

I watched part of Trump’s speech recently to a group of veterans somewhere in Missouri and I felt like puking as I listened to them cheer Trump LYING about the so-called “fake news.”  Keep in mind, the “original” fake news came from the Russians as they interceded in our previous election attempting to either help Trump get elected or destroy Hillary Clinton’s administration by sowing contempt for her among TARGETED Americans who were willing to believe MORE lies about her past.  Sadly, our “liberal media” allowed Trump, and by extension, the Russians to get away with this.  The thing I personally remember MOST about the 2016 election was how MSNBC allowed Trump to manipulate them as he pushed a “false equivalency” on the “message” coming from the MSNBC pundits.  (And, by the way, it grieved my heart to hear the veterans who fought so we could have free elections cheering the man who would prefer we didn’t!)

LYING has now, for many in America, become accepted as part of our media driven society.  And, Trump is the master LIAR.  It’s as if these groups he manages to put together for his campaign like “speeches” are willing recipients of the LIES.  I’ve said this before, but, Trump supporters seem unwilling to “fact check” what he’s DOING and what he’s SAYING.  Trump is making (likely) hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars off his office – in DIRECT opposition to our constitution and its emoluments clause – and “laughing all the way to the bank” as these BRAINWASHED Americans continue to support his policies – which are benefiting Vladimir Putin (along with America’s “top 1%) more than anyone else on the planet.

In fact, speaking of Trump’s subservience to Putin, he (Trump) put out a “tweet” yesterday with his newest “Big Lie” where he reiterates “No one’s been tougher on Russia than I have” which would be laughable if all this was not so serious.  Of course, Trump’s been ANYTHING but “tough” on Russia – precisely the OPPOSITE!  Almost EVERYTHING he’s doing seems to be aimed at “making Russia great again” – but, so far, I haven’t heard ONE pundit pointing out the folly in this latest STRATEGIC LIE.  Trump refers to the sanctions “he imposed” on Russia to support his claim.

First of all, the sanctions, as I’ve said many times, were ORDERED by Congress on almost a unanimous vote.  Trump signed the bill ONLY because Congress would have over-ridden any veto – but, he wasn’t happy about it.  Then he waited well past the supposed deadline to impose the sanctions saying it wasn’t necessary and acting as if he would refuse to do so.  Finally, the only reason he ultimately “imposed” the sanctions was because he was “forced” to do so due to the international “outcry” toward the Russians’ poisoning  of two estranged Russians living in Great Britain.  Additionally, those he sanctioned were, essentially, the same people who had already been targeted by the Mueller investigation.  So, Trump’s “tough” treatment of Russia is like a mirage in the Sahara desert!  (And, by the way, the two Russians poisoned represent what happens to Russians who disagree with Putin)

Worst than all this, in Trump’s tweet, where he’s LYING about how “tough” he is, he claims the Russians ARE still active and targeting the upcoming election (which is true), but they’re attempting to help the DEMOCRATS. (which is absurd)  And, incredibly, I’m sure there are MANY who support him who will believe this.  I haven’t seen MSNBC (keep in mind, I can only stomach any TV for short periods of time) contest this absurd claim and, for sure, outlets like Fox “news” (AKA “Trump TV”) won’t do so.  Something like 35% of Republicans believe President Obama was a “Muslim” and was encouraging Muslims to immigrate to America AND even more believe Obama (and the democrats) believe in “open boarders.”  Over 50% still believe Obama was born in Kenya!  Sadly, this all just proves “The Big Lie Theory” works – and, “we the people” should be aware of this.

It worked for the Nazi’s, it’s working in countries all across Europe, and it’s working with about 35% – 40% of America.  And, it’s the Europeans who have the most history with this “subject” and the most fear of the reality it poses.  It causes me great concern, thinking of my (and your) children and grandchildren) that Trump has managed to fool enough people to gain this position of power and he’s threatening to destroy the “world order” because the United States has been the nation holding the Western Alliance together since WWII  and, now, European countries, like Germany, are openly talking about “going it alone.”  It appears, there’s a very significant portion of our nation susceptible to Trump’s shtick.  Regrettably, much of this susceptibility is based on pure racism! (Sadly, the republican Congress seems to be complicit)

Presently, I’m reading “RED SUMMER The Summer of 1919 AND the Awakening of Black America” by Cameron McWhirter which is a very hard book to read.  Not because it’s not well written – because, it’s extremely well written – but, because it is such a powerful read about what African Americans had to endure as they fought to overcome Jim Crow and the brutal treatment of Blacks in America which was ALLOWED by “we the people.”  (And, of course, I’m talking about the White majority)  Reading about White America terrorizing the Black community via lynchings causes me to feel a sense of shame.  This is OUR history!   While reading this book, I see some parallels to Trump’s America.  Blacks are not, of course – at least to my knowledge – experiencing the terrorism associated with lynchings – but, it’s clear to me, a large part of Trump’s supporters are the White Americans who FEAR becoming a “minority majority” and are either “witting or unwitting” racists.

And, the reality is there’s NOTHING they (white Americans) can do about this.  Sort of reminds me of the last years of apartheid in South Africa.  In “Red Summer” I was reminded about how immigrants FLOODED into America around the time of the “Great War” because of the “industrial revolution” which demanded enormous amounts of unskilled labor.  Places like Chicago had almost what seemed to me, anyway, little cities within the big city with populations from the nations people had immigrated from.  For example, Italian, German, Polish, etc.  And, yet, there still wasn’t enough labor, so industrialists sent people to the South to encourage Blacks to immigrate north to fill the need for these industrial jobs.  Many Blacks escaped the threat of lynchings to move north – only to find more threats of mob violence.  In reading this book I’m reminded racism has been a significant part of the fabric of America since her beginning, simply because of how this nation has evolved.  We really are a “nation of immigrants” and the reality is the heredity of MOST Black Americans goes way back farther than MOST white Americans – their ancestors “immigrated” from Africa on slave ships.

So, there’s always been an “underpinning” of pent up “anger” toward the “other” in America that made Trump as our so-called president possible.  There’s NO doubt in my mind it was the success of Barack Obama which brought the covert racists out from under the “rocks” they were hiding under and Trump, who led the “birther” movement was their leader.  I believe this is why his “base” is so, seemingly, “unbreakable.”  Trump’s followers were willing to believe President Obama is a Muslim, they were willing to believe he was born in Kenya, and, apparently, they’re willing to believe anything Trump says.  This is the only explanation why they would show ANY support for him after he sold out our nation in Helsinki.  (Can you imagine republicans had President Obama done what Trump did standing next to Putin?)  He was such an embarrassment there that the message to our “allies” in Europe MUST be that “we the people” are the STUPID ones.  We’re allowing this to go on.

Of course, in Europe, most of the “democracies” have parliamentary systems where when the “leader” (Prime Minister in Great Britain, for example) becomes unpopular – and can’t “get things done” – they have a new election.   There’s no waiting for the obligatory 4 years “we the people” must wait in order to correct a mistake.  Of course, in America, there are the mid-term elections and, I’m guessing, the Europeans will be watching our mid-term election results almost as closely (if not more-so) as I, and MILLIONS of Americans, will be.  Whether we like it or not, the 2018 election is going to be considered a referendum on Trump and, if the democrats don’t prevail – at least in the House – I believe our allies in Europe will recalculate their policies going forward with the idea their “partnership” with America is teetering on being “history.”

Of course, Trump and republicans, will be doing EVERYTHING they can to preserve what they view as their “permanent republican ‘majority'” using their “the end justifies the means” political strategy.  That means they’ll be using EVERY voter suppression tactic they can.  That means if they can hack and therefore “rig” voting machines, they will.  (If exit polls don’t match actual voting numbers, you’ll know what happened – and, don’t call me “crazy” because the reality is the machines are very “hack-able”)  And, there will be LOADS of TARGETED “fake news” coming from republicans – and, very possibly the Russians – aimed directly at these vulnerable Americans who will believe anything Trump and the republicans say.  It appears the Russian “attack” has already started from some reports.   (I “get” that democrats throw a lot of “stuff” out there, but the difference between “spin” and LYING is stark.  Republicans will claim democrats are LYING, but when you say, “how so?” they usually respond with something like, “well, I know they’re lying I just can’t remember the details.”

As the saying goes, “words matter.”  And, Trumps words are scrutinized by people all over the world, likely more intensely than here at home.  While I’m sure the Europeans are shaking their heads at the level of LYING coming from Trump and his surrogates, the reality is, I’m sure, their concerns are whether he’s going to initiate a world wide recession or whether or not his “bluster” will lead to another “stupid” war – where they have to decide whether or not they will honor NATO’s article five.  Remember, as Trump does Putin’s bidding in regard to destabilizing NATO, they are the ones who’ve responded to Article five after 9/11.  Wouldn’t it just be “the icing on the cake” if Trump is the one who blows up NATO and then creates a circumstance where “we the people”are the ones who need the alliance?

Every time I think of him “tearing up” the Iran nuclear deal and then kissing up to “chairman Kim” as he refers to Kim Jong-un, who’s playing Trump like a cheap fiddle, I’m to the point where I get even angrier at the republicans – like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan – who seem more than willing to sell out America right along with Trump if that is what it takes to remain in POWER.  This is getting uglier and uglier and all I can say is VOTE in November.  And, to right wing Christians, is losing this country worth it over a bunch of right wing judges that will continue to back the rights of corporate interests over yours – for the foreseeable future?

As Trump kisses up to Putin, republicans seem to have a case of lock jaw! I’ll say it in a word, UNBELIEVABLE!

I can’t stop thinking about the FACT our so-called president, apparently in a fit of pique, invited the man who ORDERED the ATTACK on our nation to the “White House” – apparently this coming September – AND, republicans in Congress, as usual, can’t even manage a whimper.  Honestly, I NEVER thought I’d live to see the day when this would even be possible.  Trump just finished soiling himself (again) as he stood next to Putin (If you’ve been watching Fox “news” or had your head in the sand, that’s who I was referring to above) and, essentially, “threw” our intelligence community (and, essentially, our nation) “under the bus” in Helsinki – confirming his “puppet” status with Putin – and, to piss every one off – pundits, democrats, independents, and republicans who dared criticize him – he’s bringing Putin to Washington.  It’s another big “F U” to “we the people” from the man who’s never seen a dictator he doesn’t admire.  What would I say if a republican member of Congress was standing next to me?  I’d say, “Come on man!”

I suppose I could say there’s lots of stuff I never thought I’d live long enough to see.  When Barack Obama was elected president, I remember thinking “I never thought I’d live long enough to see a person of ‘color’ elected to be president of the United States.”  There are other things that amaze to the point of trying to figure out if I didn’t think I’d live long enough to see it – for example, take Elon Musk.  He’s revolutionizing the electric car business which is leading to incredible advancements – many that I’m skeptical about as an old man would be – like self driving cars.  I couldn’t even imagine that.  And, having a company that could put a rocket into space and have the boosters return to earth, landing on a precise spot to be used again, well, that surely amazed me – I just can’t say I never thought I’d live long enough to see that, because I couldn’t even imagine it.  But, a white nationalist who had almost TWENTY credible claims supporting his CLAIM that he can grab a woman by the pussy and she doesn’t care being elected as our so-called president AND as a republican – I NEVER thought I’d live long enough to see that.  (The white nationalist part – yes, the other part, no way)

And, to have republicans sit idly by while our so-called president sells out our nation to the Russians who are busy attempting to UNDERMINE our very republic – well, I NEVER thought I’d see the day when that would happen.  And, then to top it off by inviting the very person who ATTACKED our nation, the president of Russia, to the “White House,” well, I’m flabbergasted!  Today, I had a little snip-it show up on my “smart phone” (a phone, by the way, that doesn’t have a smart operator) where Trey Gowdy was interviewed by CNN.  I listen to this guy – the guy who dragged Benghazi “through the mud” for several years – and, at times I want to think “he’s coming around.”  Like when he said to Trump, “If you’re innocent, act like it.”  But, NO, it obviously “aint gonna happen.”  While, in the interview, he did support the Mueller investigation as NOT being a “witch hunt,” he couldn’t resist some disingenuous remarks aimed at Peter Strzok and Lisa Page – “cherry picking” some of their STUPID comments they texted each other while having an illicit affair during the 2016 election.

I listened to several hours of the Strzok interview before the House Committee (I can’t remember which one – the “interview” lasted something like 11 hours), including Gowdy’s part where he was arguing with Strzok over “semantics” regarding opinion vs. bias.  According to Gowdy’s rationale NO ONE could possibly be “un-biased” in the FBI or anywhere else.  What Gowdy proved to me was he’s TOTALLY biased, himself, and unable to see anything through a bipartisan or an a-political “lens.” Strzok was saying that his opinions didn’t preclude him from basing decisions in the FBI strictly on FACTS! – without bias!  And, by the way, the inspector general agreed with that assessment, at least as far as the Hillary Clinton “email” probe was concerned.

Gowdy was taking STUPID comments Strzok shared with his mistress totally out of context to make an argument that would, essentially, destroy our system of justice if it was true – because NO ONE can be free of opinions.  Gowdy didn’t allow that TRUTH to “sink in” because he, himself apparently, is unable to dis-connect his opinions from his own BIAS.  This kind of mind set leaves republicans like Gowdy SILENT as Trump “doubles down” on his treasonous behavior and invites Putin to the “White House.”  Like I said, “I never thought I’d live to see the day…….”

While Trump is experiencing historically LOW poll numbers in America, he’s got the Russians almost “dancing in the streets.”  They are expecting that it won’t be long and Trump will be able to remove the “crippling” sanctions put on them by President Obama and then additional sanctions ORDERED overwhelmingly by Congress to be put on by Trump – the order coming from a near unanimous vote in Congress which Trump CLEARLY opposed.  Which leads me to another of the ENDLESS LIES coming from Trump and the “White House.”  And, that has to do with Trump’s claim, “no one’s been tougher on Russia than me.”  Yikes!  (And, sadly, people I’ve seen on TV are apparently so numbed by all the LYING they don’t know how to respond.)

Here’s the (un surprising) reality:  Trump hasn’t been tough on Russia at all.  Anything he’s “done” that could possibly be considered “tough” has been forced on him by Congress.  He keeps talking about the “sanctions” he imposed.  Well, technically, he’s correct.  But, the TRUTH is those sanctions were “imposed” by Congress – but, since Congress can’t (technically) impose sanctions they voted – again, almost unanimously, to FORCE Trump to impose sanctions that he resisted – he complained about the bill, but signed it to avoid the embarrassment of Congress over riding his veto (which, right there, shows a lack of conviction), and then did not implement the sanctions for several months and only those aimed at people Robert Mueller had already targeted.  Bottom line:  Trump is the WEAKEST president ever toward Russia!  Do you wonder why, as I do?  (Actually, I believe I’ve got a good idea why)

Furthermore, when you get away from the issue of sanctions and look at the reality that Russia has been attempting to do the same thing they’re doing in America all across Europe and you see Trump almost openly encouraging them, you get a better picture of how “tough” Trump has really been.  Putin wants NATO to be destroyed and, well, there’s Trump at the NATO summit acting in a way that is unbelievable to those observing – where it looks almost as if Trump is attempting to further Putin’s “war” on NATO by even refusing to openly guarantee America’s support of NATO’s “article five” which is what holds the alliance together in the face of any outside threats to ANY of the members.  I’ll probably never forget the picture of Trump brushing aside the leader of Montenegro, at last year’s summit, as if he was some kind of surrogate.  It was embarrassing and disgusting – and, sadly Trump has simply continued to act as if NATO is some kind of “drag” on America’s economy and it’s expected to “bend” to Trump’s will.  Trump appears to be Putin’s surrogate.

There’s a “white nationalist” (Fascist) movement spreading across Europe similar to the movement behind Trump’s election in America (admittedly some Americans are “unwittingly” going along – they’ve been brainwashed by Fox and the other right wing proponents of fascist propaganda techniques) and it’s being pushed by some of the key people in Trump’s campaign.  For example, Cambridge Analytica was a key proponent of the Brexit movement in Great Britain that has that country in a bit of a “spot” right now.  Of course, Cambridge Analytica is (was) run by the Mercer’s – key funders and supporters of Trump – along with Steve Bannon who was temporarily Trump’s top “advisor.”  Bannon was seen supporting the right wing campaign of Marine Le Pen in France who was openly a “white nationalist,” and this group has been involved in other parts of Europe as well – pushing what amounts to a modern day fascist “movement.”

Yes, of course, there was Putin right in the middle of all those campaigns pushing right wing “white nationalists” across Europe along with the supporters of our so-called president.  I guess, if you’re still reading this, you have to make up your mind whether you can “connect the dots.”  To me it’s so obvious that it all falls into the category of “I never thought I’d live to see the day an American president was ………….

And, of course, while all this is going on, Robert Mueller continues his investigation kind of like a slow moving freight train that is beginning to reach a slight downward grade and is, therefore, picking up steam.  Trump continues to call Mueller’s investigation a “witch hunt” – as if he knows what Mueller ultimately will find.  Of course, Trump does KNOW what he, himself, did during the election and whether or not he had any connection to the Russians.  (And, one thing we know for sure, Trump will LIE about whatever he has done, no matter what!)  We do KNOW that his son, Donald Trump Jr. DID have connections with the Russians and was more than willing to COLLUDE when he took the now infamous meeting of June 9, 2016.

And, I, for one, believe Trump Sr. knew everything about that meeting – before and after – which could end up  being a problem for our so-called president.  Remember, Trump predicted a “big announcement” coming the next week just PRIOR to Jr.’s meeting with the Russians where they were offering “incriminating evidence” on Mrs. Clinton – in return for what?  it still isn’t known for sure – likely having to do with the Magnitsky act. There likely was much more, plus Mueller’s got his “tentacles” into Trump’s “previous life” – which may be where the “witch hunt” comments are coming from because I believe Trump was operating a mini mafia operation before he walked down the stairs of Trump tower and confirmed an avowed racist was running for president – much to the satisfaction of (“witting and unwitting”) racists all across the nation!

Finally, just as in Watergate where it was the “cover-up” that was worse than the crime, Trump’s issue in the Russian part of this investigation may well be centered on his lack of self-control as he’s CLEARLY attempted to (and is still doing so – virtually EVERY day – with EVERY tweet accusing the probe to be a “witch hunt” for example) OBSTRUCT Mueller and his team.  This is SO obvious it seems EVEN republicans should be able to see what he’s doing.  The bottom line in regard to ALL the OBSTRUCTION is that our justice system will be damaged – possibly to the point of total destruction – if Trump is able to “get away” with all the OBSTRUCTION.  That is not OK with anyone (well, I guess, except republicans) in America – our justice system is dependent on the ability of investigators to do their work without OBSTRUCTION and, in the case of alleged wrongdoing, it is dependent on “juries of our peers” to deciding who’s guilty of crimes and who is not.  Trump is ATTACKING (like the Russians) the very fundamental “fabric” that holds our nation together.

If you take the position of people like the aforementioned Trey Gowdy you would NOT be able to believe in our system of justice because EVERY  member of ANY jury is going to have personal opinions.  We rely on the belief they can put those opinions aside and base any decision on FACTS – just as we depend on law enforcement personnel to do the same thing.  Evidently, based on Gowdy’s words, we can’t depend on republicans in Congress to do so.  They are so hopelessly committed to a “sheep mentality” that they can’t seem to “see the forest for the trees.”  And, I’m guessing, they have been doing this so long, they believe EVERYONE else thinks in the same manner.  It’s disgusting, first off, and it’s sad that America’s GOP has devolved to this level.

I’ve said it before, “we need two parties” for our “two party system” – but, a republican party that “walks in lock step” to the tune of their moneyed benefactors isdddddddddd a danger to this nation and, now, their blind faith in Trump is potentially ruining what our fathers and grandfathers shed so much blood to build since the 1930’s.  As Trump kisses up to Putin, republicans seem to have a case of lock jaw!  I’ll say it in a word, UNBELIEVABLE!

Trump inviting Putin to America is like giving “we the people” a big “middle finger salute” and saying “what are you going to do about it?” Sadly, republicans will do NOTHING! What about the rest of us?

As I listen to pundits attempt to decipher what Trump “actually” said as they work through Trump’s vile comments while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and, subsequently, his feeble attempt to “walk back” those comments followed by new “vile” comments and then another “walk back” I find myself shaking my head.  The second “walk back” was spearheaded by Sarah Sanders in her press briefing where she was clearly going along with clear LYING from the president and KNOWINGLY LYING to the press corp.  Plus I watched part of an interview Trump gave (presumably to someone from Fox “news”) where Trump claimed the press conference where he stood next to Putin and threw the U.S. intelligence community “under the bus” was “excellent” and the bad press was coming from the “fake news.”  All this is just further evidence our so-called president is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.  And, the press pundits seem to be struggling with this reality with an unwillingness to call it what it is.

Pathological LIARS actually believe their own words as they are coming from their mouths.  This is why Trump will make a “vile” statement as when he stood next to Putin and, the next day, while being – or so it seemed – FORCED to say “sorry” actually, in the next breath, say what suggests “I’m really not sorry.”  For example, after Trump read his statement in a way that resembled mumbling while he was saying, “the Russians did interfere in our election and I believe our intelligence community,” it wasn’t a full day until he was undermining that comment by saying the “interference” is not ongoing despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary.  Then, as I said, in the interview mentioned above he claimed his press briefing with Putin went “very well.”  Pathological LIARS can’t remember their last LIE – because, in their mind it’s the “truth” if they said it.  (When I was teaching we had a saying right above the principal’s door which read: “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember.”

If you’ve been on this site much, or read the heading, I was a sixth grade teacher for the last 20+ years of my career and I’ve pointed out Trump reminds me of a sixth grade bully.  And, bullies are usually COWARDS.  Trump’s comments AFTER the disaster with Putin, where he was attempting to explain the difference between would and wouldn’t as the reason why what “we the people” understood was not what he intended, was a classic example of how bullies react when “punched back.”  In this instance Trump was reacting to REPUBLICAN criticism – which is entirely unusual (for some strange reason) – that implied his “firewall” might crumble – and, it appeared almost as if Trump was trembling as he FORCED himself to take something back.  He appeared to me to be scared.  That’s what happens when bullies are “punched back” and, for some reason, republicans have done nothing in the face of ALL of Trump’s actions which have threatened and are threatening our national security – the national security which republicans have been claiming they’re the champions of for decades – until Trump took Putin’s side in that press briefing.

Here’s what I’m MOST concerned about.  Remember, Trump will be back LYING soon after the last LIE and republicans are likely to buy his LIES “hook, line, and sinker.”  I’ve pointed out many times here, the ONLY way “we the people” end this NIGHTMARE prior to the 2020 election is dependent on the ACTIONS of republicans.  Trump is still LYING, will continue LYING and the question is will the republicans keep believing him.  Sadly, the evidence of the power of the republican PROPAGANDA scheme (The Big Lie Theory – borrowed from the Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels) is demonstrated in a recent poll stating ONLY 35% of republicans believe the Russians interfered in our 2016 election.  Something like half of them STILL believe President Obama was born in Kenya.  So, will republicans in Congress actually suck up the courage to do something to BLOCK this delusional so-called president? (Probably NOT)

One thing that frustrates me, speaking of the success of this propaganda scheme, is how Trump supporters view the economy – which, I might add is facing a “tailspin” due to Trump’s (and the republicans’) tax scam – and other faulty issues.  These republican voters have NO IDEA that the strength of the economy during the first year and a half of Trump’s administration was simply a continuation of the work the Obama administration had done for 7 straight years following the Bush/Cheney disaster.  As I’ve said many times, Trump’s handling of the economy should be “vetted” from the second year on.  Soon the effects of the tax “scam” along with all the tariffs, the increases in health insurance (if you still have it), and other economic “stuff” will be taking hold and then “we the people” will be able to correctly understand the “Trump effect.”  However, Trump’s base will believe whatever Fox “and friends” chooses to brainwash them with.  If it all goes south, I GUARANTEE you Trump will be blaming President Obama and Hillary Clinton and Fox will be like a bunch of high school cheerleaders.

Like today – today is the day where “today’s scandal” is the news Trump’s “fixer” Michael Cohen was taping conversations with Trump and a tape where Trump and Cohen are discussing the hush money payment to Karen McDougal which was “funneled” through “The Enquirer,” a drug store gossip publication which Trump believes is “real news,” is the topic of conversation – on MSNBC there was a poll (actually several polls) which place Trump’s approval at between 35 and 40%.  This is where it’s stayed pretty much since his “election.”  What that tells me is around 40% of Americans are getting their “news” from Fox OR they’re not paying attention to the “news” at all.  To them, it doesn’t matter what Trump does or has done – that would be impeachable under any other circumstance – and, they’re “sticking” with Trump “come hell or high water.”

The reason I believe many of those who support Trump are sticking with him is because they fall into the category he claimed he “loves” during the campaign – the “uneducated voters.”  As I’m writing this, I have to believe they also have tuned out the “news” because I find it hard to believe 40% of America would be OK with their (so-called) president selling them (and the rest of us) out to the Russians – right on the “world stage.”  (I guess you could say, at least he’s not doing it in secret – except for the 2 hour meeting with NO ONE there besides the interpreters)

I have to say, as I observe “people” while I’m traveling around my own community, there are many I see who have absolutely NO interest in politics.  I’ve had conversations with MANY people who have no idea what is happening in “current events,” they don’t know much about American history, and they really don’t know about the details of what is happening that has caused them to be disenchanted with their government.  In the last 9 years, for example, I’ve asked well over a hundred people if they know what “Citizens United” is – including people who’ve openly complained to me about the amount of money in politics – and NOT ONE of them had any idea what I was talking about.  Many people I know don’t know the name of the governor of our state or our representative in Congress!

I feel one of the reasons there’s so many “uneducated voters” out there is because our education system has failed to inform students in high school sufficiently what their responsibilities are as a member of American society.  This, to me, is one reason why so many CHOOSE not to vote.  Of course, it’s not that simple – but, until the voting population takes their responsibility more serious “we the people” will continue to be dissatisfied with our government.  Most people I know talk about the government as if it’s the “enemy.” Since the days of Reagan republicans have verbally assaulted our “government” as fill in the blank, while spending BILLIONS in order to control it.  They’ve been cutting taxes for the wealthy, cutting benefits to the poor, and convincing working class people they’re the champions of the “middle class.”  Again, the “Big Lie Theory” works – you just have to have no “scruples” to use it.  (Republicans clearly believe “the end justifies the means”)

There’s a reason why studies show the people who watch Fox “news” are the least informed of ALL Americans – including those who don’t watch any “news” on TV.  And, it’s the Fox viewers who make up a large segment of Trump’s base.  I can’t seem to stomach even one minute of watching Fox – but, from what I’ve forced myself to “stomach” it’s obvious why it’s now referred to by many as “Trump TV.”  If the American public believed in “vetting” information – fact checking what pundits and politicians say – we’d have a more functional government.  And, if people, including the “uneducated voters” were able to grasp that “we the people” ARE the government – maybe it would be easier for people to dialogue with each other when they see things differently.  In my view, COMPROMISE should NOT be a “dirty word.”

That all being said, it shouldn’t be hard for any American to understand ATTACKING our most fundamental institution (voting) and attempting to surreptitiously turn one American against another – as the Russians did during the 2016 election and by all accounts are still doing – shouldn’t require “republican, democrat, or independent” to oppose in the most vigorous manner!  And, having a president who’s clearly COMPROMISED by the Russians and is either in Vladimir Putin’s “pocket” OR is completely INCOMPETENT should be unacceptable, PERIOD!  Maybe that’s the MOST disturbing part of this entire “saga” where the “heart and soul” of America is “on the line” – polls would suggest 40% of America doesn’t care about what Trump did last week standing next to the very person who ORDERED the ATTACK on this nation, beginning in 2016!  Trump is exposing tendencies that mimic cheap fascist dictators and a disturbing number of Americans are OK with it.  Yikes!

Here’s another thing that is shameful about all this.  A week or so ago I wrote in regard to all the children Trump ordered separated from their families in order to send a message to people seeking asylum – don’t come to America – at the time there was almost 3000 kids pulled away from their parents.  I said, “There will be more ‘scandals’ coming soon and the crisis with the kids will be on the back pages of the news papers and off the cable “news” outlets within a week.”  Well, it’s been maybe two weeks since I wrote that and, sure enough, the kids torn from their parents are no longer “in the news.”  Of course, most of them are STILL “torn from their parents” and the court ordered date for them to be re-united is fast approaching, so maybe we’ll hear more about this next week.  Someday, someone will write a book about all the “forgotten scandals” of the Trump administration – it will be a very long book.

With Trump in the “White House” it never ends.  I feel like a broken record when I say this, but when are republicans going to end this nightmare.  I suppose they’re “going down with the ship” and waiting to see if progressive voters actually turn out in November.  I get the feeling they don’t believe they will.  It’s kind of like Trump inviting Putin for a “White House” visit right before the election – as if his base could care less and progressives aren’t going to vote no matter what.  Well, all I can say is I hope Trump is wrong and progressives turn out.

My suggestion, if anyone in a position to do anything would read this, is have another “Women’s march” right before the election.  I certainly hope people protest Putin’s visit.  To me, Trump inviting Putin to America is like giving “we the people” a big “middle finger salute” and saying “what are you going to do about it?”  He’s made that same challenge to republicans in Congress many times and they ROLL OVER each and every  time.  (The Brits PROTESTED in large numbers Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom, maybe “we the people” will hit the streets in protest to Putin’s visit to the nation he’s attempting to undermine.  Or, are “we the people” too comfortable to FIGHT for our republic?)

The bottom line here is the evidence is mounting that our so-called president is in the “pocket” of the Russians AND he’s likely facing criminal charges coming from the Southern District of New York in regard to his “fixer” Michael Cohen and ALL the “stuff” the FBI got when they raided his office and home.  The first bit – the above mentioned tape – is now out, and it appears there’s more to come.  Here’s the type of person who employs a “fixer:”  a mafia crime family boss.  To me, that’s what it appears was Trump’s “employment” before running for office.  And, it appears, Robert Mueller knows EVERYTHING!  Here’s the other thing: 40% of Americans don’t care.  Honestly, I’m not sure which part of that bothers me more.

I really believe the United States has a so-called president who is DELUSIONAL. I’m not sure I can think of a greater threat to our national security than that!

Yesterday, in a post I published shortly after “digesting” the (unsurprising) comments Trump made while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki where he PROVED he’s “under the thumb” of Putin while “throwing” the American intelligence community “under the bus” in front of the “world stage” I posed the question as to who was the BIGGEST LIAR – Putin or Trump?  Well, what I actually meant was who is the “best” LIAR which clearly would be Putin.  However, I believe the BIGGEST LIAR is clearly Trump – especially after listening to him trying to walk back his “deplorable” remarks today while facing American opposition to his dreadful comments it became painfully obvious he’s a LOUSY LIAR compared to Putin.  Trump simply continues to embarrass himself in front of “God and the world community.”

Trump made today’s comments after at least TWO Fox “news” interviews which likely left him thinking “nothing was up.”  (Honestly, I can no longer bear to watch Fox – AT ALL)  However, after discovering, today, that “multitudes” – including even many republicans – are “on to him” he tried to “smooth” over the issue.  As I listened to him mumbling his words while attempting to READ a script he clearly was FORCED to read ( AND, didn’t want to read, I’d heard members of his intelligence “team” threatened mass resignations otherwise) it appeared to me Trump is FINALLY understanding he’s in DEEP “doo doo.”  Not only are (EVEN) republicans making comments that would indicate they’re, at least close to, jumping off the wagon thereby short-circuiting Trump’s “firewall” in Congress which has prevented the Congress from actively investigating what REALLY happened in the 2016 election – ie “checking” Trump as they are constitutionally obligated to do – for fear their so-called president may have actually “colluded” with the Russians.  Up till now, they just didn’t want to “hear it.”  It’s like they were pretending if they didn’t “hear it”  as if “it” didn’t happen.

There’s NO MORE hiding what’s going on with Trump.  No matter what the TRUTH is, I believe now there’s no way Congress will “stand” for Trump even threatening to fire Robert Mueller or, for that matter, Rod Rosenstein.  Mueller and Rosenstein are two of the Americans who will find themselves on the RIGHT side of the “history books” after all is said and done with this investigation while, as I’ve said before, Trump, Devin Nunes and other enablers in the House, Fox “news,” and other Trump supporters will find themselves next to Benedict Arnold.

I believe Mueller has been working his way up the “ladder,” obviously toward Trump and I believe Trump’s son and son-in-law are very possibly the next to be in Mueller’s “crosshairs.”  Mueller is a former decorated Marine and has given his life to serve either in the military or the FBI and I don’t believe he’s going to be soft on anyone who would betray this nation – whether it’s Trump or part of his family. I still remember the Trump surrogates passing LIES to the press after James Comey’s firing – thereby, theoretically, putting each one into a conspiracy to OBSTRUCT justice.  This would include the vice president, the press secretary, the assistant press secretary, Kellyanne Conway and possibly others.  I don’t believe Mueller believes in the “my dog ate the homework” excuse – or, “I didn’t know any better.”

As I said, at the time, my understanding of the law is that when someone “reads” you into an illegal activity, you are complicit unless you report.  This is why Mark Corallo resigned after witnessing the (lame) excuse Trump dictated in regard to Don Jr.’s meeting [along with Kushner and Manafort] in Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 with Russians offering “incriminating information” from “the Russian government” on Hillary Clinton – he didn’t want to participate in “obstruction.”

Another example, I really believe, will be when Mueller shows Cambridge Analytica was right in the middle of “guiding” the Russians as they “intruded” (OK, ATTACKED our nation) during the last election – and, by the way, I have no doubt the attack is ONGOING!  Keep in mind, Jared Kushner was the member of the Trump campaign who made the “connection” with Cambridge and Steve Bannon was at the head of that company which had STOLEN data on over 80 MILLION Americans from Facebook allowing them to expertly target the REAL “fake news.”  I believe if Kushner, Don Jr. or others close to Trump are drawn into the investigation by Mueller, any attempt by Trump to pardon them will be received with less than “aplomb” by the Congress – thanks to Trump exposing himself in Helsinki.  (And, by the way, the Russians were the ones “targeting” with ACTUAL “fake news” during the election and Trump, since the investigation was disclosed by James Comey over a year ago, and in an act clearly designed to disguise the TRUTH, has been branding investigative reporting – MOST of which has borne out as “fake news.”  This is called projection and it’s a conscious “strategy”)

I’ve pointed out many times Trump keeps this “crap” coming at us at such break neck speeds that it’s hard to keep up.  Here’s, I’m sure, what many of his most fervent supporters are thinking – as I’m writing this;  It’s all going to “blow over” in a few days and there will be other “scandals”  (which, by the way – each one – would likely derail any other president – I mean, just think what republicans would have done had President Obama done what Trump did yesterday while standing next to Putin) which will cause “we the people” to forget Trump’s meeting with Putin and his traitorous comments.  I can’t tell you how much I hope they’re wrong – but, one thing I’ll agree with them on is – the “stuff’s going to keep coming – fast and furious.

I’ve actually NEVER logged into CNN’s website until tonight and one of their commentators was interviewing Rand Paul – and, I have to tell you, Mr. Paul was nearly as obnoxious as Trump.  He was “deflecting” like a “master republican” and doing everything he could to avoid answering actual direct questions relating to whether Mr. Paul believes Putin or our intelligence community.  He had “talking points” in his “pocket” he clearly was intending to use no matter what the questioning and it was an attempt to deflect the conversation back to BLAMING the intelligence officers during Obama’s administration (officers who, by the way, transcend administrations) in one breath accusing John Brennan of “voting for communists.”  This is what they do.  You ask them a question about Trump or Putin and their answer will be about Obama or Hillary Clinton or the “corrupt” FBI – or now Peter Strzok.  It’s “deplorable.”  (I’ve explained the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s here many times – so, now when you hear republicans talking about the “13 crooked democrats” on Mueller’s investigation team, or Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, or the “collusion” happening on “Obama’s watch” to “deflect” you KNOW what they’re doing.  They ALL do it and it’s “orchestrated” from somewhere)

Now, I do have to say Mr. Paul is a much better LIAR or SPINNER or whatever you want to call it (deflecting) than Trump.  Clearly, when standing next to Putin, Trump was out of his orbit.  In fact, as I watched it happen I couldn’t help but notice the smirk on Putin’s face as he stood there “screwing” Trump into the “ground” as if he was something he picked up at the hardware store.  Clearly, Putin understands how STUPID our so-called president really is and how STUPID millions of Americans who still think he’s helping them “MAGA” are.  And, Trust me, Putin will play this out to get the MOST out of this meeting as he can.  Brace yourself for the “agreements” which will be announced in Russia to the surprise of EVERYONE in America’s government (with the exception of the American interpreter who was apparently in the room)  As I said in my last post, Trump – in one incredible month – has personally “elevated” (quite possibly) the two most ruthless dictators in the world onto the “world stage” as equals to the president of the United States.

I guess the question becomes, did Trump “elevate” Kim and Putin OR did Trump push America to the precipice of third world status.  Keep in mind, Trump is doing everything he can to prop up China and destroy America’s relationship with her traditional allies – our ACTUAL “friends.”  Trump is ATTACKING the countries America actually does business with and is attempting to prop up those who DON’T have our best interests in mind.  And, by the way, Russia is like 30th in the hierarchy of “trading partners” with the U.S. – so, what gives?  Why all the love with Putin?  Why “kiss up” to Putin and attempt to undermine Merkel and May?  It really DOESN’T make sense – unless…………..  OK, you “fill in the dots.”

For example, by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) Trump has literally helped “Make China Great Again.”  China is JUMPING in the fill the void Trump has created by his short sighted thinking.  China (and Germany) are rushing to take over world leadership in the renewable energy field while Trump is claiming he’s “bringing back coal.” Trump’s administration is full of fossil fuel executives and climate change deniers.  Ten years from now when solar and wind energy are continuing their rapid expansion, “we the people” are likely to by buying “infrastructure” from foreign companies.  Research and development in the U.S. will have taken a “back seat” to government supported corporate interests in China and Germany – or other countries.

As far as trade with Southeast Asia, Trump gave China a great present when he pulled out of the TPP. which, as I understand it, was intended to protect America’s trading interests in one of the most aggressively expanding economic zones in the world.  President Obama negotiated this agreement to the dismay of his own party – (and, I have to admit, I was skeptical myself after listening to Bernie Sanders pan the agreement – knowing I don’t understand these things – but, from what I’ve read since, it appears to me this agreement was intended to be very beneficial to America’s trading interests) – as a way to prevent China’s total domination in that part of the world’s (expanding) economies.

And, as I’ve said often here, “I’m not an economist”  (although, if I was younger, I might be studying to be one) so I don’t fully understand the deficit and the national debt – although, I know republicans HATE both when there’s a democrat in the “White House” and don’t seem too concerned when there’s a republican in “control.”  Well, here’s my worry as the deficit is soon to surpass ONE TRILLION per year (You know, like it was when Bush/Cheney “handed the reins” to President Obama) – after the republican tax scam takes full effect (and, if – or should I say when – Trump’s recession hits – the deficit could EASILY surpass TWO TRILLION per YEAR!) – the national debt will be reaching its limit virtually EVERY year until Congress either takes off the “cap” or stops giving HUGE tax cuts to the Americans who don’t need them – especially like this last one – during a “booming economy” (which, by the way, Trump inherited from President Obama – he also inherited a declining deficit – which he did exactly what Bush/Cheney did to the surplus they inherited from Clinton Gore.  Do you see a pattern here?).

Now, my understanding is the “deficit” has to be borrowed from somewhere – likely MUCH of it comes from the Federal Reserve and, I believe, the government has already borrowed the TRILLIONS that “should” be in the Social Security and Medicare trust funds – thereby – by the way – creating the situation where republicans claim these systems are in jeopardy of going broke (mainly, because they’re being forced to pay back the money and they’ll NEVER pay the interest owed to America’s retirees – present and future, but I digress…..  My understanding is another source of MUCH of America’s debt has been funding by foreign governments – like, for example, CHINA.  Now, based on the republican tax scam, and Trump’s “tariffs” – do you imagine these foreign nations are going to keep “rushing” to buy American “treasuries?”  I seriously doubt it.

And, what’s going to happen if China and some of the other nations who’ve (Saudi Arabia, home of MOST of the 9/11 attackers) invested in America decide they’d like to “cash in” their investments?  I guess, what I’m wondering is how would “we the people” pay them back? (I suppose it would have to be borrow MORE and from WHO?)  To me, this is more of what Trump is doing that is putting America’s “national security” in question – and the republicans are simply going along with it as we can simply keep BORROWING forever.   Somehow, and call me naive, I believe there will come a point where we run out of borrowing options.  I still remember when Clinton/Gore left office with a $250 BILLION SURPLUS, it took only a few months for Bush/Cheney to “give the American people (the top 1% of course) their money back.”  Cheney famously said, “Ronald Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”  (As I stated above and have said many times, “apparently deficits ONLY matter when a democrat is in the White House” – when will working class Americans who support republicans WAKE UP?)

One could seemingly write full time trying to keep up with ALL the reasons why having Trump as our so-called president is the WORST thing that has EVER happened to this nation, but his “deplorable” press conference with Putin, to me, pretty much “says it all.”  Our so-called president appears to be un-American.  He’s not only threatening our “national security” in so many ways, he’s leaving his “stamp” on this nation for well beyond the end of my lifetime by being allowed to nominate Supreme Court justices and flood the lower courts with right wing corporatist judges who will have a HUGE affect on “we the people” for the next 30+ years.  I keep wondering, how are Americans going to feel when it becomes clear TWO justices on the Supreme Court, and MANY lower court judges, were put there by (potentially) a TRAITOR?

Final Thought:  So, I turned on the TV this morning prior to sending out this post which I wrote last night and, wouldn’t you know it, there was Trump claiming the Russians are NO LONGER “interfering” with our political process.  And, to top it off, he had to re-iterate, “No one’s been tougher on Russia than I have.”  I really don’t know what to say.  I said to my wife after hearing these words come right out of his mouth (I actually saw him say them): “He’s crazy.”  I really believe the United States has a so-called president who is DELUSIONAL.  I’m not sure I can think of a greater threat to our national security than that!

Putin choosing Trump as our president is bad enough. What’s worse is, in effect, he’s chosen the direction of the Supreme Court for the next 30+ years!

Apparently everyone who’s paying attention in America EXCEPT our so-called president understands what Vladimir Putin’s objectives are as he foments his surrogates around the world pushing to destabilize the Western alliances that have worked to keep countries, including America, MORE safe (than likely would be otherwise) for the past 70+ years.  Yes, America has her issues – and has had over her history – but, one thing she’s accomplished since WW II is preventing Russia – ie the “former Soviet Union” from accomplishing goals of international domination.  (Unfortunately, there are those in America with the same objective)  It’s clear to me Putin has been “busy” trying to re-ignite what Peter Wyden refers to as the “Hitler Virus” which is the right wing “nationalistic” movement being led by Trump in America and spreading across Europe as I’m writing this.

Clearly, Trump has some kind of “connection” to Putin that many of us in America are trying to figure out “why?”  Why does he NEVER say anything negative about Putin?  Why do MOST of his “foreign policy” decisions end up on Russian TV where the commentators are saying things like “I never thought I’d live to see an American president supporting Russian objectives like this?”  (or words to that affect)  Why is Trump doing Putin’s “bidding” as he seems to be undermining our NATO alliance?  Why does Trump feel empowered to actually meet with Putin BY THEMSELVES in a so-called “summit” and what is he prepared to give away for NOTHING?  (If his “summit” with Kim Jong-un is any indication of his diplomatic ability)  Why is Trump so comfortable LYING (all the time) to the American people?  And, while changing the subject just a bit, here’s maybe the biggest “why” for me:  Why are the republicans WILLINGLY going along with Trump’s selling America out to Vladimir Putin?

Despite my constant “ranting” about the need for “we the people” to vote out “today’s version” of the republican party, I’ve always said, “We do need two political parties.”  It’s just that today’s version of the republicans – which has been “trending” in this direction since the days of Reagan – has “evolved” to where people like me are seeing them as “un American.”  Yes, I totally believe in the republicans’ “free speech” rights – however, it’s time for “we the people” – at the voting booth – to overwhelmingly REJECT Trump’s republican party next November.  If we fail to do so, it’s possible by 2020 this country will be unrecognizable.

While I’m sure I disagree with him on much, I have much respect for (former) republican Steve Schmidt – who I’d like to see challenge Trump for the republican nomination in 2020 – of course, he’d have to rejoin the party.  He’s a republican with a grasp on both world and U.S. History in a way that certainly impresses me.  The difference between Schmidt and, for example, the republicans in the House who yesterday made (Benghazi like) fools of themselves as they “grilled” Peter Strzok for, seemingly, forever – and, the difference is HONOR and actual patriotism.  The republican House members seem to have no concern that “we the people” were (and are being) attacked during the 2016 election and beyond by Putin’s cronies.

Trump is doing DAMAGE (as I’ve called it) to America that could possibly last well beyond whatever time I have left on this planet (I’m a “baby boomer” in my 70’s) and, it grieves my heart the amount of DAMAGE he’s doing to my (and quite possibly your) children and grandchildren – AND, for example, those who are risking their lives to immigrate to America seeking asylum from extreme violence in countries like those in Central America. Trump denigrates good people fleeing violence to get to America as generation upon generation of immigrants have done while he kisses up to, as Keith Olberman used to say, “the worst person(s) in the world.”

Lately, Trump has been referring to Kim Jong-un as “chairman Kim” AND as a very smart and good “leader.”  Had any other president said he/she would like “his/her people to respond to him/her as Kim’s people responds to Kim in North Korea” – it would be at the top of news cycles for weeks – or more.  (If you’re confused the “him/her” is in reference to the reality that we SHOULD have our first female president as I’m writing this)  In Trump’s case, it barely brought a “whimper” from our “liberal media.”  Kim, of course, simply KILLS anyone who even disappoints him, let alone criticizes him.  And, he does it in the most BRUTAL ways.  Apparently, Trump is willfully oblivious to this.

And, of course, Trump has put Kim right in the middle of the international stage with their “so-called” summit in Singapore where Trump came away with a piece of paper causing him (Trump) to claim: “I’ve solved the nuclear threat in North Korea that our previous presidents were too stupid to solve.  It was easy”  Of course, while those words were coming from Trump’s mouth – and, he also said, “many are saying I deserve the Nobel Peace Prize” – Kim’s forces were wrenching UP their nuclear program while likely having a good laugh at Trump’s digging his own “hole” deeper with each passing day and each successively STUPID remark about their meeting.

Before meeting with Kim, Trump had withdrawn from the Iran deal that was actually NEGOTIATED over an excruciatingly LONG period of time by expert diplomats, ultimately with Secretary of State Kerry right in the middle.  This was an agreement that involved the major world powers and Trump torpedoed it right before declaring – based on an unsigned piece of paper – that he’d solved the North Korean nuclear problem.  The world is watching and collectively scratching their heads – with the exception of the Russians.  Next job?  Prop up Putin’s place on the “world stage.”  Yikes!!!

The list of Trump’s “transgressions” goes on and on, but there’s another thing “we the people” should be thinking about.  Of course, our attention has been on how much influence the Russians ACTUALLY had on the 2016 election in regards to Trump v Clinton.  While there seems to be no evidence of Russians actually changing votes, it seems apparent to me, there were many people influenced by their TARGETED propaganda campaign – both propping up Trump and blasting Clinton in areas where many swing voters reside.

We KNOW James Comey’s ill advised letter to Congress 11 days before the election likely changed enough votes in the key states that swung the Electoral College in Trump’s direction (Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin – remember Trump LOST the “popular vote” by almost 3 MILLION votes) – but, what we haven’t been paying attention to is what were the Russians up to regarding the campaigns for the Senate.  There was a lot of speculation the Senate was going to “flip” to democratic control prior to the election itself.  And, it’s proving CRITICAL to long term American interests – the make up of the Senate after the election.

For example, RIGHT NOW there’s a big “battle” going on for Trump’s SECOND Supreme Court nomination.  Shortly after the 2016 election Mitch McConnell, who had BLOCKED President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland from getting an “up or down” vote in 2016, “blew up” the filibuster in regard to Supreme Court nominees opening the “door” for Trump to easily get Neil Gorsuch on to the court and NOW he’s got a second nomination – another right wing corporatist – who will impede “we the people” for much longer than I will be alive.  Here’s the rub as I continue thinking about this (and, keep in mind, I see no way democrats will be able to stop this nominee) – what were the Russians doing in regards to Senate campaigns?

It would only have taken two democrats who lost to actually win to “flip” the Senate and allow democrats to block these nominees.  I would say, at the minimum, Trump should have had NO nominees until the Mueller investigation is complete.  Now, he’s going to have TWO nominees beholden to him if and when any  charges against Trump reach the high court.  While Trump’s nominees SHOULD recuse from any decision before the court, I don’t expect it.  That would take what I referred to above with what’s missing from the republicans in the House: HONOR.

So, you think I’m loony?  Well, Ron Johnson was re-elected to  his Senate seat in 2016 in somewhat of a surprise by defeating Russ Feingold.  What if the Russians were targeting this seat – There’s no question in my mind they were busy in Wisconsin, essentially working in conjunction with the voter suppression tactics there which kept as many as, from what I’ve heard, 75,000 from voting – they certainly would understand Feingold would be no surrogate to Putin.  But Johnson?  Well recently, over the 4th of July holiday no less, Johnson was in Russia schmoozing with Russian leaders (with 6 other “patriotic” republicans) who may or may not have been involved in the election “meddling.”  Johnson came home sounding like Trump:  “They said they didn’t do it and I believe them.”

What if the Russians actually succeeded in helping the republicans hold the Senate?  These Supreme Court nominees will have an effect on our nation for the next 30+ years.  As the evidence becomes clearer that (at a minimum) some in the Trump campaign were aiding this Russian ATTACK on our election – how will people react when they have to “digest” that an illegitimately elected president with an illegitimately elected Senate put TWO justices on the court while “we the people” were trying to figure out, in Trump’s own words, “what the hell is going on?”  (And, if republicans hold the Senate in 2018, which is likely, Trump could get one or two more nominees.  “Put that in your pipe and smoke it!”)

To say the Trump “era” is going to be a significant part of American History is looking more and more like an understatement.  It won’t be because of his unparalleled unpopularity – both here and abroad – but, instead, by the DAMAGE he manages to inflict before it’s totally clear what a menace he is to our nation.  Not only are “we the people” facing the ever more likely scenario that the Russians and Vladimir Putin succeeded in determining who our 45th president (so-called president – with 3 MILLION less votes than a “girl”) would be but, even MORE devastating, Putin and the Russians will have determined the right wing make-up of our Supreme Court for the next 30 or more years!

The Russians were busy in the presidential election and, very likely, in the Congressional elections as well.  I FULLY expect them to be right in the middle of the 2018 Mid Terms with people like Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin showing they are as gullible as Trump.  Yikes!!  It keeps getting worse.  And, the so-called “summit” between Putin and Trump is yet to come.  What would you give to be a “fly on the wall” in the room with just Trump and his idol Putin?  We’ll likely NEVER know what was said!

Full disclosure:  I started this post before the Putin/Trump “summit” and I’m publishing it post summit.  That means, as of this moment I know what a FOOL the so-called president of the United States made on the “world stage.” (AGAIN) This is after previously making a fool of himself in the Kim Jong-un “summit,” the NATO “summit,” the G-6 (Trump would like it to be the “G-7” again, with Russia included) “summit,” and in virtually EVERY other thing he does. So, NONE of this is a surprise anymore.  I believe his meeting with Putin would have been declared a “success” had he simply declined to comment to the reporters question regarding the election meddling.  You have to watch his answer to believe it – in my mind, even if you’re a republican who supports him.  It was the worst exhibition, in my mind, by ANY president during my lifetime.  It made me long for GW Bush and “mission accomplished.”  It was THAT bad!

Trump is a daily example of EXTREME narcissism and pathological LYING on display and, as I’ve said MANY times here, “we the people” are stuck enduring this as long as REPUBLICANS choose to force us to do so.  (It would be interesting trying to figure out who’s the bigger LIAR:  Trump or Putin?) Considering the emoluments violations alone, Trump has pushed the “high crimes and misdemeanors” bar set by our founders past any conceivable limit.  That SHOULD be enough to get republicans in Congress’s attention.  But, regarding the “Russia thing,” which, in my mind, is much more significant than Trump’s FLEECING of America, I guess this republican Congress will need to be hit up side the head with devastating EVIDENCE from Robert Mueller to even consider ending the MOST tragic nightmare in American political history.

Kids torn from their parents hasn’t been enough; OBVIOUSLY the Access Hollywood tape and the subsequent 19 female accusers wasn’t enough; the “Stormy Daniels” saga wasn’t enough;  the “very fine people” in Charlottesville wasn’t enough; the MULTITUDE of LIES hasn’t been enough (in fact, to be in Trump’s administration, it seems, rule number one is a willingness to LIE); the tax scam pushing the deficit over $1 TRILLION (this year and likely MOUNTING going forward) wasn’t/hasn’t been enough; (Oh yes, EVERY republican (except McCain) was complicit on that one), and, now, Trump SELLING OUT our nation and our nation’s intelligence community while standing next to Putin in front of a world TV audience likely WON’T be enough for these republicans to act.  Actually (and sadly) the list is much longer than that.  The message to the American people is “loud and clear” – get your butts to the polls in November and vote these republicans out of office or this nation will be begging Russia to be our friend – because no one else (except maybe North Korea) will be interested.  And, trust me, the economic hardship European countries and Asian countries can inflict on America will make even Trump’s “base” regret the day they somehow brought themselves to vote for him!  I’ll say it once more; Yikes!!!

I guess President Obama will get the last laugh – EXCEPT that NONE of this is funny. Trump continues to come across as an imbecile.

Trump keeps the “stuff” coming so fast that “we the people” continue to ignore “scandals” that would have made noise around the nation in years past.  For example, we all KNOW (I guess, with the exception of Trump, himself) that the Russians and Vladimir Putin intervened in our previous election (along with elections all over Europe) in order to further Putin’s attack on Western “democracies.”  He succeeded in helping Trump into the “White House” along with the Brexit vote in Great Britain and turning one nation after another in Europe toward totalitarian right wing rule.  So, I REALLY found it interesting that on the FORTH OF JULY, the day most republicans spend driving around with flags waving from their “rigs,” that little to NO notice was taken that SEVEN republican senators were having the “easiest” meeting Russian oligarchs have experienced (with American “leaders”) the Russians can remember, right in the middle of Moscow.  And, that “liberal media” republicans rail about hardly noticed.  (OK, I can’t resist.  Can you imagine if this would have happened with democratic senators during Obama’s administration – even without the “meddling” issue?)

Of course, there’s an election looming in November and these republican senators KNOW “experts” are predicting a “blue wave” and republicans, in their “the end justifies the means” mentality are looking for “help.”  As they, themselves, would say, they’re all about “winning.”  Apparently, what is needed in November is another swath of Russian cyber criminals finding ways to “gin” up the republican base and further turn American against American in an attempt to mitigate the so-called “wave” they believe is coming.  It worked for them in 2016 so why would anyone think they won’t stoop to this level in 2018 AND as long as it continues to bring the outcome wanted by both the republicans and the Russians.  (I guess this is all the Russians had to do to get republicans kissing up to them! Yikes!!!)

Personally, I was astonished that on the day Americans celebrate their “independence” republican senators were in Russia drumming up support which shows their “dependence” on the Kremlin to keep “winning.”  Things have gone so wrong in America that MILLIONS of Americans are either willingly oblivious to the “Russian invasion” of our nation, OR worst, WILLING to allow it.  And, it appears, the republicans in Congress are encouraging it in a last gasp effort to prevent the House from “flipping” to democratic “rule.”  And, sadly, “rule” is the correct term because republicans and democrats will not be “working together” for the foreseeable future.  And, if you’re thinking it’s a problem with “both sides” – you’ve been brainwashed by the “liberal media” we keep hearing about (especially in places like Fox “news”).  The division in America is the direct result of disgusting republican politicians like Newt Gingrich who proclaimed “obstruction” as the way forward back in the 80’s and 90’s when republicans had been in the minority for the bulk of the previous 50 years.  (Mitch McConnell took OBSTRUCTION to record “heights” during Obama’s presidency with something in the order of 700 FILIBUSTERS)

From Gingrich’s perspective, back then, the solution was LYING to the American people and BLOCKING anything republicans could block in Congress to make government look bad.  Since the days of Reagan, republicans have been complaining about government while, at the same time, working OVERTIME to control government.  The reason for this SHOULD be obvious.  Since Reagan’s “trickle down” tax cuts, republicans have been FLEECING America’s taxpayers by the TRILLIONS and I have to wonder when “we the people” – with the help of our “liberal media” – will wake up???  The recent version of this tax “scam” will be increasing America’s debt by TRILLIONS and do you think there’ll be a single republican in Congress complaining?  Do you remember them blaming Obama for the Bush/Cheney debt crisis – for 8 solid years?  In fact, they started blaming Obama for the Bush/Cheney debt crisis BEFORE he took the oath of office!

Naturally, republicans wont even make a whimper about how the annual deficit was reduced by Obama’s administration by over 70% until republicans took it “skyward” again.  Trump and his surrogates are so busy first tearing little kids from their parents and then trying to figure out how to re-unite them that issues like the deficit aren’t even in the conversation.  I guess we’ll have to wait for he recession to begin the discussion of how bad this latest version of the tax “scam” is affecting Trump’s “base.”  (And, of course, the rest of us)

Today I was reading about how members of Trump’s administration are being heckled when they go out in public and it was Gingrich, himself, who was quoted as saying the people heckling members of Trump’s cabinet are “totalitarian.”  What’s the saying, “That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.” The “hecklers” are upset, for example, by the REALITY of the almost 3000 children who are “homeless” and “parentless” due to Trump’s heartless policy of separating these kids from their parents who are committing the “terrible” crime of fleeing oppressive violence in their Central American homeland. I guess the reality that a HUGE (thankfully) majority of Americans finds this policy of destroying families repugnant makes those complaining the loudest “totalitarians.”

It appears Trump and his surrogates didn’t think this one out very well – like most of what they do – and they have no idea how to re-unite many of the children with their parents.  Keep in mind OVER 100 of these kids are less than 5 years old, some as young as 2 months, leaving nursing mothers in our federal prisons while their babies are “who knows where.”  (I’m just trying to imagine who would separate a nursing baby from her mother?  Is it any wonder MILLIONS of Americans are reaching the “boiling point?”)  My two daughters were BOTH nursing babies for well over a year in each case and I keep trying to figure out who is damaged the most in these scenarios – the mother or the child?  For some reason my mind is struggling as I picture lactating mothers just suddenly being without their child.   And, then, every psychologist I’ve listened to are saying the trauma to the child will be a lifetime “sentence.”  As I’ve said before, I almost start crying as I type the words.  I can’t believe MY country would stoop to such “deplorable” levels!  But, we were warned, weren’t we?  (Trust me, there’s a reason Trump continues to demonize Mrs. Clinton – to short circuit people from re-thinking what they did in the case of those who either didn’t vote or voted for him and AGAINST her)

So Trump supporters like Gingrich are referring to the “resistance” as “totalitarian” while republican senators are meeting with Russian leaders on the FORTH OF JULY in MOSCOW and coming away saying, just like their fuhrer Trump, “They said they didn’t do it” regarding the ATTACK on our 2016 election.  Like these Russians are such kind, honest chaps the republicans are developing new “friendships.”  And, now, while Trump is under increasing pressure from the Russia investigation, as if to flip his middle finger at those Americans who actually believe in our “independence,” Trump is soon off to meet with Putin, himself.  And, does it surprise anyone, the meeting will be in private with just the two of them.  (Do you wonder what they’ll be doing?)  Here’s what I wonder:  “Will Robert Mueller figure out why Trump is subjecting America to the will of Vladimir Putin?  What will it take for Americans in the “heartland” to sour on this vile so-called president?  How much “damage” will he be allowed to inflict on this nation before republicans in Congress say “enough already?”  Honestly, it doesn’t look promising from my vantage point.

When you look objectively at what Trump is doing – here and around the world – you see there are exactly TWO people benefiting the most;  Putin and Trump, himself.  I often, and this is not a sarcastic comment, wonder if they’ve got some kind of partnership?  We all know Trump LIES about everything – he’s, by MOST accounts, a pathological LIAR.  He’s been LYING about his wealth for decades (built despite something like SIX bankruptcies – screwing workers and bankers by the scores upon scores) – is this his motive – attempting to leverage his position into Putin like wealth?  Reports are that Trump has relied on Russian money for years and it has also been reported that Putin’s “oligarchs” manage to get filthy rich, do you think Trump…………?  I don’t know, but maybe that’s Trumps shtick – ARROGANTLY ripping off as much money from being our so-called president as he can before he’s “caught.”  I believe he’s assuming he’s above the law and no matter what happens he’ll walk away with the money “Scott free.”

On top of the reality we’ve got republican leaders smooching with Russians right out in clear sight and our “liberal media” hardly notices, what about North Korea – as long as we’re talking about all the DAMAGE being done to America by Trump.  First, he “tore up” the nuclear agreement with Iran – an agreement that was NEGOTIATED with experts from several nations and hammered out over the course of many months.  Then Trump decides to elevate Kim Jong-un to the international “stage” – instantly a “win” for Kim – and then walks away with a piece of paper with a few meaningless words written on it and declares himself the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.  Trump actually said, “Thanks to me North Korea has been denuclearized.”

When I heard those words I have to say my jaw dropped!  What the @#*k?  Was my actual first thought.  Does Trump have any conception of recent American history?  Does he really think that piece of paper is an agreement?  If you remember, as he was attempting to destroy the Iran agreement he ridiculed President Obama for making such a “stupid” agreement.  Well, I guess President Obama will get the last laugh – EXCEPT that NONE of this is funny.  Trump continues to come across as an imbecile.  He’s been referred to as an “idiot,” a “moron,” and “stupid” in private by his closest surrogates (and, who knows what else?) and he’s putting it all on display with his MORONIC “negotiating” with Kim.  Here’s the reality for republicans – your fuhrer is being played by “little rocket man.”  Wow!!!  And, republicans continue to go along with all this.  Maybe the next move by the seven senators that preferred Moscow to their own country in celebration of “independence day” are next to visit North Korea to cozy up there.

As the saying goes: “You can’t make this stuff up.”  What is going on in our government since Trump was “elected”  (Yes, with the help of Putin AND with 3,000,000 LESS votes than a girl) would be UNBELIEVABLE if it wasn’t playing out right before our eyes.  I’ve come to the conclusion it’s going to take an economic disaster to get the attention of Trump’s “base.”  I’m not sure how bad it has to become before the “ditto heads” who get their “information” from Fox or the right wing bloviators on the radio airwaves even attempt to “fact check” the LIES that are coming from Trump and company “fast and furious.”  Picture how those republicans who were in Russia on the 4th would have responded to Hillary Clinton cozying up to Putin and getting played by Kim.  Do you think they’d be having this “love fest?”  Do you think they’d be suggesting the Nobel Peace Prize for Mrs. Clinton for elevating Kim to the “international stage?” Let alone being made a fool by the North Koreans?

I could go on and on (and, I likely will in a few days) – I haven’t even brought up Rudy Giuliani and his (and Trump’s) brazen attack on our Justice Department.  Of course, the “Russia thing” very well could be part of Trump’s “scheme.”  He keeps us jumping around from one scandal to another while I believe the FLEECING is likely at record heights.  Hopefully, at some point we’ll all learn the total of the “emoluments” Trump is skimming from “we the people” as our so-called president.  As I said earlier, it’s entirely possible in my mind he’s trying to “be like Vlad.”  The bottom line, for Trump and his surrogates, it’s likely going out in public will continue to garner the attention of the “resistance” and members of Trump’s “team” will face more taunting as time goes by.  The bottom line for “we the people” is that Trump’s PLUNDERING of America – with all the lasting damage that entails – will continue until republicans put “we the people” (ie their country) ahead of their pocket books.  Stay tuned…………………….

Final Thought:  I apologize for posting this without editing (I used to have a friend editing, but he’s become too busy).  I just listened to Trump berating the leader of NATO while, at the same time, bashing Germany in an unbelievably STUPID rant.  (Except for the reality that it was Trump speaking – so the FACT it was STUPID – well – that’s the new “norm”).  My mind is moving on to MY next rant!

This is how it works now in “Trump world.” The scandals are coming so fast they come and go in a matter of days and we’re on to the next one.

There are some (former, I’m guessing) republicans who actually see what’s really happening with our so-called president and his attempt to usurp as much power as he possibly can.  Two examples are Nicole Wallace, who was the communications director (I believe) for George W Bush and Steve Schmidt who was the campaign manager for John McCain when he ran against President Obama back in 2008.  I’m pretty sure if I had the privilege to have a breakfast with either one with a conversation centered on politics it would be an interesting conversation, to say the least.  My views would likely not be parallel to theirs.  However, the conversation would be enjoyable, it would be interesting, and we’d likely come away with a bit more sensible views – because we’d be able to talk with transparency and with a lack of concern about differing perspectives.

Schmidt has become one of my favorite “pundits.”  He appears occasionally on MSNBC and he’s figured out what is happening to our nation and he doesn’t “mince” words.  I haven’t heard him actually say, “fascist,” when describing the dangers of Trump and his republican enablers.  But, he is fully aware of the parallels between Trump’s administration and the Third Reich back in the thirties in Germany and he’s actually willing to speak about it in front of the cameras.  Additionally, Schmidt is one of the few pundits I see on TV who shows they are engaged in educating themselves about what’s going on around the world and is WILLING to share the TRUTH when the camera’s are on.  Today, for example, I heard him reference the right wing (fascist) movement that is spreading in Europe (which Trump supports) and point out the true objective of Vladimir Putin which is to destabilize Western “democracies.”

I realize people who watch Fox “news” (Trump TV) will never hear this type of commentary – and, sadly, of all the people I know who support Trump, the ONLY reading they do is when they read their Bibles.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I read the Bible.  I’m a Christian.  However, I feel an obligation to educate myself as to what is really happening with our/my government.  “We the people” are supposed to be responsible – it is OUR government!  What Trump is up to has no connection to what I’ve read in the Bible and it’s pushing our country closer to fascism virtually every day.  Additionally, what Trump is doing has no connection to the constitution as well!

My friends who have been virtually BRAINWASHED by Fox are unable to have any kind of conversation – with one exception – I have a really good friend who I can dialogue with and we can disagree without being disagreeable – with most of them, they start yelling (in one case, throwing things) when you challenge their positions with facts.  It’s clear the people on Fox have their audience believing what they hear is “gospel.”  When all is said and done with the “Trump era” Fox is going to be facing a rude accounting.  I’ve said it before, Trump, his congressional enablers (led by Devin Nunes), and his other enablers – most notably Fox, are headed for a place in American History right next to Benedict Arnold.

Now, Trump could convince his followers Benedict Arnold was an American hero and Fox would go along with it.  That being said, personally, I continue to believe that ultimately, the rule of law and common sense will prevail.  I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t even handle a few seconds of checking out what they’re saying on Fox – every time I try, it makes my skin crawl.  Unfortunately, for someone like me who is intensely wanting to understand what is REALLY happening in America there aren’t a lot of options for information (aside from books – with legitimate authors – NOT “ghost” writers out of the “Big Lie” propaganda “factory”).  I usually end up watching MSNBC, but – despite their public persona of being “liberal” – they give Trump an unbelievable amount of free advertising.  One thing I have to admit Trump is expert at is manipulating the media for his own benefit.  And, they have no idea how he’s using them.  I believe he understands he’s making them a lot of money with his “stuff” – seemingly, a new “scandal” every day – and, he ends up being the focus of virtually their entire agenda.

Now, as someone who’s been through Watergate (as an “interested bystander” – ie viewer) I’m kind of in the same mindset.  I’m trying to coach myself to be patient in waiting for Robert Mueller to start the final stages of his investigation – which, I believe, will be centered on “collusion” – Fox has had a campaign to explain “there’s no law against collusion, so I’ll call it what it REALLY is – TREASON.  Who all will be caught up in the final “indictments” is still unclear, but I’m guessing Trump Jr., Kushner, Bannon, and even Pense SHOULD be sleeping a bit “sweaty.”  However, I put the word “should” in upper case letters because I believe these people are so arrogant they believe they are above the law.  My hope is that Mueller will make it clear, ONCE and for ALL, that no one – including ANY president is “above the law.”  Neither are a president’s family members and associates.  I thought this was determined during Watergate, but – as I’ve said many times here – my main complaint with President Obama was his decision to “look forward” when it came to the CLEARLY illegal activity of the Bush/Cheney regime, which left the impression in the eyes of republicans that their “leaders” were/are not subject to all these “stupid” laws that, for example, prevent politicians from working with foreigners to get elected!

While I believe a significant majority of Americans are longing for a president who comports him/herself with dignity and compassion, much of what Trump believes he can do, I believe, stems from Obama’s decision to “look forward.”  Bush and Cheney being forced to face up to the issue of TORTURE, for example, would have left a much different political environment today.  (Trump has claimed he’ll “authorize waterboarding and a lot more” – this coming from another American leader who did every thing he could – five deferments – to avoid serving when it was his time)  I try to imagine what republicans would be saying had Hillary Clinton won the “White House” and then it would have become public knowledge she worked in concert with Putin to win the election.  (Do you even recognize these republicans?)  The list of LAWS Trump has already “broached” is getting longer by the day – and, we still haven’t heard the results of Mueller’s investigation or the investigation in New York centered on Michael Cohen’s mafia like “fixing” – who MUST have a real “story” to tell authorities if he decides he doesn’t want to spend MANY years in jail because of Trump.  (Remember, Cohen is likely facing STATE charges – which can’t be pardoned by the president)

Right now, as I’m writing this, there are over 2000 children who’ve been taken from their parents and many who are likely in a position where they’re facing the reality they may never see their parents again.  Add to that, they will then be forced to go to court before facing deportation.  I guess the Trump “officials” are HOPING the kids find their parents when they’re shipped to who knows where.  Remember, some of these children are as young as 6 months and WERE nursing babies.  I get tears EVERY time I write about this – likely making me a “wimp” in Trump’s eyes – he of the five deferments AND 3 MILLION less votes in the election he “won.”  (With the help of the Russians AND the republican voter suppression tactics!)  So, the other day it was announced that Anthony Kennedy is retiring from the Supreme Court, giving Trump the opportunity to place another Neil Gorsuch type on the court.  Gorsuch is clearly a partisan republican and he’s the result of Mitch McConnell BLOCKING President Obama’s choice of Merritt Garland in 2016.  This is why right wing republicans, especially evangelicals, like Trump – he’s filling the courts with lifetime judges who are corporatist right wing fascist leaning judges who MIGHT overturn Roe v Wade.

Sadly, I’m guessing Kennedy announcing his retirement will take the focus of our so-called 24/7 media off the TERRIBLE plight of the 2000+ children and all we’ll hear about for the next few days is the impending court appointee.  I don’t disagree Trump’s appointment to the Supreme Court is important, but, the reality is that people who think like me AND democrats can’t stop whatever he decides to do.  There’s no longer a 60 vote threshold in the Senate for confirmation and McConnell is already BRAGGING about how he screwed Obama AND got Gorsuch on the court.  It was Gorsuch a couple days ago who voted to OK Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban.”  We will be facing a right wing court for the rest of my life, and possibly worse if “liberals” choose not to vote in November.  The only way to stop Trump and this surge toward fascism in America is if people vote republicans out of office in November.  (I’m feeling as if 2020 isn’t soon enough – which is why I call this coming election the most significant in my lifetime)

And, while it appears there’s a good chance democrats could retake the House in the Mid-term election, it looks to me as if republicans COULD actually gain a couple seats in the Senate.  I really hope I’m wrong on that front, but 2 out of ever 3 seats up for election are now held by democrats – some in states won by Trump who appear vulnerable to say the least – with only around 10 republicans up for re-election.  A couple republicans “retired” – so their seats are open, but they’re in states considered “red.”  (interestingly, that’s the color affiliated with the Russians)  If democrats can’t retake the Senate Trump will likely get at least one more opportunity to fill a seat on the court.  In 2020 (or sooner) Trump likely will be gone, but his DAMAGE as I’ve been writing about since his so-called “election” will linger for a generation or more.

So, while “we the people” are likely to be engaged in a rigorous discussion over the Supreme Court and the DAMAGE Trump will be able to inflict on those of us who can’t stomach him and his fascist policies, there will be over 2000 children who are pushed out of the headlines.  This is how it works now in “Trump world.”  The scandals are coming so fast that they come and go in a matter of days and then we’re on to the next one.  To me, it’s like I can’t even recognize the republican party which has allowed itself to be commandeered by the right wing “Tea party.”  This resulted from the backlash to Obama’s election from all the white Americans who didn’t realize how racist they really were/are.  I’ve talked to a few who make racist comments and when I point out to them that what they just said was racist they look at me like, “Whaaaat?”  It’s like they want to say, “but he’s a BLACK president, our country’s turning “brown” – being against that isn’t racist.”  To me, it’s more concerning to have a person who doesn’t realize he/her is racist than an overt racist.

I’ve met many a Trump supporter who doesn’t feel supporting racists leaves an “imprint” on themselves.  I’ve only talked to a few about the children pulled from their parents, but some actually agree with Trump and Sessions that it’s a good way to discourage others from coming to “the land of the free.”  The actions of the Trump administration at the border, taking these children from their parents, is just one of the RACIST actions that will be “pinned” on the Trump “bulletin board” as History looks back on this dreadful time in America’s past (once it gets here – which, obviously, couldn’t come soon enough for me).  My hope is that progressive Americans realize while the Supreme Court appointment calls for an “all hands on deck” fight, they MUST NOT forget the immigrant children!  Additionally, making this “fight” a campaign issue would not be wise.  Do it now, get it over with.  (In reality, that’s the democrats best chance to work with moderate republicans like Collins and Murkowski to get a more palatable justice.  Democrats MUST not allow their anger at McConnell to lead to something worse)

I’ve talked for years about how the “puppet masters” who have been pushing the republican party to the right since the days of Reagan envision a so-called “permanent republican majority.”  Well, Trump is the perfect president for that “vision” – which believes a 40% “base” is enough to remain in power.   Even thoughtful members of the republican party had no idea what their “leaders” were envisioning.  Fortunately, there are “republicans” like Wallace, Schmidt, David Jolley – former member of the House from Florida, David Frum, I recently read his book “Trumpocracy” which is a very good read, James Comey (yes, a lifelong republican), Robert Mueller (also a republican), and, astonishingly to me, George Will, plus many other
“republicans” who realize what a danger Trump poses to the America we all love.  Listen, I’ve heard Trump associates refer to John McCain, George W Bush and his brother Jeb, and the others listed above as “rino’s” (republicans in name only).  In my mind, I’m thinking, “how has it come to this?”  To me, this “fight” is for the soul of America.

Final Thought:  Trump’s impending court appointment will go a long way to cement right wing principles in our judicial future, but it’s up to “we the people” to vote Trump’s republican enablers out of congress – that’s imperative and, if we fail, this country will become unrecognizable.  The real force behind this movement comes from the moneyed elite like the Koch brothers, the DeVoss family, the Coors family, business leaders like Sheldon Adelson, Wall Street elites, and others who put their financial GREED above everything else.  If you want to have a better idea of who this secretive group is, read “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet.  These people are expert at remaining “behind the curtain” (picture the “wizard” in the movie “The Wizard of Oz”) AND they have enormous POWER.  (The Koch’s themselves will “donate” over half a BILLION dollars in 2018 to help preserve the very Congress that GAVE them BILLIONS in the tax scam “because their ‘donors’ demanded it.”)  Republicans and their “donors” could care less about MOST of the Trump voters, but they’re expert at disguising themselves and their true intent!  And, the beat goes on!

One more thing:  Today I listened to a migrant Mom from Guatemala who is seeking to get her daughter back being interviewed and she was asked how she felt NOW about seeking refuge in America and what she would say to others.  (She’s fleeing extreme violence)  She responded by saying others should seek refuge in other countries because America has no heart.  For Trump and republicans this would be EXACTLY what they want to hear.  To them, their policies are working.  To a majority of Americans and the world, these policies make this nation virtually unrecognizable with her history as a welcoming place for immigrants.