Monthly Archives: May 2018

If Trump wins, America loses. That’s exactly what Vladimir Putin wants! “We the people” need to vote for DEMOCRATS in November – we MUST reject FASCISM!

If you’ve been on this site much you would know that I’m reading BOOKS all the time – books in the genre of “current events” or “politics” or history.  Right now I’m reading a very  good book by Madeline Albright that actually falls into all three categories: “Fascism, a warning.”  If you don’t know, Albright is a Jewish immigrant who’s father got his family out of Czechoslovakia during WW II just before Hitler’s invasion would have likely destroyed her family.  She has been a college professor since she retired from public service – her last job was Secretary of State during the Clinton administration.  In this book Albright gives the history of Fascism from Mussolini to the present day and, seemingly trying to be “polite,” tries to give the “warning” about what is happening in America under Trump.  She writes the book in a way to give the reader enough information to figure out what is potentially happening in America without coming out and calling Trump a Fascist.  Well, I haven’t been so polite.

I’ve also read “The Despot’s Apprentice” by Brian Klaas and he makes it clear that the Trump phenomenon is clearly following the “path” of other “despots” who’ve turned (mostly) fledgling “democracies” into fascist dictatorships.  As Trump makes his “philosophy” clearer by the day you can clearly see the parallels.  Just the other day, for example, he used an “executive order” designed to take rights away from federal workers who actually are part of unions which have negotiated (bargained) for workplace “rules.”  Of course, the right wing “echo chamber” – which is funded by the wealthy elite – is cheering this on because they’ve been fighting against union organizing since the 1930’s when our fathers and grandfathers (and now, great grandfathers) FOUGHT for the rights of workers to collectively BARGAIN.  This move is typical of a TYRANT who believes he gets to make the rules himself.   Sadly, in today’s America, there doesn’t appear to be the “push-back” there should be against this type of POWER GRAB.

Of course, Trump used the now too common strategy of quietly announcing this power grab late on a Friday, right before a holiday weekend – seemingly hoping to keep this out of the headlines – one more move by Trump that would fall into the “fascist” category via the definition of both Klaas and Albright.  If you’ve been paying attention – or NOT allowing yourself to get sucked in by the right wing “echo chamber” led by Trump TV (Fox “news”) – the actions by Trump which have “fascist” written all over them happen on a regular basis.  It’s so common that people – and journalists – are almost numbed by Trump’s ARROGANCE.

I wrote the other day how Trump – speaking of his arrogance and attitude that he’s the “decider” – forced the Commerce Department to negotiate a settlement with a Chinese Telecom that was using parts from American companies to construct their phones and then both using the phones for espionage in America and selling them to countries under American sanction.  Due to the companies violations of American law, the company had been blocked from purchasing parts from these American sources which, essentially, was going to shut it down.  Trump forced the change via the Commerce Department – which had “heads” in Washington – on “both sides of the isle” – “puzzled,” until a deal the Trump Organization made with China to finance one of their construction projects in Indonesia – bringing Trump MILLIONS – became public knowledge.  I think Trump just can’t help himself.  He was likely the head of a mafia type organization before becoming president (very possibly why he’s so worried about Robert Mueller’s investigation) and his fascist tendencies are apparently “in his bones.”

Sadly, the bulk of the republican party has willingly been supporting Trump and some of them have totally soiled their legacies with some of the embarrassing comments they’ve made in public.  One example that comes to mind was Orrin Hatch proclaiming Trump the greatest president ever after the tax scam was passed.  Of course, Hatch is in his 80’s, so maybe he was just having a delusional day – but, when all is said and done, those words could very well define him.  Republicans SHOULD be the ones speaking the LOUDEST about what Trump is “up to,” but, what they’re doing is proving me correct in all the posts I’ve made over the past 10 years lamenting their push to the “right” and how “we the people” NEED to make them part of America’s history – next to Benedict Arnold!

We’re already seeing clear evidence of why the tax scam was so important to them, and, to me at least, it’s embarrassing.  Sheldon Adelson is receiving a reported $680 MILLION windfall each year from the scam so, one of the first things he did was funnel $30 MILLION to the republican party – with the likelihood of MILLIONS more to come as we near the 2018 election.  Either democrats are completely SILENT on this, OR our “liberal media” is so enamored by Trump that he’s the ONLY thing they can talk about.  The tax scam SHOULD be part of the news on a regular basis – the DISGRACE of republicans passing a bill that takes OVER  a TRILLION dollars from the MIDDLE CLASS and funnels it to the top “1%” in order to keep BILLIONS coming back in return to their campaign “coffers” should be part of the NIGHTLY “news.”  “We the people” SHOULD be informed as to what is actually happening to this money.  But, we’re more focused on listening to every LIE that comes from the mouth of Trump.  And, Trump is smart enough to support this scam (of course, he’s also reaping MILLIONS from it each and every year) so that republicans will feel obliged to support his fascist behavior.  It’s disgusting and DANGEROUS.

Briefly, here’s a few more things that should be obvious to everyone paying attention that are “tendencies” of a fascist “leader.”  Trump is, virtually every day, attacking the “media.”  Of course, the attacks are focused on ANYONE who might call him out or disagree with him on ANYTHING.  He’s gone so far as to suggest he could repeal the license of media outlets that don’t report on him “favorably.”  He seems envious of “leaders” like Putin and Erdogan who simply jail reporters who report things they don’t like.  Trump is CONSTANTLY attacking the intelligence community and the Justice Department which is right out of the despot’s “playbook.”  Of course, what he really doesn’t like about our Justice Department and FBI is that they are investigating HIM and his campaign – which it’s appearing more and more likely each day was conspiring with foreigners to help him get elected.  Despite laws to the contrary, Trump appears to see nothing wrong with allowing foreigners to influence our elections.  The WORST part of this, to me, is that Trump is willing to DESTROY our Justice Department in order to save his own “skin.”

At one point, Trey Gowdy, one of the right wing republicans who appear to be enabling Trump, actually said to Trump:  “If you’re innocent, act like it.”  Well, of course, it doesn’t take a “brain surgeon” to realize Trump is NOT acting as if he’s innocent.  It appears to me that he’s looking at a “double barreled” shotgun – the Mueller probe and the investigation going on in the Southern District of New York “focused” on Michael Cohen.  I believe it’s very possible Trump’s greatest FEAR comes from the Cohen investigation which could uncover what seems to many to be the Trump organization being run as a mafia family.  Cohen has often been referred to as Trump’s “fixer.”  Silencing all the people (usually women, it appears) who have situations involving Trump he wants to hide from the public – like the issue with Stephanie Clifford AKA Stormy Daniels seems to have been one of Cohen’s top priorities.  Trump expects his surrogates (fixers) to simply make his transgressions “go away.”  Despots operate similarly to crime family bosses – which is why the Russian government, under Trump’s idol Vladimir Putin, is considered an organized crime syndicate – which Trump apparently wants to emulate.

And, of course, there’s one part of Trump’s resume that is TOTALLY our of the “depots handbook.”  Virtually all fascists who risen to power are RACISTS.  I’m not going to go to great length here to point out the “evidence” supporting the reality America’s so-called president is a RACIST – you can find it by “googling” Trump, racist.  It’s no secret – he based his campaign on maligning Mexicans, he called countries in Africa “Shithole countries, he refers to African American athletes who protest police brutality by taking a knee during the national anthem at NFL games as “sons of bitches,”  (and has suggested they shouldn’t even be in this country) and his history before campaigning for president was rife with racism – like leading the “birther” movement regarding President Obama.  Fascists are racists – and, Trump fits the “bill.”  What’s the saying, “If it walks like a duck………………………..?”

“We the people” will have the ability to do something about this in November of this year.  But, I can guarantee you it won’t be like the normal “mid term” elections.  Adelson has already thrown in $30 MILLION to help republicans and has pledged who knows how much more while the Koch brothers have pledged something in the neighborhood of $300 to $500 MILLION to support republicans running for Congress who are “true to the right wing message.”  The party of “FAMILY VALUES” has no interest in “family values.”  I don’t believe they ever have – they just use this premise to keep all the unsuspecting right wing “Christians” in line – the people who care about little beyond the abortion issue. (And, don’t get me wrong, MOST of these people are good working class people who had nothing to do with Charlottesville)  And, it’s true that one “success” for Trump, in their eyes, is the amount of right wing (corporatist – which they’re unaware of) judges who are going to be a bane on America for the next 20 or more years – republicans are pushing in “judges” who are as young as possible because they get “lifetime” appointments.

If Trump and the republicans are going to be stopped it will take a democratic party which realizes what’s going on and understands this is a “war” for the heart and soul of America.  I’ve listened to disenchanted “moderate” republicans who want to side with democrats cautioning the democratic party about shifting too far “left.”  To me, that’s the message that will lead to more of the same – tepidness on the part of “progressives” that will accomplish little and lead to, ultimately, just a different version of Trump.  This – meaning the modern day – republican party needs to be voted out of existence as a major force in American politics.  They are attempting to “turn back the clock” to the days of the robber barons – and, the reality is some of the “robber barons” were quite content with the Nazi’s of 1930’s Germany.

There was a lot of blood shed to create the gains for middle class Americans during the “New Deal” and the couple of decades that followed – before Ronald Reagan put into play the plans of the so-called Powell memo – designed to turn America into a corporatist state.  Which is the foundational meaning of fascism – a corporate/government partnership.  It’s time for “we the people” to realize what’s actually happening to our government.  People have watched it deteriorate – under republican administrations – since Reagan took the oath of office.  Republicans have adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels – the chief Nazi propagandist – because it works.  That’s why you hear Trump claiming “witch hunt” (and other LIES) over and over and over an over and…………. you get the idea.  After Trump has repeated the “witch hunt” LIE often enough, most of his “base” actually believes it’s true.  He’s preparing them to disbelieve any findings coming from Mueller – because, other than Mueller, it’s Trump who knows the TRUTH.  If there was nothing there, Trump would be encouraging Mueller to find out what the Russians were up to so we could STOP them.  As it is, Trump is virtually encouraging the Russians to continue their bad behavior – it will be helpful to keep Trump in office!  If Trump wins, America loses.  That’s exactly what Vladimir Putin wants!

One other thing despots can be counted on is the ability to LIE.  And, Trump may not have anyone who’s a peer in this category.  He LIES with impunity and when called on it, he just keeps LYING.  And, it seems as if that’s the one requirement of his subordinates – the willingness to LIE under any circumstances.  Rudy Giuliani, in his desperate quest to be relevant again, has been busy on Trump TV casting LIE after LIE in his effort to be Trump’s “defense attorney.”  In the process, it appears to me Giuliani is just giving Mueller more “fodder” to support the case that Trump is OBSTRUCTING justice.  (I believe there are several others who could be vulnerable to the same charge – including republican members of the House.  To me, if you’re trying to BLOCK an investigation, you’re OBSTRUCTING it – hence, for example, Devin Nunes seems vulnerable to charges from my perspective – along with Mike Pense and others)  The point is, as you look back on history, one thing in common to all TYRANTS who’ve formed FASCIST governments is the willingness to LIE about anything..  To do what, in the words of Kellyanne Conway, is create “alternative facts.”

The bottom line is – and, obviously, I’m not as polite as Madeline Albright, the FACTS indicate that the so-called president of the United States is a FASCIST.  This isn’t a wild charge as was thrown routinely at President Obama by the “Tea Party” – a group that grew out of the backlash that “we the people” would elect a president who’s father was a Kenyan.  (Trump led that racist outrage)  The “charge” that Trump is a FASCIST is backed up by FACTS.  I’ve laid MANY of them out here and “we the people” and our so-called “liberal media” need to be calling it what it is.  At this point, the solution is for every American of voting age to commit they’re going to vote.  And, while I’ve always been an independent (before Reagan, I actually considered myself a “conservative”) it is incumbent on “we the people” MORE than ever before to vote for DEMOCRATS.  What we’re doing if making a clear statement to the WORLD that “we the people” are rejecting FASCISM.  And, if we’re fortunate, maybe we’ll end up with a Congress that has the courage to begin doing what’s right for our nation.




Can you remember ANYONE who ever “gave” themselves the Nobel Peace prize? Welcome to today’s USA!

I’ve been trying to finish a post regarding my thoughts on the “gun issue” as I’m a retired teacher who spent many years thinking my school “could be next.”  However, as usual, Trump and his disgraceful supporters are keeping me too busy trying to keep up with all the DAMAGE (as I’ve chosen to call it) that continues pushing America toward ‘third world” status.  Which, by the way, I believe would be just fine with the “money changers” who are behind this right wing push toward fascism in America.  Most “pundits” don’t want to call it what it is, but slowly, but surely – one by one – more of them are “seeing the light.”  There’s enough printed material by people who SHOULD be considered “reliable” to expose what is happening with Trump – and, by extension, the republicans who’ve chosen to enable him.

For example, it doesn’t take a foreign policy expert (I admit, I’m not one) to understand that MUCH of what Trump is doing relating to foreign policy is – like everything else he does – all about himself.  I recently pointed out (and gave a link to the article where I read about it) how Trump, in his willingness to “help” a Chinese Telecom that is violating American sanctions and has allegedly committed espionage in our military and intelligence communities, apparently orchestrated a “deal” benefiting the “Trump organization” in Indonesia to the tune of multi MILLIONS of dollars as he ARROGANTLY violates our constitution on a daily basis.  But, the “issue of the day,” – it seems as if Trump’s daily BULLYING of our laws and norms is all part of his plan to “deconstruct the administrative state” – is his “pulling out” of the “summit” planned for June with Kim Jong-un of North Korea (who had already threatened to do the same).  It’s like two sixth graders arguing on the playground!

I have written on several occasions how Trump reminds me of a sixth grader who’s a pathological LIAR and a BULLY.  Seriously, (not sure if that’s the correct term for this thought) this would all be COMICAL if it weren’t so serious.  Trump wrote a letter to Kim that he published – without even notifying the South Koreans, who are the ones with the most at stake here – “pulling out” of the meeting he agreed to attend with NO forethought and likely, had the meeting happened, without planning ahead.  (I’m guessing the meeting will happen at some point because Trump is desperate for a successful outcome)  Trump was planning to come home from this meeting with an agreement that North Korea would “de-nuclearize.”  He had already given himself the Nobel Peace prize (actually, he stated “almost everyone thinks he should get the Nobel Prize), he had a commemorative coin minted showing him and Kim agreeing to this “deal,” (full disclosure, I’ve ordered 5 of the coins – and, their website is painfully slow)  and, presumably, he believes his ridiculous threats are the “secret to diplomacy.”

As I’ve said many times here, the worst part of all this is “the world is watching.”  Many leaders of  the countries making up our traditional allies MUST be looking forward to the day Trump is out of office more than many of us who consider ourselves part of the “resistance” – and, trust me, there are tens of MILLIONS of Americans who wake up every day hoping this is the day Trump is “gone.”  We likely want Robert Mueller to finish his report more than Trump.  Trump is an embarrassment to those who believe in representative democracy and, now, the questions I’m hearing from progressives and moderate republicans is whether the DAMAGE Trump is inflicting on our nation is going to be lasting.  To me, even had the “summit” with Kim happened on schedule, if the Nobel Committee had given Trump a “prize,” that would forever taint that process.  I thought their acknowledgement of President Obama was questionable, at best, but this would be ridiculous.  If anyone deserves a “prize” – should this summit actually happen – in my mind it would be the leader of South Korea.  The South Koreans are right in the middle of Kim and Trump arguing over the size of their nuclear “buttons.”

But, making a fool of himself over the North Korea “summit” wasn’t enough for Trump in one day.  He had to compound that BLUNDER with the words he “threw in” to the disaster that is the NFL.  NFL owners, yesterday, agreed to violate their players rights of free speech and expression by passing a “rule” where they are required to stand for the “national anthem.”  By doing so, and with Trump’s help with even more poorly thought out words (unless you’re a total “redneck” who’s ignorant of our constitution), they just made that “anthem” stand for less than it did yesterday.  When I joined the Marines in 1967 it was with the thought I would be fighting to protect the right of my college classmates to protest against the Viet Nam war – to burn their draft card if that’s what they felt they needed to do.  (full disclosure, I was medically discharged before I could be sent to Nam – likely as another body to fill one of the “bags” being sent home at the time by the thousands)

I find it beyond interesting that “we the people” are fine with watching (and cheering) as MOSTLY African Americans bash their heads together – with almost EVERY one who’s brain is checked post mortem being diagnosed with CTE – and, at the same time, CHEERING when our so-called president (who had 5 deferrals during Viet Nam, ultimately getting out of serving due to phantom bone spurs in his ankle) calls them “sons of bitches” if they kneel during the anthem in protest to all the police brutality aimed at African Americans across this land.  Today, Trump went so far as to suggest any football player who chooses to embrace his right of “free speech” shouldn’t be allowed to stay in this country.  Sadly, the NFL owners gladly go along with Trump – they’re (much of) the MONEY behind his election and avoiding confrontation to his base is more important to them than defending the ideals that “MADE AMERICA GREAT.”  (Before Trump began tearing her down)

This is exactly why I’ve chosen to discontinue my participation in one of America’s favorite pastimes over the past few years – fantasy football.  I’ve always joked about how, as an athlete, you’re taught “statistics are for losers” and how fantasy football is all about statistics.  Well, I would consider myself even more of a “loser” had I been willing to continue supporting the NFL after this latest example of America’s push to the “right.”  Honestly, much of what I’ve been forced to write lately is almost beyond my belief that it seems so necessary.  That America is tilting toward fascism – and, so many are OK with it – belies EVERYTHING I was taught growing up in the 50’s and 60’s.  And, some of our “leaders” are way too accommodating to Trump, to the point where I have NO confidence republicans will act patriotically once Trump is exposed fully by Mueller.  (It shouldn’t take Mueller’s report to see what’s happening)  The NFL owners seem almost to be the perfect example of what’s wrong in America:  “It’s all about the MONEY.”

It may seem unbelievable, but there really is MORE!  Today, in response to Trump’s accusation the FBI illegally “surveiled” his campaign (somewhat like President Obama wiretapping him) – a “conspiracy” Trump AND Alex Jones are calling “Spygate” –  the FBI succumbed to Trump’s BULLYING tactics by allowing a meeting where Devin Nunes, et al – including one of Trump’s defense attorneys (it’s unclear how much the attorney was allowed to view – but, it’s unconscionable he was even present) – were allowed to view CLASSIFIED information regarding an FBI informant who allegedly questioned George Papadopoulus and Carter Page during the campaign after the FBI was given evidence they were conspiring with the Russians.  (By all accounts, the other option was for the FBI to have interviews with them during the campaign which likely would have become public knowledge – so, in effect, what the FBI did was protect Trump’s campaign from being exposed as potentially doing what we now know they did.)  Having this meeting is unprecedented, but having Trump’s defense attorney present is even MORE unprecedented.  At some point, the FBI and “we the people” are going to need to push back against Trump’s BULLYING!

By Trump pushing for this meeting, the FBI informant was “outed” (do you remember Bush/Cheney and the outing of Valerie Plame?  And, the beat goes on!)  The reports I’ve heard and read since this happened have all indicated the DAMAGE Trump has cost the FBI for this LIE he’s pushing could be more significant than some of the other DAMAGE he’s causing.  Apparently, there are informants all around the globe who are re-thinking whether they want to cooperate with our intelligence community.  The reality is their lives are on the line as far as keeping their association with the FBI or CIA and whether their identity will be kept secret.  Clearly, Trump doesn’t think along those lines – it’s all about him and any lasting DAMAGE he does to our nation is simply “collateral in his mind – because he’s simply all about protecting himself.

And, if he was “innocent” wouldn’t you imagine he would simply focus on his job and let the investigation exonerate him?  Trump’s actions are those of a tyrant and, as I’ve said on many occasions, remind me of a mafia boss.  I’m guessing that when Mueller’s investigation is made public, that’s what “we the people” are going to learn.  That Trump was involved in organized crime prior to the “election,” and his family is still “trucking along.”  It’s no secret that the Russian government operates as a “crime family,” and I believe Trump will be exposed as “connected” to the Russians in ways that he clearly doesn’t want “we the people” to know.  I’m not sure if this was why he adamantly has REFUSED to make public his tax returns because I’m guessing much of his business was done “under the radar.”

I predicted long ago that Trump would loathe the day he decided to run for president – likely a response to the “roasting” he received from President Obama at a correspondence dinner a few years back.  Trump lives to “get even” with anyone who challenges him and Obama has been in his sights since taking office.  He’s repealed or reversed Obama era “stuff” it seems as if just because Obama was “for it.”  As I’ve said many times, it’s never about “we the people” with Trump (despite his campaign speeches that are filled with BLATANT LIES) – it’s all about Trump.  Can you remember ANYONE who ever “gave” themselves the Nobel Peace prize?  Trump has repeatedly claimed he’s the greatest president in American history – despite “polls” I’ve seen that rank him at or near the BOTTOM.  It’s all embarrassing, but until republicans act to honor their oath to the constitution, we’re all stuck with Trump.  Ouchee!!!  This is just another day in Trump’s America!

Final thought:  The “stuff” just keeps coming in a way that makes you think it’s purposeful.  While Trump acts with outrage to anyone who disagrees with him, he is continually pushing the boundaries of acceptability – just like the sixth graders I used to teach.  Here’s the biggest problem I see with all the “stuff” of today.  I very much expect Trump to attempt to resurrect the talks with Kim in North Korea – and, whatever agreement might come out of that, I believe the barbarous actions of the Korean regime toward its people will be secondary.  Trump’s goal in any negotiation will be to fulfill his personal claim to that Nobel prize.  And, if it doesn’t materialize, I’d say to the Nobel committee, “look out!”  (And, stop reading “tweets from Trump on “Twitter.”)


I no longer look at Trump as the problem, it’s the republicans in Congress who are enabling him who are the problem.

I’ve written numerous posts pointing out the DANGEROUS authoritarian tendencies of Trump and it goes on and on.  I’ve read several book showing clearly the “way” of autocrats who are turning “democracies” – of various stages – into fascist states.  Putin has done so in Russia after their attempt at turning a Communist nation into a democratic one as, at least temporarily, failed.  Erdogan, in Turkey, has essentially done the same thing.  They follow the same “play book,” and it’s working all over the globe.  The “nationalist” fervor is ramping up and it appears the “globe” is headed for some rocky times.  Trump is mimicking the dictators he has shown so much admiration for – most notably the two mentioned above.

Before I get into more detail a “little history” in case you either haven’t been paying attention, or you’re too young to remember a few things.  Keeping in mind, since WW II the United States has occupied a position of – what many have called – “The leader of the free world.”  Well, Ronald Reagan took the plan initiated by Lewis Powell – the so-called “Powell memo” (if you’re not familiar with it, “google” it) – and based his policy decisions on making Powell’s memo a reality.  (You can clearly see the success of this “plan” by checking the history of the middle class income “stagnation” since Reagan took office – the FACTS are clear)  In the process of all this there emerged an incredibly ARROGANT “class” of wealthy Americans who morphed into the “project for the new American Century.”  These people had a “plan” for America to dominate the “world stage” via her great military might.

Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to understand that many around the globe were not impressed by this group (Including MANY Americans – likely MOST Americans – with many who, to this day, don’t understand what this group is or stands for) after seeing the result of their “vision.”  Take for example the most significant DISASTER fomented by this group (at least in my mind) – the STUPID invasion of Iraq by Bush/Cheney which was a violation of virtually EVERYTHING America had stood for up to that time.  (Of course, Bush/Cheney compounded their BLUNDER by authorizing TORTURE – therefore “blackening” America’s other “eye”)  President Obama attempted to extricate America from that fiasco and the Afghanistan one as he could against a recalcitrant Congress, but, keep in mind, those who were behind the invasion in the first place (remember, Iraq has LOTS of OIL) still held HUGE caches of MONEY and were/are still active in American politics – they’re REPUBLICANS.  (Obama’s major blunder was BLOCKING investigations into all the ILLEGAL activity of Bush/Cheney – essentially opening the door for Trump who is even worse)

This fiasco in Iraq is what eventually became a battle – in Iraq and Syria and elsewhere – with the “Islamic State” – most often referred to as either “ISIS” of “ISIL.”  The battle against ISIL became centered in Syria at the same time there has been a civil war going on for the past several years – with MILLIONS of Syrians fleeing the violence and attempting to resettle in countries around the globe.  This has led to much fear among people in the nations where the Syrians are immigrating and much FEAR MONGERING by politicians like Trump.  Of course, Trump’s FEAR MONGERING is aimed more at immigration coming from South of America’s border, but he’s also loudly voiced the anti MUSLIM rhetoric which is making it harder for Syrians to find places to “land” and stirring up “white nationalist” fervor all across Europe.  America, who you could argue is responsible for MOST of this migration has virtually closed her doors to the people fleeing Syria.  So far, in 2018, as I’m writing this, the United States has admitted less than 20 Syrians who are fleeing the violence in their land, created to a large part by us! (they’re fleeing by the tens of thousands)

The same “white nationalist” agenda Trump if spouting is taking root in other places around the globe.  In my view, it’s up to “we the people” to be the force that begins the process of STOPPING this “wave” which is rooted in fascist history.  We, in America, saw a stark example of this last year when the Trump supporters marched on Charlottesville with their Nazi tattoos, Nazi armbands, and Nazi flags chanting “Jews will not replace us.”  Trump, of course, claimed that many of those people carrying the Tiki Torches were “very fine people.”  The more I read about the history of the Nazi movement, the more I realize the danger Trump poses to over 200 years of America’s “self government.”  Yes, we are not a “true democracy” – we’re a “democratic republic” –  our “founders” had the foresight to create a system of “checks and balances” designed to prevent that which republicans have been attempting to circumvent for years.  Sadly, our “liberal media” is not picking up on the nuances of this republican assault on our system of government – but, hopefully, “we the people” will voice our displeasure with Trump and those who defend him this coming fall.

Dick Cheney was BAD, but Trump is much worse.  For those of you around when Cheney was Vice President, he was pushing the “theory” (made up by authoritarian republicans) of the “unitary executive.”   Their “theory,” essentially, stated that the president is the “decider.”  It puts the president “above the law,” something we’re seeing first hand with Trump.  (Again, President Obama furthered this “theory” by allowing Bush/Cheney to “get away” with their clear violations of American law AND international law.  We fought this battle with Richard Nixon and it was determined the president is NOT above the law – but, “we the people” depend on those who take their oath to the constitution to defend that principle)  By now, we all KNOW where Trump is coming from.  Most Americans aren’t taking the time (and energy) to research ALL of what Trump is “up to” but most of us KNOW it’s BAD – I believe one of his strategies is to be so ARROGANT about his abuses that we’re all just weary in dealing with it all – therefore, MUCH is happening that even those of us paying attention have no idea what transgressions Trump is sneaking through “under the radar.”  People are “dizzy” trying to keep up with all the scandals.

Which brings me to the point of my thoughts for tonight.  The real culprit here is the republican Congress.  They ALL took an oath to the constitution, they ALL have significant staffs that SHOULD be informing them on what Trump is “up to,” and they’re collectively turning a “BLIND EYE” to all of Trump’s ILLEGAL behavior.  To make matters worse, there’s a group in the House, led by Devin Nunes (California), Mark Meadows (North Carolina), and Jim Jordan (Ohio) who are working full time in an effort to protect Trump and undermine our intelligence community.  The DAMAGE (as I’ve many times referred to it) could be devastating if they’re successful in undermining “we the people’s” belief in the non partisan nature of the Department of Justice.  The end result of them succeeding in this apparent attempt to enable Russian interference at the expense of American institutions (exactly the result Putin was looking for) could be chaos on the streets of America.  To anyone who believes America is not vulnerable to Fascism,  think again.

When Trump was “elected” I predicted he would be in office only as long as republicans felt their own jobs were safe.  What I didn’t understand was the number of fascist leaning members of the republican caucus in the House willing to enable him.  Of course, we all understand that if there was a democrat in the White House, virtually ALL of these republicans would be “singing” a different “tune.”  Can yo imagine their response had they suspected President Obama elicited help from the Russians to get elected?  Can you imagine their response had Obama been making decisions while in office aimed at enriching himself or members of his family to the “tune” of MILLIONS of dollars.  I mean, republicans are still harping on the Clinton’s for enriching themselves AFTER leaving office – while they’re SILENT as Trump and his son-in-law are using their office to make MULTI MILLIONS.  You can read in my previous post about Trump’s getting the Chinese to help him “cut off a fat hog” in Indonesia while pushing for the Commerce department to help a Chinese telecom which is violating American sanctions and using their technology to infiltrate our military.  Also, Jared Kushner’s brazen attempts to pull his family out of a financial disaster at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan by essentially bribing the Qatari government is unbelievable to me – just think if Hillary Clinton had done this while in office.

So, we all knew Trump was an authoritarian personality, a racist, a misogynist, and a pathological LIAR when he “won” the “White House” (In a rigged election).  His actual actions are even more ARROGANT than I suspected when he took office, mainly because I EXPECTED Congress to “check” his behavior as they are honor bound to do.  Sadly, they’ve decided to circle the wagons for Trump instead of honoring their OATH to the constitution and, thereby, putting themselves in the same place in the history book as Trump.  Trump seems to think that if he can work out a “deal” with Kim Jong-un it will save the “House” in November.  To me, that’s very unlikely (both things), I don’t think republicans fully understand the backlash that is coming – but, it’s true “progressives” have a bad history when it comes to voting.  Democrats had better start giving “progressives” a reason to vote beyond “impeachment” because anyone paying attention knows there will be no impeachment until republicans agree.  And, it looks as if republicans have chosen to stand with Trump and Putin instead of with our constitution.  It’s up to “we the people” to put the “do not disturb” stamp on our constitution.  To sum  up this thought – I no longer look at Trump as the problem, it’s the republicans in Congress who are enabling him who are the problem.

That Trump can “get away” with threatening the Justice Department and referring to it as if it’s purpose is to fulfill his wishes should be enough to get EVERY member of Congress’s attention.  I’ll say it again, what would republicans have done had Obama done that.  The constant attacks on the “free press” are calculated and they shouldn’t be tolerated by members of Congress.  Clearly, Trump is “employing” methods which originated in 1930’s Nazi Germany and our liberal media is not educating the casual viewer as to the history of the “Big Lie Theory.”  When you read “The Despots Apprentice” by Brian Klaas and “Fascism a warning” by Madeleine Albright you get a clear picture as to why “we the people” need to rise up in RESISTANCE to Trump and the republicans who are enabling him.  This “white nationalist” movement is spreading around the globe and “we the people” need to be the anti-dote to the movement.  We have the power – history will not look on “we the people” kindly if we stand idly by and allow this dangerous “movement” to continue in the borders of the United States of America!

Final Thought:  When I wrote this stuff it came to my mind that it should be understood “Trump TV” (Fox “news”) is every bit as much a problem as the republicans in Congress.  Sean Hannity is a LIAR comparable to Trump.  Clearly, Fox adopted Goebbels’ “Big Lie Theory” years ago.  It works.  The sad reality is that pathological LIARS come to believe their own LIES as the words “trickle” off their tongues.  Fox will end up in the “trash pile” of history along with Trump, the members of Congress enabling him (largely those named above with a few more – like Trey Gowdy, for one that comes to mind), and Benedict Arnold.  I’ll let you figure out what that means!

I mentioned earlier that the “Project for the New American Century” is the brainchild of a bunch of wealthy (right wing – I might have forgot to add that important caveat) Americans.  These people are the ones benefiting from Trump’s one “success” – the “tax scam” – to the tunes of BILLIONS in some instances but multi MILLIONS in most cases (and that’s per year) AND these are the people who will continue supporting Trump, because, to them, it’s “all about the money.  Well, today it was announced the NFL owners have caved to Trump’s demand they violate the free speech rights of their players in regards to the National Anthem.  This is another sign that it’s up to “we the people” to fix this problem and we’ll be fighting HUGE piles of MONEY that will support unadulterated LYING in order to confuse what Trump has called “the uneducated voters.”  It’s up to the rest of us to educate them – somehow!  The FIGHT between now and November is the most significant battle of the ballot box in my lifetime!

Trump is attempting to turn America’s system of “checks and balances” upside down. It’s up to “we the people” to make sure he FAILS!

Anyone who’s been paying attention doesn’t need me telling them the republican party has totally abandoned any principle which has “defined” them over the proceeding 30+ years.  Now, if you’ve been reading on this site you know that I haven’t been fooled.  They’ve been “tilting” farther and farther to the “right” since the days of Reagan.  The now infamous “Koch Brothers,” who were part of the right wing fringe when Reagan was first elected, are now driving the agenda.  With republicans it’s ALL about the MONEY and the POWER and they’ll do whatever it takes to keep it.  (The money and the power)  Clearly, they are prepared to enable Trump under any circumstances.  In fact, the House republicans are willing to TOTALLY overlook the likelihood THEIR president conspired with the Russians to get elected!  Yikes!  And, their willingness to enable Trump are creating even greater problems!

What people have to understand about Trump is that the more he’s pressed by the Mueller probe the more he’s going to fight back.  And, he’s pandering to the only people who will stand with him as he’s pushed closer and closer to the “corner.”  It’s  the fringe right wing “base” he’s “throwing” constant “bones” to in order to keep them in line.  At the same time, Trump is “cashing in” on as much as he can, while he can, as he’s DAILY abusing the emoluments clause of the constitution to even greater abuses.  Recently, it became public he’s “making a deal” with the Chinese over a telecom company that builds cheap cell phones while using parts they purchase from U.S. companies and then sell to countries that are subject to U.S. sanctions.  The company itself, ZTE, has now been sanctioned by the U.S. government because of these violations, plus it’s been reported their phones have been used to gather espionage against the U.S. for the Chinese government.  Our military and intelligence communities have BANNED them!

So, what did Trump, “Mr. America first” do?  He’s ordered the Commerce department to work out a “deal” so that ZTE can do business in the United States again, “for the sake of Chinese jobs.”  Are you kidding me?  (Well, obviously not – because what I’m writing here is true and I’m not kidding me!)  To top it off, it’s been reported that the Chinese have, subsequent to Trump’s “let’s make a deal” over ZTE, made a large “investment” in a project in Indonesia which the Trump organization has a significant “stake.”  I know this is a beyond ARROGANT violation of the emoluments clause in our constitution, but, if you don’t believe me (you’re correct, I can’ t believe a president would do this and plan to “get away” with it – picture all these republican ENABLERS if President Obama had done such a thing) you can read about it HERE.  It appears to me Trump is “grabbing” satchel upon satchel of MONEY before the TRUTH catches up with him.

I’ve said many times on this site Trump reminds me of a mafia boss and, in my mind, that’s becoming clearer with every passing day.  And, as I said above, his nature is to fight back and he’ll do whatever he deems necessary to protect himself and his family.  I believe, if it ever was, it’s no longer about “we the people” but it’s about saving his butt.  His son is liable and it appears to me he’s likely to be facing some kind of charges unless the republicans TOTALLY fail to take their oath’s seriously.  As more and more FACTS come out, Don Jr. is appearing to be a LIAR somewhat in line with his daddy.  And, Jared Kushner?  Well, he’s clearly violated several laws relating to the national security of the nation – like LYING (over and over) on his SF 86 form – which is why America’s “savior” for “peace in the Middle East” can’t get a security clearance to read classified information in the “White House.”  Then, I must remind you the emoluments clause affects more than the president.

So, tonight I read in the NY Times (HERE) that the Kushner’s are in the process of getting “bailed out” of the financial disaster they purchased a few years ago, appropriately  the address is 666 Fifth Avenue, in Manhattan, by the investment arm of the Qatari government, Brookfield Property Partners.  Keep in mind, it was just a few months ago that the Trump administration supported a BLOCKADE of Qatar (pronounced “cutter”) by the Saudi’s and the United Arab Emeritus, ostensibly – based on “rumors” – because the Qatar led investment firm was not interested in bailing out Kushner on what many consider the 666 albatross.  However, now that the BLOCKADE has been lifted it appears the Qatari’s are seeing fit to help the Kushner enterprise out of a real problem.  The property has a $1.4 BILLION mortgage due early next year and, to date, NO ONE’S been interested in BAILING them out.  Surprise, Surprise, it appears – somehow – the Qatari’s have been convinced to change their minds.

This is all being done right out in the sunlight – yet, the republicans who investigated “Whitewater” – a $10,000 investment the Clinton’s made that went bad – for YEARS and investigated Benghazi FOR YEARS – are going to “look the other way” to CORRUPTION which makes anything ANY other president and/or their family has done, in my lifetime, look like “child’s play.”  I recently wrote a post lamenting Trump’s “draining the swamp” and how his supporters are so STUPID as to believe what he claims.  The “swamp” is clearly NOT being drained – it’s being FILLED.  I guess that’s just a different way to get rid of the “swamp.”  It would be like bringing truckloads of fill dirt to a wetland and FILLING it with DIRT until it was no longer considered a “wetland.”  If Trump continues to get away with this there will no longer be a “swamp” to drain.

I understand the CORRUPTION caused by MONEY in Congress is “bipartisan” – but, the reality is it’s TILTED heavily to the right as well.  Consider the NRA – which used to “donate” to both parties – not equally, but much more “bipartisan” than now.  Here’s an article which will help you “get” that almost ALL NRA money goes to republicans.  Here’s another example;  I recently wrote about how Sheldon Adelson got an almost $700 MILLION windfall (each year) from the republican tax scam so he “tithed” $30 MILLION to the republican party.  Then there’s the Koch Brothers, who are estimated to gain at least $1.4 BILLION (with a B) annually from the tax scam – they’ve committed close to half a BILLION dollars in 2018 to prevent the “blue wave.”  They’ve already begun the REAL fake news which will be a pile of LIES pouring into every imagined part of the media aimed at turning Americans against progressive candidates.  Their target will be all those Trump supporters who continue watching Trump TV or listening to the right wing “talkers” on the radio airwaves who Trump, himself, called the “uneducated voters.”  I”m not saying many of these people are NOT “very fine people” (provided they weren’t carrying Tiki Torches in Charlottesville or supporting those who did) – it’s just that they’re STUPID when it comes to politics.  They are willingly believing LIES – AND they’re too LAZY to fact check!  (many of them DON’T read at all! and, they’ve been led to believe those of us who do are “elitists” – this is the playbook of autocrats!)

I continue to believe in our constitution and believe our system of government is stronger than Trump.  I continue to believe Robert Mueller will do his job and he’ll be further recognized as an American HERO when all is said and done with the “Russia Investigation.”  I read today he’s planning to end the “obstruction” phase of the investigation by September – Rudy Giuliani seemed to be bragging as if he accomplished this.  Well, by my take, Mueller is planning to end that phase of the investigation so that “we the people” don’t go to the polls wondering what his conclusions are.  I’m guessing he’ll give an incriminating report on Trump, his son, his son-in-law, and possibly others in the “White House” – co-conspirators – including Mike Pense, Sarah Sanders, and several who have “moved on.”  I believe he wants to give voters information to help them decide if they want to turn America into a fascist state.  And, it’s not only the surrogates in the “White House” who are conspiring, I believe members of the House are dangerously close to, themselves, participating in the conspiracy to OBSTRUCT  justice.

My understanding, for example, of what entails a “conspiracy” would be:  If you are present when someone is planning a crime and you don’t report it, you are part of the crime.  Take, for example, when Trump fired James Comey.  He reportedly read in what he was prepared to do with virtually everyone working, at that time, in the “White House.”  The next day Pense, Kellyanne Conway, and Sean Spicer (the ones I remember) were out LYING about why Trump fired Comey – only to have Trump ADMIT the TRUTH to Lester Holt on, maybe the most ILL ADVISED interview in American political history, that he fired Comey because of the “Russian thing.”  A couple days later Trump “doubled down” while in the Oval Office with a couple Russian leaders when he again said he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation.  Technically, from how I understand the law, anyone “read in” to Trump’s action would be part of the “conspiracy to OBSTRUCT justice.”  I’m guessing who gets caught up in all this will depend on how serious Mueller takes it all and also, who LIED in their “interview” with the Special Counsel’s office.  At the rate these people LIE, it could be a bunch of them!

Then I have to wonder about the House “Intelligence” Committee???  Devin Nunes, what a whack job!  And, clearly, he’s been working inside the House in an attempt to shield Trump from whatever might be coming from the Mueller investigation.  It’s not that he led a committee that was clearly a SHAM, that I believe makes him vulnerable to the conspiracy.  It was his late night visit to the “White House” to get info from them and then, the next day, act like he’d found “evidence” that would support Trump’s outlandish claim that former President Obama “wiretapped Trump Tower.”  Subsequently, Nunes has been working overtime in an attempt to block the Mueller investigation – which, to me, appears to be OBSTRUCTION.  Nunes and the other members of his committee who are conspiring with him, in my view, SHOULD be held accountable to the law.  Just like the so-called president, NO ONE is above the law!

Trust me, as this investigation closes in and Trump becomes MORE desperate, his actions will be MORE desperate.  He’ll be initiating more radical RIGHT WING policy decisions so that his “base” will continue “looking the other way,” and he’ll be pushing MORE instances of his greedy MONEY grabs due to foreign governments making “deals.”  I’m presently reading “Fascism a Warning” by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. (I recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in understanding the history behind Trump’s “playbook”)  Clearly, Trump is following the example of autocrats before him – like Vladimir Putin (with whom he seems to have a “bromance”), Erdogan of Turkey, and others going back to the 1930’s. (You can draw your own conclusions on what that means)  Our system of government is designed to PREVENT an AUTOCRAT from gaining a “stranglehold” on our government.  When you look at Trump, you can see example after example of how he is attempting to gain complete CONTROL of our government – and, he’s attempting to convince his followers to “look the other way” from his ILLEGAL practices – because he’s looking out for them.

The key component of leaders like Putin, Erdogan, and Trump is the ability to look their “subjects” in the eye and LIE to them – in a way that convinces the followers the LIE is actually true.  This has been the “playbook” of this type of leader since the 30’s in Germany.  Sadly, it appears to work.  Our founders (in the U.S.) planned to STOP this from happening by creating the system of “checks and balances” that has worked for well over 200 years.  Trump is attempting to turn this system of “checks and balances” upside down.  He’s not only attempting to get the Congress to violate their oath to the constitution (so far, effectively – as we see with the brazen violations of the emoluments clause – to name ONE example – there are others), but his attacks on the media and the intelligence community MIRRORS the path taken by Putin and Erdogan (as two examples, there are more – I’m just too lazy to do the work necessary to  list them) as they turned fledgling democracies into full fledged dictatorships.  “We the people” have the power to stop this, but I guarantee you – Trump and his enablers will be working OVERTIME to prevent progressives from voting in 2018 and they’ll spend never before seen amounts of MONEY  in their attempt to further cement their POWER!

Final Thought:  The beauty of America’s system is “we the people” get to vote in order to determine our leaders.  The sad reality in America is that too many people DON’T vote.  And, republicans like that and are attempting to make it easier to NOT vote for those who aren’t committed to participating.  The SADDEST reality is that we get the government we deserve and as long as MOST people choose NOT to participate “leaders” like Trump will be in our future.  Yikes!!!  (Here’s my thought;  if you’re “bitching” about Trump and the state of affairs in America and you’re NOT voting – shut up!  (And, I rarely use that phrase.   In 23 years of teaching sixth graders I can only remember telling one student to “shut up.”  It’s a very pointed phrase)

Trump’s “draining the swamp” is like me emptying the bathtub by turning the water faucet on full blast!

If you’ve read many of my posts on this site it would be no surprise that I don’t look at Trump as anything more than a “so-called” president.  Lately I spend my days in wonder at how STUPID his supporters seem to me.  And, I say that knowing many of them are just hard working Americans who’ve been BRAINWASHED by outlets like Trump TV (Fox “news”).  For example, one of Trump’s major “promises” was that he would “drain the swamp.”  Well, his supporters would NOT have to look very hard to see the absurdity of that “promise.”  Apparently, most of them are not looking at all.  They simply continue to cheer the race baiting in his campaign style speeches, his divisiveness, and the CONSTANT LYING.

Yesterday the American “Embassy” was moved to Jerusalem in a move designed to placate all the right wing Christians in Trump’s base who care not about his personal behavior or his LYING.  But, in the crowd assembled to celebrate this (to many, a dreadful) action was a great example of how Trump’s going about “draining the swamp.”  (If you remember, Trump claimed his campaign was “self financed” so he wouldn’t be obligated to anyone – ha, ha)  Sheldon Adelson, the owner of MANY gambling casino’s, gained a reported $680 MILLION this year (and likely each year going forward) from the republican “middle class” tax SCAM.  Well, Adelson’s response to his tax windfall was predictable and should tell you all you need to know about why republicans were pushing it so hard and how they “drain the swamp.”  Adelson, who had a front row seat at the opening of the Jerusalem “Embassy,” had just “donated” $30 MILLION to the republican “coffers” – his “tithing” for the “tax scam.”  That’s classic as to what Trump would call “draining the swamp.”  Oh, but there’s more!

Trump, himself, of course, (by now, who would be surprised – unless you watch Trump TV) gained a huge windfall from the “middle class” tax scam.  Most reports I’ve read estimate his “windfall” at around $11 to $15 MILLION per year – a pittance compared to Adelson.  Maybe that’s why Trump looked his admiring followers in the eyes and LIED, “This tax cut won’t help me or the wealthy, it will help workers.”  And, it appeared to me, at the time, that much of Trump’s “gain” was thrown in at the last minute to “inspire” Bob Corker – the republican who’s trying to come across as some kind of honorable anti Trump member of the republican caucus – to vote yea on the bill.  Corker (along with Trump) has been estimated to gain HUGE tax savings on his real estate holdings which produce something like $7 MILLION per year income – his future savings via “pass through” gimmicks in the bill (which, I have to admit I know NOTHING about), leaving him with a nice “retirement” package upon leaving Congress – and then, of course, “changing his tune” in regards to our so-called president.  Disgusting!!!  (What some people will do for a ride on “Air Force One”)

When you consider the amount of middle class tax money that is going to the top 1% as the result of this scam – and, then you look at what Adelson did with his “windfall,” it shouldn’t surprise you about a couple things.  First, the swamp is not being “drained.”  If anything, it’s getting FILLED with more “swampiness.”  Just think of all the recipients of the republican largess and how they will likely show their gratitude.  The infamous Koch Brothers have already pledged nearly a HALF BILLION dollars in an attempt to save the 2018 election for republicans.  (Their tax savings would be in the BILLIONS)  All the unsuspecting Americans who (foolishly) believe they’re getting “straight talk” from Trump TV and the other right wing outlets in America are going to be BARRAGED with the REAL fake news during this coming election cycle.  Republicans will have UNLIMITED amounts of money to ATTACK those who are opposing their candidates.  And, it’s going to get REALLY ugly – likely more than EVER!

The second part of how absurd it is to believe Trump is “draining the swamp” is his own ARROGANT cashing in on being president.  Trump is, again the word is ARROGANT, violating the emoluments clause of the constitution virtually every day – both the foreign part of the clause and the domestic part of the prohibition.  (The emoluments clause, if you’re not familiar, prohibits the president from profiting off his office by accepting any “emolument” from a foreign entity or a domestic entity.  Emolument is defined as profit, salary, or fees from office or employment; compensation for services)  This, again, would not be “draining the swamp,” but instead inviting “swamp creatures” into the swamp.  EVERY time Trump takes his entourage to one of his golf resorts (so far, over 150 days) he’s charging the government exorbitant prices for his own lodging (in his own property) and that of the secret service and whoever else attends.  Ouchee!

Watching this all unfold every day, and seeing so many Americans being OK with it – while still claiming their faith in our constitution, brings the same thought to my mind.  Many of America’s voters are either ill-informed, uninformed, or STUPID.  I hate it when that last word comes into my mind as I’m trying to understand the Trump supporters – but, for whatever reason it keeps “showing up.”  I can see where there’s “stuff” that’s happening under Trump’s watch they are happy about – but, to me, looking the other way on all the CORRUPTION is unacceptable.  It’s almost WORSE than looking the other way regarding all Trump’s personal liabilities – or, what you’d think would be liabilities to his “Christian” base.  Like the sexual misconduct, the LYING, the racist dog whistles, the narcissism, and the misogynist behavior to name a few things that come readily to mind.

As Trump and his surrogates are celebrating the move of the Embassy, they’re also blaming the deaths and destruction simultaneously going on in the Gaza strip, where, as of this writing, OVER 60 Palestinians have been KILLED and OVER 2000 injured by Israeli gunfire – without the capability to care for the injured – Trump’s surrogates are blaming the violence on the Palestinians themselves.  I have to say it comes across to me as a bad picture with Jared and Ivanka Kushner standing in their fancy clothes in front of the Embassy blaming the Palestinians for the violence at the border of the Gaza “strip,” as young kids who are mired in abject poverty are carried away on stretchers.   I believe the outcome of this will be Trump turning even more members of the world “community” against the United States.  I have to truly hope this is not what we’ve become as a  people – that these people (Trump and his family and his followers) don’t really represent America.  However, the 2018 election is going to be a FIGHT and all those people marching in the women’s march and the other protests which have “birthed” due to Trump’s so-called presidency had better vote and get their friends to vote as well.  The reality is “we the people” get the government we deserve – based on how we vote.

Be assured, the “Russia thing” is ongoing, and it’s clear it will not be stopped as long as Trump is in the “White House.”  Also, the Supreme Court has created major obstacles for progressives in their decisions allowing UNLIMITED corporate MONEY – less any accountability (which allows foreign money) – into our election process.  Republicans have masterfully gerrymandered way too MANY districts across America so democrats need probably TWO MILLION more votes nationwide to take back the House and that’s before we consider the possibility of rigged voting machines in right wing controlled states.  Additionally, once the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, the voter suppression “arm” of the GOP was out in full force and that’s ANOTHER obstacle to stopping this TAKEOVER of our nation by right wing autocrats.  So, progressive Americans will face the greatest challenge to our electoral process since the days before FDR.  Republicans believe they can orchestrate their “permanent majority” with a little more than 40% of the public’s support.  Yikes!!! (it’s up to “we the people” to prove them wrong)

If Trump succeeds in “Making America Great Again,” it will be due to the backlash to his push to turn America into a fascist state.  He very well could motivate MILLIONS of lackadaisical Americans who’ve taken their “freedom” for granted and are too busy “making it” to worry about their responsibility to educate themselves about our government and VOTE.  To me, it’s disgusting and disgraceful that almost TWO THIRDS of America’s eligible voters stay home during the mid term elections and, even during presidential elections ONE THIRD (at least) of America’s eligible voters don’t vote.  I remember watching the Iraqi’s risking their lives to vote during the Bush/Cheney fiasco and thinking how so many Americans take for granted what they have and actually spend time complaining about it – with no intention of participating.  I’m a retired teacher and I blame the education system – as it’s evolved over the past 30 years for much of this complacency – especially, since the inception of “no child left behind” – in my mind, designed to leave as many “children” behind as possible.

In fact, with the Trump administration, we’ve seen the attack on our public education system being put on “steroids” with Betsy DeVoss at the helm.  DeVoss will leave a legacy of disgrace that will put her in the same category as many of the Trump surrogates (and, of course, Trump himself) along with the media sycophants who are attempting to BRAINWASH the American people into believing the Russian ATTACK on our nation was “no big deal.”  I have friends who supported Trump who either don’t believe, or don’t care that the Russians ATTACKED our nation.  (an attack that is ongoing)  I asked one of these friends if he believes Trump LIES?  This, of course, in the face of documented evidence he LIES in the neighborhood of SIX times per day (an average) to the American people.  My friend “pontificated” before saying Trump “spins” like all politicians.  Most of the time when I question something about Trump to one of my Christian friends the response starts out, “but Hillary……….”

So, when Trump says “no collusion,” the first thing that comes to my mind is, “if there was no collusion, he wouldn’t have to keep saying that.”  In other words, there WAS collusion – certainly in the June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with representatives of the Kremlin offering “incriminating evidence” about Hillary Clinton – just taking that meeting was “collusion.”  Sorry, Donald!  The problem Trump will likely have when Robert Mueller finishes his report is NOT “collusion” – it will be CONSPIRACY.  And, many in Trump’s “orbit” besides Trump himself are likely to be caught up in a CONSPIRACY against the government of the United States.  And, from where I sit, that would include our pathetic Vice President – who, on numerous occasions has shown a willingness to LIE for Trump.  Just like the rest of the people in his so-called administration.

People who associate themselves with Trump inevitably come out on the other side “dirty.”  While it’s possible Mueller’s investigation will not find wrongdoing by Trump – with the exception of the OBVIOUS obstruction of justice (which I believe the republican House will ignore) – I believe Trump, who’s acting like a MOB boss, is “dirty” and I can’t imagine his son, Don Jr. and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner coming out of this investigation “unscathed.”  As the saying goes, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” – and, both these young men appear to me as willing LIARS – just like “good ole dad.”  John Kelly exposed himself as a racist and misogynist while chief of staff, Sarah Sanders is an embarrassment as she willingly LIES for Trump – ostensibly to keep her job, just as Sean Spicer before her.  Trump’s supporters in the House are an embarrassment – they will find a place next to Trump in the dregs of our history books.  Michael Cohen seems headed for jail like several other former surrogates and the list goes on and on.

Rudy Giuliani – OMG!  I wasn’t a fan, but the guy has put himself in the pathetic category as he attempts to resurrect his own stature – at the expense of Trump.  The Giuliani thing is really a weird one.  He’s supposed to be Trump’s lawyer, but every time he opens his mouth Trump is in deeper s@#t.  I have thought Trump was in a class by himself as far as narcissists go, but Rudy is giving me pause.  He’s right in there himself.  It’s like these two guys deserve each other.  I have to wonder if Giuliani is creating any legal liability for himself – or is he simply SCREWING Trump?  (In the words of one of the intelligence chiefs, “wittingly or unwittingly”)

One thing’s abundantly clear – Trump has surrounded himself with “swamp creatures” as he goes about “draining the swamp.”  And, the sad reality is that his followers, if they read this, would argue that he’s actually making good on his promise.  They wouldn’t consider Adelson and his $30 MILLION tithe as “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider a cabinet full of Wall Street insiders as “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider Michael Cohen selling “Trump influence” as “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider the tax scam – where THEY (meaning Trump’s own supporters) are getting jobbed out of over a TRILLION of their tax dollars “swamp material.”  They wouldn’t consider all the LYING “swamp material.”  Trump’s “draining the swamp” is like me emptying the bathtub by turning the water faucet on full blast!

Final thought:  I’ve written many times about what I call the “DAMAGE” Trump is/will do/ing prior to his removal from office – whenever that might be.  Well, as I (and many others) have said, he’s been fixated on reversing as much of President Obama’s “legacy” as he possibly can.  If Obama was for it, Trump’s against it.  We saw that in the Paris Climate Accords (a major blunder – unless you’re China or Germany), the TPP (another major blunder – unless you’re China or Japan), and, of late, the pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement (likely another major blunder).  It has appeared to me Trump has “hitched his wagon” to the North Korea talks in a very strange – and, from my vantage point – STUPID manner.  While, I believe, Most Americans would love to see North Korea give up the nukes – Trump has already proclaimed himself the recipient of the Nobel Peace prize.  He must really think Kim Jong-un is STUPID.  To me, it’s likely Trump (again) is the STUPID one.  I’m guessing Kim understands Trump now needs a successful agreement much more than he does.  Once again, I believe “we the people” will see our so-called president “played” by another foreign leader.  They’ve all figured out “a little flattery will get you everywhere.”  The “DAMAGE” Trump could do as he desperately tries to pull off an agreement with Kim could be disastrous.  I hope there’s someone left in the State Department to “supervise” our so-called president.  He’s already put Kim on the world stage next to him, theoretically, and I’m guessing Kim will squeeze as much “blood” out of Trump as he can. As in Trump’s own words, “We’ll see” who’s the “great negotiator.”

Trump spends his time railing against a non-existent influx of immigrants on our southern border while IGNORING a constant BARRAGE of Russian HACKERS penetrating our CYBER boarders.

If you’re interested in the “Russia thing,” as Trump, himself, referred to it in his interview with Lester Holt when he admitted that was why he fired James Comey of the FBI, you should read “Russian Roulette” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff.  Today I was listening to “snippets” of Donald Trump’s interpretation of the House “Intelligence” committee’s attempt to exonerate him from that “Russia thing.”  The members of that committee – the republican members – should have to read this book.  After reading it, you (and they) will understand Trump’s claims of “no collusion” and “witch hunt” come right out of the “Big Lie” playbook of Joseph Goebbels back in the day of the German Third Reich.

Many times I’ve accused Trump of being a pathological LIAR.  However, in this instance, these LIES were orchestrated once Trump understood he and his campaign had been “caught” in what has become the “Russia thing.”  (I’m sure, even now, Trump has convinced himself the LIES are “true,” because he’s repeated them so often)  Trump has been busy BRAINWASHING his followers (and himself) since he realized he was in trouble by using these LIES – the “no collusion” and “witch hunt” LIES – he repeats them at every opportunity.  That’s how the theory works and, when you listen to Trump at one of his “stump” speeches, you realize it’s working – with his “ditto heads.”  However, I believe Robert Mueller is going to come up with something called the “TRUTH.”  I believe it would be hard to read Corn and Isikoff’s book without concluding there’s a “there there” and the investigation is NO “witch hunt.”  (Although, should Mueller exonerate Trump, well, Mueller will probably be back in the “good graces” of his fellow republicans – suddenly, he’ll once again be an honorable “ex Marine”)

Here’s the most grievous part of all this for me.  We have a (so-called) president who is busy attacking the Justice Department which is the foundation of our nation.  He’s in a position where having a strong Justice Department, you would think, would be an asset.  However, he envisions it as his “fixer” and is exasperated it’s actually investigating HIM. The “end game” of a (so-called) president attacking the Justice Department like this could, conceivably, be a chaotic nation.  He appears to be giving his supporters a “pass,” for example, should they violently hit the streets if the “Russia thing” doesn’t end well for him. After all, he called those involved in the Charlottesville neo-Nazi rally “very fine people.”  He’s almost been encouraging their violence.  At the very least, no matter how this all ultimately unfolds, Trump is NOT acting like an innocent person.

I recently wrote that Nancy Pelosi is correct when she cautions democrats about running on the “impeachment issue,” but I have to wonder how bad this has to get before republicans act.  It’s the members of the republican party who are the ones with the responsibility to save “we the people” from the Trump disaster.  Yes, there’s enough for them to act right now, but letting Mueller do his job is paramount at this juncture – and, no matter how things turn out, that MUST be the deciding factor in Trump’s fate.  It’s no secret I don’t believe he’s a legitimate president, but “we the people” must honor Mueller’s findings.  Staying true to the “rule of law” is more important than pushing for impeachment because democrats (and, I’m NOT a democrat) don’t like our so-called president.

Impeachment MUST be bipartisan.  Democrats SHOULD be busy constructing an agenda they are willing to actually defend – against the onslaught of the “fake news”  whatever they choose to run on will face.  They MUST NOT check the direction of the “wind” when deciding if they’ll defend their basic principles as they did with the Affordable Care Act and with their own president, President Obama during the elections while he was president.  That’s what worries people like me – democrats abandoning their own traditional principles.  The “New Deal,” during the term of FDR, set the foundation for America’s great middle class and republicans have been busy “deconstructing” it (in the words of Steve Bannon) since the days of Ronald Reagan.  In my view, democrats would be wise to focus on an agenda aimed at recreating the “New Deal” – when workers were honored for their labor.

No matter what “policy” Trump might put forth which might be “successful” (in politics, beauty is ALWAYS in the eye of the beholder) the DAMAGE Trump is doing to our Justice Department is shaking the very fabric of this nation.  (Earth to democrats – there’s a WINNING issue for you to run on – hands off the Justice Department) I still remember when I was young and J. Edgar Hoover was running the FBI and it was considered – actually, it was – a “tool” of the “white establishment” and MANY beside myself had little to no faith the FBI was an “a political” institution.  To  this day, I wonder what role the FBI (and the CIA – same issues) had in the demise of JFK – and, for that matter, Richard Nixon – who, himself, was attempting to use the Justice Department as a “tool” similarly to Trump today.  Personally, I have no desire for our Justice Department to return to those days.  (Obviously, that is EXACTLY what Trump wants.)  During the Ford and Carter administrations the Justice Department was transformed from the Hoover era.  If Trump succeeds in returning the Justice Department to the “Hoover era,” “we the people” will be “fighting” a whole bunch of “battles” all over again. You can read about what I”m referring to in this NY Times article by David Leonhardt which explains much better than I what Trump is doing to our sense of Justice in America.  Let’s hope Trump fails in this endeavor!

I’ve mentioned here several times Trump reminds me of a mafia boss.  Just the other day it was reported Trump had his bodyguard, another thug, and one of his lawyers (Michael Cohen?) “raid” his (former) doctor’s office shortly after his inauguration and STEAL all of Trump’s medical records – including pictures on the doctor’s walls he had of himself and Trump.  Trump’s press secretary Sarah Sanders, who continues to “soil” herself as she LIES for Trump – yesterday said this was essentially what all presidents do shortly after being elected.  Honestly, I’ve never heard of another president having their former doctor’s office raided by thugs and having records forcibly taken from the office – to the point the doctor feels – in Trump’s doctor’s words – “raped, scared, sad.”  Presumably the saddest part of those comments are due to the reality this destroyed a relationship of over 30 years.  I’m guessing, whether Trump is president or not, this raid was legally questionable.  Additionally, I’m guessing the doctor still has digital records.  Bottom line: if Trump simply wanted his medical records he could have asked and made an appointment!

It seems as if “we the people” are getting a clear picture of why Trump is so infatuated with Vladimir Putin (and other dictators who have “transformed” democracies).  Trump’s attacks on the free press, the Justice Department, and his political opponents reeks of “third world” politics and it’s discouraging there are so many Americans willing to go along with this.  I continue to believe there are millions of (white) Americans who would accept an authoritarian form of government if that’s “what it takes” to prevent white Americans from becoming a “minority.”  The problem with that thinking is it’s inevitable.  And, why any white American would FEAR people of “color” in positions of authority shows the lack of education with so many voters in our nation.  We do, the last time I checked, still get to vote in our “leaders.”  Trump pointed out, early in his campaign, that he loves “uneducated voters.”  Instead of millions of “conservative” Americans feeling insulted by that statement, they cheered.  Yikes!!!

Trump and his surrogates (Mike Pense, for example) are already on the “stump,” giving campaign type speeches in areas where they KNOW the audience will enthusiastically support them.  Take last night in Phoenix, Arizona.  Mike Pense was there proving to people like me that we/I would almost rather have Trump as president.  (Maybe that’s Trump’s intention when sending Pense out)  Trump makes me sick to my stomach when I force myself to listen to him.  Pense comes across worse.  In Pense’s speech in Arizona, ironically to support “rule of law” day, Pense said he was “honored” to know that Sheriff Joe Arpaio was in the audience.  This is the sheriff who created an, essentially, concentration camp in Arizona’s desert for the Latino inmates that were targeted (“profiled”) because of their race and were, in some instances, tortured.  Arpaio was ordered to stop by the Justice Department and refused.  He was convicted of CONTEMPT of court and, before he could be sentenced, Trump pardoned him (a clear abuse of the intentions of the pardon power).  Pense’s praise of Arpaio was just another “slap in the face” of the Justice Department.  Pense reminds me of a “puppy dog” following his “master” wherever he’s led.

As the “Russia thing” evolves, it’s becoming more and more apparent that Trump’s “mafia boss” tendencies are taking over – and, he doesn’t like the FACT the constitution and our system of laws continue getting in his way.  Personally, I have to assume Trump has been acting in this manner for years and getting away with it.  He’s the classic BULLY.  I learned as a young boy the way you deal with bullies is hit them right back – don’t allow them to BULLY you.  Well, that’s what James Comey did, for all practical matters, and Trump FIRED him.  That’s what Robert Mueller is doing – and, reports are Trump wants to fire him.  However, Trump has advisers telling him he’s pushed his “firing” power to the limit.  If he fires Mueller, republicans might not impeach him, BUT – the investigation will continue (Trump can’t fire and stop this investigation, nor the one in New York) – and “we the people” will be in the streets with numbers NEVER seen before in American protests!  It appears to me this is not going to end well for Trump no matter what “road” we take to find out the truth.

I Started this post days ago, but the reality is I’m wearing out trying to keep up with Trump.  However, the past few days have been very interesting (as usual) to say the least.  Trump has unleashed Rudy Giuliani on “we the people.”  It appears Trump has found another “surrogate” willing to SOIL him/herself in order to ingratiate him/herself with the “boss.”  As I stated, Trump reminds me of a mafia boss and Giuliani reminds me of the classic hit man most mafia bosses rely on to “get their message out.”  I’ve heard no shortage of New Yorkers totally discouraged by Giuliani’s willingness to LIE for Trump.  And, these are orchestrated LIES – the worst kind, you would think – when it comes to a president.  It’s as if anyone who ends up associated with Trump ruins any standing they might have among the general public.  And, Giuliani – by some considered “America’s mayor” after 9/11 – is putting his legacy right next to Benedict Arnold – just like Trump, Devin Nunes, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Sarah Sanders, John Kelly, and so many other republicans.  As Trey Gowdy said to Trump, “If you’re innocent, ACT like it!”  He’s certainly NOT acting “innocent” from my view.

Giuliani made the Fox “news” circuit, apparently with the idea of clearing up any misconception regarding campaign finance violations with the “hush money” Trump “didn’t know about” that Michael Cohen paid to “Stormy Daniels.”  Well, Rudy cleared it up!  Of Course, after Rudy so strategically pointed out Trump had paid the money back to Cohen, the argument he didn’t know about the payment was – well, SUNK!  And, Trump’s legal nightmare was, well, WORSE!  Since then, we’ve all been watching two MASTER LIARS attempting to re-coordinate their LIES in order to make their LYING look better to the “uneducated voters” who seem to care less about their president LYING to them – as if it’s “normal” to LIE right to their faces.  Of course, all the while Rudy is spewing Trump’s LIES, he – just like his BOSS – is calling James Comey a “pathological liar.”

Talk about the “pot calling the kettle black!”  Giuliani and Trump calling Comey a “pathological liar” is classic “projection.”  As I said above, a willingness to LIE seems to be a requirement of those in Trump’s “orbit.”  The other day, I forced myself to listen to one of Sarah Sanders excruciating press conferences and a journalist asked Ms. Sanders to name one lie Mr. Comey committed prior to Trump firing him.  Of course, she was unable to do so and it sounded as if her words were stumbling all over themselves as she attempted to divert away from the question.  Just like Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Sanders operates in the world of “alternative facts.”  It’s embarrassing to watch – you’d think it would be embarrassing to be proffering the LIES – but, they (Sanders, Giuliani, Conway, etc.) just continue doing so – as if it’s a requirement of the Trump administration.

Sadly, it appears to me that James Comey is exactly correct in his book when he refers to the “tribal mentality” which exists in America’s politics today.  The Trump supporters could care less about all the LYING and those who think like me are likely NEVER to believe Trump is “innocent.”  Trump’s supporters could care less about the Russian interference in our election and I believe it’s obvious.  I have a very good friend who is a Trump supporter and, on a fairly regular basis, we’ll have breakfast and banter away about America’s political scene.  He openly cares not if the Russians impacted the election.  It really bothers me.  The LYING doesn’t bother him – although, he definitely rationalizes it – that is, clear LIES are not necessarily LIES in his eyes – and, I’m guessing there’s MANY Americans who are seeing things the same way.  The LYING really bothers me.  He says, “the only thing that matters is the policy.”  I’m wondering what “policy” is he talking about?  Well, when I ask what the policy is, he can’t really answer.  Like many republicans, he isn’t willing to admit Trump has been the beneficiary of President Obama’s economic success in his first year in office – although, I have to say, he was quick to BLAME Obama for the mess Bush/Cheney left in 2009.  I’ve said MANY times here, the FIRST year of a president’s first term (In Trump’s case, hopefully his last term) the previous president’s economic policy is still in effect.

So, in Trump’s case, the tax scam will be what leaves the mark on his effect on the economy between now and 2020 (unless, his term is cut short due to impeachment or resignation).  (All the signing statements and executive orders are easily reversible) My prediction has been the tax scam will have numerous negative effects on the economy – the two most significant will be a ballooning deficit (which republicans will ultimately BLAME on the next democratic president) and increasing inflation.  When inflation kicks up, the “Fed” will be required to raise interest rates to “cool” it off (based on historical precedent) and we’ll be headed for a recession (which Trump will somehow BLAME on President Obama and Mrs. Clinton – and, who knows, maybe Comey and Mueller). Even republican voters might not like another republican recession.

My friend, who I mentioned above, is predicting Trump is going to receive the Nobel Peace price – apparently, because he and others are convinced Trump has scared Kim Jong-un into giving up all his nukes.  I believe who Trump has scared the most is the South Koreans who are talking about re-unification with the North.  Not knowing much about Korea, that sounds great to me.  If there’s a Nobel Peace prize involved, maybe it should go to the leader of South Korea for instigating the upcoming talks.  While I hope something good comes from the talks, I’m a bit skeptical.  Who knows, maybe the U.S. is going to become strategic allies with North Korea.  I had to remind my friend, President Obama got a Nobel Peace prize – and, as you would surmise, he had a ready response as to why that was a phony deal.

If you want a better understanding of “The Russia thing,” (using Trump’s words) I would suggest you read “Russian Roulette,” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff.  Much, but not all, of what is in the book I’ve heard from various reports since it became public knowledge the Russians were involved in the 2016 election in an attempt to help elect Trump as our so-called president.  It’s true that the reality of the Russian attack on our election PLUS knowing that he got about THREE MILLION less votes than the first woman to run for president – a woman MILLIONS of Americans voted AGAINST – has rendered Trump impotent in dealing with the issue of the Russian attack.  This, of course, makes their continued ATTACK less likely to meet with the required resistance of a nation seeking to protect its BOUNDARIES.  Trump spends his time railing against a non-existent influx of immigrants on our southern border while IGNORING a constant BARRAGE of Russian HACKERS penetrating our CYBER boarders.  While the immigrants seeking asylum as they cross the southern border ultimately, history tells us, will make our nation stronger (we ARE, after all, a nation of immigrants) the Russian CYBER hackers (ATTACKERS) have a goal of making us weaker.  I find it beyond strange we have a so-called president fighting the former while seemingly encouraging the latter.  This should concern ALL Americans!

Final thought:  It’s a sad time for all those Americans who looked at Rudy Giuliani as some kind of patriot after 9/11.  Of course, when you look beyond his self-created headlines, you can see that Rudy is the perfect surrogate for Trump.  He’s attempting to use Trump as Trump uses others and the two of them will likely help each other to self destruct.  It should be interesting, but sad, to watch this all unfold.  Fortunately for Giuliani and Trump, no matter what they say or do, they’ll have the right wing message machine continuing their BRAINWASHING of all the unsuspecting “conservatives” who WANT to believe they (Trump and Giuliani) just wouldn’t LIE to them.  If it tuns out “we the people” really don’t care if our “leaders” are truthful, if “the end justifies the means” is an acceptable political strategy, AND the only thing which matters is if “I get mine,” then America is headed for the same ash heap of history that consumed Rome, Holland, Great Britain, The Soviet Union, Greece, and other great powers.  I just never thought I would witness it in my lifetime.