Monthly Archives: September 2017

I believe much of Trump’s “controversy” is strategically designed to get the topic of “Russia” “off the table.”

I read the other day where Trump (again) suggested that National Football League owners should “fire” players who kneel during the National Anthem to protest Trump’s own divisive words (he called the players “sons of bitches”) and the racial injustice that continues to permeate through parts of America.  After reading this, the first thought that went through my head was that Trump should be FIRED (impeached) for STOKING the racial injustice these players are protesting (not to mention all his other transgressions – not the least of which is the never ending “Russia thing”).  And, there’s (apparently) no shortage of Americans who willingly fall for Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

For some reason there’s many Americans who check “white” when asked their ethnic background on surveys and questionnaires who don’t “get” they’ve spent a lifetime enjoying “white privilege” and, seemingly, want to go back to the original document of our constitution which referred to “Black” persons as 3/5 of a human being.  These are the “White supremacists” that Trump so willingly associates himself with.  The people who pushed the “birther” movement when President Obama was in office (do you remember those rational days when we had a president who was trying to unite instead of one who thrives on division?).

In Trump’s most recent “campaign style speech” where he referred to the Black football players who don’t like him as “sons of bitches” he was in Alabama campaigning for an Alabama Senator, Luther Strange, who was appointed by a corrupt Alabama governor to fill the seat of the racist Jeff Sessions who’s now our Attorney General.  (What a world, huh? – and, to top it off Trump can’t stand Sessions because he did the “right thing” once he became Attorney General and Trump blames him for the “Russia thing.”  Trump, of course, is always blaming someone else for his stupidity)  Strange was running against maybe the only man in the United States who could be more unpopular in the Senate than Ted Cruz (or even maybe Trump), “Judge” Roy Moore – infamous for no longer being a judge because he, himself, couldn’t follow the law.  The same night Trump was campaigning for Strange “Judge” Moore was brandishing a firearm in front of a campaign rally to show he’s in favor of the 2nd amendment.  Wow! Impressive!

These people in Alabama are so susceptible to brainwashing it’s almost unbelievable.  The NRA has MILLIONS of Americans believing democrats are going to break down the doors of their homes to take all their guns so now they vote republican because of the abortion issue AND the propaganda of the NRA.  The FACT they were cheering Donald Trump as he was belittling John McCain was what many would call “the proof in the pudding” that they can’t think for themselves.  I want to say I found it interesting listening to Trump belittle Senator McCain to place the blame for HIS own failure to figure out how to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, but the truth is I found it DESPICABLE!  And, the crowd booing at the sound of McCain’s name – that was even more DESPICABLE – in fact, in the words of Hillary Clinton, it was DEPLORABLE!

So, this southern audience is cheering as Trump refers to Black football players as “sons of bitches” and booing as Trump was eviscerating McCain.  We need a little background here.  Most of these same people CHEER every Saturday as their Alabama or Auburn football teams, mostly consisting of young Black Americans, steamroll virtually every other football team America’s colleges and universities can put together.  And, most of them probably claim they’re diehard supporters of our military veterans.  Would you call that the “height of hypocrisy?”  (I’m guessing you know, I would)

But there’s more.  Now, if you’ve read many of my posts of “yesteryear” you’d know that I’m not a strong “fan” of Senator McCain based on differences of political viewpoints.  That being said, from the day Trump was elected I’ve been pining for republicans with the “stones” to stand up to him and potentially remove him from office (which is what SHOULD happen).  I speculated earlier this year that maybe it would be McCain and his buddy Lindsey Graham who would “step up.”  Obviously, Graham doesn’t “have what it takes” – but, McCain appears to be regaining his conscience as he’s looking “going home” straight in the face.  McCain is not likely to serve out his term – he has the same brain issue that took Ted Kennedy a few years back and it appears McCain is trying to fill that role of “hero” who leads the way as the Trump NIGHTMARE is ended.  I’m ready to jump on his bandwagon if he persists!

Regardless of how you look at McCain, to listen to Trump ridicule him and a southern audience boo the sound of his name sickened me.  Let’s look at this from a different perspective.  Trump had just “hammered” football players for using their first amendment rights to protest – so they’re “sons of bitches” and the crowd boos McCain’s name at Trump’s urging because he voted his conscience in the Senate (for a change).  This is the same Trump who got FIVE deferments from serving during Viet Nam – including a PHONY doctor’s excuse claiming “bone spurs” in his heels – that didn’t bother his golf game or the FACT he played football.  This is the man wrapping himself in the flag McCain was willing to defend.  McCain, on the other hand, spent five years in the “Hanoi Hilton” and has PERMANENT disability due to the TORTURE he endured while there.  The crowd SHOULD have been BOOING Trump!  I’m embarrassed by Trump as president and disgusted with the Alabama audience for their STUPIDITY in supporting this man and disparaging one who, whether you agree with his politics or not, should be considered an American hero.  He fought thinking he was defending the right of those “sons of bitches” (in Trump’s words) to protest.  (Even though Viet Nam was a similar sham as Iraq)

Additionally, in his speech, Trump was unveiling his so-called “Tax reform” plan – which is nothing more than a MASSIVE tax cut for TRUMP himself and his corporate “buddies” at the expense of either the Middle Class or the DEFICIT – or, more likely, BOTH.  And, of course, the audience – made up mostly of middle class Americans – sucked it in “hook, line, and sinker.”  Trust me, these Trump supporters are an easy target for his propaganda.  He says it, they believe it (despite his PROVEN propensity to LIE – it’s been documented his PROVABLE lies went OVER the one thousand mark after only 6 months in office – so, he’s likely pushing the 1500 mark as I’m writing this)  I know some Trump supporters.  They don’t fact check anything (well, I have to add, they think if they check with Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh they’re “fact checking” – and, in many places in the South, all they get in regard to media coverage is Fox “news” and bloviators like Limbaugh – so, they’d have to read and look for information to read that didn’t come from people connected with Fox and Limbaugh)

What is likely to end up happening is the tax cut, if it somehow passes, will balloon the deficit EVEN MORE.  If you’ve actually studied this, the “fertilizer” for the ballooning deficits has been the republican tax cuts – beginning with the Reagan “trickle down” tax cuts in the 80’s and put on “steroids” by Bush/Cheney at the beginning of the “new millenium.”  (I’ve always called them “trickle up” tax cuts – because MOST of the money goes to the wealthy – and, contrary to republican claims they – the 1% – don’t hurry out and hire people at living wages in appreciation of the MILLIONS in tax cuts)  Additionally, if you’re like me and in the middle of the “Middle Class” you’ll be paying more.  The proposal, as I understand it, will cancel many deductions that actually HELP Middle Class Americans and make little difference to the so-called 1%.

So, this Middle Class Alabama audience is cheering the thought of a tax cut from Trump that will likely RAISE their taxes from a president who’s committed to the “deconstruction of the administrative state.”  (Those were the words of Steve Bannon Trump’s former “chief adviser” who’s busy himself “ginning” up division wherever he can – these people are fascists)  This “administrative state” is the government these people are so quick to condemn because it’s constitution has brought us to the place where equality is more than a “catch phrase.”  Of course, to those basking in “White privilege” that’s really threatening.  And, people like Trump have little trouble “ginning” them up and casting blame – well, usually on democrats – but, in reality, on whoever seems convenient enough – like football players or people like McCain (who’s not cooperating) – so it makes them feel better.  Unfortunately, all this just accentuates the stupidity of the audience and the predatory willingness of the speaker – Trump.

Here’s the ultimate irony for you regarding the Alabama audience that’s cheering Trump and booing McCain.  Most of the federal “income” comes from the “blue” states and most of the federal “outgo” goes to the “red” states with Alabama near the top of the recipients.  I actually “googled” this – anyone could – and, what it means is these people who are buying into Trump’s propaganda are going to be the ones hurt the most should his agenda somehow pass Congress.  And, of course, when it’s time to complain they’ll get sucked in to blaming democrats, liberals, and quite possibly all those “sons of bitches” who play football and make “too much money.”  That’s how “dividers” like Trump work.  They get people arguing against their own self interests and soon the country is in disarray – which allows predators like Trump to FLEECE the taxpayers for even MORE.

If you don’t believe me – actually do some research.  Check out how much money all these members of Trump’s SWAMP are FLEECING “we the people” for – simply because that’s been their style as members of the “elite” in Wall Street.  Trump’s cabinet is devoid of anyone who’s got Middle Class common sense.  His “draining of the swamp” took out the frogs and replaced them will alligators.  It’s really interesting to me that his supporters are unable to see this – like cabinet members who charter planes to go from Washington DC to Philadelphia or charter military aircraft to take their families on European vacations.  I’m sure we’ll never know how much they’re really FLEECING us for, but what we know is they’re doing it.  Trump, himself, is putting previous presidents to shame regarding the expense of protecting him and his family.  It’s been reported that Trump actually bills the government outrageous amounts (like $500 per night) as he’s staying in his OWN property.  Can you imagine the republican uproar had President Obama done anything close to this???

Obviously, I’m going “on and on” about all this (I wanted to say, “I could go on and on”) and, I could do much more – Trump gives you much to “consider” virtually every day.  I believe much of his “controversy” is strategically designed to get the topic of “Russia” “off the table” and he’s obsessed with doing just that.  However, I don’t believe he’ll ever manage to accomplish that until the Mueller investigation is complete.  And, as I’ve said before, Mueller is going to put these timid republicans in the uneasy place of needing to IMPEACH Trump while they fear the backlash of his “White Supremacist” base.  If you’ve read much of their rhetoric you know it won’t take much to set them (Trump’s base) off – anarchy appears to be a tool of their movement.  (Steve Bannon is the real “torch bearer” for them – pun intended)  When this happens we’ll find out if we’re a nation of laws – where I live, the one really noticeable trait of those who were openly supporting Trump were the guns on their belts.  The truth is that “we the people” either quash this racist “White Supremacist” power grab or we face a future that more resembles 1930’s Germany than any time in American History.  (Republicans bought this outcome when they aligned themselves with the racist “Tea Party” which arose after “we the people” unexpectedly elected a (very competent) Black President.)

Many Americans have never been put in a position to have to fight for the freedoms we (are supposed to) enjoy.  Black football players in the NFL (those “sons of bitches” according to Trump) are standing up and protesting racial injustice.  (or should I say “kneeling down”)  Here’s the interesting question in my mind: Are the rest of us willing to stand up and defend what we have and what we SHOULD be?  And, I’m not referring to the “White Supremacists” – we saw them in full regalia in Charlottesville.  They’re ready to overthrow the government as we’ve known it (as per Steve Bannon)  I’m talking about all of us in the Middle Class who’ve had it great for so many years but have sub consciously fallen into that place where we take so many privileges for granted and we look to BLAME someone else for our own complacency.  Are we willing to defend the “New Deal” ideals that we really all are “created equal?”  The ideals that “made America great” in the first place.

If you’ve got this far you’re a proficient reader :o) But one or two final thoughts:  When Trump was calling football players SOB’s  he also bemoaned the game as becoming less violent – as if that was a bad thing – like taking the health of the players into consideration, in his mind, is ruining the game.  (After all, most of them are Black)  I couldn’t help but think of those (STUPID) remarks last night as I watched a portion of the Green Bay/Chicago NFL game.  A wide receiver for Green Bay caught a pass in the middle of the field and, while two members of Chicago’s team were wrestling him to the ground another Chicago player hit him helmet to helmet so hard that his mouthpiece came flying out and he lay motionless on the field – obviously, at least temporarily, unconscious.  Trump, evidently, loves watching extreme violence like that.  The guy for Green Bay could have been killed or disabled.  I found myself praying for him last night (and, again, just now) – I hope he’s OK and can resume his career.  I hope the guy who hit him (in my mind, a totally “cheap shot”) is fined and suspended.  It sickens me and turns me off to the NFL that almost every player who’s brain is checked after they pass away has severe trauma (CTE) which causes terrible side effects over time.  (This injury is also common in military personnel resulting from action in combat zones).

Finally, I applaud the “media” who are forcing our government and the FBI (ie Robert Mueller) to follow the “evidence wherever it leads” regarding the “Russia thing.”  I believe their (the Russians) intrusion into the 2016 election was so far above anything done previously that it was an attack on the basic foundation of our nation.  If we can’t GUARANTEE our voting privilege is unimpeded it won’t be long and our nation won’t resemble what we’ve grown up with (I’m talking about all us “baby boomers”)  It’s the media that is investigating all the shenanigans going on in the Trump “White House” and “we the people” should be thankful and supportive of what they’re doing.  History will look kindly on them.

With Trump, there’s no end to the hypocrisy. Our president is a draft dodger and a racist and this was never more apparent than when he SHOULD have been focused on the disaster in Puerto Rico!

I don’t know where to start.  Really.  I guess the best place to start is to ask, when is the republican Congress going to come to their senses and IMPEACH Trump – before the damage he’s doing is irreparable?  The racism, the misogyny, the xenophobia, the false patriotism, these are all issues that are debatable and the damage Trump is causing in these areas is HOPEFULLY reparable.  Even his attempt to hide a TRILLION dollar tax cut in the guise of “health care reform,” is “fixable” should it actually happen.  And, his DEPLORABLE actions (actually INACTION) regarding Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands could be “minor” (despite an incredibly serious situation there) compared to what his CHILDISH war of words with Kim Jung Un could conceivably lead to.

This bravado in Trump’s words toward Kim along with his attack on National Football League players who are protesting the treatment of African Americans who’ve been discriminated against, mistreated by, or – sadly – in all too many instances KILLED (while innocent) by police is past the “too much” stage.  This is HOLLOW patriotism – just like many who criticize people like Colin Kaepernick who has/had the courage to risk (and, at least temporarily, lose) his “livelihood” for his personal beliefs – as they sit on their couches cheering on their favorite football team while NEVER taking a real stand on anything. (the perfect image of Trump, himself)  Trump is ginning up his base to get them focused on football players on their knees while ignoring Puerto Ricans – American citizens – who are wading KNEE DEEP in flooded communities attempting – still – to rescue those in danger – and desperately needing supplies like WATER, food, gas, and more.

As one would suspect, Trump NEVER served a day in the military.  He’s essentially my age, so he graduated from High School right about the time of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.  He managed FIVE deferments from military service – the last one a PHONY deferment based on a doctor’s note “alleging” bone spurs in his heels.  Back then, young Americans from wealthy families had no difficulty getting out of the military – and, leaving all the fighting to the African Americans, other minorities, and the less affluent White kids (who’d been brainwashed into believing we were saving the world from “communism”)  who were unable to get deferred – and, in many cases who volunteered to “defend their country” out of a true sense of patriotism.   (Even though we later learned that Viet Nam was as much based on lies as Iraq via president Bush)  When I listen to Trump’s bravado it makes me want to puke.

I really don’t understand how so many in America’s “rust belt” – good Americans who actually served during Viet Nam fell for Trump’s act.  Obviously, there was a lot of animosity toward Hillary Clinton based on 25 YEARS of attacks – most which proved to be baseless, but which left a lasting impression in MILLIONS of Americans’ minds – plus, you have the Fox “news” affect, and the “Rush Limbaugh affect” – where so many Americans have been actually brainwashed.  Studies have shown that people who watch NO NEWS are better informed than those who only watch Fox – if that surprises you, it doesn’t surprise me.  People I know who watch Fox are hard to even talk to.

I’m sorry, but I’m tired of people like Trump who were cowards when it was their time to defend this nation – as he (and others) like to boast.  Trump’s only knowledge of war is what he’s seen on TV and in the movies.  He’s got his finger WAY too close to the nuclear “trigger” for my liking.  The really bad part in all this is that NONE of the MILLIONS who voted AGAINST Trump (3 MILLION MORE voted for Mrs. Clinton than for him) nor the MILLIONS more who’d vote AGAINST him today if the election were held again can do ANYTHING about this.  As I said above, UNFORTUNATELY “we the people” are dependent on the republican Congress to end this NIGHTMARE.  Eventually, Robert Mueller will provide Congress with enough evidence of COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE to hopefully, FORCE these timid republicans to act.  However, it appears they FEAR Trump’s “base” more than their lasting place in the dregs of American History.

The scene this past weekend was perfect Trump cowardice.  He’s in Alabama talking to an ALL WHITE audience about African American football players who he referred to as “sons of bitches.”  Evidently, in Alabama that kind of rhetoric is considered “presidential.”  Here in the state of Washington I’m confident that those who approve of Trump’s words are still considered the “fringe element” of politics.  I was looking at many of the players on their knees prior to this past weekend’s games and had to wonder if Trump has the “stones” to call them “sons of bitches” to their faces?  The answer to that question is probably similar to Trump’s COWARDICE during the Viet Nam war.

So, his bombastic rhetoric may very well stir up his base and get them to pee all over themselves in glee, but apparently it’s received differently in North Korea.  The North Koreans appear to think Trump has declared war on North Korea.  And, despite the new public LIAR for Trump – Sarah Huckabee Sanders – saying it’s absurd to think that – neither Trump NOR Sanders has any idea of North Korean politics and how his words are interpreted.  Trump is getting even FARTHER in over his head.  It’s been apparent since the first day he was in office he has NO IDEA what he’s supposed to do as president – and, the DAMAGE (I’ve referred to repeatedly on this site) he’s causing is getting MORE dangerous all the time!

Again, I PLEAD with republicans in Congress – DO YOUR JOBS!  You need to IMPEACH this man.  And, as much as I loathe the idea of Paul Ryan as president, you need to IMPEACH Mike Pense – the assistant LIAR in chief right along with Trump.  Pense clearly has participated in the OBSTRUCTION of Justice regarding the firing of James Comey.  It’s time Congress demonstrates to “we the people” our leaders are subject to the same LAWS the rest of us must follow.  And, the list of “naughty” people in the “White House” just grows every day.

Of course, anyone paying attention knows Jared Kushner is in DEEP trouble up to his eyeballs.  His potential “relief” will be that he gets indicted and convicted prior to Trump himself – so that his Daddy in law can pardon him – and, make no mistake, Trump’s got the pardon pen out ready to go as I’m writing this.  It’s up to Mueller to ” out smart” him – which may be more difficult in circumstances where Trump is trying to “skirt” the law – as he’s got much experience in doing just that.  Trump was facing 75 lawsuits when elected and has been sued almost 150 times since taking office (that’s in just 8 months!)  We all have known about Kushner’s LIES regarding meetings with the Russians, his incomplete security clearance forms, and his connection with the obstruction of justice in the firing of James Comey.  But, there’s more…..

Now, today, we learned that Kushner was USING A PRIVATE email server while doing White House business!   Go ahead, laugh out loud!  I can hear the chants now – LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!  You do remember the “lock her up” chants don’t you – some led by Mike Flynn who claimed if he did “one tenth” what Hillary Clinton did he’d get years of jail time (well, what’s the old saying?  “Be careful what you wish for”)  Well, we’re not only likely to hear these “Lock Him up” chants for Flynn and Kushner, we might very well be hearing the “lock her up” chants again – but, this time, not for Hillary Clinton.

Apparently, Ivanka Trump has been using a private email server while doing business in the White House.  You can’t make this stuff up!  This is the same Trump daughter who had her line of clothing plugged by White House “adviser” Kellyanne Conway (probably, next to Trump, the most proficient LIAR in the administration – she’s kind of an after thought now because of her outrageous LYING) which is illegal and wrong in so many ways.  I guess Ivanka was trying to “be like Hillary.”  Should be interesting to read Trump’s tweets about his daughter and son in law doing the same thing he chanted “lock her up” when attacking Mrs. Clinton.

And, I guess, there’s more.  Reince Preibus and Steve Bannon were evidently using a private server for some of their emails when in the “White House.”  Maybe the argument coming from the White House will be they only did this with some of their emails.  Or, maybe they did it much less than Hillary.  Or Hillary was in the State Department and that’s different.  Here’s what I’m thinking:  It’s much easier to LEAK damaging information on people you HATE by using a private server.  Trump’s “White House” has been referred to by many as the “leakiest” White House ever.  I’m just sayin…………………

When it gets right down to it, I guess what I’m focused on here is the INCREDIBLE hypocrisy coming from Trump and those around him.  And, the absurdity that while Puerto Rico is flooding and people there are DYING Trump is focused on the NFL and a Senate race in Alabama pitting one racist against another.  I suppose that would be a place Trump would feel perfectly at home.  Trump, himself, is a DRAFT DODGER, he’s a racist and misogynist and, also he – much to my dismay – is the president.  Instead of provoking North Korea, instead of attacking NFL players willing to risk everything to express their views, instead of provoking a crowd of white supporters in Alabama and calling BLACK football players “sons of bitches” Trump SHOULD have been providing aid to those suffering from Hurricanes the likes of which we haven’t seen in almost a Century.

Tonight I saw Trump’s first “tweet” referencing Puerto Rico and his focus was on their substandard infrastructure and their debt to Wall Street.  This is another example of Trump claiming to be “draining the swamp” while, in reality, kissing up to Wall Street and FILLING the so-called swamp.  Puerto Rico is knee deep in water – like a swamp – and Trump’s worried about what they owe to our too big to fail banks.  With Trump, there’s no end to the hypocrisy.  Our president is a draft dodger and a racist and this was never more apparent than when he SHOULD have been focused on the disaster in Puerto Rico!  Words, once they leave your mouth, can’t come back in.  Regarding North Korea, the NFL, health care, and pretty much everything else of importance – maybe the answer for Trump is to just keep his mouth SHUT!

Final thought: I’m a Christian.  I’m guessing most in the crowd in Alabama would refer to themselves as Christians.  All I could think of as I listened to Trump calling men who bravely are using their “platform” to bring a really important issue to “light” “sons of bitches” to a roaring and approving crowd – shame on you Alabama.  Whether you’re a “liberal” or “conservative” the words in the Bible don’t care.  And, I can’t believe there’s anyplace in the Bible that would suggest that kind of horrific rhetoric is acceptable!  I believe the Bible would encourage us all to be HELPING those affected by these hurricanes – even if their infrastructure was poor and they owe money to Wall Street.  I believe Jesus Christ would be leading the fight against police misconduct.  Maybe a focus on those issues would cause Trump to shut his mouth regarding North Korea.  Just sayin………………………..

If republicans pass “Graham/Cassidy,” November of 2018 can’t come soon enough!

Why are any of us surprised?  For many years it’s been obvious that those with the money in America have been “buying” our leaders – most significantly members of Congress – for years.  Those in the republican party are the main recipients of all this money (for example, the money coming from the Koch network of rich people) although democrats appear to be picking up the scraps from the same “trough.”  When Wall Street feels threatened, or “big oil” feels threatened, those who would stand up to them get threatened – by funding of primary opponents and pulling campaign “donations” from anyone who would work for “we the people.”

I’ll talk about  the difference between republicans and democrats later – but, the issue of “the day” is ANOTHER republican attempt to remove President Obama’s name from anything they have to deal with.  AGAIN they’re trying to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act which they named “Obamacare.”  Their “replacement” is really a HUGE tax give away to those rich people I referred to above who have BOUGHT these republicans “hook. line, and sinker.”

And, to further thumb their noses to “we the people” in order to get the votes needed to pass their draconian legislation they are attempting to FURTHER buy off balking senators.  It’s been reported that Senator Murkowski from Alaska has been. on the one hand, offered a “deal” for Alaska that’s (at least temporarily) better than the rest of us get, and, on the other hand, if she fails to support a bill that makes her “gag,” Alaska could face a republican backlash.  And, of course, Alaska depends on the federal government, possibly, more than any other state.  In other words – you do what we want, you get more money – you vote your conscience, well, your state could get………………… (Kind of like how you’d expect the mafia to act).

And, “we the people” face a media that, in too many instances, not only goes along with these type of “underworld” actions in Congress, but in some instances encourages it.  Evidently, we’re so numbed by the rich buying our leaders that it’s just normal and we’re not going to do anything about it.  In this instance over 30 MILLION Americans stand to lose their access to health insurance and, if republicans succeed in doing this, it will be DAMAGE (which I’ve talked about since Trump’s success last November with the help of the Russians) that will be incredibly hard to “fix.”  This will be the most cynical example of the “power” of republican donors in history!

From everything I’ve read, this bill is the result of republican donors pushing for the so-called “repeal and replace” that’s been proffered for over 7 years.  The FACT most republicans have NO IDEA what they’re actually voting for means little – because, the most important thing to them is the MONEY they get from their rich benefactors AND blocking any threat of being “primaried.”  Senator Murkowski is one senator who claims to be actually reading the bill as the “money changers” are putting the pressure on her.  She could end up being an American hero if she continues to vote against this TAX CUT in “health care’s clothing.”

The sad reality is that, prior to this latest fiasco, the Senate Health committee was working on a (grab your chest, I don’t want to give you a heart attack) bipartisan attempt to “fix” the parts of “Obamacare” that would make it even more accessible to “we the people” and could actually bring insurance rates DOWN.  Of course, the reality republicans don’t like is that President Obama’s name would still be “attached” to the Affordable Care Act.

What republicans don’t seem to understand is that they can’t remove President Obama’s name from the push for health care as a “right” in America.  Yes, they could create a temporary road block to providing health care to more Americans, but as this issue unfolds, no matter how long it takes to achieve “health care for all,” President Obama will ALWAYS be seen as the president who got past the first step – and, that was overcoming republican obstruction as the “Affordable Care Act” was initially passed.  These republicans seem to be in a rush to place themselves in the dark pages of American History.

Here’s another thing republicans don’t understand.  If they succeed in “repealing” the Affordable Care Act their “true colors” will soon become apparent to many voters who actually supported Trump in the past election.  Of course, many of these republicans can’t stomach Trump any more than many of us “progressives” (liberals) but don’t have the courage to say so in public.  As with the sucking up to the “money changers” they also are apparently sucking up to Trump’s “base.”  There’s a reason Congress is less popular than the local dog catcher and it’s mostly due to the republican obstruction during Obama’s term and, now, their exposed incompetence during Trump’s first 9 months in office.

One more thing – Trump is likely to find a bad outcome when Robert Mueller’s report becomes public.  The Russians associated with Vladimir Putin operate just as an American crime family would operate and Trump seems to be very comfortable in their “world.”  There’s no doubt in my mind there was collusion (to me, that’s just another word for TREASON) – the June meeting last year with Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with FIVE Russians directly connected to Putin who were offering damaging information on Hillary Clinton “seals the deal.”  The emails associated with that meeting removes any doubt about “collusion.”  And, obviously, what happened thereafter will only become known when our media “discovers” it.

If it were you or me and we committed actions similar to Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, along with the actions of Mike Flynn we’d be looking at serious jail time.  Flynn, Manafort, and Kushner have serious issues with federal forms they filled out to gain security clearance where they withheld incriminating information along with the normal LYING that goes along with being on the “Trump team.”  They are, or should be, ALL in “hot water.”  Of course, Trump has famously talked openly about his power to “pardon” and demonstrated it with an outrageous pardon of sheriff Joe Arpaio – who violated the rights of people in the Latino community of Arizona for years – and, ran his jail like a gulag.  One has to wonder, have all these CRIMINALS been offered pardons already?  (for example, what did Trump mean when he publicly called for Flynn to “stay strong?”)

If you remember, Trump waited 18 days after he was notified that comments from Mike Pense related to information Pense had received from Flynn were incorrect and that Flynn was vulnerable to Russian “blackmail.”  Well, many people have wondered why it took Trump so long to fire Flynn and, at the same time they take for granted that everyone in the Trump “camp” was telling the truth when they said “Flynn lied to the Vice President.”  (Of course, in my mind, members of the “Trump team” RARELY tell the truth)

Not for one minute did I believe that Flynn LIED to Pense.  I’ve ALWAYS believed the one who was LYING was the Vice President.  (and Pense has repeatedly proved his propensity to LIE since that date)  To think that Mike Flynn was in a meeting with the Russian Ambassador and talking about the removal of sanctions once Trump was in office on his own would be laughable if all this wasn’t so serious.  They would have us all believe Flynn had that meeting and then for the next month said nothing about it, or any thing said in the meeting, to anyone.  And, I believe, the meeting took place in Trump Tower, so no one knew what was discussed, right?  As many in the sports world have said at ridiculous things, “Come on man!”

To me, the 18 days gave the Trump “team” time to plan their strategy of evasion once the inevitable arrived – and, that was the day Flynn had to go.  Of course, we all know that Flynn was “fired” because the media found out about this, not because of any “LIES,” but the Trump “team” knew the inevitable once Sally Yates communicated her concerns with Don McGahn – Trump’s “White House” counsel.  And, don’t fool yourself about all of Flynn’s other baggage.  It was no secret – President Obama even warned Trump about Flynn.  That would point to one of Pense’s other LIES.  I’ll explain to help clear your mind and, hopefully, help you understand the gravity of this situation.

Pense was in an interview on television shortly after Flynn’s activities with the Turkish government were made public (and, Pense and the rest of Trump’s “team” would also have to have known about Flynn’s activities in Russia at that point in time because EVERYONE else paying attention knew) and Pense’s response was “This is the first time I’ve heard this.”  Well, Pense was the head of the transition team for Trump and Flynn informed him, and the rest of the “team,” approximately two weeks prior to the inauguration he was under investigation as a lobbyist for the Turkish government.  This TV interview was in March.  Is this all sinking in?   It doesn’t seem plausible Pense would NOT have known about Turkey and/or Russia.  As with most other “secrets” in the Trump world, they are only “owned” up to once the media exposes them.  This is the reason I subscribed to the NY Times – to support the journalism that very possibly might prevent America from becoming a satellite of Russia and Vladimir Putin.  We would know NONE of this without the investigative journalists that Trump continues to attack as providing “fake news.”

So, getting back to the republicans “repeal” of “Obamacare” in order to feed their benefactors BILLIONS in tax relief for health care labeled – going forward – as “Trump care” can you see my point?  Those who think like myself are not surprised that republicans are bending to the will of those millionaires and billionaires who have BOUGHT them over the years.  What is surprising is they don’t see the folly of being “connected” to “Trump care” and a president who should NEVER have spent a day in office and one who SHOULD be impeached for a plethora of reasons.  Trump is potentially connected to the “underworld” but, he’s CERTAINLY connected to Vladimir Putin and Russia and it’s going to look really bad when Mueller’s report is completed.  The question at that point will be, “do the republicans have the ‘stones” to impeach Trump?”  Even if they lack the courage to do the right thing regarding impeachment, do they want to be attached with “Trump care” for the foreseeable future?

Some on the “right” have predicted Trump’s “White Nationalist” base will revolt with violence if he’s impeached.  However, when the special counsel reports are final, if he’s NOT impeached the backlash from the overwhelming portion of Americans who will be sickened by the thought of having a president who committed TREASON – at worst, or at a minimum attempted to COVER UP treason by members of his campaign – sitting in the “White House.”  Already, a majority of Americans are “embarrassed” to have a president who’s a “White Supremacist.”  (If you think that’s a harsh criticism, check out Trump’s public history – starting with birtherism – as they say, “actions speak louder than words”)

Republicans may be thinking either progressives won’t vote in 2018 or they can suppress their vote in 2018.  But, I believe the undoing of “Obamacare” for a bill that will give BILLIONS to the rich and cause MILLIONS of Americans to lose access to health insurance will create more “progressives” than republicans can imagine.  Republicans have been enabling the “rich” in America to plunder “we the people” since the days of Reagan simply because it gets them LOTS of money.  This bill could put the plunder of taxpayers on steroids – maybe that’s what it will take for “we the people” to realize FDR’s “New Deal” is what made us “great” and Trump’s motto “Make America Great Again” is simply “dog whistle” talk for “make America white again.”  There’s nothing great about that.  If republicans pass “Graham/Cassidy” November of 2018 can’t come soon enough!

Final though:  America is greatest when government is working from the bottom up.  Focusing on “the least of these” in the words of Jesus Christ.  I believe even atheists can understand that principle.  What I don’t understand is why so many so-called “conservative Christians” can’t.  (for example, there are hundreds of thousands of homeless veterans in America.  That is shameful and it’s something our government should be rectifying – sooner rather than later.  And, the list goes on…………)

It appears these republicans are volunteering for a very BAD place in our history books.

Sometimes I can do nothing else but shake my head as I think about what has happened to the country I’ve been fortunate enough to grow up (and old) in.  This morning I forced myself to listen to republican senators who are conspiring forcing another version of “Trump care” on “we the people” despite the objections of just about anyone associated with health care – like, the heart association, the cancer association. AARP, the hospital association, the AMA, and the list is MUCH longer – but, I hope you get the idea.

Up until Bernie Sanders introduced his plan for “medicare for all,” there was a bipartisan group in the Senate Health Committee (of all places) working to create the needed “fixes” for the Affordable Care Act designed to make it work better and make it accessible to even more uninsured Americans.  Me, not knowing much about the details but liking the idea of members of Congress “working together,” felt an odd sense of “hope” that something could be done in Washington DC that was actually beneficial to a wide range of Americans.  But even the thought of EVERYONE actually having access to affordable health care (Sanders bill) really got the attention of republicans.

Apparently, Sanders plan – which was introduced as an “idea” that certainly wouldn’t even receive a vote this year, but laid out a vision for the BEST solution to our health care crisis going forward – motivated republicans to push another last ditch effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (ie “Obamacare”).  Just as the other attempts by republicans to erase the memory of our first Black president this bill, according to reports I’ve heard, will cause around the same number of Americans to lose access to “affordable” insurance.  It will also, according to the reports I’ve heard, have an unknown – but, negative – affect on Seniors, children, and low income Americans that could be devastating.  Of course, republicans have a MISERABLE history regarding their PERPETUAL attempts to BLOCK access to health care that dates back to the 1930’s.  This bill appears aimed at Sanders proposed legislation as much as “Obamacare.”

Republicans opposed (and most still do) Social Security, they (including Ronald Reagan) predicted Medicare would destroy our nation, they’ve CONTINUALLY fought any effort to bring America out of the dark ages of access to health care to the point where we are the ONLY advanced country in the world without health care as a right and, as Senator Sanders says, not a privilege.  Now republicans are attempting ONCE MORE to repeal the Affordable Care Act and, this time, because they’re under a time issue that forces them to act by the end of this month without being forced to do this in a bipartisan manner, they’re going to do it without even getting the so-called “Bipartisan Congressional Budget Office score.”

They don’t want this score because EVERYONE knows what it’s going to say.  I’ve heard the estimates from 10 MILLION people losing health insurance in the first year to 30 MILLION over a period of years – that I’m not totally clear on – as, I’m guessing the politicians aren’t clear on it either.  Seemingly, it doesn’t matter how many people will lose coverage, there are a lot of republicans who really didn’t like a Black person as president and they’re trying to remove as much of his memory as possible.  The real irony here is that the Affordable Care Act is the “brainchild” of the Heritage Foundation – a right wing “think tank” – and it was the basis of the plan Mitt Romney put in place in Massachusetts when he was governor there.  (which reminds me, there’s a LONG list of conservative republican governors who oppose this new attempt to destroy “Obamacare.”

American politics appears to me headed in the direction of two people playing a game of ping pong.  At this point in time there’s a group in the republican party – many of them supporting our White Supremacist president – trying to repeal as much of President Obama’s legacy as they can – come “hell or high water.”  (Seems as if much of their support is getting “high water” – just sayin)  Come 2018, if progressives (liberals) get off their “bottoms” and go to the polls (many, many are NOT happy with Trump as president) the cleansing of these republicans could begin.  Now, those of us paying close attention have to be realistic here because, due to “gerrymandering” there are many seats in the House where the dog catcher could win if he/she were a republican.  However, losing their health insurance – or witnessing friends or family losing health insurance – could be enough to push people to the polls with the thought of getting rid of this republican majority in Congress.

Let me just dream here a bit.  Ted Cruz is from Texas and I believe he’s up for re-election.  Texas just faced a storm of a magnitude we haven’t seem – maybe ever.  I mean, places in Texas received 50 INCHES of rain in a matter of a couple days.  It was unbelievable – I (and millions of others) immediately felt compelled to donate money to the Red Cross or other entities attempting to help.  But, the reality is that it is on “we the people” to help.  That is, it is on our government to “step up” and provide aid in the BILLIONS to the people of Texas.  Hurricane Harvey is no longer in the headlines, but I’m guessing the damage repair will take years.  And, Texas has a Senator (Cruz) who tried to BLOCK aid to New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy hit a few years back.  I have to wonder, are the people of Texas comfortable with Cruz – who’s the MOST unpopular member of the Senate – pretty much EVERYONE hates him – who didn’t believe in helping victims of natural disasters apparently until it was him and the people of his state experiencing the disaster.  I would love to see the people of Texas send him to the unemployment office.  That would be “one down several more to go.”

Cruz is just one example of people who need to “go” before America can get back on the “track” that was established after the Great Depression by FDR and progressives who believed in the idea that we’re “all created equal” (Yes, even FDR had some “road bumps” and he was pushed forward by an incredible wife).  Republicans have been hell bent on repealing as much of the “New Deal” as possible since the days of Reagan.  And, I might add they’re attacking Johnson’s “Great Society” and his attempts at conquering poverty – along with signing bills that put the Civil Rights of African Americans (and, on their “coat tails” others) on a new level that was continually expanding until the era of GW Bush – and, took some “direct hits” during the term of President Obama as the right wing revolt towards “Civil Rights” became an overt backlash to Obama’s election.  The most significant example that comes to mind is the GUTTING of the Voting Rights Act by our right wing Supreme Court.  (Shame on you Clarence Thomas)

If this new attempt to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act succeeds the damage to republicans could be great, but the damage to this country even greater.  Republicans BLOCKED attempts to create universal health care in America, prior to President Obama, since WW II.  It was no small task for democrats to get “Obamacare” (ie The Affordable Care Act) passed and into law. (and, many lost their jobs in the process due to all the “fake news” published by the right wing “water carriers” and the unwillingness of many democrats to defend their own fundamental values.)   It was, essentially,  a six to eight year process to pass and implement and the republicans are attempting to destroy it in a matter of a couple of weeks – apparently because “they can.”  I have friends who are almost “shaking” in fear that republicans may succeed and it will cause them to lose desperately needed coverage.  The question is becoming – as I’ve stated many times on this site since Trump’s “dishonest” election – how much damage will they be able to do before “we the people” have the opportunity to “vote the bums out.”

Sadly, as soon as this bill – I believe it’s called “Graham Cassidy” was made public republican leaders BLOCKED any more progress in the Health committee which was working on the “bipartisan” solution to the flaws in “Obamacare.”  It appears these republicans are volunteering for a very BAD place in our history books.  This era is going to be another chapter in America’s history that doesn’t look good.  It’s incumbent on “progressives” (liberals) to put a stop to this eviscerating of America’s fundamental values that’s been going on now for almost 40 years in the elections of 2018.  But, it will be very difficult to reverse the damage republicans are doing – and, they’re quite aware of that fact.

Health care is just one aspect of the incredible damage being done to our country.  Trump’s budget proposal attacks virtually EVERY aspect of our nation that encourages “community” among “we the people.”  (I recently wrote about my concerns regarding the damage to public education) It appears to me it’s designed to further widen the divide which exists in America these days as opposed to trying to bring more people together.  I heard one health “expert” explain this bill would “take money from ‘blue’ states and re-route it to ‘red’ states.”  That would be unbelievably cynical – but, it wouldn’t surprise me.  If I understood him correctly, the bill would re-route money to states where governors refused “Medicaid expansion.”  Of course, I don’t understand all this, but the person suggested this bill’s damage would be “aimed” at the states Trump couldn’t win anyway – so, “what the heck?”

As I stated at the beginning of this post.  It’s hard for me to believe where this nation has evolved.  Nothing that goes on in Washington DC (I guess I should say, “not much” instead of “nothing”) makes sense.  Simply put, a MAJORITY of Americans support a “public option” – which is the equivalent of allowing them to “buy into Medicare.”  Because of republicans it’s a “non-starter” in American politics.  The list of what “we the people” support that NEVER gets through Congress because of republicans is jaw dropping.  Again, it’s up to “we the people” to correct this at the polls.  And, remember, Hillary Clinton received 3 MILLION more votes than Donald Trump – yet, he’s president.  Democrats, in every congressional election – nationally, garner between 1 and 2 MILLION more votes than republicans – yet, because of gerrymandering, republicans control the House.

This would suggest that republicans are more than willing to operate on the theory that “the end justifies the means.”  Progressives need to wake up.  Sitting on your Butt because of some “wedge issue” that you don’t like, or because some candidate isn’t your perfect answer is unacceptable.  You, if that’s you, are partially responsible for Trump being president.  If you stubbornly stay in your “ways” this disaster could continue.  Republicans are busy finding ways to prevent people from voting, they’re involved in a MASSIVE “fake news” campaign (just like Trump’s Russian compatriots), and they’ll say any LIE they think will keep voters from going to the polls.  There are NO limits on what they’ll do to win elections and keep their majority.

I’ve said many times here – republicans are really good at winning elections and completely lost at governing.  The BUMBLING they’re doing right now – in more areas than Healthcare – could have incredibly devastating outcomes to “we the people” and the rest of the world.  Honestly, I believe those around the world are shaking their collective heads just as I am.  And, if “we the people” don’t act to correct this in 2018 people in places like Europe will take corrective actions that will begin the demise of America as the “leader of the free world.”  Trust me, they don’t like Trump any more than the 60% of Americans who think he’s a disaster – and, they don’t sugarcoat his LYING as our press – including the so-called “liberal” MSNBC – has a tendency to do.  When the “world” abandons the dollar, the “damage” could take a generation to reverse.  I’m not kidding, THIS IS SERIOUS!

I’ll say it once more: While the media is focused on the Dreamers, the “tax reform,” and I’ll add Russia and North Korea, watch what’s going on behind the scenes.

While Trump has everyone focused on his relationship with “Chuck and Nancy,” we’d better be paying attention to what’s going on behind the scene.  Yes, there’s many in America – a solid majority – who want to see the Dreamers get permanent “green cards” and most of those support a “path to citizenship” – and, this is a very important issue.  But, there’s a lot going on that could be devastating to this nation over the “long haul” if “we the people” fail to pay attention to what Trump’s doing while we’re not watching.

For starters, most people know he’s got Kris Kobach, the Secretary of State from Kansas busy attempting to create a voter (suppression) data base that would include virtually all the important information about every voter in America.  Thankfully, most of the other Secretaries of State are refusing to cooperate – and, ironically, even Kobach can’t cooperate because it’s against the law in Kansas to give this information.  Kobach is a Trump “lackey” willing to help push the idea that Trump would have won the “popular vote” had 3 – 5 MILLION illegal aliens not ALL voted for Hillary Clinton.  (Probably the most startling (depressing) part of this SCAM is there’s MILLIONS of Americans STUPID enough to fall for it)

So, Trump’s trying to suppress the vote via his “voter integrity” SCAM and, at the same time, there’s the REAL “fake news” out there – like Fox “news” (ie GOP news), Breitbart, Limbaugh, and others pushing the right wing conspiracy theories that – like with the voter suppression plan – MILLIONS of Americans are (again, I hate to use this word, but, I’m tired of “beating around the bush”) STUPID enough to fall for it.  People I know who watch Fox can’t even be communicated with.  They’re convinced they’ve been “educated” by Sean Hannity and the other “water carriers” and they get mad if you even suggest they might “fact check” some of the propaganda.

Now we have the Sinclair Broadcasting company attempting to merge with The Tribune corporation gaining an ever larger monopoly on local TV Stations in America.  If this merger goes through, there will be even more places where the only “news” people receive will be SLANTED to the hard right and we’ll have even more people thinking Trump is actually “draining the swamp” while he’s doing precisely the opposite.  Of course, those responsible for BLOCKING something like this merger would be Trump appointees and, I’m sure I don’t have to explain what that suggests.  (Back in the 60’s Marshall McLuhan, essentially, warned us of the “electronic age” which those on the fringe right have used to push their agenda.  And, it’s an agenda that’s aimed at prolonging “white privilege.”  This era in America really reminds me of South Africa in the last years of Apartheid.)

This surreptitious control is what Karl Rove was implying when he talked about the “permanent republican majority.”  They’ve got control of Congress, the White House (sort of), the Courts, and the media.  This is VERY dangerous.  Right now, there’s action from Trump to open the Arctic wildlife preserve for oil drilling – instead of attempting to figure out how to prevent more and more ice from melting.  Trump approved the Keystone pipeline shortly after taking the oath of office and if that actually goes through we’ll have the world’s DIRTIEST oil traveling through pipelines with histories of accidents right through the water supply of at least 100 MILLION Americans – including many of the most important farming areas in the country.  The list could go on and on.

Trump has been busy repealing Obama directives aimed at protecting the environment and protecting consumers from predator businesses as a couple examples.  It’s just a matter of time until these moves create devastating circumstances for many of those of us who call ourselves “we the people.”  His Education Secretary could be causing damage that will take years to “fix” if progressives can stand together and reverse this push to the “right” which is being helped along by the so-called “liberal media”  (That term is one of the cruelest “jokes” played on America in the past three decades and it’s turning numerous good working class people into – well, Trump supporters)  Don’t let Trump’s “deals” with “Chuck and Nancy” fool you.

For example, I read the other day where Betsy DeVoss (the Secretary of Education) was relaxing protections against sexual assaults on College Campuses.  These regulations SHOULD be enhanced NOT relaxed – and, you’d think someone of her gender would understand this.  Additionally, I’m anticipating attempts to further undermine public education beyond what “No child Left Behind” did to many schools working with low income students.

Of course, lately Trump has many people focused on those students who were pulled “from the shadows” by President Obama with the DACA program by repealing Obama’s executive order.  Now, approximately 800 THOUSAND hard working Americans (that’s the only country they’ve known) face the prospect of deportation – or, falling back into the “shadows” because of Trump’s actions.  Yes, there’s an attempt to get Congress to come up with a solution, but the politics of this issue could prevent the so-called agreement Trump made with “Chuck and Nancy” from happening.  Trump supporters are BURNING their Trump “MAGA” hats on YouTube in protest of Trump’s willingness to show compassion for these young people. (many who are in the military)  I guess these fine young people must just “hold their breath” for the next 5 months in the hopes that Congress acts.  To me, that, in itself, is cruel.

The really sad part of this issue is they’ve (Dreamers) all provided the government with all the information they need to gather them (and their families) up and ship them back to the countries they came from.  I taught in a school which had a large number of Latino students, many of whom were “illegal.”  I remember a young lady who was a wonderful student and wonderful person telling me she came into America holding onto her mother’s back as her Mom crawled under a fence on the border.  Both of her parents were extremely hard working people and they were – as have many, many immigrants who came to this country – fighting to provide a better life for their children.  It sickens me to think this young girl might be one of the many fine young American “immigrants” who became a “Dreamer” and may be vulnerable to deportation due to Trump’s executive order ending DACA.  (I believe she’s graduated from College – and, trust me, it was a real challenge for her to make it through college financially)

I’m sure there’s a plethora of “stuff” going on behind the scenes that when “we the people” actually find out the details MANY of us will be very angry.  There’s been such progress since the 1960’s and it feels as if many Trump supporters want to take us back even farther than that.  Charlottesville clearly showed the danger that lies ahead if “we the people” don’t forcefully REJECT those who are wallowing in racist (and worse – like fascist) beliefs.  Unfortunately, all the evidence suggests our president is one of those people – he’s just trying to make it look as if he’s not while throwing “dog whistles” to his “base.”  I’ve said this before: David Duke was correct when he told Trump “we elected you.”

I have to wonder how Trump reacted when he saw one of the leaders of the “Tiki Torch” march in Charlottesville blast him for not being racist enough.  He suggested that, for him, he’s looking for a president who’s daughter wouldn’t be allowed to marry a “Jewish bastard” – which were the exact words he used to describe Jared Kushner – Trump’s son in law.  What is undeniable about Trump is his racist history and his willingness to “gin up” the so-called “alt right” – and, subsequent to Charlottesville refuse to condemn any “moral equivalency” of the Nazi’s and White Supremacists with those who oppose them.

So, here’s the present reality.  There’s many like myself who want the “Dreamers” to have a “pathway to citizenship” and want the threat of deportation PERMANENTLY removed from their lives.  However, while this debate rages in Washington DC, along with “tax reform” and “health reform”  (obviously, I DON’T trust republicans with any of those issues) our environment is being bludgeoned, our public institutions – including public education – are being undermined by people purposely put in place to destroy them (in the words of Steve Bannon: “deconstruct the administrative state), and who knows what else Trump’s “lackey’s” are doing.

There’s ample evidence that many who are “surrogates” to Trump have a unconscionable  willingness to perpetrate Trump’s LIES – for example, his press secretaries – first Sean Spicer and now Sarah Sanders – have shown a willingness to ruin their own futures by repeatedly LYING to the American people from the press secretary’s “lectern.”  I’m sure many Trump supporters admire Ms Sanders willingness to be a feisty spokesperson for Trump, but the reality is that the history books are watching.  The LYING from Trump and his “people” is well beyond ANYTHING I’ve ever seen and it’s created a total lack of trust with MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Americans.  In my view, it’s the MAIN reason Trump is so unpopular.  I’ll say it once more:  While the media is focused on the Dreamers, the “tax reform,” and I’ll add Russia and North Korea, watch what’s going on behind the scenes.  That’s the “stuff” that could make it EXTREMELY difficult to reverse the DAMAGE being done by Trump’s surrogates while no one’s watching.

I’m guessing not even “Chuck and Nancy” approve of Sarah Sanders suggesting the Department of Justice should be investigating James Comey for his “illegal behavior.”

In my last post I pointed out the ironies that would exist if Trump would choose to work with democrats to actually “get things done.”  For example, maybe a permanent solution to the Dreamers.  How about a “fix” to “Obamacare” and a plan moving forward to improve it while moving toward instituting the “public option” that SHOULD have been part of the original legislation.  (And, if you don’t remember, would have been except for Joe Lieberman whose wife was employed by the insurance industry that would be forced to COMPETE with an option with a low administrative overhead)  Can you imagine a “tax overhaul” that wasn’t focused on TAX CUTS for the wealthy – actually aimed at the middle class in a way that would actually stimulate the economy?  I have a good idea why all this COULD happen – much of which I posted in my last “rant.”  (Although, it’s not likely, because the reality is that “Mitch and Paul” control Congress and not “Chuck and Nancy”)

However, lets start with this little “reminder.”  I fully believe Trump and his campaign COLLUDED with the Russians.  I believe Trump has already committed OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and he continues to make it worse.  I believe Michael Flynn (and, now, apparently, his son) is GUILTY of SEVERAL crimes.  I can’t stop reminding myself of his obnoxious speech at last year’s republican convention leading the chant “lock her up.”  He said, “If I had done one tenth of what Hillary Clinton did I’d be put away for ……….” I can’t remember all the details – and, I’m too lazy to look them up. Here’s the TRUTH – I believe, based on what I’ve seen in the public record, Flynn is GUILTY  of TEN TIMES any thing Hillary Clinton may have done wrong.  (Which, by the way, she’s been constantly exonerated from over the past 25 years – and, in this, I’m talking about the never ending attacks coming from right wing republicans aimed at her – for the sake of, as Kevin McCarthy pointed out in a RARE fit of truthfulness, hurting her poll numbers – and, by the way, attacks continuing to this day from “Trump the deal-maker”)

Trump SHOULD be impeached.  EVERY DAY his businesses are profiting off of his position as president in violation of the emoluments clause.  He’s LIED over ONE THOUSAND times – verified – since taking office and anyone honestly observing him MUST realize our president is a pathological LIAR.  He’s a NARCISSIST beyond imagination – I can’t imagine ANYONE being so focused on “tooting his own horn” or seeking “approval” as much at Trump.  His imagination seems to run wild as he compliments himself – to the point of total EMBARRASSMENT to anyone who understands “the world is watching.”

Trump has proven over and over again – and, I’ll repeat, to our collective embarrassment – his IGNORANCE of how our government works AND of our great history.  Earth to Trump, Fredrick Douglass has not “been with us” for a LONG long time.  Well over 100 years.  Trump’s rationale for considering some of those carrying tiki torches at Charlottesville “good people” also demonstrated a glaringly lack of knowledge about American History – Essentially equating slave owners who were “founding fathers” with the likes of Robert E. Lee – a TRAITOR – just as Trump and several of his surrogates will potentially be considered after Robert Mueller’s investigation is finished and made public.

Based on Trump’s recent actions, I’m suspecting his “flirtation” with democrats and willingness to “make deals” that will curdle the stomachs of those in the “freedom caucus” of the House is aimed at keeping his job once Mueller’s investigation is complete.  First, he needs to get his approval rating up – and, even someone as narcissistic as Trump has to realize that 34% in the first year is NOT GOOD and won’t be a good “firewall” against OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE – or TREASON.  Despite Trump’s obvious issues, there’s areas where it’s undeniable that he’s “proficient.”

Take for example, manipulating the press.  His ability to do so, in my view, played a HUGE roll in his success in the election.  And, it appears he’s at it again with all this “love” of democrats.  In my view it’s his only chance once Mueller’s investigation is complete.  Trump’s attacks on republicans is not going to do him well as they get closer and closer to 2018 and members of Congress, especially in the House where IMPEACHMENT resides, realize he’s jeopardizing their own jobs.  Republicans in the House can IMPEACH Trump with NO help from the democrats.  However, to “convict” in the Senate they need democrats to support impeachment.  So far, though, republicans have had “Trump’s back.”  Here then is another Irony!  How about Trump catering to democrats as his “firewall” only to turn republicans more toward IMPEACHMENT?

Of course, democrats would risk losing their base if they failed to vote to “convict” but, I’m still guessing Trump is “thinking ahead” as he courts “Chuck and Nancy.”  I mean, Mike Pense is a similarly unpalatable option to true “progressives.”  (Actually, on occasion, I use the term “liberal”)  There are those who are considered “progressive” who appear totally susceptible to this Trump plan (if it really is one).  Today, I listened to Chuck Todd and Chris Matthews on MSNBC remind me of why they so frustrated me during the election.  Occasionally, I think they show a resemblance of common sense – but, then days like today show up.

Matthews so much wants “deals to be made” that I believe he’d willingly look past the TREASONOUS activities of Trump and his campaign.  Seriously, the “writing” is MORE than “on the wall.”  Look, I’m all for things “getting done” and I did find it interesting to hear Trump referring to “Chuck and Nancy,” but the Russian attack on our most fundamental value was, to me, an act of war.  It wouldn’t surprise me if all those “surprise” results in places like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina were the results of hacking of the voting machines.  I doubt we’ll ever know, because the machines are owned by republicans businesses (go figure) and, the investigation is elsewhere.

There’s NO DOUBT that the Russians invaded voter rolls, placed untold numbers of FAKE adds in strategically various places on publications like Facebook and Twitter, and were involved with the Trump campaign to a still undisclosed degree – all potentially swinging the election.  That was their intent and, recently, members of their government have been bragging about success – they think they were the reason Trump succeeded.  The question is do our members of Congress – republicans and democrats (this SHOULDN’T be a partisan issue) – have the stomach to actually defend our nation “come hell or high water.”  Obviously, Congress has abdicated its constitutional responsibility regarding war powers since 9/11.  It’s like they’re afraid to act.  Are they going to be afraid to act here – when we were ATTACKED by Russia?

Trump is busy defending himself in a myriad of ways – with this fantasy with democrats just being another attempt at manipulating the reality of the situation.  Recently, Trump’s supporters are on the attack (again) against James Comey – the FBI director FIRED by Trump in what Steve Bannon called the greatest BLUNDER in modern political history.  Now, Trump has Sarah Sanders (his press secretary sans Sean Spicer) violating protocol by suggesting the Department of Justice should be investigating Comey for his “illegal behavior.”  This, of course, is beyond outrageous.  NO ONE in the White House SHOULD be giving directions to the Justice Department.  But, Trump………………………

Consider that Trump has BERATED poor little Jeff Sessions on multiple occasions (reportedly asking for and then refusing his resignation) in a (successful) attempt to cause Sessions to feel his obligation is to Trump and NOT the Constitution.  Earth to anyone listening:  That is incredibly DANGEROUS to the fabric of this nation.  And, now Sanders is calling for investigations from the podium of the press secretary.  Again, totally inappropriate and incredibly dangerous.  Sarah Sanders, to me, is an example of those willing to LIE for Trump.  She is RUINING her future – from what I can tell – and, possibly, creating legal jeopardy for herself.  There’s a clear “conspiracy” to COVER UP the “Russia thing” going on in the White House, and, it appears to me, Ms. Sanders is a willing participant.  Sadly, LYING is apparently a requirement of working in this White House.

Final Thought:  I’m guessing that “Mitch and Paul” will not allow Trump to venture off on a true “love affair” with “Chuck and Nancy.”  Trump’s likely to regret his first “agreement” with “Chuck and Nancy” – despite the temporary “good press” when the issue jumps up again around Christmas time.  And, “Chuck and Nancy” will face EXTREME backlash from the “resistance” if they make a DACA agreement which includes “extreme border security” leading to mega deportations.  The reality of who Trump is no longer is secret.  “Chuck and Nancy” need to tread cautiously as they look for a bargain which would save the “Dreamers.”  Trust me, “Mitch and Paul” will have a LOT to say on what ANY agreement looks like.  And, in the end, it still appears to me that it’s likely Trump will be IMPEACHED.  (The more he works with “Chuck and Nancy” the more likely IMPEACHMENT becomes – I’m sure, as I’ve said “many times, many times,” conservative republicans have preferred Mike Pense to Trump since day one.

Right wing extremists were not allowed to hold “we the people” hostage for their extreme agenda. The surprise – it was because of Trump.

If you’ve read any of my posts you know that I believe Trump colluded with the Russians in order to win the last election – whether or not that was a “turning point” we’ll NEVER know – but, the reality, to me, is that COLLUDING with another government to interfere in our most fundamental privilege is TREASON.  So, I believe I’ve been very clear on that.  Additionally, I believe Trump to be TOTALLY incapable of handling the duties of being president – although, I’ve stated before that I never hope for a president to FAIL (as Republicans did to President Obama – in fact, they more than “hoped,” they tried to cause him to fail) so, wouldn’t it be ironic if Trump ended up “getting things done” by working with Democrats.

I tend to be on the side of letting republicans figure out how to govern while all eyes are watching.  I’ve always said they’re great at winning elections because they totally believe the “end justifies the means.”  Republican insiders have been the masters at “dirty tricks” for as long as I can remember.  (This stuff with Russia is beyond anything I would have imagined prior to Trump)  So far, republicans have proven those correct who’ve said all along they don’t know how to govern – because, so far, NOTHING’S been accomplished legislatively since Trump’s election.  And, RIGHT NOW there’s a LOT “on the table.”  (With the odd exception of this past week when Trump worked with democrats to pass a bill to “kick the can down the road” regarding the debt ceiling – a bill which appropriated about $15 BILLION for disaster relief that, ironically representatives from both Texas and Florida voted AGAINST!)

Yesterday, we were hearing about Steve Bannon’s “pact” with the so-called “Freedom Caucus” (ie Tea party members elected by those who were repulsed by the thought America could elect a Black President) to create a “Bloody September.”  While Hurricane Irma (the strongest on record) was heading straight toward Florida they were announcing there would be no help for those in Texas and Louisiana after Hurricane Harvey.  The idea that the government would be “shut down” and worse that republicans would not increase the debt limit causing the government to default – which could have devastating affects on everyone’s “bottom line” was going to be negotiating “chips” for right wing agenda items – like, for example, Trump’s “wall.”

Well, today, republicans are up in arms because Trump did the unthinkable to them – he actually talked to democrats and then WORSE he negotiated with them and agreement to “kick the can down the road” (as referenced above – typical DC solutions to problems) for three months – so, we can all be on the edge of our seats around Christmas time as to whether or not Congress will actually pass a budget and raise the debt ceiling in a way that ends that issue being a constant question mark to “we the people” and, more importantly, countries around the world who would be affected by a government default. (Reportedly, after I started writing this post, it was announced Trump is working with democrats on the idea to permanently remove the problem of the debt limit.  Wouldn’t that be ironic????!!!)

Obviously, republicans have constantly shown a distaste for any “dealings” with democrats.  Since the early days of Newt Gingrich they’ve been all about obstruction and division.  Earlier, we heard John McCain suggest it was time to return to “regular order” and now you have Trump working with Democrats – and, apparently rebuffing republicans in the same meeting.  What if, all of a sudden, republicans and democrats started working together to solve the health care crisis (in a way that wasn’t a hidden tax cut for the wealthy)?  What if they worked together to provide relief for the Hurricane victims?  (Irma very well may make Harvey look like the JV team – which could make the damage reach well over $100 BILLION)  Incredibly, what if tax reform was passed that actually was AIMED at the MIDDLE CLASS and not the top 1%?  OMG – would people actually start liking Trump?  Including democrats?

I have friends who I have breakfast with periodically and they support Trump.  My bet with one of them is that Trump will never be reelected – I’ve predicted he’ll be impeached as soon as republicans feel his “antics” are jeopardizing their own reelections.  I agreed with my friend that if the economy surges forward Trump will be safe (less the “Russia thing”) – but, today what’s going through my mind is what would happen if it was Trump who got Congress to work together – that is where republicans and democrats worked together to “get things done.”  I have this uneasy feeling that Trump’s “approval ratings” would climb rapidly if that happened.

What if Congress actually did immigration reform to permanently allow “Dreamers” to be part of this country and eventually to be citizens?  Would Trump be able to take credit for that?  Again, this would require republicans and democrats to work together.  I can only imagine the headlines at Breitbart.  Here’s another incredible thought going through my head.  Is it possible for Trump to work with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to push us toward a Medicare for all solution to the health crisis – which would include the NEGOTIATING of drugs with “big pharma?”  I know I’m getting way ahead of myself – but, here’s the reality  as I see it.

For years “we the people” have been TOTALLY frustrated with Congress because they respond to their rich benefactors.  This has been no secret – and, it’s no secret that MOST of the rich benefactors have been BUYING republican politicians for years.  That’s how we got the STUPID “trickle down” (I call it “trickle up”) economic policy that has been foisted on us for the past 35+ years.  I really don’t expect Trump to move away from that, but what if he did?  What if he attempted to pass a budget that actually was going to reduce the deficit – or, as Clinton did, put us in a surplus that reduced the debt?  That would be un-republican, but, I can dream can’t I?

I could go on and on about the “what if’s” and, I know I’m being way too idealistic.  But, here’s what I do know.  Trump is the ultimate narcissist and, over the years of being a teacher you learn a lot about people.  Trump lives for the glowing reviews in the media.  He wants to be loved and he wants people to think he’s great.  The only way he can possibly do this is to work with democrats – and, I’ve not been one to suggest he’s totally stupid.  I’ve simply pointed out he has no understanding of how government works.  He does know how to understand failure and I don’t think he likes that feeling at all – and, with a republican party that is totally divided – the so-called “freedom caucus” doesn’t agree with anyone or anything thinking differently – Trump is apparently understanding there’s enough moderate republicans to make deals that work with democrats.  I find all of this INCREDIBLY IRONIC.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  Trump makes my skin crawl.  The Access Hollywood tapes caused me to assume he’d be written off by the “party of family values.”  (They proved that’s the all time joke)  The collusion of Russia, in my view, is Treason.  And, the CONSTANT LYING is more than I can handle – as soon as I here Trump’s voice I have to change the station.  And, the people who (at least until he started working with “Chuck and Nancy” – I think those words turn their stomachs) support him on the airwaves like Hannity and Limbaugh must be going crazy.  I can’t make myself listen to them to find out.  But, as I process all these thoughts, there’s an even BIGGER irony.

What if, when Mueller makes his final report, and, as expected Trump and his campaign COLLUDED with the Russians AND, as seems obvious (at least to me) Trump OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE and republicans do the right thing and IMPEACH him – would the democrats block the conviction in the senate?  They’d have a choice – Trump or Pense – and, Pense turns my stomach almost MORE than Trump.  He’s been like a “puppy dog” following Trump around and CONFIRMING enough LIES that he should be impeached as well – but, then we’d have Ryan.  Could it be that Trump’s crazy like a fox?  This should all be interesting and, I have to admit, my imagination is getting the best of me.

However, I regularly meet with a friend of mine who is a lifelong republican (more like a libertarian) and bet me that Trump would win the election.  Of course, I lost the bet despite thinking there was no chance I’d lose.  So, I went double or nothing on his re-election – thinking Trump won’t even make it to the nomination.  I still believe he SHOULD be IMPEACHED, but, as many have said, we’re in uncharted territory as far as politics is concerned.  The bottom line for me is I want our leaders to work to improve the lives of the middle class and find solutions to the problems of “the least of these” in the words of Jesus Christ.  Example:  There’s hundreds of thousands of homeless veterans – to me, that’s a national disgrace.  Too many sick people can’t afford to go to the doctor.  Wages are too low for those at the “bottom” and too high for those at the “top.”  These, and many other issues, won’t be solved by idealogues in Congress – like the so-called “Freedom Caucus” which is, essentially, the “Tea party” who took over republican politics back in 2010.

Even my right wing friend agrees we’re all better off if politicians are working together without regard for political party – just focusing on the issues that help those in the middle class and those in need.  We see the way to do this quite differently, but when we dialogue we realize each of us grows.  We’d love to see that happen in our nation – and, believe me, Donald Trump is the last person I can see facilitating that to happen.  But who knows, this last agreement was palatable to me – we didn’t have to go to the “brink” to make sure America was good on it’s economic promises.  Right wing extremists were not allowed to hold “we the people” hostage for their extreme agenda.  The surprise – it was because of Trump.

Three months from now, who knows.  But, it should be interesting!



I don’t believe Trump can pardon himself out of this mess. And his “screed” puts almost EVERYONE in the White House at risk.

Today I’ve been reading and hearing about a letter composed by Trump and his incompetent “adviser” Stephen Miller (he of the infamous White Supremacist hand signals on the Sunday Morning talk shows) about FIRING James Comey, essentially, because of the “Russia thing.”  At the time, I had written that when Comey testified he was “nauseated” thinking he may have been the reason for Trump’s victory last November (this testimony was a few days prior to this letter – which is being called a “screed”) that Trump was going to be livid at those remarks.  I’m guessing, those comments along with the “Russia thing” was just too much for our narcissist in chief and he took the action that has created much MORE than the “Russia thing.”

A few thoughts immediately went through my head as I first heard and then read about this “screed.” (A “screed” is defined as: a “long piece of writing that is tedious”) First, the FACT that Stephen Miller is a “senior adviser” to the president just boggles my mind.  The KID is like 32 years old and he’s got NO experience in government to speak of.  I guess all you need to know about Miller is that he “broke in” working for Michelle Bauchmann and then “graduated” to Jeff Sessions.  That would explain the “hand signs” referred to above.  For Trump to rely on this KID for anything is beyond my imagination, but this particular piece of “advice” (firing Comey) may end up being the “straw that broke the camel’s back” as far as Trump’s presidency is concerned.   This was STUPID in so many ways and for so many people.  (Honestly, to have an angry 32 year old KID as a “senior adviser” in the White House is STUPID in and of itself)

Do you know what a conspiracy is?  Well, it’s defined as:  “A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.  Well, thanks to Miller’s (and, supposedly, Jared Kushner’s and his wife Ivanka) STUPID advice many people in Trump’s administration need to be, as the saying goes, lawyering up.  This doesn’t look good for a bunch of them.

Here’s the reality of the situation.  It’s looking more likely every day that Trump is going to be accused, by Robert Mueller, of “obstructing justice.”  Obviously, Trump’s trying to BLOCK the “Russia Investigation.” Now, because he’s president, I believe it’s up to our republican Congress to do something about it – while Fox “news” is busy telling everyone “COLLUDING” isn’t a crime (although, some people refer to it as “treason”) obstruction of justice CLEARLY is a crime.  Sooooooo, as virtually all Trump’s surrogates in the White House were being read into this “screed” they all became at minimum “witnesses” and at maximum “co- conspirators” to the CRIME of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.  This is a VERY naughty thing to do – even for someone like Trump who sometimes reminds me of my sixth grade students.  (the bullies)

Let’s look at who is vulnerable.  And, let’s start with the Vice President, Mike Pense.  He was briefed on and was clearly “read into” this “screed” that would have been sent to Comey except for the wisdom of Trump’s White House counsel (I believe his name is) Don McGahn.  Others who were part of this “conspiracy” – simply by listening to the letter being read to them and then LYING about why Comey was fired OR not reporting this “obstruction” to the investigators would include Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Sean Spicer, McGahn himself, and who knows who else was in the Oval Office when the letter was read.  (Well, I believe Mueller probably knows)

Those who, the next day after Comey was fired, took to the airwaves – well, went out in force to LIE to the TV cameras that Comey was fired because of the recommendation of Rod Rosenstein ALL  potentially became part of this conspiracy to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.  Pense, was the leading LIAR on that day as they ALL were making the Rosenstein claims. I heard him, myself, on at least three or four different occasions make the claim.  I heard Spicer, Conway, and Sanders (she was new on the scene at that point in time as I remember) also claiming that Comey was fired because of Rosenstein’s recommendation.  We all know these people routinely LIE for the president, but when you do it to OBSTRUCT Justice, it gets WAY more serious!  (That is, of course, if people in the “White House” are actually subject to the same laws you and I would be held accountable for)

Of course, a day later, Trump met ON TV with Lestor Holt (it gets STUPIDER AND STUPIDER), and after sending ALL of his surrogates out with the Rosenstein excuse the day before, he ADMITTED why he ACTUALLY fired Comey;  It was because of the “Russia thing.”  Now that Mueller has that “screed” ALL these people are POTENTIALLY in big trouble.  We’re all about to find out whether or not our judicial system is still based on the “rule of law” as the “screed” and Trump and his surrogates’ actions will obviously come into question.  I’m sure Fox “news” and the right wing talkers are rationalizing all this as I’m writing.  (The thought occasionally pierces my brain that what would all these republicans be saying if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama did this kind of stuff? – of course, then I remember, they’re still blaming Obama for anything that goes wrong.)

What SHOULD happen?  Lets start with Pense.  “Theoretically,” Pense SHOULD be IMPEACHED right along with Trump, but it likely will never happen.  First of all, it will be a miracle if the REPUBLICAN Congress “grows a pair” and actually IMPEACHES Trump.  It would be too much to expect them to IMPEACH both the President and Vice President (that would, of course, make Paul Ryan President – so, maybe……..).  However, the REALITY is that Trump has been caught in OVER 1000 Verifiable LIES since taking the OATH of office, and Pense has shown an uncanny willingness to act like a “puppy dog” as he follows Trump around corroborating Trump’s LIES.  It really is DISGUSTING – whether they’re IMPEACHED or not.  (I felt an odd sense of disgust as I wrote the word “oath” above – it’s like, would there be any “oath” Trump might aspire to???)

Sean Spicer “resigned” and is no longer in the “White House” – BUT, sadly (I kind of always felt bad for him – being forced to LIE to save his job – but, we all have to make choices, don’t we?) he was part of the conspiracy.  Maybe Mueller will take pity on him by thinking he’s “suffered enough” by taking Trump’s rage for around 6 months.  However, he needs a lawyer – I’m certain (who knows, he might now start telling the TRUTH – novel thought).

Kellyanne Conway has pretty much been ignored by anyone in the media but the right wing outlets due to the PROLIFIC amount of LYING she’s been doing on Trump’s behalf, really since BEFORE he took his “oath.” (I felt better putting it in quotes)  She pushed the LIE about the reason Comey was fired, therefore, she needs a lawyer (Lucky Kellyanne – I believe her husband is a lawyer)  Sarah Huckabee Sanders came on the scene around this time as I remember.  She likely needs a lawyer (and, as the conspiracy grows, she gets in deeper and deeper).  I hope you get my point.  Many people in the White House (I didn’t mention Reince Preibus – he needs a lawyer – but, like Spicer, I have this feeling he might actually tell the TRUTH to Mueller in return for leniency)

I purposely didn’t mention Miller or Steve Bannon or Sebastian Gorka because there’s no question they’ll continue LYING for Trump.  (I believe they think Trump can do whatever he “damn well pleases” and any investigation is a left wing joke)  As far as continuing the conspiracy, I think, they believe they can do more to push the right wing “White Nationalist” movement from their positions at Breitbart.  However, they are ALL part of this conspiracy and it will be interesting how Mueller goes after them.

In my mind, Bannon is probably smart enough to have opposed firing Comey – “rumors” have it that it was Jared Kushner at the head of those wanting him “gone.”  Of course, Miller helped write the “screed” so, he needs a lawyer.  (One more thing – Don McGahn – White House counsel – I don’t believe – gets “lawyer – client” privilege, so he may need a lawyer – unless, of course, he’s the one who gave the “screed” to Mueller.  That’s highly unlikely – rumors have it that Rosenstein was the one who did “the right thing under the law” and gave it to Mueller.  Regarding Bannon, if he was “read into” the “screed” and failed to report it to the authorities, he’s in need of a lawyer.  Obviously, in Miller’s case, he helped write the darn thing – he REALLY needs a lawyer.

If you remember Watergate, it was ALL those around Nixon who participated in the coverup that ended up going to jail.  Of course, Gerald Ford (stupidly) pardoned Nixon before anyone accused him of a crime – which may or may not have happened.  But, all Nixon’s surrogates ended up in jail.  “Trumpgagte” is looking a lot like Watergate – except for the FACT we have a Congress full of TOTAL partisans.  At this point it’s a “will they or won’t they” as far as republicans willing to hold Trump accountable to the law.  Trump, of course, thinks he’s above the law, and he’s poised to use the “pardon” powers he has as many times as necessary to protect him from Mueller.  (I think there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to protect himself from Mueller – the only reason he hasn’t fired Mueller is because republicans “drew a red line” on that one.  I don’t believe he can pardon himself out of this mess.

One final thought.  Obviously, republicans are AFRAID to act regarding all the issues Trump has put right before their eyes.  He’s ALREADY committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” simply by keeping his business interests and violating the emoluments clause of the constitution.  Had that been President Obama republicans would be waving their pocket constitutions all over the place.  For some reason they really FEAR Trump.  Clearly, they don’t like him, he’s not helping them get anything done and he’s set them up to be blamed everytime something doesn’t work right.  When he speaks he blasts the media and the Congress – both republicans and democrats.  NOTHING is ever Trump’s fault, in Trump’s narcissistic mind.  Sooner or later, republicans will figure this out.  I said when Trump was elected they (republicans) wouldn’t do “the right thing” until their own jobs are in jeopardy.  That still appears to be the case.

If “we the people” fall for Trump’s proposed “tax reform” it’s “shame on us” – because this will be the third time we’ve been “fooled” since Reagan.

Well, the topic of conversation in Washington DC has shifted to “tax relief” or “tax reform” depending on who you’re listening to.  While, in my view, the conversation should be ONLY on Hurricane Harvey, at this point, let’s just deal with the reality of Trump at this point.  He did spend a couple hours in Texas marveling at the size of the crowds, but we know what’s on his mind.  He wants to FINALLY be able to BRAG about accomplishing something.  And, there’s something else that’s obvious.  He’s got everything set up so that if Congress produces something he’ll take the CREDIT and if, as is likely to happen, “tax reform” either gets stalled or doesn’t make it through Congress they’ll get all the BLAME.  That’s one thing Trump is really good at!

So I can BRAG that you “heard it here first” I’m going to tell you what will happen if something actually gets through Congress.  First, it won’t be “tax reform” – that’s way to complicated to expect to happen in any time frame that would keep Trump from wearing out his “Twitter” account and further embarrassing anyone who’s a true blue American.  If they pass anything it will be a “Tax cut” and MOST OF IT will go to the infamous 1%.  That is, those making MILLIONS will get a tax cut they don’t need in the tens to hundreds of thousands depending on how rich they really are.  Those of us in the so-called “Middle Class” will find a way to pay at least as much as we pay now, or like in the days of Reagan, they’ll figure out creative ways to make it so the “Middle Class” pays more. “We the people” just won’t understand it until way later – at which time we’ll get mad again and republicans will find a way to BLAME democrats and too many of us will believe them – because too many of us watch Fox “news.”  This is another in a long line of “deja vu’s all over agains” since the days of Reagan.

Will democrats be able to stop them?  I don’t know.  Something tells me that if their “tax reform” increases the deficit it’s got to get 60 votes – which may explain why Trump was in Missouri telling voters there that if Claire McCaskill votes against the bill they should vote her out of office.  (And, of course, adding the McCaskill jab into his speech may have violated the Hatch Act – but, as we all know by now, the laws don’t apply to Trump)  At some point in America’s history “we the people” will STOP falling for the “trickle down” theory of economics republicans have been using since the days of Reagan to pillage hard working American’s taxes.  For some of the wealthy, it appears there’s no limit to what’s “enough.”  (For example, Wall Street is probably 1500 to 2000 point too high on the Dow in anticipation of a huge tax cut for the “rich”)

Do you think the question of whether or not we all should be wanting our government to send “boatloads” of money (pun intended) to help out those in Texas who’ll surely be needing to rebuild their homes and pay for extended periods where they can’t stay in their homes – not to mention all the businesses that must be experiencing unbelievable amounts of damage – instead of cutting taxes at this point in time will come up?  How do you think, for example, Ted Cruz will feel about that?  (Do you remember him during the “Sandy” crisis?)  How are all the “deficit hawks” in the “Tea party” who don’t believe in “big government” going to react to this dilemma?

What is the dilemma, you ask?  Well if we’re going to actually “balance the budget” have any of  these republicans figured out that every tax cut (except ones where the money goes to people who are actually going to spend the money) has caused the deficit to get WORSE.  Trust me, this won’t be any different!  (Here’s the main question: will they still be able to blame Obama for the deficits?)  Trump wants to cut FEMA, by the way, by 11% – how is that going to work with the damage to “Harvey” still to be determined?  Additionally, he wants to cut the State Department by 30% – does that tell you how serious he really is regarding diplomacy with North Korea?  They even want to cut school lunches for kids in poverty!  All, so they and their rich buddies can get even more money!  (I spent the last 23 years of my working life teaching in a high poverty middle school and I can attest that for many of the students school was where they got their food!)

Here’s something very few people I’ve heard are even talking about.  These hurricanes get their energy from the water underneath them.  As the temperature of the water rises the hurricanes generate more energy – for example “Katrina” during the Bush administration and “Harvey” now.  Harvey wasn’t even a “hurricane” a matter of a week or two before it started gaining “steam.”  The reality for all the climate change deniers is that the additional 2 degrees (or more) in temperature in the gulf waters makes a huge difference in the power of the storm.  Just one day prior to landfall “Harvey” was category “2” and within one day it hit landfall with winds around 160 mph – category “4.”  What’s the old saying? “More to come.”

Honestly, I’m praying for the people of Texas.  I’ve donated (a small amount) to the Red Cross and will likely donate more as I can while this all plays out.  But, our “leaders” need to wake up.  As I’ve said many times, republicans are masters at getting “we the people” to be arguing amongst ourselves over the so-called “wedge issues” while they continue the greatest heist in the history of mankind – one tax cut for the rich after another.  Dick Cheney defended the two outrageous tax cuts that took our only (in my lifetime) surplus and turned it into a massive deficit by saying “Ronald Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”  The only question I have this time is “what phony LIE will Trump use to defend his pilfering of the middle class?”

And, of course, we all know by now that if Trump’s lips are moving, he’s LYING.  It was reported by one of the very popular websites or newspapers that Trump refers to as “failing” of “fake news” that in his first 200+ days in office he had committed over 1000 VERIFIABLE LIES!  For all you who say, “all politicians LIE” – there’s been no one who comes even close to this.  Now, of course, if you start considering people like Sean Hannity and others on Fox “news” and right wing “talkers” on the radio airwaves like Rush Limbaugh, you might think Trump is normal.  But, for the rest of us, this is – well, lots of terms come to mind – like “shocking,” “disgusting,” “deplorable,” “terrible,” “alarming,” “disgraceful,” and I could go on (and on).

Here’s the bottom line for me.  I hope “we the people” put the welfare of the people of Texas – including, I guess, Ted Cruz, ahead of ANY talk of “tax relief” or “tax reform.”  Whatever it takes, we should all stand together on this.  And, believe me, I understand that MANY of the people who’ve been devastated by this hurricane think much differently than myself – I mean, they voted Ted Cruz into office.  I’ve stated many times on this site that I believe a significant portion of those who vote for republicans do so because of their strong anti- abortion beliefs.  To me, that one is as much on democrats for making them unwelcome as to republicans who use that issue to allow themselves to pursue issues those people would NEVER support if they actually knew what they were voting for.  What I’m saying is they’re good Americans and we need to band together at times like these.

The pictures and videos I’ve seen regarding “Harvey” range from devastating to heartwarming.  Clearly, the damage is devastating and you have to feel for the people who are losing virtually EVERYTHING they’ve worked hard to earn over who knows how many years.  The heartwarming part is the amazing people who are relentlessly working to save lives, to get people to shelters, to do whatever they can to make some kind of a difference in a terrible circumstance for those affected by the hurricane.  And, the so-called “fake media” people who appeared to me to be risking their own safety to keep the rest of us informed – they’ve been amazing.

The bottom line though, is that “we the people” need to keep our focus on what’s happening in Washington DC.  Bush/Cheney used the 9/11 crisis to legitimize their invasion of Iraq that continues to haunt our nation and the world to this day.  If you’ve read Natalie Klein’s book “The Shock Doctrine” you know that they do their worst “business” during times of crisis.  Those who call themselves the “resistance” need to be resolute right now – because, just as Trump pardoned “Sheriff Joe” as this hurricane was hitting landfall, he’s likely to try to slip in this “tax reform” while the rest of us are figuring out how to help the victims of “Harvey.”

And, let me say this again – and, yes, it’s a prediction – any “tax reform” coming out of Washington DC will include MASSIVE benefits for those in the 1% (I believe that would include those with incomes in excess of $600,00 per year) and subtle changes to the tax code that actually raises taxes on those of us in the “middle class.”  Reagan did this, Bush/Cheney did this and why would you expect anything different now?’

Oh yes, one final thing.  They’ll (of course, that means republicans) claim that by giving hundreds of millions to the top 1% it will “trickle down” and we’ll all have better jobs that pay more.  If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge…………..  There’s a reason I’ve always called it “trickle up” economics – and, that’s EXACTLY how it’s played out.  But, people like Trump keep pushing it because it’s worked since the 80’s and, what’s the old saying?  “Don’t beat a dead horse”  If “we the people” keep falling for their NONSENSE then why wouldn’t they keep doing it.  They’re getting richer and richer and we keep complaining because things seem stagnant – and, then we – well, enough of us for them to keep doing this – keep falling for their BS.  (Trump will gain from the tax cuts, and, undoubtedly, there will be another push to repeal the estate tax.  How much would Trump’s family gain on that one?)

The old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me” comes into play here.  (Interestingly, GW Bush couldn’t mouth this saying correctly, but he still pulled off a massive heist of middle class taxes directly to his benefactors – fooling us for the second time – Reagan, of course, being the first)  So, if “we the people” fall for Trump’s proposed “tax reform” it’s “shame on us” – because this will be the third time we’ve been “fooled” since Reagan.  At some point we’ll ALL figure out that “trickle down” really means “trickle up” and, that if we really want a “balanced budget” massive tax cuts won’t get us there.  (Unless, of course, you’re willing to eliminate a HUGE portion of our military industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhower prophetically warned us about in the 1950’s.  Republicans say, “we can’t be the policemen of the world” and then ask for a $60 BILLION increase in defense spending)

I’ve got to add that I’m not opposed to true “tax reform.” If you “get” I don’t trust Trump to do it, you would be ABSOLUTELY correct!  (I don’t trust him to do anything – actually, I don’t think he should be ALLOWED to do anything until the “Russia thing” is finished.  Anyone COLLUDING with the Russians to get elected should NOT be an office holder in this nation – PERIOD!)  Tax reform that actually put more money in the pockets of middle class Americans would at least infuse money back into the economy.  However, to me, a better solution to many economic problems in America would be solved via “single payer health care.”  That would, of course, require working Americans to pay taxes to pay for it, but it would solve the most serious problem we face (which republicans have been blocking since WW II).  At some point I’ll write a complete post on this – but suffice it to say that I believe many Americans who have a medical “benefit” as part of their work “package” would actually pay less if this happened.  As Trump himself figured out – health care is complicated – but, at some point in time, America will HAVE to deal with the health care crisis in a way that works for all Americans – even “the least of these.”  (sorry “conservatives”)  And, the solution just may fix many other problems as well!