I believe much of Trump’s “controversy” is strategically designed to get the topic of “Russia” “off the table.”

I read the other day where Trump (again) suggested that National Football League owners should “fire” players who kneel during the National Anthem to protest Trump’s own divisive words (he called the players “sons of bitches”) and the racial injustice that continues to permeate through parts of America.  After reading this, the first thought that went through my head was that Trump should be FIRED (impeached) for STOKING the racial injustice these players are protesting (not to mention all his other transgressions – not the least of which is the never ending “Russia thing”).  And, there’s (apparently) no shortage of Americans who willingly fall for Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

For some reason there’s many Americans who check “white” when asked their ethnic background on surveys and questionnaires who don’t “get” they’ve spent a lifetime enjoying “white privilege” and, seemingly, want to go back to the original document of our constitution which referred to “Black” persons as 3/5 of a human being.  These are the “White supremacists” that Trump so willingly associates himself with.  The people who pushed the “birther” movement when President Obama was in office (do you remember those rational days when we had a president who was trying to unite instead of one who thrives on division?).

In Trump’s most recent “campaign style speech” where he referred to the Black football players who don’t like him as “sons of bitches” he was in Alabama campaigning for an Alabama Senator, Luther Strange, who was appointed by a corrupt Alabama governor to fill the seat of the racist Jeff Sessions who’s now our Attorney General.  (What a world, huh? – and, to top it off Trump can’t stand Sessions because he did the “right thing” once he became Attorney General and Trump blames him for the “Russia thing.”  Trump, of course, is always blaming someone else for his stupidity)  Strange was running against maybe the only man in the United States who could be more unpopular in the Senate than Ted Cruz (or even maybe Trump), “Judge” Roy Moore – infamous for no longer being a judge because he, himself, couldn’t follow the law.  The same night Trump was campaigning for Strange “Judge” Moore was brandishing a firearm in front of a campaign rally to show he’s in favor of the 2nd amendment.  Wow! Impressive!

These people in Alabama are so susceptible to brainwashing it’s almost unbelievable.  The NRA has MILLIONS of Americans believing democrats are going to break down the doors of their homes to take all their guns so now they vote republican because of the abortion issue AND the propaganda of the NRA.  The FACT they were cheering Donald Trump as he was belittling John McCain was what many would call “the proof in the pudding” that they can’t think for themselves.  I want to say I found it interesting listening to Trump belittle Senator McCain to place the blame for HIS own failure to figure out how to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, but the truth is I found it DESPICABLE!  And, the crowd booing at the sound of McCain’s name – that was even more DESPICABLE – in fact, in the words of Hillary Clinton, it was DEPLORABLE!

So, this southern audience is cheering as Trump refers to Black football players as “sons of bitches” and booing as Trump was eviscerating McCain.  We need a little background here.  Most of these same people CHEER every Saturday as their Alabama or Auburn football teams, mostly consisting of young Black Americans, steamroll virtually every other football team America’s colleges and universities can put together.  And, most of them probably claim they’re diehard supporters of our military veterans.  Would you call that the “height of hypocrisy?”  (I’m guessing you know, I would)

But there’s more.  Now, if you’ve read many of my posts of “yesteryear” you’d know that I’m not a strong “fan” of Senator McCain based on differences of political viewpoints.  That being said, from the day Trump was elected I’ve been pining for republicans with the “stones” to stand up to him and potentially remove him from office (which is what SHOULD happen).  I speculated earlier this year that maybe it would be McCain and his buddy Lindsey Graham who would “step up.”  Obviously, Graham doesn’t “have what it takes” – but, McCain appears to be regaining his conscience as he’s looking “going home” straight in the face.  McCain is not likely to serve out his term – he has the same brain issue that took Ted Kennedy a few years back and it appears McCain is trying to fill that role of “hero” who leads the way as the Trump NIGHTMARE is ended.  I’m ready to jump on his bandwagon if he persists!

Regardless of how you look at McCain, to listen to Trump ridicule him and a southern audience boo the sound of his name sickened me.  Let’s look at this from a different perspective.  Trump had just “hammered” football players for using their first amendment rights to protest – so they’re “sons of bitches” and the crowd boos McCain’s name at Trump’s urging because he voted his conscience in the Senate (for a change).  This is the same Trump who got FIVE deferments from serving during Viet Nam – including a PHONY doctor’s excuse claiming “bone spurs” in his heels – that didn’t bother his golf game or the FACT he played football.  This is the man wrapping himself in the flag McCain was willing to defend.  McCain, on the other hand, spent five years in the “Hanoi Hilton” and has PERMANENT disability due to the TORTURE he endured while there.  The crowd SHOULD have been BOOING Trump!  I’m embarrassed by Trump as president and disgusted with the Alabama audience for their STUPIDITY in supporting this man and disparaging one who, whether you agree with his politics or not, should be considered an American hero.  He fought thinking he was defending the right of those “sons of bitches” (in Trump’s words) to protest.  (Even though Viet Nam was a similar sham as Iraq)

Additionally, in his speech, Trump was unveiling his so-called “Tax reform” plan – which is nothing more than a MASSIVE tax cut for TRUMP himself and his corporate “buddies” at the expense of either the Middle Class or the DEFICIT – or, more likely, BOTH.  And, of course, the audience – made up mostly of middle class Americans – sucked it in “hook, line, and sinker.”  Trust me, these Trump supporters are an easy target for his propaganda.  He says it, they believe it (despite his PROVEN propensity to LIE – it’s been documented his PROVABLE lies went OVER the one thousand mark after only 6 months in office – so, he’s likely pushing the 1500 mark as I’m writing this)  I know some Trump supporters.  They don’t fact check anything (well, I have to add, they think if they check with Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh they’re “fact checking” – and, in many places in the South, all they get in regard to media coverage is Fox “news” and bloviators like Limbaugh – so, they’d have to read and look for information to read that didn’t come from people connected with Fox and Limbaugh)

What is likely to end up happening is the tax cut, if it somehow passes, will balloon the deficit EVEN MORE.  If you’ve actually studied this, the “fertilizer” for the ballooning deficits has been the republican tax cuts – beginning with the Reagan “trickle down” tax cuts in the 80’s and put on “steroids” by Bush/Cheney at the beginning of the “new millenium.”  (I’ve always called them “trickle up” tax cuts – because MOST of the money goes to the wealthy – and, contrary to republican claims they – the 1% – don’t hurry out and hire people at living wages in appreciation of the MILLIONS in tax cuts)  Additionally, if you’re like me and in the middle of the “Middle Class” you’ll be paying more.  The proposal, as I understand it, will cancel many deductions that actually HELP Middle Class Americans and make little difference to the so-called 1%.

So, this Middle Class Alabama audience is cheering the thought of a tax cut from Trump that will likely RAISE their taxes from a president who’s committed to the “deconstruction of the administrative state.”  (Those were the words of Steve Bannon Trump’s former “chief adviser” who’s busy himself “ginning” up division wherever he can – these people are fascists)  This “administrative state” is the government these people are so quick to condemn because it’s constitution has brought us to the place where equality is more than a “catch phrase.”  Of course, to those basking in “White privilege” that’s really threatening.  And, people like Trump have little trouble “ginning” them up and casting blame – well, usually on democrats – but, in reality, on whoever seems convenient enough – like football players or people like McCain (who’s not cooperating) – so it makes them feel better.  Unfortunately, all this just accentuates the stupidity of the audience and the predatory willingness of the speaker – Trump.

Here’s the ultimate irony for you regarding the Alabama audience that’s cheering Trump and booing McCain.  Most of the federal “income” comes from the “blue” states and most of the federal “outgo” goes to the “red” states with Alabama near the top of the recipients.  I actually “googled” this – anyone could – and, what it means is these people who are buying into Trump’s propaganda are going to be the ones hurt the most should his agenda somehow pass Congress.  And, of course, when it’s time to complain they’ll get sucked in to blaming democrats, liberals, and quite possibly all those “sons of bitches” who play football and make “too much money.”  That’s how “dividers” like Trump work.  They get people arguing against their own self interests and soon the country is in disarray – which allows predators like Trump to FLEECE the taxpayers for even MORE.

If you don’t believe me – actually do some research.  Check out how much money all these members of Trump’s SWAMP are FLEECING “we the people” for – simply because that’s been their style as members of the “elite” in Wall Street.  Trump’s cabinet is devoid of anyone who’s got Middle Class common sense.  His “draining of the swamp” took out the frogs and replaced them will alligators.  It’s really interesting to me that his supporters are unable to see this – like cabinet members who charter planes to go from Washington DC to Philadelphia or charter military aircraft to take their families on European vacations.  I’m sure we’ll never know how much they’re really FLEECING us for, but what we know is they’re doing it.  Trump, himself, is putting previous presidents to shame regarding the expense of protecting him and his family.  It’s been reported that Trump actually bills the government outrageous amounts (like $500 per night) as he’s staying in his OWN property.  Can you imagine the republican uproar had President Obama done anything close to this???

Obviously, I’m going “on and on” about all this (I wanted to say, “I could go on and on”) and, I could do much more – Trump gives you much to “consider” virtually every day.  I believe much of his “controversy” is strategically designed to get the topic of “Russia” “off the table” and he’s obsessed with doing just that.  However, I don’t believe he’ll ever manage to accomplish that until the Mueller investigation is complete.  And, as I’ve said before, Mueller is going to put these timid republicans in the uneasy place of needing to IMPEACH Trump while they fear the backlash of his “White Supremacist” base.  If you’ve read much of their rhetoric you know it won’t take much to set them (Trump’s base) off – anarchy appears to be a tool of their movement.  (Steve Bannon is the real “torch bearer” for them – pun intended)  When this happens we’ll find out if we’re a nation of laws – where I live, the one really noticeable trait of those who were openly supporting Trump were the guns on their belts.  The truth is that “we the people” either quash this racist “White Supremacist” power grab or we face a future that more resembles 1930’s Germany than any time in American History.  (Republicans bought this outcome when they aligned themselves with the racist “Tea Party” which arose after “we the people” unexpectedly elected a (very competent) Black President.)

Many Americans have never been put in a position to have to fight for the freedoms we (are supposed to) enjoy.  Black football players in the NFL (those “sons of bitches” according to Trump) are standing up and protesting racial injustice.  (or should I say “kneeling down”)  Here’s the interesting question in my mind: Are the rest of us willing to stand up and defend what we have and what we SHOULD be?  And, I’m not referring to the “White Supremacists” – we saw them in full regalia in Charlottesville.  They’re ready to overthrow the government as we’ve known it (as per Steve Bannon)  I’m talking about all of us in the Middle Class who’ve had it great for so many years but have sub consciously fallen into that place where we take so many privileges for granted and we look to BLAME someone else for our own complacency.  Are we willing to defend the “New Deal” ideals that we really all are “created equal?”  The ideals that “made America great” in the first place.

If you’ve got this far you’re a proficient reader :o) But one or two final thoughts:  When Trump was calling football players SOB’s  he also bemoaned the game as becoming less violent – as if that was a bad thing – like taking the health of the players into consideration, in his mind, is ruining the game.  (After all, most of them are Black)  I couldn’t help but think of those (STUPID) remarks last night as I watched a portion of the Green Bay/Chicago NFL game.  A wide receiver for Green Bay caught a pass in the middle of the field and, while two members of Chicago’s team were wrestling him to the ground another Chicago player hit him helmet to helmet so hard that his mouthpiece came flying out and he lay motionless on the field – obviously, at least temporarily, unconscious.  Trump, evidently, loves watching extreme violence like that.  The guy for Green Bay could have been killed or disabled.  I found myself praying for him last night (and, again, just now) – I hope he’s OK and can resume his career.  I hope the guy who hit him (in my mind, a totally “cheap shot”) is fined and suspended.  It sickens me and turns me off to the NFL that almost every player who’s brain is checked after they pass away has severe trauma (CTE) which causes terrible side effects over time.  (This injury is also common in military personnel resulting from action in combat zones).

Finally, I applaud the “media” who are forcing our government and the FBI (ie Robert Mueller) to follow the “evidence wherever it leads” regarding the “Russia thing.”  I believe their (the Russians) intrusion into the 2016 election was so far above anything done previously that it was an attack on the basic foundation of our nation.  If we can’t GUARANTEE our voting privilege is unimpeded it won’t be long and our nation won’t resemble what we’ve grown up with (I’m talking about all us “baby boomers”)  It’s the media that is investigating all the shenanigans going on in the Trump “White House” and “we the people” should be thankful and supportive of what they’re doing.  History will look kindly on them.

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