Monthly Archives: January 2018

It will be hard to calculate all the LIES in Trump’s SOTU speech!

When Donald Trump was running for the office of President of the United States not many people were confused by his lack of “experience” as far as running a government.  To many Americans, that seemed to be a good thing – mainly to the republican “puppet masters” who simply want someone who can sign his or her name on legislation AND to the right wing media world that wants America to be White again.  What many didn’t understand, I believe, was how illiterate our new president was in reality.  He doesn’t read or write virtually at all.  As far as America and her history, he’s virtually ignorant.  What he’s good at is BULLYING!  Somehow, Trump has managed to get republicans in the House of Representatives (and, some in the Senate) to essentially disregard the investigation into the Russians’ cyber attack on America in an attempt to protect Trump from what they MUST believe are charges coming from Robert Mueller’s investigation.  Are they afraid of him?

Devin Nunes has soiled himself during the past year as he’s taking the role of protector of Donald Trump and is now releasing a “memo” that the FBI considers “reckless” and includes the release of “classified information.”  It was reported Trump, himself, ordered the release of this memo – thinking it would “help him.”  Can you imagine if President Obama had done this?  Was it Trump who, indirectly, forced Andrew McCabe out of the FBI?  Evidently, his wife is a democrat who ran for office, is that a crime?  What if Obama had done that to an FBI agent whose wife was a republican and ran for office?  “We the people” are heading into uncharted territory.  The nation’s 200+ year history is under siege.  If the republicans decide to put Trump ahead of the “Russia investigation” there’s a sad day coming to this nation.  I’ve said before Trump and Fox “news” are destined to end up next to Benedict Arnold in American history, but now we’ve got to put Nunes, and possibly a group of republicans, in the same place.  Shame on them!

We watched the republicans through both terms of Barack Obama’s presidency put their attempt to make sure he “failed” ahead of the interests of the nation, so I guess it shouldn’t be so much of a surprise as they are looking away from the “Russia thing” in order to protect a corrupt president – a “republican” of course.  If you’ve been on this site, it should be no surprise to you when I say Trump makes my stomach curl.  Somehow, the “Christian right” in America has backed a mafia like character to be in the oval office.  As Trump “pushes” his way through the institutions of America – destroying anything that threatens him or those that his supporters want destroyed to allow them to make more money without government oversight on their businesses.  This all is getting very ugly.

Trump is treating the FBI and the Justice Department as if those who work there are his personal employees and their obligation is NOT to the constitution (which Trump gave an oath to uphold) but, instead, they are obligated to protect Trump.  Their job is to investigate whoever Trump guides them to investigate in his mind.  Kind of reminds me of how Trump’s idol, Vladimir Putin, works.  Just yesterday we saw film of Putin’s number one opponent being DRAGGED from a demonstration and physically thrown into a police van and being carted to who knows where.  Trump appears to be frustrated he doesn’t have the same POWER as Putin.  But, he has succeeded in forcing Andrew McCabe out of the FBI and, apparently, this so-called “memo” is aimed at Rod Rosenstein.  Let’s hope Rosenstein “holds the fort” to protect Robert Mueller’s investigation.  Clearly, Trump is attempting to “get to” Mueller through Rosenstein.

If Rosenstein resigns or is fired, Trump would then attempt to put someone in his place who would either fire or restrict the Mueller investigation.  Trump is HIDING something and republicans in the House are attempting to help him.  Obviously, I’m no lawyer, but there appears NO doubt Trump has OBSTRUCTED justice but there appears to be much more.  When someone keeps saying “No Collusion” you can almost be certain there was “collusion.”  Sadly, the “collusion” part of all this SHOULD be the work of the Congressional investigations but it appears that republicans are willing to give the Russians a “free pass” to protect Trump.  I’ve been warning about the direction of the republican party for over 15 years, but I could have NEVER imagined republicans attacking the FBI and the intelligence community and being OK with Russians interfering in our elections.  I’ll say it again, this is SHAMEFUL!

Trump is preparing to give his “State of the Union” speech as I’m writing this and his LYING to the American people will continue.  Sadly, (I keep saying that) our “liberal media” is likely to fall for whatever Trump might say – especially if he can manage to actually read the teleprompter for a WHOLE hour.  There’s no way I could force myself to watch whatever he says – but, I can predict.  MOST of his remarks will be aimed right at – HIMSELF.  Trump will BRAG about the tax scam that will make him much richer – and, he’s likely to LIE about that.  What he WON’T talk about is what the scam will do to the deficit or how much he’ll benefit. He will BRAG about the “jobs” “he’s” created – failing to point out the graph of the rise in the economy is following EXACTLY the path it was on when he inherited it from Barack Obama (kind of like how his real estate empire was built off an inheritance).

His tax scam will escort this economy back into issues like inflation and when the interest rates rise as a result and the money supply is contracted he’ll, next year, find a new way to blame Obama. But, for now, they only time you’ll hear Obama’s name it will be to blame him disingenuously for something that allows Trump to brag about “fixing” something that wasn’t “broke.” He’ll claim to be the smartest president whose accomplished the MOST any president has accomplished in his first year in AMERICAN HISTORY.  His “uneducated voters” he loves so much will fall for it and, if he can keep his focus on the teleprompter people like Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd at MSNBC will fall for it – at least temporarily.

Trump will propose some kind of unrealistic (obviously, he won’t put it that way) plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure, but he won’t explain how the republican tax plan will make doing so much more expensive – and, that’s not even taking into consideration what rising interest rates will do to any projects.  Projects that SHOULD have been undertaken in his first year in office.  His obsession with undoing Obama “stuff” will backfire as he tries to put together an infrastructure bill without further exploding the deficit, a bill that SHOULD have been his first order of business last year.  (had he done so, he would likely ACTUALLY be able to take credit for some job growth) And, there’s a plethora of other reasons why the infrastructure part of his speech will be unrealistic – Trump very likely won’t even understand why he’s LYING.  Read this article that was published by Aaron Klein of the Brookings Institution which explains the issue well.

Trump will also come up with some kind of immigration proposal that will look better than what he’s willing to actually agree on. (neither will his most rabid supporters)   The REALITY is there are many in the republican party – and their CORE base – who wouldn’t shed one tear watching “dreamers” – who are producing BILLIONS in support of our economy, not to mention the moral aspect of a “problem” that SHOULD NOT be a “problem” at all – watching them being deported.  This would be an incredible renigging by our government – with the FAULT lying squarely at Trump’s “feet” if this happens – if the “Dream Act” is not passed on a “clean bill.”  The “dreamers” should NOT be held hostage to a “wall” that “Mexico won’t pay for.”  Holding the “dreamers” hostage to radical “stuff” that democrats will NOT be able to agree with is the most cynical example of right wing American politics I can remember (and, keep in mind, McConnell filibustered Obama nearly 700 times) – and, that’s saying something.  These young people deserve better than this – most of them know more about America’s constitution than Trump ever will!

Trump will do some bragging about the military defeating ISIL somehow because of orders he gave.  Of course, he again inherited a situation that was nearly accomplished and the credit, what there is of it, should belong with our men and women in the military.  What he won’t talk about are the soldiers killed in Niger (a s@#thole country) on a mission “we the people” will likely NEVER understand because Trey Gowdy, who spent years and BILLIONS “investigating” Benghazi is curiously silent.  And, he won’t talk about the soldiers killed in Yemen this year – because people may wonder about who ordered the mission.

Obviously, there’s little Trump could do to satisfy me – because, as a Christian his misogynist, racist, narcissistic, LYING behavior is just too much for me.  I really don’t understand how people of faith can even tolerate having someone like Trump in the “Oval Office.”  He came to the office with NO experience, he has no curiosity for government, he’s enriching himself at the expense of “we the people,” he’s undermining our most basic institutions in the FBI and the Justice Department, he’s got a history of sexual assault and abuse with women, and who knows what else will come out as Mueller’s investigation concludes sometime this year – and, by “conclude” I’m talking about the findings.  I believe the court “fights” will be a part of the American scene until, at least, the 2020 election – when, if not before, “we the people” will have the opportunity to stop this nightmare.

In the State of the Union speech Trump will be trying to fool as many people and “pundits” as he can.  If they fall for it – well, shame on them.  (I keep saying the “S” word)  It will be hard to calculate all the LIES in Trump’s SOTU speech, but there will be people closely monitoring.  It’s just that I won’t be one of them.  Before I retired I was a sixth grade teacher and one thing I was very strict with my students about was LYING.  Teaching them, “your word is your bond.”  I’ve tried watching Fox “news,” I’ve tried listening to people like Limbaugh and the other right wing “water carriers” on the radio airwaves, and I’ve tried listening to Trump.  I rarely can stand to listen for more than a minute or two to any of them – but, after reading about Trump and Stormy Daniels and all the other stuff, I just don’t want to hear anything from him. (and, for all the Clinton haters, I can hardly stand to listen to Bill Clinton either)  For anyone who “falls” for Trump’s shtick tonight, (here I go again) shame on you.  Somebody else wrote it and it’s meaningless to him!

Final thought:  As I often do, I’m publishing this without re-reading and editing – something I didn’t teach my sixth graders, so I apologize for any “foopahs.”  Hopefully, I’ll have the energy (or I’ll remember) to edit the mistakes, but I want to publish before his speech to either massage my ego or cause me even more embarrassment than normal.  Trying to follow politics and keeping engaged in what MY government is doing (yes, it’s OUR government) is fatiguing for an old man.  However, I believe it’s my generation who’ve led us to this terrible place in American history – and, we all have an obligation to be informed.  To me, when you do that, it takes the “cover” off of what republicans have been and are “up to” – and, it’s not in the best interest of “we the people.”


Paul Ryan is supporting Trump’s LYING. He’s supporting his republican caucus as they attack the FBI. Is that presidential?

I was listening to Joy Reid on MSNBC’s show “The Last Word” hosted by Laurence O’Donnell and she made a great point that I should have been contemplating.  I have given the thought of Paul Ryan much of my “thought time” in the past year because he’s third in line to the presidency and, in my mind, Mike Pense is almost as vulnerable to impeachment (or legal liability) as Trump himself.  That makes Ryan worth much thought.  When you observe an OBSTRUCTION of justice in process and say nothing, from my understanding, you’re then part of a conspiracy.  When you LIE about an OBSTRUCTION things get even worse.  Pense has been LYING for the president at will, and some of his LIES, by my calculations, make him part of the same OBSTRUCTION everyone (aside from Sean Hannity and the other water carriers on the right wing propaganda circuit) knows Trump has committed.  For example, when he LIED about the reason James Comey was fired to several TV outlets, it was apparent he knew the REAL reason Comey was fired and he was being part of the cover-up.

So, what did Ms. Reid say that caught my attention?  She pointed out that Ryan has shown NO courage in standing up to Trump as we’ve watched one transgression after another.  I’ve often thought about how much he’s (Ryan) been almost, seemingly, disinterested whether Russia was interfering in America’s politics.   Is he “disinterested?”  Does he lack, as Ms. Reid suggested, courage?  Or, is there method to his madness?  I’ve heard reports Ryan wants to be president.  He did run for Vice President with Mitt Romney.  Does he now have a direct path to the “White House?”  If both Trump and Pense are impeached (Pense could face legal jeopardy separately from impeachment – remember Spiro Agnew) Ryan is next in line.  And, I believe there are many republicans who would prefer Ryan to either Trump or Pense (including Ryan).

I’m relatively certain Ryan is smarter than myself.  He has to know, at this point, Trump is already more than vulnerable to “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  I’m sure he’s smart enough to know that Pense is also likely already in serious legal jeopardy.  Like me and MILLIONS of other Americans Ryan is waiting for Robert Mueller to conclude his investigation.  The “heat” seems to be rising and, I believe (and have predicted this before), Jared Kushner and, maybe, Donald Jr. are the next in line for Mueller.  (the reality is there are MANY members of Trump’s “team” – including his daughter – who COULD be having trouble sleeping at night – knowing they may need a lawyer.  But no one seems confused that it’s Trump who is ultimately going to be the issue. (I’m pretty certain “we the people” are going to learn why Trump refused to show his tax returns)

Does that sound outrageous?  Well, I just got the book “Fire and Fury” and haven’t yet read it, but the reports already in the public “sphere” suggest many of Trump’s staff were read into, for example, the REAL reason James Comey was fired – which is likely in the book, and much of what I’ve heard that is in the book is “bearing fruit.”  Theoretically, they (Trump’s surrogates) all have made themselves part of a conspiracy to obstruct justice.  The Trump “White House” appears to be more corrupt than what we all experienced in the Nixon years.  And, as I’ve questioned before, are all these right wing members of Congress who are LYING to protect Trump OBSTRUCTING justice as well.  You’ll notice Ryan is totally quiet in all of this.  Is he planning to be standing on top when all the smoke clears?

Let us remember, the United States of America was (and is being) attacked by Russia which is succeeding in exacerbating the ideological divide that is eating away at the fabric of America.  To me, ANYONE who is “looking the other way” or is putting their own future ahead of the interests of our nation is “deplorable.”  The “Russia investigation” started off simply looking to see if there was “collusion” with the Russians by the Trump administration.  From the very beginning it has appeared Trump and his surrogates have something to hide because there’s been a MOUNTAIN of LIES as the investigation has progressed.  The Trump connection to Russia is undeniable!  To anyone who puts this nation FIRST (as Trump claims he’s doing) there has to be a desire to understand why all the LYING?

First, and foremost, in my mind, “we the people” need to get the Russians out of our nation’s political process and there’s much Russia is doing elsewhere around the globe we SHOULD be confronting, but Trump and the republicans are silent.  Trump, the republican congress, and the Justice Department under Jeff Sessions seem to be ignoring the reality of what the Russians are doing.  That alone will give them a tainted place in America’s not yet written history books.  The Russians (and, I’m sure, others – the Russians are laying out the framework of how to do this) are using our open society against us.  We need to be STEADFAST (I couldn’t think of a better word) in defending our nation and our history.

We CAN’T allow the Russians to destroy our republic from the inside out.  The republicans in Congress who are doing some outrageous things in their attempts to protect a president who may have committed treason, or more likely, may have a criminal history that’s getting uncovered and one who’s committing crimes (OBSTRUCTION of justice) in his attempt to “fight back” as Trump, himself, is putting it, are soiling their own reputations and undermining the integrity of the House of Representatives.  Largely, because Ryan stands quiet as if he’s afraid to act in an honorable way that would show moral character and courage.

Ryan is “invisible” as many members of his caucus in the House are doing and saying unbelievable things.  It’s as if they are working in concert with the right wing media – you hear the EXACT same LIES coming from Fox “news” (many are now calling it “Trump TV”) as if they’re willing to destroy this nation’s most fundamental institution – the Justice Department – in an effort to save Trump.  They must ALL believe there’s something “there, there” – as many have put it, but does Ryan really think silence in the face of the need for courage is the work of someone who wants to be the nation’s leader?  The right wing propagandists could care less if there’s criminal behavior in Trump’s “White House” and they are OK with a president who’s OBSTRUCTING an investigation into himself because there must be something there.  But, why would Ryan align himself with people like those at Fox while they’re showing themselves willing to put their party ahead of our nation?

This really shouldn’t be much of a surprise.  We saw it during the terms of President Obama.  Republicans did not hide that they were attempting to ensure President Obama would fail.  One of the ironic parts of that effort to me is watching Trump taking credit for the economy he inherited from Obama.  And, the minions who watch Fox and are oblivious to the FACT they’re victims of a Nazi propaganda scheme, will continue to believe any charges brought against Trump come from an FBI that is part of a Clinton conspiracy – or, who knows what.  And, the question I keep rolling through my brain is what will Ryan do?  So far, as I’ve said, he’s shown an incredible lack of leadership and courage in all of this.  Often, I wonder if he’s even paying attention based on his silence.  And, when he speaks, his words are the equivalence of nothing.  Is his “position” dictated by “Fox and Friends?”

What are republicans going to do when Mueller gives his report?  There’s plenty, already, for republicans to act on in a way that would end this nightmare.  If they impeached Trump now, it might save him from legal jeopardy from this investigation which would then be ended, presumably. And, it might save the republican party from the impending “wave election” being as bad (for them) as it might.  Yes, I understand the tax scam was designed to fool enough Americans to keep republicans in control at least one more “cycle.”  But, the reality is they can’t run away from the Trump liability.  A few extra dollars in their pockets (temporarily) won’t sway enough voters to save them – especially if they “look the other way” when Trump is “facing the music.”

It’s no secret Trump is violating the emoluments clause of the constitution daily.  Republicans are OK with that – which is setting a TERRIBLE precedent.  Think of it – having a president who’s PROFITING off of his office is fundamentally WRONG with our system of government and our CONSTITUTION.  But, will they be OK with OBSTRUCTION?  Will they be OK with money laundering?  Will they be OK with COLLUSION?  I realize all this is “alleged” but it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand Trump and his family and his surrogates have been hiding something since this issue arose.  Clearly, Trump was expecting Jeff Sessions to “protect” him – that’s why he chose him to be Attorney General – apparently thinking that would make him his personal lawyer.  Do republicans think MOST Americans will think Mueller is biased? Or do you, as myself, believe Americans believe in the rule of law – for EVERYONE?  Are republicans planning to risk ignoring Mueller in the 2018 election?  Is Ryan’s plan to win the “White House” going to be via succession or will he not seek re-election (to avoid a possible loss) with the plan to get the nomination in 2020?  He seems to be quietly calculating all this out of the “line of fire.”

Here’s what Ryan’s silence is supporting:  Trump has proffered over 2000 provable LIES in just his first year in office according to watch dogs at the Washington Post.  He’s ruining America’s standing in the world community – with the exception, of course, of countries like Russia.  Our economy is going to eventually take a huge “hit” due to much of what Trump is doing “behind closed doors” and I, personally, believe neither Trump nor the republicans will have a clue how to bring us out of whatever happens.  It could easily be worse than what Bush/Cheney “gave” us in 2008.  Our Justice Department and Intelligence community is under attack from within our own country – seemingly republicans working with the Russians – and our standing in the “world community” is being slowly eroded – plus there’s much more.  (Government institutions are being purposely debased)  And, during all this, Ryan remains quiet.  Is that the new definition of “presidential?”

Additional Thought:  Since I wrote this post, Devin Nunes, the republican head of the Intelligence Committee who recused himself but seems “un-recused” from the “Russia Investigation,” has managed to get the House to vote authority for him to release the secret memo he’s been working on to undermine the Mueller investigation. According to the FBI, Nunes doing this is “reckless.”  They’ve suggested Nunes is threatening our National Security.  Obviously, the purpose is to protect Trump from what Nunes, and evidently Trump believes is coming from Mueller.  Paul Ryan is SILENT during all of this.  He seems to have no courage when it comes to standing up to Trump.

Essentially, America is at a crossroads.  Are we going to REALLY be a “nation of laws” or are we morphing into a fascist dictatorship?  There is definitely a “wave” coming in 2018 that is progressive, but you can count on republicans doing everything they can to prevent MILLIONS of people from voting.  Republicans are trying to BLOCK – or discredit – Mueller’s investigation and BLOCK as many people as they can from voting.  If republicans don’t IMPEACH Trump after Mueller’s report (actually, they shouldn’t need Mueller’s report) the voters will vote democrats into the House in order to “get the job done.”

There’s “something” with Trump and Russia.  He STILL hasn’t implemented the sanctions Congress directed him to put in place – and the republican Congress is enabling – and, the Russians are still here – with NO push back from “we the people” via our federal government and the Justice Department led by Jeff Sessions.

If republicans really want to make America great again, they need to impeach Trump!

The “stuff” Donald Trump is doing to destroy the “America as we’ve known it” mounts every day to the point where it’s hard to keep up.  Think of this:  Trump’s lawyer paid off a “porn star” to hide an illicit affair about a month prior to the election, likely an illegal campaign “expense.”  It’s hardly an issue – as far as the media AND, more significantly, his “conservative Christian” base seem to be concerned.  I’m not sure what they’re seeing that is OK to “look the other way from” – but, the reality is they voted for Trump knowing he’d admitted to being a sexual predator on the “Access Hollywood tapes.”  I keep wondering if Trump is willing to “throw” this stuff out there to deflect “we the people’s” attention off the “Russia thing” because he knows his “Christian” base will accept whatever comes their way?

Trump seems to believe he can “deflect” anything and all of his “base” will stick with him.  I believe that’s true regarding the hard core white supremacists, but as a Christian myself (I guess I’m liberal – see my previous post for the disclaimer) I continue to struggle as to how Christians can continue to support this man.  Aside from the reality that there’s something “deplorable” with the “Russia thing” that ALL AMERICANS should be ALARMED about, Trump is a serial adulterer and think about how that makes the Christian community look as they continue to support him.  I have to wonder “are there any limits for these ‘Christians’?”  Lately, I’ve been feeling a sense of empathy for Trump’s present wife Melania – how is she handling all this.  The affair with the porn star happened after her son by Trump was born by just a few months (and, reportedly, he propositioned others at the same golf event).  The Access Hollywood tape was made while she was pregnant with Baron.  Yikes!

The “damage” as I’ve referred to it comes in HUGE swaths every day, but there’s a lot of what might ultimately be called “collateral damage.”  Take for example Andrew McCabe who was the second in command in the FBI under James Comey and who’s been under relentless attack from Trump and the republicans over the “Russia thing.”  McCabe is reportedly planning to retire early in the coming months because he’s tired of being attacked from republicans.  This is a man who’s served for over 20 years and was integral in the anti-terrorism work of the FBI after September 11, 2001.  Every top official that resigns during this Trump fiasco makes the fallout worse as we continue to wait for republicans to come to their senses and stop this nightmare. Comey, (despite how he handled the Clinton email thing), McCabe, Christopher Wray, and Robert Mueller should all be considered national heroes and not subjected to this crap coming from Trump and right wing republicans.  They are the patriots in all this!  (Apparently, McCabe’s “crime” was being married to a democrat who ran for office in Virginia and received support from the governor of Virginia – who was a supporter of Hillary Clinton – in 2015 no less!  You can’t make this stuff up!  “We the people” should encourage McCabe to “fight on” and remain on the job!)

EVERYONE knows Donald Trump is a LIAR.  That can’t be in question.  Yes, his supporters are going to say, “all politicians lie,” but, I’ve never seen anything close to Trump (well, there’s Kellyanne Conway and “alternative facts”).  When someone LIES like Trump, you can’t believe ANYTHING he says!  And, you have to keep in mind that someone like Trump has no problem looking into the camera and LYING to the American people (kind of like Bill Clinton) plus he’s LIED so much that he probably TOTALLY believes the Mueller investigation won’t touch him.  Maybe, but it doesn’t look that way to me.  In fact, at this point, it appears to me Trump believes he’s invulnerable and there’s no way he could be subject to the laws like us poor minions.  Like when he said he believes he should have total control over the Attorney General – as in telling him who to investigate and in expecting him to “protect” the president.  As in so many ways, Trump appears to be delusional.

Here’s another thing.  There’s a lot of members of the Trump “team” who could be in serious trouble.  When you witness a crime and don’t report it, that makes you part of a conspiracy as far as I can tell.  When you’re willing to LIE to protect the president you could be in very serious trouble – ask Mike Flynn or George Papadopoulus.  People like Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders, Don McGahn, Reince Priebus, and others may learn to loathe the day they signed up as surrogates to Trump.  And, of course, both Donald Jr. and Jared Kushner confirm the saying, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  They seem to be proficient LIARS.  I have to wonder if they’re going to be stupid enough to LIE to Mueller.

Both Donald Jr. and Kushner appear to me to be vulnerable on their own merits.  The June 9, 2016 meeting with the Russians was COLLUSION clear and simple!  From where I’m sitting it matters not what they received in the meeting.  It appears rather obvious the discussion centered on some quid pro quo that would repeal the Magnitsky Act.  That they were talking about “adoption” is so absurd it boggles the mind they think “we the people” are that stupid. (Well, we just might be, because, to an extent, the LYING is working)  Fortunately, I’m very confident neither Mueller nor any of his investigative team are that stupid.  That meeting was COLLUSION.  So, Donald Jr. is likely to LIE more than he already has about it – he probably already has to Congress (and, the republicans will enable it) and Jared will pretend he was an innocent observer.  Here’s the bottom line – they were both in the room (as was Paul Manafort) – period, end of story!  COLLUSION

Then you’ve got what appears to be a MOUNTAIN of illegal activity by Jared Kushner on his own.  It’s no wonder Trump’s daughter was so attracted to him. He had to fill out his SF 86 form for his security clearance and, apparently, still doesn’t have full clearance because he keeps LYING.  Surprise, surprise.  He lied about numerous of his contacts with foreign governments and/or officials and, based on recent reporting he’s managed to mix his own business interests into his “job” with the government.  Like his father in law, it appears he’s focused on improving his bottom line while in the “White House.”  Also, like his father in law, it appears he’s become compromised based on his dealings with foreigners – who are much more sophisticated than himself – especially, in his case, by the Chinese while his father in law appears to be compromised by, at minimum, the Russians.

Unfortunately, not only are “we the people” dealing with a so-called president who’s a LIAR, but also those right wing members of Congress who have proven themselves willing to say whatever they need to say to accomplish their goal – which is power for themselves and MONEY for their donors who sit at the top of the “food chain.”  Republican members of Congress have used this attack, attack, attack strategy to gain and attempt to hold power since the early days of Newt Gingrich (who continues to soil himself with LIES to this day – it appears to me Gingrich is in a constant audition for Secretary of State every time he comes onto Fox “news,” kissing up to Trump in a really embarrassing manner).

This is the same formula Gingrich used to change the power in the House back in the early 90’s.  It’s continued to work because republicans believe in the theory: “the end justifies the means,” and they’ve succeeded in gerrymandering the Congressional districts in many states to create numerous “safe seats.”  They’re led, behind the scenes, by the very sophisticated “Koch brothers.”  I don’t believe it’s going to work much longer, but the Koch’s already have their LYING adds out for 2018 (I’m in Pittsburgh right now and have seen a couple – it’s disgusting – but, it works) committing $400 MILLION for republicans who supported the tax scam for 2018.  (It’s not hard to imagine how much it saved them)  Maybe all “we the people” needed to stop this right wing takeover of America was Trump.

One reason I believe the republican “strategy” of “the end justifies the means” is coming to an end is because they’ve now become the “party of Trump.”  I figure by 2018 Trump will still be in the 30’s in the polls and, quite likely, by the election, Mueller will have completed most of his investigation and will be focusing on prosecutions.  What the republicans do with any charges suggested against Trump will have a bearing on how bad the “wave” is.  If they confirm we’re a “nation of laws and not men” they may be able to mitigate the “wave.”  However, if they “look the other way” at a charge of say, OBSTRUCTION, or MONEY LAUNDERING, or COLLUSION I can’t imagine a majority of Americans being OK with that.

I have to believe that even some of Trump’s “base” don’t want the Russians involved in our politics.  Clearly, they’re still here and they’re attempting to help the republicans in 2018, which SHOULD be antithetical even to them.  It,s very problematic to me there’s a TV network (Fox “news”) now referred to by many as “Trump TV” that is willing to allow the Russians to help manipulate the electoral process and the thinking of the American public.  Just think how they would have reacted had President Obama been snuggling up to Russia and encouraging their ACTUAL “fake news” to support his campaigns.  Every time I hear Trump say those words, “fake news,” I almost gag because it’s the Russians who have mastered the “strategy.”  It goes hand in hand with the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels’ which Fox and the republicans have endorsed for years.  It’s immoral, but it works.  Most Americans are too busy to take the time to figure out what is “real” and what is not.  Sad!

I’ll end this by saying the attacks on some very good men at the FBI make me – I want to say something like discouraged or sick to my stomach – but, I think what I really feel is anger.  Someone like Andrew McCabe, who’s dedicated his life to public service – and, no doubt, at times in ways that threatened his own health – shouldn’t be facing these barbarous attacks as Trump attempts to – as usual – deflect from his own misdeeds.  If McCabe truly wants to retire he should be doing so with honor – although, he’s only 49 years young.  If he’s just tired of the politics and the fact our Congress is allowing these attacks on his character – I feel it’s a great loss to the nation.  And, every civil servant who’s dedicated themselves to this country and who are being either forced out of government or leaving because they can’t support Trump, are not “making America great again.”  That’s a HUGE part of the “damage” I’m always talking about.

America was MUCH “greater” before Trump moved into the Oval Office.  I keep thinking of the metaphor of smoking.  Like when you quit, how long does it take for your body to recover.  Once Trump is out of the “White House” – however long from now that might be – will determine how long it takes for America to “recover.”  As I’ve said many times, “the damage is mounting fast.”  The place I’m the most worried is internationally.  I’m concerned that Trump is empowering China, India, and other countries around the world economically and, me not being an economist, I have a bad feeling in my gut of what will happen if there’s a significant downturn while he’s in office.  Our traditional allies are not happy we elected someone like Trump and they very well may start looking elsewhere economically.  I’m not sure, but what I am sure of is this:  If republicans really want to make America great again, they need to impeach Trump!

Keep watching (and reading), this is important American history, happening right before our eyes.

OK, if you’ve read my previous post you’ll know I’m one who predicted the democrats would “cave” on the so-called “government shutdown” and, of course, they did.  So, now we’re in that stage where republicans and democrats are attempting to make themselves look to be the “winners.”  It’s true the democrats achieved getting the CHIP program funded for six years as they “kicked the can down the road.” AGAIN!  The budget SHOULD have been approved last October and, as usual, our dysfunctional Congress continues to operate on “CR’s” (Continuing Resolutions which temporarily keep the government funded).  As the saying goes, “Is this any way to operate a government?”  As they argue over who was the “winner,” as usual, “we the people” are the losers.

Of course, “liberals” (* please see disclaimer at the end of this post) like myself are not happy with the democrats.  AGAIN!  In my last post I made a caveat that said, “I hope I’m wrong.”  I still hope I’m wrong – but, I’m not one to trust Mitch McConnell (or Trump or the rest of the republicans – especially in the House).  I wrote it was unconscionable that republicans were attempting to get their budget passed by holding the CHIP program as the “hostage.”  Essentially, it was if you want the “CHIP” program (the Children’s Health Insurance Program which provides insurance for 9 million children and many pregnant moms) the cost will be DACA.  (The “Dreamers” – meaning the Americans brought here by their parents when they were very young – this is the ONLY country they’ve known for all practical purposes.  These kids trusted the government to pass the “Dream Act” as they identified themselves following promises republicans evidently are willing to break.).  This just confirms what most of us know about where the republicans stand on moral issues like these.  I’m not the only “liberal” who believes no DACA NO deal!

Well, now the CHIP issue is “off the table” – it’s been funded.  Maybe this is the only way democrats even had a chance to get what “we the people” want in this deal.  Based on the latest polls I’ve read 87% of Americans want the DACA recipients to receive permanent status as Americans and a similar number support CHIP.  I’ve written before, as a Middle School teacher for over 20 years, I had many students who are now likely integral parts of the DACA issue.  Many of them are the most memorable students I ever had the privilege to teach.  In my mind, they are every much American as myself (and, my family IMMIGRATED to America in the 1600’s).  This should NOT be an issue which would hold up anything – it should get passed on a “clean” bill – PERIOD!  But, I can say this, on February 8th, Democrats would be wise to make a stand at that point – because, it’s unlikely “we the people” can trust Mitch McConnell!  If the DACA “kids” end up facing deportation, it better not be because the Democrats “caved.”

I’ve spent years wondering if the “leaders” of the democratic party understand there’s a WAR going on for the “heart and soul” of this nation???  Were they watching last weekend as MILLIONS of women (and men) were marching in the streets around the globe in protest to what Trump and the republicans stand for?  Do they understand they COULD be the mechanism that funnels that energy into America’s politics? Something I often find myself wondering about.  Those who were in the streets are not looking for some timid politicians to be the leaders of this nation.  The “white nationalists” who are represented in Congress by the so-called “tea party” won’t be overcome by politicians who are afraid to stand for their fundamental beliefs – and, the Americans who will ultimately decide whether “we the people” will stand on the principles originally laid out by FDR (and, by the way, his great wife Eleonor) or will we succumb to Trump and the philosophy of authoritarians like Hitler, Stalin, Putin, etc.  It’s a stark choice that, as a “baby boomer” I can’t even believe we’re being forced to make.  But, thank God for the “women’s march!”

There is a WAVE coming in 2018 and, by default, it appears to me that democrats are going to be the beneficiaries – but, the next few weeks will determine much as to how excited those pushing the “wave” will be regarding the democratic party.  I can anticipate a lot of inner turmoil in the party if “leaders” bail on the DACA “kids.”  Could there be a third party?  Could people run as independents?  I don’t know.  What I do know is that “liberals” are getting fed up with the direction of this nation and they’re “not going to take it anymore.”  I personally don’t believe the media understands the enormity of the issues.  Look at the people in these marches.  Likely, many of them wouldn’t be on the list of “liberals” in any polling they may end up getting caught into.  If democrats are smart, they’ll harness this energy and work to recruit as many working class people as they can into their “fold.”

As I’ve said many times here, it’s just a matter of time for the LYING to catch up with the republicans.  This past weekend, the “vice LIAR” was in Israel LYING straight to the troops there that “a minority in the Senate was preventing them from being paid,” and, “the president and the vice president will do everything they can to make sure you’re all paid.” (or something of the sort – to a noticeable “smattering” of applause.)  I had to wonder if they (the troops) knew he was LYING?  I had to wonder if they knew that – should any military checks fail to be written it wasn’t due to a “minority” in the Senate – unless you consider Mitch McConnell a “minority” – but TOTALLY due to McConnell BLOCKING a proposal to make sure they were paid no matter what?  When your vice president willingly LIES directly to the troops and presents himself as a self righteous “Christian” do you believe, as I do, that this charade has gone on long enough?

This might be another of my “digressions” – I’m just being “up front” – but, is Mike Pense going to go down in the history of vice presidents in the same category as Trump?  I’ve predicted Trump will end up along side Benedict Arnold (and, by the way, as I’ve predicted, the evidence is MOUNTING that the Russians are STILL interfering in our political process – working toward skewing people’s minds come the 2018 election) and, I’m not sure if Pense is just a LIAR or is he involved in the COLLUSION?  I believe some of Pense’s LIES have opened himself up to possibly being entangled in the OBSTRUCTION – like when he covered up for Trump when Comey was fired by purposely LYING to various members of the media.  When he witnessed crimes and did not report them (and, that goes for several members of the “White House” staff).  Watching Pense, this past weekend, LYING directly to our troops made my stomach curl.  I’m not sure I wouldn’t prefer Trump! (I can’t believe I just wrote that)

Here’s the bottom line of this past weekend.  I’m happy the CHIP program is now funded for six years – of course, was there ever a thought that even these mean spirited republicans could take health care away from 9 MILLION kids and their pregnant moms?  We’ve now got another three weeks to wonder whether the “Dreamers” will get what they deserve – which is permanent legal status and a “pathway to citizenship?”  Somehow, I feel another “shutdown,” or threat thereof, is soon to be on the horizon and we’ll be doing this all over again.  Fortunately, the CHIP program won’t be part of that negotiation, but republicans clearly believe they can force democrats to vote for things they are diametrically opposed to in order to get the “Dream Act” their base is expecting.  The republicans will push for a “wall” (and, Mexico WONT pay for it), they’ll push for immigration policies that belie America as a “nation of immigrants.” And, I believe, there’s even more “method to their madness.”

Do you remember the “Russia thing?”  Well, that’s still the most unnerving reality “we the people” are facing.  Is it possible republicans are making as much chaos in DC as they can to take “we the people’s” attention off of Robert Mueller’s investigation while they’re planning a full throated attack on the FBI in the intelligence community?  I know I’m very concerned for the “Dreamers” but it will be terrible if all the stuff going on right now takes our attention off the FACT the Russians are INVADING our nation via cyber networks and our government is seemingly oblivious to all this.  It would be terrible if republicans succeeded in undermining the investigation into the “Russia thing” OR, possibly more importantly, undermining the confidence of the American people in our Justice Department.

It’s the belief and trust in our Justice Department as apolitical that is the backbone of the American form of self government.  Since the days of Reagan I’ve seen more and more people refer to the government as if it’s the “enemy.”  This attack is coming from people who seem to be OK with some form of authoritarian system that doesn’t even resemble what was put in place by our “founding fathers.”  As of this writing “we the people” have the ability to “fix” this problem in November, if not before.  Does it feel to anyone else there are republicans who would like to prevent us from the ability to vote republicans into the “history books?”  I have to say there are republicans I’m OK with – despite the reality I don’t like how they vote.  The best example is Jeff Flake – and, of course, he’ll be one of the republicans who don’t survive what’s going on because he knows he can’t even win a primary without selling himself out to the Trump supporters.  I’m disappointed he doesn’t try – but, apparently, he sees the “writing on the wall.”

The “Russia thing” is probably, in the “long haul” more important than the “Dreamer” issue for democrats to make a stand over – but, the reality is that there really is a WAR going on in America – internally – that surpasses anything I can remember in my lifetime and both issues require diligence and courage.  When Trump was elected I believed his immoral and potentially illegal behavior would cause him to face accountability by the end of his first year in office.  What I wasn’t understanding was the number of right wing republicans in Congress who would put their power ahead of their country.  I couldn’t have imagined there were republicans in Congress who would allow the Russians to intervene in our electoral process as LIARS and fearmongers.  If they succeed, we’re in BIG trouble.  Every day that passes and republicans continue to show themselves as possible traitors the “stakes” seem to be rising.

Do they actually believe they can succeed?  Do they think they can stop the “Russia thing?”  (And, by that I mean the investigation into Trump – not the Russian invasion of our country)  Why are the Russians still allowed to produce the ACTUAL “fake news” one year after Trump’s “election?”  It really is time for democrats to MAKE SURE “we the people” understand they are up for the FIGHT.  Reportedly, Devin Nunes is about to release the “memo” he’s been working on “behind closed doors” where he’s going to “cherry pick” classified information he forced the FBI to provide in order for him to undermine the FBI itself and Mueller in particular.  Is there a democrat (aside from Diane Feinstein) who will, in response to Nunes, publish the entire information Nunes is parsing to make his dishonest point?  The next month should be interesting.  I keep telling my son – “keep watching, this is important American history, happening right before our eyes.”

  • Final Thought:  I mentioned above about a disclaimer regarding the word “liberal.”  I always considered myself a “conservative socialist.”  I’ve been pining for a “balanced budget” since the days of Nixon – when he suggested the national debt was nothing more than a mortgagee on a home.  I’ve always wanted the “mortgage” to be paid off, or at least paid down.  Clearly today’s “conservatives” think almost 180 degrees from that.  I’ve believed in the “tradition” which created the world’s greatest middle class – emanating from the “New Deal” today’s republicans are hell bent on repealing.  To me, Social Security and Medicare should be “untouchable.”  Today’s “conservatives” are trying to undermine each (plus Medicaid).  I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ – read the “beatitudes.”  Additionally, He said, “What you do to the least of these you do to Me, what you do for the least of these you do for Me.”  I could go on, but today’s “conservatives,” in my view, have “muddied” the meaning of these words in a way to allow themselves to turn America into a third world dictatorship.  I hope “we the people” don’t fall for this, and, I for one, will fight this intrusion on our democracy/republic to the bitter end – if necessary!

Wall Street is laughing at those in Washington DC for their “shutdown.” Do you think the democrats lack of “spine” has anything to do with that?

I’ve pointed out on this site many times how Trump and republicans, over the years, have been great at BLAMING individual democrats for just about anything.  Hillary Clinton has been the target of republicans “blame game” for as long as I can remember.  In my last post I pointed out many of the situations republicans have managed to place BLAME on Mrs. Clinton, and, additionally, President Obama, and others.  Trump, of course, has gone after James Comey, Robert Mueller, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Mitch McConnell, and pretty much anyone else who’s ever criticized him (accept, unfortunately, me) – recently suggesting Huma Abedin should be jailed right along side Mrs. Clinton and Comey.  They will continue doing this as long as it continues working.

So, republicans and Trump BLAMING strategic targets shouldn’t surprise ANYONE.  Well, today, as I’m writing this, there’s an impending “government shutdown.”  It should be no surprise that republicans are busy attempting to BLAME democrats for the “shutdown.”  These are the republicans who control all aspects of government.  (I started this prior to the shutdown and now, I’m attempting to “finish the thought” – and, true to form, the BLAME game is in full force.  I guess that’s what our “leaders” have to focus on when they’ve shown their dysfunction)

On the Saturday after the “shutdown” if it happens (it happened), Trump will be at Mar a Lago entertaining supporters who are able to pay $100,000 per couple to attend.  If they want a picture with the president they’re having a “sale” – for only $250,000 you and your spouse can have a picture taken with the president and talk with the man many are calling the MOST racist president – possibly ever – but, certainly in the last 100+ years.  And, in America, that’s saying something.  Well, as it turns out, Trump had to skip his “party” and it was reported his sons took his place.  Are there really people in America willing to spend $250,000 to have their pictures taken with Eric and Don Jr.?  To me, that says a lot.

Of course, anyone who doesn’t understand why people would be willing to pay that kind of money for a picture with the president (or his sons) doesn’t understand what’s happening with the so-called “swamp” Trump promised to “drain.”  It should be sinking in (pun intended) to some that Trump is a pathological LIAR and ANYTHING he says is just hot air coming from his mouth.  Franklin Graham was on MSNBC recently and suggested Trump is a “Christian” –  (I do consider myself a Christian – but listening to Graham was almost too much for me – I didn’t make it to the end of the interview – I thought I would cry) and Graham seemed to, from the reports I read of the interview, “look the other way” regarding Trump’s “s@#thole” comments about countries who are predominantly populated by “black or brown skinned” people – as opposed to, say, people from Norway.  Well, I would remind Mr. Graham the Bible says the words that come out of your mouth represent what’s in your heart.

To me, the most outrageous reality of Trump’s so-called presidency is the support from people like Graham.  Does anyone wonder why so many young Americans are rejecting Christianity?  Most people are smart enough to make their judgements by what people do and not what they say.  In Trump’s case, he demonstrates to me through both his words and actions a world view that is anything but Christian.  Young Americans can clearly see this – I just don’t understand why people like Graham can’t.

Several years ago I read the book “Crazy for God” by Frank Schaeffer who was instrumental, with his father Francis, in allowing the republican party to disingenuously hijack the abortion issue – which they’ve used to this day to hold a strong “right wing” base of “Christians” who’ve ended up supporting MANY issues over the years which are hard to – at least for me – comport with Christian beliefs.  Schaeffer (he’s “repented”), in the book, shared some of what went on “behind the scenes” as “Christian leaders” were conspiring to brainwash their unsuspecting “flock.”  It’s been a few years since I read the book, but that’s how I remember that part of it – and, Frank Schaeffer has written other books and has spoken out as someone who actually knows what’s gone on “behind closed doors” in America’s “Christian world.”  He’s worth listening to, in my view.

This brainwashing of unsuspecting “Christians” – led by Fox “news” and the right wing talker networks on the radio airwaves has led America to a place that is near the “cliff.” (I put “Christians” in quotes because Trump holding up a Bible at Liberty University and saying “two Corinthians” as he attempts to convince the audience he’s with them doesn’t work for me.  As I’ve written, I believe there needs to be a national dialogue about the abortion issue – which is the foremost issue for most Christians I know – but, supporting militarism, economic recklessness, sexism, racism, and one immoral thing after another is not justified by that issue – at least to me.  Being Christian is no excuse for shirking civic responsibility) It’s time to call an end to the willingness to accept LYING in Washington DC – no matter the source.  But, as I often do, I’ve digressed………..

So, getting back to the shutdown and the BLAME game, I read several articles today in the NY Times and the Washington Post that gave the latest polling on who Americans will “BLAME” regarding the shutdown.  Unfortunately, I’m worried the democrats will be the ones paying the closest attention to this.  The polling was broken down into different groups of people and asked questions regarding how important are the “dreamers” to the different groups of Americans.  It’s widely understood the democrats are making a stand for “DACA.”  The polling is mixed on where Americans stand and makes me think democrats might “cave” on the “dreamer” issue.

Over 80% of Americans want Congress to pass the “Dream Act” giving the “dreamers” (If you’ve been in a cave, these are the young AMERICANS who were brought here illegally by their parents when they were young children – America is the only country they’ve known) permanent status – and a “pathway” to citizenship.  Unfortunately, it appears John Kelly and Stephen Miller don’t agree and they seem to have veto power on any agreement Congress manages to come up with.  So, here we are with part of the government furloughed while we wait to see who “blinks.”  When nobody should have to “blink.”

Passing the “Dream Act” should be a “no-brainer” and, in my view, those of us who call ourselves “Christians” should be solidly behind this – it’s the “right thing to do.”  Dreamers are in the military, they’re teachers, many are in college, MOST are wonderfully upright Americans.  When I was teaching I had many students over the years who would fall into the “Dreamer” category – great kids who are making a positive difference in so many cases.  They have families that MUST be kept together and they are AMERICANS – period!  This issue shouldn’t be a stumbling block to Congress doing their job.  But, there are people like Miller and Kelly (both accused by many as racists and LIARS) apparently blocking Trump from making a “DACA” agreement – appealing to the “white nationalist” base.

So, why am I worried about the democrats.  Well, just as the republicans have a long history of LYING (above and beyond the “norm”) democrats have a long history of “caving.”  Many of the polls quoted in the articles I mentioned above would suggest that a significant portion of Americans who support the “dreamers” don’t support them enough to shut down the government over the issue.  Evidently, they actually believe republicans will “come to the table” and negotiate a “deal” if democrats just pass THEIR budget.  I can tell you this, if the democrats cave on this issue and “DACA” isn’t settled by March 5 – the deadline imposed by our so-called president – the democrats will lose their opportunity to take back Congress in 2018.

“We the people” are looking for leadership that is willing to FIGHT against this republican onslaught to our republic.  And, the FIGHT starts right now – as I’m writing this (and, sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the democrats caved by the time I publish this – I hope I’m wrong).  It’s time for our Congress to be responsible to the people.  The DACA issue is a moral issue and shouldn’t be held hostage for anything. Democrats need to “stay the course.”  No DACA deal NO deal, period!  And, trading it for the CHIP program (Children’s Health Insurance) is unacceptable.  The FACT republicans are attempting to divide democrats over a choice between CHIP and DACA shows how reprehensible they are.  Again, will the democrats fold.

As you might be able to tell, I’m convinced there are democrats who are more focused on the polls than the morals of these issues.  There’s not much they seem to be able to accomplish while in the minority, but if they want to be in the majority anytime soon – here’s their chance to show America they stand with those in the so-called “resistance.”  The problem myself and others have had over the years with democrats is there are too many who are “spineless.” They wouldn’t defend their own health care plan until republicans made it popular by trying to repeal it.  If you remember, there were 76% of Americans in favor of the “public option,” yet it was abandoned for political expediency.  The list goes on……..

Obviously, too many politicians are more worried about their next election than doing what’s right.  That’s exactly how we’ve ended up with a nation’s capital that so many refer to as the “swamp.”  And, yet there are enough gullible “conservatives” in America to probably believe Trump is actually “draining” it.  That’s the other problem – what I’ve referred to as “low information voters” and Trump referred to as “my uneducated voters.”  America has a serious problem that could be summed up in this “shutdown” debate.  If democrats don’t make a stand, you’ll hear a HUGE whooooosh as the wind leaves the bosom of the “resistance.”  The reality is “we the people” have to rely on democrats to stop these republicans and Trump.  This is much bigger than whether the government “operates” this week.

It’s not just republicans who go right across the street to “K Street” once they’re out of office and “cash in” on the lobbying opportunities that include MILLION dollar salaries – forming what’s called the “revolving door.”  Republicans have managed to skewer the economic scene in America in such a favorable manner for Wall Street and the wealthiest Americans that they are totally disinterested in any “shutdown.”  The wealthy Wall Street bankers, traders, and such are thumbing their collective noses at politicians in Washington DC – and, those politicians – especially republicans are oblivious to it – as long as the contributions continue – well, all is OK.

This is why, shutdown or no shutdown, the people willing to cough up $100,000 to curry favor with Trump at Mar a Lago will show up.  Washington has already been corrupted beyond belief by their money, but they’ll keep throwing it around until “we the people” force them to stop.  Until we decide it’s time to force politicians to put what’s right ahead of the campaign coffers this will continue.  A good  place to start is RIGHT NOW with the Dreamer and the CHIP issues.  These should be non-negotiables.

Final Thought:  I “finished” this post and before being able to re read it, I checked my email, and sure enough, the democrats caved.  What can I say, but “par for the course.”  I’m posting this without editing so I apologize for the foo pahs!

I’m always being critical of republicans so I wanted to write a post focused on what they’re “good at.”

I Know I’m always writing about republicans in negative terms so I want to start this by attempting to point out what they’re good at.  So, here goes…….. (this could be hard) One thing they (at least in the past, while democrats were “sleeping”) have been very good at is gerrymandering.  That is, creating legislative districts where they are likely to win elections no matter how absurd their policies – where they have what are called “safe seats.”  This follows another example of their expertise which is voter suppression that works to accomplish the same end – which is win elections even when in the minority.  Paul Weyrich put it famously, “The fewer people vote the more we win.”  With “good” gerrymandering republicans have set up districts nation wide so that despite gaining close to 2 MILLION less votes than democrats, again, this is nationwide – in the last two elections – they retain a strong majority in the House.

Another thing republicans are really good at – which may explain the reason Trump is now our so-called president – is LYING.  We all now know that Trump has been documented to have LIED over 2000 times (that can be publicly proven) in his FIRST year in office.  Not only do the American people understand he’s a pathological LIAR, but – sadly – people around the world know as well.  Mike Pense and virtually everyone else in the administration has shown a willingness to LIE.  Paul Ryan LIED about the tax cut, Mitch McConnell……….  hopefully, you get the point.  They’re good at this.  Additionally, until Trump came along, MANY republicans (not all) were very good at shielding the FACT they’re racist.  He’s helping to get this more out into the open.

Now, for those of you who are sensitive to bringing up the so-called “race card,”  I’ve written recently how I believe we all have issues in this area to a certain degree.  But, I’m talking here about people who are set on believing America is a “White” nation, and who are coming along side Trump as he attempts to send people “back to Africa.”  (and Haiti, and El Salvador, and virtually all other places predominantly inhabited by non-whites who have immigrants in America.  The ones he can “send back” are the ones with TPS standing – the TPS – Temporary Protected Status – also currently protects people from Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – people from these places are being protected from some sort of serious danger – and, by  now, you must know how Trump referred to their countries)  I’ve digressed………. Trump is making it easier for all to know how good many republicans have been at hiding their racism.

Of course, while many people are criticizing republicans as I’m writing this for being unable to govern as ANOTHER government “shutdown” looms it seems they have “short term memory loss.”  Just last month they passed a bill!  This was republicans at their best – some call it “the reverse Robin Hood” theory of governing – but I believe the best way to describe it is STEALING.  Republicans call it “tax overhauls.”  This is where the wealthy in America HAUL huge amounts of taxpayer dollars to their banks on Wall Street or who knows where while “we the people” fight for the “scraps.”  Actually, republicans call these pilferings “middle class tax cuts.” And, they are really good at convincing unsuspecting working class Americans the rich people who benefit from the tax cuts will “trickle” a bit down to the minions.  I’m not kidding, republicans are really good at this.

I guess you’d have to say the STEALING and LYING goes hand in hand.  As I said, this most recent example of the “tax cut” being called a “middle class tax cut” was an incredibly creative LIE.  It appears “we the people” are getting suspicious.  Apparently, every day Americans have heard the saying “fool me once, shame on you – fool me twice shame on…….. I guess we’re still at “you” – fool me three times, shame on me.”  (Did this saying come from GW Bush?)  This “tax cut” was one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in recent memory because apparently Americans are beginning to understand their tax dollars going to the top 1% isn’t such a great idea and the FACT it’s almost always borrowed money is beginning to get “we the people’s” attention.  So, what “we the people” get out of these tax cuts (tax scams) is a nation that’s much more deeper in debt (for our children and grand children) and an increase in the problem of income inequality.  I have to wonder at what point right wing, working class Americans are going to wonder whether being used over the abortion issue is worth bankrupting our nation.  Many of us in the category “we the people” actually are tired of allowing ourselves to be pilfered.

Now let’s just take a quick look at how arrogant this last tax cut was – to me, meaning the LYING and STEALING is so commonplace with republicans that they feel they can do it in “broad daylight” and, they can actually pull it off.  Which, they did.  (They’re good at ARROGANCE as well, but my fingers are getting tired)  So, while there’s little known about the details of the tax scam and all the “loopholes” republicans put into if for themselves and their donors, we do know a bit.  For example, there was a provision designed to benefit real estate developers (conveniently, like Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Trump’s sons, AND Bob Corker) that funnels MILLIONS to people like, well, the so-called president.  Conveniently, there was ONE no vote on the first “round” of the legislation in the Senate by a republican and that came from Senator Corker.

After a provision was inserted into the bill that HUGELY benefits people with large real estate holdings – like Trump and Corker – Corker’s vote mysteriously changed to a yes.  This is from someone who portrayed himself as a “deficit hawk” that would not support any bill that increased the deficit by even a penny.  Someone who was “courageously” standing up to Trump – Trump was calling him “liddle Bob Corker” – until the tax scam and NOW someone who’s flying in “Air Force one” with Trump.  So much for honor and principle!  Also, while the tax cut has provisions for the really rich and their real estate holdings, it punishes the upper middle class who have property tax and state and local taxes that exceed $10,000 by reducing what they can deduct.  Apparently, this brings up something else republicans are good at.

The tax cut (tax scam) is apparently aimed at the so-called “blue states” to punish them for being “high tax states.” (and, for having “liberal” voters)  If you’ve been under a rock, the “blue states” are the states that didn’t vote for Trump.  This is called RETRIBUTION – these are states that have people commonly referred to by republicans as “liberals” living in large segments of their populations.  From the days of Nixon, republicans have always been good at retribution – Nixon had his “enemies list” and now republicans have evolved to where Trump is leading the “dishonest media awards.”  This would be for the journalists and media outlets that tell the TRUTH about him. Kind of how “leaders” in the Philippines and Russia do it.

Of course, Fox “news” was disqualified from any consideration for this award, but, they’ll survive.  (As long as Trump manages to remain president.  At some point, their un-patriotic “reporting” will, as I’ve said many times, put them in the American history books right next to Benedict Arnold – and, of course, Trump)  I’ve digressed, AGAIN. :o)

I certainly can’t remember a time in recent American history – I’ve been paying attention since the days of Eisenhower – when an American political party passed legislation that was so clearly aimed as punishment for particular states.  What’s interesting here, to me, is that states like the one I live in, Washington – which is a “high tax state” – send considerably MORE revenue via federal taxes to Washington DC than what comes back.  I suspect that many of the other “high tax states – as referred to by a republican congressman whose name I can’t remember – do the same thing and that is pay considerably MORE than they get in return.  I find it interesting republicans would so clearly single out those states for “punishment” for having a “liberal” population.  I don’t know, maybe there’s something to being a bit “liberal.”

Obviously, I don’t know all the details and my opinions are simply based on reading as much as I can and paying attention to current events as much as I can – but, when I hear republican congress members stating the tax scam is designed to target so-called “high tax states” and those states didn’t vote for Trump, it feels to me as RETRIBUTION and STUPID politics.  Take for example, the states of California and New York.  I know there’s republican members of the House in those states – I have a feeling after the 2018 election there will be far fewer of them from those two states and other states they targeted with their tax scam.  It just dawned on me that republicans are, evidently, good at being STUPID?

How stupid are they? you might ask.  Well, apparently, several of them are cozying up to Trump in ways that may cause Robert Mueller to wonder whether they are trying to impede a federal investigation.  Like, for example, it’s no secret that Devin Nunes – who somehow became the head of the House Intelligence Committee and since has shown a considerable lack of intelligence – is working overtime to discredit Mueller and the FBI agents who are investigating Trump’s involvement with the Russians and who knows what else.  It’s appearing to me Trump has a LOT to hide and he’s doing everything he can to keep “we the people” from knowing the TRUTH about him and his dealings prior to taking the oath of office.  I’m not sure if Nunes knows all of what Trump is attempting to HIDE, but, it appears to me he’s auditioning for a job he’ll need after his constituents vote him out of office next November.  He seems to have a self interest in making sure Trump is still president next year and, apparently, he feels undermining Mueller is necessary for that to happen.  Something is being hidden from “we the people.”

Did you ever wonder why Trump is the only president – or candidate for president (since Nixon) – to refuse releasing his tax returns?  Well, I’m guessing when Mueller is finished with his investigation, we’re all going to understand why.  I just have to wonder if people like Nunes know why and that’s why they’re working so hard to cause “we the people” to deflect our focus onto Clinton stuff that happened almost 10 years ago.  As time goes by, it’s going to be harder and harder for republicans to DEFLECT people’s attention to the Clinton’s or to President Obama, or to Huma Abedin, or to James Comey, or to anyone else.  OMG – I just thought of another thing republicans are good at!  (My fingers really are tired, but…….)

And, they’re really good at this!  I can’t believe I almost forgot.  it’s DEFLECTING!  OMG, they do this ALL the time.  Trump is REALLY good at this.  It’s how he’s been manipulating the media – probably for years – but, certainly since he started his run to the “White House.”  Think back a bit.  The Russians STOLE a bunch of emails from Hillary Clinton and the democrats (the Russians are good at much of what republicans have mastered) and coordinated the release with strategic moments in the campaign.  They’re REALLY good at this – and, I almost forgot. Yikes!  OK, I know, I’m digressing….  So, here’s the prime example of how they do this.

If you remember, when the Access Hollywood tapes came out, the “whole universe” was a buzz with Trump’s admission he was a sexual predator.  He said, “When I see beautiful women, I just start kissing them, they let me do it because I’m famous” – you know the rest.  Well, less than two hours after that tape was released – which, by the way, got the guy Trump was talking to n the bus FIRED apparently because he laughed at Trump’s comments – further enabling him – two hours later Wiki Leaks (If you remember, Trump was not subtle – he said more than once “I love Wiki leaks”) published many of the STOLEN emails – DEFLECTING much of the attention from the Access Hollywood tape and giving Trump time to figure out his LYING strategy that would further DEFLECT attention from what should have been a disqualifying moment.

The Access Hollywood fiasco showed us what republicans are all about.  Virtually EVERY member of Congress who disavowed Trump at that moment found it in themselves to “forget” he ever said those despicable words: “I just grab them by the “p@#*y and they let me do it.”  Well, around 20 women came forward and said they didn’t “let him do it” but he either did or tried to do it anyway – AND they were ultimately ignored by Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and all the other republicans who later, self-righteously, said Roy Moore was “unfit to serve in the Senate” for the same reason Trump should have been unfit to serve as president.  Apparently, there’s a different standard for presidents if they’re republicans.  (As I wrote the other day, can you imagine the republicans’ response had 20 women accused Barack Obama of sexual assault prior to his election?)  Look, I know we’re all guilty of hypocrisy to a certain degree and I want to say here’s another thing republicans are good at – hypocrisy – but, I’m tired of writing and it’s time to end this.  I hope I’ve made my point.  I’m always being critical of republicans so I wanted to write a post focused on what they’re “good at.”

Can you imagine republicans response if it had been reported President Obama had his lawyer pay hush money to a porn star?

OK, I know, we’re all hypocrites to a certain degree.  I’m always working a fine line between what I feel is providing my (often harsh) opinions regarding politics and being judgemental.  Honestly, I’m not sure how to separate the two.  I started writing after Bush/Cheney LIED America into the invasion of Iraq from which “we the people” (and the Middle East and people around the globe) will likely take many more years to recover.  In America we always talk about the number of American troops killed or wounded in war with little conversation about what was done to a sovereign nation like Iraq in our names.  I’ve read many books about the invasion and occupation of Iraq (and, by the way, Afghanistan) and what was done to the Iraqi people, in my mind, can only be described in terms of war crimes.

I was very happy when Barack Obama was elected president, but one of his first actions gave me what I called, at the time, “red flags.”  Soon after taking office President Obama said, regarding the investigations looming for Bush/Cheney, “we’re going to look forward instead of back.”  In essence, he blocked ALL Congressional investigations into what I believe would have been a “look” into a plethora of illegal activity by the Bush/Cheney administration.  There were the many FISA violations where, I believe, at the advice of Dick Cheney, the Bush administration ignored the FISA law and were routinely wiretapping Americans – “in the name of national security.”  For me, the fourth amendment of the constitution is one I consider EXTREMELY important – the right to privacy (OK, they’re ALL extremely important) – but, it seemed to me, at the time, there were many Americans – who consider the second amendment – and their convoluted interpretation of it – to be sacred – who were willing to allow an intrusion into our fourth amendment because Dick Cheney said it was “for national security” – that’s become an ever more frequent excuse for government lawbreaking over the past 30+ years.

Then, of course, as EVERYONE knows, there’s the TORTURE issue.  (This bothered me more than any other) Both George W Bush AND Dick Cheney ADMITTED – on national TV no less – they authorized TORTURE and both said they would do it again.  If you read about what was going on at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and, if you have any sense of decency, (OK, I realize that’s “judging”) I don’t see how you can’t come away with a sense of disgust and shame at what Americans were doing to Iraqi’s who were imprisoned and other so-called “enemy combatants.”  Bush/Cheney gave themselves the authority (well, I guess you have to say Congress was complicit) to declare ANYONE an “enemy combatant” and that gave the victim virtually NO rights.  IN FACT, there are still – 16 years later – “enemy combatants” at Guantanamo who’ve NEVER been charged or given “due process” – the pillar of American justice.  Plus, MANY of the “enemy combatants” endured incredible acts of TORTURE!  (some died at the hands of interrogators) This all was authorized by those at the TOP of the “food chain” in American government.  (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al – and, many in the military and the CIA went along with it)

What President Obama understood was the depth of culpability in the Bush administration.  I can’t claim to know for sure who Obama felt compelled to protect, but until Trump came along, there evidently was an unwritten rule to “leave well enough alone” regarding your predecessor in the “White House.”  Ford pardoned Nixon, George HW Bush “looked the other way” regarding Iran Contra and Reagan’s involvement (and, of course, more importantly to him – his own involvement) and Clinton “looked the other way” regarding HW’s involvement in Iran/Contra.  At the time of Obama’s acquiescence, I felt he was protecting members of the CIA who were “just following orders.”  The end result is our leaders authorized TORTURE and “got away with” WAR CRIMES!

As far as Bill Clinton is concerned, republicans OBVIOUSLY didn’t (and HAVEN’T) “look(ed) the other way.” They’re STILL attempting to cover-up wrongdoing of their own making – in this case the issue is Trump’s alleged COLLUSION with the Russians and more likely his money laundering behavior before becoming president AND his OBSTRUCTION of justice since becoming president – by DEFLECTING the attention of the public and investigators back to the Clinton’s – whether it’s Bill or Hillary.  It’s either Benghazi, Uranium one, Vince Foster, Whitewater, or who knows what else.  My point: Clinton (I should say “the Clinton’s”) haven’t received the same deference received by the republican presidents immediately before or after him.  In this recent case, it’s more frightening – a president who claims he has “an actual right to do whatever I want with the Justice Department” ordering a RE investigation (it’s already been “hashed out”) of his DEFEATED political rival.  This is third world DEFLECTION in an attempt to hide Trump’s own CORRUPTION!

And, of course, George W Bush was “next in line” after Clinton and he needed a lot of “deference.”  To me, the TORTURE was something that shouldn’t have received ANY deference at all and, at some point in America’s future, I believe “we the people” need to come “clean” on that issue.  It needs to be revisited and we need to accept responsibility for the actions of our “leaders” and they need accountability for their own actions.  (actually, accountability should be focused on Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld) It should be CLEAR that type of behavior by ANY American is unacceptable and we will honor the Geneva Conventions – period, full stop!  I was not happy when President Obama “looked forward.”  I believe it’s led to some of the arrogance of Trump as he proclaims he would “authorize a lot more” than Bush/Cheney.  To me, Obama’s decision made it OK for future presidents to authorize TORTURE – despite his declaration “we don’t torture.”

Which gets me to the crux of what has motivated me to write again.  As I’ve been watching republicans find creative ways to LIE as they continue their futile efforts to protect Trump from the TRUTH of what he’s done, I keep getting the same thought in my head.  What would republicans be saying if “the shoe was on the other foot?”  It’s as if they have no SHAME.  Let’s just unpack that thought a bit.  For example, what do you think republicans would be doing had it been reported by ALL of our intelligence agencies that President Obama had been elected with the help of the Russian government and Vladimir Putin?  Can you imagine them forming “secret committees” to investigate Hillary Clinton to take the “heat” off Obama and any potential COLLUSION with the Russians?

What do you think republicans would have done if it was reported that President Obama’s lawyers had paid off a porn star to hide an affair while he was married?  And, what if that happened twice?  Do you really think they’d be ignoring both of those “allegations?”  Or do you think “we the people” would never hear the end of it?  (Again, do you remember the Clinton years?)  What would republicans have done had Obama been faced with allegations of sexual misbehavior by 20 CREDIBLE women?  (heck, I personally don’t think they would have needed to be “credible” – I’m reminded of the woman who attempted to scam the Washington Post during the Roy Moore election)

How do you think republicans would react had President Obama attempted to BLOCK immigration from Norway while pointing out Norwegians don’t work a “full work week” and that students in West Africa have higher learning standards than students in Norway?  How would they react had Obama referred to Western European countries as “s@#thole” countries as he was blocking immigrants from there and said, “why can’t we get more people from Kenya?”  How would they have reacted had he attempted to send people like Trump back to Germany?

How would republicans have reacted if President Obama attempted to “purge” the FBI of anyone who wouldn’t express “loyalty” to him?  How would they have responded if President Obama was attempting to order the FBI to investigate, say, Trey Gowdy or Mitch McConnell, or Paul Ryan or ????  What if President Obama ordered investigations of republicans in Congress whose “net worth” was increased by more than a certain percentage after coming to Congress? (I couldn’t resist that one – it’s one I wouldn’t mind seeing on a bipartisan basis)

How would republicans have responded to President Obama – had he owned businesses that were gaining increased profits due to foreigners feeling compelled to support them in order to gain favor?  How would they have responded had President Obama pushed foreign policy that was continually giving China the upper hand in the world economy?  How would they have responded had Obama put himself in a position where he wasn’t welcomed in our number one ally – Great Britain?  What would they be saying if virtually everyone was calling him an “idiot?”

There’s so many instances these days where I have to wonder “what if the shoe was on the other foot?”  And, then I think – that’s a very unhealthy way to run our government and why is it always the republicans who are doing this?  Trump is bludgeoning our government institutions as “we the people” are focused on his “s@#thole” comments, his illicit affairs, his bankruptcies, and I could go on and on.

The State Department has been “purged” of something like 30% of the lifetime public servants who have the knowledge to do the “dirty work” of diplomacy around the world that’s not happening as I’m writing this.  Trump has put people at the head of one department after another who are committed to destroying that department.    Clearly, Trump is attempting to “Make America White Again” – and, it just isn’t going to work.  However, “we the people” need to act “sooner rather than later” to block what Trump is DOING while our attention if on the crazy stuff because the “damage” is piling up fast.

Everything “going on” is important, but it’s easy to have no idea what’s happening “behind closed doors” and, when we finally discover the details of what that is, it’s very possible it will be difficult to “fix” the problems Trump is allowed to create.  The reality is that America has a significant portion of her population who believe in the “white nationalism” of Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and, apparently, John Kelly.  The “damage” as I’ve often referred to it, is mounting fast and as time goes by, getting harder for whoever comes next to repair.  And, republicans in Congress are complicit and when “the smoke clears” they’ll find they’ve done possibly irreparable damage to their own republican party.

Much of what I’ve written about over the past ten years is my feeling the “present day” republican party needs to be ushered (voted) into the history books.  It appears to me, Trump is making this happen.  I have to believe there’s a significant portion of the republican party which is as turned off by Trump as I am.  We might disagree on the issues, but not this white nationalism that represents maybe 20% of America (maybe less).  I believe those republicans who have a “moral compass” should look themselves in the mirror and ask, “do I want to be associated with Trump?”  They should ask themselves some of the questions I broached above: and then ask, “why am I willing to enable Trump’s behavior?”  If they don’t speak out, they become part of the Trump republican party.

Every day there’s something else.  I pointed out, above, my frustration with President Obama’s decision to “look forward” and I worry the next democratic president will do the same – but, the reality is “no drama Obama” looks better every day.  I’m guessing Trump is making President Obama much more popular now than he was in office.  (and, by the way, I have great respect for President Obama)  I knew the reality that it’s impossible for someone to be in that office and not have detractors when President Obama was elected.  It’s the reality of every president.  To be president, you need to be able to accept criticism graciously and just move on.  The two presidents, in my lifetime, that couldn’t/can’t seem to do that was/is Nixon and Trump.  In Nixon’s case, the republican party, eventually, refused to enable his behavior.  It remains to be seen if that will happen with Trump.

So far, the evidence would suggest no.  It would suggest republicans are willing to sink or swim with Trump.  In some instances, it appears to me some republicans are willing to expose themselves to OBSTRUCTION.  Sadly, I don’t believe I’m the only American asking the questions I posed above – showing an incredible hypocrisy in the republican party.  So, I’ll end this post by asking once more:  Can you imagine republicans response if it had been reported President Obama had his lawyer pay hush money to a porn star?  Can you imagine their response had Obama conspired with Russians and Vladimir Putin to get elected!?

America was GREAT before Trump ever thought about running for president, and precisely because of immigrants from s@#thole countries!

I wrote the other day about in my youth I was raised by a father who was overtly racist causing me to begin my college basketball career (short as it was) by befriended by a Black basketball player of whom I was in fear the first time I realized I was on the same team as a person of “color.”  I grew up in a “lilly white” neighborhood, went to a “lilly white” school, and, quite naturally, had a group of friends who were all white.  This great friend was the beginning of myself learning about my own racist upbringing, my own racist beliefs, and the reality is this was an area in my life where I was completely ignorant.

I won’t go over all I wrote, but over the course of my life – to this point – I’ve evolved due to the many persons of “color” who’ve had a significant influence on my life AND, I’m happy to say, my father evolved to a much better place before he went “home.”  The reality I have to face is that, despite being in a much better place than I was as I graduated from high school (in 1965) – my level of ignorance is still much greater than it should be.  My curiosity about the history of America and the history of those places in the world recently referred to by our so-called president as s#@thole countries is clearly lacking.

Today I spent time listening to Joy Reid, a MSNBC host of a program called “AM Joy” and, in my view, she is one of the most intelligent commentators on the cable news networks.  She had a couple segments with three distinguished Black guests.  Unfortunately, I can’t remember the name of two of them, the one whose name I knew, Mark Thompson, is a man who has a radio talk show on XM radio and, in the past, I’ve listened many times to his show (the time slot changed and I no longer am able to get it)  What I was reminded as I listened to these three guests of Ms. Reid was that I’ve failed, in all my reading, to educate myself more about the history of Black Americans and the areas in the world Trump referred to – which have sent us so many great Americans – and from which Trump is not only trying to block more immigrants while encouraging immigrants from places like “Norway,” but wanting to “send people back.”

One of the three guests, who was a journalist working for the “New Yorker,” caused me to realize a place like Haiti has a much more significant place in America’s history than I was aware and “we the people” over the years have allowed our leaders to, essentially, plunder that nation – taking much more than we’ve given back – and, now Trump is planning to return thousands of Haitians who’ve immigrated to the U.S. because of the terrible earthquake in (I think) 2010 and a disaster they have not totally recovered from by canceling their “temporary protected status.”  (again, I should know more)  Haiti is not a s@#thole country and it has an important place in American history.  Haitians should not be returned to Haiti because they’re Black – which is what myself, and many others, are inferring is Trump’s intention regarding his unilateral action.  From what I can tell, he’s insinuating Haitians lack “merit.”  Yikes!  (people from many other of Trump’s so-called “s@#thole countries are affected by Trump’s action as well)

Several years ago I read the biography of W.E.B. Du Bois, which I remember as being a very challenging book for me to read because it was packed with information I, as a white person, was challenged to comprehend.  (what helped me the most, as far as helping me to better understand his biography, were the REAL stories my Black friends shared with me over the years about what they endured)  Du Bois is clearly one of the Great Americans who’s been largely “hidden” from the history books. This was about the same time I connected on the XM radio in my car with Mr. Thompson and began listening to his program “Make it Plain.”  Mr. Thompson caused me to learn more about the view of persons of “color” in America and how I was so naive in my thinking about the level of racism in America.  I suppose I was thinking that as my beliefs had evolved over the years, so would have the bulk of Americans’ beliefs as well.

Well, enough Americans had evolved in 2008 to elect our first Black president – whose father came from one of Trump’s s@#thole countries – but his eight years in office somewhat opened my eyes. (I have to say, I was proud of my country the day President Obama was elected.  I can’t remember any other day in my lifetime I felt so proud of this great nation).  Soon after President Obama took the oath of office, the now infamous “Koch brothers” funded the so-called “tea party.”  It was clearly a response to Obama’s election.  I saw the “Tea Party” for what it was right from the start – I will never forget all the disgusting signs at their rallies depicting President Obama in such overtly racist manners. All their “coded” language during Obama’s two terms in office sickened me.  But, I continued to delude myself into thinking it was a “fringe minority.”

I guess, as I try to be honest with myself, I kind of brushed off the “birther” movement, which was part of the “tea party” backlash to Obama’s election, as fringe nonsense.  I kind of knew Trump was leading it, but I didn’t really know who Donald Trump was.  I saw him as someone constantly seeking to draw attention to himself.  It was beyond my imagination he could be a viable presidential candidate – but, the republican field of candidates was often referred to as the “clown car.”  One thing common to almost all of them was a racist disrespect for President Obama.  As he was attempting to bring America out of the “Great Recession” which many said could have become another “Great Depression” (and, to many Americans it probably  seemed it was) these republicans were attempting to cause him to FAIL.  Ask yourself, why?

When the republican “field” was reduced to Trump or Cruz, I realized the issue of racism was much more significant in this country than I had allowed myself to comprehend.  Despite the fact the evidence was right in front of me every day.  Republicans, from the first day President Obama was elected, were putting their hate ahead of their country as they committed themselves to causing Obama’s failure.  (They failed at that, didn’t they)

I was not so naive as failing to understand the “dog whistle” behind Trump’s “Make America Great” again.  This was the slogan of Hitler in the 30’s “Make Germany Great Again” and it was the slogan of Ronald Reagan as he started his successful campaign for president in Philadelphia Mississippi (this was his first speech after securing the nomination) with a racially coded message assuring “white nationalists” he was on their side.  In the case of both Trump and Reagan, “Make America Great Again,” should read “Make America White Again.”  (This is why, in my posts since Trump moved into the “White House” I use quotation marks – if you hadn’t already figured that one out)

Of course, one reason people like Paul Ryan are urging Americans (by inference, “white Americans”) to have more babies is because soon America will be a majority minority country.  Recently, I read an article which said a majority of children who are 5 years old are of “minority” decent – meaning “non-white” in their answers to census type questionnaires. I guess this is why Trump is trying to block immigration from what he refers to as s@#thole countries and encouraging more immigration from Norway.  (My first thought when I heard what he said was how many Norwegians would even want to come here with Trump as president?)

As I listen to all this stuff – and, Trump seems to purposely create a controversy every day – (I’m guessing this hides much of what he’s really DOING) I keep trying to put myself in the place of Black Americans.  One of my best friends ever is a Black Pastor who now lives thousands of miles from me and I almost don’t want to broach the subject of Trump’s racist remarks with him.  This is what he and so many others have had to endure for their entire lifetimes,  There was a pastor on Joy Reid’s show – as I mentioned above – who said “we the people” should “repent” for so many things (he called them “S” words – like “slavery” for one).  I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was such a passionate and coherent response to Trump’s disparaging words I felt, as I kind of said above, a sense of guilt for my own lack of knowledge about so much American history.  And, for so much of what America’s Black community has had to endure.

Clearly, the history books I was brought through school with and the ones I taught with as a middle school teacher did not clearly report true American history as it relates to Black history or that of other important minority groups.  The reality is almost all Americans are immigrants to some degree.  The white Europeans have been the majority since the days of the revolution  and those of us who are white have been “blessed” with “white privilege” – most of us with no comprehension of what that actually is.  Mr. Thompson helped me to better understand this as I listened to his radio show, and this morning, I was reminded of his “lessons” as I listened to his commentary regarding Trump’s offensive comments on Ms Reid’s show.  (My friend, who I mentioned above, was my teaching partner for many years and he helped me supplement material into our history lessons that was not in the text books.  I’m 70 now and, obviously, still have a lot to learn.)

It’s Martin Luther King “weekend” and, hopefully, many Americans will be looking back at Dr. King’s “message.”  Years ago, I was wanting to write about Dr. King and, after reading his “letter from a Birmingham Jail,” I simply published that letter – because there was nothing I could add at the time.  (I need to go back and read it again)  Today, I listened to Trump reading prepared remarks about Dr. King and it almost seemed offensive.  He was simply reading prepared remarks with not an “ounce” of emotion.  It came across to me as, especially after his words of last week, as another Trump example of the “height of hypocrisy.”  I’ve made it no secret on the site that I have a difficult time “stomaching” Donald Trump.  He’s the (so-called) president and I have never wanted a president to “fail.”  I want America to succeed – it’s just, to me, that won’t happen via Trump’s racist agenda.  To me, Trump is “Making America worse.”

As with the three guests on Joy Reid’s show, I was not surprised at Trump’s racist words – other than to think he should be smart enough to say them with a different audience. (it’s been reported that Lindsey Graham actually called him out on his language – I hope that’s true and I hope Mr. Graham is rethinking his recent lack of rectitude when it comes to his remarks about Trump)  I’ve pointed out Trump is OBVIOUSLY racist since long before he was elected.  I believe it’s the REASON he was elected.  Comments from those carrying the Tiki Torches at Charlottesville confirm THEY believe they’re the reason Trump was elected.  The “white nationalist” movement came out from “under the rocks” to back Trump in huge numbers.  As the saying goes, it is what it is.

What I was reminded this morning is the importance of the “resistance” continuing and the importance of encouraging the MILLIONS of young Americans who, mostly, see through Trump’s racism to get to the polls in 2018.  We need to show the world this is NOT who we are as a nation.  America was GREAT before Trump ever thought about running for president, and precisely because of immigrants from s@#thole countries and virtually every place around the globe.  We DON’T need to “make America white again,” what we need to do is follow the ideals of Martin Luther King, show pride in being the world’s “melting pot,” work harder to “Make America ‘just’,” and work to regain our status as the “land of opportunity.”

Final Thought:  click HERE if you’d like to read the “letter from Birmingham jail.”  I re-read his letter today, “Martin Luther King Day” and, it remains one of the most powerful documents I’ve ever read.  He was truly a brilliant great American.  He brought us a long way, but Trump is constantly reminding us all, we’ve got a long way to go.  I hope, if you’ve made it this far, you’ll read his letter.  However, I thought I’d put his final remark here: Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear drenched communities, and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty. 

Somehow, I can envision a march, similar to the “women’s march” with White and Black Americans marching as brothers and sisters in opposition to the words of Donald Trump and the white nationalist movement he represents, and, instead in support of the ideals of love and peace taught by Jesus Christ and preached by Martin Luther King.


I just hope the American people have better memories than the republicans in the room with our “s*%thole” president!

I really didn’t want to write another post today, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking of all my dear friends from “s*%thole” countries and what they must be thinking today.  Repeatedly, on this site, I’ve lamented the “damage” Trump might do before he’s finally removed from office – either this year by the republicans, or next year after the mid-term elections.  He’s making it more likely every day that democrats will have lots to “talk about” prior to the election.  I have to believe those who are offended, embarrassed. discouraged, angered, and I could go on – regarding the man who occupies the “White House,” far outnumber Trump’s “base” which the “White House” claims would be “energized” by Trump’s recent “s*%thole” remarks which have “reverberated” around the globe.

A little personal history:  I grew up in a totally white neighborhood in a city that was almost totally white back in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  I didn’t understand it when I was young, but my father was an overt racist.  I don’t remember how many times I heard the “N” word growing up because I didn’t really attach any meaning to it.  I wasn’t a great basketball player but I was good enough to play a couple years at our local community college.  The most significant thing I remember is my first encounter with a Black person.  In a word, I was scared.  I had been taught to be scared – and, I didn’t realize that until I experienced it.  Soon, I discovered one of my best friends on the team was an African American.  To this day – and, I have no idea where he went after that season – one of the nicest, most gracious, wonderful people I’ve met in my life.  (He was much more talented than myself, but he befriended me and helped me improve my “game” so that the next year, after he was gone, I experienced considerably more success)

I discovered I’d been raised to be a racist and within a couple years I finally “disowned” my father because I told him I couldn’t bear to listen to his racist rhetoric anymore.  (I’m sure I put it in different terms)  Over the years, many of my best friends have been African Americans – some incredibly talented and honorable people.  Also, people who’ve had to endure much of what was inferred in Trump’s despicable “shithole” comments the other day.  I have to say, for those of them who are still with us – I’m absolutely positive NONE of them were surprised by the words coming from Trump’s mouth.   I was not surprised.  NO ONE should have been surprised!  Trump’s said these words in other forms OVER and OVER again for as long as I’ve known he existed.

Was anyone paying attention to the so-called “birther” movement?  That was Trump’s entrance onto the political stage in America and drew the rousing support of that part of America that continues to believe this is a “white” nation.  Despite the FACT America is the “melting pot” of the world – “we the people” have come from virtually EVERYWHERE – Trump’s referring to the predominantly nations of “color” as “s*%thole” countries just made Trump’s reality a little more out in the open for those who haven’t been paying attention.  For eight years I waited and waited for democrats to come to President Obama’s defense in a more OUTWARD manner.  It couldn’t be Obama doing it – he would simply have been accused of “playing the race card.”  Democrats were way too silent.  So, in reality, Trump “got away with it” as he showed he was a total racist.  It was no secret!

Clearly, the “tea party” was right there with Trump.  I have good friends who aligned with the “tea party” and seemed to find it difficult to realize they were associating themselves with racists – and, I’m sure, they do to this day.  Republicans are likely to complain about the “blow-back” Trump is getting since he took office – but there’s a difference between resistance based on the FACT Trump may have colluded with Russia to get elected, the FACT he’s a racist, the FACT he’s admitted to being a sexual predator (and there’s something like 20 women who verify what he admitted to – plus, a number of beauty pageant contestants who verify his bragging about essentially “stalking” them while they were undressed in their dressing room), and the FACT he’s said OVER 2000 LIES in his first year in office.  Not to mention his embarrassing level of narcissism and his alarming lack of acuity in his public remarks.

President Obama faced an unprecedented resistance because, well, his father came from one of those “s*%thole” countries Trump was referring to.  Of course, Obama was our first president who was not “white.”  To this day, people who are republicans that may be “fleeing” the party due to Trump – at least the ones I listen to – continue to have an issue with giving Obama credit for anything.  If you remember, the republican mantra for Obama’s presidency was to make sure he “failed.”  Rush Limbaugh was clear:  “Our number one priority is that Obama would fail.”  I can’t stand to listen to Limbaugh, but over President Obama’s eight years in office, I heard many RACIST comments coming from Limbaugh’s mouth with virtually NO republican “blow-back.” (and too little coming from democrats)  Mitch McConnell clearly said: our number one priority is to make Obama a one term president.”  (well, obviously, McConnell and the republicans failed at that – and, can you imagine how many Americans would love to have President Obama back?)  In essence, they openly were putting their contempt that America would elect a Black president ahead of what was good for the country.

There were republicans in the room when Trump made his “s*%thole” remarks – I say that in plural, because I believe he said it repeatedly – and, they seem to have some kind of memory loss – they can’t remember him saying it.  However, there was one democrat in the room, Dick Durbin of Illinois along with at least one staff member, and they apparently have better memories than the republicans in the room.  (Personally, I believe many republicans – and, apparently those in that room – speak [and think] in the same manner)  So, Trump’s “s*%thole” remarks are now reverberating all over the world.  The “damage” is mounting!  And, FAST!

We all know (at least those paying attention) that it will take republicans to remove this “s*%thead” from the “White House.”  If you’ve been curious as to why they’ve been drawing closer to Trump, why they seem to be attempting to smear Robert Mueller who’s investigating the “Russia thing,” and why they seem to be OK with the “shithole” comments?  Well, I believe there are a couple reasons – and it goes back to what those who are “resisting” are so concerned about.  The obvious first answer is, as I just said, the “s*%thole” remarks don’t bother them.  They likely say (or think) the same thing.  The second answer is the most scary and the one that tells me the “damage” will continue to mount until republicans are “kicked out” of Congress – or, at least kicked out in numbers where Trump (and Pense) can be impeached.

While “we the people” are worried about Trump’s mental state, I believe that is exactly why republicans are drawing along side Trump and attempting to undercut the Russia investigation.  Just as republicans were willing to put the needs of the American people aside as they attempted to BLOCK everything President Obama was proposing – ie, his failure was more important than OUR success – they are like a “kid in a candy store” with Trump.  Many have surmised that Trump agrees to anything said by “the last person he’s talked to.”  They’re now busy making sure they’re the “last person(s) he hears.”

In addition, if you want to manipulate Trump all you have to do is heap unending praise on him.  Well, that’s what I believe is behind all these republicans who are proclaiming Trump to be the “greatest president ever” – as Orrin Hatch did (soiling forever his own legacy).  What “we the people” don’t know is what’s going on “behind closed doors.”  Clearly Trump is obliterating virtually every thing Obama accomplished via the executive order.  I believe republicans have a new strategy for what used to be called “earmarks” – where sweetheart deals were embedded in legislation that congressional members could “run on back home.” I have to wonder, what executive orders are republicans getting him to sign in return for their blustering?  Will it be enough to save their jobs as they face angry voters?  And, are America’s voters going fall for this scam or will they overwhelmingly reject this racist president and his supporters?

It will be some time until “we the people” know what’s actually being done to us – but, what we do know is the environment, food safety, occupational safety, water safety, air safety, and the list is long and already at risk.  (unless you’re an oil company executive, a Wall Street banker, etc.)  It will be years until we know the full impact on “Main Street” of the “tax scam” which surely has loophole after loophole to funnel more tax dollars to the top “1%.”   For example, we KNOW the “tax scam” turned Bob Corker of Tennessee from a critic of Trump into a “BFF.” In the end we’ll all know what was done by our “s*%thead” president with the help of the republican party – now, the party of Trump.  And, hopefully, the American people will soundly reject all of them.  I believe there are “very fine” people all across America that understand and believe in what made this country great and I hope many of them choose to run for office in opposition to this group of republicans – no matter what “color” their state or what color their skin.

So, this “deplorable” man who is disparaging people of color around the world is – I want to say embarrassing, but that’s not the right word – and, angering doesn’t feel like the right word – PISSING OFF more people than any one person on the planet – that feels more like the right words.  That’s our so-called president.  Our so-called president who got 3 MILLION less votes than the first woman to run for the office.  Our so-called president who likely needed the Russians to intervene on his behalf to energize the racists in America and turn off voters who might have voted for Mrs. Clinton.  Our so-called president republicans are attempting to shield from what appears likely to be CRIMINAL charges, at a minimum of OBSTRUCTION of justice.  The list could go on.  I just hope the American people have better memories than the  republicans in the room with our “shithole” president!

Final thought:  The situation with my father ended well.  Earlier in my life I had a “season” where I was training race horses.  (like my basketball years, I wasn’t that great)  I befriended a group of elderly Black men who loved to bet on the horses.  My father loved to bet on the horses.  A few years after I “disowned” my father, I was driving along a country road and felt the overriding need to forgive him – which I did.  (and, by the way, that took a huge “weight” off my shoulders)  Soon after, my father got cancer and we reconnected and he started coming to the track with me.  To make a long story a bit shorter, he ended up hanging (with me) and these (really cool) old Black guys (who had amazing stories to tell – they’d lived very tough lives) that had become my good friends.  The experience changed my fathers heart in regard to his racist beliefs.  He had been raised just like myself – and, so many other Americans as a racist. I was by my fathers side the day he died.

I’d like to think Trump could change – but, it appears his beliefs are deeply embedded.  However, in this instance, I believe irreparable “DAMAGE” has been done –  The only possible “repair” will likely have to wait until the 2018 election!  (I, however – I’m sure naively – continue to have hope republicans will “come to their senses”)

Full Disclosure:  My brother-in-law has a higher moral clarity than, apparently, myself.  He shamed me into modifying certain parts of this post – parts that should be obvious.  I was uncomfortable with writing those words – the words of our so-called president – and, he convinced me “two wrongs don’t make a right.”  I should have known that as a retired 6th grade teacher.

There is a WAR for the heart and soul of America right now and republicans appear to be siding with the Russians!

Recently I’ve made several posts lamenting the FACT the republican party is aligning themselves with Trump in an apparent attempt to either BLOCK the investigation of Robert Mueller or convince the viewers of Fox “news,” and the listeners of the right wing propaganda talkers on the radio waves that Mueller’s findings will be biased.  It’s as if they’re working in Tandem with Trump and the “White House” to OBSTRUCT Mueller’s work.  One of the things that has set me off was last week when Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham essentially publicly showed themselves to be “turncoats” as they sent a letter to the Justice Department recommending a “criminal referral” on Christopher Steele – the former British Intelligence officer who did the investigation leading to the so-called “dossier.”  This was the person who brought his concerns he was witnessing a crime to the FBI prior to the 2016 election.  A lot of people were very angry with Grassley and Graham for this puzzling behavior.

Grassley is the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee and early last year he was very supportive of the Mueller investigation which, apparently, he’s now trying to undermine.  He, along with Graham, released the aforementioned letter without consulting with anyone else on the committee, obviously including the democrats.  Well, it was just yesterday where I was showing my concern on whether or not the democrats would be up to the challenge “we the people” are facing by the Trump scam.  Well, Diane Feinstein was not happy with Grassley and Graham.  So, Feinstein did something incredible – considering she’s in her 80’s and seems to be the epitome of a Senator who follows protocol.  She released the testimony (over 300 pages) of the owners of “Fusion GPS” before the Senate Judiciary Committee which Grassley was attempting to block.

Like most republicans, Grassley was wanting this “both ways.”  He wanted to smear Christopher Steele – who SHOULD be regarded as a national hero – and wanted to block the release of the transcripts which shows the public that Grassley and Graham were essentially, and I know this will surprise few republican “watchers,” LYING.  Steele reported his findings to the FBI due to his concerns with what he was finding in his investigation.  As Feinstein, herself, said, NOTHING in the so-called “dossier” has been proven inaccurate.  The “dossier” makes it clear to anyone willing to read it that we have a president who’s likely in office because of the Russian ATTACK on our voting process.

“We the people” NEED to know EXACTLY what happened because if our most fundamental process, the right to vote, is undermined, our nation will be ruined as we’ve always known it.  That’s exactly what Vladimir Putin wants to do.  The only way he can bring down America is through fomenting internal division.  Not only does our entire intelligence community KNOW what the Russians were doing, it’s LIKELY they are still doing it.  As I’ve pointed out here many times, there’s NO evidence the Trump administration is doing anything to block the Russians from intruding surreptitiously into America’s cyber networks.

Many of the warnings I’ve received over the years regarding the use of my own computer and of using the internet have to do with “trolls,” many supposedly coming from Russia, trying to “hack” into my own cyberspace.  Obviously, there were some democrats who were careless and opened files that allowed the Russians to STEAL email messages from the Democratic campaign committee and John Podesta. This THEFT led to much of what the Russians were “outed” for during the election campaign.  Obviously, the STOLEN files were released at strategic times to DEFLECT “we the people’s” attention from, for example, the Access Hollywood tape.  But, there was much more.

This is a serious problem and one EVERYONE – republican or democrat – should be on the highest level of concern.  Apparently, the republicans in Congress don’ t feel that way – it’s more important to them to shield Trump in case it’s PROVEN he has broken a law or LAWS.  But, more than the STOLEN files, the Russians were also attacking Hillary Clinton and propping up Trump through ACTUAL fake news via their use of vessels such as Facebook and Twitter.  Full disclosure – I don’t participate in any of the “Social media” outlets so all I know is what has been reported – but, let me put it this way, I personally don’t view Mark Zuckerberg as a “patriot.”  I don’t trust him to be consciously working to prevent his company’s product from being “weaponized” by the Russians.  And, keep this in mind, the Russians have taught Trump, Fox “news,” and the others the true “art” of “fake news.”

So, we’ve finally got a democrat who has stepped up and done “we the people” a great service.  Now, we can read for ourselves what’s in the testimony of the people who created the “dossier” and decide if it’s true or not.  Interestingly, Trump’s lawyer, today, was reported to have filed a lawsuit against “Buzzfeed” the publication that originally published the “dossier” AND “Fusion GPS” the firm that compiled it.  Keep in mind, this is “opposition research” that goes on all the time.  Apparently, Trump hasn’t learned from previous frivolous lawsuits he’s filed about the process of depositions.  I can’t imagine Trump will be able to avoid being deposed should this lawsuit proceed.  That SHOULD be interesting!

As I’ve said, it’s taken an 84 year old woman to step up to the “plate” for the democrats.  Hopefully, this is just the beginning.  While democrats have been honoring decorum in the Congress, republicans have been busy turning tradition on its ear as they appear to be participating in a cover up of Trump’s actions during the campaign and since.  I also believe they are concerned that Mueller’s “wide latitude” in the parameters of his assignment are leading him to some of Trump’s devious behavior prior to the election and they really don’t want that to become public.  Likely the same reason Trump has refused to release his tax returns.  I believe “we the people” are going to see a direct connection between Trump and, at the very minimum, Russian financial interests.  Here’s what’s on many people’s minds: Money laundering?

As this entire episode plays out, I have a feeling that an 84 year old woman has placed herself into an important place in American history.  And, when you observe Ms. Feinstein and listen to her, you get the impression she’s the last person in world wanting to put herself into such a significant place.  Apparently, she’s got a “long fuse” and Grassley and Graham managed to set her off.  I can only hope other democrats are watching.

I listened to the top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff talk about how he was appreciative of what Ms Feinstein did, but how the “rules” on his Intelligence Committee are much more stringent keeping him from taking a similar action.  Here’s a word I’d like all democrats to think about – COURAGE!  As I’ve said, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of this nation.  Republicans are making up their own rules as they go.  Democrats should not stand idly by and simply complain.  I hope Feinstein’s actions are simply the FIRST step.  Regarding Mr. Schiff, the head of his committee is doing some TERRIBLE “stuff.”  There’s an old saying, “fight fire with fire.”  Democrats need to show the Millions of people who are resisting Trump they have the GUTS to lead the FIGHT.

I realize there’s more at stake in D.C. than just the “Russia thing” and democrats need to be strategic in their actions.  For example, there’s 9 MILLION children that are about to be without health insurance, some in life threatening conditions, who need democrats to figure out a way to FORCE republicans to fund the CHIP program.  Additionally, the DACA issue MUST be resolved by March or there’s 800,000 young Americans who are in danger of either being deported or heading back into the “shadows.”  In fact, there’s 11 MILLION “illegal aliens” in America that deserve a chance to earn citizenship.  These are important issues that can’t wait for the 2018 election.  In reality, Trump would be wise to work with democrats on these issues because HUGE majorities of Americans want them resolved favorably for the children/young people involved.

I was privileged to spend the last 23 years of my working life in a Middle School classroom in a high poverty school teaching sixth graders.  I know that many of my former students are likely part of the DACA program.  I also know that many of my students in my last years of teaching were dependent on the CHIP program for their health needs – and, for many of them being able to go to the doctor made the difference between success in school and likely failure.  So, my point is there’s more at stake right now than whether or not Trump has covered up any crimes – but, the reality is, kicking Russia out of our elections and protecting our allies from their intrusions as they attempt to undermine the Western “democracies” is of paramount importance.  I’ll say it again, there is a WAR for the heart and soul of America right now and republicans appear to be siding with the Russians!  We need more Diane Feinsteins in our Congress to lead the fight as we await the opportunity to “check” Trump’s agenda in the 2018 election.