Can you imagine republicans response if it had been reported President Obama had his lawyer pay hush money to a porn star?

OK, I know, we’re all hypocrites to a certain degree.  I’m always working a fine line between what I feel is providing my (often harsh) opinions regarding politics and being judgemental.  Honestly, I’m not sure how to separate the two.  I started writing after Bush/Cheney LIED America into the invasion of Iraq from which “we the people” (and the Middle East and people around the globe) will likely take many more years to recover.  In America we always talk about the number of American troops killed or wounded in war with little conversation about what was done to a sovereign nation like Iraq in our names.  I’ve read many books about the invasion and occupation of Iraq (and, by the way, Afghanistan) and what was done to the Iraqi people, in my mind, can only be described in terms of war crimes.

I was very happy when Barack Obama was elected president, but one of his first actions gave me what I called, at the time, “red flags.”  Soon after taking office President Obama said, regarding the investigations looming for Bush/Cheney, “we’re going to look forward instead of back.”  In essence, he blocked ALL Congressional investigations into what I believe would have been a “look” into a plethora of illegal activity by the Bush/Cheney administration.  There were the many FISA violations where, I believe, at the advice of Dick Cheney, the Bush administration ignored the FISA law and were routinely wiretapping Americans – “in the name of national security.”  For me, the fourth amendment of the constitution is one I consider EXTREMELY important – the right to privacy (OK, they’re ALL extremely important) – but, it seemed to me, at the time, there were many Americans – who consider the second amendment – and their convoluted interpretation of it – to be sacred – who were willing to allow an intrusion into our fourth amendment because Dick Cheney said it was “for national security” – that’s become an ever more frequent excuse for government lawbreaking over the past 30+ years.

Then, of course, as EVERYONE knows, there’s the TORTURE issue.  (This bothered me more than any other) Both George W Bush AND Dick Cheney ADMITTED – on national TV no less – they authorized TORTURE and both said they would do it again.  If you read about what was going on at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and, if you have any sense of decency, (OK, I realize that’s “judging”) I don’t see how you can’t come away with a sense of disgust and shame at what Americans were doing to Iraqi’s who were imprisoned and other so-called “enemy combatants.”  Bush/Cheney gave themselves the authority (well, I guess you have to say Congress was complicit) to declare ANYONE an “enemy combatant” and that gave the victim virtually NO rights.  IN FACT, there are still – 16 years later – “enemy combatants” at Guantanamo who’ve NEVER been charged or given “due process” – the pillar of American justice.  Plus, MANY of the “enemy combatants” endured incredible acts of TORTURE!  (some died at the hands of interrogators) This all was authorized by those at the TOP of the “food chain” in American government.  (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al – and, many in the military and the CIA went along with it)

What President Obama understood was the depth of culpability in the Bush administration.  I can’t claim to know for sure who Obama felt compelled to protect, but until Trump came along, there evidently was an unwritten rule to “leave well enough alone” regarding your predecessor in the “White House.”  Ford pardoned Nixon, George HW Bush “looked the other way” regarding Iran Contra and Reagan’s involvement (and, of course, more importantly to him – his own involvement) and Clinton “looked the other way” regarding HW’s involvement in Iran/Contra.  At the time of Obama’s acquiescence, I felt he was protecting members of the CIA who were “just following orders.”  The end result is our leaders authorized TORTURE and “got away with” WAR CRIMES!

As far as Bill Clinton is concerned, republicans OBVIOUSLY didn’t (and HAVEN’T) “look(ed) the other way.” They’re STILL attempting to cover-up wrongdoing of their own making – in this case the issue is Trump’s alleged COLLUSION with the Russians and more likely his money laundering behavior before becoming president AND his OBSTRUCTION of justice since becoming president – by DEFLECTING the attention of the public and investigators back to the Clinton’s – whether it’s Bill or Hillary.  It’s either Benghazi, Uranium one, Vince Foster, Whitewater, or who knows what else.  My point: Clinton (I should say “the Clinton’s”) haven’t received the same deference received by the republican presidents immediately before or after him.  In this recent case, it’s more frightening – a president who claims he has “an actual right to do whatever I want with the Justice Department” ordering a RE investigation (it’s already been “hashed out”) of his DEFEATED political rival.  This is third world DEFLECTION in an attempt to hide Trump’s own CORRUPTION!

And, of course, George W Bush was “next in line” after Clinton and he needed a lot of “deference.”  To me, the TORTURE was something that shouldn’t have received ANY deference at all and, at some point in America’s future, I believe “we the people” need to come “clean” on that issue.  It needs to be revisited and we need to accept responsibility for the actions of our “leaders” and they need accountability for their own actions.  (actually, accountability should be focused on Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld) It should be CLEAR that type of behavior by ANY American is unacceptable and we will honor the Geneva Conventions – period, full stop!  I was not happy when President Obama “looked forward.”  I believe it’s led to some of the arrogance of Trump as he proclaims he would “authorize a lot more” than Bush/Cheney.  To me, Obama’s decision made it OK for future presidents to authorize TORTURE – despite his declaration “we don’t torture.”

Which gets me to the crux of what has motivated me to write again.  As I’ve been watching republicans find creative ways to LIE as they continue their futile efforts to protect Trump from the TRUTH of what he’s done, I keep getting the same thought in my head.  What would republicans be saying if “the shoe was on the other foot?”  It’s as if they have no SHAME.  Let’s just unpack that thought a bit.  For example, what do you think republicans would be doing had it been reported by ALL of our intelligence agencies that President Obama had been elected with the help of the Russian government and Vladimir Putin?  Can you imagine them forming “secret committees” to investigate Hillary Clinton to take the “heat” off Obama and any potential COLLUSION with the Russians?

What do you think republicans would have done if it was reported that President Obama’s lawyers had paid off a porn star to hide an affair while he was married?  And, what if that happened twice?  Do you really think they’d be ignoring both of those “allegations?”  Or do you think “we the people” would never hear the end of it?  (Again, do you remember the Clinton years?)  What would republicans have done had Obama been faced with allegations of sexual misbehavior by 20 CREDIBLE women?  (heck, I personally don’t think they would have needed to be “credible” – I’m reminded of the woman who attempted to scam the Washington Post during the Roy Moore election)

How do you think republicans would react had President Obama attempted to BLOCK immigration from Norway while pointing out Norwegians don’t work a “full work week” and that students in West Africa have higher learning standards than students in Norway?  How would they react had Obama referred to Western European countries as “s@#thole” countries as he was blocking immigrants from there and said, “why can’t we get more people from Kenya?”  How would they have reacted had he attempted to send people like Trump back to Germany?

How would republicans have reacted if President Obama attempted to “purge” the FBI of anyone who wouldn’t express “loyalty” to him?  How would they have responded if President Obama was attempting to order the FBI to investigate, say, Trey Gowdy or Mitch McConnell, or Paul Ryan or ????  What if President Obama ordered investigations of republicans in Congress whose “net worth” was increased by more than a certain percentage after coming to Congress? (I couldn’t resist that one – it’s one I wouldn’t mind seeing on a bipartisan basis)

How would republicans have responded to President Obama – had he owned businesses that were gaining increased profits due to foreigners feeling compelled to support them in order to gain favor?  How would they have responded had President Obama pushed foreign policy that was continually giving China the upper hand in the world economy?  How would they have responded had Obama put himself in a position where he wasn’t welcomed in our number one ally – Great Britain?  What would they be saying if virtually everyone was calling him an “idiot?”

There’s so many instances these days where I have to wonder “what if the shoe was on the other foot?”  And, then I think – that’s a very unhealthy way to run our government and why is it always the republicans who are doing this?  Trump is bludgeoning our government institutions as “we the people” are focused on his “s@#thole” comments, his illicit affairs, his bankruptcies, and I could go on and on.

The State Department has been “purged” of something like 30% of the lifetime public servants who have the knowledge to do the “dirty work” of diplomacy around the world that’s not happening as I’m writing this.  Trump has put people at the head of one department after another who are committed to destroying that department.    Clearly, Trump is attempting to “Make America White Again” – and, it just isn’t going to work.  However, “we the people” need to act “sooner rather than later” to block what Trump is DOING while our attention if on the crazy stuff because the “damage” is piling up fast.

Everything “going on” is important, but it’s easy to have no idea what’s happening “behind closed doors” and, when we finally discover the details of what that is, it’s very possible it will be difficult to “fix” the problems Trump is allowed to create.  The reality is that America has a significant portion of her population who believe in the “white nationalism” of Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and, apparently, John Kelly.  The “damage” as I’ve often referred to it, is mounting fast and as time goes by, getting harder for whoever comes next to repair.  And, republicans in Congress are complicit and when “the smoke clears” they’ll find they’ve done possibly irreparable damage to their own republican party.

Much of what I’ve written about over the past ten years is my feeling the “present day” republican party needs to be ushered (voted) into the history books.  It appears to me, Trump is making this happen.  I have to believe there’s a significant portion of the republican party which is as turned off by Trump as I am.  We might disagree on the issues, but not this white nationalism that represents maybe 20% of America (maybe less).  I believe those republicans who have a “moral compass” should look themselves in the mirror and ask, “do I want to be associated with Trump?”  They should ask themselves some of the questions I broached above: and then ask, “why am I willing to enable Trump’s behavior?”  If they don’t speak out, they become part of the Trump republican party.

Every day there’s something else.  I pointed out, above, my frustration with President Obama’s decision to “look forward” and I worry the next democratic president will do the same – but, the reality is “no drama Obama” looks better every day.  I’m guessing Trump is making President Obama much more popular now than he was in office.  (and, by the way, I have great respect for President Obama)  I knew the reality that it’s impossible for someone to be in that office and not have detractors when President Obama was elected.  It’s the reality of every president.  To be president, you need to be able to accept criticism graciously and just move on.  The two presidents, in my lifetime, that couldn’t/can’t seem to do that was/is Nixon and Trump.  In Nixon’s case, the republican party, eventually, refused to enable his behavior.  It remains to be seen if that will happen with Trump.

So far, the evidence would suggest no.  It would suggest republicans are willing to sink or swim with Trump.  In some instances, it appears to me some republicans are willing to expose themselves to OBSTRUCTION.  Sadly, I don’t believe I’m the only American asking the questions I posed above – showing an incredible hypocrisy in the republican party.  So, I’ll end this post by asking once more:  Can you imagine republicans response if it had been reported President Obama had his lawyer pay hush money to a porn star?  Can you imagine their response had Obama conspired with Russians and Vladimir Putin to get elected!?

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