Monthly Archives: May 2019

The way you stop BULLIES (individual 1) is you punch back. “We the people” are depending on democrats to do the “punching.”

Today individual 1 made a couple things clear in regard to why he’s such a danger to the United States as people like me know it. And, make no mistake, I’m fully aware of the “pimples” America has accumulated over the years (“pimples” is probably way too kind a word) – beginning with the genocide of Native American nations and slavery and evolving to fear of communism after WW II which led to the American equivalent to what the Russians did to us during the 2016 election in places like Iran (is it going to be deja vu all over again?), Chile, Panama, IRAQ and various other places around the world. Given all the “pimples,” there have always been those who believe in the founding documents and believe “we can be better.”

Say what you will about individual 1’s policies, he’s likely to be our so-called president until the end of 2020. In the meantime, here’s a couple things he’s doing which are, as I said above – at least in my view – VERY dangerous – in the top ten of individual 1’s “very dangerous.” First, he’s figured out how to weaponize social media – in a way not too dissimilar to how the Russians do it – what they call their “active measures.” And, the second part of my point also mirrors the Russians, individual 1 will go way beyond LYING on social media (which I don’t, personally, participate in) to make his “point.” NOTHING is too low for him!

For example, as was reported earlier today in regard to individual 1’s “temper tantrum” as reported by Nancy Pelosi where he abruptly left a meeting (which he only temporarily appeared) ostensibly intended to deal with infrastructure and, then, gave a pre-arranged press briefing in the Rose Garden of the “White House” – individual 1 lashed out at Pelosi in a worst than DISHONEST manner on “Twitter” and “Facebook” – according to the reporting I heard. Pelosi had accused individual 1 of orchestrating a “cover-up” which he appeared to use as his excuse to “go off.” (Think Stormy Daniels when contemplating whether he’s capable of a “cover-up”)

Of course, individual 1 uses “Twitter” to disparage his opponents – or, for that matter, anyone he notices saying “bad things” about him. Apparently, he’s also got a sophisticated “Fake News” scheme going on “Facebook” as well. In this instance, individual 1 appears to have published a video of Ms. Pelosi which has been “doctored” without identifying whatever was done to modify the video. It was sent to his MILLIONS of followers on “Twitter.” Now, as I said, I don’t do “Twitter” (or “Facebook” for that matter) so I’m “reporting” this based on what I heard on MSNBC, but here’s what I believe is very bad about this.

First, the willingness to go beyond LYING takes the depravity of individual 1 a step lower, AND, sadly, the apparent willingness of “Twitter” and “Facebook” to allow themselves to be the “vessels” for disinformation adds to the danger of these days. In fact, that MAY be the most dangerous part of all of this. We KNOW from individual 1’s own words he “loves uneducated voters.” Meaning, there’s a BUNCH of Americans who are “buying” this crap “hook, line, and sinker.” I actually know some of them – and, I have to say, in most instances, the reason they’re “uneducated” is because they watch Fox “news” and/or listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh. The brainwashing campaign has been ongoing, at least to what I’ve managed to notice, since the mid to late 80’s and the introduction of “social media” has made it all the more dangerous.

When anyone decides to go “toe to toe” with individual 1 what you can be assured of is he will go “lower.” (If you remember Michelle Obama saying “when they go low, we go high – well, individual 1 is the opposite – with him it’s “how low will he go” – and, I believe there are no limits) In her attempt to mollify her caucus, many of who are ready for an impeachment inquiry RIGHT NOW, Pelosi was pointing out her assessment of the FACTS, which she said indicate our so-called president is orchestrating a cover-up. What other conclusion is possible when the “White House” is REFUSING to allow ANYONE who’s EVER been associated with it to either hand over documents to the House or testify? That would suggest individual 1 is COVERING UP something! Otherwise he’d be saying give them the documents, testify ASAP so we can get this over and move on. But, of course, NOOOOOOO! He’s attempting to HIDE something – which, well, means a “cover-up.”

The worst part of all this to me is individual 1’s BLATANT putting his “tin pot dictator” tendencies on the “front page” and showing he’s capable of breaking any law or destroying any person in his attempt to somehow legitimize his presidency – which is getting more illegitimate every day. While democrats seem to be focused on defeating individual 1 in 2020 and are showing their traditional lack of will when it comes to IMPEACHMENT – suggesting if they do an impeachment inquiry they will be helping individual 1 get re-elected – our so-called president continues to push his obstruction to extremes we’ve NEVER seen before. Of course, I predicted this impeachment timidity based on 2007, the first year Nancy Pelosi (who I admire, by the way) became Speaker of the House. For me, at the moment 2020 is NOT my focus. The reality is, in my view, the BULLY in the “White House” needs to see ALL his misdeeds during “executive time” – ie when he’s watching TV. If he’s not held accountable for his misdeeds America will be no longer a “nation of laws.”

To me, the reality of democrats failing to act (and, by the way, SOON) will be almost as catastrophic to America as the DAMAGE individual 1 is causing to this nation. And, keep in mind, I’ve been almost continuously writing about this DAMAGE for two plus years and most of us have no idea the extent of what they’ve done while we’re all focused on the “scandal of the day.” While democrats are claiming they can “walk and chew gum” – meaning both legislate and investigate – individual 1 is clearly able to do the same – only his mantra is LYING (continuously) to “we the people” while setting up his brazen attempt to turn America into something which would make Vladimir Putin proud.

As individual 1 is lashing out, as he did on TV this past week, he demonstrates (over and over again) he’s the master of projection. I’ve been pointing this out since his early days in the “White House” but he’s put it on “steroids” of late. The best example I can think of was the other day when he accused people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, “and maybe people higher up” (did he mean President Obama?) of “treason.” Of course, if anyone committed “treason” it would be individual 1 himself. The connection with Russia was NOT made clear in the Mueller report (I’m half way through volume II) other than to say individual 1’s campaign was willing to accept the help of the Russians. The “office” was unable to prove a “conspiracy” to a level where a conviction was a certainty. (Clearly, there WAS “collusion” and Mueller pointed out the LYING and the destruction of documents impeded the investigation)

When individual 1 is bloviating about our media as perpetrators of “Fake News” be cautious about what you read on “Facebook” or “Twitter.” Or, if you watch Fox “news” you’re getting a constant barrage of “Fake news” on a daily basis. Individual 1’s campaign (for 2020) has been busy flooding “Facebook” into the states he sees as “necessary” in order to gain re-election with “fake” propaganda. States like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are the “lucky” recipients. It was reported recently a “super PAC” affiliated with individual 1 is “investing $250 MILLION in this “fake news” campaign already. (This is the main benefit to individual 1 and republicans of the tax scam) And, remember, with Steve Bannon’s help, the republicans have the ability to send very targeted “fake news” to key areas.

The republicans AND individual 1 are far better at CHEATING than democrats. Keep in mind, I’m not suggesting democrats don’t put out advertising which is arguably false. To me, there’s a huge difference between “arguably” (we’re debating something) and “blatantly” (Wow, that was on purpose) LIES. Or, as our mainstream media likes to call it, spin. Now, we have a so-called president who has an Attorney General who is BLATANTLY LYING on his behalf and is now “investigating the investigators.” In “collusion” with individual 1’s claim that James Comey, Andy McCabe, and others committed TREASON Barr has become maybe the most dangerous person to our constitution in the nation. It remains to be seen what DAMAGE Barr will be willing to enhance, but the POWER individual 1 entrusted to him is unprecedented and dangerous. We all just need to hope he doesn’t get away with “cherry picking” intelligence in a way to create a false narrative for his boss. (OK, I know that’s unlikely)

And, of course, if Congress (the House) intervenes and calls Barr to explain what he’s doing, he will refuse to appear and there will be more subpoenas getting thumbed at from republican noses with the apparent strategy of relying on the courts individual 1 and Mitch McConnell have been STUFFING with right wing ideologues/judges who they apparently believe will look at the Justice Department from the same “lens” as Barr. To me, this attack on the investigators is a concerted plan to counter the impending impeachment inquiry. Individual 1 believes he’s one step ahead of the democrats and he may be correct. He’s certainly good at reinforcing his crap on the so-called “base.” He may succeed in causing his 40% to tune out from any impeachment hearings and, I can tell you – from reading as much of the Mueller report as I have, there is NO doubt individual 1 has committed crimes.

It’s now up to Congress to determine if a president is “above the law.” The parallel between the impeachment of Bill Clinton and what SHOULD be the impeachment of individual 1 is stark to me. And, I don’t think the democrats are seeing it this way – they may not be capable of doing so. In Clinton’s case, clearly he was impeached for “political reasons.” It’s really interesting to listen to the recorded comments of people like McConnell and Lindsay Graham from the Clinton impeachment trial in the Senate. And, don’t get me wrong, I’ve often said I had always considered myself a “conservative” – until, well, the word got “trampled” by republicans using it to fool “we the people” – and, I was very unhappy with Clinton in regard to his personal behavior. What he did in the Oval Office with Monica Lewinsky was, to me, BAD! That being said, I certainly didn’t see it as “impeachable” – nor, did I see LYING about it as impeachable.

The republican used that situation in an attempt to destroy a president who was successful in EVERY other way, from what I could tell, beside his personal failures. And, ironically, several of the republicans who led the “assault” on Clinton were soon ‘retiring” from the House because of their own personal shortcomings. (Gingrich was maybe the worst of the bunch) My point: Clinton’s impeachment was POLITICAL. So, now we have a president doing things which SHOULD warrant impeachment “In plain sight” – using the words of Ms. Pelosi. But, almost in the same breath she says, “the president is ‘taunting’ us into impeachment.”

So, the reason democrats are NOT impeaching individual 1 is POLITICAL. If this doesn’t show the difference between the two parties I don’t know what would. In just the part of Mueller’s report I’ve read to date, there is a plethora of reasons laid out painstakingly by Mueller which SHOULD require impeachment – EACH one of them. And, Mueller isn’t even mentioning the campaign finance violations at the Southern District of New York which got Michael Cohen 3 years in jail and where individual 1 got his new name. Our so-called president is listed in the Court documents as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in two FELONIES. These two FELONIES, by themselves may have been enough to cause him to “win” the 2016 election (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than Ms. Clinton). Couple that with what’s IN Mueller’s report and I’m really confused by the lack of will coming from the democratic Caucus..

Democrats want to investigate and “get the facts in front of the American people.” What better way to do so than in an impeachment INQUIRY. From what I’ve read this would give them much more POWER to actually FORCE the “White House” to turn over requested documents and to FORCE all the people who are now refusing to testify to – well, TESTIFY! And, for those who wish to continue this stonewalling there should be a nice comfy JAIL somewhere for them to contemplate whether or not they believe America is a “nation of laws and not men.” The way you stop BULLIES is you punch back. “We the people” are depending on democrats to do the “punching.” Recent history doesn’t have me feeling all that confident!

Final Thought: Clearly individual 1 has a strategy of “stonewalling” in order to “run out the clock.” He’s covering his (donkey) both ways – the stonewalling to push things to a point where it’s impractical for impeachment hearings AND the Barr ATTACK on the intelligence community – with the POWER to selectively declassify ANYTHING he chooses (think: “cherry picking”). Just as Vladimir Putin is using our “openness” in regard to our society AGAINST us, individual 1 is using the reticence of the democrats almost as a weapon. My thought (I don’t want to use the word “fear”) is that if democrats don’t TAKE THE INITIATIVE soon it will be too late. Barr is busy with a plan to undercut the rationale for the Mueller report which will pacify individual 1’s supporters and insulate them from any hearings where the actual report is put on their TV screens. (So far, I’ve offered my copy of the report to almost 10 people and I haven’t found one person interested in reading it.)

Mueller MUST appear in public to clarify the Barr LIES while the American people are watching!

I’ve pointed out I’m reading the “Mueller Report” and, as of last night, I finished “Volume 1” and have now read the introduction to “Volume 2.” Going through all this I just keep shaking my head wondering how could “we the people” allow someone like “individual 1” to reach the “White House.” And, as far as I’m concerned, while Mueller clearly has the credentials of being a “hero” based on his “previous life,” I didn’t find his conclusions in “Volume 1” that heroic. Clearly, Mueller is a (true) “conservative” and he took a very conservative approach to his decisions in “Volume 1.” Remember, “Volume 1” is about the possibility of a conspiracy between Russia and the individual 1 campaign.

Why am I saying Mueller was conservative in his conclusions regarding any conspiracy between members of the campaign and the Russians? Well, he gives a lengthy explanation regarding the now infamous June 9, 2016 meeting between individual 1 Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort with Russians promising “incriminating evidence on Hillary” coming directly from the Kremlin in their attempt to help individual 1 become president. Of course, I have to say “I’m not a lawyer” to preface these thoughts, but I took Mueller’s words as a lengthy rationalization of his decision which, to me, said he wanted nothing to do with a battle with our so-called president’s son and, by extension, the president himself. (For the life of me, I don’t understand why so many Americans seem to fear individual 1?)

To me, if this meeting wasn’t an indication of a “conspiracy” to defraud the United States, well I’m just not sure what it would take to meet that thresh-hold. It appeared to me Mueller was “bending over backward” to allow individual 1 Jr. and the others in the meeting (Manafort had his own separate problems) to escape accountability. And, he was looking at the meeting as if it was a “campaign finance violation” – at least that’s how I understood his explanation as to why the “Office” didn’t bring charges on both individual 1 Jr. and Kushner – instead of a “conspiracy to defraud the United States” between those Americans in the room and the representative(s) from the Kremlin.

All I could think of as I read this part of the report was everything I’m hearing in regard to why individual 1 should be impeached is focused on the OBSTRUCTION part of Mueller’s report, which is covered in “Volume 2.” However, from where I’m sitting, the meeting of June 9, 2016 sent about as clear a message to the Russians as could be sent: “We’re more than willing to accept any help you can provide.” (And, if you believe individual 1 did not know of that meeting beforehand, well I’ve got a bridge………. ) Of course, from that date until the November election there’s no dispute as to the FACT the Russians were busy providing that “help.” In the report it points out that the Facebook “fake news” perpetrated on unsuspecting Americans and coming from the Russians reached 126 MILLION Americans. (And, that “fake news” was, it appears to me, coordinated with the “fake news” coming from individual 1’s campaign. It’s clear the Russians were being encouraged)

As I read Volume 1 the number of meetings between the Russians and those in individual 1’s campaign seemed staggering – but, I thought, “well, they should be able to meet with them if they want.” But, of course, my logical brain then took over and I thought: “Why, then, did they LIE about virtually EVERY meeting?” Clearly, there’s still “more to the story” and, it seems to me, “we the people” may NEVER find out all that took place in that 2016 election. But, all the LYING along with individual 1’s repeated attempts to BLOCK the investigation tells anyone who thinks logically they’re HIDING something! Whether what they’re HIDING ever becomes public knowledge remains to be seen. (Keep in mind, the actual vote count in the 2000 election [in Florida] which was blocked from being finished by our right wing Supreme Court has never been made public in the aftermath – and, trust me, the election officials know exactly how that vote SHOULD have come out – “we the people” seem to often be “protected” from the TRUTH – which, likely will the case in this instance) And, publicizing the TRUTH would include what I suspect democrats would do after individual 1 is VOTED OUT in 2020. (I can hope) Time will tell!

One thing Mueller has made clear to me as I’ve started reading “Volume 2” of his report is that while a sitting president can’t be indicted (and, he gives all the reasons why – based on the OLC “memo” of 45 – or so – years ago) the evidence of any wrongdoing can be (and is being) “memorialized” so that once the president is out of office he/she can “face the music.” (My phraseology – in other words – individual 1 can have his court dates in 2021 – or after he’s removed from office in the unlikely event republicans stop worshiping this demigod.)

In fact, in the first few pages of “Volume 2” Mueller makes it clear what a LIAR we now have at the head of the Justice Department. I watched, at the time with dismay – the dismay has increased – as William Barr gave an incredibly poorly conceived news conference prior to submitting Mueller’s REDACTED report to both Congress and the public. Barr, of course, KNEW he was LYING, but the purpose of his remarks was aimed at the “uneducated voters” who individual 1 loves so much and that they (Barr and individual 1) KNEW would NOT read the report. (I’ve already offered my copy to several individual 1 supporters and NONE are interested in reading it) Barr’s clear intention was to convince those “uneducated voters” (who, clearly, he KNEW – with the help of Fox “news” – would believe his comments and therefore believe individual 1 was blameless) they didn’t need to read the report. Yikes!!!

Barr even went so far as to suggest there was “spying” on individual 1’s campaign – presumably nefarious “spying” – and he said there would be investigations into the investigators – and he’s followed through by authorizing them. Barr not only mimicked individual 1’s own words as he, on maybe five occasions, in his press conference said, for instance, “there was no collusion” – based on Mueller’s findings. To me, coming from the Attorney General of the United States, that was among the MOST incredible LIES I’ve heard in American politics – EVER! As I read “Volume 1” Mueller made it clear there was NEVER any attempt to find “collusion” in their investigation. As even the talking heads at Fox pointed out numerous times, “collusion is NOT a crime. Mueller clearly pointed out there is NO crime of “collusion” and what their investigation was looking for was “conspiracy” between the Russians and members of individual 1’s campaign.

Mueller also pointed out that while they were looking into the possibility of any conspiracy between the Russians and those in the campaign that all the LYING and, in some cases, destruction of evidence (along with things like people having conversations using encrypted devices to apparently HIDE whatever they were doing), plus a general lack of cooperation with many witnesses (for example, neither individual 1 nor his son were interviewed – I believe because Mueller KNEW they would contest subpoenas and drag the investigation out for, likely, years) making it impossible for Mueller’s team to get a full picture of what they were investigating. Mueller, essentially, said the evidence of “conspiracy” was insufficient to suggest an indictment would result in a conviction – and, of course, in this instance we’re talking about individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner.

All of that, to me, made it all the more disappointing, after reading the first volume, that both individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner were NOT indicted. I believe BOTH of them were, at a minimum, right on the “line” (to me, over the line) on more than one occasion. Kushner clearly LIED about his meetings with various Russians and, it still seems to me, he was – in one case – attempting to solve the IMMENSE problem he had with a property located at 666 5th Avenue in New York with one of his meetings with the chairman of a Russian Bank witch was under sanction when he took the meeting. If you want to know why Kushner fits in so nicely in individual 1’s administration, read “Kushner, Inc.” by Vicky Ward. I whole heartedly recommend that book for anyone who reads and wants to be better informed than what you get on TV. (Remember, Kushner had to “update” his SF-86 form several times – likely the reason he was recommended to NOT get a “security clearance” – as he tried to HIDE his meetings with Russians and other foreign nationals – like MBS, with whom he was communicating with an encrypted device, for example – it says right on that form that failing to be truthful is a FELONY)

So, as I said above, I’ve just started reading “Volume 2” which is focused on “OBSTRUCTION.” Despite Barr’s OTHER major LIE, Mueller makes it crystal clear that he was honoring the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) memo which states a “sitting president can not be indicted” and that he always viewed his purpose as to provide a pile of evidence that will be “memorialized” for Congress, should they choose to act (Impeachment – which is where any “indictment” should arise, in the view of the OLC memo) Mueller, also clearly, explained why he wasn’t coming to a conclusion that individual 1 committed a crime – because, without the ability to indict him he felt making an accusation would put individual 1 in a position where he couldn’t defend himself. Short of the indictment, Mueller plainly also said, “If I could exonerate the president I would, I can make no such claim.” (Or words to that effect)

Sadly, before the Mueller report came out I predicted how the democrats would respond – and, that they would do anything they could to avoid impeachment. I pointed out this is EXACTLY what happened back in 2007 when “we the people” voted democrats into control of the House to hold a president and vice president who both LIED America into an incredibly STUPID war AND who BOTH authorized TORTURE – BOTH of them “war criminals” and no impeachment because the republicans won’t convict in the Senate. Now, we have a so-called president who’s gone beyond even what came about during the Nixon Watergate scandal and the democrats are still doing whatever they can to look like they’re being tough without, well, ……. being tough. Just making an inference from the first few pages of Volume 2 it’s clear to me individual 1 SHOULD be witnessing an impeachment inquiry ALREADY. Whether democrats can “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” and do the right thing, only time will tell. But, I can tell you with certainty that if democrats don’t act soon, they will be stamping themselves with nearly the same low place in American History which individual 1 is destined to fill. Individual 1 is the greatest danger to America in my lifetime!

Final thought: As I said above, I’m not inclined to put Mueller into the “hero” category, at least when it comes to this investigation. Whether Barr managed to intercede once he became individual 1’s “Roy Cohn” remains to be seen. Keep in mind, Barr was confirmed during the last month or two of the investigation. and he didn’t shy away from making sure we all knew he was Mueller’s BOSS. So, maybe there was something we don’t yet know about, but, that being said, I’m seeing Mueller as someone who HAS to realize the gravity of this situation and, yet, he seems to be more than willing to allow others to interpret his words. Yesterday, it was reported that Mueller does NOT want to appear in public to testify about his report. Personally, I hope he doesn’t get away with this – what to me would be an – abomination. Mueller MUST appear in public to clarify the Barr LIES while the American people are watching!

If democrats don’t “click” the panic button as to the necessity to turn the Senate “blue” They’re making a HUGE mistake!

I keep thinking “How long until individual 1 crashes our economy?” Tonight, I’m thinking I should be thinking “How many ways is individual 1 going to undermine our economy?” Of course, this would be as he’s trashing most of what has been traditional “norms” in this nation for generations. Individual 1’s sycophants are helping him REFUSE to co-operate in any manner with the House committees who want to exercise the OVERSIGHT “we the people” put them in charge of the House to do in the 2018 election. This is ONE of the ways this “regime” is pushing to tear this nation farther apart. Clearly, individual 1 does NOT want “we the people” to actually see the evidence Robert Mueller found in his nearly two year investigation.

As I’ve said here numerous times of late, I’m reading the Mueller report and I’m nearly half way through Volume 1, which is dealing with the “Russia thing.” I can say, from what I’ve read, there WAS “collusion.” Now, Mueller clearly says they weren’t looking at “collusion” because “collusion” doesn’t fall into the legal code. What Mueller was investigating was whether or not there was a provable CONSPIRACY between individual 1 or any of his surrogates with the Russians who were CLEARLY and “systematically” (in the words of Mueller) ATTACKING our election with the stated purpose of helping individual 1 end up in the “White House.” So, when individual 1 says “no collusion” that’s just one more of the 10,000+ LIES coming from our so-called president.

The result of all this is that the Russians are STILL “meddling” into our open system of government and using our “freedom” against us. You can be sure that the Russians will be much more sophisticated in 2020 and that there are Americans we may or may not ever know who are helping them. This strategy of turning one American against another in an attempt to cause as many of our citizens as possible to throw their hands in the air and say our politics are so messed up that they choose not to participate is a “partnership” between individual 1 and his republican enablers along with Vladimir Putin and his Russian cyber warriors. This is an ATTACK on our nation and our (so called) “commander in chief” is silent!

Most Americans will NOT read Mueller’s report so it’s IMPERATIVE democrats find a way to get Mueller, Don McGahn, and others with knowledge of this investigation in front of the American people. Nancy Pelosi did the same thing she’s doing in 2019 back in 2007 when we had a president and vice president who were WAR CRIMINALS authorizing TORTURE. If there’s no guarantee republicans will convict in the Senate there will be no impeachment inquiry. (I really hope that “strategy” changes – at some point in America “history” – meaning “we the people” WILL hold our leaders accountable for lawbreaking)

So, all this FIGHTING with Congress is one way individual 1 may cause our economy to crash. Essentially, there’s NOTHING getting done in our nation’s capital because Mitch McConnell is OBSTRUCTING everything the House is sending to the Senate and McConnell and individual 1 believe getting right wing judges appointed is all they need to do to get re-elected. So, the next possible disaster is individual 1’s so-called “trade war” with China which, apparently, he was able to cause with the stroke of a pen. I listened to him the other day suggesting the American economy is so much stronger than China’s that they’ll need to “cave” (my term) eventually. Well, all I could think of was what if the Chinese decide to start selling off their US Treasury bonds? Tonight I heard one “expert” suggest if they simply refused to buy them for one month the U.S. economy would be drastically affected and interest rates would skyrocket. I believe China has far more power than individual 1 understands and just the slightest miscalculation could cause enormous negative consequences – beyond those which have already happened. (And, by the way, sending money to farmers to offset the tariff disaster is a confusing way to deal with this this home made “crisis”)

Of course, when it comes to individual 1 and the DAMAGE he’s creating for “we the people” there’s always “more.” So, the NEXT issue which could “tank” our economy is individual ‘s arrogant and, from my vantage-point, STUPID intimidation of Iran. Of course, the STUPIDITY started with his pulling out of the so-called “Iran nuclear agreement” – likely because if was a major accomplishment for the Obama administration. Individual 1’s personal animosity toward Obama goes way beyond what is healthy for our nation. After pulling out of this agreement, which Obama (et al) managed to get both China and Russia to participate in, individual 1 put sanctions on Iran which are apparently effective enough to have Iran on the verge of responding to.

Add to this that individual 1’s National Security Adviser is John Bolton who was part of the Bush/Cheney regime which LIED America into the DISASTROUS invasion of Iraq back in 2003 and you have the potential for what could be beyond catastrophic. Individual 1 has ordered an American carrier group into the Persian Gulf and, supposedly, his administration is ordering 120,000 American troops into the region – ostensibly in an attempt to bait the Iranians into starting a conflict. This will give Bolton (and, individual 1, who might be getting “played” by those in his own administration) an excuse to invade Iran – something Bolton has wanted to do since the days John McCain sang the refrain “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.”

Any conflict with Iran will cause the oil and gas which flows through the Persian Gulf EVERY day to potentially be STOPPED! While America is now producing enough oil for our own economy (although it’s all funneled through the world markets) any choking off of the oil and gas which flows through the Persian Gulf could TANK the world economy in a matter of days. “We the people” don’t really understand how much so many countries around the world depend on this oil and gas and too many Americans can’t remember the oil crises we faced years ago because they weren’t born yet. I was farming in the late seventies and had my own 1000 gallon gas tank and I remember many of my friends coming to my farm to buy gas from me so they wouldn’t have to wait in line for a couple hours to fill their tanks. At some point it came down to an “odd and even” system based on the last number on your license plate as to when you could buy gas. I don’t remember ANYONE who liked that situation.

Aside from how STUPID it would be to invade Iran, I’m personally really tired of politicians who didn’t have the guts to serve in the military willingly sending other people’s children into places around the world where we don’t belong in order to make themselves look “tough.” Individual 1 LIED (of course, he LIES about everything, so this is no surprise) his way out of Viet Nam by getting a doctor to say he had “bone spurs” in his feet in order to get labeled “4F” which gave him a deferment from the draft. Just as both Bush/Cheney were also “draft dodgers” who started the Mid East “wars” (Afghanistan and Iraq) that seem to be never ending, now we have another draft dodger putting “we the people” in jeopardy of another STUPID war.

Every person I talk to who claims to support individual 1 has NO IDEA what they are supporting. I talked to the guy who fixes my cars the other day, one of my favorite people – an incredibly HONEST small business person, who supports individual 1. Of course, he had no idea why I was referring to him as “individual 1” and, as I went down the litany of why I believe individual 1 is a traitor to this nation, he pretty much had no idea what I was talking about. He said, “he’s better than Obama who went around the world apologizing for America.” I said, “When did Obama do that, I’m not aware of what you’re talking about?” Well, he didn’t know when Obama did that, he just knew he did it. He wasn’t aware of the FACT that his money in the stock market increased over 300% during Obama’s administration but he thinks individual 1 is the reason the economy is good. I said, “Do you watch Fox ‘news’?” and he said, “No,” But, the more I’ve thought about the conversation, I’m not sure I believe him. (Almost everyone I know who watches Fox “news” is unwilling to admit they do so – which tells me they are willingly accepting the propaganda)

I really like this guy and probably won’t have this discussion with him again (he was late getting home for dinner ;o) but, I hear it over and over again. When someone supports individual 1 they have no idea what they’re supporting. This particular guy said he’s totally opposed to racism, he looked quizzically at me when I pointed out individual 1 is a racist. He didn’t seem to like the idea that “we the people” are deeply in debt (over $20 TRILLION) but didn’t know what the effect of the tax scam on the debt is. I could go on and on (I did with him ;o) but, my point is this person was like so many others I’ve talked to who support individual 1 – they have no idea what they’re supporting. (Which is all the more reason for democrats to get the Mueller findings in front of the TV’s of as many of “we the people” as they can)

Of course, there’s more. Individual 1 and his sycophants are still hell bent on overturning The Affordable Care Act (ie “Obamacare”) which, in my view, will also cause an extreme “hit” to our economy which individual 1 has absolutely no conception of. This would be a disaster that is hard to calculate – at least for someone like me – but, our health system is already over priced and there’s too many Americans who have no insurance already. I believe if the republicans and individual 1 are successful in their court challenge of “Obamacare” that will also cause a “hit” to our economy. Costs will increase, potentially exponentially, for those who have health insurance in the face of around 20 – 30 MILLION Americans losing their insurance. (And, think of all those siblings who will no longer be able to be on their parent’s “plans” until the age of 26)

Finally, we now have an Attorney General who is willing to LIE for individual 1 and, essentially, do his bidding as he’s initiating investigations into our FBI and our Intelligence community. This is “Tin Pot dictator 101” when you look at the seemingly never ending attacks on our 4th estate – the free press. Individual 1 appears to me to be willing to tear down this entire nation to protect himself – knowing, as I’m sure he does – the level of illegal behavior he has participated in over the previous 30+ years – and, especially, since taking the “oath” of office. (Seriously, is he capable of taking ANY oath?) Our European allies are shaking their heads and continuing to wonder: “What the hell is going on in America?”

If the democrats do what they SHOULD and begin IMPEACHMENT hearings I would expect individual 1’s (LYING) ginning up of his “uneducated voters” and virtually encouraging all those “very fine people” he’s referred to into the streets. And, do you expect William Barr, as the head of the Justice Department, to hold them accountable. He’ll likely say something like, “Individual 1 feels as if he’s being unfairly treated.” Yikes!!

It’s apparent to me individual 1 is arrogantly thumbing his nose at our Judicial system feeling as if his “Roy Cohn” will defend him to the “hilt” and, that the court system he’s managed to “stuff” with right wing judges will defend him at all costs. This can be no less obvious than the recent wave of anti-abortion laws which will be flooding their way toward the Supreme Court which individual 1 feels confident the right wing court will uphold. They believe Roe v Wade will be overturned by these judges. Of course, this “fight” has no bearing on me (I’m almost 72) but I’m always amazed at the number of “conservatives” who claim to support “less government” pushing our government into the most intimate parts of our existence. I’ve said many times that at some point I’ll write a post on abortion – which may be getting close – but, suffice it to say that I believe “pro life” goes way beyond preventing women from access to abortions. (I can tell you I witnessed people having – well, I was told about it – abortions back in the 60’s before Roe. The difference from today was back in the 1960’s the danger to the woman in those “back room procedures.”

I believe this issue may motivate even more “progressives” to participate in the 2020 election. Keep in mind, there are many who are predicting individual 1 will not freely leave the “White House” even after being voted out. (Again, I remind you Barr is the head of the “Justice Department”) Individual 1 and those of his sycophants who participate in this massive obstruction of justice MUST face accountability – and, in my view, that includes Mr. Barr. And, I might add, if democrats don’t “click” the panic button as to the necessity to turn the Senate “blue” They’re making a HUGE mistake! More on that later.

Final Thought: I’m into the second volume of Mueller’s report and it’s becoming clearer and clearer – individual 1 is “thumbing his nose” at our system of laws. There’s a good reason (which I’ve pointed out many times since his inauguration) he continues to associate himself with the political “strongmen” around the world. He (and his republican enablers) is attempting to turn America into a country where the executive branch of the government controls EVERYTHING! Of course, republicans will regret this once “we the people” vote in a democrat as president – at that time, they will AGAIN become the proponents of “less government.” Yikes!!!

Of course, winning the “White House” in 2020 will lead to nothing more than a bunch of frustration unless democrats can also win control of the Senate. Their first target should be Mitch McConnell himself. I’m still finding it hard to believe there aren’t enough Kentuckians who see what McConnell’s been doing for the past 10 years to find him unacceptable. There MUST be a democrat in Kentucky who the dems can support in the upcoming election to get rid of him – FINALLY! And, there’s several other republicans in the Senate who should be vulnerable – they (republicans) are pushing to overturn two very popular things – the Affordable Care Act and Roe v Wade. No matter what you think about abortion, over 70% of America’s voting public believe a woman SHOULD “have the right to choose” what happens with her own body. Again, if the democrats can’t turn the Senate “blue” in 2020 our nation’s demise will continue!

Now, the first step in “Making America Great Again” will be getting individual 1 out of office!

I started writing in this “blog” – to me, it’s my place to “vent” and somehow thousands of people have found it – after GW Bush/D Cheney LIED America into an ill advised and disastrous invasion of Iraq. If you’ve been here much at all, you know I’m no fan of the republican party and my view of them has continually deteriorated since the “rise” of the so-called “tea party” – which has morphed into the party of individual 1. Clearly, the rise of “white nationalism” is not just an American issue, but is spreading throughout the Western world and, of course, who do you find “fanning the flames” in virtually every instance? Of course, I’m referring to Vladimir Putin. It’s almost as if he’s “betting” on a surge of neo-Nazi regimes around the world allowing him to recreate the “former” Soviet Union.

Putin can’t do this without the “help” of America and, of course, he’s got the perfect stooge in individual 1 which he managed to “nudge” into the “White House” via his cyber warriors and their strategy which they refer to as “active measures.” They’re doing this everywhere and the results have been very good for Putin. The Russian leader and his computer hackers extraordinaire (along with individual 1 and his former advisor Steve Bannon) managed to trick Great Britain into believing a break with the European Union would be a great idea – and we now have the Brit’s trying to figure out how to “Brexit.” Neo-Fascism is spreading across Europe like a bad disease and, under normal circumstances, you’d have the American leaders at the forefront of stopping it – but, of course, these are not “normal” times and individual 1 is no “normal” leader.

In fact, yesterday it was reported that individual 1 and, therefore, “we the people,” were the ONLY nation in the Western world failing to sign on to a plan to stop the spread of “White Nationalism” via social media [ie the Russians] propaganda – which radicalizes people who attack places of worship like what happened in Christ Church New Zealand – because, of all reasons, “freedom of speech.” This alliance was formed to fight against the radicalization of neo-Nazi’s who’ve attacked both Jewish and Muslim places of worship in the recent past and have publicly aligned themselves with individual 1. Just like those carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi arm bands, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” – none of these people who believe killing Jews or Muslims are “very fine people” – to use the words of individual 1.

Just yesterday individual 1 WELCOMED the president of Hungary (Viktor Orban) into the “White House” – another of the rising authoritarian “White nationalist” leaders around the world individual 1 seems to both admire and envy. (along with Putin, for example, there’s been Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan of Turkey, and the authoritarian leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia to name a few) Many of these leaders are clear supporters of antisemitism which really makes one wonder about individual 1’s “bromance” with Netanyahu of Israel – but, who knows, the world feels like it may explode at any moment. Individual 1 bringing Orban into the “White House” is similar to his putting Kim jong-un on the international “stage” with NO apparent benefit for the United States.

No American president of recent “vintage” would have allowed Orban into the “Oval Office” and, of course, they would NEVER have “hoisted” Kim onto the international “stage” where he was longing to stand without something more than a “love letter.” Worst than ALL this, to me, is the incredible disintegration of the republican party into a group of feeble sycophants willing to accept ANYTHING der leader throws their way. The before (individual 1) and after of some of these republicans kind of makes your stomach churn if you’re someone who actually believes in what MADE America “great” in the first place.

Now, the first step in “Making America Great Again” will be getting individual 1 out of office! What he has accomplished was getting all the right wing racists, misogynists, and xenophobes out from under the rocks so that the slow festering of their racism can be publicly dealt with. In addition, “we the people” can, should, and hopefully will take an HONEST look at how “uneducated” so many of our citizens really are. Of course, many are just too busy doing life to pay much attention to “politics” and they allow themselves to be intellectually manipulated by sound bites and headlines – along with allowing themselves to frequent media outlets espousing pure propaganda – ie, outlets like Fox “news.” It’s been proven these outlets “dumb down” the American people.

Here’s an example of how both ignorant and racially biased so many Americans are – ostensibly as a result of the effect of outlets like Fox: I read about a poll taken by a company in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania of 3200 Americans – the poll was taken randomly, I believe. It was a poll about math education of all things. One of the questions was “should arabic numbers be taught in school?” Of course, “arabic” numbers are the numbers we all grew up struggling with in math class – the numbers in the base ten system that start with 1, then 2, and so forth to infinity. You probably “get” where this is going. 56% of the respondents to the poll said “NO” to the question – meaning “arabic” numbers should NOT be taught in our schools. I saw that and wanted to laugh out loud until I realized the TWO things it meant. (And, I was a sixth grade teacher for over 20 years – I really hope none of my former students were in that poll)

The first thing that came to mind was the level of “education” among “we the people.” Personally, I assumed MOST Americans would know our number system is compiled of “arabic numerals.” Obviously, I was wrong. Secondly, the result of this poll shows the level of racial bias/animosity simmering among many of the people making up America’s “public.” I mean, why would anyone object to “arabic” numerals – even if they didn’t know what an “arabic” numeral was right off the top of their head, unless the name associated it with – well, let’s just say “Arabs?” And, why would that bother them anyway? I don’t want to put anymore of my personal thoughts down because, as I’m writing this, I’m getting an understanding of my own prejudice in regard to people who choose ignorance. And, as I’ve said recently, I’ve grown much less patient with people choosing willful ignorance because the “stakes” are getting much higher.

Many of my friends who still choose to be affiliated with the republican party are members of the church I choose to continue supporting. I don’t initiate the conversations there in regard to politics or individual 1 but I no longer allow them to make comments in support of him without my responding. And, often times (in fact, almost always) I get a regurgitation of the latest Fox propaganda – I even have a friend I went to high school with (we graduated in 1965) who refers to Sean Hannity as “Sean” – as if they’re friends. I can no longer stomach more than a passing “hi” to this person, sadly, because if I provide him with some FACTS he starts yelling and saying, “You’re not going to change my mind.” It’s a fruitless enterprise. (I once said, “if I give you a book to read, will you read it?” to which he answered, “No, I haven’t read anything – except my Bible – since I was in High School.” – and, this type of encounter with supporters of individual 1 is not at all unusual – and, it certainly makes me wonder what’s in his Bible that is so different from what is in mine)

So, I’m working my way through the “Mueller Report” and I can flatly state, “There WAS collusion.” As I’ve said, I haven’t gotten to the “obstruction” part yet (Volume II), but, as far as I’m concerned, there’s more than enough in Volume i to cause any Congress which is not ruled by political polls to initiate an impeachment investigation. “Collusion” may not be “illegal” but, to me, if we don’t make it clear that “partnering” with foreign governments to effect our election is “no way to get elected” this nation is headed for third world status. The “stuff” just keeps happening and our traditional allies around the world are shaking their collective heads as they gear up to FIGHT this right wing plague in their own nations with no help from the U.S. If fact, they see individual 1 as their opposition! Sad!

And, what, to me, is sadder, is the continued timidity of the democratic party. Individual 1 is taunting them – with a stone-walling “play out the clock” strategy (I believe Mueller cut off his investigation as he could see the “wall” of the election threatening any accountability for individual 1 from Congress looming) and, the democrats are saying they’ll NOT be “taunted” into starting an impeachment probe. Well, soon it WILL be too late and, maybe as it should be, “we the people” will be charged with ending the present regime. While democrats are failing to act, individual 1 and his “Roy Cohn” ie William Barr are attacking the FBI as if the original investigation was “illegal spying.” Today, individual 1 actually used the term “treason” in a “tweet” – talk about “projection.”

I’ve lived through Watergate, I’ve lived through the Clinton “impeachment” (over a “blow job” – and, trust me, Clinton’s behavior [sex with a young intern – in the Oval Office no less] made my stomach “churn.” I have a couple daughters about the same age as Ms. Lewinsky), I’ve lived through Bush/Cheney doing a “deja vu” on Viet Nam and authorizing TORTURE will holding “enemy combatants” indefinitely with no ability to defend themselves – simply based on, well, who knows what. (I still remember reading about how Afghan warlords were “turning in” their enemies for a few thousand dollars and whoever that enemy was may still be at Guantanamo. “Enemy combatants” were herded into trucks with no ventilation and, when they arrived at the “black sites” where they were likely scheduled for TORTURE entire truckloads had suffocated. That reality, as far as I could see, never made it to our “liberal media.”

Now, I’m living through a pathological LYING narcissist of the most extreme nature, who’s also a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and someone who is using strategies from the Third Reich and acts more like a Mob Boss than a politician. With an Attorney General who is a willing LIAR as well – and, I say that with confidence after just the part of what I’ve read already in the “Mueller Report” (Barr said there was “no collusion” several times in his extraordinary press conference hours before the redacted report was released. I’ve heard all the claims about his LYING in regard to “OBSTRUCTION” – but, there WAS “collusion” – without a doubt.) – individual 1, therefore, becomes much more dangerous. Barr heads up the Justice Department, for heaven’s sake.

I’ve been saying this for years, “unfortunately, ‘we the people’ have no choice but to look to the democratic party to put a stop to this right wing takeover of OUR government. Well, the dems are now clearly “on the spot” and I’m certainly not certain as to whether they will come through or not. If they’re waiting for the republicans to join them in some kind of “bipartisan” look at the “Mueller Report” what I would say is “don’t hold your breath.” I’ve said for years the biggest weakness of the democratic party has been the image they are afraid to defend their own fundamental beliefs. We saw that with the Affordable Care Act – they wouldn’t even talk about it until individual 1 made it popular. I believe if they don’t AGGRESSIVELY work to put the Mueller Report before the American people – likely via impeachment – I believe that will be among the worst mistakes of the last 30 years.

While Individual 1 continues to give democrats his derogatory names I’m waiting for one of the democrats to call individual 1 “Draft Dodger Don.”

I’ve talked to many of my (baby boomer) friends and they, along with myself, are almost disbelieving that America could have degenerated to this point in time. They all are asking, “How could individual 1 have become our so-called president?” Well, if you’ve been visiting this site at all over the past decade (plus) you know that myself, while teaching a bunch of sixth graders, have been proclaiming the heavy leaning to the “right” by the republican party which was accentuated by the so-called “tea party” in 2010 – and, make no mistake, that movement was started via a RACIST reaction to an African American (half) being elected by “we the people” as the president of the United States. That was too much for the republican party and, apparently, about a third of the American public. Sadly, many of them are in my peer group – the baby boomers – and, after Viet Nam, the Civil Rights movement, etc., to me that is shameful. (Not to mention all the “Christians” who are somehow bringing themselves to support individual 1)

I’m no longer willing to give these people, who willingly expose themselves to the propaganda scheme of Fox “news,” and – many of them will say – I’m not a racist – a pass from what support for individual 1 says about their own personal character. If you “hitch your star” to the “wagon” of a RACIST – well, don’t tell me your not a racist – I’m sorry, but I’m tired of listening to people try to rationalize their support for a so-called president who is RUINING this nation. And, by the way, the economy, which he brags about (and, is fairly good) is not something he created. He inherited an economy which was like a large freight train which was gaining steam and he, so far, hasn’t destroyed it – although, if you’re like me, the tax SCAM, which is funneling close to $2 TRILLION to the top “1%” of Americans, along with a HUGE pile of money to corporations (many of whom, pay NO taxes) who were already FLUSH with cash and, now, the DEFICIT will go NORTH of $1 TRILLION and my prediction it will be closer to $2 TRILLION by the time the 2020 election rolls around and add in the “individual 1 tariffs” and the economy may be headed “south” by election time. Republicans don’t care about the deficit except when a democrat is in office! (Although, many do care about the tariff “war”)

Suppose someone suggests to me our so-called president is not a RACIST! Of course, that’s absurd because the evidence is overwhelming – beginning with him and his father refusing to rent to Blacks many years ago and extending, essentially, over individual 1’s life (leading the birther movement), but how about the rest of his “character:” he’s a misogynist, a narcissist (of almost unbelievable proportions), a xenophobe, and a pathological LIAR. Additionally, individual 1 is now threatening to start a war someplace in the world – Iran, Venezuela – who knows, apparently, using the republican “strategy” that the way to gain the support of the American people is to take us to war – it worked temporarily for both of the Bush’s – but, personally, I don’t believe there is ANYTHING individual 1 can do to gain the support of a majority of Americans – still, the reality is he’s got a serious war monger as his National Security Adviser who was key to taking us into Iraq 16+ years ago so, who knows? And, remember, individual 1 avoided Viet Nam by – what else would you expect – LYING. My point here is there’s no more passes to anyone I know who is continuing to support this mirage of a president who’s actually a mafia boss.

If you don’t believe me when I refer to him as a “mafia boss” – well, the evidence is overwhelming and it continues to mount – almost daily. I’ve pointed out many times individual 1’s long time connection to the Russian mafiya and I’ve read many reports that his real estate business in New York regularly did business with the Cosa Nostra in New York City on a regular basis. Of course, individual 1 – who’s supposed to be defending the constitution and the laws that have come from it – has encouraged witnesses to “stay strong” (If you don’t get that, he doesn’t like when people tell the TRUTH) and he called Michael Cohen a “rat” when he decided to tell the TRUTH to investigators. (He was even quoted as saying “flipping should be illegal”) These are the words of organized criminals and may be acceptable on a TV show, but NOT coming from the American (so-called) president. (Even one who actually LOST the election by almost 3 MILLION votes – to a “girl”) Now his son, individual 1 Jr., has been subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee and individual 1 has said, “if you come after “Don” we will come after you” – apparently, words directed at any republican in the Senate who would object to the FACT individual 1 Jr. either LIED to them or LIED to Mueller. I rest my case!

What’s made this all the more serious for me, likely along with MILLIONS of other Americans, is William Barr. It’s hard for me to believe that an Attorney General of the United States would obviously subordinate his constitutional oath and obligation to his willingness to work as the president’s “personal attorney.” Barr is essentially deferring to the orders of individual 1 – essentially abdicating his independence as the chief attorney of America – as he participates in the unbelievable, unconstitutional, and unconscionable scheme by individual 1 to BLOCK The House of Representatives from doing its constitutional job. The FACT individual 1 appears to be attempting to HIDE evidence which is in plain sight (I should get the Mueller report tomorrow) from those Americans unwilling to read the report for themselves should surprise no one, by Barr participating SHOULD raise major “red flags.”

And, of course, Barr did everything he could over the first month after Mueller gave him his report to cause as many Americans – apparently including individual 1 – as possible to believe the report “exonerated” the (so-called) president. From what little I’ve heard from those who’ve actually read the report (and, of course, individual 1 would not be one of them) Barr was incredibly DISHONEST in both the original “summary” (where he claimed there was “no obstruction”) and, then, in the almost unbelievable “press conference” where he LIED about something which was to be released a couple hours later – as if he was thinking no one would actually read it. Since Barr’s “exoneration” of the (so-called) president over 800 former prosecuting attorneys have signed a letter claiming volume two of Mueller’s report make a compelling case for OBSTRUCTION which they would have “brought” for anyone other than the president who’s protected by the so-called “OLC memo” which says a sitting president can’t be indicted.

Now Barr is refusing to BOTH, appear before the House Judiciary Committee and turn over the entire Mueller report to their committee – thumbing his nose at two subpoenas and now facing a charge of Contempt of Congress as if to say, “so what.” Individual 1 is attempting to BLOCK anyone associated with his regime appearing at a House hearing or providing any documents. As far as I’m concerned, this is an attempt by a “tin pot dictator” wannabee to eliminate – for now and what would be in the future – the ability of Congress to do their oversight responsibility which is clearly laid out in the constitution. Of course, for two years this was not a problem because the republicans controlled both chambers of Congress. It was almost comical (except for the serious nature of all this) when individual 1 claimed he was going to obstruct because the chair persons in the House are “partisans.” As if, I guess, to suggest the republicans who were in control prior to the 2018 election were not partisan. In reality, the republicans were, in my view, unpatriotic enablers of someone who was/is challenging America’s foundation.

For heaven’s sake, Barr has only been the Attorney General for a few short months – a job he seemingly petitioned for when he wrote an unauthorized article claiming individual 1 could NOT obstruct justice simply because he’s the (so-called) president. Barr is among a “sea” of republicans willing to sacrifice virtually EVERYTHING they’ve claimed they believe in to keep individual 1 in office. If you remember, Karl Rove used to talk about the “permanent republican ‘majority,'” a concept which always was a plan to keep republicans in control while having a “base” which clearly does NOT represent a majority of Americans. It’s plain, the “family values” they claimed to believe in NEVER mattered to them – it’s POWER that matters to them. This “majority” they talk about requires control of Congress, the Courts, and the “White House.” Individual 1 – with the help of Mitch McConnell – has stuffed the courts, for example, with a large number of right wing judges which will have an effect on America for at least a generation. (And, by the way, I’ve suggested for some time I was going to write a post focused on the abortion issue – and, this may soon be at the forefront of what individual 1 is “accomplishing.”)

In addition to stuffing the Courts with (white) right wing judges, republicans are doing everything they can across the nation to gerrymander as many Congressional districts as possible AND to SUPPRESS votes in any way they can get away with it in state after state – now, with a Supreme Court which may enable this voter suppression. And, of course, this suppression of votes is highly targeted to affect voters who tend to vote for democrats. I’ve said this for years, the republicans are so much more sophisticated than democrats when it comes to CHEATING – which would include the Russian ATTACK in 2016 and how they managed to TARGET Americans so judiciously – likely with help from individual 1’s campaign – if you remember, in the 2016 campaign Cambridge Analytica (Steve Bannon) STOLE data on over 50 MILLION Facebook users to help them in this targeting campaign. This is ANOTHER example of the republican mantra: “The end justifies the means.” What is the MOST frustrating for me is the number of individual 1 supporters who still claim their “morals” are important. Go figure!

Despite individual 1’s historically low approval rating among “we the people” the reality is MILLIONS of Americans are susceptible to the PROPAGANDA scheme of the republicans. It was reported today a right wing “super pac” is “investing” over $250 MILLION (already) into targeted areas of several states which republicans consider “critical” to individual 1’s re-election. They’re starting really early. (Of course, his view of his job is “executive time” [TV] and campaign rallies – NOT governing) This $250 MILLION, obviously, is part of the “payback” for the tax “scam,” and the brazenous of individual 1 “marches on.” (In fact, despite the last two years of investigations regarding the help from Russia, individual 1 is NOW seeking help from Ukraine ahead of the 2020 election in an attempt to sidetrack Joe Biden. Yikes!!!) Not only does individual 1 need to “go bye bye” in the 2020 election, but also “we the people” MUST vote out as many republicans (especially in the Senate) as possible.

This is where I have to talk about the democrats. They are facing the most important 18 months of my lifetime and if they continue to act timidly in the face of individual 1’s obvious attempt to “take over” America – to his personal benefit – “we the people” will lose much of what our fathers/mothers and grandfathers/mothers (and great grandfathers/mothers probably for MOST) FOUGHT for during the Great Depression and WW II. And, as I said above – SHAME on the baby boomers who’ve signed on to the individual 1 ATTACK on our nation. We’ve benefited for years from the benefits handed down by our fore bearers and, now, so many are willing to sell out to a demigod because of “fear of the other.” We are ALL immigrants (even the forefathers of Native Americans immigrated here thousands of years ago) and it’s time for the fear mongering to end – at least when it comes to the “least of these.” Individual 1 and the republicans MUST go! If you want to fear something, it’s what they’re attempting to do – check the history books circa 1930’s Germany! (While Individual 1 continues to give democrats his derogatory names I’m waiting for one of the democrats to call individual 1 “Draft Dodger Don.”)

Final Thought: As far as I’m concerned, I do NOT want a candidate who’s, like President Obama, going to “look forward instead of back.” I want individual 1, I want William Barr, I want Steve Mnuchin, and I want people like Devin Nunez who were complicit in the OBSTRUCTION of Mueller’s investigation to face LEGAL jeopardy for their actions. If individual 1 is truly operating a mini crime syndicate I want him to face a RICO charge. I want our Justice Department to PROVE that NO ONE is above the law – in a way that will prevent this type of political carnage from EVER happening again – and, I’m talking about everything but MOSTLY the partnering with foreign governments to gain political advantage.

As I’m writing this it’s being reported that Rudy Giuliani is on his way to Ukraine in a mission designed to undermine Joe Biden’s campaign. Evidently, that is who individual 1 fears the most. To me, the difference from what happened in 2016 with the Russians to what Rudy Giuliani is doing in Ukraine is minute – other than their brazenous has now caused them to think they can do it in “plain sight.” I can only imagine what kind of “encouragement” they’re giving to the Ukraine government!?

I started this post a few days ago and decided to re-read it and since, I’ve received the “Mueller report.” Well, I’m only part way through volume 1 (maybe 25%) and, holy cow, everyone seems to be talking about “did he obstruct or not?” Well, I haven’t gotten to that part yet, but I can tell you the EVIDENCE of COLLUSION (which Mueller is clear to say is NOT what they were investigating – “collusion” does not fall into the “criminal code”) is EVERYWHERE you “look” in the report – and, that is despite much of what I’ve read so far being affected by MANY parts which are redacted. Despite the redactions, and, to me no matter how Barr “spins” the report, individual 1 AND members of his campaign CLEARLY were welcoming the “help” from Russia. Additionally, there are indications in the part I’ve read which would suggest there was no conspiracy charge because the “Office” (as Mueller refers to the investigators) was unable to prove a connection between Russia and the individual 1 campaign which could be charged and proved beyond a reasonable doubt – even though the inference is there that there was a conspiracy. Mueller states there was much LYING and obfuscating making their investigation more difficult and, in some cases, preventing a definitive conclusion from being made. The HOUSE really needs to have the investigations which bring all of this EVIDENCE to “light.”

Ultimately, people like individual 1 come to believe the laws are intended to be applied to others (like “immigrants”).

Every time I tell myself that anyone of the democratic candidates will defeat individual 1 in a landslide I have to remind myself of the EXTREMES republicans will go to remain in power. And, of course, they are very unhappy with democrats presently controlling the House of Representatives and they’re busy attempting to LIE and CHEAT their way back into control of that body – PLUS, they face a similar challenge as to what democrats faced in the 2018 mid-term in regard to the Senate. Essentially there are two republican held Senate seats up for election in 2020 to every democratic seat. Individual 1 is historically unpopular, he’s likely to be IMPEACHED before 2020 begins (of course, we’re talking about democrats here – so, I suppose I shouldn’t use the term “likely” and, instead, should say “SHOULD BE”) and “progressives” (liberals, if you will) are FIRED up! It should be a “slam dunk” – correct???

Well, if you’ve been paying close attention to what’s been going on since Robert Mueller’s “report” was completed – nothing in America, at this point in our history, is a “slam dunk.” The brazenous, obfuscation, and outright willingness to LIE which has permeated the republican party to dimensions well beyond anything I’ve witnessed in the past five, or so, DECADES is chilling. Today, again, it was William Barr. This man, who, sadly, is America’s Attorney General, is wedging himself into the history books right between individual 1 and Benedict Arnold. Personally, I was never any kind of a “fan” of Barr’s, but I’ve listened to many former members of the Justice Department who claimed they wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt after he auditioned for his present job by claiming the president “can not commit OBSTRUCTION of Justice.” (I suppose, unless he/she is a democrat) Personally, I was NEVER fooled!

Barr is clearly proving to be individual 1’s “Roy Cohn” – which makes individual 1 exponentially more dangerous. While individual 1 comes across as a “sick puppy,” who has little knowledge of American history (ie – for one example – Frederick Douglass is on longer with us), and is clearly a pathological LIAR, a serial Narcissist (I made up the “serial” part in an attempt to convey the extreme nature of individual 1’s narcissism), a racist, a misogynist, and a xenophobe – he has an iron “grip” on the republican party and MOST republican legislatures actually act as if they’re in FEAR of being targeted by an individual 1 “tweet.” Some of these republicans are becoming disgusting in their own rights. The first name that comes to my mind is Lindsey Graham because I, now knowing better, once pictured him as the republican who would lead the sanity back into the republican party. Aint happenin………………..

Today was Barr’s day to further soil himself as he testified (LIED) in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee which is now “chaired” by Graham, himself. As an independent who’s had to claim an allegiance to the democratic party for several years now in online surveys because the republicans no longer offer an option to anyone who believes in what “made America great,” it grieves my heart listening to Graham these days – someone who I could, at one time, respect despite my differences. Him and John McCain seemed to be like “two peas from the same pod” but, obviously, that was a mirage. Obviously, thinking we can overcome the “partisan divide” at this point in time is a “fools errand.” President Obama frustrated people like me in his futile attempt to bring “bipartisanship” into the norm in Washington – as, it was earlier in my lifetime. Barr showed today why that “pipe dream” was/is “folly” and has clearly brought the threat of individual 1’s attack on our very basic institutions to the forefront making it definitely time for “all hands on deck.”

Here’s the first thing that came to my mind after listening to Barr LIE to Congress in ways that he can probably avoid a perjury charge due to the caginess of his obfuscation. The solution to all this is that it’s time for Robert Mueller to take his place as an American hero once again. Mueller MUST step forward ASAP and begin the process of “clearing the air.” America’s constitution has survived for well over 200 years and I can’t bring myself to believe that a thug like individual 1 will be the “mechanism” that destroys it. I believe people like Mueller will NOT allow that to happen. Over and over we’ve seen how individual 1 seems to cause people to “cower in their boots.” The latest example was Rod Rosenstein – who submitted about the strangest letter of resignation I’ve ever witnessed; kissing up to individual 1 after taking his wrath for two years. (Similar to how Mitch McConnell soiled himself at the “whim” of dear leader, among others – as if all these republicans are living in fear) I can’t bring myself to believe Robert Mueller will ever allow himself to fall into that category – if he does, we’re doomed.

People like me are EXPECTING the democrats to FIGHT for the soul of this nation. This idea that LYING is simply routine coming from politicians and others (like Barr) in Washington and, therefore, is acceptable, MUST be stopped in a dramatic fashion. That means Barr SHOULD face accountability for his LIES in front of Congress (I do remember GW Bush’s Attorney General LYING repeatedly to Congress with no accountability so …….. the dems had the House back then as well) and individual 1 MUST face accountability for not only ALL the LYING but ALL the rest of it as well. If individual 1 doesn’t face LEGAL jeopardy and, yes, I’m talking about JAIL, then our system is not proving itself to be able to live up to the standards put forth by our founding fathers. We are definitely in a CONSTITUTIONAL crisis and the outcome won’t be clear until individual 1 is forced to “face the music” for his disdain directed at the constitution and the LEGAL framework ensuing from it.

How many times have you heard he phrase “We are a nation of laws and not men” over the years? I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count it by using them and my hair is thinning so…………… Here’s the reality: individual 1 is making a strong push to lay the groundwork to change that part of our foundation – he believes we are a nation that depends on HIM and no one else. If you just put a little thought to it, you can see the incredible danger in that. He’s NOT the solution to our problems, WE are the solution and it’s time for “we the people” to put an end to this nightmare. And, as I stated above, the challenge will be daunting – for a number of reasons.

Maybe the biggest part of the challenge will be individual 1’s claim that he’s responsible for a good economy if the recovery which started in 2009 and has been on a straight line upward (if you can picture a graph) since continues. I, personally, believe it’s going to face a “downturn” in the next year (which, somehow, republicans will blame on democrats) but, to me, it matters NOT what’s going on with the economy, individual 1 is a lawless thug and he’s destroying the fabric of America – for the “long haul.” And, in regard to the economy, as republicans always do (at least since the days of Reagan), they pour “gas” on the “fire” because they are always indebted to their “investors” – the wealthy “donor class.” That’s why they passed a serious tax scam – while the economy was already booming (Thanks to Obama, Geitner, and others) – the traditional republican short term thinking at the expense of the long term.

So, while individual 1 will be spouting about how he created this booming economy (of course, just one of THOUSANDS of LIES) we won’t hear a “peep” out of republicans about the mounting national debt which was made much worse by the tax scam. President Obama and his administration had reduced the annual deficit from the $1.5 TRILLION (yes, TRILLION and that’s per year!) he inherited from the LAST republican administration to around $400 BILLION per year when he left office – and, it was on a straight line downward trajectory – just like the economy was on a straight line trajectory upward. Well, it’s true that during individual 1’s time in office that upward trajectory has continued in regard to the economy in general, BUT the downward trajectory of the deficit has taken a HUGE turn in the other direction.

The annual deficit is projected to be over $800 BILLION this year (Fiscal 2019) and is expected to exceed one TRILLION dollars in 2020. The tax scam was essentially a SCAM to funnel taxpayer dollars into the pocketbooks of the wealthiest Americans along with corporations which were already HOARDING trillions in cash. Somehow, in my mind, that’s a recipe for long term disaster – maybe inflation or, worse yet, another “Great Recession” – which, if it happens under individual 1’s “watch” I, personally, have NO confidence in the ability of him or those around him to figure out how to “stem the tide.” Again, regardless of where the economy is when it comes to the 2020 election it is imperative he be voted out of office by “we the people.” That is the ultimate “check” on an administrator who abuses his power and disregards our constitution and the legal system it birthed.

One question I will be asking any democratic candidate i will be considering giving my support is “Are you going to hold these republican lawbreakers accountable after the election.” One reason I believe individual 1 is threatening to “jail” Ms. Clinton, Comey, McCabe, and the others is because he believes his threats will prevent them (and democrats) from going after him post election in 2021. It’s as if he’s getting them “on the record” as stating this would be the work of a “Banana republic” and getting them to state, again, “on the record,” that is not how it’s done in America, traditionally over the years. (Obama, for example, “looked forward instead of back” in regard to the ILLEGAL activity of the Bush/Cheney regime – a decision which certainly contributed to the rise of individual 1 – republicans view democrats as “scardy cats”) In essence, he’s laying the groundwork for his own defense – down the road – using their own words.

Of course, individual 1 is already an unindicted co-conspirator to two felonies and there’s likely more charges coming his way and his family’s way “down the pike.” (Remember, Mueller “passed off” something in the neighborhood of 12 additional cases at the end of his investigation and I’d, personally, be surprised if individual 1 Jr. and/or Jared Kushner weren’t the target of at least one of them) I’m presently reading “Kushner, Inc.” by Vicky Ward (as I anxiously await the Mueller report – my next “read”) and it would surprise me MORE if there were NO charges aimed at Kushner than if there were charges. As I’m reading this book I’m beginning to think he may be more “slimy” than his father-in-law – if that’s possible. They’re certainly “cut from the same cloth.”

To me, there’s an obvious reason why individual 1, with the help of his “Roy Cohn,” (Barr) has increased the attacks on Mueller and is attempting to BLOCK any information – via either document or personal witness – from testifying at the House investigations. (They will even attempt to prevent Mueller from testifying) Not only do they want to prevent the TRUTH from permeating the Fox “news,” Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh et al, “firewall” in regards to individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION (which, as far as I’m concerned, Barr is now part of) but, I believe, they’re “laying the groundwork” to challenge the potential charges individual 1’s family members may be facing. This is classic, from what I’ve read, as to how mob families FIGHT the justice system while they constantly are dodging liability for their illegal actions. Ultimately, people like individual 1 come to believe the laws are intended to be applied to others (like “immigrants”). They need unscrupulous lawyers to succeed – ie William Barr!

Final Thought: One of the saddest parts of this entire “saga” is watching what being associated with individual 1 does to people. You can go down the list: Sean Spicer will be forever soiled by his willingness to LIE for this man – and, in Sarah Sander’s case add an exponent. I, personally, will NEVER forget listening to individual 1’s cabinet “pledging allegiance” to him on camera – and the one that really sticks out was Reince Priebus PATHETICALLY thanking individual 1 for the “honor” of being able to LIE for him. And, of course, the most recent example was Rod Rosenstein – someone who COULD have walked away from this with his head held high and, instead, chose to place himself in the “gutter” right next to the person who degraded him for almost two years by essentially thanking him for the degradation. Go figure! And, of course, Barr – who many respected lawyers thought just might be an “honest broker” when it came time to release the result of Mueller’s investigation and, instead, chose the LYING and obfuscating in a not at all subtle – but, sadly, it appears, successful – attempt to guide the public’s perception away from the TRUTH of what Mueller actually found.

Of course, as in almost all LIES, the TRUTH will eventually come out, it’s just a matter of time and, in this instance, much depends on the ability of democrats in Congress to actually uphold their duty to the constitution to bring out the TRUTH prior to the eventuality it all makes it into the history books. Which leads me to what COULD end up being the actual SADDEST part in all of this.

There are reports I’ve heard – based on various “polls” – that the American public, ie “we the people,” don’t care about the Mueller report. As someone whose father was in the Army during WW II, whose grandfathers struggled to support their families (and neighborhoods) during the “Great Depression,” who grew up listening to his (mine) parents discussing “Eisenhower or Stevenson,” who graduated from high school around the time of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and would have gone to Viet Nam save for an injured knee (no bone spurs), it truly grieves my heart that these reports MIGHT even be correct. And the reality, from those who I see and talk to in my “everyday life,” is that hardly anyone gets their information anywhere but from the cable “news” outlets. This is an atmosphere that makes it possible for a demigod to come along and try to convince “we the people” he’s the solution. I’ll say it again, WE are the solution and the first step in saving America from this right wing assault which began in 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan is to vote individual 1, along with as many of his republican enablers as possible, out of office and into the history books in November 2020. (I’ve been writing about the need to vote out republicans for many years – prior to individual 1)

Even if democrats do the right thing and hold impeachment hearings, it will be up to “we the people” to provide the ultimate “check” our founders put into the constitution to prevent what has happened from getting worse – because, if we fail to remove individual 1 in 2020 America will become unrecognizable. It’s clear that the DAMAGE caused by individual 1 will permeate for years after he’s gone, but getting him out of office “sooner rather than later” – after watching Barr the other day and contemplating how that enables individual 1 even more than what the republican party has done – is of an imperative I NEVER expected to feel in my lifetime! “We the people” came through in 2018 – we need to do so in a more resounding fashion in 2020!

I guess I should have said “Final Thoughts.” :o)

Impeachment should not only be “on the table” – it should be the centerpiece of the table!

People in Western Europe and others around the world who’ve been traditional allies of America have to be almost beyond “scratching their heads.” They must be getting beyond “what the hell is happening in the U.S.” to realizing the right wing neo-Nazi movement in America is spreading across Europe like dry-rot spreads across a piece of wood or wooden structure if not addressed. And, the way I see it, if “we the people” don’t keep the pressure up on our only avenue to stop this, the democratic party, to FIGHT this scourge as if our “lives” depend on it – because, to a certain degree, they do. This really is getting serious!

In fact, it’s getting much more serious than I had anticipated after individual 1 used the Russians and an ill-timed announcement from James Comey to “win” the 2016 U.S. presidential election – albeit, with 3 MILLION less votes than the girl he was running against. Make no mistake, individual 1 has commandeered the republican party and they will go along with whatever “monkey business” their corrupt “leader” is willing to accept. There will be various “strategies” used to prevent as many democratic leaning voters from actually voting as they can get away with and, of course, the Russians (and who knows who else) will be sneaking into the process via social media (which, of course, as an old geezer, I don’t participate in – other than this “blog” if that’s “social media).

How are the republicans complicit? Well, I ask that for anyone who’s had their “head in the sand.” If you’re one of the MILLIONS of people paying attention to the reality we are now living through, you pretty much know what I’m talking about – although, I read book after book to gain as much “knowledge” as I can and even when I’m talking to “progressives” I get the sense we live in a world which is defined by those who publish the headlines or the cable network “talking points.” We are living in a world that is being overwhelmed by misinformation and being over-run by people lacking a conscience who will do anything for MONEY. I’ve been lamenting for over 30 years (almost 40) about how our nation has normalized the idea that shareholders are more important than workers, for example. The result of that change in our national mentality, started in the Reagan years – when the “trickle down” scam was initiated – is, or should be, obvious to “we the people.” If you’re not familiar, well, this was the “fertilizer” that has helped “sprout” the dangerous issue of income inequality which is helping to fuel the political divide in America – which Vladimir Putin is doing whatever he can to exacerbate.

And, of course, individual 1 and his sycophants, along with Putin among other foreign leaders we may never learn about, are “pouring gas” on this “fire.” Individual 1 is ginning up his “uneducated base” with rhetoric that is almost unbelievable. The LYING has almost become totally accepted by possibly more than his ignorant base. It’s like those of us who are sick of this man “leading” our nation are just tiring of saying the same thing over and over again – in regard to calling out his LIES – and, then watching his followers cheer comments that are despicable. (As I’ve said many times on this site, the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels, which has been adopted by individual 1, works!) It almost makes my stomach turn writing this. This past weekend I heard him making remarks suggesting democrats support “late term abortions” where the doctor and mother determine whether or not to “execute” the baby AFTER the birth. Yikes!

Of course, individual 1’s rhetoric (LIES), as I’ve said, have become pretty much normalized, but the DAMAGE coming from his “White House” goes way beyond the rhetoric. Robert Mueller, recently, for example, published a report which CLEARLY “suggests” individual 1 – as ANYONE who’s been paying attention already knew – committed OBSTRUCTION of justice and individual 1’s “Roy Cohn” – ie William Barr – unbelievably headed off the public outcry by claiming individual 1 was exonerated by the report. Well, he didn’t put it that way – he simply said he determined there was no “obstruction” – the conclusion he was clearly hired to provide. He gave this conclusion weeks prior to releasing the redacted report, and then, incredibly, the very day he released the redacted portion of the report he released, he gave a press conference where he clearly LIED about what was in the report. Incredible!

Well, you might ask, was his LYING effective? Obviously, if you’re like me (I ordered the report via Barnes and Noble) you’ve watched the comments by experts, like for example, Chuck Rosenberg, who have explained what is actually in the report. So, I KNOW the report did NOT clear individual 1 of OBSTRUCTION of justice – Mueller simply was honoring the Justice Department “rule” that you don’t indict a sitting president right from the start – but, I had breakfast a few days after Barr’s unprecedented spin job on the report with a couple friends who are supporters of individual 1. (I even referred to him as “individual 1” at breakfast and one of my friends looked at me as if to say “where did that come from” – he wasn’t even aware that individual 1 is an “unindicted co-conspirator” to two felonies – although, that didn’t seem to bother him that much) Both of my friends were totally convinced by Barr that individual 1 did nothing wrong and the problem is with the democrats. One of them guaranteed there will be investigations of, essentially, individual 1’s “enemies” – meaning democrats and those in the FBI and CIA who had the audacity to oppose him. (or in the case of the FBI and CIA to investigate him upon learning of the “Russia thing”)

Now, Barr is threatening to boycott the House Judiciary Committee because they won’t allow him to dictate the terms of his testimony. Additionally, individual 1 is attempting to BLOCK any of his present or former sycophants from being called to testify in front of ANY of the House committees which are attempting to provide the OVERSIGHT which has been TOTALLY missing since he took his oath of office – an “oath” which clearly meant NOTHING. Individual 1 has, again, shown his IGNORANCE when he stated “These House committees are being run by partisans” – or words to that effect. My first thought when hearing him say that was, “Are you sh#@ting me?” Was he suggesting the former chairs of the House committees, republicans, were not partisans? Of course, what he’s suggesting is he doesn’t want the TRUTH to be exposed to the American people in a way that William Barr cannot block.

Individual 1 is morphing into more than what people like me were suggesting much earlier in his “administration” when we pointed out his autocratic tendencies. He’s now pushing himself into more and more of an actual autocrat wannabee. Unfortunately, for him, we still have a constitution – which he clearly wants to ignore – and he’s trying to circumvent it – to me, this behavior is consistent with my suggestions over the past 18 months that he reminds me of a mafia boss. Those similarities are becoming more clear by the day. And, you can tell how desperate he is by listening into the incredibly divisive rhetoric such as what he spewed in Wisconsin this past weekend – where he suggested doctors and mothers are “executing” babies and democrats are in support. People like the two friends I mentioned earlier actually believe what he says – I even asked one, “Do you believe individual 1 LIES?” and, essentially, he said he doesn’t believe this. I’ll say it once again, “The Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels – from the Third Reich – works, that’s why individual 1 uses it!

So, as usual, it takes me more than a day to finish one of these posts. I try to keep my “train of thought” going, but it’s hard – and, the “scandal a day” administration in America makes it even harder. So, tonight was no different. I spent the day driving around with my wife which means I wasn’t listening to the radio in the car. When I got home I decided to check in with MSNBC – to get the news my aforementioned friends NEVER get, because they watch Fox (ie individual 1 TV). So, tonight it was reported in the Washington Post (and, apparently, the NY Times) that Robert Mueller wrote a letter to William Barr right after Barr’s original “4 page summary” of Mueller’s report complaining about the misleading nature of Barr’s “summary.” Of course, in my view, being “misleading” was actually the PURPOSE of Barr’s “summary.” That being said, it was reported the letter was followed by a phone conversation – both of which may put Barr in very serious legal jeopardy.

Of course, Barr’s summary was followed by a very strange and unusual “press conference” hours before the redacted version of Mueller’s report was released where Barr LIED to “we the people” about what was in the report – again, causing people like my two friends to believe individual 1 was exonerated. Barr, for example, said there was “no collusion” at least four times when Mueller clearly said they weren’t even looking for “collusion.” Further, in congressional testimony, Barr appears to have LIED to Congress in regard to his referencing his own “summary” and whether Mueller agreed with it. Barr seems to have no compunction to LYING under oath to Congress just as to the American people. Apparently, members of Congress have already sent a letter to the Inspector General about Barr’s “inaccurate” testimony. A growing number of members of Congress are demanding Barr’s resignation – but, based on his arrogance I wouldn’t be recommending anyone hold their breath.

Individual 1 will continue to attempt BLOCKING the impending Congressional investigations which are going to be looking into every aspect of his alleged corruption. However, I believe the TRUTH is going to make its way into the public’s “mainstream” and even my two friends who watch Fox “news” – knowing they’re stooges to propaganda – (They know this because I point it out to them – when you care about someone it’s important to tell them the truth – even when it’s uncomfortable.) For years I’ve been lamenting the timidity of the democratic party and I’m beginning to believe individual 1’s arrogance in regards to putting himself above the law is helping democrats grow a stronger spine. Even though the “leaders” of the democratic party were seen walking out of the “White House” supposedly after negotiations on an infrastructure bill – there were enough democratic members of the House further outraged by the latest “daily scandal” that maybe – just maybe – they will take aggressive action to hold individual 1 (and Barr, for that matter) to account. What’s that “I” word? It should not only be “on the table” – it should be the centerpiece of the table!

Final Thought: Thanks (again) for your forgiveness of my publishing this post without editing!