Now, the first step in “Making America Great Again” will be getting individual 1 out of office!

I started writing in this “blog” – to me, it’s my place to “vent” and somehow thousands of people have found it – after GW Bush/D Cheney LIED America into an ill advised and disastrous invasion of Iraq. If you’ve been here much at all, you know I’m no fan of the republican party and my view of them has continually deteriorated since the “rise” of the so-called “tea party” – which has morphed into the party of individual 1. Clearly, the rise of “white nationalism” is not just an American issue, but is spreading throughout the Western world and, of course, who do you find “fanning the flames” in virtually every instance? Of course, I’m referring to Vladimir Putin. It’s almost as if he’s “betting” on a surge of neo-Nazi regimes around the world allowing him to recreate the “former” Soviet Union.

Putin can’t do this without the “help” of America and, of course, he’s got the perfect stooge in individual 1 which he managed to “nudge” into the “White House” via his cyber warriors and their strategy which they refer to as “active measures.” They’re doing this everywhere and the results have been very good for Putin. The Russian leader and his computer hackers extraordinaire (along with individual 1 and his former advisor Steve Bannon) managed to trick Great Britain into believing a break with the European Union would be a great idea – and we now have the Brit’s trying to figure out how to “Brexit.” Neo-Fascism is spreading across Europe like a bad disease and, under normal circumstances, you’d have the American leaders at the forefront of stopping it – but, of course, these are not “normal” times and individual 1 is no “normal” leader.

In fact, yesterday it was reported that individual 1 and, therefore, “we the people,” were the ONLY nation in the Western world failing to sign on to a plan to stop the spread of “White Nationalism” via social media [ie the Russians] propaganda – which radicalizes people who attack places of worship like what happened in Christ Church New Zealand – because, of all reasons, “freedom of speech.” This alliance was formed to fight against the radicalization of neo-Nazi’s who’ve attacked both Jewish and Muslim places of worship in the recent past and have publicly aligned themselves with individual 1. Just like those carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi arm bands, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” – none of these people who believe killing Jews or Muslims are “very fine people” – to use the words of individual 1.

Just yesterday individual 1 WELCOMED the president of Hungary (Viktor Orban) into the “White House” – another of the rising authoritarian “White nationalist” leaders around the world individual 1 seems to both admire and envy. (along with Putin, for example, there’s been Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan of Turkey, and the authoritarian leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia to name a few) Many of these leaders are clear supporters of antisemitism which really makes one wonder about individual 1’s “bromance” with Netanyahu of Israel – but, who knows, the world feels like it may explode at any moment. Individual 1 bringing Orban into the “White House” is similar to his putting Kim jong-un on the international “stage” with NO apparent benefit for the United States.

No American president of recent “vintage” would have allowed Orban into the “Oval Office” and, of course, they would NEVER have “hoisted” Kim onto the international “stage” where he was longing to stand without something more than a “love letter.” Worst than ALL this, to me, is the incredible disintegration of the republican party into a group of feeble sycophants willing to accept ANYTHING der leader throws their way. The before (individual 1) and after of some of these republicans kind of makes your stomach churn if you’re someone who actually believes in what MADE America “great” in the first place.

Now, the first step in “Making America Great Again” will be getting individual 1 out of office! What he has accomplished was getting all the right wing racists, misogynists, and xenophobes out from under the rocks so that the slow festering of their racism can be publicly dealt with. In addition, “we the people” can, should, and hopefully will take an HONEST look at how “uneducated” so many of our citizens really are. Of course, many are just too busy doing life to pay much attention to “politics” and they allow themselves to be intellectually manipulated by sound bites and headlines – along with allowing themselves to frequent media outlets espousing pure propaganda – ie, outlets like Fox “news.” It’s been proven these outlets “dumb down” the American people.

Here’s an example of how both ignorant and racially biased so many Americans are – ostensibly as a result of the effect of outlets like Fox: I read about a poll taken by a company in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania of 3200 Americans – the poll was taken randomly, I believe. It was a poll about math education of all things. One of the questions was “should arabic numbers be taught in school?” Of course, “arabic” numbers are the numbers we all grew up struggling with in math class – the numbers in the base ten system that start with 1, then 2, and so forth to infinity. You probably “get” where this is going. 56% of the respondents to the poll said “NO” to the question – meaning “arabic” numbers should NOT be taught in our schools. I saw that and wanted to laugh out loud until I realized the TWO things it meant. (And, I was a sixth grade teacher for over 20 years – I really hope none of my former students were in that poll)

The first thing that came to mind was the level of “education” among “we the people.” Personally, I assumed MOST Americans would know our number system is compiled of “arabic numerals.” Obviously, I was wrong. Secondly, the result of this poll shows the level of racial bias/animosity simmering among many of the people making up America’s “public.” I mean, why would anyone object to “arabic” numerals – even if they didn’t know what an “arabic” numeral was right off the top of their head, unless the name associated it with – well, let’s just say “Arabs?” And, why would that bother them anyway? I don’t want to put anymore of my personal thoughts down because, as I’m writing this, I’m getting an understanding of my own prejudice in regard to people who choose ignorance. And, as I’ve said recently, I’ve grown much less patient with people choosing willful ignorance because the “stakes” are getting much higher.

Many of my friends who still choose to be affiliated with the republican party are members of the church I choose to continue supporting. I don’t initiate the conversations there in regard to politics or individual 1 but I no longer allow them to make comments in support of him without my responding. And, often times (in fact, almost always) I get a regurgitation of the latest Fox propaganda – I even have a friend I went to high school with (we graduated in 1965) who refers to Sean Hannity as “Sean” – as if they’re friends. I can no longer stomach more than a passing “hi” to this person, sadly, because if I provide him with some FACTS he starts yelling and saying, “You’re not going to change my mind.” It’s a fruitless enterprise. (I once said, “if I give you a book to read, will you read it?” to which he answered, “No, I haven’t read anything – except my Bible – since I was in High School.” – and, this type of encounter with supporters of individual 1 is not at all unusual – and, it certainly makes me wonder what’s in his Bible that is so different from what is in mine)

So, I’m working my way through the “Mueller Report” and I can flatly state, “There WAS collusion.” As I’ve said, I haven’t gotten to the “obstruction” part yet (Volume II), but, as far as I’m concerned, there’s more than enough in Volume i to cause any Congress which is not ruled by political polls to initiate an impeachment investigation. “Collusion” may not be “illegal” but, to me, if we don’t make it clear that “partnering” with foreign governments to effect our election is “no way to get elected” this nation is headed for third world status. The “stuff” just keeps happening and our traditional allies around the world are shaking their collective heads as they gear up to FIGHT this right wing plague in their own nations with no help from the U.S. If fact, they see individual 1 as their opposition! Sad!

And, what, to me, is sadder, is the continued timidity of the democratic party. Individual 1 is taunting them – with a stone-walling “play out the clock” strategy (I believe Mueller cut off his investigation as he could see the “wall” of the election threatening any accountability for individual 1 from Congress looming) and, the democrats are saying they’ll NOT be “taunted” into starting an impeachment probe. Well, soon it WILL be too late and, maybe as it should be, “we the people” will be charged with ending the present regime. While democrats are failing to act, individual 1 and his “Roy Cohn” ie William Barr are attacking the FBI as if the original investigation was “illegal spying.” Today, individual 1 actually used the term “treason” in a “tweet” – talk about “projection.”

I’ve lived through Watergate, I’ve lived through the Clinton “impeachment” (over a “blow job” – and, trust me, Clinton’s behavior [sex with a young intern – in the Oval Office no less] made my stomach “churn.” I have a couple daughters about the same age as Ms. Lewinsky), I’ve lived through Bush/Cheney doing a “deja vu” on Viet Nam and authorizing TORTURE will holding “enemy combatants” indefinitely with no ability to defend themselves – simply based on, well, who knows what. (I still remember reading about how Afghan warlords were “turning in” their enemies for a few thousand dollars and whoever that enemy was may still be at Guantanamo. “Enemy combatants” were herded into trucks with no ventilation and, when they arrived at the “black sites” where they were likely scheduled for TORTURE entire truckloads had suffocated. That reality, as far as I could see, never made it to our “liberal media.”

Now, I’m living through a pathological LYING narcissist of the most extreme nature, who’s also a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and someone who is using strategies from the Third Reich and acts more like a Mob Boss than a politician. With an Attorney General who is a willing LIAR as well – and, I say that with confidence after just the part of what I’ve read already in the “Mueller Report” (Barr said there was “no collusion” several times in his extraordinary press conference hours before the redacted report was released. I’ve heard all the claims about his LYING in regard to “OBSTRUCTION” – but, there WAS “collusion” – without a doubt.) – individual 1, therefore, becomes much more dangerous. Barr heads up the Justice Department, for heaven’s sake.

I’ve been saying this for years, “unfortunately, ‘we the people’ have no choice but to look to the democratic party to put a stop to this right wing takeover of OUR government. Well, the dems are now clearly “on the spot” and I’m certainly not certain as to whether they will come through or not. If they’re waiting for the republicans to join them in some kind of “bipartisan” look at the “Mueller Report” what I would say is “don’t hold your breath.” I’ve said for years the biggest weakness of the democratic party has been the image they are afraid to defend their own fundamental beliefs. We saw that with the Affordable Care Act – they wouldn’t even talk about it until individual 1 made it popular. I believe if they don’t AGGRESSIVELY work to put the Mueller Report before the American people – likely via impeachment – I believe that will be among the worst mistakes of the last 30 years.

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