Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Supreme Court is at stake in this election and if “we the people” want any hope of overturning “Citizens United” Trump CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO WIN!

I still clearly remember back in 1980 (and before) when I started noticing republican politicians, at that time it was Ronald Reagan, making up the “facts” as they “went.”  Since then, most people I know have concluded that “all politicians are liars,” although, in my mind, there is a difference between “spinning” information to your point of view and out and out lying.  If you’ve never read “The Family” by Jeff Sharlett, I would highly recommend it.  Sharlett infiltrated what, at the time, was called the “C Street House” which was the home of a group of “conservative” politicians who were, and I’m sure still are, connected in a very secretive network of “leaders” who believe in authoritarian principles of government.  In order to succeed, lie if it’s necessary.

This group formed back in the thirties as opponents of FDR, the “New Deal,” and the labor movement which brought many of the privileges those of us in the working class have been taking for granted ever since.  They believe in “the end justifies the means” philosophy, and they were the ones who associated themselves with people from the Third Reich who managed to avoid the war criminal prosecutions post WW II.  Some of the world leaders they’ve invited into their “cells” include people like Suharto of Indonesia, who was one of the most brutal and corrupt leaders in the world – but, he was celebrated by this group (known internally as “The Family”) because of his authoritarian personality.  Some of the others they admired: Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and in today’s world Putin.  I’m sure you’re beginning to see where I’m going with this.  While I don’t know for sure that Donald Trump is part of this group, based on his clear admiration of Vladimir Putin and his own Fascist, authoritarian tendencies, I’m guessing he’s somehow part of their cabal.

I’ve pointed this out many times on this website, but one of their main “strategies” – and, now I’m talking about those in the “Family” and by connection, those members of the republican party that have pushed that party over the right wing edge – is the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda for the Third Reich.  This is the philosophy Fox (so called) “news” has been built on and over the past few years it’s the general philosophy of the right wing pundits, “talkers,” and politicians.  It’s as if they’re all programmed from the same computer and they spew the LIES over and over until people begin to believe their LIES are actually true.  Reagan was good at this – it was as if he believed his own fairy tales as they spewed from his lips.  (The past three republican presidents – and many of their surrogates, should all have been prosecuted for illegal activity)  GW Bush was very good at this and Dick Cheney was near the master.  However, I believe they all have to take a back seat to Donald Trump.  The other day I “googled” to see if anyone was comparing the “lies” of Hillary Clinton to those of Donald Trump. One site which had done so compared them like this:  Clinton’s lies are like “misdemeanors” Trumps are like “Felonies.”  I thought that was pretty prescient.  I believe it was “Politico” which had compared over 200 claims by both Clinton and Trump and it wasn’t even close.  In fact, Trump had more “whoppers” (4 “Pinocchios”) than all the other 20 presidential candidates combined.

I bring this up because most people I talk to who don’t want to vote for Hillary Clinton say it’s because she’s such a liar.  Yet, they’re going to vote for Donald Trump.  Now, that doesn’t make any sense, but when you check out our “liberal media” it becomes more clear.  As I’ve said many times, when I can stomach to listen/watch “news” I tune in MSNBC.  They are supposed to – at least that’s the impression I’ve been given – be the “liberal” counterweight to Fox (supposed) “news.”  Well, MSNBC has given Trump an unbelievable amount of FREE airtime – broadcasting many of his “speeches” in their entirety.  Yes, some of the commentators on MSNBC attempt to call out Trump on the absurdity of some of his comments, but, they also allow him to “get away” with one LIE after another regarding Mrs. Clinton, Barack Obama, the government in general, the military, and I could go on, without any sign (that I’ve seen) of FACT CHECKING.  This is exactly what Ronald Reagan was allowed to do back in 1980 – so, it makes me wonder “what’s up?”  Are they simply trying to keep this election close – to improve their ratings?  Or is there more to it?

Keep in mind that republicans have passed voter suppression laws in several states that are designed to prevent something in the neighborhood of 10 MILLION people, mostly those in areas that tend to vote democratic, from voting.  They own the companies that produce the electronic voting machines that are easily hacked, and people all around the world are already wondering how this election can even be close with the republicans putting up a candidate that is clearly not QUALIFIED for the office, and has the potential for MAJOR disaster should he succeed in November.  (I haven’t heard ANYONE in the “liberal” media talking about this.)  Also, if you remember 1980, there was a 3rd party candidate that allowed Reagan to win (John Anderson), in 2000 there was Ralph Nader – who’s ego couldn’t allow him to see the damage another Bush presidency would bring, and this year there’s libertarians who clearly have NO CHANCE and are taking more votes from Clinton than Trump – it’s like Deja Vu all over again. (I’m guessing republican insiders are funneling money to the libertarian candidates)

Hillary Clinton has been bludgeoned by the “liberal media” (with the help of a right wing in the republican party that is creating “scandal” after “scandal” – none of which EVER proves to be worthy of the effort and expense they go through. (ie “Benghazi”) It’s as if they are constantly “beating the dead horse” as the saying goes.  One of their leaders actually admitted that the Benghazi hearings were designed to damage Mrs. Clinton’s “poll numbers.”  And, of course, when you listen to Trump’s surrogates, their answer to EVERY question regarding their (incompetent) candidate is “But, Hillary Clinton……..”  Their entire campaign is predicated on attacking Mrs. Clinton – and, mostly with LIES!  They are good at this, and the “liberal media” is allowing them to get away with it – rarely challenging the veracity of anything that comes from the mouth of Trump or his minions.

I managed to listen to a bit of MSNBC today and (apparently) the latest “scandal” has to do with Clinton referring to Trump’s supporters (or, I think it was half of them???) as a “box of deplorables.”  Of course, she was referring to the racists, the misogynists, the xenophobes, homophobes, etc.  I found it interesting that the person MSNBC was interviewing, who claimed Trump and him (Mike Pense) would never encourage someone like David Duke (presumably one of the “deplorables” although I didn’t hear him say that) to support their campaign was the Vice Presidential candidate himself, Mr. Pense.  And, of course, he’s the governor of Indiana who implemented an anti-gay law that caused people like the governor of my home state (Washington) to ban state funded travel to Indiana.  And, while no one on MSNBC brought that up, in response to Mr. Pense claiming they did not want the support of Duke, the former head of the KKK (I’m sure it was a “wink, wink” comment) the “reporter” for MSNBC failed to question Pense on the FACT that Trump’s CEO, Steve Bannon, is a White Supremacist and Trump has a myriad of connections with White Supremacists – who support him en masse – in FACT, Trump led this group (of what Mrs. Clinton called “deplorables”) in the so-called “birther” movement – which was the “thing” that catapulted him to prominence among this group of “conservatives” in the first place.  This is not a hard connection to make! (Now, Trump’s campaign is claiming Trump “believes Obama was born in America” – but, he will NEVER say this – he’s having it BOTH WAYS!

Honestly, I feel a bit awkward defending Mrs. Clinton because I’ve never been a strong supporter of her, but I have to say – no matter how this election turns out – I’m TOTALLY discouraged by the FACT there are so many Americans who are willing to support someone like Trump.  The worst part of this, for me (as a Christian) is that the so-called “Christian right” may end up being the “base” that puts Trump into the White House (should the unthinkable happen).  Are we looking at a recreation of 1930’s Germany – right here in the United States of America?  Dear God, I truly hope not.

Yes, I wish the democrats had come up with a better candidate than Mrs. Clinton (I believe Bernie Sanders would have won this election easily), or the republicans could have found someone palatable to run – remember, Trump defeated a group of candidates commonly referred to as the “clown car.”  Recently, Trump has been gaining in polls which was predictable when he hired Kellyanne Conway (an expert paid “fabricator of the truth”), Steve Bannon (White Supremacist from Breitbart “news,” and the “alt right”), and David Bossie a longtime Clinton antagonist and the force behind the “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision that could conceivable ruin this nation.  (The sad reality is that the Supreme Court is at stake in this election and if “we the people” want any hope of overturning “Citizens United” Trump CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO WIN!)  From my perspective, “the liberal media” is not doing its job in informing “we the people” about who’s behind Trump’s campaign.  Apparently, Mrs. Clinton was attempting to do this in a very awkward (and foolish) way by making the “basket of deplorables” comment – which diverted the dialogue away from, well, “the deplorables” – like Bannon, Bossie, and Conway – among others (including the hedge fund guy who’s financing all of them and I’ve only heard his name mentioned once – Robert Mercer.)

I recently sent FACTS from a website called “Politico” that had studied over 200 statements (claims) made by both Trump and Clinton.  (In fact, they FACT checked the claims made be EVERY candidate running for president in this election)  As stated above, Donald Trump is the LIAR “in chief” – NO ONE of the other candidates, including Mrs. Clinton even comes close.  In fact, what was surprising to me, during the primaries I checked their data base on “lies” from all the candidates and both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were about even and well “ahead” of ALL the other candidates.  Of course, my friend (a conservative who I think has been watching Fox again – yikes!) replied without discussing the “data” – he simply pointed out that Politic is a “liberal” outfit and, apparently, not believable.  (there was plenty of other evidence supporting the REALITY that Trump is a (maybe even pathological) liar.  I point that out because my (good) friend is voting for Trump because Mrs. Clinton “is such a liar.”  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that same thing.  “We the people” have been getting BRAINWASHED for as long as I can remember and this right wing assault on our nation has been growing like dry rot on a wood structure since the day Ronald Reagan was elected.  Should “they” (whoever “they” are) succeed in getting someone like Trump into the White House, I grieve for my children and grandchildren and feel it may be a generation before the damage can be “fixed.”  (God help us if Trump’s voters actually know they’re voting for a fascist)

Should Trump succeed, I fear for my children and grandchildren as to the country those of us in the “Baby Boom” generation are leaving them!

I’m not sure which is more discouraging to me;  The “liberal media” getting sucked in to Donald Trump’s masterful manipulation of them OR the numbers of American citizens who’ve decided that it’s OK to vote for a fascist, racist, etc.  And, the saddest part is that Trump’s message is so dishonest and, from my standpoint, the “liberal media” refuses to “tell it like it is.”  We (in America) have evolved to the point where “both sides” must be represented in any political dialogue with no reference to factual material.

Now, I’m not a defender of Hillary Clinton and I don’t have the urge or the energy to “vet” all the “scandals” the right wing of American politics “create” for her – certainly, Mrs. Clinton has earned some of the vitriol – I just don’t know how much is true, and I don’t hear ANYONE that might be considered an investigative reporter doing anything more than spewing the allegations.  However, when Donald Trump stands before a crowd (as he did tonight in my home state of Washington – which, by the way, I believe he has NO CHANCE to carry) and makes the same disingenuous plea he’s been making lately to the “African American community” – spewing statistics that he’s somehow attempting to “pin” on Hillary Clinton (and Barack Obama) about the plight of America’s minority populations, and claiming they should vote for “Donald Trump” because “what do you have to lose?” It irks me that he’s allowed to get away with this.  There should be an ENDLESS discussion right now about the people Trump has decided to call his close associates – first and foremost, Steven Bannon, his “CEO” who’s a White Supremacist and has made disparaging remarks about African Americans that can at the very best be classified as DISGUSTING.

In addition, Trump is being “advised” by Kellyanne Conway who will say whatever she’s paid to say – and, say it in a way that if you don’t know better you would think she’s being genuine (that’s what I call an EXPERT liar).  He’s also hired Roger Ailes to be one of his advisors, so if you think the Trump campaign has been overly NEGATIVE, well, you haven’t seen anything yet.  And, then there’s the guy who was the “force” behind the Citizens United Supreme Court decision – I believe his last name is Bossie (or something like that – you can tell I’m being lazy because all I have to do is “google” Citizens United to find out).  Bossie has been CREATING “scandals” about Mrs. Clinton for years.  So, America’s “low information voters” – hold on to your hats!  Ailes and Bossie have been republican “hacks” for years – in Bossie’s case, those republicans remaining who could be considered even close to “moderate” don’t want anything to do with him.  Ailes, of course, was the brains behind the Fox “news” propaganda arm of the republican party based on Joseph Goebbels “Big Lie theory” and his “dirty tricks” go all the way back to Richard Nixon.

In the past couple of days I forced myself to either listen to or watch MSNBC, just to get an idea of what they’re “reporting.”  I would say I’ve been a listener for maybe three to four hours in those two days (and, I have to admit, it was all I could do to keep listening/watching).  In that time there was maybe five minutes (at the most) where Hillary Clinton was discussed and that was ONLY because the FBI had released the notes of her meeting regarding her email “scandal.”  (I put that in quotes because, first, I haven’t heard anything “awful” when actual facts are presented, and secondly, I can’t imagine being asked to divulge all my emails of the past so many years to the public – who else has ever been put in that situation?)  All I heard from the MSNBC “reporter” – I don’t remember her name – was her saying that there was no “proof” Mrs. Clinton’s emails were “hacked” – but, that wasn’t conclusive. ???????  The rest of the FOUR, or so, HOURS I forced myself to listen to/watch MSNBC went exactly the same as what turned me off to them prior – and that was TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP.  (and, when I say there was NOTHING else, I mean NOTHING – it’s as if the ONLY thing in today’s world that is “news worthy” is Donald Trump”)  They, again, in prime time, played the entirety of Trump’s disgusting speech in Arizona where he was sending “coded” messages to various groups that might be tricked into voting for him.  (how could he ask for more? a FREE national “stage”)

Of course, after they either show his speech or part of what he’s saying, then you get the “parsing” of the words by pundits who are either pro Trump or part of the “dump Trump” movement.  But, to me, what MSNBC (and, probably others) is/are doing is providing Trump with EXACTLY what he wants, and that is FREE ADVERTISING.  He’s getting unlimited national advertising without spending a dime.  And, I can guarantee you that his “advisors” are going to be extremely busy turning this campaign deeper into the MUD!  Additionally, these “advisors” are the experts at manipulating this FREE advertising.  And, apparently, MSNBC is a willing participant to being used for this purpose.  (after all, it’s all about the ratings!)

One more thing (and, if you’ve read my previous couple of posts you are aware of what political projection is – the Trump campaign advisors are masters of this “strategy” – if you don’t know, look it up) one of Trump’s rants, when he blasts Hillary Clinton, is aimed at her connections to Wall Street.  As of yet, I’ve only heard a brief comment about the FACT that a Wall Street Hedge fund manager that hardly anyone’s ever heard of is seriously funding (and “guiding”) Trump’s campaign.  His name is Robert Mercer and he’s not only connected to Trump, but he’s directly connected to Steven Bannon (and Brietbart “news”), Conway, AND Bossie.  If that doesn’t give you “pause,” well, I don’t know what will.  He’s also behind the “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling that allows RICH people to buy politicians in SECRET.  Just as Trump ADMITS that when he “donates” money to a politician, he expects something in return – well, I think you can see where I’m going with this.  Mercer is far more wealthy than Trump and who knows how much he’s “donating????”  Or what he wants in return?  I have to wonder, is Mercer secretly who people are voting for in November if they’re foolish enough to vote for Trump?

Trump has shown himself to be a fascist, Bannon a white supremacist, Conway a liar, and Bossie – well, possibly “all of the above.”  If you remember back in the day when Newt Gingrich was first leading the “Contract for (on) America” – where the republican obstructionist plan was put on steroids, Bossie was hired by Gingrich to help with the anti-Clinton “investigations” that were never ending.  Both Bossie and Gingrich were forced to resign their positions due to “unethical” whatever.  I believe Bossie was “resigned” for inappropriately leaking sensitive material to the press (it has to be really bad for republicans to balk at this) and Gingrich, along with a couple other “top” republicans were forced to resign after it was discovered they were doing essentially the same thing as the President they impeached.  That’s the epitome of “projection” and they’re all good at it.  Put the BLAME on your opponent for what you, yourself, are doing!

I get the impression that Hillary Clinton is attempting to allow Trump to self destruct, but my thinking is that she needs to become more available to the press and put some of this “stuff” to rest.  I listened to Colin Kaepernick the other day and, I have to say, I’m sympathetic to his cause – which I interpreted as the issue of inequality in America for people of “color” highlighted by the number of Black youth having been shot and killed by police in the past along with a lack of accountability for the shootings.  What caught my ear as I listened to him was his frustration regarding the upcoming election and the way he described Hillary Clinton.  He essentially regurgitated the right wing talking points about Mrs. Clinton that she should be in jail.  To me, he sounded thoughtful up to that point, and then I had to think – where is his information coming from?  You don’t need to do anything but listen to Trump to realize he’s a racist, but it’s a republican fabricated LIE that Mrs. Clinton should be in jail.  Agree or disagree with her – and, I can see people disagreeing with her, I’m often one of them – that she should be in jail is ridiculous.  Mrs. Clinton, in my view, needs to very publicly address all this vitriol – because, otherwise, our “liberal media” will keep “feeding” it to “we the people.”

These attacks on the Clintons have been ongoing since Bill Clinton took office.  I’m not one to defend Bill Clinton (and, I supported Both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders in the previous election cycles) but I’m past giving our “liberal media” a pass for allowing this stuff to permeate the “news” without proper investigative reporting.  And, the hypocrisy of the republicans is beyond the pail to me – this all just PROVES “it’s all about the power.”  They’re all worked up about some emails, but they said NOTHING when George W Bush/Dick Cheney were lying America into two WARS that are ongoing as I write this.  They said NOTHING when Bush/Cheney ADMITTED on national TV that they were WAR CRIMINALS by authorizing TORTURE (and, of course, Barack Obama and the democrats allowed them to “get away” with this).  They said NOTHING when it became public that Bush/Cheney were illegally surveilling their own citizens in direct violation of the FISA law (and, again, President Obama and the democrats allowed them to get away with this – I’m not sure which was worst).  And, they were deadly silent when the result of their policy of deregulating EVERYTHING and privatizing EVERYTHING (they could) led to a financial collapse that nearly brought us into a depression – AND, they said NOTHING when their “conservative” “free market” president and treasury secretary BAILED OUT Wall Street to the tune of TRILLIONS! (They did criticize President Obama for using some of the TARP “bailout” funds  to save GM and Chrysler – along with at least a MILLION blue collar jobs in America’s “rust belt” – but, of course, you wouldn’t expect them to say ANYTHING positive about President Obama OR Hillary Clinton) But, what they lead us to believe is that Mrs. Clinton should be in jail for using a private server for her email while Secretary of State.  Really!!!!  (and, obviously, people – like Kaepernick – are believing them – hence, the effect of the “Big Lie Theory” – right out of the annals of the Third Reich)

Obviously, having a nation that is ideologically divided is good for ratings for corporations like NBC (and the others) but, it is not healthy for our nation.  The press is SUPPOSED to be the “fourth estate” – meaning, it is supposed to be one of the checks on government over reach, etc.  However, in my view, the “press” has become more interested in managing or creating “news” in a way that drives up their viewership.  My guess is that MSNBC, for example, is doing the TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP agenda for no other reason than trying to increase their ratings.  There are investigative reporters out there, but I believe “we the people” have to look beyond the “sound bites” or the headlines to find them which might allow us to find out what is “really” happening with our government.  We are at a cross roads in American history – you read it here :o) – and, this election will be historic, no matter the outcome.  Even though I would much prefer someone other than Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee, she will be the first woman (OK, that wasn’t a “tell me something I don’t know) president and, should Donald Trump (God help us) win in November, America will be led by a true fascist.  Either way, historic and trans-formative.  Should Trump succeed, I fear for my children and grandchildren as to the country those of us in the “Baby Boom” generation are leaving to them!