Monthly Archives: December 2012

The only way to get progressive change is to continue defeating republicans at the polls.

In my post 2012 election thinking I can’t help but ponder the years of the “21st century” and think of how the United States is at a defining point in our history.  Obviously, there’s a significant portion of our electorate having a difficult time accepting the FACT that someone who’s not “white” belongs in the “White House.”  That’s the only way I can imagine how a man like Mitt Romney, someone who prior to managing to get the republican nomination for president, was somewhat an outcast from the viewpoint of those on the “right.”  I look back at the primary battles and wonder how the republicans were able to feel so confident going into the election.  However, the reality is that they almost pulled it off.  And, the “permanent republican majority” as envisioned by Karl Rove and others was “oh so close” to reality.  Again, their problem was a candidate who needed to be kept away from any impromptu discussions with the press or any REAL town hall type atmosphere because of what  would likely spew from his mouth.  Kind of a reenactment of the George W Bush years.

In Bush’s case, unfortunately, they – with the support of the Supreme Court – managed to swindle the 2000 election (I can still hear Donald Trump calling for revolution when he ignoramusly prophesied that President Obama was going to win with a plurality of the votes – of course, he said nothing when Bush not only trailed Gore by a similar margin as to what Obama ultimately tolled against Romney – but, it took the Supreme Court to participate in the Florida voter suppression which turned the tide in Bush’s favor) and, with the help of voter suppression in Ohio, circa 2004, unleashed the Bush/Cheney fiasco on America which was the first time republicans were oh so near their nirvana.  And, if I’m being too coy for you – that nirvana is control of the courts, the media, the congress, and the White House – which, along with the Citizens United Supreme Court decision would be the finishing touches on their plan to completely remove any vestiges of the “New Deal” from the American scene and make it, to them, part of America’s history they’d like to remove from the history books.  Here’s the rub – if anyone out there thinks they are done with this plan – think again.

The power brokers behind people like Rove, Grover Norquist, Rush Limbaugh, Fox “news,” and essentially EVERYONE in the republican “upper crust” have been trying to squelch the New Deal since before it was enacted.  They’ve been operating surreptitiously for many years and I believe they thought they had it “made” when Bush/Cheney managed to get control of the White House along with a republican congress – but, they had no idea what a buffoon George W Bush would turn out to be – and, Cheney is such a despicable person that by the time his term was FINALLY up, his “approval rating” was nearer to ZERO than to the previous all time low of any incumbent VP.  Yes, the policies that emanated from the “Project for the New American Century” were disastrous and the people insufferable, but their HUGE bankroll along with their cunning “stacking” of our court system, corrupting of the Justice Department, their control of our “liberal media,” the undermining of our traditional government agencies, and an incredible willingness to lie (even to the extent of lying us into a “war” which cost America TRILLIONS in dollars and untold treasures in lives – not to mention all the lives and destruction to Iraq) put them on the precipice of a complete stranglehold of America’s government. Hence, as Rove put it – “a permanent republican ‘majority.'”

Even my wife is unnerved by my anti republican passion as I’ve always been an independent (until Bush took us into Iraq and I started to read about things you don’t find in our “liberal media”).  However, I will not discontinue my small part in attempting to bring the real intentions of the republican party to as many people as possible until I see a purging of these puppets that publicly represent their party from the scene.  Even one of my friend’s son works for our local republican congressperson back in Washington DC and he’s a great kid.  His Dad is an educator and a republican.  As far as I can tell, it’s because their family have always been republicans.  So was mine (at least on my father’s side) back in my youth.  I would have to say that, from all I’ve read, next to FDR my favorite president would be General Eisenhower although I have my qualms about him as well.   He would not be welcome in today’s republican party.  All you have to do is look at the map of the “red states” from the last election and do a little research and it’s easy to see there’s a strong racist wing to this party and until they get beyond that they will become more irrelevant –  or, at least I hope so – as time moves on.  As I think these things with any certainty in my mind, I’m brought back to the thought that Mitt Romney got 48% of the vote and I’m reminded that they’ll spend 5 or 10 BILLION next time if they think it will accomplish this goal. (the goal, by the way, our founders – who republicans love to quote – went out of their way to make virtually impossible.  The greatest fear of the founders?  Exactly what the republicans are attempting to pull off – control of all parts of government, including “the fourth estate” – which would negate the “checks and balances” they worked so diligently to put into our constitution)

Speaking of the constitution, there’s bound to be an intense discussion about the 2nd amendment in the near future and there should be one about the 4th amendment.  In each case it will be intransigent republicans and innocuous democrats who will likely prevent much progress.  First, and an issue that should be on everyone’s mind is the 2nd amendment and “gun control.”  I’m a school teacher in a high poverty school and the tragedies that continue to happen in schools are alarming.  While I constantly wonder what would compel someone to shoot kids, it seems to be happening over and over again.  I can sum up why nothing will be done to reduce the availability of hand guns and assault weapons by just writing: NRA.  The NRA has a stranglehold on the republicans (OK, many democrats as well) and the money they’re getting will continue their mantra “guns don’t kill people, criminals kill people.”  This has made me sick for years, and the tragedy that happened just this past week in Connecticut brought tears to my eyes.  Primary students for God’s sake.  And teachers (I’ll wonder if the vilifying of teachers plays a part in this kind of tragedy) – this is over the edge stuff for me.  In my own community (I live close to Portland, Oregon) just a few days prior to the Connecticut massacre there was a shooting incident at a local mall with 10,000 people Christmas shopping.  In that one “only” two were killed – I can’t believe I’m writing that – but, this issue is one that is tearing at the fabric of our nation.  The 2nd amendment was not intended to arm people to the hilt with assault weapons.  And, it’s clearly not a problem for “criminals” to acquire weapons in our society – even little middle school kids are brandishing weapons.  Yuk!

Then there’s the fourth amendment.  Guaranteeing the right to privacy.  Well, ever since 9/11 our government has been chipping away at our right to privacy.  One of my most egregious disappointments in President Obama is (and has been) his lack of follow through on his promise to “fix” the FISA bill that he so unexpectedly supported in 2008 during his run for president (that bill enabled companies like AT&T and Verizon to continue providing access to their “data” in the name of national security).  At the time, I wrote to his campaign and was assured that he would “fix” this bill once in office.  I’m convinced that not only he hasn’t followed through on that promise, but almost the opposite.  I believe our government is continuing to collect “data” through the compliance of the telecommunication companies and our phone conversations and emails are subject to government infringement at all times – this, of course, in the name of fighting terrorism.  I’ve claimed since 9/11 that if we continue to give up our liberties because of 9/11 then Osama bin Laden accomplished exactly what he was intending.  In both of these cases the impetus for societal decline comes from republicans with, unfortunately, democratic acquiescence.

I recently had a conversation (via email) with an acquaintance who lives on the other side of the nation from myself who believes the second amendment should be abolished.  I “get” why he and many others might think this, but I believe a push to do that would be even more harmful to “liberals” than the present situation.  The sad reality of 21st century America is that the number one manufacturing business in this country is weapons related.  There is enough money at stake that the special interests (gun lobby) could pull off the same sham, in my view, in regard to recruiting republicans as happened in the late 70’s and 80’s when the “Christian right” was fooled into thinking that by voting for republicans as a block they would stop abortions.  Of course, the reality of that fight is that should Roe v Wade be repealed abortions will continue to happen, just as they were happening prior to that Supreme Court edict – so as President Obama has proposed, the challenge with that issue should be to reduce the demand for abortions.  I would hate to see the republicans pull off their “takeover” of our government (that they profess to hate) through a backlash from an attempt to repeal the 2nd amendment.  However, a national dialogue about how to remove the abundance of assault weaponry and hand guns from our streets and neighborhoods would be welcomed by millions of Americans.  If that doesn’t happen after the tragedy in Connecticut then I don’t know when it will happen. (and, I can guarantee you it will be republicans and gutless democrats who  block this dialogue from initiating legislation)

In our capital money talks.  That’s the sad reality.  I’m sure the lobbyists far outnumber the legislators – and, many of the lobbyists are the legislators who lost their last election – but, know first hand how to manipulate the system.  I believe in the constitution, but I’ve come to realize that the politicians and their benefactors have been secretly cheating the American public for many years.  The illegal eavesdropping which  was accelerated by the Bush/Cheney regime is at an alarming level and, obviously the gun issue is way out of control.  The republicans will continue to support the wrong side of both of these issues in lock step.  That is why they need to be soundly defeated as their party presently exists.  And, until the likes of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, anyone named Bush or Cheney, and I could go on – the present day leadership – are totally removed from ANY position of authority, you can’t believe one thing that comes from their mouths.  They’ve been hoisting a lie on the American people for so long that, I’m sure, in their own minds their lies amount to the truth.  (Read “Family of Secrets” if you want to get a good pulse on republican lying – I’m presently reading it for the second time and believe it should be required reading for any American who wants an idea on what the CIA, FBI, eastern aristocracy, oil lobby, and republican elite have been hiding for the past 50- years from the American people)

While the republicans are being purged, the democrats need to rid themselves of the members who don’t believe in the fundamental values of the New Deal – the era which turned America into a world leader.  The reality is that the wealth and power gained post WW II has been too much for most of our politicians since then.  But, the republicans since Ronald Reagan have seemed hell bent on turning this nation back to second class status (actually, this all started prior to Reagan, but he was the one who brought the “right wing” assault on America to the “mainstream”).  The truth is that this is a two party government (from a practical point of view) so those who think along similar lines to myself have only to hope that the democrats will get some “stones” (as Bill Clinton puts it) and quit patronizing this republican agenda.  Let the republicans take us over the so-called “fiscal cliff” and trust the American people to support the “right” response to whatever that might bring – which will hopefully be less republicans in Washington DC.  And, start the dialogue about the issue of criminals armed to the teeth and the absurd availability of assault weapons and hand guns.  The personal freedom that needs a “boost” is the American’s right to privacy (not the right to own assault weapons) which I don’t believe many understand how deeply this has been infringed on since 9/11.  As with all other progress that has been made in this nation’s history which has advantaged middle class Americans the push for all of this will have to come from “progressives.”  And, the way our system is working today, the only way to get progressive change is to continue defeating republicans at the polls.