Monthly Archives: November 2017

The saddest part, to me, of the Trump experience is how people are numbed to the LYING. And,the LYING about this tax bill could lead to economic disaster!

In Jeff Sessions testimony to the House on November 14th, where he was continuing to “forget” strategic information and forcibly stating it’s a LIE to accuse him of LYING, he brought up his meeting with the “Russian Ambassador” that he forgot to tell the Senate about AND he failed to acknowledge on his SF-86 form and said the meeting lasted “probably 45 to 50 minutes.”  When asked if campaign issues or the issue of Ukraine came up (the previous day prior to the meeting Trump surrogates had changed the republican stance on Ukraine) Session’s memory seemed to immediately come back.  He not only remembered the conversation being on Ukraine, he also remembered meeting just prior to meeting with the Russian Ambassador to meeting with the Ambassador from Ukraine.  No one in the committee meeting seemed to recognize this was Sessions ADMITTING to at least one more meeting he failed to disclose on his SF-86 form.  Clearly, Sessions has “selective” memory loss.

Almost immediately on hearing him “remember” the meeting with the Ambassador from Ukraine I had to wonder why NONE of the members of the committee questioning him didn’t WONDER the same thing coming INSTANTLY to my mind.  “How is it you can remember a meeting with the Ambassador from Ukraine but you’re not able to remember the one with the Russian Ambassador?”  To me, that makes Sessions’ “I forgot” excuse for not sharing his meeting(s) with the Russian Ambassador – well, LIES!  I mean, wouldn’t someone be MORE likely to remember the meeting with the Russian Ambassador?  Isn’t Russia more significant to American interests than Ukraine?  I’m pretty sure if you’re reading this post on this site it’s LIKELY you understand pretty much EVERY member of the Trump administration is either a LIAR or is willing to LIE to keep his or her job.

“We the people” were led to believe, for instance, that General John Kelly was the upright, honest type who might bring some kind of normalcy to the “White House” when he took over as chief of staff.  Then there was the issue with the “Gold Star Families” and Trump’s now infamous phone call to the widow of Sargent La David Johnson who was killed in Niger under still mysterious circumstances.  In trying to defend Trump’s insensitive call to Johnson’s widow Kelly (who apparently coached Trump through the call) showed himself to be a racist and a LIAR as he inexplicably made a poorly thought out attack against the Florida Congresswoman who happened to be riding in the car when Trump’s words were taken as disrespect.  Of course, the matter could have been solved with a simple phone call apologizing with something like, “I’m so sorry if you took my words to be disrespectful, that was certainly not the intent.”  But, Trump and, apparently, Kelly don’t operate that way.  So, Kelly showed he “fits right in” at the “White House.”

I watched in dismay for several months as Sean Spicer would get behind the podium of the “White House” press secretary and – well, …….. you knew this was coming, he would LIE!  On the very first day he told what many may consider the “whopper of the century” when he got behind the podium and slammed his fist to the lectern while stating, “The crowd at Trump’s inauguration was the largest crowd in American history to witness an inauguration, PERIOD!”  And then just stomped out of the room.  Even though he was performing for “an audience of one” – as we all later learned is ALWAYS the case when someone is speaking for the so-called “president” (the one who got THREE MILLION fewer votes than his opponent – the GREATEST loss in American history for anyone who’s “won”) he still “failed” because, evidently, his suit was the wrong color or something along those lines.  Spicer proved to be quite willing to LIE to keep his job, but, apparently not well enough, because he’s gone now – but, rest assured, he’s not missed by too many – because, Sarah Sanders seems MORE adept at LYING than Spicer every thought about being.  And, she can do it with a really NASTY tone to the LIE.  Ms. Sanders, from my view, is an expert proponent of the “Big Lie Theory.”  (Actually, that seems to be a republican “must” these days)

That’s where EVERYONE gets the SAME “talking points” and hits the airwaves in an attempt to FLOOD the outlets of American information with LIES – that promote the dishonest agenda of the “White House.”  Sanders, today, almost – in my view – soiled herself as she attempted to “deflect” and LIE in regards to ANOTHER set of INSENSITIVE racist words coming from the mouth of the so-called “commander in chief.”  Trump, again, referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” – in a disparaging manner apparently because she claims to be part Cherokee.  Of course, calling her “Pocahontas” doesn’t disparage Senator Warren it just shows Trump’s insensitivity to those of Native American heritage in our nation.  I’m not sure if Trump has any frame of reference when he does this stuff – honestly, as I’ve said before, he reminds me of the spoiled rich kid bully when I was a sixth grade teacher.  Sanders showed her unfortunate willingness to “carry the water” for Trump as she deflected a plethora of questions from reporters wondering why Trump continues his DEPLORABLE racist behavior.  Today’s episode was done in the presence of three WW II “hero’s” referred to as the “Navajo Code Talkers” who created an unbreakable code used by our troops in WW II.  It was their native language!  Trump couldn’t even honor them without putting his “foot in his mouth.”

From what I can tell, anyone defending Trump or his agenda ends up LYING.  And, I’ve pointed out many times on this site that – what I call – DAMAGE is piling up fast.  It’s almost hard to keep up with it all.  Now, if you envision these LYING republicans to be the ones to set the agenda for our children and grandchildren and you watch Fox “news” (I’m talking to “baby boomers”) you’re probably happy.  Personally, I’m getting more alarmed every day.  So far, Trump and the republicans don’t have a signature legislative “victory” (with the exception of Judge Gorsuch) but Trump’s been busy overturning EVERY Obama era executive order he can AND working to undermine decades of efforts to protect the environment.  (It’s as if Trump and his financial backers are thinking they won’t be around long, so screw the young people in this nation)  I mentioned LYING Jeff Sessions above – well, he’s been busy reworking the Justice Department to turn it back into an agency spending more time prosecuting marijuana users and less time prosecuting “white crime.”  Additionally, the Justice Department STILL has not “lifted a finger” in an attempt to thwart the attack on our nation by Russia, that I believe is going on as I’m writing this.  Additionally, Trump and Sessions are putting a plethora of “conservative” judges on various federal “benches” – with lifetime appointments, and they’re cynically picking young white men who are politically “connected” – many who are considered “unqualified” by the American Bar Association – including one who’s never even tried a case in his life.  This will be LASTING damage!

Then, I’ve written about the “Middle Class Tax cut” where the Middle Class will be financing a “tax cut for the rich” by paying higher taxes.  And, this one may be the MOST cynical of all the agenda items on Trump’s and the republican’s plan to give “we the people” for Christmas.  I could go on and on about this so-called “tax cut.”  (And, I already have – you can check out my last two or three posts)  But, let’s talk about some additional thoughts perusing through my mind over the last couple of days.  It’s been reported that, in order to keep the tax cut from adding MORE than $1.5 TRILLION to the deficit over the next ten years the so-called tax cuts for the “Middle Class” (which they’ve claimed is the motivation for the bill – that could be the “LIE of the Century”) will be phased out gradually during the next ten years.  Well, that’s pretty CYNICAL in it’s own right – because even republicans admit that those making less than $75,000 will face a tax increase within the next couple of years – and, then it gets worse!  (But, rest assured, the top 1% are well protected – as are corporate interests, especially the MULTINATIONAL corporations!)

Here’s something hardly anyone is talking about – personally, I haven’t heard a single person bringing this up.  In the Senate version of the bill the “individual mandate” of the “Affordable Care Act” is being repealed.  This will, within 10 years, cause at least 13 MILLION Americans to lose health insurance coverage (some will choose to go without coverage) AND, it will raise the rates for the rest of us at least 10% MORE than rates would otherwise be raised.  Now, it will be easy for LIARS like Trump and the republicans to hide these additional costs in their LIES – but, the reality is this will make the “hit” on Middle Class families even worse – especially those living on $75,000 per year or less.  They MIGHT get a small “tax cut” but the increase in their health insurance will MORE than offset any “cut.”  I.E. – they (you and me) could be paying MORE as soon as 2018!  There’s MORE:  Within 5 – 10 years the increase in tax liability for the MAJORITY of Middle Class families will skyrocket.  It will be significant!

Of course, right now, all those deficit hawks in the republican party – well, apparently, the “cat’s got their tongues” because ALL the complaining about the deficit has stopped!  They’re not saying a word about how this tax cut will BALLOON  the deficit.  And, believe me, if they say it’s going to add $1.5 TRILLION it’s going to be AT LEAST twice that.  And, of course, there were “mechanisms” put into the economy when President Obama was being OBSTRUCTED at every turn while in office that republicans will use to claim they MUST cut spending to cover these HUGE deficits – that THEY’VE created, but will find a way to blame on democrats.  (Should be interesting to see if they can continue to blame Obama)  This is where Paul Ryan’s “wet dream” comes into play – and, that is a full frontal attack on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. (Plus, programs like school lunches, meals on wheels, unemployment insurance, CHIP, Early Childhood Education, and I could go on and on) We’ve already seen the first “hit” and it’s going to get more intense was we go forward.  (The INSTANT this bill becomes law Medicare will be CUT by $25 BILLION per year!) The republican estimate of $1.5 TRILLION being added to the deficit is based on rosy predictions of increased economic activity resulting from this action.  Like, for instance – more jobs (we’re already at full employment), higher wages (wages have already started “ticking up” as the result of the recovery started by Obama – remember, Trump is still working on President Obama’s “coattails” – despite his willingness to claim credit for what he had NOTHING to do with) all leading to a higher growth rate and increased tax revenue.

Well, earth to Trump and the republicans – you’ve pulled this SCAM at least twice before in my lifetime and it doesn’t work.  Yes, we could continue moving in an upward direction for another year or two – but, by the time this Trump fiasco starts to really “kick in” – meaning in a year or two – the “bottom’ is likely to fall out and “we the people” will be relying on these sicko’s to figure a way out – and, I for one, am not looking forward to how this will all play out.  Just common sense says this tax cut is designed to “give” something to all those rich Americans who support republicans because – well, because republicans give them huge tax cuts every chance they get – despite the FACT they don’t need it.  Even during this fiasco I’ve heard Trump’s top economist reference the so-called Reagan “tax overhaul” when talking about this.  That, again,  is LYING just plain and simple.  ]

The Reagan “tax overhaul” – as I remember it (I suppose I could look it up, but I’m too lazy) happened as a result of the Reagan “trickle down” tax cuts.  The idea you can cut taxes on the “rich” and “balance the budget” is just as phony today as it was in the 1980’s.  If the “tax overhaul” of 1986 did anything it actually RAISED revenue to offset the terrible deficits caused by the original “trickle down” tax cuts.  Additionally, the economy wasn’t booming along back then – there was a terrible recession (or two) during the 1980’s.  How I remember the “overhaul” of 1986 was that I ended up paying higher taxes, but I was OK with it because they raised the payroll tax taken out for Social Security and Medicare to strengthen those programs (and, I’m thankful for that today, because I’m finally collecting Social Security after paying into it for over 50 years)  Americans would be OK with a “tax overhaul” if that’s what it was.  They’d be OK with a “Middle Class” tax cut, if that’s what it was.  I guarantee you, they’re NOT OK with this tax cut – and, the numbers who are unhappy with it will grow as more “Middle Class” tax payers realize they’re “taking it in the shorts.”

The LYING coming from Trump and the republicans is obviously NOT going to stop.  They’re going to do everything they can to cram this tax bill down our collective throats in the next week or two.  “Progressives” are still hoping there’s at least three republicans in the Senate with a conscience – there’s so many problems with this bill, I’ve only come up with a couple more thoughts tonight and I’ve listed many others in previous posts – hoping all republicans won’t continue to be rubber stamps for Trump and, in this case, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.  Obviously, all the “deficit hawk” complaining over the previous 8 years was just “hot air,” but there’s plenty of other reasons to stop this bill in its tracks – one major one is that I don’t believe the members of Congress understand what’s in the bill and the “unintended consequences” could be disastrous..  It should take something like 6 months for legislation like this to make it through Congress – but, not this year if republicans want to keep getting the “checks.”  The saddest part, to me, of the Trump experience is how people are numbed to the LYING.  And,the LYING about this tax bill could lead to economic disaster!

When the republicans are able to TOTALLY control the media AND manipulate the Justice department, “we the people” are in serious trouble.

If you’ve been to my “blog” since Trump was inaugurated I’ve pointed out the MAJOR problem, as I see it, is how much damage Trump will be able to cause before he’s either IMPEACHED or voted out of office – and, it’s MOUNTING fast!  It’s hard to keep up with everything because we’re getting HIT from all sides.  There’s the push for fossil fuels and the denial of climate change – which could end up being the worst DAMAGE caused by Trump – but, that’s just the “tip of the ice berg.”  Just recently, it was announced that Trump’s team will repeal the restrictions on large Telecom’s from creating so-called “fast and slow” lanes on the internet – as his FCC “chair” repeals “net neutrality.”  MILLIONS of Americans will be unhappy with this one.

There’s the so-called “Middle Class Tax Cut” that’s a tax cut where the Middle Class will be funneling their tax dollars to the people in America who least need the help – the top 1%.  That one could prove to have lasting negative values to the Middle Class that we won’t understand for maybe years – Congress is pushing this through at break neck speeds so they can say they accomplished SOMETHING this year AND so their “donors” keep donating.  This “tax cut” is maybe the MOST cynical action of a very cynical republican party I’ve seen – because “we the people” won’t know what “hit us” until it’s too late.  Of course, if enough of us raise a “stink” before it’s actually voted on – who knows – maybe there’s three republicans in the Senate who have somewhat a conscience and will vote NO on this terrible bill.  It reminds me of what’s called “reverse Robin Hood” – that is, taking from the POOR and giving to the RICH.

Of course, there’s the “Russia thing.”  Many in the media are struggling to understand what this amounts to – if it all proves true – and, that is TREASON!  Evidently, it’s being called “collusion” because Fox “news” has determined there’s no law against “collusion.”  But, there ARE laws against espionage, TREASON, conspiracy to commit crimes against America, election laws, and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE to name a few that seem to be in the “cross-hairs” of the “special counsel, Robert Mueller.  I don’t understand why people are still wondering about “collusion?”  The meeting that Trump Jr. Manafort, and Jared Kushner had on June 9, 2016 ended that question.  It’s irrelevant what “dirt” was involved in the meeting – just that they WILLINGLY took the meeting says it all.  They were involved with the Russians to get Trump elected.  I don’t even they thought they would succeed – the Russians, I believe, hoped for – at best – to undermine our electoral process and create a divisive environment for Hillary Clinton to operate in.  What’s the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Now, Trump is the president – and, at a minimum, we KNOW the Russians ATTACKED our republic AND – even if it’s until Trump is out of the “White House” – we KNOW what they’re up to and we can defend against it in the future.  Sadly, we also KNOW that the Russians are still at it and Trump is totally OK with that.  Based on Testimony from Jeff Sessions, who heads the Justice department, we’re STILL doing NOTHING to combat the Russian interference in our “democracy.” (It’s really a republic)  It’s up to “we the people” to VOTE these people out of office.  I’ve been saying for years – we have a responsibility to vote republicans – as they are presently constituted (Steve Bannon, for heavens sake, seems to be a leading spokes person for republicans – that SHOULD say it all).  Republicans are masters at manipulating the media, but the Russians are teaching them new ways to get Americans to be voting against their own self interests AND ways to cause neighbor to be arguing with neighbor.

The other day I was reading about the ensuing election in Alabama where Roy Moore is facing charges of sexual impropriety in ways that SHOULD cause – at the minimum, in my view – people who are Christians to refuse to vote for him.  Even the most conservative of republicans in Congress say, “I believe the women” who are accusing him of sexually assaulting them – and, worse in my view and that of many others – when they were under age while he was in his thirties.  There was a quote from a woman in Alabama who was going to vote for Moore and I was taken aback by what she said.  She pointed out she “can’t watch the cable news because they’re dishonest” or something of that sort.  Well, on that I’d have to agree – especially if she was talking about Fox.  However, her rationale for voting for Moore mirrored that of Fox – so, my first thought was she was LYING (that’s what republicans do – well, in my view, more than the rest of us – we’re all guilty of our own perspectives which may “wobble” from time to time – but, I’m talking about willful LYING) and, then she said, “I have to read to stay informed.”

I couldn’t help but wonder, “what on earth is this lady reading?”  Personally, I guess the reason this “stuck” in my mind, is because I’ve become a near prolific “reader” since the day Bush/Cheney took us into Iraq based on clear LIES.  That’s when I decided to start expressing my opinions (complaining :o) AND I decided I needed to educate myself further than what I could find on the TV – regarding current events.  Plus, this all caused me to start reading as much as I can about American History – essentially from the Great Depression up to this time – with a few “side trips” to the revolutionary war period, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Polk, Grant, and Lincoln to name some that come to the top of my mind.  I had to wonder what this lady was reading to come to the conclusion Roy Moore was better than either voting for a “liberal” or not voting or writing in someone else.  My conclusion, we’re reading completely different stuff – although, I believe we BOTH read the Bible – I’m confused with her interpretation.

So, if Roy Moore gets elected to the Senate, to me that just compounds the “damage” I keep talking about regarding the Trump era.  This guy is bizarre before you start questioning his past sexual misconduct – but, we’re looking at having both a president and member of the Senate with MULTIPLE allegations of sexual misconduct running our country.  Yikes!  Roy Moore will stand alongside Trump in much of his draconian plans for “we the people.”

As I was thinking about the “damage” to this nation via the Trump administration, Moore reminds me of more that we should all be worrying about.  Take for example all the young people who came to this country years ago when their parents immigrated illegally.  They were granted what I understand to be permanent residence with the opportunity to become citizens during President Obama’s administration in a program I’m not over familiar with called DACA.  These young people are often referred to as “Dreamers.”  Of course, Trump – as he’s apparently trying to purge any memory of President Obama – repealed “DACA” a couple months ago and gave Congress six months to “solve the problem” – which, apparently wasn’t a problem until he repealed Obama’s executive order.  Now, we’ve got almost a MILLION young people who know no other homeland – AND who identified themselves trusting they would be part of this program – potentially facing deportation – to who knows where?  Draconian is too nice of a word to describe this Trump maneuver – let’s hope Congress sees fit to “fix” this – but, I’m guessing it will be used as a “hostage” to get democrats to agree to some other piece of draconian legislation “down the road.”

Then there’s health care.  Trump’s been going after the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”) since before he took office.  Of course, as in MOST other areas, Trump has no idea what he’s talking about and, in this case, what to “replace” the health care law with.  He suggested there would be a “repeal and replace” on his desk the first day of his term.  Well, as Trump himself has said since, “Who knew health care could be this complicated?”  Well, most of us who’ve been paying attention for the past 60 years knew.  What Obama was attempting to do has been repealed by republicans since the days of Truman.  This is a fight that separates America from EVERY other “advanced” nation – MOST nations have “universal” health care and, believe it or not, their “outcomes” are superior to those in America.  The childbirth statistics in America are somewhere in the thirties in relationship to the best outcomes world wide.  Republicans would have you believe we’re the “top of the heap” when it comes to health care – but, the only way that’s true is we’ve got the least percentage of people covered and the highest costs in the world for health care.  I guess the important part to republican is the CEO’s of the large Health Care conglomerates, like “United Health” are among the highest paid executives in the World – and, they give among the most to republicans!

Of course, we can’t forget foreign policy.  Whether we like it or not, our standing in the world is important to our way of life at home.  The reality is we are intertwined with many countries around the world – you often hear people say “China owns us.”  Well, it’s true that China has large investments in America, but I don’t think they “own” us – at least not quite yet.  But, what I’m really referring to are our alliances that have created a mostly safe world since WW II.  Europe and America have stood together since the 1940’s and Trump has been very dismissive of Europe and NATO.  Ruining those relationships could be devastating to us in many ways – including the one way that would affect even republicans – and, that’s economically.  Let’s all just hope the damage being done to our alliance with Europe is temporary and fixable.  While Trump is creating angst with Germany, France, Great Britain, and others in Europe, he’s openly kissing up to people like Putin, Erdogan of Turkey, and Duterte of the Philippines – DICTATORS.  It’s as if Trump just dreams of remaking America in the image of those “strongmen.”  These “checks and balances” are for losers – in Trump’s (and the aforementioned dictator’s minds).

My God, this is getting longer than I thought, but what about the environment?  Trump started his administration by OK ing the Keystone XL pipeline for one thing.  Well, this pipeline will travel over America’s greatest aquifer and, just the other day, the first part of the pipeline put THOUSANDS of gallons of the worst form of oil, tar sands, on the ground in South Dakota.  This is the very concern of people who don’t want that pipeline anywhere near the great farmland and water of America’s heartland.  And, worse, NONE of this oil is intended for domestic use and it’s waste will remain an American problem once the refined product heads  to China or who knows where.  Plus, all the “jobs” Trump talks about will be around 35 “permanent” jobs once the pipeline is completed.  It will create a couple thousand temporary jobs for the construction – but, is that worth the risk? Not to me.  And, I believe Trump has a financial interest in the completion of this pipeline – I KNOW the Koch brothers do.  Again, “follow the money.”  In America, we live by the “golden rule.”  “Them that have the gold, rule!”

If you’re still reading this post I trust you know what the Paris Climate Accords are – and, you probably know Trump pulled America out of the agreement – maybe only because President Obama was central to negotiating it.  This action, of course, sent a terrible message to the rest of the world, but, be assured, while Trump is pushing coal and tar sands oil, China is busy developing the most advanced clean energy technology in the world.  Trump’s days in the “White House” hopefully won’t last past four years (and, I’m saying that not only because I made a “double or nothing bet” with a friend that predicted Trump’s election) and, America will come around to a more committed push for clean energy – but, because of Trump (and his republican cohorts) America is likely to be way behind in the development of clean energy technologies – although, as I’m writing this I’m thinking – “thank you Elon Musk.”  I’ve got solar panels on my house and they produce enough energy for our use only about half the year – but, that’s enough for me to make the investment – and, there are still government incentives to help with the cost – so, “we the people” can still make a difference – although, I’m guessing the “Middle Class tax cut” may very well end the solar tax credit.  (I hope I’m wrong – I live in Washington state where it rains about half the year – and, of course MOST of the sun’s rays are blocked while it’s raining :o)

I could go on and on – of course, I know what you’re thinking, “You’re already way past ‘on and on.'” So I’ll end with the push to control the media.  It’s been reported that while the FCC is set up to repeal “net neutrality” – which will have, as I said above, MILLIONS protesting they’re ALSO rigging the rules for the media in a way that favors groups like “Sinclair Broadcasting” which have most of the channels that are favorable to Trump.  When the republicans are able to TOTALLY control the media AND manipulate the Justice department, “we the people” are in serious trouble.  This is a main part of the plan for a “permanent republican ‘majority’ which, of course, is nowhere near a “majority.”  Trump believes he can be reelected with a base of 32%.  We’ve all seen Trump BLASTING the “mainstream media” (which is actually attempting to do investigative journalism, I’ve personally subscribed to the Washington Post and New York Times online as a way to support this type of journalism).  Additionally, Trump has been lamenting that he can’t order the Justice Department to investigate his political opponents.  Just imagine what that would mean if he could fulfill his “dream.”  As I’m pondering all this it’s hard to decide what damage is the worst.  It’s all bad.  Trump is taking us back to the days of the robber barons.  The challenge for “we the people” is to stand against this en masse – no matter whether you’re a republican or democrat – you should be concerned with someone doing all this damage to our great nation!  I’ve pointed this out before – when the American History of this era is written – Trump and those enabling him will be viewed as Benedict Arnold was back in the beginning of this nation!  As Trump, himself, would “tweet,” Sad!

One (I promise) Final Thought:  I failed to mention Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid while I was writing this post.  The DAMAGE to these programs could be among the most significant to the MOST people in America.  I’m a “young” recipient of Social Security and Medicare.  It’s very easy for me to see how it prevents MILLIONS of America’s senior citizens from being in poverty.  And, if they are successful in undermining Medicare and Medicaid, this country will fast become unrecognizable.  These are the signature programs of the New Deal and Great Society of FDR and LBJ.  Back when this nation was what I called a “we” nation.  Ronald Reagan spurred so many Americans to believe this SHOULD be an “I” nation.  Young people in America don’t know the difference because they’ve only seen the latter – the “Reaganomics” part of America.  Trump is putting “Reaganomics” on steroids and, apparently, many in the top 1% are cheering.  I don’t believe we need leaders who are my age, but we do need leaders who understand we’re stronger when those who “have” are concerned for those who “have not.”

It’s almost as if republicans consider this tax cut to be their last chance to FLEECE the American taxpayers before their party faces the wrath of the American voters.

I’ve said this before, but it’s hard to keep up with the political disaster engulfing America in the form of the right wing republican party that sold its soul to the devil back in 2010 after America elected her first African American (well, half African American) president.  The reality is there are MILLIONS of Americans who felt they wanted “their country back” after President Obama was elected which led to the “tea party” that’s “gumming” up the “works” to this day.  And, still, republicans are trying to “cleanse” this nation of anything Obama – despite the FACT their alternatives are HORRIBLE.  For example, their “replacement” of the Affordable Care Act – which they “lovingly” call “Obamacare” – was – true to form – a TAX CUT aimed at the wealthy.  Essentially, that’s what republicans focus on – tax cuts for the RICH.

And, in this present circumstance, the idea that tax cuts for the rich is going to stimulate the economy would be laughable – except, first, I think they may pull it off and, secondly, there’s MILLIONS of middle class households like mine that will actually get a tax increase.  And, mind you, if I thought EVERYONE (above the poverty level) was getting a tax increase – including the so-called top 1% AND the money was going to pay down the national debt – I’d be OK with this.  But, suggesting the same OLD tired line that giving more money to the richest people in America is going to somehow “trickle down” to the rest of us and create more jobs is just – well – ridiculous.  The unemployment level right now is near 4% with 5% considered by many measures to be “full employment.”

Yes, there’s a serious problem with income inequality in America, but to suggest that by giving the top 1% an additional (from what I understand based on this article in Forbes) boost to their “take home pay” ranging from $100,000  per year at the bottom end to well over $1 MILLION per year at the top as a solution to that problem is absurd on its face.  We faced this same ridiculous argument during the Reagan years AND during the Bush/Cheney years.  Whether or not democrats or reasonable republicans (if there are any) can block this fiasco remains to be seen – but, the reality of why republicans are hell bent on getting this through by the end of the year is obvious – it’s one thing many have done a poor job of hiding.  Their benefactors are lining up and telling them if they can’t “deliver” on the tax cuts, the checks will stop coming.

Any one paying attention to American politics over the last few years understands republicans have been finding creative ways to buy off their legislatures.  Around the time president Obama took the oath of office the Supreme Court, in the Citizens United ruling, almost encouraged an avalanche of money into the political process – with no way to prevent FOREIGN money from seeping into the “fray.” (ie Russia)  This (foreign) money can easily be “laundered” into the process via advertising dollars which require NO acknowledgement of who paid for it.  Since that time, groups such as the infamous “Koch Brothers” have infested our political process with BILLIONS of dollars – to which, they are now expecting their return on “investment.”  This corruption is SO apparent, it makes it an even SADDER period in American history as “we the people” are forced to watch this – day by day.

It’s almost as if republicans consider this tax cut to be their last chance to FLEECE the American taxpayers before their party faces the wrath of the American voters pushing them toward the “sunset.”  But, it is what they do, it’s nothing new.  YET, there’s one more thing republicans can be counted on – they’ve been doing this almost as long as they’ve been fleecing America’s taxpayers – and, that is to investigate Hillary Clinton.  Now that she has lost in her bid to be president you’d think the investigations would end, but no!  Of course, we have a president who aligns himself with the likes of Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte the dictator of the Philippines, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Turkey’s dictator, and apparently admires their ability to deal with both the press and their political opponents in ways reminiscent of the mafia.  So attempting to prosecute political opponents should be no surprise.

This is third world stuff – and, yet republicans continue to enable it.  It’s in places like Russia, Turkey, the Philippines and other places around the world run by dictators where you would expect political opponents to face constant harassment or worse.  These are places where the press is expected to “toe the line” of the person in power.  Stories of the journalists EXECUTED in Russia, Turkey, and the Philippines are not rare. (I use those three countries as examples because Trump has validated, from his perspective, the dictators from them)  Trump can only dream.  Of course, in America, he can’t have members of the press he doesn’t like “taken care of,” but, he can investigate Mrs. Clinton.  Let’s just hope the Uranium 1 investigation doesn’t last as long as the Benghazi one.  (And, to make matters worse,Trump’s bullying the Justice Department, based on American history, is as an egregious abuse of power as we’ve seen since the days of Nixon (possibly ever), but predictably republicans will tolerate it because, well, they’ve proven to have no boundaries in their support of Trump)

Prior to his trip to Asia Trump’s focus was on the tax cuts.  While there, as usual, he opened his mouth and out  came controversy – this time in his approval of Putin and trashing of our intelligence service.  He’s been busy attempting to walk back another batch of STUPID words while still pushing republicans to fleece America’s Middle Class with the tax cuts as he prepares to come “home,” and sure enough another scandal arrives.  On Trump’s arrival back in America he’ll be forced to weigh in on the sexual misconduct charges against his latest “favorite son” in Alabama, Roy Moore.  Moore has had far fewer (at least up till now) women accuse him of sexual impropriety than Trump, yet it will be Trump republicans will look to in their attempt to get Moore to “step aside.”  This could get a bit touchy.

While republicans are debating whether or not Roy Moore, the republican candidate for the Senate in Alabama is “fit to serve” because (now) five women have accused him of various charges of sexual assault when they were young ladies they are defending THEIR president who faced charges by SIXTEEN women of sexual harassment (of varying degrees) along with Trump’s BRAGGING about walking into the dressing rooms of beauty pageants he was sponsoring while the contestants were undressed – including the Teen USA pageant where the girls were 15 to 16 years old.  Trump’s claim:  “When you’re famous they just let you do it” after bragging that he can just grab a woman’s “pussy” with no repercussions.

Now, it was reported today, republicans were waiting for Trump to weigh in on the issue with Moore – which would be like “the pot calling the kettle black.”  What on earth has this country deteriorated to?  In Moore’s case I have to say the accusations of the women are totally believable – although, to be fair, it’s a “he said, THEY said” situation.  In my mind, I believe the republicans in Congress are MORE concerned with his other BAGGAGE to the point where they “believe” the accusers.  It’s almost as if they “HAVE” to believe them based on the current climate of men being accused of sexual harassment almost daily in the news.  Yet, Trump actually ADMITTED on the Access Hollywood tape (or should I say “bragged”) that he’s a sexual predator – and, yet the republican “base” (supposedly made up of predominantly “Evangelical Christians”) voted him into office – and, now, to rub it in more to people like me, republicans in Congress are protecting him from the “Russia thing.”  This is all getting a bit convoluted.

So, “we the people” are likely to spend the next week or two arguing about whether or not Roy Moore is “fit to serve” and republicans will attempt to get Trump to claim he’s not (what do you think Moore’s response to that will be?).  In the meantime, the push to FLEECE we the people will continue and there will be little notice in the “media.”  The affect of the tax cut on America’s Middle Class will be more significant than the issue with Moore, because, in actuality, I believe the voter’s in Alabama will decide whether or not he’s “fit to serve.”  If they still choose to elect him to this treasured office it will just be another “straw” in the reality that the America I envisioned as I grew up (during the 50’s and 60’s) is becoming unrecognizable.  Remember, it’s the so-called “Christians” who are backing Moore.  I have to say this – it appears to me these people haven’t read past the Old Testament.  Just sayin……………..

If I could have envisioned a way to undermine America’s standing in the world, a way to turn one American against another, to create an environment where violence seems more and more possible, having a man like Trump as president would be the perfect scenario.  Now that it’s actually happened, it’s up to the media to understand how they’ve been played, it’s up to the voters in this country to understand how they’ve been played, and it’s up to the politicians who actually put country before party to change how things work in Washington DC.  This tax cut SHOULD be the last straw with “we the people.”  It appears to me that over HALF of those in the Middle Class will be paying higher taxes – while people like Trump are “laughing all the way to the bank.”  When will “we the people” wake up.  We have about two weeks from when I’m writing this to stop this tax cut from happening.  I’m not encouraged we’ll be able to do it.  Remember, if republicans fail to deliver on this, the “checks will stop coming.”  To the republicans in Congress that would be like me being cut off from my Diet Pepsi.  Unthinkable!

Final Thought:  I’ve been watching MSNBC today and the “pundits” are disgusted by the alleged behavior of Roy Moore but it doesn’t seem to bring  back too many memories of Trump and the accusations against him.  You don’t have to look very hard to find many MORE women who accuse Trump of the same stuff Moore is accused of.  To me, both men seem deplorable.  It’s hard for me to accept that Trump is allowed to push a tax cut on “we the people” that majorly benefits him and negatively affects myself and MILLIONS of other Middle Class taxpayers.  And, to make it worse, the title of the legislation suggests it’s a “Middle Class” tax cut – AND, if passed Medicare and Medicaid will almost immediately be in the “cross-hairs” of the budget hawks.  (After I started this post Al Franken was accused of Sexual misconduct.  He actually admitted to doing so and almost immediately an ethics inquiry in the Senate began.  All democrats immediately denounced Franken’s behavior – maybe that show’s one difference between democrats and republicans – my question is – why hasn’t there been an investigation into Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct?  Why does he get a pass?  What is everyone afraid of?)

I started this post over a week ago – I can’t keep up with everything that’s been happening.  Trump finally came out and “endorsed” Moore – sort of.  He said, “Judge Moore has denied all the charges” – saying, basically, the women are LIARS.  Where do you think “Judge Moore” got that strategy.  Trump, and his advisors, are essentially saying an accused “child molester” is preferable to a democrat.  Yikes!






Trump’s “Middle Class” tax cut means the Middle Class pays for Trump’s tax cut!

The so-called “Middle Class” tax cut may be the most cynical and dishonest thing pushed by Trump and the right wing republican party yet.  And, when are “we the people” going to figure this out?  If you’re reading this and you watch Fox “news” (with Sean Hannity who is apparently, now, one of Trump’s top advisors) – do yourself (and the rest of us) a favor: STOP!  There’s a reason studies find that viewers of Fox “news” are less “informed” even than Americans who watch NO news at all!  Fox is a poorly disguised propaganda arm of the right wing push in American politics.  When history is written about this era, Fox will be in the same light as Benedict Arnold was in early American history.  (Right along with Trump and company) It’s shameful!

Yesterday, I watched a “snipit” on MSNBC where Sherrod Brown was castigating republicans for their dishonest portrayal of the so-called “Middle Class” tax cut.  Listening to Orrin Hatch “defend” the republicans made me wonder how he (and the others) sleep at night.  This “tax cut for the rich” is the most absurd, the most dishonest, and the most cynical in my 50+ years of watching politics in America.  I still clearly remember the original “trickle down” tax cuts in Reagan’s first years and what they did to the economy and the deficits.  Reagan’s original tax cut actually led to the “tax overhaul” of 1986 which republicans refer to as the last “overhaul” of the tax code while they’re supposedly “overhauling” it again this time.  It’s just a complete LIE – what they’re doing is funneling money to corporations that don’t need it PLUS funneling BILLIONS to themselves and their benefactors.  Instead of strengthening Medicare and Social Security, this action puts them in jeopardy – exactly what Paul Ryan’s been “about” for years.  This tax cut is the result of rich republican DONORS demanding republicans give them a return on the MILLIONS they’ve donated over the past few years.

What that means is those “donations” weren’t intended to elect representatives who would do what’s best for “we the people,” BUT representatives who would RIG the system even FURTHER in favor of this group of people who just can’t get enough money.  Trump, himself, and his family stands to gain over a BILLION dollars from this tax cut which he, predictably, LIED about many times when he’s said he wouldn’t gain a cent from it.  As much as 50% of the Middle Class will pay MORE with that number going higher over the next few years (depending on how bad they damage the health insurance markets).  The most CYNICAL part  of this is that states that tend to vote democratic are TARGETED for higher taxes.  By eliminating the deductions for SALT – State and Local Taxes – people in high tax states will pay higher federal taxes.  Evidently, this is the republicans way to “get back” against states foolish enough to allow liberals to vote.

I heard one republican state that if they don’t pass this tax cut they will be “destroyed” in the 2018 Mid Term elections.  I get the feeling that after they pass it, they’re going to get “destroyed” worse than if they don’t.  When Trump’s “base” learns the truth about what he’s actually doing MANY of them will turn dramatically against him. For example, Trump promised he’d protect Medicare and Medicaid claiming, almost in the same breath, that Hillary Clinton was going to destroy them.  Well, as usual, Trump is doing exactly what he accused Mrs. Clinton of planning to do had she won the election (and, at the time, the “allegation” was absurd on its face).  Almost the minute this bill is signed into law Medicare will be cut by something like $25 BILLION just in the next year because of a provision called “Paygo” that requires, evidently, that Congress “pays as it goes” – in other words, “we the people” are going to be “finding” creative ways to pay for this “tax cut for the rich.”  Republicans, of course, put a “poison pill” in the Senate version of the “tax cut” where they repeal the “Individual Mandate” of the Affordable Care Act.  Estimates are this, if it passes, will cut 13 MILLION people from health insurance and INCREASE the premiums for the rest of us by an additional 10% over the increases already announced.

This is how they work.  The tax cut for an average Middle Class family might be in the neighborhood of a few hundred dollars while their insurance bill goes up over a thousand – which even people who are poor at math can figure is a losing proposition. I remember when I was working as a teacher many teachers complained that their salaries were not outpacing inflation – which was true.  What was interesting though, as I look back on it, was how increased medical costs always outpaced any increase in salary.  Of course, I was always thankful to be one of the “lucky” Americans to have health insurance – but I always noticed when my salary went up 2% the cost medical insurance went up 5% or more.  This is EXACTLY what the republicans have in store for MILLIONS of Americans with this so-called tax cut.  Many, in the Middle Class, may see a small decrease in their tax bill, but it’s likely to be offset by a more significant increase in their health insurance.  I believe the idea of repealing the individual mandate is to almost encourage many young, low income, Americans to NOT purchase health insurance – to HIDE the FACT their taxes would be significantly going up!

So, there will be republicans claiming “everyone got a tax cut” while ignoring the FACT maybe half of the Middle Class will LOSE when figuring “disposable income.”  Again, Trump himself and his family stand to gain over a BILLION dollars from this tax cut.  And, the MILLIONAIRES and BILLIONAIRES in his cabinet will gain much more than they lost be taking government salaries (although, many of them are making up for lost revenue by chartering planes on the government “dime” – including the Treasury Secretary who’s largely responsible for these tax cuts AND the draconian budget that’s targeting so many important social safety net programs intended to lift up the poor in America).  It’s almost as if they want us to be a “third world nation.”  Do you think their idea of how to get factories back in America is to push our workers’ wages down so they are competitive with countries like Mexico and China?  This tax cut is aimed at Wall Street NOT Main Street.  As the saying goes, “What else is new?”

I’m confident not one democrat will vote for this (although Trump has targeted a few senators up for reelection in states he won – we’ll see just how strong they are) but democrats don’t have enough votes to stop it.  Sadly, as will be the case until at least 2018, we are depending on at least three republicans in the Senate to find a conscience.  I wrote a while back about Jeff Flake’s inspiring retirement speech on the Senate floor due to his inability to run for reelection as a “Trump republican,” yet, there he is voting for virtually EVERY Trump issue.  If this was a real “Middle Class Tax cut” and wasn’t going to blow up the deficit, I’d be all for it.  Flake and Bob Corker claim to be against anything that increases the deficit – yet this bill will increase the deficit by at least $1,5 TRILLION over the next 10 years by conservative estimates.  I can virtually guarantee it will be much WORSE than that.  Hopefully, both Flake and Corker will vote against it – but, I’m not holding my breath.

Personally, I believe the actions being taken by Trump and the republicans right now are akin to taking a “pin” and poking the “bubble” that is forming from the booming economy.  Trump was handed an economy on the rise that needed a boost from the bottom up to become truly a strong sustainable entity.  As would be predictable from republicans they’re giving the “boost” to the top and at some point the “bubble” will burst and they won’t know how to fix it.  Their “tax cut for the rich” will simply put more money in the pocket of the top 1% and more money for corporations to hoard or use to further contract competition by allowing the large corporations to “gobble up” the smaller ones so “we the people” have even less choices in areas that protect our “freedom.”  For example,  the number of media outlets is shrinking and conservative corporate interests are consolidating their propaganda POWER in order to continue brainwashing all those people who believe Trump is telling the truth when his lips are moving.  This is serious!

This all is not happening by accident.  I’ve pointed out many times on this site republicans long ago adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda for the Third Reich in 1930’s Germany.  (If you repeat a LIE enough people will believe it’s true)  This is not something we hear talked about in the so-called “liberal media” for “whatever” reason – I certainly don’t understand why “news anchors” as the people on MSNBC call themselves – are not REPEATEDLY pointing this out.  They’re pointing out the HUGE number of LIES Trump has spewed since his inauguration – something approaching 2000 according to the Washington Post – but, I haven’t heard much more than a “peep” as to why all the LIES are coming “fast and furious” from other republicans as well.  It’s not just Trump – but, anyone who’s going to stay in his administration for any length of time MUST be willing to spew the LIES..  I kind of felt sorry for Sean Spicer BUT, I’m feeling as though Sarah Sanders is much more willing to live in Trump’s universe of “alternative facts” – as Kellyanne Conway, another “master LIAR’ put it.  If you haven’t noticed republican pundits tell the SAME LIES as if they’ve been programmed.  Well, they essentially have been.

These tax cuts are so important to republicans – and getting SOMETHING accomplished THIS YEAR  is even MORE important – so they’re pushing them through at breakneck speed to the point where I don’t believe many of the people voting on the bill have any idea of what’s in it.  I certainly don’t – I’m just making predictions based on the superficial stuff that’s made the “news” and the history of republicans and what you can count on from them.  So, I guess the FACT that 5% of their “MIDDLE CLASS” tax cut is actually intended for those in the “Middle Class” we should all be grateful and be willing to look the other way as they gut Medicare and Medicaid, damage the Affordable Care Act causing MILLIONS to be without health insurance, and increase the DEFICIT by about two to three HUNDRED BILLION dollars per year all the while as they “inflate” another bubble.  I’m guessing, when it “bursts” they’ll find a way to blame President Obama.

And, keep in mind, this is all being done with a president who apparently COLLUDED with the Russians to get elected (although he got 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton) and admitted on the Access Hollywood tape to being a sexual predator.  And, now republicans are depending on someone with similar accusations against him to win the election in Alabama to ensure they have another republican vote.  To me (I guess I’m a liberal – although I’m a Christian – I’m guessing Trump and his followers would suggest that’s impossible) both the COLLUDING with the Russians AND the sexual misconduct makes Trump unacceptable.  Actually, the “Russia thing,” to me, is the more disqualifying.  One thing I agree with Trump (apparently based on the words of Ms. Sanders) is that the voters get to decide the outcome of elections.  Well, unless the candidate breaks the law – like COLLUDING with a foreign nation OR OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE – or other “high crimes and misdemeanors” – then Congress SHOULD do their job and IMPEACH.

In the case of Judge Moore – I, like many, find the man despicable without the allegations of sexual misconduct.  Yet, I agree that the voters of Alabama SHOULD get to vote for the candidate of their choice.  I still am struggling as to how the so-called “conservative Christians” are able to look the other way from someone who’s an admitted sexual predator.  They overwhelmingly supported Trump so we shouldn’t be surprised that we’re seeing an “instant replay” in Alabama with Roy Moore who apparently has always “had it in” for the younger ladies.  He’s been accused of sexually assaulting a 14 year old minor about 30 or so years ago.  I actually heard the governor of Alabama state she believes the women who’ve made various accusations of sexual misconduct against Moore yet she’s going to vote for him because it’s more important to have a republican in Congress than someone who lacks moral clarity. (That statement really caused me to pause) I’m really confused as to how the people supporting Moore and Trump call themselves Christians.

Had both Moore and Trump admitted to their misbehavior (well, Trump actually did on the Access Hollywood tape) and asked the women for forgiveness – similar to what Al Franken did when he was recently accused of sexually harassing a lady on a USO tour 11 years ago – then I’d be more likely to understand and be more accepting.  I believe we all have issues of one sort or another and when another person’s been harmed it’s appropriate to apologize and ask for forgiveness.  Trump and Moore are lashing out at their accusers instead – both threatening to file lawsuits against the women.  This is why so many women NEVER say anything after experiencing sexual harassment or worse.  Moore actually told one of his victims, according to her report, not to tell anyone what happened because “NO ONE” will believe you.  Hopefully, that form of intimidation will no longer work.

The bottom line here is that republicans NEED Roy Moore in the Senate for at least the vote on this tax cut.  (although, no one’s reporting on how the democrat from Alabama would vote)  If our Congress was actually working for “we the people” instead of Wall Street, this wouldn’t be at issue.  In reality, if they really did give a tax cut that WAS aimed at the Middle Class – meaning those earning less than, say, $150,000 (for a couple) were the MAJOR recipients of the cut, the economy would actually get a significant boost – because the money would get SPENT.  And, the tax cut WOULD actually lead to more revenue for the government and help to reduce the deficit to the point where we could start paying down the national debt.  I’m not sure when “we the people” will come to understand that republicans complain about the deficit ONLY when a democrat is in the “White House.”  If you’re reading this and you live in a state where your Senator is republican – call him or her and ask them to vote against this terrible bill.  Remind them that their constituents, in reality, are who they owe their allegiance – not the wealthy “donors” who are clamoring for a “return on their ‘investment.'”

While all this Moore, Moore, Moore stuff is going on and dominating the “news” republicans are – almost surreptitiously – cramming a TAX CUT through Congress in lightning speed.

Honestly, I can’t keep up with all the “stuff” happening regarding Trump and republicans.  I’ve got three other posts “in the works” and now this.  Yikes!  Here’s what’s really bothering me as I’m trying to watch “news” shows to wrap my head around everything being presented.  There’s Roy Moore AND Roy Moore AND Roy Moore (hopefully, you get the idea) – then’s there’s Trump’s response or lack thereof and there’ Kushner, the “dossier,” Trump and the “Russia thing” AND more Roy Moore. Almost makes my head “swim.”  Unfortunately, there’s something very important missing from most of the discussions – something that will affect MOST of us for years to come.

While all this Moore, Moore, Moore stuff is going on and dominating the “news” republicans are – almost surreptitiously – cramming a TAX CUT through Congress in lightning speed.  Undoubtedly, MOST members of even the republican party have no idea what’s in the details (I can almost assure you “the devil’s in the details”)  What’s on the “surface” should be enough to cause ANY member of Congress who actually cares about the Middle Class to GAG.  Republicans are planning to begin “slicing and dicing” Medicare and Medicaid almost as I’m writing this and Social Security isn’t far behind.  Other programs connected to health insurance and the needs of “the least of these” in the words of Christ are on the “chopping block.”

Republicans have already allowed the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to expire putting the health insurance of 9 MILLION children at risk, they’ve proposed cutting school lunches and programs like meals on wheels.  You have to understand the people Trump put in the “swamp.”  Steve Mnuchin, the “so called” Treasury Secretary,  is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE who’s showing himself to have not even a drop of compassion for those in need in this country (and, the number is growing).  He stands to gain MILLIONS from this tax cut.  The Senate even embedded another “shot” at undermining “Obamacare” in their version of the “tax cut” targeting insurance for an estimated 13 MILLION Americans.  Of course, many of these are either young or poor, so “who cares?” Right?  Well, if it’s not obvious, I do!

The so-called “Middle Class tax cut” actually gives 75% of the cuts to corporations which don’t need tax cuts.  The economy is BOOMING right now.  Yes, there’s a real issue with income inequality, but these tax cuts are NOT going to address that issue.  And, the claim they will create jobs is ABSURD on its face.  Unemployment is around 4%.  That’s FULL employment – actually better than what I’ve always read is “full employment” which is 5%.  Suggesting the corporations receiving the bulk of the tax cuts will miraculously give raises to their workers is just as absurd.  We’ve been through this over and over again since Reagan “fooled” us.  (Well, he fooled enough people to get it through, and republicans have been “fooling” us over and over again ever since)  I hope I can remember this saying better than George W Bush did, “back in the day,” – “fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  When are “we the people” going to say ENOUGH ALREADY?!

Then, about 80% of the other 25% of the cuts are going to the top 1% – with estimates ranging from around $125,000 per year if you’re at the bottom of the 1% (as Trump would say, “sad”) to well over $1 MILLION per year if you’re one of the many BILLIONAIRES in America who DEFINITELY don’t need ANY more than you already have.  OK, I know what you’re saying. Tell that to them.  They’re investing MILLIONS into the political arena and they’re expecting a tidy return on their “investment.”  In fact, it’s been reported the MAIN reason republicans are cramming this monstrosity through with the swiftness of superman is their “investors” (donors) have informed them – get the tax cut through or the checks will STOP.  I mean, can you remember a time when members of Congress have shown such urgency?  Trump’s own supporters won’t know what “hit” them until well after it’s too late – and Trump and Fox “news” – where they get their misinformation – will find a way to blame the ensuing disaster on either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Both.  When will “we the people” wake up? (Trump, himself, is in line to gain a BILLION dollars from this scam.  What’s the saying? “Nice work, if you can get it!)

Well, here’s the good news. Around 5% of this “Middle Class tax cut” will actually go to the Middle Class – at least for a few years.  Of course, there’s a hitch to even that.  While Your (and my) taxes could possibly go down a small amount (maybe three or four hundred dollars per year) it’s MORE than likely that your expense for health care will rise significantly higher than any tax cut you might be in line for.  Of course, NOT ALL members of the Middle Class will even receive a tax cut – about 30% are in line for a TAX INCREASE!  And, that’s before we figure in the hike in your health care costs. (The last estimate I heard was that those making between $10,000 and $75,000 will get a tax increase.  You read that correctly, if you’re making minimum wage you’re going to get SCREWED by Trump!)

This is such a great game for the rich people in America who’ve been pulling this scam (heist) off over and over since Reagan originally pulled off the “trickle down” LIE.  Yet, here we are – and, it’s happening as I’m writing this.  And, republicans are using the “shield” of sexual harassment (again, a worthy topic to be discussing) and whether Roy Moore is “fit to serve” in the Senate.  (I do have to point out, he’s still been accused by significantly fewer women than Trump)  I’m sure there are many republicans who’d be happy to be discussing Moore every day until this tax cut can be sent to Trump for his signature.  (Since I began this post it’s been reported Al Franken committed sexual harassment – women are coming forward in droves – which I encourage – BUT if we take our focus off these tax cuts there’s NO WAY to stop them)

The issue of sexual harassment SHOULD be discussed and it’s good that women are FINALLY feeling comfortable in coming forward.  I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and, as I look back on my own life, I feel boys were almost trained to see women as “sex objects.”  I certainly am not someone who can “throw the first stone” when it comes to saying I’ve always treated women with total respect.  It’s a serious issue and, in my mind, much more serious when careers and power are at stake.  I encourage the discussion and dialogue.  However, it appears to me, at this time, it’s causing “we the people” to get our focus off of these tax cuts which could have devastating effects on America’s Middle Class for years.  “We the people” should be doing everything we can to get them stopped – and, it will be MOST difficult.

And, of course, another part of these egregious tax cuts is they will increase the DEFICIT by Trillions.  Trump and the rest of the republicans will claim the economy is going to take some outrageous “boost” which will actually bring in more revenue and the “books will be balanced.”  Seriously, as stated above, we’ve been through this time and again.  Here’s another prediction (and, sadly, most of my “predictions” have proven true):  The deficit is going to go up an additional $200 BILLION to $500 BILLION per year and, true to form, republicans will gladly raise the debt ceiling until there’s a democrat in the “White House.”  Then, the BLAME GAME will start all over again and we’ll have all the threats posed to President Obama as he struggled to stimulate the economy over constant republican obstruction.

Republicans are cramming this tax cut through by claiming they’re going to “pay for it” by cutting Medicare and Medicaid to the tune of almost 2 TRILLION dollars.  Yep, that’s TRILLION with a T.  It shouldn’t be hard for you to figure out republicans want to old people and poor people to pay for this tax cut.  And, their arrogance of raising taxes on people making $10,000 per year almost makes me want to puke as I’m writing this.  I’m wondering what they’ll do when it becomes apparent a couple TRILLION from Medicare and Medicaid isn’t enough to pay for it.  Will they then go after Paul Ryan’s pet peeve, Social Security?  I guess the FACT the top 1%  of Americans own more wealth than the bottom 90%.  Yet, they want MORE!  This is so disgusting I’m out of words!  (Except for)

My Final Thought:  My representative is a republican who I actually admire.  She’s much younger (to me that’s good) and she’s an honorable person (which, to me, is also good).  However, being a republican causes her to do many things that I feel she only does because she has to because she’s a republican.  I may be wrong, but I believe she voted for these tax cuts because she would be “primaried” AND the financial support would STOP if she didn’t.  I called about a week ago and her “spokesperson” told me she was “struggling” with how she would vote.  Of course, she voted “yeah.”  She had to if she wanted to remain a member of the House.  That’s how and why many of them are voting for this abomination – out of self preservation for them – unfortunately, not so much for “we the people.”  And, as stated above, I don’t believe my representative nor many (probably MOST) of the others have a good idea of what’s actually in the bill.

It appears Trump is in cahoots with Vladimir Putin to divide the American public and diminish America’s standing in the world.

Well, if it’s not obvious, I’m having trouble keeping up with Trump.  It’s still hard for me to believe “we the people” would elect someone so incredibly STUPID when it comes to foreign affairs.  And, his own defense of his legitimacy as the actual president defies description.  This is the man who spent five LONG years claiming President Obama was not a legitimate president because he wasn’t born in the U.S. – the so-called “birther” movement that Trump led.  Well, the evidence is mounting that it was the Russians who surprisingly pushed Trump over the top in 2016 – all the pundits continue to wonder how Trump managed to win despite all the polls showing almost certain defeat.  More and more it’s becoming clear – it was the Russians.

They (the Russians) MUST have something good on Trump for him to continue playing “dumb” about the reality of the Russian “interference” into the election.  Or he just IS DUMB.  It’s almost unexplainable at this point in time.  I believe it’s entirely possible the Russians were able to HACK the actual electronic voting machines – turning Clinton votes to Trump.  We’ll likely never know – even if the “experts” discover the truth.  Just as the “experts” hid the Truth about the Florida vote in 2000 I believe they’ll do the same here – preventing even more of an “uprising” by “we the people.”  Of course, based on the recent results in Virginia and around the country the uprising is simply in its “infant” stages.

So, during Trump’s “historic” trip to Asia – where it’s obvious the countries around the world have figured out they can “play” him by giving him grandiose treatment – Trump sided with Vladimir Putin in the “Russia thing.” He continued his assault on the American Intelligence community by impugning the character of John Brennan and James Clapper – two distinguished members of the Intelligence Community past – AND continuing his character assassination of James Comey – who he accused of being a “LIAR and LEAKER.”

Of course, Comey publicly acknowledged he gave information from his notes to a friend to pass on to the press defending his own character after the original Trump assault levied at him after he was unceremoniously fired.  I guess that does make him a “leaker” in Trump’s eyes, but most “leakers” don’t admit to giving the information to the press AND Comey was a private citizen at the time, the information was not “classified,” and therefore, from my perspective at least, Comey WASN’T “leaking.”  In America, at least as of today, private citizens still have freedom of speech.  Additionally, Trump calling Comey a LIAR would be laughable if all this weren’t so serious.  Later, I’ll give you a link to the scorecard on Trump’s LIES – it’s almost overwhelming!

It’s further depressing to me to have an American president (“so-called” president) on “foreign soil” making these kinds of attacks AND then saying he agrees with Putin that the Russians didn’t interfere in the election (STUPID comments that he later POORLY attempted to “walk back”) while we all here at home continue trying to figure out what is the “kompromat” the Russians have on Trump.  While on this trip Trump also reiterated to the countries in Southeast Asia that their future, economically, is tied to China because of our “America First” philosophy.  (I say “our” because, unfortunately “we the people” are tied to this man’s decisions until he can be removed from office)

President Obama had the courage to negotiate the so-called TPP trade agreement, despite opposition from some in his own party, which would have given the United States a strong position via trade with the countries in this region but Trump, in all his “wisdom,” pulled America out of the agreement shortly after taking office.  From what I can tell, this will be a more damaging decision, long term, than pulling America out of the Paris Climate Accords – although, in BOTH cases Trump is giving China a green light to assume world leadership in key areas tied to future economic growth world wide. (Here’s an interesting side note to Trump’s “America first” philosophy – in his own company he’s bringing in multitudes of foreign workers under various programs that grant temporary visas INSTEAD of hiring Americans)

Full disclosure: politicians on the “other side of the isle” – including Hillary Clinton – expressed opposition to the TPP “partnership.”  I’m certainly not the expert here, but from what I’m reading and hearing Trump’s decision has resulted in a HUGE grin on the face of the economists in China.  The purpose of President Obama’s push for this agreement – I do remember him claiming this – was to give America “standing” with trade “partners” in an extremely important part of the world going forward with the expressed purpose of combating the Chinese.  I’ve often referred to my concern about the DAMAGE to our nation Trump is CAUSING (meaning, as the result of his decisions) and his pulling out of TPP and the Paris Accords could set us back for decades.  While Trump (and company) is pushing coal and oil in the U.S., the rest of the world is looking forward.  This is SERIOUS!

Every time Trump gets out on his own – where his mouth is left to unscripted words – we end up with these types of discussions.  And, the republican party just continues to enable this.  I heard someone the other day, on the radio while I was driving around, asking: “What would republicans be doing and saying if Barack Obama was cozying up to people like Putin and Duterte of the Philippines?  Would republicans stand idly by had Obama, while on a foreign trip, criticized the leaders of the intelligence community – calling them “hacks” and attacking the head of the FBI and calling him a LIAR? (while under investigation by the same people) The real irony here to me, is Trump calling anyone a LIAR.  Trump is DEFINITELY the LIAR in chief!  Click here for a list of his lies since taking office.  According to the Washington Post the number of LIES went over 1000 around August first.

Obviously, MOST Americans are disappointed, discouraged, embarrassed, angry, disgusted……… fill in the blank – about the Trump presidency.  They’re looking forward to the day he can be voted out of office or IMPEACHED.  Apparently, Democrats will need to take control of Congress for this to happen, but I remind you of 2006.  “We the people” voted Democrats back into control of Congress to be a “check” on the Bush/Cheney administration which had not only pushed us into an ILLEGAL war based on LIES, but were TORTURING Iraqi civilians (and others) by the droves and claiming the right to designate ANYONE, including Americans, to be “enemy combatants” and, therefore, not subject to traditional guarantees of human rights.

And, what did “we the people” get?  We got the so-called “surge” in Iraq and a bunch of Democrats who lacked the courage to IMPEACH both Bush and Cheney.  I personally confronted my representative (a democrat) about this issue and asked him, in a town hall, to explain why nothing was happening.  His response to my question (which, by the way, brought a loud response from the standing room only crowd – in support of the question) was “The Senate likely would not convict, so why waste the time?”  Well, that was the wrong answer as far as I was concerned, and our district has had a republican representative ever since.  To this day, I’m not sure if democrats understand why they’ve become the “minority” party.

I’m hoping democrats begin to realize that one thing the America people will not tolerate is politicians who appear “weak.”  Ever since President Obama’s election democrats have been losing power because so many of them have failed to defend their own fundamental values.  The Affordable Care Act had a poor “approval rating” for several years because the democrats who voted it in failed to support it and fight for the improvements necessary to make it better.  I’ve watched, in frustration, over the past few years, democrats trying to avoid being labeled a “liberal” and running away from the fundamental values of their party.  This is why white middle class voters in the “rust belt” ended up voting for Trump in way too many numbers.  This is why so many voters were susceptible to the Russian propaganda that changed an undetermined number of voters in 2016.

Let’s face it, Trump ADMITTED on the Access Hollywood tape to being a sexual predator.  Over a dozen women came forward and confirmed his comments in the video.  Young girls (I believe around 15 years old) claimed he walked into the dressing room during the “Miss Teen USA” Pageant while the YOUNG girls were naked.  When I “fact checked” this accusation Trump’s response evidently set the precedent for Roy Moore in Alabama, who’s defending accusations about his own inappropriate behavior with a minor almost EXACTLY as Trump did prior to the 2016 election.  Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, “They’re all LIARS.”  Isn’t that why so many women say in private they’ve got stories about inappropriate memories that range from harassment to sexual assaults.  The men, like Trump and Moore, simply warn women to keep silent because no one will believe them.  And, if anyone speaks out, they face a backlash that most of the women are in no position to fight back against.

The republican voters – including women – were apparently OK with Trump and his bragging and the evidence his bragging wasn’t actually bragging – it was stuff that actually happened.  Republicans fear Alabama voters will do the same with Roy Moore and they will then be forced to deal with all his other crazy ideas.  Like LGBT people aren’t really, well………. people.  So this is what 40 some percent of America’s voters have given us.  It appears that Trump is in cahoots with Putin to divide the American public and diminish America’s standing in the world.  I’m not sure what is the most shocking to me – that republican voters don’t care about that OR they don’t care about electing sexual predators to high (or any) public office! Yikes!!!

Dick Cheney was wrong when he said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”

What we’re all watching in America is the pathetic demise of one of the two parties in our two party system of government.  The republican party, as many more than just myself have observed over the past few years, is geared up to win elections AT ALL COST, but has put itself in a position where it can’t govern.  And, of course, having Donald Trump at the “head of the class” just makes everything worse.  He’s got no idea of how to govern and lead – his expertise is in bloviating and blaming others for his own shortcomings.

We saw this in the so-called “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care Act.  Instead of doing the sensible thing that would have given republicans “standing” with the American people and “fixing” the Affordable Care Act they were unable to do anything (their “Trumpcare” was nothing more than a tax cut for the wealthy disguised as “healthcare”) except watch Trump do everything he could to undermine the existing law – despite the damage that does to “we the people.”  Evidently, the reasoning behind their unwillingness to fix “Obamacare” is because of the moniker they, themselves, put on the law 7 years ago.  If President Obama has anything to do with it, they are against it.  At some point republicans will figure out that’s a losing strategy as far as “governing” is concerned.

And, they’re doing it again with their “tax reform” – which is just another in their “trickle down” (trickle up) tax scam they’ve been putting on “we the people” since the days of Reagan.  Everyone knows it’s going to balloon the deficit and enrich the top 1%, but, “here we go again.”  Here’s what’s really interesting about their “tax reform.”  They claim the purpose is to “create jobs and get our economy moving again.”  There’s an obvious problem with that “boast” that I’m not hearing a single “pundit” point out.

The problem is that the economy is booming.  Unemployment is at its lowest level in decades.  Corporations are SWIMMING in profits and CASH.  The idea that giving them a tax break will lead to more jobs is LUDICROUS – but, that’s the argument.  Of course, the problem – which NO ONE apparently wants to talk about is that the real issue is income inequality.  You don’t get that?  Let me be more specific – there’s too few people making the bulk of the money.  The people who are about to get a HUGE tax cut, are already FILTHY rich.  Then there’s us working stiffs (well, I’m now retired, but I WAS a “working stiff”) who have had stagnant wages for – well, pretty much since the days Reagan first enacted what George HW Bush rightly referred to as “Voodoo Economics” – the first “trickle down” tax cuts.

Since those days – as I just said, workers wages have been near stagnant when adjusted for inflation, while corporate profits have gone “through the roof.”  And, the “top 1%” – well, they now control an inordinate amount of America’s wealth but, you guessed it, they want even more.  They’ve been buying off the republican Congress for years and they want an even greater return than the windfall that’s come their way as part of America’s wealthy elite.  Wall Street is soaring, yet the corporate interests are complaining that their taxes are too high.  Many pay NO taxes and many are stashing BILLIONS in places like the Cayman Islands because they just don’t want to pay taxes to their own country.  Think about that – and, then they accuse NFL players as being “unpatriotic” for kneeling during the national anthem.  This is hypocrisy 101.

And, it’s republicans and their benefactors – that is, those who are doing amazingly well – who are at the head of the line when there’s a democratic president COMPLAINING about the DEFICIT.  Yet, sure enough, give us a republican in the “White House” and “here we go again.”  These republicans have concluded that “we the people” are so STUPID they can get away with this scam seemingly FOREVER.  Here’s the rub on that thought.

Last night, in many places around the country, there were signs that the so-called “resistance” has awoken the “masses” in America.  Trust me, many of those who voted for Trump are beginning to realize what a loser he really is.  And, Steve Bannon, – well, what’s that saying? “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  Trump and Bannon are like “blood brothers.”  Both of them can LIE with a totally straight face because it’s “what they do.”  The election in Virginia gave us a glaring example of how arrogant their LYING really is.  If you go back and listen to each of their remarks regarding the governors’ election in Virginia – first a couple days before their guy got gob smacked – and, then one day after – you realize they’re just making it up as they go.  It really is pathetic and more and more Americans are coming to their senses.  Ed Gillespie was going to win because he embraced Trump (that’s before the election). Ed Gillespie LOST because he DIDN’T embrace Trump – that’s a day AFTER the election.  And, republicans fall for all this.

Well, actually, there’s always been plenty of Americans who can’t stand Trump and his “ilk” but the question has always been “will they show up and vote?”  Yesterday, they did – and, they sent a resounding message to the country – and, maybe to the republican party – although I doubt it.  Because, keep in mind, the republicans are not “connected” to the voters – they’re “connected” to the fat cats they’re now trying to repay for the MILLIONS in campaign donations.  It’s actually pretty ugly, but, as they say, “it is what it is.”

Essentially, democrats can’t stop this robbery of the treasury by our richest neighbors because republicans control the Congress – but, maybe in the Senate there will be at least three members who actually oppose DEFICITS even when a republican (if you can call Trump a republican) occupies the “White House” – or three who are as offended as many of us out in the heartland that the only way republicans can sneak this through without democratic support is by plundering Medicare and Medicaid to the tune of nearly $2 TRILLION!  That’s correct, it’s TRILLION  with a “T.”  Clearly, these republicans have no SHAME.

I’ve said since day one of Trump’s “administration” that he will survive until the jobs of the republicans in Congress are in jeopardy because of his ineptitude – and we’re nearing that point.  Additionally, I pointed out that the damage Trump could do in the meantime could be catastrophic.  And, we’re getting there as well.  Trump approved the two pipelines which will threaten America’s greatest aquifer soon after taking office.  He pulled America out of the Paris Climate Accords in an act of stupidity (although, that move may be fixable if he’s out of office sooner rather than later).  We’re finding out that pulling America out of the TPP trade agreement has had the effect President Obama warned about – and, that is emboldening China economically in the Asian marketplace – and, potentially shutting America out of HUGE amounts of trade in that region.

Trump wants to open the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to mining and oil exploration while he denies “climate change” – as we all watch the ice melting in the polar regions.  I suppose when the level of the ocean invades Mar a Lago he’ll find a way to blame President Obama.  As I pointed out above, Trump has been busily trying to undermine “Obamacare” apparently so he can say “I told you so” while MILLIONS  of lower income Americans are back in the “I have no health insurance” category – and, return to using the emergency room (which they can’t pay for) to get their “health care.”  Trump and republicans are even letting the CHIP program expire – putting the health care of 9 MILLION American children at risk.  And, I could go on – but, I hope you get the drift.  It appears a significant MAJORITY of last night’s votes do “get the drift.”

Obviously, the writing SHOULD be “on the wall” for republicans – but, I seriously doubt it.  And, of course, democrats of late have a tendency to celebrate before the “fat lady sings.”  Democrats need an agenda that’s more than just anti-Trump.  Trump and his republican cohorts won’t even give a hint that they’re in “trouble.”  As I mentioned above regarding the before and after of Trump AND Bannon regarding the Virginia governors race – after Ed Gillespie lost it was because he didn’t support Trump enough.  (Of course, when it looked like he might win, right before the election, they were saying it was because he had adopted a “Trumpian” campaign – and, of course, they were BOTH right there campaigning for him)  They will find a way to spin everything – just as they’re doing with the “Russia thing” – which I’m forcing myself to leave out of this rant.

Prediction:  Trump and the republicans will almost immediately, after seeing the results of last night’s election, DOUBLE down on their efforts to SUPPRESS the upcoming mid term election voter rolls.  This effort has been under way since the Supreme Court GUTTED section five of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – that so many African Americans shed their blood to get passed – and, now people of color, elderly people, and young people – essentially, any group that tends to vote for democrats – are going to be targeted in some kind of way to make it harder for them to cast a vote in 2018.  All the republican “dirty tricks” will be in full force as Trump and company try to hold onto power.  So, democrats had better stop the victory dance immediately, and kick their “plan” for 2018 into high gear.

America is in the process of rejecting Trump AND the right wing republicans in the Congress.  It appears to me that the environment in D.C. is so toxic that the only republicans “we the people” would consider voting for are all “retiring.”  Trump and Bannon have accomplished one thing – and, that is turn the republican party into an almost totally racist, homophobic, climate denying, environmental denying, regulation denying, and white nationalist accepting party.  In essence, they’ve made a “pact with the devil” and it’s going to be their undoing.  My main hope is that there’s enough good Americans in the republican party to stop this tax ripoff that could have major lasting damage to this nation.  I’ll end this by saying, Dick Cheney was wrong when he said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”  And, I guarantee you, the increased deficit from the present republican “tax reform” will be at least double what they predict (and probably closer to triple).  I keep wondering it they’ll still be able to blame the deficit on President Obama?????

I have to wonder if Michael Flynn is telling his “story” to Robert Mueller? Maybe he’s trying to avoid hearing “lock him up!”

For the past week, after the Mueller investigation indicted Paul Manafort and one of his associates for a plethora of money issues and failure to register as a foreign agent charges I couldn’t help but think the silence regarding the situation with Michael Flynn is deafening.  Well, sure enough, yesterday, it was reported that Mueller “has enough evidence to charge Flynn with a crime” (and his son).  Well, to me, it’s been OBVIOUS for months there’s enough evidence to charge Flynn with a crime.  In fact, MANY crimes.  (Every time I think about this I get a picture in my mind of Flynn telling the crowd at the Republican convention in 2016 that “If I did one tenth of what Mrs. Clinton did I would face…………” and, then leading them in the “Lock her up” chant.)

First, we all – well, anyone not watching Fox “news” or listening to Limbaugh or relying on outlets like Breitbart and (apparently now) the Wall Street Journal – know that we’re dealing with a gaggle of LIARS in the “White House.”  So, the FACT Michael Flynn “allegedly” LIED to the FBI shouldn’t surprise anyone.  However, suggesting he “LIED” to the Vice President – as the reason for him being fired – is almost laughable.  To suggest neither Mike Pense nor Trump knew Flynn was meeting with the “Russian Ambassador” is ridiculous.  What’s not ridiculous is that the “White House” would LIE about this to cover their own asses.  And, Flynn, the “good soldier” is apparently going along with it – although, the prospect of maybe 15 to 20 years behind bars – plus a maybe a bit lessor sentence for his son – may be enough for Flynn to “cooperate.”

Of course, there’s not a shadow of DOUBT in my mind that Trump has been in communication with Flynn more than his “stay strong” admonition that was publicized letting him know that pardons are in the offing if he’s convicted of a crime or multitude of crimes – although, I’m certain Mueller is trying to find a way around Trump’s pardoning powers.  Of course, once Trump pardon’s Flynn – then he can be questioned with no ability to “take the fifth” and would be compelled to tell what he knows about the “highers up” in the “White House.”  There’s no question in my mind that Trump is the real target of the investigation despite all his proclamations that “I’m not under investigation.”

Here’s just what I know of why Flynn is “up a creek without a paddle.”  First, he apparently LIED to the FBI.  Check with George Papadopoulus on that one – five years for every LIE.  And, Flynn’s son is apparently right there with him on some of this – although I’m only guessing he’s been LYING as well.  You know the saying, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  Additionally, Flynn had some serious memory issues with the security forms he filled out – with 5 years for every instance of “memory loss.”  (Flynn’s filled these forms out many times over the years and “forgetting” he’s taking money from Russia AND Turkey doesn’t pass the proverbial “smell test.”  So now we’re surmising, at a minimum, 10 years for Mr. Flynn.  But it gets better (or worse, depending on your perspective).

If you remember, back in January, the former head of the CIA James Woolsey, claimed he was in a meeting where Flynn and some of his associates discussed, essentially, kidnapping a Turkish cleric and sending him back to the dictator of Turkey,  Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Of course, Flynn denies this and I’m not sure if it can be proved, but the reality is that Flynn was lobbying for the Turkish government while serving as National Security advisor to Trump.  Can you imagine the republican uproar had this been President Obama’s National Security advisor?

Can you imaging the uproar from republicans with any of the “Russia thing” had it been President Obama or a President Clinton on the receiving end of their support during an election?  For heaven’s sake, the Benghazi hearings went on for years (I only hope they’re over).  Do you think republicans will investigate the murders of the four U.S. soldiers in Niger any where near what they did after Benghazi?  Probably not, because I seriously doubt you could realistically accuse either Obama or Clinton for that fiasco – but, with republicans I “never say never.”  (As I write, they’re trying to connect Mueller with the so-called “uranium scandal” to force him to “recuse” himself from the Russia scandal.  Republicans are creative and they have no boundaries on their lack of honor)

The FACT Russia ATTACKED our nation during the 2016 election is irrelevant to most members of the republican party in Congress.  This is SHAMEFUL above and beyond all the stuff I’ve written about over the years about republicans that is shameful – but, nothing to this level.  This is showing a willingness to look the other way to an ATTACK on our nation to prevent the possibility of discovering their president COLLUDED with the Russians or OBSTRUCTED the investigation.  I know people who watch Fox and they honestly believe the real scandal is the 2010 sale of a Canadian company that controlled between 10 and 20 percent of America’s uranium to a Russian company.  This was a nondescript, inconsequential transaction that never made the highest levels of government during the approval process.

However, with republicans, they search the archives for something they can twist into a scandal – originally, this was aimed at Mrs. Clinton (ie she was the real person colluding with Russia) and now, I believe, they’re (republicans) trying to connect this in a devious way to Mueller in a desperate attempt to protect Trump from the inevitable.  Apparently republicans are as sure as I am that Trump is going to be facing serious charges and they’re already in serious deflection mode.  Trump (and the disgusting part of the republican party) will have those thugs carrying Tiki Torches at Charlottesville (and ALL their supporters) believing Trump is the victim here.  Of course, the likelihood of these right wing “white nationalists” EVER succeeding in getting another supporter elected to the “White House” will be very “dim” after Trump and Pense are “retired” so they want Trump in the “White House” as long as possible.  The damage, to the rest of us, is mounting FAST.

As this investigation has proceeded we’ve seen the republican response progress right along with it – as Trump’s liability has become more apparent.  First, it was “nothing to worry about” as EVERY intelligence official stated categorically the Russians tried to intervene in the election to help Trump win.  As the evidence became clearer I remember a big push on Fox (it’s really hard for me to watch them for even two minutes) to point out “there’s no law against collusion.”  I think, once they realized there’s laws preventing things like conspiracy, espionage, treason, and there’s election laws that were obviously violated they switched to the deflection strategy – which is their (and Trump’s) normal way of fighting back against an obvious problem.

Of course, as president, Trump is SUPPOSED to refrain from interfering with the Justice Department – in Russia, Vladimir Putin gets to jail his political opponents and squelch any investigations into his illegal actions and in Turkey, Erdogan’s thugs simply take out the political opponents – maybe this is why Trump so admires men like them – the norms of the past 200 years mean nothing to Trump.  And, thus, Trump has clearly attempted, in numerous ways, to stop the investigation into his campaign’s COLLUDING with the Russians.  As the evidence mounts the deflection intensifies.  It’s all predictable, it’s all disgusting, and it all is a TEST of whether or not the “checks and balances” of our constitution will stand up to the Trump forces.  As I’ve said many times on this site – unfortunately, we’re at the whim of the republican Congress and not many are showing the courage to stand up against Trump and his thug (Steve Bannon) outside the “White House” who’s ginning up primary opponents for any member of the republican caucus who does what’s right in the “Russia thing.”

I hope I’m wrong, but – as I’ve predicted numerous times on this site – I believe Trump is relying on his right wing thugs to attempt to defend him via violence should he be impeached for his “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  The constitution is only valuable to many republicans when they can twist it to allow for a deranged interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.  For example, it’s ludicrous to think the 2nd Amendment was intended to allow things like the AK-47 which was used to murder at least 26 people in a small Texas church this past weekend.  We’re likely to see some serious “deflecting” on that issue as well.  Until “we the people” understand how republicans are getting away with their LYING we’re destined to continue living in this divided society.  This isn’t a “bipartisan” problem.  It’s been going on in the republican party for as long as I can remember (I’m 70).  If republicans in Congress won’t put a stop to Trump when Mueller gives his final report then it’s up to “we the people” to massively vote in 2018 to rid this Congress of republicans willing to enable Trump AND Pense.

Final Thought:  I’m almost as disgusted with Pense as I am with Trump.  Maybe it’s best to wait until after the 2018 election for the impeachment.  Both Trump and Pense SHOULD be impeached – the “next in line” is the Speaker of the House.  I’m not that excited about Paul Ryan, although, I’d prefer him to either Trump or Pense.  (Of course, one of Ryan’s pet “targets” is Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  As I’m writing this, he’s pushing for almost two TRILLION dollars in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.  All this so he can provide the huge tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans – the ones who fill his campaign “coffers” with lots of moolah!  Ryan is another republican who has no problem with looking straight into the camera (facing “we the people”) and LYING.

Oh yes, one more thing.  The ATTACKS by the Russians – that republicans seem to believe don’t matter (again, can you imagine if the roles were reversed what they’d be saying?) are continuing as I write.  The FACT Trump and republicans seem oblivious to this is more alarming to me than the attacks themselves.  Apparently, the republicans’ “the end justifies the means” strategy to retain power includes help from foreign governments.  Yikes!!!


The republican party has prostituted itself to get the support of Trump and this fringe element – all in the name of “power.” It could come back to haunt us all!

I’ve written several times since Trump, our “so-called” president, took office that the big question in my mind is how much damage will he be allowed to do before he’s removed from office – either by republicans (unlikely) or “we the people” at the ballot box in 2020 (likely).  The answer to that question may determine if the republican party survives this deplorable president.  And, of course, those in leadership of the republican party are drooling all over themselves having someone in the “White House” who will sign virtually ANY piece of legislation they can get to him so that both Trump and Fox “news” can claim “victory” – at the clear expense of “we the people.”

Well, so far, republicans been unable to come up with a replacement for the Affordable Care Act – which MOST people believe, at the minimum, needs to be improved.  If the ACA wasn’t providing health insurance to so many Americans this would not be a problem for the republicans – they’d just repeal it – as they voted to do something like 60 times while President Obama was still in office.  However, Trump or some other unsuspecting republican caused the phrase “repeal and replace” to be accepted as “politically correct” so republicans were screwed.  They were the experts at the repeal part of that, but when it came to “replace” they were lost.  They attempted to “replace” the ACA (aka “Obamacare”) in the only way they know how to do anything – via TAX CUTS for the wealthiest Americans – the ones who’ve bought them off at an unbelievable amount since “Citizens United” – and, curiously, there were three republicans who didn’t go along with the scam.

So, now – kind of like a “mulligan” in golf – they’re on “plan B.”  As I’m writing this Trump is LYING to the American people about the impending TAX CUT which will balloon the deficit (you know, the thing republicans blamed on President Obama) by probably $3 TRILLION (at least – more if we go into recession due to Trump’s policies which will be “on the table” as 2018 draws near – he’ll no longer be “coasting” on Obama’s “coattails”).  This is the republicans “back door” way of repealing “Obamacare” by CUTTING over $1.5 TRILLION from Medicare and Medicaid to mitigate the HUGE deficits caused by their TAX CUTS for the wealthy.  The question now becomes – will ALL the republicans go along with this – which is a boon to Trump and a boondoggle to people like me.

Of course, history has proven over and over again that welfare for the richest Americans does NOT boost the economy – they don’t rush out and raise wages for their workers or hire people off the street as a way to spend the MILLIONS they save on their taxes (keep in mind, we’re talking about BILLIONAIRES here).  Dick Cheney claimed “Ronald Reagan proved deficits don’t matter” – but, he actually proved cutting taxes AND regulations for business puts the economy at risk.  President Obama and the democrats bailed the republicans out of the “Great Recession” with a modest stimulus package – but, here we are again – deja vu all over again – with the HUGE tax cuts, deregulating the banks and big business, and a Wall Street that is over heated.  You get three guesses and the first two don’t count as to where we’re headed.  (somehow, Trump will blame it on Obama)

For those of us like me who do believe that deficits DO matter, we can only hope there’s at least three senators who agree and will vote this thing down.  You’d think this constant propaganda that tax cuts for the rich is good for the economy (of course, the philosophy is put forth by the – you know – the rich) would be getting old after almost 40 years of “busting the budget” so rich people can have more money to spend.  (trust me, the extra money won’t be spent at the grocery store)  The WORST part of all this, to me, are the continued LIES of the republicans – it’s not hard to figure out what they’re saying is akin to HOGWASH!

For example, today I listened to the supreme tax cutter of them all, Grover Norquist, claim that Trump’s proposed tax cuts will “create jobs and stimulate the economy.”  Well, despite the FACT the economy’s 85 STRAIGHT months of job creation at a “steady pace” – the result of Obama’s administration – and record low unemployment numbers – again, the result of Obama’s policies – Norquist and every other republican “pundit” – who seem to be programmed by the same organ grinder – are claiming these tax cuts are aimed at the middle class and will created jobs (in an economy at full employment, that is).  What it’s really designed to do is give the republican benefactors – all those MILLIONAIRES and BILLIONAIRES who’ve been funneling their money into the coffers of republicans in Congress – a return on their investment.  LITTLE or NONE of these tax cuts will filter to “we the people.”  But, the LYING will continue. (By the way, Wall Street and America’s corporations DON’T need any more help – their profits are at ALL TIME highs and their “cash on hand’ is bordering on obscene.  They’ve got PLENTY of money, and it’s NOT trickling down – at least in the form of higher wages.

I’ve only seen the framework of their proposal, and, by my calculations those Americans who have two members of their family working and making at least $50 thousand per year each are in for an unpleasant surprise.  Their taxes are going up.  There’s a plethora of reasons why middle class Americans should be gagging at what Trump is trying to cram through in about the next two weeks – we can only hope there’s a few republicans who will block it.  Just like “repeal and replace” republicans are putting this legislation together in the “back rooms” and there’s going to be no discussion with any democrats to get it passed.  They have to do it this way because if “we the people” get a chance to actually digest what’s being proposed, then Trump would still have NOTHING to show for his first year in office.  (which very well could be his last)

Tax cuts are an issue that republicans will have no problem pushing through despite the FACT their president is likely going to be indicted for, at a minimum, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.  Whether that gives them the backbone to remove him from office, we’ll have to wait and see, but they’ve been drooling to FURTHER cut taxes for their wealthy benefactors since the last time they pulled this off.  There’s just NEVER enough “dough” for those at the top in America.  I’m not sure Trump even understands that the proposed tax cuts raise taxes on those in the “upper” middle class – like, for example (because I’m familiar with this scenario), families with two working teachers.  By the time they figure out the reality of this proposal, it will be too late and it will be years until the problem is fixed.  (And, trust me, those at the top will fight any changes “tooth and nail” down the road)

Here’s the main rub for me.  Why would members of Congress vote through anything while Trump is still the president.  He’s damaging this nation in far worst ways than these tax cuts – although, they will be bad if they get through.  For example, while Trump is promoting the coal industry, China is at the head of the class developing clean energy technology that the WORLD – and that would include the United States – will be more dependent on as time goes by.  The Climate change deniers – like Trump, and MOST in his cabinet – are going to be public pariahs before long.  Trump, and, to be fair, MOST other politicians – including democrats – opposed the TPP trade agreement negotiated by President Obama, one of Trump’s first acts in office was to pull the U.S. out of that agreement – which will come back to haunt us, again, as China takes the place of America as the world’s leading economy.

Trump is pushing American troops into places like Niger – likely because he’s ignorant of “the world” and he’s given too much “power” to “his” generals – instead of thinking “outside the box” and attempting to help countries in Africa create jobs for their people which might discourage them from joining groups like ISIL.  Of course, militarism seems to be somewhat a “bipartisan”issue in America – but, I give us ZERO chance to change course under Trump.

Trump is attacking the Justice Department as if he believes it should cater to his every beckoning.  This is scary right along with his attack on the “media” (although, I guess, “Fox and friends,” Sean Hannity, and anyone else who’s learned that by “kissing his ass” they can get the president of the United States on their programs on a regular basis – so they can participate in LYING to the America people right along with Trump), the intelligence community, and the FBI (which, of course, is part of the Justice Department).  Trump, in fact, has taken LYING to almost astronomical levels – and, evidently, in orderf to work for him you must be willing to do the same.

Trump is preparing “we the people” for when Robert Mueller’s “shoe” drops – and, it’s likely to drop right on Trump’s head.  The way I see it, Trump is already ginning up the 30% of America that’s going to follow him right into the impeachment shed – and, some of them are likely to REVOLT.  Trump is defiant – and, will remain so even in the face of what likely will be the MOST serious charges EVER leveled at an American president.  And, his surrogates are right there with him.

I’m sure Trump sees Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a strong supporter.  Personally, I see her as a pathetic spokesperson who’s as willing to LIE right off the top of her head as her boss.  I believe she is damaging her career EVERY day she steps up to that podium and LIES to the American people – provable, pathetic LIES.  (As I’ve said before, there’s always Fox as far as jobs for Ms. Sanders post Trump – that is, until the America people wake up to what a treasonous outfit Fox “news” really is)  Then there’s John Kelly.  I’m having a hard time placing his former rank in front of his name because it really grieves me to have to understand his true character.  That after he chose to lament all the things about American society the “used to be sacred.”

Well, I was only in the U.S. Marine Corp for about six months – NEVER on active duty due to failing my physical at induction (in 1967 when just about anyone who could walk was inducted – my knee was worst than I thought – I CAN say, I DIDN’T have bone spurs) – one thing that was “sacred” in the Marine Corp back during the Viet Nam years was HONOR.  A true Marine would NEVER purposely LIE about ANYTHING – at least, that was my understanding.  Even though I was given a medical discharge I’ve felt, over the years, a sense to honor that which I had enlisted for – the Marine Corp sense of HONOR.

Well, after I heard the actual speech given by Frederica Wilson, the Congress woman Kelly referred to as an “empty barrel” (more than once), and I relistened to Kelly’s remarks which accused her of things she DID NOT do AND made false accusations about President Obama I was, to use Kelly’s own words, SHOCKED!  What I learned from that – and Kelly’s subsequent refusal to set the record straight and APOLOGIZE (Something else held “sacred” in “my day”) – is that Trump’s chief of staff is not in the uncomfortable position the “media” is attempting to suggest.  He’s, apparently – like his boss – a LIAR and, based on his comments one would have to suggest he’s also a racist.  Right at home in the Trump “White House.”  He’s encouraging a “draft dodger” to disrespect the Constitution – they both gave an OATH to protect.  Yikes!

Potentially, the worst damage Trump will cause this great nation will occur when Mueller’s investigation concludes – I’m guessing it will conclude right at the top layer of the “White House.”  At a minimum, there’s little disagreement from “experts” that Trump’s already committed OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.  I believe there’s more.  There’s a reason why Trump has such a “bromance” with Vladimir Putin.  It’s called “Kompromat.”  Until someone disproves ANY of the so-called “dossier” – I’ll believe it’s completely true.  So, by turning his followers against the press, against the FBI (and Mueller – they’re attacking him as I’m writing this), against the CIA, the Justice Department, and the Congress – Trump is setting the stage for a violent protest by his followers.  This is all CRIMINAL behavior.

I’ve said this before, those people carrying Tiki Torches at Charlottesville are not the type of people who oppose caches of weapons.  I’m certain MOST are armed to the hilt.  And, I believe there’s cohorts (cells) all around this nation who will “explode” when Trump is impeached if the republicans have the stones to do so.  This is going to get ugly and “we the people” will be depending on a Justice Department with Jeff Sessions at the top to stop any pro Trump revolt.  The fringe element behind the Trump movement has been encouraged to despise the “government” since the days of Reagan.  The republican party has prostituted itself to get the support of Trump and this fringe element – all in the name of “power.”  It could come back to haunt us all!  The “damage” is mounting FAST!