I have to wonder if Michael Flynn is telling his “story” to Robert Mueller? Maybe he’s trying to avoid hearing “lock him up!”

For the past week, after the Mueller investigation indicted Paul Manafort and one of his associates for a plethora of money issues and failure to register as a foreign agent charges I couldn’t help but think the silence regarding the situation with Michael Flynn is deafening.  Well, sure enough, yesterday, it was reported that Mueller “has enough evidence to charge Flynn with a crime” (and his son).  Well, to me, it’s been OBVIOUS for months there’s enough evidence to charge Flynn with a crime.  In fact, MANY crimes.  (Every time I think about this I get a picture in my mind of Flynn telling the crowd at the Republican convention in 2016 that “If I did one tenth of what Mrs. Clinton did I would face…………” and, then leading them in the “Lock her up” chant.)

First, we all – well, anyone not watching Fox “news” or listening to Limbaugh or relying on outlets like Breitbart and (apparently now) the Wall Street Journal – know that we’re dealing with a gaggle of LIARS in the “White House.”  So, the FACT Michael Flynn “allegedly” LIED to the FBI shouldn’t surprise anyone.  However, suggesting he “LIED” to the Vice President – as the reason for him being fired – is almost laughable.  To suggest neither Mike Pense nor Trump knew Flynn was meeting with the “Russian Ambassador” is ridiculous.  What’s not ridiculous is that the “White House” would LIE about this to cover their own asses.  And, Flynn, the “good soldier” is apparently going along with it – although, the prospect of maybe 15 to 20 years behind bars – plus a maybe a bit lessor sentence for his son – may be enough for Flynn to “cooperate.”

Of course, there’s not a shadow of DOUBT in my mind that Trump has been in communication with Flynn more than his “stay strong” admonition that was publicized letting him know that pardons are in the offing if he’s convicted of a crime or multitude of crimes – although, I’m certain Mueller is trying to find a way around Trump’s pardoning powers.  Of course, once Trump pardon’s Flynn – then he can be questioned with no ability to “take the fifth” and would be compelled to tell what he knows about the “highers up” in the “White House.”  There’s no question in my mind that Trump is the real target of the investigation despite all his proclamations that “I’m not under investigation.”

Here’s just what I know of why Flynn is “up a creek without a paddle.”  First, he apparently LIED to the FBI.  Check with George Papadopoulus on that one – five years for every LIE.  And, Flynn’s son is apparently right there with him on some of this – although I’m only guessing he’s been LYING as well.  You know the saying, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  Additionally, Flynn had some serious memory issues with the security forms he filled out – with 5 years for every instance of “memory loss.”  (Flynn’s filled these forms out many times over the years and “forgetting” he’s taking money from Russia AND Turkey doesn’t pass the proverbial “smell test.”  So now we’re surmising, at a minimum, 10 years for Mr. Flynn.  But it gets better (or worse, depending on your perspective).

If you remember, back in January, the former head of the CIA James Woolsey, claimed he was in a meeting where Flynn and some of his associates discussed, essentially, kidnapping a Turkish cleric and sending him back to the dictator of Turkey,  Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Of course, Flynn denies this and I’m not sure if it can be proved, but the reality is that Flynn was lobbying for the Turkish government while serving as National Security advisor to Trump.  Can you imagine the republican uproar had this been President Obama’s National Security advisor?

Can you imaging the uproar from republicans with any of the “Russia thing” had it been President Obama or a President Clinton on the receiving end of their support during an election?  For heaven’s sake, the Benghazi hearings went on for years (I only hope they’re over).  Do you think republicans will investigate the murders of the four U.S. soldiers in Niger any where near what they did after Benghazi?  Probably not, because I seriously doubt you could realistically accuse either Obama or Clinton for that fiasco – but, with republicans I “never say never.”  (As I write, they’re trying to connect Mueller with the so-called “uranium scandal” to force him to “recuse” himself from the Russia scandal.  Republicans are creative and they have no boundaries on their lack of honor)

The FACT Russia ATTACKED our nation during the 2016 election is irrelevant to most members of the republican party in Congress.  This is SHAMEFUL above and beyond all the stuff I’ve written about over the years about republicans that is shameful – but, nothing to this level.  This is showing a willingness to look the other way to an ATTACK on our nation to prevent the possibility of discovering their president COLLUDED with the Russians or OBSTRUCTED the investigation.  I know people who watch Fox and they honestly believe the real scandal is the 2010 sale of a Canadian company that controlled between 10 and 20 percent of America’s uranium to a Russian company.  This was a nondescript, inconsequential transaction that never made the highest levels of government during the approval process.

However, with republicans, they search the archives for something they can twist into a scandal – originally, this was aimed at Mrs. Clinton (ie she was the real person colluding with Russia) and now, I believe, they’re (republicans) trying to connect this in a devious way to Mueller in a desperate attempt to protect Trump from the inevitable.  Apparently republicans are as sure as I am that Trump is going to be facing serious charges and they’re already in serious deflection mode.  Trump (and the disgusting part of the republican party) will have those thugs carrying Tiki Torches at Charlottesville (and ALL their supporters) believing Trump is the victim here.  Of course, the likelihood of these right wing “white nationalists” EVER succeeding in getting another supporter elected to the “White House” will be very “dim” after Trump and Pense are “retired” so they want Trump in the “White House” as long as possible.  The damage, to the rest of us, is mounting FAST.

As this investigation has proceeded we’ve seen the republican response progress right along with it – as Trump’s liability has become more apparent.  First, it was “nothing to worry about” as EVERY intelligence official stated categorically the Russians tried to intervene in the election to help Trump win.  As the evidence became clearer I remember a big push on Fox (it’s really hard for me to watch them for even two minutes) to point out “there’s no law against collusion.”  I think, once they realized there’s laws preventing things like conspiracy, espionage, treason, and there’s election laws that were obviously violated they switched to the deflection strategy – which is their (and Trump’s) normal way of fighting back against an obvious problem.

Of course, as president, Trump is SUPPOSED to refrain from interfering with the Justice Department – in Russia, Vladimir Putin gets to jail his political opponents and squelch any investigations into his illegal actions and in Turkey, Erdogan’s thugs simply take out the political opponents – maybe this is why Trump so admires men like them – the norms of the past 200 years mean nothing to Trump.  And, thus, Trump has clearly attempted, in numerous ways, to stop the investigation into his campaign’s COLLUDING with the Russians.  As the evidence mounts the deflection intensifies.  It’s all predictable, it’s all disgusting, and it all is a TEST of whether or not the “checks and balances” of our constitution will stand up to the Trump forces.  As I’ve said many times on this site – unfortunately, we’re at the whim of the republican Congress and not many are showing the courage to stand up against Trump and his thug (Steve Bannon) outside the “White House” who’s ginning up primary opponents for any member of the republican caucus who does what’s right in the “Russia thing.”

I hope I’m wrong, but – as I’ve predicted numerous times on this site – I believe Trump is relying on his right wing thugs to attempt to defend him via violence should he be impeached for his “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  The constitution is only valuable to many republicans when they can twist it to allow for a deranged interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.  For example, it’s ludicrous to think the 2nd Amendment was intended to allow things like the AK-47 which was used to murder at least 26 people in a small Texas church this past weekend.  We’re likely to see some serious “deflecting” on that issue as well.  Until “we the people” understand how republicans are getting away with their LYING we’re destined to continue living in this divided society.  This isn’t a “bipartisan” problem.  It’s been going on in the republican party for as long as I can remember (I’m 70).  If republicans in Congress won’t put a stop to Trump when Mueller gives his final report then it’s up to “we the people” to massively vote in 2018 to rid this Congress of republicans willing to enable Trump AND Pense.

Final Thought:  I’m almost as disgusted with Pense as I am with Trump.  Maybe it’s best to wait until after the 2018 election for the impeachment.  Both Trump and Pense SHOULD be impeached – the “next in line” is the Speaker of the House.  I’m not that excited about Paul Ryan, although, I’d prefer him to either Trump or Pense.  (Of course, one of Ryan’s pet “targets” is Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  As I’m writing this, he’s pushing for almost two TRILLION dollars in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.  All this so he can provide the huge tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans – the ones who fill his campaign “coffers” with lots of moolah!  Ryan is another republican who has no problem with looking straight into the camera (facing “we the people”) and LYING.

Oh yes, one more thing.  The ATTACKS by the Russians – that republicans seem to believe don’t matter (again, can you imagine if the roles were reversed what they’d be saying?) are continuing as I write.  The FACT Trump and republicans seem oblivious to this is more alarming to me than the attacks themselves.  Apparently, the republicans’ “the end justifies the means” strategy to retain power includes help from foreign governments.  Yikes!!!


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