Monthly Archives: September 2009

The only way to make these neo-cons go away is to fully investigate the Bush administration!

Today I read an article in the Wall Street Journal which indicated that the so-called “neo-conservatives” are, essentially, “smelling blood.” They think a “comeback” is underway. Their logic is that because of the “happenings” in North Korea, Russia, and Iran the American public is going to be vulnerable to their lies again. I really hope they’re wrong, but this is why I wrote a letter to President Obama tonight (of course, I fully understand none of his surrogates will ever give him the letter, but it made me feel better writing it) explaining to him why I won’t send any more money for his agenda depite the fact that I support much of it. While I certainly hope that the incredible failures of the Bush neo-cons is still fresh in the minds of enough Americans to keep them at bay for at least the next few years, I have no doubt that they will keep trying to come back like a bad dream and, at some point, succeed – largely because of the failure of President Obama and the Democratic Congress to hold Bush/Cheney et al to ANY accountability for the damage they’ve done to this great nation.

We’ve all been witnessing the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and others going along as if nothing wrong had happened under the “watch” of their cronies. They started to blame the economic meltdown on President Obama months before he actually took office. How many of the “liberal news media” called that for the absurdity that it was? Yes, you’re correct, VIRTUALLY NONE OF THEM. And, they’ve been hammering ever since on their “Fox News” – which is nothing more than a Republican party water carriers network – that EVERYTHING President Obama has done is socialist, communist, fascist, or a combination of those absurd statements. We’ve had to listen to both Dick Cheney and George W Bush defend their indefensible positions on foreign policy claiming that President Obama is not keeping us safe. THAT IS ABSURD AS WELL! Lately, their push – these are the people who claimed Obama was not a citizen, he’s a Muslim, he wants death squads – is that he’s trying to brainwash America’s school children because a couple schools had their students (during Black History month) sing songs that referred to our first African American President. OK, you know what’s coming: THAT’S ABSURD AS WELL!

Before I get to my point, these Republicans are such overt racists – I can’t believe there’s not more of a discussion on that on the public airwaves as well. I know that Obama doesn’t want to be involved in that discussion, and I understand why, but the rest of us have to quit beating around the bush on this stuff. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity – all these guys are spewing their racist hate speech on our national airwaves – none of these guys can handle the thought that America could elect a Black President. I’m sure what’s going on in their minds is something like, “What’s next? maybe a Latina.” These people are disgusting and I have no idea how they can manage to stay on the public airwaves (I keep wondering, WHO SPONSORS THEM – I have to make sure I’m not buying their products). Well, actually, I do have an idea. The Republican party thinks just like they do – what’s left of it – and they have the money to keep these guys spewing the hate for them indefinitely – UNLESS PROGRESSIVES STAND UP AND STOP THEM. The “leaders” of our nation can look the other way on this stuff, but I’m not going to. And, based on this article I read today, there’s a lot of “neo-cons” in America who feel there’s enough White resentment to get them back into power – and in the near future.

Recently I’ve written a couple posts talking about the incompetence of the Bush administration in prosecuting the “War” in Afganistan. They had no idea going in what they were doing, who they were dealing with, and how to succeed. In fact, the more I read about their “doings” in Afganistan, I wonder if they ever had an idea of what success was. Most of us always were under the impression that we went into Afganistan to “get” Osama bin Laden and to wipe out his Al Qaeda terrorist network. However, everything that was done in that endeavor, would indicate otherwise. The United States had two opportunities to capture or kill bin Laden, first at Tora Bora – General Tommy Franks refused to bring in American ground troops to “seal the deal,” and in Kunduz when Al Qaeda and the Taliban were completely surrounded – along with a few hundred members of the Pakistan ISI (their version of our CIA) – again, Franks refused to bring in the troops (when the Taliban were ready for an organized surrender) and, unbelievably, the Bush administration allowed an airlift to get the ISI out and, in the process, they took all the Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders with them – estimates of over 1000 escaped – yes!, I’ll say it again – UNBELIEVABLE! Al Qaeda and the Taliban have now reconstituted themselves to be stronger than when we originally entered Afganistan – BECAUSE BUSH/CHENEY/RUMSFELD IGNORED THEM – and now, unbelievably, they are claiming that President Obama is showing weakness by reconsidering our mission there! The Bible says that satan is the “father of lies,” but I don’t know how he can outdo these neo-cons!

I believe it’s true that we are less safe than we were prior to 9/11. However, the reason is because of the actions of the Bush administration since then. Not only have they allowed terrorism to flourish in Pakistan (which has somewhere around 100 nuclear warheads) – THEY HELPED TO FINANCE IT! (Well, actually, it was all Americans, because it was our tax dollars that Bush was giving to Pervez Musharraf – a known supporter of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda). It was Bush/Cheney who were “played,” not only by Musharraf, but by the Afgan warlords who received the money that should have gone to the Karzai Government and instead virtually guaranteed that Afganistan would not be rebuilt and would not have a strong central government. The more I read about what Bush/Cheney were doing the more I consider them IDIOTS! I realize that Cheney and Rumsfeld and Feith and many of their friends profited handsomely from the Iraq and Afganistan fiasco’s, so for them they probably feel these adventures were worthwhile – but for President Obama and the rest of us – well, the MESS remains, as does the terrorist threat that Bush was supposedly saving us from. I actually believe that they (the neo-cons) WANT to see another terrorist attack so they can blame it on Obama and try to get back into power – AND CONTINUE THE PILFERING OF OUR TREASURY! (stop and think who got the $700 billion bailout – for one example – not to mention the billions pilfered out of Iraq/Afganisan by Bush/Cheney’s contractor buddies through no-bid contracts – to the detrement of our troops or the 1.7 TRILLION dollar tax cut for the people who needed it the least!)

I recently stated that I’m thinking about discontinuing my writing (it does make me feel better, but now there’s almost 100 people a day after I post my thoughts – and I don’t want to be piling on President Obama – because I support MOST of what he’s trying to accomplish), but after reading the article about the neo-cons feeling empowered again (remember, they have a HUGE pot of money to spend spreading their lies) I felt compelled to give President Obama my “main message” again! Before I do, a quick comment about the Republican lies. As a sixth grade teacher I spend a lot of time talking to counselors because I’m in a school where many of the students are extremely needy, and I need to try to understand how to help them. One of the things I’ve learned over the years from the counselors is that when a young person is lying continually you have about until they’re 14 years old before the lying becomes part of their character. What happens then is that they start believing their own lies and it becomes pathological. Well, it’s obvious to me (I checked a few websites of the Republican water carriers lately) that people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage (I’ve only recently discoverey this one – he might be the worst of the bunch) are pathological liars – it appears to me that they actually believe their own lies as the words come out of their mouths! THESE ARE EASILY PROVABLE LIES! They just keep doing it over and over again. And, Republicans in Congress are not much better! (I’m not calling the Democrats saints, because they’re not – and many of them are proving to be in the same class as Republicans as they rationalize voting against the will of the American people on health care) Someone HAS TO CALL A HALT TO THIS – and I believe that someone has to be President Obama!

How should he do this? you ask. Well, as I’ve stated on this site many times – IT WAS A HORRIBLE DECISION when President Obama decided to “Look forward and not backward.” Tonight, I wrote him a three page letter explaining why that was such a bad choice. If President Obama would allow (actually, by rights he shouldn’t be able to stop this – but he has) a thorough investigation of the Bush administration, this would accomplish two important things for starters. First, it would totally change the debate in America. Believe me, the neo-cons would stop talking about getting back into power, and they’d start talking about how horrible it is to investigate a previous administration. YOU’D NEVER HEAR THE END OF THIS ON FOX. Which would allow the rest of us to have a civil debate on the importance of including a “robust” public option in the health care legislation, along with Ron Wyden’s “free choice” proposal which would allow ALL AMERICANS the “choice” of signing up for the public option if it was the better choice (remember, Obama’s plan only gives the public option choice to those without insurance from their employer). Secondly, an investigation of the Bush administration would get out into the open ALL THE THINGS they did IN OUR NAME!

As far as I’m concerned President Obama doesn’t have the right to block this. He says he doesn’t want to have the “distraction” while trying to pass the health care bill, but WE STILL HAVE THE DISTRACTION. THE REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO BE A DISTRACTION ON EVERYTHING no matter what Obama does. The American people not only deserve to have this information made public, IT IS ESSENTIAL! The fact that President Obama announced to the world that “we don’t torture” has NO MEANING to these neo-cons. The only way we can be somewhat sure that it won’t happen again, is to hold the ones who authorized it in the first place accountable. Here’s some of what I wrote to Obama: “Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney admitted ON NATIONAL TV that they authorized waterboarding – I saw it with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears. The same goes for the FACT that both President Obama and Attorney General Holder said on national TV that waterboarding is torture. Combine this with the FACT that President Obama PROMISED in the campaign that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW and that if there is evidence of a crime, there will be an investigation coupled with both the Geneva Conventions and American law calling waterboading torture and I don’t see how either President Obama or Attorney General Holder can justify “looking forward.” I pointed out in my letter that President Obama seems to be supporting Richard Nixon’s claim that “if the President does it, it must be legal.” I’m old enough to know that MILLIONS OF AMERICANS went to a lot of trouble to prove that saying false.

As I said in my letter to the President, following that logic – there would never be another crime in the United States – because every prosecution HAS TO LOOK BACKWARD! The CRIME ALWAYS HAPPENS PRIOR TO THE INVESTIGATION! Is President Obama’s logic going to become precedent in this nation. After all, he’s the top protector of the constitution in the land. He put his hand on the Bible of Abraham Lincoln when he took the oath to uphold the constitution. I understand that if an investigation goes forward it will probably get VERY UGLY. There was not only torture but also illegal wiretapping (en masse), the outing of a CIA agent, both lying us into war and massive misappropriation of funds in prosecuting BOTH wars, politicizing the Justice Department, members of the Bush administration first perjuring themselves before Congress and then refusing to honor subpoenas, and probably more than any of us can imagine. Trillions was pilfered from our economy – money going from the hard working people of this nation to the wealthiest – who didn’t need it. I’m not the only one who suspects that many in the Bush administration – probably including Bush himself – were trying to destroy our government – by bankrupting it! I believe the only way to make these neo-cons go away is to fully investigate the Bush administration! If President Obama fails to do this, there will be a day when he will deeply regret that decision – and we’ll all, that is those of us who believe in the America that came out of the New Deal, pay dearly for his mistake.

George W Bush will never be able to rewrite history to hide his failures in prosecuting the war against Al Qaeda!

I can remember George W Bush, in the midst of virtually the lowest polling numbers ever, saying that history will be the judge of his Presidency. And, once he was out of office, one of the first things he did was start attempting to rewrite history. However, I believe as more and more information becomes public, he will go down in history as one of the worst – and most incompetent – Presidents in our history. To go along with this, President Bush was POORLY SERVED by both Dick Cheney and his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Both Bush and Cheney have received a lot of deserved criticism for their poor decision making, but Rumsfeld has managed to slip into virtual obscurity since being fired right after the 2006 Democratic victories in the midterm elections. Rumsfeld was a convenient and appropriate scapegoat for Bush (he couldn’t really “fire” Dick Cheney) but, by this time in the Bush/Cheney administration, the damage had been done.

Bush tried to salvage as much as he could with the so-called “surge” which, despite attempts to proclaim it a success, has only put off the inevitable in Iraq. And, while we’re waiting for our Iraq nightmare to end, the reality of Afganistan/Pakistan is looming as the real challenge facing the Obama administration. Many Americans (including me) would like to see all of our troops come home, ASAP. I believe President Obama is needlessly dragging his feet in Iraq – remember, he “promised” to have the troops home in 16 months. He’s been in office almost 10 months and the troop levels are still at pre-surge numbers, and I’ve seen little indication that our soldiers are coming home. There is no way, at this point, for them to get home even close to the 16 month “deadline,” and I believe President Obama is planning to leave an unacceptable level of what he calls “non-combat” troops on the ground in Iraq as long as the Iraqi’s will put up with them. To complicate matters, the Generals who devised the surge in Iraq (Patreaus, Odierno, McCrystal) want to repeat the “strategy” in Afganistan which would require at least an additional 40,000 American troops there.

Here’s the “rub” for President Obama. I believe a strong case can be made that our troops are still needed in Afganistan. I’m presently reading “Descent into Chaos” by Ahmed Rashid (a Pakistani author with “inside” connections to the Afhans and Pakistani’s) and the consequences of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld incompetence in Afganistan are alarming. Not only did the Bush/Cheney administration “blow it” on 9/11 by ignoring one warning after another and by pitting one agency against another in there first few months in office so that they “DIDN’T KEEP US SAFE,” but their prosecution of the invasion of Afganistan was incredibly poorly thought out. THEY HAD NO CLUE WHAT THEY WERE DOING, or who they were dealing with. The result of their actions in Afganistan was almost like pouring fuel onto a fire, in regard to eliminating the threat to the United States which is Al Qaeda.

What most of us Americans don’t know is that the US tried to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda with as few troops as possible. In fact, they essentially sent in the CIA and a few hundred Army Special forces (along with a small number of NATO forces and superior air power) who worked with some of the Afgan militias to push the Taliban out of power and Al Qaeda out of Afganistan. They had an opportunity to essentially wipe out Al Qaeda and get Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora, but General Tommy Franks refused to send in American troops to “finish the job.” THIS WAS UNBELIEVABLE in it’s own right. But they screwed up another opportunity as well when the Taliban and Al Qaeda were surrounded in Kunduz and ready to quit, according to Rashid, “Gen. Tommy Franks could easily have put the US troops waiting in Uzbekistan on the ground in Kunduz to accept an orderly Taliban surrender. The absence of US troops ……. led to the deaths of thousands of Taliban prisoners by the hands of the Northern Alliance and to the escape of the Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders.” But, worse than this, while they had thousands of Taliban soldiers and Al Qaeda leaders boxed in at Kunduz – along with members of Pakistan’s ISI – the Bush administration did a “favor” for Pakistan’s leader Pervez Musharraf by allowing a huge airlift removing the ISI and maybe a thousand Taliban and Al Qaeda from Kunduz – probably including Osama bin Laden.

Of the thousnds of Taliban who perished “at the hands of the Northern Alliance,” they were put in box cars – jammed in so that there wasn’t enough oxygen – and carted to another site in Afganistan with huge numbers of them suffocating en transit. These dead Taliban were buried in mass graves in an attempt to cover up the travesty. This was a direct result of President Bush doing Pervez Musharraf a “favor.” Not only did bin Laden “get away,” but these mass murders of Taliban undermined our credibility with the Afgan population. President Bush’s support of Musharraf showed his lack of understanding regarding his enemy. Musharraf was supporting the Taliban and Al Qaeda who were training the insurgents fighting in Kashmir – Pakistan’s number one priority. Bush pretty much got “played” by both the Pakistani’s and the Afgan warlords who the American CIA tried to “buy” in order to gain control in Afganistan. What they didn’t seem to understand was that their very actions always produced the opposite result from what was intended. Yes, they pushed the Taliban out of Afganistan into Pakistan, but, in the process, Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld made decisions that might have given them short term “gain,” but are now problems which are far more serious than when we originally “went in.”

By adapting a policy of buying off the various warlords in Afganistan the Bush administration virtually cut off the “legs” of the Karzai government that they put into power. Hamad Karzai was a patriot in the battle to get the Taliban out of Afganistan, but the lack of American support once he was in “power” combined with the billions distributed to the warlords in different remote parts of the country led to a dysfunctional government and ever increasing corruption and graft. As I’m reading Rashid’s book, it becomes very clear that we in America have no clue what life is like in Central Asia. But, the people there, at the time, were open to “nation building” by the United States – they’ve been at war forever. Getting sidetracked in Iraq not only has been a total disaster for the US foreign policy since then, but abandoning Afganistan has allowed a much more dangerous situation to emerge today – and like the economy President Bush left in ruins for Obama, Afganistan/Pakistan is a BIG PROBLEM.

In America after 9/11, we were as united as I can remember, when President Bush said we were going in and we were going to get Osama bin Laden. He said, any country who “harbors terrorists” does so at their own peril. However, we’ve known since 2002 that bin Laden is in Pakistan along with the Taliban leaders who retreated to Pakistan (it was the Pakistan ISI which was funding them in the first place), and we are painfully aware that Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal which bin Laden would love to get his hands on. Yet, President Bush not only ignored this (I’m sure you’ve heard Bush’s famous answer to a question regarding bin Laden after the Iraq invasion, “I don’t know where he is, I don’t spend that much time on him”), but he gave Pervez Musharraf over 10 billion dollars in aid after 9/11. At the end of the Clinton Presidency Pakistan was sanctioned by the US and its allies for “harboring terrorists.” They were funding the Taliban who, in conjunction with Al Qaeda, (as mentioned above) were training Pakistani rebels fighting India in Kashmir – another seemingly unending conflict – and, another very DANGEROUS “hot spot” in the region. Musharraf played Bush for a complete sucker not only to get the sanctions removed, but to get the billions in aid, using the funds he received from the US to support the very enemy we were supposedly fighting (shouldn’t Bush have known about Pakistan’s support of the Taliban? Did they ignore everything the Clinton administration told them?). While Bush/Cheney/Rumsfelf (and the rest of us in America) were focused on Iraq, the Taliban and Al Qaeda reconstituted themselves to be an even bigger threat today than they were on 9/11 – all of this in Pakistan, and with money from us. I even remember Bush being asked at a news conference about Al Qaeda being in Pakistan and why weren’t we going in after them – he said, “Pakistan is a sovereign nation, we don’t invade sovereign nations!” (this, after us invading Iraq – a sovereign nation – FOR NO GOOD REASON – did he forget that it was Al Qaeda who attacked us on 9/11?)

So, now President Obama faces a very tough decision. Afganistan is noted as the graveyard of invading troops. Do we stay and increase our presence? Or, do we pull our troops out? Obviously, what we’ve been doing and what we are doing is NOT WORKING. General McCrystal’s assessment, where he calls for more troops (kind of like the surge in Iraq) acknowleges the reality that we can’t win the way we’re going (I’m still not sure what “winning” would look like). President Obama has already put over 20,000 troops in Afganistan above the amount there when he took office. His next move is going to be met with opposition, NO MATTER WHAT HE DECIDES! Bush has left President Obama in almost a no-win situation (although we all – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike – need him to make the “right” decision, whatever he does) When history looks back at the policy there of the Bush/Cheney and especially Rumsfeld administration, people are going to be incredulous. It’s almost like we were in cahoots with the enemy. The refusal to defeat Al Qaeda at Tora Bora, allowing the airlift out of Kunduz, refusing to go into Pakistan after Osama bin Laden, pulling resources out of Afganistan so that we could invade Iraq, undermining the very “government” we “installed” in Afganistan by funding various “warlords” around the country who formed their own militias, all these “gaffs” have made Afganistan/Pakistan the most difficult problem that President Obama faces. While everyone knows that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld committed war crimes, history will show their policy in Afganistan was a criminal failure of a huge magintude for the rest of the world. George W Bush will never be able to rewrite history to hide his failures in prosecuting the war against Al Qaeda! (I will never understand why President Obama has allowed Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld to avoid investigation over all of this)

We’d all be better off if these Republicans would stop saying NO to everything, and throw in a good positive idea once in a while!

Let me start off tonight by saying that I really admire President Obama and how he’s trying to stay above the partisan “fray” that is going on all around him. As I’ve stated many times on this site, I’m very frustrated by his continual “reaching out” to Republicans while they’re “stabbing him in the back,” but in a perfect world, he’s doing the right thing. In my mind, stabbing people in the back is what Republicans do, they seem to have no conscience. They’re all about “me” and hate the idea of “we.” The idea of bipartisanship is a good one, I’m just not sure the present circumstances would be the time to “go for it.” Just the same, there is no question in my mind that we have an intelligent, compassionate, hardworking GOOD man in the White House. I was sitting in Church the other day and it dawned on me that President Obama is acting more like a Christian than any of our recent Presidents except Jimmy Carter (I said that for the benefit of all the right wing Christians who hate Obama and supported Bush) I recently had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine who has been a life long Republican. He said, “I’m re-thinking a lot of what I believe in.” Here’s why he’s re-thinking all these things. He’s unemployed and he has a lot of time to think about what he’s been “for” and he’s been able to see what the “core” or “base” of the Republican party is ACTUALLY “FOR.”

My friend has been without a job for 10 months now and he understands that without the unemployment benefits (which he never supported before, just like most Republicans) he would have already lost his home. Both him and his wife are without medical or dental insurance because that was a casualty of him losing his job. He recently had a bad tooth that needed a root canal, but due to lack of funds he had to go to a “free clinic” and have the tooth pulled. Additionally, this past week his wife needed prescription medicine for a bad migraine and had to settle for extra strength Excedrin instead – if you’ve ever had a bad migraine, you know what a bad choice that is. We talked about his “pro-life” feelings and some of what I find to be curious positions by “pro-lifers.” (just so you know, I’m not “pro abortion” – I believe life begins at conception – I just find some of the other beliefs of “pro-lifers” to be curious at best, as stated previously).

I asked him, “Why should you or anyone else (including an expecting Mom) be denied access to a doctor just because you’re out of a job?” He couldn’t answer that one – in fact, he agreed with me that he (or she) shouldn’t. I pointed out that by denying millions of people access to doctors when illnesses are in their minor stages, emergency rooms get bombarded with advanced diseases which, often times, end up in hospitals with very expensive treatments that are never going to get paid for – except by those with health insurance. I asked, “Wouldn’t it make more sense if everyone paid a percentage of their income for a truly “universal health care system?” and he agreed. I guess being unemployed and without insurance for a year or so at the age of 50 will get your attention. I also asked him, “Why should a pregnant woman without money be denied pre-natal health care?” (I actually witnessed a pregnant woman kicked out of a small hospital because her baby wasn’t due for at least 12 hours based on the frequency of her contractions – she had to hitch a ride to a hospital in the next town – I took her – to find a hospital that would willingly deliver her baby) Or, “What about the care of the mother and the baby after it’s born? Should the Mom have to have insurance so that the Baby can have health care?” (I recently heard Rush Limbaugh make the case for a system similar to what dogs get – if you (the dog owner) can pay for the service then you (the dog) get the treatment – otherwise, forget it) To each of these questions my friend answered something like “yah, I see what you mean.”

And, then I pointed out that at some point he’s going to have a job again, BUT THERE WILL STILL BE OTHERS WHO DON’T! I asked him, “Do you think you’ll still feel this way once you are gainfully employed again and don’t have to worry about all this stuff?” Well, he’s coming around, and I can only hope that he carries his newfound sense of compassion forward once he’s not “one of them.” (meaning an unemployed worker – I worry because he’s a regular “Fox viewer”) I really do think there are many more Republicans who are re-thinking their previous positions, or maybe some of them hadn’t bought into the radical fringe nature of today’s party in the first place – like Colin Powell. It’s just that not any of them, that I’ve seen, have been willing to step forward and call this latest version of “conservatism” what it really is – which is fanatical obstructionism (Limbaugh style). The present day Republican party has no agenda ACCEPT DEFEATING President Barack Obama. I really hope THEY fail (I guess that’s the same thing they’re saying about Obama, but I hope you can see the difference – I didn’t want President Bush to fail, I just wanted him to do things differently – I proposed alternatives, as did many Democrats – and, if you remember, Democrats – to my frustration – went along with a lot of Bush’s policies – it wasn’t TOTAL OBSTRUCTIONISM! – I’m sure, with their mentality, they thought the Dems were stupid for going along with them, at the time)

Let me give you a quick refresher course on what Republicans have done for us over the past 30 years (most of which we would only know about by “digging” for the truth – because the truth is NOT READILY AVAILABLE in the so-called “liberal media”). For starters, they are responsible for about 90% of the HUGE FEDERAL DEFICIT! Even the deficits that will acrue during the Obama years will be largely the resulf of the economic MESS Obama inherited. Now, for one, if Obama’s economic “team” isn’t able to, at a minimum, cut the deficit in half during his term in office, I will be very disappointed – and, I’m actually hoping for much better than cutting it in half, but you have to remember, Obama inherited an annual debt of almost TWO TRILLION DOLLARS/YEAR! (and can you imagine where the deficit would be headed if McCain/Palin had won the election and were still cutting taxes for the rich?) He also inherited two entrenched occupations which are costing American taxpayers something like 15 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH (of which, about 3 billion PER MONTH is still going to the private contractor BUDDIES of Bush/Cheney – like Halliburton, Blackwater (Xe), Parsons, Bechtel, KBR, and others as the result of theri no-bid contracts)! Obama inherited a Justice Department that had been undermined and politicized, a military that is stretched to the limit, a banking system nearing collapse, and an unemployment problem that has only been surpassed by the Great Depression in recent American histroy. Additionally, the health care system, despite what Republicans will tell you, is leading us all toward national bankruptcy by providing health insurance companies nearly a TRILLION dollars per year in profits, while our nation is mired WITH the 34TH BEST SYSTEM in the world, even though we spend twice what any other civilized nation spends, per capita, for health care – Republicans have been supporting this system as long as I can remember. (our infant mortality rate is just a notch BELOW – that’s worse than – CUBA’S!). All of this came mostly as a result of the administration of GW Bush, but also GHW Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon. (Plus, Obama has to solve these problems with a Congress which has come to depend on and bow down to “K” Street – the mega lobbyist companies virtually set up by the “Contract for (on) American” Congress – circa 1994 -which came in during Clinton’s years and was led by Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay and the Republican party)

Well, let’s look a little deeper into the problems these Republicans created – and, for the sake of brevity, I’ll just focus on Iraq and Afganistan. These are occupations that OBAMA INHERITED! GW Bush, as we all know now, lied us into the Iraq conflict – WHICH TOOK AMERICA’S “EYES OFF THE BALL” so to speak regarding Afganistan. We are now really paying a price for that because Afganistan/Pakistan has evolved into the extremely difficult problem that George W Bush should have dealt with post 9/11 – and that he virtually abandoned. I’m presently reading “Descent into Chaos” by Ahmed Rashid – a Pakistani journalist who was actually present in many of the strategy meetings prior to the Bush/Cheney response to 9/11 in Afganistan – which gives more insight into the incredible INCOMPETENCE of the Bush administration as GW was creating this HUGE MESS for his successor. Not only was the response to 9/11 in Afganistan incompetent, but as Rashid points out so well in his book, 9/11 SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED in the first place! Bush/Cheney had MULTIPLE WARNINGS of an imminent attack – and THEY DID NOTHING to stop them! All their claims of “keeping us safe” are COMPLETE B#@* S@#!* – Getting back to Iraq, supposedly Bush/Cheney et al felt that Saddam Hussein needed to be “toppled” because he was such a cruel man (I’m not denying Hussein to be a cruel man – but, sometime check out some of the other Iraqi leaders). The part that really bothers me about this is that these very “neo-cons” were the ones who armed Hussein during the Reagan years in an attempt to keep the Iraq-Iran war going, and to prevent Iran from defeating Hussein and Iraq. There are published pictures of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein after finalizing some weapons deal (which included the nerve gasses he used on “his own people”).

So, we abandon our search for Al Qaeda to take out Saddam Hussein. Here’s what’s really interesting (and disgusting). The United States, also under Reagan (which included a BUNCH of Bush’s cronies) armed both Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the insurgency against the Russian occupation of Afganistan in the eighties (this hastened Russia’s finacial meltdown – hint, hint – endless war in Afganistan). After Russia left Afganistan the US abandoned it and allowed the Taliban to take over. Eventually, the Taliban became entwined with Al Qaeda and supported by the ISI (ie Pakistani Intelligence Agency – similar to our CIA) and Saudi Arabia (our supposed ally). During the nineties Al Qaeda attacked several US targets and the Clinton administration put sanctions on Pakistan for supporting them. And, then, during the first part of Bush’s administration (right after 9/11), the sanctions which had been put on Pakistan were lifted – along with giving them close to a billion dollars in aid – allowing Perves Musharraf, the Pakistani dictator, to increase support to the Taliban who he had been propping up all along with the help of other Arab nations. In fact, after 9/11 Musharraf made an agreement to support the Bush administration, yet continued to fund the Taliban and arm them after the US invaded Afganistan. The really ironic thing here is that it was the US which was supplying the money for Pakistan to do this (you’re right, they were using our money to arm the people we were fighting!). In the years after the US invaded Iraq, both the Taliban and Al Qaeda were “holed up” in Pakistan, being essentially reconstituted to the point that they are VERY DANGEROUS AGAIN – with much of their funding coming from the US (Bush) through Musharraf (they also sell lots of herion to American drug addicts). I’m sure the people over there take the US for being idiots based on the actions of our last President. The reality of the situation that Obama inherited is that Afganistan/Pakistan is a potential “flashpoint” for MAJOR WORLD CONFLICT!

So, now I’m busy trying to get people like my friend to understand that the mess that WE ARE ALL IN (Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and everyone else) was CREATED by the Republicans he’s voted for! You have to do some research to UNDERSTAND THE TOTALITY OF THEIR INCOMPETENCE! Bush/Cheney SCREWED UP EVERYTHING THEY DID! From the wars to Katrina to the economy – EVERYTHING! (that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who researches George W Bush’s accomplishments prior to taking office – I’m just not sure how he snuck this incompetence over on millions of Americans [including the Supreme Court]- WATCH OUT FOR SARAH PALIN!) Therefore, while President Obama is trying to “fix” the health care system, he also must make an agonizing decision on the future of our involvement in Afganistan along with other MAJOR decisions (like Iraq, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, unemployment, etc.). It would be nice if Republicans would support him on this as Democrats supported Bush during the original invasion. I’m not sure I’m personally going to agree with what President Obama does myself – BUT I’M REALLY SICK OF THE REPUBLICAN “NO” MACHINE! – a responsible dialog would be nice. I really want our troops to come home myself, but I “get” that our Generals don’t want to abandon another country like they did in Viet Nam. I also “get” that Afganistan is a totally different situation than Iraq. What I hate is that there isn’t even a public dialog on this at all, let alone a front page dialog (where I believe it belongs), on these occupations and OUR TROOPS ARE STILL DYING AND GETTING WOUNDED AND COMING HOME WITH PTSD AND FACING A DISINTERESTED POPULATION! That is why I can’t seem to stop talking about President Obama’s challenges. THEY ARE HUGE! And, obviously (if you’ve read many of my posts) I haven’t agreed with him all the way – BUT HE’S STILL POTENTIALLY A GREAT PRESIDENT – and, we’d all be better off if these Republicans would stop saying NO to everything, and throw in a good positive idea once in a while!

I’m wondering: do the sponsors of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck support their racist bigotry?

I really appreciated Jimmy Carter stepping out and calling the vitriol being thrown at President Obama what it is – RACISM! I understand why President Obama would try to deflect the topic (he can’t win in that discussion) – but the rest of us should be having the discussion and it SHOULD be led by the Democrats in Congress – who have proved time and again that they have little in the form of courage. THEY NEED TO HAVE THEIR PRESIDENT’S BACK! People like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, (and the latest one I heard) Michael Savage should not be allowed to just randomly throw out RACIST comments ON THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES! I realize the importance of freedom of speech, but some of the comments I’ve heard have gone over the line of what should be acceptable. Maybe it’s not illegal, but there should be enough of an organized “blowback” that some of these people lose their jobs.

I remember when Don Imus made a derogatory racist comment about a girls basketball team and he was fired by CBS radio (or whatever station was carrying his program). Is Rush Limbaugh making too much money for the stations he’s on for them to make a stand on this (his comments make Imus’ comments pale)? Or, do these station owners feel the same way? I’m looking for some kind of organized effort to boycott sponsors of these people in an attempt to “hit them where it hurts.” I believe calling them on it is the responsibility of the supporters of Obama in Congress, for starters. And, if there are any true reporters out there any more, I believe they should be reporting what these guys are saying – to an extent, Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow are reporting it – BUT THERE DOESN’T SEEM TO BE ANY “BLOWBACK.” I did see that Glenn Beck lost a few sponsors – and, to me, THAT’S WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN TO ALL OF THEM. Someone needs to start a campaign to make it public knowledge of who is sponsoring these programs – and encouraging Americans who are opposed to racism TO BOYCOTT THE PRODUCTS! (I can’t force myself to listen to them long enough to figure out who their sponsors are) I don’t think it would be long before some of them would be looking for work.

Short of that, there should be a public awareness campaign going on informing people EXACTLY WHAT IS BEING SAID OUT THERE. I know a lot of intelligent people who only see the news in passing who aren’t aware of what is being said. And, many of these people (that I know) are so sick of our political process that they don’t want to hear about it. However, I work in a public school, and I believe that – as informed citizens – we have an obligation to KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON IN OUR COUNTRY! Are we going to just listen to this crap until some nut-bag does something tragic? We’ve already seen several racially motivated hate crimes since Obama’s election and the Southern Poverty Law Center (if you don’t know who they are, you should if you believe in racial justice in this country) recently reported that the number of white supremist organizations has increased by 400% since President Obama’s first day in the White House (there are many people in this country who seemingly think the White House refers to something other than the color of the structure itself).

I’ve heard people like Chuck Norris (of Walker, Texas Ranger fame) imply that there are thousands of “cells” around the country ready for armed insurrection. I’ve heard the governor of Texas shout out to a crowd of cheering Texans that they are going to succeed from the union (what would Jerry Jones do with Texas Stadium if that happened?). And, if you were watching video of the so-called 9/12 march on Washington, you saw one person after another carrying hate signs with racist overtones toward Obama, you saw actual elected Congress people addressing the “mob” as if they were “freedom fighters,” and I saw a video clip of a “news producer” from Fox “news” actually stirring up the crowd for the benefit of their cameras! THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE TO ME – but (I hate to admit this) having watched Fox “news” before, it didn’t surprise me. I did find it appalling to see a sitting Senator (Jim DeMint) addressing and encouraging a crowd with a sign right in front of him that read something like “the zoo has an African lion, the White House has a lying African.” I honestly never thought I’d see the day when a US Senator would not only tolerate something so blatant as that, BUT ACTUALLY ENCOURAGE IT!

And, then for the Republican supporters of this fiasco to deny the racist undertone of their message is ABSURD! Thank God for Jimmy Carter! I’ve been wondering “when is there going to be someone who calls this what it is?” Tonight I heard President Clinton say that he didn’t agree with President Carter because he felt the people involved wouldn’t support Obama’s positions regardless of his race. However, that – to me – is beside the point. The reality is that the racist nature of a significant portion of our population is “boiling over.” The rhetoric of these people is harsh and it’s getting more overt ALL THE TIME! If something happens to President Obama will these people be happy? THEY ARE INCITING VIOLENCE! One sign at the march read something like – “I left my guns at home – THIS TIME!” What kind of message does that send? And, I saw a couple rallies where Obama spoke where several people came armed with weapons – in one case an assault rifle – again, WHAT MESSAGE ARE THEY SENDING? They seem to be demanding freedoms I’m not sure they have, but it sure feels to me that they are infringing on some of my freedoms in the process.

I believe we need more leaders than Jimmy Carter to stand up and fight back against this behavior. Is Congress going to wait until something bad happens (actually, from the standpoint of the guard at the Holocaust Museum, or Doctor Tiller, or the people in Pittsburgh, something already has) before they take all this seriously? I certainly hope not. Republicans seem to be daring the Democrats to show some spine – from the actual health care debate to this racist behavior at all these public gathering points – plus the racist bigotry being cast out over the public airwaves – I’m hoping that these same Democrats decide to do something about this before something tragic happens. I’ve seen some signs lately that the “progressive” Democrats are starting to “push” for a health care bill that actually benefits the American people, so it would be nice to see them take the lead in making a firm stand against this racist outpouring on the “right” as well. Maybe one of them could set up a website identifying all the sponsors of the Limbaugh’s, Beck’s, etc. along with actual examples of the racist comments coming out of their mouths. It would answer a lot of questions about where this country really stands regarding race if the American people were challenged to reject this type of behavior where it hurts people like Limbaugh the most – in the pocket book. I’m wondering: do the sponsors of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck support their racist bigotry regarding our President?

The racism of Glenn Beck and the “9-12” march not only disrespected the memory of 9/11, IT MUST BE STOPPED!

I’m going to take the next few days to consider whether this blog is therapeudic for me anymore or not. There’s certainly a lot to write about regarding the Republicans. OH MY GOSH!!! I saw excerpts of the so-called 9-12 March in Washington this past weekend. WHAT ON EARTH HAVE WE COME TO AS A NATION when that kind of behavior is tolerated by public officials (I mean, members of Congress were actually identifying with the most overtly racist crowd I’ve seen since the 60’s). IT APPEARED TO ME THAT IT WAS ACTUALLY ENCOURAGED BY THEM! If you haven’t seen clips of the march (or whatever it was) it was the most absurd stuff I’ve seen yet. Pictures of President Obama alongside pictures of Hitler, pictures of him next to Stalin, Lennin, and Castro. There was one sign after another with overt RACIST comments – I can’t remember exactly what they said, BUT IT WAS DEPLORABLE! There actually was a sign implying the man holding it left his guns at home “This time!” I wrote recently about the definition of sedition WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW and you could see evidence of it everywhere. These people were not just expressing a disagreement, they were implicitly encouraging the overthrow of our present government.

President Obama was called a socialist, communist, fascist (again, I’ve pointed out repeatedly on this site that these IDIOTS don’t understand the definition of the terms they’re using) Of course Obama was called an illegal alien, a Muslim, and most refused to refer to him as our President (where were they when our last President was chosen by the Supreme Court – unfortunately these IDIOTS are clueless about the constitution they often refer to – honestly, I understand that I shouldn’t refer to anyone as an idiot, but you just had to see what these people were doing and saying). I suppose it would pretty much explain the intellectual capacity of the MOB by stating that this whole extravaganza (although there were only about 60,000 by the estimates I’ve heard while they claimed something like a million – in fact, I’ve heard they used fake pictures of previous gatherings in DC to make it look like there was more of them than were actually there) was the brainchild of Glenn Beck – this guy is a piece of work in his own right. I suppose making millions justifies to him the damage he’s doing to the fabric of this nation. In my mind Glenn Beck and his ilk are good candidates for “enemy combatants” based on the Patriot Act they all were so willing to support during the Bush years.

The pictures I saw tonight were among the most disgusting I’ve seen in my entire adult lifetime. I’ve been pointing out on this site, also for sometime, that this is a “war within” in our country that is far more significant and dangerous to the future of this nation than anything that might happen in Iraq or Afganistan. And, this leads me to why I’m thinking about taking a break from my writing. It is therapeudic as long as I can focus it on the “battle” for our nation. When I say I want my nation back, I’m talking about the abuses that were imposed on us by Bush/Cheney – like torture, illegal eavesdropping on US citizens, regulatory abuses on Wall Street which led to the meltdown (that many of these crackpots are also angry about, but somehow have managed to miss the point that the problem was created by the very people they’re supporting and NOT OBAMA – he’s simply trying to get us out of the mess he inherited), lying us into war, war profiteering (Cheney and Rumsfeld gained over 100 million each from the occupation of Iraq – nice work if you can get it [I guess, although I often wonder how they sleep at night]). When the people at this rally and their incitors like Limbaugh, Beck, and actually some Congress people – Jim DeMint from South Carolina for one – say they “want their country back,” it’s because they CAN’T STAND THE IDEA OF A BLACK MAN AS PRESIDENT! In their minds, that means they’ve lost their country!

Nothing President Obama does is going to change the racist attitudes of these people. I mean, many of them were not hiding their feelings at all – with all kinds of derogatory references to Africa on the signs I saw. It was appalling. So, getting back to my dilemma. I don’t want to “rubber stamp” what President Obama is doing, and there’s a lot he’s doing that I find UNACCEPTABLE. But, it’s for a whole different reason than these deplorable THUGS. Stupidity is forgiveable to me, until it foments itself in RACIAL HATRED – and that’s what we’re getting from these “tea baggers,” “birthers,” “deathers,” or whatever the latest name they’re giving themselves. I’m concerned that President Obama has enough people attacking him and, I don’t want to be a part of that. I do believe that this is getting out of hand, to a degree, because of the “high road” President Obama has chosen to follow. I’m starting to feel an obligation to support him ”Come hell or high water” because defeating these thugs is becoming more important to me than giving President Obama “advice.” (Come on, stop laughing, I fully understand he’ll never even hear my advice let alone follow it)

I was talking to one of my coworkers today and explained to her that everytime I write (it’s never planned, I just let it “flow”) I seem to come back to the same place. I feel a lot of this obnoxious behavior would be stopped had President Obama allowed the investigations of Bush and Cheney and their co-conspirators. To allow, for example, Alberto Gonzales – the top lawmaker in the nation – to get in front of Congress and clearly PERJURE himself OVER AND OVER AGAIN without consequence is unthinkable to me, to allow Bush and Cheney both to ADMIT TO AUTHORIZING TORTURE and then look the other way will bring lasting damage to this nation and our standing in the world, to ignore violations of the fourth amendment to the constitution (illegal wiretapping of US citizens) makes me shudder, to allow a covert CIA agent to be “outed” (treason) just can’t happen in the US (or can it?), to fail to investigate the lies which have cost this nation 5000 of its best young men and women not to mention the countless injured makes me sick to my stomach, to look the other way when the Treasury Secretary who was 2 years earlier the CEO of Goldman Sachs allows Lehman Bros. to fail and steps in with 700 Billion of taxpayer money just before Goldman failed without ANY INVESTIGATION disrespects all the Americans who lost their life savings as a result – these are issues I have – AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE with Obama UNLESS A MIRACLE HAPPENS AND CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT GAIN SOME COURAGE – I can’t bring myself to, as stated above, “rubber stamp” the President in this – in fact it’s tearing me up inside watching him allow this, even though I voted for him and supported him in the campaign.

So, I’m going to take some time and figure out whether or not this is productive for me or not. I started this “blog” (I really don’t even know what a true blog is) to vent my frustrations. Somehow an audience ranging from 50 -150 people per day have found this place. There’s only been one comment, but it’s been fun writing to people who I can’t even imagine who they are or where they come from. If you’ve read many of my posts, I hope you can tell how passionate I am about this nation. I’m a Christian (I guess you’d have to call me part of the Christian “left”) and I can’t imagine Jesus taking part in what I saw this past weekend or what’s going on in this country in general (for example, I can’t imagine Jesus opposing universal health care). What was incredible to me as I watched the events of this past weekend was when I saw a woman carrying a sign comparing President Obama to Hitler and saying, “I don’t think Obama is really a Christian.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME! How on earth can people who call THEMSELVES Christians think like that? All I can say is the people at that “march” were not reading the same Bible I read. If I can manage to take up the “fight” against these right wing “whackos” I may continue. But, the problem I’m having is that I believe I need to see President Obama recognize the significance of what these people are doing and “take up the torch” himself, in this fight.

And, in case one of you IDIOTS (I’m really sorry to use that term, but the people at that rally REALLY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES) who were at that rally in Washington over the weekend happen upon this site, by “taking up arms” I simply mean, I need to see President Obama stop pandering to Republicans – like trying to “negotiate” with that Senator from South Carolina who’s certainly not ashamed of his racist beliefs – and lead the fight against these thugs. Tonight I read in “The Washington Spectator” an article about Jeff Merkley, the freshman Senator from Oregon who STOOD UP ON THE SENATE FLOOR AND CALLED MITCH MCCONNELL and the other Republicans in the Senate for their organized “talking points” aimed not at what’s best for this nation – but to prevent health care legislation or anything else President Obama supports from succeeding. In other words, they could care less about “we the people” – their ENTIRE AGENDA is to destroy President Obama’s administration – FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN THEY HATE HAVING A BLACK PRESIDENT. WE NEED MORE DEMOCRATS WITH THE COURAGE OF MERKLEY!!!! Believe me, I didn’t see anything but white people at the Washington rally and it’s time ALL OF US – INCLUDING OBAMA – quit rationalizing these people’s behavior. Until President Obama decides to join the “fight” against right wing extremists, I may have to step to the sidelines! The racism of Glenn Beck and the “9-12” march not only disrespected the memory of 9/11, IT MUST BE STOPPED! And, I don’t believe this will happen without the leadership of President Obama himself!

President Obama’s backpedaling on the “Public Option” shows the same weakness as “looking forward and not backward.”

In my last post I said that I would take some time to digest what I heard from President Obama’s speech on health care to a joint session of Congress. You know, the one that will be remembered for the guy from South Carolina yelling “you lie” at Obama when Obama pointed out that the health care legislation is not going to give “rights” to undocumented aliens. The “mainstream” of Washington have clearly repudiated the man, while Obama, as he usually does, casually accepted his totally insincere apology, and the right wing fringe, I’m assuming, are haling the guy as a hero. I briefly logged onto Rush Limbaugh’s website and Limbaugh was very upset that the Representative “apologized” even though he said he only did it because he was told to by the Republican leadership of the House. And the “beat goes on.”

First, tonight, I want to comment on that right wing fringe and then I’ll comment on Obama’s speech – neither of which am I too happy about after giving it some thought. I have been pointing out since before Obama officially became President that the right wing of the Republican party was composed largely of people who can’t “handle” a black person as President or Commander in Chief. They have been doing exactly what I said they would be doing which is trying to defeat Obama at every turn. They care more about him failing than for what’s good for the country. In fact, I believe they genuinely think that if a Black President “succeeds” they’ve “lost their country!” I’m not saying this to “pat myself on the back,” I’m saying it because if it was so obvious to me, I’m wondering why the President and his advisors seem to be so content to ignore this racist behavior. I’m really wondering about the illogic in many of President Obama’s decisions. Is it because he doesn’t want to stir these people up any more than he has to? Is he concerned about his own safety to the point that he’s trying to mollify them to some extent and still get his legislation through? I have no idea because there are many things that don’t add up.

This guy who blurted out the “you lie” comment should, at a minimum, be censored by Congress. Now, the Democrats have a huge majority in the house, so I’m wondering if they are going to take action, or if – as they’ve been doing since the elections of 2006 – they’re going to take the right action “off the table.” I’ve listened to a lot of Presidents stand before both houses of Congress and clearly lie without ANYONE EVER blurting out something like this guy. (and, based on what I’ve seen from the bill, Obama was actually telling the truth) Let’s just look at the recent past. I’ve always felt that someone SHOULD HAVE BLURTED THIS OUT when President Bush was lying us into the Iraq war and out of capturing Osama bin Laden. (Of course, most Republicans still don’t see the folly in that one) It is our history that Congressional members sit in respect when the President speaks in front of both houses of Congress. If they don’t like what’s being said, they just sit on their hands, while the other side does all the annoying clapping at every paragraph. But, of course, the more we learn about this particular Congressman, the more we realize the guy is an overt racist – so I guess it’s not too hard to figure out why his emotions “got the best of him” as he explained (during an add for campaign donations). President Obama can’t call this what it really is because he would then be accused of “playing the race card,” he has to rely on the leadership of Congress to do this.

But this is the same leadership that took “impeachment off the table” when everyone in the country knew that both the President and Vice President had committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.” This is the same leadership who allowed President Bush to send 30,000 additional troops into Iraq after the voters voted to get our troops out of Iraq in 2006. This is the same Congress that voted (along with then Senator Obama) to give a “free pass” to the telecom companies who had enabled GW Bush to violate the privacy rights of millions of Americans because they didn’t want to make “waves” during the “war on terror.” (the Bush administration became the terrorists after 9/11) This is the same Congress which is apparently going to come up with a health care bill that will mandate an additional 40+ million customers for the health insurance industry without giving me and ALL OTHER AMERICANS the choice of a medicare type “public option” because they can’t bring themselves to “cut off the hand that feeds them.” So, I don’t expect anyone in the Congress to censore this racist and “tell it like it is” because the Democrats in Congress seem to be just as afraid of Rush Limbaugh as the Republicans.

That gets me to the health care bill that President Obama was speaking about. I’ve heard many people say that it was his best speech yet. Well, it’s true, Obama seems to give one good speech after another. And, believe me, I fully think that President Obama is a good man, an excellent father and husband, and – in his own way – he’s trying to get something significant accomplished. And, I TRULY HOPE HE SUCCEEDS! I’m sure you can tell that there’s going to be a “however” thrown in. You’re right, and here it comes. After pondering what the President said, I’m convinced that there will either be NO PUBLIC OPTION or what they call a “public option” will be something that doesn’t even come close to what I – and millions of other Americans – are expecting as a public option. THE INSURANCE COMPANIES JUST WONT HAVE IT – and, if they won’t have it, then Congress “won’t have it” because they are in this for the money. Guys like Max Baucus have received so much money from the health insurance industry that they HAVE TO PROTECT THEIR CLIENTS. When you think about the fact that there are only 100 (actually 99 until they replace Teddy Kennedy) Senators, and the health care industry is spending 1.5 million dollars PER DAY to defeat the “public option” – well, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out two things. OUR SYSTEM IS TOTALLY CORRUPT and we’re not going to get a “public option” that actually gives people like me a true “option.” Just as “We the people” vote our pocketbooks, SO DO MEMBERS OF THE SENATE!

President Obama himself said that any “public option” would be “only for people without health insurance.” He also said that it would only affect, at most, 5% of the people. In other words, there really won’t be any true “OPTION” to keep the insurance companies “honest.” Saying that – keeping them “honest” – is a joke in itself. That’s like saying that all of that money we threw at Wall Street is going to keep the investment bankers “honest” – and, therefore, we don’t need to pass a bunch of “stifling” regulations. And, what people are not talking about, is the fact that President Obama has already “negotiated” a deal with “big Pharma” for them to reduce their ripoff of the American people from something like 600 billion dollars by 80 billion. That’s supposed to be “health care reform.” I honestly believe that President Obama feels that any legislation is better than no legislation. I’m feeling that this health care debate is going to be Obama’s “Waterloo” as another of the racist South Carolina Congressmen called it, whether he gets the bill or not. Obama and the Democrats are being totally outmaneuvered by the Republicans – AND IT’S HARD TO WATCH!

So, in the interest of attempting to change my tone from 100% complaining to about 80%, I’ll suggest some alternatives – AGAIN! (the reason I’m getting so close to 100% complaining is because PRESIDENT OBAMA IS NOT LISTENING TO ME :o) I’ve said this OVER AND OVER AGAIN – but please if you have a connection to the White House – talk some sense into them. OBAMA HAS TO STOP PANDERING TO REPUBLICANS! This is a war!!! I’ve been saying this for too long, and I’m very concerned that President Obama is going to choose trying to mollify Republicans over doing what’s right for the American people. Regarding health care, the only Congressman out there (well, actually there’s more than one – but I’m talking about the leader “of the pack”) pushing something that will actually solve the problem is Dennis Kucinich (and his supporters) with the bill calling for a single payer system – and ending this health care for profit nightmare that is destroying our economy (along with the two endless occupations “left behind” by the Bush administration). Unfortunately, our Congress “for hire” has essentially taken that “off the table” just like they did with impeachment.

Then there’s the two aforementioned endless occupations. Actually, BRING THE TROOPS HOME – that’s my advice to Obama, also not being listened to. I’m very concerned that President Obama has succumbed to the will of the Generals so that he won’t look like a “weak” President (of course, in the end, he WILL look like a weak President to his own “base” if he continues to leave the troops in Iraq – inexplicably – and to escalate the occupation of Afganistan without even an explanation to the American public as to what the goal is – way too much “Bushlike” for me. I’m presently reading a book titled “Descent into Chaos” about the fiasco in Afganistan during the Bush years, and the author, Ahmed Rashid, suggests in the introduction (I’ve just begun reading it) that the Afgans were supportive of American intervention, but Bush and company messed it up so bad that our credibility there has been completely undermined. I’m seeing MORE of the “deja vu all over again” signs, reminding me of Viet Nam that I’ve been seeing in Iraq since our misadventure there commenced. I believe the only reason I didn’t feel this about Afganistan sooner is because my attention, along with almost everyone else, has been on getting our troops out of Iraq. I’m thinking we went into Afganistan (with the world’s blessing) to get Osama bin Laden, not to get mired into some half-hearted effort at “nation building.”

Lastly, I’m going to “beat the dead horse.” While I could espouse the need for additional stimulus designed to create decent paying jobs, I’ll leave that topic for another day (although it’s importance is HUGE). My final point – I will always believe that President Obama betrayed the entire nation (even the Republicans – they just won’t agree with me until a Democrat gets into office who thinks along the same lines as Bush/Cheney) by “looking forward and not backward” regarding criminal behavior by the executive branch. Somehow, I don’t think Republicans would “look forward” if they thought they could “nail” a Democrat “legally.” I mean, look at what they did during the Clinton years. And, if Clinton had committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” I believe action would have been warranted. Clinton’s personal behavior was repulsive to me, and it totally changed my impression of him. But, just as I don’t think Governor Sanford of South Carolina (boy that state’s politicians are really in the news lately) broke the law by having an affair (he may have by doing so – trips to Argentina – on the taxpayers dime) neither did Clinton. And, the result of Clinton’s behavior is a lot of Democrats would not have supported him had he been running for re-election – and, it’s true, HE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Not good!

The problem in all these comparisons is that the lies and the behaviors of George W Bush and Dick Cheney and many of their surrogates led to over a million LOST LIVES! I’ve often wondered why the “pro-life” supporters of Bush/Cheney don’t have a problem with that. Between Afganistan (from the time we turned our attention away from bin Laden) and Iraq we’ve lost around 5000 troops. On top of that, the wounded, including PTSD, is in the hundreds of thousands, and our military is stretched to the limit – not to mention that these two occupations have and will cost us WAY MORE than any potential cost of health care for our own citizens! And, I remember America’s media doing the same thing in Viet Nam as they’re doing regarding Iraq and Afganistan; it’s like THEIR PEOPLE DON’T COUNT! I mean, think about this for a second, WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE LIBERATING IRAQ! So, how can we possibly ever justify THE KILLING OF OVER 1,000,000 IRAQI’S? At one point in the war, it was reported that at least 25% of Iraq’s population was either killed, wounded, or displaced – either internally or externally – THAT’S 7 MILLION PEOPLE! I’ve never understood how that’s liberating them.

During this time President Bush has authorized both torture and the illegal wiretapping of American citizens. Vice President Cheney “outed” a covert CIA agent, which is treason and led to what no one will ever know – how many deaths of persons who were in her circle of associates. The Bush/Cheney administration pushed through legislation that sacrificed rights we have cherished since the founding of this nation in the interest of “fighting terrorism” while all the while purposely terrorizing their own citizens (us) in order to maintain a stranglehold on power (I’m sure you remember all the terrorist threats that conveniently happened right before elections or at other strategic times) – rights like habeous corpus, free speech (I remember an OLD lady being arrested in front of an arena where Bush was speaking because of something written on the shirt she was wearing – and, the media and Congress put up with this – because THEY WERE SCARED) – plus the illegal wiretapping, a violation of the fourth amendment of the contitution. Well, the only reason I can come up with for the “looking forward and not backward” strategy is that people in Obama’s administration are STILL SCARED!

I’m not sure of what they’re scared of. Do they think that Republcans will get mad and start making ridiculous claims and attacks against them. WELL, HELLO WORLD! – isn’t that what’s happening! As I’ve stated many times – Obama and the Democrats NEED TO GIVE THE REPUBLICANS SOMETHING REAL TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! A full investigation of the Bush administration by a special Prosecutor – do you remember Kenn Starr? Someone like that. Someone who’s not afraid to look under every “stone.” I know that if you’ve been around here for any length of time you’re probably tired of hearing this – I’M TIRED OF SAYING IT – but, I will ALWAYS consider it a crime to “LOOK FORWARD!” What right does President Obama have to prevent me and EVERY OTHER AMERICAN from learning the truth about what was done IN OUR NAME! We went to a lot of effort in the 1970’s to PROVE that IF THE PRESIDENT DOES IT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S LEGAL! I would never have voted for Obama if I thought for an INSTANT that he believed that. Well, I started this rant by saying that I was going to comment on Obama’s speech about health care which led me back to the subject which his actions constantly lead me back to – enabling the crimes of Bush/Cheney. So, when it sunk in that President Obama said the “public option” was ONLY FOR THOSE WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE I instinctively knew that I would not be able to support his “plan.” President Obama’s backpedaling on the “Public Option” shows the same weakness as “looking forward and not backward.” I believe Obama’s “great speech” will likely be remembered more for the “you lie” foopah, than for any words Obama spoke – when all is said and done. And, in the end, in both instances I’ve mentioned at the end of this diatribe, WE ALL LOSE!

As long as we keep putting up with this seditious Republican rhetoric, I believe our nation will continue to decline.

There’s one thing that’s obvious about the present political climate and debate in this country. President Obama is a good and honorable man. He’s genuine, he wants to do what’s best (even though I’m sick of the “reaching across the isle), and he’s facing an incredible challenge. Not only does he have to overcome all the foopahs of George W Bush/Dick Cheney, but he’s got to deal with what’s left of the Republican party which, it seems to me from listening to them, still haven’t acknowledged how bad they messed up this nation. I’m still looking for that surge of energy from Obama where he says “enough already” from the ridiculous crap that’s flying his way from every direction. The absurdity of some of what’s coming out of the mouths of Republicans makes me wonder how could stuff like that ever make it to the public airwaves, and how could people like that get enough support to be a national party?

I can tell you (I’ve been saying this since well before Obama was elected – my own daughter disagreed with me) that the true racist nature of TOO MANY AMERICANS is bubbling over. Many of them either are so ill-informed as to what’s really happening “out there” or, unfortunately there’s no other excuse I can come up with except we have a LOT of people in this country who can’t accept a black person as President. Today, in my school, they showed the speech Obama gave on Tuesday because we hadn’t started classes yet when he originally made it. The students overwhelmingly wanted to see the speech and, after listening to the entire thing, I thought it was an excellent speech and President Obama confirmed the message I’ve been trying to get across to my students for almost 20 years. Our school is the small town version of the inner city school, there’s lots of diversity, and these students need to have role models they can identify with. THEY IDENTIFY WITH OBAMA!

Here’s what I found interesting – which leads me to believe some of these right wing “talkers” are having a huge impact on our nation, despite the fact most of what they say is easily refuted – our students had to take a permission slip home IN ORDER FOR US TO SHOW THE VIDEO! That’s for them to hear the President of the United States! Think about that. Do you really think students had to take a permission slip home before Ronald Reagan spoke to students? OF COURSE NOT! Did they have to take a permission slip home before they could listen to President Bush? You guessed right, OF COURSE NOT, AGAIN! Now, these permission slips were written in a way that they didn’t have to bring them back unless their parents didn’t want them to watch the speech – I give my Principal credit for doing it that way – I’m sure it was our district that mandated the permission slips. But, I found it incredible that a student in America would have to have permission from their parents to listen to the President give them a motivational speech. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US?!!!!

Here’s the other thing I found really unusual, and to be honest, a bit disturbing. There were teachers in our building who didn’t allow their students a chance to see the speech. We’re talking about the second day of the school year, you’re trying to get to know the students, trying to motivate them to have a great year, and the speech only lasted something like 16 minutes. In fact, when I saw the entire speech (I had heard exerpts of it beforehand) I was just as impressed with the high school senior, who was the President of his high school class, who gave the introduction – as were my sixth grade students. Now, I asked my students if they wanted to see the speech and all raised their hands. One girl had brought back the slip signed by her Mom which “opted” her out, but when she heard that – she told me her Mom misunderstood and thought the slip was to give her permission – she wanted to see and hear the speech. I allowed students to draw or read (again, these are sixth graders) if they chose, I just asked them to honor those who actually wanted to watch. The students were great and the speech led to an excellent discussion about the importance of staying in school. WHAT KIND OF PRECEDENT ARE WE SETTING WHEN STUDENTS AREN’T ALLOWED TO LISTEN TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATION ENCOURAGE THEM TO STAY IN SCHOOL AND “DO THEIR BEST?”

Some of the complaints I heard from adults about this speech were so absurd that I stuggle to understand how our media can even give them credibility by publishing them. I guess, when the governor of a state (Minnesota) makes a big deal out of it and urges parents to leave their students at home, it shows that we have a huge problem in this nation, and the media will publish that. I heard a Congressman (I can’t remember his name) claiming that President Obama was going to give a socialist indoctrination to the students! During the discussion that I heard while I was driving to and from work (listening to various talk radio shows) I heard Obama called a socialist, a communist, a fascist (these people obviously don’t understand the terms they’re using), and today I even heard one guy go off on every Democrat – even calling President Carter a fascist. Now, if the guy really understood the definition of “fascist” he’d understand that the closest thing to a fascist we have in this country is Dick Cheney. I’ve written about this before, but here’s the definition of fascist: Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state. Fascist governments forbid and suppress criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement. Fascism opposes class conflict, blames capitalist liberal democracies for its creation and communists for exploiting the concept.

So, as usual, the people calling President Obama a fascist and, incredibly Jimmy Carter as well, are much closer to the term themselves. Here’s one other thing as long as I’m on definitions; here’s the definition of sedition: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. Google sedition and you can get a good look at the long history of sedition “acts” in our history, beginning with the founding fathers that people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh would have you think they are in “tune” with. It’s people like these that make me feel uneasy in criticizing President Obama because he gets a constant barrage from them, but you’ve heard the old saying, “you have to do what you have to do.” I spent years “putting up” with Republican Presidents who I vehemently disagreed with. It’s been difficult for me to watch, almost my entire adult lifetime, the voters voting in politicians who have been running up massive debts, and funneling the great wealth of this nation to the very people who don’t need it. They proved to me that they don’t hate welfare, it’s just that it has to be corporate welfare for them to go along with it. I never tried to incite anyone, and I would never have supported anyone who did, despite the fact that I REALLY DIDN’T CARE FOR PRESIDENT GW BUSH! In fact, he is the one who motivated me to use this site as a way to vent my frustrations.

But the Limbaughs, the Hannity’s, the O’Reilly’s, the Beck’s, the Boehner’s, the McConnell’s, the Palin’s, and just recently I heard maybe the worst of them all as far as I’m concerned – and believe me it’s hard to be worst than Limbaugh or Beck – but the guy named Michael Savage – I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a person with a more fitting last name. These people are committing sedition DAILY! And, this gets me back to one of the things that I’m concerned about with President Obama. I’ve written many times that President Bush and Vice President Cheney and everyone else in their administration who violated federal laws should be AT LEAST under investigation. AT THE MINIMUM “We the People” should have an idea of EVERYTHING THEY DID IN OUR NAME! That, in itself, might help to shut these right wing talkers up, because I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and they just don’t believe “their” President could have committed a bunch of crimes. They have no idea of the torture and what it entailed. They don’t understand the ramifications of the federal government eavesdropping on its citizens without a warrant. And, many of them still don’t “get” how much they were lied to regarding Iraq and Afganistan. And many of these good people assume people who are on the airwaves are telling the truth. Obviously, the fact Bush/Cheney weren’t investigated for torture makes these talkers feel pretty safe in committing sedition on a daily basis.

The rest of the world is beginning to see us as a third world country. Our students are less educated (thanks in part to “no child left behind”), our public is poorly informed, our economy is virtually bankrupt, and the “world” understands fully that we are torturers. And, we’ll continue to be torturers in their eyes if Obama gets away with “looking forward” which I’ve complained about endlessly. Yet, these right wing talkers continue the propoganda machine that’s been filling the American public with lies for over 25 years. More and more Americans are starting to understand that it’s the Republican party that is the “authoritarian” group (I’ll let you figure out what word fits there) despite their accusations against anyone who considers themselves a liberal, progressive, or Democrat. They have been robbing this country blind since the day that Ronald Reagan introduced the “trickle down” theory of government. It’s so absurd on it’s face that I’ve always been amazed that so many people “bought” into it. Lower taxes sounds great, but the vast majority of working class people who supported Reagan never seemed to figure out that, while they might have on occassion got a couple dollars back, it was the rich in this nation who’ve been “laughing all the way to the bank” ever since 1980! It really is obscene when less than 1% of the population controls 20%, at least, of the nations wealth and the amount has more than doubled since Reagan took office. Many people have been consistently voting against their own self interest!

The thought of losing control of that disparity has these Republicans in an uproar, and the way they’re going about it shows how important all that money is to them. They have been lying to the American public for so long that I think they actually believe their own lies are the truth. Last night when Obama was giving a speech before both houses of Congress a Representative from South Carolina blurted out “You lie” so that everyone in the hall and everyone watching on TV could hear him. He later apologized, but when I listened to him do it, he said he apologized because he was told to do so by the Republican leadership – not because he was actually sorry he said it. The incredible thing is that he was still claiming that Obama was lying and when you look at the bill in question, IT SAYS EXACTLY WHAT OBAMA CLAIMED – that the health care bill is not going to give benefits to illegal aliens (which is a discussion for another day). This is all unbelievable to me – I’ve heard everything from “kill him” to “he’s a terrorist” when these Republican leaders are talking about our duly elected President (remember, the last Republican President was appointed by the Supreme Court). I would love to see Obama go on the attack against them, but maybe he is right to let them self-destruct. If enough Americans heard the Congressman yell out last night in the middle of Obama’s speech (which was a very good speech, by the way – another thing they hate), maybe we’ll see more people jump off the Republican bandwagon.

But, getting back to my initial point – when we’ve gotten to the point where we are making students get permission from their parents before they can listen to our President, I BELIEVE WE’VE GONE TOO FAR! My instincts are that we are at war, internally, and I’m frustrated by Obama’s even keel approach – but the reality is that he’s not getting sucked into the “MUD.” He continues to take the “high road” and I REALLY HOPE HE SUCCEEDS. And, maybe he’s also right that it’s up to us, the people, to actually make it clear to the Congress what we want. I will have to study the health care proposal that Obama made and if I determine that it’s a boon to insurance companies I will probably be disappointed and not be able to support it. However, I listened the other day to a brilliant Congressman from South Carolina (not the guy who blurted out) named James Cliburn and he talked about the difference between “the perfect and the good.” He was being very pragmatic, and maybe that is the way to go, but as long as we keep putting up with this seditious Republican rhetoric, I believe our nation will continue to decline and getting something as basic as health care for all Americans will be (and has been) almost impossible. It is up to “we the people” to put a stop to it, and I’m thinking the best way is a massive boycott of the sponsors of Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly, Savage, and the others!


I’m driving to school this morning wondering what the @#** is wrong with this country? If you’ve been around here before you know that I’m a public school teacher in my day job. Today was not the first day of school for my school, but for many schools it was – or they had started already. And, there’s this big “todo” about the fact the President of the United States is going to give a talk to students encouraging them to stay in school, to do their homework, to set goals for themselves, to work hard, and to do things for others – MAYBE EVEN A SERVICE PROJECT! That should be getting rave reviews from any decent, thoughtful American.This is the crux of what I’ve been trying to teach to kids for almost 20 years – in fact, when I heard the speech I was surprised and impressed with what the President said and how he said it. Who can argue against what he said today? Well, AS USUAL, I can give you the answer in a word! REPUBLICANS!

These people are so far over the “edge” that it’s hard to find words to describe them. I read where the governor of Minnesota was more or less encouraging parents to keep their children home from school so they wouldn’t have to listen to the speech. That was the “cry” of one ridiculous Republican after another. One pundit claimed that Obama was going to “indoctrinate” the students into socialism! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I didn’t check in with Rush Limbaugh after I heard all this other stuff because I knew I couldn’t stomach whatever he would come up with. When are the people of this nation going to understand that these Republicans stand for NOTHING! They are all about destruction when they’re not in power and they’re about destruction when they’re in power. Right now they are trying to destroy anything and everything that has any connection to Barrack Obama they can with the ultimate goal of destroying the Presidency of President Obama itself. When they’re in power their goal is to destroy the very government that we all rely on, especially in times like these.

And, speaking of the “times like these.” This HORRIBLE “GREAT RECESSION” is the result of “Republican Rule.” The Bush administration was openly trying to destroy the very institutions they took an oath to protect. It’s a miracle that we even have an education department left after almost 30 years of this aforementioned Republican rule. Ronald Reagan set his sights on destroying the Education Department in the early eighties, but thank God, there’s even enough Republicans out there who want their kids to get a good education that he didn’t succeed. Of course, being a teacher, I’ve seen how the “no child left behind” legislation has succeeded in undermining the very fabric of the educational system it was supposedly going to protect. In fact, I believe it’s just another attempt at destroying public education, they’re simply coming at it from a different angle. Just like everything else the Republicans come up with, when they put a title on something – look in the complete opposite direction to “get” what they’re really after.

The result of “no child left behind” is more and more children left behind. In my state, they’re not really children when they get left behind, they just drop out of high school because there’s nothing more offered than a bunch of standardized tests seemingly aimed at preparing EVERY student for COLLEGE! If you’re reading this, just take a quick deep breath – DO YOU REALLY THINK EVERY STUDENT SHOULD GO TO COLLEGE? Maybe that’s why they’ve been shipping our manufacturing jobs over seas for the past 14 or 15 years. To make everyone think they HAVE to go to college! Of course, they never had any intention of funding “no child left behind” and even if they did, could any reasonable person actually expect students in special education to compete at the same level as students without learning disabilities? Think of what that does to the student with the learning disability when he/she is asked to take a test that she/he has no chance to pass. Think of what that does to the student who isn’t enamored with college prep courses, but might possibly be good at fixing cars or other machinery, or might be good at building things, or welding, or the plethora of other jobs we could be preparing students for if they ALL weren’t expected to go to college! (PS – now they’re shipping college jobs OVERSEAS!) The real result of “no child left behind” is large numbers of students dropping out of school when they accept the reality that they’re never going to pass these tests. And, believe me – SOME OF THESE STUDENTS ARE VERY BRIGHT IN THEIR OWN AREA! They’re being “left behind” in droves!

I use “no child left behind” as an example because the President’s speech was to school age children about the importance of “staying in school.” But, in just about every other area you can see the result of Republicans trying to destroy this government. Take the DEFICIT that so many of them are now complaining about. I didn’t hear them complain when Ronald Reagan initiated the “rob the government blind” approach to governing. And, for those of you who don’t get this philosophy – check out the statistics of where the money’s gone since 1980 in this country! George HW Bush had even more obscene deficits than Reagan, and his son – George W Bush – well, he topped them all! He not only left Obama with a deficit of almost 2 trillion dollars (remember, Obama isn’t hiding the cost of Bush’s two wars), but he left a government that was in near ruins FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. In my mind, the main job of the President besides keeping us safe is managing the economy and the Republicans consistently manage it “into the toilet.”

Bill Clinton held office for the only 8 years during the previous 28 prior to Obama when a Democrat was in the White House and the money started to funnel back to the middle class (something Republicans hate, for some reason, because most of them are in the middle class). The budget was not only brought into balance, Clinton left office with a surplus of 250 billion per year (the Republicans really hated that and it only took a few months before they gave virtually all of that surplus to the “rich” of this country once GW Bush took office – people earning in the top 1% of all earners). Do you remember all the “investigations of Clinton that went no where?”

Yes, Clinton did do what, to me, was the unthinkable and “have sex with that woman.” But, the reality is NO ONE DIED BECAUSE OF HIS SIN! Of course, we’re all “sinners” so who’s to say one is worse than another, but personally, I’m still having trouble with the lying us into war (4000+ Americans and approx. a million Iraqi’s DEAD not to mention the MILLIONS of lives destroyed in other ways), wiretapping MILLIONS of his own citizens illegally, outing a covert CIA agent (treason), torture (one guy was waterboarded 183 times in one month, and that wasn’t enough so they put him in a small enclosed BOX full of bugs and left him there for an extended period of time), deregulating one business or government agency after another until the whole MESS was about to COLLAPSE – AND THEN BUSH/CHENEY LEFT TOWN! And, now you’ve got these Republicans standing in the way of every piece of legislation that is designed to “fix” the abuses of the Bush administration and, worse yet, BLAMING THOSE ABUSES ON OBAMA! The truth is, when you listen to them, THEY DON’T THINK THEY WERE ABUSES when they were in power! They want to do this again! I guarantee you that if the Republicans, by some miracle, get control of Congress and the White House again, they will IMMEDIATELY try to overturn EVERYTHING OBAMA HAS ACCOMPLISHED!

There’s something else – THEY WON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT BIPARTISANSHIP! I could go on with how ridiculous these thugs are. Or, I could write a complete piece about how disturbing it is that the media even gives these nut jobs a platform. Since when did the very worst among us deserve a majority of the time on the airwaves? Well, that’s the other thing here, the so-called LIBERAL MEDIA is totally controlled by CONSERVATIVES! They are pulling off probably the greatest “SNOW JOB” in the history of this country. I’m telling you, if it wasn’t for the internet THEY WOULD GET AWAY WITH IT! Somehow, people are finding millions of frustrated American’s sites like this one and the word is spreading that WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM on our hands!

We elected Barack Obama to take care of this problem and gave him a super majority in the Congress. So far, it’s not at all that clear whether or not we elected the right person. Tomorrow (today for many of you, yesterday for some – but I’m talking about Obama’s speech to both houses of Congress on health care) Obama has the opportunity to solidify his “base.” He also has the “peril” of losing his base if he caves to the idea of Bipartisanship. I can tell you with confidence that if President Obama fails to draw “a line in the sand” over the “public option,” whatever that means, he will lose a significant number of his base – NO MATTER WHAT CONGRESS DOES. He needs to realize by the time he takes the podium that it’s “We the People” who are the reason he’s in office and it’s us who will keep him there. There’s enough of us who are sick and tired of the bipartisan approach to dealing with these thugs, that we need to see some BACKBONE tomorrow (tonight, last night, you get the picture) night!

I’ve written here many times about the areas where Obama’s not “coming through.” Briefly, he’s in essence letting Bush/Cheney et al OFF THE HOOK for clear criminal activity – investigations that would “put the shoe on the other foot” as far as the public debate would go if it was enacted – this is faulty thinking on several fronts that I won’t go into again here tonight, his decisions regarding both Iraq and Afganistan have a distinct “General Patreaus” taint on them – certainly not what was promised or what his “base” expected when he assumed office (remember, Patreaus, Odierno, and the other Generals – whom I have great respect for along with their troops – received their “baptism” in Viet Nam, and they will do whatever they have to do to prevent us from “pulling out” and “losing” another un-winnable war), and probably the most frustrating thing about the President is this constant pandering to Republicans. He doesn’t seem to understand that with the most fervent of them – the ones in “control” of the party, THIS IS WAR! In this “WAR” with Republicans, it is far more important that it be won than what’s going on in Iraq and Afganistan. The future of this country – well, the immediate future – IS AT STAKE! And, I honestly don’t understand if President Obama “gets” that. He almost seems to be TOO WILLING to be a one term President. It’s not time for the “even keel” approach to governing here, it’s time to “roll up the sleeves” and kick @#**! As I listened to the comments by one Republican after another about Obama’s speech to little school children I wondered, “How can these people be so stupid?” But then, UPON FURTHER REFLECTION, I started to wonder about the stakes in this health care “fight.” The Democrats don’t look so smart themselves, right now, and they have no excuse for failing to pass a bill that has a “Medicare for all” – public option – and a plan to cover EVERYONE – to @#** with the insurance companies if they can’t compete. But, thinking back to the state of mind of all these Republicans making stupid comments about Obama’s speech to kids – HOW STUPID WILL THE DEMOCRATS BE IF THEY ALLOW THE REPUBLICANS BACK INTO POWER by failing to pass a bill that is acceptable to the people? 72% of the American public wants a “Medicare like public option.” And, trust me, the only way to screw this up is to openly submit to the health care lobby and fail to have the courage to do WHAT’S RIGHT in this health care debate!

If Obama blows it, the Republicans will start pushing Jeb Bush as their nominee for President in 2012!

I can’t say that I’m losing hope, but I can say that I’m getting VERY DISCOURAGED. This is coming from the perspective of a person who voted for, sent money to, and in a small way campaigned for Barack Obama. Every day it’s looking more and more to me that the person I voted for is very different than what I imagined prior to his taking office. At this point in time I feel as if I SHOULD BE blasting right wing Republicans who are in cahoots with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and the one I heard recently Michael (I think) Savage – this guy might be the worst of the bunch – and a plethora of other right wing “talkers.” Today, while driving around, I listened to a guy (no idea who he was) proclaiming that he was keeping his kids home from school on Tuesday so that they wouldn’t be exposed to our “SOCIALIST” President. When asked why he was calling our President “socialist” his response demonstrated to me the dire straights this nation is in because of the propaganda machine from the right wing which has a large captive audience (or so it seems to me). The guy said President Obama is a socialist because when he took office he first took over the banks and then the auto industry! Whoever filled this guy’s head with this nonsense failed to point out to him that the bank “bailout” was caused by and initiated by George W Bush, as was the government “loans” to the auto industry, but that didn’t matter to him because the guy was simply another of the many (but dwindling) blindly loyal Republicans. I feel safe in saying that – because the guy was yearning for the return of the Republican party to power so “we can get our country back.”

The ignorance that shines through some of the statements coming from the right make me almost ashamed to admit that I’m a public school teacher. The only condolence I take in that is the Republican party wants to end public education, so I’m hoping most of these people aren’t the product of public education. I teach my students to check and double check their sources, and not to believe what they see and hear until they do so (and they are only sixth graders). Another example: I don’t know how many people who are on medicare (I’m close to that age) have complained to me about the possibility of a “government run health care system.” Not one of them, when I ask, says anything bad about medicare – none of them has said they are willing to give it up – in fact, when I ask, most say emphatically that they won’t give it up – they say something like “the government better not take away my medicare.” The only legitimate question I’ve heard from any of them would be “how will we pay for it?” That’s a question – or problem – that shouldn’t be too hard for our legislators to solve if they can get past the hurdle of doing something for the benefit of the people they serve as opposed to the people who are buying them off. This ridiculous Republican rhetoric seems to have no boundaries. We’ve had the “birthers,” the “tea baggers,” the “deathers,” those claiming Obama is a Nazi, a socialist, a communist, and I could go on – IT’S ALL BEYOND REASON!

The Republican political leadership has shown itself to be totally without conscience. THEY JUST KEEP FUELING WHATEVER FIRE seems to incite the fringe base. I can see them now, after one of the “crazies” they’re inciting does something really stupid, disavowing any responsibility for what happened. We’ve already seen that to a certain extent. Did Bill O’Reilly take responsibility for the killer of Dr. Tiller – who he had clearly incited to some undetermined degree? Of course not. And, you won’t see Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or this Savage dude taking responsibility when one of their listeners does something tragic either. They’re just going to keep inciting the troops because evidently they’re making a lot of money doing so – and that’s the bottom line for the Republicans, isn’t it? That’s the only reason they could be making such a stink about the idea of the United States joining with the rest of the civilized world in providing health care to ALL its citizens. These guys make no sense AT ALL!

That is why it grieves me so to feel this impression of ALMOST hopelessness in analyzing President Obama by the decisions he’s been making since taking over in the White House. The health care debate isn’t the most important to me, but President Obama has succeeded in making it the MOST IMPORTANT FOR HIM. He’s the one who initiated this plan, seemingly without a good idea of how it would get done. I’m a person of faith, and maybe President Obama just had faith that our Congress would come through because it’s so obvious that our country needs health care reform desperately. Well, I’m sure by now he has figured out that “trusting” Congress was a huge mistake. Actually, the House of Representatives, where the members are more accountable to their constituents, will produce a bill that is palatable to the American people. As usual, it’s the high and mighty Senate, where members only face the wrath of their voters every six years and can usually buy their way into re-election with the help of corporate donors who have seemingly unlimited pocketbooks. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise when Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley, both of whom have received multi-millions in donations from the healthcare industry they have been commissioned to “reform,” come up with a health provider friendly “reform” of the system. I can see it now, the final bill will provide more customers for the health insurance companies and the taxpayers will be footing a fair share of the bill. Again, I HOPE I’M WRONG, but signals out of the White House would indicate that President Obama is determined to get a bill, NO MATTER WHAT!

When he speaks to the nation this coming Wednesday, President Obama is going to have to decide who his supporters are. I have this awful feeling that he’s going to continue his push to get a couple Republicans to vote for this bill, and just gamble that the people who voted him into office will be there when the smoke clears. I’ve got this nasty sensation that our President is getting some BAD ADVICE! I don’t, for a minute, think that I’m the only progressive minded American who is not going to blindly support our President. I worked to get President Bush out of office because I thought his policies and decisions were reprehensible. I can’t imagine getting to that same place with President Obama, but the discouragement could be as great, just because of my high initial expectations. I saw President Obama as a statesman – which is what we need -and not a cunning politician – which is what I’m beginning to feel is what we’re getting. A statesman has the will and the courage to fight for what is “right.” He would draw lines “in the sand” for legislation of this magnitude and not back down – PERIOD! Additionally, if President Obama was really as transparent as he said he would be, there wouldn’t be so much misunderstanding of what is happening. WE DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE “PUBLIC OPTION” IS, and I believe Obama’s Presidency could rest in the balance on whether he fights for it or not.

I’ve said before, if he loses this battle – by caving into the Republicans before there’s even a vote – his own supporters very likely will “turn” on him. And with good reason. Here’s another “I hope I’m wrong” statement – and I would really like some national reporter to ask President Obama right up front about his – I believe he’s continuing the Bush wiretapping policy. I would really like to hear it from his own mouth that he has ended it, but I wrote him about this – pointing out my dissatisfaction with the FACT he was doing it – and never got a response. Last year, when I wrote about the FISA vote – remember Obama voted FOR the FISA bill which, among other things, gave retroactive immunity to the telecoms who had enabled Bush to illegally wiretap his own citizens, in the name of “the war on terror,” and whoever was then Senator Obama’s surrogate responded by saying that he would “fix” the bill once in office. So far, NOTHING HAS HAPPENED, and I’ve heard more than one of Obama’s present members of his administration say that “he doesn’t want to give up the power.” Ughhh!

And, believe me on this one, if Obama caves on the “public option,” it won’t take long for the focus to return to Iraq. So far, the Obama administration has succeeded in keeping Iraq out of the news. The reality of Iraq is that the Iraqi’s are no closer to reconciliation between the Shia and Sunni, not to mention the issues with the Kurds, AND WE STILL HAVE OVER 130,000 troops there. When this “war” is FINALLY over, we will be hearing the same terrible reflections we heard after Viet Nam! What did our troops sacrifice so much for? And, are we going to take the same kind of care of them as we did after Viet Nam – the ones who have survived? And, what about Afganistan? How long are we going to stay there? What the @#** are we fighting for? How much money do we have to throw at these two occupations until we see the light that we’re THROWING OUR MONEY AWAY? Do you think Democrats aren’t smart enough to figure out that we’ve spent over a TRILLION dollars on these two occupations, with another TRILLION to clean up the mess which includes the assistance that our TROOPS DESERVE post deployment(s), and won’t spend a trillion (which should be able to be financed with payroll deductions) dollars on health care?

I have no idea why President Obama has such a need to pander to Republicans. They will not support ANYTHING he proposes. They are blaming him for the economy that GW Bush virtually ruined, they are blaming Obama for the “bailouts” of the banks and the auto industry which was initiated by Republicans (Obama is a socialist because of Bush policies, how much sense does that make?), they will blame Obama for any health care bill that is passed NO MATTER WHAT’S IN IT, and the way he’s going they will soon start blaming him for Iraq and Afganistan. The truth is, there’s nothing President Obama can do that won’t be received by a chorus of negativity from Limbaugh and the rest of the Republican party. So, why is he even giving them ANY LEGITIMACY? Isn’t it time to tell the truth about what the Republicans are doing? And, unfortunately, the one who has to lead the charge AGAINST them is President Obama himself. I guess that’s what is so discouraging. These Republicans deserve NO LEGITIMACY WHATSOEVER! (in fact, many from the previous administration SHOULD BE IN JAIL) President Obama should be leading the charge against them. He has a chance to do that on September 9th, when he addresses both houses of Congress and the nation. I’m hoping that we hear a straightforward challenge for Congress to “DO WHAT’S RIGHT,” instead of more capitulating to “bipartisanship.”

I know that President Obama is far more intelligent than I, so I’m hoping he’s got some kind of “trick up his sleeve.” The consequences are immense. I hope that he is not taking his base for granted, as it appears. I believe most of them are “hanging” with him because the alternative is so unpalatable. Can you imagine a political party where the defacto leader is Rush Limbaugh gaining the White House? Maybe President Obama is calculating that the Republicans have become so “out there” that he has nothing to worry about, because his supporters just couldn’t stomach another Republican in office, and to a certain extent he’s probably right. But, I believe there’s a whole lot more voters out there who are like me and are tired of voting against the least favorable candidate. If Obama, on Wednesday, demonstrates that his desire for bipartisanship is greater than his desire for the so-called “public option” – no matter what that means – I believe you will see millions “jumping off the bandwagon,” and these other issues will begin to surface, further pushing President Obama’s “approval” ratings DOWN! The Republicans have set a trap for him, and he seems to have fallen into it, hook, line, and sinker. Here’s the part that makes me sick to my stomach as I’m writing this. If Obama’s “faithful” start to turn on him, it will re-invigorate Republicans and they will get “fired up” for 2012. I’ll make a prediction right here; If Obama blows it, the Republicans will start pushing Jeb Bush as their nominee for President in 2012!

If President Obama abandons the “public option,” he will be a one term President!

I’ve been saying since before Obama’s inauguration that “I WANT OBAMA TO SUCCEED………….but” – and, unfortunately, I’m still saying pretty much the same thing. However, I’m REALLY starting to feel that President Obama is – well, I really even hate to say this – empty rhetoric. I REALLY HOPE I’M WRONG. The truth will be borne out in the coming weeks as the proposed “health care reform” comes to a head. The problem with the health care reform as it’s evolving out of the different committees of Congress is that “we the people” have no idea what’s in the bill. And, I’m not sure the politicians involved know what’s in the bill, either. For example, there is a firestorm brewing over the so-called “public option” and I don’t know a single person who really knows what “public option” means. However, reports that Obama is about to abandon the “public option” is not sitting well with me, or millions of other “supporters.”

For me, “public option” means a medicare type plan which would have comparable benefits to “the plans Senators and Representatives have” and would be available as an OPTION to anyone who would choose to purchase it. People who have employee based health care would have the OPTION to transfer into the “public option” if they choose – hopefully reducing the outlay for their employer while giving them the same level of coverage. There would have to be some kind of employer mandate, and I believe it would be reasonable for the employee to pay a percentage of the premium just as we do for medicare now. I’m not sure how the Congress could set something like that up, but if they fail to do so, I agree with the house “progressive caucus” that there will be no bill. Today, I heard Nancy Pelosi say that there would be no bill coming from the house without the “public option.” (don’t you wish Pelosi would have been as firm when “impeachment was on the table?”) This morning I listened to an interview with Ron Wyden, Democratic Senator from Oregon, who pointed out that the proposed “public option” might not be even close to what people are envisioning. Wyden claimed, also, that it is unlikely for a bill with the “public option” to pass in the Senate.

So, here’s the rub for me. At this point I’m OK with the bill not making it. No one who has paid any attention at all to the debate could not understand that the Republicans are lined up against this bill unanimously (unless it’s watered down to the point that it will never pass the House in exchange for Olympia Snowe’s vote) and the so-called “Blue Dog” Democrats are not cooperating with their President. They also know that this legislation has not been President Obama’s finest hour. He made a generic proposal and left it up to Congress to write the bill and come up with the solution. I’m not sure if he miscalculated where the “Blue Dogs” were coming from, or if he’s just by nature obsessed with being a uniter and not a strong leader, but the rumors that he’s about to abandon his most ardent supporters seem valid. There’s too many signals coming from what I consider to be reliable sources indicating that President Obama is relying on advice from his “insiders” instead of taking a strong position on this legislation and giving people a clear “bottom line.” It continues to look to me as if our President is more determined to get at least one or two Republican votes on the bill than to work toward the will of his “base.” I hate to say this, but it feels to me as if President Obama is taking the support of his base for granted.

The Republicans are calling the health care legislation Obama’s “Waterloo.” That, of course, suggests to them that if they can defeat this bill they will have defeated President Obama. I don’t TOTALLY agree with that scenario, but, I can see how things could play out that way. If President Obama continues to cater to Republicans, I think it is his own party that will make this his “Waterloo.” I believe totally that most of the Republican LEADERS – unfortunately at this point in time I’m talking about: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Tom Delay, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John McCain, Chuck Grassley, Glenn Beck (I can’t believe things could get to the point where I would HAVE to say that – the guy is really a WEIRD ONE), and I could go on and on – just can’t handle a black person (really half black) as Commander in Chief. Their attitude makes me want Obama to succeed more than ever. However, I’m not the only person who supported Obama in the election who is befuddled by his constant sucking up to Republicans. I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT. I think Democrats (rank and file) will be OK with Obama not getting this bill if he doesn’t “cave” to the whims of the Republicans, who won’t support him NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES!

This health care legislation is not the only place where President Obama is on “thin ice” with his base. However, the opportunity still exists for him to show some guts and take the fight to the Republicans and the conservative “Blue dogs” in his own party. DRAW THE LINE ON THE “ROBUST PUBLIC OPTION” that 72% of the American public wants. And, STOP CATERING TO REPUBLICANS! I’ve written numerous posts explaining the falacy of trying to make everyone happy – you end up making NO ONE HAPPY! Here’s what I believe President Obama is having a hard time accepting – the core of the Republican party wants him to fail – NO MATTER WHAT. The idea of him succeeding brings a harsh reality to the minds of the Limbaugh’s, Boehner’s, etc. of the potential reality of them spending generations in the minority. Actually, the way they’re going about it, if Obama does “succeed” I think the Republican party, as it’s presently constituted, could be a thing of the past (hence, a good explanation for their intense opposition – In my mind they fully understand this). I believe that if President Obama gets tough for the rest of this legislation, his “base” will rally around him – and they’ll be forgiving for some of the other potential “week-spots” which are not in the news right now – but, trust me, if this legislation fails and Obama “caves” there are several issues that could blow up in his face – from his own supporters.

Remember, we STILL HAVE 131,000 troops in Iraq – and we’re almost nine months into Obama’s promised 16 month withdrawal. I know that he modified that “promise” to 18 or 19 months, but I don’t even think that’s possible at this point. And, during the campaign he never mentioned leaving a force of 50 – 75,000 “non-combat” forces after the “deadline.” I know he’s busy, but our troops are still dying, being wounded, getting PTSD by the droves, and the same political issues that existed “pre-surge” in Iraq exist there today. As the violence increases, I believe President Obama will be listening to the military leaders who want to stay there for over a decade and be tempted to follow their advice – General Patreaus is persuasive (if you don’t believe me, read Thomas Ricks “The Gamble” – Ricks also wrote the great book on Iraq, “Fiasco,” and I believe he’s the most connected reporter in this whole “fiasco”). On top of that, when the reality of Obama’s escalation of the conflict in Afganistan sinks in to his core supporters, he’s going to need some serious understanding from his base regarding the seriousness of the conditions he inherited (which is being lost in the way he’s going about the present health care debate). The potential exists for some very unhappy Democrats in respect to Afganistan and Obama’s policies.

On close examination it gets worse. President Obama has been defending the Bush wiretapping policies in court. No one in the “main-stream” media, to my knowledge, has even asked President Obama to his face if he’s not still following the Bush wiretapping policies. Is the NSA still “data-mining” the phone calls and emails of MILLIONS OF AMERICANS? Remember, then Senator Obama INEXPLICABLY voted for the FISA bill during the campaign in a complete sellout to his supporters which was overlooked because he “promised” to “fix” the bill once in office – of course, there doesn’t seem to be any urgency to do so. President Obama has directed the Justice Department to support the “States Secrets privilege” that President Bush used to prevent information unfavorable to the administration from being admitted into evidence in court. With the continuance of both inherited conflicts along with the wiretapping and secrecy issues, I’m worried that at some point we’ll start hearing Obama referring to the “War on Terror” – just like President Bush! To me, ALL OF THIS IS ALARMING!

Then there’s the point that has already turned me off to our new President – although I still HOPE HE SUCCEEDS – it will just be without my vote or my occasional few dollars unless he somehow manages to rectify this issue. He seems to be doing everything in his power to prevent any kind of investigation of President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the other leaders in the Bush administration who committed heinous crimes. I’ve listed many of the crimes often in previous posts, but the fact Obama keeps trying to protect the Bush administration – to the detriment of our Justice system – is beyond my ability to comprehend. I realize that Eric Holder has named a special prosecutor to investigate abuses by CIA agents and private contractors who went beyond the limits created by the bogus “memos” written by John Yoo, David Addington, and Jay Bybee (now a federal judge – ughhhh!), but he went out of his way to limit the investigation to just those agents, and not the people who authorized the “enhanced interrogation” in the first place. I guarantee you that there are millions of Americans who just assumed that these investigations would take place once Obama was in office and there would be no limits as to where the evidence could “lead.” That’s because everyone who’s been following this torture issue knows that both Bush and Cheney have already admitted to authorizing waterboarding among other shameful practices. It’s almost like Bush/Cheney assumed the way to defeat terrorists was to become even worse than the terrorists. It doesn’t take a legal expert to understand that if we prosecuted “waterboarders” after WW II, and if the Geneva Conventions define waterboarding as “torture,” and “enemy combatants” were waterboarded OVER AND OVER AGAIN (one guy was waterboarded 183 times in ONE MONTH! – with NO ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE as a result – not that that would be a justification for war crimes), and both Bush and Cheney admittedly authorized it, then THEY HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM.

If President Obama caves to the Republicans on health care, then he will be the one with the huge problem – and it will be with his own supporters. Obama’s supporters are different from Bush’s. Bush could do anything and the Republican Congress and the Republican base would support him. Obama’s supporters include most Democrats and a large block of independents (like me) and many dis-affected Republicans, those who finally have had enough of the divisiveness of the Republican party. However, this is not blind loyalty. We expect Obama to be pushing the “progressive” agenda, and his pandering to Republicans is causing him to lose support among his own followers. I believe if he takes the approach that any health care bill is better than no bill, and sacrifices the centerpiece of the legislation for Olympia Snowe’s vote, President Obama will find himself fighting for political survival among his own supporters. I mentioned earlier in this post how Obama’s rhetoric is becoming hollow to me – in fact, I cant bring myself to listen to his speeches at this point in time. I DON’T WANT FLOWERY SPEECHES WITH WHIMPY ACTION – I want a President who is willing to stand tall against all the abuses of the past eight years (actually, more like 30 years) – and show some political backbone and a fighter’s spirit. If that happens, I believe Obama will succeed whether or not he gets this bill through Congress (the people will put the blame on Congress – where it belongs – IF OBAMA DOESN’T CAVE). If he does what’s been rumored and abandon the “public option” for one or two Republican votes, I believe all these other issues will “mushroom” into a “cloud” from his own party that will ensure President Obama is a one-term President. Let me sum up my thoughts for tonight: If President Obama abandons the “public option,” he will be a one term President!