Monthly Archives: August 2013

The right wing extremists of the modern day republican party won’t quit until they’ve either gained a stranglehold on America’s government or they’re voted from office.

I have to start this post by reminding anyone who might happen upon this site that I’m a middle school teacher and not an economist.  However, I’m also a father and a grandfather and the evolution of America’s economy, as I see it, is right toward the top of the issues that are alarming me EVERY DAY!  Lately, I’ve been taping, from Free Speech TV, the show called “Ring of Fire” which is hosted by a person who’s becoming one of the people in America that I most admire, Mike Papantonio.  Before I go on, I would recommend that you either watch the TV version of “Ring of Fire” or listen to the weekly radio show that includes co-hosts Robert Kennedy Jr. and Sam Seder.  I found the TV version because the radio version was one of the casualties of the demise of “liberal” talk radio in Portland, Oregon – thanks to Mitt Romney and Bain Capital which owns (and controls) Clear Channel.  It is my understanding that part of the “blow-back” from Romney’s defeat at the polls in 2012 was the “shuttering” of “progressive talk” all across America.  I have since signed up for XM radio and now I’ve discovered “Free Speech TV” on the satellite so I still manage to get some perspective from people who are not part of the so-called “liberal media.”  (I hope by now anyone happening on this site realizes what a JOKE calling our mass media “liberal” is)

What prompted my thoughts today was a couple discussions which took place on “Ring of Fire” TV.  As usual, they had to do with the subversive work of those behind the present day republican party to undermine the fabric of America – and, while it wasn’t mentioned on the show, I believe the “powers that be” who are behind the scenes “pulling the strings” of the republican “puppets” won’t be satisfied until America has regressed into “third world” status.  And, I have to add here that probably the most frustrating part of all this is the culpability of those in the democratic party who are trying to feed out of the same “trough.”  I just last night re-read a post I made a few years ago and I feel even more strongly today that members of congress should be required to wear DECALS of anyone who provides them with financial support on their clothing (like pro golfers or NASCAR drivers).  That way when unscrupulous congress persons Like Phil Gramm, who in the late 1990’s was responsible for so much deregulation of the financial world (which he’s now profiting handsomely from) writes legislation that benefits his funders (and, in this instance, his wife who was on the board of Enron) at least we have a clearer vision of his TRUE motives!  We have a partnership between Phil Gramm, Larry Summers (OMG – soon to be head of the Fed???), and Bill Clinton (among others) to thank for the dismantling of Glass-Steagall (if you don’t know what that is – click here for one perspective) which has turned the financial behemoths on Wall Street into Alien like entities that are sucking the life out of the middle class of America.  We are witnessing GREED personified and if you haven’t read Karl Marx and his predictions on the ultimate destruction of capitalism, it should be an interesting read, to say the least, at this point in America’s history.

The two issues that really caught my attention recently (on “Ring of Fire”) were; first, the reporting on Wall Street excesses (I’ll try my best to restate them, but if you really want the “scoop” check it out for yourself) like commodities fraud and their attack on the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – which scares the Wall Street bankers because they can’t control it.  The second was an extremely interesting discussion on the state of higher education in America.  I have some personal thoughts on that “front” as I’ve been a middle school teacher for the last 20 years of my working life and have been witnessing first hand the assault on American education coming from the “right.”  In both instances we see the corporate powers of America doing everything in their POWER to tilt the “playbook” in the direction which FUNNELS billions of dollars into their “coffers.”  It’s sickening that all this is happening, and it’s even more sickening feeling as if our government has been de-frocked to the point where they are unable to do anything about it (the fleecing of our nation).  Anyone who’s been paying attention for the past several years knows that republicans are trying to “shrink the government until it can be flushed down a drain.”  The damage of allowing this philosophy to even be part of the discussion is becoming enormous and it will take a mammoth national effort to reverse the carnage to our system of government.  (In the meantime, we’re seeing the possibility of a “lost generation” of America’s emerging youth as this travesty continues.

First I want to talk about the Wall Street banks – although, the emerging student debt crisis is part of that problem as well – who are in control of a HUGE portion of America’s economy and who don’t PRODUCE anything!  They are strictly in the business of MAKING MONEY.  Using creative mechanisms – with little to no oversight – to simply generate income – at the expense of the American public.  On “Ring of Fire” TV there was a discussion of how banks Like Goldman Sachs have purchased HUGE warehouses and they are buying commodities, storing them, moving them around, and manipulating the supply in a way that allows for them to make huge PROFITS at the expense of the general consuming public.  And, as they do with virtually all their schemes, they find ways to circumvent what few laws are still on the books to regulate their behavior.  For example, the storing of commodities.  On the show they used aluminum as the example.  Goldman Sachs will purchase HUGE tonnages of aluminum and store it in warehouses to keep if off the market and push the price higher, at which time they then sell and push the price of the commodity higher than it would have otherwise been if the users of the aluminum were buying it from the manufacturers.  They circumvent the laws against storing commodities by moving the commodity from one warehouse to another (for example, they can’t store it in “one” place for more than a specified number of days – so, they just switch one batch with another from a different warehouse), from which the commodity in that warehouse is moved to the other one.  Quite the creative scheme, and evidently, the profits from this manipulation are HUGE and the costs are born out by the consumers in higher prices.

The comparative example used was a previous scheme by the infamous Koch brothers who purchased large oil tankers, filled them with oil, and then “parked” the tankers off shore until the price moved up in some unsuspecting area of the world and then “conveniently” they showed up with a tanker filled with oil.  It’s a great scheme to make money, but – considering all these “free market” proponents are behind these schemes to undermine the “free market”- at what point do “we the people” decide that the “national interest” is more important than Wall Street’s interest.  I guess a better way to say that is;  When, in America, is Main Street going to become more important than Wall Street?

The bottom line here to me is that the misbehavior of the “too big to fail (jail)” banks on Wall Street has not only NOT subsided since the “crash” of 2008, but it has intensified.  And, I can tell you this with confidence – should the next “crash” happen during President Obama’s remaining term, he won’t be able to blame this one on the republicans.  Yes, they are making things difficult – as difficult as they possibly can (they want him to FAIL) – but, Obama has shown an inclination to cower to Wall Street since his first days in office.  And, now we’re looking at the distinct possibility of Larry Summers as the head of the Federal Reserve Bank – which will just be confirmation that Wall Street will continue to rule unabated.  Apparently, the vision is for America to be a society with a distinct “upper class” and a shrinking middle class.  This brings me to the discussion of the higher education system in America.  We’re pushing students in droves through EXPENSIVE university educations, encouraging them to take on HUGE amounts of debt in student loans, letting the bankers profit handsomely from these loans, and then turning those who succeed and graduate into an economy which has few opportunities for them to earn enough to pay off their loans and begin their careers in any kind of a comparable fashion as to those who are presently making America’s laws.

As a long term middle school teacher, I’ve seen first hand the change (since GW Bush instituted “No Child Left Behind”) to a “top down” approach to educational reform which, unfortunately, finds its roots in our politicians in Washington D.C. and the corporate “heads” who are funding them.  We are “pushing” the idea of “college for everyone” to students as they enter the sixth grade – with few in the educational environment even understanding what kind of future we’re pushing these kids into.  The politicians are the “puppets” of the corporate elite in America and they have little to no perspective on what is important to the students in America – especially, to students in a high poverty school such as the one where I teach.  The “high stakes testing” which accompanied “No Child Left Behind” has been absurd, in my view, since the day it was instituted.  The objective (that ALL students would be at the same level by 2014) was absurd on its face, yet those of us in the schools are too busy teaching to become political activists. (and, most have no desire to do so, that’s why they’re teachers)  Now, we’re seeing the republican party on a national campaign to denegrade public school teachers in their attempt to push public education into the graveyard of public institutions in America destroyed by “privatization.”  I’ve focused on teaching students to learn to think for themselves and to think critically in my years in the classroom, but the pressure to prepare them for the high stakes testing is enormous because the funding is tied to the results.

What you end up with is WHITE test makers – many who are presumably in the university education departments – writing tests for Black, Asian, Hispanic, Islander, Russian, etc., etc. students who often times have no idea what the questions are asking  (again, I’m teaching sixth graders).  My experience has shown me that despite my efforts to assure students that should they “fail” the tests, that doesn’t mean they’re failure as students, many end up “giving up” by the time they’re in the 10th grade.  The high school drop out rate has increased dramatically since 2000 and the reports I’m getting from people associated with students entering college is that many are ill prepared for the challenge.  Now, I don’t know if that’s because the challenge has changed, but my instincts tell me it’s because the curriculum has changed due to the “importance” of all the high stakes tests.

I realize the economy is changing and the opportunities for our young people are changing, but I just don’t think you can expect our public schools to be “manufacturers” of “workers” for the Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and other corporations who would like our public schools focused on producing ready made employees.  At the university level, that should be the “program,” but in the middle schools and high schools I believe teaching students to think for themselves, emphasizing basic skills, and making sure that the curriculum includes more than a focus on math and reading tests should be the focus.  At my school there is no longer a wood shop, it’s been years since there was a welding program, the arts are being “squeezed,” and there is a lack of creative freedom for teachers.  Additionally, the teaching of how our government functions and the importance of citizen participation seems to be one of the victims of “high stakes” testing.   I just don’t think EVERY student is a candidate for “college” and I’m concerned that too many students who would be very successful in “trade” type education end up dropping out of school before they discover their gifts. Additionally, I know too many young adults who have no idea how our government functions or any interest in participating in the process.  This plays into the “hands” of people like the Kochs who are committed to the philosophy (of Paul Weyerich) that the fewer people who vote the better the republican chances of success at the polls.

Getting back to what the discussion was on “Ring of Fire” – the financial toll on America’s youth who are proceeding through college is an impending national crisis.  You can’t reasonably “saddle” a large number of young people with HUGE debts (and the banks are anxious to increase the interest rates on these student loans to exacerbate the problem) and not eventually face another “bursting bubble” from potential defaults from young people who can’t find employment sufficient to start their lives and pay for the loans.  When this “bubble” bursts I can see (and hear) the republicans now blaming Barrack Obama!

I’ve got plenty of issues with the Obama administration – but, the reality is that I genuinely hope that President Obama succeeds.  Trying to do so in the face of a republican party that is OPENLY working to insure our president FAILS makes it difficult for me to voice my gripes toward our president here – as I see nothing more important in America these days than making sure this republican assault on the fundamentals of our system is what FAILS!  (for example, the NSA issue is a serious breach of my confidence in our president.  I’ve stated many times on this site his reluctance to reverse the ill-gotten gains of the Bush/Cheney regime (and allow investigations into their illegal activity)  was a HUGE blunder on Obama’s part – and, unfortunately, I see him as continuing way TOO MUCH of the Bush policies.  Issues like the Head of GE – Jeff Immelt being an adviser on “jobs,” Michael Taylor of Monsanto being a leading adviser for the FDA, Larry Summers as chief economic adviser, Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary, and Eric Holder as Attorney General (along with other examples) are clear evidence that the obscene influence of Wall Street and Corporate America on the policies coming from our nation’s capital continues under Obama.)  I see evidence of many Americans on the “left” pushing to turn the “tide” against the forces funded by corporate America – but, it will be a long battle and it won’t be won until those of us on the “progressive” side (I really want to say liberal) have a leader in the White House who has the same attitude put forth by FDR – that the corporate heads “Hate me, and I welcome their hate.”  This is a WAR for the heart and soul of America (if you’ve read any of my previous posts, you’ve probably read that from me before – I keep pointing it out!)

If the republicans succeed in gaining their “permanent republican majority” – that is control of the congress, the courts, the White House, the media (keep in mind, the Kochs and Rupert Murdoch are attempting to purchase the Tribune Corporation – which includes the Los Angeles Times and other leading newspapers, and should they succeed, the SHRINKING of perspective in our “liberal media” will get even more DIRE) pushing back will be extremely difficult.  They are smart and they’ve been working on this since before the election of Ronald Reagan which was the impetus which gained them the real “foothold” that made their “dreams” possible.  The Citizens United Supreme Court decision and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the Roberts Court are integral parts of this scheme.  We’re living in a nation that is experiencing CAPITALISM gone wild, and if “we the people” don’t stop it at the voting booths soon – I believe the right wing cabal will spend unlimited amounts in the 2014 elections in an attempt to gain control of the Senate – and, should they succeed, it will be one more “nail in the coffin” of the remnants of the “New Deal.”  The right wing extremists of the modern day republican party won’t quit until they’ve either gained a stranglehold on America’s government or they’re voted from office.  People like Papantonio are putting up a great effort to inform “we the people” as to what is REALLY happening with our government – however, I believe it will be a losing battle until we get progressive politicians in Washington DC in sufficient numbers to expose the republicans for what they really are! (I hate to beat a “dead horse” – but, had Obama chosen to allow the investigations into the Bush/Cheney abuses and had he the courage to reverse their abuses of executive overreach – we could now be experiencing “The change we can believe in.”)

Can you imagine how the Koch Brothers and Fox “news” will respond if America’s next president is a woman????

I’m presently reading “The Man who saved the Union, Ulysses Grant in War and Peace” by HW Brands.  It’s a very interesting read and I’m about through his early life up to the end of the Civil War.  As I’m reading this book and thinking about the “tea party” faction in the republican party I can’t help but draw some parallels.  It’s becoming more and more apparent to me that the issues that divided America in 1860 are still “hanging on” today.  It took Barrack Obama’s election to bring this out in the “open.”  William Sherman was one of Grant’s “lieutenants” during the war and he vented a frustration similar to one many on the left are having in present day America when he loathed the (what I will call the “liberal”) press.  Here’s an interesting quote from Sherman as he’s lamenting the destruction “from within” that was tearing America apart: “The press was the enemy as much as the rebels were” Sherman said.  “War cannot cease as long as any flippant fool of an editor may stir up the passions of the multitudes, arraign with impunity the motives of the most honorable, and howl on their gang of bloody hounds to hunt down any man who despises their order.  We can deal with armies who have a visible and tangible existence, but it will require tact and skill and courage to clip the wings of this public enemy.”  Kind of a present day reference to the likes of Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Lars Larsen, Bill O’Reilly, and the rest of the minions of the right wing money machine that “hunts down any man who despises their order.”  And, of course, if you don’t get my sarcasm about our “liberal” media – the media I’m talking about is not liberal at all!

I’ve been writing about the propaganda campaign that’s been going full tilt since the days of Ronald Reagan since I started this blog (if that’s what it is???  :o).  Sherman referred to the press that was attacking Lincoln and the generals who ultimately defeated the secessionists in the South when he complained about “any flippant fool of an editor (who) may stir up the passions of the multitudes, (and) arraign with impunity the motives of the most honorable.”  Now, I will be the first to admit that it’s becoming harder and harder to recognize “the most honorable” when talking about our leaders in Washington D.C. – but, it’s quite apparent to me that the corporate interests behind the “tea party,” Fox “news,” politicians like Sarah Palin (“he pals around with terrorists”)  and the aforementioned political pundits (hacks) act like a “gang of bloody hounds to hunt down any man who despises their order.”  My fervent wish as I”m writing this is that this type of behavior gets expunged from our acceptable political practice “sooner rather than later” and we can somehow avoid evolving into a society in which a vicious cycle of accusatory politics is the norm.  As Lincoln himself said, “United we stand, divided we fall” when he committed to defend the constitution and prevent the southern states from leaving the “Union.”  It seems to me that our present day press, which – if you haven’t been paying attention – is controlled almost entirely by a select few “conservative” corporations, is thriving on the philosophy of dividing the public in America in order to allow their benefactors to continue the great plundering of America’s unsuspecting taxpayers.

The press should be trying to educate the American public with factual information regarding our leaders in Washington D.C. all the way down to our local governments.  The reality is that the right wing forces being “pushed” by the likes of the Koch brothers and other wealthy and powerful sources in America (and, unfortunately, abroad) realize that by dividing Americans and turning the focus of our (we the people’s) attention onto divisive issues, they are able to stealthily gain a stranglehold on our system of government in a way that will ultimately (if we don’t stop them) be difficult to overcome.  They make up their own “facts.”  The more I read about American history and the more I pay attention to what’s “happening” in today’s “world,” the more alarm I feel. (And, consequently, the more I seem to write)  If you just take a short moment to examine the recent history since the so-called “Reagan Revolution” I think you’ll maybe understand what I’m trying to get across here.

I was talking to the man who fixes my cars today and we reminisced about the differences before Reagan and after.  And, he’s basically a pretty conservative person – a mechanic, a farmer, and a person who’s spent his entire life in a rural setting.  Additionally, he’s the classic “small business” person.  The first thing that changed when Reagan won the “White House” was the beginning of the “trickle down” economic theory which essentially was a smoke screen to facilitate the greed of America’s wealthy class.  The tax rate on the upper 1 or 2 percent of Americans was around 70% for their top income (in today’s dollars, I believe income in excess of $1 MILLION) and that was cut more than in half (I’m working from the top of my head here, so keep in mind that I’m not using exact numbers – feel free to check them out and clarify).  Additionally, the attack on unions was put into full force (and organized – an organized ATTACK on organized labor) and, maybe worst of all, the so-called PRIVATIZATION movement was initiated.  The first real EVIDENCE as to the folly of Reagan’s “revolution” was the QUADRUPLING of the budget deficit within a year or two of the first tax cut.  Reagan actually cut taxes for the wealthy while raising taxes on working class people – and got away with it because our “liberal media” allowed him to do so.  Reagan’s personality resonated with many Americans and the republicans first initiated  Goebbels “Big Lie Theory” during Reagan’s presidency.  And, the media bought into it “hook line and sinker.”

Just think if Barrack Obama had the same results as Reagan.  Since Obama took office the yearly budget deficit has dropped almost in half.  After Reagan’s first five years it was AT LEAST five times the deficit he inherited.  Obama managed to finish the job of getting Osama bin Laden while during Reagan’s years we lost HUNDREDS of troops in a terrorist attack on an American barracks in Lebanon (I believe it was something in the neighborhood of 300 American and French troops) and, within four months, despite claims to the contrary, Reagan withdrew all American troops from Lebanon.  Think of the republican response to Benghazi and just imagine if Obama had done what Reagan ACTUALLY did!  Reagan and his cabinet carried on an illegal war (Iran Contra) at the clear defiance of Congress and then one by one lied through their teeth about it (this action included “Bush 41”) to Congress and the courts.  Those who were ultimately convicted of serious law violations were all PARDONED and the theory that “if the president does it, it must be legal” was reborn (after being debunked during Nixon’s reign).  Honestly, think about the republican reaction if Obama should do such a thing!  And, what would Grover Norquist say about “tax increases?”  President Obama is trying to get the upper tax rates to the level of the Clinton administration – which is heresy to the republicans.  Well, Reagan did reduce taxes – mainly on the wealthiest Americans – but, at the same time his eliminating of deductions (really, that’s a euphemism for raising taxes) affected the Americans with the lowest incomes.  On that one, I suppose if Obama did that, the present day republicans (might not) complain.  (Actually, they wouldn’t agree to ANYTHING Obama was “for”)  When Reagan took office we were the largest “creditor” nation in the world.  By the time he left, we were the largest debtor nation.  I’ve yet to hear the “tea party” refer to that phenomenon!

As I study American history I find multiple circumstances where there’s  great disagreement between politicians and political parties.  However, I’ve yet to find an example of one party FOCUSING their efforts (ie – “our first priority”) on a president’s FAILURE – save for the Civil War and Lincoln’s avowed plan to save the union.  Technically, however, at that time the southern states had seceded from the union so I don’t consider it a comparable situation to today’s republican party (nationally) committed to making sure a president FAILS.  I’ve been saying this since the first day I heard Mitch McConnell, Rush Limbaugh, and Jim DeMint throw out the “talking points” that their (the republican party’s) first and foremost objective was to make sure President Obama FAILS – the only explanation for that plan is that Obama is a person of color and they (the republicans) want to make sure “we the people” don’t make this “mistake” again.  The FACT that their actions are crippling our government’s ability to intervene in the most desperate places (like our urban areas) is irrelevant to them. We’ve seen multiple evidence of legislation with overwhelming public support (the public option in healthcare reform and registering guns just to name a couple examples) being “torpedoed” simply because it’s more important to them that Obama FAILS, than if America succeeds.  They are entrenched in their “top down” philosophy of propping up the “rich” and the only welfare they believe in is “corporate” welfare.

Republicans are responding to the changing demographic in America in a very strange way.  Although, when I try to look at their “strategy” from someone who’s seeing things from a racist perspective, they have a difficult challenge.  They want to keep their “place” as the “white” ruling class in a country that is evolving to where whites will soon be a “minority.”  Instead of changing their philosophy to attract minority voters, it appears to me they are ramping up their efforts to gain their “permanent republican majority” through the stealth methods I briefly referred to above.  (Thanks to our right wing Supreme Court, republicans have the Citizens United decision to allow them to continue buying politicians and elections along with the gutting of the Voting Rights act to facilitate their strategy to suppress the minority vote in America)  And, the media I’ve been referring to has a huge part to play in this, by making sure that the American public has NO IDEA what’s REALLY happening in our government.  Yes, the republicans are very subtle (usually) in their “race baiting” – but, they find ways to assure their right wing base that they’re “all in” on the white supremacy “thing.”  From Ronald Reagan’s initiating his original campaign in a hotbed of racists (Philadelphia Mississippi, click here if you don’t understand my point) to John McCain’s reference in a presidential debate to Barrack Obama as “That one” I’ve been witnessing this crap (republicans subtly spewing out their “code”) my entire adult life.  Honestly, I really did think Obama’s election was a great step forward, but it really clarified the reality of the BATTLE for civil rights that is still paramount (and raging) in America today.

Obviously, the WAR for the heart and soul of America continues.  In essence it’s been ongoing for over 200 years and the “force” behind today’s republican agenda is grounded in maintaining the power with the white “ruling” class.  On many occasions on this site I’ve referenced the book “The Family” by Jeff Sharlett and you really need to read that to better understand the magnitude of what the progressives in America are up against.  However, this really is a WAR and the so-called (self described) “liberal media” continues to act in a way consistent with the complaints of General Sherman during the Civil War.  Right wing editors are stirring “up the passions of the multitudes, arraign(ing) with impunity the motives of the most honorable, and howl(ing) on their gang of bloody hounds (Limbaugh, Hannity, Larsen, Boehner, McConnell, etc.) to hunt down any man who despises their order.  In the case of our president, no matter what he proposes, they will attack him.  Therefore, it seems as if nothing is getting done.  Yet, I feel that if the left will mobilize and help the general public to sift through the BS it is possible to vote these present day republicans out en masse.  Just as in the days of the Civil War it was a HUGE challenge to overcome the attack dog press; however, it can be done, “but,” as said by General Sherman, “it will require tact and skill and courage to clip the wings of this public enemy.”

America has always overcome these right wing challenges to the foundation of our nation through strong leadership.  Lincoln came along at just the right time.  Grant reluctantly took his important place in the history of this nation at just the right time.  FDR came along at just the right time.  JFK was snuffed out by the forces behind today’s right wing movement, but he came at the right time.  I’m confident someone will emerge in the next few years to continue America’s push to prove that people CAN govern themselves in a way that is designed to benefit the masses (and not the few).  I was naive to think that President Obama was that leader.  His rhetoric was enticing, but I’m just not convinced he understood the challenge he was facing.  He’s got three years left, but he’s enabled the republicans to control the agenda and until I see him call them out – that is, draw a clear line on their overt obstruction, I don’t see him as the leader who “turns the tide.”  When FDR referred to the wealthiest class of Americans by saying “They are unanimous in their hate for me, and I welcome their hate,” he made it clear that he understood the challenge of progressivism.  The next American “FDR” who “welcomes the hate” from the right will find a large portion of America’s electorate vigorously supporting him or her!  Can you imagine how the Koch Brothers and Fox “news” will respond if America’s next president is a woman????

It is at the voting booth that the revolution needed in America MUST take place, and republicans are (and will be) doing everything they can to stop it!

Recently I’ve been hearing some words coming from our president that are more in line with what I was expecting upon his first election, but I have to admit that I’m somewhat deflated by some of his ACTIONS since attaining the “White House.”  I don’t think I’ll EVER get over his decision to BLOCK all the NEEDED investigations of the Bush/Cheney cabal that clearly believed themselves ABOVE THE LAW.  That action, in itself, I think empowered the republicans to initiate this OBSTRUCTION that has been going on since day one of the Obama administration and which has gained so much “steam” that the potential “accomplishments” of those behind the republican “scene” are getting scarier all the time.  In addition to the ill advised policy of “looking forward instead of back” that President Obama put forth shortly after his inauguration in 2009 he has “deflated” his liberal “base” on several occasions.  (I will never forget Obama’s first “chief of staff,” Rahm Emanuel calling liberals “f_____ng retards”) He extended the “Bush Tax Cuts,” he followed the Bush negotiated exit from Iraq, we’re still in Afghanistan (I’ll NEVER understand that one), he’s put Social Security “on the table,” (regarding negotiations to reduce the debt that Social Security has no part in), and now I’m hearing that Larry Summers could be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank.  That is the same Larry Summers who, in a coalition with Phil Gramm and other right wing republicans, orchestrated the end of the Glass-Steagall requirement that banks be banks and investment houses would not be gambling with American’s savings accounts.  The repeal of Glass-Steagall led to the “too big to fail (jail)” Wall Street “banks.”

I’m just beginning tonight’s rant with that caveat because I believe Obama’s rhetoric has become just that to many on the left (like myself) because of his “republican lite” reality in so many ways.  I continue to be one who longs for President Obama to SUCCEED in the face of a HUGE onslaught of right wing money aimed at insuring his FAILURE, but I’m just not sure he (or his advisers) “get” the reality of the “WAR” that is going on in America as I write this – and, it’s not a war coming from some external force, it’s that war from within that President Kennedy warned us about over 50 years ago.  Most people don’t understand the threat of people like the Koch Brothers (Charles and David Koch) and the stealth strategy they’ve been following for MANY, MANY years.  For example, not many Americans (including myself until recently) know about the “American Legislative Exchange Council,” (ALEC)  or the Heritage Foundation – both the outgrowth of the Koch’s whose father was a founding member of the John Birch Society.  These organizations are real threats to anyone who believes in the founding principles of America which were personified in the “New Deal” of Franklin Roosevelt and furthered during the years of Dwight Eisenhower (you don’t hear many republicans praising Eisenhower), JFK and Lyndon Johnson. The advances brought forth from Roosevelt’s election in 1932 until Reagan’s election in 1980 created the world’s greatest “middle class.”  These Koch funded groups are “chipping away,” little by little, every advancement for working class Americans they can and their sophisticated methods are bearing more and more “fruit” as time goes by.  They have unlimited funds, they have no sense of integrity (money, power, and profit are their motivators), and they are VERY resolved.

In reality, the political climate in America was changed by the election of Ronald Reagan (FBI informer) in 1980 to allow for institutions like ALEC and the Heritage Foundation to flourish.  Reagan led the charge to undermine the strength of Unions when he “busted” the Air Traffic Controllers union on national TV.  Since that day the number of unionized Americans in the workforce has declined to less than 10% from something approaching 35%.  It is not a reach to say that republicans are “anti-union.”  They will not be happy until there’s not a trace of a union workforce left in America.  They hate things like the minimum wage, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, overtime laws, safety regulations, pollution regulations, bank regulations, and I could go on (and on) – anything that benefits us “little people.”  Read “The Family,” by Jeff Sharlett – it will open your eyes to their philosophy that the rich and powerful should make the rules – PERIOD!  (I’m not kidding when I point out they’ve adopted parts of Nazi philosophy along the way – this group has been fighting the New Deal since its inception)

If you don’t know – ALEC is a corporate funded group which writes corporate friendly (“conservative”) legislation for members of state legislatures and includes “funding” for the legislators who initiate their agenda. (in other words, they’re buying local politicians all across America)  This is probably happening in a legislature near you.  One reason ALEC has been more in the news is because they are the “force” behind the “Stand Your Ground” laws put forth (and supported by the NRA) and passed in something like 31 states nationally.  It is this “Stand Your Ground” law that apparently allowed the Sanford Florida court to “exonerate” George Zimmerman for murdering Trayvon Martin. (I’m assuming you’re familiar with that case)  It should be obvious to you that this is a “wake-up call” to all Americans who believe in civil rights.  I just finished reading a book about the Summer of 1919 when Blacks in America were tortured, beaten, and lynched in unbelievable numbers and this is the era that the people behind ALEC wish to return us.  (Check out the recent Supreme Court decision gutting the voting rights act and put it all together with Citizens United, “Stand Your Ground,” and the efforts to ensure our Black president “FAILS” and you should get my “drift”)  Click here to find out all you need to know about ALEC.

Then there’s the Heritage Foundation (a “Think Tank”) That was founded by one of the Coors Beer family and Paul Weyrich – famous for encouraging voter suppression – and supported by a long list of right wing “conservatives” including the Kochs.  (click here for the list supporters)  They are run by Jim DeMint, former racist senator from South Carolina.  Their website encouraging you (and me) to join, in their quest for 1 MILLION members is promoted by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.  Now, if you’ve listened to 15 minutes or so of Limbaugh you know he’s an overt racist and misogynist.  Hannity, on the other hand, (at least when I’ve been able to stomach a few minutes of his schpeel) is much more subtle than Limbaugh.  The other day I was listening to about 10 minutes of a conversation Hannity was having with someone regarding the George Zimmerman murder of Trayvon Martin (I actually happened on this accidentally on my XM car radio) and I was astounded at the number of racial “code words” spewing from Hannity’s mouth as he attempted to guide his unwitting guest through the conversation.  Personally, I prefer the Limbaugh type who come right out with their beliefs than someone as sleazy as Hannity.  These people are the “face” of the Heritage Foundation which is focused on the reversal of the “New Deal” and “liberalism.” (you know, the “mess” – as they refer to it – brought about by things like unions, bank regulations, civil rights, voting rights, child labor laws, etc., etc.)

An offshoot of the Heritage Foundation is the CATO Institute – with Charles Koch as one of the founders.  This is another right wing (libertarian) “Think Tank” that has as its purpose the elimination of as much of the “New Deal” as possible.  Their funders include a wide range of corporate interests who presumably benefit from, in the words of Grover Norquist, “shrinking government to the size where it can be flushed down the drain.”  It didn’t surprise me to see the oil companies and tobacco companies as their sponsors, but computer related companies like Microsoft and Sun were a bit unexpected to me.  Here’s the link to info about CATO.

I’m just pointing this all out to show the depth of the assault on America’s middle class.  Obviously, I believe the advancements that have come since Roosevelt’s election in 1932 have tremendously moved America in a positive direction.  In my mind, all you need to do is go back and study American History beyond what’s in the text books and it should be clear to you that the attacks from the “right” are dangerous and serious.  People like the Kochs, the Coors, the Scaife’s, the Walton Family (Walmart), and others with unlimited funds are not the people I want to depend on to do the right thing for us “little people.”  They have bank accounts that are beyond the imagination of “we the people.”  Their power grab is exactly what Thomas Jefferson was worried about as the American Constitution was evolving.  These “think tanks” are behind the “permanent republican majority” strategy that intends to suffocate America’s working class into a proletariat like under-class.  And, they’re succeeding while the rest of us are too busy to notice.  They obviously have control of the Courts and they virtually have control of congress (via the filibuster in the senate) along with control of our “liberal media.”  (calling our media “liberal” is such a sick joke to me that I don’t know how people can still be falling for that one – this is where the “Big lie theory” comes in)

This gets me back to President Obama.  He was elected to reverse the abuses of the Bush/Cheney regime and he, instead, chose to ignore them – and, in some instances, perpetuate them (i.e. – the “data mining” of U.S. citizens phone and email conversations).  As our president pursues his “grand bargain” – which includes cuts to programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. (I’m not totally sure how aware he is that the republicans would love nothing better than to “rid” America of these “socialist” safety net programs) – apparently thinking he MUST get SOMETHING  done in the face of this unbelievable obstruction from the “right,” I’m a bit confused as to what he envisions as his legacy.  I’ve stated this before, I hope he understands the FOLLY of being the Democratic president who allows Social Security and Medicare to be undermined.  I TRULY hope he has no intention of letting the likes of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and others on the “right” help to “fix” our social “safety net.”  Their “fix” would be to get rid of it!

There’s not much time left for the reality of the situation to sink in to President Obama.  If he really wants to accomplish what he was elected to accomplish, he needs to join the FIGHT to rid this nation of the present day republican party.  Now, I’m not saying the republican party per se – I’m talking about this “Tea Party” infected, right wing, Koch Brothers, etc. party – the “conservative” party that’s been hijacked by right wing extremists in cohorts with the authoritarian corporatists.  Traditionally, the republican party has been the “home” of some great American statesmen – Dwight Eisenhower, Everett Dirksen, Mark Hatfield, Tom McCall, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Rockefeller, and I could go on (those are a few names off the top of my head) – and, people like the Koch’s and the Coors’ and the Scaife’s, etc. were always on the “fringe” due to their extreme (and selfish) corporate and “libertarian” views. It will take a mammoth effort by “we the people” to get the message across that this republican party is unacceptable in 21st Century America, and we need strong leaders to stand strong against a very sophisticated “enemy.”  President Obama has the opportunity to lead the way, but he’s got to quit envisioning his “grand bargain” that sets the cause of America’s middle class back to the “robber baron” days.  Obama, himself, in my view is pursuing policies comparable to a moderate republican of days gone by.

For most of my life I’ve disagreed with many republican positions (although not always), but I could respect their place at the table and appreciate many results of bipartisan “negotiations.”  For example, Bob Dole is a republican who I generally disagreed with but mostly always respected because of his ability to communicate “across the isle.”  Actually, John McCain fell into that category until he ran for president and somehow got “sucked in” to the extreme right – possibly upon his choice to associate himself (almost unbelievably to me) with Sarah Palin.  In fact, the reality that republicans were comfortable with someone as uninformed as Sarah Palin being “a heartbeat away” from the presidency says it all to me regarding the depth of thought ruling that party today.  I’ve listened to several former Reagan officials who are almost as alarmed as myself regarding the direction of the “conservative” movement, but, in the end, it will have to be President Obama (or President Clinton – Hillary), or someone who “gets it” to be the leader of the FIGHT to put this present day republican movement back where it was after 1932 and the election of FDR.  I honestly thought Obama understood that when I originally voted for him, but as I watched his first choice of Emanuel, Summers, and Geithner to lead us out of the MESS that Bush/Cheney left I was somewhat alarmed.

I keep hearing, as stated above, the rhetoric that implies our president understands the issue, but he hasn’t shown me the where-with-all that would encourage his LIBERAL base that he’s serious about taking on this fight.  In actuality, I believe the republicans will not allow him ANY successes – NO MATTER WHAT – so, success will only be measured in how much progress he can make in leading this nation to purge the republicans from the congress.  Due to the gerrymandering of 2010, it will take a mammoth effort to regain control of the House and by firing up America’s working class LIBERALS I believe many of the worst offenders of the racist OBSTRUCTION in the Senate (Like Mitch McConnell) can be defeated.  Democrats should be doing everything in their power to make sure people like John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, McConnell, and others have to FIGHT to retain their seats in congress.  If President Obama would concentrate his efforts on the importance of regaining control of congress and making sure the American people (liberals) understood the importance of electing Democratic presidents until the Supreme Court is purged of people like Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas (unfortunately, Justices Roberts and Alito will be there until my children are my age – ughhh!) I believe he can energize his LIBERAL base to the point where they can overcome all the dirty tricks of the republicans.

Remember, with Citizens United (if you’re still not aware of what that is, Google it – it’s one of the worst Supreme Court decisions to come down in the HISTORY of the United States – the epitome of judicial activism) the republican corporate cronies will be FLOODING every future election with MONEY and misleading (to lying) advertising designed to BUY elections.  Additionally, the Supreme Court recently GUTTED the Voting Rights Act and republican Secretary’s of State all over America are already busy initiating voter suppression plans designed to limit voting by minority voters, students, and elderly people who already find it difficult in many precincts to vote.  (Remember, in places like Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania – in the last election, people in predominantly democratic areas had to wait in line up to 9 or 10 hours to cast their votes.  Obviously, many people are not able to do that.  It is at the voting booth that the revolution needed in America MUST take place, and republicans are (and will be) doing everything they can to stop it!  It will take more than empty rhetoric for President Obama to energize America’s Liberals to persevere in this BATTLE!  He needs to change his focus from the “GRAND BARGAIN” (that republicans will NOT agree to – and democrats like me don’t want) to the “GREAT BATTLE” – with the goal to purge the “Tea Party” republicans and those leading assault on the “New Deal” from Congress.  Only then will it be possible for an agenda that addresses the REAL problems of America!  (the failing infrastructure, the decaying inner cities, the unemployed and under employed, those without health care, the militaristic foreign policy, the “too big to fail” banks, too much corporate money in politics, corruption in Washington DC – and in American politics in general, etc., etc.)