Monthly Archives: April 2021

Seems as if FRAUD is a way of life for individual 1!

Individual 1 and republicans are busy proving that telling the truth is an unwelcome concept in their “party” going forward. For example, several republican elected officials in Georgia stood up against our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president when he brazenly continued LYING about the results of the 2020 election, especially in Georgia. So, the state’s republican controlled legislature responded to democrats WINNING elections in their state by passing an onerous “election integrity” law which is aimed at preventing people “of color” (ie people who vote democratic) from accessing their RIGHT to vote. (The bill is being called “Jim Crow 2.0”)

So, those republicans who stood against individual 1 are now the actual casualties of the so-called “cancel culture” we keep hearing from republican officials as they complain about “liberals” and “woke corporations.” Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger has, essentially, been “defrocked” by the new law – he will no longer be in charge of the “election integrity.” In fact, if the Georgia legislature doesn’t like the result of an election, they can just “cancel” it now. And, if you give water to someone who’s planning to vote and willing to stand in line for hours to do so, well, you’ve just committed a felony. (Temperatures are often in the 90’s in Georgia during election season)

And, Governor Brian Kemp – OMG, isn’t he one of the greatest examples of someone on his knees asking forgiveness – though it’s not at the altar in church, it’s at Mar a Lago in Florida, the home of our disgraced former (TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSTING ex) president. It’s as if Mr. Kemp is rethinking his actions when he defended the INTEGRITY of the Georgia vote which was RECOUNTED as least THREE times that I know of and the results came out the SAME each time. Individual 1 needed 11,780 votes (which didn’t exist) to “carry” the state. How could he have stood in the way of individual 1’s attempt at MASSIVE voter fraud.

Should be interesting if individual 1 is INDICTED for his attempt to INTERFERE in the Georgia results by getting Mr. Raffensperger to “find” enough votes for him to “win” the state. Here’s the bottom line in all this – the republican party has become so CORRUPT it’s almost embarrassing to watch – and, yet, they keep pushing the boundaries. In the next 6 to 9 months I believe we’re going to see individual 1 indicted (somewhere), Matt Gaetz appears headed to court – if not prison, and, there’s a bunch more with their “fingers in the pie” of CORRUPTION. And, now, we have an Attorney General who actually believes we are “a nation of laws and not men,” Stay tuned!!!

To the people I know who are still republicans, here’s the deal: Instead of attempting to appeal to a broader section of the public with their message (at present there is NO message – ie, no platform except what makes individual 1 happy) they are attempting to reduce the number of people who can cast a ballot in our elections. Of course, this is nothing new with the republican party – which, essentially became entrenched in the South when LBJ signed the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act back in the early to mid 1960’s, (I was in High School at the time) And, of course, led by John Roberts the Supreme Court “gutted” that voting rights Act a few years ago leading to republican attempts to block African Americans and Latinx Americans from voting ever since.

it’s just that now their attempts are BRAZEN and they’re happening in a majority of states – especially those states which might vote for democrats. Yikes!!! (And, of course, in true republican projection many of them are accusing democrats of being “fascists” – which is what individual 1 [second generation German] was attempting to impose on “we the people” – and, of course republicans are all for it if it means they can remain in power and continue funneling taxpayer dollars to their donors. Republicans depend on their voters being “uneducated” – which tells us why individual 1 declared “I love uneducated voters” back in the 2016 campaign. Little did we know……………..

(I wrote the above a couple weeks ago (or longer, I can’t remember) – it appears I’ve been on “vacation” from fomenting my frustration toward republicans. However, make no mistake, I’m still really frustrated with republicans and continue to hope more and more Americans come to agree with my contention they need to be voted into the history books. I pointed out soon after individual 1 lost (the second DEFEAT at the hands of the voters – the first in the Electoral College) the November election that these republicans “weren’t going anywhere.” They won’t go away until the voters have made it clear they have NO FUTURE in American politics. It’s not going to be easy and hopefully the NEXT election will be another “nail” in their “coffin.”

Keep in mind, though, they’ve gerrymandered Congressional districts all across America (including the one I live in) where it’s almost impossible for a democrat to win an election. For the past 20 or so years, even in the years where republicans win a majority in the House, the democrats pull MILLIONS more votes. And, the Senate – that’s the most “un democratic” body conceivable. Plus, keep in mind a majority of republicans still believe individual 1 actually “won” the election v Joe Biden. (Despite LOSING by OVER 7 MILLION votes)

Here’s the reality the “respectable” republicans I know refuse to accept: Not only the “deplorableness” of individual 1, but also the reality “their” republican party was hijacked by the right wing of America – led by the racists who hang out at places like “” – during the leadup to the 2010 election following the election of Barack Obama as our FIRST African American president. There’s a significant portion of America who watch outlets like Fox “news,” and worse “Newsmax” and worse yet “OAN.” It’s “OAN” which is “overseeing” the ridiculous fiasco which is going on in Arizona as I’m typing this as the right wing radicals in the republican party are doing everything they can to “prove” there was “fraud” in the 2020 election.

Now, I do have to agree with them – there was “FRAUD” in the 2020 election – the problem they’re NOT going to like is that it was individual 1 committing the FRAUD. i’m still sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the DA in Fulton County, Georgia, to determine who all should be INDICTED for the attempt by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to BULLY Georgia’s election officials to “find 11, 780 votes” – “one more than needed to change the result of the vote.” Not only SHOULD individual 1 be held accountable for this attempt at FRAUD, but so should Lindsey Graham, and possibly others. Who knows how many recorded phone calls the Georgia election officials received.

And, of course, with individual 1 it always gets worse. I certainly haven’t forgotten January 6th, 2021 – I’m sure most republicans are attempting to put that date out of their “memory banks,” – unless, of course, they were there and now facing YEARS in prison for invading our Capitol Building on that day – actions leading to the deaths of three police officers and with four others dying as well. I believe individual 1 very well may be in the “cross hairs” of Attorney General Merrick Garland for INCITING the INSURRECTION at the Capitol – that’s a “stay tuned” – as is the potential of individual 1 and members of his family facing a “reckoning” with the DA in Manhattan regarding potential wire fraud, bank fraud, and insurance fraud among other possibilités regarding his CORRUPT business practices. All of this is “on the agenda.”

I didn’t even mention the reason I refer to him as “individual 1.” That’s the name he was given by the Southern District of New York as they were sending Michael Cohen to three years behind bars for his role in paying off the two women threatening to go public about affairs they had with our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president right before the 2016 election. So, add to the above “allegations” election FRAUD and TAX FRAUD. Seems as if FRAUD is a way of life for individual 1 (and, very possibly, members of his family – you should read about the Kushner’s, for example)

Final Thought: While all the above continues to move in the right wing world of America we have Joe Biden actually WORKING to attempt making the lives of the American people (including republicans) better. The first bill, which was aimed at relief for those who have lost their income or portions of it during the pandemic along with various sections of the bill aimed at “crushing the virus” in the words of Nancy Pelosi. (I’ve said this before several times here – had the republicans agreed to the democrats “HEROES Act” which was passed nearly one year ago, individual 1 would still be our (so-called) president. That was one of the most obvious examples of the STUPIDITY of “today’s” version of the republican party. They know how to (cheat to) get elected, but they have NO idea of how to govern.

So, we can all – republicans, democrats, and independents alike -be thankful Joe Biden is in the “White House” and NOT individual 1. Things are much better here at home (with the exception of the threats posed by right win extremists) and, especially, things are looking up abroad. The biggest problem with our “National Security,” from the standpoint of our relationship with our traditional allies, is they are apprehensive wondering whether or not the American public might vote these republicans back into power in the upcoming elections. And, I have to say, I’m a bit concerned with the possibility there may be enough American votes who will allow all the voter SUPPRESSION bills metastasizing across our nation to keep them away from the polls – therefore leading to another episode of individual 1 or one of his sycophants. Can you imaging Ted Cruz in the “White House?” for example. Yikes! I’m trying to end this rant on a positive note, so if you’re not a white nationalist – actually, even if you are – we should all be thankful Joe Biden WON the 2020 election – by one of the largest “landslides” ever. (Over 7 MILLION votes!)

As usual, I’m publishing without re-reading and editing – so, my apologies for the foopahs.