Monthly Archives: March 2018

Trump appears to me to be coming “unhinged” and, now we’re talking about more than just the national security of the United States!

I used to point out how democrats came across as “lacking a spine.”  Well, in the “world of Trump” the republicans in Congress are making the democrats look like Genghis Khan.  “We the people are now STUCK in a world where our so-called president is AFRAID of Vladimir Putin and the Russians and our republican Congress is AFRAID of our so-called president who’s AFRAID of Vladimir Putin and the Russians.  Whoa!  I feel as if I’m going around in circles!

Since the “election” of Trump back in November of 2016 I’ve been lamenting about the “damage” he’ll manage to do before the republicans in Congress come to their senses and remove him from office.  While I believe I underestimated the DAMAGE, what I’m really surprised about is my underestimating the LACK OF COURAGE of the republican Congress.  I was certain that, if for no other reason, when their jobs were “on the line” they would step up and end this national NIGHTMARE.  I could NEVER have guessed the level of timidity in the republican ranks and the STUPIDITY among the so-called “base.”  So, now we have a situation that’s getting very very serious.  Potentially, a situation where the “DAMAGE” quite possibly could be catastrophic.

There’s no shortage of “experts” who’ve commented on the mental capacity of Mr. Trump in ways that would have us wonder if he’s “all there.”  Clearly, he’s narcissistic beyond measure, he’s a pathological LIAR, and he’s virtually IGNORANT in the ways of our government – AND our history.  He doesn’t understand the legal system – I’m presuming he’s been able to BULLY his way through life while his lawyers have been very busy keeping him out of serious legal jeopardy.  Clearly, Trump is in legal jeopardy NOW “way over his head.”  It appears that, instinctively, his reaction to this dilemma is to LASH OUT at those he envisions are threatening him – which would include – MAINLY – Robert Mueller, the FBI. the so-called “liberal media,” and the intelligence community.  He’s not going down “without a fight.”

Of course, based on a couple decisions he made today, he’s perfectly willing to take “we the people” down with him.  The sooner Trump’s “base” realizes he could care less about them, the better for all of us.  Republican tradition is to START A WAR when your administration is in danger (and, blame it on democrats).  Of course, Nixon didn’t start a war, he just prolonged it during the Watergate years.  Reagan took the “brave” action of invading Granada during a particularly “low” period in his administration.  And, of course, in response to being “hit” on his watch – ie “9/11” – GW Bush chose to invade Iraq – the FIRST time in American history “we the people” invaded another country without being provoked (well, except Granada).  Do you get the picture here?  Trump is very likely getting a “bug” up his “sleeve” thinking he can change the narrative of the Mueller investigation by getting “we the people” mired into a “war of choice.”

And, where better to do this than in Iran?  And, who better for Trump to have close to his side at this strategic time in our history but John Bolton?  He’s the man who wanted to “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (OK, along with John McCain) back in the Bush/Cheney days.  He’s the man who couldn’t get confirmed to be the ambassador to the United Nations during the Bush/Cheney administration through a republican Senate (because he “makes things up”) so they had to use a “recess appointment” to get him “in.” What did he do as UN Ambassador?  He made enemies for the United States – mainly.  He’s a warmonger!  He not only wants to “bomb Iran” but he also wants to bomb North Korea.  To call Bolton a “hawk” is an understatement.  In addition, Bolton – apparently, a critical “plus” for Trump, is friendly with Russia and Putin.  Trump is replacing his National Security Advisor, HR McMaster (one of the few members of his administration with wide respect) with Bolton.

What did HR McMaster do to draw Trump’s “ire” enough to get fired?  Well, apparently, last week when McMaster lambasted Russia and Putin for the gassing, on British soil, of a former Russian spy – AND his daughter – with a nerve agent that ONLY the Russians possess AND that is globally considered ILLEGAL – that was just too much for Trump.  Just as he FIRED Rex Tillerson for blasting the Russians – in less than 24 hours after Tillerson’s remarks condemning Russia, Trump FIRED McMaster just days after his remarks.  In both cases, the last official remarks of both Tillerson and McMaster were their blistering denouncement of the Russians – which doesn’t go over well in Trump’s “White House.”  Here’s a thought I keep having:  “Mueller needs to speed up his probe” – because, without it, republicans in Congress will look the other way for anything Trump does.  Republicans in Congress are either silent or “retiring” of both.  Either way, “we the people” can have NO confidence they will uphold their duty as sworn to the constitution.

Trump’s “DAMAGE” is getting more and more DANGEROUS.  Here’s the likely scenario which will unfold in the next few weeks.  And, oh, by the way, did I mention Trump fired his lead counsel in the Mueller investigation and replaced him with a TV lawyer from Fox “news.”  I’m not kidding, you can’t make this stuff up.  I’ve digressed……..  OK, here we go:  First, the “Iran deal” which is WORKING and is designed to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear “power” is likely to be a victim of Trump’s STUPIDITY and Bolton’s hawkishness.  Trump will pull America from the agreement.  Now, there’s 6 countries, besides Iran, in the agreement – the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, China, and Germany.  However, it was the Obama administration which “brokered” the deal (John Kerry was Secretary of State at the time) and even the Soviet foreign minister Sergey Lavrov viewed the deal as critical to Middle East peace.  I believe that because Obama was “for it” is why Trump is “against it.”  Pulling out of this deal is likely the MOST dangerous thing Trump will have done, at that point in time, and it will likely create even more negativity toward the U.S. with her traditional allies.  Whether this would cause the deal to “break up” remains to be seen.  It will certainly further marginalize the United States.

Then there’s North Korea – which is expecting a “face to face” with Trump in the near future.  The way this apparent meeting is coming about is bizarre on its face.  The South Korean ambassador broached the subject in the “Oval Office” one day and Trump simply said, “I’ll do it.”  With not a shred of conversation with any advisors or ANYONE period, for that matter.  I guess the FACT that virtually EVERY “undersecretary” position in the State Department is UNFILLED would be Trump’s thinking as to why he would simply “meet” with Kim Jung un.  I’m guessing Trump will do this – if it happens – “off the cuff.”  Meaning, he won’t even have notes and I doubt he’ll have much preparatory work ahead of time.  Of course, if the meeting happens, Trump will have given Kim pretty much what he wants – and, that is a place on the international stage.  Personally, I believe Trump will go into any meeting with Kim that might happen without even someone to take notes.  If it was with Russians, he’d trust their interpreters – but, who knows in this instance?

OK, but there’s more.  I mentioned above about Trump firing his lead counsel dealing with the “Russia thing,” John Dowd.  Now, I’d be the first to suggest Dowd isn’t like you’re “cream of the crop” when it comes to criminal defense lawyers – but, he’s been replaced by Joe diGenova – A TV LAWYER on Fox “news.”  Again, I’m not kidding – really, you couldn’t make something like this up and have normal people believe you.  Maybe Trump is thinking any charges Mueller brings will be litigated in front of “Judge Judy.”  I’m serious when I say I want to laugh, but, in reality, I have three children and three grand children and this is getting very serious.  As I try to make sense of what Trump is doing, it appears to me he’s about to go after Mueller.  The republicans have been SO timid to this point in his term that it appears he fears them NOT.  He’s thinking he can end the Russia “probe” simply by Firing Mueller.  Of course, he’ll have to FIRE Rod Rosenstein first – and, maybe others – if there are still true patriots in our Justice Department at the highest levels.  After the McCabe fiasco, maybe Trump will urge Jeff Sessions to do what he did with McCabe and ignore the FACT he’s recused so he (Sessions) can FIRE Mueller.  (Maybe Sessions “unrecused” himself to “get” McCabe because he found out McCabe had initiated an investigation into his LYING before Congress – on multiple occasions)

I can virtually GUARANTEE you if Mueller is FIRED the demonstrations in the streets will make the “women’s march” look like a Sunday School picnic.  And, if republicans let Trump get away with it, the “blood bath” in November’s election will be intensified.  Here’s what I’m wondering, will republicans allow this to happen and then simply “retire” in huge numbers to avoid getting voted out of office?  This all is getting beyond strange to me.  If there was one thing I always thought you could count on with republicans was they wouldn’t “collude” with the Russians – not even to get elected.  The FACT republican members of the House are willing to turn their backs on what happened in the election is almost unbelievable to me.  I keep asking myself, “what would they be doing had Obama done what Trump apparently did?”  They certainly wouldn’t be “short circuiting” the investigations.

Here’s the deal.  It’s time for republicans to put their “big boy pants” on.  Trump has committed numerous “high crimes and misdemeanors,” he’s a clear and present danger to the security of the United States of America, and it will be on them – the republicans – if my worst fears (and, trust me, I’m not alone) are realized.  Democrats are in the unenviable position of having virtually NO POWER to do anything about this.  It’s ALL on the republicans.  Trump is taking them, he’s taking their base, and, unfortunately, the rest of us, for a “ride.”  Of course, the tax scam that is going to ruin our economy was done with the full approval of all these republicans who are now experiencing “lock jaw” when they should be standing up for our nation.

I’ve spent over a year trying to understand why Trump NEVER says anything negative about Vladimir Putin or the Russians and, just as curiously, I’ve wondered what will it take to get the republican Congress to act in stopping Trumps bludgeoning of our most sacred traditions.  For all those white people in the “rust belt” who believed Trump would bring their jobs back, WAKE UP!  Your jobs were, for the most part, lost to technology.  Trump’s NOT “draining the swamp” he’s FILLING it fuller with MORE refugees from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms.  Trump’s tax scam was money he BORROWED from “we the people” and MOST of it’s going to the top 1%.  Is that what you call “draining the swamp?”  I could go on and on with why those who are Trump’s “base” are getting scammed – but, they’ve been getting scammed by Fox, Limbaugh, Savage, and the other members of the right wing propaganda machine for years.  It’s time to WAKE UP!  This is much more serious than anything that’s happened before – maybe even before today.  The SCANDALS keep piling on top of each other.  “We the people” have to fight cynicism.

I’m not sure what is worse about all this.  If Trump goes after Mueller and the republicans allow him to get away with it – well, at some point in our future “we the people” will be able to recover.  However, if we end up with a war in Iran or a war in North Korea, then we’re possibly talking about anything from MILLIONS of casualties to the possibility of nuclear war – which conceivably could wipe out civilization.  Honestly, I can’t believe I’m even thinking this let alone writing it.  Go figure – that the person crazy enough to create this potential scenario would come from America.  “We the people” need to somehow STOP this madman from going any farther than he has.  He appears to me to be coming “unhinged” and, now we’re talking about more than just the national security of the United States.  Come on republicans, DO YOUR DUTY!

When the final chapter of the Cambridge Analytica “saga” is written, I believe the “collusion” issue may be much clearer!

I guess it’s going to take a two by four to the side of the head for some republicans to accept what Trump is doing to their party and, more importantly – from my perspective, to our country.  And, then some of them still won’t “get it.”  I saw Jim Jordan from Texas (republican in the House “freedom caucus”) on TV the other day on MSNBC and he was embarrassing.  The guy is totally defensive for Trump and he has a very poor grasp of the facts.  He’s adopted the “but Hillary” defense of Trump and, I guess, is suggesting that since Mrs. Clinton used a private email server when Secretary of State (exactly as had Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell) it’s OK to look the other way from Russia ATTACKING our nation!  These people really are what Mrs. Clinton referred to them as during the campaign: deplorables!

The evidence of why Trump NEVER says a bad word about Vladimir Putin continues to mount.  Again, for most republicans, there may not be enough evidence for them to be willing to actually take defense of the basic fundamentals to our democracy seriously.  After all, it is the republican party that Putin and the Russians were helping.  I’ve long said republicans believe the end justifies the means – I just NEVER could have imagined getting help from Russia would be acceptable – even to them.  (Keep in mind, the Koch brothers’ fortune was originally made in Russia during the days of Stalin – so, who knows?)

Now, we find out that Cambridge Analytica, the data collection firm which the Trump campaign used to focus their FAKE news during the campaign, STOLE Facebook profiles from 50 MILLION unsuspecting Americans and used it to guide their internet advertising and propaganda campaign.  This is the company founded by Robert and Rebecca Mercer along with Steve Bannon who was the “brains” behind Trump’s campaign upset victory.  I’m presently reading “Devil’s Bargain” subtitled “Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency,” and NOTHING regarding the revelations about Cambridge Analytca surprises me after reading this book.  The Mercer’s are the MONEY behind Trump and, before he was kicked out of Trump’s “orbit” and out of Breitbart “news,” Mr. Bannon was the “brain.”  Bannon is as unscrupulous as they come – and, in addition to orchestrating the Trump disaster on America, this combo of right wing extremists (the Mercer’s and Bannon) played a significant role in the Brexit situation in Great Britain.  Pure and simple, they are “white nationalists.”

Whether Bannon and the Mercer’s are part of the collusion stuff with Trump and Russia remains to be seen.  However, as we learn more and more about what Cambridge Analytica was doing in the campaign for Trump, it’s becoming clearer to me they very likely were involved in helping the Russians TARGET their FAKE NEWS in such a sophisticated manner that people all around the world have been scratching their collective heads.  How were the Russians able to be so precise with the Facebook advertising they did during the campaign for Trump and against Mrs. Clinton?  Keep in mind, Steve Bannon had been targeting Hillary Clinton for several years prior to the election in anticipation she would be the democratic nominee.  In addition, he had employed David Bossie, of the infamous “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision that has allowed republicans to CORRUPT America’s politics beyond many people’s abilities to imagine – certainly mine.  But, do you really think Bannon would turn down help from the Russians?

Almost in parallel, the Russians were sending TARGETED messages to Trump supporters and, TARGETED negative ads toward Clinton supporters in much the same manner the Trump campaign was doing the same.  And, MOST of this “TARGETING” appears to have been based off of the STOLEN Facebook data no one knew about until this past week.  I’ve always felt Steve Bannon was not as innocent as he tried to portray himself while in the “White House” as he was constantly in a “battle” with Jared Kushner and the other Trump “progeny.”  Well, it was Kushner, himself, who apparently “hired” Cambridge Analytica during the campaign, but I can’t bring myself to believe that the Mercer’s and Bannon had nothing to do with that decision.  As I was listening to the details of how Cambridge Analytica collected this STOLEN data, it seemed implausible to me that Bannon wasn’t the driving force behind the “theft.”  As was clear in “Devil’s Bargain” Bannon has NO scruples – possibly rivaled in that trait by only Trump himself.

The Mercer’s have a lot of money (Billions) and Bannon has a lot of money so they will be able to put up a spirited defense of their actions from the campaign, but I’m guessing Robert Mueller is going to want to talk to Bannon again – if not to the Mercer’s as well.  Just as Trump seems to think he’s above the law, I get the same feeling regarding Bannon.  Well, they both could be in for a big surprise.  This revelation today, could add months to the “Russian investigation” because this could be the link that proves the COLLUSION.  For anyone still confused on the “collusion” issue, that “boat sailed” the day we all learned about the June 9, 2016 meeting Don Trump Jr., Kushner, and Paul Manafort had with the Russians offering incriminating evidence on Mrs. Clinton straight from the Kremlin.  Just attending that meeting was COLLUSION – no matter what they got from it!

And, the cover-up of that meeting via the letter composed on Air Force One by Donald Trump Sr. with the help of Stephen Miller, Hope Hicks, and others was “obstruction of justice.”  Of course, there are at least three instances which could be easily interpreted as “obstruction of justice” (that I can tell) since Trump took the “oath” of office,  and maybe more.  In fact, I’m guessing the FIRING OF Andrew McCabe will ultimately fall into the “obstruction” scenario Mueller ultimately comes up with.  But, now, the issue of COLLUSION (TREASON) seems to be right back on the “table” and there are several possible “characters” involved.  Wouldn’t it be interesting if we had a situation where Donald Trump and Steve Bannon were testifying against each other.  Personally, despite his comments to the contrary, I don’t consider Trump to be very smart.  I can see a scenario where Bannon was busy working with the Russians with Trump in the dark.  (of course, that would not excuse the cover-up and the clear OBSTRUCTION of justice by Trump – on multiple fronts)

I was a sixth grade teacher for the last third of my working lifetime (actually, almost half) and, as I’ve said several times on this site, I’ve always thought Trump reminds me of a sixth grade BULLY.  Bullies often have trouble with “telling the truth.”  We used to tell kids who had a propensity to LIE, “tell the truth, there’s less to remember.”  Well, obviously, no one ever got through to Trump with that thought, and he’s getting pushed more and more into a corner.  Like MOST bullies, he’s lashing out at those who he thinks he can intimidate, but many of his present “adversaries” aren’t being intimidated by his idle threats (a common trait of bullies).  So, this COLLUSION thing is about to really engulf Trump’s “orbit.” Could his attempt to fire Mueller be getting near?  Earth to republicans, if that happens, you’re officially “on the spot.”

Will Trump lash out to “protect” his children?  Will he fight even harder to protect the reason he’s so AFRAID of Vladimir Putin????  I’d say Jared Kushner is a likely candidate to have a lot of explaining about his role in the parallels between the Russian Fake news and the Cambridge Analytica Fake news – and, his involvement in both situations.  Just as the emails STOLEN from the Clinton campaign were STOLEN illegally, I have to assume the data STOLEN by Bannon and company was STOLEN illegally.  The “you know what” seems to be headed straight for the fan!

It’s hard to keep up with Trump’s scandals.  This Cambridge Analytica situation, while extremely serious, isn’t the only thing “hitting the fan” for Trump these days.  Now, the women who he’s attempted to BULLY are coming forward and FIGHTING BACK.  That’s the one thing Bullies hate – is when their victims FIGHT BACK!  Well, the adult film actress, Stormy Daniels (aka Stephanie Clifford) is fighting back very aggressively and she’s got an attorney who appears to me to be far more sophisticated than the attorneys Trump is able to get (he’s “stiffed” so many lawyers in the past, many won’t work for him – plus, he’s a terrible client because he won’t follow their advice) and, Ms. Clifford is GOING to have her “day in court” – it just may be in the “court of public opinion.”  I believe what motivated Ms. Clifford to fight back was Trump’s attacks on all the other women since he took office.  And, now, apparently, there are six more women who’ve contacted Ms.Clifford’s lawyer with their own “stories to tell.”  This is going to get more and more interesting.  (Unless you’re Donald Trump)

The bottom line here is that as more and more information becomes public, we see more and more reasons why Trump should NEVER have been president.  This entire disaster is the result of what I’ve been writing about for years – and, that is the steeper and steeper TILT to the right encompassing the republican party.  I can no longer be an independent because I can’t support any candidate that is willing to stand by this president and the people behind the scenes in the republican party.  When Ronald Reagan won the “White House,” for example, David Koch ran on the Libertarian “ticket” for president and got about 1% of the vote.  Of course, David Koch and his brother Charles are the MOST significant financial backers of the republican surge to the “right” – leading to the “tea party” faction which is the base for Trump.  These are the same people who would have been OK with Sarah Palin a few years ago.  And, these are people who, like Bannon, are very sophisticated technologically and willing to “win at all cost.”

They’ve (the Koch’s, the Mercer’s, Bannon, Trump, and others of the same ilk) been a part of the republican propaganda “machine” that, for years, has modeled it’s strategy on the work of Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda of the Third Reich back in Nazi Germany.  Goebbels’ “Big Lie Theory” is based on the reality if you “tell a LIE over and over enough, people will believe it’s the truth.  Fox “news,” the right wing talkers on the radio airwaves, and the “leaders” of the republican party all follow this “philosophy” in concert with each other.  And, they have to nurture those who are on the other end of their propaganda.  There’s a reason Trump called people wearing Nazi arm bands and chanting Nazi slogans at Charlottesville last year “very fine people.”  It’s a FACT that upwards of 60% of Trump’s “base” still believe President Obama was born in Kenya.  They still believe that “liberals” have caused the massive deficits.  And, they still believe that Trump is “draining the swamp.”  I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point.

Whether or not we discover Trump and his campaign “colluded” with Russia, to me is no longer the issue.  Trump is a buffoon and he’s enriching himself as president and he’s destroying America’s traditional (since WW II) standing in the world.  He’s already arguably committed numerous “high crimes and misdemeanors” and, if republicans want to have any chance to save their party, it’s time to get this man out of office.  Personally, I believe Mike Pense is also vulnerable to an “obstruction of justice” charge – based on his willingness to LIE in defense of Trump’s “obstruction” – especially, in the FIRING of James Comey (I’ve noticed, for the past month or two, we’re not hearing much from Pense – he likely sees the “writing on the wall”).  Ideally, for “we the people, Trump wouldn’t be impeached until after the November election when democrats are likely to retake the House of Representatives.  If Pense is caught up in the obstruction, the next in line for the presidency is the Speaker of the House.  The thought of Pense or Paul Ryan doesn’t make my stomach that much less queezy than with Trump at the “helm.”

I’ll end this be repeating a thought that I’ve stated several times on the site and that keeps reappearing in my mind.  When I think about how this era of American history will ultimately find its way into the history books, I see Trump and many around him (for example, Devin Nunes, the aforementioned Jim Jordan, Bannon, Trump Jr., Kushner, and others) are headed for a place in American history alongside Benedict Arnold.  Working in concert with a foreign nation to win an election, I believe, will be considered TREASON by MOST Americans – and, much of what Trump is doing which would indicate he would like the same “power” as Putin is counter to what America stands for and, despite her many blemishes, has stood for in her history.  When the final chapter of the Cambridge Analytica “saga” is written, I believe the “collusion” issue may be much clearer!  And, Trump will be even more an anathema to MOST Americans.  Sad!

I’ve come to the conclusion the people who continue to support Trump are willingly STUPID!

I truly hope someone who’s a “Trump supporter” reads this post.  I’m getting impatient with anyone in that “camp” along with the republican “water carriers” in Congress who continue to allow America to suffer under the Trump administration and those who surround Trump himself.  This all while Vladimir Putin is busy in places all around the world as it appears he’s attempting to restore the “former Soviet Union” – with Ukraine the first target.  Additionally, Putin is busy attempting to undermine one Western “democracy” after another – most significantly, the United States of America.  By destabilizing America Putin’s challenge is much less daunting.  Therefore, enter Donald Trump.

Apparently it’s going to take incontrovertible evidence that Trump has been marginalized by Putin and the Russians to get republicans to realize the DAMAGE Trump is doing to this nation.  It appears to me the “stuff” goes way deeper than simply a president who’s been compromised by the Russians – once his financial dealings become public, I believe we’re going to see a man tied to whoever he can use to “make a buck” – including members of organized crime.  And, keep in mind, most observers consider the Russian government, under Putin, an international example of organized crime.  For example, the stories of Russian “oligarchs” laundering money are legend.  (Likely, they’ve done so with Trump’s help – as one former intelligence officer put it, either “wittingly or unwittingly”)  Obviously, we’ve watched for over a year as Trump has refused to make one negative statement about Putin and/or the Russians.  (I believe, this past week, he made a “half hearted” comment regarding the alleged poisoning of a spy in Britain by Russia)

Russian hackers are encroaching on many levels of national infrastructure around the world, including power grids, election systems, and who knows what.  They’re apparently using the cyber world to prepare themselves to undermine various functions of nations such as the United States which, in my view, is the nation that SHOULD be responding in kind plus two – but, with Trump at the helm “we the people” have to wonder if there’s some kind of “something” that Putin has on Trump causing him to act in, to me, unbelievable ways.  For example, take the firing of Rex Tillerson.  Less than 24 hours after Tillerson, in a very pointed speech, laid out the most scathing comments about Russian behavior since Trump took office, he was FIRED!  A day or two later, H.R. McMaster “one upped” Tillerson with a speech that certainly caught my attention that maybe, just maybe, “we the people” were going to see our government respond in an appropriate manner to a nation which can’t seem to get out of our or other nation’s “business.”

For heaven’s sake – the Russians are busy KILLING former members of their hierarchy who’ve fled to Great Britain in very KGB manners.  And, to begin with, the only countries condemning their actions were the Brits. Of course, it’s happening on their soil – and the French and the Germans then joined in with the condemnation, but not the USA.  It took Tillerson and McMaster to get the stain off of America’s silence in the face of incontrovertible evidence the Russians are murdering people on British soil with nerve agents that only they possess.  Well, Tillerson was FIRED, as I said above, in less than 24 hours from his comments (and, via a “tweet” no less – that in itself shows what a disgusting person Trump is at heart [if he’s got one]) and, soon after McMaster’s scathing anti-Russian remarks, the “White House” announced McMaster would be FIRED.  Do you really believe their verbal attacks on Russian and Putin had nothing to do with this?  Well, I’ve got a ………….  Something SMELLS really “fishy” here!

The firing of McMaster was “pulled back” – someone must have explained to Trump how this looks – what people in Washington DC refer to as the “optics.”  Well, Trump has no apparent conception of what “the optics” actually means.  His level of narcissism may not have been seen since the early days of Germany (by that, you’re correct, I mean the 1930’s – you figure it out) and, he can’t see beyond his own nose.  Someone talked Trump into NOT firing McMaster – at least not this past week – I’m sure it will happen soon – but, they failed to talk sense into him regarding his vendetta against Andrew McCabe, who was on leave to be retired this Sunday (possibly the date I post this rant) – his day where he’s eligible for retirement.  Jeff Sessions, a man who’s LIED to Congress repeatedly, FIRED McCabe two days before his retirement day (his birthday).  That’s as underhanded as it gets!  Do you see that Sessions is “kissing up” to his “boss?”

McCabe is a man who’s served honorably for over 20 years in the FBI – but, has been in Trump’s “radar” since the “Russia thing” became public.  Presumably, Trump believes a couple things I think are total “fool’s errands.”  First, I believe he thinks McCabe will just “take it.”  Personally, I’ll be surprised if that happens.  I can’t wait to see Trump’s deposition after McCabe takes this to court.  The other thing I believe Trump has miscalculated is the level of camaraderie that exists in the FBI.  If Trump thinks this BULLYING action will affect others in the FBI, including those in the Mueller investigation, I believe he’s got it “ass backwards.”  This will pull them even closer together as they attempt to figure out the TRUTH as to why Trump (and most of his surrogates from the campaign) have been LYING about the “Russia thing.”

Trump clearly believes he should be able to control the Justice Department – he believed Jeff Sessions number one job was to “protect him.”  Just as he’s gone after the free press, he’s gone after the intelligence community, he’s gone after his political opponents, and he has blatantly and arrogantly used his office to his own material gain.  Any and all of these things SHOULD be impeachable offenses.  But, NOOOOOO, the republican Congress just sits idly by thinking they’ve got a man in the oval office who’ll sign anything they can manage to get to his desk.  That’s all they care about!  Most people understand this FACT;  the members of Congress took an oath to the CONSTITUTION not to Trump.  When the smoke clears from all this, I believe you’re going to see many republicans from Congress “hanging up their spikes” – very likely in SHAME.

The racist underpinning of the republican party has LONG been an issue preventing me, a sworn independent, from even considering voting for one of them.  It’s been several years since I have been able to stomach a republican – even though, for example, I really like my own representative – who’s a republican – as a person, but her voting record just won’t work for me.  And, people like her are REQUIRED to vote the “party line” on issues like the “tax scam” and required to LIE to their constituents about the details in the “scam.”  I know she KNOWS better, but if you want to get the MONEY for your re-election bid, well …………………… but, I digress (I do that a lot if you haven’t read many of my posts).

I believe Trump is in with the Russians “up to his ears.”  Why else would he be failing to defend our nation against their attacks?  Why else would Trump be having a “bromance” with Vladimir Putin?  Why else would Trump be attacking our FBI and our free press?  It certainly appears to me he’s HIDING something that’s serious.  However, in my mind, he committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” long ago.  The republicans in Congress are more interested in “circling the wagons” around Trump than defending our nation against this attack from Russian.  For example, the House Intelligence Committee, who’s “charge” was to find out what happened during the election and make recommendations on how to prevent it from happening again, turned into a partisan fiasco led by Devin Nunes – their “chair” who “recused” himself and then “un-recused” himself – an astonishing example of making himself a disgusting “minion” of the so-called president, and they essentially dodged their entire responsibility.  Nunes has RUINED the credibility of this committee, likely, for years to come!  I’ve stated many times the history books will look at Trump, Nunes, and several other members of the republican party – along with the likes of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and others in the right wing “talk a sphere” right along side of Benedict Arnold!  Can you imagine their responses had President Obama exhibited this type of behavior?

Trump’s action against McCabe is a clear attempt, once again, to stifle the Mueller investigation.  According to Jeff Sessions, who FIRED him less than 48 hours before he was eligible for retirement, McCabe was not “truthful” in questioning about an anti-Clinton leak he apparently OK’d to be made during the 2016 election.  (Ironically, the leak helped Trump and hurt Mrs. Clinton and was done according to FBI protocol)  McCabe, of course, disputes that claim, and, apparently, was not allowed to defend his own honor – this was an example of political BULLYING – attempting to make McCabe’s testimony to Mueller less credible.  I believe, as stated above, this will only make Mueller focus MORE on the misdeeds of this so-called president.   Personally, I believe Mueller ALREADY has the “goods” on Trump and is simply making his case “air tight” – because, he’s got to anticipate Trump’s reaction to anything that resembles and indictment and he’s got to be prepared to bring a case to the republican Congress that they can’t – even in what “good conscience” some of them may still have – dispute or ignore.

I believe Trump is going to loathe the day he decided to run for president – which was, by many reports, the day President Obama “roasted” him at a dinner in DC several years ago.  There are reasons Trump HATES President Obama, not the least of them being the color of his skin – which is, in my view, why the “Tea party” republicans have chosen to align themselves with Trump.  After all, it was the so-called “birther movement” pushed by Trump that ignited all the racists in America to align themselves with republicans who were adamant in doing everything they could to make sure President Obama failed.  I mean, take Mitch McConnell, almost 700 “filibusters.”  (OK, I’m digressing again) I believe, when all is said and done, from Mueller’s perspective, Trump will have much more to deal with than just “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  As an aside; a little advice to democrats: as republicans continue criticizing Obama, it’s time democrats stand up for our 44th president.  Show some guts!

The question I keep posing in my head is, “will his ‘base’ give a rip?”  I recently drove my son home to Washington State from the Phoenix, Arizona area and, on the way, I listened to a bit of radio.  In my search for “talk radio” all I could find was someone filling in for Michael Savage one night – this guy was something else.  He was eviscerating “liberals” for one stereotyped piece of nonsense after another and then doing exactly what he was accusing “liberals of to his audience.  And, just like how republican audiences “buy” Trump’s LIES “hook, line, and sinker” that appeared to be the case with Savage’s audience.  The LIES were unending and the apparent level of misunderstanding from the “callers” reminded me of the study which claims Fox “news” viewers are less informed than people who don’t access ANY media information.

Then, during the day, I forced myself to listen to Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes and he was also blasting “liberals” – in this instance the students who were apparently walking out of classrooms in protest to the lack of action to prevent school shootings.  Limbaugh was accusing Conor Lamb of attempting to hijack the republican position on the “second amendment” – which is just about as disingenuous as their position on abortion.  Lamb’s victory in the Pennsylvania election has republicans’ attention, but Limbaugh was attempting to “spin” it in his typical DISHONEST manner – Al Franken once wrote a great book about Limbaugh titled “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat LIAR.”  It’s still true.  (and, before you write something stupid here about Franken and his resigning from the Senate – HE WAS HONEST)  Limbaugh was claiming the district Conor Lamb won was a “democrat district.”  Apparently, despite them voting for Trump by 20%, voting for Romney by near that amount, and voting for McCain by over 10% – plus Lamb will be the FIRST democrat to represent Pennsylvania’s 18th district in over 15 years.  To sum it up, Limbaugh is a “big fat LIAR.”

Then I happened onto Sean Hannity, and it was pretty much the same spiel.  And, the bottom line for all three of the “talkers” I FORCED myself to listen to for at least one segment of their “show” was an attempt to shield Trump from the “Russia thing.”  As with many republican members of Congress, and TOO MANY members of Trump’s “base” – they don’t care if the Russians are attacking our nation.  They’re OBLIVIOUS to what Putin is doing around the world and they are taking NO ACTION to prevent further intrusions from the Russians – which could, for example, be undermining out power grid at an opportune (for them) time.  Clearly, the Russians are attempting to destabilize the American form of government and they’re trying to use our open society against us.  Sadly, they need inside help to do this and it appears they’re getting it from the highest places in our government.  Yikes!  The audience of these right wing talkers have been brainwashed via the “Big Lie Theory” that republican pundits practice in a predatory and organized manner.  The LIES are all strategic and coordinated!  Sad!

So, the bottom line here is that this crap has gone far enough.  It’s time for republicans to stand up and remove Trump from office.  They have an OBLIGATION to the constitution to “do their duty.”  If they continue to procrastinate, then it’s up to “we the people” to REMOVE them from office in record numbers come November – so, that we can take matters into our own “hands.”  Of course, it’s highly unlikely that democrats will retake the Senate until at least 2020, but republicans need to know that more and more Americans are sick of their corrupt obsession with POWER and lack of concern for our nation.  Trump is going to DESTROY the republican party unless they wake up, and soon.  This is getting dangerous.  There’s not a republican in Congress that can justify what was done to Andrew McCabe.  That action showed Trump’s mean spirit and Sessions lack of courage – apparently, he’s going to do whatever he can to regain Trump’s “approval.”  This is all so disgusting I can’t believe it’s happening in our nation.  I’ve come to the conclusion the people who continue to support Trump are willingly STUPID!  And, for my Christian brethren, shame on you.  The abortion issue is not worth sacrificing the fundamentals of our nation.  Wake up!  (If you really don’t understand what’s happening, read the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – if you’re able to read, as opposed to getting your “info” from the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh – you’ll discover a true Christian!)

By the time Trump is defeated, it will be time to “make America great again.”

Recently I spent a couple months in Pittsburgh in the district which is having a “special election” for the House of Representatives.  Therefore, I was able to watch – on the few times I watched TV – the flood of political adds from the two candidates : Rick Saccone, the Republican (Trump crony) and Conor Lamb, the democrat (a moderate democrat who’s an ex Marine and former federal prosecutor, although still only 33 years old).  For the most part, the Lamb commercials were about Lamb’s “vision” for the nation and what he would do if elected for his district.  One commercial I remember showed him firing a weapon at a shooting range to make sure people in the district understood he “supports the second amendment.”  (I’m personally not sure many Americans even have a basic understanding of the second amendment, but I digress…..)  Saccone’s commercials were almost 100% DISHONEST attack adds on Lamb attempting to tear him down in the eyes of the voters.  I guess republicans do this because it must work.

Two or three days ago I listened to Trump give a speech in support of Saccone (although, he hardly mentioned Saccone – at one point I thought he forgot his name) where most of the speech was actually (surprise, surprise) about Trump boasting about Trump.  In the process he made racist remarks about Maxine Waters and Elizabeth Warren (I only directly heard the Waters remark – I was driving and heard about 40 minutes of his speech which I learned was almost half of his bloviating.) and called “Sleepy Chuck Todd” a “Son of a bitch.”  There was more, but that’s what I remember about the people he was attacking.  In addition, of course, Trump made one LIE after another with the crowd cheering each one – and, sadly, cheering the racist comments as well.

So, today (I’m out of town again and listening to the XM radio on my car) I had to listen to Mr. Saccone, himself, as he accused Lamb and his supporters of HATING Trump (in  some cases I’m relatively sure that would be correct.  Personally, I don’t HATE Trump, I despise him and what he stands for) HATING America, and HATING God.  Not once did he say anything about what he stands for – with the exception that if it’s OK with Trump it’s OK with Saccone.  Then Trump’s deplorable son, Trump Jr., grabbed the mike and continued the attacks.  Claiming his father is putting “Americans first” and, curiously, calling democrats “obstructionists.” Sadly, those in the small crowd listening to him seemed to get sucked in.  (Honestly, do you really think an ex Marine, and ex federal prosecutor “hates America and hates God?”)

Evidently, Trump Jr. and the republicans in Pennsylvania in his audience have very short memories.  As far as being “obstructionists” the democrats can’t even hold a “candle” to the republicans and what they  did during the eight years of the Obama administration.  Which, despite their obstruction, President Obama was able to lead a turnaround from the “Great Recession” to the point of giving Trump an economic reality that was on a steady seven year climb upward.  The unemployment figures that Trump mocked in the campaign all of a sudden looked pretty good to him once he took office.  Of course, neither Trump Jr. or Mr. Saccone, would mention any of that AND they wouldn’t tell the republican victims of their bloviating that Trump’s “tax scam” gives the Trump family BILLIONS and leaves the bill for those in the audience.

Neither Trump, his son, nor Saccone, in anything I heard, mentioned that the pittance they might save via the portion of the “tax scam” they MIGHT receive (82% goes to the top 1%) will be more than offset by their rising health care costs – if they’re not part of the estimated 13 MILLION Americans due to lose health insurance in the next couple of years because of the “scam.”  Additionally, I’m certain they didn’t mention that the “pittance” aimed at working people – from the “tax scam” – will expire in a few years – AND – it “dwindles between now and then.”  “We the people” will be paying more because of this republican scam.  Ah, but there’s MORE!  The entirety of the “scam” is BORROWED money – from where I’m not sure (China?).

I’ve come to the conclusion that the true “right wingers” in America have NO concern about the deficit – as long as they can be the benefactors of it.  To them, this is just the Fed printing more money and there’s not even a moment of thought about paying it back – we’ll let our children and grandchildren worry about that.  They will complain about the democrat who takes Trump’s place regarding the HUGE deficit they’re likely to pass on and actually BLAME whoever that might be for creating it.  AND, the Fox “news” crowd will believe them.

As I listened to Trump’s speech (and, believe me, it was difficult) I think what bothered me the most was the cheering coming from the audience for the racist comments, the vulgar comments, and all the LYING.  The American voters are showing the rest of the world that we haven’t truly overcome our “darker angels.”  These are the people who still believe that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.  They’ve been sucked into the republican propaganda machine that willingly “took in” the “tea party” faction which resulted from America electing her first person of color as president.  This group has continued to push the republican party farther to the “right” since the 2010 mid terms and the result is Trump, clearly part of the “white nationalist” movement in America.  (Yes, that means racists – the other day Steve Bannon professed to be PROUD to be called a racist)

I don’t, at all, believe all republicans who support Trump fall into that category because I believe Fox, Limbaugh, Breitbart, and other media outlets – who ALL practice the BIG LIE THEORY of the Third Reich – have been busy brainwashing “white America” for the past 30 years.  What is most frightening to them, in my view, is that America will soon become a “majority minority” nation and they’re grasping to save their “white privilege.”  Especially in places like the “rust belt” (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc.) where good manufacturing jobs have become much more scarce – and, in some places, non-existent – the people are looking for someone to blame.  Trump has tapped into this fear (of no good jobs) and has ginned up HATE for “immigrants.”  (Yes, I know, we’re ALL immigrants – our country is made up of immigrants – targeting “immigrants” is not a new phenomenon in America)

Trump is promising jobs that WON’T come back (In fact, I’ve heard reports the “tax scam” is actually encouraging some corporations to move even MORE jobs “overseas”) – they’ve been lost to technology; robots are replacing workers in many situations.  In fact, many are saying Trump’s recent spur of the moment decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs will cost way more jobs than it saves.  Trump is not proficient in American history as he’s proven many times.  (for example, Fredrick Douglass is not still with us)  There’s a “truism:” “Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it.”  Just sayin……….. (it takes about 20% of the “manpower” necessary to make a ton of steel compared to even 10 years ago – due to advances in technology)

The reason Trump and Trump Jr. are in Pennsylvania’s 18th district is similar to why Trump, earlier, was in Alabama stumping for Roy Moore (an accused pedophile).  Pennsylvania 18 SHOULD be a SAFE republican House seat.  Trump won this district by 20 points in the 2016 election and many pundits call it “Trump country.”  The FACT the election is likely to be close, just that FACT is making republicans nervous.  If Lamb wins, well……………

While, as Trump claimed, Pennsylvania didn’t put him into the “White House,” it was a key victory for Trump.  And, it was large majorities in places like the 18th district which helped “carry the day.”  This election is being viewed as a referendum on Trump – and democrats, either way, are claiming “victory” because if Lamb loses it’s likely to be by a very small margin. (much less than 20%) If Saccone wins, Trump will take the credit, if he loses, Trump will publicly excoriate him as a terrible candidate and Trump will claim credit for making it close.  You can take that prediction “to the bank.”  (I’m planning to post this prior to the polls closing – probably without editing – so, my apologies in advance – after all, I’m just a retired 6th grade teacher. – Trump reminds me of a 6th grade level spoiled BULLY)

From what I’ve heard from Lamb, I believe he’s the type of candidate democrats need to encourage to run for office in EVERY election in the country.  He’s young, he’s energetic, he’s honorable (ex Marine), he’s bright (he’s also a former prosecuting attorney), and from what I’ve heard from him and seen from his adds, he’s HONEST.  Wouldn’t that be nice if “we the people” started expecting that trait from our leaders????  While I was in Pittsburgh, what I really liked was that MOST of Lamb’s ads were positive and reflected who he is.  My view was the level of negativity coming from Saccone and misrepresenting him forced Lamb to make a few ads attacking Saccone.  I left at the end of January, so I don’t know how the campaign evolved since then – but, my feeling, at the time, was – again – I’d love to see democrats (and, republicans, for that matter) support candidates like Lamb.  “We the people” need NEW, YOUNGER leadership in Congress – in my view.  And, we need members of Congress that will “work across the isle” as Lamb appears to have a willingness to do.

Of course, republicans have shown no sign of a willingness to do the same since Newt Gingrich instilled the OBSTRUCTION “strategy” at the beginning of Bill Clinton’s first term as president.  But Lamb’s campaign is pointing, whether he wins or not, to the FACT that a significant MAJORITY of Americans are opposed to Trump and where the republicans are at this point in time.  Unless something drastic happens, it appears to me the democrats are going to win a lot of House seats next fall.  It looks near impossible for the democrats to take control of the Senate, so without republican help, Trump is likely to be the republican candidate for president in 2020.  For the good of the long term outlook of America, voting in younger, progressive, honorable, pragmatic members of Congress is a great place to start.  When Trump started his campaign in 2015 America was the greatest nation on the face of the earth.  By the time Trump is defeated, it will be time to “make America great again.”  I believe, when all is said and done, Conor Lamb might be considered one of the initial “building blocks” of that process! (whether he wins or “loses” – to me, he’s already “won” because his campaign was mostly positive and it’s got the attention of many in America’s political realm – don’t forget, he’s running as a democrat in “Trump country”)

Final Thought: I don’t really want to “coach” the republican party, but if you want to save your “brand” my suggestion is, when Mueller completes his investigation, honor your oath to the constitution and IMPEACH this president who’s ALREADY committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  As you’re watching his DANGEROUS unraveling, think about the security of our nation ahead of your party loyalty.  Think about what you really want to be defined as “standing for.”  Just as Trump is creating long term DAMAGE to America, he’s turning the republican party into the “cesspool” of the alt right.  There’s got to be enough of you who will come to your senses and put this nation first.  The reality is the atmosphere around the “ship of state” is getting way too STORMY!

Here’s a thought: Will the tariffs TRUMP the tax scam in the eyes of republicans?

I’ve written several posts about Trump’s so-called “tax cut” which was a “scam” to funnel over a TRILLION dollars to America’s elite – the corporate interests and the top 1% – those who don’t need the “boost” in the face of an economy at full employment and record corporate profits.  For example, I don’t know anyone who believes Warren Buffet and his “Berkshire Hathaway” corporation needed an additional $29 BILLION thanks to the tax scam.  There’s likely not to be a single job created due to that windfall to Buffet.  The “Koch brothers” are reportedly, just in their individual tax returns (not counting “Koch Industries”) saving close to $2 BILLION which, anyone paying attention to them knows, means even MORE money fueled into the “coffers” of republicans willing to “toe the (Koch) line.”

Every cent of the tax scam – about $1.5 TRILLION – is going to be borrowed money.  I believe, along with the Trump budget, the annual deficit will soon be over $1 TRILLION per YEAR thanks to Trump’s and the republican’s agenda!  It took President Obama 7 years to reduce the annual deficit (with, by the way, no republican help and republicans complaining about the deficit – which was created by Bush/Cheney – virtually every day) from the $1.5 TRILLION per year which he “inherited” to around $400 BILLION when he left office.  Well, it didn’t take long and Trump, with ONLY republican help, has pushed the annual deficit back over a TRILLION each year – for the foreseeable future.  And, of course, there’s more.

In Trump’s first year in the “White House” he’s done a couple “biggies” that are “Making China Great Again” by pulling out of two of President Obama’s signature achievements:  The Paris Climate Accord AND the TPP trade agreement.  (Of course, many democrats also disagreed with the TPP, but Obama steadfastly supported it as integral to America’s economic future)  Well, it appears the TPP has opened the door for China to do what President Obama was trying to prevent, and that is dominating the Southeast Asian economy.  In the same light, China is taking the lead in solar and wind technology which, it makes sense to me, is a much smarter “road” than pushing to save coal – even “clean coal” whatever that might be.

Now, Trump is imposing tariffs on the importation of Chinese steel and aluminum.  Of course, America imports far more steel and aluminum from her traditional allies like Canada, Mexico, and countries in Western Europe than from China.  Again, we are left to wonder if Trump has any idea what he’s doing.  (Of course, people like me have been saying from the start he has NO IDEA what he’s doing.)  The tariff situation is just one more example of this, and it is a great example of what I’ve often referred to as the “damage” Trump is imposing on the rest of us.  Of course, America’s “religious right” is accepting of all the “damage” in return for a bunch of right wing judges and attacks on the Affordable Care Act, thereby putting MILLIONS of Americans off their health insurance and raising the costs for just about everyone else.  History tells us the tariffs will create way more damage than good in the long run.  (I almost feel the tariffs were put in place in a desperate attempt to save the special election in Pennsylvania for Trump)

When it comes to the “damage” resulting from the tariffs Trump has claimed, “Trade wars are easy to win,” whatever he means by that.  Ask Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and they’ll likely disagree – or ask republican senators from the “farm belt.”  Tariff “wars” can be described as “tit for tat.”  Based on reports I’ve heard the resulting “retaliation” to Trump’s tariffs will affect areas of the country considered “red.”  (If you live under a rock, that means republican)  The threat of European tariffs on, for example, Harley Davidson motorcycles got Ryan’s attention, because they’re made in Wisconsin.  Europe is threatening tariffs on Kentucky whiskey – I’m OK with that, but not McConnell.  And, tariffs on American agricultural products could affect farmers all over the Mid West and West.  However, according to Trump, this “war” will be easy to win.  We’ll see!

Since the beginning of Trump’s so-called administration people like me have been questioning when will he be impeached?  Of course, I’ve always known that nothing will happen until republicans decide THEY’VE had enough.  Yes, after the 2018 Mid Terms there’s a good chance democrats will control the House and that’s where impeachment takes place.  However, it’s the Senate which convicts a president who’s been impeached and there’s no way democrats will have a two thirds majority in the Senate after 2018 – so, it will only take 34 republicans to keep this nightmare from happening day by day.  Trust me, despite the “deplorable” attacks on his wife coming from Trump, Ted Cruz has become a “believer.”  He’s a great example of where the “moral clarity” of the republican party lies.  It’s a FACT Trump is supported in the CHURCHES of the so-called “Christian right.”  As a Christian myself, I struggle every day to understand that.  The reality is the “Christian right” remains Trump’s “base.”

I was listening this morning to a clip from the “Morning Joe” show on MSNBC where Joe Scarborough, until Trump a “conservative” republican, compared Trump to Bill Clinton and commented on the similarity between the issues of both.  Of course, he was referring to the infidelity issues – which, to me, are – yes – similar, but even Clinton pales compared to Trump.  Had Clinton’s lawyer, for example, paid off a “porn star” days before his first election to buy her silence – well, I believe the resulting outrage would have spread into enough of the democratic party that Clinton would have been removed from office and Al Gore would have been president.  Of course, both Clinton and Trump “lied about sex” – but, Trump LIES about virtually everything AND Clinton PROVED he knew how to govern.

I’ve pointed this out numerous times on this site (despite my own disgust with Clinton’s behavior – I do have “conservative values” although I would not qualify to be an “altar boy” myself.  It says in the Bible, “let the man with no sin throw the first stone” – so, I’ve got to lay my “stone” down – I’m just sayin….) that Clinton left office with the nation “enjoying” a $250 BILLION surplus and a government that had been “pared down.”  (That’s what republicans claim they will do, but they NEVER do – mainly because they know how to win elections but they DON’T know how to govern)  I’m not trying to validate Clinton’s personal behavior, but, to me, the bottom line in governing is to cause the government to “live within its means” and to keep the country safe.  When Clinton left office, he was popular world wide and so was America.  Bush/Cheney put a HUGE “dent” in America’s standing in the world which President Obama significantly repaired.  And, now we’re STUCK with Trump and the DAMAGE is mounting fast!

I have to keep wondering, how long will EVEN republicans put up with this?  Even if they’re OK with Trump paying off a “porn star” prior to an election I’m guessing Robert Mueller is not.  (The FBI should not be happy about that as well as the Justice Department, but, despite all the pernicious attacks on his character, Jeff Sessions continues to appear as if wanting to curry favor with Trump.)  It appears republicans are OK with Russians interfering in our election and actually helping Trump win (possibly in coordination with Trump’s campaign) but, I’m guessing Mueller is NOT.  Republicans may be OK with Trump’s continual PROFITING off of his office – against the tenets of the constitution – but, I’m guessing Mueller’s NOT OK with that.  Republicans not only appear to be OK with attacking political opponents, they’re helping Trump do so – and, that’s one of the foundation points of an autocratic regime – but, I’m guessing Mueller sees it for what it is – deflection from the real issue and I don’t believe, in America, Trump will be allowed to get away with this.

Republicans in Congress appear to be OK with Trump bringing his daughter and son-in-law into the “White House” as “senior advisors” (they are both in their mid-thirties with NO government experience) – commonly referred to as “nepotism” – but, I don’t believe Mueller is fooled.  Both Ivanka Trump and, more likely, Jared Kushner appear to be in the “sights” of Mr. Mueller.  Certainly, Jared Kushner has committed several CRIMES we know about via the false statements on his SF 86 forms.  For whatever reason Kushner has been denied a security clearance and the rumors about his financial misdeeds would have been  enough, had it been Mrs. Clinton or an Obama, for republicans to be screaming “jail.”  They’re still screaming “jail” but for entirely nefarious reasons.  Trey Gowdy  STILL wants to investigate Mrs. Clinton’s “email scandal” (Gowdy aka Benghazi) and now he and his cohorts are looking at “Uranium 1” in their DESPERATE attempt to DEFLECT America’s attention from the reality there’s a buffoon in the “White House” who’s connected at the hip with Vladimir Putin.  I honestly have to wonder if these republicans believe in anything?

Here’s what’s making me think even republicans are about to turn on Trump.  For the longest time Mike Pense was like Trump’s “puppy dog.”  I actually believe he brought a lot of shame on himself in places that will likely be forgotten once republicans do the “right thing” and end this nightmare.  Like for example, when he LIED for Trump about why Comey was fired.  If Pense can escape his participation in the OBSTRUCTION of justice I’m guessing he’s now preparing for his ultimate “prize.”  If you’ve noticed, of late, Pense has been “under the radar.”  You don’t see him, right now, attempting to cover up Trump’s “porn star” issues, or the tariff issue, or anything else.  It looks to me as if he’s “laying in the weeds” waiting for “his time.”  Trump seems to be unraveling more than usual and Pense is smart enough to get out of the way.  There’s a reason Pense started a “Super PAC” a few months back.  The man wants to be the one still standing when Trump “goes down.”

This tariff thing just might be “the straw that broke the camel’s back” for republicans and Trump.  They got their tax cut (scam) and that can’t be taken away (at least by Trump).  They’ve got a bunch of judges – and, by the way – that will continue under Pense.  The republican donors are happy because they’re getting even FILTHIER rich and, it appears to me, Trump may have served his “purpose.”  Now that he’s “going rogue” (tariffs) maybe they will finally think “it’s time for a change” – hoping that by dumping Trump they have a better chance to retain their majority in the House.  Will they finally regain their “moral compass?”  (And, believe me, I use the word “regain” with tongue in cheek – I don’t believe they have one!)  The republican “base” will believe whatever “Fox and Friends” tells them to believe.  It could be a couple years before their “base” understands how they’ve been ripped off in the tax scam.  But one thing they will easily understand, Pense is closer to a “true conservative” than Trump.  (although Pense has proven to lack that “moral compass” as well – he almost disgusts me more than Trump – often times I feel Trump can’t help himself – Pense is totally calculated)

Final thought:  Yes, I feel I should “put my stone down.”  But, at the same time, as I watch what is happening to the country I love, I’m unable to remain quiet.  I realize these words just wander in “cyberspace” and I have no idea who reads them – but, in my heart, I have to get these words out.  The FACT it’s “Christians” supporting the republican party and, in particular, Trump is so difficult for me to understand.  This all started with Bush/Cheney which caused me to have similar feelings.  I’m seeing a nation that is fulfilling the prophetic warning of Dwight Eisenhower.  We’ve succumbed to the “military industrial complex” with the result being today’s republican party.  With Trump it’s gotten worse.  It were the “right wing Christians” who were the “base” of the Third Reich.  Americans need to wake up before it’s too late.  Maybe, just maybe, Trump’s tariffs which could affect many republican members of Congress negatively will get their attention.  After all, it has always appeared to me that with republicans, it’s all about the money, PERIOD!

Trump is demonstrating virtually ALL the tendencies of a fascist authoritarian dictator. It is up to “we the people” to stop this madness.

I’m presently reading “The Despot’s Apprentice” by Brian Klaas.  The book is subtitled “Donald Trump’s attack on Democracy” and the author expertly lays out how despots around the world have taken democracies and turned them into dictatorships – as in Thailand and Turkey to name a couple of his examples.  He’s been studying this phenomenon for several years and, while the United States is a much more difficult “problem” for an authoritarian, the reality is that “we” are not immune – and, Trump has all the makings of a fascist type dictator.  There’s, in my view, more than one reason why Trump NEVER says a bad word about Vladimir Putin.  And, one of the reasons isn’t the so-called “Russia thing.”

One of the most egregious ways a democracy can be turned into an authoritarian regime is via attacks on the “free press.”  Right now, this evening, I happen to be watching MSNBC as so many Americans are attempting to understand the most recent school shooting (and, my perspective is that I’m a retired school teacher) and what, if anything considering the “hold” the NRA has on our politicians, what “we the people” can do to prevent future tragedies from happening.  As I’m watching the TV – MSNBC is widely considered the “liberal” antidote to Fox – at least with the people I know – I’m witnessing a great example of the false equivalency Klaas refers to regarding to how the media is used to “weaponize” autocrats.

Even the guests on the shows I’m watching – many of them either students or teachers who’ve been given a temporary “platform” to express their views – are giving a clear example of the danger when the media is being used by those who would accept an authoritarian state.  Let me explain:

Both commentators and guests, when referring to the “gun debate” are suggesting the problem is with “politicians” – and, I just listened to a teacher from the school in Florida which was attacked last week say, “it doesn’t matter which party” when referring to the “politician  problem.”  Now, keep in mind, I’ve always been an independent – but, had I been the host of the show where that comment was made I would have to have said – “yes, it does matter which party” you’re talking about when talking about gun safety.  While there are certainly democrats who take NRA money, the REAL problem is with the republican party.  They are the ones who, every time something like this happens, propose MORE guns as the solution.  They are the ones taking BOATLOADS of NRA money AND they are the party where if you even suggest some kind of sensible gun legislation, as Trump himself would say, “you’re fired!”  (Although, I have to say, Trump is proposing things the NRA may not be all that happy with – although, he’ll probably never actually support anything making to actual legislation)

This is the perfect example of how Trump and those who support him manipulate our “free press” in their effort to marginalize it – therefore, allowing them to “rule” as they please.  We’ve seen this since the early days of Fox “news” where they came up with the moniker “fair and balanced” – as if to be “fair” in discussing an issue you need one democrat and one republican.  This often has led to what I (and many others, I’m sure) call the “false equivalency” I mentioned above.  If you have one side of an issue presenting actual facts which are responded to by LIES the situation/discussion is not “fair and balanced.”  What you get is a “muddying of the waters” – which is a key tool of the autocrat.  This is how people like Trump manipulate the discussion.  (If you are unfamiliar with the “Big Lie Theory” check out some of my previous posts – it was devised by Joseph Goebbels of the Third Reich and it’s been “adopted” by Fox – and, their friends)

I’ve said on this site many times that when I can stomach watching the “news” I usually watch MSNBC and they are a great example of an outlet that has fallen for this “Trump trick.”  As I watched the previous election unfold I noticed MSNBC going out of their way to, what appeared to me at the time, be “fair” to the Trump campaign.  It seemed as if there was an endless number of Trump speeches broadcast from end to end.  I remember, at the time, wondering if Mrs. Clinton was giving speeches or why was Trump the subject on MSNBC almost endlessly.  I struggled with believing they were attempting to be fair as opposed to they didn’t like Mrs. Clinton and I finally decided they were attempting to make sure the election was close so they could generate more MONEY in advertising revenue.

Regardless, I don’t remember much, if at all, of MSNBC actually reporting on Mrs. Clinton’s positions on the “issues of the day.”  It seemed as if neither candidate had positions on the issues of the day – but, I know that’s not true and I actually knew Mrs. Clinton’s positions from other sources – but, my point is it appeared to me at the time (and, I still believe this) MSNBC was attempting to create a false equivalency between the two candidates – they weren’t  “telling it like it is” and this type of reporting is evolving into a plague on our republic.

I think MSNBC has recognized what they did during the election – just as, I believe, James Comey recognized, after the fact, what his announcement just 11 days prior to the election did.  While places like MSNBC and, in addition, the FBI are attempting to actually figure out what they enabled on November 8, 2016, the republican party has recognized that Trump provides them with what they see as “the opportunity of a lifetime.”  He’ll sign their stuff – whatever they can get to him.  So, they’re willing to go along with his attack on the fundamentals of our nation.

This is leading to another of the “tenets” of authoritarians who are in the process of destroying democracies and that is they attack the intelligence community.  Virtually every day Trump is attacking the FBI and the Justice Department.  By turning as many Americans as possible against our Justice Department Trump is attempting to create a circumstance where Americans lose trust in the most important institution which creates stability in our nation.  It is “we the people’s” belief in the fairness of our Justice system that allows us to feel we really do live in a “nation of laws and not men.”  In fact, while most, like myself, believe the president is not “above the law,” what the authoritarian attempts to create is an environment where “we the people” don’t trust the “law” and, therefore, we “grant” him/her more authority.

Clearly, Trump is the type of person who wants to make decisions unilaterally – without regard to what our founders put into the constitution – the “checks and balances” – which were designed to prevent EXACTLY what Trump is attempting to create.  Trump has attacked what he called “so-called” judges who ruled against his unconstitutional “travel bans,” he attacked a judge of Mexican heritage for being unable to render a fair verdict because of his heritage, and he’s been RAILING against Jeff Sessions since almost day one of Sessions’ term as Attorney General – because he followed Justice Department protocol and recused himself from the so-called “Russia thing.”  Sessions was integrally involved in the Trump campaign and was obligated to recuse himself from any investigations into the campaign – the reality is that it’s Trump’s lack of knowledge of how the government works that is the problem (for him) because it shouldn’t have been a surprise to him that Sessions would need to recuse himself from any investigation into his campaign.  The Attorney General’s job is NOT to protect the president – it is to uphold the constitution.

One more example of what Trump is doing that mirrors other authoritarian personalities is his willingness to profit from his office.  Trump has business interests around the world and it appears he’s tied into some very questionable financial interests and he brazenly continues to profit off of his various interests.  Just in the United States alone – there are some obvious examples.  He has a hotel in the old Post Office building close to the “White House” and foreign governments are paying premium prices to use that facility apparently in an effort to gain more access to the so-called president.  Trump has interests in places like The Philippines, Turkey, Panama, and other countries around the world where democracies have succumbed to authoritarians.  Trump has chosen to focus America’s foreign policy on these places at the expense of our traditional European allies.  Aligning himself with people like Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, or Recep Tayyip Erdoğan takes any mystery of Trump’s inner thoughts away.

Additionally, Trump’s authoritarian tendencies are showing themselves in another way as he attempts to circumvent our constitution.  This strategy is called “divide and conquer.”  Trump clearly has associated himself with the “white nationalist” (many call it the “white supremacist”) movement – it’s actually been his “motor” to the Oval Office.  Trump, early on in the administration of Barack Obama, showed his racist beliefs as he led the so-called “birther” movement.  Over the course of his campaign he attacked those of Mexican heritage, Muslim heritage, African heritage, and anyone who disagreed with him.  Since the election he’s continued this strategy – unwilling to “bend” even after a woman was killed – as he called those carrying tiki torches, wearing Nazi armbands, carrying Nazi flags, and chanting “Jews will not replace us” at Charlottesville “very fine people.”  Clearly he’s attempting to pit “white” against “other.”  This is a traditional tactic of the authoritarian “leader.”  Trump’s propensity to LIE allows him to continue to fuel division among Americans in strategic ways.

Lastly, Trump is showing classic authoritarian tendencies as he continues to attack his political opponents.  He’s still leading chants of “lock her up” regarding Hillary Clinton in a classic parallel to third world nations deal with the problem of “dissent” by jailing or “disappearing” the dissenters.  He’s also attacking people like James Comey – who, in reality, is the reason he’s in the “White House” in the first place.  Even Trump’s own internal polling, in the days prior to the election, identified Comey’s ill advised announcement that the “Clinton email investigation had been re-opened,” swung the election in his favor.  Yet, he’s still attacking Comey and suggesting even he should be jailed.  Trump has been continually reported to be considering FIRING Robert Mueller, apparently thinking THAT would end the “Russia thing” – just as he felt firing Comey would put that investigation to an end.  Sadly, there appear to me way too many members of the republican party who are willing to go along with Trump in this aspect of his attempt to turn America into a fascist state.

People like Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, and Orrin Hatch to name a few seem willing to carry Trump’s “water” as he tries to become America’s dictator.  It’s been shocking to me to see some of these people, who, in the past, would have been at the forefront of the opposition to an administration so beholden to Russia – and, KNOWING, Russia HELPED them during the election – actually, willing to disregard the intervention and HELP enable it.  The bottom line here is that America is under attack and the attack is coming from “within.”  Trump is demonstrating virtually ALL the tendencies of a fascist authoritarian dictator.  It is up to “we the people” to stop this madness.  I believe too many Americans have just taken our democratic republic for granted.  I read the other day only 1 in 4 Americans can name the three branches of government.  This is a national disgrace and it needs to be dealt with.  Our founders gave us a solution and it’s NOT the so-called “2nd amendment.”  It’s the voting booth and the change needs to begin in 2018.  I’ve said this for years, “if we don’t vote, we deserve what we get.”

Final Thought:  I’ve written about the “damage” Trump is doing to our nation many times.  Soon I”ll have another post regarding Trump’s unhinged economic policy that threatens our economic stability – the stability he inherited from President Obama.  Obama worked to “fix” the MESS he inherited from Bush/Cheney – the “Great Recession.”  I believe what Trump is conceivably creating will be MUCH worse than what happened under Bush/Cheney.  That post will be next.  (And, the “damage” from Trump will likely be much greater than a ravaged economy – the “damage” he’s creating with our traditional allies may be very difficult to “fix” – depending on how long republicans allow this nightmare to continue)