I’ve come to the conclusion the people who continue to support Trump are willingly STUPID!

I truly hope someone who’s a “Trump supporter” reads this post.  I’m getting impatient with anyone in that “camp” along with the republican “water carriers” in Congress who continue to allow America to suffer under the Trump administration and those who surround Trump himself.  This all while Vladimir Putin is busy in places all around the world as it appears he’s attempting to restore the “former Soviet Union” – with Ukraine the first target.  Additionally, Putin is busy attempting to undermine one Western “democracy” after another – most significantly, the United States of America.  By destabilizing America Putin’s challenge is much less daunting.  Therefore, enter Donald Trump.

Apparently it’s going to take incontrovertible evidence that Trump has been marginalized by Putin and the Russians to get republicans to realize the DAMAGE Trump is doing to this nation.  It appears to me the “stuff” goes way deeper than simply a president who’s been compromised by the Russians – once his financial dealings become public, I believe we’re going to see a man tied to whoever he can use to “make a buck” – including members of organized crime.  And, keep in mind, most observers consider the Russian government, under Putin, an international example of organized crime.  For example, the stories of Russian “oligarchs” laundering money are legend.  (Likely, they’ve done so with Trump’s help – as one former intelligence officer put it, either “wittingly or unwittingly”)  Obviously, we’ve watched for over a year as Trump has refused to make one negative statement about Putin and/or the Russians.  (I believe, this past week, he made a “half hearted” comment regarding the alleged poisoning of a spy in Britain by Russia)

Russian hackers are encroaching on many levels of national infrastructure around the world, including power grids, election systems, and who knows what.  They’re apparently using the cyber world to prepare themselves to undermine various functions of nations such as the United States which, in my view, is the nation that SHOULD be responding in kind plus two – but, with Trump at the helm “we the people” have to wonder if there’s some kind of “something” that Putin has on Trump causing him to act in, to me, unbelievable ways.  For example, take the firing of Rex Tillerson.  Less than 24 hours after Tillerson, in a very pointed speech, laid out the most scathing comments about Russian behavior since Trump took office, he was FIRED!  A day or two later, H.R. McMaster “one upped” Tillerson with a speech that certainly caught my attention that maybe, just maybe, “we the people” were going to see our government respond in an appropriate manner to a nation which can’t seem to get out of our or other nation’s “business.”

For heaven’s sake – the Russians are busy KILLING former members of their hierarchy who’ve fled to Great Britain in very KGB manners.  And, to begin with, the only countries condemning their actions were the Brits. Of course, it’s happening on their soil – and the French and the Germans then joined in with the condemnation, but not the USA.  It took Tillerson and McMaster to get the stain off of America’s silence in the face of incontrovertible evidence the Russians are murdering people on British soil with nerve agents that only they possess.  Well, Tillerson was FIRED, as I said above, in less than 24 hours from his comments (and, via a “tweet” no less – that in itself shows what a disgusting person Trump is at heart [if he’s got one]) and, soon after McMaster’s scathing anti-Russian remarks, the “White House” announced McMaster would be FIRED.  Do you really believe their verbal attacks on Russian and Putin had nothing to do with this?  Well, I’ve got a ………….  Something SMELLS really “fishy” here!

The firing of McMaster was “pulled back” – someone must have explained to Trump how this looks – what people in Washington DC refer to as the “optics.”  Well, Trump has no apparent conception of what “the optics” actually means.  His level of narcissism may not have been seen since the early days of Germany (by that, you’re correct, I mean the 1930’s – you figure it out) and, he can’t see beyond his own nose.  Someone talked Trump into NOT firing McMaster – at least not this past week – I’m sure it will happen soon – but, they failed to talk sense into him regarding his vendetta against Andrew McCabe, who was on leave to be retired this Sunday (possibly the date I post this rant) – his day where he’s eligible for retirement.  Jeff Sessions, a man who’s LIED to Congress repeatedly, FIRED McCabe two days before his retirement day (his birthday).  That’s as underhanded as it gets!  Do you see that Sessions is “kissing up” to his “boss?”

McCabe is a man who’s served honorably for over 20 years in the FBI – but, has been in Trump’s “radar” since the “Russia thing” became public.  Presumably, Trump believes a couple things I think are total “fool’s errands.”  First, I believe he thinks McCabe will just “take it.”  Personally, I’ll be surprised if that happens.  I can’t wait to see Trump’s deposition after McCabe takes this to court.  The other thing I believe Trump has miscalculated is the level of camaraderie that exists in the FBI.  If Trump thinks this BULLYING action will affect others in the FBI, including those in the Mueller investigation, I believe he’s got it “ass backwards.”  This will pull them even closer together as they attempt to figure out the TRUTH as to why Trump (and most of his surrogates from the campaign) have been LYING about the “Russia thing.”

Trump clearly believes he should be able to control the Justice Department – he believed Jeff Sessions number one job was to “protect him.”  Just as he’s gone after the free press, he’s gone after the intelligence community, he’s gone after his political opponents, and he has blatantly and arrogantly used his office to his own material gain.  Any and all of these things SHOULD be impeachable offenses.  But, NOOOOOO, the republican Congress just sits idly by thinking they’ve got a man in the oval office who’ll sign anything they can manage to get to his desk.  That’s all they care about!  Most people understand this FACT;  the members of Congress took an oath to the CONSTITUTION not to Trump.  When the smoke clears from all this, I believe you’re going to see many republicans from Congress “hanging up their spikes” – very likely in SHAME.

The racist underpinning of the republican party has LONG been an issue preventing me, a sworn independent, from even considering voting for one of them.  It’s been several years since I have been able to stomach a republican – even though, for example, I really like my own representative – who’s a republican – as a person, but her voting record just won’t work for me.  And, people like her are REQUIRED to vote the “party line” on issues like the “tax scam” and required to LIE to their constituents about the details in the “scam.”  I know she KNOWS better, but if you want to get the MONEY for your re-election bid, well …………………… but, I digress (I do that a lot if you haven’t read many of my posts).

I believe Trump is in with the Russians “up to his ears.”  Why else would he be failing to defend our nation against their attacks?  Why else would Trump be having a “bromance” with Vladimir Putin?  Why else would Trump be attacking our FBI and our free press?  It certainly appears to me he’s HIDING something that’s serious.  However, in my mind, he committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” long ago.  The republicans in Congress are more interested in “circling the wagons” around Trump than defending our nation against this attack from Russian.  For example, the House Intelligence Committee, who’s “charge” was to find out what happened during the election and make recommendations on how to prevent it from happening again, turned into a partisan fiasco led by Devin Nunes – their “chair” who “recused” himself and then “un-recused” himself – an astonishing example of making himself a disgusting “minion” of the so-called president, and they essentially dodged their entire responsibility.  Nunes has RUINED the credibility of this committee, likely, for years to come!  I’ve stated many times the history books will look at Trump, Nunes, and several other members of the republican party – along with the likes of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and others in the right wing “talk a sphere” right along side of Benedict Arnold!  Can you imagine their responses had President Obama exhibited this type of behavior?

Trump’s action against McCabe is a clear attempt, once again, to stifle the Mueller investigation.  According to Jeff Sessions, who FIRED him less than 48 hours before he was eligible for retirement, McCabe was not “truthful” in questioning about an anti-Clinton leak he apparently OK’d to be made during the 2016 election.  (Ironically, the leak helped Trump and hurt Mrs. Clinton and was done according to FBI protocol)  McCabe, of course, disputes that claim, and, apparently, was not allowed to defend his own honor – this was an example of political BULLYING – attempting to make McCabe’s testimony to Mueller less credible.  I believe, as stated above, this will only make Mueller focus MORE on the misdeeds of this so-called president.   Personally, I believe Mueller ALREADY has the “goods” on Trump and is simply making his case “air tight” – because, he’s got to anticipate Trump’s reaction to anything that resembles and indictment and he’s got to be prepared to bring a case to the republican Congress that they can’t – even in what “good conscience” some of them may still have – dispute or ignore.

I believe Trump is going to loathe the day he decided to run for president – which was, by many reports, the day President Obama “roasted” him at a dinner in DC several years ago.  There are reasons Trump HATES President Obama, not the least of them being the color of his skin – which is, in my view, why the “Tea party” republicans have chosen to align themselves with Trump.  After all, it was the so-called “birther movement” pushed by Trump that ignited all the racists in America to align themselves with republicans who were adamant in doing everything they could to make sure President Obama failed.  I mean, take Mitch McConnell, almost 700 “filibusters.”  (OK, I’m digressing again) I believe, when all is said and done, from Mueller’s perspective, Trump will have much more to deal with than just “high crimes and misdemeanors.”  As an aside; a little advice to democrats: as republicans continue criticizing Obama, it’s time democrats stand up for our 44th president.  Show some guts!

The question I keep posing in my head is, “will his ‘base’ give a rip?”  I recently drove my son home to Washington State from the Phoenix, Arizona area and, on the way, I listened to a bit of radio.  In my search for “talk radio” all I could find was someone filling in for Michael Savage one night – this guy was something else.  He was eviscerating “liberals” for one stereotyped piece of nonsense after another and then doing exactly what he was accusing “liberals of to his audience.  And, just like how republican audiences “buy” Trump’s LIES “hook, line, and sinker” that appeared to be the case with Savage’s audience.  The LIES were unending and the apparent level of misunderstanding from the “callers” reminded me of the study which claims Fox “news” viewers are less informed than people who don’t access ANY media information.

Then, during the day, I forced myself to listen to Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes and he was also blasting “liberals” – in this instance the students who were apparently walking out of classrooms in protest to the lack of action to prevent school shootings.  Limbaugh was accusing Conor Lamb of attempting to hijack the republican position on the “second amendment” – which is just about as disingenuous as their position on abortion.  Lamb’s victory in the Pennsylvania election has republicans’ attention, but Limbaugh was attempting to “spin” it in his typical DISHONEST manner – Al Franken once wrote a great book about Limbaugh titled “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat LIAR.”  It’s still true.  (and, before you write something stupid here about Franken and his resigning from the Senate – HE WAS HONEST)  Limbaugh was claiming the district Conor Lamb won was a “democrat district.”  Apparently, despite them voting for Trump by 20%, voting for Romney by near that amount, and voting for McCain by over 10% – plus Lamb will be the FIRST democrat to represent Pennsylvania’s 18th district in over 15 years.  To sum it up, Limbaugh is a “big fat LIAR.”

Then I happened onto Sean Hannity, and it was pretty much the same spiel.  And, the bottom line for all three of the “talkers” I FORCED myself to listen to for at least one segment of their “show” was an attempt to shield Trump from the “Russia thing.”  As with many republican members of Congress, and TOO MANY members of Trump’s “base” – they don’t care if the Russians are attacking our nation.  They’re OBLIVIOUS to what Putin is doing around the world and they are taking NO ACTION to prevent further intrusions from the Russians – which could, for example, be undermining out power grid at an opportune (for them) time.  Clearly, the Russians are attempting to destabilize the American form of government and they’re trying to use our open society against us.  Sadly, they need inside help to do this and it appears they’re getting it from the highest places in our government.  Yikes!  The audience of these right wing talkers have been brainwashed via the “Big Lie Theory” that republican pundits practice in a predatory and organized manner.  The LIES are all strategic and coordinated!  Sad!

So, the bottom line here is that this crap has gone far enough.  It’s time for republicans to stand up and remove Trump from office.  They have an OBLIGATION to the constitution to “do their duty.”  If they continue to procrastinate, then it’s up to “we the people” to REMOVE them from office in record numbers come November – so, that we can take matters into our own “hands.”  Of course, it’s highly unlikely that democrats will retake the Senate until at least 2020, but republicans need to know that more and more Americans are sick of their corrupt obsession with POWER and lack of concern for our nation.  Trump is going to DESTROY the republican party unless they wake up, and soon.  This is getting dangerous.  There’s not a republican in Congress that can justify what was done to Andrew McCabe.  That action showed Trump’s mean spirit and Sessions lack of courage – apparently, he’s going to do whatever he can to regain Trump’s “approval.”  This is all so disgusting I can’t believe it’s happening in our nation.  I’ve come to the conclusion the people who continue to support Trump are willingly STUPID!  And, for my Christian brethren, shame on you.  The abortion issue is not worth sacrificing the fundamentals of our nation.  Wake up!  (If you really don’t understand what’s happening, read the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – if you’re able to read, as opposed to getting your “info” from the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh – you’ll discover a true Christian!)

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