Monthly Archives: July 2008

Who is worse when it comes to impeachment?

I’m just a 6th grade school teacher trying to pay for gas for my wife and myself along with all the bills, and contributing to election campaigns definitely puts a strain on the budget. In 2006 I sent money to several different Democratic congressional candidates thinking that getting the congress out of the control of republicans was imperative. I’m a life long independent voter, but I came to the conclusion after bush was put into office by the Supreme Court that my years of indifference were unacceptable and that I needed to participate more fully in the process that I teach my students they are responsible in when they become adults. I started reading books about what is going on with our government and that accelerated when bush decided to relive Viet Nam by invading Iraq. The Viet Nam experience is what led to my indifference toward “my” government in the first place and I realized that my lack of participation plus that of many of my peers had allowed the first invasion of a country which had not threatened us or invaded us in the history of this great nation. Once I sent the money in to the different candidates I started getting barraged by mailers from other members of Congress who seem to have an unlimited access to the postal service. Then I started getting calls from the democratic party requesting money, which I’m sure I would have given had they fulfilled the promises I understood them to make during the 2006 election. I, and I believe millions of other Americans, fully understood and understand the complexity of trying to deal with these republicans who are trying to block every initiative possible. My disappointment with the democrats unwillingness to put an end to the war in Iraq has become overshadowed by my anger at their unwillingness to defend the constitution against the assaults by gw bush and his associates. Today, as I was driving around, I heard a sound bite on the radio of Nancy Pelosi saying “If someone could show that a crime has been committed, we would proceed with impeachment.” ………………………………. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, NANCY?!!!!! Seriously, you’ve got to be kidding, right?! The fact that I saw gw bush stand in front of a TV camera and admit to spying on Americans without a warrant, there’s one for you. And how about admitting to torturing so-called “enemy combatants?” I guess the fact that someone in Pakistan received $5000 for saying his despised neighbor was a member of Al Qaeda makes that person something less than a human being and allows us (that’s anyone reading this, myself, Pelosi, and any other citizen of this country) to do things to them that we have put leaders from other nations into the Hague for war tribunals (rumor has it that you, Nancy, were aware of this program from the start and the reason it’s “off the table” is because you’re complicit by default in the torture). Is not lying about reasons for going to war with a toll of over 4100 of our best dead and tens of thousands wounded, not to mention as many as one million Iraqi’s dead, two million refugees, another two million internally displaced, not to mention the utter destruction of the infrastructure of their country – is that not a crime? And what about the no bid contracts for their buddies in Iraq where bush’s private contractors are fleecing our taxpayers by the hundreds of millions, probably billions of dollars, while millions of our own citizens have no health care, our economy is crumbling, the infrastructure of our nation is crumbling and we can’t afford to deal with these issues, there’s no crime there? No one ever investigated the Enron collapse and everyone knows that bush was right in the middle of that. We got 8 years of whitewater, a stinking failed land deal that hurt no one but the fools who invested in it, but nothing, not a singel investigation that I’m aware of, on Enron which destroyed the retirement accounts of untold Americans. Where are the democrats? Have they no spine at all? Are they afraid they won’t get re-elected if they stand up to the most unpopular president in history? You’ve got to be kidding me. What kind of precedent are they leaving behind this congress? The members of the bush administration basically flip off congress when called to testify about their actions, and Pelosi even blocks contempt of congress charges. This is the first woman to be in a position with this much power and I’m afraid she will set back the cause of women in top leadership roles beyond my imagination by cow-towing to bush. The aftermath of their criminal behavior can not go unpunished! How can we allow any future president to think that they can just do whatever they feel like and to hell with congress? I really don’t get it. The last time the democratic party called me and asked me for money, well let me just say, I’ll be surprised if they call me again. The last thing I want them to think is that I’m for whatever they want just because I don’t like bush. I expected them to stand up for the constitution and as far as I’m concerned they are falling into a category that is worse than the republicans. I expected them (republicans) to fall into line behind bush and his cronies, I just didn’t expect the democrats to do the same. As far as I’m concerned the democrats need to stand up and be counted. It seems like they won’t do anything unless they can get a “veto proof” congress. The way they are acting I don’t want them to have a veto proof congress – it’s like they want to recreate the same environment that the republicans had during the first 6 years of bush. Nancy, get with the program, please!!!!

When are we going to wake up?

There are so many things to write about, it’s hard for me to even pick a topic. However, since the economy is in danger of imploding, and the present administration seems as incompetent to me regarding this area as they have been managing the occupation of a foreign country, I’m going to try to focus my thoughts in the direction of the economy. The famous cliche regarding how to get elected: “It’s the economy stupid” really applies to this coming election, which I consider to be by far the most important in my lifetime (60 years). I still remember my own astonishment as Richard Nixon explained that running up the national debt was as practical as having a mortgage on your house. The idea was that it was ludicrous for the federal government to possess so much real estate and not “leverage” that through the use of borrowing money to prop up the economy. By the time Reagan came around they took that idea to what I thought at the time would be the ultimate extreme. Their so-called “trickle down” philosophy seemed absurd on its face – Reagan preaching “I’m going to reduce taxes and balance the budget.” Of course people fell for the theory, although I’m convinced to this day that Reagan got into the White House by making a deal with the Iranians regarding the hostages being held in Tehran and by funding John Anderson’s campaign that ended up getting about 10% of the vote and peeling off enough disenchanted democrats to allow Reagan in the door, so to speak. For those around at the time I’m sure the image of Reagan busting the Air Traffic Controllers on national TV is still a vivid memory. For those not around at that time, this was a sitting president showing business how to break a union and the result for blue collar workers has been a steady downward trend since then. There was a slight change and some hope under Clinton, although I believe he bought into many of the beliefs of the Friedman devotees regarding “free markets,” because Clinton at least managed to bring about a surpluss in the economy despite selling the farm with his trade policies and maybe even more significant was his willingness to allow the consolidation of the media which has allowed the right wing to pretty much monopolize the information we are getting. Somehow, gw bush managed to get into the White House, through the backlash against Clinton’s actions with Monica and gw’s use of his brother to “steal” Florida which was the deciding state in the 2000 election. This brought the Friedmanites back into the government and the results are unbelievable. What is more unbelievable to me is that the republicans have come up with another stooge who is espousing the same garbage; lowering taxes, especially on the “rich,” and balancing the budget – in this case by not allowing “earmarks” in congress. This is such an absurd position that my first instinct is to laugh it off. However, mccain remains at least close in the polls and even ahead in one that I saw recently. That is why I feel Clinton’s major shortcoming was in allowing the media consolidation in 1996 that just played into the hands of the people behind limbaugh, hannity, rove, o’reilly and the other republican water carriers that will say anything to keep their cronies in power. The fact that our nation is crumbling right before our eyes means nothing to them. They are nothing more than the mouthpieces of those in the background of the republican party that are laughing all the way to the bank as they continue to “convince” ordinary Americans that they are not responsible for the problems facing our country. In fact, the other day I saw an ad on TV for mccain blaming Senator Obama for the high gas prices. This is how these people work. They create this situation that is taking ordinary working Americans into a state of economic despair, and then they place the blame elsewhere while they try to take advantage of the “crisis” they created to further their own greedy interests. Take the so-called energy crisis. Yes, of course, there is an energy crisis, but to blame Obama while at the same time pushing for expanded drilling opportunities for oil companies that have millions of acres of leased drilling rights that they are not pursuing, when there are no drilling rigs to drill if they had the right to do so, is disengeuous at best, and in my opinion outright dishonest. But where is the national media to hold these people accountable. Unfortunately, they are on their team. These multi-national corporations are intertwined and they are perpetually looking out for their own interests and those of their cronies. The boards of the large corporations in this country are infected with a virus of greed. Reaganomics brought with it a national mindset that shareholders are more important than workers, and they continue to work the propoganda that causes the workers to vote against their own self-interest. In my mind this is possible due to the consoidation of the media which has become contaminated with the republican “talking points.” The fact that so-called news people are spewing the party line (and this is wrong and absurd no matter what party line is being “spewed”) will be looked at as the main enabler of these criminals who have been robbing this country blind for the last 35+ years. If they somehow manage to get a baffoon like mccain elected, and this guy to me is a downgrade from bush which should be scary even to the water carriers, we are in for something probably worse than the great depression. I’m not sure how quickly Obama can steer the ship in a different direction, but he is the only hope. The damage done by gw bush and the people he is the mouthpiece for is severe and will take years to overcome. If Obama wins the election I can see the water carriers already trying to undermine anything that he does, because their only interest is in fleecing the working class people of this country of as much money as possible and they will be attempting to return to power as soon as they lose it. No one should be fooled into thinking that they will join forces for the common good, because with them the common good is evil, they absolutely do not want a country with a strong and vibrant middle class, they don’t want to pay their fair share of the taxes required for the security and basic functioning of this country (remember, they have borrowed every penny for their war in Iraq, they say they support the troops out of one side of their mouths and then fight any legislation that provides the troops with benefits out of the other side), and the last thing they want it is a black president that is enormously popular around the world. The idea of ordinary people sharing in the wealth, so to speak, is antthetical to everything they believe. Every adult person in America should read “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein to better understand where these criminals are coming from and the magnitude of the destruction worldwide associated with their philosophy and their actions. Our government has been severely infected by these people and it will take years to heal from this, if we boot them out in 2008. If, for some incredible reason, the manage to hold onto the bully pulpit of the White House for another term, the damage to this country could be terminal. I believe the rest of the world is ready to dump the dollar as the accepted currency in favor of the euro, that will be the first consequence of a mccain presidency and security wise, while he and they (republicans) lay claim to leading the fight against terrorism, I believe that they have made this country and the world terribly less safe and more susceptible to terrorist acts due to their greedy policies. One thing Americans need to understand, the people around the world aren’t stupid. In fact, our education system ranks down in the second tier compared to other countries around the world, and these guys are trying to keep it there, witness “no child left behind” bush’s plan to have our school focus on teaching kids how to pass tests at the expense of about half of the curriculum that existed prior to this legislation – but that’s an argument for another day. Suffice it to say, the US has been pilfering resources from countries around the globe for years under the guise of “free markets” and through the control of the IMF and World Bank, but the gig is up. This election is incredibly important and I get back to the question that motivated me to write this piece, “When are we going to wake up?” I surely hope this coming November is the first sign that waking up is happening. There is a lot of work to be done, but that is the first step. I say once more, if mccain somehow gets in, we are all in for a long four years!

McCain, pitiful???

I can’t but help to wonder how a man with the intellectual challenges of John McCain could even make it to the point of being a candidate for president from one of the two “major” parties of the US. I can only imagine what this process looks like to the rest of the world. Today, the thought driving my wish to express my opinion comes from recently McCain saying something like “I’m willing to lose an election in order to win a war while my oponent, Senator Obama, appears to be willing to lose a war in order to win an election.” At first, when I first heard him say this and then saw him break into his cheshire cat grin upon completing the sentence was to think where does this guy get off? Does he really think that because he managed to get shot down in Viet Nam, that makes him uniquely qualified to be president and some kind of “commander in chief?” The implication that Senator Obama is willing to “lose the war in order to win an election” is about as over the top unethical and ridiculous as anything I’ve heard in my 40 some years of following American politics. I mean this is coming from a man who doesn’t yet know that Chechoslovakia is no longer a country, that Al Qaeda is Sunni and not supported by Iran (in fact they are funded mainly by our “friends” the Saudi’s), and that Iraq and Pakistan do not have a common border, just to name a few of the “gaffes.” I have watched McCain shift his position (I’m being nice here because we all know the political correct term is “flip-flopped”) on one position after another and then try to portray Senator Obama as a flip-flopper – today it was because of some pictures of his daughters! This is almost laughable to me, except that I fully understand that there are many Americans who are too busy trying to just get by to be paying close attention to what I consider the most important election in the last 50 years in this country. McCain, should he somehow fool enough people into voting for him, is the perfect stooge for the people that are behind the last 35 or so years of “Reaganomics” in this country, the people who have been robbing the middle class blind and seem to have no end to their greed, the people who believe the oil in Iraq is more valuable than the lives of the American heroes who have volunteered to serve in our armed forces. I hope the tide swings so dramatically that the people of this country send a loud and clear message to the republicans that they have to come up with someone who at least has a clue as to the real needs of this great nation. We do need at least two viable parties to make our system function and McCain, following the disastrous GW could turn the republican party into an afterthought. In my opinion, the wisest thing for the republicans to do would be to change their minds as to their “presumptive” candidate and come up with someone who can carry on a legitimate debate on real issues and prevent a total blow out in November. While I am a supporter of Obama, I fear the results to too much “democrat.” The democratic congress have not proven themselves to be courageous in dealing with the far reaching abuses of power perpetrated by bush. They are the ones who are constitutionally compelled to “check” the power of the executive branch of government. As much as I like Obama, it is not his job if he’s elected to restore the executive branch to it’s rightful position in our system, it is the job of the congress. We need the give and take of the two party system. I believe Obama will be a uniter, but if the dems have too tight a grip on congress there won’t be any need to unite. Republicans, if McCain stays in this election, I fear Obama’s “coattails” will reduce your position in congress to one of spectator and complainer. You might think of finding a way to get McCain to step aside and at least get someone like Romney in there who could make this a real contest, if it’s not too late. The bottom line to me, John McCain, as a presidential candidate, is pitiful!!!!


First, I realize that until someone “discovers” my so-called blog, I’m writing to myself. However, it seems to help with the frustration of watching my country seem to be fading into the sunset, and a large percentage of people not caring. I will say this, as I’ve watched Barack Obama make a trip through Europe and into the Middle East, it is very apparent that the rest of the world is waiting for the citizens of the US to wake up. I honestly believe that if by some strange miracle – like maybe fixed voting machines as per 2000 and 2004 – McCain is elected president we will be considered a third world nation by the rest of the world. I’ve seen some incredible numbers as to the excitement Obama is generating in the rest of the world and I’m hopeful that it is just a matter of time until more people in this country wake up. Back to my topic; can you imagine if we elect a self proclaimed “expert” on foriegn policy that doesn’t understand that the country of Chechoslovakia (I’m not ever sure how to spell it, but I’m not running for president and if I was I would figure it out!) has not existed for over 15 years, a person who talks about the Iraq/Pakastani border (evidently he’s thinking along with many of the rest of us that the ultimate outcome of the US invasion of Iraq will be the consolidation of Iraq and Iran – therefore calling it the Iraq-Pakistan border), and a person who is so unfamiliar with the Sunni-Shia rivalry in the Middle East that he suggested that the Shia in Iran were training and equipping the Sunni led Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. What I find very interesting is that the incompetence of McCain is much better understood outside the borders of this country. I’m wondering if this is because should the general public really understand what a bafoon he is and how unqualified he is to lead this country at this point in our history it would cost the media conglomerates millions because the upcoming election would be such a landslide. I mean, I can’t even picture republicans voting for this guy once they see him up close and personal as will be the case during this election cycle. I don’t believe a party has ever rebelled against a “presumptive nominee” before, but how could the republicans have come up with this guy? When I heard that he placed close to the bottom of his class in military college, something like 850 out of 860, I didn’t get the significance. But you put the fact he’s 72 years old (I’m 60 and have a good idea of what it means to be getting old and I can’t imagine electing a 72 year old person to the most important position in our country at such an important time in our history) with his apparent intellectual weakness and you look at all these gaffs he’s committing on a regular basis, and I honestly wonder how he could even get to this point. I really am concerned that the republican party is going to get hammered so hard in November that we will face the reverse of what got us to this point, and that is a democratic president along with a democratic congress. I truly believe that our founders devised the system of checks and balances to prevent what they called “tyranny of the majority” and while we are seeing the result of that from this batch of republicans that are hopefully on the way out, I don’t think a good dose of the same thing from the other side is going to solve anything. Obama calls himself a uniter and I hope that is the case, and I also hope that we can begin to elect people to congress, whether republican or democrat, that have the best interests of the public in mind. A good first step would be to eliminate the ability of congressional members from accepting any money from special interest groups – but that is a topic for another day.

Trust Me!?

Tonight I wrote a lengthy message to Senator Obama expressing my dismay with his choice to cave in to the Bush criminals regarding the warrantless wiretapping that evidence suggests has been going on long before 9/11. The administration justifies this lawbreaking and intrusion on our constitutional rights by saying we needed protection from terrorists. If that is the case then why is there evidence that the government approached Joseph Nacchio of Qwest Communications fully 6 1/2 months prior to 9/11 with a request for warrantless wiretapping, in February of 2001? If Nacchio is correct in his assertion the Bush reaction to his refusal to do so without getting lawyers involved, the canceling of large government contracts, is par for the course for this administration. Emotionally, I really want to see GW Bush held criminally accountable for the most wide spread lawbreaking I’ve seen in my voting life (40 years) – but when I think about this rationally, my main concern is the willingness of the Congress and many in the public sector to stand idly by while our constitutional rights are being chipped away at. My hope is that somehow this will be rectified through the courts – retroactive immunity? That doesn’t even sound right. If people broke the law, if they violated the rights of individuals, should they get a pass because we’re afraid? If that is the case it feels to me like the terrorists are winning. What more could they ask for but for us to crumble from within? Al Qaeda got a virtual free pass when Bush chose his adventure into Iraq, based on lies that apparently we’re going to let him get away with. A covert CIA agent was “outed” which is a treasonous offense and there is ample evidence that Bush and Cheney were involved, Bush in the very least being part of the coverup, and yet no investigation. Our economy is crumbling at the seems – being steered by people who seem incredibly incompetent and interested only in their own fortunes. The republicans incredibly couldn’t come up with anyone more qualified than John McCain who is laughable and getting worse. He seems like a downgrade from Bush to me. So what is it the democrats are afraid of? Why would Obama cave on such an issue of principal? I really don’t get it. Here is the scenario that I’m really afraid of: The dems are going to just try to let GW ride out his term so they can heave a great big sigh of relief next January. In the mean time, we go into a severe recession, with hyper inflation, in our national economy and Bush, Cheney, and their cronies take a shot at Iran. Of course Iran is the big winner already from Bush’s ineptitude. About the best the US can hope for in the Iraq invasion is that the Shia ruling party takes hold and, as they are kicking us out of their country, they end up with some kind of stable country that inevitably is going to be allied with Iran, making Iran the major power of the region. Iran will be thanking Bush for years to come for getting rid of their nemesis Sadam Hussein. The mess is getting worse every day, and the democrats appear to be so focused on “winning” the next election that the losses from their inaction will possibly linger for decades to come. If Bush is allowed to, as McCain put it, “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” the mess will be huge. Due to the fact that we have emboldened Iran, it is our responsibility to figure out how to reign them in without bringing the Middle East to the brink of a major war. I realize the people associated with Bush are OK with that because they have a long history of profiting from war (GW’s Grandfathers made a fortune selling arms to Hitler prior to WWII). This is why I can’t figure out why Obama would agree to anything to further Bush’s agenda. I read his book “The Audacity of Hope” and it lifted my spirits. And the truth is that he’s the only hope we have at this point to turn around this assault on our government, our freedoms, our economy, and our standing in the world (I can’t even imagine John McCain as president – I can’t picture that there are enough people that stupid in this country). If Obama starts to feel the urge to placate the so-called “right” we’re all in big trouble. The way I see it, if these criminals are allowed to get away with their crimes, the precedent will be devastating. I don’t trust the next president, whoever it is, to give up presidential power – even though it has been attained illegally. As they say, “What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander!” and I’m really concerned that the damage being done won’t be reversed post Bush. It needs to be done now. Impeachment is a constitutional check for situations just like this, it wasn’t intended for lying about sex. What are the democrats thinking? Bush is going to, provided he gets his free ride to the end of his term, give everyone in his administration “blanket immunity” and they are going to laugh their way to the bank with the rest of the bounty from his eight miserable years in office (not even taking into account that history will be robbed of anything that resembles the truth as to what they were really doing). While I can’t wait for Bush’s term to be “history” I will probably spend the rest of my life wondering what was wrong with these democrats to allow him to get away with this. One last thing- it has always boggled my mind that more republicans haven’t stood up against this crook. However, some people that I thought I would never be on the same side of the fence have. Noteably: Bob Barr, Bruce Fein, John Dean, and most inspiring to me Kevin Phillips. These republicans can see past the partisanship better than most that I’ve listened to or read and they recognize the danger of what is transpiring with Bush/Cheney et al (I have read a couple books each by Dean and Phillips and they are quite informative and direct in their “looks” into the action of this despicable president). I hope the Congress wakes up before it’s too late and especially in Obama’s case; the thing that most encouraged me as I got to know him was the feeling he would be a forceful leader. However, this cave-in on the warrantless wiretapping and the “trust me” comments are making me queasy and feeling that my worst fears are still in play. This country, in my opinion, has survived due to our steadfast acceptance and reliance on our written constitution. I don’t want to have to “trust” anyone with this, I just want my leaders to uphold their pledges to protect, obey, and enforce the constitution as it was written over 200 years ago!