Monthly Archives: July 2020

If you’re unhappy with what is going on in America right now you have the power to do something about it!

I’m going to attempt an appropriate way to give my condolences to Herman Cain who passed away the other day from Covid-19. I read about his “battle” with the disease and, curiously, in the article I was reading it suggested those close to Mr. Cain weren’t sure how he got the virus. So, even though none of them are likely to be reading my blog I’m going to attempt giving them a medical diagnosis. And, of course, just like I always have to point out here “I’m not an economist,” neither am I a doctor. (or nurse, or med tech, or – well, I’m just a retired school teacher who tried to teach his 6th graders how to think.)

Sooooooooo, let’s start this “analysis” with the FACT Mr. Cain was prominently seen at individual 1’s Tulsa campaign rally – the one where they said a MILLION people requested tickets and where they filled only a third of the arena and had to cancel the outdoor part of the rally where all the people who couldn’t get inside were going to congregate – that rally. Of course, of the 6000+ people who showed up virtually NONE of them were wearing any kind of face covering. Naturally, why would they – did they want to get mocked by our IMPEACHED so-called president? Remember, this coronavirus thing is “just another flu.” When republicans are feeling the need to dog whistle their racist followers they call it the “Chinese flu” or the “Wuhan flu.” But, I digress.

I remember seeing pictures of Mr. Cain along with several other “Black Voices for…” (I can’t make myself write the word, suffice it to say it’s individual 1) sitting in the arena having a great time. This was June 20th. How do I remember? “Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV” – I’ve been practicing, but that’s not how I did it. It was because, originally, individual 1 AND all his supporters (curiously) like Mr. Cain were going to meet on “Juneteenth” which, for African Americans, is a “national holiday” commemorating the (actual) end of slavery (another “dog whistle?”). On June 29th, within the two week period considered the incubation (??? not sure if I have the right term) period of when you contract the virus to when the symptoms arrive, Mr. Cain was being taken to a hospital because he couldn’t breathe. Almost a month, to the day, after being diagnosed with Covid-19 Herman Cain passed away.

What I found somewhat off-putting as I read about what happened to Mr. Cain was, what seemed to me, an attempt to suggest they didn’t know how he got the virus. Of course they/we know how he got the virus. He got it at the rally just like a bunch of other people at the rally got the virus – and have been SPREADING it profusely since. I looked the other day and Oklahoma is now regularly showing over 1000 new cases of Covid-19 being reported DAILY. At the time of individual 1’s rally that number was under 200 new cases per day. You can do the math and, if you were in my 6th grade classroom you’d be able to put “two and two together.” We know Herman Cain is deceased because he chose to be one of those “Black Voices for…..” (You know who I’m referring to). You don’t need to be a “brain surgeon” to figure this out!

Today, there was near 70,000 new cases, again, and around 1500 people dead because of this virus – AND, the incredible incompetence coming from the federal government in dealing with it. I was talking to a friend the other day, who supports individual 1, and when I was trying to reason with him about the futility of what is happening in our country he kept saying “give me facts.” Well, the 70,000 cases per day is a sad FACT (although, I believe individual 1 is doing everything he can to keep those numbers down by preventing the testing which SHOULD be happening) which has been repeated virtually every day for the past three or four weeks. Today, the 1500 DEAD Americans is another sorry FACT! In one day! These are just TWO FACTS supporting my contention individual 1 is unfit for office. He’s been AWOL in the fight to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

That’s without getting into the LYING and the CHEATING which is also factual. My friend doesn’t believe there was any “collusion” with Russia in the 2016 election, despite “Russia, if you’re listening………” You know the rest. I asked him if he wanted to read the Mueller report and he said no, with some derogatory comment about Mueller. I was a bit incredulous on that one – my friend is a retired Navy officer – I pointed out Mueller was a Marine during Viet Nam and is a war hero – he was like, “That was then, this is now.” He also suggested James Comey should be prosecuted and I was “what????” I said, do you realize it was Comey who was responsible for individual 1 becoming (our so-called – I left that part out) president and he said, “well, yes.” I suggested he watches Fox “news” and he started to “deflect” the question, but I said, “Do you watch Fox ‘news,’ yes or no?” He kind of looked down and said, “yes.” I’ve learned over time it’s almost impossible to have a rational discussion with someone brainwashed on Fox. They’re thorough! (Fox, that is)

I suppose I should point out why Americans, including republicans, SHOULD care about individual 1’s FAILURE to create even a semblance of a national strategy to mitigate the coronavirus. Actually, I’ve been pointing out for months now that “we the people” are experiencing what amounts to another “great depression” right now, we just don’t know it because of the democrats’ “CARES Act” which has been “propping up” an economy which is “sitting” on about 30 MILLION unemployed Americans with a Fed “pouring” TRILLIONS of “liquidity” (I believe that means the Fed is buying up bad corporate “credit”) onto the balance sheets of one corporation in America after another. And, surprisingly, after democrats gave republicans a “new lease on life” in regard to preventing the imminent tanking of the economy with the “HEROES Act,” republicans just don’t seem to “get it.”

Maybe today’s economic reality – where it was announced America’s “GDP” tanked nearly 33% (annualized) in the second fiscal quarter – the greatest drop in HISTORY (by a significant margin) will get republicans’ attention. But, my guess is no, it won’t. Essentially, GDP is a measure of America’s wealth measured like this: the monetary value of final goods and services—that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time. A drop of 3% would be DRASTIC, but 33%? This is really BAD! And, it’s likely to get worse, because republicans continue to believe if they throw money at their corporate benefactors their stock prices will stay propped up and all will be well but to HELL with Main Street. Of course, I don’t believe that’s true. We have a service based economy and, in my view, the reason we don’t KNOW we’re in a depression is because of the $600 bonus paid to unemployed workers each week – money which goes right back into the economy. Without that money I believe that 33% would be much worse. And here’s the deal; With the help of republicans in the Senate individual 1 could be leading America into a depression which will take years to recover from.

Democrats are TRYING to help out individual 1 as he’s trying to make the economy look better than it really is – for heaven’s sake, with 30 – 40 MILLION unemployed Americans it CAN’T be “healthy” – but our IMPEACHED so-called president, along with his republican sycophants can’t seem to “see the forest for the trees.” They believe these unemployed workers won’t return to work unless they block the extra unemployment money when, in reality, MANY of them will be homeless without that money plus the rent eviction protections included in the “CARES Act” expiring on July 31st as well. And, of course, without the money for State and Local governments included in the “HEROES Act” there will be MILLIONS more on the unemployment lines – which could include nurses, teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other “essential” workers paid by state and local governments. (Apparently, this is individual 1’s way to “defund” the police)

I’ve been saying all along the MESS left for Obama/Biden in 2009 is going to “pale” compared to what individual 1 is going to leave for Biden/???? (depending on his VP selection) I’m not the only person who’s speculated he’s doing to what he inherited from Obama the same thing he did to what he inherited from his father. If you’re really interested in better understanding our IMPEACHED so-called president I really recommend you read the memoir of his niece Mary Trump. I suggested this to my friend I mentioned above, and, true to Fox “news” form, he was NOT interested. It appears to me individual 1 is a “sick puppy,” notwithstanding all the issues I have regarding the DAMAGE he’s doing to this great nation. I’ve said before he comes across to me as “pathetic” and, I believe, he’s got a level of mental illness which should ALARM all of us (meaning U.S. citizens and residents – well, come to think of it, those around the world who are affected by his egregious behavior)

Final Thought: So, I’ve made it clear on this site individual 1 will “do whatever it takes” to “win” the “election” in November. He’s proven that. He’s worked with the Russians in the past and, likely, is doing so as I’m writing this. He attempted to EXTORT help from Ukraine’s president to undermine Joe Biden last year – leading to his IMPEACHMENT. He’s now suggesting the election could be “delayed” “until it’s safe,” and he’s working overtime to FORCE Americans to have to risk their health in the middle of this pandemic to vote in person instead of the logical recourse which is voting from home. He’s also made it clear he’s not going to recognize the validity of the election should he get “what’s coming to him” – which is a resounding defeat.

Americans MUST show up in overwhelming numbers to vote him AND his sycophants out of office come November 3rd and anyone who’s reading this and doesn’t respect their own right to vote I suggest to them – your right is worth FIGHTING for. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re registered BEFORE it’s time to go to the polls. Double check! If you’re unhappy with what is going on in America right now you have the power to do something about it – even if that one vote seems insignificant to you. That’s exactly what individual 1 (and Vladimir Putin among others) wants you to believe – they want you to stay home – to relinquish this power which has been given to you and which you SHOULD honor by exercising it.

America’s young people have the opportunity to change this nation for the better this year by VOTING and then by continuing to be active as “we the people” force our elected officials to act according to our wishes. (meaning “we the people”) The changes being demanded by those in the streets won’t happen unless “we the people” MAKE them happen via perseverance. Health Care for all Americans won’t happen unless we demand it happen. Affordable education won’t happen without “we the people” demanding it! And, on and on, but for starters – we have to VOTE to prevent this fascist takeover of our government which is being pushed into the streets of our major cities as I’m writing this – as if this is Germany circa 1933. Yikes! Make sure you VOTE!

Oh yes, if you don’t think “the kitchen sink” will be part of what individual 1 “throws” at “we the people” as he’s attempting to CHEAT his way into a second term, just stop to think about why our IMPEACHED so-called president would be attempting to undermine the postal service – apparently, to stop “we the people” from voting from home – as opposed to standing in long lines where you could threaten your health via Covid-19. And, if you don’t believe this is happening, I can personally attest that you are wrong because I occasionally send packages around the country with items I sell on Ebay via the United States Postal Service 1st class mail. These are very small packages and coinciding with the new person individual 1 has put in as the Postmaster General I’ve noticed the packages I’ve sent recently are taking at least one day, and in some instances longer, to get to their destination. I even had one package I thought might have been lost, but after about three days of wondering where it was it showed up, fortunately, in the correct place. Like I’ve said, our IMPEACHED so-called president will be doing EVERYTHING he can to CHEAT between now and November 3rd. “Whatever it takes!”

To individual 1; As the saying goes, “be careful what you wish for.”

I have a friend who I often mention here, he’s a supporter of individual 1, who, right from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic was referring the crisis as “just another flu.” As he would point out the “numbers” of people who die from the “flu” each year, which was the republican mantra at the time, I tried to point out “This is NOT the ‘flu,’ and the bigger problem is our health care system will be overrun with the ‘herd immunity’ solution being proposed by many republicans – including my friend. Just let the virus run its course and get it over with. Well, we’ve had an approach which leaned in that direction to begin – ie individual 1’s now infamous “missing 70 days” – and, then, for about a month and a half, even our IMPEACHED so-called president was encouraging people to “stay at home.”

That lasted up until the time when the government’s task force came up with a three phase plan for the re-opening of our “economy.” Of course, individual 1 was at his limit as that “plan” was being introduced and, immediately, was “tweeting” for states to “LIBERATE” themselves from the “stay at home” orders and the plan he was proposing that very day. From that point in time until this week individual 1 has been AWOL from the battle against the coronavirus pandemic and, now, reality is staring him directly in his face. In states he MUST “win” in order to be re-elected his lack of leadership is becoming a MAJOR problem. Florida’s hospitals are being over run by Covid-19 patients, as are the hospitals in Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and, well, almost everywhere else. That was the circumstance I tried to explain to my friend was the reason why just letting this virus run its course was a disastrous idea. My daughter is an RN and I pray daily for those who are providing health care to the rest of us.

The damage to our health care system is becoming beyond the ability of people like me to imagine. I didn’t mention Texas in the previous paragraph because, in Texas, there are hospitals creating groups (triage?) to decide who gets care and who doesn’t. There’s no more room in their hospitals so doctors are being put in the place to decide who lives and who doesn’t. Clearly, there are many people in the republican party who are suggesting being “old” is a condition which makes you expendable. In Texas they also are storing the bodies of the deceased in refrigerated truck trailers because they’re dying so fast the morgues are full. The report I read yesterday suggested the “waiting list” for the incinerators (crematoriums) is two weeks! Try to imagine if you are a doctor or nurse dealing with this in intense twelve hour shifts four or five times a week. (Usually, nurses work three 12 hour shifts per week)

So, if that kind of gets your attention, then stop to think about who’s paying for all these people dying in the hospitals – AND, the ones who come out alive? And, then try to get your mind around the FACT our IMPEACHED so-called president – along with the republicans in Texas and several other republican controlled states – are in court RIGHT NOW (of course, the decision will come AFTER the election – go figure) to abolish what’s left of “Obamacare” – the Affordable Care Act – which, if republicans succeed, will take health insurance AWAY from tens of MILLIONS of Americans, not to mention the protection against discrimination against “pre-existing conditions.” Of course, republicans say they have a “plan” to replace “Obamacare,” but we all know they’re LYING. They wouldn’t be able to figure out how to make a health care plan because they don’t believe in them.

They – meaning republicans and including individual 1 – are doing everything they can to undermine Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – always “behind closed doors” because they understand the backlash that would create if “we the people” knew what they were “up to.’ Individual 1 has been insisting on a repeal of the “payroll tax” – which funds Social Security and Medicare (well, there are two different payroll taxes and, I believe, our IMPEACHED so-called president is going after both of them) but, thankfully, even republicans realize that’s a really bad idea (they get a lot of support from us old white guys – although, not me – maybe I’m the problem, Yikes!) and a repeal of the payroll tax WON’T be part of the next Coronavirus relief bill – or so they say. I don’t believe democrats would EVER support such a thing.

However, while none of us are looking and while democrats are thinking Mitt Romney a “good guy” because he voted to convict individual 1, he’s making proposals behind the scenes which are aimed at undermining Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These rich republicans have no idea what it’s like to be dependent on these programs – in Romney’s case, he’s got a net worth of something around half a BILLION dollars if my memory serves me correctly – Person, Man, Woman, …………., TV; shoot, I can’t remember, I timed out Yikes! – OK, we can’t depend on my memory, but, just the same, “we the people” need to be diligent because these republicans don’t care if there’s a raging pandemic – if they can sneak something that hurts poor people into a bill they’ll do it! It finally came to me “Camera” is the part I forgot! I don’t get the extra points (read below and you’ll know what I’m talking about)

Speaking of the Coronavirus relief bill which is being “negotiated” right now and, according to Moscow Mitch, won’t be passed for “another few weeks” we’re looking at a perfect example of why no American who cares about “The least of these” in the words of Jesus Christ, should vote for one of these republicans. Here’s my take on the reality we’re all facing. We the people are in a DEPRESSION right now – we just don’t know it because of the “CARES” Act passed by Congress and forced through by democrats. In that bill was a provision where the 30 – 40 MILLION Americans who are unemployed are receiving an additional $600 each week to their unemployment benefit. That is the MAIN reason “we the people” don’t know we’re in a DEPRESSION. Republicans are saying “no way” to extending that benefit and, according to my non-economist thinking we’ll all know we’re in a DEPRESSION two or three weeks after that benefit has stopped.

There are other portions of the “CARES” Act which will expire at the end of July just like that unemployment benefit – like protection against evictions. Reports are 30 MILLION American families could be evicted next month without an extension of the prevention which was part of the CARES Act. This disaster which is the result of individual 1’s inability to govern could be a reality within a matter of weeks. I just finished reading Mary Trump’s book about the dysfunctional family which produced our IMPEACHED so-called president and that book simply reinforced what has appeared obvious to those of us watching individual 1 in real time. He is unable to care for anyone beside himself. The FACT 150,000 Americans have lost their lives under “his watch” doesn’t seem to bother him at all – he’s still pushing for governors to “open up their economies.”

And, opening schools is another DISASTER waiting to happen. Individual 1 won’t be in the classroom so it is just another opportunity for him to bloviate. Of course, the best place for our children is in school, but it SHOULD be necessary for “we the people” to do what is necessary to make that happen – which would require getting this virus under control. With individual 1 in charge of the federal government that seems an impossibility. His lack of an ability to care about anyone else allows him to push for the schools to be open and feel NOTHING regarding all the children, teachers, custodians, administrators, office personnel, cafeteria personnel, and other staff members who would be vulnerable to this virus. Remember, people die from the “flu” all the time.

Individual 1 is trailing badly in ALL the polls so we can expect the “kitchen sink” as we get closer to November’s election. He’s trying to undermine the postal service as a way to block voting from home, he’s got William Barr working to create some kind of “October surprise” regarding his investigation of the “investigators,” he’s throwing BILLIONS at the pharmaceutical industry to get a vaccine for the virus approved – safe or not – by the October election, and, maybe more worrisome than the rest, he’s got federal troops in the streets of Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington as I’m writing this – prepping for, in the words of Seattle’s mayor Durkon, martial law during, maybe, early November??? Remember, our IMPEACHED so-called president has no moral boundaries. And, remember, the Russians are still at work “interfering” in our next election and individual 1’s campaign are the masters of “fake news.” Remember, individual 1 has given new meaning to “PROJECTION.”

My hope is, should “we the people” succeed in removing individual 1 from office, that Joe Biden would make sure our nation remains a “nation of laws and not men.” That would REQUIRE investigations into the CORRUPTION of the individual 1 administration. Starting with the actions of our IMPEACHED so-called president, continuing with investigations of the activity of William Barr, and going down the line. Kind of a “what comes around goes around” response to individual 1’s insistence people like Hillary Clinton, James Comey (who, by the way, is responsible for his presidency), John Brennan, and others in Obama’s administration – including Obama, should be jailed. Well, as the saying goes, “be careful what you wish for.”

Final Thought: Well, I have to go here. Ghislaine Maxwell is now in prison after being charged with aiding and abetting Jeffrey Epstein in his under age girl SEX ring. Now, it was strange enough when Mr. Epstein managed to “hang” himself – just sayin………… OK, I’ve never believed Epstein killed himself. So, now it’s getting weirder. Individual 1 was asked the other day about Ms. Maxwell and he “wished her well” while, additionally (of course, there had to be an “additionally”), making a suggestion about Prince Andrew – as if he was involved with the Epstein/Maxwell SEX ring. I’ll let anyone reading this come to their own conclusions, but, to me, why would individual 1 say “I wish her well” about a woman facing multiple FELONY charges of the worst degree? Do you think it was ANOTHER “dog whistle” as he’s been prone to do of late? Do you think he’s suggesting if she SHUTS UP he’ll pardon her? That’s how it came across to me. Might she “hang” herself?

When I first started reading about the escapades of Epstein/Maxwell there was individual 1 in one photograph after another. In fact, at one point, there was a 14 year old girl, as I remember it, accusing BOTH Epstein AND individual 1 of RAPING her. During that point in the life of our (now) IMPEACHED so-called president he was quoted as saying something like “Epstein likes beautiful women as much as I do – and, some of them are younger.” I was talking to a friend just today and we were both explicit in our wanting individual 1 to have the opportunity to DEFEND himself from all the illegal activity he’s been (and going to be) accused of. I said long ago he would “rue the day he chose to run for president.” Is that day here?

OMG: “Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV” – I think I did it! I believe I get extra points. A few minutes ago I watched individual 1 BRAGGING that he passed the test my doctor gives me each year now (I’m soon to be 73) to check if I’m still all here. Actually, come to think of it, I think the test I get is more complicated – I have to list a bunch of four legged animals from memory – I”m not kidding. I think it’s like 14 (I can’t remember exactly how many :o) instead of identifying a picture of an Elephant. Individual 1 BRAGS about the last couple of questions on the test – like what day is it, what month, what year, what city are you in, complicated questions like that. I believe I can, as well, get those really hard ones correct still! It’s comforting to know I can pass the same test as a (I couldn’t remember the name of the book, I had to go check :o) “Very Stable Genius.”

OK, I know it’s time to go, but I have to add: In a lot of ways I’m part of the group who believes our IMPEACHED so-called president is “unfit” for the job he holds. However, I have to add, he’s got a lot of experience manipulating law enforcement, LYING to anyone and everyone, and brazenly REFUSING to “back down” under any circumstances. His five bankruptcies barely slowed him down – he’ll find a way to screw his enemies – and leave them wondering what “hit them?” Well, right now he’s got federal troops in Portland, across the river from where I live, and, I’m sure it would surprise no one I’m in total solidarity with the “wall of Moms” and other people in Portland fighting to get the federal troops out of Portland.

However, what these protesters MUST be careful of preventing is becoming pawns in individual 1’s attempt to manipulate the media – turning those who are “centrists” against “liberals.” Here’s what I’m guessing – there are right wing groups sending in their “goons” who are breaking windows and encouraging violence from protesters. This has been going on for a couple of months now – the issue regarding George Floyd is at a point where, well, the point’s been taken. The challenge to carry forth on the complaints coming from his LYNCHING is to VOTE individual 1 AND as many republicans in Congress out of office as possible this November – then work to CHANGE the way policing is set up in America. Like it or not, “we the people” need the moderate people in the “middle” (to a degree I’m one of them) to win a decisive victory in November – and, trust me, individual 1 will be doing EVERYTHING he can between now and then to portray those who are committing the violence and vandalism in these protests as “Biden supporters.” Once the federal troops have been ushered out of Portland, my advice would be for the protests to stop and for protesters to help with the clean-up in the aftermath. Just sayin………………..

Individual 1 leaving a large “MESS” means there is a HUGE opportunity! Vote!!!

As I’m watching the debate over the next round of relief due to the coronavirus pandemic I find it interesting how the republicans are arguing amongst themselves about how draconian they want this bill to ultimately end up. The democrats passed the so-called HEROES act about two months ago which included money for State and Local governments, money so “we the people” – including republicans – can vote from home, money for saving the Postal Service, AND an extension of the $600 bonus to unemployed workers (another 1.4 MILLION filing claims this week) until next January. Well, the republicans don’t want ANY money for States and Local governments (meaning a lot of layoffs soon), they don’t want people to be able to vote from home AND they want the Postal Service to be privatized. Republicans are proposing a “whopping” $100 bonus to people’s unemployment benefits instead of the $600. I have to say, I’m wondering why ANY American would vote for a republican!? It’s as if they HATE working Americans who are at the bottom of the “food chain” and at the heart of this nation!

And, as bad as all of this is, our IMPEACHED so-called president is going way beyond what he’s done before as he’s deploying American troops across America against Americans in order to DEFLECT the attention of Americans from his DEPLORABLE failings in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic! Failings which include the destruction of our economy – which, by the way, would be much more apparent without that $600 per week each of the 30 – 40 MILLION Americans who are receiving unemployment benefits are spending. That money, unlike the $2 TRILLION republicans gave their donors in the most recent “tax cut for the rich,” is going directly back into the economy. I’ve pointed this out several times – that “bonus” for people out of work is used for things like RENT, car payments, FOOD, utility bills, etc.

Here’s the sad reality: republicans will likely need to see direct evidence that having 30 – 40 MILLION of our people without jobs AND, therefore, without money will negatively impact the overall economy. I’m no economist, but this seems glaringly OBVIOUS to me. If you take approximately twenty BILLION or so dollars out of the economy each week, the overblown stock market – which, to republicans, is the economy – will likely tank within a few weeks. And, by the time the republicans allow that to “sink” in (pun intended) and then they try to do something about it, well, we could be in the middle of an actual DEPRESSION. Providing money to these low wage workers is anathema to republicans – these are people who don’t donate to their campaigns.

Individual 1 is simply the “mechanism” which has exposed this republican party to more and more Americans. Republicans have been pilfering America’s taxpayers since the days of Ronald Reagan and they will continue to do so if they can somehow manage to find another way to BLAME democrats for the DAMAGE they’re causing to our way of life. For heaven’s sake, our IMPEACHED so-called president is allowing his FASCIST tendencies to take over and, still, the sounds coming from the republican caucus is “crickets.” (ie NOTHING) History will point out they had the opportunity to say NO to individual 1 in the IMPEACHMENT trial and, save for Mitt Romney, not one of them had the courage of their convictions. They ALL knew individual 1 was GUILTY of extortion, yet they chose to enable an act which was a clear “High Crime.” Our constitution, which is where their oath was aimed when they were first elected, gave them the means to fix this problem and they chose, instead, to ENABLE! A sad day (and time) in our history!

We have an IMPEACHED so-called president who clearly believes in CHEATING, who is a pathological LIAR, and is morally bankrupt so it’s incumbent on those of us who reject fascism – and, I’m not talking about that word which people have loosely thrown the around for years, I’m talking about real fascism – to UNITE in an effort to purge our government of any remnants of individual 1’s assault on our fundamental values. And, if you consider my suggesting he’s a fascist is hyperbole, I would suggest you read up on what that means and now “democracies” have descended into fascism around the world. Turkey is a great example, and Russia, with Vladimir Putin another example – although, Russia was an “infant” in the terms of democracy when Putin took control. Obviously, individual 1 has not tried to hide his admiration of these dictators around the world and he hasn’t given up on turning America into another example of Turkey or Russia. (There are many more examples around the world – have you ever wondered why individual 1 and William Barr are so concerned with “Antifa?”)

Individual 1 and William Barr, have turned the Justice Department into a “weapon,” he’s clearly been working overtime to fill the courts with lackeys, now we see the head of “Homeland Security” – set up to protect “we the people” from another “9/11” – deploying American “troops” to attack American protesters in American cities. Think about that! Then think about all the organized propaganda attacks on the so-called “liberal media” – while using Fox “news” as the propaganda arm of the government (along with another group of lackeys who will lie for money, like Rush Limbaugh, etc.). This is the culmination of the republican attempt to gain their “permanent republican majority” which keeps running into the problem of “we the people’s” right to vote. Of course, you can be assured, republicans are doing EVERYTHING they can to suppress that vote in places where people would tend to vote for, well, democrats! At this point, republicans are in desperate mode – and, they’ll do whatever it takes to “win.”

This is why it is SO important for Americans across the political spectrum to turn out this November and REJECT individual 1. I’ve recently been donating what I can to the “Lincoln Project” – which is a group of republicans who I disagree with on many issues but a group I’d love to sit down with in a casual setting (like breakfast) and have a dialogue. I often listen to Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, and Bill Crystal and find them interesting. It would be fun to debate them on the issues of the day – I believe it could be done civilly – but, fundamentally, despite me being an independent, I’ve disagreed with them politically for years. However, their commitment to helping defeat individual 1 has been an encouragement to me. I’ve been saying since day one of his administration, “we the people” will be relying on republicans to get him out of office. I really didn’t think it would take this long, but…………….. (You should check out the ads coming from the “Lincoln Project” – democrats could learn a lot from this group)

When it comes to CHEATING there aren’t very many republicans I trust to believe CHEATING is wrong. I’ve pointed out here numerous times, for example, I believe there are many republican governors CHEATING in regard to the severity of Covid-19 in order to make themselves and our IMPEACHED so-called president look better. Obviously, they feel this is necessary because of the BOTCHED attempt (or lack of an attempt) by our federal government to stop the spread of this deadly virus. We’ve actually listened to our IMPEACHED so-called president, on multiple occasions, suggest “If we tested less we’d have less cases.” That is such an absurd comment I just hope people in other countries missed it (of course, they didn’t). If you’re a supporter of individual 1 and you’re not that bright, let me help you – if we tested less we’d KNOW about even fewer cases therefore allowing the virus to spread even faster!

I’m guessing, due to the incompetence of individual 1, “we the people” are at or nearly at the point where the spread of the virus can’t be mitigated. In places like Texas as many as one in three people tested are positive – suggesting the virus is REALLY bad in Texas – worst than the statistics available to people like me would suggest – which is REALLY bad! All across the South and Southwest hospitals are beyond their capacity – they’re creating beds in HALLWAYS – and, they’re bringing in the refrigerated truck trailers to act as temporary morgues – the morgues are full! They’re being forced to decide who gets care and who doesn’t – they’re out of beds! These are the realities you can’t LIE about. It’s like this in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and several other states – likely to keep spreading across the nation because the virus knows NO borders and individual 1 has chosen being AWOL as his “strategy.” That is, he doesn’t want to be bothered about the virus!

In regard to the CHEATING I’ve been talking about I’ve speculated various republican governors have been finding other “causes” for the death certificates of Covid-19 victims, especially, the older ones. I suggested a while back, after hearing a couple examples, that when someone dies from Covid-19, often times, it’s because it got into their lungs and they couldn’t breathe. Of course, I don’t know all the details of why someone who’s been intubated ultimately passes away, but my guess was, for example, that to someone like Ron DeSantis or Kristi Noem, you could report it as death via pneumonia. So, I did a little checking – and, I’m obviously no investigative “reporter,” but here’s one thing I found: nationwide, in the last week of March and the first two weeks of April approximately 22,300 Americans died of pneumonia when the average expected mortality of pneumonia for those same weeks based on previous statistics would have been 11, 300 Americans would die from that disease. I’ll let you try to “put two plus two together.”

The bottom line to me right now, July of 2020, is individual 1 can’t LIE or CHEAT his way out of the reality he’s incapable of leading this nation in a crisis and the Covid-19 crisis will be part of the MESS he leaves for Joe Biden and the democrats to attempt to “fix” come January of 2021. Most Americans felt the MESS Bush/Cheney left for the Barack Obama administration (Obama/Biden) was overwhelming – Obama/Biden turned what could have been another “Great Depression” after the financial collapse under Bush/Cheney into the Great Recession which Obama/Biden morphed into the slow steady improving economy they handed off to individual 1 in January of 2017. I, among many, predicted individual 1 would do with this inheritance what he’s done with his previous inheritances and destroy it. Well, here we are……………..

When you consider the Covid-19 crisis, the economic crisis, and the crisis in the streets of America it’s plain that, as of now, individual 1’s “MESS” will include three crises the next administration will “inherit.” Here’s the bottom line for “we the people” – the VOTERS – it is incumbent on us to continue paying attention and demanding the changes which are required to move this nation into the 21st century – as something other than the “world’s policeman.” It should be obvious to MOST Americans we spend way too much on the military and not nearly enough on the investments necessary to make our nation healthy once more. Investments in our people – from the bottom up (that’s an entire topic for another day) – investments in our infrastructure, investment in our education system, and, of course, turning health care into a “right” in America instead of a “privilege.” A large “MESS” means there is a HUGE opportunity!

Final thought: I’ve pointed out, in the past, my willingness to give our IMPEACHED so-called president advice and, well, I’ve got some NEW advice for him. First, I have to give a bit of context. I’m soon to be 73 years old and I’ve been dealing with early onset arthritis for about 45 years. Between 2004 and 2014 I had 14 different surgeries – until, I decided “enough” – and, decided to keep taking the pills so I could stay out of the hospital. Every year I take a physical exam and, over the past few years my doctor has given me a test to see if I’m still “all here.” Actually, it’s a test to see if I’m heading toward dementia. I haven’t shared that information with too many people because I didn’t feel it necessary to BRAG that I’m still not totally “losing it.” Well, as things these days would have it, this is the same test given to individual 1.

Things like “can you count backwards from 10?” “Can you name a certain number of four legged animals.” OMG – I can’t remember how many you have to remember! (It’s been almost a year since the last time I took it :o) I was listening to individual 1 BRAGGING to someone on Fox “news” tonight that he “passed” the test and I almost fell on the floor laughing. I can’t believe our IMPEACHED so-called president did anything which caused me to laugh – but, I’m admitting it. However, I laughed because his BRAGGING was unbelievably PATHETIC! Honestly, I had to wonder, “what could cause him to think this is some kind of challenging test?” Does he not remember 6th grade? There wasn’t ONE test I EVER gave my sixth grade students which was not significantly MORE intellectually challenging than this test (I don’t know what they call it). In fact, I’m guessing my second grade granddaughter is challenged well beyond what our IMPEACHED so-called president is BRAGGING about! His advisers keep telling him to SHUT UP! He, really should listen to them!

Individual 1 continues to find new ways to EMBARRASS “we the people.” In this instance the EMBARRASSMENT is NOT as devastating – which is good. But, the coronavirus incompetence is also EMBARRASSING but it’s devastating to those who are suffering because of the incompetence – which is going to be more and more of us every day as the infection spreads. The FACT people around the world are laughing AT America is EMBARRASSING itself and, until, November there’s nothing “we the people” can do about it. I just hope he’ll quit making such a FOOL of himself between now and then and will stop sending military troops into our cities to attack WOMEN trying to shield their children who are exercising their first amendment rights!

I have to add: While we’re talking about republicans ATTACKING women, well, it seems they simply are incapable of learning. Last night I watched video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the floor of the House “dress down” Representative Ted Yoho of Florida for calling her a “f@#king bitch” on the steps of the Capitol building in front of reporters. It was as if this is just what republicans do – and, after it was reported in the press, Mr. Yoho gave the typical non-apology apology and Ms Ocasio-Cortez would have none of it. I’ve been saying for almost two years now, these “new” democratic lawmakers in the democratic party – including Ms Ocasio-Cortez – are giving me hope. They are spry, they are bright, and they are fighters. There’s a large group of them and I’m doing the best I can to support them ($5 – $20 at a time) and, maybe, people like Mr. Yoho (along with Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunez, and the goofy guy from Texas who I can’t remember his name) will not get re-elected.

When you stop to think about this, it’s not that surprising. If you don’t understand what I mean take a look (again) to the “Access Hollywood” tape where individual 1 BRAGGED about grabbing women by their “pussies” – “Because, when you’re famous they’ll just let you.” Well, shortly after that video was released about 20 women came forward and let us all know they weren’t “just letting him grope them.” In fact, they were incredulous – they just felt there was nothing they could do about him slipping his hand up their dress and, well, you know the rest! Kudos to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Remember, individual 1’s ILLEGAL behavior would NOT be possible without a cowardly, complicit republican Congress!

I’m old. My hands are bad. I want to quit writing so much. But, at the same time I don’t believe I’ll be able to stop until individual 1 has been voted out of office. And, make no mistake, I’m of the “bent” “we the people” need a massive run on the polls to hold our IMPEACHED so-called president accountable and all the republicans in Congress who’ve been his lackey’s. Of course, I know we’re NOT going to vote them all out of office, but, based on the reality of the day, I believe it’s possible to vote MANY of them into the history books. And, that would include Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay – although, admittedly, they will be difficult to defeat. They are so entrenched in Kentucky and South Carolina it will take a massive run on the polls by democrats (and, disenchanted republicans) to get them out of there.

Things keep getting worse. Today, I read where individual 1 “doesn’t want to be bothered with the pandemic anymore.” OK, that’s really bad! He’s the one who’s supposed to put together a national plan to mitigate the DAMAGE of this virus, but, by now, we all know, he’s INCAPABLE of doing so. But, to be disinterested? To not want to be bothered? While Americans are dying by the thousands? And, today, it was reported the “White House” is lobbying to REMOVE every stinking bit of money in the next “Covid-19” bill intended for “testing, tracing, and treating.” Likely, because that is the want of the democrats – Nancy Pelosi in particular.

I wrote the other day it would not surprise me to see individual 1, in vindictiveness, turn on the American people as a way to get even for the nasty polls he’s looking at. Instead of attempting to formulate an actual “plan” to “turn things around,” he can’t do that – why? – well, we all know why – he would have to admit to a mistake. He’s absolutely incapable of that. And, worse, he will continue to soil himself and cause “we the people” to be sickened as he proclaims what a great job he’s doing. He’ll keep trying to tell us his blocking fights from China (he really didn’t do that, but he thinks he did – and, regardless, it solved NOTHING) saved “2 to 3 MILLION people from dying.” Yikes!!! The guy’s a NUT JOB!!!

So, let me give you a hint of context. When this all started, the original predictions from scientists said if we did NOTHING (which, apparently, is individual 1’s plan) there could be 2.2 MILLION Americans losing their lives before we reached “herd immunity.” Of course, that was before scientists understood it’s possible we won’t be able to reach “herd immunity” because they don’t understand how long immunity lasts once you get the virus – already, there are reports of people getting it AGAIN! That being said, it’s already been determined individual 1’s LACK of action in the first “70 days” of the virus hitting our shores has resulted in the loss of, by now, deaths totally 100,000 – and counting. Of course, the FACT our IMPEACHED so-called president has, essentially, walked away from the crisis just makes this worse.

When you look at virtually every other country in the world (except Brazil) it becomes obvious how BAD “we the people” are doing. And, in places like Washington State, where I live, we had brought the “numbers” way down – but, they’re going back up again. I pointed out, early on, what was going to happen if the (republican) governors in the South, Southwest, and Rust Belt continued to “pooh pooh” the virus it was going to get out of control in their states and, sadly, it would then spread back to those states who actually tried to “stop the spread” early on. Now the United States is averaging somewhere around 70,000 new cases per day and, based on all the reports I’m seeing from the governors responsible for the massive outbreaks, it’s going to get MUCH worse. According to Dr. Fauci we’re looking at 100,000 NEW cases per day SOON!

This will turn our Health Care system into a national disaster and our doctors and nurses will be tested beyond reason – with many of them becoming martyrs to a totally DEPLORABLE (so-called) president and a bunch of his lackeys – headed by Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp, Greg Abbott, and Doug Ducey the governors of Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Arizona in order. There are others, but these are the worst ones – at least some of the others are beginning to put up a fight if that’s just mandating masks in public places. It’s very discouraging to see the number of Americans who’ve been brainwashed into thinking wearing a mask is some kind of abridgment of their liberty. In fact, their liberty does NOT allow them to abridge mine! It really is similar to preventing people from smoking in public places – you don’t get to put YOUR smoke in MY lungs!

I spent the last 22 years of my working life in a 6th grade classroom and I TOTALLY believe the best place for our children come September is back in their classrooms. But, not at the expense of the risk to their health and that of the adults in the buildings. Based on what I’ve been seeing coming from the “White House,” There seems to be a lack of concern for both. Which, of course, means our IMPEACHED so-called president’s “plan” amounts to NOTHING! Individual 1 is simply demanding schools reopen, but he’s willing to do NOTHING to help mitigate the risks EVERYONE in the buildings will be facing. As I pointed out above, he’s even pushing to pull ALL funds aimed toward increased testing in the next relief bill out of the bill! That is utter NONSENSE – but, that’s what “we the people” are facing. The schools need much more than simply the ability to test those involved – and, don’t tell me kids can’t get this virus and that it doesn’t hurt them.

Of course they can and of course it can! In fact, we don’t understand all the ways it can affect children, but one thing we do know is that some of the issues can be either life threatening or cause lifetime issues or both. I don’t think that’s a GAMBLE very many parents want to take with their children. Imagine sending your student back to school in Florida where there are between 10,000 and 16,000 NEW cases EVERY day – likely to get worse – and, knowing there’s a shortage of testing facilities. What does that mean? That means the situation is MUCH worse. Personally, I wouldn’t expect parents to send their kids to school under those circumstances.

And, get this, there’s groups of people around the country complaining their kids would have to wear a mask if they reopen the schools this fall as if it would violate their “liberty.” My first thought when I saw that was “Are you kidding me?” Then I thought, is it possible these mothers (and, from the photo I saw of the demonstration, it was WHITE mothers protesting) don’t care if their children get the virus? Have they been watching too much Fox news? It’s true only a small percentage of children who contract Covid-19 get critically ill, but do you really want to be the one?

Sadly, in most instances, it will be the kids from the low socio-economic status homes who will be almost forced to go back to school – there are a plethora of reasons why it’s really important for them, not the least of which is food. I taught in a school which had a poverty rate of over 90% and I would have gladly gone into the classroom, but my guess is there will be a lot of kids getting “home-schooled” this year if the federal government can’t come up with a “plan” to slow down the spread of this virus. And, based on what we’re seeing from our IMPEACHED so-called president, “Don’t hold your breath.”

Honestly, there’s far more individual 1 can do out of spite the closer he gets to election day and the worst the polls look for him. He CAN’T get out and hold his rallies because of his ineptitude in dealing with the virus. As I keep observing his actions I’m seeing one irony after another. He wants to campaign, he can’t because he refuses to deal with the pandemic. He wants schools to open but, again, by refusing to deal with the pandemic more and more will be going “virtual.” He wants to be viewed as a “war time president,” but – you guessed it, he’s AWOL from the battle – not a good look. And, now he wants to be considered a “law and order” president but he keeps giving one example after another of his disdain for our laws and our constitution.

He comes across to me, as I’ve said many times here, as a wannabe mafia boss – he’s trying to be like Vladimir Putin. It’s really rather pathetic. Not only has he, on multiple occasions, shown his utter disdain for our system of laws with his repeated OBSTRUCTIONS – he obstructed Mueller, by many accounts, at least 10 times and his OBSTRUCTION of Congress was one of the Articles of Impeachment. If the election wasn’t a couple months away I have no doubt Congress would IMPEACH him again. He’s now putting troops in the streets of American cities unilaterally with not even a hint of explanation or justification. And, I can tell you, I certainly hope graffiti on the walls of a building isn’t sufficient cause to call in the military to KIDNAP American citizens without cause! This is fascism, pure and simple!

I live across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon and what is going on there would make Vladimir Putin semi proud. Of course, Putin knows the limitations individual 1 is operating under, but he’s got to be thrilled he managed to get an American (so-called) president elected who’s “trampling” on the constitution in a way making elected officials wonder “what the hell can we do to stop this?” I kicked in some money the other day for a group of people who have created a “street medic” force for those getting brutalized by the forces individual 1 has put on the streets of Portland. They purchased a “decommissioned” ambulance which they are getting “up to speed” so they can help those being injured by the thugs our IMPEACHED so-called president has put on the streets of Portland.

I watched film the other day of a Navy veteran who wanted to question those members of the ILLEGAL force individual 1 has on our streets (Portland) and he was met by a couple UNIDENTIFIED members of ???? (we have no idea what “force” they belong to) by “billy clubs” and then a third member of this force sprayed pepper spray directly into his face. This was a big, burly, former member of the Navy and he simply turned and walked away – no violence (on his part)! It turned out these federal THUGS broke his hand in several places. Really, is this what we want in America? These THUGS are wandering the streets of Portland and KIDNAPPING protesters with NO probable cause, not identifying themselves, and, in most cases, simply intimidating them and then releasing them. The COURT CASES are coming, but it will take time for them to get resolved and, likely, individual 1 will be GONE by that time. Hopefully, there will be accountability down the road.

What should this accountability look like? Well, let’s start with individual 1’s authority to send these THUGS in the first place. Yes, it appears they are able to prevent protesters from putting graffiti on the Federal Building – but, wandering the streets and KIDNAPPING people randomly? I’m not sure where the authority for doing that comes from? Using tear gas on the streets of Portland when it’s been specifically banned? Can ANY president order Federal troops to override local laws and ordinances at will? I’d say to “conservatives,” be careful what you wish for! And, there was a COMPLETELY peaceful protester in Portland who was SHOT between the eyes by a “non-lethal” bullet – putting this person in the operating room attempting to save his life after his skull being fractured. I believe there will be legal consequences for that action – whoever shot that projectile should be checking the phone book for an ATTORNEY. (And, I can guarantee you, individual 1 won’t be paying the bill)

Individual 1 is out of control and, sadly, republicans still continue their operating in FEAR of the “nasty tweet” which means, via their silence, they are complicit in ALL of this. If “we the people” don’t like Federal troops on our streets, if we don’t like a (so-called) president being AWOL during a “once in a century” global pandemic, If “we the people” don’t want a (so-called) president making RACIST comments as if he’s using a “bull horn” instead of what’s been, up until now, a “dog whistle,” if we don’t want a (so-called) president undermining virtually EVERY traditional institution in our country, if “we the people” don’t want a (so-called) president destroying our credibility with our international allies, and, if “we the people” don’t want a (so-called) president doing to our economy what he’s done to his business (bankruptcy) in the past (five times), then we need to follow the advice of the republicans making up the “Lincoln Project” and vote for Joe Biden!

Final Thought: I stopped reading John Bolton’s book about half way through because I just got Mary Trump’s book which I will finish reading first. Both Mr. Bolton and Ms. Trump confirm what I’ve read in countless other books – including “Anonymous” which comes from someone else on the “inside” – and, that is our IMPEACHED so-called president SHOULD have been convicted of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” by the republican Senate when they had the opportunity to “free” “we the people” from this nightmare. Maybe these Senators don’t read, but the evidence we have a mafia boss as our (now) IMPEACHED so-called president is overwhelming. He’s trying to “be like Putin” – who operates the world’s largest organized crime syndicate – even though he comes across as a wannabee.

Of course, if he can convince Americans to give him a second term, well, all bets would be off. That seems highly unlikely at this point in time – but, I will be encouraging anyone and everyone who I talk to to vote in November. Yes, some will vote for individual 1, but, at this point in time, his DISAPPROVAL rating is hovering around 60%. He’s the least popular (so-called) president in my lifetime – and, I can guarantee you, he’ll get less popular after he’s been voted out of office. Many Americans will be claiming “I didn’t vote for him.” He’s like the bad version of George Wallace and, hopefully, the accountability for his illegal behavior will be pursued once he’s no longer protected by the OLC memo. When you read Mary Trump’s book it helps you understand what is happening and he comes across as a pathetic example of a person raised in an abusive environment. Pathetic or not, “we the people” MUST vote him out of office along with his republican enablers – who didn’t have the courage of their own convictions!

I get the uneasy feeling individual 1 will be attempting to “burn down” more and more of our institutions as we get nearer to November and his poll numbers continue to “tank.” I just don’t have any confidence he’s capable of admitting to all the mistakes he’s made so he’ll be “doubling down” on them and enacting his revenge on all us “liberals” who are going to vote against him in the election. I’m guessing that’s part of his “strategy” (if he’s capable of a “strategy”) with the troops in American cities run by democrats!

Joe Biden is correct when he says November’s election is for the soul of this nation! Vote!!!

In America there always has been or is going to be a “divide” between the two parties except for critical times when it is/was incumbent on “we the people” to “come together.” In my lifetime, those moments when we have managed to do this have been the result of leadership coming from whoever, at that time, is the president. For example, after the attack of “9/11” George W Bush’s approval rating went into the 90’s – until he began the LYING which got “we the people” encumbered in the Iraq fiasco. Well, now is a time when there WAS an opportunity to pull “we the people” together and we are seeing the opposite behavior. Individual 1 is becoming more and more obnoxious by the day. His approval rating shows it!

Yesterday, in a rambling “press briefing” – which was NOT a press briefing – instead a rambling monologue which lasted over an hour of rhetorical “ping pong,” individual 1 was “bouncing” from one grievance to another. Aside from the reality giving a campaign oration in the Rose Garden is a violation of tradition (Of course, it is – he could care less about “tradition”), individual 1 is setting a standard for LYING which, likely will never be challenged from the place of honor (in his case, dishonor) he now holds. I just purchased the book written by his niece and she was finally granted permission to speak in public (that’s a story for another day) and she was asked yesterday what advice she would giver her uncle at this point in time – after all that has happened since he took office and her advice was RESIGN!

I couldn’t agree more – only because I’m concerned about the scope of the DAMAGE he might inflict on “we the people” out of revenge for getting thrown out of office. And, if you think that’s hyperbole, check back with me post election. It’s going to get really interesting. We’re watching a mafioso boss “leading” our country in real time. It does appear some of his CULT is beginning to “peel off” because individual 1’s behavior is so bizarre, but the reality is there is a curious group of Americans who, somehow, still support him. And, many of them claim to be Christians! Let that sink in. When I’m trying to explain to someone why I believe in Jesus I often have to make sure I point out I DON’T support individual 1 and I don’t understand how any “Christian” could possibly do so.

I mentioned above I purchased Mary Trump’s book (more on that later) which is on the top of my PILE of books I’ve purchased – but, I’m certain her book will just be “the cherry on top” of all the other books I’ve read by authors attempting to provide “we the people” the evidence we need to understand we MUST vote individual 1 and as many of his sycophants (ie republican Senators and republicans in the House) as we possibly can come November 3rd out of office. There’s a growing list of people who are “in the know” pointing out our country can NOT survive another four years with this IMPEACHED so-called president in the “White House.” Personally, I’m worried about the DAMAGE he can inflict on “we the people” before January 20th of next year!

As I listened to Mary Trump in an interview it reminded me of what I read in “Anonymous A Warning” written by, well, we don’t know. It was written by someone on the inside of individual 1’s administration – I kept feeling its author is Kellyanne Conway as I read through it – but, regardless, this was someone on the inside suggesting we MUST vote individual 1 out of office come November. Clearly, a republican who simply sees the danger in him remaining in power. Other republicans, like Rick Wilson (now part of the “Lincoln Project” – to which I’ve donated money), Conway’s husband George (also part of the Lincoln Project), John Bolton (I’m in the middle of his book), Mitt Romney (who will be the leader of the republican party and considered a hero when this is all said and done – that’s my prediction), Steve Schmidt (also of the “Lincoln project” along with Bill Crystal). and, the list goes on – republicans who now realize the DANGER of this (so-called) president.

So, why would this growing number of republicans be “pulling the alarm” on the reality of what “we the people” are dealing with under the “guidance” of a mafia boss in the “White House.” Of course, the issues are numerous and I’ll pick a few off the top of my head. Naturally, I’m concerned with the Covid-19 crisis because, it appears to me, it is at the root of what is holding our economy down – well more than has been publicly reported. Yesterday in America there were over 73,000 confirmed cases in America while ALL of Europe had something over 17,000 cases. Today, even more NEW cases! Dr. Fauci’s prediction of 100,000 new cases per day seems to be just around the corner. And, worst of all, individual 1 is doing NOTHING to mitigate the spread of the virus, almost as if this is one of his “presents” to “we the people” for threatening to vote him out of office.

I live across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. Well, over this past week our IMPEACHED so-called president has ordered his “brown shirts” into Portland – actually, they are unidentified federal thugs wearing cammo and dressed with riot gear, including automatic weapons and tear gas – clear violations of local regulations – and they are actually simply KIDNAPPING peaceful demonstrators, throwing them into unmarked rented vans and hauling them off to who knows where. One of the demonstrators – you’ve probably seen video of this outrage – was SHOT in the head by one of the “intruders” and is now fighting for his life in a Portland hospital. What is the stated reason from the Department of Homeland Security? (? really?) There’s graffiti on the walls of the federal building. Yikes!!!

If I were the governor of Oregon I would be ordering these people to be arrested every time they put a hand on a local resident, every time they fired their weapons at demonstrators, and, especially, EVERY time they KIDNAPPED one of the protesters. Let’s find out if individual 1 has had enough effect on the courts to allow for outright fascism – which is exactly what this amounts to. Individual 1 is attempting to convince Americans he’s the “Law and Order” (so-called) president – apparently, believing “we the people” haven’t noticed he’s OBSTRUCTED Justice on multiple occasions, has CHEATED in order to “win” the election and is doing it again, and has a history of financial “hanky panky” dating back to the 1970’s. He clearly believes “we the people” are STUPID. And, evidently, to a degree he’s correct!

The bottom line here, though, is there actually are republicans who believe in traditional conservative “Burkian” (I may have made up a word) philosophy. George Will comes to mind and he’s rebuked individual 1 as strongly as just about any “conservative.” I would agree Mr. Will is a “conservative” based on my understanding of the actual meaning of the word. Individual 1, Moscow Mitch, Lindsay Graham, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunez, and I could go on and on – not so much. To me, they are more like right wing thugs!

I’ve been pointing out individual 1 is a fascist for over three years now. I’m sure that was considered hyperbole by many who read the words, but I now “rest my case.” The part of the interview with Mary Trump and Rachel Maddow which really caught my attention was when she said “If “Donald” wins another term in the ‘White House’ it will be the end of the American experiment.” I’ve always felt the only way for America to become a fascist state would be from within and I always have felt “we the people” would never let that happen. Well, I’ll find out this November. It’s incumbent on “we the people” to end this nightmare. Joe Biden is correct when he says November’s election is for the soul of this nation!

I’ll end by pointing out over the previous several days the average number of NEW Covid-19 cases reported EACH day have exceeded 70,000. And, “we the people” desperately need our federal government to institute a “plan” to mitigate the virus – but, individual 1 is AWOL. Of course, he’s been AWOL for much of the time we’ve been dealing with this pandemic – the FIRST 70 days and, now, the previous 70 (or so) days. America has become an embarrassment to the rest of the world and we’re stuck with this reality until next January. How bad can it get?? Stay tuned!!!

Final Thought: I was one of the one MILLION Americans who purchased Mary Trump’s book on its first day (actually, I purchased it a few weeks prior to its release) and, tonight. I listened to an interview with Ms Trump and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. To say the least, the interview was interesting. I haven’t read the book yet (just got it today and I’m in the middle of John Bolton’s book AND I have Jacob Soberoff’s book, “Separated,” which I really want to read) but what may be the most salacious part of tonight’s interview was Mary Trump “matter of factly” saying she’s heard her uncle, individual 1, routinely use the “N word” and “anti-Semitic slurs.”

Ms Trump clearly agrees with people like me when she says should her uncle be re-elected it would be “the end of the American experiment.” She adds William Barr has “gutted the Justice Department” and Mike Pompeo has “gutted the State Department” and this is not hyperbole it’s just the way it is. So, the reality is NOTHING which came from Mary Trump’s mouth tonight surprised me including his use of racial slurs. Of course he does! Do you think someone who led the “Birther movement” and referred to countries in Africa as “shithole” countries is not a racist? Do you really believe someone who blocked African Americans from renting from him to the point where he paid fines to the government is NOT a racist? PLLLLEASE!

I’m looking forward to reading this book and I’ll be giving a “book report” as soon as I’m finished.

Individual 1 and GOP governors can LIE about this pandemic all they want, but that doesn’t change the reality “we the people” continue to face!

This past week individual 1 commuted the sentence of Roger Stone who “had the goods” on our IMPEACHED so-called president and, clearly, was suggesting the first day he spent behind bars would be the day he would consider the old saying “lets make a deal.” And, of course, individual 1 chose a commutation as opposed to a pardon ostensibly because that’s what Stone was lobbying for – so he could “clear his name.” ????? That makes no sense to me. Stone says he wants another trial – of course he does, so he can be found GUILTY on seven counts AGAIN! If you believe these people I’ve got a bridge……………… (OK, you know where that goes) So, why the commutation instead of a pardon? Well, I believe the answer is quite simple.

Had individual 1 pardoned Stone he (Stone) could be called as a witness in a future proceeding and he would have lost his 5th amendment rights. In other words, the next Attorney General, who I’m going to assume will not be part of the same organized crime syndicate as William Barr, could decide to dig deeper into the “Russia thing” and call Stone as a witness. He would then have two choices (well, actually three). He could “rat out” individual 1 by telling the TRUTH about what REALLY happened in the 2016 campaign with the Russians or he could refuse to “rat out” ‘the boss’ and, without 5th amendment protection, go to jail for contempt of court. And, of course, the third option is what he usually does and that is to LIE! Of course, in this instance, LYING is perjury and, I would suppose, any good prosecutor could catch him in the act and, well, there he is back in prison.

I’m not sure what protections getting a commuted sentence brings him, but I’m guessing it precludes him having the opportunity to have to LIE for individual 1 once again. Actually, I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. Truth be told, I’m hoping he was actually telling the truth when he said he wants a new trial. I really hope that’s granted and I would look forward to seeing the results. Keep in mind, should that happen, Bill Barr will likely be long gone (maybe he’ll be defending himself in the next door courtroom – we can hope) so there will be no one to mitigate his sentence the next go round. Of course, Stone was LYING when he suggested he wants a “new trial.” He might be dumb, but he’s not stupid! (OK, I’m guessing on that one)

When you get beyond the CORRUPTION the Stone case – from the moment Barr interceded to the time individual 1 commuted the sentence Barr got reduced – you get a clear picture of why there were HUGE groups of Americans in the streets after the LYNCHING of George Floyd. There are a plethora of issues, none of which look good for “we the people.” (And, picture Barr right now – he further soiled himself in stepping on the “plank” and getting Stone’s sentence, essentially, cut in half – and, then individual 1 pushed him off the end of the plank by commuting that REDUCED sentence. But, there’s a whole lot more.

For starters: Picture if you had agreed to be a part of the jury which took a month or more out of their lives to do their “duty” only to have their work over ridden by our IMPEACHED so-called president in maybe the MOST brazen act of corruption in my lifetime. (I’ve been paying attention to all this stuff since the days for Eisenhower.) That’s got to be frustrating to sit on a jury for that length of time only to find out it was a waste of your time. Is it any wonder people don’t want to do their jury “duty?”

Of course, the real frustration lies elsewhere. Picture ALL the people (mostly Black and Brown) who are languishing in various prisons around the country for “crimes” like possession of marijuana or other non-violent crimes involving drug abuse. These are crimes far less serious than Stone’s and yet he is “freed” without spending a single day in jail. Robert Mueller made it clear in his report how serious the CRIME of “obstruction of justice” is to the fundamental ability of prosecutors to carry out “equal justice under the law.” Mueller made it clear “obstruction” is a very serious CRIME. Of course, individual 1 “OBSTRUCTS” justice routinely, so it’s not too surprising he would disregard the seriousness of his actions as he commuted Stone’s sentence. However, that doesn’t make it any less egregious!

Our IMPEACHED so-called president tried to “sneak” this action in while “we the people’s” focus was rightly aimed at his ignoring our troops being targeted by rebels in Afghanistan who were being “paid” by Vladimir Putin. Further evidence Putin has “something” on individual 1 – lately, I keep thinking there MUST actually be a “pee tape” – or maybe worse. And, of course, the ineptitude in dealing with Covid-19 makes it hard to pay attention to almost anything else. As of the previous week I’m guessing the “7 day average” number of NEW daily confirmed cases nationally exceeds 60,000! Dr. Fauci claimed “unless we change our strategy we will soon be experiencing 100,000 new confirmed cases per day.”

Well, individual 1 didn’t seem to like hearing that (plus a lot more coming from Dr. Fauci) so, naturally, his solution was to ATTACK Fauci in ANOTHER desperate attempt to DEFLECT blame from his TERRIBLE lack of leadership regarding the virus which is throttling this nation – getting worse EVERY day just like Dr. Fauci predicted. (I would understand if you thought I meant his “leadership” was getting worse every day – but, actually, I was referring to the virus. Although, you have a point!) We are witnessing the WORST president in American history in REAL time!

Final Thought: Numerous times on this site I’ve speculated there are republican governors all around the country who are CHEATING on the “causes of death” for people succumbing to Covid-19 because it makes their TERRIBLE decisions to “open” their economies way too soon look a bit better. That’s if you can make yourself look better when your hospitals are at 100+% capacity and the refrigerated truck trailers are lining up outside these hospitals to hold the bodies because the morgues are full. Well, that’s exactly what’s happening in places like Texas, Florida, Arizona among others – and, it’s getting worse – because their “leader,” individual 1 continues insisting on doing NOTHING to mitigate this virus.

So, here’s my suggestion. Check the statistics on people who’ve died from pneumonia in these places over the previous four or five months and compare it to the months prior to the virus hitting us and to previous years. I saw one example somewhere, I don’t remember where, and, I think, it was referencing Texas (or Florida) and the numbers of people dying from pneumonia and it showed exactly what I’ve been talking about. The difference in anticipated deaths from pneumonia and those reported since this pandemic started was something like 4000 deaths. That would make more sense based on the number of people who have the virus in that state (again, I believe it was either Florida or Texas – but, it could have been Georgia, Arizona, Iowa, or any number of states with republican governors. They have NO shame!)

So, you think I’m full of “you know what?” Well, now this “strategy” of LYING about the statistics is going national. It was reported today the “White House” is now “ordering” hospitals and health departments around the nation to report their “statistics” to a “private” data base instead of sending the info through the CDC. OK, I know YOU aren’t STUPID enough to miss the point here, right? This is just another way for individual 1 to FOOL his supporters into thinking things are better than they really are. Kind of like him saying “If we didn’t test there wouldn’t be any cases!” And, incredibly, there are MILLIONS of Americans who believe him. Every time I hear him say that I can’t help but wonder if his “base” really is that STUPID to believe him?

Apparently, if they (the “White House”) can manage to HIDE the actual statistics on the numbers of people getting infected with Covid-19 and those DYING from it, well, it will no longer be an issue. I’m guessing the “plan” is that by hiding the reality we can then open our schools and, by the November election, there won’t be too many teachers and other support personnel in the schools DEAD so that he can manage to get himself re-elected so we can continue this MISERY for another four years! OMG!

OK, I have to add: As I’ve pointed out here I’ve been a life long “independent” politically, although, of late, I simply vote AGAINST republicans. However, the other day I visited the website of the “Lincoln Project” – which is the work of a group of republicans (and former republicans) who oppose individual 1. They are making some of the BEST anti- individual 1 ads you’ll see anywhere so I chose to make a donation. If you’re wanting our IMPEACHED so-called president defeated, I would suggest you consider making a donation to these people. I know who some of them are: George Conway (husband of KellyAnne), Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, and several others.

If we really haven’t devolved to 3rd world status. commuting Stone’s sentence then SHOULD lead to IMPEACHMENT #2!

I’ve pointed out here many times I usually check the stock market each morning despite the fact I have no direct interest in any stocks. When I’m “there,” meaning on the site of “” not much surprises me. So, this morning when I read an article focused on how Joe Biden’s economic plans would “take 25%” off the market valuations I was able to just take another example of Americans who care more about Wall Street than Main Street in stride. I can’t give exact examples from the article because I went back to the site as I started writing, which was about 2 hours after I read the article, and, apparently, they’ve pulled it down. Basically, the argument was by increasing taxes on corporations and increasing the minimum wage to $15 the corporate bottom lines would be negatively affected. I can’t remember the details, but the article just reaffirmed the reasons why I almost detest the people investing on Wall Street.

It’s as if they have no idea the seriousness of the pandemic which is, essentially, engulfing America due to the ineptness of the person they, via inference, would prefer making the economic decisions from the “White House.” Whoever wrote that article was concerned with an increase in regulations which, supposedly, would affect their ability to make money investing in corporations which have little to no interest in workers and community. I’ve been writing about this very issue for years – that the focus on shareholders at the expense of workers has been what is turning America closer and closer to third world status.

I listened to Biden lay out his “Build Back Better” plan (I think that’s what he called it) and it was hard to argue with his objectives. Of course, those on Wall Street can’t “see the forest for the trees” so it should be no surprise they would see an investment in America’s infrastructure, her people, and the health care industry, to name a few of the topics of his plan, as money not spent for their direct interest. What they fail to see is, in my view, the value of the long term health of the nation. They don’t seem to understand that, without the $7 TRILLION the Fed has pumped into Wall Street to keep the market “propped up” during this pandemic the recent upswing would NOT have happened. As I’ve said before, while adding I’m no economist, it appears to me there are many corporations in America which are surviving off government “largess.” (They’ll all be complaining about the deficit once Biden is in office – guaranteed!)

The reality, it seems, is we would be in an economic depression without all the money being funneled in various directions by the government. And, as I’ve said, I don’t think the republicans understand what the democrats have done for them. For example, from my standpoint, all that money the Fed has used to buy “toxic securities” keeping corporations “afloat” would be far less valuable without the PPP program pushed by democrats and, more importantly, the increased unemployment benefits for the OVER 40,000,000 Americans who’ve applied for unemployment benefits in the previous 3+ months.

The $600 per week going to those on unemployment is going right back into the economy in a myriad number of ways. For example, people are paying rents (good for them AND their landlords), people are paying the car payments, people can buy food for their families, they can pay their other monthly obligations whereas, without that money this country WOULD likely be in an economic depression. Of course, that money runs out at the end of July and republicans claim it won’t be renewed, despite the HEROES Act passed by the House which would continue to help the economy avoid total disaster. The republicans in the Senate decided this isn’t that important and they went on vacation at the beginning of July until almost the end of July. Yikes!

It’s almost as if they can’t act unless we’re in a disaster. Well, we’re IN a disaster, it’s just not as noticeable due to what I just pointed out. Of course, I certainly have not seen the statistics on how this coronavirus has affected hospitals and our health care system in general – but, keep in mind, before the virus hit, there were about 30 MILLION Americans without health insurance, MILLIONS more with insufficient health insurance, and even MORE MILLIONS who’ve lost their health insurance because, well, they’ve lost their jobs. And, to top it off, republicans are in the courts trying to end “Obamacare” which would add another 20 – 30 MILLION more Americans to the uninsured list. And, Covid-19 doesn’t check to see if you’re insured before it hits you!

Some who get the virus are in the hospital on ventilators for weeks if not months. How do you think an average working American will pay for that? A few years ago I had a surgery on one of my feet which was in a surgery center (not a hospital) and I was in and out of the facility in about four or five hours. The bill my insurance company got was approaching $30,000. Of course, the insurance companies have contracts with their “preferred providers” and they pay only a percentage of that amount, but for those without insurance, well, sorry! You’re screwed! And, picture a few weeks being intubated with round the clock service by three or four nurses and a couple doctors. I have to wonder, who’s paying for all these people in ICU’s around the nation? Kind of makes Bernie Sanders look like a prophet, doesn’t it?

And, I could go on and on about the issues created by individual 1, the present occupant of the “White House,” but, to me, his being AWOL when it comes to Covid-19 is cause by itself to reject him come November. In fact, when you combine that FACT with another FACT – that the Russians have put “bounties” on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan, and he’s doing NOTHING about it, to me that is grounds for IMPEACHMENT number two. Give the republicans in the Senate a “do-over” on whether or not to remove individual 1 from office. How many times does our “commander in chief” have to make decisions to the benefit of Vladimir Putin and the Russians before reality sinks in to “we the people?” There’s something “there there” and, hopefully, at some point we’ll find out. (Pee tape?)

The Covid-19 crisis is going to continue getting worse due to the lack of a national plan to stop it and, it may be too late at this point. I’ve been listening to the scientists and they’ve been correct! Surprise, surprise! While New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut were fighting the focal point of the initial outbreak there were republican “leaders” around the country kind of “poo pooing” the virus and suggesting it’s just another “flu.” (Of course, they’re not the ones in the hospitals fighting to save people’s lives) Many of these governors are in the South and the Rust belt. I remember saying, they were going to be eating a bunch of their words – which, I now believe, may be impossible.

Take Ron DeSantis, for example. I’m not sure if his issue is STUPIDITY or he’s just so “connected” to individual 1 that his decision making is focused on avoiding the mean “tweet” coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president. So, Florida is up to MORE than 10,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 every day and DeSantis is doing nothing, essentially, to stop the spread in his state. I’ve pointed out he’s one of my leading candidates for governors who are LYING about the statistics of how many people in his state are DYING from the virus, but it’s getting so bad I don’t think he’ll be able to continue avoiding the reality. What do I mean?

Well, Florida is the home of MILLIONS of older, retired Americans who are traditionally strong right wing republicans. Many live in retirement centers and, I believe, it’s easy to “tweak” the statistics of why people are dying by, for example, saying a patient died of pneumonia instead of Covid-19. Therefore a STUPID policy doesn’t look so bad. Today, DeSantis was proclaiming schools would be open in the fall because, “if we can do Walmart and Home Depot we can do schools.” These republicans are going to give STUPID a new name! Which means, I guess, I’m suggesting DeSantis is too STUPID to even remember the words he should be “eating” right now! And, naturally, there’s the governors of Georgia, Texas, and Arizona at the top of this list of a group of republican governors who are going to have “blood on their hands” when this is all over.

Of course, when it comes to getting kids back into classrooms, I spent the last 22 years of my career as a Middle School teacher and I’m at the front of the line of those claiming it’s imperative to get students back there. I’ve read the statistics of the number of High School students who simply chose nothing as opposed to digitally learning this past spring and it was alarming. These kids are our future. They NEED to be in the classroom. But, simply saying so isn’t a plan. This is something which SHOULD be important to every American and it’s an issue which requires creative thinking and a significant investment. The kids need to be safe and so do all the adults in the buildings. And, simply comparing this to Walmart and Home Depot being open is, well, (I wanted to say STUPID again, but I’ll say instead) LUDICROUS!

The CDC put out guidelines which individual 1 rejected and suggested and then said he would make the guidelines for them. Well, finally, I saw an “inkling” of backbone yesterday when the director of the CDC said they weren’t changing their guidelines. VP Pense suggested the CDC guidelines would be too expensive. What’s the old saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Individual 1, Pense, Betsy DeVoss, and many more associated with this administration are, seemingly, CLUELESS when it comes to solving serious problems. It appears their answer to these problems is to IGNORE them! To me, that’s a bad plan! This virus MUST be mitigated before it’s safe to reopen the schools, clear and simple! (Which means another “stay at home order” followed by a real targeted “re-opening”)

It’s barely past noon out West today, July 10, and, according to “” there have ALREADY been over 52,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 reported just today. The previous two days the number has surpassed 60,000 EACH day and today appears headed for even worse (12 states haven’t reported including a couple “biggies.” Almost EVERY state in the Union is experiencing an increase in cases and many are experiencing what is called a “spike” in cases where the graph is going up exponentially. Those who believe this is just another “flu” get their information from places like Fox “news,” Facebook, Breitbart, or other right wing outlets.

I believe the INACTION of our IMPEACHED so-called president will make it impossible for the schools to open in the fall in MOST states safely because this virus will continue to intensify and, if their plan is “herd immunity” it will take a year or two to reach that point. I hate to inform our IMPEACHED so-called president that “this virus is NOT going to magically disappear.” (And, drinking bleach is NOT a solution!) After writing the above I left for a few hours and when I returned the total NEW Covid-19 confirmed cases for today was OVER 71,000! Clearly, this is all going in the wrong direction.

As Anthony Fauci said a couple weeks ago, “If we don’t deal with this virus we’ll be at 100,000 cases a day before too long.” Well, I’m guessing, at the rate we’re going, that point in time will be in early August, right when individual 1, DeSantis, DeVoss, and the others in their cult will be pushing to get our kids back into school. I have three grandchildren and I don’t believe any of them will be going to school under these circumstances – if our leaders want the kids back in school then they’re going to have to make the hard decisions necessary to make that possible! I believe my governor might, but the effect of those governors who are going to simply try to wish this virus away is a problem for ALL of us! I don’t do social media, but if I did I’d be pushing for something like #Stay at Home AGAIN! I don’t believe there’s any other solution! (And, it may be too late for that)

Final Thought: Aside from the number of Covid-19 cases I saw when I returned the most recent deflection from the reality our IMPEACHED so-called president is AWOL from the “war” he proclaimed on this virus was his COMMUTING the sentence of Roger Stone – before he served a single day! Of course, if we really haven’t devolved to 3rd world status commuting Stone’s sentence SHOULD lead to IMPEACHMENT #2! We all know this won’t be happening because, once again, we’re hearing NOTHING coming from the republicans on this egregious act of judicial malfeasance! Just try to picture in your mind had President Obama done this to someone who was BRAGGING he had the “goods” on the one issuing the commutation. And, Stone, essentially, said, publicly, that was the situation. He could have “ratted” on our IMPEACHED so-called president to “get a better deal,” but he stayed loyal. (How many times do you think he reminded individual 1 of what he COULD say to the authorities on his first day in jail?)

I’ve been suggesting for at least a couple years now individual 1 appears to me to be a mafia boss. Well, if his actions in using this pardon power – a powerful “toy” in his hands – to keep someone who wouldn’t look out of place in a movie on organized crime out of jail – doesn’t get that point across to you then, well, you’re likely part of the cult! Individual 1 and William Barr are turning our Justice Department into a political weapon and, if they succeed, that will be the end of America as we’ve all known it. (I’m talking mainly about us old people, but also our children who simply believe turning this nation into a fascist regime is just not possible – we’re seeing how it IS possible in “real time.”)

The American people STILL have the right to vote – as of this writing – and, it is incumbent on “we the people” to correct this abomination come November 3rd, PERIOD, full stop! We MUST band together to remove individual 1 and his sycophants – and, they MUST be identified so that they don’t reappear down the road without consequence for their sycophancy – and that means as MANY Senate and House republicans as possible MUST be voted out in November – to a retirement of SHAME. They’re saying NOTHING as all of this is transpiring – which is the SAME as condoning it! (Just as they did during the IMPEACHMENT trial) Again, picture what they’d be doing had Obama done anything like this! Right now it should be clear we’re ALL fighting for “equal justice under the law.” And, that, of course, would include individual 1 and all these cronies! More simply put, we’re FIGHTING for our system of Justice which is the foundation of this nation – that’s where a TYRANT would to to undermine EVERYTHING we’ve stood for! Yikes!

As individual 1 continues to exercise STUPIDITY, “we the people” are losing our standing in the world!

I’ve written about how I believe some of the republican governors are CHEATING with the Covid-19 statistics in order to “mitigate” the outrage caused by the opening of their economies too soon and too fast. Here’s one example: On MSNBC’s “Dateline White House” show hosted by former republican Nicole Wallace she ends with a segment about “lives well lived” – saluting victims of the coronavirus. The other day she gave an online obituary of a man who “died of pneumonia while suffering from Covid-19.” That’s how they do it. Of course, pneumonia symptoms are one of the main ways Covid-19 kills you. So, in places like Florida or Texas with republican governors who aren’t looking too good right now, one way to make it look better for themselves is to LIE about the cause of death – especially in older people or people with “comorbidities.” Just call it diabetes, or whatever.

I’ve always listened to people suggesting all politicians are LIARS, but in the age of individual 1 things have gotten way out of hand – just like this virus has gotten out of hand. Clearly, individual 1 tapped into a section of America which was subject to his “grievance politics” in order to “win” the 2016 election. (With 3 MILLION fewer votes than his opponent) Our IMPEACHED so-called president is the master of the BLAME game and projection. NOTHING is EVER his fault. So, it should surprise no one he not only is regularly deflecting BLAME for his incredibly incompetent (lack of) leadership in the face of this deadly virus, but that he also feels no SHAME as he actually has the nerve to BRAG that he’s doing a “great job.” I know he’s a real estate salesman but, to me, he seems more like a carnival barker. Full of meaningless words! Plus, everytime he accuses someone of “something” you can be assured it’s him projecting his own faults. Sad!

So, that was yesterday, and, now, it’s today. And, of course, individual 1 continues to do everything he can to get people’s attention off his INCREDIBLE incompetence in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. “We the people’ are STUCK with this IMPEACHED so-called president and the embarrassment (and, worse) that America is BY FAR the worst country in the WORLD in dealing with the virus. (OK, Brazil is now giving us a “run for our money”) Apparently, his “strategy” now is telling “we the people” to “just get used to it.” I really don’t want to “just get used to it,” but with individual 1 as our (IMPEACHED so-called) president, what choice is there? And, to make matters worse, there are numerous republican governors who are also refusing to do what’s necessary to mitigate the virus and, sadly, this allows the virus to spread across the nation. Yikes!!!

So, how is individual 1 trying to get our attention off his incompetence today? Well, it should surprise no one, he’s doing it with MORE incompetence. However, this incompetence is shrouded in full blown RACISM! First, he chose to attack Bubba Wallace, the only African American driver on the NASCAR racing circuit – claiming the noose hanging in his stall recently at one of the races was a “hoax.” Of course it was, to individual 1 everything he doesn’t like is a “hoax.” And, why wouldn’t he like this? Well, Bubba Wallace was the key person in getting the RACIST confederate flags removed from NASCAR’s venues. Individual 1 = Overt RACISM!

But, that’s not all. Of course not, because, with individual 1 it’s NEVER just one thing when he’s trying to divert “we the people’s” attention from something which is helping to plummet his “numbers.” In the land of “stupid, his “strategy” causes the numbers to drop even more. So, after going after Wallace our IMPEACHED so-called president then chose the Washington DC football team and the Cleveland baseball team for his “nasty tweets.” He seems apoplectic these teams would have the audacity to change their RACIST nicknames – FINALLY! To individual 1 this is being “politically correct.” To people like me it’s FINALLY having these professional sports franchises join with those who want America to deal with her “original sin.” Individual 1 would struggle with this, naturally, because he just can’t hide his RACISM – despite the lofty position he somehow managed to gain. (Of course, with the help of the Russians and James Comey) What does this say about his evangelical Christian base?

Individual 1 shows his ignorance in more and more ways as his term has moved closer to the END – hopefully (I’m thinking the election in November). What he seems to struggle to understand is what it’s like for the nurses, doctors, and others working in the hospitals as their beds continue to fill to overflowing. Many of them, understandably are bordering on burnout with the increased hours and increased intensity of those hours – EVERY DAY! Additionally, I heard him today (actually, I believe I heard a snipit of one of his speeches from over the weekend of the Fourth) suggest that “99% of all Covid-19 cases are harmless.” He’s just uninhibited about showing his IGNORANCE in public. It really is embarrassing for “we the people” because people around the world are watching. Not only have (OVER) 130,000 died – and, we don’t know how many more than that, because of all the republican governors CHEATING on the data – I’ve explained in previous posts which you can find in the archives. The reality is we don’t know how bad the after effects of the disease are, but we do KNOW there are many options for permanent damage which are still part of the research.

Keep in mind, also, that while all this is going on individual 1 is in court trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act which would cause MILLIONS of American to experience bankruptcy should they contract this virus without medical insurance. And, with the amounts of deductibles on most insurance plans as it is, the cost being incurred by MILLIONS of Americans who contract this virus is extreme. Maybe someone like individual 1 is just unable to understand how every day Americans can be “wiped out” with one trip to the hospital. “Just getting used to it,” to me, just isn’t a viable option. Sadly, we won’t have much of a chance to stop this virus until next year – when we have someone in the “White House” who knows how to deal with a pandemic. This virus is NOT going to just “disappear.”

It should be obvious individual 1 has another option besides being STUPID in response to the first real crisis of his administration and then compounding the STUPIDITY with the subsequent crises. (OK, I know he blundered his way through Hurricane Maria and there has been STUPIDITY since day one – but this pandemic is historic) He could actually act like a real president and govern. He could have – I suppose still could – instigated a national response to this virus similar to the leaders of the other countries around the world – with the exception of Brazil – who have “flattened the curve.” Americans are being blocked from entry into virtually every country around the world – including MEXICO and CANADA! Yikes!! But, we all know this is impossible. Individual 1 is closer to a mafia boss than a president. Anyone who is able to order little children to be taken from their parents simply because their parents are trying to find them a “better life” is, well, I have a hard time finding the right word. I’m picturing in my mind a large fire with a figure holding something like a pitchfork standing in the middle of the fire. The DEVIL?! Unsurprisingly, individual 1 has referred to himself as “The chosen one.”

OMG, as I look back on the previous 3 1/2 years I’m reminded there have been MANY “crises,” it’s just none of them affected so many people as his INCOMPETENCE dealing with Covid-19 in regard to our IMPEACHED so-called president. I’ve often referred to his administration as a “scandal a day,” and, sometimes, more than one. It’s almost as if individual 1 is trying to just cause “we the people” to be so numbed by his INCOMPETENCE that we all collectively throw up our arms in frustration and drop out from any part of the political landscape. This may be his “road to victory,” counting on MILLIONS of Americans to not vote come November. I have to add one of my prayers is people will vote in record numbers this November – removing individual 1 and, hopefully, sending MANY Senate republicans (and individual 1 sycophants from the House) packing!

If individual 1 wasn’t in such an important job he would be a sad pathetic person who one could almost feel a sense of empathy for. I’ve pointed out many times here he’s the MOST narcissistic person I’ve ever witnessed, he’s a pathological LIAR almost beyond imagination, he’s a racist, a misogynist, and a xenophobe – I’ve included the definitions of each of those “disorders” in previous posts – and, all this makes him the most dangerous (IMPEACHED so-called) president in my lifetime and, maybe, ever. He is as close to turning America into a fascist state as I hope ever happens. It’s always been clear to me if this nation gets destroyed it will be from within – and, sadly, this can’t happen without a large number of people who are willing supporters – I’ve been calling this a CULT for about a year now.

I just pre-ordered a book by individual 1’s niece today and, based on the early reports of the book, she pretty much supports my “amateur” prognosis. Well, maybe I should put it, my “guesses” of his disorders pretty much are confirmed by her diagnosis – she’s a clinical psychologist. I’m looking forward to reading that book – hopefully I’ll have finished Bolton’s book by the time I get it. Part of the reports of the book suggest much of individual 1’s behavior supports my contention he’s part of a criminal network – maybe why he’s so worried about anyone getting a hold of his tax returns. Many of the alleged CRIMES won’t fall outside of the “statute of limitations.” 2021 could be an interesting year – considering individual 1 is the person urging the investigation of his perceived “enemies” – including President Obama. Well, I’m guessing we’ll be thinking of the saying “turnabout is fair play” for much of next year.

I’ll end this by re-confirming I recommend against buying John Bolton’s “memoir” about his time in the “White House.” I’m about a third of the way through it and one thing I can say for sure is Bolton is a serious note taker. He’s almost going through his time in the “White House” day by day. Bolton is critical of, well, just about EVERYONE! He must be really smart! Don’t know? There are no shortages of Bolton confirming he has a very high view of himself in the book. I don’t know enough about him to speculate if he’s a narcissist as well, but I can say it has crossed my mind. I will say, I wouldn’t call him a LIAR just someone who sees things through a special set of lenses. Stay tuned…………..

Final Thought: If Joe Biden was to ask me for a piece of advice, which, of course, he won’t – I’d tell him to remain vigilant right up to election day. Fight for every vote in EVERY state. Don’t take ANYTHING for granted and remember individual 1 is GOING to CHEAT! That’s a given! So, the way to win this election is with a massive voter turnout and, when you pick an African American woman as your choice for VP you’ll motivate all those Tea Party republicans who couldn’t handle Barack Obama as president. Well, just consider what they’ll be thinking when the possibility of an African American WOMAN as president sinks in.

This morning I listened to a MSNBC program titled “AM Joy” after the normal host Joy Reid – who, to me, is a BRILLIANT African American woman had the day off. Today, it was hosted by Tiffany Cross, who I’ve seen before in various segments as a “pundit,” but, today, she was the host and, I have to add, did a GREAT job! The reason I point this out is I’m just continually impressed with the number of African American WOMEN I get to listen to who are BRILLIANT! I say this because Joe Biden has a wide range of options should that be his intent on choosing his “running mate.” I’m encouraged that more and more of these BRILLIANT women will be finding their way into our government because it appears to me they have the wherewithal to initiate the reforms necessary to ACTUALLY fight against systemic racism along with many other issues.

I’ve felt for years the solution to this problem has to be led by those experiencing it. Over the course of my lifetime I’ve had MANY good friends who are/were African Americans. (I’m at that stage in life where you know your days are “numbered”) For many years my teaching partner was an African American who, in my mind, was the epitome of an American hero. He was a retired member of the Air Force, he was the pastor of a small church in our community, and he was an awesome Middle School teacher. Over the years I had MANY heart to heart discussions with him and he shared with me what he was forced to endure in his lifetime – right up until the day he “went home.” I’ve heard the “stories” too many times from others as well! It’s well past time to deal with the issue of racism in America. We still have the opportunity to do this as “brothers and sisters” and I’m praying that will be the focus of the Biden/???? agenda come 2021!

I’ve felt for my entire lifetime government SHOULD work from the “bottom up.” Just like businesses SHOULD work from the “bottom up.” When the people at the “bottom” are “healthy,” the people at the “top” are even healthier. (Than they would be if those at the “bottom” are not doing well) I believe this problem can be on the road to a solution with simple and fundamental changes in beliefs by “we the people.” For example, workers are more important than shareholders. (That, of course, doesn’t mean shareholders aren’t important) A minimum wage which is a “living wage.” ($15 per hour would likely work) Universal health insurance – ie “Medicare for all” would be an incredible boost to our economy. Free (or affordable) College Tuition plus a national emphasis on retraining workers who’ve lost their jobs because of shifts in the “economic winds.” (For example, changes forced by technology) The list goes on, but I hope you get the idea. African Americans aren’t looking for “handouts” they’re looking for equal opportunity and equal JUSTICE under the law.

It’s up to “we the people” to “turn this lemon into lemonade!”

I’m doing the best I can to keep up with what is happening in the United States of America right now, because, well, I’m a citizen, I vote, and I care. So, when I have to endure one STUPID remark after another from the (IMPEACHED so-called) president AND the vice president it’s hard to handle. Every day I log into “” which tracks every positive test for Covid-19, every death, every critical hospitalization, etc. and America continues to be the worst country on this earth in dealing with this crisis – yet, over and over, from individual 1 “It’s just going to go away.” A couple days he at least added “I hope” after he said that. And, Mike Pense is almost as bad – to me, he’s like the little boy who requires the approval of his “master.”

Yesterday there were over 55,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 in America surpassing the “record” of the previous day by a couple thousand. This is really BAD. The so-called “curve” is now looking like a line on the graph going straight up. We’ve been dealing with this virus for 6 months and our IMPEACHED so-called president is doing nothing more than wishing it away. I can tell you with certainty “wishing it away” just won’t work. “We the people” are STUCK with this so-called president for another 6 1/2 months and THOUSANDS of Americans are likely to die because individual 1 WON’T be able to “wish” this away.

I love this country and I’m proud “we the people” – with all our shortcomings, some of which it appears we’re FINALLY ready to face – have managed to self govern for well over 200 years. There have been many challenges – but, NEVER has there been an attack on the fundamental structure of this nation like we’re enduring right now. The incompetence and ignorance goes way deeper than this pandemic DISASTER, but, at the same time, as I continue my attempt to understand why individual 1 is so captivated by Vladimir Putin, I’m almost thinking this virus could ultimately be considered a blessing. Is individual 1 attempting to “overthrow” our government from within?

Clearly he appears to be a fascist – for all intents and purposes. I’ve felt all along one of the reasons he’s so envious of Putin is because he wishes he could just have the media people he hates either imprisoned or “outed” (if you know what I mean?). Obviously, he’s got William Barr going after his perceived enemies as I’m writing this – banana republic stuff. How many times has he lamented that Hillary Clinton hasn’t been arrested? (For emails?) And, James Comey, Andy McCabe, John Brennan, and you could likely include sitting members of Congress like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff?

Individual 1 is a bully who has apparently gotten away with it over the course of his life – so, he hates it when people push back, especially women. I find it interesting that Ms. Pelosi knows how to “push his buttons” and does so every chance she gets. And, Schiff simply speaks “truth to power” – which apparently turns individual 1 into a living rage. There are “pockets of resistance” forming in places around the country as more and more people realize what a threat he is to our basic institutions – some which have been DAMAGED to the point where it will take years to repair. Yet, individual 1 continues to BRAG he’s the “greatest president in the history of the country, with the possible exception of Lincoln.” That comment, itself, proves he’s a sick person!

Narcissistic personality disorder is a serious character flaw – and, individual 1 is the MOST “flawed” person I’ve EVER seen, heard, or read about. He meets ALL the traits of the disorder with an exclamation point! Here’s the definition: “Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward other people. People with NPD often spend much time thinking about achieving power and success, or on their appearance.” When I read the definition all that came to mind was individual 1 refusing to wear a mask during this pandemic because of how it looks. Yikes!!

Add to that being a pathological LIAR and you can see why he is such a danger to our republic. Here’s the definition of a pathological LIAR if you question my assertion: “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime”. We see evidence supporting this claim virtually EVERY day coming from individual 1. The “fact checkers” have documented OVER 20,000 (TWENTY THOUSAND!) observable LIES since he took the oath of office. That’s BAD!

Of course, it doesn’t end there. Here’s the definition of xenophobe: “Xenophobia is the fear or hatred of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. It is an expression of perceived conflict between an ingroup and an outgroup and may manifest in suspicion by the one of the other’s activities, a desire to eliminate their presence, and fear of losing national, ethnic or racial identity.” Picture the people seeking asylum in cages at our Southern border when you read that definition. Makes it quite clear. And, when you’re the (so-called) president of a country considered the “melting pot” of the world, that’s a BAD trait!

While I’m at it I might as well provide Webster’s definition of racism: “a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.” I’m simply, straight up, showing who our (so-called) president is – and, if you don’t think he’s a racist, read that definition again and, while you’re doing it, picture him referring to countries in Africa as “shithole” countries and lamenting why we don’t get more immigrants from “Norway.” This is REALLY bad, but there is something which may be worse!

The republicans in Congress don’t seem to consider this bad because they continue to walk in “lockstep” with our IMPEACHED so-called president. During the IMPEACHMENT saga ONLY one republican (now an independent) in the House voted to IMPEACH and only one republican in the Senate voted to CONVICT. In other words, republicans had the opportunity to end this American nightmare and their failure to do so will be the focal point of each one’s legacy. I wrote the other day, for example, about Lamar Alexander who agreed with the House IMPEACHMENT managers on the crime, he just didn’t believe EXTORTION was a “high crime and misdemeanor.” Of course, that left me wondering – “What would be then?”

Our constitution anticipated it was possible for a tyrant such as individual 1 to find his way into the “White House.” I’m sure they didn’t anticipate it would require the help of the Russians and the FBI, but, regardless, they anticipated this – which is why they put IMPEACHMENT into the constitution as the remedy. In fact, once the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), after “Watergate,” issued their “memo” suggesting a sitting president could not be indicted, the ONLY remedy for a corrupt (so-called) president became IMPEACHMENT. I suppose our founders didn’t anticipate social media and the potential cowardice of Congress during a “time such as this.” Honestly, all I can say at this time to republicans in Congress is “shame on you!”

I was one of the 1% who read the Mueller report (it was a lot of pages, it was intense writing, and I read it twice, just to make sure I understood it – I might read it again) and, clearly, he was “memorializing” the evidence of MULTIPLE episodes of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE for the Congress to determine if these egregious violations of basic LAW arose to the level of IMPEACHMENT – and/or for prosecutors once individual 1 leaves office. I believe Justin Amosh, the one republican (now former republican) who I’m certain read the report, came to the conclusion there was no other alternative than IMPEACHMENT after reading it. Sadly, I don’t believe many members of Congress actually took the time to read it – certainly, republicans. In the report, Mueller made it clear they did not consider an INDICTMENT of individual 1 because of that OLC memo.

In fact, that’s exactly why I refer to our IMPEACHED so-called president as “individual 1,” because that is the name he was given by the Southern District of New York as the “unindicted co-conspirator” with Michael Cohen on TWO felony charges regarding the illegal payments to two women individual 1 had affairs with (while his THIRD wife was pregnant with his final child and then while she was raising him early on) which he didn’t want to be made public prior to the 2016 election. I’m guessing his “Christian” base, which was already overlooking a couple dozen women accusing him of sexual assault, wouldn’t have cared, but he apparently didn’t want to “chance it.” We’ve learned, our IMPEACHED so-called president feels he’s “above the law” so what’s another “crime?” (Personally, my hope is he’ll find out after next January 20th.)

I’m certain, if you’re still reading, you’re wondering what is my point? Well, as usual, my point is to emphasize the importance of “we the people” doing what the Congress doesn’t have the guts to do and that is IMPEACH individual 1. Allow him to stand trial for the same crime for which Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison – crimes Cohen did at individual 1’s direction. If we can give individual 1 the opportunity to defend himself in court that would mean “we the people” would have a much better chance of dealing with this pandemic and the crises which are on the horizon – the most significant being, of course, CLIMATE CHANGE. Individual 1 has turned America into the World’s laughing stock and the question will hover over us for some time as to whether or not we can “heal that wound.”

People around the world are just shaking their heads wondering what the hell has happened to America? And, of course, now “we the people” are persona non grata in virtually every country across the globe. Why? Well, very simply put, “we the people” have to depend on our president for leadership in crises like this pandemic and we’re seeing what happens when there is NONE! And, sadly, I mean NONE! Wishing the virus to go away is NOT a “strategy.” It looks to me as if today America could have over 60,000 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and, clearly, the virus is out of control and spreading across the entire nation. People in other countries which did the “hard work” to “flatten the curve” don’t want Americans bringing the virus back into their countries. I can’t say that I blame them.

The reason I laid out what I consider the character flaws of individual 1 is to show, clearly, what a DANGER he is to our people as this virus looks to be heading to Anthony Fauci’s prediction of 100,000 new cases per day – sooner rather than later. It was clear to many of us early on in this pandemic, as we watched what was happening in New York and the surrounding areas, it was a “fools errand” for those states across the country – mostly with republican governors – who were not taking this virus seriously – as if it couldn’t happen to them. And, they, along with many of their constituents, were getting their “advice” from individual 1 so that it became kind of a “political football” simply whether or not you wore a mask. As preposterous as that seems, that is the “leadership” we got from the “White House.” Sad!

And, in places where the curve was “flattened” – like in my state, Washington – the cases are increasing again because the virus doesn’t know there are borders. People travel back and forth across this country and, it appears to me, the entire country is likely to be “infected” within a month or two. I certainly hope I’m wrong – selfishly, I want to be able to play golf – but, it’s clear at this point in time “shelter in place” orders are on the horizon. For heaven’s sake, Arizona very well may be the most intense Covid-19 “hotspot” in the entire world right now. And, Texas? Their HUGE hospitals are full and they’re talking about decisions on who gets treatment (young) and who doesn’t (old). Yikes! I’d better not travel to Texas, I’m old!

Do you remember Texas’ Lt. Governor suggesting “There’s worst things than living?” Well, I’m still not completely certain what he meant by that – but, I interpreted him to be saying “Wall Street” is more important than “Main Street.” Especially, when you consider the most sick of all the people in Texas are the “essential workers.” In Texas the minimum wage is STILL $7.25 (In Washington State it’s $13.50 – come on Texas!) and, of course, it’s MOSTLY “Black and Brown” people working at that level and being repeatedly exposed to this virus. And, of course, it’s not the Lt. Governor who’s going to DIE from this, it’s the “Black and Brown” people who are forced to work in order to put food on their tables. Do you get the picture here? (Maybe exposing Black and Brown workers to Covid-19 is another “voter suppression” strategy) Do you wonder why there’s a backlash to systemic racism?

My point in all of this is ostensibly individual 1 has NO strategy for fighting this virus, but when you look closely at his character flaws and you consider where his opposition is coming from, well, maybe he does have a strategy. I’m not sure he actually realizes what his “strategy” or “non-strategy” whatever it may be is doing to our hospital system and our health care workers. But, again, maybe I’m the one who doesn’t get it. Because, he along with the Attorney General (AG) of Texas (and other republican AG’s) are presently arguing in the Supreme Court to fully overturn the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”) which would accomplish several things.

First, it would take health insurance away from about 23 MILLION Americans, right off the top. Additionally, I’m not certain what it would do to Medicaid, but likely it would reduce those on Medicaid my MANY millions of Americans. Parents would no longer be able to include their children on their policies until their children are 26 and protection against discrimination based on “pre-existing” conditions would be gone – affecting over 100 MILLION Americans – not counting those who contract Covid-19 and survive it. Actually, I find it almost unbelievable there could be a circumstance where I would be writing this and even more unbelievable there would be almost 40% of Americans who could find it in their hearts to support someone like individual 1. For what? Some judges? OMG! America really has lost her way! And, Oh, by the way, this virus is not “just going to go away!”

Thankfully, we STILL have the right to vote and we can “fix” this problem in November – and “fixing” it goes well beyond individual 1. There are over 20 republican Senators on the ballot this November and “we the people” need to remove as many of them as we can. There is a plethora of other elections where voting out people who think along the lines of these republicans is right there. It’s up to “we the people” to “turn this lemon into lemonade!”

Final Thought: Whether there’s an actual “strategy” or not, it’s clear individual 1 and his top “lap dog,” Mike Pense are going to continue trapesing around the country on the taxpayer’s “dime” as their way of creating campaign “rallies.” We’ve already seen the results of individual 1’s first two rallies – Tulsa and Phoenix – and, it’s a significant spike in Covid-19 cases. Arizona is at the breaking point and Oklahoma is likely a week or two away from being there and today, individual 1 is in South Dakota at a rally where there will be “no social distancing” according to their governor Kristi Noem. “Celebrating our Liberty.”

Of course, they’ll be “celebrating their liberty” on the land of the “Great Sioux Nation” without being invited. In fact, I watched an interview last night with Lawrence O’Donnell and the leader of the Sioux Nation where he unequivocally said our IMPEACHED so-called president wasn’t welcome on their land. For one thing, they didn’t want the Covid-19 which follows individual 1 around because they don’t have the means to defend themselves from this virus. Obviously, I’m not educated like I should be about the issues of the Sioux Nation but, it’s easy for me to understand why they wouldn’t want individual 1 holding a rally on their land. This is a cause for more investigation on my part, but I have to hope our IMPEACHED so-called president doesn’t do to the Sioux Nation what he did to those in Arizona and Oklahoma. Stay Tuned!

For several years I’ve periodically donated a small amount of money (that’s because I only have small amounts to donate) to a couple schools for the children of the Sioux nation. This “invasion” by our so-called president has reminded me to make another donating. If you’re inclined, here’s the address St. Joseph’s Indian School PO Box 300 Chamberlain SD 57325-9919

OMG again! – I just listened to another IDIOT in the administration of our IMPEACHED so-called president – Peter Navarro! This guy was attempting to defend the do NOTHING approach to fighting the Covid-19 virus, which of course he had to refer to as the “China Virus,” with utter NONSENSE. It was coming so fast it was hard to keep up with it. The interviewer, Ali Velshi, for some reason allowed the interview to continue in the face of complete NONSENSE, but, well, whatever! As opposed to even talking about what should be done is was just throwing BLAME around in what appeared to be a reckless manner. The “you know what” against the wall strategy. He even suggested it was a weaponized virus coming from China. He even complained he has “64 million doses of hydroxychloroquine” which he can’t use because of all the negative reports on cable TV networks. As if it was the networks which determined the drug was more harmful than helpful. These people are nuts! You would have had to see this interview in its entirety to believe the level of stupidity!

Two days later: Individual 1 held his rally as planned and we saw a bunch of white Americans crammed together in chairs actually tied together to prevent ANY “social distancing” and the projection was coming “hot and heavy.” All be succinct – when you hear individual 1 accusing “liberals” of being fascists and pushing for totalitarianism just take a deep breath and give thanks you have the right to vote. Of course there were a “pile” of racist “dog whistles” during his speech, but I just have to grab my head to stop it from shaking back and forth when I hear individual 1 suggesting democrats are pushing a “fascist” or “totalitarian” agenda. I’ve been pointing out his “authoritarian” tendencies since the day he took (LIED about) the oath of office and all the “trappings” of a would be dictator shone through as he was violating sacred Indian land in “celebration” of an independence he CLEARLY does NOT understand!

I believe if there is a massive run on the polls, the republicans will get the repudiation they deserve.

William Barr “exonerated” individual 1 from the TRUTH of the Mueller report before “we the people” had the opportunity to actually read it. (I read it twice) In the report, in my mind, there was no doubt there was COLLUSION in the 2016 campaign which brought this disaster upon us. Without the Russian help individual 1 would never have “won” the election (with 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) and our IMPEACHED so-called president has given “we the people” not a single reason to believe he’s NOT been compromised by the Russians. They have succeeded, at least for the time being, in their goal of causing division among our people. (And, it appears, in gaining “kompromat” on our IMPEACHED so-called president)

Now, we’re finding out American troops were likely KILLED by the Taliban in Afghanistan resulting from BOUNTIES offered for the killing of American troops by Russia. We’re learning individual 1 was briefed on this “plan” of the Russians in February of 2020 (some are saying he was actually briefed when John Bolton was still the National Security adviser which suggests he’s known this since 2019) and, so far, he’s done NOTHING in response. He’s had something like 6 conversations with Vladimir Putin since the February “Presidential Daily Brief” which informed him of this Russian “plan,” and has done nothing – including demanding Putin put a stop to this program.

As I’ve said many times here, individual 1 will be our IMPEACHED so-called president for the next 7 months and the DAMAGE – which I’ve been talking about for over 3 years now – is mounting quickly and could be IMMENSE by January 20, 2021. Another thing I’ve talked about is the response to individual 1 by Congressional republicans. We’ve all known all along the only way to get rid of him short of the next election was relying on republicans to put their country ahead of their party. Well, the verdict seems to be in (there’s still a “sliver” of time), their loyalty is to individual 1 and not to America. The worst example of this would be Barr, who’s supposed to be our Attorney General, but, also, members of Senate Republicans continue to say NOTHING in the face of SCANDALS which would have caused them to be apoplectic had they occurred during the term of any democrat – especially Barack Obama. This is near depressing!

Not only has individual 1 caved to the Russians but he also is AWOL in regard to his responsibility with the response to the coronavirus pandemic – he’s been AWOL, essentially since the day he was briefed the virus was coming. Clearly he’s taking the approach “we’re all going to get it eventually let’s get it over with.” Or, maybe he’s thinking “It’s just another flu.” Well, today Dr. Fauci pointed out we could be having 100,000 cases per day by this fall and, should that happen, our hospitals will be in really bad shape. (Actually, many already are!) This policy (actually lack of policy) is a total disrespect toward our doctors, nurses, and other people who are in the hospitals attempting to save the lives of those who get the bad version of Covid-19. When people notice the doctors and nurses are falling to this dreaded virus maybe, then, those who refuse to at least put on a mask will realize they need to respect this disease.

The last couple of days the number of newly infected Americans from the pandemic has surpassed 50,000 when just a couple weeks ago – when individual 1 was giving his first rally in Tulsa – the number was around 20,000. That means the numbers have more than DOUBLED in just a couple of weeks. People are, for the most part, not stupid and more and more of them are realizing our IMPEACHED so-called president is a “clear and present danger” to this nation. The polling continues to swing toward Joe Biden for the November election and he’s stuck, most of the time, in his basement and hasn’t even yet chosen his running mate. And, I can virtually guarantee you his selection for VP is going to be BIG news around the country.

I, personally, believe he’s going to choose an African American woman as his choice for VP which will stir up all the “Tea partiers” in America, but the “Tea Party” will be part of the “story” when the destruction of the republican party is replayed in the History books. I’ve said here, many times, individual 1 will have a page right next to Benedict Arnold in those books. In fact, once we find out why our IMPEACHED so-called president has been pandering to Vladimir Putin, his “page” may be deeper in the book than Mr. Arnold. William Barr will be right there and many of the republicans in Congress will have their own page – ie Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsay, and others. It’s a sad state of affairs.

How do “we the people” get out of this mess? Well, obviously, the first step is VOTING individual 1 out of office. And, we know he’ll do whatever he can to “win” the election – that is he doesn’t think twice about CHEATING! He’s already ginning up his base that the election is going to be RIGGED – because democrats want people to be able to vote from home. Of course, this year the reason people SHOULD vote from home is for their own safety – by the time of the election this pandemic very well could be of epic proportions. We STILL need to have the election and voters should NOT need to risk their lives in order to vote. Personally, I’ve been voting from home for years – I live in the state of Washington – and there are NEVER any issues of “voter fraud.” Making it easier to vote SHOULD be our national focus this year.

Getting individual 1 out of office, then, will require a massive number of Americans choosing to exercise the PRIVILEGE of voting this NOVEMBER and voting republicans into the history books. I’ve been an independent my entire voting life (leaning democrat, but I vote for who I believe is the best person for the job) but, since Bush/Cheney took “we the people” into TWO unwinnable wars – the “straw that broke the camels back” for me was Iraq – and, then, the “Tea Party” backlash to Barack Obama – I’ve been voting AGAINST republicans. To me, if you can watch what individual 1 is doing and/or can associate yourself with the RACISM of the republican “brand,” I’m not voting for you. And, I believe, more and more Americans are in agreement!

I was born just after WW II and I appreciate many parts of American history. I, also, feel a sense of shame about some of our history – for heavens sake, our “original sin” was buying and selling human beings! At the same time, we have the privilege of “self rule” and the ability to CHANGE things for the better. At this point in time MOST Americans are now realizing what our African American brothers and sisters have been enduring for – well – forever, in this nation. And, we MUST realize our Latinx brothers and sisters are enduring racism. And, what about the Native American population which was given “reservations” in places where people thought nothing could grow for a nation which believes in “living off the land.”

I was a sixth grade teacher for the last third of my working life (I retired when I was 68 and then worked part time for another couple of years), which was an incredible privilege for me. I worked in a “high poverty” school which served children of many different nationalities, children who, often times, were learning to speak English in the classroom. One of the most lasting memories I have of those years was feeling these kids’ willingness to accept and appreciate their “differences.” This is why it was NO surprise to me as I watched the protests after the LYNCHING of George Floyd with crowds seeming to resemble the make-up of my classrooms – it looked to me like the true “melting pot” which actually makes up this nation.

My hope is those who were in the streets and those who witnessed it and have realized we need to address our “original sin” straight up will VOTE in November. At this point we can assume William Barr will attempt to intervene on individual 1’s behalf shortly before the election, but the reality is it’s just as important to get rid of him as our IMPEACHED so-called president, from my view. This country simply can NOT endure another four years of the two of them. But, individual 1 CHEATED in 2016 and was attempting to do so again in the Ukraine fiasco which led to his IMPEACHMENT – so, one thing we know is, as Adam Schiff pointed out in the IMPEACHMENT trial, “he’s going to do this again!”

Sadly, only one republican, Mitt Romney, did what was called for and that was to vote for the removal of individual 1 from office. Lamar Alexander said he didn’t think “witnesses” were necessary because he believed the House Managers but didn’t think what individual 1 did arose to the level of IMPEACHMENT. Yikes! He committed EXTORTION! That means Alexander and the rest of the Senate republicans set the precedent that EXTORTION by our presidents in the future is, well, OK. And, of course, John Bolton refused to testify because apparently he didn’t think the democrats were focused on ENOUGH of what makes individual 1 UNFIT for office.

I’ve shared here I (sadly) purchased Bolton’s book and within reading the first 25, or so, pages I was lamenting I went against my best judgement and bought the book ($32.95). It didn’t take much reading to be reminded of why I have such a low view of Mr. Bolton. He, to me, represents what is so wrong about our republican party. He was part of the push to get America entrenched in Iraq back in 2002 which has resulted in a disaster which is ongoing. Bolton had information which would support the IMPEACHMENT of individual 1 but he chose to save it for the profits of his book. Sadly, from my viewpoint, I helped him with that – but, I will likely be able to force myself to read it in order to better understand the corruption of individual 1. In the meantime I will continue encouraging people to VOTE come November. I believe if there is a massive run on the polls, the republicans will get the repudiation they deserve.

Remember, once we get pas this virus – which will likely take years – the “climate crisis” will be past the point of debate. It’s sitting on the horizon and, when it’s time for the History books, it will be ANOTHER in the long line of failures of individual 1 and his sycophants – a bunch of “climate deniers.” I’ve been lamenting the DAMAGE being caused to this nation by individual 1 since the beginning of his administration. As time has gone by it’s become clear the DAMAGE will be much more significant than, for sure, I had envisioned – and, trust me, I’ve felt the DAMAGE would be severe – taking years to reverse. Just imagine what the DAMAGE will be if we have a “climate denier” in the “White House” This is just one more reason why I believe young people will “flock” to the polls to remove this thug from office.

Then, of course, the challenge will be to pressure a progressive agenda from another old white guy, Joe Biden. I believe Biden’s choice for VP may be the most critical decision of this election year and the four years to follow. Stay tuned……………..

Final Thought: I’ve speculated on various governors around the country (republican) who have been LYING about the statistics in their states to justify their decisions which have led to more people getting sick with Covid-19. One of those governors is Kristi Noem who, I believe, wasn’t candid back when the “meat packing” crisis was breaking out in one of South Dakota’s cities where she is the governor. South Dakota, of course, is the home of Mount Rushmore where individual 1, who apparently is dreaming of his face adorning the cliffs at some point, will hold a rally this week to celebrate the July 4th weekend.

So, true to form, Ms. Noem has publicly pointed out they are expecting “THOUSANDS” for the rally and there will be NO “Social Distancing.” My first thought when I heard her say that was, “what the……..?” (Fill in the blank) Today there were 46,000+ cases of newly confirmed coronavirus tests and the numbers are climbing rapidly. Anthony Fauci suggested today “If we don’t turn this around SOON, we could be seeing over 100,000 per day.” It appears, between individual 1 and governor Noem, they want to get us to that terrible point sooner rather than later. Ms. Noem, apparently out of regard for ??????, “face masks will be optional.” All I can say is if people don’t vote AGAINST republicans this November we deserve what we get!

I started this several days ago – my hands are tiring from all the typing – but, we’ve gone above 50,000 NEW Covid-19 cases each of the previous two days. The “mess” individual 1 is going to leave to the Biden/???? administration will make what the Obama/Biden administration “inherited” from Bush/Cheney look like a picnic.

One final thing: There are states all across America where the number of cases of Covid-19 are raging out of control. There’s something in common with most of the worst cases – their governors are republicans and they’re more worried about “Wall Street” than “Main Street.” I have to wonder how many Americans will have to die before this reality sinks in to these people. This pandemic is going to get incredibly worse because of the combination of these republican governors and individual 1. “We the people” have the power to fix this, but the problem is, by next January when we’ll have the “changing of the guard” it will be way too late to mitigate this virus. In fact, it’s likely already too late!