If you’re unhappy with what is going on in America right now you have the power to do something about it!

I’m going to attempt an appropriate way to give my condolences to Herman Cain who passed away the other day from Covid-19. I read about his “battle” with the disease and, curiously, in the article I was reading it suggested those close to Mr. Cain weren’t sure how he got the virus. So, even though none of them are likely to be reading my blog I’m going to attempt giving them a medical diagnosis. And, of course, just like I always have to point out here “I’m not an economist,” neither am I a doctor. (or nurse, or med tech, or – well, I’m just a retired school teacher who tried to teach his 6th graders how to think.)

Sooooooooo, let’s start this “analysis” with the FACT Mr. Cain was prominently seen at individual 1’s Tulsa campaign rally – the one where they said a MILLION people requested tickets and where they filled only a third of the arena and had to cancel the outdoor part of the rally where all the people who couldn’t get inside were going to congregate – that rally. Of course, of the 6000+ people who showed up virtually NONE of them were wearing any kind of face covering. Naturally, why would they – did they want to get mocked by our IMPEACHED so-called president? Remember, this coronavirus thing is “just another flu.” When republicans are feeling the need to dog whistle their racist followers they call it the “Chinese flu” or the “Wuhan flu.” But, I digress.

I remember seeing pictures of Mr. Cain along with several other “Black Voices for…” (I can’t make myself write the word, suffice it to say it’s individual 1) sitting in the arena having a great time. This was June 20th. How do I remember? “Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV” – I’ve been practicing, but that’s not how I did it. It was because, originally, individual 1 AND all his supporters (curiously) like Mr. Cain were going to meet on “Juneteenth” which, for African Americans, is a “national holiday” commemorating the (actual) end of slavery (another “dog whistle?”). On June 29th, within the two week period considered the incubation (??? not sure if I have the right term) period of when you contract the virus to when the symptoms arrive, Mr. Cain was being taken to a hospital because he couldn’t breathe. Almost a month, to the day, after being diagnosed with Covid-19 Herman Cain passed away.

What I found somewhat off-putting as I read about what happened to Mr. Cain was, what seemed to me, an attempt to suggest they didn’t know how he got the virus. Of course they/we know how he got the virus. He got it at the rally just like a bunch of other people at the rally got the virus – and have been SPREADING it profusely since. I looked the other day and Oklahoma is now regularly showing over 1000 new cases of Covid-19 being reported DAILY. At the time of individual 1’s rally that number was under 200 new cases per day. You can do the math and, if you were in my 6th grade classroom you’d be able to put “two and two together.” We know Herman Cain is deceased because he chose to be one of those “Black Voices for…..” (You know who I’m referring to). You don’t need to be a “brain surgeon” to figure this out!

Today, there was near 70,000 new cases, again, and around 1500 people dead because of this virus – AND, the incredible incompetence coming from the federal government in dealing with it. I was talking to a friend the other day, who supports individual 1, and when I was trying to reason with him about the futility of what is happening in our country he kept saying “give me facts.” Well, the 70,000 cases per day is a sad FACT (although, I believe individual 1 is doing everything he can to keep those numbers down by preventing the testing which SHOULD be happening) which has been repeated virtually every day for the past three or four weeks. Today, the 1500 DEAD Americans is another sorry FACT! In one day! These are just TWO FACTS supporting my contention individual 1 is unfit for office. He’s been AWOL in the fight to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

That’s without getting into the LYING and the CHEATING which is also factual. My friend doesn’t believe there was any “collusion” with Russia in the 2016 election, despite “Russia, if you’re listening………” You know the rest. I asked him if he wanted to read the Mueller report and he said no, with some derogatory comment about Mueller. I was a bit incredulous on that one – my friend is a retired Navy officer – I pointed out Mueller was a Marine during Viet Nam and is a war hero – he was like, “That was then, this is now.” He also suggested James Comey should be prosecuted and I was “what????” I said, do you realize it was Comey who was responsible for individual 1 becoming (our so-called – I left that part out) president and he said, “well, yes.” I suggested he watches Fox “news” and he started to “deflect” the question, but I said, “Do you watch Fox ‘news,’ yes or no?” He kind of looked down and said, “yes.” I’ve learned over time it’s almost impossible to have a rational discussion with someone brainwashed on Fox. They’re thorough! (Fox, that is)

I suppose I should point out why Americans, including republicans, SHOULD care about individual 1’s FAILURE to create even a semblance of a national strategy to mitigate the coronavirus. Actually, I’ve been pointing out for months now that “we the people” are experiencing what amounts to another “great depression” right now, we just don’t know it because of the democrats’ “CARES Act” which has been “propping up” an economy which is “sitting” on about 30 MILLION unemployed Americans with a Fed “pouring” TRILLIONS of “liquidity” (I believe that means the Fed is buying up bad corporate “credit”) onto the balance sheets of one corporation in America after another. And, surprisingly, after democrats gave republicans a “new lease on life” in regard to preventing the imminent tanking of the economy with the “HEROES Act,” republicans just don’t seem to “get it.”

Maybe today’s economic reality – where it was announced America’s “GDP” tanked nearly 33% (annualized) in the second fiscal quarter – the greatest drop in HISTORY (by a significant margin) will get republicans’ attention. But, my guess is no, it won’t. Essentially, GDP is a measure of America’s wealth measured like this: the monetary value of final goods and services—that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time. A drop of 3% would be DRASTIC, but 33%? This is really BAD! And, it’s likely to get worse, because republicans continue to believe if they throw money at their corporate benefactors their stock prices will stay propped up and all will be well but to HELL with Main Street. Of course, I don’t believe that’s true. We have a service based economy and, in my view, the reason we don’t KNOW we’re in a depression is because of the $600 bonus paid to unemployed workers each week – money which goes right back into the economy. Without that money I believe that 33% would be much worse. And here’s the deal; With the help of republicans in the Senate individual 1 could be leading America into a depression which will take years to recover from.

Democrats are TRYING to help out individual 1 as he’s trying to make the economy look better than it really is – for heaven’s sake, with 30 – 40 MILLION unemployed Americans it CAN’T be “healthy” – but our IMPEACHED so-called president, along with his republican sycophants can’t seem to “see the forest for the trees.” They believe these unemployed workers won’t return to work unless they block the extra unemployment money when, in reality, MANY of them will be homeless without that money plus the rent eviction protections included in the “CARES Act” expiring on July 31st as well. And, of course, without the money for State and Local governments included in the “HEROES Act” there will be MILLIONS more on the unemployment lines – which could include nurses, teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other “essential” workers paid by state and local governments. (Apparently, this is individual 1’s way to “defund” the police)

I’ve been saying all along the MESS left for Obama/Biden in 2009 is going to “pale” compared to what individual 1 is going to leave for Biden/???? (depending on his VP selection) I’m not the only person who’s speculated he’s doing to what he inherited from Obama the same thing he did to what he inherited from his father. If you’re really interested in better understanding our IMPEACHED so-called president I really recommend you read the memoir of his niece Mary Trump. I suggested this to my friend I mentioned above, and, true to Fox “news” form, he was NOT interested. It appears to me individual 1 is a “sick puppy,” notwithstanding all the issues I have regarding the DAMAGE he’s doing to this great nation. I’ve said before he comes across to me as “pathetic” and, I believe, he’s got a level of mental illness which should ALARM all of us (meaning U.S. citizens and residents – well, come to think of it, those around the world who are affected by his egregious behavior)

Final Thought: So, I’ve made it clear on this site individual 1 will “do whatever it takes” to “win” the “election” in November. He’s proven that. He’s worked with the Russians in the past and, likely, is doing so as I’m writing this. He attempted to EXTORT help from Ukraine’s president to undermine Joe Biden last year – leading to his IMPEACHMENT. He’s now suggesting the election could be “delayed” “until it’s safe,” and he’s working overtime to FORCE Americans to have to risk their health in the middle of this pandemic to vote in person instead of the logical recourse which is voting from home. He’s also made it clear he’s not going to recognize the validity of the election should he get “what’s coming to him” – which is a resounding defeat.

Americans MUST show up in overwhelming numbers to vote him AND his sycophants out of office come November 3rd and anyone who’s reading this and doesn’t respect their own right to vote I suggest to them – your right is worth FIGHTING for. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re registered BEFORE it’s time to go to the polls. Double check! If you’re unhappy with what is going on in America right now you have the power to do something about it – even if that one vote seems insignificant to you. That’s exactly what individual 1 (and Vladimir Putin among others) wants you to believe – they want you to stay home – to relinquish this power which has been given to you and which you SHOULD honor by exercising it.

America’s young people have the opportunity to change this nation for the better this year by VOTING and then by continuing to be active as “we the people” force our elected officials to act according to our wishes. (meaning “we the people”) The changes being demanded by those in the streets won’t happen unless “we the people” MAKE them happen via perseverance. Health Care for all Americans won’t happen unless we demand it happen. Affordable education won’t happen without “we the people” demanding it! And, on and on, but for starters – we have to VOTE to prevent this fascist takeover of our government which is being pushed into the streets of our major cities as I’m writing this – as if this is Germany circa 1933. Yikes! Make sure you VOTE!

Oh yes, if you don’t think “the kitchen sink” will be part of what individual 1 “throws” at “we the people” as he’s attempting to CHEAT his way into a second term, just stop to think about why our IMPEACHED so-called president would be attempting to undermine the postal service – apparently, to stop “we the people” from voting from home – as opposed to standing in long lines where you could threaten your health via Covid-19. And, if you don’t believe this is happening, I can personally attest that you are wrong because I occasionally send packages around the country with items I sell on Ebay via the United States Postal Service 1st class mail. These are very small packages and coinciding with the new person individual 1 has put in as the Postmaster General I’ve noticed the packages I’ve sent recently are taking at least one day, and in some instances longer, to get to their destination. I even had one package I thought might have been lost, but after about three days of wondering where it was it showed up, fortunately, in the correct place. Like I’ve said, our IMPEACHED so-called president will be doing EVERYTHING he can to CHEAT between now and November 3rd. “Whatever it takes!”

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