Monthly Archives: June 2021

Individual 1 is the “symptom;” The “disease” is the republican party and the billionaire benefactors “pulling the strings” in the shadows!

I’ve been writing for OVER ten years about the republican plan for their “permanent republican majority” – the first time I heard the phrase was back in the Bush/Cheney regime when Karl Rove introduced the “plan.” They’ve NEVER stopped with this “plan” and, every time they lose an election, their willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish what would, in essence, be rule by the minority (white people), gets more egregious and intense. What we’re witnessing today is an unbelievable attack on the foundation of our democratic republic. If the COURTS, which were filled with right wing (and in many instances totally unqualified) judges, allow this assault on our republic, individual 1 may have succeeded in doing what Adolf Hitler failed to do back in the days of WW II. (And, remember, individual 1 is the “symptom” the “disease” is the republican party and the billionaire benefactors “pulling the strings” in the shadows)

I’ve been writing lately about the importance of Merrick Garland following through on the promises he made in his confirmation hearings to investigate individual 1’s CRIMINAL behavior while in the “White House” – which went well beyond INCITING the INSSURRECTION. General Garland is finding himself in a critical place in what will be American History – one way or the other. Joe Biden KNEW he was running for president to “save the soul” of this nation and he is ALSO in a critical place in what soon will be part of our history. This WAR for the heart and soul of this nation will continue, I believe, likely past my lifetime. This is why I’m encouraging young people to do whatever they MUST to protect America by “jumping through the hoops” republicans are creating in order to keep them from voting.

Here’s the key part of some of these VOTER SUPPRESSION laws – state legislatures are giving themselves the “right” to overturn the elections in their states if they don’t like the results. I’m not kidding with that – it seems IMPOSSIBLE to me that Americans in state legislatures would STOOP to such an incredibly onerous level – but, here we are. So, if the democrats fail to get the “For the People Act” and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act” passed this year, well, “we the people” will have to rely on the courts – and, do you have confidence in the Supreme Court with 6 right wing judges? As I said above, I’ve been writing about this “republican plan” for almost 15 years and, my guess is some of the original instigators are not so on board as it’s gone off the “rails.” (It took me a while to start writing once I realized the severity of the issue)

For example, it was Liz Cheney’s dad who was associated with Rove back at the turn of the 21st Century. Ms. Cheney is kind of “on and island” in standing up against individual 1, but you don’t hear a “squeak” from her condemning all this VOTER SUPPRESSION. However, I believe Dick Cheney’s (sort of) boss GW Bush is likely a bit concerned with what he’s seeing – I really don’t believe he would support this plan to accomplish what they were unable to keep – remember, just as individual 1 had for two years, the Bush/Cheney regime had total control of the government for at least six years. They had their own form of incompetence and, just like individual 1, left an incredible MESS for their successor, but Bush/Cheney left town with their “tails between their legs” and we didn’t hear much from them once President Obama was in office. Individual 1, not so much! (Remember, it was the right wing Supreme Court who put Bush/Cheney in the “White House” in the first place)

Just as I predicted regarding our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, ALL the TRUTH will “seep” out, drip by drip, and it’s beginning to gain “steam” as we’re seeing, based on reports of the illegal Justice Department “spying” on members of Congress, their associates, their families, and even their children – not to mention individual 1’s own “White House” Counsel Don McGahn. This is simply one more scandal and there were so many during individual 1’s time in office people became numb to it all – which is a bad reaction. This leads individual 1’s sycophants to continue believing he’s facing one “witch hunt” after another – but, the reality is our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president appears to be a serial OFFENDER of our system of laws. He believed (believes) he’s above the law and, as I’ve said, the challenge for Merrick Garland is to prove him wrong.

It’s hard for me to understand how republicans – well, those who DON’T identify with the KKK and other white nationalist/supremacist “circles” – can continue to follow individual 1. But, the reality is the republican party was severely “infected” before individual 1 commandeered them and, of course, the “infection” is just getting worse. Do you remember our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president saying “You’ll get tired of all the winning?” Well, technically, he’s been a LOSER on all fronts. It’s true republicans managed to get their tax “scam” passed in 2017, but that’s about it – and that “scam” is about as popular as, OK you knew this was coming, individual 1 – which aint very popular. So, yesterday was just another in the LONG line of DEFEATS (ie LOSING) associated with individual 1.

By now, everyone KNOWS individual 1 LOST over 60 court cases as he challenged what was called the MOST secure election in American history (by his own head of the government overseeing the election – an individual 1 appointee) OVER 60 times and, in every instance, “more LOSING.” Well, as another example of ALL the LOSING, yesterday the Supreme Court may have put the “endless” republican attempt to overturn the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”), for another example of LOSING, by ruling against still ANOTHER republican led attempt to overturn the law. Even two of the individual 1 appointed judges ruled against the lawsuit which, of course, was “championed” by none other than individual 1 himself. He always claimed republicans had a “better and cheaper” version simply waiting in the wings which they would enact as soon as “Obamacare” was destroyed. Well, of course they didn’t have ANYTHING “waiting in the wings,” they still don’t and this is simply another example of republicans trying to further their “war” on the poor in America and the Middle Class families which get subsidies from “Obamacare,” and ALL the American families who’ve been able to keep their children on their own policies until they reach the age of 26. (Thanks to individual 1’s non-response to the Covid-19 pandemic there are now over 10 MILLION Americans on Medicaid – which is possible only because of the ACA)

So, how did republicans respond to this (latest) DEFEAT (that’s another word for LOSING which is the opposite of “winning” – just sayin) – they attempted to repeal “Obamacare” OVER 70 times while never lifting a finger in an attempt to make it better? It’s always been tear it down – republicans have been fighting AGAINST the idea of “National health insurance” since before I was born (1947) so democrats have been forced to do the “battle” incrementally. LBJ got Medicare and Medicaid passed the year I graduated from High School (1965) and, even then republicans fought against it. In fact, Ronald Reagan famously said, ” providing government health coverage for the elderly would, if adopted, lead America to  become a socialist hellhole.” (He said this in 1961, four years before Medicare was enacted into law) Republicans throw hyperbole like this around and, seemingly, are NEVER held to account for their inaccuracy. (OK, I’ve digressed! My mind spins out of control when I think of all the reasons Americans SHOULD be voting AGAINST republicans!)

All right, back to what is the next step for republicans regarding the FACT they LOST once more in their attempt to role back health insurance for those Americans who couldn’t afford it otherwise? and, as usual, the answer to the question is NOTHING! (Apparently, they’re hell bent on increasing their LOSING streak) They are incapable of doing anything which might help America’s middle class – apparently, doing NOTHING is what they call letting the “free markets” solve America’s burgeoning list of problems. So, this morning, as I was reading about the court’s ruling essentially ending the republican attempts to repeal “Obamacare” this is the message put out by the House republican leadership – Kevin McCarthy (maybe the MOST spineless politician I’ve ever witnessed), Steve Scalise (a real right wing Hack), and Elise Stefanik (a real “ambitious” “two faced” “back stabbing” politician) ” “Now, Congress must work together to improve American health care.”

I read that and, once again, my head started shaking as if I’ve become a bobblehead at a baseball park. These republicans have spent OVER 10 years, MILLIONS on frivolous LOSING lawsuits, over 60 attempts in Congress to repeal the bill, and FINALLY they’re saying what people like me have been saying since the day the public option was first voted down – “Congress, work to improve the bill!” The easy solution to this problem is to enact the “public option” – which, in essence would allow people to buy into a Medicare like plan – with ONLY 3% administrative costs – and cost controlling “limits” on what hospitals and doctors can charge for basic procedures. But, of course, that would be too easy and republicans would worry that by doing so they would help Joe Biden have a successful first (and, likely, last) term in office. (Oh yes, check out how much they receive from the insurance industry!)

You’ve no doubt already heard Moscow Mitch in what sounded like an “echo” from the days of Barack Obama’s presidency – “Joe Biden will get ZERO support from republicans – from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz republicans are united to make Joe Biden’s term as president ends a failure.” (or words to that effect) This is nothing new, this is the republican playbook since the days of Newt Gingrich in the House – turn Congress into a “hot mess” and blame democrats for the lack of bipartisanship. It’s worked off and on for the past 30 or so years, so why not? POWER is more important than progress for our nation – and, now they’ve got Putin helping them “pound” the “wedge issues” deeper into the fabric of our nation. So, what do you think are the chances republicans will “work to improve American health care?” Yep, that was a bit rhetorical because the obvious answer is “NADA,” “Nothing.” In other words, no one is “holding their breath.”

Obviously, republicans aren’t going to help doing ANYTHING as long as ANY democrat occupies the “White House” and they have the ability to OBSTRUCT in Congress – it’s just the way they work. And, don’t tell me it “goes both ways.” In individual 1’s final two years in office democrats did everything they could to keep him in power. It’s just that he AND Moscow Mitch were just too STUPID to take advantage of what, in particular, Nancy Pelosi was TRYING to “give” them. I’ve written this before, but had individual 1 and McConnell enacted the so-called “HEROES Act” put forth by Pelosi and the democrats, I believe individual 1 would still be in office today and there would have been maybe as many as a couple HUNDRED THOUSAND less deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic. But, of course, the bill was “dead on arrival” in the McConnell controlled Senate where the good of the American people is NEVER considered when it comes to legislation. The American people supported that bill overwhelmingly and, eventually, the Biden “rescue bill” by over 70% and soon a significant part of Biden’s bill will go into effect – the Child Tax Credits – an ACTUAL tax cut for Poor and Middle Class taxpayers who have children – an INVESTMENT into the American people republicans HATE – they’re calling it “Socialism.” Yikes!

This issue has simply made it simpler for republicans to put up a “smoke screen” in their never ending attempt to cause America’s voters to look the other way as a torrent of really BAD factual EVIDENCE regarding the abuses of POWER under individual 1 “drip, drip” out. And, of course, I agree with those who claim there have been so many scandals and NOT ONCE has our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president been legally held to account. Sadly, it appears, as I’ve said, that Merrick Garland is contributing to this problem. I hope I’m wrong – more on that later.

Here’s a good example of what I mean; Had our Justice Department (under AG Garland) chosen to FULLY release the “memo” which Judge Amy Berman Jackson ORDERED released because William Barr, in essence, LIED to the Court and to Congress about his absolving individual 1 of “OBSTRUCTION of Justice, then the next step would be following through on Mueller’s “memorializing” the evidence of the OBSTRUCTION, so that Mr. Garland could proceed with an indictment now that individual 1 is no longer protected by the OLC “memo.” There were TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION laid out in Mueller’s report (I read it TWICE – it was long and tedious reading) The bottom line, as hundreds of prosecutors have stated, if the subject of an investigation can INTERFERE in that investigation, then there’s no reason for Justice Department officials to appoint a “Special Counsel” in the first place. This issue is fundamental to America’s “rule of law.”

Here’s how it looks right now – just a small “snapshot” because the “drip, drip, drip” will continue. There’s a lot more “stuff” which is going to come out. OK, let’s start with why I refer to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote (and over 60 court challenges to the election) LOSING (ex) president as “individual 1.” Michael Cohen was convicted of “campaign finance violations” for paying off two women who individual 1 had illicit affairs with (during his wife’s pregnancy and, apparently, in one instance, shortly thereafter) just prior to the 2016 election and shortly after the now infamous “Access Hollywood tape” – a crime committed “in cooperation with and at the direction of individual 1.” Cohen got three years in prison for his part and, so far, individual 1 has gotten NOTHING.

Naturally, you knew what would be next, right? On January 6th, 2021 individual 1 urged his MOB to go to the Capitol and “fight like HELL or you’re not going to have a country anymore” and almost 500 of them are now in jail and facing prison sentences of up to 20 – 30 years – which COULD (and should) include the charge of SEDITION (look it up) – and, individual 1 – so far NOTHING. Did he “INCITE” the mob? Of course he did – they did EXACTLY what he “charged” them to do. Did he go there with them as he promised? Of course he DIDN’T (Do you think the “bone spurs” acted up?) – he went to the “White House,” turned on the TV, and, by all accounts enjoyed watching his supporters ransack the Capitol Building while chanting “Hang Mike Pense.” He was quoted, by an eye witness, as saying, “Those people really love me.” (By the way, earlier I said Kevin McCarthy was the “most spineless politician I’ve ever witnessed – but, hey – Mike Pense gives him a good run for his “money” – I mean, shortly after his boss sicked a few thousand angry “mobsters” on him Pense was back a@#kissing individual 1’s – wait, I already said it, Yikes!) Maybe McCarthy and Pense are secretly TWINS!?

Yah, I “get” this is long and rambling – but, whenever I wonder (which is often) how people who otherwise seem to be good productive Americans can align themselves with an (alleged) serial sexual predator, a failed businessman, a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (along with LOSING over 60 legal challenges to his most recent LOSS) (ex) president, a pathological LIAR, an overt RACIST, a misogynist, and a xenophobe (among other “endearing” features), my mind turns into a blur of recollections – some of which are things republicans used to claim they believed in. Apparently, we’re down to “cut my taxes” (if you’re rich) and give me right wing judges if you’re like MOST of the rest of us.

Every time, well ALMOST every time, I engage in attempting to understand this conundrum with a republican acquaintance I hear, in one form or another, the word “abortion” – as in, they’d rather live in a country run like Russia than have women in this country having control over their own bodies. Of course, no matter what they do there will be women having abortions – just like before Roe – and, as usual, they would say something like what individual 1 said in his first campaign – the women should be “punished.” Of course, the men? Again, NADA – like in the cereal “nothin honey.” (OK, that was a joke) And, I’m guessing you understand, women WOULDN’T need to even consider an abortion without the “help” of a man.

But, what the republicans, including ALL the people who support them are doing is NOT a joke and it threatens the fundamental values this nation was founded on and that is a constitution which is like a “living document.” It has evolved over time, it’s promises are being either realized or demanded by more and more Americans and it’s based on three co-equal branches of government “checking” each other so that those who take the OATH to defend it (the constitution) against all “enemies foreign and DOMESTIC” will do exactly that. There’s no provision in the constitution for “alternative facts,” for threatening violence if “we the people” don’t vote your “way,” or for finding ways to CHEAT to get your way. Republicans all across America are attempting to not only prevent as many “people of color” from voting, but they want to block the teaching of American history – as it has ACTUALLY transpired – in our schools because they’re desperate to prevent this nation’s “melting pot” from “melting” a bit more. They will “do whatever it takes” to preserve their “white privilege.” You see, they DON’T really believe in “free markets” unless they’re the ones setting the rules as to what is “free.” (Many believe teaching ACTUAL American history is “anti white.” Why do you suppose that?)

I’ll end this by saying outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and “OANN” are bound and determined to continue “feeding” the white nationalist/supremacists in this country what they want to hear as long as it continues to make their companies and the talking heads in their companies richer and richer. Truth? My republican friends always resort to “Truth is in the Bible” and then they “hitch their wagon” to someone who is totally antithetical to almost everything I’ve read in that “Good Book.” Then they “deflect” individual 1’s reality with the issue of abortion, as if that justifies their “deal with the devil.” Personally, I’d love to see the day when there was no “demand” for abortions – but, the issue is way more complicated than reversing Roe. I’ve said before, that’s an issue for another day, but I certainly don’t believe it’s an issue which will be or should be or can be solved by MEN. And, in the right wing media circus it’s an issue which is used to perpetuate white nationalism/supremacy. Biden is correct, (and, well, in all “modesty” – OK, I’m not all that modest when it comes to these issues – I’ve been saying it for almost 15 years) there is a WAR going on for the heart and soul of America. In my mind, it’s up to “we the people to defend our democratic republic!

Final Thought: Back in 2015 via what are called “Active measures” – where the Russians spew disinformation across the social media networks in America (and other Western nations) routinely accessed by MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of America’s citizens – I believe not even Vladimir Putin, himself, would have guessed the success his ATTACK on our nation would accomplish – via the freedoms we take for granted and that he despises. And, I’m not talking about the election of individual 1 – which was, for sure, instrumental in the Russian success – but, what I’m talking about is Americans divided against each other. The Russians ATTACKED America at her weakest point and that is the racial “divide” which Putin recognized (correctly) and was, for him, the perfect “wedge issue,” Putin fully understands the racial issue has been an undercurrent in America since her inception and he’s exploiting it. He’s even referring to the INSURRECTIONISTS in the same terms as republican members of Congress – ie “patriots,” etc.

Putin succeeded in causing the white nationalist/supremacist faction in America to find a way out from the fringes of our political reality into the “mainstream” via our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. People like David Duke and Don Black, both former KKK “Grand Wizards,” have openly stated they consider individual 1 their “fuhrer” and they continue to vigorously support him because he’s ‘on board’ with their values. So much for a republican party standing for “family values.” And, of course, “we the people” are listening to “journalists” like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson at Fox “news” repeating the Russian “talking points.” Well, I suppose you could say it’s Putin repeating the “talking points” of those at Fox, but, either way, this SHOULD be a “wake up call” to clear thinking republicans. But, it appears the “cult” following of individual 1 continues – and, of course, Putin continues to fuel it!

Sorry, on more thing: Individual 1 set the “ground rules” for CORRUPT republicans on how to “fight” the Justice Department in attempts to stay out of jail – and, of course, for him it’s worked for many many years – not just while he was our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – for example, the Manhattan DA probe is reaching back a reporte 8 – 10 years of his financial (miss) dealings and, allegedly, indictments are in the offing – this summer. But look at Matt Gaetz and Rudy Giuliani. While most defense lawyers suggest when you’re the subject of an investigation, shut up. However, that’s NOT the individual 1 “playbook” and we’re seeing the same thing with both Gaetz and Giuliani. It’s as if they don’t believe the Justice Department has the “stones” to take them on. Speaking of “stones” – writing that word reminded me I’ve wondered if Roger Stone is going to be “connected” to the same “sex ring” which seems to be engulfing Mr. Gaetz? OK, back to my point, as I’ve stated above and in prior posts – AG Garland is at a crossroads. Either this CORRUPT republican behavior – and, of course, it’s MOUNTAINOUS – will be held to account, or “we the people” will be on the brink of LOSING our “grip” on the democratic republic I feel such a connection to. I really hope AG Garland comes through and the Biden side wins the “battle” for the “soul” of America. But, as I’ve said, the “war” will continue until “today’s” republicans have been voted into the history books!

Of course, the republican party would be nowhere without those BILLIONAIRES who hide in the shadows and keep funneling MONEY to Moscow Mitch and the other republicans in the Senate, keeping them “toeing the line.” Kind of makes me a bit queezy in the stomach feeling the need to write those words!

Merrick Garland: You can hold individual 1 and his sycophants making death threats to account, or NOT! Simple as that, Full Stop! You took the job, now you’re on the spot!

Of late, I’ve been listening to people claim individual 1 has exposed the “weakness” in our constitution, although, I would suggest what our TWICE IMPEACED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president has exposed is the “weakness” in those holding public office who are AFRAID to honor their OATH to the constitution. Our laws and our constitution clearly would be sufficient to hold individual 1 and MANY of his sycophants accountable if we had political leaders with the courage to actually defend that document they’ve made what should be a solemn OATH to defend.

Of course, I’m talking about all those republicans who have subjected themselves to the control of individual 1 and the cult following he has because of his willingness to come along side the white nationalist/supremacist segment of America. (Which, by the way, is very large – larger than most of us understand) However, I’m also talking about the democrats who continue to act like the timid “fraidy cats” which have defined the democratic party over the course of much of my lifetime. It’s the democrats who cause me the most frustration, I have to admit.

Now, I’ve been an “independent” voter my entire life, although it should be obvious I tend to vote for democrats. The reality is I vote AGAINST republicans, because I just can’t stomach “today’s” version of the republican party. There are “red line” issues for me and one of those is the issue of race. The FACT the republican party has decided to associate themselves with the RACIST elements of our society as their “base” is a decision I can NOT support under any circumstances. Another issue for me is “climate change” and a third is the national debt. I believe, for example, the evidence shows over the course of the past 40+ years when there’s a democrat in office, they fight to pay for the “stuff” they want passed. The evidence is obvious, the real “sticking point” between republicans and democrats on the “infrastructure” bill is Biden’s commitment to PAY for it by raising taxes on America’s wealthy elite and corporations which have been CHEATING on their taxes for years. (Plus by increasing the IRS funding so they can go after all the rich American CHEATING on their taxes.)

Another issue I’ve already written about is my disappointment in Merrick Garland, Biden’s appointee to be the Attorney General of the United States. It almost feels as if he’s taking the Obama approach to legal accountability which is “looking forward instead of back.” I pointed this out when Barack Obama made that statement – you CAN’T prosecute CRIMINAL activity without “looking back.” If our Justice Department just “looked forward” there wouldn’t be prosecutions in the future. How can you prosecute CRIMINAL activity WITHOUT looking back?

The Justice Department IS looking back EVERY day as they’re hunting down the INSURRECTIONISTS who stormed our nation’s Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. So far, they’ve found around 500 of the INSURRECTIONISTS who’ve been identified and charged with their CRIMINAL activity. Of course, virtually ALL those who entered the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 did so thinking individual 1 had “ordered” them to do so “or you won’t have a country anymore!” Others, like Mo Brooks and Rudy Giuliani and individual 1 Jr. urged the crowed to take “action” to overturn the certification of the Electoral College votes. So, why are these people NOT being investigated and indicted for their part in INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION? It’s ALL right out in the open – well, ON the TV screen!

I’ve compared this possibility – that individual 1 will be allowed to go without accountability to the Bush/Cheney administration when numerous members of their administration – including Bush, Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld – openly authorized and encouraged TORTURE. Torturing “enemy combatants” (which, GW Bush claimed he had the right to arbitrarily do) was WAR CRIMES – clear and simple. Of course, this is what Barack Obama chose to “look forward” and, in essence, ignore once he was in office. He actually STOPPED several investigations which were already underway by the time he took the OATH of office – to “defend our constitution.” (Bill Clinton’s Justice Department “looked forward” after “Iran/Contra” letting Ronald Reagan AND George HW Bush “off the hook” – suggesting they weren’t involved is, well, NOT believable)

lf our constitution allows some people to be “above the law” then we should simply acknowledge that so people like me don’t have to do all this writing. However, I believe our constitution and our system of laws are fully sufficient to hold individual 1 to account for his legal transgressions while in office. This is the ONLY way to stop this from happening in the future. Robert Mueller made it clear the EVIDENCE of individual 1 committing OBSTRUCTION of Justice could be prosecuted once he was out of office. In his report he claimed the reason they were “memorializing” the evidence was for someone else, in the future, who could hold individual 1 to account. Merrick Garland is “on the spot” as far as holding individual 1 to account. If there’s FEAR about the consequences of indicting an ex president, well, it should happen sooner rather than later – let’s get it over with. (Garland’s decision to block the release of Bill Barr’s memo showing his LYING about Mueller’s report suggests to me Garland has no stomach for prosecuting ANY of the 10 ALLEGED instances of OBSTRUCTION by individual 1.)

Obstruction is a basic CRIME upending our system of Justice. Mueller listed TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION committed by individual 1 as his (Mueller’s) team attempted to “get to the bottom” of the “Russia thing.” I realize election officials all across America are getting “death threats” for actually FAIRLY counting the ballots. So, I’m sure Mr. Garland understands what the result of indicting our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president will be. Many of these right wing RACIST groups will, potentially, react with violence. If this OBSTRUCTION is NOT going to be prosecuted then the “Special Counsel” law should be “shelved.” It has no “teeth” if the person being investigated can get away with OBSTRUCTING the investigation – IN PLAIN SIGHT – as in the case of individual 1.

And, here, I have to add I predicted the violence coming from individual 1’s supporters over one year prior to January 6th, 2021 in response to an acquaintance who predicted individual 1 would “win in a landslide” and “liberal mobs” will respond with violence. I told him he had it backwards, and – not wanting to pat my own back – time proved me correct! Sadly! Of course, I had no idea this VIOLENCE would include an INSURRECTION at the Capitol – or that the so-called “Big lie” would continue well into the next year and that republicans all across America would continue to push that “LIE” and use it to justify “Jim Crow 2.0.” The RACISM of the republican party is now on full display – it’s as if George Wallace is back and had taken over the republican party. Yikes!

This country is teeming with CRIMINALS willing to do whatever it takes to turn our democratic republic into an autocracy – something resembling Putin’s Russia. Honestly, that SHOULD give even individual 1’s supporters pause. Why would they want a country with a constitution which has been shredded, and, by the way, for some of them, the ONLY part of the constitution which registers in their minds is the “Second Amendment” – which, of course, they’ve abused over the course of time. Here’s what the Second Amendment actually says: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Now, those words definitely are vague, but suggesting they mean there can be no restrictions on the “arms” “we the people” have a right to “keep” is, to me, absurd. (A topic for another day)

Individual 1 was committing SCANDALS on such a regular basis that “we the people” became somewhat numb to all of his CRIMINAL activity. He was IMPEACHED twice and easily could have been IMPEACHED on other occasions as well. He’s left the impression he’s impervious to any legal accountability and, now, there seems to be MILLIONS of his supporters who believe they can also threaten people with impunity. Individual 1 continues to act like a mob boss and his supporters believe they can send threats to election officials with no blowback. I hate to bring this up again, Merrick Garland, but it’s on you watch these egregious attacks on our constitutional republic will either be held to account OR they’ll be fuel for future lawless behavior. It’s pretty much as simple as that.

Final Thought: The optimist in me wants to believe the democrats can figure out a way to pass the legislation which would “head off at the pass” all the racist voter suppression bills I referenced above as “Jim Crow 2.0.” As I’ve said, I’ve been watching democrats act as if they’re afraid of their own “shadow” for most of my lifetime and, it appears, we could be in for, at least, a couple more years of this. And, of course, republicans will be busy gerrymandering even more districts making keeping the democrats in control of the House near impossible. And, the VOTER SUPPRESSION bills are clearly aimed at all the African American votes which republicans believe got Joe Biden into the “White House.” With the “conservative” democrats in the Senate, it may not be necessary for republicans to control Congress to be able to OBSTRUCT Biden’s agenda.

There are too many photos, for example, to my liking of both Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema hanging out with republicans who clearly are attempting to keep them from supporting the democratic agenda. To me, Sinema is more difficult to understand, because her state is “turning blue” – well, at least prior to their VOTER SUPPRESSION bill which is aimed directly at “Maricopa County” which is the population center of the state – ie where the “people of color” reside. Should be interesting, stay tuned…………….

Oh yes, I still remember Chief Justice Roberts obfuscating as to why his court GUTTED the 1965 Voting Rights Act – sections 4 and 5 of it, which required “preclearance before states with a history of voter SUPPRESSION.” Well, now the Court has three more right wing judges, but the bottom line is it will have to be the COURTS which BLOCK “Jim Crow” 2.0 if the democrats are unable to get S-1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act bill passed “sooner rather than later.” To Garland’s credit, he’s suggested the Justice Department will begin that process and there are other “entities” who may be challenging these laws in Court. Will they be able to block this GIANT step backward in America – by the racists in the republican party – which, sadly, appears to be MOST of them – only time will tell!? It’s clear, there’s a large block of American “white people” who fear the loss of their “white privilege.” They would also tell you they believe in “free markets.” I’ve always said, there are NO “free markets” – only markets which are “free” by those who control them. The hypocrisy is palpable! OK, progressives – do whatever you have to do in order to cast your ballot in 2022!

Earth to Merrick Garland: Looking the other way from individual 1’s CRIMES = “green light” to republicans!

My latest “reading” is “Alt America, The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump,” (ie individual 1) by David Neiwert. I’d LOVE all my “conservative” acquaintances to read this book, but I know NOT of a single one who would do so. The TRUTH of what has been happening to America since the days of Ronald Reagan is NOT something they’re interested in. In fact, I don’t know ANY of them who read anything aside from what they can find on right wing websites. And, of course, when they have their TV’s on, they’re watching propaganda outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and “OANN.” I’ve read recently how Fox has gone farther off the “guardrails” since the day their election prognosticators pointed out Joe Biden would win Arizona prior to any of the other “prognosticators,” in order to keep their audience.

The Fox viewers were so outraged they would make that prediction, which, of course, was “right on,” but the viewers could care less. They’ve never been much “in” on the TRUTH if it doesn’t comport with their “wishes.” It was reported after this right wing “fiasco” Fox was losing viewers in droves to Newsmax – and, I can confirm I know some of the fleeing viewers – who actually told me “Fox is too liberal” – and, subsequently Fox has become even MORE outrageous in their attempt to get their viewers back – which seems to be working. Just as republicans are all about POWER so to is Fox all about the MONEY – no matter what damage is caused to this great nation. Republicans have accepted LYING as part of their “means to an end.”

So, in Neiwert’s book, the actual history of what took place on January 6th, 2021 is traced back to the beginnings of the right wing “populist” movement leading to today’s extremism from various groups attempting to instigate another “civil war.” The underlying foundation of ALL these groups is the white nationalist/supremacist movement which has been part of America since her earliest days. For example, much of today’s “extremism” on the “right” comes straight from the “bowels” of the KKK. Of course, the KKK was much more “out in the open” many years ago, but, today, leaders like David Duke and Don Black operate more stealthily, but, for example, the website “” is a “hub” for much of the right wing “militia’s” who were at our nation’s Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021.

One of the groups I’m presently reading about in this book is the “Oathkeepers.” This group was founded by a paranoid ex-military person named Stewart Rhodes. This group and groups like it are full of members who are manipulated via FEAR mongering. The “Oathkeepers” are recruiting former members of the military and police departments – which is a bit alarming when you realize how many of those people are willing to be “sucked in” to these DISHONEST groups (Many were ARRESTED after January 6th, 2021). Rhodes is making a good living grifting off members who fall for his shtick and, of course, while there were numerous “Oathkeepers” arrested after January 6th, 2021 it was no surprise to me to find out Rhodes wasn’t one of them. Just as individual 1 will likely avoid accountability for INCITING the INSURRECTION, so to with Rhodes who encouraged his followers to participate, but when push came to shove, he was no where to be seen, just like individual 1.

Paranoid, I say and you might say, huh? Well, here’s a “quote” from Mark Potok on the Bill O’Reilly show back in 2010 after Rhodes claimed the Obama administration planned to “disarm Americans”: “What the group is really about is the fear that martial law is about to be imposed, that Americans are about to be herded into concentration camps, that foreign troops are going to be put down on American soil. The Oath Keepers say specifically, we will not obey these orders, we will refuse orders to put Americans into concentration camps. Now, is that dangerous? It seems to me the danger is that these are men and women, in the case of police officers, who are given a real power over the rest of us, sometimes the power of life and death. They make very important decisions. And if these men and women are animated by the idea that, you know, foreign forces are about to come into this country and put us under martial law and throw us all into concentration camps, I think there is a certain danger associated with that … They’re operating on the basis of crazy theories that may cause one them to draw a gun one day.” These people are fear mongering wack jobs!

Here’s the irony of all this: They call themselves “Patriots” and “Constitutionalists” – yet, there they were marching into the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 in an attempt to overturn the constitutional ordered process of certifying the Electoral College results of the 2020 election – results confirmed in OVER 60 FAILED – by individual 1 – (and frivolous) lawsuits after the election. I certainly DON’T call them either “patriots” or “constitutionalists.” I mean, suggesting they’re constitutionalists is absurd on its face, and “patriots?” I say, “Are you kidding me?” They use these names to help them recruit people who are unable to think critically. And, trust me, I know a bunch of “conservatives” who are unable to think critically.

One of the offshoots of the “Oathkeepers” was a group called the “Three percenters,” another group “grifting” off disaffected “conservatives” who, in essence, are “all in” on the white nationalist/supremacist movement in America. These types of groups go well back before President Obama took office, but, it seems, it was the election of our first President of “color” which spawned the “Oathkeepers” and, then, the “Three Percenters.” The “Three Percenters” “militia” was concocted by Mike Vanderboegh at about the same time as Rhodes started the “Oathkeepers,” and his “vision” was to enlist American gun owners. These are two examples of extremist “anti-government” groups who chose to represent our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president in an attempt to keep him in power after building up their groups via FEAR MONGERING. So, anti-government? Most of these groups claim what they really don’t like is when elections don’t turn out the way they would want – which is when they become “patriots.” Give me a break!

Just as individual 1 is delusional, so too are these groups who somehow have allowed themselves to be convinced they’re “patriots” and/or “constitutionalists,” or “conservatives.” As I’ve been thinking about what has happened to our country I’ve been reminded of the reality of an “infection” or, maybe a better analogy would be “dry rot.” In both instances when the “rot” or the “infection” first appears it is critical to address it or it simply continues to grow. The “infection” of all these so-called “militias” or “patriot movements” in America have been “festering” for years. Things got really “out of control” under the administration of Barack Obama as virtually ALL these groups were in “panic mode” once “we the people” had elected a person with African American ancestry to the “White House.” I’ll never forget Chuck Norris, in a public interview, warn of “10,000 cells” across America ready to “take our country back.” (From what? A duly elected president?)

Well, in addition, during the first years of President Obama’s administration we all saw the “Tea Party” emerge – with the help of the Koch brothers and Fox “news” – and the “Tea Party” became somewhat intertwined with many of these right wing militia movements – the “Oathkeepers” were right in the middle of many of the “Tea Party” rallies. And, if you saw what took place at those rallies you saw OVERT racism in a group which has now gained a stranglehold on the republican party. I’ve still got acquaintances who are “die hard” republicans who look at you funny when you point out the party is controlled by RACISTS. They always respond with “I’m not a racist” as if I should be ashamed to even bring it up. Of course, there’s one “conservative” I know who then points out “There’s going to be another ‘civil war.'” Yikes!

I would recommend to anyone who wants to understand the “underpinnings” of what is going on in America to read “Alt America.” It goes much deeper into the right wing extremism problem in America than simply the “Oathkeepers” and the “Three Percenters” and what led to January 6th, 2021. (If you’re confused why I keep writing that date it’s because I’m trying to do my part to prevent people from “forgetting” what happened) This extremism goes well back beyond President Obama – it seems to “grow” when there’s a democrat in the “White House” – but, the INSURRECTION is confirmation of what Chris Wray has been talking about since before January 6th, 2021, “the greatest threat to America is domestic right wing extremists.” Republicans in Congress would have us all believe this is “poppycock” – that the INSURRECTIONISTS were simply “visitors to the Capitol” and they’re being abused by the FBI.

This is where we have to look to Merrick Garland to follow through on the promises he made during his confirmation hearings – to investigate the INSURRECTION and the root causes behind it. As I’ve said here, over and over, the TRUTH is going to come out. In my view, it’s incumbent on Mr. Garland to expedite the process as much as he can within the bounds of the law. So far, I’m not that excited about his job performance. He’s appealing a judges ruling about a “memo” from Bill Barr which Judge Amy Berman Jackson said was “disingenuous” (translation: LYING) about Mueller’s report and the OBSTRUCTION allegations (which is likely to prevent any investigation of the OBSTRUCTION allegations against individual 1) AND he’s appealing the ruling which said individual 1 would have to “fend for himself” in the defamation suit filed against him by ONE of the two dozen or so women who accused him of sexual assault. Garland didn’t exactly gain my confidence with EITHER of those choices. (Even if he loses the appeals, another year or two has lapsed – therefore, Barr’s mission “accomplished”) “Looking forward” solves NOTHING!

Keep in mind, the Justice Department is scheduled to PROSECUTE around 500 cases involving the INSURRECTIONISTS – and counting, with a possible number in the 800’s if the FBI can identify all those caught on tape inside the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 – and, we can hope he’s going to be aggressive in these prosecutions. However, he’s showing signs of being timid in the face of a growing number of right wingers OPENLY expressing the desire to attack our government. So far, there’s NO reports he’s investigating individual 1, Rudy Giuliani, individual 1 Jr., Mo Brooks, or any others of those who worked up the crowd prior to the INSURRECTIONISTS invading our Capitol. Let’s just hope Garland doesn’t have the same FEAR of individual 1 shown by the bulk of republicans in Congress. And, is he not wanting to “poke the bear” by going after all the right wingers who are making seditionist threats online – for FEAR of stirring up violence? Here’s the deal: The longer our government ignores those making the online threats the worst the danger of violence will ultimately become.

I pointed this out back when Barack Obama famously said: “We’re going to look forward instead of back.” To republicans, that was like a “green light.” Just more evidence democrats don’t have the stomach to hold them accountable. Therefore, we got the rise of the so-called “alt right” during Obama’s administration and, of course, then the administration of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to exacerbate things by making white nationalists/supremacists feel as if he was their “fuhrer.” I know that sounds hyperbolic, but check out those who hang out at if you don’t believe me. Now, if individual 1 is not held accountable for at least SOME of the plethora of CRIMES he committed while in office, well, then it will just get worse the next time. That’s how it works. And, for any republican who happens across this site, NO, the democrats don’t commit CRIMES like the republicans in the White House. (I know what you’re thinking: “What about Bill Clinton?” – he LIED about sex; apparently “no big deal” to republicans after the LIES of individual 1! – Actually, on the Access Hollywood tape he told the TRUTH)

Final Thought: Today (actually last night) it was revealed the Sessions/Barr Justice Department was ILLEGALLY SPYING on democrats in the House Intelligence Community. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell. Not only were both Schiff and Swalwell SPIED on, but so were their associates, their staffs, and EVEN their families – including, at least, one minor – according to published reports. I’m pretty sure Attorney General Garland didn’t anticipate all the ISSUES left over from individual 1’s assault on our “rule of law,” but he REALLY needs to act – and, not in a way which simply puts off the inevitable – as he’s doing with the two (egregious) “appeals” I mentioned above. Not only should he be putting an emphasis on an investigation which won’t take more than a year (like an IG investigation), but he KNOWS who the “culprits” in the Justice Department are who participated in this act of Judicial cowardice and they should either RESIGN immediately or be FIRED. According to the reports, this SPYING was the result of demands coming from our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – and, if you were paying attention you heard his demands – in real time – he wanted Schiff “arrested” – but, the SPYING had to be ordered by either Sessions or Barr or both and the Justice Department lawyers who participated KNEW better and SHOULD have resigned on the spot. So, based on reports, at least FOUR of them are still there, they SHOULD resign post haste or be FIRED by Mr. Garland. We’ll see how this goes, but, so far, Attorney General Garland hasn’t impressed me.

I will add: Today, Mr. Garland FINALLY announced the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department would begin CHALLENGING the onerous voter SUPPRESSION laws being passed in one right wing controlled state after another. When the Supreme Court GUTTED Sections five and four of the 1965 Voting Right’s Act Chief Justice Roberts claimed “pre-clearance” was not needed any more for states with a history of passing voter SUPPRESSION laws aimed at minorities – as in African Americans. He said, at the time, Section two was sufficient to stop any attempts to disenfranchise voters based on their minority status. Well, let’s hope this is a sign Attorney General Garland is intent on holding Mr. Roberts to his word and that the rest of the Court agrees. The problem is, by the time these onerous bills can be challenged in Court we could be in the 2022 election cycle. I was glad to hear Garland say these laws were going to be challenged today, I’m just wondering what took the Justice Department so long? Stay tuned……

First it was Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. Now, Merrick Garland. What will it take for democrats to realize America is at a crossroads???? Moderation = DEFEAT!

During IMPEACHMENT #2 republicans had the opportunity to put the NONSENSE which has now engulfed their “party” to rest by simply CONVICTING individual 1 for INCITING the INSURRECTION attempt of January 6th, 2021. They could have REMOVED the cloud individual 1 is going to hold over their “party” for good – he’d be, by now, just an afterthought and they COULD have attempted to resurrect their “party” by actually adopting a “platform” which could be part of a “battle of ideas” with democrats. However, as ANYONE who’s been paying attention KNOWS the republicans don’t have a platform. Their “strategy” is to BLAME democrats for “ills” most of which don’t even exist.

MOST of the “accusations” coming from republicans toward, well, anyone NOT a republican (like me) fit the pure definition of PROJECTION. This was one thing individual 1 was actually good at – besides, of course, LYING – that is, projection. If he’s accusing you of it, that means he’s doing it. So, if republicans are accusing democrats of it, it’s most likely because they’re doing it. I say “most likely” because, for example, I wouldn’t call republicans “socialists” – unless, maybe, you’re talking about “socialists” like Joseph Stalin. However, when they refer to democrats as “fascists” I’m immediately harkened back to January 6th, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol Building. There we saw an “up close and personal” view of “fascism” – or, I should say, pseudo fascism – or maybe it would be more accurate to say “wannabe” fascism. You know, “like the sign said” (on one of the shirts) “Camp Auschwitz!”

Democrats, in their dysfunctional way, are attempting to “right” many of the “wrongs” left behind by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, but the reality is they’re stuck in a Congress where Mitch McConnell IS going to BLOCK virtually everything (except, maybe, a Defense Appropriation bill) proposed by democrats – because, in his mind and the minds of republicans, the way back to POWER is via OBSTRUCTION. This has been the republican “MO” since the days of Newt Gingrich. Will it continue to work? Well, only if democrats allow it – and, of course, that includes Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. So, the solution to what is happening in America right now lies with “we the people” – we MUST overcome the OBSTACLES and be focused on VOTING, no matter what – and, Merrick Garland MUST follow through with his promises during his confirmation hearings.

Manchin appears to be really confused. Is he a democrat, I hope so, or is he a democrat who loves the position he’s in where he, in essence, controls as much of what goes on in the Senate as Moscow Mitch. Just the other day he wrote and “Op-ed” in his local newspaper in West Virginia suggesting he doesn’t want to agree to the democrats voting right’s legislation because he doesn’t want to further divide the country. I read that and could only shake my head. What on earth does he think the 360+ VOTER SUPPRESSION bills across the country are doing? Are they not further DIVIDING “we the people?” Either he’s racially insensitive, or racially ignorant, or, well, I’ll let you fill in the blank. His “argument” makes no sense – but, both he and Krysten Sinema seem hell bent on protecting the filibuster – possibly at the expense of Joe Biden’s agenda – honestly, I’m getting the idea Manchin is feeling a bit too full of himself. McConnell couldn’t be happier. So, how will this problem be solved?

It’s true individual 1 is very likely facing indictment from the Manhattan DA AND the Fulton County. Georgia DA – but, if he – and the others who took the stage with him at the Ellipse in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021 – are NOT forced to face legal liability for their role in ENCOURAGING the mob to “attack the Capitol” – “or you won’t have a country anymore” – then our Justice Department is failing maybe it’s greatest test in our nation’s history. The ASSAULT on our Capitol was PLANNED ahead of time, unknown people (to the public) paid for it, the “stooges” who took part were “groomed” by individual 1 since well BEFORE the 2020 election, and FIVE people DIED from the ASSAULT along with two Capitol Police officers who took their own lives days later. There MUST be LEGAL accountability for all of this.

To top it all off, this past weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, Michael Flynn, in essence, agreed with a “former Marine” (?) – who couldn’t correctly pronounce “Myanmar” – that America should have a “Myanmar style coup d etat.” That’s the definition of Sedition – here it is:

“18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy, If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

Well, it should be obvious to any REASONABLE American that the invaders of the Capitol have a big problem on their hands – many SHOULD be facing charges of Sedition. And, Flynn and the “Marine” he was talking to at a “QAnon conference” (What the hell is a retired Military “general” doing at a QAnon conference? you might be asking yourself and, well, I’ve got no good answer) and, maybe, all the people there cheering the response SHOULD be facing, well, something – because, in essence, they were proposing the overthrow of our elected government. Apparently, they think they’re following the constitution because, OK, I can’t explain that one either. Now you know why I’ve devolved to using the word STUPID on this site of late.

Getting back to Flynn. He’s collecting a general’s pension and can be called back to active duty at anytime up until – well, years from now. He’s a proven (admitted) LIAR, he’s suggested an overthrow of our government before – he suggested it to individual 1 prior to January 6th, 2021, and he SHOULD be held to account for his words. He COULD be called back to active duty and COURT MARSHALLED for what he said, or Merrick Garland could intervene based on a clear violation of the US Code mentioned above. The “Marine?” I’m not sure, he couldn’t pronounce “Myanmar,” maybe he heard about “Myanmar” on – I’d be guessing. But, the reality is it’s far more serious when a retired “general” is suggesting Sedition than when someone who can’t pronounce what he’s proposing – although, I’d be OK if BOTH of them were held to account. At some point in time our Justice Department is going to ACTUALLY prove we’re “a nation of laws and not men.” Or, else………………….

So, here’s how the “problem” I mentioned above will be resolved. Somehow, democrats will need to motivate their base to make a record turnout once again and, at a minimum, gain more seats in the Senate and, somehow – in the face of partisan gerrymandering which is already underway – retain control of the House. The American people will have to decide if they want a democratic republic and an authoritarian autocracy like what the Russian people have endured since Vladimir Putin took over some 25 years ago. Putin’s still sticking his nose too deeply into America’s “business” and he’ll continue until Biden “cuts it off” – if he’s capable of doing that. I’ve come to like Joe Biden much more than I anticipated, but I’m going to speak my thoughts regardless – just as I pointed out President Obama’s pragmatic foolishness I’ll do the same if Biden appears he’s going to repeat the same mistakes. In my view, not only is it imperative President Biden is agressive with Putin, so must he be agressive at home – especially when dealing with those who’ve been flaunting our laws for all too long – and, I’m talking about republican “leaders.” And, you know which ones!

I’ll add one more than before my actual “final thought” – which, tonight, obviously, will be “thoughts.” I don’t think it’s a “good look” for Biden’s Justice Department to be defending individual 1’s “stuff” in court. First, it was the so-called Barr memo which Judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered released and Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is appealing that ruling which will delay the release for at least another year. This memo has to do with the upwards of TEN OBSTRUCTION of Justice charges which Robert Mueller suggested individual 1 COULD face once out of office. Barr tried to “head these off at the pass” and Judge Jackson, in essence, accused Barr of LYING – both to the court and Congress. It appears this will be ANOTHER example of executive malfeasance given a “pass.” And, of course, giving this memo a “pass” will likely allow individual 1 to get ANOTHER “pass.” This is NOT what Garland promised when he was in his confirmation hearings. Now, it appears Garland’s Justice Department is siding with individual 1 in his defamation suit brought by one of his alleged sexual assault victims. “And, the beat goes on……..”

Final Thought: My brother-in-law lives in Pittsburgh, he’s as old as me (that’s pretty old), he operates a small business – which has gotten “smaller” due to the ruthlessness of some of America’s most “famous” corporations – like, for example, Apple – and, he’s worried about “inflation” because of all of “Biden’s spending” – or words to that effect. Sadly, I’m not back there to speak to him in person – I love Pittsburgh, but I hate FLYING (even before the pandemic) – but, I’m sure, there are many more who are thinking the same way. Well, the short answer I’d give him is “not to worry.” “A little inflation is good for the soul” of the country which is coming off the “brink” of another “Great Depression” (Seems as if that’s the routine “handoff” from republican administration to democratic administration these days) and would have been suffering from DEFLATION if not for the democrats “stimulus efforts” since individual 1 chose to ignore the FACT a serious virus was in the “air.”

Republicans were too STUPID to understand the so-called “CARES Act” – the BEST parts for “we the people” – was the work of Nancy Pelosi and the democratic House – which included the SBA loans which were “forgivable” to businesses who retained their employees and ALSO the extra $600 for unemployment benefits for the 20+ MILLION Americans who LOST their jobs because of the pandemic. That “Act” actually was key to reviving the Stock Market – which was the ONLY guage individual 1 had to measure the “health” of the economy and it helped many Americans have money for basic expenses – the weekly “bonus” to the unemployed really rankled republicans to the point they failed to understand it was their “ticket” for success in the 2020 election.

Had republicans been SMART enough to agree to the “HEROES Act” – another gem put forth by Ms. Pelosi, I believe individual 1 would still be in the “White House” because, obviously, Ms. Pelosi cares more about the health of our nation than the “health” of the democratic party. The “HEROES Act” was, in essence, the equivalent of the “weak” stimulus passed in December on a “bi-partisan” basis – which sent out $600 payments to Middle Class Americans (again, to the chagrin of MOST republicans – even though individual 1 actually understood the amount SHOULD have been $2000) – plus the “Covid Relief Bill” passed in the first month or so of Biden’s administration. In essence, these bills have prevented our nation from veering into “deflation” which is much WORSE than a bit of “inflation.”

I’ve read quite a bit of the writings of Paul Krugman, a true Keynesian economist, and he’s quick to point out the dangers of inflation are quite small and that a bit of inflation (above the 2% target) will likely be beneficial until we’ve actually recovered from the economic shock of the pandemic. If you’re worried about inflation get your house re-financed while the interest rates are still at historic lows, or buy the car you’ve been planning to buy. or whatever – because the Fed can shut off a too high rise in inflation by raising rates – but, even the Fed chair (Powell) has suggested a bit of inflation right now would be beneficial – providing it doesn’t get out of control.

For heaven’s sake, in many parts of America the minimum wage is still $7.25 per hour. That, to me, is worse than ridiculous – and, keep in mind, it’s still that low STRICTLY because of republican intransigence. When I first started working back in 1963 (as a “busboy” in a restaurant) the minimum wage was $1.25 per hour. Based on inflation, it SHOULD be AT LEAST the $15 per hour democrats are attempting to get passed through Congress as I’m writing this. It wasn’t a (totally) livable wage back in 1963 but it was FAR closer than the $7.25 today. And, in states like Arizona, if you’re a restaurant worker and getting tips, they don’t even have to pay you the $7.25. In Washington State, where I live, the minimum wage was above $13.50 across the state and, I believe, $15 per hour in Seattle, the largest city. Not only did this not adversely effect Washington’s economy, it apparently helped it because Washington is doing quite well.

“Biden’s spending” SHOULD be viewed as “INVESTING” in the American people. I’ve told anyone willing to listen to me, this is the FIRST time in my LIFETIME where I feel our government is actually INVESTING in “we the people.” (I was born in 1947) Of course, Eisenhower’s Federal Highway project was a great “investment” in the American people and there were others when I was too young to understand (GI Bill, etc.) but since the day Ronald Reagan turned “conservatives” against our own government – a move which has metastasized over the years, leading up to January 6th, 2021 with a bunch of white nationalists who view individual 1 as their “fuhrer” (causing their parents who fought in WW II – like my own – to “turn in their graves”) republicans have done virtually NOTHING but “trickle up” taxpayer dollars to Americans who don’t need the help. Their “theories” have proven BOGUS over and over again, yet the continue to push them because, well, enough Americans have fallen for their “shtick” and believe all their problems are the result of our “socialist” government.

I’ve stated here I haven’t found ONE republican who claims democrats are “socialists” who understand what a “socialist” really is (they almost always confuse it with “communist”). America has been a – I guess I’ll call it – “socialist republic” since the “New Deal” and programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. And, since my “peer group” is a bunch of old people like me, I haven’t found a SINGLE one willing to give up their Social Security or Medicare benefit despite their claims “Biden is a Socialist.” If fact, most have said things like “Keep the government’s “hands” off my Social Security” – and, I’m not kidding. They get offended when you say, “You’re watching too much Fox “news.” Those who aren’t eligible for Social Security believe they’ll NEVER benefit from it – despite the FACT that is absurd – unless they keep voting for republicans! (Of course, they believe THAT because Fox, Newsmax, OANN, etc. say so)

So, what I’d say to anyone worried about “inflation” would be get rid of any variable rate loans you have – I learned that lesson back in the early days of Reagan – make sure ANY loans you have are “fixed rate” loans. Personally, I don’t believe the Fed will allow inflation to “spike” but I do believe the consider “a bit of inflation” helpful at this point in time – because the economy is STILL in the process of recovering from the guy who’s screwed up EVERY “inheritance” he’s ever received. Biden is doing EXACTLY what he should be doing and will likely be FORCED to push through the “infrastructure bill” and the “Families” plan of his agenda via some concocted reconciliation scheme because republicans would NEVER agree to invest in Middle Class Americans. This, by the way, is why Biden has an “approval rating” north of 60% and explains why individual 1’s “approval” always languished in the LOW “forties.”

I’ll end this “final thought” by saying the “kicker” in Biden’s (spending) INVESTMENTS in the American people and our future is, unlike republican “policy” – re tax scams, he’s planning to pay for the INVESTMENT by raising taxes on those Americans earning MORE than $400,000 per year and Corporations – including cracking down on corporations who are paying NOTHING in taxes and “stashing” profits in places like the Cayman Islands. This tax avoidance mentality is one of the many “deplorable” outgrowths of republican “trickle down” policy since Reagan took the oath of office. In fact, just by funding the IRS the calculation I’ve read is close to $1 TRILLION per year can be raised simply from tax CHEATS – rich people refusing to pay taxes or not paying what they actually owe. I’ve read from multiple sources the present IRS “audits” are focused more on people getting the “earned income credit” than on MILLIONAIRES cheating on their returns – if they even send one in – because, “It’s too expensive to fight them due to all their accountants and the IRS has been stripped of funding by republicans in recent years.” Novel idea – actually paying for these INVESTMENTS in America.

Finally, keep in mind, it’s these very wealthy people who don’t want to PAY any taxes if they can get away with it who will be reaping the greatest benefit of rebuilding our infrastructure or educating our people to the modern economy, or investing in child care for working parents, and on and on – ultimately, the revitalized economic benefits actually WILL “trickle up” to those at the top – and, likely, they’ll still be complaining about “socialism” and still be trying to avoid paying taxes. I’d give my idea of “alternate options” for these people, but I’ll save it for another day. Stay tuned…………………

Senator Tim Scott seemed to suggest the democrats attempting to provide funding to “non-white farmers” is “reverse racism.” What the………….?

I don’t know if I have the energy to finish this post, but I’ll start off by saying I read an article in the Washington Post (which I’m a subscriber) written by Robert J Walker titled “I’d be a republican if it weren’t for the republicans. So might many other African Americans.” It was a very interesting article and reminded me of my (now deceased) former teaching partner who was “African American,” had served 20 years in the Air Force (carrying a bullet too close to his heart to remove since the Viet Nam days), had his own church and was a phenomenal pastor, and an incredible educator as we worked together teaching 6th graders who came to our classes (mostly) from low socio economic families – many in “generational poverty.”

I always felt the same way about my friend (probably the BEST friend I’ve ever had) in regard to Mr. Walker’s article. He was – I want to say OBVIOUSLY simply because he was a “fire and brimstone” pastor – a devout Christian, but, as a Christian myself, I’ve been struggling as to why so many Christians remained devoted to the republican party once it was apparent it had been “overrun” by the “Tea Party” and then individual 1. The RACISM in the republican party should be OBVIOUS to anyone – for heaven’s sake, individual 1 STILL “rules the roost.” To me, it’s embarrassing watching republican “leaders” who KNOW BETTER kissing up to a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who has a KNOWN history of RACISM. And, clearly, the republican party is resorting to what has been referred to as “21st Century Jim Crow” as a strategy to remain in POWER instead of appealing to our nation’s populace with “the battle of ideas” aimed at making life better for MOST of Americans.

I’m not going to go over this article in depth, but you can find it by clicking HERE if you’re interested. Well, right after reading Mr. Walker’s article, I read an article in the Post written by Senator Tim Scott a republican from South Carolina. What caused me to kind of “cringe” as I read Mr. Scott’s article was his repeated reference to “wokeism” or “woke supremacy” in his defense of himself remaining a republican and, in essence, lashing out at anyone who thinks he’s an “uncle tom,” or words to that effect. His article can be found by clicking HERE. Well, I’ve heard republicans using the word “woke” kind of “across the board” as they attempt to define those of us who believe in equality of ALL Americans and divide us from the reality the republican “base” is INFECTED by white nationalists/supremacists. That’s just a FACT. One which I sensed Mr. Scott was attempting to skirt.

The FIRST thing I had to admit, to myself, after reading Mr. Scott’s article was that I had no idea what “wokeism” or “woke supremacy” actually means. I’ve heard people like Ted Cruz using the term and other right wing republicans and I’ve just assumed it was another of their terms they put into the “Big Lie Theory” “hopper.” Meaning, they’re attempting, but using a term OVER and OVER again to “wedge” it into out public persona. So, I had to try to find out what “woke” and “wokeism” actually mean – if anything.

There are many articles on the “web” regarding the meaning of “woke” but I chose to read the “Miriam Webster” definition of “woke.” You can click HERE to read it for yourself if you choose. Here’s what I’ve gathered from reading Webster’s definition and some of the other articles I read including Mr. Scotts. (regrettably) My conclusion is the word “woke” “originated” in the African American community and has been “tied” by conservatives to the “Black Lives Matter” movement along with ALL those who sympathise or outright support that movement. So, what Mr. Scott seems to be referring to when he uses the term “woke supremacy” is “Black supremacy.” I truly hope that’s not the case, I’m just trying to figure out what his point was.

I “get” he’s been demeaned by many for being a Black republican senator – considering he’s had to support a bunch of RACISTS in his own caucus. I have to admit, it’s been hard for me to understand how he’s been able to justify doing so, but what little I’ve seen from him, I have to admit I’ve considered him a republican who MIGHT attempt to work with democrats on issues of significance to “we the people.” So far, MOSTLY disappointed – he couldn’t even bring himself to vote to CONVICT individual 1 in the face of OVERWHELMING evidence of GUILT. I really have struggled to understand why he wasn’t one of the GUILTY votes – but, again, that’s his prerogative.

What he describes as “woke supremacy” would, likely, be ascribed by him as my own struggle to understand how his “ideology matches what ‘i would ascribe’ to match his skin color. He refers to it as the “tolerant left’s intolerance for dissent.” I’ve written about projection before and just because Senator Scott is Black doesn’t excuse him from using the “word salads” which dominate the republican dialect these days. The “tolerant left” isn’t being intolerant to “dissent,” it’s pushing for tolerance for inclusion and fairness for all. This would include Mr. Scott AND all those republicans pushing for the “21st Century Jim Crow laws” which CLEARLY are aimed at discriminating against “people of color.” I really don’t understand how Mr. Scott can NOT be aware of what is happening across this nation and how he can support it, even if by his own silence in it’s wake.

And, drilling the word “woke” into the minds of the right wing Americans who are pushing the “intolerance” Mr. Scott seems to oppose, seems to be a contradiction I couldn’t look away from. The fact Mr. Scott has received what amount to racially biased threats – which are abhorrent and WRONG – just as anyone else, he has the right to his own ideology – as long as it’s NOT negatively impacting others – and if believing that makes me “woke” according to republicans, so be it. However, the term “woke” originated in the African American community and even Mr. Scott can’t cause me to believe it’s becoming part of the racist “dog whistling” of America’s right wing politicians and, to a degree, it grieves me that Mr. Scott is participating in that, in essence, BRAINWASHING of the “republican base.”

Why do I support the Black Lives Matter movement? Because I’m sick and tired of learning about, and in the instance of George Floyd (and a few others), Black Americans being MURDERED by Police Officers who, in most cases, simply “get away with it.” I’m sick of witnessing the discrimination by teaching partner (and many other African American friends) have endured over their lifetimes and CONTINUE to endure – enough ALREADY! Sadly, this country, right now, is experiencing a WAVE of discriminatory LAWS being considered or PASSED in states with republican legislatures aimed DIRECTLY at African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, poor Americans and young Americans with the sole purpose of RIGGING the future elections in this nation. It’s an abomination and I didn’t read anything in Mr. Scott’s article referring to this.

These laws were concocted and written by the Heritage Action group funded by Charles Koch’s Heritage Foundation. Mr. Koch was an early member of the John Birch Society, his father one of the founding members. If you don’t know what they stand for I’ll let you figure it out – but, suffice it to say, these new “laws” are totally aimed at preserving the control of our election system by white people. You don’t have to look very far to see where this republican party is coming from so, I have to say, while I wanted to read Mr. Scott’s article to understand his point of view, it’s almost as if it’s fallen on “deaf ears.” For example, I’ve been following some of the cabinet level appointments of Joe Biden who are African American and profoundly qualified and Mr. Scott has voted AGAINST almost (if not everyone of them) all of them. He voted AGAINST Kristen Clarke, a highly qualified Black woman, to run the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division TWICE!

I guess what I’m saying here is, while I would defend Mr. Scott’s right to believe whatever he wants to believe, I’m failing to understand his reasoning when he refers to “woke supremacy.” Sadly, that feels to me like a Black US Senator sending out “dog whistle” rhetoric to a “base” which really NEEDS to here the TRUTH. And, when I say TRUTH I’m not speaking in spiritual or religious terms. (Disclosure, I’m a “Christian” who struggles to understand people’s “religion” who profess to believe in Christ – but, that’s a thought for another day) The TRUTH I’m talking about is that individual 1 is NOT still the president – even the TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. He LOST the election (by OVER 7 MILLION votes – a record “landslide”) he LOST over 60 court challenges to the result, in reality, he’s been a LOSER for most of his life – he’s managed by being in incredible BULLY.

The “walls” are closing in on individual 1 and he’s likely to be INDICTED, very possibly from multiple jurisdictions – one which SHOULD be the Justice Department – and he COULD be spending the rest of his days defending himself from legal jeopardy. And, that’s not even taking into account all the civil lawsuits he’s facing. He’s a “wannabe” mob boss who’s skirted the laws for years and it’s finally catching up to him. I wrote early in his regime he’d come to loathe the day he “won” the “White House.” (Of course, with the help of the Russians)

In unison, the caucus of republican Senators continue to “live in fear” of individual 1’s base – which is made up of people like David Duke, Don Black, and many other “leaders” of the white nationalist movement in America. I’m sorry, but Mr. Scott is choosing to be a part of that movement and, I believe, whatever his “ideology” as he refers to it, gets lost in the reality he’s associating himself with a group of Senators who are, at a minimum, supporting a RACIST agenda. It’s pretty much as simple as that. I could go on, but I hope I’ve made my point. (OK, I have to add one more thing. Mr. Scott seemed to call the democrats efforts to provide funding for “non-white farmers” as “reverse racism.” To me, that borders on outrageous! What was he saying when individual 1 was funneling BILLIONS to white farmers? Little of what he says makes sense to me)

Final Thought: Republicans are scrambling to find ways to keep themselves relevant via their attack on voting rights or their using what I referred to above as the “Big Lie Theory” “hopper.” That is, throwing around “word salads” to see what sticks. Phrases like “cancel culture,” or saying “woke supremacy” is as bad as “white supremacy,” or using Mr. Potato Head to make a point among others are all ways to avoid actually having a debate on ideas. All I hear from republicans is the HATE “liberals” and they’re UNIFIED in OBSTRUCTING Biden’s agenda – which, by the way, is POPULAR with OVER 60% of Americans. This is the classical attempt to RULE via the minority. Our system of government was designed to protect the rights of the minority via the “system of checks and balances” – the executive, the legislature, and the courts. It’s worked for over 240 years, yet republicans, including Mr. Scott, are attempting to find ways to prevent Americans from participating in the electoral process because they vote for democrats. To me, that’s simply CHEATING in plain sight!

One last thing: Mr. Scott referred to his “friend” Krysten Sinema who, he said, received “death threats” after voting against what he called the “job killing minimum wage hike” (That’s ANOTHER argument for another day – among many in his article). I don’t condone, in fact I condemn anyone making “death threats” to ANYONE and, I believe, they should be prosecuted for doing so – but, I find Mr. Scott’s mention of Ms. Sinema to be curious – just as I found a quick press briefing she held recently next to the Senior Senator (a republican) from Texas. It appears to me republicans are “grooming” Ms. Sinema to help her “steely” her resolve to continue supporting the arcane Senate procedure, the filibuster, used historically to support racism, among other obstructions. If fact, just as he did when President Obama was inaugurated, Moscow Mitch McConnell has publicly stated his intent to OBSTRUCT everything in the Senate as long as Joe Biden is president.

So, the reality is as long as the filibuster is not “reformed” or removed, Mitch McConnell continues to rule the Senate. And, I guarantee you this, if republicans succeed in SUPPRESSING millions of democratic leaning voters – or succeed in writing LAWS giving them the right to overrule the “will of the people,” depending on the results of elections, and then regain a majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, at that point will repeal the filibuster. Republicans, in my view, are grooming Ms. Sinema and, likely, Joe Manchin in order to be assured of their ability to OBSTRUCT. In today’s Senate and under today’s circumstances there’s NO chance there will be “bipartisanship” in the Senate.

I keep pointing this out, but, NOW, the 2022 election is the MOST important election in my lifetime. Progressives MUST flock to the polls in record numbers, once again, to vote a more significant democratic MAJORITY in the Senate and increase the democratic majority in the House so that the badly needed reforms this nation needs can be addressed. The needed response to the republicans MASSIVE effort at voter SUPPRESSION is a backlash which wipes as many of these republicans from office as possible. The sad reality is, if democrats can’t get the John Lewis Voting Rights Bill and the “For the People Act” passed this year controlling the House may be near impossible for democrats – due to the potential partisan GERRYMANDERING which will take place later this year without the “For the People Act.” Stay tuned………………

Once again, I’m violating my own (sixth grade) rules by publishing this without re-reading or editing. Call it laziness because that’s what it is! Sorry (if you actually got this far :o)

I hope January 6th, 2021 doesn’t end up mirroring Abu Ghraib – where the instigators go free while the “grunts” face the legal ramifications of the ILLEGAL Activity!

Merrick Garland, the Attorney General confirmed during the beginning of the Biden Administration comes to the office with widespread respect as an a-political jurist and believer in “we the people” having a “fair” Justice Department. So, he comes to this office at what appears to be possibly the most perilous time in our nation’s history. Today, the US Senate voted against having a “bi-partisan commission” studying what happened on January 6th, 2021, how the INSURRECTION came about, who and what were behind it, who paid for it, why weren’t re-enforcements sent to the Capitol Building for over three hours after the police lines were breached. and what kind of communications were happening before, during and after the siege. One other thing which MUST be made public – who were the members of Congress giving tours of the Capitol Building in the days leading up to the siege – when the Building was supposed to be closed to visitors? I have my guesses, but I’ll wait until the FACTS are made public.

The bottom line here is the republican party has made it clear they want to “move on” from January 6th, 2021 because they KNOW it won’t look good for them – especially, because they’re in the “grip” of individual 1 – conceivably more-so than when he was still our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. The vote was simply a confirmation that Moscow Mitch will continue the OBSTRUCTION of EVERYTHING which is the same thing he did during the Obama administration. The “onus” for what is necessary to FIGHT back against what the republicans are doing since individual 1 lost now rests on – the obvious choice – Joe Manchin, but ALSO right at the feet of Attorney General Garland.

Republicans DON’T want to have any public investigation of January 6th, 2021 so it has to come from other sources – and, to me, the most significant would be the Justice Department holding individual 1 to account for INCITING the INSURRECTION. Of course, republicans wouldn’t like that, but it was none other than Moscow Mitch – in his “impassioned” speech following his cowardly vote to acquit individual 1 right after IMPEACHMENT #2 – who suggested our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president “could” be held accountable in a court of law. Individual 1 SHOULD get the opportunity to defend his actions in a court of law BECAUSE 5 people DIED as a result of him INCITING the crowd into frenzy.

It’s been reported he sat in the “White House” and watched the INSURRECTION with a sense of joy – reportedly saying “These people love me” as they were ransacking our nation’s Capitol Building chanting “Hang Mike Pense” after erecting a gallows with a noose on the Capitol grounds. To show you what pathetic COWARDS the republicans are – both Pense and his brother, who’s a member of the House – have since shown their fealty to the disgraced TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who sat in his chair as the assault on the Capitol Building was under way and “Tweeting:” “Our Vice President Pense has failed us” or words to that effect. Even that wasn’t enough to get the Pense’s to publicly denounce the “worst person in the world” – individual 1.

So, how have republicans responded to being “hitched to the WORST person in the world?” They’re attempting to change the rules in states across the nation making it more difficult for those who tend to vote for democrats to vote. They even want to be able to change the results if they don’t like the results of how the people vote. Now, keep in mind, EVERY one of their VOTER SUPPRESSION tactics is aimed at “Black and Brown” Americans, young Americans, and others who tend to vote for democrats and, if “Black and Brown” Americans STILL vote for democrats, somehow, despite all the attempts to restrict their access to the polls, the state legislatures want to be able to CHANGE the results to their own liking. Simply put: This is “un-American.”

I know people who voted for individual 1 who have said to me: “I don’t believe in democracy.” And, of course, they’re talking about America’s form of government – which, by the way, is not a (pure) democracy. We’ve had a “democratic republic” since the days of our founding fathers, but right wing Americans have been attacking our system of government since, by my memory, the days of Ronald Reagan. And, of course, there’s an underlying “principle” in all of these attacks on our “democracy” since the day Reagan was elected. It’s all based on RACISM. Every republican I know is repulsed at the idea they’re a RACIST, yet they continue to support a political party which has a BASE embedded in their midst who are the worst kind of racists – white supremacists. This is all FACTUAL – when you look at the (recent) history of America, you see what appears to be a conspiracy made up of RACISTS to move into America’s “mainstream” via the republican party.

In my memory, it all started with Reagan, but, of course, it’s been part of America’s history since the first boatload of slaves arrived over 400 years ago. People like me, based on the reality we have “Black friends,” have been too naïve to realize how serious this issue really is. I remember talking to my teaching partner, a Black man who remains one of my heroes – now from heaven, when Barack Obama was elected and saying, “I didn’t think I’d live long enough to see this happen.” He agreed, but, of course, he KNEW what was likely to happen as a result of Obama’s election. When I saw the movie “42” (about Jackie Robinson) it helped me to understand what President Obama was facing as our FIRST President of “color.”

Reagan made the announcement of his campaign for the “White House” from Philadelphia Mississippi, where three Civil Rights workers were murdered back in 1964, which is when I realized republican politicians spoke in “dog whistles” and I’ve been witnessing this ever since – AND, of course, individual 1 “expertly” turned republican “dog whistles” into “bull horns.” And, now – right in the light of day, the republican party his getting beyond the “dog whistles” and they’re doing their VOTER SUPPRESSION of people of “color” right out in the open. How do they justify all this? Well, of course, it’s via “dog whistles.” Makes me a bit sick to my stomach that I have to write this – America SHOULD have gotten beyond this by now – but the reality is there are MILLIONS of overt RACISTS in this nation.

I’m presently reading “Alt America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump” by David Neiwert, While I understood the issue with the republican party being ruled by RACISTS, Mr. Neiwert gives a factual history of those who have been pushing this “deplorable” epidemic for the past 50+ years. Recognizable (at least to me) names like David Duke and Don Black of the KKK (along with MANY others) are listed in the book (should be required reading for America’s politicians) along with those in the “mainstream media” who’ve worked to perpetuate the RACIST “identity politics” in America – people like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson among MANY (sadly) others. I’ve always called these people to be willing to LIE for MONEY. Limbaugh is gone, but, for example, Carlson is presently speaking directly to the White Supremacists like Duke and Black and continuously LYING about the 2020 election – keeping the “Big Lie” aflame.

Reagan started all this – meaning the present day group of people who self-proclaim to be “patriots” who are willing to “die” to overturn our national government – apparently, into a totalitarian response to the democratic republic which has given them the “freedom” to be planning their seditious ambitions. Obviously, it’s metastasized since the days of Reagan and the willingness to LIE has been put on “steroids” by individual 1 AND, over this past weekend, none other than Michael Flynn – keep in mind we’re talking about during the Memorial Day weekend when “we the people” are supposed to honor those who’ve given their lives for our freedoms – suggested we should have a “Myanmar type coup” in America. Republicans still believe individual 1 is going to be “re-inaugurated” by the end of summer.

I’ve been calling on the Justice Department to be holding individual 1 accountable for INCITING the INSURRECTION since the day I watched all those IDIOTS charge into the Capitol Building, people who even defecated in the hallways and smeared the “results” on the walls of this cherished building, urinating on the walls, smashing doors and windows, and ransacking the desks and offices of our Congressional leaders – all to demonstrate their disdain for our democratic republic. Clearly, all this happened because of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president’s INCITEMENT. FIVE people DIED during this attack and there MUST be accountability for those who STAGED it, along with those who carried out what they thought were “orders” from individual 1.

Well, now we’re looking to our Military leaders to step up and hold “General” Flynn accountable for calling for a “Myanmar style coup” in America. This wasn’t the first time we’ve heard seditious language coming from Mr. Flynn – there were multiple reports he was calling for this in meetings with individual 1 prior to the attempted INSURRECTION. He’s a retired General and he gets a pension from the Army AND his language SHOULD be intolerable. I’ve read several reports which suggest Flynn SHOULD be called back to active duty and COURT MARSHALLED for SEDITION. I realize our military leaders SHOULD be busy eradicating our military of those who support the right wing SEDITIONISTS in our midst, but Mr. Flynn SHOULD face accountability for his “deplorable” words. Words MATTER! (Especially when you’re a leader with a national standing).

The commentators on outlets like Fox “news” use the “freedoms” Flynn would be suggesting we get rid of via the coup d etat to spew RACIST garbage with impunity. I’ve been listening (via SMALL segments of time, as much as I could stomach) to Hannity, Carlson, and Limbaugh (among others) for years. THEY, in my view, are part of the “basket of deplorables” and they’ve become emboldened by right wingers getting away with CRIMINAL behavior for years. Republicans have been doing so since the days of Reagan – including Reagan himself in the Iran/Contra fiasco), Bush/Cheney regarding authorizing WAR CRIMES, and, of course, individual 1 with a litany of illegal activity which very well could confirm my suggestion he’s nothing more than a cheap mob boss. This is what republicans have been voting for for years.

Unless both Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema relent on their obstinance regarding modifying the FILIBUSTER so the democratic agenda can be passed into law – most importantly Senate Bill-1 which is the “For the People Act” originally passed in the House, “we the people” will be depending on Mr. Garland to save this nation. The “For the People Act” would nationalize voting regulations, would regulate campaign financing, and would require non-partisan redistricting in states all across the nation – among other important benefits for “we the people.” In addition, democrats could pass the “John Lewis Voting Rights Bill” which would restore sections 4 and 5 of the Voting Rights Act which was decimated by the Roberts Court back in around 2013. The national wave of VOTER SUPPRESSION bills began shortly after that “deplorable” Supreme Court decision. Roberts claimed Section 2’s protections were adequate – so, we’ll likely find out this year if Manchin and Sinema don’t relent. Republican assaults on voters since the 2020 election are onerous – there’s no other way to describe what they’re doing.

Attorney General Garland is obligated to intervene to stop our delusional TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and the others who helped him gin up the thousands of Americans who came to Washington DC on January 6th, 2021 with the express purpose of overthrowing the American government’s ability to complete the “peaceful transition of power” which has gone on in this nation since, well, the beginning of the republic. These are people who claim to believe in the constitution but, apparently, have no idea what’s in it. The process which Mike Pense was overseeing was, in essence, a non critical process which is ceremonial in nature. Of course, republicans, en masse, chose to make a circus of the proceeding – even AFTER the INSURRECTION attempt – by objecting to the elections in various states – Pennsylvania for one.

So, it’s up to Mr. Garland to follow through on his promise during his confirmation hearings to investigate the INSURRECTION and hold those accountable who staged the encounter – so that the 500+ “stooges” who thought they were following the “orders” of their “fuhrer” won’t be the only ones held to account for this “deplorable” attack on the foundation of our government. I’ve written this before, but it all reminds me of the Abu Ghraib scandal of Bush/Cheney. Clearly the TORTURE was authorized by those at the top of their administration – including both Bush and Cheney – but, the only ones who faced legal accountability were the Army “grunts” who thought they were “following directions” as they committed WAR CRIMES on numerous Iraqi citizens. I really hope that scenario is not repeated in the case of January 6th, 2021.

Final Thought: Shelby County v Holder was the Supreme Court decision which “gutted” the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – a law which was re “confirmed” many times prior to this “deplorable” decision by the Roberts Court. The Court gutted Sections 5 and 4 of the Act which has led to ALL the recent egregious VOTER SUPPRESSION bills being pushed by republicans in almost EVERY state in the Union. This is why the John Lewis Voting Rights bill MUST also be passed this year by the Biden administration. And, we know that will be impossible unless both Manchin and Sinema relent on their support of the FILIBUSTER in the Senate as it exists today. Republicans “modified” the filibuster in order to get their judges confirmed and democrats should, at a minimum, modify it to allow a “majority” vote in the Senate (and House) to get voting rights legislation passed. Passing the two Voting Rights bills will go a long way to turn back the republican CORRUPTION which has infected our nation.

I’ll write more about this “infection” soon, but suffice it to say, the “infection” in the republican party began MANY years ago and, like any “infection,” if you fail to address it over time the “infection” just continues to get worse. Well, the “infection” is so bad now it appears to me the solution is “amputation.” When investigators (Like the FBI) report about the dangers of the “right wing extremists – ie white nationalists/supremacists” the republican party immediately takes offense – as if the report is attacking them. We’re talking about reports which NEVER once mention the word “republican” – it’s the republicans who immediately take a defensive stance as if to say they understand outfits like the KKK are part of their base – and, they’re OK with it! Yikes!!! Stay tuned!!!