Individual 1 is the “symptom;” The “disease” is the republican party and the billionaire benefactors “pulling the strings” in the shadows!

I’ve been writing for OVER ten years about the republican plan for their “permanent republican majority” – the first time I heard the phrase was back in the Bush/Cheney regime when Karl Rove introduced the “plan.” They’ve NEVER stopped with this “plan” and, every time they lose an election, their willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish what would, in essence, be rule by the minority (white people), gets more egregious and intense. What we’re witnessing today is an unbelievable attack on the foundation of our democratic republic. If the COURTS, which were filled with right wing (and in many instances totally unqualified) judges, allow this assault on our republic, individual 1 may have succeeded in doing what Adolf Hitler failed to do back in the days of WW II. (And, remember, individual 1 is the “symptom” the “disease” is the republican party and the billionaire benefactors “pulling the strings” in the shadows)

I’ve been writing lately about the importance of Merrick Garland following through on the promises he made in his confirmation hearings to investigate individual 1’s CRIMINAL behavior while in the “White House” – which went well beyond INCITING the INSSURRECTION. General Garland is finding himself in a critical place in what will be American History – one way or the other. Joe Biden KNEW he was running for president to “save the soul” of this nation and he is ALSO in a critical place in what soon will be part of our history. This WAR for the heart and soul of this nation will continue, I believe, likely past my lifetime. This is why I’m encouraging young people to do whatever they MUST to protect America by “jumping through the hoops” republicans are creating in order to keep them from voting.

Here’s the key part of some of these VOTER SUPPRESSION laws – state legislatures are giving themselves the “right” to overturn the elections in their states if they don’t like the results. I’m not kidding with that – it seems IMPOSSIBLE to me that Americans in state legislatures would STOOP to such an incredibly onerous level – but, here we are. So, if the democrats fail to get the “For the People Act” and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act” passed this year, well, “we the people” will have to rely on the courts – and, do you have confidence in the Supreme Court with 6 right wing judges? As I said above, I’ve been writing about this “republican plan” for almost 15 years and, my guess is some of the original instigators are not so on board as it’s gone off the “rails.” (It took me a while to start writing once I realized the severity of the issue)

For example, it was Liz Cheney’s dad who was associated with Rove back at the turn of the 21st Century. Ms. Cheney is kind of “on and island” in standing up against individual 1, but you don’t hear a “squeak” from her condemning all this VOTER SUPPRESSION. However, I believe Dick Cheney’s (sort of) boss GW Bush is likely a bit concerned with what he’s seeing – I really don’t believe he would support this plan to accomplish what they were unable to keep – remember, just as individual 1 had for two years, the Bush/Cheney regime had total control of the government for at least six years. They had their own form of incompetence and, just like individual 1, left an incredible MESS for their successor, but Bush/Cheney left town with their “tails between their legs” and we didn’t hear much from them once President Obama was in office. Individual 1, not so much! (Remember, it was the right wing Supreme Court who put Bush/Cheney in the “White House” in the first place)

Just as I predicted regarding our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, ALL the TRUTH will “seep” out, drip by drip, and it’s beginning to gain “steam” as we’re seeing, based on reports of the illegal Justice Department “spying” on members of Congress, their associates, their families, and even their children – not to mention individual 1’s own “White House” Counsel Don McGahn. This is simply one more scandal and there were so many during individual 1’s time in office people became numb to it all – which is a bad reaction. This leads individual 1’s sycophants to continue believing he’s facing one “witch hunt” after another – but, the reality is our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president appears to be a serial OFFENDER of our system of laws. He believed (believes) he’s above the law and, as I’ve said, the challenge for Merrick Garland is to prove him wrong.

It’s hard for me to understand how republicans – well, those who DON’T identify with the KKK and other white nationalist/supremacist “circles” – can continue to follow individual 1. But, the reality is the republican party was severely “infected” before individual 1 commandeered them and, of course, the “infection” is just getting worse. Do you remember our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president saying “You’ll get tired of all the winning?” Well, technically, he’s been a LOSER on all fronts. It’s true republicans managed to get their tax “scam” passed in 2017, but that’s about it – and that “scam” is about as popular as, OK you knew this was coming, individual 1 – which aint very popular. So, yesterday was just another in the LONG line of DEFEATS (ie LOSING) associated with individual 1.

By now, everyone KNOWS individual 1 LOST over 60 court cases as he challenged what was called the MOST secure election in American history (by his own head of the government overseeing the election – an individual 1 appointee) OVER 60 times and, in every instance, “more LOSING.” Well, as another example of ALL the LOSING, yesterday the Supreme Court may have put the “endless” republican attempt to overturn the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”), for another example of LOSING, by ruling against still ANOTHER republican led attempt to overturn the law. Even two of the individual 1 appointed judges ruled against the lawsuit which, of course, was “championed” by none other than individual 1 himself. He always claimed republicans had a “better and cheaper” version simply waiting in the wings which they would enact as soon as “Obamacare” was destroyed. Well, of course they didn’t have ANYTHING “waiting in the wings,” they still don’t and this is simply another example of republicans trying to further their “war” on the poor in America and the Middle Class families which get subsidies from “Obamacare,” and ALL the American families who’ve been able to keep their children on their own policies until they reach the age of 26. (Thanks to individual 1’s non-response to the Covid-19 pandemic there are now over 10 MILLION Americans on Medicaid – which is possible only because of the ACA)

So, how did republicans respond to this (latest) DEFEAT (that’s another word for LOSING which is the opposite of “winning” – just sayin) – they attempted to repeal “Obamacare” OVER 70 times while never lifting a finger in an attempt to make it better? It’s always been tear it down – republicans have been fighting AGAINST the idea of “National health insurance” since before I was born (1947) so democrats have been forced to do the “battle” incrementally. LBJ got Medicare and Medicaid passed the year I graduated from High School (1965) and, even then republicans fought against it. In fact, Ronald Reagan famously said, ” providing government health coverage for the elderly would, if adopted, lead America to  become a socialist hellhole.” (He said this in 1961, four years before Medicare was enacted into law) Republicans throw hyperbole like this around and, seemingly, are NEVER held to account for their inaccuracy. (OK, I’ve digressed! My mind spins out of control when I think of all the reasons Americans SHOULD be voting AGAINST republicans!)

All right, back to what is the next step for republicans regarding the FACT they LOST once more in their attempt to role back health insurance for those Americans who couldn’t afford it otherwise? and, as usual, the answer to the question is NOTHING! (Apparently, they’re hell bent on increasing their LOSING streak) They are incapable of doing anything which might help America’s middle class – apparently, doing NOTHING is what they call letting the “free markets” solve America’s burgeoning list of problems. So, this morning, as I was reading about the court’s ruling essentially ending the republican attempts to repeal “Obamacare” this is the message put out by the House republican leadership – Kevin McCarthy (maybe the MOST spineless politician I’ve ever witnessed), Steve Scalise (a real right wing Hack), and Elise Stefanik (a real “ambitious” “two faced” “back stabbing” politician) ” “Now, Congress must work together to improve American health care.”

I read that and, once again, my head started shaking as if I’ve become a bobblehead at a baseball park. These republicans have spent OVER 10 years, MILLIONS on frivolous LOSING lawsuits, over 60 attempts in Congress to repeal the bill, and FINALLY they’re saying what people like me have been saying since the day the public option was first voted down – “Congress, work to improve the bill!” The easy solution to this problem is to enact the “public option” – which, in essence would allow people to buy into a Medicare like plan – with ONLY 3% administrative costs – and cost controlling “limits” on what hospitals and doctors can charge for basic procedures. But, of course, that would be too easy and republicans would worry that by doing so they would help Joe Biden have a successful first (and, likely, last) term in office. (Oh yes, check out how much they receive from the insurance industry!)

You’ve no doubt already heard Moscow Mitch in what sounded like an “echo” from the days of Barack Obama’s presidency – “Joe Biden will get ZERO support from republicans – from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz republicans are united to make Joe Biden’s term as president ends a failure.” (or words to that effect) This is nothing new, this is the republican playbook since the days of Newt Gingrich in the House – turn Congress into a “hot mess” and blame democrats for the lack of bipartisanship. It’s worked off and on for the past 30 or so years, so why not? POWER is more important than progress for our nation – and, now they’ve got Putin helping them “pound” the “wedge issues” deeper into the fabric of our nation. So, what do you think are the chances republicans will “work to improve American health care?” Yep, that was a bit rhetorical because the obvious answer is “NADA,” “Nothing.” In other words, no one is “holding their breath.”

Obviously, republicans aren’t going to help doing ANYTHING as long as ANY democrat occupies the “White House” and they have the ability to OBSTRUCT in Congress – it’s just the way they work. And, don’t tell me it “goes both ways.” In individual 1’s final two years in office democrats did everything they could to keep him in power. It’s just that he AND Moscow Mitch were just too STUPID to take advantage of what, in particular, Nancy Pelosi was TRYING to “give” them. I’ve written this before, but had individual 1 and McConnell enacted the so-called “HEROES Act” put forth by Pelosi and the democrats, I believe individual 1 would still be in office today and there would have been maybe as many as a couple HUNDRED THOUSAND less deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic. But, of course, the bill was “dead on arrival” in the McConnell controlled Senate where the good of the American people is NEVER considered when it comes to legislation. The American people supported that bill overwhelmingly and, eventually, the Biden “rescue bill” by over 70% and soon a significant part of Biden’s bill will go into effect – the Child Tax Credits – an ACTUAL tax cut for Poor and Middle Class taxpayers who have children – an INVESTMENT into the American people republicans HATE – they’re calling it “Socialism.” Yikes!

This issue has simply made it simpler for republicans to put up a “smoke screen” in their never ending attempt to cause America’s voters to look the other way as a torrent of really BAD factual EVIDENCE regarding the abuses of POWER under individual 1 “drip, drip” out. And, of course, I agree with those who claim there have been so many scandals and NOT ONCE has our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president been legally held to account. Sadly, it appears, as I’ve said, that Merrick Garland is contributing to this problem. I hope I’m wrong – more on that later.

Here’s a good example of what I mean; Had our Justice Department (under AG Garland) chosen to FULLY release the “memo” which Judge Amy Berman Jackson ORDERED released because William Barr, in essence, LIED to the Court and to Congress about his absolving individual 1 of “OBSTRUCTION of Justice, then the next step would be following through on Mueller’s “memorializing” the evidence of the OBSTRUCTION, so that Mr. Garland could proceed with an indictment now that individual 1 is no longer protected by the OLC “memo.” There were TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION laid out in Mueller’s report (I read it TWICE – it was long and tedious reading) The bottom line, as hundreds of prosecutors have stated, if the subject of an investigation can INTERFERE in that investigation, then there’s no reason for Justice Department officials to appoint a “Special Counsel” in the first place. This issue is fundamental to America’s “rule of law.”

Here’s how it looks right now – just a small “snapshot” because the “drip, drip, drip” will continue. There’s a lot more “stuff” which is going to come out. OK, let’s start with why I refer to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote (and over 60 court challenges to the election) LOSING (ex) president as “individual 1.” Michael Cohen was convicted of “campaign finance violations” for paying off two women who individual 1 had illicit affairs with (during his wife’s pregnancy and, apparently, in one instance, shortly thereafter) just prior to the 2016 election and shortly after the now infamous “Access Hollywood tape” – a crime committed “in cooperation with and at the direction of individual 1.” Cohen got three years in prison for his part and, so far, individual 1 has gotten NOTHING.

Naturally, you knew what would be next, right? On January 6th, 2021 individual 1 urged his MOB to go to the Capitol and “fight like HELL or you’re not going to have a country anymore” and almost 500 of them are now in jail and facing prison sentences of up to 20 – 30 years – which COULD (and should) include the charge of SEDITION (look it up) – and, individual 1 – so far NOTHING. Did he “INCITE” the mob? Of course he did – they did EXACTLY what he “charged” them to do. Did he go there with them as he promised? Of course he DIDN’T (Do you think the “bone spurs” acted up?) – he went to the “White House,” turned on the TV, and, by all accounts enjoyed watching his supporters ransack the Capitol Building while chanting “Hang Mike Pense.” He was quoted, by an eye witness, as saying, “Those people really love me.” (By the way, earlier I said Kevin McCarthy was the “most spineless politician I’ve ever witnessed – but, hey – Mike Pense gives him a good run for his “money” – I mean, shortly after his boss sicked a few thousand angry “mobsters” on him Pense was back a@#kissing individual 1’s – wait, I already said it, Yikes!) Maybe McCarthy and Pense are secretly TWINS!?

Yah, I “get” this is long and rambling – but, whenever I wonder (which is often) how people who otherwise seem to be good productive Americans can align themselves with an (alleged) serial sexual predator, a failed businessman, a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (along with LOSING over 60 legal challenges to his most recent LOSS) (ex) president, a pathological LIAR, an overt RACIST, a misogynist, and a xenophobe (among other “endearing” features), my mind turns into a blur of recollections – some of which are things republicans used to claim they believed in. Apparently, we’re down to “cut my taxes” (if you’re rich) and give me right wing judges if you’re like MOST of the rest of us.

Every time, well ALMOST every time, I engage in attempting to understand this conundrum with a republican acquaintance I hear, in one form or another, the word “abortion” – as in, they’d rather live in a country run like Russia than have women in this country having control over their own bodies. Of course, no matter what they do there will be women having abortions – just like before Roe – and, as usual, they would say something like what individual 1 said in his first campaign – the women should be “punished.” Of course, the men? Again, NADA – like in the cereal “nothin honey.” (OK, that was a joke) And, I’m guessing you understand, women WOULDN’T need to even consider an abortion without the “help” of a man.

But, what the republicans, including ALL the people who support them are doing is NOT a joke and it threatens the fundamental values this nation was founded on and that is a constitution which is like a “living document.” It has evolved over time, it’s promises are being either realized or demanded by more and more Americans and it’s based on three co-equal branches of government “checking” each other so that those who take the OATH to defend it (the constitution) against all “enemies foreign and DOMESTIC” will do exactly that. There’s no provision in the constitution for “alternative facts,” for threatening violence if “we the people” don’t vote your “way,” or for finding ways to CHEAT to get your way. Republicans all across America are attempting to not only prevent as many “people of color” from voting, but they want to block the teaching of American history – as it has ACTUALLY transpired – in our schools because they’re desperate to prevent this nation’s “melting pot” from “melting” a bit more. They will “do whatever it takes” to preserve their “white privilege.” You see, they DON’T really believe in “free markets” unless they’re the ones setting the rules as to what is “free.” (Many believe teaching ACTUAL American history is “anti white.” Why do you suppose that?)

I’ll end this by saying outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and “OANN” are bound and determined to continue “feeding” the white nationalist/supremacists in this country what they want to hear as long as it continues to make their companies and the talking heads in their companies richer and richer. Truth? My republican friends always resort to “Truth is in the Bible” and then they “hitch their wagon” to someone who is totally antithetical to almost everything I’ve read in that “Good Book.” Then they “deflect” individual 1’s reality with the issue of abortion, as if that justifies their “deal with the devil.” Personally, I’d love to see the day when there was no “demand” for abortions – but, the issue is way more complicated than reversing Roe. I’ve said before, that’s an issue for another day, but I certainly don’t believe it’s an issue which will be or should be or can be solved by MEN. And, in the right wing media circus it’s an issue which is used to perpetuate white nationalism/supremacy. Biden is correct, (and, well, in all “modesty” – OK, I’m not all that modest when it comes to these issues – I’ve been saying it for almost 15 years) there is a WAR going on for the heart and soul of America. In my mind, it’s up to “we the people to defend our democratic republic!

Final Thought: Back in 2015 via what are called “Active measures” – where the Russians spew disinformation across the social media networks in America (and other Western nations) routinely accessed by MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of America’s citizens – I believe not even Vladimir Putin, himself, would have guessed the success his ATTACK on our nation would accomplish – via the freedoms we take for granted and that he despises. And, I’m not talking about the election of individual 1 – which was, for sure, instrumental in the Russian success – but, what I’m talking about is Americans divided against each other. The Russians ATTACKED America at her weakest point and that is the racial “divide” which Putin recognized (correctly) and was, for him, the perfect “wedge issue,” Putin fully understands the racial issue has been an undercurrent in America since her inception and he’s exploiting it. He’s even referring to the INSURRECTIONISTS in the same terms as republican members of Congress – ie “patriots,” etc.

Putin succeeded in causing the white nationalist/supremacist faction in America to find a way out from the fringes of our political reality into the “mainstream” via our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. People like David Duke and Don Black, both former KKK “Grand Wizards,” have openly stated they consider individual 1 their “fuhrer” and they continue to vigorously support him because he’s ‘on board’ with their values. So much for a republican party standing for “family values.” And, of course, “we the people” are listening to “journalists” like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson at Fox “news” repeating the Russian “talking points.” Well, I suppose you could say it’s Putin repeating the “talking points” of those at Fox, but, either way, this SHOULD be a “wake up call” to clear thinking republicans. But, it appears the “cult” following of individual 1 continues – and, of course, Putin continues to fuel it!

Sorry, on more thing: Individual 1 set the “ground rules” for CORRUPT republicans on how to “fight” the Justice Department in attempts to stay out of jail – and, of course, for him it’s worked for many many years – not just while he was our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – for example, the Manhattan DA probe is reaching back a reporte 8 – 10 years of his financial (miss) dealings and, allegedly, indictments are in the offing – this summer. But look at Matt Gaetz and Rudy Giuliani. While most defense lawyers suggest when you’re the subject of an investigation, shut up. However, that’s NOT the individual 1 “playbook” and we’re seeing the same thing with both Gaetz and Giuliani. It’s as if they don’t believe the Justice Department has the “stones” to take them on. Speaking of “stones” – writing that word reminded me I’ve wondered if Roger Stone is going to be “connected” to the same “sex ring” which seems to be engulfing Mr. Gaetz? OK, back to my point, as I’ve stated above and in prior posts – AG Garland is at a crossroads. Either this CORRUPT republican behavior – and, of course, it’s MOUNTAINOUS – will be held to account, or “we the people” will be on the brink of LOSING our “grip” on the democratic republic I feel such a connection to. I really hope AG Garland comes through and the Biden side wins the “battle” for the “soul” of America. But, as I’ve said, the “war” will continue until “today’s” republicans have been voted into the history books!

Of course, the republican party would be nowhere without those BILLIONAIRES who hide in the shadows and keep funneling MONEY to Moscow Mitch and the other republicans in the Senate, keeping them “toeing the line.” Kind of makes me a bit queezy in the stomach feeling the need to write those words!

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