Republicans not only operate via FEAR mongering, they seem to live in FEAR of the TRUTH.

Ever since individual 1 lost in a LANDSLIDE (by his own definition) we’ve been listening to republicans SHOUTING “Stop the Steal” regarding their fantasy our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president actually was “robbed” of his rightful place as America’s fuhrer. Well, I’ve talked about republican “projection” ad nauseum and this is just another prime example of just that. Talk about attempting to “steal” elections? What was individual 1 doing when he called Brad Raffensperger? Also, take a look at some of the VOTER SUPPRESSION bills running through republican led legislatures all across this great land. If this “Grand Theft” is not stopped by our nation’s Congress we very well could see much worse than people being arrested on felony charges for giving someone standing for hours in the HOT sun in Georgia waiting to vote a drink of water. Say enough of those voters endure that sun and actually vote for an outcome which doesn’t satisfy that state’s legislature, well, the members of the legislature can simply overturn the “will of the people.”

Should that happen I believe the prediction of my acquaintance who suggested “individual 1 would win in a landslide” and subsequent to that there will be MILLIONS of “liberals” in the streets could very well come true. We all know which side is a proponent of this un-American “plan” to “win” elections and, quite possibly, this is going to bring the American “divide” to a head. For example, republicans across the country will not be happy if Joe Manchin gets his version of S-1 passed and they’re spending every waking hour trying to prevent that outcome. Just yesterday I read parts of an Op-Ed by Kyrsten Sinema suggesting she’s more entrenched in defense of the filibuster than even Joe Manchin. I believe the republicans are “working” Ms. Sinema and it wouldn’t surprise me to find out they’re funneling “campaign funds” her way, in order to “keep her in line.” I hope I’m wrong, but……………. (Let’s just say, it wouldn’t surprise me)

Before individual 1 I thought: “Not much surprises me in American politics” – but, now? Well, put that last thought on steroids. I’ve mentioned I’m presently reading “Alt America” by David Neiwert and, it seems, every page is an eye opener. He lays out in detail the rise of the “Alt Right” from the days of its earliest (white supremacist) proponents to, at the point in the book I’m at right now, the present day extremists who have been pushing for another “civil war” in America for the past 10+ years. It should be no surprise to anyone paying attention to American politics that the election of Barack Obama to the “White House” put these people on even more of an “edge” than they’d been prior to that. Of course, as I’ve written here numerous times, I was aware of the former KKK “heads” David Duke and Don Black being strong endorsers of individual 1 and I became aware of some of the websites at the “heart” of the “white supremacist” movement – like “Stormfront” or “The Daily Stormer” and I’d heard of “4Chan” and “8Chan” – although I’ve never logged into ANY of them as of this writing.

Neiwert gives detailed information about all of them and how they’ve been key in “radicalizing” young WHITE Americans – using the SAME techniques as Al Qaeda or ISIL in their recruitment and radicalizing of the young targets for their “causes.” I’ve also learned about a group calling themselves Atomwaffen who are described HERE by the Southern Poverty Law Center. When you read the description of this group it SHOULD get your attention. These are pure Nazi’s and many of the other right wing groups in America, groups intensely supporting individual 1 and referring to him as “fuhrer,” are either overtly or covertly supporting the “ideals” of the Third Reich. Members of the so-called “liberal media” have picked up on the “repeated LIE” strategy of those considered “mainstream republicans” by the “mainstream media” BUT you NEVER hear them pointing out this “strategy” comes STRAIGHT from HITLER and the Third Reich. Many, if not MOST, of these groups are calling for, as one of the more egregious examples of their depravity, the “extermination of all Jews.”

In fact, I’ve read on more than one occasion, the ONE thing about our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president which they HATE is that his daughter married a Jew and has converted to Judaism. Apparently, individual 1 is the ONLY chance for these “deplorables” to further “infect” the “mainstream” of American politics so they make an exception. Isn’t that just how American politics works? Which has led me to another thought.

Have you wondered why an EX (so-called) president who has an EXTENDED streak of LOSING could keep such a “stranglehold” on the republican party? I mean Mitt Romney simply lost one election to the MOST popular politician in America (Unless Joe Biden has surpassed him), Barack Obama, and you saw republicans running away from him as if in a stampede. But with individual 1, who very well will totally DESTROY the republican party, are they “running away?” Of course not, it’s like a bunch of SHEEP who are going to go in whatever direction their delusional leader takes them. And, keep in mind, he’ll likely be spending MORE time in Court over the next three years than on the campaign trail. Who knows how many investigations of his MAFIA like behavior are going on as I’m typing this. We KNOW the Manhattan DA’s investigation is nearing the point of indictments and, as I suggested two years ago, the individual 1 ORGANIZATION should be a candidate for a “RICO” charge. You can read the definition of a RICO charge HERE. (I’m making this easy for you)

Speaking of RICO charges, I have a strong suspicion some of the groups mentioned in Neiwert’s book could very well be facing the same charges as the Justice Department and the FBI get more serious about investigating them. Take the group “Atomwaffen” for example. When you read their “manifesto” on their website there’s no “grey area.” These people are “wacko” and, hopefully, they’ll get STOPPED by our government before they are able to follow through on their stated goals. One of the things which really stood out to me was that there are ACTIVE members of our military in this – and others of these – group(s). These white nationalist/supremacists MUST be purged from our military ranks AND the ranks of our police departments as swiftly as possible.

We’re seeing many members of Police Departments purging themselves as they are quitting because there feelings seem to be hurt by the idea they be held to account for using behavior which is too aggressive and aimed at “persons of color” on an inappropriate level. For heaven’s sake, we saw Derek Chauvin staring into the camera as he MURDERED George Floyd with no apparent concern he would face ANY accountability for what he was doing. Sadly, there have been too many “Derek Chauvin’s” putting their knee on too many George Floyd’s – but, at least, now we have a sense there will be accountability for police brutality.

Disclosure: Today is the day the first indictments of individual 1’s “organization” and the CFO Allen Weisselberg was charged with “Grand Larceny.” More on that in a bit, but in writing about the issue with Police brutality and George Floyd I couldn’t help but think of all the republicans who say they believe in “law and order.” That, of course, would include the “Proud Boys,” the “Oathkeepers,” the “Three Percenters,” and other right wing members of the “militia” movement in America. These people believe in their “image” of what is “law and order.” I almost gag at times when I listen to their interpretation of the “constitution” they’re “defending.” We saw how much they believe in “law and order” on January 6th, 2021. Individual 1 claims to be a “stalwart” of “law and order” and, yet, he’s a small time mafia boss. That is a “small time mafia boss” with a BIG mouth – and MILLIONS of republicans are STUPID enough to fall for his LIES. Many STILL believe the LIE he “won” the 2020 election.

However, the bottom line is the republican strategy to “pack” the courts while individual 1 was turning the rest of our nation into a “hot mess” will be paying dividends to them for years to come – UNLESS the democrats can take advantage of the two years (actually, much less than that because of our system of almost perpetual elections) where they have the opportunity to pass some truly progressive legislation – “we the people” will be facing mounting obstacles to protecting our democratic republic due to the right wing extremism of the Supreme Court. Today the court put the finishing touches on their assault on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by, now, essentially “gutting” section two after doing the same to sections four and five about 8 or 9 years ago. This is the work of Sam Alito and John Roberts with, now, the concurrence of the appointees of individual 1. Today’s decision by the court (you can look it up) will simply encourage those states who are passing laws intended to diminish the ability of people of color, poorer Americans, young Americans and older Americans to vote. It’s disgraceful, but it will also put the “onus” on the democrats to “fix” the problem with Senate bill one.

I’ll end this by getting back to the CHARGES filed against the company of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and I believe not only him, but his children, could end up caught up in this investigation. And, of course, he no longer has the protection of the so-called “OLC memo” which prevented, for example, Robert Mueller from INDICTING him for his OBSTRUCTION of justice during the “Mueller probe.” I wrote early in his term as our (so-called) president he would come to loathe the day he decided to CHEAT his way into the “White House.” I’ll say this again, he’s nothing more than a cheap mob boss, and the republican party has chosen to “hitch their wagon” to his CORRUPTION.

I’ve read many books about individual 1, his connection to the Russians, his connection to various MOB organizations, and about when I learned he actually was willing to CHEAT his brother’s children from their inheritance and, by all accounts, he’s a “serial” CHEATER at GOLF – for heaven’s sake. And, he was willing to CHEAT to win elections – leading to TWO IMPEACHMENTS – but, maybe his greatest strength, is he’s been able to intimidate people into being “loyal” to him. If you remember, back when he was debating Hillary Clinton, when she pointed out he hadn’t paid taxes for over a decade he didn’t deny it he simply said; “That makes me smart.” Therefore, NONE of this SHOULD be a surprise to anyone!

There’s little doubt that the leaders of the republican party will continue to stand by our TWICE IMPEAHCED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president because they know his “base” (Proud boys, Oathkeepers, etc. etc.) won’t abandon him and they fear them. The issue of “White grievance” overrides virtually all rational issues for republicans. My hope and prayer is that those republicans who are republicans because they’ve always been republicans and they aren’t “critical thinkers” – but, are not part of the right wing white supremacists who are INFECTING this nation – would decide to demand their “party” return to it’s principles which seemed to be “normal” prior to the days of Newt Gingrich when there actually was “bipartisanship” and when many of today’s right wing “leaders” were part of the “fringe” of the political spectrum. The FACT republican leaders are afraid of the TRUTH about January 6th, 2021 says it all. Republicans not only operate via FEAR mongering, they seem to live in FEAR of the TRUTH. God help us all if that doesn’t change!

Final Thought: Every day I can’t help but think of those in Florida dealing with the collapse of the building which seems to be where around 150 Americans are buried in a pile of concrete and rubble. My “instincts” suggest to me the rising level of the ocean (this apartment building was right on the coast) very well could have been significant in the cause of this tragedy. As these thoughts go through my mind I keep witnessing where republicans CONTINUE to block attempts by democrats to pass their “Climate” agenda. I live in Washington state and just the other day it was 118 degrees at my home – the third of three days where the temperature was OVER 108 degrees. This caused me to check the weather forecast and I was a bit shocked to see the next rain is predicted around the time of my birthday in September – today is July 1st. While we have less rain during the summer months, this is further evidence of the extreme weather around the globe. The DROUGHT which covers MUCH of the farmland in the Western United States SHOULD be a concern, even to republicans. I have to wonder, how bad will it have to get before they “get it?” Stay tuned………………….


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