Monthly Archives: March 2016

Republicans are up in arms that their “base” would choose an overt RACIST to represent their party in 2016!

I have a couple really good friends who are “conservative” Christians and who, a year or two ago, felt a sense of identity with the so-called “Tea Party” movement of the republican party.  At the time I tried to point out the level of racism that existed in that “faction” and both of my friends were unable to see this.  I had witnessed the deplorable signs and comments that were commonplace at “Tea Party” rallies – disrespecting President Obama in the most disgusting of ways – and the “Tea Party convention” that led to a group of fringe right wing fanatics winning elections all across America in 2010 – supported with the funding of the now infamous “Koch Brothers” – and subsequently this group, for all intents and purposes, taking over control of the House of Representatives.  I’ve been pointing out the OVERT racism of this group of republicans since that election – and, I’ve been lamenting our “liberal media’s” reluctance to “tell it like it is” – to the point where I got tired of pointing this REALITY out OVER and OVER.

Well, what I’m now finding quite interesting is watching the republican “establishment” falling all over themselves trying to figure out how to stop this movement in its tracks.  It was fine while it provided them with a majority in the House of Representatives (and, subsequently in the Senate as well) but, now, with the emergence of Donald Trump as the “presumptive” republican nominee for president the “leaders” of the republican party are showing their “mettle” in a very public way.  I put it in those words because I’ve been pointing out for years the TRUTH about the republican party and those who are pulling the “purse strings” since the days of GW Bush and Dick Cheney.  This is a group of people who’ve been trying to game the American system of government in an attempt to bypass the intentions of our “founders” by “outsmarting” the system of “checks and balances.”  Their plan is crumbling right before their (and all of America’s) eyes!

When the American constitution was being debated, the “father” of the constitution, James Madison, along with the likes of Thomas Jefferson and many others, were adamant in their determination to prevent “factions” (groups of people who put their self interests above the well-being of “we the people”) from gaining a stranglehold on America’s government.  For the past 40+ years the republican party has been actively attempting to do an end run around the system of checks and balances designed to prevent one group from controlling those who don’t agree with them.  In this instance, we’re talking about the almost 45 year (secret) plan, originally put forward (in 1972) by soon to be chief justice of the Supreme Court Lewis Powell, for corporate interests to be able to dominate America’s political landscape.  A person would have to be one of the MILLIONS of “low information voters” in America not to realize that the republicans have been dangerously successful in this plot for almost total control of our government.

Donald Trump refers to these “low information voters” as “uneducated voters” and he points out that he “really loves the uneducated voters.”  Obviously, many of these voters are now choosing to vote for Trump and the republican “establishment,” which has “courted” these people since the days of Ronald Reagan, are in a state of near hysteria.  They are realizing that a national campaign with Trump as their “standard bearer” could do to their party what I’ve been proposing should happen since John McCain somehow thought that Sarah Palin was qualified to be a “heartbeat from the presidency.”  (and, of course, McCain has a heart that could have been a problem had he been elected)  Their plan for a “permanent republican ‘majority'” is teetering.

Here’s the problem: (from the republican standpoint) I believe the damage has already been done.  We’re talking about 40% of the so-called republican “base” supporting Trump.  Interestingly, Ted Cruz – who I find almost more dangerous than Trump – has about 25% of the votes in the republican primaries.  Cruz was referred to by Lindsay Graham – one of the “establishment” republicans who’ve said NOTHING about the racist rhetoric of the “Tea Party” while it has been providing congressional majorities for his party – in a comparison to Trump as the difference between death by poison or murder.  Trump and Cruz represent well over 50% of the republican party.  The party “establishment” wants neither.  It’s all coming home to “roost.”  What are all these voters (who support Trump or Cruz) to do when the “establishment” finds an alternative candidate in a “contested” convention?  Trump is suggesting riots.  Wouldn’t that just make everything clear to the American people as to the “legitimacy” of our republican party?  There’s an old saying: “If you mess with the Bull, you get the horn!”

I long ago got to the point where I couldn’t stand to watch Fox “news” even for a minute – for a while I’d watch it just for the sake of being informed – but, they are so dishonest and so involved in creating the mess the “conservatives” are now stuck with – that my stomach could no longer stand any of it.  I started watching MSNBC in an attempt to get information back when Keith Olberman was giving us “The Worst Person in the World” on a nightly basis” and looked at them as a reasonable “balance” to Fox – MSNBC was clearly tilted to the “left.”  However, along comes Comcast and soon Olberman, then Ed Schultz, and others are “gone” and MSNBC is showing signs of tilting back toward the “right.”  (Yes, there’s still Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and Lawrence O’Donnell)

In what appears to me a blatant attempt to capitalize on the spectacle of Donald Trump I’ve had to listen to (or watch) MSNBC give Trump what amounts to MILLIONS of free advertising as they’ve covered his “campaign” in a way that I’ve never seen before (and, certainly helped to prop Trump up) – in some instances showing entire speeches – and, in many instances referring to Trump in a way that would suggest he’s an qualified candidate for president.  I’ve heard several commentators comment that Trump will make the election “entertaining” – as if that’s important.   (I’m talking about episodes I’ve heard or seen where Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd – the so-called political “experts” on MSNBC – have appeared to be attempting to give Trump’s campaign “legitimacy”) Now that the reality of a Trump candidacy is “setting in” I’m getting the impression that the commentators on MSNBC have “changed their tune.”  Are they being “guided from the corporate headquarters?”  It appears that MSNBC is joining the “anti-Trump” bandwagon.  Go figure!

Here’s what I expect from Matthews.  He will be lauding John Kasich as the “positive” alternative to Trump.  Kasich finally won a primary (in his own state, Ohio) – with the help of (by some estimates) about 25% of Ohio democrats who “crossed over” to vote for Kasich in an attempt to “stop Trump.”  Reality is setting in for the republican party.  Tonight on MSNBC Rachel Maddow referenced a recent PBS episode where they (PBS) interviewed a family of Trump supporters in North Carolina.  Whoever was reporting for PBS was obviously not “up” on the tattoos of the “White Supremacist” community as the Mom of this family had Neo-Nazi tattoos all over her body. (well, basically, all over her hands)  As I’ve been claiming here for years, the “Tea Party” has a dominant “streak” of racists at their core.  Our “liberal media” has been reluctant to call this out since the election of President Obama, but it’s simply not deniable.  And, these people are gravitating to Trump in droves.

Remember, Mr. Trump was a leader in the “birther” movement and has questioned President Obama’s right to be president since the day he won his first election in 2008.  However, this crap has been obvious since Jim DeMint stood on the capitol steps addressing an early “Tea Party” rally with a plethora of signs depicting President Obama in all kinds of different RACIST manners.  I watched some of this on TV and was shocked that the commentators avoided the subject of racism as they marveled at this new “populist” movement in America.  To me, it was the racists in America emerging from under the rocks where they were “hiding” until we elected a Black President.  To this day, I don’t understand why America’s “liberal media” can’t come to terms with this reality.  Trump is simply more OVERT than his two predecessors – John McCain (who referred to Obama as “that one” in one of the presidential debates – with NO blow-back)  and Mitt Romney who famously commented about the “47%” of Americans who “depend” on government – I’ll let you interpret the “code” – in republican inability to accept the reality in America that “White privilege” has basically “run its course” – and, a new day is on the horizon.

I’ve been saying for years that the present day republican party needs to be nothing more than a memory in our history books.  We have a country that has functioned for over two hundred years with a two party system.  We need a two party system.  It’s just that the republicans have evolved into surrogates of the corporate interests that Lewis Powell schemed about back in the early 1970’s and who have “bought” virtually every politician who caucuses with republicans in this nation.  (Yes, the democrats are not innocent here)  These people (republicans) clearly believe in the philosophy “the end justifies the means.”  They, for years, have aligned themselves, knowingly, with the racist segment of our population and now the reality is setting in.  They are up in arms that this “base” would choose an overt RACIST to represent their party in 2016 (as opposed to the “covert” racists of the recent past).  I have to surmise: Why would anyone be surprised?  I mean, Rush Limbaugh has been kind of a republican “standard bearer” as he’s been brainwashing millions of “ditto heads” every day since the 1980’s.  (They actually willingly adopt that moniker)

Charles Koch has been a long standing member of the John Birch Society (White Supremacists) and along with his brother they are responsible for the “Tea Party” and much of the money that is corrupting our political process.  I could go on and on, but I’ll end by saying once more, “the rooster is coming home to roost!”  I’m guessing there are many republicans, including my two good friends I mentioned above, who are grudgingly allowing this sad reality to settle in.  Republicans have a plan to gain a stranglehold on America’s government.  They want to eliminate as much government over-site on corporate interests as they can get away with.  Until Antonin Scalia’s death republicans had control of the Courts, the Congress, and the media.  All they need for their “permanent republican ‘majority'” is the White House.  With the help of the HORRIBLE Citizens United Supreme Court decision (the ultimate prize of the “Powell” memo scheme) gaining the White House theoretically would give republicans the control of our government that Madison and Jefferson were attempting to make nearly impossible.  Donald Trump may actually “make America great again” – it will just be in a way that no one could have imagined when he first uttered that message!  He may accomplish what I’ve been wanting for years, and that is the destruction of this version of the republican party!

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are auditioning for anti-Trump commercials that will play prior to the general election in November!

Driving home today I listened to an interview with one of Donald Trump’s sons regarding the upcoming “Super Tuesday” primaries and the hyped up attacks on his father by Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  During the interview I found it interesting that Chuck Todd (and Trump’s son) mentioned the “excitement” in the republican primaries and, in particular, they mentioned Massachusetts where “Democrats and Independents” are voting for Trump.  I couldn’t help but think that there must be many democrats around the country who, if given the opportunity, would vote for Trump just to make sure he’s the republican nominee.  I’m sure I’m not the only person “out there” who believes that a Trump candidacy will be the final “dagger” in the republican party which has been tilting so far to the right in the last 8 years that it is making the John Birch Society appear mainstream.

To top it off, both Cruz and Rubio (if the Democrats are not totally stupid) are making the campaign commercials for the general election as I’m writing this.  I can’t help but think of the saying “It’s the pot calling the kettle black” as Cruz and Rubio accuse Trump of being a racist.  OMG – have both of them failed to actually LOOK IN THE MIRROR each morning as they’re getting ready to go out and LIE to their unsuspecting constituents?  Honestly, to me, both Cruz AND Rubio are WAY MORE dangerous than Trump.  And, if you’ve read my previous posts, you know that I’ve found alarming similarities to Trump’s campaign slogans and those of Hitler in Germany back in the thirties.  I didn’t see Cruz and Rubio standing in shock as Trump was talking about rounding up “illegals” with some kind of door to door “border patrol,” or when he suggested that Muslims should be “registered,” or when he suggested NO Muslims should be allowed into America (shockingly, including members of our military who are overseas serving the nation) “until we figure this out” – whatever that means.

As Cruz and Rubio blast Trump over some phony “Trumped up” (I couldn’t resist :o) claim that he didn’t reject the endorsement of David Duke I basically gagged.  This is how the republican party has worked for as long as I can remember.  My first thought was, “Let’s take a look at those who are endorsing you” – meaning Rubio and Cruz.  The entire right wing of the republican party is infested with racists – so, are we now questioning which racists are acceptable and which are not?  I predict Trump will come out of this “the winner,” Rubio will come out of this “episode” as the “whiner,” and Cruz……? Well, someone might start vetting Cruz at this level – like who are his “supporters” – and, all I can say is it will probably be very interesting.  Can you imagine if any of these guys get “vetted” as Hillary Clinton has been “put through the ringer” what will come out “on the other side?

Of course, Rubio is the perfect candidate for the so-called republican “establishment” – which, unbelievably at this point in time, may include the infamous “Koch Brothers” – Charles and David Koch.  (That, alone, should tell you why the republican party needs to go)  Rubio is the kind of “empty suit” that will do and/or say whatever he’s told to say by what I call the “puppet masters.”  I can really picture him, similar to GW Bush, should he succeed in gaining the White House, being kept from public appearances where he might have to say something “off the cuff” for fear of exposing his difficulty with complete sentences relating to real topics.  And, as far as Cruz is concerned, I thought his former college roommate put it best when he said, “I would rather randomly pick a person from the phone book for president than to have Ted Cruz as president.”  That is from someone who went to school with Cruz.  The reports I’ve heard is the only success Cruz has had in Congress (he won his Senate seat thanks to Sarah Palin – yikes!!) is to absolutely TURN OFF everyone who works in the Senate – and, this is one thing in American politics right now that is bipartisan.  Even his republican colleagues reportedly HATE him!

I can’t believe I’m kind of defending Donald Trump, but in listening to Cruz and Rubio these past couple of days I’m thinking “Trump is looking better and better” as far as republicans go.  Honestly, regarding the accusations that Trump didn’t “deny” the endorsement of David Duke (in time, or ?????) is absurd to me.  Is it not obvious by Trump’s comments regarding Latinos, Muslims, and African Americans that he’s got an issue with race?  Of course, isn’t it obvious that SO DO both Cruz and Rubio?  I’ve listened to these guys for the past few years making one racially insensitive remark regarding our sitting president after another – and, when anyone calls them on it – they, of course, accuse the other person of “pulling the race card.”  It’s a slick game they play, but my point is here that Cruz and Rubio are no great improvement I’m sure from the standpoint of “minorities” over Mr. Trump.  And, this should make my point, both Cruz and Rubio are of Cuban descent and yet Trump is BEATING them in the Hispanic vote (although, most Hispanics – surprise, surprise – are voting for Democrats.  There’s a reason why something like 80 – 90% of African Americans will vote democratic and it won’t matter whether it’s Cruz, Rubio, or Trump.)

There’s also good reason why a large segment of the republican voters have rejected both Cruz and Rubio.  One of the more disgusting parts of the republican campaign, to me, was when Trump (I’ve seen this on at least two occasions) stood in front of a cheering “throng” saying he would commit WAR CRIMES – waterboarding, “And a lot worse.”  I’m not sure which bothered me more – Trump making the claims or the people in the audience wildly cheering a candidate for President of the United States promising to commit WAR CRIMES! Unbelievable, you might think.  But, of course, not to be outdone, withing days I heard BOTH Cruz and Rubio, in reference to the torture chamber at Guantanamo Cuba, known as “Gitmo,” not only calling on keeping it open, but expanding it.  And, I didn’t hear either one of them condemning Trump’s remarks regarding a PROMISE to authorize TORTURE.  Now, had they condemned those remarks as opposed to “suggesting” Trump is a racist (again, I’m reminded of the “pot calling the kettle black”) they may have been able to claim just a bit more credibility.

I’ve stated this a couple times in recent posts, but I’ll say it again:  I believe the republicans embracing the so-called “Tea Party” movement after Bush/Cheney almost destroyed our nation with the “fiasco’s” in Iraq and Afghanistan along with the bludgeoning of the economy – among other failures – was a short term “fix” (in the republican’s “thirst” for power any way they can get it) that is coming “home to roost.”  I believe it is the white, lower educated, working class Americans who’ve been duped by the right wing media who make up the “base” of the Tea Party movement AND Donald Trump’s supporters.  They are ANGRY and Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and the rest of the republican party are ginning up the anger.  This election is going to FORCE the true agenda of the “puppet masters” to the forefront and I’m hopeful that the propaganda scheme of Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh (and, the other right wing talkers – and, yes, that includes you Lars Larsen), and the “conservatives” in Congress who’ve been OBSTRUCTING our government in their quest that Barack Obama would “FAIL,” would be fully exposed.  In reality, I don’t see a lot of difference between the people who are supporting Bernie Sanders and those supporting Donald Trump.  Both groups are ANGRY that the government, in its present state, is unable to function.

Our “corporate media” (you know; what they have convinced you is the “liberal media”) has failed miserably to properly report on why our government can’t function.  The FACT that republican leaders stated UP FRONT upon President Obama taking the oath of office that their NUMBER ONE goal is that he would FAIL should have been part of every discussion regarding why our government can’t function.  And, does that cause you to think a bit about why they would want Obama of all people to fail?  Do you think the color of his skin has anything to do with it?  (If you answered “no” to that last question I have to wonder where your head is at)  The FACT republican governors and republican legislatures ALL OVER  THE COUNTRY were ready to file voter suppression legislation within days of the right wing Supreme Court (inexplicably) gutting the Voting Rights Act should give you a hint about where republicans are “coming from”  in regard to race.  (I didn’t hear either Cruz or Rubio standing up for those dis-enfranchised by this horrible Court decision)

So, despite the fact that Donald Trump is probably the worst candidate for president in my lifetime (well, right in there with George Wallace) there’s not much difference between him and Cruz and Rubio.  Of course, the republican “establishment” is ganging up on Trump as I write this (I began this post prior to “Super Tuesday” and I’m finishing it the next day) and, it will be interesting to see how the republican voters react to their “leaders” pulling out all the stops to prevent the voters from having the “say” on this nomination.  Obviously, the gloves are off as far as the amount of “mud” that will be coming Mr. Trump’s way – and, as I said earlier in this post, I believe that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are auditioning for anti-Trump commercials that will play prior to the general election in November!

As a sixth grade teacher I see this kind of whining and name calling all the time.  Honestly, this entire republican campaign has reminded me of middle school drama.  I have to believe that democratic “insiders” are recording everything each of the remaining candidates are saying and it’s going to get a lot of air play come the fall.  So, to sum up my thoughts – the scheme to blast Trump for “when” (or if) he disavowed an endorsement by David Duke (former head of the Klu Klux Klan if you’re not aware) by Rubio and Cruz seems to be the height of hypocrisy to me.  Both Cruz and Rubio, on the stump, claim to be avid Christians.  Their comments remind me of the scripture which says, “Don’t worry about the spec in your neighbors eye until you take care of the log in your own.”  Enough said!