Monthly Archives: September 2014

Will republicans, who seemingly hate Eric Holder, keep him in office by refusing to confirm his successor?

I’ve been reading a book which contains a series of lectures by Joseph Stiglitz, famed economist who once led the World Bank and was an adviser to President Clinton during the 90’s and I really want to write about it – my brain is swirling with thoughts along the lines of suggesting a path we could take in America to really move this country forward.  I feel as if I’ve written enough about why the republican party in America, as it exists today, should be ushered into the history books.  However, yesterday I saw that Attorney General Eric Holder is set to resign and this morning as I read a caption from the NY Times which pointed out there will be a fierce battle in the Senate to confirm his successor – and then listened to some “re-hashed” right wing commentary comparing Holder to the Black Panthers – well, here we go again.  I’ve got to write about the republicans and why they are a PLAGUE on this nation! (of course, would anyone who’s watched the past almost 6 years expect anything less from these obnoxious, obstructionist, puppets of the right wing corporate masters attempting to suffocate America with their agenda.

First of all, let me agree with an article I read in the “Nation” magazine – because, despite President Obama’s glowing remarks thanking Holder for all he’s done in his FORTY years of service (I’m pretty sure he had at least a “stint” on Wall Street) he’s got a couple of GLARING deficiencies, in my view, regarding history’s view from the rear view mirror.  In the “Nation” it was correctly pointed out that virtually NO ONE on Wall Street was held accountable for the devastating damage they did to MAIN STREET through their GREED induced folly during the first decade of the 20th Century which ultimately led to the financial crisis of 2007-2008.  Yes, I’m sure there are areas of accomplishment regarding investigations of the “fat cats” during the recovery from the so-called “Great Recession” which resulted from this misbehavior by so many on Wall Street (and knowingly too!) but I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that the above mentioned Wall Street “fat cats” are again up to their necks in the same kind of behavior – pre-crash and that it’s just a matter of time until the next “bubble” bursts.  I once wrote that Holder’s Justice Department spent more money attempting to prosecute a baseball pitcher for allegedly lying about steroid use (Roger Clemens) than they spent prosecuting Wall Street – at least that’s how it appeared to me.

Of course, the “Wall Streeters” won’t be the ones to take the brunt of the next downturn – just as many of them profited to the “tune” of BILLIONS from the last disaster.  It’s us unsuspecting dupes on MAIN STREET that depend on the oversight of government and the willingness of the Justice Department to enforce existing law as our “backstop.”  In my view, Holder did a lot of “looking forward and not back” in dealing with the aftermath of the Wall Street fiasco – just as he (and President Obama) did regarding my second point – the enabling of Bush/Cheney and therefore the republican party in its present form.

Everyone (including Bush and Cheney) knows that Waterboarding (among other atrocities committed in the name of “national security” during the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld regime) are WAR CRIMES!  When President Obama and Eric Holder chose to “look forward and not back” regarding the misdeeds of GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and many others, in my mind they were derelict in their duty.  The FACT that the president did it DOESN’T make it LEGAL!  However, based on the decisions that clearly were made early in Obama’s presidency, that FACT was turned upside down.  President Obama was elected to CHANGE the behaviors that turned GW Bush and Dick Cheney into the most UNPOPULAR obtrusive executives in American history.  Clearly, or at least it’s seemingly more so each day to me as I observe Obama’s presidency evolve, President Obama didn’t pursued President GW Bush and his deplorable “sidekick” because he had no intention of reversing the abuses of power that Bush/Cheney had imbedded into what I’ll term as “precedent” for the lack of a better imagination on my part.  Just saying “America does not torture,” for example, does not give a sufficient message to the rest of the world that we stand by our ideals.  Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others should have, at the minimum, faced open investigations into their illegal behavior – which also included NUMEROUS 4th amendment violations of American’s privacy as Bush/Cheney turned the FISA court into a laughingstock.  Not only has the illegal spying on American citizens continued under President Obama, but now we’re seeing him using statutes created during the early stages of Bush/Cheney to justify his actions in Iraq and Syria.

Now, I’m not suggesting that Obama’s actions in the aforementioned Middle East countries is not warranted, I’m just pointing out that the rationale for doing so leaves me a bit queezy in the stomach.  I’ve been writing since 9/11 about how “it’s much easier to give up liberties than to get them back.”  President Obama’s administration is giving us a great example of why I feel so strongly in this area.  The spying, for instance, is in direct conflict with the 4th amendment to the Constitution.  It is my view that the government is required to have “probable cause” for each intrusion into and American’s privacy.  This invasive spying on U.S. citizens, along with proving that “if the president does it, it must be legal,” will be historical black-marks on both Holder’s legacy and the legacy of the president – in my view.  Of course, in today’s America, our leaders can justify anything in the name of “national Security.”

And, while I’m at it, let me point out that, at least from where I’m sitting, Holder (and Obama) have not only FAILED to live up to the pre-election promises of transparency, but have allowed themselves to drift dangerously in the wrong direction regarding transparency and the press.  Edward Snowden shouldn’t have felt the need to leave the country to expose the illegal spying of the NSA and there are numerous examples of the Obama administration, through Holder’s Justice Department, infringing on the Freedom of the Press by threatening to or actually putting reporters in jail if they refuse to divulge their sources.  This is a threat to our society that most people are failing to even notice.  Our “liberal media” (if you’ve read many of my posts, you get the sarcasm) is bad enough without the true investigative reporters (the few that remain) facing government intimidation should they actually report the TRUTH about what is happening in our nation’s government.

So, I’m OK with criticism of Attorney General Holder – it’s just that I’m put off with the nature of the criticism from the “right.”  The name calling and innuendo from Fox “news” and the likes of Rush Limbaugh goes right back to the race issue that they can’t seem to overcome.  (and, of course, they will claim the “race card” comes from the “left” – classic projection-ism)  And, when I hear reporters predicting a HUGE fight in Congress as President Obama attempts to get Holder’s replacement confirmed in the Senate – I just have to shake my head in disbelief.  Of course, anyone who’s been watching American politics recently would expect nothing else – SADLY!

The reality: Obama was elected by a majority of the people.  It’s the president’s responsibility to nominate Holder’s replacement.  Suggesting there will be a MAJOR confirmation fight before a nominee is even chosen says it all.  NO MATTER what President Obama does, he’s going to receive FLACK and OBSTRUCTION from republicans.  They could care less what they are doing to “we the people” – it’s all about attempting to make President Obama look bad as if that will allow them to push one of their leading “whack jobs” into the White House in 2016.  (I’ve been predicting for 4 years – Jeb Bush!  Can you even imagine our choice in 2016 being Bush v Clinton? America is seemingly “stuck in the mud”)  The total irony of republican strategy if indeed they block Holder’s replacement is that Holder has pledged to stay on the job until his replacement is confirmed!  You would think, if republicans believe Holder is worse than Stalin – as some on Fox “news” have alleged – they’d be anxious to approve his successor.  Maybe because of republican obstruction Eric Holder will last the full eight years of Obama’s administration.  Wouldn’t that just be the new normal in this dysfunctional government?

I will conclude by saying that there ARE many good things Holder has accomplished.  It’s just that the picture isn’t TOTALLY “rosy.”  The instances I’ve mentioned above, in my view, are significant.  My hope is that whoever replaces Holder will “look back.”  I would still love to see the TRUTH of what was done during Bush/Cheney exposed to America and the world FORCING us to actually own up to our failures as a nation and attempt to reclaim our position as “the leader of the free world.”  Combining our enabling of the Bush/Cheney crimes, our condoning of the Wall Street “bandits,” and our refusal to publicly refute the “Bush doctrine,” we are “asking” for endless war.  I personally don’t believe that is the mindset of the vast majority of the American public.  Sadly, in the coming mid-terms too many (especially progressives) won’t vote and things could get dangerously worse.  However, whoever is Obama’s Attorney General STILL has the option to proceed against the terrible wrongs committed by Bush/Cheney.  I don’t believe there is a statute of limitations on WAR CRIMES!

With a Congress that’s AWOL and news that’s entertainment, it appears that “endless war” trumps real national security!

I haven’t been writing much lately due to health issues that come with getting old, but while recuperating from a difficult surgery I’ve had the fortune (or misfortune) to have more time to watch television which just leads, at least for me, to differing levels of frustration depending on what I’m watching.  As I’ve written on many occasions on this site, I consider the charge that our media is “liberal” to be laughable.  Even when I watch MSNBC, the so-called opposing “force” to Fox “news,” I often get nearly sick to my stomach.  For example, their top political pundit Chuck Todd makes we wonder how these people actually get a spot on the “stage.”  Evidently, he’s now the host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” which clearly demonstrates that show is probably not far away from the scrapheap.  To me, Todd is a person who likes to come across as an expert but who, in reality, would fit right in as a participant in any American living room discussion group – that is, sounds good at times but mostly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  (OK, I’m in that category most of the time as well :o)

Then there’s Chris Matthews.  This guy drives me nuts.  And, what’s clear to me is that he knows better than much of what he spews out of his mouth – or, I guess I have to say, I hope he knows better.  I’m still upset about the “crisis” with our veterans when it was “announced” (anyone paying attention for the last 30+ years was not surprised by the “announcement”) that they were getting sub-par treatment at Veteran’s hospitals in parts of the country – sometimes waiting months just to get an appointment for care.  Matthews was at the forefront of the typical American reaction – someone MUST be held accountable for this – President Obama would be derelict in his duty if someone didn’t pay the price for this indignity.  So, the end result of the typical “knee jerk” American reaction, was that General Shinseki – a great friend of any veteran – was “thrown to the wolves” – and, evidently, that made people like Matthews happy.  Of course, it did nothing to solve the problem which will require our Congress to actually fund the Veterans Administration so that they could improve facilities and increase staffings to necessary levels.  Since then, as usual, we’ve heard nothing of the issue and, I’d certainly be surprised if the service the vets are getting is much, if at all, better.  The next time a negative report comes out people like Matthews will rant their self aggrandizing disgust, another good person will be the victim, and the vets will continue to be treated by our Congress (most of who blather – “support our vets”) as a burden to society.  Matthews, our Congress, and I’m guessing, most Americans fail to realize the HUGE responsibility we SHOULD be addressing as more and more veterans return home from the FIASCOS our “leaders” are so willing to send them to. (check out the homeless vets statistics – it’s not only disgusting, it’s deplorable)

In my mind, Matthews has acted in almost the exact same “knee jerk” manner in “reporting” on the issue with ISIL in the middle east.  Two Americans got their heads chopped off – published on You-tube videos to boot – and Matthews knees started really jerking!  Of course, I doubt there’s many Americans who were not outraged at this action.  Of course, I was already outraged at this group called ISIL because they were attempting to starve THOUSANDS of Christians on the top of a small mountain in Iraq prior to the murders of the two journalists.  Additionally, they had MURDERED an untold number of Iraqi’s and Syrians who don’t agree with their religious fanaticism.  None of this calls for the “knee jerk” philosophy of people like Matthews – and, I use him as the example because he’s supposedly representing the “liberal” MSNBC.  President Obama gets the wrath of people like Matthews for refusing to make “knee jerk” reactions.  It’s like Matthews wants the problem solved “right now” or it’s a failure of leadership.  Now, I have my differences with the president, but all I can say here is that with friends like Matthews (if MSNBC is truly the “counter” to the never ending Fox “news” propaganda machine) who needs enemies?  And, what is the future of this great nation if our so-called “liberal media” continues to be nothing more than an entertainment business?

Over the years I’ve been writing here most of my rants have been aimed at the surge to the “right” of the republican party – the issue that started this “blog” (if that is what it is – to me, it’s my rant in cyberspace) was the Bush/Cheney administration’s invasion of Iraq in 2003.  That move, of course, and you won’t hear many pundits – Matthews included – focusing the attention of America’s unsuspecting public – that move into Iraq is the fundamental cause of ISIL and much of the other unrest in Africa and the Middle East (not to mention the continued fallout from the economic disaster foisted on the world by Bush/Cheney and their associates on Wall Street)  Things are now so messed up that I can’t imagine anyone even wanting to attempt to “fix” the results of Bush/Cheney.  In my mind, what is necessary is a complete CHANGE of direction by the United States, but with a domineering media, where people like Matthews are considered “liberal,” I don’t know how we can expect much more from President Obama.  The one thing I’m really thankful for is that it appears, at least from my perspective, that Obama’s decision making is deliberate and thoughtful – much to the chagrin, it seems, of almost everyone in Washington D.C.

Of course, then there’s the Congress.  OMG, what has happened to America that we could end up with a Congress such as this.  They make the “do nothing” Congress that Harry Truman faced seem like workaholics!  Not only will the republicans in the House refuse to agree to anything with President Obama – that’s correct – if he’s for it, they’re AGAINST it! – in the four months from August to November America’s Congress, the same Congress that has denied long term unemployment benefits to workers, many who’ve lost their jobs due to the policies of our Congress, and the same Congress that refuses to pass “jobs bills,” will have worked a total of EIGHT days!  That’s correct!  8 days of work in FOUR MONTHS!  Not only are all the unemployed workers people like John Boehner (the Speaker of the House) call “lazy” still waiting for a little help, there’s this “WAR” with ISIL that President Obama apparently is expected to take on by himself (of course, with the military) because Congress has ABDICATED it’s responsibility to weigh in on the Actions taking place as I write this in Syria and Iraq and gone AWOL!  This is unbelievable to me!  I guess the saying “Only in America” really applies to this one.  The reports I’ve seen would indicate that the November election is more important to members of Congress than a “yeah or nay” regarding President Obama’s authority to authorize airstrikes into Syria (at the minimum – I believe he should have authorization to do so in Iraq as well).

It appears to me that members of Congress don’t want to have their names attached to a policy that might fail – as they did when Bush/Cheney lied us into Iraq back in 2003.  However, it is their responsibility to authorize WAR – and, that’s what this is – WAR!  In America we’ve really learned how to parse our words since the days of Viet Nam.  Yet, we continue to do the same stupid things over and over.  In my heart I truly hope that President Obama succeeds, but the FACT that America is divided at the seems is obvious to EVERYONE!  Including the so-called “terrorists” with whom we are involved in endless pursuit.  Our policies seem to me to be aimed at “fixing” the unfix-able problem that exists in the Middle East.  This problem is Biblical and supplying weapons to any of the combatants seems “nuts” to me (that is the one thing Congress could agree on – we’re going to attempt to “define” the “moderate” terrorists in Syria – the ones who “might” fight against ISIL while they’re also fighting the Assad regime [that ISIL is also fighting] and supply them with a half a BILLION dollars worth of weapons – some of which will likely end up in the hands of ISIL.  Do you see the futility in all this?)

Again, this all gets back in my mind, to a media that’s totally lost its way.  And, please don’t call it “liberal” in my presence.  I rarely do more than comment on the propaganda scheme that is the foundations of Fox “news” – but, I believe most thinking Americans have come to realize what Fox is all about.  It should be called GOP “news.”  However, the 24 hour cable news cycle requires constant commentary from people who are essentially “entertainers.”  There are still a few investigative journalists out there, but they don’t get much exposure on the “national news.”  And, it seems to me that on the stations like MSNBC, the focus is still on “ratings” as opposed to presenting “news.”  I guess part of the reality is that America’s public is considered by these people ignorant (and, they might be correct – I know many “educated” people who still don’t even know what “Citizens United” is).  The reality of the upcoming mid-term elections is that it will be astonishing if HALF of America’s registered voters vote – I’m guessing the number will be much less than that.  Sadly, because the truth is we live in a corporate dominated world that is likely why the “liberal media” – the so-called “fourth estate” of our government – those we are supposed to rely on for real information – is focused on gaining “market share” so that they can provide PROFIT for shareholders.  In the process they’ve brainwashed the American public into allowing things to get so incredibly out of “whack.”

What should we be doing?  Well, that’s a thought for another day – I’m working on that one – but, as I (not being an economist or having any training in the subject which is hard for me to understand) read “The Rebel Within” Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank, it’s becoming MORE clear to me that the United States is allowing its great WEALTH to be directed in horribly wrong directions.  Not only could rational thinking economists play a HUGE role in rebuilding America – physically and spiritually (I’ll elaborate in a succeeding post) – but, I’m convinced, many of the issues that foster the violence around the world could be addressed in ways that don’t include violence.  It seems to me that we’ve – since 9/11 – allowed the so-called “terrorists” to gain exactly what they were trying to achieve.  We’ve given up precious liberties in the name of “national security” – yet, people don’t feel more secure. Even our politicians now operate using FEAR as their guide – I recently answered one of the MANY emails I get (EVERY DAY) asking for a contribution – by suggesting the candidate tell me why I should support him/her – instead of telling me to FEAR his/her opponent.

There are people suffering all around the globe and we can’t afford to help – but, there seems to be no limit on what our military can do.  I was watching reporting of the bombing of Syria and wondering how much each of those bombs cost.  This coming from a nation that can’t “afford” to fix it’s own problems because of a budget deficit.  Does this ring an odd bell with anyone?  If America can’t afford to take care of her own, how can she afford an endless bombing attack in the Middle East?  This country will be secure when we reclaim our ideals and reject the politics of FEAR.  With a Congress that’s AWOL and news that’s entertainment, it appears that “endless war” trumps real national security!

Leaders MUST lead by example, and the example coming from America in the past 14 years has totally sabotaged her standing as the “leader of the free world.”

I have a running dialogue going with a couple of my friends who would be squarely in the midst of the “Christian Right” as I’m trying to convince them that “Christians” (for that matter, any “religion”) being the “base” of a political party is unhealthy – for that party AND for that “religion.”  Honestly, nothing gives me more pause than religious zealots gaining political power.  We see the results all the time in places like Afghanistan (Taliban), Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, etc. etc.  Presently the group calling itself “ISIS” is attempting to gain control in Iraq and Syria (ironically, with weapons, as I understand it, that were supplied by America – in our great wisdom as we try to unseat the “tyrant” in Syria so that a group we now consider “terrorists” could take over.  I’m still not sure if our leaders (I believe it’s possible that President Obama Okay-ed military supplies for this group and I’ve seen pictures on the Web of John McCain in a “photo op” with some of their members – is that what we call bipartisan?) expected ISIS to be pushing “democracy” should they succeed.  What it appears to me is more American “meddling” in places where we have NO IDEA what we’re doing.  Members of ISIS are reportedly lopping off the heads of those who oppose them (especially Christians).  And, back to my main thought, ISIS is ANOTHER example of religious zealots gaining political power (or, attempting to gain power).

Ultimately, what my thinking is tonight relates to my wish to “vent” my own frustrations with President Obama and how one of his decisions has contributed to the “mess” he’s got to deal with.  I always hesitate doing this because I have no intentions of furthering the “wish” of republicans that our president would FAIL.  That seems to cause me to keep much of my frustration internal.  I keep thinking that it is perfectly fine with me for republicans to want our president’s initiatives to fail due to a disagreement with philosophy.  However, attempting to facilitate that failure is what troubles me.  I believe the divisiveness caused by the CONSTANT obstructionist politics of the republican party and their benefactors is giving a message to those around the world who would benefit from a lack of unity in America to be emboldened.  It should be painfully obvious to anyone observing what’s happening inside America’s boundaries and around the world that America is losing steam in her role as “leader of the free world.”  And, for those who would put this on Obama, I would just remind you that virtually ALL the problems STARTED with the inept administration of GW Bush and Dick Cheney.


Prior to going in for surgery (I really am getting old and worn out) the issue with ISIS (or ISIL – I’m not sure which is correct) was just accelerating and, naturally – as with EVERY issue that seems to be going in the wrong direction – republicans immediately began lambasting President Obama for his “failed foreign policy.” (we’ve all seen that they do this no matter what policy is in question – failing or not)  This was coming from the likes of Dick Cheney (and, I’m really SERIOUS here – how does this man warrant ONE SECOND of air time on any media channel? – well, we all know the answer is Fox “news”), John McCain (who, as mentioned above, is seen in photo ops with the ISIS leadership whom he allegedly helped gain funding through Saudi sources), and virtually every other republican mouthpiece.  This is a significant issue and, despite what I’ve always felt was an “unwritten rule” in American politics that the divisiveness ended at the border, it seems too much to hope that there will be unity as our president attempts to find a way to deal with this group that I believe can only be described as murdering thugs.  The atmosphere represented by this political reality is one of the issues I wish to discuss in my attempt to question my president (who I TOTALLY hope succeeds!)

Before I elaborate on that thought, while I was recuperating ( the first 10 days were “tough” as the doctor warned me) I watched a lot of television and the “news” was dominated by reporting from Missouri,  where a young Black man was murdered by a White police officer.  The boy’s name was Michael Brown and his murder seemed to be a “trigger” for the backlash from the Black community which I’ve been forewarning people – in my blog and in my conversation – for quite some time now.  I mean, how long does the White “establishment” believe they can ignore the realities faced by those “stuck” in environments that provide limited opportunity and excessive profiling and brutality by members of the police force.  The issue of race is MAJOR in America and, while I thought the election of Barack Obama was a great step forward, it seems as if it has unleashed a White backlash that I certainly didn’t anticipate.

For example, I just received a publication from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that is working to expose White supremacists and hate groups, which says the number of anti-government “militias” have increased almost ten fold since Obama’s election in the United States.  And, recent “happenings” such as the “standoff” between the Bureau of Land Management and Cliven Bundy over Bundy’s refusal to pay his federal grazing fees (for something like 20+ years) – an amount exceeding $1 MILLION – has emboldened these groups to feel as if they can ignore America’s laws.  None of this is good!

Which brings me back to my point – where I want to question President Obama – who I have to EMPHASIZE again, I want him to SUCCEED!  (I wanted GW Bush to succeed, I want all presidents to succeed)  I’ve written about this many times prior on this site – it was “red flag” number one for me when Obama took office.  It led me to predict that in 2010 “progressives” would be so turned off that it would allow republicans (unfortunately, as it turned out, in the form of the “Tea Party”) to upend the democratic control of congress.  As I had predicted back then, President Obama’s decision to “look forward and not back” would turn out to be one of the worst presidential decisions of my lifetime.  If you’re not familiar with the context of that statement, essentially President Obama blocked ALL investigations into the illegal activities of the Bush/Cheney administration.

Both George W Bush and Dick Cheney (seemingly with pride) admitted in interviews on NATIONAL TV that they had authorized WATERBOARDING (both saying they would do it again) which is a WAR CRIME by our national legal standards, our military standards, and by international standards.  Clearly, the level of “enhanced interrogation” went far beyond waterboarding and, it seems apparent to me, has created FAR more “terrorists” since 9/11 than the United States has captured or killed.  One only has to think of the images publicized from Abu Ghraib to get an idea of what was not only tolerated, but encouraged during the Bush/Cheney regime.  The authorization came right from the top – with MANY in the chain of command VULNERABLE to any responsible, unbiased investigation.  Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and many others were vulnerable to charges of war crimes.  I believe President Obama was elected because he led (at least me) many Americans to believe “The Change we could believe in” would include accountability to those who had stepped WAY OVER any acceptable line in America’s sense of justice.

It’s true President Obama attempted to close Guantanamo – the center of America’s unbelievable abuse of human rights – but was blocked by Congress (or, at least, that’s how it was portrayed to me) and we’re still seeing TV “shots” of the “enemy combatants” who inhabit the place in their bright orange jump suits.  Concerning the most egregious example of why Guantanamo is a “black mark” on America I have never seen a believable report about the three “detainees” who “committed suicide” by – get this – hanging themselves after jamming rags so far down their own throats they couldn’t be pulled out after they were found, tying their own hands behind their backs, binding their own feet together, then climbing onto a sink, putting a noose around their neck, and then hanging themselves – all three of them (one who was due to be released!).  Additionally, there’s been no explanation as to how they could have “hanged” for two hours without being noticed when each cell was to be inspected every 10 minutes.  This, of course, happened under the “watch” of Bush/Cheney – but, do those at the top of our government really believe that no one notices this stuff?  Of course, in America, our “liberal media” has no problem sweeping stuff like this “under the rug,” but I can tell you – the rest of the world NOTICED!  There was NO investigation (at least made public – that was credible)

So, why does this still “bug” me so much?  Well, I watched President Obama in a press conference, reacting to the beheading of an American journalist by ISIS with a sense of anger that was palpable – and, I have to add, a sense shared by me.  However, when it was reported the journalist, James Foley, had been waterboarded and the pictures of him showed him in a orange jumpsuit – I had to wonder how many people were able to “connect the dots?”  In my mind, the orange jumpsuits are symbolic of the outrage around the world at the US treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo and other “black sites” where “enemy combatants were sent and tortured.  And, how can we respond to the charges that the hostages in Syria – held by ISIS – are being waterboarded?  President Obama had the chance to make a CLEAR statement to the world that America was better than that upon his inauguration.  By “looking forward instead of back” he exonerated Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and all the others responsible for America’s “enhanced interrogation” policies – which, along with the ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq in 2003 has destabilized the Middle East (more than it was) and made America (and Americans) less safe!

Additionally, for President Obama, this decision emboldened what has become an unbelievable policy of obstruction by the party (republican) which created the “mess” that Obama’s been dealing with for almost 6 years now.  It also sent a message to many on the “right” that President Obama is “weak.”  This, in my view, has led to instances such as the Bundy fiasco, which has escaped the view of our “liberal media” – so these “militia” type radicals, I’m sure, feel as if they can operate free of worry from federal law enforcement – because they’ll just pull out their weapons (and they are well armed) and shoot it out if necessary.  Combining all this – the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al lawbreaking, with the Bundy lawbreaking, and add in the Wall Street bailouts with NO accountability for all the damage inflicted on “Main Street” – and it’s pretty easy to see why so many Americans now believe that our laws are intended for those of us on “Main Street” with no accountability for those at the “top” or, in Bundy’s case, those who’ve brazenly armed themselves and are willing to shoot any law enforcer who attempts to hold them responsible for violating laws they don’t recognize.  This then leads me to what happened in Ferguson Missouri.

There seems to be no lack of willingness for law enforcement to kill members of the African American communities around the country.  From George Zimmerman, acting as a neighborhood “watcher,” killing Trayvon Martin in Florida to the murder of Michael Brown in Missouri, there’s one instance after another of young Black men being gunned down, unarmed, by police (or, in Zimmerman’s case, pseudo police) all across our nation.  Apparently, when a young Black person is killed, the person who does the killing (usually shooting) simply has to claim that they were acting in self defense and all will be well.  Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Zimmerman was exonerated in the death of Martin – and, many, including myself, are anticipating that the police officer (I believe his name is Darren Wilson) will escape justice in the Brown murder.  The evidence that he essentially executed Michael Brown is overwhelming, but when you look closely at how the authorities are “aligned” and how the Police department and the DA have responded to the murder, it doesn’t give much hope that Wilson will be held accountable.  At the very minimum, he should stand trial for the shooting, but I’ll be surprised if that happens.

This incident really, to me, exposes the biases that are real in America today.  As I look at the evidence that’s become public, it seems obvious that Brown, no matter what he had done prior to receiving the fatal shot, should still be alive today.  The FACT that Brown’s body was allowed to lay on the street (apparently not even covered up) for over 4 hours is unbelievable to me – yet it is a FACT.  And the FACT that the fatal shot hit him on the top of his head – while the police officer was reportedly 25 feet or so away is very disturbing.  But, when I look at all of this – in my opinion – it goes back to our government (Sorry President Obama, but you screwed up) allowing the impression that those at the “top” are “above the law.”  I believe what’s going on in many police departments around the nation support this contention – and, unfortunately, many Americans seem to agree.  For example, while I think it would have been – over time – less of a distraction to investigate ( and prosecute if warranted) the Bush/Cheney regime – it would have caused a ruckus with many republicans (we know now that anything Obama does will cause that).  However, confirming that we are “a nation of laws and not men” was the right thing to do.  And, this holds true all the way down to our local police departments.

Darren Wilson has received nearly (by my last count) a half a million dollars in support after the killing of Michael Brown through anonymous internet donations.  This despite the FACT he still hasn’t been charged with any crime!  (I guess people are anticipating he will be charged)  I’m really not sure how to interpret that – other than to say that it reinforces my view that, in America, we’ve got BIG problems – and, there’s a clear divide that implies to me these problems won’t be solved any time soon.  There’s a saying that totally resonates with me that “Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.”  We’ve seen this over and over during the 21st century.  The best example for me was the invasion of Iraq – it brought back the nightmares of Viet Nam to me.  Bush/Cheney being let “off the hook” reminded me of Richard Nixon saying, “If the president does it, it must be legal” – and, all the energy it took to prove him wrong.  In one felled swoop, President Obama – when he chose to “look forward” – undermined all that work and energy.  And, the Ferguson situation reminds me of the 1960’s when those in our inner cities – receiving similar (probably worse) treatment as today, finally “exploded.”  (in fact, I’ve got respect for the people of Ferguson who’ve shown more restraint than the police in the ensuing protests after Brown’s murder)

Leaders MUST lead by example, and the example coming from America in the past 14 years has totally sabotaged her standing as the “leader of the free world.”  We were supposedly the leaders in the fight for “human rights” around the world.  We’ve not only allowed ourselves to violate our own principals in the “war on terror,” but our shortcomings within our own society and our inability to understand the needs of our citizens who are “the least of these” (in the words of Jesus Christ) has exposed the hypocrisy in our government as it tries to bring order outside our borders.  The fate of James Foley (and, today I read that another hostage was killed) brings the sad reality of what was done during Bush/Cheney home “to roost.”  And, by essentially exonerating their actions, President Obama missed an opportunity to prove to the rest of the world (and America’s citizens) that we REALLY don’t TORTURE and we do believe in human rights.  The evidence, at home and abroad, leaves one to wonder what REALLY is America’s stance on all this!

I’ll end this by referring to my initial thoughts.  The solution, whatever it might be, to the issues fulminating in the Middle East as I’m writing this will not be those of the religious zealots.  I saw one person, on one of my attempts to check out what’s being said on Fox “news,” claim the solution is “convert them or kill them,” referring to ISIS.  President Obama gets criticized (by “both sides of the isle”) for being deliberate.  Personally, I encourage him to continue doing so.  Don’t compound the mistakes of the past.  I’m not sure what the best course of action is, but I’m pretty sure “convert them or kill them” is a bad idea.  The usual “knee jerk” reaction that appears to be America’s “way” of late is a recipe for disaster.  This problem requires, I believe, a unified solution among all the stake holders in bringing these murderous thugs (ISIS) to justice.