Monthly Archives: February 2021

How long will it take for republicans to be voted into the history books?

Everyone KNEW individual 1 was GUILTY as sin, yet, per usual, the republicans in the Senate voted – 86% of them – to vote to “acquit” our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president after he came close to inciting an INSURRECTION which COULD have taken some of their lives. On the last day of the “trial” 43 republican Senators voted to say they still want this DEPLORABLE person as the “kingpin” of their party. And, of course, as you watched individual 1’s THUGS storming the Capitol Building you were seeing EXACTLY what Hillary Clinton had referred to as the “basket of deplorables.”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not sure what it would have been like to have Mrs. Clinton as our 45th president, other than to say the “glass ceiling” would have been broken, but she would have faced a republican Congress and I’m not sure, for the long haul, whether it was better for “we the people” to endure four LONG years of individual 1 to, as my son suggested, get to the bottom “sooner rather than later.” We’ll see in the next few years if we’ve hit the “bottom,” which would be good, if the American public continues to VOTE in record numbers to turn back this right wing authoritarian attempt to destroy our republic. We’ll see if young Americans are willing to FIGHT (and, I’m talking about non-violently via the ballot box) to save this nation.

The FACT the republicans were willing to turn a “blind eye” to the egregious actions of individual 1 over the course of the months leading up to his INCITEFUL speech on the Ellipse on the 6th of January, 2021 means my lobbying for as many of them as possible be VOTED out of office stands! Not only was his case in the IMPEACHMENT “trial” absurd, but, true to form, his lawyers continued LYING from the beginning to end of the process. What really got to me, maybe more than any other part of the absurd proceeding was watching individual 1’s (personal injury) lawyer, after the final tally was announced, looking into the republican section of the Senate and giving the “thumbs up” signal as if they had accomplished something. As if HE was successful. I wouldn’t hire that dude, well, under ANY circumstance! (But, of course, individual 1 was desperate – no “respectable” attorney would get anywhere near him)

OK, the truth is, individual 1’s lawyers were AWEFUL – to the point of embarrassment. Apparently LYING in the Senate Chamber is OK these days. You have to consider who they were talking to – as the saying goes, “an audience of one.” Them making fools of themselves, but acting arrogant in the process, must have warmed individual 1’s heart. The ONLY surprise for me at the end of the “trial” was that, apparently, ONE republican Senator, Richard Burr, was moved by his conscience, and voted to CONVICT – making it SEVEN republicans to “cross the line.” Of course, as I said above, EVERYONE knew he was guilty – the Senate is simply full of a bunch of COWARDLY republican Senators – or should I say, in some instances, STUPID Senators?

By now virtually every American knows of what a “deplorable” person Ted Cruz is in all facets of life. He’ll likely be known as “Cancun Ted” going forward, after skipping town during the WORST crisis in his state since, maybe, Hurricane Katrina. I don’t believe people will forget what he did and, should they, democrats will be reminding them – up to his next election in case he refuses all the “offers” that he would RESIGN immediately. He was completely uninterested in the IMPEACHMENT “trial” and was even seen “fraternizing” with individual 1’s counsel during the “trial.” (albeit with other “deplorables” like Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul) These republicans have NO shame.

And, to prove that last statement, Cruz LIED about his “trip to Cancun” – meaning, he “did it to be a good dad.” Of course, that meant “screw” all his constituents. But, with Cruz, there’s always more – and, I’m not even referring to his support for the INSURRECTIONISTS who stormed the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. I was driving around today and turned on MSNBC on my XM radio while they were broadcasting the confirmation hearing of Merrick Garland – the guy who republicans “screwed” out of a place on the Supreme Court because he was nominated by a Black guy. (I think you know who I mean)

Sure enough, on comes Mr. Cruz and within one or two blocks I was yelling at my radio? Why doesn’t someone call BS on what he’s saying? I’m thinking to myself. He spent his five minutes ranting about the “politicization” of the Justice Department under Eric Holder as if to suggest the Department under Jeff Sessions (Kids in Cages) and William Barr had made the department healthy. (My characterization) He was attempting to sound as if he’s authoritative and it made me want to puke. Of course, that’s because I know who Ted Cruz REALLY is – and, to use his own words of 2016 as he described individual 1, he’s a sniveling COWARD. I hope “we the people” NEVER forget his sycophancy to individual 1, his complicity in the INSURRECTION, and, of course, the trip to Cancun – among all the other reasons why people in Congress can’t stand him.

Then there was Josh Hawley. I didn’t stay on the channel long enough to hear his LYING nonsense – it’s baseball season, I tuned to MLB’s channel – but, I did listen to part of a press briefing afterward where Hawley was asked to respond to the public believing he was partially responsible for the INSURRECTION. What did he say? Of course, he said, “That’s outrageous” (or words to that effect) despite the reality it’s NOT outrageous. He’ll always be remembered by that “fist in the air” photo and the words of his “mentor” John Danforth (maybe the most respected person in Missouri politics): “Supporting Josh Hawley is the WORST mistake of my entire career.” Hawley very likely won’t be re-elected to the Senate, but, obviously, he’s got his eyes on the “White House” as the next “individual 1.” Good luck with that one, Josh!

I’ve said this many times here – these people (republicans) won’t “quit” and they won’t “change” – they CAN’T change because their “base” is too connected to the “basket of deplorables” and, apparently, the “conservative Christians” don’t care who or what they associate themselves with as long as they can continue to say they oppose abortions. Well, let me tell you something which may be surprising here – I oppose abortions as well (with exceptions), but I’ve developed this philosophy, “If you oppose abortions, don’t have one.” Where do all these “libertarians” get off putting themselves into other people’s lives? Isn’t that the pure definition of hypocrisy?

If you read the top of my “homepage” I was a 6th grade teacher for the last almost half of my working life (23 years). I worked in a high poverty school with kids who were in generational poverty – kids who came to school hungry (I always kept “snacks” on hand – it’s hard to “learn” when you’re hungry), kids whose parent(s) didn’t have health insurance and didn’t understand how to get their child covered, kids who were dirty and often wore the same clothes every day of the week, and kids who desperately needed teachers who LOVED them. (That’s where I came in) That experience totally affected my thinking – and, not to make be “believe” in abortion.

What it caused me to understand and believe was the importance of our society, where I don’t believe (most) mothers would choose abortion unless desperate, supporting children AFTER they’ve been born. To me, no matter the circumstance they’re born into, they should be nourished, they should have access to health care, and they should have early childhood education – among other “should haves.” Single mothers SHOULD be supported in ways that makes the decision to have an abortion much more remote. I’ve never understood why republicans push to overturn roe and then, at the same time, vote to prevent these other measures from taking effect. Many of them, for example, vote against FOOD STAMPS – for heaven’s sake. Republicans have been voting AGAINST a national health care policy since I was born – which was in 1947. Do YOU not see this as contradictory?

And, “Christians” are a large portion of the republican “base” and go along with the putting kids in cages (because their parents are desperate for a “better way of life”), they go along with “Stupid wars” – ie Afghanistan and Iraq and eventually Syria – in the case of individual 1 they went along with patronizing Vladimir Putin and, ultimately, an attack on our Capitol Building with the purpose of overthrowing our republic. Yikes! And, of course, the evangelical Christians have been part of the “white nationalist” movement for, well, since the Civil War and reconstruction. And, that’s factual!

I’m pointing this out because I view Christians (I am one, but, not “conservative”) who support individual 1 as a curious sort. I “get” the ones who have been affiliated with all the Churches in he South which participated in the LYNCHINGS over the years – I read a book titled “Rising Out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow – which is the story of Derek Black, the son of a former Grand Wizard of the KKK and the “godson” of David Duke, as he became “purged” (my term) of his racist beliefs by a bunch of College Students in Central Florida. In the reading I became aware of much more of the “white nationalist” base of individual 1 – his father, Don Black, runs the website “” which is a collection zone for “white nationalists.” Black (the father) and David Duke were quoted in one article I read as saying individual 1 was their “vehicle into the mainstream of American politics.” Well, they weren’t wrong, were they?

These are people who participated in the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville where, after Heather Heyer was MURDERED by one of the “white nationalists” individual 1 infamously said, “there were good people on both sides.” Every time I think of his comment I picture in my mind all the neo-Nazi’s, with their swastika armbands, confederate flags, and Tiki Torches marching while chanting in unison, “Jews will not replace us.” Yep, they were very happy to hear individual 1 refer to them as “very fine people.” David Duke even thanked our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president for his “kind words.”

“Conservative Christians” are associating themselves with people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, two QAnon conspiratorialists, along with Cruz, Hawley, Ron Johnson (who, today, once again accused “Antifa” of attacking the Capitol Building – today in a Senate hearing, suggesting they were dressed as individual 1’s supporters – Yikes), Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and the hundreds of other republicans in Congress who tried to overturn the election. But, of course, there’s always more – it’s not just them.

Nationally, something close to half of all republicans still actually believe individual 1 “won” the election of 2020. (Theoretically, he didn’t “win” either election he ran in, but, well, there’s the Electoral College – speaking of antiquated things. OK, I wasn’t speaking of antiquated things, was I?) Some of them, like Greene and Boebert, quite possibly, STILL believe he’ll be declared president – on March 4th! These are people who’ve been predicting the return of Jesus for as many years as I can remember. After March 4 comes and goes, what will be next? At some point are they going to turn on “Q?” Who knows? But, quite honestly, one of my biggest gripes, as a Christian, is these people aren’t giving “Christianity” a “good look,” are they? Go ahead and argue with me, but I don’t see how you could justify your argument unless you watch Fox or Newsmax or OANN or ????? another right wing “news” outlet.

This brings me to my final point: Individual 1 was really good at one thing: (I won’t list all the things he was BAD at – other than to remind you just the other day America passed 500,000 DEAD from Covid 19 and experts have said, had we followed the lead of South Korea, which had their first case on the same day as we did, the DEATH toll would have been around 10,000 – that’s a lot of “blood” on individual 1’s hands, isn’t it?) (Remember Harry Truman saying “the buck stops here?”) Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president was an expert at PROJECTION. If he accused you of it, that meant he was doing it. (OK, he was/is also good at LOSING)

So, all those times individual 1 was referring to the “Fake News,” you could be certain he was LYING about whatever he was accusing someone else of. You could almost ASSUME the exact opposite of whatever he was saying (or “tweeting” – what a relief he’s no longer doing that – although, I understand Facebook has welcomed him back. $$$$$) When he said, “No one’s less racist than me,” that actually means “I’m the most racist person you know.” When he said, “No one’s been harder on Russia than me,” what he meant was “My goal is to be like Vladimir Putin.” When he said there was no “quid pro quo” with Ukraine, what that meant was “There was a quid pro quo with Ukraine.” When he said “We’re no longer putting kids in cages at the border” what he meant was “We’re putting them there as fast as we can.” When he said, “I’ve done an amazing job dealing with the pandemic” what he meant was “I could care less about this pandemic, it’s mostly killing people of color.” (Although, his language would have been much more colorful.) And, when he said, “I’ll publish my taxes when they finish the (5 year?) audit” what he meant was “You’ll get my taxes over my dead body.” (Well, Cy Vance now has his taxes)

I could go on, but you get the idea. And, speaking of the Christian Community as his “base,” they also don’t seem to be bothered by the 30+ THOUSAND verifiable LIES he told while in office – and, since the Senate republicans didn’t have the ………………… OK, I’ll use the “proper” word, COURAGE, to “convict” him in the trial which would have led to him being banned from holding office in the future, we’re all going to continue to be subjected to MORE LYING – because, now I’m thinking of a commercial I saw on TV the other day, that’s what he does! My Christian “friends” who support him tell me they don’t believe he’s a LIAR! Seriously! I keep trying to figure out if that’s more on him or on them? How can you be that ignorant?

I seriously want to say “good riddance” but, like a bad dream, he’s going to keep showing up – because Fox makes money by giving him “aire” time and apparently Facebook needs the money? (I don’t do Facebook, so I’m a bit confused as to why they’d let him back on – do they think he’s been rehabilitated? Seriously? And, his children will be moving to separate parts of Florida so they can run for official positions in the government they hate and want to destroy. Go figure! Can you picture Ivanka Trump in the U.S. Senate? Maybe she could run for the House and democrats could seat her next to Ms. Boebert. Stay tuned……………..

Final Thought: I’ve been pointing out for over three years now I view individual 1 as a “mob boss” – and, it appears I may be proved TOTALLY correct when the Manhattan DA finishes his investigation into various crimes of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, including alleged bank, insurance, and tax fraud. Do you remember Michael Cohen’s testimony before Congress? By then I had read MANY books on individual 1 before he became our “so-called” president and his connections to organized crime was, it appeared to me, undeniable. (And, remember, Vladimir Putin is supposedly the head of the largest organized crime syndicate in the world – and, is ACTUALLY the world’s “richest” man – pilfering Russia’s natural wealth with the sycophancy of all the so-called “oligarchs” – Putin seems to be individual 1’s idol)

So, I’m picturing one of the possibilities of the Cy Vance (He’s the Manhattan DA) investigation could be what’s called a RICO charge. RICO is the acronym of the “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act” which “is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering and allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing, closing a perceived loophole that allowed a person who instructed someone else to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because they did not actually commit the crime personally.” So, Michael Cohen as the “fixer” doing dirty stuff for individual 1 and then going to jail for it – may get his “day in court.” To me, this law “fits” individual 1 “to a tee.” Picture Cohen, for example, paying off a couple women to prevent them going public right before the 2016 election and then having individual 1 write off the payments to him from his taxes. Bad!!!

What I’m saying is individual 1 may end up being too busy defending himself in court (there’s still Georgia, remember, {The phone call to Raffensperger}, there’s the Southern District of New York where he “earned” the name “individual 1,” and, of course, there’s January 6th, 2021 where even Moscow Mitch was suggesting the “solution” to his actions would lie in the criminal court system. It appears Merrick Garland may agree with him. There’s so much more to come out about the INSURRECTION I don’t think individual 1 should be sleeping well these days. Golf will help you relax, but, this is serious – and, I feel safe in saying, “I’m not kidding.” Times will continue to be interesting, even with someone as boring as Joe Biden at the “helm.” Hopefully, Biden will be quietly governing while individual 1’s legal issues potentially could dominate the “news.” And, of course, Fox, Newsmax, etc. will portray him as the victim. The question to me is how long will it take for republicans to be voted into the history books? 2022? I can hope, but not likely. Republicans will continue to wield the “fear” card and WHITE Christians in too large of numbers will likely continue to “buy it.”

As usual, my apologies for not editing, it’s late and I’ve got to go to bed.

Maybe the head of the USPS’s name should be changed to “Lewis Delay.”

America is at somewhat of another “crossroads.” I’ve lamented ad nauseum since 2009 at Barack Obama’s decision to “look forward instead of back” because he didn’t want his administration “burdened” with the spectacle of a “War Crimes” investigation into George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld (et al) for their authorization of TORTURE, not to mention violations of the FISA laws, and other ILLEGAL activity “on their watch.” If you remember, regarding the Abu Ghraib scandal, where TORTURE was routine, NONE of those authorizing the TORTURE ever spent a day in court, but the Army “grunts” who helped carry out their orders were the ones who went to JAIL while all the “leaders” acted as if to say, what, “who me?”

So, in the typical republican deja vu all over again fashion, well, here we go again. As of today, regarding individual 1’s ATTACK on our nation’s Capitol Building there have been 234 of the “foot soldiers” of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president indicted with OVER another 400 (identified and) under investigation – and hundreds MORE photos published by the FBI as they continue hunting down the INSURRECTIONISTS – and, yet, nada for individual 1. Sadly, 43 COWARDLY members of the Senate refused to do the obvious and vote to CONVICT individual 1 in his SECOND IMPEACHMENT trial – which will ultimately be to their dismay – and, today, of course, individual 1 was on the attack again.

Who was he going after? Well, to no one’s surprise it was Moscow Mitch McConnell – he of the vote to “acquit” followed by repeating the “closing argument” of the IMPEACHMENT managers of the House of Representatives which, obviously, didn’t sit well with individual 1 (or, by the way, me either! Where was your vote of conscience, Mitch?). McConnell suggested the “criminal justice system” was the method which should bring our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to account and, well, individual 1 wasn’t happy about it. We’ll see if he can “topple” McConnell’s “reign” as the head of the Senate republicans – McConnell probably is unhappy with individual 1 due to the loss of his role as majority leader as anything – but, you’ve got people like Lindsey Graham kissing up to individual 1 because “I like winning.” We’ll see if Graham will manage to “win” as much as individual 1 of late? (That was a joke :o)

The question, in my mind since January 6th, 2021 is will we be revisiting the “Abu Ghraib syndrome” all over again as all these STUPID followers of individual 1 face charges which could put them behind bars for as much as 30 years in many cases. Sedition is a very serious crime and you have to wonder how STUPID these people really were. And, if you were “communicating” with those who breached the Capitol Building, well, that’s a “conspiracy” – another really SERIOUS CRIME. Obviously, many of the INSURRECTIONISTS were arrogant as they were breaking windows and doors all around the Capitol Building, busting into the Senate Chamber and rifling through the desks, breaking into offices and trashing them, defecating and unrinating in the hallways and smearing the results on the walls, ultimately for the janitorial staff to clean up – as if individual 1’s “orders” would exonerate them. Hundreds are going to JAIL and, individual 1, he’s still bloviating as if he’s immune from any legal consequences. I really hope I’m wrong – otherwise, as I predicted in 2009 this will happen again, only it likely will be far worse! Every ideation is worse than the last one.

So, now, the District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia is investigating the phone call individual 1 placed with Brad Raffensperger (not “Ben Roffensberger” as per individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT lawyer) which was recorded for all to hear and, obviously, was a serious potential CRIMINAL offense – plus some other phone calls which could be problematic. Tonight, I heard about the legislature in Georgia attempting to come to individual 1’s defense by passing a “Constitutional Amendment in Georgia” preventing the DA in Fulton County from using a Grand Jury in Fulton County to consider the evidence and issue subpoenas in her case. They don’t have the “super majority” to pass this “deplorable” legislation, but, obviously, individual 1’s “base” is willing to do anything to prevent him from facing legal exposure. Get this, MORE of them believe Joe Biden was responsible for January 6th than individual 1! As I say to people I know who support individual 1, “You need to quit watching Fox “news.”

Here’s the “deal” though. I don’t believe republicans or any other group will be able to stop all the investigations which seem capable of “swallowing up” our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and, I believe, it’s imperative the investigations which are sure to follow DO NOT end up causing people to believe individual 1 to be a martyr. He’s an organized CRIMINAL, has been from every thing I’ve learned about him for many years before he stained the “White House,” and will continue in that “mold” for as long as he’s allowed to intimidate our Justice system, as he’s done his entire life. Joe Biden wants to “unite” America and that CAN NOT happen without a full accounting of what happened and FULL accountability for individual 1 – whether he goes to jail or not. (I have to add here, the investigation in Manhattan of the “individual 1 Organization” could make things “tough” for the entire clan – there are indications it may be a “racketeering” (RICO) investigation. Yikes!)

America’s problems are severe and, sadly, the republican party is beholden to the corporate interests which ALWAYS put profits over their obligation to the communities which allow them to operate. So, the republicans being willing to destroy our democratic republic should NOT be a surprise to anyone who has actually been reading and educating themselves as to what is really happening in the United States of America. Individual 1’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, for example, was among the WORST in the entire world. His “Brexit” buddy in the U.K. has managed similar results as his another of his “buddies” in Brazil. Sadly, these “leaders” are responsible for the DEATHS of hundreds of thousands of people not to mention, in individual 1’s case, all the other DAMAGE which our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president has inflicted on this nation and the WORLD.

As time goes by with just one month into Joe Biden’s administration there is evidence on “both sides of the isle” showing why we SHOULD all be thankful our republic survived 4 years of individual 1 and his sycophants. The list of reasons “we the people” SHOULD be celebrating the change of leadership in D.C. is a long one – but, I don’t want to list them all here. Let me suggest a few: for starters, look at what is happening in Texas right now – under the FAILED leadership of republicans for more than two decades. All the FROZEN power sources were predictable based on previous winter events – yet, we had the governor of Texas BLAMING the disaster of over 4 MILLION Texans without power and, soon to be experiencing, all the frozen pipes – on AOC and the “Green New Deal.” I’m not kidding!

The Biden administration has now “kicked” the CHALLENGE of vaccinating America into “high gear” – after “inheriting” a disaster in progress from individual 1’s administration – which had encouraged the development of vaccines but had NO plan to get the vaccines “into people’s arms.” And, of course, the level of DISASTER from the pandemic was, by many accounts, well more than DOUBLE what it should have been had there been a competent “leader” when it became clear the pandemic was a possibility. (And, we know, individual 1 was WARNED about the severity of what was “coming”) Just look at the drop in “infections” in the first month of Joe Biden’s administration – with, simply, a focused effort of the Federal Government to address the crisis. It’s true things could take another turn “for the worse” because of the UK variant – which is in MOST states – but, at least, there’s hope we won’t simply “let it happen” and the vaccine rollout is increasing by the week. Individual 1’s “Covid INCOMPETENCE” was “palpable.”

Just the other day Joe Biden announced in a video conference with Europe that “America is back.” He’s committed to our traditional alliances and is committed to turning back Vladimir Putin’s attempt to subvert “democracy” and spur on the neo-Nazi movements in America and Europe. Of course, individual 1 has been a supporter of Putin for many years – well before he “won” the “White House” (with Putin’s help, of course). Our former TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president also had made major progress in his goal to “deconstruct the administrative state – and, reversing that DAMAGE will be one of the real challenges of Biden’s administration. We’re talking about one American institution after another we leadership focused on the destruction of that entity. For example, Lewis DeJoy is still heading up the Post Office and every time I send something via the USPS I get a message warning of delays. Maybe his name should be changed to “Lewis Delay.”

I could go on and on, but I’ll end with individual 1 oversaw the first administration with a “net LOSS” of jobs during his four years in office since, well, I CAN’T remember. He’s considered the WORST president in history for “job creation” and it’s been OVER 80 years since there was a net job loss in any administration – I believe it was Herber Hoovers. So, I say “good riddance” to the TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who will likely be facing serious legal challenges for, well, forever! And, his family right with him (Don Jr. and Eric, as I’m sure you know, helped “gin up” the January 6th, 2021 crowd with breached the Capitol Building – “aiding and abetting an INCITEMENT to INSURRECTION?”) Individual 1 was obsessed with Barack Obama and Obama oversaw the CREATION of 12 MILLION jobs while individual 1 oversaw the LOSS of 4 MILLION jobs! Case closed!!!

Final Thought: Individual 1 and his supporters, people like: Ted Cruz (Cancun Ted?), Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunez, Louie Gohmert, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy, etc., etc., (147 members of the republican caucus), plus MANY local republican organizations, including the 18 (or so) state Attorney Generals who challenged the election results – all these people have shown themselves to prefer a fascist state over our democratic republic. We’re now seeing HUNDREDS of bills popping up in over 30 states – ALL by republicans in a brazen attempt to FURTHER voter suppression tactics which have been at the heart of republican politics for over 40 years. I’ve been lobbying for the voters to purge these people from our political “scene” over the past 20+ years and, we’ll see if the reality they’ve exposed their “hatred” of our “democracy” will “do the trick.” Here’s what we know: the republicans won’t go away without a (dirty) fight. They’re known for “dirty tricks” and the mantra: “The end justifies the means.” They care about POWER they have no idea how to govern!

It appears individual 1 told Kevin McCarthy: “It appears the INSURRECTIONISTS are more upset about the election result than you!” As the attackers were at his door!

After the first day of “defense” of individual 1 in his SECOND IMPEACHMENT “trial,” where everyone who watched January 6th, 2021 KNOWS our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is GUILTY as sin and his lawyers seemed flummoxed by what they were trying to get across, all the while, KNOWING they’ve got over 40 “sure” votes for acquittal as they volunteer for the dark pages of the history books right next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold. I believe the lawyers will be right there with individual 1 and the Senators who vote to set the most outrageous “precedent” maybe in American history.

As I’ve said over the course of the days following January 6th, 2021 the evidence will continue to be coming out – drip, drip, drip. Tonight, after the proceedings were finished with, apparently final remarks tomorrow, it was reported in “Politico” that (spineless) Kevin McCarthy called individual 1 during the INSURRECTION and asked him to call off the INSURRECTIONISTS as they were banging on the doors holding members of Congress and their staff members – many calling loved ones to reassure them they loved them thinking they might die. So, how did individual 1 respond to McCarthy? Well, according to “Politico” individual 1 responded, “Apparently they’re more upset with the election results than you are.”

Add to that one, “sources” close to Mike Pense assured anyone interested that individual 1 ABSOLUTELY knew where Pense was and the danger he was in. Maybe his “lawyers” just forgot to ask our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president that question among several others. They couldn’t answer the question when did individual 1 know the Capitol had been breached and what did he do to stop it? Instead, they chose to attack the House managers for not investigating enough. Of course, they “invited” individual 1 to come testify under oath and his lawyers quickly kyboshed that, but, apparently, they didn’t even ask the basic questions any good legal team would have asked so they could exonerate him – if that would be possible. Or, maybe they asked him and didn’t like the answer so they feigned ignorance.

I have to add here something I found really interesting as I was FORCING myself to listen to individual 1’s lawyers: They seemed to be saying “you can’t convict him, but he absolutely could be charged criminally because he’s out of office. He’s a private citizen and can be indicted for crimes committed while in office kind of suggesting that’s the proper solution to this situation. Hmmm? Well, there’s one thing I could agree with individual 1’s lawyers. If INCITING an INSURRECTION really is ILLEGAL, then his lawyers are correct, he should be indicted. My suggestion to him if that actually happens, get new lawyers!

As I thought about that, I wondered if individual 1 might be liable for civil suits coming from, for example, the family of Officer Brian Sicknick? What about the two Officers who took their own lives? There’s never been any details about why they chose to do so within days of being attacked by this mob. Were they part of the group who was accused of being sympathetic to the INSRURRECTIONISTS? I did see one Officer taking “selfies” with the very people he SHOULD have been trying to get out of that building. There’s no way those of us watching on TV could put ourselves in the place of those Capitol Police Officers.

I have an acquaintance who doesn’t like my direct responses to his attempts to defend individual 1 on this site and has accused me of “having disdain for conservative and ‘Christian’ influence in government” (my quotes on the word ‘Christian’) and I couldn’t help but think of that comment when I learned tonight about individual 1’s DEPLORABLE comment to Kevin McCarthy (who soiled himself just a couple weeks later by heading to Mar a Lago to, as people have said, “kiss individual 1’s…………… [fill in the blank]) which I wasn’t sure of it’s reliability.

However, now I’m sure. It was my representative, Jaimie Herrera Beutler (R Wash) who heard that comment directly from McCarthy and actually wrote it down. She shared this in a “phone Town Hall” – which, by the way, I was invited to but chose not to attend – just the other day. It’s the reason she chose to vote for individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT. And, that’s the reason why I called her office to share with her I’ll be voting for her in 2022. My first vote for a republican since Bush/Cheney LIED “we the people” into the Iraq fiasco.

The other thing I thought about while thinking of my acquaintance suggesting my disdain for “Christian influence in government” (which, by the way, couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a Christian and I’ve been questioning how any Christian could be supporting someone as “deplorable” as individual 1 for over four years now) is how individual 1 showed what a “Christian” he is by the way he treated Mike Pense. I’m not the only American who has referred to Pense as individual 1’s lapdog – someone who’s shown unquestioned loyalty to our former mob boss of a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – and, reportedly continues to do so ????? – but, we’ve now CLEARLY seen how individual 1 returns that loyalty – by attempting to “sick” his bloodthirsty MOB on his Vice President so they could “stop the steal.”

I waited all day for the House managers to ask this question when the lawyers for individual 1 were denying whether he could be held accountable for the actions of the MOB which breached the Capitol Building, what could individual 1 possibly have meant by “stop the steal?” Does it make a bit of sense to suggest the INSURRECTIONISTS did this on their own? Does anyone actually believe individual 1 didn’t want the INSURRECTIONISTS to do exactly what they did – in fact that he wanted them to do more? That he WANTED them to actually get Mike Pense? Individual 1 KNEW ahead of time what Pense was going to do on January 6th, 2021 and was he thinking if the MOB could get Pense the certification COULDN’T happen without him? Or, maybe they might have got their bloodthirsty hands on Nancy Pelosi?

Of course, NONE of this will cause republican Senators to vote to Convict individual 1. They, clearly, are more interested in re-election than what’s best for our country. As has been said multiple times today and in the past month, the WHOLE world is watching and America is slowly forfeiting her place as the “shining city on a hill” in the words of Ronald Reagan and these republican Senators could care less. Multiple reports have them laughing during the presentation today (although, I have to admit, I found myself laughing, but I was LAUGHING at the absurd comments of individual 1’s lawyers. They really were AWEFUL.) Most believe individual 1 will NEVER pay them. More of his “Christian values.” (BTW I checked to see how many times individual 1 has attended church and EVERY answer suggested almost NEVER – just sayin….)

I feel bad I have friends who are grown adults who can’t see this. I keep attempting to give them books to read and, in every instance, I get refusals. Despite the books I would give them are FACT based non fiction books they suggest they MUST be written by “liberal” authors. Of course, my response is always, read the book and then give me FACTS which refutes what is in the books. Most of these people read only the Bible and they have based their political whims on the abortion issue. For the past four years – well, more like the past two plus years, I suppose – I’ve been calling this a “deal with the devil” for all these “Christians.” I could go on and on why individual 1 doesn’t come across as a “Christian leader” to me, but all you’d have to do is check the archives. The list is long!

Finally, individual 1’s lawyers had something really important in common with their client. And, of course, that is LYING! Their LYING was basic and everyone in the room who was paying attention knows it – of course, that would exclude republicans. Individual 1’s lawyer said, NO, to a question about whether individual 1 knew about the whereabouts of Pense and the danger he was in. By all accounts, that was a BLATANT LIE. Plus, MOST of their answers in the “question and answer” session were, well, laughable. Maybe that is why Senate republicans were seen laughing during the session. Most reports are suggesting they were laughing because they’re disinterested in the entire proceeding because they don’t have the GUTS to vote to convict because they believe that will cost them their seat. I truly hope this cowardice costs them just that!

It’s Saturday morning and the Senate is now voting on witnesses. It appears what has been reported about Jaimie Herrera Beutler has caught the attention of the House Managers. Jamie Raskin, the lead House Manager, said the managers want to depose Ms. Beutler by “Zoom” and to subpoena her contemporaneous notes which she wrote down when McCarthy was venting about his phone call with individual 1. Personally, I believe McCarthy and everyone else who heard what he said should be subpoenaed. Ms. Beutler has challenged other “patriots” who heard McCarthy’s reference to the phone call to come forward. I also believe they might call either Mike Pense or Secret Service members who know the TRUTH about what happened with him – including Tommy Tuberville’s referenced to his phone call with the former TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president where he informed individual 1 Pense was being taken from the House Chamber which happened just minutes before individual 1 “tweeted” to his INSURRECTIONISTS that “Mike Pense has let us down.” Yikes!!

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the one foopah of individual 1’s lawyers which caught my eye – there were several. But when he was referring to the phone call individual 1 made to “Ben Roffensberger” in Georgia I was like, “what did he just say?” Fortunately, I have a “go back” button on my computer and, sure enough, he referred to Brad Raffensperger as ?Ben Roethlisberger? The only thing which was clear to me was individual 1’s lawyers have no idea what they’re doing. The fortunate thing for them is they have an audience who’ve already made up their minds. To me, the worst part is potential future clients are watching them in action and, would you want them defending you? Plus, will they get paid?

I watched the IMPEACHMENT trial and witnessed individual 1’s lawyers making fools of themselves!

I just listened to the chaplain of the Senate give the opening prayer to the Senate of the United States of America followed by ALL Senators and others in the chamber giving the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Of course, today is the day when individual 1’s “defenders” referred to as “lawyers” by many, began their attempt to defend individual 1 and, to me, it was as if I was watching Fox “news.” The first “lawyer” suggested the “facts” of January 6th show that individual 1’s January 6th remarks on the ellipse were focused on a “peaceful protest.” He began what is going to be several hours of “whataboutism.”

OMG, as I listen to this “lawyer” it’s as if LYING is “routine” in the republican circles. He’s using the Black Lives Matter movement to do his “whataboutthat?” He’s saying the words “If you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore,” can not be construed to suggest urging his followers to “fight like hell.” His “whataboutism” is on the border of absurd. Now he’s referring to what happened in Portland, Oregon and suggesting Nancy Pelosi was wrong in calling the THUGS individual 1 sent to Portland “storm troopers.” Well, these “Thugs” were unidentified “storm troopers” who were pulling random people off the streets, taking them to unidentified places and badgering them – ILLEGALLY.

In fact, individual 1 – after people in Portland “tagged” the Federal Building (which I’m not defending) – somehow got a “law” in place where anyone damaging a Federal Building is liable for 10 years in prison. So, now there are HUNDREDS of his supporters who are automatically subject to that law and, some, facing 30 or more years in prison. And, of course, now, his lawyers are suggesting ALL those who breached the Capitol Building should face the full legal consequences of their actions. This first “lawyer” was having trouble getting some of the words out of his mouth – I believe this is what happened when someone knows he is LYING.

Already, the next “lawyer” is following suit. (I’m trying to do this in “real time”) Now we’re hearing professional “deflection.” This “lawyer” is the one who is known for defending “mob bosses.” Isn’t that appropriate? This guy is complaining about the “rush” to “justice” and the lack of “due process.” Of course, this is not a court room and individual 1’s lawyers are trying to make it so. Individual 1 will face no consequences if convicted in this “trial” and he is suggesting the House managers “have no evidence.” Of course, the managers have the CLEAREST evidence one would need to prove the intent of someone with individual 1’s own words.

This “lawyer” is suggesting individual 1 didn’t have the opportunity to defend himself, despite being “invited” to testify in his own defense. This guy is absurd, but he’ll give the republicans in the Senate something to “hang their hands on.” He actually played the video of individual 1 telling his followers to go to the Capitol Building and “support our brave republican members of Congress” and “encourage them to support the ‘legal slate of electors’ which “should” be counted.” Did individual 1 actually think they could do that without breaching the Capitol? Is he really as stupid as his lawyers would suggest? I don’t think so.

Now, I’m listening to an endless series of videos with democrats using the words of democrats using the word “fight.” Of course, his “mob boss” defending lawyer is suggesting the use of the word “fight” by democrats makes what individual 1 said at the Ellipse of Washington DC on January 6th, 2021 (which he actually told them to “remember this date forever”) OK. What he didn’t say was that NONE of the use of the word “fight” by democrats was suggesting nor ended up with a violent reaction by the people they were talking to. He was doing EXACTLY what he was accusing the House managers of doing. In the VAST majority of situation where the democrats were using the word “fight” was to encourage people to vote. That part was left out.

It’s hard for me to type fast enough to actually keep up. Now he’s talking about the “Big Lie” – the claim the election was stolen. He’s claiming the “Big Lie” had nothing to do with the reaction of the INSURRECTIONISTS who breached the Capitol. Here comes more “whataboutism.” Of course, that’s EXACTLY what I expected to hear – and I’m forcing myself to listen to it. Naturally, I have to admit I’m biased. I don’t “hate” individual 1, but I do despise him if I am honest with my feelings. I know the republicans will not “convict” him, but I do believe he could be LEGALLY liable for what happened on January 6th, 2021 when five people DIED and massive damage was dont to our nation’s Capitol Building. He knew about the “Proud Boys” who he asked to “Stand back and stand by” in the first presidential debate.

When he was praised by David Duke and acted as if he had no idea who David Duke is, well, it was simply another of his long list of LIES. Regarding the “whataboutism” of this “mob defending” lawyer, NONE of the democrats’ use of the word “fight” resulted in mob violence and to suggest the Black Lives Matter protests were the results of those words are exactly what he’s accusing the House managers of doing. The BLM movement was the result of Police officers MURDERING Black people all across this nation – for NO reason. And, of course, it was started by the video of the Police Officer in Minneapolis LYNCHING George Floyd while being video taped – for ALL to see. The difference is HUGE.

This lawyer even went so far as to suggest the use of the “Calvary” coming to DC on the 6th as being a reference to their “Christian beliefs.” My first thought was “are you kidding me?” Then I remembered the lady from Texas who was live streaming as she ILLEGALLY entered the Capitol Building giving “thanks to Jesus” while she was committing a FELONY. Maybe that is what he was referring to, otherwise, I have no clue what he meant by that one. These “lawyers” have no defense for what individual 1 did on the 6th of January 2021. He even went so far as to “sick” his followers – who were already inside the building – on Mike Pense, by tweeting Pense has “failed us.” Obviously, he was intending on these people entering the building and “pressuring” Pense to do what individual 1 wanted – which was to overturn a “free and fair election.” Yikes!

So, now we have the first guy who was defending our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and when he says I’m not doing this (showing a video) for “whataboutism” when that was exactly what he was doing. What, so far, neither of the two “lawyers” defending individual 1 have referred to is the result of individual 1’s “speech.” They are suggesting the THUGS who breached the Capitol Building, while chanting “hang Mike Pense” and after having erected a gallows on the Capitol grounds, and were breaking down doors, breaking windows, and SEARCHING for members of Congress AND the Vice President – while two of them were carrying zip ties – were there on their own. That individual 1’s words and the words of those who were included in the “rally” at the Ellipse had nothing to do with the uprising.

This “lawyer” is suggesting individual 1’s incendiary speech is “protected by the first amendment to the constitution. What the House managers said was the result of the speech is why our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is on “trial” right now. He’s, once again, suggesting individual 1 was encouraging “peaceful” a peaceful response by his ARMED mob as they were told to go to the Capitol Building and “fight like hell” as they were supporting “our fine republican members of Congress” and, of course, there will be “some not so fine.” (I’m paraphrasing out of my weak memory) Do you really believe they could do that out on the street? There were at least 10 thousand people in his audience. It’s absurd to claim this crowd was not incited – when you watched it in real time – or on video.

As I’l listening to this “lawyer” suggest the House managers and the House which IMPEACHED individual 1 are doing so based on individual 1’s “constitutionally protected free speech.” Of course, that is absurd on its face. What individual 1 was IMPEACHED for was not for his speech, but for the result of his speech – the storming of his Capitol Building and the attempts to find VP Pense with zip ties, the trashing of the Building, the murdering of a Police Officer, the injuring of 140 other Police Officers – two of which took their own lives afterward – and the deaths of four others including a woman who was trampled during the uprising.

So far, neither of the “lawyers” have referred to individual 1’s oath of office and what he DIDN’T do after the Building was under attack. He reportedly was enjoying it. He called the people who breached the Capitol Building “very special.” Individual 1’s lawyers are doing exactly what they’ve accused the House managers of doing, but they’re dancing around the reality of what happened on January 6th 2021. Free speech is not incendiary speech, but the reality of whether individual 1’s speech was “protected” would only be determined if he were indicted and had to defend himself in an actual court of law. This instance is TOTALLY about his oath of office and whether or not he has lived up to it. Of course, I’ve been giving examples for years of how he’s NOT been “living up” to his “oath.”

At this point, his “lawyers” have said NOTHING about individual 1’s FAILURE to tell his supporters to STOP as soon as he realized they had stormed the Capitol Building. That would suggest he supported it. In fact, all the evidence would suggest he was enjoying what he was seeing and the “lawyers” for individual 1, so far, are ignoring this reality. These “lawyers” have clearly LIED on at least two or three occasions, and likely more. Here’s what they’ve got going for them. They’re simply giving “cover” for a bunch of republican Senators who will NEVER vote to convict individual 1 in the first place – which EVERYONE already knows.

What individual 1’s “lawyers” will NEVER talk about is “context” even though they, themselves, “attacked” the House managers on that front – very disingenuously. For example, the “Big Lie” which individual 1’s “lawyers” (I put it in quotes because lawyers are not supposed to LIE – if they do it in a court of law, they DO get sanctioned) brought up as being “absurd” (my characterization) started well before the election of November 3rd. Our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president began the “Big Lie” during the campaign when he realized how many Americans were “voting by mail.” He called them the “ballots.” As if the “ballots” were all going to be “fraudulent.” That was when the words, “If we lose it will be because the election was rigged” began. And, it culminated when individual 1 said he would be at the Capitol with his supporters after he had incited them to attack the Capitol – was that another “Big Lie?” Or just another one of the MANY LIES which came from his mouth during the four long years of his administration.

The third lawyer is now speaking but I’m getting tired of typing and if someone is still reading this you are likely tired of reading it. The third lawyer has already come across as absurd as he’s complementing his predecessors who will be PANNED by a large segment of the legal community for their remarks and this guy is going to be just as absurd. He’s started off by “defining INSURRECTION” and claiming this was no INSURRECTION. Here’s why it wasn’t an insurrection – Brian Sicknick and the 140 Police Officers who were INJURED preventing the INSURRECTIONISTS from succeeding. The FACT they failed to succeed does not mean it wasn’t an INSURRECTION. It simply means they FAILED to cause Mike Pense and the republicans in Congress to OVERTURN a “free and fair election.” This was an ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION!

I know I said I’d stop writing, but this guy is suggesting “there’s no place for hate” in America – which I would hopefully agree – however, I have to ask did he not see the HATE in the group which breeched the Capitol Building? Did he not hear those individual 1 supporters who claimed as they were breaching the Capitol that “The only good democrat is a DEAD democrat.” As all three of individual 1’s lawyers are accusing the House managers of using edited video to “manipulate” their position this one is using “edited video” to manipulate his point. What he’s NOT doing is addressing the FACTS of what individual 1 actually did. Keep in mind, he wasn’t able, at first, to find ANYONE willing to defend him, but then came up with this bunch right before the “trial.” This guy is showing himself as he refers to the “democratic” members as “democrat” members – a “slur” which I believe was originated by none other than Rush Limbaugh – speaking of HATERS.

These guys are almost comical, but they don’t need to be any better because they’re arguing to a bunch of republican Senators who are going to vote to acquit individual 1 no matter what comes out of their mouths. Once again, this third “lawyer” is attempting to compare this matter with an actual legal proceeding. When the House managers compared impeachment with an “indictment” it was only to point out it was the “charge.” They pointed out individual 1 would have the opportunity to defend himself in the “trial” – which is NOT a legal proceeding – and, of course, he refused to come testify to defend himself. These lawyers are taking things out of context beyond my belief – as they’re accusing the House managers of doing. All three of these “lawyers” are suggesting there should be no connection to what individual 1 said at the rally at the Ellipse and what the crowd he was addressing actually did. And, they haven’t referred to him suggesting he would “be there with you” when he actually was back in the Oval Office watching on TV. These guys are going to be obliterated by the response from the House managers – that’s my prediction.

OMG – I want to stop typing, but this third “lawyer” is simply giving MORE evidence to the complicity of individual 1 in the “attempted” INSURRECTION. He’s talking about all the reports this was a “planned event” as if individual 1 had no idea about that planning. Who prevented the proper amount of protection of the Capitol Building? Was not individual 1 the “Commander in Chief? If he wasn’t in favor of this why did he sit there and enjoy it – according to the people in the “White House” with him. Another OMG – now he’s talking about Georgia’s election which was recounted THREE times. He’s comparing the percent of rejection of votes in Georgia in 2020 compared to 2016 when Georgia’s Secretary of State was Brian Kemp, one of the experts at voter suppression. Georgia went over the votes three times and what individual 1 did in Georgia will likely be considered a CRIME by the District Attorney of Fulton County. This guy is doing the best he can and he knows he needs to convince no one.

All three of these “lawyers” have failed to directly respond to the facts and have exposed themselves as total hypocrites by doing exactly the same thing they accuse the House managers of doing. They will be obliterated tomorrow. His presentation, in my view, has been pathetical. His final plea was that when the republicans are next in the majority they wouldn’t do the same thing to the democrats. I’d say, if a democratic president refused to accept defeat at the polls and instigated an “attempted” INSURRECTION I’d say IMPEAHCH and CONVICT him/her. It’s a “no brainer.” I’m going to end this by saying I just listened to the first two responses of individual 1’s “lawyers” to questions coming from their republican audience and it’s simply laughable. If you weren’t watching/listening I recommend you go back and do so.

Final Thought: I hope this is the last time I feel I have to write about individual 1, but I’m sure there will be more to follow. He’s going to be facing legal issues in multiple locations which, quite possibly will be related to this ATTACK on our nation’s government. I’m sure I’ll have a hard time ignoring whatever happens. Personally, the ONLY reason I care he’s held to account is because I have children and grandchildren and I hope they NEVER have to see someone attempt to overthrow our nation’s government EVER again. And, to suggest that was not his aim would be totally naïve.

I have to add: Senator Sanders sent a question to both the IMPEACHMENT managers and the defenders of individual 1 essentially trying to force the counsel to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president admit he LOST the election. Watching his counsel refuse the answer while attacking the House managers irrelevantly was almost comical. It will be interesting watching the commentary about the ex presidents defense team and their ridiculous presentation and then response to questions coming from the Senators – who’ve already ALL made up their minds. It all is really a sad commentary on the state of affairs in this country if something we’ve all seen with our eyes is being argued to us we didn’t actually see it.

Have “we the people” endured having a mentally ill TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president?

It’s late, I’m tired, but I have to put a thought to “pen” in order not to lose it in my insomnia. I’ve been “lobbying” for voters to END the “present day” republican party for over TEN long years – despite my belief in the “two party system” which has worked in America for nearly 240 years. However, as is CLEAR to anyone with a CLEAR mind, the “present day” republicans have gone much farther “over the edge” than when I started my lobbying efforts. That being said, it’s obvious, but to this point in time, NO one has been listening to me. (Well, no one of any importance who calls him/herself a “republican.” Well, now they’ve really turned into what appears to many more than me to be a fascist “cult of personality” loyal to individual 1.

Here’s how bad it’s become: You know, in America politicians USED to be revered for voting their conscience – that would mean they would vote on issues based on their view of “right and wrong.” Since the days of Newt Gingrich in the House, we’ve seen, progressively, republicans lurching to the “right” and welcoming white nationalists, anti-Semites, overt RACISTS, neo-Nazi’s, xenophobes, and misogynists’, with “welcome arms” – to the exclusion of ANYONE who (might) vote his/her conscience. Yikes!

So, as by now, ANYONE who might happen upon my little “diary in cyberspace” would know, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president “ginned” up his cult followers before the recent election, telling them “The only way we lose this election is if it’s rigged,” (Despite virtually ALL the polls agreeing his chances of “winning” were “slim and none” – he would need another “Electoral College miracle” to pull it off – which was NOT to be), then, after LOSING (this time by OVER 7 MILLION votes) he started what was (finally) called the “Big Lie” (that he “won” in a “landslide” and the election was “stolen”), which was followed by “grifting” a couple HUNDRED MILLION dollars from his supporters (supposedly to defend the lawsuits intended to “fix” the “fraud” – 62 of 63 which were thrown out of court – and, now, reports are MOST of that money is going directly into his pockets – surprise, surprise), and, well, we all know what happened next – but, alas, as is always the case with individual 1 – there’s more!

As he was LYING to his “cult following,” virtually EVERY day – at the expense, by the way, of doing the job he was actually “elected” to do – while Covid-19 was reaching unimaginable levels and his AWOL response was intensifying – our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was calling various REPUBLICAN officials around the country and, well, I know this will be hard to believe if you’re part of the CULT, but he was committing VOTER FRAUD. Talk about your “projection,” huh? In the IMPEACHMENT “trial” which will begin tomorrow (I likely will not have finished this posting by then) I’m guessing the House IMPEACHMENT managers will play MOST if not all of the now infamous call individual 1 made to Brad Raffensperger, The Secretary of State of Georgia, pressuring him to – OK, I know I already said this – commit VOTER FRAUD. That’s a felony in Georgia (and nationally as well) and in Georgia the Atlanta Prosecuting Attorney is “investigating.” Should be interesting,

But, when I said, “There’s more,” there really is a lot more. Leading up to the INSURRECTION of our nation’s Capitol Building, while Congress was certifying the Electoral College votes on January 6th, 2021, individual 1 was sending out a bunch of (INCRIMINATING) “tweets” urging his supporters to show up on the 6th to “take back our country,” it’s going to be “wild.” Along with some “partners in crime” on that “fateful” day – like his two eldest sons, Josh Hawley (R Sen. Missouri), Mo Brooks from Alabama (R House), and various other “aiders and abettors,” including Rudolph Giuliani (R IDIOT NY) the INCITORS may soon be needing lawyers for bringing the crowd to a “froth” for the ultimate INCITING remarks coming directly from individual 1. These people are NUTS, the people in the crowd are NUTS, and the people who helped push them over the edge on Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “OANN,” “,” etc. are ALL NUTS!

The LYING in the republican party has become routine and it’s, well, in the words of a famous politician, “deplorable.” The people all remind me of a “basket of deplorables” if you know what I mean. When I mentioned that individual 1’s claims the “election was stolen” and he “won in a landslide” is being referred to as the “Big Lie” it was a bit refreshing to me – albeit with a lack of context which I believe is critical. While I’m encouraged our “mainstream media” is FINALLY using that term – they don’t explain it very well. The “Big Lie,” of course, was referred to by the Nazi’s back in the Third Reich as their propaganda “strategy.” You tell the LIE over and over until people actually believe it’s true. Well, individual 1’s “uneducated voters” (trust me, that’s his term) were and have been susceptible to ALL his “BIG LIES” with the “stolen election” clearly the “Biggest.” For heaven’s sake there are FIVE people DEAD from the INSURRECTION and, as far as I know, to this date, two more Capitol Police officers committed suicide. Oh yes, 140 Police officers were injured (One KILLED, of course) with several with BRAIN injuries and one officer losing one eye and another three fingers. Where’s Hammourabi when we need him?

So, back to my original point, virtually every republican who voted with their conscience to either vote for IMPEACHMENT in the house, or in the Senate, to simply vote that it’s “constitutional” to hold the IMPEACHMENT “trial” after individual 1 is out of office – which CLEARLY is constitutional (by any recognized constitutional scholar) – has been “censured” by their local and or state republican party. My representative is a republican and voted to IMPEACH – as any reasonable representative SHOULD have – and, within a week of that vote the local GOP had done what I KNEW they would and “censored” her. Heck, a couple years ago, they censored her for one vote which bucked the rest of the sheep in the CULT. As I said above, these people are NUTS.

If ever there would be a time to vote your conscience it would seem to be right after your leader essentially threatened your life and the lives of those who you work with – including your staff – by INCITING a mob of ARMED, ruthless, THUGS to storm your workplace while you’re doing your constitutional duty – and, while it’s happening sitting back, watching it on TV, enjoying it simply because his NARCISSISTIC self appreciates ANY show of support (including QAnon conspirators like MTG), and refusing to call off the THUGS before referring to them as “special” and giving them the Kim Jong un seal of “approval” with “we love you.” Yikes! I’m convinced “we the people” have endured FOUR long years of having a mentally ill TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

Final Thought: On January 6th, 2021 our republic came CLOSER to being overthrown than most of us would like to admit. And, part of my thinking relates to the likelihood the Senate republicans will vote to acquit individual 1 for doing what MUST be an IMPEACHABLE offense simply because they FEAR him. They can’t seem to gather the GUTS to do what is obviously “the right thing.” They’re volunteering for the darkest pages of our history books – as I’ve said many times here – right next to Benedict Arnold – the individual 1 section of TRAITORS. (Ironically, individual 1’s THUGS were calling the Capitol Police officers – one of which they MURDERED – “traitors.” Can you believe that? Well, you MUST, because it’s true.

So, why should we be surprised? I still remember individual 1, back when he was Donald Trump, claiming his affinity for Vladimir Putin and ridiculing Barack Obama, our President at the time. And, of course, he’s sided up with Duterte of the Philippines, a brutal dictator, Erdogan of Turkey, another brutal dictator, MBS of Saudi Arabia he who ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s butchering, and most tellingly he had a “love affair?” with Kim Jong un of North Korea, likely the most BRUTAL dictator of them all. I’ve said many time here it has appeared to me individual 1 was trying to be like Vladimir Putin, maybe the strongest dictator on the planet (although, his people are beginning to rise up against what REALLY are “rigged elections”) I’ll say it once more, if INCITING an INSURRECTION is not IMPEACHABLE then WHAT is?

If you’ve been watching the Senate “trial” you’ve seen a large group of the republican voters these Senators are COWERING from. To me, that says it all about the republican party. To anyone reading this who “gets” my point, VOTE in 2022. It will take several elections to purge this nation of a white supremacist dominated republican party. I know several people who support individual 1 “come hell or high water” because of the abortion issue – which they believe he cares about. Of course, he could care less about that issue – other than it has provided him some votes from his “uneducated voters.” Virtually EVERY one of these supporters of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING FORMER president, when I ask them about the issues, appear to be ignorant or “twisted” by right wing media outlets. To them, it’s the abortion issue – blindly. I said to one of them the other night, “You’ve made the classic ‘deal with the devil,'” and he agreed. He believes Joe Biden is a socialist! Go figure!!!

Had the INSURRECTIONISTS got their “hands” on Mike Pense and hung him on their gallows would republican Senators then vote to convict individual 1?

Right now America seems to be at a crossroads and, as I’ve been saying for the past four years, the “key players” are the republicans – in this case the republicans in the Senate. Sadly, once again in America the question of “is no one above the law” is on display. This time it’s the “deeds” of individual 1 which are “on trial.” I predicted this day within hours of Barack Obama saying “we’re going to look forward instead of back” shortly after taking the oath of office – which says whoever takes that oath promises to: “defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” President Obama chose to “look the other way” from a president and vice president who publicly admitted to authorizing WAR CRIMES ie TORTURE- among other “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Before them, George HW Bush actually pardoned those involved in the Iran/Contra scandal, of which then President Bush was likely the “ringleader.” In addition, Ronald Reagan was NOT an “innocent bystander” to that scandal as well despite being “exonerated.” Of course, before them was Gerald Ford, he of the pardon for Richard Nixon who predated Ford. Ford was the vice president because Nixon’s original VP was indicted for corruption and had to resign his position as Nixon’s vice president. What’s my point? Well, apparently, the idea “no one is above the law” is nothing more than a sentence Americans in Congress like to repeat. We’ll soon find out if things are going to change for “we the people.”

The list of criminal activity by individual 1 while he’s been in office is too long for just one post – although the obvious issue right now would be focused on his attempts to turn America into a fascist dictatorship – with the help of the “Proud Boys,” the “3% ers,” the “Oathkeepers,” and the MOB of “ginned up” IDIOTS who came to Washington DC with the idea of stopping the official certification of the Electoral College votes in the House/Senate. These people stormed the Capitol with the INTENTION of overturning our “free and fair election.” They came close to getting their hands on Mike Pense and they had a GALLOWS waiting for him with a noose hanging on it. When I first saw that GALLOWS I thought: “Well, this is a group of white supremacists and that’s their “means” to solve their problems dating back generations.

Just think what might have happened had they managed to “corral” VP Pense. For example, would Congress have been able to actually fulfill the certification of the Electoral College votes had Pense been hanging from that noose? I honestly have no idea what would have happened had Pense been murdered. Would individual 1 have been able to “appoint” a new VP? Remember, at that time, republicans were in control of the Senate. We’re seeing in real time the COWARDICE of the republican party and virtually no one expects them to “do the right thing” and CONVICT individual 1 so that he can NEVER hold another office in the USA. Let him move to Russia or wherever he decides to take his “deplorable” self.

Speaking of Mike Pense, I had an acquaintance who was challenging, on this blog, the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s WIN in the 2020 election. Very systematically I laid out the process of how Joe Biden’s victory would play out. From the election to the Electoral College and then to the January 6th, 2021 when the final certification would take place. Of course, I had no idea at the time that individual 1 would gather a mob and INCITE them to attack the Capitol with the idea of stopping the certification process after LOSING over and over in the courts, but I did predict he would be very unhappy with Pense if the Vice President actually willingly fulfilled his constitutional obligation – which is simply to read and accept the results from one state after another on January 6th, 2021. Obviously, I didn’t anticipate individual 1 would be pushing his supporters to “hang Mike Pense.”

I wasn’t able to watch all of the first day of the actual IMPEACHMENT “trial” where the House managers were doing an incredible job of laying out, step by step, the INSURRECTION and how individual 1 was almost orchestrating it while it was happening. In fact, he started “orchestrating” it shortly after the Electoral College voted. His motive was clear and his MOB came close to “delivering.” In today’s proceeding there was video of how close Mitt Romney and Chuck Schumer came to falling into individual 1’s INSURRECTIONISTS’ “hands.” The more I watch the “evidence” put forth by the House managers the more I realize the republicans who are dead set on voting to enable individual 1 to be are as un-American as I can imagine people in our Congress, in my idealistic mind, could be.

The IMPEACHMENT managers from the House have delivered an incontrovertible case connecting individual 1 to the INSURRECTION, to the point where it seems probably the lawyers representing our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president are going to resort to irrelevancies – like the claim the “trial” is “unconstitutional” which has been shown to be an absurd argument by HUNDREDS of Constitutional EXPERTS. Yet, there are a LARGE group of republican Senators who, I believe, are looking for any reason they can use to justify to the MOBS “back home” for voting to “acquit.” Here’s the thought I’ve had thinking of the reality individual 1 is likely to “get away” with INCITING this INSURRECTION:

Would it have been necessary for the INSURRECTIONISTS to have actually got their “hands” on Mr. Pense? If he had ended up hanging on that gallows would that have been enough for the republicans in the Senate to vote for a conviction? What if one of them had ended up in the hands of the invaders of the Capitol and had been murdered – instead of the Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick or the two who killed themselves after going through this traumatic experience? Chuck Schumer was nearly caught as was Mitt Romney. I’m guessing either one of them being murdered would have been little different to the Senate republicans than the MURDER of Mr. Sicknick. It really is a sad state of affairs.

Final Thought: I would love to be wrong about the republicans in the Senate – but, I’m not at all optimistic. Most “pundits” are simply anxious to find out how many of them will actually vote their “conscience” – of course, I have to wonder if any of them who can’t understand individual 1’s actions following Joe Bidens VICTORY on November 3rd, 2020 culminating in the ASSAULT on our nation’s CAPITOL BUILDING – where EVERY one of these Senators were in the building – they KNOW exactly what happened and they KNOW who instigated the INSURRECTION – it’s NOT a matter of dispute. Will it be five republicans? Six? A couple more? They ALL will be placing themselves on one side or the other in our history books!

Individual 1 does NOT deserve the benefits that go with being a “former president” – even if you’re a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. My personal belief is that individual 1 SHOULD face LEGAL accountability for his actions of January 6th, 2021. I will be forever upset if Joe Biden follows the lead of Barack Obama by heading off the investigations which SHOULD follow individual 1’s action regardless of how this IMPEACHMENT turns out. There can be NO “looking forward instead of back.” The ILLEGAL behavior of an (republican) American president MUST be put to rest – by accountability for individual 1.

If INCITING an INSURRECTION of the Capitol with the purpose of overthrowing our election and with 5 DEATHS isn’t IMPEACHABLE, then what is?

The “trial” of individual 1 is now set. It will start on February 8, 2021 and the delay of a couple of weeks will simply allow the MOUNTAIN of evidence which SHOULD lead to a conviction of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (former) president. The reality republicans reflexively vote against ANYTHING which has been proposed by democrats hasn’t changed, wont change, and likely, will allow individual 1 “off the hook” once again. Of course, as I and MILLIONS of others have said, if inciting the attempt of an overthrow of our nation’s government by the nation’s “chief executive” is not “impeachable,” well, they should remove the IMPEACHMENT section from the constitution.

There is NO doubt if, had a democrat done what individual 1 has done – and the evidence is MOUNTING – republicans would be unanimously voting to IMPEACH him or her. Now, who knows? They are even REFLEXIVELY lining up to oppose Joe Biden’s initial proposal for a bill to ATTACK the coronavirus pandemic and the teetering economy which puts ALL Americans in a precarious position. Individual 1 has left a MESS of historic proportions and republicans are going to soon have to make a decision about their loyalty – do they support their nation or the party of individual 1? Are they going to not only refuse to convict our former (TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president but also attempt to block the attempt by our democratic president to ATTACK this pandemic? Why am I not surprised?

President Biden very likely will soon be facing a monumental decision, based on what I’ve learned about him and his true desire to get republicans to work in a bipartisan manner, should Moscow Mitch and his caucus instigate his filibustering OBSTRUCTION self. Very likely, the republican Senators will continue to live in fear of individual 1 and his right wing white nationalist base. These republicans, as I just said above, have a serious decision to make – just as President Biden. If the republicans OBSTRUCT I believe democrats MUST get rid of the filibuster allowing their agenda to actually gain a favorable vote from Congress.

For heaven’s sake, the THREAT against our government is not over! It still appears there are members of Congress who were “aiding and abetting” the INSURRECTIONISTS. One member of the republican party attempted to bring a GUN into the House Chamber today – of course, it was one of the members who voted to overthrow the “will of the people” in BOTH Arizona and Pennsylvania – and then when Conor Lamb of Pittsburgh called them out for their supporting what is FINALLY called the “Big Lie” this “dude” threatened to “fight” Mr. Lamb. There are a BUNCH of right wing nut jobs in the republican caucus and the threat against our constitution remains real. It’s NOT over and it’s up to the democrats to purge the worst of these republicans out of their offices and, I have to add, I’m NOT too confident this will happen – but, at the same time, I’m hopeful, because I believe, ultimately, being “right” should count for something!

I’ve read on several occasions now how the worst of the right wing white nationalists are very unhappy with individual 1. He’s been referred to as “weak” by members of the “Proud Boys” and there are others who feel abandoned (of course, he DIDN’T go to the Capitol with them as he promised). The numbers facing serious CRIMINAL charges continues to expand with the likelihood the number CHARGED with CRIMES as serious as SEDITION will continue to expand as the FBI studies all the video of the INSURRECTION and identify the offenders. Simply being inside that building makes ALL of them subject to the OFFENSE individual 1 got put into law which calls for a 10 year prison term – this OFFENSE was put into effect by individual 1 after he had sent his unidentified Federal troops to Portland, Oregon designed for people who were “tagging” Federal property. Trashing the nation’s Capitol Building goes way beyond “tagging” the Federal Office building in Portland – in my view.

I wrote all that about two weeks ago, and I’m going to tidy it up tonight as the IMPEACHMENT “trial” begins tomorrow – with republicans making a four hour argument the “trial” is “unconstitutional” – despite one constitutional expert after another saying, well, phooey! These republicans continue to give COWARDICE a “bad name.” There isn’t a word coming to mind which comes close to characterizing their COWARDICE! Here’s the deal, at some point republicans are going to have to come to a recognition they’re NOT going to be able to succeed from the union. I believe if they do as we all think they will and COWARDLY fail to convict individual 1 of INCITING the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 they’re going to have to deal with him LORDING over them for another four years – with Marjorie Taylor Greene going around the country as his “poster girl.” What can go wrong with that?

As I’ve said, the democrats continue attempting to help the republicans out. During the pandemic Nancy Pelosi lobbied for the “Heroes Act” which, very likely, would have led to individual 1 WINNING in November because the Act was designed to “crush the virus.” Not to be outdone in their STUPIDITY, Moscow Mitch AND individual 1 called the legislation “dead on arrival” as they allowed the coronavirus to continue getting MORE and MORE ouf of control. I’m not the only person who believes individual 1’s utter FAILURE to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic was the reason a record number of Americans turned out to VOTE him OUT of office. So, to republicans, definitely, DON’T listen to democrats.

By not listening this time (remember, just over a year ago, democrats gave them the opportunity to get rid of individual 1 and, likely, Mike Pense would be president today) republicans will be spending the next four years nervously watching to see what individual 1’s next devious steps will be. Will he, and his “deplorable” family members, continue to keep their hold on the republican party or will he do as he’s threatening and start a third party – ironically with the anticipated name of the patriot party. Yikes!! What “patriots” are determined to turn America into a fascist dictatorship? To me, none of them are patriots!

I’ll say it one more time, if INCITING an INSURRECTION of the Capitol with the purpose of overthrowing our election and with 5 DEATHS isn’t IMPEACHABLE, then what is?

Oh yes, I have to add: Another really STUPID thing we’re about to see from republicans is their unwillingness to vote for Joe Biden’s Covid Relief plan. What is wrong with these people? Are they really so out of touch they have no idea what it’s been like to live in America this past year while individual 1 was ignoring the pandemic? (OK, that was rhetorical) Actually, it appears, Joe Biden is in the process of demonstrating what a little national strategy can do to bring down the number of infections in America – in a pretty short time span. Stay tuned………………… (We’re going to see, apparently, much more STUPID before “we the people” have the opportunity to vote a BUNCH more of these “deplorables” out of office.

I believe if individual 1 is acquitted by the Senate he will be charged criminally later.

I wrote for the four years of individual 1’s “administration” about his INCOMPETENCE as a leader of this nation and our government, but the part where he was competent was in his increasingly fascist attempt at a takeover of our actual republic. And, sadly, he came really close because the “Russian active measures” he’s inflicted on his “uneducated voters” has BRAINWASHED so many Americans so the threat of a fascist insurrection remains, despite his OVERWHELMING defeat (OK, I’m talking about the POPULAR vote) at the hands of the voters on November 3rd, 2020. Individual 1’s LYING didn’t abide once he had been defeated at the polls, it metastasized. And, obviously, his “uneducated voters” ended up storming the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021.

I’ve been saying for longer than the four years of individual 1 there is a WAR for the heart and soul of America between the, what I’ve referred to as, “present day republican party,” and those of us who call ourselves “progressives” or, for shame, “liberals” or, for that matter, actual patriots – like the republicans who formed the “Lincoln Project.” Of course, America’s history has been built on the backs of those who are in that (progressive, liberal) “class.” Of course, African Americans helped BUILD the infrastructure of America – I’m talking about things like the “White House,” etc. My connection with history has its focus on the 1930’s and FDR and the New Deal where many of the privileges “we the people” take for granted were implemented into American policy via legislation and is now under right wing assault. And, white people like me have been able to ignore the history our “Black, Brown, and Indigenous” for, well, forever. The LYNCHING of George Floyd seems to have been “enough already” for a wide range of Americans, especially those of the younger set.

When thinking of the “New Deal,” I live in Washington State and we have cheap and clean power via the Dams of which many were built during the “New Deal” (Dams which decimated the Salmon runs the Pacific Northwest Natives depended on – Electricity was also introduced to many parts of the nation via the Tennessee Valley Authority. Union rights were won, the 40 hour work week, the intro of child labor laws, and on and on. I grew up at a time when people didn’t take these things for granted – members of unions fought to maintain what had been won by their fathers and mothers in the 30’s. Dwight Eisenhower was the first president I remember and he instigated the federal highway project with Federal highways being built from one end of this nation to the other. I still remember my parents driving my two sisters and my brother and me (when I was 8 in 1955) back to visit our relatives in Ohio from our home in Washington State on the highways built under Eisenhower’s guidance.

Getting a college degree was cheap with veterans benefitting from the GI Bill and politicians talked to one another “across the isle.” I felt that was the case until the 1980’s when “we the people” were introduced to Newt Gingrich who determined the way republicans could gain power was through OBSTRUCTION as opposed to “winning” the battle of ideas. Ronald Reagan was the beginning of the end for the “Middle Class” and along with Gingrich we saw the beginning of what happened on January 6th, 2021. If you weren’t there Reagan was the first “leader” I can remember fighting to control our government and then claiming the “government is the problem.” I’ve always wondered, if government is such a problem, why do republicans go to such extreme means in order to control it?

We’ve now evolved to having one party which believes power at any cost is the goal – POWER! Republicans have been funneling taxpayer DOLLARS out of our government to the wealthiest “among us” since the days of Reagan and they can’t get enough. I challenge anyone to dispute that FACT. The issue of income inequality began during the days of Reagan – it’s all in the data. And, of course, despite the inequities of the democrats, the issue of RACISM has been a focal point of the republican party since the days of Richard Nixon – from my observation. For heaven’s sake, Ronald Reagan was almost as efficient with the “dog whistles” as individual 1 – he started his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi claiming the importance of “state’s rights” to let the white nationalists of the time (never fully exposed) know exactly where he was coming from.

George HW Bush was famous for his “Willie Horton ad” which was another dog whistle – back in the days when republicans were famous for their political ads focused on the so-called “welfare queens.” Democrats weren’t as bad, in my view, but the reality is the issue with income inequality and racial inequality has evolved to where, today, if you’re a “Black or Brown or Native” American you are more likely to get Covid-19, more likely to have no or inferior health care options, and more likely to be on the front lines as an “essential worker” being paid a minimum wage which leaves you permanently in the economic underclass. Plus, your children are more likely to be in inferior public schools making it more difficult to lift themselves up “by their bootstraps.”

And, despite all this, there are, obviously, MILLIONS of Americans who are white and feel they are the so-called “victims.” When they claim, like in the case of individual 1’s propaganda, “we need to take our country back” what do you think they’re talking about. That’s not a “dog whistle,” it’s a “Bull horn.” Of course, individual 1 was never accused of being subtle, although, his language is the language of a mob boss – just as Michael Cohen explained in his testimony to Congress – where we saw the individual 1 sycophants like Jim Jordan and Devin Nunez SHAMING themselves. The “medal of freedom” given to Jordan and Nunez by individual 1 was, not surprising, but SHAMEFUL. Both Jordan and Nunez were among the TRAITORS on 1/6/21.

What I’m saying is the tilting toward the right of the republican party began in earnest with Reagan and the end result was individual 1. Today, on MSNBC Nicole Wallace interviewed Bob Corker, former Senator from Tennessee who famously claimed individual 1’s administration was like “an adult daycare center.” While, I’ve been encouraged listening to many republicans since it became apparent individual 1 was “trying to be like Vladimir,” Corker isn’t one of them. He was one of the members of Congress who “cashed in” on the 2017 tax scam as he was planning to leave the Senate and listening to him today reminded me he’s a delusional right wing republican. Yep, he’s much better than the creeps who attacked the Capitol Building, but he was a key part of the republican party which laid the “groundwork” for individual 1. He didn’t sound at all remorseful. His brain seemed to be inflicted with “bothsidesism.” (Apparently, I made up that word)

Individual 1 appeals to the republicans in Congress because of what people like me find so “deplorable.” His PATHOLOGICAL LYING fits perfectly into the “strategy” of the “present day republican party” as they’ve been playing on the “dark side” of all those white Americans who feel the reason they’re “losing ground” financially is because of Black people and immigrants. Individual 1 was adept at grinding away on those grievances until thousands of his FOOLS er supporters attempted to overturn our elected government. Right now, our Congress is FULL of a bunch of what I consider TRAITORS because they were willing to stand up and vote to overturn a “free and fair” election because they don’t like the result. So far, over 200 of individual 1’s INSURRECTIONISTS have been arrested, facing serious charges, and, of course, he’s claiming he had NOTHING to do with their TRAITOROUS behavior. (Why would anyone expect anything different – he said he’d be there at the Capitol with them)

For years republicans have been working to suppress as many votes of “Brown and Black” Americans as they can – right out in the open. Additionally, they’ve been working in the weeds to gerrymander one Congressional District after another (including the one I live in – although, I’m in a “blue” state) as they work to embed “minority rule” into our political process. When you take a close look at the election statistics over the past 10+ years what you see is a consistent year after year, election after election, democrats getting MORE votes than republicans and ending up in minority positions. They’ve WON the “popular vote” in 7 of the past 8 presidential elections and have had years where they gained as many as 10 MILLION more votes nationally in Congressional elections while still ending up in the minority.

So, now, with the DEFEAT of individual 1 in 2020 and Democrats winning Georgia both in the presidential election and BOTH Senate seats you’re already seeing republicans’ voter suppression tactics gearing up to “high speed.” Some of the republican officials are not even subtle about this – claiming “we have to do this so we can ‘win’ again.” People are already talking about how gerrymandering after the 2020 Census could make Democratic control of the House of Representatives problematic – which, I believe means republicans believe they can CHEAT in order to regain POWER. For heaven’s sake, they now have Margery Taylor Greene running around the country attempting to bring in more (racist) voters. I say, “what else is new?” The question would be, “are ‘we the people’ going to stay home in 2020 or are we going to continue to flood the polls to keep democrats in Control of both Houses of Congress. I read recently where 28 of the 29 most contested House seats in this past election were won by republicans. We’ll see how Ms. Greene’s campaigning helps them retain those seats!

Just the FACT all of this is possible tells me more than I want to know about the American people. I was a teacher and, when I’ve listened to some of those who supported individual 1 (of course, they were older than my oldest students) the words coming from their mouths has been embarrassing. How can people be adults in this country and be so, well, STUPID? So, here’s a possible answer. Spend a little time listening to Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or some of the others on Fox “news,” That, in itself, is eye opening. If you’re a person who actually reads and finds FACTUAL information, it’s hard to listen to these people for, well, even one minute. But, sadly, there’s more.

I happened upon a new BRAINWASHING network, “Newsmax” recently and my first thought was this is worst than Fox. It was as if whoever the woman was on the “air,” her purpose was “fanning the flames” which led to the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021. I’ve never listened to or watched “One America Network,” but, from what I’ve heard it will make you as ill informed as the two aforementioned networks. Then there’s which, originally billed itself as the home of the “Alt Right.” By now, most Americans know what that means. And, Steve Bannon has been pardoned by individual 1 after he was INDICTED for scamming individual 1’s supporters in regard to his ridiculously STUPID wall. Apparently, morality is an issue for both of them. And, getting back to individual 1:

The reports will continue to come out as his incompetence as a “leader” clarify and his complicity in the INSURRECTION – above and beyond INCITING it on January 6th, 2021 – and NONE of it looks (will look) good. Today, for example, the reports which came out about his FAILURES in the Covid-19 pandemic and what he did to the CDC which will continue to shine a light on his complicity in the Deaths of over 400,000 Americans on his “watch.” Of course, the reports SHOW “he wasn’t watching.” We have 4% of the World’s population and 25% of the World’s DEATHS. When Joe Biden took over, to make matters worse, his “team” discovered the inventory of vaccine supplies was, well, non existent.1

So far, Biden is popular (including with me) and he’s forging ahead with a plan to “crush the virus” AND help “we the people” with, OF COURSE, no republican support. As I’ve been saying over and over for the past 10+ years, republicans are good at winning elections, what they’re really BAD at is governing. George W Bush came across as someone who couldn’t put a complete sentence together and he was clearly manipulated by Dick Cheney, but he looks really good to me COMPARED to individual 1. (Although, I believe both GW Bush and Dick Cheney along with Don Rumsfeld SHOULD have faced investigations of WAR CRIMES for authorizing TORTURE.

Speaking of GW Bush/Cheney I’m reminded of the INSURRECTION of the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. If you remember the TORTURING which took place during the Bush/Cheney regime there was an embarrassing reporting of what when on at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq during the fiasco caused by the LYING of both GW Bush and his VP Cheney. I read at least two books on the Abu Ghraib TORTURING of (mostly) innocent Iraq’s and there’s no doubt the orders came from the top – at a minimum Don Rumsfeld – but, who “paid the price?” Of course, it was a bunch of low level soldiers who thought they were following orders. Of course, they knew what they were doing and witnessing (this included private contractors leaving Iraqi’s hanging from the walls of the interrogation rooms after they left – DEAD) was wrong – but, save for one female General NOT one upper echelon member of the Bush/Cheney regime even faced and investigation into their complicity!

For God’s sake – both GW Bush and Dick Cheney admitted, after they left office, they authorized WATERBOARDING (a violation of the Geneva Conventions) – and worse – and they faced NO consequences. These were ALL WAR CRIMES. Well, now, we’ve got over 200 of individual 1’s “flunkies” having been arrested for the INSURRECTION and republicans are lining up in both the House and Senate to back individual 1 going forward. Senate republicans have already indicated they won’t even consider CONVICTING individual 1 for INCITING the INSURRECTION – which makes me wonder if there’s ANYTHING individual 1 could do which would rise to the level of IMPEACHMENT. Had Mike Pense actually been HANGED, would that have motivated Senators? Had one of their own been KILLED instead of Brian Sicknick would that have motivate them? It appears not!

Several of those who’ve been arrested want to be witnesses in the upcoming trial of individual 1 because they say they participated in the INSURRECTION because that’s what they believed their TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president wanted them to do. He actually sat back, popped some popcorn (or ordered some cheeseburgers), and seemed to enjoy the INSURRECTION because he felt “these people like me.” OMG!! While it’s taken me a while to resort to words like STUPID in reference to individual 1’s “base” as I watched people “live streaming” themselves committing sedition, wearing their letter sweater with their name on it or other clearly identifying clothing, for failing to realize EVERYTHING they were doing was on camera, all I can say is “I rest my case.” They actually believed individual 1 would “be there at the Capitol” with them. He’s LIED to them for FOUR long years, so if they haven’t figured it out by now, well, ………………………. (Stupid)

I’ve heard there are over 600 people now under investigation for the INSURRECTION. As I’ve said, individual 1 got a law (?) passed – probably an executive order – calling for a minimum sentence of 10 years for anyone who illegally enters or damages a Federal building – so, technically EVERY one of the INSURRECTIONISTS would be facing a minimum of 10 years in jail. Most of those ARRESTED, so far, are facing MULTIPLE felony accounts – with many facing CONSPIRACY charges (those are REALLY serious) and/or SEDITION which is among the MOST serious of all crimes against our constitution. I believe if individual 1 is acquitted by the Senate he will be charged criminally later.

Final Thought: While I’ve been writing about my opinion MANY of individual 1’s supporters are STUPID I have to add, I’m not giving the republican Senators a pass on this characterization either. As we’ve ALREADY seen from Marjory Taylor Greene she’s going to be a “thorn” in the side of any rational republican going forward as a spokesperson for individual 1’s most outrageous supporters. By acquitting him, republicans are inviting him to be LORDING over them for the next four years. Do you really think he’ll refuse the opportunity to be the “head of the republican party?” Do you think he’ll make it easier for the party to re-imagine itself with him LORDING over it – threatening to run again in 2024 – which would be even MORE disastrous for their party. What they’re doing is giving the progressives in America reason to be focused on a massive run on the polls again in 2022 – not only increasing their majority in the House, but picking up seats in the Senate. I have to say it, these Senate republicans, by and large, appear to be, well, ………………… STUPID!

If INSURRECTION is not enough to get the attention of authorities, well, “we the people” really are in a lot of trouble.

It’s now been three plus weeks since individual 1 INCITED a bunch of idiots to commit INSURRECTION against their own country. Some of these people were carrying weapons capable of doing what they were chanting, which was to “put a bullet in Pelosi’s head.” Additionally, they created a gallows with a noose hanging from it and the crowd was chanting “hang Mike Pense” over and over as they breached the Capitol Building. The people who were attacking our government PLUS those who INSTIGATED them, were all TRAITORS. In my mind, the members of Congress who supported the TRAITORS and, after the TRAITORS were pushed out of the building (after about four hours of doing CONSIDERABLE damage) stood before their fellow members of Congress who had just been threatened by the MOB – and voted to overturn the election of Joe Biden – and, they continue to push the LIE the election was “stolen” – without a thread of evidence – but, to republicans that’s a moot point – these people are also TRAITORS!

Here’s the problem, they’re entrenched in Congress and they come from, apparently, such gerrymandered districts the only way to get them out of Congress is for them to face charges of Sedition, for the worst ones who clearly “aided and abetted” the INSURRECTIONISTS. America’s so-called “liberal media” continues to struggle “telling it like it is.” You know, the “both sides” problem virtually all of the “cable news” outlets practice. Even MSNBC struggles to actually tell things like this directly. For example, the evidence of the INSURRECTION being the result of extended PLANNING is mounting fast – with the people I’ve already written about sitting on the “hot seat.” Individual 1 SHOULD soon be interviewed by the FBI as SHOULD his eldest two sons, Mo Brooks, Rudy Giuliani, etc. Then there are all the “leaders” who were willing to perpetuate the (now called) “Big Lie” about the “stolen election.”

In many media outlets the LYING of the republican party has become so commonplace that it’s not challenged as it SHOULD! The result of the LYING is what “we the people” are facing right now – the result of four years of TOTAL incompetence from individual 1 along with purposeful efforts to undermine our democratic republic. Not only was our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING president INCITING INSURRECTIONISTS in order to remain in power, as time goes by we’re all getting a better sense of the DAMAGE I’ve been writing about for the past four years.

Individual 1 left behind a MESS rational people can only be thankful he’s finally out of office. It’s been two weeks and the “numbers” regarding the pandemic are slowly looking like maybe more people are actually wearing masks and following CDC guidelines. Surprise, surprise, what might start happening with an actual LEADER in the White House. That being said, we’re still looking at over 500,000 DEAD by the end of February. If you remember, it was in early March of 2020 when individual 1 was promising “this will all just go away” during the now infamous “missing 70 days.” It remains to be seen how determined Joe Biden is to follow through on his agenda and how united democrats will be. Of course, they don’t have the best record in that regard – they represent a much more diverse section of America.

I’ve always considered the major fault of democrats to be their lack of spines, but today’s republicans are making that issue a moot point. Honestly, I can’t even imagine how far “over the edge” the republican party has gone under individual 1. Of course, as I’ve said many times, I don’t see him as the architect of this right wing RACIST party – republicans willingly adopted the “tea party” back in 2010 as their “number one priority” was that President Obama would FAIL. If you watched the “tea party” rallies it would be hard for you to convince me you don’t understand it was founded on RACISM. I was grossly offended by the signs those at the rallies carried depicting Obama in such disgusting manners and, of course, the republican party willingly took them in – only to be overrun by them soon thereafter.

My hope is the 147 members of Congress who stood with the INSURRECTIONISTS find their “reward” to arrive sooner than their (god awful) place in the history books. As I said, many are gerrymandered into office in unbelievable ways – suggesting there’s more STUPID people in America than I ever could have imagined. Louie Gohmert? Matt Gaetz? Marjorie Taylor Greene? Devin Nunez? Jim Jordan? John Kennedy (no, not that one, he was assassinated when I was in High School), Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar, and on and on for 147 names. Recently, I published ALL of them – in the archives. Most of these members WON’T get voted out of office because republicans have been BRAINWASHED to actually BELIEVE the election was stolen from individual 1. Why?

Well, outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “One America Network,” “,” “,” etc. etc. have been PUSHING the “Big Lie” for, well since BEFORE the election. Pollsters AND individual 1’s insiders KNEW exactly what to expect on election day – our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would take the “early lead” because he was encouraging his supporters NOT to vote by mail (as he was doing everything he could to undermine the Postal Service) but to vote in election day. At the same time, democrats were encouraging people to vote by mail to avoid being exposed unnecessarily by the pandemic. Their plan (individual 1’s) came about just as they planned as he was ahead early.

I even have an acquaintance who texted me BRAGGING individual 1 was going to “win” again as he was leading in Pennsylvania by over 600,000 votes. I texted back, “don’t get ahead of your ski’s.” I had been researching what I could find about the “mail in” votes in Pennsylvania and the data said, of the mail in votes over 1.2 MILLION votes came from democrats while less than a quarter MILLION were from republicans and another 200,000 were from “non-affiliated.” Of course, by the next morning Biden was clearly on his way to winning Pennsylvania by almost 100,000 votes. Individual 1 had already started the so-called “Big Lie.” This LIE is continuing to this day (and, it’s now February). Republicans have become TOTALLY disenfranchised from the TRUTH and, even the ones who have a brain capable of thinking, brush off the LYING.

I’m a Christian, I went to church every Sunday (like Biden, a Catholic) until the pandemic and I watch our sermon every Sunday morning and try to live my life as I believe Jesus teaches (not completely sure how he’s looking at my blog posts – I’m following my “little voice”) me and, therefore, I know many people who are individual 1 supporters. I believe STRONGLY in the “separation of church and state” so I just continue to go to church and avoid the arguments with the right wing members in the congregation. However, occasionally, it happens and each time I ask, “Do you believe individual 1 LIES to you?” In EVERY instance the response is either “no,” or “everyone lies.” So, it’s either delusion or obfuscation – not all that “Christian” in my view.

Apparently, individual 1 continues to have a “hold” over the republican party. When I talk about republican COWARDICE, well, let’s take a good look at Kevin McCarthy. He was one of the members of Congress who had to flee to safety from the INSURRECTIONISTS and, for a moment, actually placed some blame at the feet of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. How long did that last? Well, I don’t have a watch anymore so all I can say is SOON thereafter where was McCarthy? Yep, you either already knew or guessed it – he was, as many have said, in Mar a Lago “kissing the ………..” (fill in the blank) of individual 1. (I’m too lazy to write our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING president – oops! )

That gives the perfect picture of how COWARDLY today’s republicans have become. McCarthy clearly has visions of being the Speaker of the House in 2020 – and, I have to add, if democrats allow republicans to take over the House in the mid-term I’ll write at that point in time, they haven’t learned a thing about the importance of VOTING. I’m an independent who VOTES in every election – and, since Bush/Cheney LIED America into the Iraq fiasco – to me a “deja vu all over again” reminder of Viet Nam – I’ve voted AGAINST republicans or occasionally FOR democrats.

Since individual 1 took office I’ve been giving money to those who have supported his demise – including many of the young progressive democrats who are now in the Congress – like AOC, Katie Porter, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, and a bunch more who I can’t remember their names right now. (OK, as I’ve said, I’m getting “up there”) I’ve also donated regularly to “Vote Vets,” and starting in mid 2020 I’ve regularly sent money (in small amounts) to the Lincoln Project. At this point, I have to add, in 2022 I’m planning to vote for my republican representative in the House, Jaimie Herrera Beutler, who courageously stood on the House floor and explained why she voted to IMPEACH individual 1. I’ve written many letters to her presenting my disagreement with MOST of her votes, but I have to give credit where credit is due – and, she’s earned my vote in the next election. Normally a “safe seat,” but you can count the MAGA crowd will be out to “get her” – possibly turning that seat “blue.” That said, I’m committed to voting for her and I got tears in my eyes listening to her explain her vote.

Here’s the bottom line where I’ll try to end this rant. To me, when republicans of today are speaking they are either “projecting” or just out and out LYING. Of course, the “Mother of all examples of projection” would be individual 1’s and his sycophant’s claims of voter FRAUD. Well, who is committing the voter FRAUD? Of course, you KNOW the answer, even if you’re a republican. (In that case, you just wouldn’t admit it in public) The number one OFFENDER, of course, would be individual 1, himself. He SHOULD be facing both state and federal CRIMINAL charges for his behavior regarding his claims of “election FRAUD.” He made phone calls to at least THREE republicans in Georgia attempting to put the “squeeze” on them to find a way to overturn the “will of the people.” His call (one hour long) with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was classic “MOB BOSS” tactics, totally rebuffed by Mr. Raffensperger.

Naturally, there were republicans who complained that Raffensperger recorded the call. Why wouldn’t he knowing individual 1 would LIE about it afterward? One of his deputies who was on the call released it to the Washington Post soon after the LYING commenced. Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president ALSO attempted to pressure Georgia’s Attorney General (another republican) and the republican governor Brian Kemp to find a way to overturn Biden’s WIN in Georgia. What individual 1 ended up doing was helping Georgian’s elect two democratic Senators to switch “control” of the Senate to the democrats – where it belongs. I have to add, democrats were so focused on beating individual 1 that they failed to win some contested Senate seats which were vulnerable. I believe all the “defund the police” cost them two or three more Senate Seats, but, whatever………………

So, the “leader of the republican party,” individual 1 is very possibly looking at indictments for voter FRAUD among other crimes I’m not smart enough to define – I just KNOW all those phone calls were terribly ILLEGAL and, who knows, maybe Biden’s Attorney General – or the Georgia authorities – will actually enforce the law “without fear or favor.” But, that’s not where it ends for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president (I can’t wait until I no longer have to write all that). Take for example, why do I call him “individual 1?” Maybe you should ask his former lawyer Michael Cohen. Think $130,000 of ILLEGAL “hush money” and the Porn Star he, well, you know…. while his wife was delivering his final (I hope) son. Of course, there were two women – the other a “Playboy model” but, who’s counting? Cohen got three years – with some additional charges for tax evasion. Do you see where this is going? Tax evasion, hush money? Oh yes, Southern District of New York? Who knows, maybe they will consider the laws without “fear of favor?”

By now, virtually everyone who’s been paying attention knows the Prosecuting Attorney in Manhattan is investigating the potential financial CRIMES of individual 1 along with New York State’s Attorney General. Do you see some depositions coming? Soon? And, that doesn’t even get into the (up to) TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice laid out so completely in volume two of the Mueller report – which William Barr so astutely “torpedoed” right after the report was finalized. Mueller, himself, wrote how fundamentally important prosecuting OBSTRUCTION was to the basic tenets of our system of laws. As many have said, if a president can OBSTRUCT a “special counsel” investigation into his own behavior then, well, why have the special counsel regulation? Mueller, as he accepted the OLC “memo” saying a president “can’t be indicted while in office,” pointed out they were “memorializing” the evidence in case a future prosecutor wanted to review it and investigate further. Maybe more lawyers for individual 1!

And, of course, I can’t leave this rant without mentioning January 6th, 2021. Clearly, that date was the culmination of a lot of LYING by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president to all his willfully IGNORANT followers over a period which was well before the election he LOST. It was a set up, right from the start by a mob boss who knew exactly what he was doing – willing to attempt to “win” at all costs. Of course, his plan was the “costs” would be born by all his “uneducated voters” he likes to brag about. I mean, even in the presidential debates, as he feigned ignorance of “militia groups” he asked the “Proud Boys” to “stand back and stand by.” Come on, how many of us are totally ignorant. The focus, and rightfully so, was his INCITEMENT on January 6th, 2021 of the MOB which breached the Capitol Building – the reason for IMPEACHMENT #2 – INCITING the INSURRECTION – but, this was planned well in advance and there SHOULD be many others besides individual 1 held accountable.

Let’s start with his two eldest sons, OK? They were BOTH doing their part to “gin up” the thousands of idiots carrying their individual 1 flags and CONFEDERATE flags and mixing those flags, somehow, with American flags – believing they were “patriots” – because they had succumbed to the “Big Lie.” So far, over 200 have been arrested and many are facing charges which will keep them in jail for 20+ years. Heck, just by being in the Capitol Building on that day they are subject to the law individual 1 got passed? which calls for a 10 year prison term. That law was the result of people “tagging” the Federal Building in Portland, Oregon. Well, apparently, turnabout is “fair play?”

Prosecutors will tell you, when determining someone’s guilt of innocence on a crime “intent” is really important. So, let’s just consider some of the KNOWN details of individual 1’s involvement in the INSURRECTION (AKA, sedition, or TREASON). He planned this attack over a period of weeks or months, he ginned up the crowd with language which CLEARLY incited the MOB, and he TOLD them all he would be there with them as they “took their country back.” He said, “you have to be strong or you’ll never get your country back.” He suggested they were depending on Mike Pense and once he was SAFELY back in the “White House,” (Yep, he didn’t show up at the Capitol Building as promised – surprise, surprise – my thought was his “bone spurs” were bothering him) he “tweeted,” “Mike Pense has let us down.” Do you think that may have led to the chants, “Hang Mike Pense?” Just sayin……………….

OK, but as usual, with individual 1 it gets worse. Instead of intervening EVERY report I’ve read or listened to have said, he sat back, watched the INSURRECTION unfold on TV and enjoyed it because these were people supporting his cause. Yep, he sat there and watched it on TV. So, the Mayor of DC was frantically trying to bring in reinforcements via the National Guard and, apparently, couldn’t get approval from our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president so, after a couple of hours Mike Pense gave the approval to bring in reinforcements. Members of Congress were “holed up” in various places around the Capitol for around SIX hours – before the INSURRECTIONISTS were cleared out. And, true to form when the authorities are dealing with white people (predominantly – although one of the original planners appears to be an African American – everyone was allowed to just go home.

Five people DIED in the insurrection and two more Capitol Police officers took their own lives in the days following. From what I’ve read well OVER 100 police officers were injured – some critically. One officer lost the sight of one eye, several have serious brain injuries, and, well, if you were watching you saw INSURRECTIONISTS beating officers with fire extinguishers – in fact, they beat Brian Sicknick to DEATH with a fire extinguisher – they beat them with their flag poles, they had baseball bats, and other clubs which they used. One guy who was arrested had a “sun ‘pole'” I guess you’d call it which was capable of over 900 volts. That’s LETHAL! This was planned, organized, well funded and individual 1, his two eldest sons, Jr.’s “girlfriend,” Mo Brooks, Rudy Giuliani, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and several others SHOULD be in the “crosshairs” of the Justice Department. I’ll end this by saying if INSURRECTION is not enough to get the attention of authorities, well, “we the people” really are in a lot of trouble.

Final Thought: As republicans are loathe to do, with Joe Biden calling for “unity” they simply want to “forgive and forget.” Or, should I say “get forgiven and forget?” They’re trying to use Biden’s words against him and, hopefully, he won’t fall for it. Here’s the first step republicans MUST follow if there’s to be “unity.” They’ve got to start by admitting they’ve been LYING, ask for FORGIVENESS, and then tell their constituents the TRUTH. You know, the road to unity begins with repentance. Here’s the definition of repentance taken from the Bible: The doctrine of repentance as taught in the Bible is a call to persons to make a radical turn from one way of life to another.  Do you see where I’m going? The mass LYING has got to stop. And, individual 1 MUST face legal accountability – which, ironically, could get a bit mitigated if he’s convicted of his SECOND IMPEACHMENT in the upcoming Senate trial – not likely with all the COWARDS in the Senate republican Caucus. Individual 1 LIED over 30,000 times while in office. And, trust me, he’s not at all likely to “repent.” The rest of them, who knows? This next year will continue to be historically interesting!

As usual, I’m publishing this without re-reading so sorry for the foopahs! Hopefully, I’ll get around to it. Remember, this is my diary in cyberspace and it’s time for me to go to bed.