Have “we the people” endured having a mentally ill TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president?

It’s late, I’m tired, but I have to put a thought to “pen” in order not to lose it in my insomnia. I’ve been “lobbying” for voters to END the “present day” republican party for over TEN long years – despite my belief in the “two party system” which has worked in America for nearly 240 years. However, as is CLEAR to anyone with a CLEAR mind, the “present day” republicans have gone much farther “over the edge” than when I started my lobbying efforts. That being said, it’s obvious, but to this point in time, NO one has been listening to me. (Well, no one of any importance who calls him/herself a “republican.” Well, now they’ve really turned into what appears to many more than me to be a fascist “cult of personality” loyal to individual 1.

Here’s how bad it’s become: You know, in America politicians USED to be revered for voting their conscience – that would mean they would vote on issues based on their view of “right and wrong.” Since the days of Newt Gingrich in the House, we’ve seen, progressively, republicans lurching to the “right” and welcoming white nationalists, anti-Semites, overt RACISTS, neo-Nazi’s, xenophobes, and misogynists’, with “welcome arms” – to the exclusion of ANYONE who (might) vote his/her conscience. Yikes!

So, as by now, ANYONE who might happen upon my little “diary in cyberspace” would know, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president “ginned” up his cult followers before the recent election, telling them “The only way we lose this election is if it’s rigged,” (Despite virtually ALL the polls agreeing his chances of “winning” were “slim and none” – he would need another “Electoral College miracle” to pull it off – which was NOT to be), then, after LOSING (this time by OVER 7 MILLION votes) he started what was (finally) called the “Big Lie” (that he “won” in a “landslide” and the election was “stolen”), which was followed by “grifting” a couple HUNDRED MILLION dollars from his supporters (supposedly to defend the lawsuits intended to “fix” the “fraud” – 62 of 63 which were thrown out of court – and, now, reports are MOST of that money is going directly into his pockets – surprise, surprise), and, well, we all know what happened next – but, alas, as is always the case with individual 1 – there’s more!

As he was LYING to his “cult following,” virtually EVERY day – at the expense, by the way, of doing the job he was actually “elected” to do – while Covid-19 was reaching unimaginable levels and his AWOL response was intensifying – our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was calling various REPUBLICAN officials around the country and, well, I know this will be hard to believe if you’re part of the CULT, but he was committing VOTER FRAUD. Talk about your “projection,” huh? In the IMPEACHMENT “trial” which will begin tomorrow (I likely will not have finished this posting by then) I’m guessing the House IMPEACHMENT managers will play MOST if not all of the now infamous call individual 1 made to Brad Raffensperger, The Secretary of State of Georgia, pressuring him to – OK, I know I already said this – commit VOTER FRAUD. That’s a felony in Georgia (and nationally as well) and in Georgia the Atlanta Prosecuting Attorney is “investigating.” Should be interesting,

But, when I said, “There’s more,” there really is a lot more. Leading up to the INSURRECTION of our nation’s Capitol Building, while Congress was certifying the Electoral College votes on January 6th, 2021, individual 1 was sending out a bunch of (INCRIMINATING) “tweets” urging his supporters to show up on the 6th to “take back our country,” it’s going to be “wild.” Along with some “partners in crime” on that “fateful” day – like his two eldest sons, Josh Hawley (R Sen. Missouri), Mo Brooks from Alabama (R House), and various other “aiders and abettors,” including Rudolph Giuliani (R IDIOT NY) the INCITORS may soon be needing lawyers for bringing the crowd to a “froth” for the ultimate INCITING remarks coming directly from individual 1. These people are NUTS, the people in the crowd are NUTS, and the people who helped push them over the edge on Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “OANN,” “Breitbart.com,” etc. are ALL NUTS!

The LYING in the republican party has become routine and it’s, well, in the words of a famous politician, “deplorable.” The people all remind me of a “basket of deplorables” if you know what I mean. When I mentioned that individual 1’s claims the “election was stolen” and he “won in a landslide” is being referred to as the “Big Lie” it was a bit refreshing to me – albeit with a lack of context which I believe is critical. While I’m encouraged our “mainstream media” is FINALLY using that term – they don’t explain it very well. The “Big Lie,” of course, was referred to by the Nazi’s back in the Third Reich as their propaganda “strategy.” You tell the LIE over and over until people actually believe it’s true. Well, individual 1’s “uneducated voters” (trust me, that’s his term) were and have been susceptible to ALL his “BIG LIES” with the “stolen election” clearly the “Biggest.” For heaven’s sake there are FIVE people DEAD from the INSURRECTION and, as far as I know, to this date, two more Capitol Police officers committed suicide. Oh yes, 140 Police officers were injured (One KILLED, of course) with several with BRAIN injuries and one officer losing one eye and another three fingers. Where’s Hammourabi when we need him?

So, back to my original point, virtually every republican who voted with their conscience to either vote for IMPEACHMENT in the house, or in the Senate, to simply vote that it’s “constitutional” to hold the IMPEACHMENT “trial” after individual 1 is out of office – which CLEARLY is constitutional (by any recognized constitutional scholar) – has been “censured” by their local and or state republican party. My representative is a republican and voted to IMPEACH – as any reasonable representative SHOULD have – and, within a week of that vote the local GOP had done what I KNEW they would and “censored” her. Heck, a couple years ago, they censored her for one vote which bucked the rest of the sheep in the CULT. As I said above, these people are NUTS.

If ever there would be a time to vote your conscience it would seem to be right after your leader essentially threatened your life and the lives of those who you work with – including your staff – by INCITING a mob of ARMED, ruthless, THUGS to storm your workplace while you’re doing your constitutional duty – and, while it’s happening sitting back, watching it on TV, enjoying it simply because his NARCISSISTIC self appreciates ANY show of support (including QAnon conspirators like MTG), and refusing to call off the THUGS before referring to them as “special” and giving them the Kim Jong un seal of “approval” with “we love you.” Yikes! I’m convinced “we the people” have endured FOUR long years of having a mentally ill TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

Final Thought: On January 6th, 2021 our republic came CLOSER to being overthrown than most of us would like to admit. And, part of my thinking relates to the likelihood the Senate republicans will vote to acquit individual 1 for doing what MUST be an IMPEACHABLE offense simply because they FEAR him. They can’t seem to gather the GUTS to do what is obviously “the right thing.” They’re volunteering for the darkest pages of our history books – as I’ve said many times here – right next to Benedict Arnold – the individual 1 section of TRAITORS. (Ironically, individual 1’s THUGS were calling the Capitol Police officers – one of which they MURDERED – “traitors.” Can you believe that? Well, you MUST, because it’s true.

So, why should we be surprised? I still remember individual 1, back when he was Donald Trump, claiming his affinity for Vladimir Putin and ridiculing Barack Obama, our President at the time. And, of course, he’s sided up with Duterte of the Philippines, a brutal dictator, Erdogan of Turkey, another brutal dictator, MBS of Saudi Arabia he who ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s butchering, and most tellingly he had a “love affair?” with Kim Jong un of North Korea, likely the most BRUTAL dictator of them all. I’ve said many time here it has appeared to me individual 1 was trying to be like Vladimir Putin, maybe the strongest dictator on the planet (although, his people are beginning to rise up against what REALLY are “rigged elections”) I’ll say it once more, if INCITING an INSURRECTION is not IMPEACHABLE then WHAT is?

If you’ve been watching the Senate “trial” you’ve seen a large group of the republican voters these Senators are COWERING from. To me, that says it all about the republican party. To anyone reading this who “gets” my point, VOTE in 2022. It will take several elections to purge this nation of a white supremacist dominated republican party. I know several people who support individual 1 “come hell or high water” because of the abortion issue – which they believe he cares about. Of course, he could care less about that issue – other than it has provided him some votes from his “uneducated voters.” Virtually EVERY one of these supporters of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING FORMER president, when I ask them about the issues, appear to be ignorant or “twisted” by right wing media outlets. To them, it’s the abortion issue – blindly. I said to one of them the other night, “You’ve made the classic ‘deal with the devil,'” and he agreed. He believes Joe Biden is a socialist! Go figure!!!

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