Monthly Archives: October 2023

Fundamental issues brought us to the verge of fascism — and we’re ignoring them every day

I copied this article from “Raw Story” a publication I subscribe to and Mr. Hartman says at the end “Pass it on” so, that’s what I’m doing. Thom Hartman is one of my favorite authors and he has a national radio program on Sirious XM.

Thom HartmannOctober 10, 2023 2:38AM ET  

Fundamental issues brought us to the verge of fascism — and we’re ignoring them every day

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

“Saved at the last minute” is pretty much the story of our culture.

It’s built into our major salvationist religions, particularly Christianity and Islam. Even when killed or facing death, Jesus and Muhammed managed to ascend to heaven at the last minute and claim eternal life.

By this worldview, no matter how terrible a life you’ve lived, if you say a handful of magic words at the last minute before you die, you’re guaranteed a spot in paradise. There’s always the last minute.

It’s at the core of most all of our fiction, and a good chunk of our nonfiction. In the old Greek dramas it was deus ex machina — the god in the machine — when Our Hero was finally trapped in an impossible situation but then a platform is cranked down from the ceiling of the amphitheater with a god on it, who waves his hand and makes everything okay again.

In our modern movies and novels, it’s the last-minute discovery of the cure, a take-down of the bad guy, or the discovery of the fatal chink in the aliens’ armor. It’s the miraculous oil that keeps the menorah burning bright through the crisis or the earthquake that brought down Jericho’s walls.

Even in the field of nonfiction, nearly every book — no matter how dire its topic — wraps up with a section or chapter that essentially offers the “here’s what you can do” solutions to everything from acne to climate change to the fascist takeover of America.

This belief that something or someone will ultimately save us no matter how badly we screw things up is why we’re procrastinating with climate change and fossil fuels. It’s why we’re hooked on lotteries. It’s presumably why Merrick Garland put off doing anything about Trump for two years, apparently thinking Congress would rid him of that “meddlesome priest.” It’s why we celebrate Jack Smith, our savior.

There are fundamental issues that brought us to the verge of fascism and we’re ignoring them every day:

— Income inequality and the role of tax cuts in it.
— Worker insecurity and the role of the GOP war on unions.
— A climate-change-driven refugee crisis on our Southern Border.
— Political bribery by our Predator Class and the corrupt Citizens United decision.
— Billionaires and foreign governments buying politicians.
— Media consolidation under the control of rightwing billionaire families.
— Corporate monopolies.
— Racism, homophobia, and misogyny.

We ignore them all because we believe “somebody will eventually save us” so we don’t need to do the hard work of putting our nation, our working class, and our democracy back together.

For most of my life, religious salvationists have disparaged those of us who consider ourselves both spiritual and religious but don’t buy the salvationist aspects of our monotheistic religions. They mistakenly reverse the arrow of causation, arguing that without religion there can be no morality when in fact religion plagiarized morality from every human society that has ever existed.

Genuine morality is deeply buried in our collective psyche, and doesn’t require a savior figure or grand discovery to bring it to the surface.

As much as it pains me to say it (my personal urge toward salvationism is as strong as anybody else’s), nobody is coming to save us.

Salvationists take that as a statement of resignation, of surrender to crises bigger than we are. I take it as both a challenge and an opportunity. By abandoning reliance on others for our salvation from climate change, income inequality, political corruption, and all the other ills of our modern society, we can then shift responsibility for our future to the people most capable of doing something about these problems: ourselves and the governments we can influence.

Joe Biden is not going to save us, and neither are Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Without entire movements of people like you and me behind them, politicians are relatively impotent: we are the ones who have to save our nation and the world.

Don’t despair. Moments of crisis are also moments when the possibility of transformation is at its greatest.

When the Founders of this nation signed their own death warrants by publicly taking on the most powerful army and navy on Earth in 1776, they were no doubt worried. But they also saw it as a chance to create something wholly new.

As the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote in a June 5, 1824 letter to Major John Cartwright:

“Our Revolution commenced on more favorable ground [than the foundation of English or Biblical law]. It presented us an album on which we were free to write what we pleased. We had no occasion to search into musty records, to hunt up royal parchments, or to investigate the laws and institutions of a semi-barbarous ancestry. We appealed to those of nature, and found them engraved on our hearts.”

Similarly, an optimistic Thomas Paine wrote:

“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. … We have it in our power to begin the world over again. The birth-day of a new world is at hand.”

When Abraham Lincoln faced fully half the nation in armed rebellion holding to a fascist notion of America as a permanent nation of slaveholders, he wrote to a friend:

“The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me.”

When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, the Republican Great Depression was approaching its zenith; a third of Americans were out of work and hunger stalked the land. With just as much corrupt intent as we see today in Jim Jordan or Donald Trump, nakedly fascist politicians were preparing to carve the country up and split the spoils.

Which is why President Roosevelt told America in his first Inaugural Address:

“This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself–nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. … In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties.”

While Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt offered leadership during troubling times, in each case it was the people themselves to whom they reached and from whom they expected delivery from the nation’s enemies and crises.

And the American people didn’t let them down. We made it through the Revolution, the Civil War, and the Republican Great Depression, just like we will make it through this Trump- and Putin-fueled crisis of democracy.

In each of those three previous crises, American oligarchs stood up against democracy. They supported the British in the 1770s, the cotton barons in the 1860s, and even tried to kidnap and assassinate FDR in the 1930s.

Every time, they were held to account by the American people.

President Obama said it best, perhaps, in February 2008 when he was running for the Democratic nomination for president:

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

“We are the change that we seek. We are the hope of those boys who have so little, who’ve been told that they cannot have what they dream, that they cannot be what they imagine. Yes, they can.

“We are the hope of the father who goes to work before dawn and lies awake with doubt that tells him he cannot give his children the same opportunities that someone gave him. Yes, he can.

“We are the hope of the woman who hears that her city will not be rebuilt, that she cannot somehow claim the life that was swept away in a terrible storm. Yes, she can.

“We are the hope of the future, the answer to the cynics who tell us our house must stand divided, that we cannot come together, that we cannot remake this world as it should be.”

America has faced numerous challenges and difficulties on the way to becoming a multiracial pluralistic democratic republic. We’ve overcome most of them over time and moved forward, step by step, toward what the Preamble of our Constitution calls “a more perfect union.”

A washed up reality TV star and a handful of rightwing billionaires represent a current-day threat to our republic, but it’s not one we can’t overcome.

Trump and his lickspittles aren’t even a shadow of the power that the King of England held in 1776; can’t hold a candle to a brilliant tactician like Robert E. Lee (who we still defeated); and are hardly as powerful or convincing as Hitler or Mussolini.

That’s the marvelous and magical thing about democracy: it almost always finds a way to overcome obstacles and improve itself, even in the face of impossible odds and utter tyranny.

The only way we lose this country is if we give up. Which is why it’s now up to us — and we are not without passion or resources.

So let’s rededicate ourselves to the ideal expressed by Lincoln at Gettysburg:

“[T]hat this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Pass it on…

Headline: Trump Questions President Biden’s Mental Acuity while Accusing him of getting us into WW II!

I’ve pointed out in several of my previous posts about one of the complaints coming from republicans – that we have a “two tiered Justice system” – implying it is “weaponized” against Trump and, in the words of Matt Gaetz, “American patriots.” (Gaetz obviously referring to the defendants in the January 6th INSURRECTION) I’ve suggested that the republicans are correct, it’s just they are totally confused. For example, there are an unending number of examples of “Black and Brown” Americans along with poor Americans sitting in jail cells as I’m writing this waiting for their “day in court.” (Including many of the J 6th defendants) This, while Trump continues to spew one THREAT after another on his (un)Truth Social web fiasco which has caused NUMEROUS prosecutors, judges, and witnesses to experience Trump’s organized Crime onslaught of slights and name calling leading to them receiving a flood of THREATS coming from Trump’s (using Steve Bannon’s word) STUPID followers.

Trump continues to attack Jack Smith on his website, on TV interviews (why would any legit journalistic site give him the platform?), and in his rallies to his rabid followers. He goes after the judges involved and the other prosecutors (he’s got a plethora of upcoming court “experiences” on the near horizon) plus he’s gone after witnesses, potential witnesses, and by inference potential members of any of the juries. And, as everyone knows, no one will know where the danger is coming from until, well, it’s too late. Trump suggested General Mark Milley (who’s got a memoir coming out) should be “executed.” (Leading to Paul Gosar, one of the DUMBEST of the members of the House suggesting Milley should be HANGED)

Over the past week we’ve seen Trump sitting, and pouting, in a New York courtroom as he’s facing the RUIN of his “Trump Organization” business – at least in New York. He’s already been found to have committed mass “fraud” and he’s been ordered to surrender the licenses he has to operate his businesses in New York. From what I’ve read he’s been, essentially, ordered to sell his real estate holdings in New York – including “7 Springs” (which I have no idea what that is) and, based on the whining I heard from Don Jr. he’s going to have to sell his “cabin” – simply because it’s listed as an “LLC.” During his three days at the trial Trump has managed to royally piss off the judge – after he went after the judges clerk on his (un) Social truth site. He was placed under a GAG order from the judge – which is the first judge to actually hold him to account, even though he continues to push the boundaries set by the courts as a condition of his release. To me, the timidity of the judges in his cases are simply making things worse and it won’t be long until someone is saying to them “I told you so.”

Trump’s been doing this garbage so long it appears he believes it’s his “first amendment” right to criticize anyone he wants – including overt and covert suggestions his supporters resort to VIOLENCE on his behalf. Personally, I find it impossible to even consider the thought the American people would even consider voting him back into office – but, thinking that way is likely a “fool’s errand.” Not only has Trump shown a willingness to CHEAT but, in fact, there’s no doubt in my mind, he’s CHEATING as I’m writing this. Trump is nothing more than a glorified mob boss, but the reality is he’s got a LOT of people in the “background” with a lot of money and a lot of reasons to want him back in the “White House.”

For starters, anyone who’s been paying any attention at all fully understand Vladimir Putin is depending on Trump – and/or the House republicans to block the U.S. from providing aid to Ukraine allowing him to “win” the war. Clearly about 80% of the American public wants the U.S. to “stay the course” until Ukraine has pushed Putin out of their sovereign land. But, republicans in Congress have been blocking “stuff” “we the people” overwhelmingly support for, well, about as long as I can remember – probably back to the “rise” of Newt Gingrich in the 1990’s. So, it should surprise no one to find out Putin is busy with his “active measures” campaign using social media to convince Americans of how evil “liberals” are.

But, as usual, there’s always more with republicans. I read Robert Mueller’s report on the Russians interfering in the 2016 election, actually TWICE. However, as I’m reading now (a bit tardy I must admit) Seth Abramson’s “Proof of Conspiracy” I’m picking up on things either I missed or Mueller’s investigation missed. (I’m pretty sure it was me) Not only was Putin actively working to help Trump “win” in 2016 but so was a group of Middle Eastern Countries led by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and – get this – Israel. They were pulled together by a group of under the radar “intelligence” operatives (mainly from Israel – and likely supported by Benjamin Netanyahu) who met with Eric Prince – who was financially committed to the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emerites (UAE) – in a secret meeting on the “Red Sea.”

I’m not planning to give a book report here (it’s a challenging read – FULL of information), but suffice it to say, Trump thumbs his nose at the LAW stating you can’t submit or receive help – in any form from a foreign country or foreign national. I’m still not sure why this didn’t get more attention from Mueller, but there can be no doubt the leaders of these country were DIRECTLY providing aid to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Of course, that’s now “water under the bridge,” but do you really believe these people won’t be providing him financial and logistical support in the upcoming election? One of the groups involved – affiliated with Israel intelligence – became connected to Cambridge Analytica – a secret “data gathering” outfit located in the U.K. and the work of Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer – two of America’s most prolific (alleged) neo-Nazi’s.

I’ve written about this before – Cambridge Analytica (Read Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America by Christopher Wylie) was able to “hack” into Facebook’s data – with virtually NO trouble prior to the 2016 election and “snag” personal date from 57 MILLION American households with the express purpose of categorizing the data and manipulating the unsuspecting Facebook users via, you guessed it, Facebook. (They did the same thing with the BREXIT vote in Great Britain leading to their breaking away from the EU) They “manipulated” the data into identifiable groups based on the data they STOLE from Facebook. (And, to this day Mark Zuckerberg claims Facebook bears no responsibility for “Trumpism”) The Trump campaign then fed ACTUAL “fake news” to the Facebook users based on their “tendencies.”

To compound the effect of what they “discovered” Cambridge Analytica “partnered” up with the Russians and this group of Middle Eastern protagonists who were dead set on making sure Hillary Clinton did not become the U.S. president. The group from the Middle East – led by “MBS” (Mohammed bin Salmon), MBZ “Mohammed bin Zayed” president of the UAE, The president of Egypt (el-Sisi I believe), the intelligence officers from Israel, a guy named George Nader (with close connections to Putin and MBZ), and, of course Mr. Prince (whose sister became Secretary of Education under Trump). At least Nader and Prince (my memory is foggy) met with Don Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner in Trump Tower prior to the election and they were hell bent on finding ways to “smuggle” money to Trump’s campaign through intermediaries situated in the states with the aforementioned governments pledging their support for Trump’s campaign. By all accounts they funneled MILLIONS into Trump’s “coffers” including “a lot” of money for his transition and inauguration celebration.

When you look back on Trump’s four years in office this all makes total sense. I remember reading about Prince meeting with Nader (and I can’t remember who else someone from Russia) in the Seychelles prior to reading Mueller’s report and Mueller touched on this and other “stuff” related to Prince – which, at least to me, suggested Prince is as gifted a LIAR as Trump. Keep in mind, Prince (he of Blackwater fame during the Iraq fiasco) moved his operation to the Middle East (presumably to avoid American investigations) and agreed to set up a mercenary force for MBZ – who wanted Prince to protect the assets of the United Arab Emerates – not trusting “Arabs to fire on other Arabs.” If this all looks “murky” you’re correct. Do you think these people won’t be at it again in 2024?

I say this because when you look at Trump’s circumstances – 4 INDICTMENTS, 91 FELONY “counts,” his organization being dismantled because of his continual FRAUD, another sexual assault lawsuit on the horizon with the likelihood of a judgement in excess of $10 MILLION (which seems like “small potatoes” compared to what he’s facing in the NY Fraud allegations. When you listen to him he sounds as if he’s totally deranged (he claims President Biden has lost his “marbles” when he’s the one making the egregious gaffes) – he recently claimed he won the popular vote against – get this – President Obama. He even accused President Biden from threatening to get “we the people” into – get this again – WW II. He screws up pronouncing anyone’s name where it’s more than one syllable, and he continually proves he has no idea what’s in the U.S. Constitution. (Apparently MILLIONS of his sycophants don’t know that either)

The House is in a shambles right now and, God help us, some in the House are planning to vote for Trump as the next Speaker of the House. Is this possible? Well, yes and no. It is true the Speaker does NOT have to be a member of the House itself. However, there is a rule that no one facing an indictment with MORE than 2 years prison time can be part of the House of Representatives. Will republicans simply ingnore this rule? Likely, yes. But, time will tell! Stay Tuned……..

Final Thought: Just like Trump’s ILLEGAL activity and his trampling of American norms has become almost part of his daily routine, leaving “we the people” NUMB to the reality, so far, nothing has been done to stop him – we also have Justices on the Supreme Court who have, allegedly, been violating ethical norms which are part of any courtroom in America – save for the Supreme Court – so routinely that the judges are lashing out at their critics as opposed to facing up to the unethical (possibly illegal) behavior.

Of course, in particular, I’m talking about Justice Clarence Thomas who seems to be the object of stories about his unethical behavior (yes, possibly illegal) on as regular recurring a basis as the pain in my spine from the degenerative bone disease I was born with and which shows up on an almost daily basis. The latest “foopah” which has become public regarding Thomas’ cozying up with the BILLIONAIRE class is the reports he has attended AT LEAST two of the “Koch network’s” BILLIONAIRE fundraisers/corporate gettogethers. These are the people who have directly benefited, for example, from the “Citizen’s United” SCOTUS decision.

Sadly, this is the period in American History where corruption seems to be a part of the system from top to bottom. Trump is the prime example, but there’s also Robert Menendez, the Democratic Senator from New Jersey who’s under indictment for some serious, you guessed it, CORRUPTION. Just as Trump continues to run for the presidency Menendez refuses to resign his position – despite calls from 31 members of his caucus (at last count) urging him to do so. And, of course, there’s the examples of the justices listed above. And, there’s not time nor space here to list all the CORRUPTION (known) that is going on all the way down through state governments to local officials. It really is getting ugly out there. And most, but not all, of the known CORRUPTION is the work of various republican officials around the country. I’ve been saying this for over 20 years (15 of which are on this site) that until the republicans are voted into the HISTORY books in large enough numbers to nullify their shenanigans this nation is in a spiral toward third world status. Let’s just hope that in all the “stuff” “we the people” are facing that our commitment to the rule of law here and the Ukrainians is interrupted. Yikes!!!