Monthly Archives: December 2021

If the 700+ “stooges” who INVADED the Capitol are the only “defendants” of the insurrection – it’s on Merrick Garland!

I recently told a good friend I’m ready for a break from all the writing – which, in essence, is like writing in a diary because I have NO idea who might happen across these words. Today, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how many times here I’ve said, “The truth will come out, drip by drip” regarding the CORRUPTION of individual 1, his closest enablers, and his “army” of sycophants who make up the top section of his CULT. As individual 1’s own niece said on national TV the other night, he wouldn’t give the “time of day” to the “peons” (my characterization) who make up the bulk of his CULT. He simply depends on them to support him no matter what “drips” come out about his CORRUPT behavior. (And, of course, send him their hard earned MONEY)

So, today I’m watching “Deadline Whitehouse” on MSNBC hosted by former republican Nicole Wallace where the information which has come out in the past few days indicating individual 1 and the above mentioned “enablers and sycophants” – including, at this point in time, six SITTING republican members of Congress along with Mark Meadows the chief of staff for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – very well may have committed CRIMES as they attempted to INCITE a mob to interfere with “the peaceful transfer of power” in a way to allow individual 1 to remain in office.

Was it a conspiracy to commit SEDITION? (I’d say, “yep”) Was it a conspiracy to OBSTRUCT a lawful function of the Congress? (“yep,” once again) These are SERIOUS charges should they come about. They would make individual 1’s CRIMINAL exposure in the investigation of the Manhattan DA look like “small potatoes.” Both of the potential violations of our system of LAWS about SEDITION and OBSTRUCTION call for serious penalties which include PRISON terms up to 20 years (each). The discussion on MSNBC had to do with how would that affect our country? As if these violations of LAW should maybe be ignored because of what I’ve speculated prior to now – Merrick Garland’s FEAR of individual 1’s base.

To me, the question of whether or not individual 1 BROKE the LAW simply based on what has already been public knowledge is a “no brainer.” I’ve read “I alone can fix it” by Philip Rucker and Carol Loennig, I’ve read “Peril” by Bob Costa and Bob Woodward, I’ve read “Landslide” by Michael Wolff, and I recently finished “Betrayal” by Jon Karl – all of these books are the results of numerous interviews (HUNDREDS) with those involved in the final days of individual 1’s reign. When you read them and follow the other information coming out – “drip by drip” – it’s hard to believe their wasn’t violations of the LAW!

I’ve written previously I believe, as a non lawyer, I could convince a jury individual 1 was responsible for what happened on January 6th, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol. It would be harder for me to argue the OBSTRUCTION charges which COULD have been taken up by AG Garland, stemming from Mueller’s report, allegations Mr. Garland obviously is shying away from. However, I believe Liz Cheney will be FORCING the issue as time goes by and the 1/6 Committee continues their investigation. Will they be subpoenaing the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, and one other Congressman ( Scott Perry?) who I can’t remember his name along with our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president? Can you imagine individual 1 sitting for a deposition? (The CHARGES could grow like chia seeds combined with a bit of water!)

I started this a couple weeks ago: I’m going to try to “finish the thought.” I’ve said several times here I believe I could get a guilty verdict (disclaimer: I’m no lawyer – but I did take a constitutional law class in college back in the sixties :o) regarding individual 1’s INCITING the INSURRECTION along with his CLEAR OBSTRUCTION of the duties of the Congress – based on publicly reported data. I mean, it’s a “no brainer” – unless you frequent right wing media. Really, attempting to OVERTHROW a function of our government, in the past, would have received “bipartisan” rebukes from America’s elected officials. We NOW have a situation where “conservatives” FEAR individual 1’s backlash for a single word which might seem negative to him. Therefore, fascism = OK.

Check out the emails, phone messages, texts, etc. public servants who refuse to “kiss the ring” of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president receive from the “god fearing” right wing FASCISTS which make up a significant portion of his base. (Does ring stand for ASS?) The THREATS now go toward not only “liberal politicians” but, also, school board members, teachers, doctors, nurses, and other public servants. Here’s the phone messages we NEED to hear about – those coming from individual 1’s sycophants on January 6th, 2021 and the days preceding all the way back to the election along with HIS phone records. Trust me, all these people wouldn’t be fighting subpoenas if they were INNOCENT. (Otherwise, wouldn’t they want to give out the information to clear themselves?)

There’s no way, at this point, for even individual 1’s sycophants to salvage his “legacy” because anything any of them would defend during his reign (there wasn’t much unless you like right wing judges – and that was the work of Don McGahn and Moscow Mitch) is, well, now indefensible – he attempted to OVERTHROW our elected government via a MOB he told to “Go to the the Capitol and fight like hell or you won’t have a country anymore.” Well, we still have a country, don’t we? It appears republicans are busy passing voter suppression laws across the nation so that we don’t have a republic anymore. Projection personified!

I believe Liz Cheney is betting the January 6th Select Committee is going to be able to do what it appears Merrick Garland is unwilling to do and that is gather the “goods” on individual 1 making his CRIMINAL conduct undeniable. We’ll see how Mr. Garland will respond should the committee send criminal referrals to the Justice Department. Here’s a couple “red flags” for me – Matt Gaetz has been rumored to be in the “sights” of the Justice Department for “child sex trafficking” for over a year now – is there a good reason he’s not been indicted? Is the reason AG Garland’s temerity? – the second “red flag” for me is the CRIMINAL referral for Mark Meadows which was handed out at least a couple weeks ago. Will the Justice Department take this referral to a Grand Jury asking for an indictment?

The Select Committee is acting as if they’re going to pursue prosecution for anyone who refuses to honor a subpoena. Of course, the Congress cannot INDICT anyone – they are depending on the Justice Department to carry out the prosecution of the CRIMINAL referrals they send their way. I still remember Nixon’s gang of thieves – virtually ALL of them ended up in PRISON and had democrats not been timid since then we wouldn’t be facing this problem today. Reagan and HW Bush were “let off the hook” for Iran/Contra, GW Bush and Dick Cheney were let off the hook for authorizing TORTURE, and that caused republicans to believe democrats don’t have the “stones” to prosecute high level CRIMINAL activity.

Talk about the epitome of PROJECTION – do you remember republicans – individual 1, Mike Flynn, and others leading chants of “Lock her up” over Hillary Clinton’s emails? (Of course, we now KNOW Mark Meadows AND individual 1 – likely among others – were using their private cell phones to be doing government business – far WORSE than anything Clinton may have done. In fact, Meadows and Jared Kushner were using an encrypted app [Signal?] right out of the “White House”) Throughout his time in office individual 1 was attempting to get his various Attorney Generals to “lock up” anyone from Mrs. Clinton to Barack Obama – with about every perceived “enemy” (remember Nixon?) in between.

I, personally, believe the future of America rests in individual 1 facing INDICTMENTS for his role in the attack on our Capitol. Just as I said back when Obama took office: “It was a grave mistake to block investigations into the WAR CRIMES of Bush/Cheney.” It was obvious to me the “next time” would be far worse. Well the same thinking is still appropriate. STOPPING the republican lawlessness will either get stopped or we will cease to be a “nation of laws and not men.” The “next time” their actions will be progressively worse – and, I don’t believe I’m the only American who believes our republic is too close to the “breaking point” to allow that to happen.

Here’s what I would say to Merrick Garland: “You’ve become Attorney General at a crisis point in American history and it’s time to “s@#t or get off the pot.” If you don’t have what it takes to actually defend our system of laws then maybe the best way forward would be to resign while Biden still has time to get someone else confirmed. Of course, republicans can probably block another candidate – so, the reality is YOU are going to go down in history as VERY important person in this time of CRISIS. Enforce the laws or confirm to those who believe the laws are intended simply for us “little people.” The “ball” is in your court.

Final Thought: It appears the CORRUPTION goes well beyond our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. There’s a KNOWN list of six or seven members of Congress who appear to be neck deep in the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the election and there’s a few more suspected. (Yes, I’m talking about Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert) There’s a group of incompetent lawyers led by Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, and Sidney Powell. There’s Senators who may be on “shaky ground” like Lindsey Graham.

All of these people walking around as if they have nothing to fear really reminds me of Abu Ghraib. Several Army “grunts” spent time in the “brig” for, in essence, thinking they were following orders as they TORTURED Iraqi’s – many who were simply gathered up by American troops who were breaking down doors and terrorizing the Iraqi population we “supposedly” were there to help. Well, now we’ve got over 700 “grunts” who are facing prison terms up to 20 years after storming the Capitol thinking they were following the orders of their “commander in chief.” I can tell you, if these are the only people paying the price for the INSURRECTION this country will be “teetering” on the “cliff.” I’m not sure “we the people” will be able to bring her back from the “brink.”

From Frederick Douglass: “Between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference.”

For years I’ve been pointing out the PROJECTION of individual 1 where if he accuses ME of something, that means HE’S doing it. Well, the so-called “Stop the Steal” movement where he was accusing the democrats of massive “fraud” is simply the “mother of all PROJECTIONS.” In truth, it was individual 1 committing the massive FRAUD amid his attempts to ACTUALLY steal the election. Individual 1’s call to Brad Raffensperger, the Secretary of State of Georgia, was worthy of a trip to court to defend himself, and, of course, there’s always more. There were several other phone calls along with a plethora of LIES ginning up his CULT to storm the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

I, almost every day, listen to people discussing what happened on January 6th, 2021 (as individual 1 himself, remember this date forever) as they’re piecing together ALL the evidence which seems to point ever more clearly toward our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and his closest enablers as the “STEALERS in chief,” by referring to the “Stop the Steal” almost casually. “Stop the Steal” was part of the “plan” of Roger Stone prior to the 2016 election. However, we were FORCED to endure 4 years of individual 1’s incompetent “governing” prior to understanding what those three words really meant.

Now you have about 25% of Americans actually believing the NONSENSE which was spewed by individual 1 beginning well before the November election. People might be wondering, “How did we get to this point?” Well, I’m getting ready to read a book about Facebook (They’ve had to change their name in an attempt, I guess, to rid themselves of all the negative press – speaking of which, I’m regularly seeing adds on TV paid for by Facebook to brainwash “we the people” they are some kind of “caring” corporation – one, of course, who buys up their competitors! Yikes!!!) and my answer to that question is one word: (OK, technically two) “The INTERNET.” The internet has become a toxic mess of CONSPIRACIES which are so outlandish you have to wonder how they get published.

In fact, individual 1’s attempt to STEAL the 2020 election was pretty much the result of his PROJECTION using the INTERNET. Of course, his main platform was “Twitter” and his campaign was busy spreading MIS/DISINFORMATION (lying) on Facebook and Facebook was choosing to PROFIT off the LYING. So, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president managed to draw a HUGE crowd to Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021 and, along with some strategic enablers, INCITED their MOB to attack our Capitol with the expressed purpose to OVERTURN the 2020 election somehow giving individual 1 “another four years.”

I keep thinking back to individual 1’s attacks on Liz Cheney which went well back before the INSURRECTION. Big Mistake! I’m no fan of Ms. Cheney’s politics, but I have to say it’s not a good idea to get on her BAD side. (Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned) I believe she will come out of all this as one of America’s great HEROES (Heroine?) because I have no doubt she’s dead set on connecting the “dots” all the way up to the TOP – and, that would mean our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president along with Mark Meadows, John Eastman, individual 1 Jr., Mo Brooks, MTG, Jim Jordan, etc. had better be prepared for “full exposure” – along with many more. I think the Select Committee is determined, and Ms. Cheney is “deadly” serious.

As far as I’m concerned there’s TWO major things I want to see happen “sooner rather than later.” First, I look forward to individual 1 and his ENABLERS becoming TARGETS of Justice Department investigations. In fact, I believe it’s time for Merrick Garland to appoint a “Special Counsel” to investigate the INSURRECTION – from the TOP down. This time, I don’t believe individual 1 should have an option whether or not to appear for a deposition and STALLING won’t be an option. As we all KNOW, he can’t do anything without LYING – so, I’m guessing, there would be a lot of “I’m invoking my FIFTH amendment rights.” However, there’s no doubt the 1/6 Committee has enough “circumstantial evidence” to CONVICT him of (maybe) SEDITION.

The second major thing I’d like to see happen is for the Senate to carve out a spot on the FILIBUSTER allowing the VOTING RIGHTS legislation to PASS Congress so President Biden can sigh it into LAW. This would be the best way I can see to stop the “slow rolling” attempt at another coup d’etat by individual 1’s white nationalist followers who have been busy (are busy) enacting Voter Suppression Bills all across our great land. Are you listening Mr. Manchin and Ms. Sinema?

The challenge to save America as a functioning democratic republic is daunting. This “challenge” didn’t begin with individual 1, but he’s the ultimate LIAR who is the perfect “vessel” to get the politics of people like Don Black, David Duke, Paul Gosar, Jim Jordan, etc. into the so-called “mainstream.” To republicans, the “mainstream” means RIGGING (OK, more examples of their PROJECTION) the system to ensure MINORITY rule. By that, I mean rule by those pushing “white grievance.” They KNOW they can’t win – without changing their “ways” – unless they succeed in RIGGING the elections. (Which they’re busy attempting to do)

I’ve been saying for (at least) the past year “The Truth will come out – drip by drip.” Well, the “drips” are getting larger and I believe we’re going to see the “Tea Party” wing of the republican party being shown for what they are. As I’ve said before, it was the “Tea Party” “insurrection” of the republican party as a backlash to the election of Barack Obama as our first President “of color” which “spawned” individual 1’s entrance as their “savior.” I pointed out above his proclivity to LIE pathologically was what really endeared him to republicans, many of whom have now adopted this “deplorable” trait.

Well, enter Liz Cheney. For all the things “liberals” disagree with her, my bet, at this point in time, is that her HONESTY is something even most LIBERALS admire. Last night she – and other members of the Select January 6th Committee, began reading some of the email and text messages they’ve received, some of it from other members of Congress – emails/texts which made it clear the ASSAULT on the Capitol was well funded, well planned, and, thankfully, unsuccessful. And, as you listen to Ms. Cheney it becomes clear we’re finally hearing words suggesting there COULD be CRIMINAL referrals coming from the Select Committee – more than the “Contempt” charges sent to the Justice Department today for Mark Meadows.

And, it’s becoming more clear why Mr. Meadows decided not to testify. I believe he was more worried he’d have needed to invoke his Fifth Amendment Right against self incrimination than the “executive privilege” claims – preposterous as they are – which have been in the “news.” For heaven’s sake, Meadows was at the forefront of members of Congress going after Hillary Clinton for her use of a personal email server (just as Colin Powel and Condoleezza Rice had done before her) while he was using his personal phone along with encrypted messaging devices to HIDE his communications from the required government record keeping of all communications. Wouldn’t you call this HYPOCRASY? Surprise, surprise!

I’ve been part of the CHORUS of Americans demanding our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president be facing charges for January 6th, 2021 (among other CRIMINAL activity). Most of the people I’ve listened to have suggested his CRIMINAL liability for the INSURRECTION rested with a charge of INCITEMENT – an extremely difficult charge to prove. Enter Ms. Cheney: Last night she SUGGESTED individual 1 may have violated the LAW against OBSTRUCTION of Congress (Penalty: 20 yrs.). She spelled it out and my first thought was individual 1 likely responded as he had when he discovered Robert Mueller had been appointed as “Special Counsel,” – “I’m F@#$ed.” I believe there’s a bunch of republicans feeling the same way! Stay Tuned…………….

Final Thought: For years I’ve pointed out, as a “Christian,” I have NEVER understood how “Christians” could make up the bulk of individual 1’s base – many looking at him as if he’s their “savior.” It boggles my mind – I know people with whom I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t even have a discussion with them because their comments are so radical and absurd – they are fully aligned with those who are seeking ways to turn America into a fascist (apartheid) state. I know someone who adopted and raised three African American children (now adults) who’s made comments which made me SHUDDER inside – comments I took to be overtly RACIST!

I’ve never felt comfortable that I was able to fully explain my thoughts regarding this dilemma – until about two nights ago. I’m presently reading “The Cruelty is the Point,” by Adam Serwer – a columnist for “The Atlantic.” The book is a group of essays focused on the “Past, Present, and Future of individual 1’s America and, in it, the first of a series of essays which has to do with the REAL Robert E. Lee – the focus of the “Unite the Right” protest in Charlottesville where, now infamously, individual 1 claimed there were “good people on both sides” (much to the “glee” of David Duke, sorry, couldn’t help it) – in the essay there was a quote from Frederick Douglass which captured my thoughts completely: “Between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference.” Enough said!

I have to add one more thing: I’ve suggested many times here about the results of republican STUPIDITY on themselves and maybe their blocking the “9/11 Type Commission for 1/6” will end up being the MOST egregious mistake they’ve made (for their own benefit) for years. Let me put it as simply as I can: Liz Cheney, Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff, and NONE of the other members of the Select Committee would have been part of that “Commission.” It’s a time of year to be THANKFUL – personally, I’m thankful the republicans are often so STUPID! (Check the archives for other examples) I’m thankful for the “Select Committee on January 6th).

The $200 BILLION “Build Back Better” Bill (this year), PAID FOR; conservatives say = Bad. $768 BILLION for defense, NOT paid for = Good. Go figure!

I’ve written a seemingly endless number of posts regarding my disdain for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and his attempt to put the finishing touches on America’s tilt into FASCISM. Well, of late, I’ve come to the conclusion a “bit player” in individual 1’s emergence as potentially America’s “dictator” is much more dangerous than individual 1 himself. In fact, this THUG was kicked out of the “White House” due to the reality he was getting more media attention than his boss. And, of course, I’m referring to Steve Bannon – who is fighting the January 6th Select Committee’s Contempt charges – not to benefit individual 1, but to benefit himself.

I’m convinced Bannon has, in essence, “volunteered” for this charge of Contempt to put himself into the news as the “martyr” of the “deep state’s” rejection of the “basket of deplorables” in the words of Hillary Clinton. Of course, this “basket” is full of racists, homophobes. xenophobes, misogynists, and right wingers ranging from “neo-Nazi’s” to full blown “heil Hitler” Nazi’s. In my view, Bannon falls closer to the latter (Nazi) to the former. His upcoming trial date (next summer) will allow him to build up his audience on his podcast where he’s busy radicalizing as many unsuspecting suckers as he possibly can – before he gets his one or two year jail term. Of course, Bannon is doing everything he can to make his sentence the “max” because, I believe, he feels that will set him up for “big things” once he’s out and individual 1 is running in 2024.

Here’s the deal, Bannon is MUCH smarter than individual 1 and he has his sights set well beyond the shores of this great nation. Along with the right wing media in this nation who are acting like TRAITORS Bannon is pushing for a true FASCIST authoritarian “government” in the USA and MOST of Western Europe. I don’t watch these right wing media outlets, but, today, I saw the cover of Newsmax’ “magazine” where Vladimir Putin was shown as the new “hero” (my characterization) of “conservatives” absent from individual 1 – who Putin helped put into the “White House” – being still in office.

From the standpoint of Mr. Bannon I suppose you would consider Putin your “hero” because he’s been busy undermining the Western “democracies” for (at least) the previous 10 years and that is right up Bannon’s “alley.” Bannon (and, likewise, Putin) has nothing but disdain for “democracy” – despite benefiting from it in the U.S. for much of his adult working life. Of course, that “benefit” allows him to spend piles of $$$ in order keep himself in the “limelight” as he causes his court case to last as long as possible. (My personal wish would be that Bannon would have a second court case by the time this first one gets to trial – and, of course, that would be an indictment over his role in planning the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION)

Now, here’s the deal: I’ve been pointing this out for years now – although MOST people I know look at my funny – but, I believe, over time, it will become clearer – America has been lurching toward “fascism” for, what I believe, is 40 years, but, certainly for the past 10+ with the right wing Supreme Court enabling the corporate takeover of our government to accelerate. I’ve pointed this out, by definition, the “Mussolini” form of FASCISM results from the corporate/government coalition which has been getting more extreme since the days of Ronald Reagan (“Trickle Down” economics) where republicans have succeeded in helping to funnel TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to the wealthy corporate executives who’ve increased their “stranglehold” on our economy ever since.

It should be undeniable to even the most ardent “conservative” that corporate executives have gained WAY too much POWER over the years, to the point where people like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Tim Cook, etc. etc. are not only CONTROLLING too much of our economy, but, also – finding ways to AVOID, in some cases, paying ANYTHING toward the “common good” in the form of taxes. As if they’re doing all us “little people” a favor by CHEATING on their taxes in foreign tax havens, among other ways of CHEATING. (Of course, individual 1 was the classic CHEATER, except, in my view, his jealousy of the REAL billionaires led him to wanting to be like Vlad – who is REALLY the richest person in the world)

Well, individual 1’s unbelievable level of narcissism led him to be “looking for ‘love’ in all the wrong places” – opening the door to leaches like Bannon who, as I said above, is MUCH smarter than our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. Bannon’s re-emergence back into individual 1’s good graces was fueled by his attempt to get a PARDON by supporting the INSURRECTION and his cunning plan to use individual 1 to further his ultimate goal, which, I believe, is to overturn Western Democracies into Fascist dictatorships.

And, of course, we’re seeing the support he’s getting from other right wing media outlets. Fox “news'” Tucker Carlson spent a fawning week broadcasting his show from Hungary as he was kissing up to Viktor Orban and saying, “What do we have to do to have this type of government in America?” (Or words to that effect) Individual 1 was kissing up to dictators his entire time in office – in fact, he was kissing up to Putin long before he announced his run for office. And, Bannon has been associated with the farthest right portions of Europe’s neo-Nazi/Nazi movements and essentially makes no bones about it. So, should it surprise anyone that Carlson is pushing a white nationalist agenda?

In America there is a growing number of right wing white nationalists – white nationalist sympathizers/racists who get their “information” from places like Fox, Newsmax, OANN, Breitbart, Bannon’s podcast, and some places that make those sites seem tepid. The reality is there is a significant SWATH of America which NEVER hears the actual TRUTH about the 2020 election (by now, they likely wouldn’t believe it if they heard it – have you talked to a Fox viewer of late?), they don’t believe/understand their “white grievance” is cloaked in racism, and without the FCC or some other entity intervening regarding the MISINFORMATION flowing on America’s PUBLIC airwaves – and, make no mistake, ALL these media companies are operating on PUBLIC airways – it appears the ONLY solution to this problem lies with the Justice Department.

I’ve said many times how I’m concerned Merrick Garland doesn’t have the stomach for the job at hand – which is to ENFORCE our laws – and, those who were involved in the planning, paying for, ginning up, etc. of the INSURRECTIONISTS on January 6th, 2021 OBVIOUSLY broke the LAW on that date. Sedition is AGAINST the law – I’m no lawyer and I’ve known that since I was in college taking Constitutional law back in the 1960’s but my eyes are still working – 1/6 was SEDITION. I’m concerned AG Garland fears individual 1’s base as much as Congressional republicans do – and, for that matter, republicans all across this land. The sooner individual 1 is defending himself in Court, from my perspective, the better.

And, regarding all these sycophants of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who are refusing to answer lawfully authorized subpoenas from the Select Committee investigating January 6th – I say THROW the book at them. I don’t understand all the options but Congressional “inherent Contempt” seems like the best option to me – although Bannon spending 2 years in jail will, at least, shut him up for a while. I’m sure Mark Meadows knows this, but once you choose to go the “Criminal Contempt” route, there’s no turning back – going back and testifying isn’t then an option – and, the Committee will get your “testimony” from other sources. There’s some really SMART lawyers on that Committee – plus Liz Cheney is there and, well, she’s no fool.

I believe Steve Bannon needs to be recognized as the seditious THUG he is by the Justice Department and, along with the fact he’s being prosecuted for his refusal to answer to the subpoena, keep in mind, he was right in the middle of individual 1’s “war room” and the planning which went into the INSURRECTION. Personally, I believe that’s his greatest legal liability. Heck if both he and individual 1 were prosecuted for SEDITION (20 yrs.?) all we’d have to worry about in 2024 is Ron DeSantis. None of them could succeed without all the CHEATING going on in the different states as republicans attempt to make their state elections “democratic proof” – but, somehow I have enough confidence in the American people to see through this façade and, ultimately, put it to rest.

It will take a combined effort by democrats, independents, disaffected republicans, and a younger generation which sees through the corporatism which has engulfed our nation over the previous 40 years. Joe Biden is making a good first step, but democrats continue balking at the so-called “Build Back Better” legislation which, at this point proposes just under $200 BILLION in new spending PER YEAR – which is PAID for via increased taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Americans – including wealthy tax CHEATERS and faces obstruction from a couple democrats and ALL republicans – while spending $768 BILLION on the defense appropriation bill, THIS YEAR, flies through Congress with “bipartisan support.” Go figure!

Final Thought: I started saying the TRUTH will come out “drip by drip” shortly after the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 AND, over time, I’ve been progressively been being proved correct. Well, it appears the January 6th Select Committee is bordering on some real INCRIMINATING evidence aimed directly at individual 1, and, I believe, we’ll have Liz Cheney to thank for that as much as anyone. As the saying goes, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” and, I’ve said this numerous times here, I’m not fan of Cheney’s father Dick, but one piece of advice I’d give regarding each one – select your “enemies” carefully. (And, I have to admit I admire Ms. Cheney’s willingness to give up her seat in Congress in order to OUT individual 1’s ILLEGAL behavior)

Today, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president got a “double whammy.” He was subpoenaed to appear for a deposition in the NY AG’s investigation into various FRAUD allegations on January 7th, 2022. (Couldn’t they have scheduled it one day sooner?) I’ve listened to several legal “experts” explain the ONLY way he’ll be able to dodge this deposition would be to invoke the FIFTH amendment protection “into self incrimination.” Do you remember him famously stating, back in 2016 “The Fifth Amendment is for members of the Mob” – OK, thanks for reminding me – that’s what he’s going to do. (And, by the way, at least a couple of his advisers on 1/6 are doing the same thing – talk about irony)

On top of that GOOD news – well, for many of us that is – individual 1 ALSO LOST his appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals to prevent the national archives from handing over about 700 pages of documents relating to January 6th, 2021 that Joe Biden refused to invoke “executive privilege” over. Of course, individual 1 believes he still has that “privilege” – but BOTH the district Court AND the Court of Appeals have said “executive privilege rests with the executive” – in this case that would be Joe Biden (unless you’re a QAnon wing nut)

As I keep saying, the TRUTH will come out. What’s that sound I’m hearing? Drip, drip, drip! Stay tuned!!!

One more thing: Recently, individual 1 was interviewed on Fox “News'” Mark Levin show where he – grab your seatbelt – came right out and ADMITTED he FIRED James Comey to block Comey’s investigation which, he ADMITTED, would likely have taken him down. (I’m paraphrasing – you have to see this one to believe it) So, why is this significant? He ADMITTED to OBSTRUCTION of Justice – right there on Fox! Will Merrick Garland do anything about this – OK, there’s probably a good chance Garland doesn’t watch Fox – but somebody MUST have informed him. Just another AG Garland headache? Likely. I mean Robert Mueller “memorialized” the evidence of up to TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION which Garland is highly likely NOT to investigate. Sad!

Until individual 1 is held accountable for his CORRUPTION America will continue sliding toward third world status!

It appears the Supreme Court is bound and determined to make it clear what they’ve been “up to” over the past 21 years as they are helping to turn our nation into a fascist state. Now, the issue at hand, which is abortion, isn’t really the key to my thinking on this, but it will likely make it clear to a large swath of America what the Court has been doing, kind of behind the scenes, but which will be on the front pages once they make their anticipated decision in the Mississippi abortion “ban” case. It appears three or four justices who, in their Senate confirmation hearings, led people to believe “Roe is settled law” will be, well, unsettling it.

So, let’s take a quick spin through the recent History books. In 2000, if you’re as old as me, you saw one of the original right wing MOBS in Florida causing Al Gore’s apparent victory in that state – governed by the BROTHER of GW Bush – to be overturned in Bush’s favor – without allowing for the recount which was happening (and, as far as I know the ACTUAL results have NEVER been published – can you imagine if Gore had the individual 1 precedent?) and INSTALLING GW Bush/Cheney into the “White House.” And, we all know what happened during their reign – well, lest you forget: Iraq, Afghanistan, Huge deficits, TWO tax cuts for the rich, and an economic meltdown as they left office with their “tails between their legs.”

That’s just the start. Shortly after the economic meltdown, which President Obama and VP Biden managed to turn around (while consistently reducing the deficit during their 8 years in office) the Roberts Supreme Court made the “Citizen’s United” decision which overturned 100 years of election finance laws identifying corporations as “people.” The necessary decision for America to move toward being a “Mussolini style fascism” – ie corporate/government partnership. The amount of “dark money” entering our political process since then has been staggering. I will never forget watching Sam Alito shaking his head as if to say “no, no,” as President Obama (correctly) predicted the entrance of FOREIGN money into our politics because of that decision. This caused me to think, these judges have no idea the consequences of their decisions – in this case the classic case of “judicial legislating.”

Oh, but as I always point out, there’s more. Next was John Roberts, in his majority opinion as section five of the 1965 Voting Rights Act was GUTTED – saying we had “outgrown” the need for the requirement for states with a history of voter suppression to get “pre-clearance” from the Justice Department prior to enacting new “voting laws.” Well, we’re seeing the results of that decision over and over in 2021 – some are calling this time “Jim Crow 2.0” as states are attempting to make it more difficult for “certain people” to vote – of course, meaning “Black, Brown, young, and poor people.

If that wasn’t enough, then section two of the Voting Right’s Act was, in essence, made “null” by a decision where Alito gave the majority decision – meaning the Court was affirming the rights of states to discriminate against minorities in drawing up their district boundaries – ie, gerrymandering. I know many “educated” people who have no time for politics and, if I would run any of these abuses inflicted by the Court (with the exception, maybe, of Bush v Gore) by them the likely response would be “huh?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” When I was still teaching I asked over 20 teachers, all with Master’s Degrees, what they thought of Citizen’s United. In EVERY instance the response was, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Well, many of these teachers will be paying more attention to the Court after Roe is overturned. Yes, I know of a few teachers who oppose Roe, but MOST of them – whether they opposed abortion or not – felt it was “the woman’s right to choose.” I believe the makings of a HUGE backlash may be “brewing” as America waits for the most watched decision of the Court in the modern era. It will be interesting to see how women respond to the impending Court decision. I believe it’s going to be significant one way or another, but most believe Roe will either be overturned or significantly “gutted.”

As I’ve said here, I know many people who are one item voters and that’s their opposition to abortion. For the ones I’ve been able to talk to, it’s interesting how they respond when I point out to them abortions won’t stop should Roe be overturned. Are they concerned about those girls/women who will end up with “backroom” abortions? Are they worried about the women/girls who would die? Honestly, I’m not sure. And the plethora of issues the Court is likely to end up deciding will go a long way in determining if America will stand as a democratic republic. Citizen’s United, as I said above, introduced to a “slow roll” of Mussolini type fascism to “creep” into our nation and now we have individual 1 hell bent on turning America into a German type (WW II) type of FASCIST state.

Don’t believe me? The supporters and sycophants of individual 1 have been busy since January 6, 2021 – when the INSURRECTION failed – working on INSURRECTION 2.0. I have to admit one area where I’ve been wrong on this site was in calculating the response of the republican party to the “antics” of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. And, the issue with abortion is far from the ONLY issue which will end up in the Robert’s Court. There are voter suppression bills “popping up” in states across the nation – states which have republican legislatures – designed to allow these legislatures to guarantee their elections will work out in their favor – one way or the other.

This is where I really miscalculated how republicans would respond to individual 1. I actually thought (and wrote) that individual 1 would last only until republicans tired of his ridiculous “antics” and they would be the ones to put a stop to these “antics.” Of course, I was dead wrong. Republicans didn’t read Mueller’s report, or if they did – like William Barr – they wrote it off as “no big deal.” They refused to convict individual 1 in EITHER impeachment tria – even the 2nd one where they could have ended his participation in America’s politics once and for all. Most republicans in Congress live in FEAR of individual 1 – FEAR of a potential right wing primary opponent.

The Justice Department is bound to be challenging MANY of these voter suppression bills (or, at least they SHOULD) and, now, the reports are filtering out regarding racially motivated “gerrymandering,’ including in Texas where the increase in population via the Census comes from “people of color” and these people have been gerrymandered out of the political process. In North Carolina they have proposed a “map” almost equal to the one which has been blocked legally in the past presumably based on the idea the Court will now support their racist gerrymander. And, this is happening in multiple states.

I honestly believe Merrick Garland accepted a job which, if he had the option again, he would turn down. There are now 700 people INDICTED for the INSURRECTION, yet, as of my writing this, not ONE of the actual INSTIGATORS have been indicted. From my “layman’s” point of view, it’s clear several people, including our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, deserve to be defending their involvement in the INSURRECTION in a court of law. It’s really hard for me to watch these 700 facing prison – some lengthy prison sentences – while those who drew them to D.C. on that fateful day and ginned them up to ASSAULT our nation’s Capitol building with the clear intent to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s CLEAR election win appear to walking away “scott free.”

Worse than that, for me, is individual 1 continues promoting the so-called “big lie” and we have actual media outlets that are using public airwaves to LIE to their viewers in a way which is promoting the white nationalist movement which is now the BASE of the republican party. I still remember (quite well) the Watergate fiasco back in the 70’s and almost EVERY one of the enablers of Richard Nixon ended up in prison – including Nixon’s Attorney General. To me, what happened – and is happening – regarding individual 1 makes Nixon’s criminality look like “child’s play.” I’m pretty discouraged by the silence coming from the Justice Department regarding the INSTIGATORS of the INSURRECTION. Like I’ve said before, I believe Merrick Garland is NOT investigating the INSTIGATORS because, like individual 1’s sycophants in the republican party, he FEARS the “base” – of which about 8%, according to polls, are willing to take up arms to restore individual 1 to office.

Let me be clear: Until AG Garland gains the COURAGE to hold our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and his enablers to account – a man whose CORRUPTION is “off the charts,” – things will continue to deteriorate. Here’s the deal: individual 1 should be defending himself in court NOT furthering his racist vendetta against the fundamental values of the American republic. Let’s get this over with! The sooner the better!

Final Thought: I just listened to a report on the so-called “Omicron” variant of the SARS – Cov-2 pandemic (COVID) where Anthony Fauci said, “So far there doesn’t appear to be a great degree of severity to it” which I took to mean it’s not MORE severe than the “Delta” variant. The MSNBC program I was watching had a “flash” which read “Fauci said Omicron looks LESS severe than other variants.” To me, my first thought was “This is likely how he (Fauci) keeps getting all the death threats.” He did NOT say it was “less severe” than other variants, I believe he was attempting to keep people from panicking based on reports it’s more “transmissible” – keeping them from assuming this “wave” was going to be worse than the “Delta” variant.

The truth is – no one knows for sure yet – although it does appear if you’re vaccinated the vaccines are – so far – proving effective in “breakthrough” cases against “Omicron.” And, unless I’m totally mistaken, I believe other variants have not become problematic if they’re “weaker” than the “Delta” variant – which, of course, is still the prevalent cause of the disease associated with SARS-Cov-2 – and is still raging across America, filling hospitals in many sections of the country and, once again, on the increase.

As I’ve said here numerous times, when I watch “news” on TV I choose MSNBC because I believe their “hosts” are at least trying to get things “right.” But, the level of “false equivalency” with the issues of this nation exist there – just at a miniscule level to Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “OANN,” etc. The above example of their ability to “interpret” comments is discouraging. I listen to the people on MSNBC referring to what President Biden is attempting to accomplish and, at times, you would think he’s accomplished NOTHING – despite ALREADY signing into law TWO extraordinary pieces of legislation – considering republican OBSTRUCTION. (OK, one of the pieces was bipartisan – which is an incredible victory in itself) MSNBC allows “progressives” to focus on what hasn’t passed Congress as opposed to what has during Biden’s first year.

Abortion: Why do men constantly get away with creating the problem and then “getting out of town?

I’ve said for a couple of years I would eventually write a post about my thoughts concerning the subject of abortion. The time has come because, it appears, the Supreme Court will soon be challenged to, in essence, overturn “Roe v Wade.” I grew up prior to Roe and was a very naïve young man when I entered college in 1965. I went to college, mainly, to play basketball and when I was a junior at Western Washington University (back then “State College”) in 1967 I was introduced to the “free love” years – as they were called at the time – and where students who I knew who were sexually active were paying $75 for what amounted to unsafe abortions.

At the time, as I remember it now, I didn’t have a second thought about what was happening other than it seemed wrong to me. In 1973 when Roe was decided by the Supreme Court, again, I didn’t think much about it because it didn’t affect me. However, when the first pregnancy I was involved with ended in a miscarriage and my wife had, in essence, the same procedure as an abortion – the fetus had died – I was thankful she was healthy after the procedure – which by the standard of the recent Texas law could have been deemed to be an abortion.

My thoughts were (and still are) that when a sperm cell and an egg combine, needing only “food and oxygen” to grow you have a living “thing.” To me, this is irrefutable. In total transparency I was not a “fan” of Roe when it was first decided. As I look back, I’m thankful I was never in a position to be part of a decision ending in an abortion (Well, I’m REALLY thankful that miscarriage wasn’t considered an “abortion”). That being said, it should be obvious I WOULDN’T be the one having the procedure. I have, over the years, however, given the subject considerable thoughts. Several things have caused my thoughts to evolve.

One instance which has, for years, affected my thinking: I know a woman who was RAPED at knife point many years ago resulting in a pregnancy. She chose to terminate that pregnancy, as I would have totally supported (had I been asked), and, I have to add, she had considerable misgivings post procedure. I bring this up because it’s clear to me this is an issue which us “men folk” just are incapable of understanding. Even if you take the position of many “Christians” that “Roe” should be overturned, that would do NOTHING to solve the problem of women experiencing unwanted pregnancies – for a PLETHORA of reasons.

As I watch all of this transforming it appears to me it’s, essentially, MEN who are leading the “charge” to take abortions back into the “back alleys” – which affects these MEN hardly at all. As I said above, I’m thankful I haven’t had to be in this position – other than the miscarriage involved in the pregnancy of my first child. Had I lived in Texas and my wife been forced to carry an already deceased child, well, I would have done whatever I could have to protect the health of my wife. (And, I know of several other women who had fetuses die “in utero” and had the same procedure – a couple in “late term”) The Texas law which prevents almost ALL abortion procedures makes NO exceptions – for example, for rape, incest, or for the health of the mother. In a perfect world no woman would be faced with this decision.

Of course, we don’t live in anything close to a perfect world. Over the years my views have evolved to where my present belief is “if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one.” One of the more memorable moments of the 2016 campaign for president was when individual 1 was interviewed regarding his views on abortion. He seemed hesitant when he said, seemingly in an obligatory manner, he supported a ban on abortions. (This was an “about face” from previous comments he’d made) He went further by saying “any woman who has an abortion should be PUNISHED.” As is always the case, no reference to the MAN involved in the unwanted pregnancy.

In answering a question regarding the draconian Texas anti-abortion law governor Greg Abbott suggested in Texas they were going to eliminate ALL rapes. Of course, that was one of the more STUPID comments I’ve ever heard coming from any politician, but, sadly, Abbott has not been rebuked as I thought he would over such a STUPID comment. I guess one of my curiosities is who on earth is this decision over a women’s body being determined by; MEN? I know “Christians” who have rationalized their support of individual 1 over the possibility of Roe being overturned – what I call the classic “deal with the Devil.” And, that all doesn’t make me “pro abortion.” I wish NO woman would be forced into this decision. I’ll say it again, “if you don’t believe in abortion don’t have one.”

Curiously, now we’re seeing an interesting irony coming from abortion opponents and those who are fighting to prevent Roe from being overturned. For years women have been saying “My body my choice” in support of “A women’s right to choose.” Now, of course, many of those fighting to control what a woman can do with her body are saying “my body my choice” in justifying their refusal to get a “jab” which might prevent them, and/or those around them, from going to the hospital with Covid-19. Interesting, huh? I’ll add to that, I’ve come to the conclusion over the years to two things: First as a MAN I shouldn’t be the one making this decision for a woman which I have no idea of who she is – leading me to the second “conclusion” – I believe it’s the woman’s right to decide what to do with her body.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe virtually any woman takes having an abortion, or not, as a casual decision. As I stated above there could be a PLETHORA of reasons a woman would consider an abortion. I won’t begin listing them, but, in my view, if she chooses the procedure it SHOULD be SAFE! I’m a Christian and one of the things which convinced me to believe in the teachings of Jesus is because of the “free will” necessary to make that decision “real.” I really believe in “free will” and that whatever “consequences” might occur from “a woman’s right to choose” would be between her and her spiritual beliefs. And, of course, it’s not that simple.

Try a little empathy. Consider a woman who becomes pregnant and is unable to raise a healthy child – again, for a PLETHORA of reasons. As a society, over the years since when I was back in those college days, it seems to me we’ve made it more difficult to escape being “poor.” (And, by that I mean financially) What happens to that child AFTER it’s born? Say we’re talking about a single Mom who can’t care for the child financially. I suppose republicans would suggest “have the baby and put it up for adoption.” A little over simplified in my view (It takes, essentially, a year of a woman’s life to bear a child). Let’s take a look at what republicans COULD be doing to reduce the demand for abortions.

They could support universal health care – especially for those in low socio economic situations. They could support things like FOOD STAMPS, housing subsidies, “universal Pre-K,” family medical leave, support for childcare, etc. etc. – I think you get my drift. All those things are part of the “Build Back Better” agenda of Joe Biden which will receive NOT a SINGLE vote from republicans by the time it’s passed. Republicans don’t support the “Child Tax Credit” – which is a “lifesaver” for several families I’m familiar with. So, picture yourself as a woman who becomes pregnant with no means to support the child. Do you want to gamble republicans won’t gain control of Congress and the “White House” while you’re raising that child?

Heck, countries around the world are hesitant to TRUST the United States because of the possibility either individual 1 or someone as VILE might succeed in “winning” a future election (Remember, Putin is still “busy” with his “active measures” trying to use our “freedoms” against us – supporting individual 1 surreptitiously). I wrote a while back, after reading about the “bounties” key to the Texas abortion law, I had an idea on how to reduce the demand for abortions. Fine the MAN who’s responsible for an unwanted pregnancy $10,000 maybe $20,000 and that very well might reduce the demand for abortions. That’s really the thing for me, why are MEN deciding on what women can do with their own bodies? Why do men constantly get away with creating the problem and then “getting out of town?” Stay tuned………

Final Thought: It won’t be long and the Supreme Court will be deciding whether Roe will stand or not. I listened to the confirmation hearings of EVERY one of the members of the Court (with the exception of Breyer). Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett all said, in essence, Roe was “settled law” and they believe in “stare decisis.” I look forward to comparing their decision on the upcoming challenges to Roe with their testimony before Congress. Clarence Thomas claimed he had never thought about it during his confirmation hearing and then, a few months later claimed Roe was “wrongly decided.” (Does that mean he LIED to Congress? Seems a bit “fishy” to me.)

As it’s looking Roe will be either overturned or “cut off at the knees” I can’t help but think back to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed thanks to votes by republican women, like Susan Collins, saying they got assured Roe would be “safe.” And, keep in mind, NONE of the three individual 1 appointments would have passed save for Moscow Mitch “making a cutout” in the filibuster to get extreme right wing justices passed with ONLY republican votes. Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have to be aware if McConnell ever gains majority status in the Senate the filibuster won’t stand in the way of anything he might want passed.

Kavanaugh was CREDIBLY charged with assaulting women while in High School and College and, in addition, to “drinking beer” to the point where he could use being inebriated as an excuse for his behavior. Additionally, there was NO credible investigation of charges which arose during the confirmation proceeding. Here’s the deal: The Supreme Court is on the verge of labeling themselves as exactly what the claim they don’t want – and that’s a group of “political hacks.” And, of course, they’re lifetime appointments!