Monthly Archives: December 2020

That individual 1’s cult members are switching from Fox to Newsmax will insure they remain the least informed of all Americans!

I really don’t like referring to other Americans as “stupid,” (As I’ve pointed out before, I’ve been accused of being “elitist” – apparently because I got myself “educated”) but when I listen to people who support individual 1 that word just continues coming to mind. Today, in the Washington Post I was reading an article about supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president who have switched their “viewing” from Fox “news” to “Newsmax.” Apparently, Fox has gone all “liberal” on them because they actually called the election for Joe Biden. And, oh, by the way, Biden won the election – by OVER 7 MILLION votes! A record “landslide.” (Of course, with the identical 306 Electoral College total as individual 1 back in 2016.

One after another of the people interviewed in the Post’s article were complaining that Fox “called Arizona” for Biden before any other network. Well, to me, that would say they have sophisticated network election observers – but, to the people interviewed in this article that meant they had “traitors” (or words to that effect) working at the network. They complained about Chris Wallace and, they even complained about the guys on “Fox and Friends” who, when I’ve watched it (admittedly, for short stints of, usually, less than a minute each time because, well, I can’t STOMACH all the LYING on Fox – which comes almost as frequently as if you were listening to our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

Of course, individual 1 has been “caught” LYING around 25,000 (verifiable) times since he took (LIED over) the “oath” of office. Remember, in that “oath” he “promised” to defend our constitution against threats both foreign and domestic. That would, of course, include the THREAT posed by Vladimir Putin – which he, essentially, ignored and, well, the THREAT from HIM and the republican sycophants who STILL seem to be COWERING in FEAR from his “TWITTER” finger. OMG – and, then there’s all these people complaining about “Fox” and fleeing to “Newsmax” because they still believe individual 1 “won” the previous election. Heck, he SHOULDN’T have “won” the first one back in 2016 – but his CHEATING wasn’t such public knowledge back then.

That being said, there were several of the people who were interviewed about their disenchantment with Fox “news” who said this: “I now watch “Newsmax” 8 to 10 hours per day. Honestly, this just brings that uncomplimentary word back to mind, “Stupid.” I’m always reminded of a study a few years back where Fox “news” viewers were determined to be the “least informed” of all Americans – less informed than people who watch NO news on TV. (I’m guessing those people maybe READ) I know several people who support individual 1 and who you can’t talk to about what he’s ACTUALLY doing to this nation because, well, in EVERY instance, they watch Fox. (Some deny it and then refer to Hannity as “Sean”) Now many are going to say “no” when I suggest something they’ve said makes no sense because they watch Fox and, well, now it will be because of Newsmax.

Someone, a while back, somewhere, sent my email address to “Newsmax” so I’ve been getting their newsletter for some time now and I continue to allow it into my “inbox” so that I can, once in a while, click on something and check out their website. So far, to me, it’s been a bit more tolerable, but I’ve only got about 5 minutes on their site. However, one of their “anchors,” I believe, is Sean Spicer, so I shouldn’t have to say more. He the weak kneed individual 1 press secretary who was perfectly willing to soil the press briefing room of the “White House” by LYING to the American people. Of course, ditto for the press secretary’s who’ve followed him – apparently, a requirement in republican “circles” these days.

It was interesting reading about the careers of the people interviewed for the Post article because the only thing which made sense to me as to some of the STUPID things they were quoted as saying was their admission they’ve been “watching Fox for the past 20 years.” Individual 1 is the LEAST popular (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president in American history – he NEVER got to a 50% approval rating and his DEFEAT in the 2020 election was predicted so it baffles me why so many Americans still don’t believe he LOST. I understand his base is FULL of Americans who are “White Nationalists” – and, I can say to different degrees (although, to me, to any degree is completely WRONG) the FACT African Americans voted for Biden in HUGE numbers – well over 80% of them voted for the “president elect.” It appears to me individual 1’s is claiming their votes shouldn’t count.

For example, in Wisconsin he paid $3 MILLION for a recount in two counties ONLY. And, I’m sure you can guess which ones he claimed were full of “fraud.” (Of course, completely undetectable to anyone else) You’re correct, it’s the two counties with the largest concentrations of African American voters. Do you “get” the message he’s sending out? This was the same with his complaints about Michigan – Wayne County in Detroit, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Georgia with Atlanta and the surrounding areas, and, of course, Arizona with Maricopa County, the home of Phoenix.

Individual 1 is still lashing out at the republican governors of Georgia and Arizona as if they SHOULD be able to overturn the results of the elections in their states. Some of the republicans in Georgia have been enduring death threats since the election and, who knows what will happen if, somehow, the two democratic Senate candidates manage to pull off upset wins on January 5th. (Of course, Georgia’s two republican Senators are among the MOST corrupt in the nation’s capital – which is saying “something”) The people of Georgia may end up not wanting Senators who capitalize on crises – like calling their stockbrokers (both of them) when they found out about the coronavirus – and, actually are focused on bringing relief to the people of Georgia. But, if the democrats win, the republicans in that state are going to be ridiculed even more. Apparently, in Georgia, republicans expect their leaders to “fix” the results of the elections.

And, while all this is going on, it appears “Newsmax” is refusing to declare Joe Biden the “president elect” of this great nation – thereby, suckering even more Fox “news” viewers to their propaganda version of “TV” – which, apparently is more ridiculous than Fox. Just MORE evidence these people are completely uninterested in the TRUTH about anything – although, I can’t believe I’m suggesting Fox is where they get the “truth.” In the article, it was reported that some of the Fox personalities are now, after the fact, acting as if individual 1 still has a “path to victory” and they’re no longer calling Biden the president “elect.” (Does no one on the “right” have any GUTS?) Should be interesting once we get to January 20th – which can’t come soon enough for me.

While I hope Fox, Newsmax, and, apparently, the “OAN network” have a brawl over all these “ditto heads” – who, likely, are also devotees of Rush Limbaugh (another person who’s been LYING for money since the 1980’s) it still grieves me to feel like so many Americans are WILLFULLY putting themselves in the category which can be described as “stupid.” Again, I hate to say that, but when you listen to what’s coming out of their mouths there’s just no other way to describe it. Most of the people interviewed in the article said, “It was the election which did it” in regard to why they’re now abandoning Fox. I have to wonder, were they expecting Fox to simply LIE to them about the election results. Most of them are so ill-informed their response to the election “results” was predictable.

Individual 1 was setting this all up for a couple months before the election. He was even planning ALL the lawsuits which were TOTALLY frivolous BEFORE the election and, as LIARS go, they themselves eventually start believing their LIES are “true” even though the design of the “Big Lie Theory” with which our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president operates is designed for his followers to be the “believers” – which, of course, they are. Individual 1 was urging his voters to NOT vote by mail as he was attempting to throw a “monkeywrench” into the Postal Service’s ability to deliver the absentee/mail in ballots. (Remember, he complained about the “ballots” for a couple months leading up to the election)

Well, anyone paying attention KNEW there were going to be a LOT of ballots coming in the mail, especially because of the coronavirus pandemic which individual 1, himself, had made much worse than it should have been at the time of the election, but that’s a story for another day. It was obvious there were going to be MILLIONS of ballots counted AFTER election day. Why? Well, in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, the election officials CAN’T count the mail in ballots until after the election day ballots are counted. So, of course, on election night, in Pennsylvania, for example, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president appeared to have a 600,000 vote “lead.”

In fact, one of my acquaintances who is a supporter of individual 1 (I can’t understand why – he’s a Christian, but, I digress) actually texted me on election night as if our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was going to be re-elected. Kind of the “too bad” you “liberal” type of text. I texted him back and said, “don’t get ahead of your skis my friend – there are over a MILLION more mail-in votes coming from registered democrats than from republicans and it looked to me as if Pennsylvania was going to go for Biden. Of course, later that night, as he had predicted he would, individual 1 declared “victory” so that he could blame his “loss” on all the “fraud” and the “ballots.” And, naturally, his CULT following has gone along “hook, line, and sinker.”

Naturally, in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania the mail in (absentee) ballots pushed Biden into the presidency. And, as a bonus, so did the mail-in voters in Georgia and Arizona AND Nevada, to put some “icing on the cake.” Here’s the deal, when a really unpopular president is facing re-election – even re-election (usually, they win re-election if it’s for a second term) where he’s proven a willingness to CHEAT – the odds are that he will LOSE. And, that’s exactly what happened with individual 1. Sadly, his “base” is a large segment of our population which will accept someone as CORRUPT and DISHONEST as individual 1 in return for judges and ?????

And, as he’s proving a willingness to disenfranchise African Americans by the MILLIONS we KNOW exactly where he’s coming from. I mean, I didn’t need this election to understand this – he of the “birther movement,” or the “shithole countries” comment, or the “go back to your country” comments to the so-called “squad” (THIS is their COUNTRY), or the issue with the “Central Park Five,” or the reality when he and his father were, essentially, “slumlords” back in the 70’s and 80’s their refusals to rent to African Americans said it all. And, when you hear someone state, repeatedly, “I’m the least racist person you know” well, you KNOW he’s probably the MOST racist person you know.

For some of individual 1’s followers the word “stupid” would be inappropriate. And, I’m talking about all the “White Supremacists,” “neo-Nazi” militia types who are what Hillary Clinton referred to as the “basket of deplorables.” Obviously, that was a mistake for her politically, but she was referring to the groups which are, well, DEPLORABLE. Like the now infamous “Proud Boys,” the group I discovered a few weeks ago calling themselves “Atomwaffen” – and espousing pure Nazi BS, the group calling itself “Patriot Prayer” (That name really DOESN’T fit, to me, anyway – they’re not “patriots’ and I doubt they “pray”), there’s a group calling itself the “3% ers” who are, well, DEPLORABLE, there’s all the different cells of the “boogaloo bois” who are desirous of starting a “race war,” etc. etc. This is who Mrs. Clinton was referring to as the DEPLORABLES and who you are associated with if you’re a supporter of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

I’ll end this rant by apologizing to my friends who support individual 1 for calling them “stupid.” They’re NOT “stupid” people – they just stay STUPID things in their defense of likely the MOST CORRUPT president in our nation’s history. And, trust me, the CORRUPTION will continue to funnel out after he’s out of office and his supporters will continue to believe it’s all “lies” because they will be watching Fox, or Newsmax, or OAN or ???? as the one person in the article I referred to above 8 to 10 hours per day. What’s the saying? “garbage in garbage out.” I know some of my friends are totally aware Fox is “evil,” but they continue to subject themselves to it because they’ve been BRAINWASHED to believe progressives (liberals) are, well, the problem. Why?

Other than the abortion issue I have yet to hear one logical reason why. And, what they don’t seem to understand, in that regard – which is an issue for a totally different rant – even if Roe is overturned by the SCOTUS women will continue having abortions. I’ll save my comments on that issue for another time, but, as I said the other day, what republicans have received from individual 1 is the result of what happens when you “make a deal with the devil.” As long as these people making fools of themselves supporting our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president keep subjecting themselves to the “crazy” coming from the right wing propagandists on Fox, Newsmax, etc. etc. they will continue pushing the divide which is tearing America apart at the “seams.”

Final Thought: It’s late on the 27th, actually, it’s now the 28th and it appears a few hours ago individual 1 decided to sign the “omnibus spending bill with the Covid relief package “melded” into it – therefore, sending $600 to people like me (who don’t need it) and way too little to those who really do need it. However, in the bill, unemployment benefits have been extended for, I believe 11 weeks for those who’ve been out of work for the past 8 months or so along with money to help get the vaccines distributed around the nation. (My daughter is an RN and she got her first dose of the vaccine this past week) My wife is still teaching and, as most parents (and teachers) know, it’s imperative to get students back into the classrooms. This “digital learning” is not a sufficient way to educate our youth and they need to be back in the classrooms, sooner rather than later – which means, of course, the teachers and administrators and other adults in the schools need to be vaccinated in this first wave of vaccinations.

If individual 1 wants to leave on any kind of a “good note” he could accept the FACT he’s a “one term president” (a LOSER) and help make sure as many doses of the vaccine as possible get distributed before he leaves office. He SHOULD congratulate Biden and concede, but, of course, we KNOW he’s NOT capable of doing that. He will be lashing out until January 20th and, likely, well beyond that date – which is why him getting LEGAL accountability for his CORRUPTION is so important. If “we the people” don’t want to go through this again, we need to make it clear this really is a nation based on the “rule of law.” We need Biden to appoint an Attorney General who will, without “fear or favor,” demonstrate Joe Biden is a “law and order” president.

(We KNOW individual 1 will be handing pardons out like Halloween candy including, likely, one to himself. It is imperative Biden’s Attorney General make sure the idea of a president “pardoning himself” is challenged all the way to the Supreme Court. Let’s find out if those appointments to the court are really “originalists.”)

Individual 1 is teaching republicans what you get when you sign a “deal with the devil.”

On several occasions I’ve pointed out Vladimir Putin must be walking around with that “smirk” he had as he was standing next to individual 1 and our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was “throwing our intelligence community under the bus” back in Helsinki. Original reports of the Russian “interference” into the 2016 election were focused on Putin’s attempt to undermine Hillary Clinton’s ability to function as the “presumed” winner of the election. Mr. Putin pretty much hates Mrs. Clinton – she basically tells it like it is when it comes to Russia. However, as we all know, Putin got “the icing on the cake” when individual 1 was declared the “winner” (with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton. Only in America….). And, of course, when Putin says, “I didn’t do it,” individual 1 believes him. It’s good he chose to be our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president because he never would have made it as a sixth grade teacher.

And, I don’t believe Russia was “done” at that point, in fact Robert Mueller, when he testified before Congress said, “The Russians are still interfering and they’re going to do so in the upcoming election” (or words to that effect) What they are doing is using our free society against us in an effort to sowe doubt on our democratic process. And, of course, it’s working. He got the perfect “lackey” in individual 1 – who is either an “unwitting, useful idiot,” or he’s been compromised (my belief) by the Russians and he’s been continuously working to further Putin’s objectives from the day he (LIED ABOUT) took the oath of office.

Naturally, of course, individual 1 has been LYING ever since. Here’s the worst part from my perspective. The republican party has gone along with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president virtually every step of the way and the LYING has become second nature to almost every one of them. I’ve called their sycophantic following of individual 1 as a “deal with the devil.” (Sadly, his “base” is largely comprised of the so-called “Christian community.”) As he’s going “out the door” (Some reports are suggesting he may not return to the “White House” after heading for golf in Florida over the Christmas holiday) it appears his vindictiveness is in its full “glory.” And, of course, he won’t stop inflicting as much DAMAGE as he can to this nation in the three weeks he has left as our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

For four years, everytime I start ranting on this site about individual 1 I’ve found myself shaking my head wondering how someone this corrupt could hoodwink so many Americans to allow something like this to happen. The man is an incredibly INTENSE narcissist and he reacts with vengeance at anything he considers a “slight.” He cares about NO ONE but himself and his lackeys are getting, essentially in my view, what they deserve as he goes out the door. That being said, the DAMAGE he can possibly create by refusing to sign the Covid relief bill which is tied into the “omnibus” spending bill necessary for the government to function through next September is HUGE.

Not only would this force the government to be shut down as the new Congress is seated, but it would cause the Covid relief package to be, well, they’d have to start over on a new one – and, by then – we’re talking mid January by the time anything could be passed and then, of course, it would take weeks to implement whatever they agreed to – well, that would leave MILLIONS of Americans in the “lurch.” (Worse, obviously, than they already are) Far worse than they’d be with the insufficient bill which is now sitting on individual 1’s desk while he’s playing golf in Florida.

Let’s get real here for a moment. The death toll from the coronavirus (Sars cov-2 is how the scientists I’ve listened to call it) is soon to pass 350,000 Americans – likely three times what it should have been with strong presidential leadership (which, of course, still would have been bad and close to 450,000 by the time the nightmare of individual 1’s administration is over) and I have yet to hear individual 1 express one word of remorse for the lost lives – even if he can’t accept BLAME for his failure of leadership. The other day, in one of his rare public statements of late, he actually said he had saved MILLIONS with all the wonderful things he did – like, for example, blocking flights from China. Yikes! Everytime he opens his mouth he comes across as the opposite of the “Very Stable Genius” he’s claimed himself to be. (And, oh, by the way, he didn’t really “block” flights from China)

And, these republicans who’ve been going along with EVERYTHING he does, OMG what has been wrong with them? I’ve written about the 126 members of the House who signed on to the court challenge by the Attorney General of Texas (soon, I believe, to be on the expanded pardon list) to overthrow the 2020 American election. Several of them agreeing to overturn their own election victories. What goes through their heads? Now, every last one of those House members is in the “House of Shame” and, I hope, many beside myself will publish their names so no one forgets. (I’ve got them ALL listed in one of the recent posts in the archives)

So, what did all these traitorous House members get for their willingness to overturn a “free and fair election?” Well, now they know how the “intelligence community” felt while “under the bus.” They voted overwhelmingly to support the Covid relief bill and, sure enough, individual 1 who hadn’t given a “peep” during the process decided (rightly so) that $600 checks to the American people as the economy is “tanking” was a “disgrace.” Yep, that’s what all those 126 House members got for admitting they were willing to destroy our democratic republic. To me, they’re getting what they deserved and I hope the people in their districts are paying attention.

In order to support investigative journalism I’ve been subscribed to the NY Times, Washington Post, and a few other publications during individual 1’s reign of terror on this nation and tonight, in one of the columns, there was “footage” of one of David Perdue’s attack ads in The Georgia Senate runoff election coming up on January 5th. Talk about your DISGUSTING political advertisements. And, it appears, Mr. Perdue is every bit the LIAR as his fuhrer. Perdue is taking credit for the Covid relief bill and suggesting Jon Ossoff has been “obstructing” the bill “for months.” Honestly, I don’t know how some of these people sleep at night.

Of course, Perdue was comfortable taking inside information he got at the start of the pandemic and calling his stockbroker with an order for some changes in his portfolio. Anymore, this is not surprising about members of Congress – mostly, but not all, republicans. Perdue’s “running mate” Kelly Loeffler also managed to make some targeted “smart” trades of stock at about the same time – while they KNEW and “we the people” didn’t KNOW about Covid-19. I still don’t understand why there weren’t ethics violations in Congress, at a minimum, for both of them – but, evidently, in their “circles” this behavior is OK. So, maybe individual 1 doesn’t seem so CORRUPT to Perdue and Loeffler. What’s the saying? “Birds of a feather, flock together.” Not at all good for America, but……………. (Are you paying attention Georgia????)

Essentially, as the Post reported, individual 1’s insistance on $2000 to every adult making less than $75,000 should have “cut the knees” (my phraseology) from under both Perdue and Loeffler – but ARE the people of Georgia paying attention? Do republican even care about this kind of stuff anymore? Do they REALLY want these two CORRUPT senators to go back to Washington DC so that Moscow Mitch can continue OBSTRUCTING any progressive legislation going forward? Legislation which would be good for the people of Georgia? More options for affordable health insurance is good for republicans as well as democrats. “Crushing this virus” is what ALL of us need and it’s what will actually open up our economy and allow us to begin the recovery process from the virus and four years of individual 1! That would be good for republicans as well as democrats. For whatever reason it doesn’t seem “good” for Moscow Mitch, which is why the democrats pulling off upsets in the two Georgia runoffs is so important.

Rebuilding our infrastructure and creating MILLIONS of good union wage jobs in the process would be good for Georgia just as it would be good for virtually EVERY state in the union – plus it would be really good for our economy. Taking the lead on the FIGHT to counter the Climate Crisis is another area where progressive government action would translate into MILLIONS of high paying jobs – and these jobs would be private sector jobs facilitated by government contracts – this would be good for everyone. I could go on and on, but the reality is the people of Georgia have a “golden opportunity” to create a situation where McConnell’s ability to block legislation will be limited – and, if he reverts to constant filibusters, I believe we’d see the end of that archaic Senate practice. McConnell ended it so he could get unqualified, but right wing, judges into the judiciary and, as they say, turnabout would be “fair play.”

To me, the thing is the Senators should live in fear that progressive legislation is going to cost them their jobs. Republicans have been using the “socialist” argument against democrats for years and getting away with it – while being the worst of the socialists. They simply don’t believe funneling HUGE amounts of corporate WELFARE to the richest companies in the country is “socialism.” It’s only socialism if it benefits “we the people.” Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are “social programs” which, I believe almost all Americans who have direct experience with would agree are good beneficial programs. I’ve heard many an American who is on Medicare claim they oppose government run health care. I just shake my head????

So, individual 1 is turning on EVERYONE as he heads for the exit “stage left” and the sycophantic republicans are getting exactly what they deserve. I have to say I hope the Covid relief bill gets implemented sooner rather than later, but, the bottom line is when you “make a deal with the devil” eventually, the “bill” becomes due – and, that’s what we’re seeing with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president right now. In a couple days democrats will pass an amendment to the bill in question agreeing to the $2000 checks for “we the people.” It will then be up to the republicans to, well, vote for “we the people” (and, have egg all over their faces) OR FINALLY turn against individual 1. (And, have “egg on their faces” plus facing the wrath of their “devil” er fuhrer AND the wrath of his base of voters – like I said, the bill is coming due) If republicans fail to act and individual 1 refuses to sign the bill the result will be historically bad for republicans (and, of course, for all the people in desperate need of the assistance) and our country. Stay tuned…………………

Final Thought: I’m reading the book “Evil Geniuses” by Kurt Andersen and it’s another reminder, to me, we are facing a critical time in our history when we NEED progressives (ie liberals) to stand up and push for what they believe in. The “center” of America’s politics has been tilting to the “right” since the days of Ronald Reagan. I’ve often written about that here and Andersen’s book is like a memory refresher for me, as I’ve lived through much of what he writes about in the book. It’s simply one of many books I’ve read which FACTUALLY document that virtually every meaningful act of PROGRESS in American history comes from “liberals.”

There are so many things we take for granted which were hard won by “liberals” in years gone by that, I believe, it’s important to remember. That is why I believe Andersen’s book is a “must read” for today’s adults – especially, the young adults who are susceptible to the right wing’s message machine which is going to be “blaring” socialism, socialism, socialism in the next few years – despite the reality Joe Biden is far from a socialist. He’s a “center right” democrat who is being pushed to the left by the young members of the democratic caucus (along with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, etc.) These next four years are critical in that democrats MUST stand strong on their principles and DON’T cower as they have over and over during the past 40 years of the right wing republican assault on our economy and our middle class. As I’ve been saying for years now, “This is a war for the heart and soul of this nation” and it will require democrats to FIGHT in order to win.

(And, by the way, many of the people who’ve been voting for republicans in the so-called “rust belt” will be among the most significant beneficiaries of a liberal agenda if democrats stay strong and choose to go to those areas and explain to those people why a progressive agenda is to their benefit.)

Individual 1 is lashing out and “burning things down” on his way out the door and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

It won’t be long and I’m guessing (hoping) I won’t feel the need to spend my time writing about the antics of individual 1 – except for maybe (hopefully?) doing a little commentary on his legal troubles – but, maybe commenting on what is actually happening with our government. And, I have to say, I hope I’m commenting on a government which is working. For the past four years it became apparent to MILLIONS of Americans there was nothing more important, politically, than to vote individual 1 into the history books – as I’ve stated many times, right next to Benedict Arnold. (Remember, eventually, the TRUTH about the “collusion” with the Russians will ultimately be made public and, hopefully, Mueller’s incomplete investigation will be allowed to actually finish – for the sake of history and the sake of our nation.)

That all being said, today I’m thinking about my hope that Joe Biden can guide democrats into the rural areas of this nation which was where MOST of individual 1’s support is located and, I believe, is largely because the democrats have ignored those places. As I watched the 2020 campaign something happened which made me feel it was the epitome of the “good news bad news scenario.” And, sadly, it was the result of ANOTHER terrible tragedy which, if you’re a person of “color,” you likely considered as almost “routine.” Of course, I’m talking about the LYNCHING of George Floyd. The ensuing protests all across America have hopefully led to the “good news.” (OK, if “good news” can come from something so horrible)

I believe the awareness of the issues with social inequality was really brought to the surface and there may actually end up being some positive actions resulting from that tragedy. For starters I’m talking about the move to refocus our police departments on issues where you need police protection. For example, police officers are not trained to deal with mental health issues. There are other issues where people would be better served (and the police officers would be better served) if we had experts in whatever area it might be we are dealing with. I believe the democrats LOST millions of voters in 2020 via the “defund the police” movement which Biden did not agree with but, along with the democratic “establishment,” their messaging was poor and, in my view, there will be several young House members not returning to Congress because of that “foopah.”

I’ve always felt democrats are the ones who SHOULD be “connected” to those in rural areas. People like farmers, small business owners, etc. Democrats AREN’T trying to repeal the 2nd amendment to the constitution, but they’ve done a poor job assuring regular gun owners of that reality. Yes, MOST democrats agree with me these high powered assault weapons aren’t something intended for “hunting.” The massive amount of these automatic weapons in this country simply makes police officers less safe and opposing them is NOT a threat to the second amendment. What democrats MUST learn is better messaging. The reality is the republicans have a much more sophisticated “messaging machine” and, of course, they’ve been using the “Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich for years and democrats have failed to expose them in this regard.

I’ve been talking about individual 1’s incompetence for four years now – which, obviously, was apparent right from the start of his term (thankfully, soon to be over) – and I’ve been watching in almost disbelief as I’ve watched republicans in Congress either seem to be willing to “work” with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president or to SILENTLY fail to oppose him in classic examples of COWARDICE. Well, now we’re seeing the predictable result of all of this. Individual 1 is lashing out at any republican member of Congress who is acknowledging the reality Joe Biden will be president on January 20th. And, he’s threatening to VETO the final “Omnibus Spending Bill” which will fund the government until September of 2021 AND includes the desperately needed “Covid relief bill.”

In addition individual 1 has VETOED the Defense Spending Bill which would be giving members of the military a badly needed raise. Now, what he’s doing is putting republicans on notice they will be forced to declare publicly their undeniable “loyalty” to him – which is what he (and other mafia bosses) demands. Also, will he VETO the Omnibus Spending Bill and the Covid relief bill (which are tied together)? Both of these bills were passed with bipartisan support at levels which will override a VETO, but will republicans actually do this? That means they will have to go on record to vote AGAINST der fuhrer. Trust me, he’ll lash out at anyone who votes against him.

The Covid relief bill is desperately needed by around 20 MILLION Americans and they need the help NOW! The additional money individual 1 suggested should be in the Covid bill SHOULD be targeted to the 20 MILLION who really need it and who would almost immediately spend it but there is other stuff in that bill which would make it a travesty if Congress had to “start over.” Republicans in the Senate blocked this bill for over 9 months and speculation has been the only reason Moscow Mitch relinquished and allowed this bill be be brought to the floor of the Senate is because of the two runoff elections in Georgia, which could turn him into the “minority leader.” And, of course, individual 1 cares about none of this; Georgia’s elections, the Covid relief, the members of our military, etc.

There’s also money in the Covid bill to help with the challenge of getting the Covid vaccines to the awaiting arms around the country. He cares NOT about the DAMAGE this virus is inflicting on our nation. Yesterday OVER 3000 dead Americans and today, likely the same. As many have said, it’s like another 9/11 EVERY day. Our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president could care less. So, the question now is, will the republican party actually stand up against him and override the VETO (and, the threat of the second VETO). Individual 1 is lashing out and “burning things down” on his way out the door and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. More to come……….

Final Thought: How do you, if you’re an unpopular politician, get people to “like” you? It’s simple, GIVE them MONEY. So, just a day after the Congress agreed on a “watered down” Covid-19 relief package, individual 1, who was silent during the entire process (although I kind of remember him suggesting there should be direct payments of $2000) called the $600 payments for Covid relief “disastrous.” Well, I will be just fine with whatever comes my way but, in this instance, I have to agree with out IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president other than, where was he when they were “negotiating” this. (Although, I don’t need the money but MILLIONS do!) Did Mitch McConnell simply need to congratulate Joe Biden for individual 1 to turn on him?

While I’ll be just fine, MILLIONS of Americans are NOT “fine” right now. If someone is about to be evicted from their apartment in what city will $600 rescue them. That’s about half of the average apartment rent where I live and I’m not in a big city. There are about 20 MILLION Americans who are on the verge of losing their unemployment benefits and, yet, it took the outrage of MILLIONS of Americans to get the republicans and McConnell to agree to “half measures” pretty much throughout this relief bill – apparently so they can BLAME the resulting deficit on Joe Biden’s administration for the additional money which is still desperately needed. Here’s the deal, in the case of the extended unemployment benefits, that money goes right back into the economy and, essentially, pays for itself. And, the direct money to Americans – well, much of that will go straight back into the economy as people in this nation are hurting all over – whether in “red” or “blue” states. Hopefully, soon, we’ll be talking about “red white and blue” states.

So, it is a rare occasion where I agree with individual 1, but in this instance – no matter his motive, whatever it might be, I believe he’s right on. As I’ve written several times, had he encouraged republicans to adopt the “HEROES Act” back when it was first passed in the House he, very likely, would have prevailed in the recent election result, of which, is leading him into some very bad political “territory.” His time would have been much better spent trying to get this $2000 payment into the relief bill while Congress was negotiating, than conspiring on how to overthrow our government via “martial law.” Just writing that reminds me that Barack Obama warned individual 1 to stay away from Michael Flynn before he LIED er took the oath of office. Just sayin………….

Oh yes, there’s one more way to get people to like you, although, in this instance, it would be a lot less people than by giving large amounts of money away and that is by issuing pardons. And, individual 1 is dishing out the pardons at a record pace – and, to some really interesting recipients. Being accused as the MOST corrupt (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president in history would, I guess, make it no surprise when individual 1 is pardoning some really corrupt people. One of the guys he pardoned today was in prison for committing the largest Medicare FRAUD in history – certainly someone worthy of “mercy” right? And, three CORRUPT republican ex-Congressmen who supported individual 1, well, naturally, that’s an appropriate reason for “mercy.” Of course, ANYONE connected to the Mueller investigation who didn’t “rat” on him – well, that’s a reason for “mercy.”

Remember, accepting a pardon is tantamount to an acceptance of guilt. In addition, by accepting a pardon, I believe, you lose your 5th amendment right against self incrimination in future cases where the recipient of the pardon may be asked to testify. Like, for example, if Joe Biden’s Attorney General investigates individual 1 for the “Russia thing” (especially, the OBSTRUCTION of Justice) these pardon recipients will be required to testify if called to do so. I personally hope Biden chooses an Attorney General who agrees with Mueller that OBSTRUCTION is one of the most fundamental CRIMES against our system of the rule of law. You can be assured individual 1 will be pardoning anyone who has been caught up in his CORRUPTION, but it may come back to “bite” him – because I DON’T believe a president can pardon himself – even though individual 1 is expected to do so.

The pardons are going to be coming hot and heavy. They will further cement individual 1 as the MOST corrupt president in our history. All of this will be a FOREVER reflection on those in the republican party and as MORE and MORE Americans realize they’ve been “sucked in” to what amounts to a CULT and they’ve been agreeing with someone who has a disregard for the law. Here’s what is going to have to happen. Americans who continue to be thumbing their noses at the law – including CORRUPT politicians, right wing (or left wing) radicals – like the “Proud Boys,” “Atomwaffen,” the “3%ers,” etc. need to be facing legal accountability when they break the law, without pardons “dangling” in the future.

Just the other day I watched video of members of “Patriot Prayer” bashing in the doors to the Capitol building in Salem, Oregon. “Patriot Prayer” – for heaven’s sake, somehow that’s the name they gave themselves (and, of course, they were waving individual 1 flags during their “protest”) – well, I’m a Christian and my guess is they consider themselves of that belief – but if you could have heard the language their supporters were using, it was, well, “deplorable.” You could hear the women in the group throwing “f bombs” around with impunity while several men were at the doors of the Capital building bashing through the glass on the doors with vicious kicking. Reports were that four or five were arrested and, hopefully, they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Protesting is an American right, bashing in the doors to the Capitol building is absolutely NOT. These right wing “protests” have been turning more violent around the country and the VIOLENCE must result with accountability. These right wing neo-Nazi groups will be a lasting result of individual 1’s “win” in 2016. (With THREE MILLION votes less than Hillary Clinton)

Joe Biden will have his “hand’s full.”

It’s time for those who are violently protesting having to wear a mask to STOP and help the rest of us “crush the virus.”

Yesterday I saw a video of protesters in Boise, Idaho succeeding in blocking a “mask mandate” with one of the protesters waiving a sign which read “99% survivability is not an emergency.” This is the kind of ignorance during this pandemic which just grates on me – especially on the day when I discovered my niece, who works in the University of Washington health care system, has been infected with Covid-19 as she’s been FIGHTING this virus in the hospital she works in for the past 10 months. In fact, “her’ hospital was one of the first to be inundated with patients as Seattle was a “hot spot” at the beginning of this pandemic. Here’s the deal, check out for the actual statistics.

Of the OVER 17 MILLION Americans who’ve been diagnosed with Covid-19 over 310,000 Americans have DIED. According to the statistics on their site about 3% of those who contract the virus DIE. Of course, many have contracted the virus and not become one of the statistics, but, likewise, MANY Americans have died of Covid this past year and have not been part of those statistics either. Early on, the estimates I read was over 200 people per week in New York DYING in their homes because the hospitals were overflowing. That has happened in Houston and who knows how many other places around the country. If you get the “bad” version of this disease the onset of critical condition can happen in a matter of hours. People waving signs like the one I referenced above are likely paying attention to Fox “news” and the right wing echo chamber.

Plus, I have to add, approximately 20% of people who contract Covid-19 end up with various lasting effects of the disease. At this point in time I don’t believe the medical community understands what those lasting effects are and how long they will persist. I’ve listened to people who were diagnosed with Covid six months ago and are still having negative affects from their battle with the disease, still struggling to breathe. And, there’s more to this as I think about it and calm my anger at people who are willfully ignorant – when they get sick they’ll expect the people in the hospital to take full care of them and if they end up being intubated they’ll find a way to avoid the expense if they can, or they’ll be complaining about high medical costs. The HIGH cost for my niece (and possibly my daughter who is an RN and is exhausted from the past 10 months) is she’s SICK, her husband and her FOUR children are all exposed.

Individual 1 was pushing his “herd mentality” back during the summer and anyone, at the time, who was thinking straight understood he meant he was pursuing a “herd immunity” – ie doing NOTHING to mitigate the spread of the virus, which works for him because he’s been the LAZIEST president in my lifetime – and, of course, it was “his little secret” from those not paying close attention to all of this. The actual reality is our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has been encouraging people to get infected with the virus! I’m not kidding!

To the people carrying the signs claiming “99% survivability……….” I would point out OVER 3600 Americans DIED from Covid-19 just YESTERDAY and, likely, it will happen again today, or maybe worse. Apparently, the people who gather in the protests against mask wearing will have no idea about all this or they won’t care. This country has a large segment of the population who are susceptible to MISINFORMATION (ie LYING) and grifters like individual 1 are taking full advantage of all this. They’re raising “boatloads” of money from people who have been sucked in by the fear mongering which has permeated the right wing of our politics since the days of the republican plan for their “permanent republican ‘majority.'” People are getting rich by BRAINWASHING the vulnerable Americans who don’t seem to be able to think for themselves.

I grew up in a family with a single Mom, four kids, and I worked almost full time during High School while playing football, basketball, and baseball because my Mom had never worked when my Dad “flew the coop” and she was stuck in minimum wage jobs – at the time paying $1.25 per hour. (Yes, you read that correct) Somehow, thanks to basketball and, later the State Employment office, I made it through college eventually earning a Master’s degree in Teaching. I’m NOT “elite” – yet, on occasion I’ve been accused of being “elitist” because I expect adults in our society to take their obligation to be an informed citizen serious. I expect people who’ve learned to read to actually read something informative when forming important opinions.

So, now we’re at a place where the right wing members of our nation are not only making this virus MUCH worse for the rest of us, but “we the people” are still STAGGERING from the attempt by our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president attempting a “coup d’etat” in the aftermath of the election. Just as we saw 126 members of the House and 17 right wing Attorney Generals around the country expose themselves as out and out fascists I believe we’ll soon (January 6th) see a group of republicans in Congress who will STILL refuse to accept that Joe Biden WON the 2020 election with 306 electoral votes. We need to create the “Wall of Shame” with their names on it in BOLD so “we the people” don’t forget.

People are dying in numbers above 9/11 EVERY day – and, they don’t care. Joe Biden WON the election for president by over 7 MILLION votes and, they don’t care AND don’t accept it. It’s as if Vladimir Putin succeeded beyond his wildest dreams when he directed the ATTACK on our nation during the 2016 election – he not only got individual 1’s incompetence in the “White House” but, he succeeded in disrupting our open society – turning our “freedom” against us in an attempt to overthrow our government. And, at least until individual 1 is gone, we will have NO opportunity to provide Putin with a consequence for his ATTACK on our country. Obviously, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is NOT going to do ANYTHING to STOP the Russians. We now know they’ve been hacking into our government affairs for this past year – with no apparent response from the U.S. Who’s fault is that? Wouldn’t that be something for our “Commander in Chief?”

I started this post last week and the statistics continue to be startling. We’ve now come to accept over 200,000 new infections EVERY day as, well, routine. Deceased Americans in number exceeding 9/11 every day? Well, it’s become routine. Is it going to get even worse – despite the reality vaccines are rolling out? Yes and I can give you a good reason why. Today, I was at the Post Office and talked to the lady who has been there (this is a small “local” post office) for many years and I coached her two sons about 20 years ago when they were sixth graders and she said, “I’m not taking the vaccine.” Then she added, “I think the virus is a hoax” then realized I wasn’t in agreement and she then added, “I probably have extreme views.” One of her sons had the virus and has since recovered so, to her, it’s just like the flu.

I reminded her that, in California right now, you can’t get into a hospital unless you’re “lucky” – meaning really sick. This lady was wearing a mask because it’s required, but she started with the “I think the mask is more dangerous than the virus.” I wanted to tell her where she gets her “news” but I chose to just leave our relationship as a positive one because I’ve had too many conversations with Fox “news” viewers in the past. I know it’s better to just smile and say “thanks” and move on. This lady is an individual 1 supporter and I left wondering what she thinks of an IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president who is pondering OVERTHROWING our government – at least attempting to do so. I kind of hope he tries it because he won’t be able to pardon himself from that. I want there to FINALLY be some accountability for corrupt republican presidents. (democrats? If they break the laws as well, yes!) I hope my friend will at least draw the line here. (Even discussing this seditious behavior is ILLEGAL)

Final Thought: Today I was reading a Washington Post article titled, “The inside story of how Trump’s denial, mismanagement and magical thinking led to the pandemic’s dark winter” – and, of course, winter has just begun (Yesterday was another day with OVER 3000 Americans dying from the coronavirus’ Covid-19) and, of course, the authors of the article had to put in a response to their claims of individual 1’s incompetence with a paragraph by one of the sycophants of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president which read:

“President Trump (The only way I could get that word into this document is via copy and paste) has led a historic, whole-of-America coronavirus response – resulting in 100,000 ventilators procured, an abundance of critical PPE sourced for our frontline heroes, the largest testing regime in the world, groundbreaking treatments, and a safe and effective vaccine in record time with another to be approved in the coming days,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Matthews said in a statement. She went on to attribute the success of vaccines to Trump’s “bold and innovative leadership.”

Honestly, I don’t know where to start. To me, none of that, if it was true, is noteworthy. Wouldn’t that be the absolute MINIMUM expected of a “Commander in Chief” in the face of a once in a century pandemic. And, of course, individual 1 didn’t have much to do with the development of ANY of the vaccines, other than to encourage them to be developed as quickly as possible – in his mind, so he could win re-election. I can’t remember a single instance where he’s shown the slightest empathy to all the people suffering because of this pandemic. One of the reasons that person’s “defense” of individual 1 is so galling to me is because of the part of it I KNOW to be untrue.

My niece has been working in one of the University of Washington’s hospitals FIGHTING this virus since its inception and, just recently, she was infected with the virus. She’s been working incredibly LONG hours in the ICU unit of the hospital and when I was talking to her mother (my sister in law) about how she’s doing I learned that of the 30 members of her “team,” right now 10 of them – fully one third – are “sidelined” with the virus. Obviously, the vaccine’s a bit late for them. Here’s the rub – while Ms. Matthews is giving credit to individual 1 for ” the abundance of PPE,” the reason for all the member’s of this hospital (including my niece) getting the virus is because of the LACK of PPE. Face masks designed to be worn in one room and then discarded were forced to be reused over and over during the day. Other things like discardable gowns were being re-used because of the shortage. This EIGHT months into the crisis. To me that is the opposite of a success. Try as they might, I don’t think individual 1’s supporters will EVER be able to paint a believable picture of him as a success in dealing with this virus. He’s been AWOL since early summer and that will be a hard fact to “spin.”

Individual 1 has pardoned Mike Flynn, he’s going to pardon himself – But SEDITION is on a completely different level!

Have you ever wondered why Barack Obama FIRED Michael Flynn and then warned individual 1 not to hire him? Well, if you’ve been paying attention to the news of late you’ve got your answer. Flynn is basically committing sedition in plain sight. We’ve watched for four years as our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has been breaking LAWS in plain sight – and, it’s worked for him. He’s got about 40% of the American public who don’t care. They don’t care he’s an OVERT racist – well, many of them because they share that affliction – but, obviously, there’s a bunch of them that just don’t care. Personally, I’m not willing to allow those who blindly follow him the “disconnect.” Don’t give your support to a politician who’s obviously a racist and then tell me, “I’m not a racist.” It just doesn’t work that way – you DON’T get it “both ways.”

So, Mr. Flynn has been in the “White House” pushing our IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING president to institute “marshal law” and “overturn the election.” Essentially, Flynn is suggesting individual 1 can throw out the results of the election in states he decides he didn’t like the results and have the military oversee another election. This is, essentially, proposing a coup d’etat and is traitorous. Of course, Flynn has been busy doing this stuff since President Obama FIRED him. He’s been seen at the dinner table of Vladimir Putin, he was SECRETLY working as a lobbyist for Erdogan of Turkey while he was the first National Security Advisor to individual 1, he was violating the Logan Act during individual 1’s transition time (a peaceful transition from President Obama), and he was proving himself to be a first rate LIAR prior to being FIRED by individual 1. He’s NOT in prison right now because William Barr intervened (incredibly) in his admitted FELONY – LYING to the FBI and, of course, individual 1 pardoned him – meaning, for the third time he admitted his guilt by accepting the pardon.

Now, along with his “lawyer,” Sidney Powell – she who has been virtually “laughed” out of court in many of individual 1’s FRIVILOUS lawsuits attempting to use the courts to do what they’re not plotting to do with the military? Or, with the Proud Boys? Who knows? Do you really think our military is going to follow an order from individual 1 to declare martial law because he’s unhappy he got VOTED out of office by a MASSIVE landslide (over 7 MILLION votes). Here’s my hope in all of this: Flynn is a retired Army General and my hope is the military will call him back to active duty and COURT MARTIAL him. Can they do this? Yes, they can!

I’ve got to add: My advice to those around individual 1 I’d consider doing what William Barr is doing and that’s leaving a bit early. The reality is if you’re a close associate of this IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president you might want to “get out of dodge” sooner rather than later. For example, if you’re in the room where the discussion of a coup d’etat is being discussed you’re part of the conspiracy. We’re talking about TRAITORS to our nation – which I’ve been suggesting for quite some time would include individual 1 although MOST “White House” aides will be able to simply leave government with the tarnishment which will cover them as people willing to go along with this administration. That is, providing they realize this latest FANTASY is a “bridge too far.”

In the Mueller report there was OBSTRUCTION of Justice which could have included several members of individual 1’s staff had the Mueller “team” been aggressive prosecutors. For example, after the June of 2016 meeting between individual 1 Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and a group of Russians (supposedly with “dirt” on Hillary Clinton), while on Air Force One returning from an overseas trip individual 1 wrote a letter which was CLEARLY dishonest in order to throw off investigators to the real purpose of that meeting. Well, EVERY member of individual 1’s staff who were present as that letter was being written were liable to “conspiracy” charges relating to the FACT the letter was giving FALSE information to the public and to investigators. Obviously, members of individual 1’s “team” “owned up” in their interviews with Mueller which took them off the hook, but that’s why it’s serious to “get out of the room” when people are pondering seriously ILLEGAL behavior. (And, the fact individual 1 is still the president, he CAN’T legally attempt to overthrow our election)

There was another case where members of the staff of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president were in serious legal jeopardy. (They ALL needed lawyers as they “worked” for individual 1) When individual 1 FIRED James Comey he LIED about why he did so and sent out his message sycophants to spread that message (which, by the way, included Mike Pense) that he FIRED Comey on the recommendation of Rod Rosenstein. (This was the reason for Mueller’s appointment by Rosenstein) Well, all these sycophants (KellyAnne Conway, Sarah Sanders, Pense, etc.) were in the room when he was dictating the letter and they KNEW why he FIRED Comey – and, of course, he ended up telling Lester Holt in a NBC nationally broadcast interview he fired Comey because of the “Russia thing.”

Of course, that wasn’t good enough for our “stable genius” of a (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president so, within days, he was in the Oval Office with the Russian Ambassador and the Russian Foreign Minister where he claimed by FIRING Comey he took the “Russia thing” off the table (or words to that effect). I’m sure he thought he was safe sharing that with them because there were no American journalists allowed in the room, only journalists from RT (Russian TV). I don’t think he thought that one out fully because the Russian TV network had a lot of fun with that and, naturally, there are people outside of Russia who watch RT – including journalists in America. And, individual 1 couldn’t simply leave it at admitting to OBSTRUCTING the FBI investigation – he felt it necessary to share some highly CLASSIFIED information which allegedly put the life/lives of Israeli intelligence officers in Syria in jeopardy. A twofer for the Russians by our “very stable genius.”

That’s who’s now considering a plan to declare martial law and call in the military to overturn the election he LOST by over 7 MILLION votes. Talk about your average “very stable genius.” Honestly, I have to wonder when the members of his cult are going to thump themselves upside the head and wonder “what have I been thinking?” The guy’s in the throes of the Russians, he blundered Covid so bad we’re going to have about 450,000 Americans DEAD from Covid-19 by the time he leaves office and he’ll likely (in private) still be patting himself on the back for all the infections – getting us closer to “herd mentality.” If you’re not a fan of HISTORY, that’s MORE deaths than what we lost in WW II. Lately, we’ve been losing more Americans than we lost on 9/11 EACH day. I saw one day last week when there were around 3500 DEATHS from the disease caused by the virus.

I hope the people in Georgia are watching all of this. If they want our government to actually have a small chance of functioning going forward they’ll vote in the two democrats in the runoff elections for Senate seats how held by two republicans who appear to be among the sleaziest of a sleazy group of republican in the Senate right now. The make-up of the republicans in Congress is a great example of what the “Citizen’s United” Supreme Court decision has done to our democratic republic. If you’re not familiar with that decision it was “judicial activism” at its foremost – coming from judges who had just railed against just that in their recent confirmation hearings in the Senate. I’m talking about Chief Justice Roberts and Samuel Alito – they overturned, by most accounts, 100 years of attempts at election finance reform. The FLOOD of money, coming from “who knows where” has turned out Congress into a near cess pool regarding some of the factions – mostly the “tea party” group controlling the republican caucus.

Of course, the infamous Koch Brother (now Charles Koch – his brother David has passed away) has put BILLIONS into turning America toward his John Birch Society viewpoint over the previous 40 years and the so-called “conservatives” have been willing supplicants of Mr. Koch’s right wing agenda in order to gain access to his unlimited funding for the republicans who go along with the “plan.” And, “we the people” MUST understand this right wing assault on our nation won’t be over the day individual 1 is being dragged off the “White House” grounds. Charles Koch cares whether or not he’ll be allowed to continue POLLUTING at will so Koch Industries makes MORE money. And, of course, it’s not hard to understand that Koch is benefiting in the BILLIONS from republican policies – because his “donations” are INVESTMENTS!

Just the FACT this discussion is necessary points to how absurd and ridiculous our “very stable genius” has become. I saw his authoritarian instincts right from the start, as did many others, and those instincts, to me, identified our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president as a mob boss – calling people who tell the TRUTH “rats.” So, we know via observation he believes he’s above the law – that he can do anything he wants and anyone suggesting otherwise gets fumed at and FIRED. Well, now it’s all evolved to him, Flynn, Ms. Powell, and apparently Rudy Giuliani (plus other “White House” staffers who are likely getting really nervous and seeking lawyers) planning an actual coup d’etat – something I never thought possible in America. However, I’ve been pointing out for at least 10 years now the “present day” republican party needs to be voted into the history books – right next to Benedict Arnold.

Rumors are rampant individual 1 is planning to pardon Giuliani (who is STILL being investigated by the Southern District of New York), his children and himself, among others. And, he’s already pardoned Flynn and likely is planning to pardon Ms. Powell and anyone else involved in this incredibly STUPID attempt to overturn an election he LOST by OVER 7 MILLION votes. That’s a lot! However, I believe what they’re scheming – ie SEDITION – is beyond the (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president’s pardoning power. I don’t believe you can pre-emptively pardon a group of people you’re conspiring with to commit a CRIME – in this instance SEDITION or in an easier term to understand TREASON. It appears individual 1 may have finally drifted over the “edge.” (There’s only 29 days until Biden becomes president – someone should suggest individual 1 take a vacation for a month or so)

And, it may be too late for all these bungling boobs. Just as planning a bank robbery is illegal even if you don’t pull it off, what they’re doing is CONSPIRING to commit possibly the MOST egregious crime you can commit in America. Stay tuned………………

Final Thought: Today Congress FINALLY passed another coronavirus relief package – one that is arguably WAY too small if you’re one of the 20 MILLION Americans who’ve been upended economically by the Covid-19 effect on our economy. The total “package” is for $900 BILLION as opposed to the $3.4 TRILLION which was proposed by democrats back in May. It appears to me Mitch McConnell was finally forced to do SOMETHING, but by all accounts it is not enough, it’s another case of Congress (sort of) “kicking the can down the road.” This FAILURE to act in a way which will help the people suffering AND the economy which is STILL in recession – possibly in DEPRESSION if democrats don’t win in Georgia’s two runoff elections and McConnell continues his OBSTRUCTIONIST ways.

Here’s the irony which I pointed out back when democrats originally proposed the “HEROES Act,” and that is the democrats were TRYING to do individual 1 a HUGE favor – and, along with McConnell he couldn’t “look a gift horse in the mouth.” Had republicans agreed to the “HEROES Act” I believe the likelihood is our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would have been re-elected. Not only would that bill have propped up the economy, but there was considerable money intended to, as Nancy Pelosi said at the time, “crush the virus” – which is the MAIN reason individual 1 is now packing his bags. At the time, I understood republicans would likely refuse the “gift,” but as it turns out I believe I was correct in predicting their refusal to consider that bill could mean the end of the political line for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president.

Again: My apologies for lack of editing, I’ll try to do so later – it’s late and I’m tired – ie it’s bedtime!

Individual 1 will soon be gone, but Facebook will still be DAMAGING this nation as a conduit for the most VILE information imaginable.

I’ve been writing for MANY years about the importance of voting the “present day” republican party into the history books and the attack on our democratic foundation by individual 1 following his DEFEAT at the hands of Joe Biden, with support by 17 republican state attorney generals AND over 120 republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives, just makes my point even more emphatic. I’ve also said we NEED two political parties, but we need them to be able to communicate with each other in a way to agree on legislation which helps “we the people” who pay their salaries. (And, we are in desperate need of transparency in our public discourse – more on that below.)

That’s correct, WE pay the salaries of our legislators as opposed to all the lobbyists and the corporate puppet masters who work in the shadows of our government. It seems that for many of the members of Congress their salary isn’t enough. What’s more, I’ve also pointed out the importance of people abandoning Fox “news” and other right wing propaganda spewing organizations who are OK with the authoritarian, fascist tendencies we’ve been witnessing first hand as individual 1’s been giving us a lesson on how to turn this nation into something which is not tethered to our constitution whatsoever. To me, enemy number 1: Facebook!

I believe we need to make sure EVERY one of the members of the House who signed onto the BOGUS lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of the state of Texas (he who is reportedly seeking a pardon from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president) are made to be publicly disparaged going forward, reminded of that vote at every “turn.” We need to make sure the people in their states understand these members of the House are more obligated to their “party” than to the constitution which they swore an oath to defend when they agreed to be members of our national legislature. (My previous post NAMES every one of these politicians who belong in the “HOUSE of Shame.”) To me, they’re TRAITORS!

While individual 1 and his sycophants have been attempting to overturn the “will of the people” in this election we’ve seen the constitution “win” every step of the way including, today, when the Electoral College voted to CERTIFY Joe Biden’s VICTORY in the 2020 election. Our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has filed over 55 FRIVOLOUS lawsuits since he LOST the election (with over 7 MILLION less votes than Joe Biden) and the bulk of the republican party has proved to anyone paying attention they don’t believe in “democracy.” Every time I think of the 126 members of the House who signed on to the absurd lawsuit filed by the pardon seeking Attorney General of Texas I get angry. What a bunch of …………. I’ll let you fill in the blank. As I just said, the word TRAITOR comes to my mind.

And, if you’ve been paying attention to all the rallies by individual 1’s supporters you can’t miss all the right wing white supremacist militia types at the rallies. Groups with names like the now infamous “Proud Boys,” another calling themselves the Nazi based name “Atomwaffen,” another called the “3% ers,” and another called “Patriot Prayer.” These are the groups/gangs which come off the top of my head and, of course, there are many more (like various groups identifying as “Boogaloo Bois” – intent on starting a race “civil war”). They brandish confederate flags and Nazi paraphernalia among other right wing “stuff.” Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center and you’ll get a good idea of a large segment of individual 1’s base. If you think this is a “pleasant” group check out the web page of the group calling themselves “Atomwaffen.” If you have a soft spot for the Third Reich you’ll feel right at home. You can check it out by clicking HERE.

Normally, in America, the issue of who won this election would have been a “no brainer” long ago (actually, it was to me) but individual 1 had to prove himself to be the WORST LOSER ever! Today, the vote of the Electoral College SHOULD have calmed down anyone wondering “how do you know who won the election?” Today was the “nail in the coffin” for individual 1. But, I have no doubt he’ll be encouraging republicans to further embarrass themselves between now and January 6 – which is the date when the Electoral College votes are further certified by the Congress. And, naturally, to add a bit of “suspense” (for members of the CULT of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president) Vice President Pense will be presiding over the final certification of the election results.

Do you think individual 1 will order our (lap dog of a) Vice President to refuse stating publicly Joe Biden is the winner of the election. Congress is going to vote to “make it official” and there’s nothing Mr. Pense can do about it – but, it should be interesting watching all this. Today William Barr “resigned” a couple weeks after angering our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president by – hold on, telling the TRUTH. Mr. Barr said, “The Justice Department has found no fraud which could affect the results of the 2020 election. Do you think individual 1 will demand Pense’s resignation if he publicly states Joe Biden WON the election. As I said, this continued delirium should be interesting.

I can tell you one of the main reasons I’m very happy individual 1 has been soundly VOTED out of office is because that insured Mr. Barr would be OUT as well. As it turns out, Barr is leaving “early” to “spend time with his family” – proving, there’s NO way anyone can please individual 1 all the time – even William Barr wasn’t enough of a lackey for our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president although Barr was kissing individual 1’s ……. right up to the finish. Barr will long be remembered as the WORST Attorney General in modern American history, UNLESS, of course, you’re one of the TRAITORS who proved they don’t believe in our constitution and would be happy with individual 1 overturning our democratic republic.

Think of this – individual 1 came closer to turning our nation’s government into a right wing dictatorship and implementing fascism than Hitler did back in WW II. My father was in the Army during WW II and I still remember him and my mother discussing politics back in the 1950’s – he supporting Dwight Eisenhower and she supporting Adlai Stevenson. I bring this up because I’ve always remembered someone (I can’t remember who), when I was very young (I was born in 1947) warning that if America was to be defeated it would come from an “enemy within.” I don’t remember the exact words or who said it, but it’s always stuck in my mind. (Which is something, as I’m at that stage in life where my memory is NOT so good) Regardless, I’ve always remembered that comment as I’ve observed individual 1’s attack on our republic and have wondered, “is this the time?”

Many times over the past four years I have pointed out some of the parallels with individual 1 and the Third Reich. Of course, the republican party has been complicit in virtually every aspect of what he’s been doing since day one. I really don’t know what he has on them, but it doesn’t seem to matter how absurd he gets, they simply go along with what appears to be no thought. I said back in early 2017 our (now) IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would remain in office as long as the republicans continue to support him – me believing they would abandon him somewhere along the line. Obviously, I miscalculated the republican party – they’re far worse than I had figured – a group of COWARDS and unpatriotic “boobs.”

So, here’s something I find REALLY interesting about all of this. Naturally there’s a lot of “stuff” in the media about individual 1’s actions and people (pundits, reporters) are trying to understand the motive of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and many are suggesting he’s trying to “delegitimize” Biden’s win and his administration. And, of course, I haven’t heard a single pundit, news person, or commentator turning this absurd attempt by individual 1 into a cogent national debate if they’re right about his motive. To me, their response is absurd by many facets.

First, we SHOULD never forget individual 1 would NEVER have been our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president without the help of the Russians – if anyone was an ILLEGITIMATE president, it was him. And, think about his supporters, those 126 members of Congress who ADMITTED they don’t believe in our constitutional form of government – to me, they should forever more be considered illegitimate members of Congress. And, of course, all the Attorney Generals, from the various states, who joined the lawsuit of the pardon seeking Attorney General of Texas – they should FOREVERMORE be considered illegitimate in their offices. It’s up to the media to turn this HORRIBLE response to LOSING an election back onto the faces of individual 1 and his supporters. How can they call anyone else “illegitimate?”

I mentioned above we need “two political parties” for our system of government to work. Here’s where I believe our so-called “liberal media” has fallen so far short. Over and over, as I try to listen to people “reporting” the “news” I come away feeling as if they’re following some kind of “standard” which prevents them from telling it like it is. Yes, the discussions SHOULD be based on FACTS – and, not “alternative facts” whatever that might be – but, the media outlets need to stop with this “fair and balanced” approach Fox “news” managed to fool “we the people” into believing was good reporting. If democrats, for example, are doing something wrong call it what it is and vice versa. In my view, our “liberal media” has failed us, but not in the same way you might think if you’ve been listening to republicans.

Take the issue with Russia, for example. There can be no doubt about the Russian’s ATTACKING our nation during the 2016 election. Robert Mueller’s “team” identified the perpetrators right up to the computers they were using as they hacked into the DNC and also as they were disseminating their “spoil” to Wikileaks at strategic times during the 2016 campaign. The Russian’s had two goals, number one was to weaken Hillary Clinton’s administration (they assumed she would win just like almost everyone else) and to exacerbate the political “divide” in our country. Secondly, they wanted to help individual 1 “win,” they just didn’t think he could do so. This is all unquestionable FACTS and, yet, I hear pundits on TV get away with suggesting otherwise (usually using Kremlin “talking points”) with little to NO pushback.

“We the people” also allow outlets like Fox “news,”, etc. to get away with a right wing BRAINWASHING of their audience without the pushback necessary to make sure people understand what these outlets are actually doing. I’ve been writing about Fox and people like Rush Limbaugh (and his second tier of “talkers” willing to say ANYTHING for money) and we SHOULD be pushing back against all the MISINFORMATION much harder. Right now, thanks to these propagandists, about three out of every four republicans believe the 2020 election was “stolen” from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president when the actual “steal” took place in 2016. This “misinformation” is right out of the Kremlin’s “playbook.” They originally called it “fake news.” Let that sink in, our republican party and their media supporters are using the “playbook” of the Russians to BRAINWASH their cult following. And, the “liberal media” is caught, apparently, “looking the other way.”

This leads me to what I consider the WORST offender of all – and the largest threat to our democratic republic: Facebook. Now, keep in mind, I don’t do Facebook. My wife does and just about everyone I know does (that’s what we call a monopoly – which in the media, is REALLY dangerous) During the 2016 campaign a group called “Cambridge Analytica” – which was stationed in London – managed to “cultivate” the DATA out of Facebook and about 157 MILLION Americans (you read that correctly). They grouped the data into what they called “neighborhoods” (I believe – or a word to that effect) so they could “blast” those “neighborhoods” with targeted misinformation (LIES) these groups would be vulnerable to.

Well, along came the Russians and, sure enough, they got their hands on this data as well. Was it through “coordination” with the individual 1 campaign? Well, I can only guess, but my guess would be “your correct.” However, the end result was the Russians had the information they needed to blast these groups with a never ending flow of “fake news” (I’m sure you’ve been wondering where individual 1 got that term). Sure enough, Vladimir Putin got his wish – individual 1, his own “puppet” in the “White House” – and, we’ve seen the “fabric” of America being torn apart ever since.

And, Facebook continues unabated – getting MORE dangerous by the day – and, the Russians are continuing their ATTACK on America – it’s been ongoing now for well over the four years of individual 1’s disasterous time in the “White House” but the level of DAMAGE they’ve been inflicting on our nation has increased like a second virus since the day individual 1 LIED about his “oath” of office. Not only have the Russian’s been “lingering” in the cyberspace of Most of our Federal Government for the past eight months, or so, but do you remember the recent reporting on Putin putting bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan? Do you remember what individual 1 did about it? Just like he dealt with the election ATTACK and the ATTACK on our soldiers in Afghanistan, the ATTACK on our government institutions and American corporate interests received a yawning – NOTHING coming from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. And, the republicans? NOTHING as well. (Just think of their response if Barack Obama had ignored things like that)

Some day we’ll find out what the Russian’s had on our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president and, hopefully, we’ll find out the extent of the DAMAGE being caused by Facebook on the fabric of our nation “sooner rather than later.” Thirty three days from when I’m writing this individual 1 will be a “private citizen” (with lots of legal troubles) but Facebook will still be DAMAGING this nation as a conduit for the most VILE information imaginable. At some point Congress is going to intervene – let’s hope it happens before it’s too late. (And, of course, Facebook isn’t the ONLY dangerous “tech monopoly.”)

Joe Biden is taking office facing a MOUNTAIN of problems – starting with the Covid-19 pandemic and, at the very best, he can hope for a 50/50 Senate which might allow for some things to “get done.” However, are the democrats going to vote to get rid of the filibuster with such a “slim majority” should they get a couple “wins” in the Georgia Senate runoffs? It will take courage to face up to many of these challenges and the future of our nation lies in the balance. Do we want another démagogue at the helm in the future? Will our media expose the TRUTH behind individual 1’s base and/or will Biden push back against all the hate groups which flourished under our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president? The next couple of years will continue to be critical ones in the unfolding history of this nation. We’ll either deal with our “original sin” or the right wing backlash coming from the white supremacist groups spread throughout our nation will be allowed to continue without pushback. It really has come to, one or the other! Stay tuned…………

Final Thought: I’m my lifetime I’ve seen no one remotely close to individual 1 when it comes to being vindictive. He depends on people worshiping the ground he walks on and to anyone who might disagree with him, look out! He’s still fuming about the “Russia thing” – which he earned via his “collusion” with the Russians back in 2016 – but, as I just said, he felt it de-legitimized his term in office – so what will he do about that? It’s obvious, he’s doing everything he can to cause as many of his CULT members to believe Joe Biden “stole” the election from him so they won’t consider Biden “legitimate.” Touche’! And, as I’m writing this, there’s likely more. I’ve heard individual 1 wants there to be a special counsel appointed to “investigate” Joe Biden and his son Hunter. I’ll say it again, should be interesting!

The bottom line is our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is going to do as much DAMAGE to our nation on his “way out the door” as he possibly can. Why should that surprise me? OK, it doesn’t. I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE to America he’s been causing for four years. My greatest hope is whoever Biden chooses as his Attorney General doesn’t shy away from investigating individual 1’s criminal behavior. We KNOW he’s going to “pardon himself” – he’s been telegraphing that “move” for a couple years now – the question is, can he? By my reading of the Constitution, the answer is no (Of course, I’ve had some help coming to that conclusion from people who are actually constitutional experts). Let’s hope he’s challenged if he tries it. I’m not lobbying for individual 1 to be “locked up,” but I do want there to be accountability for him and his sycophants who regularly thumbed their noses at our system of laws – as if the laws didn’t/don’t apply to them. I don’t want Joe Biden to think he could do the same ILLEGAL “stuff.”

The republicans signing on to the Texas Attorney General’s attempt to over throw the election belong in the House of SHAME instead of the House of Representatives.

I was reading the Washington Post today and Ruth Marcus, a journalist I have high regard for, did something I believe should be happening on all “fronts.” “We the people” can not allow ourselves to forget who the republicans were who signed on to the FRIVOLOUS lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, an UN-AMERICAN attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 election which was HANDILY WON by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I’m no lawyer, but it wasn’t hard to understand how ridiculous this move was – simply designed, at least on the surface, to get Mr. Paxton a pardon from the pardoner in chief, individual 1. And, large swaths of elected republicans in Congress and across the country felt the obligation to sign on to this abhorrent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’etat.

Ms. Marcus pointed out the obvious, “we the people” should not forget who these republicans who don’t have the slightest bit of COURAGE or, for that matter, respect for their OATH to our constitution as they attempt to avoid the nasty “tweet” from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. Apparently, even after he was SOUNDLY defeated at the polls they still FEAR him. Hard for me to understand, be easy for me to feel a sense of contempt for them as members of our government who are SUPPOSED to be the DEFENDERS of said constitution. Ms. Marcus listed them all by NAME and I decided I would do the same – hoping that many others would follow suit so these politicians will not be able to run away from the lack of patriotism in the next election. Obviously, they FEAR individual 1 more than their voters, but I have to believe there are voters, even in “red” districts, who are turned off by having a COWARD for a representative. Here they are:

First, the attorneys general, the chief law enforcement officers of their states, who joined Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in this legal monstrosity: Eric Schmitt, Missouri (he goes first because Missouri filed the brief); Steve Marshall, Alabama; Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas; Ashley Moody, Florida; Curtis Hill, Indiana; Derek Schmidt, Kansas; Jeff Landry, Louisiana; Lynn Fitch, Mississippi; Tim Fox, Montana; Doug Peterson, Nebraska; Wayne Stenehjem, North Dakota; Mike Hunter, Oklahoma; Alan Wilson, South Carolina; Jason Ravnsborg, South Dakota; Herbert H. Slatery III, Tennessee; Sean Reyes, Utah; Patrick Morrisey, West Virginia.

Second, the House members, including McCarthy, Whip Steve Scalise (La.); Jim Jordan (Ohio), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee; Kevin Brady (Tex.), ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee; Rep. Gary Palmer (Ala.), head of the Republican Policy Committee; and Mike Johnson (La.), who organized this constitutional abomination.

The rest, listed in order of their home state: Alabama (Robert B. Aderholt, Mo Brooks, Bradley Byrne), Arizona (Andy Biggs, Debbie Lesko), Arkansas (Eric A. “Rick” Crawford, Bruce Westerman), California (Ken Calvert, Doug LaMalfa, Tom McClintock), Colorado (Ken Buck, Doug Lamborn), Florida (Gus M. Bilirakis, Mario Diaz-Balart, Neal Dunn, Matt Gaetz, Bill Posey, John Rutherford, Ross Spano, Michael Waltz, Daniel Webster, Ted Yoho), Georgia (Rick Allen, Earl L. “Buddy” Carter, Douglas A. Collins, Drew Ferguson, Jody Hice, Barry Loudermilk, Austin Scott), Idaho (Russ Fulcher, Mike Simpson), Illinois (Mike Bost, Darin LaHood), Indiana (Jim Baird, Jim Banks, Trey Hollingsworth, Greg Pence, Jackie Walorski), Iowa (Steve King), Kansas (Ron Estes, Roger Marshall), Louisiana (Ralph Abraham, Clay Higgins).

Maryland (Andy Harris), Michigan (Jack Bergman, Bill Huizenga, John Moolenaar, Tim Walberg), Minnesota (Tom Emmer, Jim Hagedorn, Pete Stauber), Mississippi (Michael Guest, Trent Kelly, Steven M. Palazzo), Missouri (Sam Graves, Billy Long, Vicky Hartzler, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Jason T. Smith, Ann Wagner), Montana (Greg Gianforte), Nebraska (Jeff Fortenberry, Adrian Smith), New Jersey (Gregory Steube, Jeff Van Drew), New York (Elise Stefanik, Lee Zeldin), North Carolina (Dan Bishop, Ted Budd, Virginia Foxx, Richard Hudson, Greg Murphy, David Rouzer, Mark Walker), Ohio (Bob Gibbs, Bill Johnson, Robert E. Latta, Brad Wenstrup), Oklahoma (Kevin Hern, Markwayne Mullin).

Pennsylvania (John Joyce, Frederick B. Keller, Mike Kelly, Dan Meuser, Scott Perry, Guy Reschenthaler, Glenn Thompson), South Carolina (Jeff Duncan, Ralph Norman, Tom Rice, William Timmons, Joe Wilson), Tennessee (Tim Burchett, Scott DesJarlais, Charles J. “Chuck” Fleischmann, Mark Green, David Kustoff, John Rose), Texas (Jodey Arrington, Brian Babin, Michael C. Burgess, Michael Cloud, K. Michael Conaway, Dan Crenshaw, Bill Flores, Louie Gohmert, Lance Gooden, Kenny Marchant, Randy Weber, Roger Williams, Ron Wright), Virginia (Ben Cline, H. Morgan Griffith, Rob Wittman, Ron Wright), Washington (Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Dan Newhouse), West Virginia (Carol Miller, Alex Mooney), Wisconsin (Tom Tiffany).

This second group, 126 members of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, all belong, instead, in the “House of Shame.” Let us not forget. The next time, for example, we’re forced to listen to some of the self righteous blather coming from the mouth of Jim Jordan we should remind him of this SHAMEFUL moment and question whether he continues to live in FEAR of individual 1? And, Kevin McCarthy, the House member who bragged about how the Ben Ghazi fiasco in the House was fully for the purpose of tearing down Hillary Clinton’s “approval rating” – well, he should be reminded of this abomination every time he opens his mouth in public. Of course, both him and Jordan are likely to be leading the smear campaign against Kamala Harris I’ve written about in the past few weeks. It’s already started and it will come from these members of Congress who’ve just put their names on this lawsuit which was designed to overthrow our election.

As myself, and any other rational thinking American, predicted the lawsuit would be summarily THROWN out of court – 9 – 0 at the Supreme Court with even individual 1’s “pet” justices voting as anyone who’s made even a basic read of our constitution would have voted – but, apparently, their FEAR of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president was too much for all of these republicans listed above and they put their names on the lawsuit. SHAME ON all of them! Will this have lasting DAMAGE – I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE individual 1 has done to our nation for four years now and it will continue to mount right up till he’s out of the “White House” and, likely, beyond – but, yes, this will be lasting.

The CULT of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is so ingrained, the republican party is so BRAINWASHED, that these people believe anything they’re “fed” by the right wing “message machine.” And, as I’ve said, these people are all about POWER and they’re not going “anywhere” until we vote them into the history books with a massive response. As much as I’m sick of one election piling on top of the next I can guarantee you the tendency of “progressives” is to kick back, take a deep breath, and feel the job is done because individual 1 has been defeated. But, that’s a “fool’s errand.” If “we the people” want to get anything significant accomplished we need to take full control of the U.S. Senate and strengthen democratic control of the House.

And, I write this as if I’m a “democrat” – which, I’ve NEVER been a “democrat” – always an “independent” voter. However, since the days of Ronald Reagan I’ve found myself voting AGAINST republicans and that tendency hit high gear with the Bush/Cheney regime when they invaded Iraq (of course, based on LIES – that’s the republican “way”) and, worse yet, publicly authorized TORTURE and then, for all intents and purposes, bragged about it. And, their disregard of the FISA laws via surveilling “we the people” without warrants wasn’t a “selling point” for me either. Since I’ve been writing this “blog” (essentially, my personal diary in cyberspace which a few people somehow find each day) I’ve been lobbying for the “present day” republican party to be voted into the history books.

Well, it won’t be easy to do this – and, what I’m talking about is purging the republican party of it’s history of RACISM which was put on “steroids” with the election of Barack Obama, leading to the so-called “tea party” which, essentially has controlled the republican caucus since 2010. And, of course, that was the ultimate “turn to the right” which made it possible for individual 1. Sadly, America’s history with racism is, and has been, much worse than I had allowed myself to believe. I actually thought Obama’s election represented a sign America had moved forward and was ready to heal some of the wounds still existing in relation to our “original sin.” But, obviously, I was wrong, and the opposite has happened.

Now, we’ve evolved to the place where we have right wing white nationalist, neo-Nazi groups filtered all around the country who feel emboldened to take their automatic weapons out into the political “realm” with no fear of retribution. They’re acting empowered to BULLY those of us who STILL believe in our constitution by the reality “we the people” allowed a right wing white nationalist BULLY into the “White House” four years ago. I’ve read in several instances over the past four years, as I was attempting to understand who some of these right wing groups are, where various neo-Nazi groups refer to individual 1 as their “fuhrer.” I’ve read on several occasions where groups referring to themselves as “conservative ‘Christians'” suggest individual 1, who CLEARLY has a rough allegiance to the “Ten Commandments,” as sent to them by “God.”

Honestly, the level of intelligence which comes across from the supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is embarrassing when I think about how “we the people” are viewed by those around the world (save for the right wing neo-Nazi’s who are part of this movement in Europe). Our allies, despite knowing Joe Biden will be a rational leader for them to deal with as the world, hopefully, will push back on Vladimir Putin – understands “we the people” are just four years away from possibly a “redo.” And, trust me, that’s the plan of all these republicans listed above – they’re NOT in this to “defend our constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic,” they’re in this for the POWER.

So, the fight for the “heart and soul” of our nation Joe Biden referred to is simply at the beginning stage and I worry the “troops” on the “left” (ie “we the people”) will tire, lose focus and, then, “here we go again.” You can see the republicans who have NO moral compass (apparently, a requirement) lining up – ie, Marko Rubio (“little Marko”), Ted Cruz (he with the “ugly wife” and “father who conspired to murder JFK”), and Tom Cotton (totally lives in FEAR of an individual 1 nasty “tweet”) and who knows how many listed above. I applaud Ruth Marcus for LISTING every one of them in the Washington Post and I’m doing whatever I can to help. “We the people” should NEVER forget the SHAMEFUL cowardice of every one of them!

Final (lazy?) thought: I’m posting this without re-reading and editing (as I often do) – my apologies for the foopahs. Remember, I was ONLY a sixth grade teacher. (Although, most of my 6th graders were/are smart enough to see past the MOUNTAIN of LIES “we the people” have had to endure over the previous four years! And, DON’T tell me “all politicians LIE.” Of course, “all” of us have stretched the truth into our own understanding, but out and out LYING to people’s FACES is also SHAMEFUL. As SHAMEFUL as the disregard of their oath’s of office from those mentioned above. God help us!

Individual 1’s post election behavior is making the need to hold him accountable more certain! Our democratic republic is on the line!

I wrote back when Barack Obama took the oath of office the importance of holding the lawbreakers in the Bush/Cheney administration accountable so that the history of (mainly) republican administrations acting as if they’re “above the law” might cease. Naturally, then President Obama didn’t agree with me (and millions of other Americans) and chose to “look forward instead of back.” I’ve commented on why I believe that was such a HORRIBLE decision on many occasions which you could find in the archives if you don’t believe me and the administration of individual 1 is PROOF that I was correct. When you study American history you get a clear picture of why I was correct.

So, now, we’re dealing with the same question once again. And, trust me, the issue with Bush/Cheney was not the first time this was important. Take Ronald Reagan for example. He held little regard for the Congress which actually writes the laws of the land and he chose to LEAD what ended up being called the Iran/Contra scandal. ILLEGALLY selling weapons to Iran in order to ILLEGALLY gain funds to transfer to rebels in Central America who were intent on overthrowing the government of Nicaragua. All of this was illegal. Several of Reagans sycophants were charged and convicted in the scheme, but Reagan, himself, was “let off the hook” – maybe because he was already showing signs of Alzheimer’s when he was questioned, who knows – but, further example presidents seem to be “above the law” – despite their claims “no one is above the law.”

And, in the case of Iran/Contra the Vice President at the time, George HW Bush, who also avoided accountability (when obviously he KNEW about all of it – maybe was the actual ringleader as a former CIA operative and head of the CIA under Nixon) pardoned all the “actors” who were convicted in the crimes. So, you’ve got Nixon, then Reagan, then HW Bush, then W Bush, and all of that led to individual 1. Do you get the picture here? America has a history of, on the one hand claiming “no one is above the law” and on the other hand demonstrating if you’re rich and powerful (and, usually, white) you are either “above” the law or you can “avoid” the law via high powered attorneys.

I made it clear virtually the same day President Obama stated he was “looking forward instead of back” that he was insuring another corrupt republican (who knows, maybe a democrat will be as brazen now) running roughshod over our constitution – it was just a matter of time. President Obama (who I greatly admire) virtually assured a future president would authorize TORTURE when, while he was saying “America doesn’t torture,” he was refusing to allow investigations into the TORTURE which his predecessors ADMITTED on national TV they authorized – and worst yet, BOTH (GW Bush AND Dick Cheney) said they’d do it again. Just a quick reminder, authorizing TORTURE is a WAR CRIME!

Well, there’s little doubt individual 1 is the MOST corrupt (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president in history and the question becomes should he be held accountable. I’ve read numerous articles by respected constitutional law experts, people who’ve spent their careers as federal prosecutors, AND political commentators – with strong arguments on both sides – investigate and don’t investigate. Personally, I believe the issue goes well beyond the arguments of those who make cogent arguments to “let bygones be bygones.” To me, that is one of the areas of America which needs a reckoning. We’ve been ignoring our past for far too long and the issue with individual 1 is just another example of why we keep doing this. It’s the easiest way “out.”

I agree if individual 1 is investigated and he’s found to have violated the law in a manner where he needs to be indicted that would “suck the oxygen out of the room” as Joe Biden is trying to “heal” the divisions in this nation. However, ignoring the obvious will NOT allow those divisions to “heal.” I’m old enough to understand if you’ve got a problem you need to deal with, ignoring the problem won’t solve anything – the problem will simply keep showing up – time and again and, usually, worse the next time. And, in this instance the problem is a very serious one. The very future of America as a constitutional republic may lay in the balance. And, I don’t believe that is hyperbole!

In fact, it appears many of the issues which America has been “sweeping under the rug” for decades if not centuries seem to be manifest in the issue of whether or not individual 1 should be investigated and, potentially, indicted for crimes he may have committed. The most prescient to the thoughts running through my head today, of course, have to do with “is the president above the law.” To me, if those who claim individual 1 shouldn’t be investigated because it’s unlikely the courts would convict a president of crimes while in office win the argument, then for all intents and purposes the president IS above the law.

For example, take individual 1’s response to the investigation into the Russians “interfering” in the 2016 election and the question of whether anyone associated with individual 1’s campaign “coordinated” with the Russians? Despite even republicans encouraging our now IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president to just allow the investigation to take its course and, in the words of Trey Gowdy, “If you’re innocent, act like it.” individual 1 couldn’t help himself and committed, according to my reading (twice) of the Mueller report, at least TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice. This really gets to the heart of the question of whether or not the president is “above the law.” Simply put, if he’s not subject to the laws then why have a Special Counsel regulation in the first place.

Mueller made it clear, at least to me, why OBSTRUCTION is such an egregious crime – it’s often the type of crime prosecutors face when, for example, prosecuting members of organized crime. When you heard individual 1 refer to witnesses who agree to tell the truth as “rats” you should have been able to figure out what kind of (now) IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president we have – as I’ve pointed out, someone who acts like a mob boss. OBSTRUCTION is a law at the foundation of our constitutional form of government – when prosecutors are investigating criminal activity OBSTRUCTION is the act of someone who doesn’t want them to be able to do so trying to block the investigation. It really does seem simple to me – it’s a serious offense.

The question, right from the start here, was can the president BLOCK investigations into his own behavior? And, when you think about it, the original investigations we’re talking about all happened prior to individual 1 becoming our (now IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president. The alleged campaign finance violations – ie paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal to prevent their “stories” about illicit affairs with individual 1 – while his wife was pregnant with his final son – becoming public AND the alleged “collusion” with the Russians during the 2016 campaign. The OBSTRUCTION, of course, happened while in office.

Speaking of OBSTRUCTION, that’s essentially how all this “trouble” began. When I think about James Comey I will ALWAYS believe he was the reason we were dealing with all this in the first place – on two fronts. First of all, without his brazen disregard for FBI protocols just 11 days prior to the 2016 election, I don’t believe individual 1 would ever have been our (IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING) president. Secondly, his refusal (thankfully) to “pledge loyalty” to individual 1 led to his firing and ultimately to Mueller as the special counsel. (Just try to imagine how someone who spent the early part of his career prosecuting members of organized crime would have reacted to the request for “loyalty” coming from the president – talk about your “red flags”) By firing Comey individual 1 believed he had ended the Russia investigation – and, with most of his decisions, the opposite was true. That was OBSTRUCTION offense #1.

So, the FBI is SUPPOSED to be independent from the executive branch – really independent from all political entities – just think about whether the president can simply fire people in the department if he doesn’t like who they’re investigating – especially if it’s him. Well, despite all that has happened in the past four years, thankfully, on January 20, 2021 the FBI AND the Justice Department will again be independent from the executive branch because we’ll have a president who will be focused on things like “crushing” Covid-19, getting an infrastructure bill through Congress, “fixing” the Affordable Care Act so it can help MILLIONS more Americans get covered with health insurance, dealing with police reform, the CLIMATE CRISIS, and a nation which will likely be teetering on depression (just as back in 2009 – only worse) as a democratic president takes over from a republican disaster. I will be anxious to see who the new Attorney General is.

I started this post several days ago, and, as usual, I got sidetracked with my thinking, but in the interim we’ve seen individual 1 making an even MORE brazen attack on the foundation of our constitutional republic. In the past couple of days the Attorney General of the state of Texas filed a lawsuit (he desperately needs a pardon from individual 1 before January 20) – the “mother of all frivolous lawsuits” attempting to get the Supreme Court to throw out the votes in the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Apparently, because they allow African Americans to vote in those states, or ????? Who knows, this lawsuit is going to get thrown out just like the 50+ lawsuits before it. Basically, this is another attempt to get the highest court in the land to render the constitution moot. Would that make any sense? Is that what individual 1’s three appointments to the high court were expected to do?

Final Thought: I watch the “data” regarding the Covid-19 pandemic pretty much daily by checking the site: “” which tabulates EVERY positive test in EVERY state (actually, EVERY country worldwide) including EVERY death and other statistics relating to the coronavirus pandemic. For example, there’s a category in the “world” section of their data which keeps track of how many people are in “serious/critical” condition – which I take to mean those who are in the ICU or close to the ICU. (As an aside, about 1 month ago the number of “serious/critical” was about 14,000 and today, it’s over 26,000 – OK, now about 4 days later it’s 27,333) As I watch, I can’t help but remember how individual 1 and his son-in-law, back in the early days of this pandemic, were opposing additional “stimulus” after the “CARES Act” because they didn’t want to help the “blue states” which, apparently, they thought were the worst cases of the crisis. Apparently, in states that didn’t vote for individual 1 they didn’t want to provide federal support for fighting the pandemic. Sooooooooooo…………..

In the “top ten” of the states hit the worst in this pandemic we have: Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Ohio. The second ten consists of Tennessee, North Carolina, Indiana, Arizona, Missouri, Alabama, and Louisiana. Here’s my point – these are ALL American states and they ALL need help in the form of stimulus. Every state has lots of people who are in danger of economic disaster which could be difficult to recover from – like many people out on the streets – in the MIDDLE of the pandemic, no less. Yet, republicans continue BLOCKING relief to the states and the people who are in desperate need right now. Our economy COULD be headed for depression and republicans are doing NOTHING. (Maybe that is what they want to “hand off” to president elect Biden)

Today, already, (There’s an hour or two of reporting time left) there have been over 222,000 NEWLY diagnosed cases of Covid in America with around 2600 Americans DEAD and, yet, the republican party is AWOL. (I wrote that last week, the previous two days have had over 3000 deaths each day and, before the vaccine can have a significant effect I’ve heard we should be expecting days of over 4000 deaths. Yikes!) I can’t even believe I’m feeling the necessity to write these words. Do the “red” states have to get desperate before Congress is able to act? What will it take for “we the people” to finally understand today’s version of the republican party has got to go? Sadly, there’s a significant segment of the population who no longer respect our system of laws – which was the point of what I wrote above. If the people at the top are above the law then these people at the bottom are asking, “What about us?” And, individual 1 has managed to somehow cause them to believe they’re in the “same boat.” As if, individual 1 has been the victim of anything other than his own illegal behavior.

I have an acquaintance who is a supporter of individual 1 and, essentially, has been regurgitating the propaganda which has come from the “White House” and all the right wing echo chambers since the start of this nightmare. When the Covid-19 crisis began he was spouting the “herd immunity” philosophy of individual 1’s administration (save for a month or so in April/May) and suggesting to me, “It’s just another flu.” At the time, I tried to explain to him this was much more serious than a flu epidemic and the main problem with simply letting it run “wild” in our communities was that our hospitals and our doctors, nurses, and other aspects of our health care system would not be able to handle the numbers. And, that was if you’re OK with all the people who would DIE. Well, obviously, individual 1 and those who continue to support him seem to be OK with the numbers DYING. And, aside from that, many of those who contract Covid-19 and “beat it” end up with side effects of the disease which are long lasting – putting them in the “pre-existing condition” category with their insurance carrier.

And, of course, republicans have been in court just recently, attempting to overturn the Affordable Care Act (hopefully without success, but that still remains to be seen) which would eliminate the protection against insurance companies discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions in their attempt to gain health insurance. I’ll say it again, what causes every day Americans to support these people? To them I have to say, “get your head out of your……………. OK, fill in the blank.

Two days ago I heard individual 1 say this: “I’ve heard 15% of Americans have contracted the virus. That’s great! That’s how we defeat this thing.” (or words to that effect) Of course, that’s the exact words we heard repeatedly from Scott Atlas the former head of the Coronavirus Task Force. It’s so absurd it bugs me I feel the necessity to write about it. Even if this was true (and, it’s likely far from the truth) we would be looking at 2 MILLION Americans dying before this pandemic would be “over.” The reality is we KNOW of just over 15 MILLION Americans being diagnosed as being Covid-19 positive. That would be less than 5% of our population and we’ve still lost over 300,000 Americans. “Herd immunity,” if it was possible without relying on vaccines, could lead to as many as 6 MILLION Americans dying. It’s offensive to me so many republicans are OK with this. Heck, republicans in the Senate continue to refuse agreeing to a Covid relief package prior to Christmas unless McConnell gets his “get out of court free card” for his corporate cronies. God help us!

We KNOW what individual 1 is doing is TOTALLY wrong, but republicans are afraid to say so in public. That’s COWARDICE!

I wrote yesterday about my belief that the idea republicans and democrats would EVER “come together” for the benefit of “we the people” is a fools errand (OK, I didn’t use that exact phraseology) because the republican message machine will be in high gear by the time Joe Biden takes office. So, today, as I usually do, I logged onto “Yahoo Finance” to check out the market and, sure enough, there was an article by someone at the Wall Street Journal suggesting there should be no more stimulus until Joe Biden takes office “and the floodgates of spending open up.” Here we go!

Whoever it is who wrote the article (I checked, his name is Mark Adams and I’m not subscribing to the WSJ so I can only read the first part of the article) was suggesting the economy has “thrived” for the past eight months so why would Moscow Mitch agree to a stimulus package now. And, he referenced the $1.8 TRILLION package which democrats refused to go along with – without, of course, explaining why – as usual it was full of tax breaks for rich people and insurance for companies to avoid liability when they put their workers’ health in jeopardy by pressuring them to work in unsafe conditions. (ie “poison pills”) Now, of course, most people who read the WSJ haven’t worked in a meat packing plant so they don’t understand why democrats would say that kind of protection is unnecessary – there are already OSHA rules which would protect an employer from liability as long as they follow the rules. Is the republican position they don’t want employers to have to follow the rules?

Here’s the long and short of it: republicans care about the corporate bigwigs and democrats care about the workers. Additionally, democrats care about ALL those workers who aren’t working – because of no fault of their own. They’ve been furloughed because of Covid-19 or worst, they’ve permanently lost their job. And, unless you’re a “tech” person, the job market is a bit slim right now. Yes, places like Amazon have been hiring, but there are roughly 20 MILLION Americans out of work right now. Mr. Adams was, as per usual, and as I predicted, using terms like “red state” and “blue state” – with his focus on “blue states” as the ones which have been mismanaged. I’m guessing he lives in one of the “blue states” and he’s doing just fine. But, whatever? Realistically, the suffering workers are located in both blue and red states and both blue and red states are in financial trouble.

But, here’s the deal, just as the virus is RAGING in “blue” and “red” states and people are out of work pretty much across the country facing evictions and standing in line at food banks how can someone like Mr. Adams claim the economy is “thriving.” I’m always reminded of a saying I heard when I was young and someone was trying to describe what a “depression” is – he said, “a recession is when you’re out of work, a depression is when I’M out of work.” Well, Mr. Adams is doing OK so it must appear to him the economy is thriving. This is exactly what I talk about when I’m trying to articulate how “we the people” have been BRAINWASHED into believing the “market” is the economy. The reality is, in my view, there’s a HUGE difference between “Wall Street” and “Main Street.” Democrats are focused on Main Street and republicans on “Wall Street.”

And, when Mr. Adams makes the comment about the “floodgates of money going to open up” when Biden takes over I just start reflexively shaking my head. This has happened so many times in my lifetime it’s simply predictable – in fact, I’ve already predicted just this type of rhetoric coming from republicans. And, our so-called “liberal media” (Which, of course, the WSJ is not part of) will let them get away with this as they “both sides” virtually every issue. Let me explain something to Mr. Adams – the $3 TRILLION spent this past year from the “CARES Act” is the reason the economy is “flourishing.” Individual 1 will be leaving office with a record deficit this year of more likely $4 TRILLION – of which, in my view, MOST of it was justified.

When 20 MILLION Americans are out of work and standing in food lines and worrying about losing their homes and taking care of their families it’s time for the government to step in with relief – period, full stop. It was, in fact, the $600 in addition to unemployment benefits which is the reason the economy is “thriving.” However, that money has mostly been funneled back into the economy because those receiving the aid, in most cases, needed to spend it to “get by.” That was the purpose and, despite the fact republicans don’t seem to understand what a gift that was to individual 1 (and, at the time, his chances for re-election – which he blundered away with his incompetent response to the pandemic itself) so their precious stock market could recover by November what it had lost in March and April.

Mr. Adams wants to wait on the desperately needed aid – needed RIGHT now – so that democrats can’t blame the spending on individual 1 – I’m not kidding you. Doesn’t that demonstrate he could care less about all the people who need the money right NOW?! Sometimes I wonder how people like this sleep at night – you know, with the attitude “I’ve got mine, screw you.” He’s more worried about who’ll get “blamed” for the spending – in fact willing to let all the people in need suffer for a couple months so that individual 1 isn’t “blamed” for even more spending. God help us!

Of course, he’s not the only republican who thinks this way. Virtually all of them I know either think this way or they’ll believe whatever “spin” republicans come up with to avoid anyone thinking there was MASSIVE deficit spending under “their watch.” They’ve been doing this since the days of Ronald Reagan. Under their administrations the deficits blow up and, at the same time, they convince “we the people” the democrats are the “spenders.” It’s a sophisticated propaganda scheme which has been going on for well over 40 years, it comes right out of the strategy book of the Nazi’s back in the Third Reich, and, of course, it works. Tell the LIES over and over until people believe they’re true. It’s been going on for years and it won’t stop now.

It’s so effective that we just prevented a right wing fascist – essentially – takeover of our government. And, trust me, individual 1 is busy on his “way out” doing as much LONG TERM DAMAGE to our fundamental institutions as he can by January 20th. Maybe that’s the republican scheme here. Leave office with so much attention being (necessarily) given to providing aid to those suffering through the unemployment crisis that much of that DAMAGE will go unnoticed and remain entrenched in our bureaucracy. Additionally, by messing things up as much as they can, setting up their BLAMING of democrats for the problems, so that in four years we can go through all this once again.

OK, another thing Mr. Adams said which rankled the hair on my back just a bit was references to “lockdowns preferred by democrats.” Honestly, I don’t think ANYONE wanted a lockdown. I don’t think ANYONE wanted the virus to be devastating their communities. I’m guessing Mr. Adams might be living in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area of the country. What they went through in March and April was HORRIBLE. Why would you NOT lock down your community when you need temporary hospitals with THOUSANDS of beds and the bodies are being stored in refrigerated trucks? And, by the way, it’s like that in “red states” right now, like El Paso and Houston in Texas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Indiana, Florida, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, etc. etc. Looking back, the “missing 70 days” which will forever define individual 1’s response to the virus could have prevented much of the need for “lockdowns.” Just sayin………

In some of the “red states” the governors simply order their health department officials to LIE about how the virus is affecting their states and, yet, it still looks really bad. There are cities where officials are begging to be able to initiate even a mask mandate and their “red state” governor is refusing to allow it. How did we get to this place? It’s mostly old people and people of color bearing the greatest “brunt” of the pandemic so there are officials who believe that’s a reasonable trade-off to keep the “market up.” I’m actually shaking my head as I’m writing this. By now, most people have seen the clip of the Lt. Governor of Texas essentially saying just that. And, of course, most of the people in this “red state” “camp” will tell you they’re “pro life.” The hypocrisy is so thick you could “cut it with a knife.”

Here’s the other thing about this which is such a “rub” for me. Now, I’m just an ordinary middle class American. I pay my taxes and I’m thankful to be paying them – I’ve experienced homelessness in my life and I’m thankful to have overcome it. In fact, it appears I pay a significantly larger amount of INCOME taxes than our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – which, according to him, apparently means I’m not as smart as him. I’ll give him that – but only grudgingly – as I believe had my father bequeathed me a half a BILLION dollars I could have become a BILLIONAIRE – but, I digress. What was my point? Oh yes, red states vs. blue states.

I live in Washington State – the home of Microsoft, Adobe, Amazon, etc. etc. and, I’m certain, Washington state residents put well MORE into the federal “coffers” than they take out. The same goes for California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and other “blue states.” I have no doubt some of the leaders in these states have made mistakes – for example – this is a perilous time to be a governor – when people are dying in large numbers it’s got to weigh on you – if you have compassion at all. (Yes, I’m suggesting individual 1 and some of the “reg state” governors seem to be adrift when it comes to compassion) To me, it’s ridiculous to think “blue state” or “red state” when there’s a crisis going on – in reality there’s the United States and, as the saying goes, we’re stronger together than we are apart. People in my state, as far as I’ve been able to tell, don’t complain when federal aid is given to people in Florida after one of the terrible Hurricanes (which, by the way, will continue far after the Covid crisis has been resolved – just sayin……. Oops, Didn’t I just say that?)

So, republicans are enlisting people like Mr. Adams to begin the propaganda campaign already (just as I had predicted) and they’ll all be “deficit hawks” again on January 20th. Actually, some of them are leaning that way right now – like Mr. Adams – where they don’t want any relief for all the American people who are desperately needing the Covid relief until Biden is in office so they can BLAME the spending on democrats. This would just confirm the republican party is more about scheming how to maintain POWER at the expense of our PEOPLE. Every day now more people are dying of Covid than who died on 9/11. I’m almost heartbroken as the reality of where our country has evolved has FINALLY fully sunk in. When I make these predictions – which almost always come true – I, internally, hope I’m wrong.

The evolution of the republican party where they’ve come to value Wall Street more than Main Street has been what has been tearing our nation apart and their approach has been so sophisticated most of us have missed it. (Me, for a very long time) For years I always felt the democrats were afraid to defend their basic values (ie New Deal, Great Society, etc.) and that has simply allowed this rightward trajectory of the republicans to succeed. Now, individual 1 has been stopped, but not the republican party. And, democrats will be attacked by the republicans in the “same old way,” and I’m anxious to see if they revert to their previous historical reticence or if they continue to FIGHT like we’ve seen from some of the young members of the House in the previous two years.

Yes, the republicans, while LOSING the “White House,” gained seats in the House – unexpectedly. I believe because they were so focused on getting individual 1 out of office they lost focus in many of the places where House members had “flipped” republican districts in 2018. I read a couple examples where republicans put phony candidates in House elections causing the democrat to unexpectedly to lose. The republicans have been the experts at “dirty tricks” since the days of Nixon and success in the future, for democrats, will require understanding this and combating it. As we’ve all watched individual 1 attempt what amounts to a coup d’etat since he LOST the 2020 election, Congressional republicans have shown themselves to be cowards. They KNOW what individual 1 is doing is TOTALLY wrong, but they’re afraid to say so in public. The only way to describe their actions is COWARDICE!

Final Thought: I still clearly remember individual 1 back in the campaign of 2016 saying to his supporters, “You’re going to get tired of all the winning.” Of course, during his four years at the helm there hasn’t been much “winning” other than a HUGE tax cut mainly for the top “1%” of Americans, which his supporters apparently haven’t noticed – because most of them are not part of the “top 1%.” So, now that our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has LOST to Joe Biden (by OVER 7 MILLION votes) he’s initiating lawsuit after lawsuit in an attempt to overthrow “the will of the people.” (Technically, again, because he LOST in 2016, as well, in the so-called “popular vote” – or, as I put it, the “vote”) So far, by my last count, the score was 1 (minor “victory” – over about 9,000 votes in Pennsylvania which weren’t counted in the first place and won’t be counted because of minor issues with the envelope in which the ballot was sent in – and there’ve been over 53 lawsuits essentially THROWN out of court – as frivolous. I have to wonder, when will individual 1’s supporters get tired of ALL the LOSING?

For heaven’s sake, the result in Georgia was certified THREE times – after repeated recounts giving the same result. In Wisconsin individual 1 spent $3 MILLION to recount the votes in two counties (the counties with significant numbers of African Americans, surprise, surprise) and, after the conclusion of the recount, Joe Biden had 87 more votes. So, of course, then individual 1’s “lawyers” tried to get ALL the votes in those two counties thrown out because……..? Well, maybe because those were the counties which went heavily for Biden? Can you imagine what would lie ahead in America if our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would succeed in this coup d’etat? Our “democracy” (actually, we have a constitutionally defined democratic republic) would be finished. And, when you read the web pages of some of individual 1’s most fervent supporters it’s easy to understand they’d be fully OK with that. Think that’s hyperbole???

Check out the website of the group calling itself “Atomwaffen.” Or the website of the “Proud Boys” – and there’s many more. From my vantage point the least radical of these groups would be called “neo-Nazi’s.” I’ll let you characterize the more zealous. My father and “the greatest generation” fought this stuff off coming from Germany back in the 1940’s and now the question is becoming are “we the people” capable of fighting it off when it’s coming from within? How many members of the republican party are “cool” (in the words of my son) with all this? I’m not sure, but it’s time we find out. It’s time we quit acting like these people are under their rocks. This right wing RACIST “wound” in America was opened with the election of Barack Obama and it’s time to face up to the reality this exists in our nation – AND, are “we the people” OK with it? Just read the words on the “home page” of Atomwaffen. It could have come from the bowels of the Third Reich. It’s real, it’s here, and ignoring it won’t make it go away.

I hope “we the people” don’t allow ourselves to forget who the republicans are who’ve abandoned us during this pandemic!

How BAD is our worst EVER IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president? Well, there’s a lot of answers to that question which would make it seem to be a “stupid question” – but, let’s start with the Covid-19 pandemic because Americans are DYING in 9/11 numbers EVERY day now – and, it’s only going to get worse. If you remember, individual 1, prior to LOSING the November election was constantly saying the pandemic is a “democrat hoax” and, “just watch, on November 4th it goes away.” Well, it’s now December 4th, it hasn’t “gone away,” and, in fact, it’s getting unbelievably worse and individual 1 and his supporters are able to continue ignoring what is now almost 3000 deaths per day. By the first of next year the death totals very likely will exceed 4000 per day. I shudder to even predict the numbers because 4000 is abhorrible and knowing there’s so many Americans ignoring this grieves my heart. This doesn’t feel like the country I grew up in.

Sadly, many of the Americans supporting our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president are in my peer group – “baby boomers” who’ve benefited from the wealth of this nation for most of their 70+ years on this planet. Yes, many of them are in the interior of the nation which seems to get its “news” from “Fox,” Rush Limbaugh, and other right wing propaganda outlets – and, they’re not sophisticated enough to challenge what they’re seeing and hearing. However, the DATA of the pandemic should be enough to get their attention – 3000 Americans DYING per day and accelerating rather quickly. The hospitals are overflowing and the doctors and nurses FIGHTING this battle must be reaching or at total burnout – when they go home every day realizing 35% of Americans believe the pandemic is a “hoax” must cause them fits of anger!

For the past year I was often saying “November 3rd can’t come soon enough for me.” Well, now it’s January 20th, 2021 can’t come soon enough. Get this thug out of the “White House” and all of his sad enablers before he does something even more horrific. I read Rick Wilson’s book (he of the “Lincoln Project”) a couple years ago, and while I felt uneasy reading a book by one of the chief architects of the evolution of today’s republican party – obviously, he recognized things have gone too far with individual 1 – and, he correctly pointed out in the title of the book “Everything (individual 1 – he used the surname) touches dies.” OK, those who associate with individual 1 don’t “die” but, it’s quite possible their careers will. Personally, I don’t want anything to do with anyone who has chosen to be associated with this “deplorable” person. For example, yesterday I read an article about the husband of the White House Press Secretary, Sean Gilmartin, a baseball relief pitcher. My instantaneous reaction was, as a baseball fan, I hope he doesn’t get a contract for next year.

Of course, Gilmartin is not the only professional baseball player who is associated with individual 1, it just bothered me the reason the article was written in the first place. Gilmartin took in one of his wife’s RARE press briefings and he chose to do so without a mask. EVERYONE in the press room is expected to wear a mask to protect each person there from the virus. The press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, was one of the White House staffers to contract the virus recently and those around her, at the briefing, were not wearing masks either. But, Mr. Gilmartin refused to put one on and had to be escorted from the room and, for me, that’s enough to cause me to boo him if I show up a game where he might be pitching. (More likely, I’ll be booing my TV screen).

Just in the past day or two another staffer in the White House press office has contracted the virus and, clearly, those in that building are still not taking this virus seriously. (Now, Rudy Giuliani has it) I, personally, know a few people who’ve contracted the virus and they’ve reported back to me they, fortunately, didn’t get the bad version. The last one I talked to said both he and his wife got it. He said it was like having a four or five day hangover. (I don’t drink, so I’ll let those who do interpret that statement) He did say his wife got a more serious dose, but he said he’s had the flu which hit him harder. Here’s the difference – from the flu: About 20% of those who get Covid get a more serious “version.” About 6% of those who contract the virus require hospitalization and, about 3% of those who we know have contracted it, have died. (Check out Of course, that number goes up if you’re old, like me, or if you happen to be of African American or Latinx descent. Apparently, that’s one of the main reasons individual 1 and his sycophants were/are OK with their no response response which is a national disgrace.

Of course, the list of actions of individual 1 falling into the category of “national disgrace” is a long one – but, it’s hard to get attention off the pandemic when the numbers of Covid related deaths are exceeding 9/11 EVERY DAY! And, of course, knowing it’s going to continue getting worse for, at least, the next couple of months. The first vaccine which has been submitted for emergency approval will get a result from the FDA in about a week or so. Then the challenge will be getting to the people who need it most – for starters. And, this is the vaccine which requires refrigeration at almost MINUS 100 degrees Celsius. Remember, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president, on several occasions, GUARANTEED to his supporters “Just wait, on November 4th the Covid crisis will go away.” Of course, it’s NOT going away, out hospitals are at the breaking points, and he’s still LYING about the election and doing NOTHING to help mitigate the crisis. I don’t think either he or his supporters understand, this is what he’s going to be remembered for – HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of American deaths – and, who knows, at this point in time, what the ultimate DAMAGE will have been inflicted on our Health Care system.

For MANY decades republicans have been trying to make it harder for “we the people” to get access to affordable health care. Now, of course, they’re attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act – which, if successful, will make this DISASTER much much worse, but I could never in my wildest dreams have imagined a president who would take an issue like a pandemic and virtually IGNORE it – all because he was worried the “numbers” (remember the Cruise ship at the beginning of all this) would make him look bad. He’ll likely never understand all he had to do to gain re-election would have been take a serious science guided approach to mitigating the effects of Covid – demonstrate to “we the people” he could put our interests ahead of his own and, I believe, he would have won the election resoundingly. Every step of the way he makes the WRONG decision because his NARCISSISM just won’t allow him to think of others ahead of himself.

Individual 1 continues to demonstrate he’s completely detached from reality and, when you consider the entire world is watching all this play out, it really is rather embarrassing. How could “we the people” choose someone of this “ilk” to have the keys to the nuclear codes? How could “we the people” put someone who is a proven business LOSER in charge of the greatest economy in the history of the world? How could America’s evangelical Christian “community” (I’m a Christian and count me out on this one) suggest someone who’s LIED approximately 25,000 times since taking the oath of office was “sent by God” – as I’ve heard too many of them say? I keep forcing myself to listen to people in my peer group (baby boomers) who support individual 1 and, in almost every case, I come away shaking my head about the ignorance I just listened to. (Go ahead, all me an “elitist” – but that would just be stupid on top of stupid) When I was young – in high school – I clearly remember students could drop out of school after the 8th grade and find a job which paid good enough to support a family.

Well, those people are doing OK now financially, (Thanks to “socialist programs” like Social Security and Medicare) but, at least the ones I know, don’t read and they watch, as I mentioned earlier, Fox and other right wing media. You can tell someone’s been BRAINWASHED when the first thing they say when you question their opinion on a political topic is “You’re not going to change my mind.” Of course, this is in instances where I was NOT trying to change their mind, simply trying to understand why they believed whatever we were talking about – usually, something regarding “individual 1.” For example, I might ask someone (I’m thinking of one person in particular now) who tells me individual 1 is the last chance we have to have a “conservative” president, what is it about him which causes you to believe he’s “conservative.” I have yet to meet ONE person who supports individual 1 who can give actual factual “data” to support their “contentions” about why they support him. It’s ALWAYS regurgitating right wing propaganda – and, almost always they get MAD when I point out why their contentions aren’t supported by the facts.

Soon, these people will be blaming Joe Biden for the deficit – along with the republicans in Congress and it will be impossible to have a cogent discussion about where the deficit actually has come from – and why NOW is a critical time not to worry about the deficit. I’ve read as much as I can find coming from Paul Krugman – the economist who makes the most sense to me – and, he can explain why now is not the time to worry about deficits much better than I (duh!) and, I encourage anyone who wants to understand this to read his writings. He’s been writing Op-Ed’s for the NY Times for over 20 years, he’s written several really good books, and he’s even “taught” one of the so-called “Master Classes” online (I actually signed up for and “took” his “Master Class”) and he’s a great source if you want to understand economics.

And, when it comes to the deficit and individual 1 I will only blame PART of the HUGE increase in the deficit which has happened on his “watch,” The tax scam was entirely unnecessary and was passed, in my view, as a “payback” for all the wealthy republican donors who wanted a “return on their investment” in the 2016 election. However, this year’s deficit exceeds THREE trillion dollars with much of it resulting from the “CARES Act” – where, in one instance, people claiming unemployment benefits got an additional $600 per week on top of their unemployment check. That money, in most instances, was desperately needed (still is, by the way), most of it went right back into the economy, it prevented many Americans from losing their homes (at least temporarily – unfortunately, another stimulus bill is needed and is being blocked – as usual – by the republicans in the Senate – and, in my view, that $600 per week is what has prevented America from being in an economic depression right now.

If another stimulus bill is not passed SOON we may actually end up being in an economic depression – a situation which will be hard to get out of if the Senate remains in the control of Moscow Mitch and the republicans. And, honestly, based on their past actions, I’m not certain that’s not what they want – to leave Joe Biden’s administration in an economic calamity – apparently believing the American people are so ignorant, they’ll actually blame Biden and not individual 1. If you remember, when individual 1 took office he inherited an economy which was in the 7th year of a steady recovery from the “Great Recession” – what Bush/Cheney left for Obama and Biden. This could be much worse – in fact, the level of unemployment, as I’m writing this, is worse than at any time during the “Great Recession.” Get ready for the right wing “message machine” to kick into high gear focusing the “minds” of their CULT following to believe all their DEFLECTING of the TRUTH.

Am I happy Joe Biden WON the 2020 election (by OVER 7 MILLION votes)? Absolutely! Do I believe that’s going to solve “what ails us?” Absolutely NOT! I don’t trust all these republicans who claim to “love this country” to come along side Biden in an attempt to “crush the virus” and save the economy. It’s as if any success attributed to Biden will come across as a loss to republicans – they do see America as “red and blue.” (Of course, with a heavy dose of “white” – I’ll let you figure out that comment)

I’ve pointed this out in previous posts – that is, the MAIN reason why the republican message machine will be kicking into “overdrive” almost immediately – and, sadly, many in the CULT base aren’t sophisticated enough to understand this – but, I’m willing to make this prediction today, 12/6/2020: We all know Joe Biden is going to be 78 years old the day he takes the oath of office. There’s TWO things republicans REALLY can’t stand when it comes to politics and democrats in high office. First, and we saw this in 2016 and the years leading up to 2016: the idea of a WOMAN in power just makes their skin curl. Secondly, and we saw this for EIGHT years with Barack Obama as president: The idea of a person of African descent in the “White House” doesn’t work for republicans. President Obama was how we got the so-called “Tea Party” and, of course, ultimately, it led to individual 1 as our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president. So, how do you think republicans are going to respond to Kamala Harris as the likely “front runner” for the democratic nomination in 2024? It’s already getting ugly!

For heaven’s sake, a plethora of republicans are lining up already to take aim on the republican nomination for 2024 – which I find a bit hilarious considering individual 1 supposedly is going to lay claim to the nomination as he goes out the door. Wouldn’t that just be just rewards for people like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and a bunch of others who see themselves as going from loyal sycophant to individual 1 to the Oval Office. All I can say is OMG – what has this country – and, of course, the republican party come to? Personally, I hope individual 1 keeps his spell on the party for the next four years – while he’s battling in court over all his legal transgressions and while him and his family continue grifting HUNDREDS of MILLIONS from his unsuspecting followers. Should be quite the show. My belief is CORRUPTION of this magnitude will ultimately cave in on itself – and, at some point, the CULT will realize what has happened to them. In my dreams that leads to the demise of the republican party AND Fox “news.”

Here’s what I hope, as I mention the republicans who are thinking about their 2024 chances when THEY SHOULD be working to provide the assistance needed by those out of work thanks to this pandemic – the workers and the small business owners who are losing their businesses because of “no fault of their own.” I hope “we the people” don’t allow ourselves to forget what these republicans have NOT done during this pandemic. They’ve refused to act when MILLIONS of Americans are in desperate need of assistance. MILLIONS of our fellow citizens who’ve worked their entire working lives are now in food lines. I hope “we the people” don’t forget. I hope we don’t forget their (republicans) refusal to pass the HEROES Act. I hope we don’t forget they’ve refused to stand up to individual 1 for ANYTHING! He’s LOST the election and they still quiver in fear of his “Twitter finger.”

I just hope we don’t forget. These people (Rubio, Cruz, Cotton, and the others) are disgusting – and, almost all of them think they’re qualified to be the next president of the United States. If “we the people” forget, and allow that to happen, I guarantee you who won’t have forgotten – it will be the rest of the world! Individual 1 has proven to the world America has a large section of “uneducated voters” (in the words of individual 1 himself – when I heard him say that I had no idea what he actually meant) and “we the people” have proven we have a short attention span. That’s what republicans have thrived on and that’s what they depend on. This SHOULD be part of our “self reflection” – unless we want to be going through this again – sooner rather than later!

Final Thought: It was reported today Rudy Giuliani is the latest of the “White House” grifters to contract Covid 19. Who knows how long that will sideline him (and how many he’s spread it to?) but I do have to say I hope he gets a good dose of it. I’m not wishing him to die, but some get it worse than others and I’d like him to come out on the other side with a willingness to admit this is serious. I mean, they’re all acting as if it doesn’t exist while doctors and nurses ALL across the country are BEGGING people to follow the scientific guidelines designed to protect them from getting it. It’s the docs and nurses – and other health care providers – ie ambulance personnel, support people at hospitals, ER personnel, etc. who are working double time in the FIGHT against this while so many Americans act as if it’s a “hoax.” Heck, when I go to the store, I’m also careful to THANK all the people working there who are constantly exposed, potentially, to the virus, while working for a minimum wage – likely with little to no health insurance.

And, lastly, speaking of grifters – OMG individual 1 has raised over $200 MILLION from his CULT since the elections – I’ll say it again, SINCE the election. He LOST! So, why would he be soliciting all this money? OK, unless you’re in the CULT you know the answer. He’s grabbing as much and doing as much DAMAGE as he can on the way out the door. He’s angry America could have some how rejected him and he’s getting even. That’s what he does. And, I GUARANTEE you, he’s expecting NO one to check where all that money’s going – and, trust me, much of it will be going into his own pockets. Yikes! And his suckers, er supporters are likely to keep sending it. It really does give new meaning to grift! (OK, here’s the definition: “obtaining money by swindle”) Before you send any money, trust me, read the “fine print.”

Under the heading “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” sadly, we’re going to be seeing his children doing the same thing. I believe individual 1 Jr. is already at it – evidently planning for his own “run” sometime in the future after his daddy is through scamming “we the people.” And, trust me on this one as well – they have plans Ivanka is going to be running that “White House” before Kamala takes over. Should be interesting – stay tuned……………