Monthly Archives: December 2020

Individual 1 says he’s the “cleanest person in this country.” Why, then, does he need to PARDON himself?

It’s interesting to me listening to so many pundits talking about how individual 1 is and has been such a threat to “American democracy” and I couldn’t agree more. However, as I listen to their reasoning – all valid reasons – the one part I find missing which, I believe, MUST be exposed “sooner rather than later” is the burgeoning number of right wing para military “militia” groups all around the country who consider our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president as their “fuhrer.” These are EXTREME white nationalists who consider “democracy” to be repugnant. They will continue to believe individual 1 actually “won” the 2020 election for a reason many “observers” haven’t totally considered up to this point in time. (Hopefully, that will change) Of course, the number of Americans who can’t bring themselves to believe individual 1 actually LOST the election is far greater than these neo-Nazi’s – but, these are the ones which concern me the most.

Those in these groups, the latest one I’ve been “introduced to” (via “The Daily Kos”) refers to themselves as “Atomwaffen” and they regularly end their “meetings/training exercises” with a Nazi salute. This kind of “s@#t” is going on all around the country and these people are planning various seditious actions designed to – in the eyes of many of them – create a racial “civil war.” Here’s the reasoning they share with our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president regarding the just finished election. They don’t believe the votes of African Americans – or anyone who’s NOT white – should count. These groups are violent by their nature – but, you have to understand there are many people like Rudy Giuliani, Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell, Matt Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, etc., etc., who are going along with all of this. Essentially, the bulk of the republican party has “bought the Kool-Aid.” They’re a bunch of unpatriotic COWARDS!

I’ve seen reports about death cults in my lifetime, over the years, (full disclosure, I’m old) but nothing in America which compares to what is going on in republican circles as I’m writing this. Yes, it’s true, there are people associating themselves with the republican cult who don’t understand what they’ve become involved with, but, as I’ve stated in previous posts, I’m evolving to the point of placing the BLAME on their involvement to STUPIDITY. There’s too much obvious evidence out there to make it clear the republican party has tipped over the cliff of right wing idiocy.

For example, when in our recent history (the past 50 years) have there been republicans kissing up to the Russians? When would the republicans have been associating themselves with a “wack job” (AKA individual 1) who was associating with the world’s dictators as opposed to the world’s democracies? (ie Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, Erdogan, etc.) Looking the other way from the mounting DEATHS of over a quarter MILLION Americans with no attempt to even mitigate a global pandemic? I know I’ve been hard on republicans since the days of Reagan, but individual 1 took things beyond imagination. And, then to refuse to honor the results of a “free and fair” election? Even for republicans this is new and over the edge.

We haven’t seen much of a response to all the right wing militia’s which are planning some really untoward “stuff” coming from William Barr’s Justice Department but that MUST change come January 20, 2021. When these groups are recruiting vulnerable young white guys who believe the system isn’t working in their favor and then threaten violence against our elected government they need to be neutered. As I’ve said before, I’m hoping Joe Biden’s administration really is based on “law and order.”

Individual 1 should be the first to experience this. He (individual 1) says he believes in “law and order” – after all he said he wanted to be the “law and order” president – so, it should be no surprise when his legal transgressions become targeted by the new Attorney General and the Justice Department. In fact, it’s imperative our soon to be out of office IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president would be facing consequences for his illegal behavior. For example, the attempts to pressure people to throw out or change legitimate votes is clearly ILLEGAL. I’ve said this before (along with MILLIONS of other Americans) we have a “system of laws and not men.” No one is “above the law.” Individual 1’s list of transgressions is a long one!

I know you’ve been watching/reading the “news” so you know it’s been widely reported individual 1 is planning a plethora of PARDONS on his way out of office. The main recipients of these PARDONS are the family members of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president PLUS individual 1 is reportedly planning to PARDON himself. Wait a minute! Can he do that? PARDON himself? Well, there’s a lot of conversation on this, but the reality is NO ONE has ever done this before so we don’t know. Those constitutional law experts I’ve listened to suggest it’s unlikely this would be “constitutional” but, maybe this is why individual 1 was so concerned with getting Amy Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court.

And, why would our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president PARDON his children and his son-in-law? Here’s the interesting part of that possibility to me: What have they done which requires a pardon? Can you simply PARDON someone for any possibility? A “blanket” PARDON? Wouldn’t there HAVE to be a CRIME in order for a PARDON to be necessary? Is individual 1 suggesting his children are CRIMINALS? If our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president needs a PARDON as does his children would that confirm my allegation he’s a MOB boss? Would this suggest there’s a RICO investigation on the horizon? Today, individual 1 said he’s the “cleanest person in this country” when it comes to legal jeopardy. I have to say, which is it? If you’re so “clean” why do you need a pardon?

Yesterday, in a Washington DC courtroom a case was unsealed which suggests SOMEONE was attempting to BRIBE their way into getting a PARDON. Well, we don’t know who that person is, it was redacted – as were ALL the names – but, we do know the BRIBE- EE has to be individual 1. He’s the ONLY one with the power to “GRANT” a pardon. In fact, by the way, that’s the constitutional wording for “pardon’s” – the president has the right to “grant” pardons, which according to most scholars means you’re “giving” a pardon to someone else – you can’t “grant” one to yourself – but, I digress. We don’t know if individual 1 knew for sure about this offer of a BRIBE but it seems probable. How far did this go? We’re not going to find out for some time, but maybe this is one reason our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president believes he needs a pardon. It’s not likely this “issue” will be resolved by January 20th, 2021 at 12 PM. Stay tuned…………..

I continue hoping, at some point, “we the people” will learn what it is Vladimir Putin has/had on individual 1 causing all the pro Russian policy coming from the “White House” over the past four years. Just the other day Putin was quoted, essentially, regurgitating individual 1’s claims about our election being “rigged.” Putin suggested Joe Biden isn’t actually the President-elect and lambasted America for all the accusations, administrations previous to individual 1’s, have made toward emerging democracies which mirror the accusations of our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president is making against our own election – which, according to his own officials, was maybe the “cleanest” election EVER – thereby, once again, making the Russian support of individual 1 a rousing success. Putin’s main goal back in 2015 – 2016 with their “active measures” was to turn Americans against each other (ie create division) and cause “we the people” to question our own democratic process. Well, with the help of individual 1, Putin has a smile on his face. (Likely a smirk) Makes my stomach queezy just thinking and writing about this.

Final Thought: It’s really interesting watching the upcoming elections in Georgia, runoffs for Georgia’s two Senate seats, as both of Georgia’s present Senators – who ALSO both used their positions to trade stocks at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic making MILLIONS – are attacking Georgia’s republican Secretary of State simply because the people of Georgia voted for Joe Biden in the presidential election. Apparently both Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue – the Senators in question – expected Secretary of State (for Georgia) Brad Raffensperger to actually “rig” the election in individual 1’s favor. Looks to me as if both Loeffler and Perdue have to adopt individual 1’s ABSURD accusations of “fraud” in the recent election in order to avoid facing his wrath.

Because these two corrupt Senators are regurgitating the nonsense coming from our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president I’m guessing they’re expecting him to make a trip to Georgia in order to rally the base. This really should be interesting because if the republican voters actually believe individual 1’s – and by extension Loeffler’s and Perdue’s – accusations about the votes being rigged, then why vote? I can guarantee you Stacy Abrams and the democrats are going to be working tirelessly to turn out as many voters as they can by January 5th. Many democrats are already requesting absentee ballots – which republicans have been convinced are fraudulent – so, those republicans who will vote are likely to do so in person on election day.

Here’s my question: Is all this republican back biting and nonsensical accusations toward our election process going to come back to “haunt” them? If Joe Biden winning the state of Georgia isn’t enough to tell you Mr. Raffensperger is HONEST you’re not thinking straight. While he’s getting death threats from the “basket of deplorables” Hillary Clinton prophetically pointed out back in 2016 he SHOULD be HONORED by the rest of us. Yes, while he’s publicly said he’s a supporter of individual 1 and voted for him TWICE – his courageous stand in the face of all the right wing vitriol SHOULD be appreciated by all of us – including those of us who don’t understand how ANYONE could support someone as CORRUPT as individual 1.

Today there was a rally in Georgia where a couple real “wack jobs” were ginning up one of individual 1’s crowds of cult members – one of them was Sidney Powell who’s been doing this all across the so-called “swing states” – the guy speaking claimed individual 1 actually “won” over 400 electoral college votes – including winning CALIFORNIA! These people are nuts – yet the crowd “was going wild.” It really is embarrassing knowing this stuff is being broadcast internationally – perfect for Vladimir Putin. The speakers challenged both of Georgia’s republican Senate candidates to provide their support OR the republicans in Georgia should refuse to vote for them. Honestly, I wish them the best. Maybe Jon Ossoff and Rafael Warnock will squeak out victories to give these people more to get riled up about. They’re having a hard time, apparently, accepting so many Americans believe they’re NUTS!

I have to add: I finally decided to look up “narcissist” and what I found was interesting!

From the Journal of Personality and Individual Difference: (Personality and Individual Differences is primarily devoted to the publication of articles (experimental, correlational, theoretical, expository/review) which enhance our understanding of the structure of personality and other forms of individual differencesthe processes which cause these individual differences to emerge, and their practical applications. )


A substantial body of research has documented that grandiose narcissists are characterized by high self-esteem, a sense of personal superiority and entitlement, overconfidence, a willingness to exploit others for self-gain, and hostility and aggression when challenged. We report two studies (N = 452) that explore how these dispositions affect their decision making. We show that grandiose narcissists’ overconfidence, impulsivity, and a willingness to ignore expert advice results in a higher likelihood of making a bad decision. In addition, after getting the wrong answer, grandiose narcissists are more likely to blame others and remain self-confident in their judgment.

Finally, more current examples of these effects can be seen in the current political sphere. Several studies have noted that President Donald Trump scores very high on narcissism (Malkin, 2017Nai and Maier, 2018Visser et al., 2017). Two New York Times journalists who cover the President and the White House commented on why the U.S government was unprepared for the COVID-19 outbreak. They noted that Trump’s “profound need for personal praise, the propensity to blame others, the penchant for rewriting history, the lack of human empathy, the disregard for expertise, the distortion of facts, the impatience with scrutiny or criticism” were at the root of the problem (Baker & Haberman, 2020). The issue was not a lack of information but his overconfidence in his own abilities, his unwillingness to listen to experts, and to his impulsive decision making.

I wrote that (well, actually, I simply copied it into this rant) because I’m very concerned about the DAMAGE individual 1 can inflict on America as he’s ushered out of the “White House.” When you read, carefully, the definition of a “grandiose narcissist,” it should provide you with some thoughts about the “possibilities” individual 1 is still capable of which might make it harder to sleep at night. He’s certainly in the “blaming others” stage and has shown a propensity to “ignore expert advice.” Remember he’s walking around with the nuclear codes and he, apparently, is going to do as much as he can to make Joe Biden’s administration be “hamstrung.” Just as Senate republicans have shown they value POWER over COUNTRY and, clearly, individual 1 is confirming what those of us who have claimed he cares not for this country, but only about himself, what we’ve been saying for almost the entire four years. As I’m writing this there’s 49 days left until this nightmare ends – what will he do to “get even” with all us Americans who voted AGAINST him. I believe he’s mentally deranged. Read above again and see if you agree?