Monthly Archives: January 2019

America’s national security is NOT dangered by the lack of Trump’s wall, the danger to America’s national security comes from Trump himself!

Finally, as I’m listening to commentators on the Cable “news” networks – I, as I’ve said many times here, watch MSNBC when I choose to watch TV – the commentators are more and more talking about Trump as a mafia boss. Today, I heard more than one person mention that they believe Trump’s biggest fear should be coming from the SDNY (Southern District of New York) which is, apparently, investigating Trump’s family “business.” So on multiple occasions I heard the word “RICO” as being where Trump could be most vulnerable. Well, I’d heard of that before, but thought I should look it up, just to be sure.

So, RICO stands for ” Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act” – and, that made it clear to me why they were suggesting Trump should be paying attention to the SDNY. I looked a little more and in “HG Legal” it said, RICO was a groundbreaking piece of legislation passed in the United States in 1970 with the goal of financially crippling the Mafia. However, it has evolved to have a variety of applications today against many organizations aside from the Mafia.” 

So I read a bit further and it said, “RICO expanded the scope of potential prosecution against people who participate in organized crime along with the penalties upon conviction. In order for an offender to qualify for RICO and be charged with racketeering, he or she must violate two of 35 statutes within 10 years, and the violations must be linked in some way.” Well, it appears Trump’s organization is being investigated in New York, so while most of us are focused on the “Russia thing” it appears that may not be Trump’s biggest worry. (Although, all his vulnerabilities may be “muddled” together) Maybe that’s why Trump is so upset about Michael Cohen – who he referred to as a “rat” – who knows so much of the TRUTH about Trump and, keep in mind, Trump’s financial officer has agreed to a immunity deal with the SDNY.

This all just makes getting to the END of the Trump “administration” – he is beyond belief as to his incompetence – all the more important. Trump is – and likely will be – focused on his STUPID wall which will NEVER be built and has virtually NO significance while the DAMAGE he is causing to America (and Western democracies) – I’ve referred to this DAMAGE repeatedly since Trump became the so-called president – continues to mount – and, likely, at an accelerating pace. I’ve come to the point where I now put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the republican party which has CHOSEN to enable Trump’s destruction of our nation – via his pathological LYING and his incompetence. Every day I struggle to understand how these republicans can sleep at night while being clearly aware of the destruction to our nation Trump is causing. I keep asking myself, “Is the latest tax scam worth this to them?”

Well, as time marches on, more and more Americans – and, I’m speaking of the FOOLS who’ve fallen for Trump’s shtick – are going to be realizing how they’ve been duped by Trump and those who have enabled him. There can be no doubt, after two years of all this, that Trump is in cahoots with Vladimir Putin and is doing one thing after another that makes Putin’s objective more attainable. It’s hard to argue against the reality that America’s withdrawal from her traditional role as the “leader of the free world” is creating a “vacuum” which is being filled by Russia and China. In Europe, Trump is helping Putin in his clear misinformation campaign aimed at undermining the European democracies and leaders there are aghast that there’s virtually no response coming from the United States.

And, in one area of economic incompetence after another, Trump is “Making China Great Again.” I know there are many on the so-called “left” who don’t agree with the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) negotiated by the Obama administration, but it’s been clear that since Trump pulled the U.S. out of that agreement it opened the door for China to dominate in the Southeast Asian markets which could open up great opportunity economically. As the saying goes, “lead or get out of the way.” Well, with Trump at the “helm” it appears America is “getting out of the way.”

As I said above, Trump has a singular focus on the STUPID wall he envisions running for 2000 miles along our Southern border. He says the “government shutdown” (with a cost of $11 BILLION over an argument over about half that amount – is that the work of “the art of the deal?”) was worth it and he’s threatening to do it again if he doesn’t get “his” wall (way) in the next three weeks. And, I believe Trump is STUPID and VAIN enough to actually attempt to follow through on that “threat” – although, I believe republicans in the Senate may have had “enough already.” Trump said all this STUPIDITY is because he’s “keeping a campaign promise.”

Well, if he really was keeping a campaign promise Mexico would be paying for the “wall” – “one hundred percent.” Instead he’s asking his followers (and me) to pay for this STUPID wall. OK, if this is all about keeping a campaign promise – let’s look at some of his other promises. For starters, it’s soon to be tax season, so let’s talk about the tax scam. Supposedly, middle class taxpayers were going to save an average of $4000. Well, personally, I’ve been figuring my taxes out in my head and it appears I’m going to be paying MORE in federal taxes – and, keep in mind I’m probably right in the “middle” of “middle class” – with a two person income of around $75,000. I believe there will be many Trump supporters who will be in for a surprise between now and April 15th.

There are many other “broken promises.” I won’t attempt to list them all, but an area I’m concerned about is his promise to protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – which Trump willingly agreed to “go after” while Paul Ryan was still in office. Trump was going to “get rid of the national debt” – most of us knew the absurdity of that along with the absurdity of Mexico paying for a “wall” – but, the reality is the annual deficit is soon to go past $1 TRILLION – well more than double what he “inherited” – and, I believe, by the time Trump is out of office, it could be double that – or worse, depending on whether Trump creates a major recession.

As I said many times in Trump’s first year in office, he inherited an economy which was moving forward – and had been for 7 years – and I pointed out it would be “Obama’s economy” for Trump’s first year in office and, beginning in Trump’s “year two” we’d be able to gauge his ability to manage the economy. So, the deficit is ballooning and the national debt is fast approaching the limit which will have to be increased to avoid the default republicans like to threaten “we the people” with when they’re not getting their way – so, is Trump going to hold the national debt as a bargaining chip for his wall in a month or two? The guy is delusional, he’s a pathological LIAR, he’s an incredibly intense narcissist, and he’s LAZY – he doesn’t read anything and clearly he doesn’t listen to ANY advisors when making decisions.

Trump promised to bring back the coal industry – it’s in more decline as I’m writing this (yeah!) than during President Obama’s administration – he promised companies would be bringing jobs back from around the world which was stupid as well as most of his other “promises.” Everything which has come from his mouth has been “empty” hot air – and, usually LIES. I could go on and on about Trump’s hollow promises, but you can find out for yourself easily with a “google” search – but, this would just be another way to get our eyes off the main issue.

Just today (yesterday by the time I publish this) Trump’s own intelligence “chiefs” – the heads of the FBI, the CIA, and the others virtually ALL contradicted Trump in their assessment of foreign policy issues ranging from the Russian ATTACK (which is ongoing with NO response from Trump) on our nation to ISIS and whether or not they’ve been “defeated,” North Korea and whether or not they are “de-nuclearizing,” and the FACT Iran is still in compliance with the agreement negotiated during the Obama administration stopping their building of nuclear weapons – Trump was contradicted on each and every issue. Trump’s Director of Intelligence wouldn’t even answer in public about Trump’s secret meetings with Vladimir Putin and the danger it’s creating for the United States. So, the conclusion I keep coming to almost every day is that America’s national security is NOT dangered by the lack of Trump’s wall, the danger to America’s national security comes from Trump himself!

Final Thought: Trump’s administration is full of either empty seats – positions which have NEVER been filled since he took office – positions which are important to the security of our nation – or it’s filled with people who have been given security clearance SOMEHOW despite clearly being unqualified to be looking at classified information. I’ll say it again, this is no longer some kind of secret and the republicans KNOW what is going on. News is emerging (news I’ve read about long ago in one of the books I’ve read) that Mitch McConnell has been financially compromised by RUSSIAN money and there are other republicans in the same “boat.” Sadly, Lindsey Graham – the republican I originally thought would stand up to Trump – appears to also have been compromised by RUSSIAN money. This likely explains why the Senate agreed to remove sanctions from Oleg Derapaska. “We the people” need to UNITE to purge this group of Russian enablers from our government! (Along with the president THEY are enabling)

Weakening the United States works in the favor of Russia and China, for starters. And, Trump is the perfect stooge to enable both of those countries to fill in the international void being created by Trump’s incompetence.

Today is the day Roger Stone was indicted by the Mueller investigation on charges of obstruction, witness tampering, and false statements. I saw this had happened as I watched Stone, immediately after I turned on the TV, giving a defiant “speech” in front of group of people shouting “lock him up,” saying something like “Under no circumstances will I give false testimony on the president or to help myself.” (Despite the quotation marks, that was my paraphrasing of what I heard him say – I took it as the first line of the pardon application) I can tell you, after listening to Stone, it just re-affirmed to me that Trump’s organization is, at a minimum, affiliated with the mafia. Stone, who I’ve been aware of for years, has been a republican operative who’s been connected with the “dirty” work of the republican party since the days of Richard Nixon. Today, it was as if Stone was thumbing his nose to any idea that America’s laws would apply to someone like him.

The circumstantial evidence that our so-called president is a traitor is mounting fast, but, I guess, we’ll have to wait until either Mueller’s investigation makes it irrefutable, or Congress FINALLY does their job of oversight of the executive branch. I believe Devin Nunes and, maybe others like Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and who knows who else, were suspiciously attempting to deflect ANY evidence implicating Trump by a continuous pointing of “fingers” toward Hillary Clinton, President Obama, James Comey, and others who Trump considers his “enemies.” I mean, you have to have your head in the sand to not see Trump’s actions which resemble that of a mafia boss. I fully expect the republican members of the House who, it seemed to me, were attempting to OBSTRUCT the Mueller investigation, will continue their attempt at OBSTRUCTION despite now being in the MINORITY.

A couple days ago, I listened to a small segment of “The Beat” on MSNBC where four Trump surrogates, including Carter Page – someone who comes across to me as the most pathetic person I’ve ever seen that has a PHD – and Jerome Corsi. Within about five minutes of when I tuned into the program (I was driving and listening to my XM car radio) the four people started sniping at each other. The one who stood out to me as being almost as pathetic as Page was Corsi – who may also have a PHD because he was referred to as “Dr. Corsi.” Corsi has claimed he was going to be indicted – and, in this segment on the radio Corsi was doing whatever he could to distance himself from Stone. Somehow, it feels like to me Corsi may end up being right in the middle of what he’s realizing is a conspiracy AGAINST the United States of America. The more I learn about these people, the more disgusting it gets.

Evidently to take the attention off the Stone indictment Trump was FORCED to re-open the government which he shutdown over this STUPID “wall” that “Mexico would pay for” and, “we the people” were forced to listen to his pathetic attempt to make a total capitulation look like something different. So, true to Trump’s TOTAL incompetence, “we the people” are not only talking about the Stone indictment and its connection to Trump, himself, but also the disaster of this “shutdown.” Think about this, something like 500,000 government workers were doing NOTHING and now are going to receive their pay for the past 35 days – and, Trump is threatening to do the same thing in another 3 weeks – if he doesn’t get his “wall.” It could all start over again.

What does “it” mean? Well, think about more than the FACT these workers were sitting at home and not getting paid – what about the “essential employees” – like the air traffic controllers, FBI agents, TSA employees at airports, and others to the tune of about 300,000 employees who were WORKING without pay. The list of circumstances which were “threats” to our “national security” due to the shutdown is, apparently, a long one – like, for example, the FBI lost key informants due to a lack of funds to pay whatever they have to pay to keep them in line. (Of course, that’s an area I have no idea how it works) Thankfully, there wasn’t a disaster at an airport or with planes flying into each other’s paths due to air traffic controllers succumbing to the ADDITIONAL pressure they were facing due to working without getting paid. However, another reason Trump was FORCED to “cave” was the FACT planes were being grounded due to lack of personnel – Air Traffic Controllers and TSA agents were getting “sick” at higher levels.

I believe the damage to our economy will be significant when all is said and done. And, in the short amount of time I listened to Trump this morning, he suggested he might shut the government down again in three weeks. Trump is a bully and he didn’t like LOSING in his face-off with Nancy Pelosi. Trump doesn’t understand that he’s in over his head in dealing with someone with Pelosi’s experience and, I’m sure, the FACT it’s a WOMAN who made him look ridiculous doesn’t sit well with him. He’s used to being able to grab women by the “pussy” simply “because he’s famous.” Well, he’s going to get a lot of “play” in the news today and the days to come and I don’t think the BULLY is going to like what he sees.

Think about ALL the work that was NOT done while these government workers were sitting at home – furloughed. Now, they’ve got to attempt to get caught up while knowing this could all start over again in three weeks, according to Trump’s pathetic “cave in” comments. You have to believe Trump is smart enough NOT to do this again, but I’ve come to the point where I won’t put anything past him. Trump is likely seething as I’m writing this and something really irrational could be the next disaster for Trump’s so-called presidency. The affect on the economy will show up in the next month or so as the employment results show up – keep in mind there were reportedly 1.2 MILLION contractors who will NEVER be “made whole.” Will that affect the GNP? I’m not smart enough about economics to know. What I am sensing is that the economy is teetering on the edge of a disaster. And, I for one, have no confidence in Trump or those around him being able to deal with that.

Republicans have proven over and over during the past 40 years that they’re good at winning elections and “rigging” the system in their favor – they just have no idea on how to govern. Now we have a so-called president who looks more and more like a mafia boss who is totally incompetent at running this government and there are many critical funding items coming in the next month or two. Trump does have some “stuff” to brighten his day. While he’s facing a barrage of negative commentary coming from the right wing pundits who caused him to “jump in” to this mess – which was destined to make him look weak and stupid – and, while his “opponents” in Washington and around the country (like me) are saying writing critical “stuff” about his incompetence, he’s got Kim Jong un to lift himself up.

Apparently, in all of this, he’s been getting flattering communications from Kim, likely the MOST ruthless dictator on the face of the planet. While our government will be floundering in the next few weeks – with republicans undoubtedly continuing their attempt at as much OBSTRUCTION as they can get away with – Trump will be focused on another “summit” with Kim. I don’t know about you, but this makes me about as nervous as with anything Trump is “touching.” I believe Kim is planning to take Trump for a “ride” which “we the people” will be lamenting for possibly years to come. As an American I have to hope Trump could negotiate a favorable agreement with Kim, but history and Trump’s present circumstances, makes a complete disaster very likely.

I didn’t read the complete Stone indictment, but from what I saw on TV tonight, it surely looks to me as if Trump is getting his “wall” and it’s the evidence Mueller has about his connection to the Russians in the last election and it’s beginning to surround him. I’ll say it again (If you’ve read some of my previous posts I apologize for the repetitive comment) I believe Trump will end up in the American history books right next to Benedict Arnold. In my mind, the challenge for Mueller is to get to the final part of this “wall” sooner rather than later. Keep in mind, Putin’s real objective is to undermine the United States. His (Putin’s) main objective was to turn Americans against each other (I suppose that has been part of Russia’s plan for well before they partnered up with Trump) and to undermine our confidence in our representative democracy.

Weakening the United States works in the favor of Russia and China, for starters. And, Trump is the perfect stooge to enable both of those countries to fill in the international void being created by Trump’s incompetence. It’s possible the solution to this will be republicans abandoning Trump after he “caved” on his so-called wall – the STUPID wall that will never be built and Mexico’s NOT paying for. In fact, I heard tonight, that the “wall” was Stone’s idea as a way to get Trump to gain the upper hand in the debate about immigration – a hot sticking point with republicans. At some point republicans will realize connecting themselves to a so-called president who conspired with Russians to get elected is going to lead to the demise of the republican party – wall or no wall. Many republicans will be trying to save their own skins at some point in the near future. What Trump has proven is that people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter continue to have too much power in where the republican party now finds itself and, they represent the views of maybe 20% of America (the so-called “alt right”). Whether it (the republican party) can recover from Trump remains to be seen!

Final Thought: Every time I see Trump walking up to a podium around or in the “White House” or during his moments where he answers questions coming from reporters as he’s walking across the “White House” lawn toward “chopper 1” (actually, I don’t remember what his helicopter is called) I have to ask myself – who buys his ties for him. His ties are ridiculous. They’re usually red and they hang down well below the level of his belt. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to make him look thinner, but whatever the reason, someone needs to help him get ties that are not so UGLY! And, usually “fashion” is unnoticeable to me – but, those ties! Ugh!!!

That this government is being “run” by Coulter and Limbaugh would have been beyond my imagination prior to Trump.

One thing that I’ve said several times here that differentiates Trump from Richard Nixon, as we get closer to “I” day, and that is I don’t believe Trump will resign. I don’t believe he has any respect for our constitution, our legal system, our Justice Department, and he acts just as if he’s a organized crime boss. Getting Trump out of the “White House” will require impeachment and a conviction in the Senate. I believe he’s counting on the republican members of the Senate cowering to his “base” and being unwilling to vote him out of office under any circumstances.

Of course, the latest “scandal” (in Trump’s “scandal a day” term as our so-called president) is an article in Buzzfeed.News that Trump ordered Michael Cohen to LIE to Congress regarding the FACT Trump was pursuing a “Trump Tower” in Moscow during the 2016 campaign. “If true” – the latest “buzz words” (pun intended) in Washington D.C. Trump would be guilty of a crime – at a minimum OBSTRUCTION of Justice – and that’s according to the Attorney General designate Bob Barr. I’m actually wondering if Trump is going to pull Barr’s nomination after watching his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Trump, obviously, will do anything to put off the inevitable – and, that’s he’s headed for an “orange jumpsuit.”

Curiously, as the government shutdown closes in on one month it was reported today Trump is considering another “summit” with Kim Jong un, the RUTHLESS dictator of North Korea who is totally PLAYING Trump as if he’s a cheap fiddle. I was even thinking, a couple days ago, this is likely to be a way for Trump to get the focus off all his other problems. Just as they have done for as many years as I can remember the North Koreans are unlikely to follow through on any “agreement” they make with Trump. In fact, my thought was they are monitoring Trump’s “issues” and now would be the perfect time for them to “swoop” in and take Trump for another “ride.” The last time Kim got himself on a worldwide stage with Trump giving him a platform as if on an equal footing with the (so-called) president of the United States – a major Kim objective.

Of course, Kim is reportedly an even more ruthless dictator than Vladimir Putin, Erdogan of Turkey, Duterte in the Philippines, and virtually any other “thug” around the world. Trump, the last time he met with Kim, didn’t even question his murdering of his own people, the gulags in North Korea, or any of the other “human rights” questions regarding Kim. In fact, Trump was impressed at how those around Kim, along with the members of the Korean media, were so “loyal” – apparently not understanding what happens to someone in North Korea who is not completely subservient to Kim. Here’s the main question in my mind, what is Trump going to give up to Kim to get the attention off the “Russia thing?” Clearly, Trump is desperate to turn the attention from the Russia “thing” and do we want an illegitimate (so-called) president negotiating with any foreign leader, let alone one with the lack of credibility like Kim?

I really have to wonder what is going through the heads of the republicans in Congress who are complicit in Trump’s behavior – by virtue of their silence. For years I’ve lamented that democrats – the ONLY realistic check “we the people” have on the republican assault on America’s middle class – have been “spineless.” Well, “good news” for democrats – the republicans have shown themselves to make the democrats look like, as I’ve said recently, Ninja warriors. I picture in my mind republican members of Congress cowering in corners of the Capitol building so they don’t have to face questions from the media starting with “If this is true……” Just try to think how these republicans would have responded if President Obama had been accused of directing someone to LIE to them in Congressional testimony.

I mean, I could write for a day suggesting things republicans have “looked the other way” regarding Trump that would have caused un UPROAR in their caucus which would shake the capitol off its foundation. I mean, just think how republicans would have responded if Obama was accused of being an “asset” of a foreign adversary? Or, what if Obama had LIED over 8000 times in his first two years in office – LIES that were able to be proven as false statements? What if Obama had been accused by 19 women of sexual impropriety? What if Obama had LIED directly to the American people REPEATEDLY? I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point. These republicans seem to be overcome by fear!

So, is it going to even matter if it is true that Trump compelled (ordered, directed, or pick your own word) Michael Cohen (and, who knows who else – his children?) to LIE to Congress about the proposed Trump Tower in Russia? Yesterday I had breakfast with a good friend who is a total supporter of Trump (I can’t seem to get through to him) and he doesn’t believe Trump is a LIAR! Now, this friend is very intelligent, it’s just that he’s a right wing libertarian and he watches Fox “news.” You can tell someone like this they’re being “brainwashed” by watching Fox and it just doesn’t sink in – They’re hearing what they want to hear so it’s hard for them to listen to someone like me. If things evolve to the point where even republicans in the Senate decide Trump should be removed from office, I think there is a group of people who won’t accept this no matter what!

I pointed out to my friend that a large segment of Trump’s “base” is the so-called “alt right” in America – which is largely made up of “white nationalists” – the same group that Steve King FINALLY got reprimanded in the House of Representatives for being associated with – and, possibly now being censured. To him, none of that matters, it’s all about the judges. The “alt right,” for example, would include the KKK. And, if you’ve listened to very many of the “evangelicals” (like my friend – who I don’t consider a racist) – mostly in the South or the rust belt – at least most of the ones I’ve listened to – you hear a poorly “hidden” racist attitude and you definitely get the confirmation there’s a significant segment of America which could be labeled as “un-educated.” Every time I think about this I’m reminded of Trump’s own words after the Iowa caucuses in early 2016 when he said, “I love un-educated voters!” Well, the reality is a lot of these “un-educated” voters are armed and very well may end up in the streets if “their” president is impeached and removed from office. (I believe knowing this is why James Comey prefers Trump to be removed at the ballot box in 2020.

I believe I may be in agreement with Comey, but likely for a different reason. For me, the idea that Mike Pense would spend one day as the 46th president of the United States makes me feel a bit sick in my stomach. Personally, I believe Pense has participated in the OBSTRUCTION of Justice along with Trump. However, with the next in line after Pense being Nancy Pelosi, I can’t imagine republicans agreeing to impeach BOTH Trump and Pense.

This is a republican party that is simply unable to govern – beyond giving tax cuts to the top 1% – and, now Trump is holding our government hostage to his stupid “wall” – which will NEVER be built. The issue with Trump possibly suborning perjury (telling Cohen to LIE) – which IS a very significant news story – kind of takes the “eye” of the news media off of the reality of this government shutdown. Here is the reality – and, republicans understand this every much as democrats – the democrats CAN’T “cave” on this shutdown. They CAN’T allow Trump to bully them into giving him his “wall” – because, if they do, we’ll see an endless stream of “I’ll shut the government down” if you don’t give me what I want – this would then be the way we govern. If you think what is going on now is ridiculous – well, that would be more ridiculous.

And, I’d like to see our so-called “liberal media” present the issue in that way. From what I’ve seen they are reporting on this “shutdown” with the conversation being “who’s to blame?” Well, that shouldn’t even be at issue. For one thing, Trump (stupidly) accepted responsibility right before this happened and secondly, until the government is re-opened there’s NOTHING to negotiate. As I just said, the democrats CAN’T agree to ANY part of Trump’s demand because this is NO WAY to run a government. I’ve often thought republicans are good at winning elections due to their willingness to LIE, but, during my lifetime, they’ve proven they are incapable of actually governing. From Nixon all the way through Trump, every republican administration (except Ford) has been mired in scandal and investigations and has been unable to efficiently run the government. The result being the world has been destabilized and America is overwhelmingly in debt!

As bad as the previous republican administrations have been (and, yes, I’m including Reagan’s) Trump “takes the cake.” Every day the “evidence” mounts that Trump is nothing more than a mafia “boss” – which certainly explains his incompetence at running a government – and, with yesterday’s news that Trump “suborned perjury,” should be difficult even for republicans to look away. Yet, in the face of all this, they are willing to cause over a MILLION people who either are government employees or contractors who work for the government to SUFFER economic hardship over Trump’s “wall.” The other day I listened to someone who said the most powerful person in the republican party is either Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter – and, that Trump fears both of them. I found that almost depressing because it’s likely true. My friend I mentioned above says he’s OK if the government is shut down for years – and, I believe he’s not alone in that terrible thought. That this government is being “run” by Coulter and Limbaugh would have been beyond my imagination prior to Trump. They won’t allow Trump to give in and the Democrats CAN’T. This is a bad place for America – and, sadly, this group of employees is paying the price for Trump’s petulance and Limbaugh’s and Coulter’s arrogance. Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I started this post about a week ago, and, as usual, I’m having a hard time keeping up with Trump’s incompetence – along with the republicans who are complicit in his attempt to turn the presidency into a dictator. Above, I again referenced my long held belief Trump is nothing more than a mob boss and now he’s clearly, in his angst toward Michael Cohen, proven me correct again. Whether Trump has to “face the music” for his illegal behavior, well, we’ll see – but his clear threats toward Cohen and his family are violations of the criminal code against “witness tampering” – a crime with a penalty of up to 20 YEARS in prison. He called Cohen a “rat,” he railed against “flippers” – or, people who decide to tell the TRUTH to investigators (nothing is worse in “mob land”), and now he’s threatening Cohen’s “father in law” (who is apparently in his 80’s) because Cohen is testifying (presumably) against Trump.

I heard part of an interview Cohen gave recently where he said he’s going to tell the truth and he’s decided to face the reality of the decision he made to associate himself with Trump where he agreed to do many (again, presumably) illegal activities. I believe the Trump attempt to intimidate Cohen into not testifying is an egregious (another) FELONY. Many republicans in Congress are lawyers – their blind loyalty is, to people like me, unforgivable! As of today, the “shutdown” has lasted 34 days – if it continues, get on a plane – at your own risk! (The real cost of this “shutdown” – if there are no tragic consequences – will far exceed the 5.7 BILLION Trump is wanting for his STUPID “wall” – that never will be built, just another in a long list of examples about Trump’s incompetence)

Most Americans will NEVER understand this fight has NOTHING to do with Trump’s wall, because our media falls for Trump’s/republican’s “plan” every time!

I’m writing as I’m watching a group of CEO’s who have gathered at Davos Switzerland for an annual gathering of the world’s richest people in what is called the World Economic Forum. The first thing which caught my mind as I listened to what information is coming from this meeting is that, as we all know, the group at the top of the world’s economic pyramid is shrinking and the group at the bottom is expanding. Shockingly, the world’s RICHEST 26 individuals control wealth the equal of the bottom 50% of the WORLD! Yes, you read that right, the top 26 rich people own as much wealth as the bottom 3.5 BILLION of the world’s population. OK, I’ll put it another way, 26 at the top and 3,500,000,000 at the bottom.

In America, our so-called president is certainly NOT part of the 26 people at the top, but it appears to me he longs to be there. For example, there’s little doubt in my mind that Vladimir Putin is one of those 26 people and he’s clearly one of Trump’s idols and possibly his only idol. Sadly, many of the people who live in America and are part of that group at the bottom are part of Trump’s “base” – as Trump “affectionately” calls them – America’s “uneducated voters.” Trump has now caused a partial government “shutdown” as a way, in my view, to get people’s attention off his “bromance” with Putin – which is to a still undetermined degree a conspiracy to violate America’s electoral system. The question Trump doesn’t seem to want answered is if he’s an asset of Putin and the Russians. More important to me and millions of other Americans, is Trump actually in office because of Putin?

Clearly Trump is a master at manipulating the media and this shutdown is a great example of how he does it. Prior to the shutdown, Trump actually took “ownership” of what was coming in a meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” where he actually called in cameras to a meeting against their recommendation. So, there should be NO doubt as to why we have this “shutdown” or who’s responsible. But, listening to the “media” – and, keep in mind, I listen/watch supposedly to “liberal” media – you wouldn’t know Trump VOLUNTEERED to own this and that it’s something he actually “manufactured” – with the help of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh and other right wing wack jobs. Also, you wouldn’t understand the underlying PRINCIPLE which democrats are OBLIGATED to fight for – if they have actually learned to FIGHT!

To me, it’s apparent many of the pundits in the “liberal media” STILL haven’t learned the importance of the FIGHT. One by one (and, I’m listening to MSNBC) I keep hearing commentators questioning who’s at fault for this government “shutdown” and wondering when the “two sides” will begin to negotiate. In the beginning there was no question as to the FACT this is Trump’s “shutdown” but as the grief among the furloughed workers grows it’s apparent these commentators are slowly moving toward this being the problem of “both sides.” Trump has no ability to understand what these “paycheck to paycheck” people are going through, so it becomes up to the democrats to “negotiate” with Trump to end something that Trump created. Like, over this past weekend, Trump offered the democrats “part” of a solution to DACA – another “crisis” Trump, himself, created – as the “compromise” to get democrats to give him this 5.7 BILLION dollar blank check – he hasn’t even spent the original 1.3 BILLION dollars he was “given” during the previous Congress. Trump’s manipulation is working as one commentator after another on MSNBC are saying things like “both sides” …………..

If that makes you think this entire “shutdown” is over a contrived “crisis” you’d be correct and now our liberal media is beginning to lose their minds over the grief of the MILLION or so people who are being directly impacted by this fiasco. For people like me, here’s the issue which is more important than any wall or anything else in this “showdown.” “Liberals” always allow themselves to be played by republicans to the point where they (republicans) simply believe they’ll bully their way to getting what they want here. This is nothing more than a HOSTAGE taking by Trump – the hostage, of course, is the government workers and the benefits they provide for those they serve – and democrats CAN’T agree to Trump’s demands. What I’m not hearing from ANY pundit – if democrats agree to this BULLYING tactic from Trump – it will just keep happening. Next time it will be the debt ceiling – we saw this over and over again during Obama’s term and one reason “liberals” were discouraged is because Obama would often give in. Of course, in his case, it was the republican Congress doing the hostage taking. It’s time for democrats to say “enough already!”

Republicans have the perfect duo to pull this off – Trump and McConnell – two people with no capacity for empathy which puts them in the peer group of people like Coulter and Limbaugh. These people are all EXTREMELY wealthy and have NEVER had to experience anything like what they are causing for people, thousands of whom are actually working without pay, including the Coast Guard. In this “negotiation” republicans have simply upped the stakes over previous “shutdowns” to include about a MILLION federal workers (that number includes the contractors who will never be made “whole” when this finally ends) but, I’m sure, their calculation that the democrats will “cave” is based on history. And, I’m concerned they may be correct.

The best way for me to explain my concern that the dems will “cave” is based on the realization that Trump and McConnell could care less about all the workers who are suffering from this fiasco and you’re seeing democrats at the food lines and other places where government workers are taking charity that they certainly don’t feel comfortable taking – but, many have to because their savings have been depleted. This entire process is just further evidence of Trump’s desire to become the first American dictator. I’ve said for some time that Trump is envious of Vladimir Putin who simply has his denegrators “eliminated” – one way or the other.

Right now I’m listening to a commentator on MSNBC encouraging a member of the House democratic caucus to “cave” because republicans are making clear they will not do so. As I’m saying, not only are the republicans expecting the democrats to be the ones who “cave” but so are the members of the “liberal media.” I’ll say it again, “liberals” really don’t like seeing all these government workers suffer – and, more significantly from my perspective, the “contractors” – which essentially includes “service personnel” – which would be people doing jobs like janitorial jobs, security jobs, and other jobs where people are, behind the scenes, serving those who are “running” our government. Traditionally, this would be the democratic constituency – so, apparently, them going without work or pay is a concern to only democrats.

I’ll say it again, the democrats CAN’T cave or this kind of stupid CRAP will continue – and, the next time it happens it will be over something more significant than Trump’s WALL that MEXICO is supposed to pay for. Obviously, this fight is for way more than Trump’s wall. If this was so important, it would have happened before democrats took control of the House. This fight is Trump’s way to let democrats know,they really aren’t in charge – and, so far, Nancy Pelosi has been the perfect democratic leader – saying to Trump, “we’ll see” or “NO!” Clearly, it’s just a matter of time until Trump is impeached, his FOCUS is on protecting himself from Senators “abandoning ship” when it comes time for the “trial” in the Senate. The cost of this “shutdown” has gone way beyond the $5.7 BILLION Trump wants for a “wall” that will NEVER be built. Most Americans will NEVER understand this fight has NOTHING to do with Trump’s “wall,” because our media falls for Trump’s “plan” every time!

Yes, there are some Americans who can think for themselves and figure out what is really going on here – but, way too many depend on the media to inform them. And, sadly, way too many of those who depend on this media watch Fox “news” which has been beaming PROPAGANDA coming from the insides of the “conservative/right wing” movement for the past 25+ years. And, many “liberals” are beginning to see outlets like MSNBC and, evidently (I don’t watch it) CNN, like the opposite of Fox “news.” As a “liberal” I don’t agree with that assessment, because I believe there are those on MSNBC (which I watch) who are genuinely attempting to provide information for people to decipher for themselves – with the hosts clearly having a “liberal” bias – which seems to lead to what I’m trying to focus on with this post. These “liberal” hosts seem to be losing track of the importance that democrats DON’T “cave” to Trump’s bullying.

In her history it’s been “liberals” at the heart of what “made America great” – starting with leaders like Theodore Roosevelt and then hitting “high gear” under his cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deal – which has been the focus of the IRE of right wing leaders since the 1940’s. In the process of all that is happening during this impasse republicans are attempting to surreptitiously undermine as much as they can of what is left of the New Deal and the values which came from it (like the Fair Deal and the Great Society). And, sadly, all of this is coming from an illegitimately elected (so-called) president.

Final thought: As I was writing this, it was announced that Michael Cohen was canceling his appearance to publicly testify before the House oversight committee because of fears among his family members based on threats coming from Trump and his surrogates. I’ve pointed out Trump seems like a mafia boss to me and this is more evidence of that. Of course, Cohen worked for Trump for more than the past decade and he knows intimately what Trump may or may not do. And, keep in mind, we’re also talking about a president who has a history of being connected to the Russian mafia. Additionally, from books I’ve read Cohen and his family also have connections to the Russian mafia. “We the people” likely have difficulty understanding why Cohen may be concerned for the safety of his family if he testifies but the threats are likely more than just another Trump “tweet.” This whole period of American degradation is getting dirtier by the day!

Until republicans decide they’ve had enough, “we the people” are stuck with this “useful idiot.” (It’s just that he’s not “useful” for America)

Every day republicans continue their complicit behavior in supporting our so-called president the DAMAGE to America grows. It’s getting to the point where it may take a generation to recover from what Trump is doing to this nation and its position in the world. Bill Clinton – yes, he had his issues – left the presidency with a high level of popularity both in America and around the world, turning the “Oval Office” over to the Bush/Cheney reign with a huge SURPLUS regarding the budget and a strong standing in the world. In fact, after the 9/11 attack (which, was preventable with a less inept administration) not only did “we the people” come together, but our “friends” around the world united in coming to our defense as well.

Of course, Bush/Cheney did their republican duty in undermining the fundamentals of what had “made America great” after WW II. I won’t go into the details of all what Bush/Cheney did to this nation and the world – it’s still a huge part of why the world has been destabilized – but, the point is Bush/Cheney were another example of republicans destroying what was built by “the greatest generation” – those who built so much of what “we the people” take for granted every day. Of course, I’m talking about the generation of Americans who were part of the “New Deal” which brought electricity to so many rural parts of America and brought so many privileges to Middle Class Americans which are taken for granted today. An example would be the work of the labor unions where things like the 40 hour work week among a plethora of worker’s rights issues were WON with a lot of blood “donated” by our fathers, mothers, and grandfathers and grandmothers (and, for many our great grandfathers and gr. Moms)

These are the same people who pulled together under extremely tenuous circumstances to defeat Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich in WW II where MILLIONS gave their lives in the fight to protect our freedom. What took place in America in the 30 years following the war was the building of the greatest middle class in the history of the world. Of course, other than Dwight Eisenhower, republicans didn’t like this and building on the so-called “Powell memo” written by Lewis Powell in about 1972 republicans have been trying to build a corporatocracy at the expense of this great middle class since the day Powell’s “memo” reached the U.S. Chamber of Congress. (Read Hedrick Smith’s “Who Stole the American Dream?”)

Ronald Reagan was the first republican in the “White House” to successfully change the trajectory of America toward the “top 1%” and away from blue collar workers. Reagan started the tax “scams” that have put America into choking national debt setting the “marker” that annual “deficits don’t matter” – words restated by Dick Cheney 20 years later. (If you remember, Reagan’s campaign “shtick” was “I’ll cut your taxes and balance the budget” – republicans have been pushing this LIE ever since) Additionally, Reagan started the – successful – attacks by republicans and their brethren on America’s labor unions by violating a campaign promise to the union representing America’s Air Traffic Controllers (PATCO) and “breaking” their union on national TV – an action which has been mimicked many times over since resulting in Americans in the workforce represented by a labor union diminishing to less than 10% from around 35% the day Reagan destroyed PATCO. (It’s ironic, at a minimum, that air traffic controllers are working as I’m typing this WITHOUT pay – due to the “Trump shutdown”)

Following Reagan came George HW Bush and he continued the “attack” on the middle class although it was somewhat more subtle. Yet, the deficit continued to pile HUGE amounts of debt on our national “credit card.” Republicans showed no concern whatever with the national debt during Reagan’s and the first Bush’s time at the helm of America’s “ship of state.” And, the disparity in wealth which began to grow almost exponentially under Reagan continued to grow – helped by the continued attacks on America’s labor workforce – under the economic tutelage of Bush 1. This was all part of the “plan” put forth by the “Powell memo.”

Clinton’s eight years in charge put a significant “crimp” in the plans of the “moneychangers” who lurk in the shadows of the republican party. The economic growth during Clinton’s time in the White House was historic. Of course, republicans will never give any democrat credit for anything, but the reality is Clinton handed a surplus of $250 BILLION each year to the Bush/Cheney regime. (In some corners Clinton was referred to as “the best republican president in memory” – giving credit to his fiscal responsibility)

It’s true the economic expansion which happened under the “watch” of Clinton/Gore was slowing as they were leaving office, but Bush/Cheney had nothing but republican “take from the poor and give it to the rich” economic theory and it didn’t take them long to turn the surplus into another HUGE deficit. Of course, they did unfathomable additional DAMAGE to America and the world in their attempt to get “even” with Saddam Hussein along with encouraging reckless behavior by international financial institutions leading to the “Great Recession.” Bush/Cheney inherited a $250 BILLION surplus and handed a $1.5 TRILLION annual deficit to Barack Obama. And, Oh, by the way, republicans were complaining about “Obama’s” deficit before he took the oath of office – “par for the course.” One more thing, Bush/Cheney turned America’s positive “standing” in the world after Clinton “upside down.”

So, along comes President Obama. Obama’s been out of office for two years as I’m writing this and republicans continue to BLAME him for all that’s going wrong in the disaster commonly known as the Trump administration. Aside from many executive orders (the main complaint against Obama by republicans) almost NOTHING’s been accomplished under Trump’s “watch.” (Which makes it all the more curious as how ANYONE can fall for Trump’s claim that he’s the greatest president ever) Not surprising, the ONE thing passed through Congress of note during Trump’s first two years was ANOTHER tax scam funneling TRILLIONS to America’s top “1%” and their corporate “donors” pushing the annual deficit back OVER the one TRILLION per year mark AGAIN. It took President Obama 8 years to get the deficit down to about $400 BILLION (down 70% from when he took the oath of office – with republicans complaining and BLAMING him every “step” of the way) and, as if Trump is a true republican, it took him two years to push it back over the TRILLION mark. (And, trust me, Trump’s ineptitude will push the deficit up toward record territory – and above if, as it appears is on the horizon, there’s a recession. (And, Trump’s recession could be severe! Additionally, that doesn’t even take into account the effect of what higher interest rates would do to the debt if, as I’ve predicted, inflation rears its ugly “head”)

Obama, again, had lifted the United States in the eyes of the world and it didn’t take Trump long to upend virtually all of Obama’s work in putting America back as the “leader of the free world.” Trump has made no pretense in his determination to undermine EVERY bit of President Obama’s “legacy” he can. He’s been fixated on taking health insurance away from MILLIONS of Americans by undermining the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”), he almost immediately pulled America out of the Paris Climate Accord, he’s been working to undermine NATO and the United Nations, he pulled America from the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) – which has given China a “pass” to the economic development of Southeast Asia, and he’s, curiously, lifted up one world autocrat after another – including the really disturbing relationships with Vladimir Putin and Mohammad bin Salmon. In fact, it almost looks as if Trump is working for the benefit of Putin’s attempt to reconstitute the “former Soviet Union.”

Along with the above, Trump has put in place people to run America’s great institutions who are fixated on destroying the very institutions they are charged to run. For example, Mick Mulvaney was put in place at the Consumer Protection Agency and immediately put in place “rules” undermining the stated purpose of the Agency. Ryan Zinke was in charge of the Interior Department and, until he was forced to resign in the face of numerous alleged scandals, he focused his efforts on turning America’s “interior” into as many oil wells and other fossil fuel “successes” as possible – again, attempting to undermine the great history of this department going back to Theodore Roosevelt. Betsy DeVoss has been an incredible disaster as the head of the Department of Education – unless, you don’t believe in public education. Trump picked Rick Perry to run the Department of Energy – which he had publicly stated he wanted to abolish. Rex Tillerson took the heart out of the Department of State before he was summarily fired – after making uncomplimentary remarks aimed at Russia. There’s more, but you get the idea!

Trump has not made even the slightest attempt to create any kind of coalition beyond his right wing, racist base that, sadly (to me) has a foundation based on evangelical “Christians.” When you put all this together it shouldn’t surprise you to read the articles in the New York Times and Washington Post this past weekend highlighting Trump’s potential as an “asset” of the Russians. Of course, Trump vehemently denies this, but the FACT he’s LYING at a rate in “double digits” per day NO ONE believes anything coming from his mouth. (Except for his supporters who don’t seem to mind him LYING to them). If Trump actually believes he’s not been co-opted by the Russians, it appears the best case scenario for “we the people” is that Trump, in the eyes of Vladimir Putin, is a “useful idiot.” Whether he’s doing the bidding of the Russians on purpose we’ll have to wait, apparently, for Mueller’s report. Regardless, when will republicans wake up? Until they decide they’ve had enough, “we the people” are stuck with this “useful idiot.” (It’s just that he’s not “useful” for America)

Remember, Trump was referred to as a f@#^ing moron by Tillerson and a f@#^ing idiot by James Mattis prior to each of them being dismissed from their posts in Trump’s cabinet. Also, there have been similar reports regarding others in Trump’s “orbit” calling him everything from an imbecile to the above mentioned idiot/moron characterizations. And, this is coming from people inside Trump’s “orbit.” I’ve always believed the reason Trump has claimed “no collusion” over and over again likely in the hundreds of times is because, well, there WAS “collusion.” My word for “collusion” is TREASON which is why I’ve been claiming for the past year or so that Trump’s place in the history books will be right next to Benedict Arnold. Trump is clearly allowing/helping Putin to succeed in his attempts to undermine the “Western alliances.” Of course, the crown jewel in Putin’s war on liberal democracies would be America and, it appears, Trump is the “gift” that just keeps on giving. Again, when all is said and done, this will be a “pall” on the republican party for their complicity in all of this. This disgrace is how people like Orrin Hatch, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, Jim Jordan, and Devin Nunes – to name a few republicans – will be remembered.

Final thought: Earlier (in previous postings) I had wondered whether or not Congressional members, like Devin Nunes, could be held accountable for OBSTRUCTION of Justice if proven they were purposely impeding the progress of the Mueller (or FBI) Investigations. Well, today it appears I got my answer – and that is it was reported Nunes is under investigation by Mueller. Of course, there could be others (like Jim Jordan of Ohio – the first name that comes to my mind), but it was Nunes who was doing everything he could to undermine the FBI (and Mueller) investigation(s). This will send a clear message to other’s in the Congress who decide to put their loyalty to their party over their country. It was NUNES who SHOULD have been leading the investigation into Trump’s alleged COLLUSION (Treason) with Russia – instead of BLOCKING it at every chance!

Preserving the NATO Alliance is more important than waiting out Trump’s two years to prevent a second disaster – meaning Pense as the next “so-called” president. Talk about your double negative!

It keeps getting more bizarre, more incredulous, more unbelievable, I don’t know how to put it, but if republicans continue to be complicit in Trump’s PARTNERSHIP with Vladimir Putin the DAMAGE could soon be unimaginable. Tonight, the New York Times is reporting that our so-called president is planning to “pull America out of NATO.” Obviously, I’m not the expert I sometimes portray myself to be, but suffice it to say that I can’t believe Trump can do this unilaterally – meaning without the approval of Congress. This would be cause for IMMEDIATE impeachment, in my view – despite the FACT Mike Pense is sitting “in the wings” should Trump be impeached. As disgusting as Pense comes across to me, I can’t believe he’d be STUPID enough to follow this incredible path. (Although Pense has been a wiling conspirator in the OBSTRUCTION)

Trump continues to be the greatest benefactor to Vladimir Putin in the WORLD and this is just further confirmation of recent articles claiming Trump is an asset, to some degree, of Putin and the Russians. Just today, in Great Britain, the issue of Brexit boiled over once again, threatening the government of Theresa May – a vote of no-confidence scheduled for tomorrow (possibly yesterday by the time I publish this) – the original Brexit vote being the work of Putin and right wingers like Trump and Steve Bannon. So, Putin’s been busy for the past few years in his quest to undermine the “Western democracies” and, of course, the United States and Great Britain would be the two most prized targets.

And, the evidence Trump is a Russian asset continues to mount and it appears Trump, himself, is oblivious to the “optics” of even the suggestion that might be true. Of course, Trump FINALLY, today, denied he’s “working for Russia” but then, tonight, we hear a report he’s planning to pull the United States out of NATO. What’s the old saying? “He’s not dumb, he’s STUPID.” Of course, I’ve heard previously, after a Trump fiasco at NATO last year, the Senate voted to FORCE Trump to get Senate approval (or Congressional approval, I don’t remember) to be able to withdraw the U.S. from NATO – what shocked me was that they had to vote to ensure this. With a bit further thought, it dawned on me, until Trump NO ONE would have even considered an American president would stoop to that level.

NATO has been the “glue” which has bound the Western alliances together in a bond to preserve the PEACE since the second World War which followed the first World War by about twenty years. At the time, it was the Soviet Union who was the immediate adversary of the countries in Western Europe and they (the Soviets) were able to “lay claim” to the countries of Eastern Europe and significant portions of the “Balkans.” After the fall of the Soviet Union, many of the former Soviet States have joined NATO much to the chagrin of Vladimir Putin – who seems to be trying to put “humpty dumpty back together again” – of course, meaning the Soviet Union.

What would be the necessary steps for Putin to succeed in his mission. Well, destabilizing Western democracies would be a necessary first step – focusing on the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and others and just as significantly destroying NATO. Well, how would you destroy NATO? OK, I know you’re one step ahead of me, but I’ll say it anyway – get the United States to pull out of NATO. “Icing on the cake” would be getting the United States to pull out of the United Nations and I’m half expecting to hear that’s on Trump’s “wish list” any day now. The biggest surprise in all this to me is I thought the republicans would have called “no mas” long ago on this rogue (so-called) president. It’s really well past the point where I stop scratching my head and start pulling out my hair.

Of course, I’m 71, I’m “white,” I’ve benefited from the “American dream” my entire life – which is likely closing in on its final stages – so, why do I care? Well, for starters, I have three children and three grandchildren – not to mention the other young members of my extended family. Of course, just thinking of them would be the height of selfishness – which, by the way, I believe is a real issue with Americans – selfishness, that is. Thankfully, I was privileged to spend the last 23 years of my working life in (mostly) a sixth grade classroom and I feel a direct connection to the THOUSANDS of students who I taught directly or indirectly – plus, having the privilege to be a public school teacher – at least in my case – causes one to feel some kind of connection to young people of all ages and all nationalities and creeds. In fact, it’s likely MANY of my former students are part of the DACA program which Trump upended early in his term.

“We the people” should be focused on giving something BETTER to the young people who come after us, not something far worse – and, if you think what Trump is pushing is “better” than what we’ve enjoyed since the days of WW II you have a poor grasp on history. There can be no doubt America has her issues – she always has and, likely, always will – that’s the nature of the “contract” we were born into OR we IMMIGRATED into and accepted as our own “way of life.” Some of these “issues” – clearly – are hard to “shake.” For example, racism is a “black mark” that has been with this nation since her founding. But, I would suggest there’s been slow – sometimes “less slow” – improvement over the course of our history.

To me, racism continues to be a “plague” on the nation, but when you look at human nature it’s likely to NEVER be totally expunged. But, periodically, there are obvious signs “we the people” are progressing – for example, prior to our present (so-called) president we had our first African American president (actually, multi racial – but, I guess in America we focus on the “African” side) – maybe it would be more accurate to say our first president of “color” – I honestly did not think I’d live long enough to see that happen. That being said, the election of Barack Obama brought out a racist backlash that was surprising to me. (Of course, my Black friends – who’ve spent their lives putting up with discrimination in virtually all avenues of their lives – were not so surprised at the backlash.) In fact, it was the “Tea Party” – which was led the racist backlash to Obama’s election – the movement which “paved” the way for Trump.

“We the people” have also put up with nearly 40 years of the republicans’ attack on the middle class with their endless “tax scams” which have ballooned the national debt, their fight to prevent any kind of national health insurance plus their support for a health care system becoming more and more un-affordable by those in the middle class, their war mongering – especially that of the Bush/Cheney regime, their support for Wall Street’s making shareholders more important than workers, and their willingness to use the infrastructure of this nation built on the backs and with the blood of “the greatest generation” with NO plan to rebuild it. (In other words, TAKERS) And, trust me, on the infrastructure “front,” if they do attempt to do something – corporations instead of workers will be the main benefactors. The “list” just keeps going on.

And, our “liberal media” continues to put forward this false equivalency which would suggest the fault in all of this is “bi-partisan.” Of course, for the past 30+ years in America, virtually NOTHING has actually been bi-partisan. Sadly, republicans have figured out how to dominate the “messaging” in America and democrats have proven to be woeful in responding to the right wing assault on all the democratic party was founded on during the New Deal. I’ve said many times here, my biggest disappointment with democrats – why I’ve always been an independent – is they haven’t proven to me they have the conviction of their own fundamental beliefs. The term I’ve often used is “spineless.” In the 2014 mid-terms one democrat after another in Congressional elections was unwilling to defend their own signature legislation – the Affordable Care Act. President Obama was persona non grata in way too many “races” and they got what they deserved – and that was a good butt whipping!

Unfortunately, “we the people” didn’t deserve that and Donald Trump is the result of this timid unwillingness to defend their own fundamental beliefs by democrats. In fact, changing that was the most exciting part of the mid term election of 2018 – even though I felt it was the most significant election in my lifetime strictly because stopping Trump was the imperative of imperatives, in my view. The “good news” of it all, to me, was/is there’s a BUNCH of young, eager, courageous, democrats who I believe are a totally different “breed.”

For example, had the democrats not retaken control of the House (with this eager group of young, idealistic, and patriotic young legislatures) we’d already be accepting that Trump was getting the BILLIONS of money for his “wall” that’s NEVER going to be built. The Senate would clearly have caved by now. (And, Mueller would be “gone”) But, they CAN’T “cave” because this group in the HOUSE will NEVER go along with them doing so. So, these young (many of them women – possibly MOST of them) exciting new members in the democratic caucus in the House are causing a bunch of “veteran” democrats to all of a sudden seem “courageous” themselves. There’s some really exciting young LEADERS now in the democratic caucus in the House and things are definitely looking a bit “up.” (Whether it be by republican president or democratic, the Congress MUST NEVER legislate based on hostage taking – in this case, “give me my wall or else.” That is a precedent which might work for an authoritarian, but can NEVER work in America)

And, these young leaders happened just in time – because, as I’ve said, the EVIDENCE Trump has been compromised to “whatever” degree by the Russians is mounting to the point where soon even republicans will have to take notice – and, I believe there are republicans who, when the evidence becomes overwhelming, will find the “stones” to put country over party. There are many in the democratic caucus ready to “pull the plug on Trump’s days in the “White House” right now. It’s likely there’s going to have to be a revolt in the Senate against Mitch McConnell to get him “on board,” because I’m beginning to think he’s possibly been compromised himself. Trump MUST be stopped sooner rather than later – despite the FACT the vice president is the disgusting, sad, pathetic Mike Pense – because preserving the NATO Alliance is more important than waiting out Trump’s two years to prevent a second disaster – meaning Pense as the next “so-called” president.

Final Thought: As I mentioned in my last post, one of my questions which came up repeatedly during this Trump disaster – as the EVIDENCE has been mounting – AND republicans have been trying to suppress the EVIDENCE – has been “are members of Congress immune from OBSTRUCTING justice?” Another thing that tells me things may be looking “up” is the report that Mueller is investigating Devon Nunes – who was CLEARLY and OPENLY attempting to OBSTRUCT Mueller’s investigation – as has Rudy Giuliani. (and others – Jim Jordan was the first name that came to my mind) My hope is that when all is said and done with this investigation there will be final CLARITY that in America NO ONE is above the law. That would include the president and anyone defending him along with anyone in Congress who wants to impede on ongoing investigation. If “we the people” lose faith in our justice System – which is EXACTLY what Trump and his surrogates are attempting to cause – our nation, as it has existed for over 200 years will be “finished.” I continue to believe Robert Mueller will find himself in the history books in the section titled “heroes” and Trump, Giuliani, Nunes, Jordan, McConnell, Paul Ryan, and others will be in the section headed up by Benedict Arnold (yes, if you’ve read some of my other posts, you’ve seen that claim multiple times)

Our liberal media needs to stop allowing this false equivalency to continue. It’s the republicans BLOCKING the reopening of our government!

I keep listening to one person after another parsing all the different ways they can do so in support of the “Trump shutdown” of several agencies of our federal government. Of course, Trump is claiming he’s willing to continue shuttering the government for “years” if need be to BULLY democrats into giving him (and the fools who believe Mexico will pay for it) the so-called “wall.” This wall, of course, is nothing more than a false promise that has NO chance of EVER being built – more than anything it shows the gullibility (or stupidity – take your choice) of the people in America who are choosing to remain as Trump supporters. Even, just hypothetically, if Trump got the funding, the construction of a wall on our southern border will NEVER be built.

It would take something like $40 BILLION to fund the “wall” and that doesn’t include all the LAND the government would have to claim using “eminent domain” which would require court challenges lasting for enough years for common sense to prevail. Trump will be GONE no later than the end of 2020 – that’s if he makes it that long. That being said, when you think about it logically the democrats CAN NOT agree to give him the $5 BILLION he wants at this point to do who knows what. Just stop and think – whether you’re a republican, democrat, independent, or whatever would happen if the democrats cave. You would have Trump and future presidents using “government shutdowns” to get what they want “or take their basketball and go home” over and over again.

Then there’s the threat to claim this is a national emergency as another way to force Congress to give Trump his money. I think even republicans are cognizant enough to see the fault in this solution to the present problem. They really didn’t like when President Obama used an executive order to create the DACA program and, I believe, they see the writing on the wall that post Trump it’s very likely it will be MANY years until we have another republican president. One thing Trump has accomplished is to wake up the progressives (liberals – more and more are actually claiming that moniker) and they’re lining up to run against Trump or anyone else who republicans manage to nominate in 2020. With policies like this latest fiasco Trump is turning more and more people into democrats! (Of course, if democrats “cave” to Trump, “all bets are off”)

While I’ve pointed out many times how pathetic Trump is, the other day I almost came to the conclusion I hope he finishes out his term. I can tell you why in two words: Mike Pense. Yesterday I forced myself to listen to a recording of Pense’s phone conversation with Rush Limbaugh where he soiled himself much like he’s done so many times in Trump’s presence. This, however, was just about too much for me. This dude Pense, and I can’t believe I’m going to write this, is even MORE of an embarrassment than our so-called president. Pense was actually thanking Limbaugh for urging Trump to close the government over this STUPID “wall.”

So, we’ve now got to the point where something like 800,000 government public servants will miss a paycheck and we’re well past where those who support our government as contractors in a plethora of ways will struggle to recover. Additionally, private businesses that function in areas which are frequented by government workers – like, for example, restaurants and grocery stores – are losing large amounts of money from which they will likely be unable to fully recover. And, it goes on and on, all because our so-called president appears to fear Limbaugh and Ann Coulter – kind of like republicans seem to fear Trump. (Maybe it’s Limbaugh, Coulter, and Fox “news” they fear as well)

The worst part of all this to me is that the evidence Trump is a totally illegitimate (so-called) president based on the ILLEGAL activity he indulged in during the campaign as “individual 1.” That’s not even taking into account the LIKELIHOOD Trump conspired with Russians to get elected – along with the ILLEGAL payments to the women he chose to have AFFAIRS with while Melania was at home taking care of Baron – a toddler at the time. (In fact, apparently, Trump was “fooling around” while Melania was pregnant with Baron. This is the man who bragged about being able to grab women by the pussies because he was “famous.” That didn’t bother the evangelicals who formed his base, so who knows if they would have cared about Trump paying off these women to “affect the outcome of the election?” As a (liberal) Christian I have to say I hope it would have had an affect, but sadly, I don’t believe it would have.

That evangelicals form his “base” grieves my heart every time I think of it, not only because of the sexual impropriety at a level that suggests deviancy, but also, Trump is a serial LIAR and that was no secret prior to the election and his RACISM likewise was no secret. While I am and was disgusted with how many American could vote for him, at the time I “got” that Hillary Clinton was every bit as despised by MANY Americans and she did not run a well thought out campaign. Yes, there were obstacles she faced that no other candidate in history has had to overcome, but the truth is MANY “liberals” chose to “stay home” or vote for an alternative candidate. For example, the two libertarian candidates, who were embarrassing to listen to (I listened to them) garnered enough votes to swing the election from Mrs. Clinton.

Speaking of the Russian “influence” to get Trump elected, if you remember, the Green Party Candidate, Jill Stein, was at the same dinner in Russia which was part of the downfall of Michael Flynn, back in the early part of the campaign – I’m guessing the plan (by the Russians) was to help her run her campaign in another way to peel off disenchanted democratic voters with Clinton as the democratic candidate. So, in addition to Trump ILLEGALLY hiding illicit affairs to “win” the election, he had America’s number one adversary secretly working “overtime” to swing the election in his direction.

And, Trump’s long history of association with the Russian mafiya is NO secret to anyone who’s got even the least bit of curiosity so all the recent information hitting the “liberal media” connecting Trump to Vladimir Putin and suggesting he’s in “cahoots” should not be a surprise. What’s really curious to me is the willingness of republicans to not only go along with Trump but to actually be fully supporting him. I’m not the only American wondering whether the republicans in Congress remember their OATH was to the constitution – NOT to Trump or their political party? Even with the “Trump shutdown” we see over and over the illogical argument put forth by one republican in Congress after another in defense of Trump’s un-patriotic position. (Keep in mind, this is not about a “wall” – it’s about Trump’s “connection” to a bunch of right wing corporatists who don’t believe government is “essential” – despite their receiving more than their share of the benefits)

For example, one of the republicans on the forefront of republicans defending Trump is Lindsay Graham – who, it seems to me, has lost his mind since Trump was elected (does Trump have “something” on him?). In Graham’s remarks, if you listen carefully, you get the idea he’s on board with Trump blaming the democrats for this “shutdown” – despite Trump actually claiming responsibility a week or two before these departments ran out of money. Sadly, many in the media allow Graham and other right wing “talkers” to get away with ANOTHER false equivalency. Laying responsibility for this “shutdown” is undeniable. Democrats in the House, soon after taking control of that “chamber of government,” passed the same republican led legislation which was earlier passed in the Senate (almost unanimously) – legislation which includes something like $1.6 BILLION in “border security – and Mitch McConnell won’t allow a vote on it because “Trump won’t sign it.”

So, logically speaking, if you want to have an argument about whose fault this “shutdown” is, you’re logically limited to an argument of it’s either Trump or McConnell. Personally, I’m leaning toward McConnell, who seems to cower in the face of the possibility Trump might make an uncomplimentary “Tweet” aimed his way. Either way, you can’t logically blame the democrats because they keep sending bills aimed at opening the government to the Senate. The fact McConnell or Trump don’t like the “details” (although republicans already agreed to these details in an earlier Senate vote) doesn’t change the FACT they are the ones keeping government “shuddered.” Logically, there’s NO other way to look at this – so our liberal media needs to stop allowing this false equivalency to continue. It’s the republicans BLOCKING the reopening of our government!

Recent articles in the New York Times and the Washington Post by Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and supported by multiple sources indicate Trump has been investigated by the FBI as a possible “asset” of the Russian government and Vladimir Putin, which is no surprise to someone like me who’s read MANY books about Trump’s connection to Russia and, more significantly, the Russian Mafiya. It’s harder and harder for me to understand why so many republicans are willing to attach their “wagon” to Trump’s impending DISASTER – which very likely will come when Robert Mueller gives his report. (I feel as if I should be referring to Trump as “individual 1” to better make my point – I believe he’s like an organized crime “boss”) There’s so much circumstantial evidence connecting Trump to Russia and Putin that it’s alarming that republicans, of all of America’s politicians, would be his “base.” Republicans have embraced the “alt right” as the base of their party going forward. This would suggest the republican party is on “life support” – at best.

With this “shutdown” Trump is DIRECTLY undermining America’s government – but, there appears to be many indirect actions he’s made which may be doing even MORE damage. I keep asking myself, is Trump simply an “idiot” or “moron” as has been suggested by Rex Tillerson or Jim Mattis or is he actually an OVERT TRAITOR? He’s undermining NATO, he pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords, he undermined the Iran Nuclear Arms agreement (they’re now suggesting they’re going to start their nuclear program again), and did you see him in Helsinki?

This morning I listened to Chuck Todd of MSNBC interview first, Ted Cruz, and then Tim Kaine. As you would surmise Cruz and Kaine had almost opposite “talking points” but, as I was listening to this, I came back to my disgust with the “liberal media” – in this case Chuck Todd – as almost, by how they seem unprepared in interviews, these “commentators” almost encourage the false equivalency I referred to above. Certainly Cruz is a lawyer and knows how to “debate” but people like Todd shouldn’t allow them on the air unless they’re willing to prepare themselves to respond to FALSE comments they KNOW are coming! “We the people” depend on the “fourth estate” for government accountability – and, people like Todd need to prepare themselves for interviews to prevent themselves from becoming the patsies of people like Cruz. When it’s possible our so-called president is a TRAITOR all hands should be “on deck.”

Final Thought: As usual, my apologies for “publishing” without rereading and editing.

It’s going to be very difficult for republicans to blame this “shutdown” on democrats when everyone knows why it’s happening! Our “national emergency” is Trump!

It’s no secret, “we the people” have a blooming IDIOT as our so-called president. Recently, I quit Directv because they kept jacking up my bills and I switched to YouTube TV – so now when I watch TV it’s on my computer and today when I logged on I clicked on MSNBC and there was Trump bloviating from a meeting with his cabinet in the “White House.” It’s like MSNBC wants to torture their audience because they leave Trump on for virtually EVERY word that comes from his mouth. I couldn’t stand to watch this incredible narcissist attempting to make himself look like some kind of great (so-called) president and the only thought that came to my mind was the FACT checkers are working OVERTIME. As I’ve said (along with who knows how many millions of others) when Trump’s mouth is moving he’s LYING!

I’m supposing Trump is doing this incredible exhibit of stupidity in order to get his WALL that MEXICO is supposed to pay for. He says “This is national security, this is health, this is welfare” as he talked about how important his WALL supposedly is. Apparently, Trump doesn’t understand 10 MILLION more Americans VOTED for democrats in the recent election than for republicans – after Trump was out on the campaign trail telling republican “ditto heads” when you go to the polls you’re voting for me. Well, there were MORE democrats elected than at any time since (maybe) Watergate.

Trump claimed he is the most popular republican president EVER and he seems to think he’s the reason for anything “good” in America. What’s interesting to me is this “government shutdown” which Trump claimed credit for a few weeks ago is actually the result of the reality Trump is a surrogate to the people on Fox “news” (ie Trump TV). When the talking heads on Fox along with Rush Limbaugh accused Trump of “caving” when the Senate passed a “continuing resolution” with a near unanimous vote – giving $1.3 BILLION for “border security” which Trump had agreed to sign (money, by the way, that already had been appropriated and only about 10% had been spent) – well, it appears Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are the de-facto (so-called) presidential advisers. It’s like a LIARS united in an attempt to convince “we the people” this “wall” is some kind of desperately needed issue of national security.

Well, MILLIONS of Americans voted for “NO WALL” in the mid term election and the expectation is that democrats will NOT “cave” in regard to this “WALL.” This is Trump’s “shutdown” and Mitch McConnell is going, at some point, to have to make a decision on whether or not this portion of the government will re-open. I believe McConnell is up for re-election in 2020 and he has a long history of OBSTRUCTION which is going to be, I’m sure, brought up in his bid for this re-election. Even though he hails from Kentucky, I don’t expect him to get a lot of support from people like Chuck Todd – who gave him an odd “assist” in 2014 – in his next bid for election. I’m guessing it’s even possible for Kentucky to come up with a democrat who can defeat McConnell – in a state which has been a significant beneficiary of “Obamacare.” (I’ve heard McConnell’s approval rating in Kentucky is somewhere in the 30’s)

MSNBC, apparently in their ongoing attempt to be “fair and balanced,” continues to put “conservative” talking heads on their panels – people who push the Trump narrative. Fortunately, some of the other “talking heads” who are more geared toward factual commentary are beginning to fight back in the face of absurd comments from people trying to defend Trump’s agenda. It appears there’s NO factual way to defend our so-called president. like on this government “shutdown.” I don’t remember the name of the person on MSNBC today who I listened to defend Trump’s position on the “wall,” she was listed as a “conservative commentator,” but her rationale was bordering on the absurd. She was actually blaming the lack of this “wall” as the reason for the decline in the life expectancy of Americans which, apparently, has happened since Trump took office. It was hard to stomach and the only good thing about the comments was the other “commentators” immediately pushed back and called out the absurdity of her comments.

It’s as if LYING is a requirement of anyone involved with Trump. It appears Trump’s “strategy” for getting this wall (that Mexico is supposed to pay for) has shifted to LYING about all the “terrorists” who have been apprehended at our southern border. The claim is “almost 4000 terrorists” have come across our Southern border – and, even someone (Chris Wallace, I believe) on Fox “news” called BS on this claim almost as it came out of the mouth of Sarah Sanders, because the reality is there’s NO evidence of “terrorists” coming across our Southern border. This is Trump’s prerequisite to making an executive order claiming there’s a “national emergency” at our Southern border so Trump can claim victory in the “shutdown” and finance his “wall” with money previously authorized for our military. Trump is actually planning a “national speech” aimed at making himself look good. The only thing I’m anticipating regarding his “speech” is that it will be more embarrassment for “we the people.”

I’ve been the beneficiary of “government workers” in a way that had a profound impact on my life and that of my family. I’ve always felt these (government) workers who work in anonymity do “we the people” a great service that too many of us have come to take for granted. This is possibly my greatest frustration in watching Trump’s destruction of our government – the vast number of people who make our government work are treated as if they’re insignificant. To me, this is the opposite of any “populist” movement – which is supposedly Trump’s “strength.” I believe Trump’s “strength” is the ignorance of his “base.” People who are willing to believe his words despite the overwhelming evidence that he’s a pathological LIAR. I will be disgusted with any network which shows Trump’s “prime-time” address.

I can’t remember the number of times I’ve pointed out that Trump is using the “Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich and Joseph Goebbels back in 1930’s Germany. The FACT there are LIES coming from every which way and they are repeated by one surrogate after another in an attempt to cause people to believe the LIES are actually the truth. You can see the pathological nature of Trump’s LYING because you can see from his eyes how he’s convincing himself his LIE is “true” as the words tumble off his tongue.

Trump IS succeeding at making everything in our political realm all about him. He’s clearly attempting to manipulate the media’s coverage of him – to me, in the instance of this “shutdown,” an attempt to get the attention off the “Russia thing.” Personally, when I think of the “Russia thing” and, therefore, Robert Mueller, I think of a slow moving bulldozer which is going to keep going, slowly, until the job has been completed. As time goes by, the evidence that Trump is up to his ears in Russia “stuff” will continue to mount. The question has gone way beyond whether or not there was “collusion” (Treason) in the 2016 election, to is Trump an ongoing “puppet” of Vladimir Putin?

Recent remarks at an oval office “sit-down” by Trump about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan back in the late 70’s, comments which were absurdly incorrect – unless you are pushing the Kremlin’s attempt at historical reconstruction – would cause more than me to wonder if Trump is even more “connected” to Russia than previously perceived by even the most cynical (me) Trump opponent. It appears the ONLY place Trump could have found those words was in a phone call with Putin himself! We all know Trump doesn’t (or can’t) read so there’s no other explanation as to how Trump could come up with claiming the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan because of terrorists! This is all embarrassing, if you actually love this country!

Here’s the sad reality “we the people” are facing – as long as republicans continue to enable Trump’s anti-American behavior – both China and Russia are expanding at a much more rapid pace, Europe is becoming more vulnerable, and Trump seems to be trying to undermine America’s standing in the world. If that doesn’t get your attention, if you’re an American, then not much will. Sadly, I know all too many Americans who want nothing to do with politics and who allow their “opinions” to form based on whatever the last “talking points” they heard on cable TV or the headlines on the newspaper, if they’re one of the rare people who read anymore. This is why so much DAMAGE is being caused by a (so-called) president who has no idea what he’s doing and who’s getting “cornered” by the reality that some of his former illegal behavior is “coming home to roost.”

As I try to comprehend whether this “government shutdown” is Trump’s way to get the focus off the “Russia thing” I’m constantly reminded (by Trump) that he very well may be a traitor. That’s Mueller’s job – and I, like MILLIONS of others, are anxious for him to come to a conclusion. That being said, there are nearly a MILLION government workers who are looking at a very bad January if they start missing paychecks and Trump is acting as if he could care less. Trump seems to be thinking he can force his “wall” on “we the people” via this shutdown. Many of his supporters will be the most affected by this “shutdown” if it continues for much longer and we’ll see how loyal they are once their livelihood is on the line. It’s going to be very difficult for republicans to blame this “shutdown” on democrats when everyone knows why it’s happening!

Final Thought: This is all almost unbelievable (except that we’ve got two years of listening to the LIES) listening to the “falsehoods” (LIES) coming from the mouth of Trump. One day it’s medical issues, the next day it’s terrorists, and the next day it’s something else – the only thing you can count on is whatever Trump is saying is a LIE and he does it without a sliver of conscience. Tomorrow Trump is planning to LIE to “we the people” from the “Oval Office.” He continues to push his time in the “White House” to new lows. Hold onto your ass!