Weakening the United States works in the favor of Russia and China, for starters. And, Trump is the perfect stooge to enable both of those countries to fill in the international void being created by Trump’s incompetence.

Today is the day Roger Stone was indicted by the Mueller investigation on charges of obstruction, witness tampering, and false statements. I saw this had happened as I watched Stone, immediately after I turned on the TV, giving a defiant “speech” in front of group of people shouting “lock him up,” saying something like “Under no circumstances will I give false testimony on the president or to help myself.” (Despite the quotation marks, that was my paraphrasing of what I heard him say – I took it as the first line of the pardon application) I can tell you, after listening to Stone, it just re-affirmed to me that Trump’s organization is, at a minimum, affiliated with the mafia. Stone, who I’ve been aware of for years, has been a republican operative who’s been connected with the “dirty” work of the republican party since the days of Richard Nixon. Today, it was as if Stone was thumbing his nose to any idea that America’s laws would apply to someone like him.

The circumstantial evidence that our so-called president is a traitor is mounting fast, but, I guess, we’ll have to wait until either Mueller’s investigation makes it irrefutable, or Congress FINALLY does their job of oversight of the executive branch. I believe Devin Nunes and, maybe others like Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and who knows who else, were suspiciously attempting to deflect ANY evidence implicating Trump by a continuous pointing of “fingers” toward Hillary Clinton, President Obama, James Comey, and others who Trump considers his “enemies.” I mean, you have to have your head in the sand to not see Trump’s actions which resemble that of a mafia boss. I fully expect the republican members of the House who, it seemed to me, were attempting to OBSTRUCT the Mueller investigation, will continue their attempt at OBSTRUCTION despite now being in the MINORITY.

A couple days ago, I listened to a small segment of “The Beat” on MSNBC where four Trump surrogates, including Carter Page – someone who comes across to me as the most pathetic person I’ve ever seen that has a PHD – and Jerome Corsi. Within about five minutes of when I tuned into the program (I was driving and listening to my XM car radio) the four people started sniping at each other. The one who stood out to me as being almost as pathetic as Page was Corsi – who may also have a PHD because he was referred to as “Dr. Corsi.” Corsi has claimed he was going to be indicted – and, in this segment on the radio Corsi was doing whatever he could to distance himself from Stone. Somehow, it feels like to me Corsi may end up being right in the middle of what he’s realizing is a conspiracy AGAINST the United States of America. The more I learn about these people, the more disgusting it gets.

Evidently to take the attention off the Stone indictment Trump was FORCED to re-open the government which he shutdown over this STUPID “wall” that “Mexico would pay for” and, “we the people” were forced to listen to his pathetic attempt to make a total capitulation look like something different. So, true to Trump’s TOTAL incompetence, “we the people” are not only talking about the Stone indictment and its connection to Trump, himself, but also the disaster of this “shutdown.” Think about this, something like 500,000 government workers were doing NOTHING and now are going to receive their pay for the past 35 days – and, Trump is threatening to do the same thing in another 3 weeks – if he doesn’t get his “wall.” It could all start over again.

What does “it” mean? Well, think about more than the FACT these workers were sitting at home and not getting paid – what about the “essential employees” – like the air traffic controllers, FBI agents, TSA employees at airports, and others to the tune of about 300,000 employees who were WORKING without pay. The list of circumstances which were “threats” to our “national security” due to the shutdown is, apparently, a long one – like, for example, the FBI lost key informants due to a lack of funds to pay whatever they have to pay to keep them in line. (Of course, that’s an area I have no idea how it works) Thankfully, there wasn’t a disaster at an airport or with planes flying into each other’s paths due to air traffic controllers succumbing to the ADDITIONAL pressure they were facing due to working without getting paid. However, another reason Trump was FORCED to “cave” was the FACT planes were being grounded due to lack of personnel – Air Traffic Controllers and TSA agents were getting “sick” at higher levels.

I believe the damage to our economy will be significant when all is said and done. And, in the short amount of time I listened to Trump this morning, he suggested he might shut the government down again in three weeks. Trump is a bully and he didn’t like LOSING in his face-off with Nancy Pelosi. Trump doesn’t understand that he’s in over his head in dealing with someone with Pelosi’s experience and, I’m sure, the FACT it’s a WOMAN who made him look ridiculous doesn’t sit well with him. He’s used to being able to grab women by the “pussy” simply “because he’s famous.” Well, he’s going to get a lot of “play” in the news today and the days to come and I don’t think the BULLY is going to like what he sees.

Think about ALL the work that was NOT done while these government workers were sitting at home – furloughed. Now, they’ve got to attempt to get caught up while knowing this could all start over again in three weeks, according to Trump’s pathetic “cave in” comments. You have to believe Trump is smart enough NOT to do this again, but I’ve come to the point where I won’t put anything past him. Trump is likely seething as I’m writing this and something really irrational could be the next disaster for Trump’s so-called presidency. The affect on the economy will show up in the next month or so as the employment results show up – keep in mind there were reportedly 1.2 MILLION contractors who will NEVER be “made whole.” Will that affect the GNP? I’m not smart enough about economics to know. What I am sensing is that the economy is teetering on the edge of a disaster. And, I for one, have no confidence in Trump or those around him being able to deal with that.

Republicans have proven over and over during the past 40 years that they’re good at winning elections and “rigging” the system in their favor – they just have no idea on how to govern. Now we have a so-called president who looks more and more like a mafia boss who is totally incompetent at running this government and there are many critical funding items coming in the next month or two. Trump does have some “stuff” to brighten his day. While he’s facing a barrage of negative commentary coming from the right wing pundits who caused him to “jump in” to this mess – which was destined to make him look weak and stupid – and, while his “opponents” in Washington and around the country (like me) are saying writing critical “stuff” about his incompetence, he’s got Kim Jong un to lift himself up.

Apparently, in all of this, he’s been getting flattering communications from Kim, likely the MOST ruthless dictator on the face of the planet. While our government will be floundering in the next few weeks – with republicans undoubtedly continuing their attempt at as much OBSTRUCTION as they can get away with – Trump will be focused on another “summit” with Kim. I don’t know about you, but this makes me about as nervous as with anything Trump is “touching.” I believe Kim is planning to take Trump for a “ride” which “we the people” will be lamenting for possibly years to come. As an American I have to hope Trump could negotiate a favorable agreement with Kim, but history and Trump’s present circumstances, makes a complete disaster very likely.

I didn’t read the complete Stone indictment, but from what I saw on TV tonight, it surely looks to me as if Trump is getting his “wall” and it’s the evidence Mueller has about his connection to the Russians in the last election and it’s beginning to surround him. I’ll say it again (If you’ve read some of my previous posts I apologize for the repetitive comment) I believe Trump will end up in the American history books right next to Benedict Arnold. In my mind, the challenge for Mueller is to get to the final part of this “wall” sooner rather than later. Keep in mind, Putin’s real objective is to undermine the United States. His (Putin’s) main objective was to turn Americans against each other (I suppose that has been part of Russia’s plan for well before they partnered up with Trump) and to undermine our confidence in our representative democracy.

Weakening the United States works in the favor of Russia and China, for starters. And, Trump is the perfect stooge to enable both of those countries to fill in the international void being created by Trump’s incompetence. It’s possible the solution to this will be republicans abandoning Trump after he “caved” on his so-called wall – the STUPID wall that will never be built and Mexico’s NOT paying for. In fact, I heard tonight, that the “wall” was Stone’s idea as a way to get Trump to gain the upper hand in the debate about immigration – a hot sticking point with republicans. At some point republicans will realize connecting themselves to a so-called president who conspired with Russians to get elected is going to lead to the demise of the republican party – wall or no wall. Many republicans will be trying to save their own skins at some point in the near future. What Trump has proven is that people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter continue to have too much power in where the republican party now finds itself and, they represent the views of maybe 20% of America (the so-called “alt right”). Whether it (the republican party) can recover from Trump remains to be seen!

Final Thought: Every time I see Trump walking up to a podium around or in the “White House” or during his moments where he answers questions coming from reporters as he’s walking across the “White House” lawn toward “chopper 1” (actually, I don’t remember what his helicopter is called) I have to ask myself – who buys his ties for him. His ties are ridiculous. They’re usually red and they hang down well below the level of his belt. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to make him look thinner, but whatever the reason, someone needs to help him get ties that are not so UGLY! And, usually “fashion” is unnoticeable to me – but, those ties! Ugh!!!

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