That this government is being “run” by Coulter and Limbaugh would have been beyond my imagination prior to Trump.

One thing that I’ve said several times here that differentiates Trump from Richard Nixon, as we get closer to “I” day, and that is I don’t believe Trump will resign. I don’t believe he has any respect for our constitution, our legal system, our Justice Department, and he acts just as if he’s a organized crime boss. Getting Trump out of the “White House” will require impeachment and a conviction in the Senate. I believe he’s counting on the republican members of the Senate cowering to his “base” and being unwilling to vote him out of office under any circumstances.

Of course, the latest “scandal” (in Trump’s “scandal a day” term as our so-called president) is an article in Buzzfeed.News that Trump ordered Michael Cohen to LIE to Congress regarding the FACT Trump was pursuing a “Trump Tower” in Moscow during the 2016 campaign. “If true” – the latest “buzz words” (pun intended) in Washington D.C. Trump would be guilty of a crime – at a minimum OBSTRUCTION of Justice – and that’s according to the Attorney General designate Bob Barr. I’m actually wondering if Trump is going to pull Barr’s nomination after watching his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Trump, obviously, will do anything to put off the inevitable – and, that’s he’s headed for an “orange jumpsuit.”

Curiously, as the government shutdown closes in on one month it was reported today Trump is considering another “summit” with Kim Jong un, the RUTHLESS dictator of North Korea who is totally PLAYING Trump as if he’s a cheap fiddle. I was even thinking, a couple days ago, this is likely to be a way for Trump to get the focus off all his other problems. Just as they have done for as many years as I can remember the North Koreans are unlikely to follow through on any “agreement” they make with Trump. In fact, my thought was they are monitoring Trump’s “issues” and now would be the perfect time for them to “swoop” in and take Trump for another “ride.” The last time Kim got himself on a worldwide stage with Trump giving him a platform as if on an equal footing with the (so-called) president of the United States – a major Kim objective.

Of course, Kim is reportedly an even more ruthless dictator than Vladimir Putin, Erdogan of Turkey, Duterte in the Philippines, and virtually any other “thug” around the world. Trump, the last time he met with Kim, didn’t even question his murdering of his own people, the gulags in North Korea, or any of the other “human rights” questions regarding Kim. In fact, Trump was impressed at how those around Kim, along with the members of the Korean media, were so “loyal” – apparently not understanding what happens to someone in North Korea who is not completely subservient to Kim. Here’s the main question in my mind, what is Trump going to give up to Kim to get the attention off the “Russia thing?” Clearly, Trump is desperate to turn the attention from the Russia “thing” and do we want an illegitimate (so-called) president negotiating with any foreign leader, let alone one with the lack of credibility like Kim?

I really have to wonder what is going through the heads of the republicans in Congress who are complicit in Trump’s behavior – by virtue of their silence. For years I’ve lamented that democrats – the ONLY realistic check “we the people” have on the republican assault on America’s middle class – have been “spineless.” Well, “good news” for democrats – the republicans have shown themselves to make the democrats look like, as I’ve said recently, Ninja warriors. I picture in my mind republican members of Congress cowering in corners of the Capitol building so they don’t have to face questions from the media starting with “If this is true……” Just try to think how these republicans would have responded if President Obama had been accused of directing someone to LIE to them in Congressional testimony.

I mean, I could write for a day suggesting things republicans have “looked the other way” regarding Trump that would have caused un UPROAR in their caucus which would shake the capitol off its foundation. I mean, just think how republicans would have responded if Obama was accused of being an “asset” of a foreign adversary? Or, what if Obama had LIED over 8000 times in his first two years in office – LIES that were able to be proven as false statements? What if Obama had been accused by 19 women of sexual impropriety? What if Obama had LIED directly to the American people REPEATEDLY? I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point. These republicans seem to be overcome by fear!

So, is it going to even matter if it is true that Trump compelled (ordered, directed, or pick your own word) Michael Cohen (and, who knows who else – his children?) to LIE to Congress about the proposed Trump Tower in Russia? Yesterday I had breakfast with a good friend who is a total supporter of Trump (I can’t seem to get through to him) and he doesn’t believe Trump is a LIAR! Now, this friend is very intelligent, it’s just that he’s a right wing libertarian and he watches Fox “news.” You can tell someone like this they’re being “brainwashed” by watching Fox and it just doesn’t sink in – They’re hearing what they want to hear so it’s hard for them to listen to someone like me. If things evolve to the point where even republicans in the Senate decide Trump should be removed from office, I think there is a group of people who won’t accept this no matter what!

I pointed out to my friend that a large segment of Trump’s “base” is the so-called “alt right” in America – which is largely made up of “white nationalists” – the same group that Steve King FINALLY got reprimanded in the House of Representatives for being associated with – and, possibly now being censured. To him, none of that matters, it’s all about the judges. The “alt right,” for example, would include the KKK. And, if you’ve listened to very many of the “evangelicals” (like my friend – who I don’t consider a racist) – mostly in the South or the rust belt – at least most of the ones I’ve listened to – you hear a poorly “hidden” racist attitude and you definitely get the confirmation there’s a significant segment of America which could be labeled as “un-educated.” Every time I think about this I’m reminded of Trump’s own words after the Iowa caucuses in early 2016 when he said, “I love un-educated voters!” Well, the reality is a lot of these “un-educated” voters are armed and very well may end up in the streets if “their” president is impeached and removed from office. (I believe knowing this is why James Comey prefers Trump to be removed at the ballot box in 2020.

I believe I may be in agreement with Comey, but likely for a different reason. For me, the idea that Mike Pense would spend one day as the 46th president of the United States makes me feel a bit sick in my stomach. Personally, I believe Pense has participated in the OBSTRUCTION of Justice along with Trump. However, with the next in line after Pense being Nancy Pelosi, I can’t imagine republicans agreeing to impeach BOTH Trump and Pense.

This is a republican party that is simply unable to govern – beyond giving tax cuts to the top 1% – and, now Trump is holding our government hostage to his stupid “wall” – which will NEVER be built. The issue with Trump possibly suborning perjury (telling Cohen to LIE) – which IS a very significant news story – kind of takes the “eye” of the news media off of the reality of this government shutdown. Here is the reality – and, republicans understand this every much as democrats – the democrats CAN’T “cave” on this shutdown. They CAN’T allow Trump to bully them into giving him his “wall” – because, if they do, we’ll see an endless stream of “I’ll shut the government down” if you don’t give me what I want – this would then be the way we govern. If you think what is going on now is ridiculous – well, that would be more ridiculous.

And, I’d like to see our so-called “liberal media” present the issue in that way. From what I’ve seen they are reporting on this “shutdown” with the conversation being “who’s to blame?” Well, that shouldn’t even be at issue. For one thing, Trump (stupidly) accepted responsibility right before this happened and secondly, until the government is re-opened there’s NOTHING to negotiate. As I just said, the democrats CAN’T agree to ANY part of Trump’s demand because this is NO WAY to run a government. I’ve often thought republicans are good at winning elections due to their willingness to LIE, but, during my lifetime, they’ve proven they are incapable of actually governing. From Nixon all the way through Trump, every republican administration (except Ford) has been mired in scandal and investigations and has been unable to efficiently run the government. The result being the world has been destabilized and America is overwhelmingly in debt!

As bad as the previous republican administrations have been (and, yes, I’m including Reagan’s) Trump “takes the cake.” Every day the “evidence” mounts that Trump is nothing more than a mafia “boss” – which certainly explains his incompetence at running a government – and, with yesterday’s news that Trump “suborned perjury,” should be difficult even for republicans to look away. Yet, in the face of all this, they are willing to cause over a MILLION people who either are government employees or contractors who work for the government to SUFFER economic hardship over Trump’s “wall.” The other day I listened to someone who said the most powerful person in the republican party is either Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter – and, that Trump fears both of them. I found that almost depressing because it’s likely true. My friend I mentioned above says he’s OK if the government is shut down for years – and, I believe he’s not alone in that terrible thought. That this government is being “run” by Coulter and Limbaugh would have been beyond my imagination prior to Trump. They won’t allow Trump to give in and the Democrats CAN’T. This is a bad place for America – and, sadly, this group of employees is paying the price for Trump’s petulance and Limbaugh’s and Coulter’s arrogance. Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I started this post about a week ago, and, as usual, I’m having a hard time keeping up with Trump’s incompetence – along with the republicans who are complicit in his attempt to turn the presidency into a dictator. Above, I again referenced my long held belief Trump is nothing more than a mob boss and now he’s clearly, in his angst toward Michael Cohen, proven me correct again. Whether Trump has to “face the music” for his illegal behavior, well, we’ll see – but his clear threats toward Cohen and his family are violations of the criminal code against “witness tampering” – a crime with a penalty of up to 20 YEARS in prison. He called Cohen a “rat,” he railed against “flippers” – or, people who decide to tell the TRUTH to investigators (nothing is worse in “mob land”), and now he’s threatening Cohen’s “father in law” (who is apparently in his 80’s) because Cohen is testifying (presumably) against Trump.

I heard part of an interview Cohen gave recently where he said he’s going to tell the truth and he’s decided to face the reality of the decision he made to associate himself with Trump where he agreed to do many (again, presumably) illegal activities. I believe the Trump attempt to intimidate Cohen into not testifying is an egregious (another) FELONY. Many republicans in Congress are lawyers – their blind loyalty is, to people like me, unforgivable! As of today, the “shutdown” has lasted 34 days – if it continues, get on a plane – at your own risk! (The real cost of this “shutdown” – if there are no tragic consequences – will far exceed the 5.7 BILLION Trump is wanting for his STUPID “wall” – that never will be built, just another in a long list of examples about Trump’s incompetence)

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