Most Americans will NEVER understand this fight has NOTHING to do with Trump’s wall, because our media falls for Trump’s/republican’s “plan” every time!

I’m writing as I’m watching a group of CEO’s who have gathered at Davos Switzerland for an annual gathering of the world’s richest people in what is called the World Economic Forum. The first thing which caught my mind as I listened to what information is coming from this meeting is that, as we all know, the group at the top of the world’s economic pyramid is shrinking and the group at the bottom is expanding. Shockingly, the world’s RICHEST 26 individuals control wealth the equal of the bottom 50% of the WORLD! Yes, you read that right, the top 26 rich people own as much wealth as the bottom 3.5 BILLION of the world’s population. OK, I’ll put it another way, 26 at the top and 3,500,000,000 at the bottom.

In America, our so-called president is certainly NOT part of the 26 people at the top, but it appears to me he longs to be there. For example, there’s little doubt in my mind that Vladimir Putin is one of those 26 people and he’s clearly one of Trump’s idols and possibly his only idol. Sadly, many of the people who live in America and are part of that group at the bottom are part of Trump’s “base” – as Trump “affectionately” calls them – America’s “uneducated voters.” Trump has now caused a partial government “shutdown” as a way, in my view, to get people’s attention off his “bromance” with Putin – which is to a still undetermined degree a conspiracy to violate America’s electoral system. The question Trump doesn’t seem to want answered is if he’s an asset of Putin and the Russians. More important to me and millions of other Americans, is Trump actually in office because of Putin?

Clearly Trump is a master at manipulating the media and this shutdown is a great example of how he does it. Prior to the shutdown, Trump actually took “ownership” of what was coming in a meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” where he actually called in cameras to a meeting against their recommendation. So, there should be NO doubt as to why we have this “shutdown” or who’s responsible. But, listening to the “media” – and, keep in mind, I listen/watch supposedly to “liberal” media – you wouldn’t know Trump VOLUNTEERED to own this and that it’s something he actually “manufactured” – with the help of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh and other right wing wack jobs. Also, you wouldn’t understand the underlying PRINCIPLE which democrats are OBLIGATED to fight for – if they have actually learned to FIGHT!

To me, it’s apparent many of the pundits in the “liberal media” STILL haven’t learned the importance of the FIGHT. One by one (and, I’m listening to MSNBC) I keep hearing commentators questioning who’s at fault for this government “shutdown” and wondering when the “two sides” will begin to negotiate. In the beginning there was no question as to the FACT this is Trump’s “shutdown” but as the grief among the furloughed workers grows it’s apparent these commentators are slowly moving toward this being the problem of “both sides.” Trump has no ability to understand what these “paycheck to paycheck” people are going through, so it becomes up to the democrats to “negotiate” with Trump to end something that Trump created. Like, over this past weekend, Trump offered the democrats “part” of a solution to DACA – another “crisis” Trump, himself, created – as the “compromise” to get democrats to give him this 5.7 BILLION dollar blank check – he hasn’t even spent the original 1.3 BILLION dollars he was “given” during the previous Congress. Trump’s manipulation is working as one commentator after another on MSNBC are saying things like “both sides” …………..

If that makes you think this entire “shutdown” is over a contrived “crisis” you’d be correct and now our liberal media is beginning to lose their minds over the grief of the MILLION or so people who are being directly impacted by this fiasco. For people like me, here’s the issue which is more important than any wall or anything else in this “showdown.” “Liberals” always allow themselves to be played by republicans to the point where they (republicans) simply believe they’ll bully their way to getting what they want here. This is nothing more than a HOSTAGE taking by Trump – the hostage, of course, is the government workers and the benefits they provide for those they serve – and democrats CAN’T agree to Trump’s demands. What I’m not hearing from ANY pundit – if democrats agree to this BULLYING tactic from Trump – it will just keep happening. Next time it will be the debt ceiling – we saw this over and over again during Obama’s term and one reason “liberals” were discouraged is because Obama would often give in. Of course, in his case, it was the republican Congress doing the hostage taking. It’s time for democrats to say “enough already!”

Republicans have the perfect duo to pull this off – Trump and McConnell – two people with no capacity for empathy which puts them in the peer group of people like Coulter and Limbaugh. These people are all EXTREMELY wealthy and have NEVER had to experience anything like what they are causing for people, thousands of whom are actually working without pay, including the Coast Guard. In this “negotiation” republicans have simply upped the stakes over previous “shutdowns” to include about a MILLION federal workers (that number includes the contractors who will never be made “whole” when this finally ends) but, I’m sure, their calculation that the democrats will “cave” is based on history. And, I’m concerned they may be correct.

The best way for me to explain my concern that the dems will “cave” is based on the realization that Trump and McConnell could care less about all the workers who are suffering from this fiasco and you’re seeing democrats at the food lines and other places where government workers are taking charity that they certainly don’t feel comfortable taking – but, many have to because their savings have been depleted. This entire process is just further evidence of Trump’s desire to become the first American dictator. I’ve said for some time that Trump is envious of Vladimir Putin who simply has his denegrators “eliminated” – one way or the other.

Right now I’m listening to a commentator on MSNBC encouraging a member of the House democratic caucus to “cave” because republicans are making clear they will not do so. As I’m saying, not only are the republicans expecting the democrats to be the ones who “cave” but so are the members of the “liberal media.” I’ll say it again, “liberals” really don’t like seeing all these government workers suffer – and, more significantly from my perspective, the “contractors” – which essentially includes “service personnel” – which would be people doing jobs like janitorial jobs, security jobs, and other jobs where people are, behind the scenes, serving those who are “running” our government. Traditionally, this would be the democratic constituency – so, apparently, them going without work or pay is a concern to only democrats.

I’ll say it again, the democrats CAN’T cave or this kind of stupid CRAP will continue – and, the next time it happens it will be over something more significant than Trump’s WALL that MEXICO is supposed to pay for. Obviously, this fight is for way more than Trump’s wall. If this was so important, it would have happened before democrats took control of the House. This fight is Trump’s way to let democrats know,they really aren’t in charge – and, so far, Nancy Pelosi has been the perfect democratic leader – saying to Trump, “we’ll see” or “NO!” Clearly, it’s just a matter of time until Trump is impeached, his FOCUS is on protecting himself from Senators “abandoning ship” when it comes time for the “trial” in the Senate. The cost of this “shutdown” has gone way beyond the $5.7 BILLION Trump wants for a “wall” that will NEVER be built. Most Americans will NEVER understand this fight has NOTHING to do with Trump’s “wall,” because our media falls for Trump’s “plan” every time!

Yes, there are some Americans who can think for themselves and figure out what is really going on here – but, way too many depend on the media to inform them. And, sadly, way too many of those who depend on this media watch Fox “news” which has been beaming PROPAGANDA coming from the insides of the “conservative/right wing” movement for the past 25+ years. And, many “liberals” are beginning to see outlets like MSNBC and, evidently (I don’t watch it) CNN, like the opposite of Fox “news.” As a “liberal” I don’t agree with that assessment, because I believe there are those on MSNBC (which I watch) who are genuinely attempting to provide information for people to decipher for themselves – with the hosts clearly having a “liberal” bias – which seems to lead to what I’m trying to focus on with this post. These “liberal” hosts seem to be losing track of the importance that democrats DON’T “cave” to Trump’s bullying.

In her history it’s been “liberals” at the heart of what “made America great” – starting with leaders like Theodore Roosevelt and then hitting “high gear” under his cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deal – which has been the focus of the IRE of right wing leaders since the 1940’s. In the process of all that is happening during this impasse republicans are attempting to surreptitiously undermine as much as they can of what is left of the New Deal and the values which came from it (like the Fair Deal and the Great Society). And, sadly, all of this is coming from an illegitimately elected (so-called) president.

Final thought: As I was writing this, it was announced that Michael Cohen was canceling his appearance to publicly testify before the House oversight committee because of fears among his family members based on threats coming from Trump and his surrogates. I’ve pointed out Trump seems like a mafia boss to me and this is more evidence of that. Of course, Cohen worked for Trump for more than the past decade and he knows intimately what Trump may or may not do. And, keep in mind, we’re also talking about a president who has a history of being connected to the Russian mafia. Additionally, from books I’ve read Cohen and his family also have connections to the Russian mafia. “We the people” likely have difficulty understanding why Cohen may be concerned for the safety of his family if he testifies but the threats are likely more than just another Trump “tweet.” This whole period of American degradation is getting dirtier by the day!

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