Monthly Archives: July 2016

Donald Trump is taking Right Wing Hypocrisy to New Heights!

I’ve pretty much stopped watching (and listening) to what is considered the “main stream media” because I’m convinced they’re giving Donald Trump so much free air time simply to create “excitement” to push up ratings.  I’ve been saying for years that it appears to me that our so-called “news” outlets are more into creating news than reporting news.  What’s driving my thoughts on this subject today is the reporting I heard (briefly) yesterday on the latest “scandal” where apparently Ruth Bader Ginsburg expressed her true feelings about Mr. Trump.  What I heard was Trump’s response, so I have to assume Ms. Ginsburg’s remarks were not complimentary.  Trump was (as usual) calling her names.  I was listening to MSNBC (on my XM radio while driving my car) and I couldn’t help but think that the commentators, even on MSNBC, are almost like programmed robots.

First you hear the “scandal” – or whatever topic they’re “discussing,” (I maintain “we the people” are under a constant barrage of brainwashing by the “liberal media”) – then they provide you (as the listener – or viewer) with two totally partisan (hacks) pundits that put the spin from the right or the left on the subject.  And, I have to admit here, the pundits (hacks) representing the “right” seemingly are better prepared to push the narrative.  In this particular instance – I can’t remember who was “representing” the “left” – but their argument was totally defensive.  I pictured myself in their place and wondered why they didn’t, at the very minimum, ask why Ms Ginsburg’s speaking out about Trump was worse than Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas participating in the Koch Brothers’ summit meetings – you know, where all the billionaires converge in their attempt to turn America into a corporatist fascist state?  To me the hypocrisy is stark.  It kind of summarizes my disgust with the democrats and the so-called “liberal media” that have allowed Fox “news” (and their “followers”) to have convinced a large number of Americans  that liberals (like Ms.Ginsburg) are the problem.

I have to agree that it would be better for all Supreme Court Justices to remain as neutral (politically) as they can – of course, they have their fundamental beliefs like anyone else – and to avoid the media.  But, again, it irks me that the “right” is allowed to get away with condemning Ginsburg for speaking out, yet the corporatists on the Court cavort with the right wing cabal and nothing is said.  To me, Scalia and Thomas at a Koch Brothers “convention” is far worse than Ginsburg speaking her mind!

This follows close behind the latest “scandal” regarding Hillary Clinton and the email server issue.  I really have to wonder if anyone else will be asked to submit tens of thousands of their emails to the government to be scrutinized.  We know, for instance, that both of Mrs. Clinton’s predecessors in the Bush/Cheney administration exchanged “classified” information in private email accounts but neither were ever asked to submit ALL of their emails for scrutiny.  We also know that Jeb Bush had a private email server when governor of Florida.  Wouldn’t it be interesting to read all of his emails as himself and his secretary of state were manipulating the voting in Florida so that his brother could become president.  And, of course, all these people who are now claiming that Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have to recuse herself if she’s in the position to hear a “Clinton v Trump” case following the election were completely silent regarding Scalia and Thomas helping to vote in George W Bush – and, we all know what the real consequences of that decision was.

I’ve been disgusted with our media more than ever since I saw that their dereliction of duty was leading to the possibility that someone like Trump might actually win the White House.  I have written ad nauseum about the damage Bush/Cheney did to this nation – it’s really difficult to quantify because we are a resilient people and we “keep on keepin on,” but both militarily and economically the damage was severe.  Barack Obama has managed to kind of “stabilize the ship,” but the bigger problems still exist – and, they’re getting worse.  For example, if “we the people” are unable to reverse the “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision and re-establish the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 it’s just a matter of time until the corporatacracy “wins.”

There’s estimated to be something along the lines of 15,000 lobbyists in Washington DC.  It’s common knowledge that when a congress person loses their job, they simply move across the street to a lobbying firm into a job that usually pays as much as 10 times their congressional salary.  It’s also public knowledge that these lobbyists have essentially “bought” the majority of our Congress persons and our nation’s political process has thusly been corrupted to the CORE!  Our “liberal media” turns a “blind eye” to all of this.

The reason Trump did so well on the republican side and Bernie Sanders did well on the democratic side is that a large segment of the American population is disgusted with the level of corruption in our government.  Sanders very eloquently pointed out the issue of income inequality that has been growing since the day Ronald Reagan took the oath of office.  I have friends who complain about this (the inequality in incomes and also the demise of unions) and then turn around and vote for republicans.  I wrote in my previous post about a good friend of mine who is a Fox “news” devotee who is going to vote for Trump for “moral” reasons.  Honestly, when I heard him say that, I was speechless.  He said to me, “no matter what you say you’re not going to change my mind.”  (Actually, at that point, I hadn’t said anything – obviously, he’d had a similar conversation with someone else prior to our meeting)  I can understand him not being enamored with Mrs. Clinton (although his reasoning was straight from the mouths of O’Reilly and Hannity), but to vote on “moral” reasons for Donald Trump is – well, again, I’m struggling to find words.

That gets me back to my main thought, which is the hypocrisy (on steroids) of the Trump campaign and it’s enabling treatment by the “liberal media.”  I’ve heard Trump refer to Mrs. Clinton as “Crooked Hillary.”  Not once after hearing that have I heard one pundit point out the absurdity of Donald Trump referring to ANYONE with that “moniker.”  If that’s not the “pot calling the kettle black” I don’t know what is!  Come on Donald, show us your taxes!  (that’s just for starters)  If Trump manages to make it to the election without disclosing his taxes he should be disqualified just for that (of course, would that make Gingrich or whomever decides to be his running mate  the candidate?).  Then there’s “Trump University,” There’s the three or four bankruptcies and three wives.  (I’m throwing that in just in case my friend would read this to help him with his morality judgement)  I’d love to see Trump turn over all of his emails just to make sure he’s not “crooked.”

Have you ever been to a casino in Las Vegas or Atlantic City?  If you have, did you notice the type of people “running the show” – so to speak?  I’d love to see all of Donald Trump’s business dealings vetted to the degree Hillary Clinton has been “vetted” – both her public life and her private life.  I almost get angry when I hear Trump refer to her as “Crooked Hillary” and the commentators say NOTHING.  To me, it’s disgraceful that we’ve even gotten to this point with someone like Trump running for president.  It couldn’t happen without complicity from the so-called “liberal media” – I’ve actually stopped watching and listening to MSNBC (with occasional relapses) because of their willingness to allow Trump to dominate their air space.  I’d love to see how much FREE publicity he’s received just from them.  The man has repeatedly made racist, misogynist, and outright absurd remarks that imply fascist tendencies while making baseless comments about his opponents (it’s now down to him and Mrs. Clinton) and our media continues to let him “get away with it.”

The fact that Fox “news” has “made up” with Trump is no surprise to me, but the reality of MSNBC (and presumably other cable “news” outlets) kissing up to him is what is so disturbing.  I can guarantee you, as I’m writing this, the right wing “establishment” (that Trump so effectively ran against in the primaries) is “educating” him on how he’s going to run his campaign. I’m sure he realizes by now that he can’t “self fund” a run for the presidency and he needs their money and their endorsements.  (Personally, I hope any politician who endorses him gets the opportunity to work on K Street shortly after the next election)  Likewise, the “never Trump” movement among republicans, I’m sure, now realizes they have to work with him in order to make sure they keep their jobs.  Kind of an awkward situation, but totally predictable.  It’s all about the POWER and the MONEY.

With the help of our enabling media, all the racist comments, the misogynist remarks, the ridiculous foreign policy comments, concerns about his taxes, concerns about his business practices (crooked?), and his phony attempts to claim he’s a “Christian” will all be “water under the bridge.”  The American public proved after the Bush/Cheney debacle that they (I have to say “we” because we’re all part of this) have “short term memory issues.”  The rest of the world is watching in almost shock – and, the damage that a Trump presidency would conceivably cause will last beyond my lifetime.  The right wing of the republican party has been doing to our nation, since the election of Ronald Reagan, what people like Trump (and the last republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney) do to their businesses.  They bleed out all the assets and leave the remnants of what they inherited (or, in the case of business, purchased) in a heap of worn out infrastructure and a mountain of debt.  They (and their associates) walk away with the money and that’s all that matters.  Evidently, corporations in control is what will “Make America Great again.”  The great irony of all this is that people like my friend keep voting for them (republicans) based on “moral” reasons – republicans claim to be “pro-life.”  It’s worked since 1980, why change now?

If Trump manages to win the White House without disclosing his taxes – well, again, that’s on us – “we the people.”

I’m not a “fan” of Hillary Clinton.  That being said, I’m also not someone who doesn’t like her or doesn’t appreciate what she’s done over the years.  She’s served America in many different important capacities.  I’ve always simply considered her more “conservative” than what I consider to be the foundation which built America’s great middle class which was the “New Deal” of Franklin Roosevelt and the “Great Society” of Lyndon Johnson.  During the years from the 1930’s until roughly the late 70’s workers in America were considered the backbone of this nation.  Certainly Mrs. Clinton is to the left of the republican party (which has been attacking her relentlessly for a couple decades now) but, considering where we find republicans these days, being to the “left” of them doesn’t make someone “progressive” in my eyes.

However, just as we’ve seen President Obama turn to the “left” in his last couple of years in the White House (and, if you haven’t noticed, correspondingly his approval ratings have risen) I believe the candidacy of Bernie Sanders has “pushed” Mrs. Clinton closer to what I would consider the positions that can make this nation healthy again.  Lately, I’ve heard that she’s talking about making college affordable (hopefully free) and pushing for a raise in the minimum wage.  I’m guessing that the issue of income inequality will be a part of her “stump speech” as the campaign progresses.  Additionally, I’m hoping there will be some “hint” of pushing for the “public option” that SHOULD have been an integral part of the original ACA (AKA “Obamacare”) Mrs. Clinton is considered by many to be a “hawk” when it comes to the military and I have to say this is where some of my uneasiness comes from.  I’m looking forward to the day when America is no longer assuming the role of the “world’s policeman.”

The reality of America’s “professional military” – that is, a military that’s not supported by a draft – has allowed our leaders to demonstrate on multiple occasions they’ve learned nothing from the lessons of Viet Nam.  George W Bush and Dick Cheney demonstrated this FACT on steroids with the fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Of course, the aftermath of Iraq is what has led to a totally destabilized Middle East and an out of control “terrorist” group known as “ISIS” or ISIL” depending on who you’re listening to.  ISIL (I’ll use President Obama’s acronym) is an outgrowth of “Al Qaeda in Iraq” which didn’t exist until the Bush/Cheney illegal and unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation which had not attacked the United States – the first time in our history this atrocity has happened.  Of course, Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld couldn’t resist the temptation to show their complete disregard for American law and International law by authorizing the use of TORTURE on “enemy combatants.”

To make it worse, an “enemy combatant” was whomever Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld – and their “assigns” – decided it was.  Guantanamo (GITMO), Abu Ghraib (ironically, the same prison that Saddam Hussein used to TORTURE Iraqi citizens), and the several “black holes” around the world where the United States military would send “enemy combatants” to be “rendered” all seemingly were filled to capacity.  I’ve read several books reporting on the conditions in these places and what went on there and it makes you think it’s time for America to “intervene” in the deplorable disregard of “human rights.”  Of course, then the reality sinks in that it’s us (the U.S.) committing the atrocities.  “We the people” have to accept our responsibility in all of this because we’re the ones who keep electing people like Bush/Cheney into office – and, then let them get away with being WAR CRIMINALS.  I could write several posts about how “enemy combatants” were “chosen” and what happened to many of them, but suffice it to say that MOST of the people at GITMO and Abu Ghraib should never have been there and the FACT that several died while experiencing the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld “enhanced interrogation” should give any American with a sense of commitment to our core principals “pause.”

President Obama, soon after moving into the White House, said “America doesn’t TORTURE” and that the tactics used by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld would not be used again.  You can go back and read many of my posts – I WAS NOT HAPPY when President Obama did this.  And, then he said there would be no investigations of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld (and others) illegal activity because we were going to “look forward instead of back.”  I couldn’t believe he would do that, especially since he was a constitutional law expert.  I knew what the result would be (again, you can read my posts at the time, I’m not trying to be boastful – just stating that it didn’t take a constitutional expert to figure out the error of that decision) and we’re on the verge of “reliving” that reality.

I think that President Obama just can’t bring himself to believe that the American people would elect someone of the caliber of Donald Trump to be president, but that possibility is definitely on the horizon.  And, the CONSTANT and decades long right wing assault on Hillary Clinton is what makes this possibility even more alarming.  Donald Trump has boastfully claimed (I’ve heard it myself) that he will authorize “Waterboarding and a lot more.”  His right wing “Tea Party type followers cheer at the thought – which simply reinforces my original disgust with President Obama’s decision to “look the other way” regarding WAR CRIMES.  There should be NO DOUBT in the minds of the American public and anyone running for President – or for that matter – ANYONE in a position to authorize or carry out TORTURE – that it is ILLEGAL and carries significant PENALTIES.

George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld should ALL have been impeached and faced criminal prosecution for authorizing TORTURE.  Not only the Waterboarding, but they had no boundaries on what they did to “enemy combatants.”  Evidently, they – and many of the people who today are supporting Trump – think that America is above International Law (what’s interesting is the Geneva Conventions are, in large part, the result of American support for the human rights movement) and, with regard to those around the world who are shocked by our abuse of human rights – essentially “screw them.”  They still seem to be oblivious to the international backlash that is aimed squarely at America and is building up steam.  I can guarantee you that if the American voters somehow choose Trump as President that things will get a LOT worse before (and if) they get better.

I wrote sometime back that all the Trump “haters” in the republican party will eventually fall in line and they’ll start funneling all the money that’s available to getting him elected.  I have no doubt that behind the scenes – as I’m writing this – the big money people are cluing Trump in on what he’s going to do and say for the rest of the campaign.  He’ll either fall in line, or they will threaten to hold back the money (and, believe me, Trump does NOT have the funds to run a presidential campaign on his own “dime”)  And, these people (The Koch network for example) are brilliant political operatives and they will turn the dialogue TOTALLY away from Trump and put their anti Hillary campaign on steroids.  I’m already seeing the subliminal adds on the internet pop up when I’m browsing – for example, with yes or no questions like “Should Hillary Clinton be in prison?”  Yes, these come from the same people who support the TORTURE and scoff at the idea that maybe Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld are the ones who should be in prison.

Mrs. Clinton was, obviously, not wise to have an email server at her home.  However, receiving sensitive info on personal email accounts is not unique to Mrs. Clinton.  If you were around in the 90’s you know to what lengths the republicans will go to in their perpetual effort to find scandals in regards to the Clintons.  In reality, I don’t want to be defending either Bill or Hillary Clinton any more than to say the obvious – and that is the republicans are more obsessed with finding a scandal than they are with governing.  I’d like to see EVERY candidate for president be treated the same and that would mean Trump should make his emails public.  Actually, what I’d really like to see from Trump is his taxes.  If he manages to win the White House without disclosing his taxes – well, again, that’s on us – “we the people.”  If we’re stupid enough to allow that to happen, then we deserve what we get.  To me, that this is a possibility demonstrates the absurdity of calling our media “liberal.”  Mrs. Clinton’s emails are a big deal, but Trump’s taxes are not.  Yikes!

I have a very good friend who told me the other day he’s going to vote for Trump.  He (like me) is a Christian, although he still hasn’t figured out what Fox “news” is doing to his brain.  It’s really difficult to reason with anyone who’s addicted to Fox.  When I asked him if he read any books his answer was an emphatic NO!  He said, “I barely graduated from high school.”  (we both graduated in 1965)  When I asked him where his information was coming from the two words that mostly caught my attention were “O’Reilly” and “Hannity.”  His reason for voting for Trump instead of Mrs. Clinton was “morals.”  That’s correct, the Fox crew has him believing that Donald Trump is moral and Mrs. Clinton is a “liar.”  I didn’t know what to say (he said, “you’re not going to change my mind”) and I don’t know how long it will be until “we the people” fully understand the DAMAGE Fox “news” and the right wing talkers like Rush Limbaugh are having on this nation.  (Yes, my friend listens to Rush)  Again, I’m not trying to defend Hillary Clinton here as if I’m a strong supporter (I’m one of the millions who’ve sent dollars to Bernie Sanders) but, to suggest voting for Donald Trump because of “moral” reasons borders on the absurd to me.

I want to say my friend has been brainwashed – but, in reality, I believe all of us – “we the people” have been brainwashed for many years.  It’s just that the people behind the right wing push in America since the 70’s and the “Powell memo” are much better at this than those who consider themselves “progressive.”  And, this is the very reality that is bothering me the most right now.  As I look at the attacks on Mrs. Clinton the reality of Trump winning the election in the fall becomes more plausible.  I’m certain the attacks are only going to intensify and if the so-called “liberal media” continues to act in a shameful manner as they almost continue nurturing the Trump campaign to “keep things interesting,”  the unthinkable might happen.  Check your history books regarding 1930’s Germany and look at the parallels.  Republicans have already proved they haven’t learned from history vis a vi Iraq and Afghanistan.  To me, the question becomes, how low do we want to go?

How long will “we the people” allow our media to continue their failure to “vet” Donald Trump on anything resembling what they’re doing (and have done) to Mrs. Clinton?  Let’s start be demanding the disclosure of Trump’s taxes!