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It should not be a surprise when Trump and his surrogates act with indifference to claims they are LYING or they are RACISTS!

I keep hearing people trying to figure out if Donald Trump and those surrounding him are racists – as over 500 kids brought here by (mostly) Latino parents fleeing extreme violence and wanting a better place for their children to grow up are sitting in cages while many of their parents have already been DEPORTED! Which is irrefutable evidence Trump supporters deny – kind of like their denial of climate change – but, I digress – and, I just have to wonder what it will take for people to “get” that Trump is an extension of the so-called “alt right” – the “White Supremacist” movement championed by Steve Bannon and “fertilized” by  It’s undeniable.  We shouldn’t need to listen to people like Laura Ingraham giving racist “rants” on Fox “news,” to realize there are enough Americans who think like her to have “elected” Trump as our so-called president.  Trump is a racist, he’s supported by racists, and he surrounds himself with racists.  And, sadly, America is populated with MANY racists!

For example, you can simply “google” the number of members of the “White House” who have publicly flashed the so-called “White Power” hand sign, apparently in a “dog whistle” sign of solidarity with other supporters of the White Supremacist movement(s) around the country.  Most significantly, at least to me, was Steven Miller doing so on national TV after he was (foolishly) unleashed on the Sunday morning TV “talk shows” many months back, seen flashing the sign as he ended his comments.  All these people who are “caught” doing this claim it’s all a “joke” to cause progressives to get all worked up.  Joke?  Well, maybe it’s all fun and games for them, but, in reality, the end result is the same.  It’s a signal that “we’re with you” to other right wing racists in America – joke or not!

We all listened to Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly “stain” himself and his reputation as he stood at the podium of the “White House” briefing room and LIED about a BLACK (woman) member of the Congress AND President Obama – who was Kelly’s commander in chief which clearly exposed Kelly as a racist AND misogynist (just like his boss).  It was disgusting what he said, it was disgusting under the circumstances he said it, (regarding Trump’s LYING to the wife of a fallen soldier), and it was depressing to think the person who supposedly was in the “White House” to stop all the chaos and “corral” the president was – well – just like the president.  Especially, exposing the FACT Kelly showed himself to be a racist!

Kelly had earlier showed his “true self” with comments following the right wing protest against the removal of Robert E. Lee’s statue in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Essentially, Kelly affirmed Trump’s “both sides” (disastrous) comments.  These guys (Trump, Kelly, Miller, and many others) are showing their affinity for the marchers carrying the Tiki Torches, chanting “Jews will not replace us” and wearing Nazi armbands and carrying Nazi flags all the time!  Ugh!!

It keeps getting worse.  When Trump first assumed his duties as our “so-called president” I pondered about the amount of DAMAGE he would manage to inflict on America before the Congress came to their senses and ended the NIGHTMARE.  Well, the first thing I didn’t understand was the reality that the republican Congress would fail TOTALLY in their duty to act as a “check” on the “executive.”  In fact, based on comments I heard last night – made by the apprentice traitor Devin Nunes confirming he believes the role of the Congress right now is to protect Trump from charges he MUST believe are coming “down the pike” toward Trump from Robert Mueller the reality “we the people” face is much darker than I originally thought.  Trump and Nunes obviously KNOW stuff “we the people” don’t – and, it appears they KNOW Trump was a “naughty boy” during the campaign and while in office.

Apparently, protecting Trump from any consequences for his actions in the campaign and since he took the “oath” of office is MORE important to Nunes (and the other republicans in the House – and, apparently, many in the Senate as well) – than protecting this nation against “attacks, foreign and domestic.”  Of course, they’ve all sworn an OATH to protect our nation against things like – well – Russians attempting to influence the results of our election process.  And, sure enough, reports say the Russians are still “at it,” and people like Nunes are still focused on protecting Trump, at all costs!

So, the reality is the DAMAGE I worried about when Trump was originally “elected” is mounting FAST and is approaching the level which will be difficult to recover from.  Those around the world will hold “we the people” accountable if this attack on the liberal democratic foundation of our modern nation that ORIGINALLY “made America great” – and, by that I’m talking about the New Deal of FDR, and the Great Society of LBJ which featured an effort to  end poverty in America and create a “safety net” for the elderly and those in “need,” along with the push for Civil Rights  and much more – with Trump attempting to Turn America into a WHITE powered nation is NOT stopped.  The reality is we GET to vote and, at this time, the representative of our vote is a DISGUSTING human being.  What ever “we the people” do in the upcoming election will send a message to those around the world wondering, “What the hell is going on in America?”  The reality is we are either going to affirm Trump or REJECT what he stands for!  (I’m sure you don’t need help in understanding where I stand)

Of course, the Trump supporters would note that this “White Nationalist” movement has legs in various places around the world which makes it all the more important for “we the people” to REJECT this philosophy starting in about 90 days in America’s “mid-term” election of 2018.  “We the people” have been in a leadership position world wide since the days of WW II and Trump and his supporters are busy attempting to repeal the gains made by working class Americans, by Americans of color, women, the disabled, environmentalists, and I could go on – since the days of the “New Deal.”  Americans in positions of great affluence have  fought the advancements of the New Deal since the days of its inception.  (Now, the Russians have joined forces with them)  Ironically, many of Trump’s supporters are those receiving the most benefit of “New Deal” and “Great Society” improvements to our “way of life.”

Trump’s supporters are speaking privately that Trump’s survival in office depends on republicans retaining control of Congress.  I’m personally assuming this means the republican led House of Representatives would not act to impeach Trump if Mueller returned evidence that he has committed “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  Well, it’s obvious to any impartial observer that he HAS done so.  His PUBLIC attempts to BLOCK Mueller’s investigation is OBSTRUCTION of justice – by definition.  Trump has done this several times in plain sight to EVERYONE and anyone who might be paying attention.  OBSTRUCTION of justice is what “did in” both Richard Nixon (leading to his resignation) and Bill Clinton (leading to his impeachment).  It’s clearly a “High Crime and Misdemeanor.”

Of course, there’s “Trump TV” (Fox “news”) where pundits (like Sean Hannity and Ms. Ingraham) will be working tirelessly to continue the BRAINWASHING they’ve been imposing on MILLIONS of Americans for as long as I can remember.  Back when Reagan was president, the republicans’ decision to “buy into” Joseph Goebbels’ “Big Lie Theory” began the effort to cause Americans’  to accept LYING by politicians as routine.  They’ve pushed the distortion that “all politicians lie” – so, president Trump’s LIES are considered “routine” by republicans and the FACT he’s LYING beyond anything we’ve EVER seen is irrelevant to them.  Periodically, I force myself to tune in to Fox (I can’t make it more than a few seconds – certainly, less than a minute) – and, the last time I did so the conversation was dominated by people (including Rudy Giuliani) arguing “collusion is not a crime.”  Republicans are going out of their way to prepare their “base” to accept that Trump CONSPIRED with the Russians to win the office of the president.  This is all beyond my ability to believe it’s not simply a BAD DREAM!

So, it should not be a surprise when Trump and his surrogates act with indifference to claims they are LYING or claims they are RACISTS.  Trump (and his surrogates) just pile LIES upon the LIES which have been exposed!  I’ve heard Trump, on several occasions, make the claim, “I”m the least racist person you know.”  Seriously, I’ve actually heard him say those words. And, with little to NO “blow-back” from the “analysts” on whatever show I’m watching at the time.  I believe the AMOUNT of LYING and the amount of SCANDALS are coming so fast the members of the “liberal media” don’t know exactly how to respond.  It appears to me, this is part of Trump’s “strategy.”  He’s prolonging Mueller’s “probe” and consistently attacking Mueller and it’s actually working to cause “we the people” to begin to question Mueller’s credibility.  Yikes!  (That’s exactly why, on so many occasions, I’ve pointed out they use the “Big Lie Theory” because it WORKS!)

Like I said above, the chief of staff John Kelly has shown himself to be a racist and Trump’s press secretary lies and supports racist comments from the podium – the podium where previous press secretaries have spoken out about the importance of the president’s press secretary REFUSING to tell or support LIES from that podium.  What Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Sean Spicer, before her, are doing is adding MORE DAMAGE to America’s traditional norms.  Sad!

The RACISM, the LYING, and the POLICIES of Trump SHOULD be enough to provide the energy necessary for a “Blue wave” in November.  Add to that, climate change is “rearing its ugly head” all around the globe – with the worst fires EVER in California and Trump continues to push the fossil fuel industry (including COAL for heavens’ sake).  Turning America away from the world community which is attempting to “fight back” regarding the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere is MORE of the DAMAGE Trump is causing for all us – ie “we the people.”

There seems to be something to cause jaws to “drop” every day.  Trump and his supporters are getting away with FLEECING TRILLIONS from “we the people” before he’s going to be removed from office in 2020 (I’m of course, hoping it will be sooner – but, I have to state, my feelings toward Mike Pense may be worse than toward Trump.  I can’t imaging Pense as president – but, of course, I couldn’t imagine Trump.  I owe a friend of mine a steak dinner because I bet Trump would lose.  We’ve gone double or nothing regarding 2020)  Trump has targeted the “uneducated voters” and his plan is working with them – the LYING is working.  It’s up to the rest of us to make a stand come November.

And, finally, when I talk about the “uneducated voters” I saw a picture the other day that put it all in perspective – a couple of guys at Trump’s rally in Ohio wearing shirts which were emblazoned with “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat.”  I just thought that pretty much said it all.  You can see it HERE.  On first glance I thought, “I wonder how many of Trump’s claims these two men have fact checked?”  And, then I thought, “How do they feel about the attacks on Social Security and Medicare?”  The next thought, “Do they believe the tax scam (er cut) was designed to benefit them?”  Or, “do they care?”  Or, “when’s the last time either one has read a book?”  And, lastly, “Do they really know what it’s like to live in Russia?”  I’m not trying to go “all superior” on them – but, honestly, they look to me like guys who didn’t pay attention to their sixth grade teacher! 😮

Full Disclosure:  It you didn’t read the title of my “blog” – I was a sixth grade teacher!

Trump – and his surrogates like Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and Robert Kraft of the Patriots – have taken the issue of police brutality and turned it into an issue that players are disrespecting the flag.

Our so-called “president” Trump is constantly looking for ways to spur on his base of “white nationalists” and those in America who allow themselves to be victims of fear – in the case of Trump’s agenda – he’s stoking the fear of white people who are afraid they’re “losing THEIR country” because soon they may no longer be the majority.  And, too many – especially older white people (like myself) – are falling victim to this skullduggery.  Yes, there’s a significant part of Trump’s “base” who are, simply put, unapologetic racists.  However, at least I force myself to believe this, there are many who are simply victims of the fear mongering and LYING that has been the “strategy” of the republican “puppet masters” who create the “talking points” for willing “messengers” like Rush Limbaugh, the many other right wing “talkers,” and outlets like Fox “news.”  Plus, there’s the internet which is infested with places like Breitbart where they unabashedly push the “white” agenda.

Honestly, many of the people I know who are around my age (I’m 70) don’t even understand what “white privilege” really is – even though they’ve reaped the benefits for their lifetimes.  In today’s America it’s becoming increasingly clear that the “free market” ideology of those on the “right” is creating a situation where many people of “color” are thriving and, what seems to SCARE many “whites,” people they consider “other” are competing for positions of POWER.  It will be hard for anyone to convince me that the election of Barack Obama is not the reason Trump is president and that people like Steve Bannon have more than an insignificant influence on today’s politics because of our first African American president.

So, the latest “edition” of the Trump/Bannon attempt to turn Americans against each other so that they can remain seemingly relevant is the issue of Black athletes doing the “unthinkable.” (at least to the rich white people in America) In an attempt to bring attention to the issue of racism and more specifically the deplorable attacks on unarmed Black persons by white police in America resulting in unjustified arrests and, unfortunately in many instances, innocent people being murdered.  These athletes – as virtually EVERY person in America is aware – are kneeling during the national anthem as a way to get attention to their protest of racism.

Of course, Trump (and Bannon, and others of their “ilk”) have turned the issue into one of “disrespecting the flag,” disrespecting the “national anthem,” and – the one that really is a catchall for Americans who are unable of thinking on their own – disrespecting the “military” who (actually) fight for these players’ right to do just what they’re doing.  But Trump, as maybe the one thing he’s good at, manages to change the topic via his rants and “tweets” – and, on cue, the “media” falls for it.  The discussion is now about respecting the flag and NOT about racism.  Masterful!

I mentioned in a previous post how hypocritical I found it watching Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys kneeling arm and arm with his team PRIOR to the anthem at a recent Cowboys football game.  He managed to FOOL his players into thinking he’s “with them” in their protest – as if they’re all “together.”  Of course, as I pointed out, Jones is one of the BILLIONAIRES responsible for Trump being president – because he funneled who knows how much money into Trump’s campaign (probably MILLIONS).  Whatever amount it was – I can assure you that it was a lot (at least from the perspective of this retired school teacher).  So, as long as the real issue has been “diffused” people like Jones are “with” their teams.  Of course, all along, Mr. Jones had a surprise “up his sleeve.”

Let’s face it, the NFL is an association of RICH people who are getting even RICHER by hiring players who average around three years for their NFL careers and end up with debilitating injuries which affect them the rest of their lives.  Most of their players are Black because there are many Black athletes in America who are the BEST players – and, the one thing for sure you can say about the NFL is that it’s a “free market” system.  In fact, the players don’t even have guaranteed contracts as in other sports – so, if you perform well you’re on the team.  A couple bad games or bad plays in clutch situations, or, in the case of – for example – running backs you’re in your late 20’s – bye, bye.  An injury?  So long (unless you’re a superstar) And, oh yes, many of these Black players come from some of the toughest neighborhoods in America.  They’re protesting because they TOTALLY know what it’s like to be profiled by police.

That all being said, it should be interesting to watch the response to Jones (and possibly others of the RICH owner circle) after he “proclaimed” – the other day – if any of HIS players kneel during the anthem (don’t stand at attention) they will not play.  Already there’s been speculation did he mean Dak Prescott?  What about Dez Bryant?  Or, Ezekiel Elliot?  Here’s an interesting thought I had the other day:  What if one of the White players kneeled in harmony with their Black “brothers?”  Personally, that’s the one thing I think would get the most attention – at least from me.  Let me explain.

When I graduated from High School (1965) I was a “so-so” athlete and went to a Community College to further my basketball “career.”  My High School was, as the saying goes, “lily white.”  I had never been around a person of color IN MY LIFE!  Yes, in Jr. High there was at least on Black person I knew of – but, I’d never been “around” that person – enough to even say “hi.”  Add to this, my father was a racist.  I didn’t understand this until I started playing basketball in college.  There were several Black players on my team.  The thing that shocked me was my first reaction was to be scared when I was around them.  I quickly learned that I had been “trained” to react that way and I became angry when I realized what great people and teammates my new friends were.

The reason I bring this up is, after becoming close to my new teammates, as I look back I would have gladly taken a knee with them in this same situation had it arisen.  To a certain extent, along with many of my friends, we did this in another way during the Civil Rights movement of the 60’s in symbolic marches and demonstrations.  (I wasn’t one with the courage to head to the South and participate there – but, even in the state of Washington, there were marches and demonstrations in support of Civil Rights and Voting Rights for Black Americans.)

Despite all the gains made in the Civil Rights movement, just in my lifetime, which would include what I thought wouldn’t happen before my last breath, was President Obama’s election, African Americans (and, others who are not “white”) continue to be profiled by our police.  The shocking reality is when you see the statistics on the number of Black Americans killed by police after traffic stops.  And, it just keeps happening.  Therefore, I had GREAT respect for Colin Kaepernick when he brought this issue to the “fore” by kneeling during the anthem last year.  Obviously, prior to that, nobody was listening.  Was he sincere?  Well, it cost him his multi-million dollar per year job – because he’s OBVIOUSLY  being blacklisted by the NFL owners’ “club” – who hypocritically have been standing arm and arm with their players while remaining CLUELESS about the real issue.  At least from my perspective, when I listen to Kaepernick speak I feel a sense of great respect.

Just recently, Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks was threatened by police, with guns pointed at his head, in Las Vegas after a professional boxing match for, as Bennett put it, being Black “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”  He believes one reason he’s still alive is because he’s a famous football player.  I’ve personally witnessed police target Black persons instead of the White people in a place on much less threatening circumstances AND, in Portland Oregon – the supposed “liberal” bastion – I’ve experienced being refused service in a restaurant because of sitting at a table with a Black person.  None of this is made up.

So, Trump – and now his surrogates (who, indirectly, include donors such as Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and,certainly Robert Kraft of the Patriots – and, I’m sure others) – have taken the issue of police brutality and turned it into an issue that players are disrespecting the flag.  Roger Goodell, the head of the NFL, is SCRAMBLING to find a solution that won’t turn off all the “White Nationalists” like Trump and his “base” from spending their money to come to these games.  For the owners, it’s ALL about the money!  These Black players, after all (in the eyes of Trump and the others) are making a lot of money (as they debilitate themselves long term for the enjoyment of all these “White Nationalists”) and they should just stand at attention and find another way to express their “political views.”

Of course, to the Black persons stopped by police that feel threatened for their lives, this isn’t a “political issue.”  It’s very real.  And, again, many of the players in the NFL grew up in the most challenging of neighborhoods in America.  You know, the neighborhoods where Trump appealed for their votes by saying “what do you have to lose?”  Well, now we all know.  If you bend to Trump’s will, you can keep what you have – if you bend your knee when it gives him an opportunity to further create division, well, “your fired.”  The era of Trump will go down as a sad time in American history.  The only thing left to find out is how much of our country will he be able to ruin in his attempt to create a fascist state?

As far as the NFL is concerned – I’m one white guy who hopes the Black players on the Dallas Cowboys ALL take a knee.  Of course, in the spirit of unity, I would hope the White players would kneel with them – but, either way, it would be interesting to see the response of Jerry Jones.  The NFL is not going to survive much longer anyway, but it’s interesting watching this issue unfold.  Clearly, sports is a way out of the generational poverty for many Black athletes.  I love that success in sports in America is determined by skill and ability.  It wasn’t long ago that Black athletes were considered unable to succeed as NFL quarterbacks – I’ll let you speculate on the reasoning – but, today that’s just another myth in a long line of myths that have slowly been removed from America’s mainstream.

Black football players are risking their careers to help bring an end to another myth – that if the driver of a car is Black he/she’s a danger to police officers.  That it’s OK for police to profile persons of color.  In general, that racism is tolerable.  What I envision in the future is that fewer and fewer “kids” (of all “colors”) will be playing “American” football as time goes by and we become more aware of the long term health dangers and more kids – including young Black boys and girls – will turn to actual “football” – soccer.  When this happens, it won’t be long before America’s national soccer teams become world class.  Hopefully, by that time, Black athletes won’t feel the need to kneel during the national anthem.  I can hope, can’t I?

One final thought:  If Major league baseball was smart, they’d be investing “boatloads” of money to create playing fields for America’s youth in our inner cities so they could be growing up playing baseball.  The chance for debilitating injury is much less and, for those gifted enough to play professionally, the careers last much longer.  Just sayin…………………

It shouldn’t be long before the NFL “requires” their players to stand during the national anthem, in violation of the players’ rights to freedom of speech and expression.  Should be interesting how that goes over.  Maybe they can come up with a way to get the focus back on the real issue.  If that happens I would applaud them.  If not, well, as I said, it should be interesting.  Obviously, I’m not risking anything by voicing my support for the players – but, the issue is real and I hope they succeed in addressing it!  I could write about this for days, but I’ll stop here.

America is looking for someone who’s in a leadership position, and circumstances dictate it must be a republican, to lead the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

Today as I listened to excerpts of Jared Kushner’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee (which, of course, was NOT under oath – go figure) it became clear to me that the LYING is part of both sides of the Trump family.  And, Kushner is not very sophisticated at it.  For example, in explaining his participating in the controversial meeting of June 9, 2016 with a bevy of Russians connected to Vladimir Putin Kushner made a couple statements that pretty much contradicted each other.  He said he hadn’t completely read the email setting up the meeting (the one that said they had incriminating info on Hillary Clinton via the Russian government – and, I have to be clear, I don’t believe that statement he hadn’t read it on its face) and, then he said once he was in the meeting all they were talking about was “Russian adoption” so he felt the meeting was a “waste of time.”  He said he emailed a friend to call him giving him a reason to leave the meeting.  Riiight!

Well, think about that.  If you actually believe his words, he said he didn’t know what the meeting was about (because he hadn’t fully read the email invite) and then he said when he discovered the discussion was on “adoption” he felt the meeting was a “waste of time.”  Now, I taught Middle School for over 20 years and one thing you learn as a Middle School teacher is how to parse someone who’s LYING.  (unfortunately, in my experience, LYING was commonplace – we had a saying; “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember”)  What makes absolutely no sense to me regarding Kushner’s statement is that if he had no idea what the meeting was supposed to be about, why did he find the subject of “Russian adoption” a “waste of time.”  Doesn’t that make you think, “what was he expecting?”

Now, let me be clear.  If the subject of “Russian adoption” came up in the meeting there’s not a thread of hesitation in my mind that the subject was ACTUALLY the Magnitsky Act (which Vladimir Putin has been angry about since it was passed – not to mention the Russians who were singled out who are wanting Putin to wave his magic wand to get the sanctions the act imposed repealed) which was the legislation putting sanctions on Russians due to the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer that got on the wrong side of Putin and was eventually beaten to death in a Russian prison.  I can guarantee you there was some discussion of a “quid pro quo” regarding those sanctions in that meeting – a discussion which likely will never “come out.”  (I don’t know about you, but I don’t expect any of the Americans in the meeting, Donald Jr., Paul Manafort, and Kushner to actually tell the truth about that meeting.  The LYING about that meeting is already nearing “double digits”)

Trump Jr. was forced to publish the emails relating to this meeting because the NY Times somehow got hold of them, so there’s NO DOUBT about the purpose of the meetings, and there can be no doubt about the propensity to LIE – because Trump Jr. has left a trail of LIES as he’s been forced to give more info every time he realizes the Times already has/had copies of the emails I’m sure he thought would NEVER become public.  What’s become crystal clear is that these people only give as much “truth” as they feel they’ve been forced to by our media.  Which brings the thought to my mind that without the media, Trump el al would be totally getting away with all of this bad stuff.  (and, Kushner “forgetting” another meeting with Russians that doesn’t pass the “smell test” would never be known)

In his statement Kushner also addressed his “SF-86” disclosures which he’s had to “update” at least three and possibly four times.  (He’s exposed legally here – but, in our present situation, it’s unlikely he’ll be prosecuted for perjuring himself multiple times on this form)  Essentially, his excuse for filing false forms ranges from miscommunication with his “representative in Washington” to forgetfulness.  One of the “forgetfulness” meetings was the aforementioned June 9, 2016 meeting and another was a meeting with the head of a Russian bank under US Sanction.

There’s, in my mind, two ways to interpret this info and Kushner’s “excuses” for the memory lapses.  First, if he’s telling the truth, then he’s in way over his head with all the IMPORTANT responsibility he’s been given by Trump.  If he can’t understand an email like the one he got from Don Jr. and, then, remember a meeting like that in an environment such as exists today in Washington DC he shouldn’t be in charge of peace in the Middle East or restructuring our government to make it more efficient.  The second possibility is that he’s just not a very good LIAR and he’s part of the “Russia thing.”  To me, neither option looks very good.

Keep in mind, there’s circumstantial evidence that would suggest the latter of the two previous options and the reality is that “we the people” can’t believe a word that comes from the mouths of any of the members of Trump’s team.  (Personally, I’m thinking James Mattis is still one who could be believed – at least at this point)  Kushner divested himself from his families major business investment, 666 (yes, that’s correct, 666) 5th avenue in New York, prior to moving to Washington DC, but the property continues to be a major risk to the Kushner family’s fortune – based on multiple reports I’ve heard or read.

The Kushners are seeking financing in the BILLIONS to prevent default on a building that has a high vacancy rate and has a 1.2 BILLION dollar loan (1.4 BILLION with accrued interest) due in a year or two.  Reports are they’ve been searching for foreign financing of their plans for the site and it seems plausible that could have “come up” in Kushner’s conversation with Sergey Gorkov, the head of the sanctioned Russian bank, although Kushner’s statement would have you believe he had no idea who this man was or that he was even a “banker.”  Had the Trump clan not proven a propensity to LIE about EVERYTHING, his story might be believable – I’m just not believing it.

The fact that Kushner “volunteered” to testify – only if it was NOT under oath – certainly makes me wonder.  (update: evidently, the next day he testified in closed session under oath for the House Intelligence committee)  If, as he states, “I have nothing to hide” why is his “testimony” NOT under oath.  To me, if he’s unable or unwilling to take an oath to tell the TRUTH, then I have to question what is his purpose in the meeting?  Granted, most Americans won’t think twice about whether or not his “testimony” is under oath and republicans will undoubtedly use it to support his claims of innocence – especially those who are willing to defend Trump no matter what – but, to me, if it’s not under oath it’s likely just more “spin” – at best – or, at worst, more LYING.

I just try to imagine how the republican congress would be dealing with these issues had “the shoe been on the other foot.”  Can you imagine if President Obama or Hillary Clinton had been caught ‘red handed” colluding with the Russians?  (Yes, Kushner said he didn’t collude with any foreign government, but just going to that meeting [the June 9/ 2016 meeting] suggests otherwise). Additionally, Trump himself, and those in his administration, continue to show a “blind eye” toward the FACT the Russians interfered in our election to an extent that went way beyond what’s been normal “intelligence gathering” in the past.  We all KNOW the Russians wanted Trump to win and, if, as he says, his campaign was not involved in their scheme, then why on earth do they act like their actions need to be “hidden?”  Why the drip,drip, drip?  And, why does everything have to be forced out?

Our right to vote is basic to the fundamental tenets of a nation that believes in the rule of law.  The other foundational piece of that consistency – and, by that, I mean during my lifetime there always seems to be a significant “choice” when voting in presidential elections, but “we the people” forge on no matter the outcome and presidents try to pull the nation together.  Trump, with the help of the Russians and Vladimir Putin is putting that historical strength to a MAJOR test. Instead of pulling people together, Trump is busy attacking the press, the intelligence community, the attorney general and the Justice Department, his predecessor – STILL – and his former opponent (who, by the way, got 3 MILLION more votes than him) as if he’s still in “campaign mode.”  Meanwhile, the government is at a standstill!

“We the people,” at least at this point, are relying on republicans in Congress to be the CHECK against this BRAZEN power grab Trump and his surrogates are pushing.  At least at present, I’m not getting a sense that Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan have the stomach to take Trump on.  Obviously, Trump’s sleazy “Access Hollywood” admission caused only a temporary show of displeasure from either republican leader (and, most republicans in Congress) and his brazen and arrogant violations of the emoluments clause, from day one, is of no interest to them.  If they choose to look the other way as the “Russia thing’s” evidence continues to mount this country will be in crisis mode.  (People don’t realize the potential economic damage to America if European countries abandon the dollar as the world’s currency exchange foundation – I can’t think of a better word)

Trump is busy BASHING the media in an attempt to turn as many people as possible away from the basic source of a critically important CHECK which has traditionally protected “we the people” from something like what he’s attempting to accomplish.  Trump bashes the “Fake news” (he even did this, unbelievably – but, true – to a bunch of Boy Scouts at their annual “jamboree.”  As a former Boy Scout I found his words to a bunch of kids sickening – is he trying to begin a brainwashing of our youth?  Read about the history of Germany in the 1930’s)  The REAL FAKE NEWS is coming from Trump’s mouth and the mouth’s of his surrogates – who are giving their allegiance to a dangerous man and will be stamped forever as enablers.  Even Kushner couldn’t resist a derogatory jab at Hillary Clinton in his public remarks after his meeting with the Congressional investigators.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, while I was putting this post together, out comes another “tweet storm” from Trump, this time castigating “his” attorney general for not investigating “Crooked Hillary” and her “ties to Russia.”  (Investigating your defeated opponent is the work of tyrants – like Vladimir Putin)  Trump is clearly on the “warpath” to force Attorney General Sessions (Trump’s first and most vocal supporter in the campaign) to resign, presumably so he can stick someone in that office who will fire Robert Mueller – I’m sure Trump’s thinking is “the Russian investigation would then be over.”  I don’t think Trump understands the backlash which would ensue.  Additionally, just Trump’s comments suggesting he can order the Attorney General to investigate anyone, least of all a political opponent, suggests an even closer relationship to Putin than I had previously imagined.

Attacking the media and suggesting the Attorney General is his personal attorney and, by logical inference, that the Justice Department is a tool of the White House and not an independent body of our government would suggest we’re already at a constitutional crisis that finds itself only in the area of public debate because we have a republican Congress which apparently fears Trump.  Trump’s words and actions are the words and actions of a tyrant, but why is this republican congress remaining virtually silent?  I mean, Trump’s been making comments for years that should have pushed him to the fringes of American politics – but, republicans have shown themselves, over and over, to endorse his terrible behavior and rhetoric by their silence.  (example: five years of the “Birther” movement – which has put a stamp of racism on the republican party that even our “liberal media” seems afraid to point out in any meaningful manner)

Reports I’ve seen lately suggest there’s still 17 states where Trump has an approval rating of at least 50%.  The problem with that, for him, is there’s another 33 states where his approval rating is in the tank – lower than any president at this point in his first term than EVER – since these polls have been taken.  Should he follow through with his threats to fire Mueller or his plan for “blanket pardons” for his surrogates who are in the FBI’s “cross-hairs” Trump will face protests from “we the people” which will make the “Women’s march” look like a small group meeting.  And, if republicans in Congress continue to enable this man’s despicable behavior, they will be stamping their place in American History along side Benedict Arnold.  (a friend just returned from Europe – he told me in Italy and France Trump’s “approval rating” is sitting around 14% and that President Obama is more popular than ever since Trump took office.)

I started this post with the intention of taking a good look at Jared Kushner’s written comments and his post-testimony press briefing (with no questions) focusing on the apparent lack of veracity in both.  Then, another “tweet storm” caused my thoughts and direction to change.  This is how Trump works.  Of course, I know that Trump has no idea who I am – but, that seems to be how he works.  One absurd comment after another to manipulate where the discussion of all the wrongdoing is headed.  “We the people” never seem to spend enough time on any one TERRIBLE aspect of what Trump is doing to our nation to fully understand it.  He’s the master at causing confusion and his words and actions seem to be aimed at exacerbating the terrible political divide that exists in America.  Yesterday, I saw a speech by John McCain in the Senate calling for a return to “regular order” regarding legislation – especially the issue of health care in America.  America is looking for someone who’s in a leadership position, and circumstances dictate it must be a republican,  to lead the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

Today, I heard Trump claim:  “other than maybe Abraham Lincoln I am the most presidential president to hold this office in the history of our country.”  Yikes!  I’ve pointed out the issue of narcissism, I’ve pointed out the man is delusional, I’ve pointed out the obvious pathological LYING, but the reality is the more I listen to him the more I’m concerned at his mental capacity.  Someone who says and does the things he says and does, shouldn’t have the codes to the nuclear arsenal.  I find this really hard to say, but I’m now supporting Mike Pense for president.  Sooner rather than later!  (It’s going to happen – unless Trump fires him as well!)

Final thought:  Whoever that republican (or group of republicans if that’s what it takes) is who gathers the courage to lead the impeachment of Donald Trump, he/she/they will have a special place in American history.  The fringe groups that are the avid supporters of Trump will eventually have to return to the rocks they were hiding under until the election of Barack Obama.  We now have a clear understanding they’re still here (the avowed racists) – and, it’s up to democrats and “moderate” republicans to address the clear needs of middle class Americans in the “rust belt” who feel (justifiably) that government has abandoned them – these are people I believe would agree with me that racism is unacceptable.

It’s time for democrats to understand that those who believe abortion to be murder should still be welcome in their party.  That issue will never be resolved (or should I say addressed) in a constructive way until democrats stop allowing “wedge issues” to do what those who push them want – and, that’s to drive well meaning people apart.  There’s a reason why issues that have 75% agreement among “we the people” are not addressed in Congress – and, in my view, it’s the “wedge issues” we’re all arguing about that takes the focus off what is the real function of government.  I’ll elaborate in an upcoming post – but, as of this moment, the most important issue in American politics is the removal of Donald Trump from the office of president via impeachment!

I can’t bring myself to believe even Trump’s supporters want a puppet of Putin occupying the White House!

Donald Trump spent almost the entire Obama administration leading the “birther” movement that was the “white nationalists” way to express their dismay that “we the people” chose a person who isn’t “white” to live in the “White House.”  President Obama won the 2008 and 2012 elections because a MAJORITY of Americans saw him as INTELLIGENT, level headed, and someone who would stand up for the values of the middle class.  I’m not going to get into a comparison of Obama’s successes versus Trump’s FAILURES during the first 6 months of each administration other than to say I see a “mountain” of ironies regarding Trump’s boastful claims during the campaign and the reality of the “legacy” he’s leaving during his term as president – which, I might add, could be one of the shortest terms in history.

During the campaign Trump repeatedly BOASTED as to how “smart” he is and how EASY it was going to be to “make our country great again.”  (I’ll try to do this quickly, but I have to add, from my perspective, out country was MUCH greater before Trump took office than it is now, 6 months into his first – and likely ONLY – term in office)  So, the first irony – which could be looked at from many angles – is how President Obama’s signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act – has exposed Trump’s bloviating in a way that was unimaginable a few months ago.  The reality the ACA shows us is how much SMARTER Obama is than Trump.  (Do you think that reality makes Trump angry – or, is he even capable of “getting it?”)  Not only is Trump unable to “replace” the ACA (AKA “Obamacare”), it appears he will be unable to repeal it (although, there are mean spirited ways he could undermine it – and, I certainly don’t put that idea past him).  There are portions of the ACA that even republicans, at this point, are unwilling to get rid of – for the sake of keeping their jobs.  Kicking 32 MILLION Americans off of health insurance doesn’t even appeal to the most selfish of the republicans – at least enough of them to get the votes to actually repeal the ACA while they have a president who’d sign the bill.  (They were very “courageous” when they knew President Obama was sitting in the Oval Office with his veto pen in hand during their previous 60 attempts to repeal “Obamacare”)

Not only has Trump proven himself IGNORANT of how health care legislation would work, he’s seemed disinterested in the process and has been expecting republican “leaders” to “handle” the problem of “repeal and replace” – and, they appear no more qualified or willing to do the “job.”  In fact, the legislation republicans have come up with they call a “health care bill” is actually their specialty – a TAX CUT for the wealthiest Americans.  (The people who continue funding their “mean” – in the words of Trump himself – policies)  As I watch this all play out I keep wondering how Trump and those in his administration like Steve Bannon and Steven Miller – “white nationalists” – feel as they come to grips with the reality that the “black guy” is MUCH smarter than them?!

It appears as if President Obama’s “signature” piece of legislation, the ACA, is much more complicated to replace than the republicans, and Trump specifically, understood.  Their efforts to hide a HUGE tax cut in their attempts at “repeal and replace” have made the ACA much more popular than it was while republicans were continually bashing it.  (They’ve still bashing it, but, we the people “get” that if it’s repealed we want something better – which is proving to be a major challenge)  Even Trump’s supporters want to be able to afford health insurance and I find it extremely ironic that Trump’s effort to repeal Obama’s legacy is causing his own to head in a downward direction.  What’s the saying? “Be careful what you wish for!”

Of course, then there’s the “Russia thing” as Trump, himself, put it to Lester Holt while he was incriminating himself in an interview shortly after firing James Comey, the head of the FBI.  (giving that interview was extremely STUPID from my perspective)  Trump is probably still spending hours each day searching for the “bugs” he’s certain President Obama left behind so that everything he says “gets out.”  Trump’s “tweets” are beyond bizarre, but the one where he accused Obama of “wiretapping” him in Trump Tower was the warning sign to anyone who’s been paying attention that our president is deranged.  And, keep in mind, the longer he’s allowed to hold that office the greater the chance he’ll do something REALLY stupid in regards to the military, the “nuclear codes,” or who knows what.  It seems virtually every day he puts stupid on top of stupid.

The other day I saw a snipit of a Trump interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network – and, here’s the irony that makes me the sickest (as a “liberal” Christian); Trump’s “base” is seemingly contracting to the “Christian right.”  Come on people, wake up!)  The interviewer – who I don’t know his name – appeared to be “throwing softballs” Trump’s way when he asked for Trump’s view of God.  Trump’s response made my stomach queezy – and, I have to add that I didn’t hear the interviewer’s followup question so I can’t characterize him, but – Trump waved his arms toward the land they were standing on and claimed what a beautiful piece of land it was (on that, I could agree) and then went off on what a good deal he got when he purchased it and he actually said something like – “and, I don’t even have a mortgage on this – you can check the public records” – then he motioned with his arm toward the boundary of the land (I believe it was coastal property) and said, “this is God.”

I’ve pointed out Trump is a classic narcissist many times – the definition: Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes – and Trump’s answer to the question of his view of God just “nails” (pun not intended) it.  Not only does the words coming from Trump’s mouth confirm this OVER and OVER, but, when he sends his surrogates out (now, it’s always off camera) they CONFIRM it with their pre-planned “talking points.”  I could go on and on with examples, but a couple that stick in my mind come from Sean Spicer – who’s apparently been moved to the background in favor of Sarah Sanders – when he defiantly, on the first day of Trump’s administration, pointed out that the crowd as Trump took the oath of office was the “largest in history, PERIOD!” (emphasis – his).  That was stupid!  The other one that comes to mind was after Trump’s first overseas trip (Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.) that Spicer characterized as “Historic.”  He added, “It truly was an extraordinary week for America and our people,” and then, if that wasn’t enough, said, it “was a historic turning point that people will be talking about for years to come” and “was met with nearly universal praise.” Yikes!

In reality, MOST observers considered it in a range from a moderate success (few gaffes – for Trump, the “bar” is really low) to a DISASTER – on the trip, Trump further damaged relations with the countries that are (or should be) the most important allies of America.  Shortly after he returned home we started to hear comments coming from European leaders that they need to prepare to “go it alone” going forward with their foreign policy.  Keep in mind that while Trump is seemingly in continual admiration and “kissing up” mode with Vladimir Putin, the leaders of Europe view Putin without the “rose colored glasses.”  Which brings me to another of the ironies I mentioned with Trump v Obama.  Trump’s “approval rating” in countries around the world (except Israel and Russia and a couple others) stands around 20% while Obama’s is around 80%.  Listening to Trump’s words, you would think it would be the opposite.

Trump has been busy signing executive orders designed to repeal as much of what President Obama accomplished as he can.  He’s approved the oil pipelines that will bring the dirtiest oil in the world (Tar sands from Canada) to refineries in Texas – creating significant environmental harm for oil that will be shipped to other nations leaving the residue in America.  And, the number of jobs created (if this actually happens) will be a small fraction of Trump’s claim (of course, by now, you know he LIES about virtually everything).  He’s working to repeal as much of the regulation Obama and the democrats passed after the “Great Recession” Bush/Cheney left for President Obama to “fix” in 2008 – and, maybe he’ll succeed.  I’m not “smart” enough to know how effective these “executive orders” actually are when attempting to overturn actual legislation.  The fear (at least for me) is that Trump could care less the damage to our country as he tries to undo President Obama’s “legacy.”  (Of course, republicans had the same attitude as they worked to make sure Obama “failed” during his two terms in office)

Here’s another interesting (and, somewhat depressing) irony when it comes to Trump and President Obama – and the democrats in Congress.  As the Senate republicans came to the conclusion they couldn’t pass a “repeal and replace” health care bill Trump, of course, BLAMED the “obstructionist democrats.”  When I heard him say that I just had to shake my head.  Are the American people actually STUPID enough to believe that?  Let’s break that one down here:  During Obama’s two terms in office, republicans gave the word OBSTRUCTION new meaning.  I believe the number of FILIBUSTERS put forth by Mitch McConnell, in their open attempt to make sure our president FAILED, was around 700.  The republican mantra was “If Obama’s for it, we’re against it.”  All you had to do was look at the signs that showed up at “Tea party” rallies to understand what is was about President Obama that motivated them to ensure he “failed.”  (Think “birther” movement)

And, of course, President Obama didn’t fail.  He led the United States (gradually) out of the “Great Recession,” he restored our standing on the world stage – Bush and Cheney were viewed as war criminals around the world (which, sadly, is accurate), the economy produced MILLIONS of jobs during his term – I believe there was over 70 straight months of significant job growth, and there were many other areas where positive gains were made under President Obama’s “watch” – despite HISTORIC OBSTRUCTION from the republicans.

So, now we have Trump in the “White House” with a Congress controlled by republicans and they can’t get their “repeal and replace” legislation passed.  Republican leaders put the bill together behind closed doors and they openly blocked any input from democrats in the process as it was (and, of course, then blamed them for obstruction???).  The bill was so BAD that the republicans couldn’t get their own members – at least enough of them – to vote for it to even bring it before the Senate for an up or down vote.  The first thing Trump did after the reality sank in that “repeal and replace” was going nowhere was to make the above mentioned claim that the problem was the “obstructionist democrats.” The democrats didn’t obstruct (other than to encourage people to make their views about health care known to their representatives in Congress)  they simply allowed the republicans to self-destruct – republicans needed no help from democrats in messing this up.

Again, there are occasions when I listen to this man (Trump) and want to puke.  And, unfortunately, there’s outlets like Fox “news,”, right wing radio “talkers,” and corporate cronies who will tell their audiences Trump is correct as they continue the BRAINWASHING which has been their MO since the days of Ronald Reagan.  Yesterday, I heard Newt Gingrich (yes, he’s still spewing his stuff) on Fox, I believe, setting the groundwork for Trump’s next big blunder – and, that will be attempting to fire Robert Mueller – Gingrich is attacking Mueller, a republican – who has almost universal respect and support on Capital hill, as having “conflicts of interest” in his investigation of Trump.  (Just so you know – that’s one reason a special counsel could be “fired”)

Here’s the final irony for me today – if you remember the campaign, Trump’s main claim against Hillary Clinton was calling her “Crooked Hillary.”  He led chants of “lock her up, lock her up” (along with the likes of Michael Flynn and presumably others).  Well, his soon to be public attacks on Mueller will be because Trump’s son, his son in law, Flynn, and others may be soon facing that same “chant.”  I’m not here to defend the Clintons, but when Mueller gets hold of Trump’s taxes (reportedly, that’s happening), Trump could be hearing chants of “lock him up, lock him up”  I can’t bring myself to believe even Trump’s supporters want a puppet of Putin occupying the White House!



Maybe the election of Donald Trump will actually expose the republican plan to turn our nation into an authoritarian state.

In my seemingly endless attempt to understand how “we the people” got to such a place that our president would be Donald Trump, likely the most incompetent president ever, and possibly a man with issues that transcend common sense, I’ve been rereading some of the books I read during the “Bush dynasty.”  The reality, which has been presented to me by the one person who actually “comments” on this “blog” (if that’s what it is – I look at it as my place to “vent” in cyberspace), is that republicans are much more proficient at “winning” elections than democrats – and, thus we have a government controlled by what looks like on the surface “conservatives,” but, in reality, is controlled by some very sophisticated MONEYED corporate interests with VERY deep pockets.  People like the infamous Koch brothers (read: “Sons of Wichita”) are working surreptitiously to turn local governments, state governments, and the federal government – all three branches – into what Karl Rove called the “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  I put the word “majority” in quotes because, clearly, they don’t need a “majority” to win.  When it comes to election campaigns they’ve proven the democrats to be in the “B” league.

George W Bush was the first president to screw up their plan.  They had all three branches and were in the process of gaining control in a majority of states when Bush became president.  If you don’t remember, the key to that happening was having a Supreme Court willing to overturn the will of the people and a democratic candidate and party willing to accept that result.  Bush, of course, did to our government what he had done to everything else he had “touched” in his pre-president  life and that was create a major FAILURE.  Prior to becoming president, George W Bush had been BAILED out of one failure after another by his father, referred to as “Poppy” Bush in “Family of Secrets” – the book I just finished for the fourth time.  In the book, Russ Baker makes a compelling argument that George HW Bush spent much of his life secretly as an agent of the CIA – which has been in cahoots with the oil industry since its inception.  I wont get into any of the details of that book, other than to suggest you read it, but it goes a long way in helping, at least me, understand the ability of those pulling the strings in republican politics to get people elected who have no business in their respective positions.

Bush managed to ignore multiple warnings about Al Qaeda’s plan to attack America prior to 9/11 and then used that tragedy as the justification to do what he and Dick Cheney wanted to do from day one of their administration – which was to invade Iraq, topple Saddam Hussein’s government, and turn their OIL buddies loose on Iraq’s HUGE oil reserves.  Of course, at this point in time we all know how that turned out, but, with the help of those who got Bush elected we’re still in Iraq, Afghanistan, and we still have no idea how to get out or why we’re even there – other than the aforementioned “reasons.”  Bush also managed to bungle the disaster relief abilities of FEMA by appointing “cronies” who had no idea what they were doing, then along with their incompetent FEMA managers ignored MULTIPLE warnings about the impending disaster headed toward New Orleans in the form of Hurricane Katrina, with the result being BILLIONS in damages and 1800 lives lost all the while as Bush and his “cronies” seemed dis-interested.  (until, of course, being politically forced to take notice days after the tragedy).  The bungling during the Bush/Cheney regime was monumental and covered many areas of our government, but the “crown jewel” was the meltdown of our economy due to the reckless behavior of Bush’s Wall Street supporters and the encouragement they received from the administration.  As Bush had done in his prior life, he resorted to a “BAILOUT” to get himself (and, we the people”) out of this mess – now called the “Great Recession.”  This time the “bailout” came from the Federal Reserve instead of “Poppy” but, the scenario was very similar to what Bush had done previously in his business dealings.

I bring this up because we find ourselves, at least from my perspective, unbelievably in a very similar situation with Trump as president.  After Bush, “we the people” – somewhat incredibly – elected Barack Obama to be president.  I say “incredibly” because, as we all know, President Obama’s father was a Kenyan.  That means Obama was our first Black President.  (which may be the reason Trump is now president) As President, Obama managed to pull us out of the quagmire Bush/Cheney left as they hightailed it out of Washington DC in 2009.  Obama did this despite the reality that for six of the eight years he was president there was a republican Congress determined to, as they actually put it publicly, make sure President Obama FAILED.  The country be damned – they had no intention of allowing a Black President to succeed.  Of course, despite their constant filibustering and obstructing in any and every way they could, President Obama left office with a strong history of leading a slow but steady improvement in our economy – with MILLIONS of jobs being “produced” after the fallout from the Bush/Cheney disaster subsided in about 2010.  Obama left office with an approval rating Trump can only dream about.

President Obama did something that had been BLOCKED by republicans since the aftermath of WW II, and that was lay the groundwork for a policy of national health care.  He and the democrats managed to pass the Affordable Care Act – with all its deficiencies – in the face of fierce republican opposition and at least a BILLION dollars in money spent by lobbyists to defeat the bill or to force it to be insurance company and pharmaceutical company friendly.  The restriction on Medicare negotiating drug prices, for example, remained as a concession to get the bill passed.  That legislation cost democrats the majority in congress because of the MILLIONS spent by the republican paymasters (corporatists) who could care less if people have health insurance or not – they have it and that’s all that matters to them! Republicans led a major “scare campaign” aimed at the bill and referring to imaginary items in it like “death panels.”  It wasn’t until republicans actually were in charge and planning their “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care Act that it became supported by a majority of Americans.

Subsequently to passing the bill, in 2010 these unseen republican “money-changers” (Koch brothers, etc.) led a right wing national assault on our election process via a very sophisticated system of gerrymandering that has since virtually guaranteed republican control of the House of Representatives.  Just as Hillary Clinton “lost” to Donald Trump in 2016 with 3 MILLION more votes, the republicans control the House with MILLIONS fewer votes nationally than democrats.  And, speaking of the Affordable Care Act and republican complaints that in some areas of the country people have only one choice for health insurance, there’s a similar problem that to me is much more significant.  In many parts of the country – especially the so-called “rust belt” where Donald Trump ended up gaining his strongest support, there is only ONE choice for media coverage.  On the radio it’s the Clear Channel (or whoever runs it now) right wing list of “talkers” led by Rush Limbaugh who are busy making MILLIONS upon MILLIONS by carrying the brainwashing message of the right wing to people who don’t even get a chance to hear the “other side.”  Additionally, in many areas, unless you subscribe to satellite TV all you can get is the Fox “news” version of politics.  People I know who watch Fox “news” are incredibly ill-informed, but in their own minds they honestly believe they “get it.”

Occasionally, I’ll try to listen to or watch stuff coming from Fox or Limbaugh or the like and it honestly makes my stomach queezy.  The LYING is commonplace and, at least what I hear, comes across as “hate speech” almost every time I tune in.  The other day, after a crazy person opened fire on a bunch of republican congress persons practicing for a baseball game – against the democrats – I actually heard Donald Trump give a message encouraging people to be civil to each other and respectful of each other (I don’t remember the exact words, but that’s the “gist” I got from his comments).  Soon after, there came a “tweet” denigrating former president Obama – essentially accusing Obama of “colluding with the Russians” – I know, that seems like someone in Trump’s position would have to be “nuts” to say that, but that’s what he said.  Then came a gross “tweet” about a female journalist (using his “blood” metaphor he uses when attacking women – I really don’t understand what’s going on in Trump’s mind) and that was followed up by Trump “re-tweeting” an animation of him body-slamming someone with a CNN logo affixed to his face – evidently encouraging his followers to “attack” the press with whom he’s at “war.”

All of this, I hope, is getting me to my point of how on earth we got to the place where someone like Donald Trump could manage to end up in the White House.  And, the similarities of how he, just as George W Bush before him, is likely to “screw up” the plan of the surreptitious right wing “money-changers” pushing their “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  Trump fits the bill as he’s clearly an authoritarian personality (in my mind, more similar to Dick Cheney than George W Bush), but he has the same problem GW Bush had.  Without a teleprompter (and sometimes with it) Trump has difficulty getting out a complete sentence that makes sense, or is not clearly a BLATANT LIE.  Trump and his surrogates have been “caught” LYING so many times that it is now just a “given.”  If their mouths are moving, they’re LYING.  Right now, Trump is in Hamburg, Germany at the “G-20 Summit.”  I listened as he responded to a reporters question regarding whether or not he believes the Russians “interfered” in the 2016 election.  His answer meandered all over the place, but what was clear was that Trump knows what happened, he just doesn’t want to admit it because he’s so sensitive to the FACT his legitimacy comes into question because of the Russian interference.  (not to mention the FACT he got 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton)

So, this republican “dream” of the “permanent republican ‘majority'” is once again in danger because of a bumbling, incompetent, erratic president.  In fact, I’ve even said on this site that Donald Trump makes me long for the days of GW Bush – which I could barely tolerate.  Bush created MAMMOTH problems – he, Dick Cheney, and others in his administration SHOULD have been investigated for committing WAR CRIMES – but, to me, the potential Trump has for catastrophic damage goes way beyond George W Bush.  I listened yesterday as Trump was standing next to the president of Poland (who’s clamped down hard on the “free press” in Poland) and BASHING the American press as “fake news.”  (The irony, of course, is that it was the Russians who initiated the “fake news” in the 2016 election as they tried to help Trump and it’s the right wing sites in America that are supporting Trump who are perpetuating it)  Trump also, in this press conference, continued his “attack” on President Obama – essentially accusing Obama of “doing nothing” about the Russian hacking – which he earlier had suggested might not even have happened.  Go figure!

Trump, on a daily basis, violates every norm of American politics and the so-called conservatives in the republican party continue to just look the other way. (one of the “values” of conservatism is honoring tradition – at least that’s how it’s supposed to be) Trump LIES about virtually everything – the republicans look the other way.  Trump attacks women in the most vile manner – the republicans look the other way.  Trump is an embarrassment as he goes over seas representing America – republicans look the other way.  Trump is further enriching his business “empire” via is position as president – republicans look the other way.  Trump is trying to impede the investigations into the possibility of collusion with the Russians – republicans look the other way.  Trump is surreptitiously attacking our environmental and regulatory institutions – republicans look the other way.

The way I see this there’s two possibilities.  First:  Americans wake up and vote these right wing republicans out of office – and, vote in democrats (or republicans) who will actually defend the constitution they take an oath to and this nightmare of a Trump presidency will come to a screeching halt.  Second: The American people continue to be apathetic at the polls and we will become a second rate nation in the eyes of the so-called “free world” – who, by the way, are ALREADY making trade agreements that bypass United States participation.  For those who believe in Steve Bannon’s “White Nationalist” philosophy, the end result of following that path will be the destruction of this country as we’ve known it since the days following WW II.

The republican plan for the “permanent republican ‘majority'” is  basically their attempt to short circuit the “checks and balances put in the constitution by our “founding fathers.”  The republican attempts to control every aspect of government, along with their constant attack on the “free press” emanates from the authoritarian thinking that permeates beneath the surface of their public persona.  Much of the republican base comes from the so-called “religious right” where you find “dominionists” who believe in “strong man” leadership.  (read, “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet)  Combine that with people like Trump with authoritarian personalities and you can see why they’re attacking the press, the intelligence services, the voting rights of ordinary people, and the racist immigration views.  To them, just the word “liberal” is a dirty word.  Liberal stands for things like workers rights, children’s rights, health care as a “right,” Social Security, Medicare (ie, taking care of the elderly), public education, regulations on the environment and the work place and the food supply, freedom FROM religion, and I could go on – but, hopefully, you get the drift.  This republican plan is DANGEROUS, it’s been in the works for years, and it’s backed by unlimited funding.  Maybe the election of Donald Trump will actually expose the republican plan to turn our nation into an authoritarian state.  Just as with George W Bush, if the “plan” is thwarted, it will be due to the INCOMPETENCE of the man at the top, Donald Trump.  Knowing how vain Trump has shown himself to be, I’m guessing the part of all this that aggravates him the most is that he’s showing the world what a good president Barack Obama actually was.  Trump is showing himself as far inferior to our only Black president.  Talk about irony!

If you want to learn more about the inner workings of the republican party in America I suggest you read  “Family of Secrets” by Russ Baker.

The only way republicans can save their “permanent republican ‘majority'” is by impeaching Donald Trump.

They have always called it “the permanent republican ‘majority.'” (controlling the White House, the Congress, the Courts, and the press) People like Karl Rove used that term back in the time of the Bush/Cheney administration.  “Conservatives” have been pushing for this “majority” for many years – setting the “stage” as they’ve been gerrymandering congressional districts across the nation, financing campaigns of lower level legislative seats in states around the nation and financing campaigns for governorships even in states considered “blue.”  Take the state where I reside, which is solidly “blue,” Washington, every year there’s an election for statewide offices outside money flows freely in to help republicans control our state legislature.  Republican hopefuls for the governorship of Washington rely on this out of state money to have any chance for success. The republican strategy for controlling our government (nationwide) is much more sophisticated and well financed than that of the democrats.  (In fact, many are wondering if the democrats even have a “strategy” beyond, let the cards fall where they may)

Of course, the republicans have anything but a “majority.”  Everyone (except Donald Trump, apparently) knows that Hillary Clinton had close to 3 MILLION more votes than Trump in the recent election, but due to the electoral college “map” Trump was the second “republican” in a row who won the White House without winning the actual “popular” vote.  (to George W Bush’s credit, he didn’t accuse “illegal aliens” voting as the reason Al Gore won the “popular” vote) Additionally, thanks to the gerrymandering done after the 2010 mid term elections, the republicans have consistently controlled the House of Representatives despite gaining MILLIONS fewer votes nationwide than democrats.  The “permanent republican ‘majority'” that Rove and others have referred to has nothing to do with “majority” – it’s all about setting the stage for elections where it’s almost impossible for republicans to lose – based on the boundaries of the districts.  Of course, that refers to the congressional seats – as for the presidency, the voter suppression bills in state after state – put into effect following the Supreme Court’s gutting of section 5 of the Voting Rights Act – are designed to cause “blue” states to turn “red” and, along with the electoral college map, obviously you can “win” the election despite the FACT you LOST the election!

The reports out of Wisconsin, for example, that I’ve heard since the 2016 election have suggested that upwards of 300,000 voters were denied the privilege to vote based on their newly enacted Voter ID law.  Make no mistake, these “Voter ID” laws are aimed squarely at minorities, youth, and elderly people – all segments that have a propensity to vote for progressive policy.  (That would mean – they don’t vote for republicans)  That was significantly more than enough to swing Wisconsin to Trump.  The same is true for Michigan, Pennsylvania, and to a lessor extent North Carolina.  Shortly after the “Voter ID” bill was introduced in Pennsylvania I heard a republican member of their legislature state – “this will be enough to turn Pennsylvania “red.”  Pennsylvania’s voter id law was eventually struck down by the courts, but “conservatives” in Pennsylvania have continued efforts to suppress the minority vote to this day.  They. like many “conservative” states are in cahoots with Kansas’ Secretary of State Kris Kobach who is a nationwide leader in the republican attempts to purge legal voters from the rolls.  For republicans, reducing the number of voters is a full time job.

The elections in several of these states were decided by razor thin “majorities,” despite all the shenanigans that have been ongoing.  Not the least of which would be the Russian interference and the help of the Director of the FBI to get Trump elected and give the republicans the “triumvirate” they so desire.  That is, control of the White House, the Congress, and the courts.  Additionally, when you look at the history of our “liberal media” over the past 40 years, it doesn’t give a lot of hope to anyone not in favor of this “majority.”  George W Bush managed to blunder away the first opportunity for this “permanent” republican “majority” via one blunder after another.  I have little doubt that the blunders, under Trump, will continue – probably at a much faster rate – but, there’s a significant difference between Trump and GW Bush.  Trump is MUCH more dangerous – to “we the people.”  Trump is an authoritarian BULLY who’s used to getting “his way,” and it will be interesting to see if there’s a republican in congress with the guts to stand up to him.

I’ve written that we are depending on the democrats and the press to lead the fight against Trump – but, his agenda is starting out so radical that I’m beginning to think the only way MAJOR long term damage to America can be stopped will be if the republicans, themselves, stop it.  Essentially, the democrats don’t have much power, and we’re already seeing signs that there’s no way they’ll be unified enough to put up a significant fight against Trump.  Senators in states Trump won, who are democrats, are already showing the signs of the spinelessness that has been a hallmark of democrats in Congress for as long as I can remember.  Last night I heard Lawrence O’Donnell lay it out much better than I could.  He said, “the history books are waiting for courageous republicans who are willing to put a stop to Trump’s madness.”  (Of course, that’s not a direct quote – I’m paraphrasing as best I can remember)  Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General was fired by Trump last night because she refused to defend his “Muslim ban” in court, until she could “be convinced it’s legal.”  Of course, Trump couldn’t simply “fire” Ms. Yates, he had to add that she was “weak on borders and weak on Illegal immigration.”

Things are going to get real interesting as the republicans attempt to “cement” this “permanent majority” into place with Trump at the helm.  Already, the size of demonstrations around the country are historical in magnitude – reminding me of the 1960’s when “we the people” finally realized what a fiasco Viet Nam was.  I predict that the republican brand will get weaker and weaker as long as Trump remains in office.  Which brings me to a point that I’ve already made several times previously on this site.  I personally believe Mike Pense is far more in line to the beliefs of people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.  And, make no mistake, their number one goal is to STAY IN POWER!  They will not sit idly by and allow their “majority” to dwindle away because of any loyalty to Donald Trump.  Not only is Trump pissing off MILLIONS of Americans every day, but his incompetence is a reflection on HIS party – the republicans.  The other day, at breakfast with a couple of my (deluded) friends who love Trump, I made a bet that he wouldn’t make a second term.  I was willing to bet that he doesn’t last through his first term.  Every day I’m more convinced Trump will be impeached.

I believe the republicans have less than two years to do this.  Of course, I’m thinking in terms a bit idealistic in reference to the democrats – but, Trump is the golden opportunity for democrats not only to stop this “permanent ‘majority,'” but also to put this right wing republican party in the history books – which is where it deserves to be.  It’s like the 1920’s all over again – and, the question in my mind is that do we need a national disaster on the same scale as the great depression to get our attention, or is Trump enough to figure out where this republican party’s values lie.  (that word, lie, is the word that comes to mind EVERY time I hear a republican speak)  Will the democrats have the necessary energy to implement a “50 state strategy” with the aim of taking back the Congress of the United States.  And, if “we the people” put them in charge again, will they follow through on the “mandate” – which, at this point would be removing this “deplorable” man (in the words of Hillary Clinton) from our government.

Trump has already exposed himself to impeachable offenses – so, at this point, the issue lies in the hands of the republicans – are they willing to endure this man indefinitely.  Let’s face it, the lawsuits aimed at Trump are going to mount up to an believable level.  I’ve seen reports that he was facing 75 lawsuits as he took the oath of office.  (Honestly, as I wrote the word “oath” in that last sentence, all I could think was what a “joke” Trump taking any “oath” would be.  Obviously, the man operates by his own rules)  Another report says he’s been sued 34 times since he “won” the election.  This is not going to get better.  Chaos and dissent are going to be the norm for as long as Trump is in the White House.  I mean his top adviser is Steve Bannon of Breitbart “news” – the home of the White Nationalists and the so-called “alt right.”  Seriously, most people have no idea what that means.  Republicans are imprinting this on their “brand” and they only have a short window to correct the situation.  Personally, I’m not fan of Mike Pense.  I believe he’s nearly as dangerous to the America I believe in as Trump.  However, as a friend of mine said today, at least Pense is not deranged.

MILLIONS of people in America and AROUND THE GLOBE are extremely nervous that Trump has the codes to the nuclear weapons of America.  People all over the world are wondering, “What is going on in America?”  And, we’ve got a bunch of republicans in Congress who are either sitting by silent, or wondering how can I keep my job and stand up against stuff they KNOW is wrong.  Simply because they’re republicans doesn’t make them stupid.  They can see the writing on the wall.  They are going to get the same treatment at town halls that democrats got after President Obama pushed through the Affordable Care Act.  (Honestly, I’ll go tom my grave believing those “tea party” protests were all about the color of our president’s skin).  So, here’s my thought regarding the republican’s permanent “majority.”  The only way republicans can save their “permanent republican ‘majority'” is by impeaching Donald Trump.  Every day they go along with this imbalanced president, the more likely they’re going to be swept out of office in the next election en masse.  Americans of all colors, sizes, and shapes don’t like what they’re seeing.

Should Trump succeed, I fear for my children and grandchildren as to the country those of us in the “Baby Boom” generation are leaving them!

I’m not sure which is more discouraging to me;  The “liberal media” getting sucked in to Donald Trump’s masterful manipulation of them OR the numbers of American citizens who’ve decided that it’s OK to vote for a fascist, racist, etc.  And, the saddest part is that Trump’s message is so dishonest and, from my standpoint, the “liberal media” refuses to “tell it like it is.”  We (in America) have evolved to the point where “both sides” must be represented in any political dialogue with no reference to factual material.

Now, I’m not a defender of Hillary Clinton and I don’t have the urge or the energy to “vet” all the “scandals” the right wing of American politics “create” for her – certainly, Mrs. Clinton has earned some of the vitriol – I just don’t know how much is true, and I don’t hear ANYONE that might be considered an investigative reporter doing anything more than spewing the allegations.  However, when Donald Trump stands before a crowd (as he did tonight in my home state of Washington – which, by the way, I believe he has NO CHANCE to carry) and makes the same disingenuous plea he’s been making lately to the “African American community” – spewing statistics that he’s somehow attempting to “pin” on Hillary Clinton (and Barack Obama) about the plight of America’s minority populations, and claiming they should vote for “Donald Trump” because “what do you have to lose?” It irks me that he’s allowed to get away with this.  There should be an ENDLESS discussion right now about the people Trump has decided to call his close associates – first and foremost, Steven Bannon, his “CEO” who’s a White Supremacist and has made disparaging remarks about African Americans that can at the very best be classified as DISGUSTING.

In addition, Trump is being “advised” by Kellyanne Conway who will say whatever she’s paid to say – and, say it in a way that if you don’t know better you would think she’s being genuine (that’s what I call an EXPERT liar).  He’s also hired Roger Ailes to be one of his advisors, so if you think the Trump campaign has been overly NEGATIVE, well, you haven’t seen anything yet.  And, then there’s the guy who was the “force” behind the Citizens United Supreme Court decision – I believe his last name is Bossie (or something like that – you can tell I’m being lazy because all I have to do is “google” Citizens United to find out).  Bossie has been CREATING “scandals” about Mrs. Clinton for years.  So, America’s “low information voters” – hold on to your hats!  Ailes and Bossie have been republican “hacks” for years – in Bossie’s case, those republicans remaining who could be considered even close to “moderate” don’t want anything to do with him.  Ailes, of course, was the brains behind the Fox “news” propaganda arm of the republican party based on Joseph Goebbels “Big Lie theory” and his “dirty tricks” go all the way back to Richard Nixon.

In the past couple of days I forced myself to either listen to or watch MSNBC, just to get an idea of what they’re “reporting.”  I would say I’ve been a listener for maybe three to four hours in those two days (and, I have to admit, it was all I could do to keep listening/watching).  In that time there was maybe five minutes (at the most) where Hillary Clinton was discussed and that was ONLY because the FBI had released the notes of her meeting regarding her email “scandal.”  (I put that in quotes because, first, I haven’t heard anything “awful” when actual facts are presented, and secondly, I can’t imagine being asked to divulge all my emails of the past so many years to the public – who else has ever been put in that situation?)  All I heard from the MSNBC “reporter” – I don’t remember her name – was her saying that there was no “proof” Mrs. Clinton’s emails were “hacked” – but, that wasn’t conclusive. ???????  The rest of the FOUR, or so, HOURS I forced myself to listen to/watch MSNBC went exactly the same as what turned me off to them prior – and that was TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP.  (and, when I say there was NOTHING else, I mean NOTHING – it’s as if the ONLY thing in today’s world that is “news worthy” is Donald Trump”)  They, again, in prime time, played the entirety of Trump’s disgusting speech in Arizona where he was sending “coded” messages to various groups that might be tricked into voting for him.  (how could he ask for more? a FREE national “stage”)

Of course, after they either show his speech or part of what he’s saying, then you get the “parsing” of the words by pundits who are either pro Trump or part of the “dump Trump” movement.  But, to me, what MSNBC (and, probably others) is/are doing is providing Trump with EXACTLY what he wants, and that is FREE ADVERTISING.  He’s getting unlimited national advertising without spending a dime.  And, I can guarantee you that his “advisors” are going to be extremely busy turning this campaign deeper into the MUD!  Additionally, these “advisors” are the experts at manipulating this FREE advertising.  And, apparently, MSNBC is a willing participant to being used for this purpose.  (after all, it’s all about the ratings!)

One more thing (and, if you’ve read my previous couple of posts you are aware of what political projection is – the Trump campaign advisors are masters of this “strategy” – if you don’t know, look it up) one of Trump’s rants, when he blasts Hillary Clinton, is aimed at her connections to Wall Street.  As of yet, I’ve only heard a brief comment about the FACT that a Wall Street Hedge fund manager that hardly anyone’s ever heard of is seriously funding (and “guiding”) Trump’s campaign.  His name is Robert Mercer and he’s not only connected to Trump, but he’s directly connected to Steven Bannon (and Brietbart “news”), Conway, AND Bossie.  If that doesn’t give you “pause,” well, I don’t know what will.  He’s also behind the “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling that allows RICH people to buy politicians in SECRET.  Just as Trump ADMITS that when he “donates” money to a politician, he expects something in return – well, I think you can see where I’m going with this.  Mercer is far more wealthy than Trump and who knows how much he’s “donating????”  Or what he wants in return?  I have to wonder, is Mercer secretly who people are voting for in November if they’re foolish enough to vote for Trump?

Trump has shown himself to be a fascist, Bannon a white supremacist, Conway a liar, and Bossie – well, possibly “all of the above.”  If you remember back in the day when Newt Gingrich was first leading the “Contract for (on) America” – where the republican obstructionist plan was put on steroids, Bossie was hired by Gingrich to help with the anti-Clinton “investigations” that were never ending.  Both Bossie and Gingrich were forced to resign their positions due to “unethical” whatever.  I believe Bossie was “resigned” for inappropriately leaking sensitive material to the press (it has to be really bad for republicans to balk at this) and Gingrich, along with a couple other “top” republicans were forced to resign after it was discovered they were doing essentially the same thing as the President they impeached.  That’s the epitome of “projection” and they’re all good at it.  Put the BLAME on your opponent for what you, yourself, are doing!

I get the impression that Hillary Clinton is attempting to allow Trump to self destruct, but my thinking is that she needs to become more available to the press and put some of this “stuff” to rest.  I listened to Colin Kaepernick the other day and, I have to say, I’m sympathetic to his cause – which I interpreted as the issue of inequality in America for people of “color” highlighted by the number of Black youth having been shot and killed by police in the past along with a lack of accountability for the shootings.  What caught my ear as I listened to him was his frustration regarding the upcoming election and the way he described Hillary Clinton.  He essentially regurgitated the right wing talking points about Mrs. Clinton that she should be in jail.  To me, he sounded thoughtful up to that point, and then I had to think – where is his information coming from?  You don’t need to do anything but listen to Trump to realize he’s a racist, but it’s a republican fabricated LIE that Mrs. Clinton should be in jail.  Agree or disagree with her – and, I can see people disagreeing with her, I’m often one of them – that she should be in jail is ridiculous.  Mrs. Clinton, in my view, needs to very publicly address all this vitriol – because, otherwise, our “liberal media” will keep “feeding” it to “we the people.”

These attacks on the Clintons have been ongoing since Bill Clinton took office.  I’m not one to defend Bill Clinton (and, I supported Both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders in the previous election cycles) but I’m past giving our “liberal media” a pass for allowing this stuff to permeate the “news” without proper investigative reporting.  And, the hypocrisy of the republicans is beyond the pail to me – this all just PROVES “it’s all about the power.”  They’re all worked up about some emails, but they said NOTHING when George W Bush/Dick Cheney were lying America into two WARS that are ongoing as I write this.  They said NOTHING when Bush/Cheney ADMITTED on national TV that they were WAR CRIMINALS by authorizing TORTURE (and, of course, Barack Obama and the democrats allowed them to “get away” with this).  They said NOTHING when it became public that Bush/Cheney were illegally surveilling their own citizens in direct violation of the FISA law (and, again, President Obama and the democrats allowed them to get away with this – I’m not sure which was worst).  And, they were deadly silent when the result of their policy of deregulating EVERYTHING and privatizing EVERYTHING (they could) led to a financial collapse that nearly brought us into a depression – AND, they said NOTHING when their “conservative” “free market” president and treasury secretary BAILED OUT Wall Street to the tune of TRILLIONS! (They did criticize President Obama for using some of the TARP “bailout” funds  to save GM and Chrysler – along with at least a MILLION blue collar jobs in America’s “rust belt” – but, of course, you wouldn’t expect them to say ANYTHING positive about President Obama OR Hillary Clinton) But, what they lead us to believe is that Mrs. Clinton should be in jail for using a private server for her email while Secretary of State.  Really!!!!  (and, obviously, people – like Kaepernick – are believing them – hence, the effect of the “Big Lie Theory” – right out of the annals of the Third Reich)

Obviously, having a nation that is ideologically divided is good for ratings for corporations like NBC (and the others) but, it is not healthy for our nation.  The press is SUPPOSED to be the “fourth estate” – meaning, it is supposed to be one of the checks on government over reach, etc.  However, in my view, the “press” has become more interested in managing or creating “news” in a way that drives up their viewership.  My guess is that MSNBC, for example, is doing the TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP agenda for no other reason than trying to increase their ratings.  There are investigative reporters out there, but I believe “we the people” have to look beyond the “sound bites” or the headlines to find them which might allow us to find out what is “really” happening with our government.  We are at a cross roads in American history – you read it here :o) – and, this election will be historic, no matter the outcome.  Even though I would much prefer someone other than Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee, she will be the first woman (OK, that wasn’t a “tell me something I don’t know) president and, should Donald Trump (God help us) win in November, America will be led by a true fascist.  Either way, historic and trans-formative.  Should Trump succeed, I fear for my children and grandchildren as to the country those of us in the “Baby Boom” generation are leaving to them!

If Trump manages to win the White House without disclosing his taxes – well, again, that’s on us – “we the people.”

I’m not a “fan” of Hillary Clinton.  That being said, I’m also not someone who doesn’t like her or doesn’t appreciate what she’s done over the years.  She’s served America in many different important capacities.  I’ve always simply considered her more “conservative” than what I consider to be the foundation which built America’s great middle class which was the “New Deal” of Franklin Roosevelt and the “Great Society” of Lyndon Johnson.  During the years from the 1930’s until roughly the late 70’s workers in America were considered the backbone of this nation.  Certainly Mrs. Clinton is to the left of the republican party (which has been attacking her relentlessly for a couple decades now) but, considering where we find republicans these days, being to the “left” of them doesn’t make someone “progressive” in my eyes.

However, just as we’ve seen President Obama turn to the “left” in his last couple of years in the White House (and, if you haven’t noticed, correspondingly his approval ratings have risen) I believe the candidacy of Bernie Sanders has “pushed” Mrs. Clinton closer to what I would consider the positions that can make this nation healthy again.  Lately, I’ve heard that she’s talking about making college affordable (hopefully free) and pushing for a raise in the minimum wage.  I’m guessing that the issue of income inequality will be a part of her “stump speech” as the campaign progresses.  Additionally, I’m hoping there will be some “hint” of pushing for the “public option” that SHOULD have been an integral part of the original ACA (AKA “Obamacare”) Mrs. Clinton is considered by many to be a “hawk” when it comes to the military and I have to say this is where some of my uneasiness comes from.  I’m looking forward to the day when America is no longer assuming the role of the “world’s policeman.”

The reality of America’s “professional military” – that is, a military that’s not supported by a draft – has allowed our leaders to demonstrate on multiple occasions they’ve learned nothing from the lessons of Viet Nam.  George W Bush and Dick Cheney demonstrated this FACT on steroids with the fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Of course, the aftermath of Iraq is what has led to a totally destabilized Middle East and an out of control “terrorist” group known as “ISIS” or ISIL” depending on who you’re listening to.  ISIL (I’ll use President Obama’s acronym) is an outgrowth of “Al Qaeda in Iraq” which didn’t exist until the Bush/Cheney illegal and unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation which had not attacked the United States – the first time in our history this atrocity has happened.  Of course, Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld couldn’t resist the temptation to show their complete disregard for American law and International law by authorizing the use of TORTURE on “enemy combatants.”

To make it worse, an “enemy combatant” was whomever Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld – and their “assigns” – decided it was.  Guantanamo (GITMO), Abu Ghraib (ironically, the same prison that Saddam Hussein used to TORTURE Iraqi citizens), and the several “black holes” around the world where the United States military would send “enemy combatants” to be “rendered” all seemingly were filled to capacity.  I’ve read several books reporting on the conditions in these places and what went on there and it makes you think it’s time for America to “intervene” in the deplorable disregard of “human rights.”  Of course, then the reality sinks in that it’s us (the U.S.) committing the atrocities.  “We the people” have to accept our responsibility in all of this because we’re the ones who keep electing people like Bush/Cheney into office – and, then let them get away with being WAR CRIMINALS.  I could write several posts about how “enemy combatants” were “chosen” and what happened to many of them, but suffice it to say that MOST of the people at GITMO and Abu Ghraib should never have been there and the FACT that several died while experiencing the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld “enhanced interrogation” should give any American with a sense of commitment to our core principals “pause.”

President Obama, soon after moving into the White House, said “America doesn’t TORTURE” and that the tactics used by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld would not be used again.  You can go back and read many of my posts – I WAS NOT HAPPY when President Obama did this.  And, then he said there would be no investigations of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld (and others) illegal activity because we were going to “look forward instead of back.”  I couldn’t believe he would do that, especially since he was a constitutional law expert.  I knew what the result would be (again, you can read my posts at the time, I’m not trying to be boastful – just stating that it didn’t take a constitutional expert to figure out the error of that decision) and we’re on the verge of “reliving” that reality.

I think that President Obama just can’t bring himself to believe that the American people would elect someone of the caliber of Donald Trump to be president, but that possibility is definitely on the horizon.  And, the CONSTANT and decades long right wing assault on Hillary Clinton is what makes this possibility even more alarming.  Donald Trump has boastfully claimed (I’ve heard it myself) that he will authorize “Waterboarding and a lot more.”  His right wing “Tea Party type followers cheer at the thought – which simply reinforces my original disgust with President Obama’s decision to “look the other way” regarding WAR CRIMES.  There should be NO DOUBT in the minds of the American public and anyone running for President – or for that matter – ANYONE in a position to authorize or carry out TORTURE – that it is ILLEGAL and carries significant PENALTIES.

George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld should ALL have been impeached and faced criminal prosecution for authorizing TORTURE.  Not only the Waterboarding, but they had no boundaries on what they did to “enemy combatants.”  Evidently, they – and many of the people who today are supporting Trump – think that America is above International Law (what’s interesting is the Geneva Conventions are, in large part, the result of American support for the human rights movement) and, with regard to those around the world who are shocked by our abuse of human rights – essentially “screw them.”  They still seem to be oblivious to the international backlash that is aimed squarely at America and is building up steam.  I can guarantee you that if the American voters somehow choose Trump as President that things will get a LOT worse before (and if) they get better.

I wrote sometime back that all the Trump “haters” in the republican party will eventually fall in line and they’ll start funneling all the money that’s available to getting him elected.  I have no doubt that behind the scenes – as I’m writing this – the big money people are cluing Trump in on what he’s going to do and say for the rest of the campaign.  He’ll either fall in line, or they will threaten to hold back the money (and, believe me, Trump does NOT have the funds to run a presidential campaign on his own “dime”)  And, these people (The Koch network for example) are brilliant political operatives and they will turn the dialogue TOTALLY away from Trump and put their anti Hillary campaign on steroids.  I’m already seeing the subliminal adds on the internet pop up when I’m browsing – for example, with yes or no questions like “Should Hillary Clinton be in prison?”  Yes, these come from the same people who support the TORTURE and scoff at the idea that maybe Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld are the ones who should be in prison.

Mrs. Clinton was, obviously, not wise to have an email server at her home.  However, receiving sensitive info on personal email accounts is not unique to Mrs. Clinton.  If you were around in the 90’s you know to what lengths the republicans will go to in their perpetual effort to find scandals in regards to the Clintons.  In reality, I don’t want to be defending either Bill or Hillary Clinton any more than to say the obvious – and that is the republicans are more obsessed with finding a scandal than they are with governing.  I’d like to see EVERY candidate for president be treated the same and that would mean Trump should make his emails public.  Actually, what I’d really like to see from Trump is his taxes.  If he manages to win the White House without disclosing his taxes – well, again, that’s on us – “we the people.”  If we’re stupid enough to allow that to happen, then we deserve what we get.  To me, that this is a possibility demonstrates the absurdity of calling our media “liberal.”  Mrs. Clinton’s emails are a big deal, but Trump’s taxes are not.  Yikes!

I have a very good friend who told me the other day he’s going to vote for Trump.  He (like me) is a Christian, although he still hasn’t figured out what Fox “news” is doing to his brain.  It’s really difficult to reason with anyone who’s addicted to Fox.  When I asked him if he read any books his answer was an emphatic NO!  He said, “I barely graduated from high school.”  (we both graduated in 1965)  When I asked him where his information was coming from the two words that mostly caught my attention were “O’Reilly” and “Hannity.”  His reason for voting for Trump instead of Mrs. Clinton was “morals.”  That’s correct, the Fox crew has him believing that Donald Trump is moral and Mrs. Clinton is a “liar.”  I didn’t know what to say (he said, “you’re not going to change my mind”) and I don’t know how long it will be until “we the people” fully understand the DAMAGE Fox “news” and the right wing talkers like Rush Limbaugh are having on this nation.  (Yes, my friend listens to Rush)  Again, I’m not trying to defend Hillary Clinton here as if I’m a strong supporter (I’m one of the millions who’ve sent dollars to Bernie Sanders) but, to suggest voting for Donald Trump because of “moral” reasons borders on the absurd to me.

I want to say my friend has been brainwashed – but, in reality, I believe all of us – “we the people” have been brainwashed for many years.  It’s just that the people behind the right wing push in America since the 70’s and the “Powell memo” are much better at this than those who consider themselves “progressive.”  And, this is the very reality that is bothering me the most right now.  As I look at the attacks on Mrs. Clinton the reality of Trump winning the election in the fall becomes more plausible.  I’m certain the attacks are only going to intensify and if the so-called “liberal media” continues to act in a shameful manner as they almost continue nurturing the Trump campaign to “keep things interesting,”  the unthinkable might happen.  Check your history books regarding 1930’s Germany and look at the parallels.  Republicans have already proved they haven’t learned from history vis a vi Iraq and Afghanistan.  To me, the question becomes, how low do we want to go?

How long will “we the people” allow our media to continue their failure to “vet” Donald Trump on anything resembling what they’re doing (and have done) to Mrs. Clinton?  Let’s start be demanding the disclosure of Trump’s taxes!

Republicans are “strict constitutionalists” under their own terms AND only when it suites them.

In my last post I mentioned that I’m re-reading “Sons of Wichita” by Daniel Schulman a book that chronicles how the “Koch Brothers” became such a powerful force in today’s American political scene.  Essentially, Charles and David Koch funded the “Tea Party” and they’ve evolved from Libertarian ideologues to right wing republican operatives.  The fact that they are not in jail gives testimony to those in America who believe that laws in this nation are tilted in favor of the “rich.”  The list of where these two brothers have pushed the limits of the law is staggering when you read this book, and there’s a third brother, Bill, who’s every bit as disgusting as Charles and David, but who’s been on the “outs” with them because of an incredible lifetime family struggle for the heritage passed down by their father Fred Koch.

Fred Koch was a founding member of the John Birch Society, a right wing, anti-communist, (they accused Dwight Eisenhower of being a Communist “sympathizer”), White Supremacist organization which has evolved into a scary place in today’s republican party.  The Koch’s are part of the so-called “free market” movement that gained steam under the tutelage of Milton Friedman who gained prominence in the 1960’s and eventually was an important adviser to Ronald Reagan and his “Trickle Down” (I say “Trickle up”) economic philosophy that has been gutting America’s Middle Class ever since.  Additionally, their Libertarian leanings have led them to be leaders in the movement to repeal FDR’s “New Deal” and the government regulations which have been put in place since.  For example, the Environmental Protection Agency was “birthed” during the administration of Richard Nixon and this has been a real impediment to the Koch’s “free market” philosophy.  They apparently believe their pollution is someone else’s problem. (like you and me)

The Koch’s have been repeat offenders of regulations put in place by the EPA and other government oversight agencies paying HUGE fines for violations that have created enormous damage to the environment and people who happen to be in “the wrong place at the wrong time.”  One example:  One of their pipelines which was poorly maintained – due to company policy that profits come before efficiency – took the lives of a couple of young Texans who were killed in a propane (I believe) explosion that should never have happened.  The Kochs are so rich, they have simply (and continuously) paid off the HUGE fines and no one is EVER held accountable for the negligence or, in some cases outright FRAUD.  (Koch Industries was fined tens of MILLIONS of dollars – maybe more – for purposefully RIPPING off oil wells on Native American reservations by under reporting the amounts of oil they were taking.  Yep, you’re correct – STEALING.  For this type of stuff they are found guilty, fined, and they move on.  Their business generates over $100 BILLION in revenue each year and both Charles and David are estimated to be worth in the neighborhood of $50 BILLION.

I could go on and on about these people – like, for instance, the FACT that their father created the FORTUNE he vested them with by selling his technology (which companies in America said was stolen) to Joseph Stalin in Russia.  Fred Koch made his fortune in Russia and then promptly became one of the leading anti-communists in America back in the day of Joseph McCarthy.  Do you see how these people work?  Well, now I’ll get to why I’m bringing this up.

Every year the Koch’s host a gathering of the richest people in America who share their greedy right wing philosophy and pool their vast wealth in what has been an ongoing attempt to buy the government of their dreams.  And, from my vantage point, the best way to characterize how Charles and David see things, this government will be a fascist type government.  They’ve been squarely behind the move to the “right” that has people in America and around the world wondering “what is happening?”  The Koch’s and their brethren have UNLIMITED funds and they are EXTREMELY smart (one thing that really bugs them is that they’re NOT smarter than President Obama – they WASTED hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars in their attempt to defeat Obama in 2012, and now, with him out of the way, they can see the “light at the end of the tunnel” for their “permanent republican ‘majority.'”)  The Koch “tentacles” (some refer to their “empire” as “Kochtopus”) have reached into all facets of our government – from local city councils all the way up to the Congress and the Supreme Court.  And, I’m sure you now know what I’m going to talk about next.

A few days ago Justice Antonin Scalia passed away – in, what to me was certainly a bit suspicious circumstances.  I really didn’t understand why there was no autopsy or investigation but lets just assume he died of a heart attack.  He was on a hunting trip, and I’m not kidding, I initially wondered: “Was Dick Cheney there?” – and, it seemed to me, within hours of the passing of Justice Scalia Mitch McConnell, the republican leader of our DYSFUNCTIONAL Senate, was proclaiming that, despite President Obama’s DUTY to name a successor to Justice Scalia, the Senate will not even consider ANYONE who is nominated.  Well, to me, this was no surprise as there is a LONG LIST of President Obama nominations that are languishing in a Senate that, as I mentioned earlier, is being run by people with the leanings of the John Birch Society.  For anyone who doesn’t “get it” they are “White Supremacists” and there’s NO WAY they’re going to allow our first Black President another nomination to this court – especially since the court is now going to be at a 4 – 4 “standoff” on most important issues.

I “get” that we shouldn’t “talk bad” about someone right after they’ve died and they still haven’t been laid to rest, but the TRUTH is the TRUTH.  Today, I was watching MSNBC and I had to stomach more of the tepid conversations by the so-called “reporters” on the so-called “liberal” network who are covering the political “circus” surrounding the republican presidential nomination and now the death of Justice Scalia.  Yes, Scalia was a VERY influential judge.  But, no one wants to talk about in what way.  He was a key figure in Bush v Gore where the Supreme Court decided a presidential election (AGAINST the will of the American people and EVERY tradition of this nation), he was influential in the DISASTROUS decision “Citizens United,” and the list goes on and on.  The reason I’m bringing this up is because, in VIOLATION of any decorum that I can imagine about a Justice who is supposed to at least portray a sense of political neutrality, where do you think we would find Justice Scalia?  (along with his “puppet” Clarence Thomas)  You guessed right! (at least I hope) They would be found at the Koch Brother’s fundraisers in the midst of virtually ALL of the right wing mega wealthy “donors” who’ve been DESTROYING our democracy with their money since the day Citizens United was determined – and, virtually EVERY prominent republican politician in TODAY’S republican party.  With the exception of Donald Trump, I believe you’d find EVERY republican candidate in this year’s “clown car” at the Koch’s yearly “get together.”

And, keep in mind, Citizens United was the epitome of what these right wing justices pretend to HATE – and, that is JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.  (Of course, it’s led to what all the republican politicians love – and, that is unlimited “dark money” for their campaigns) They went far beyond the actual case before the court in their majority decision – with Scalia’s strong support – and, in the process opened the FLOODGATES of money that’s been pouring into the American political process since this decision in 2009.  (by some accounts, the Court overturned 100 years of campaign finance reform in one LOUSY decision) Thanks to Thom Hartman, I was following this case at the time and I was shocked at the outcome – I’ve been writing about it ever since – and, most of what was obvious to me has transpired.  In my mind, Scalia and the rest of the right wing judges on the court at that time put our democracy up for sale.  And, the Kochs – who were right in the thick of that decision (along with McConnell) have been gearing up their effort to control this country via their unlimited checkbooks ever since.

When you read “Sons of Wichita” you realize the problem is even worse than (at least) I originally imagined.  People like the Koch’s, Karl Rove, and others have been setting up these so-called “non-profits” ever since that decision and LAUNDERING hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars so that no one will know who’s putting up the money and where it’s coming from (Saudi Arabia? for example).  And, even more outrageous, some of these so-called “non-profits” provide a tax write off for the donor!  I’m not kidding.  This is the legacy left behind by Justice Scalia.  And, additionally, I still remember Justice Alito sitting in the front row during President Obama’s first State of the Union address shaking his head as if to say “no, no” as our President CORRECTLY pointed out this decision was inviting FOREIGN money into our elections.  We have NO IDEA who’s really BUYING off our CORRUPT Congress.  What we know for sure is that a significant portion of our Congress has been corrupted by this decision.  For those who argue this corruption is “bipartisan” I say PHOOEY! While it’s undoubtedly true some democrats have been “bought” due to this deplorable Supreme Court decision, the republicans aren’t even secretive about its affect on them.  If you’re a republican member of Congress you vote along the party line OR you’ll be “primaried.”  This is a directive that comes straight from the “Koch Brothers” themselves.  The don’t like anyone who disagrees with them – AND they’re not shy about RETRIBUTION!

So, what should President Obama do?  Of course, he should nominate someone for the Court that is so qualified that the American people (FINALLY) can’t miss what’s happening in this nation.  The republicans who claim to be “strict constitutionalists” (you know, they’ll pull a copy from their coat pocket to argue the 2nd amendment) now are saying any nomination is “dead of arrival.”  They’re “strict constitutionalists” under their own terms only when it suites them.  In reality the Constitution is simply a prop for them that is useful occasionally, but when push comes to shove what’s important to them is POWER – plain and simple.  And, in their world the END justifies the MEANS! Always!!  I have to chuckle under my breath, for example, when I hear Donald Trump, in reference to the constitution,  calling Ted Cruz the biggest liar on the planet.  I have to believe what he’s suggesting is that Cruz is a bigger liar than himself – to me, that’s an interesting stretch.

The bottom line is that I’ve gotten to the point where I hope the republicans nominate Trump and I almost hope they REFUSE to consider President Obama’s nomination for the Court.  (and, by the way, the republicans have a long history of under-estimating Mr. Obama, but I can imagine he’ll nominate someone who, should the republicans refuse to consider, will make it even easier for the democrats to retake the Senate (and possibly the House).  At some point, the American public is going to “wake up” to what is happening in our country, and when that happens this version of the republican party will be nothing more than a bad memory.  I don’t think they (republicans) even think about how people around the world envision their dialogue and they certainly have NO IDEA how they’re going to be viewed in the history books – but, seriously, it’s time to put these people “out to pasture.”

For Antonin Scalia, I say “Rest in Peace.”  (He’s now before the ultimate judge).  For President Obama I say, you’re FINALLY reminding me of the person I voted for in 2008 and I hope you nominate someone like Loretta Lynch – someone who will generate the MOST anger among America’s public when the republicans refuse to confirm her (or whoever) and, to the republicans, I say, I hope you nominate Donald Trump and that this nightmare you’ve created in this great nation will soon be at an end!  And, finally, to Charles and David Koch, I look forward to the day when you’ve decided you’ve WASTED enough of your money pushing your right wing fascist agenda and you pass your business to your children and go out to “pasture.”  (And, I hope and pray that America’s public wakes up before they allow the Koch Brothers to succeed in turning America into a right wing (“free market” ha ha) fascist state.

I was disappointed to see that LeBron James was willing to be Dwayne Wade’s “Scottie Pippen.”

I normally write about politics here – that seems to be my passion.  But, I played a lot of basketball in my youth, I’ve been a fan of the NBA since the days of Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Sam Jones, John Havlicek, and the rest of the Boston Celtics of the 60’s.  Slowly over the years I’ve lost more and more interest in NBA basketball, and I’ve figured that is a natural progression because I’m “getting up there” in years, and the league seems to be a young person’s league.  That all being said, I can’t help but jot down a few thoughts after this NBA “nightmare” – what appeared to me to be a “circus” – the summer of 2010’s version of “free agency.”  It evidently culminated this evening with Labron James getting an hour on ESPN to explain why he chose to change his team to the Miami Heat from the Cleveland Cavaliers.  I have to tell you that, for me, the entire process was over the “top.”  Yes, I’ve realized for many years that the NBA is entertainment, it’s a business, and there is NO LOYALTY anymore in this league.  It’s every man for himself – and, this version of free agency couldn’t have played that scenario out any better.

However, in my mind I see a lot of problems with it.  First and foremost, I have to admit that for years I’ve been watching, and admiring, Lebron James from afar and secretly REALLY pulling for him.  In fact, this past season I found myself very disappointed when his team was eliminated from the playoffs.  Now, if I remember correctly, James was the brunt of some tough criticism from the Cleveland fans – for quitting, of all things – after their team was eliminated by the Celtics – who, without their center being injured in the 7th game of the finals very possibly would have won this year’s championship.  Still, I was hoping that James would set an example for all other future players and re-sign with Cleveland – saying “NO” to all the “large market” teams who were essentially throwing games for two years in order to have the “cap space” to make a pitch for his services.  In this case, James not only said “NO” to Cleveland, he said “NO” to any opportunity to be anything more than one piece of a championship team by choosing to “load up” the Miami Heat with himself, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosch – the three top prospects in this free agent “class.”  Earth to the NBA – “The inmates are running the assylum.”

How will this play out?  Well, for me – I’m guessing a lot less interest in the NBA – for starters.  For the fans everywhere except Miami – a team to HATE.  For James – a LOT LESS fans.  In fact, I believe the number of fans who will be pulling for him just went down exponentially.  Was he saying that he’s not good enough to win a championship on his own?  Do they really think loading up three “superstars” on one team is the answer?  They will probably win a champoinship or two – barring injury – but, why doesn’t the NBA just put our Olympic Team together so they can work on their “teamwork” in the off years?  I just found the entire process boring and, at the end, something akin to professional wrestling.  Does the NBA want to create a team that everyone HATES?  Is there some research that would suggest this will draw more interest?  The bottom line for me is that I never thought there would be a way I could root for the Lakers to win – but, the NBA has done it – that is, if I root for anyone in the NBA anymore.  If the Miami Heat get out of the first round of the playoffs next year – I hope they meet their match when they go up against the Lakers (I never thought I’d say something like that) – I just don’t think I’ll be paying attention.

I wrote those three paragraphs the night James “opted out” of Cleveland.  While I found the reaction of the Cleveland owner to be of a similar lack of “class” to the way James “left town,” after thinking about this a bit more it seems to me these players conspired to do this for several years – based on what I’ve read.  The NBA has problems – and one of the major problems is the players are out of control.  Once they gain a foothold into the league, lawyers and agents “latch” onto them – and they become “businessmen.”  I looked at the salaries being paid to the second tier of free agents and couldn’t help but shake my head.  Obviously, the depression (or great recession) hasn’t totally hit the NBA.  But, someone has to pay for the salaries of those players.  Lebron James gained NO SYMPATHY from my by saying he took “less” to play in Miami.  These people have lost touch with reality – yes, they’re really good at what they do – but it’s BASKETBALL for heaven’s sake.  I suppose the only part that is really disappointing to me is that I was disappointed to see that LeBron James was willing to be Dwayne Wade’s “Scottie Pippen.”  Connecting this to America’s political climate – there seems to be an endless stream of money at the “top,” but – at some point – the people at the “bottom” are going to stop finding all this “entertaining.”