It should not be a surprise when Trump and his surrogates act with indifference to claims they are LYING or they are RACISTS!

I keep hearing people trying to figure out if Donald Trump and those surrounding him are racists – as over 500 kids brought here by (mostly) Latino parents fleeing extreme violence and wanting a better place for their children to grow up are sitting in cages while many of their parents have already been DEPORTED! Which is irrefutable evidence Trump supporters deny – kind of like their denial of climate change – but, I digress – and, I just have to wonder what it will take for people to “get” that Trump is an extension of the so-called “alt right” – the “White Supremacist” movement championed by Steve Bannon and “fertilized” by  It’s undeniable.  We shouldn’t need to listen to people like Laura Ingraham giving racist “rants” on Fox “news,” to realize there are enough Americans who think like her to have “elected” Trump as our so-called president.  Trump is a racist, he’s supported by racists, and he surrounds himself with racists.  And, sadly, America is populated with MANY racists!

For example, you can simply “google” the number of members of the “White House” who have publicly flashed the so-called “White Power” hand sign, apparently in a “dog whistle” sign of solidarity with other supporters of the White Supremacist movement(s) around the country.  Most significantly, at least to me, was Steven Miller doing so on national TV after he was (foolishly) unleashed on the Sunday morning TV “talk shows” many months back, seen flashing the sign as he ended his comments.  All these people who are “caught” doing this claim it’s all a “joke” to cause progressives to get all worked up.  Joke?  Well, maybe it’s all fun and games for them, but, in reality, the end result is the same.  It’s a signal that “we’re with you” to other right wing racists in America – joke or not!

We all listened to Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly “stain” himself and his reputation as he stood at the podium of the “White House” briefing room and LIED about a BLACK (woman) member of the Congress AND President Obama – who was Kelly’s commander in chief which clearly exposed Kelly as a racist AND misogynist (just like his boss).  It was disgusting what he said, it was disgusting under the circumstances he said it, (regarding Trump’s LYING to the wife of a fallen soldier), and it was depressing to think the person who supposedly was in the “White House” to stop all the chaos and “corral” the president was – well – just like the president.  Especially, exposing the FACT Kelly showed himself to be a racist!

Kelly had earlier showed his “true self” with comments following the right wing protest against the removal of Robert E. Lee’s statue in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Essentially, Kelly affirmed Trump’s “both sides” (disastrous) comments.  These guys (Trump, Kelly, Miller, and many others) are showing their affinity for the marchers carrying the Tiki Torches, chanting “Jews will not replace us” and wearing Nazi armbands and carrying Nazi flags all the time!  Ugh!!

It keeps getting worse.  When Trump first assumed his duties as our “so-called president” I pondered about the amount of DAMAGE he would manage to inflict on America before the Congress came to their senses and ended the NIGHTMARE.  Well, the first thing I didn’t understand was the reality that the republican Congress would fail TOTALLY in their duty to act as a “check” on the “executive.”  In fact, based on comments I heard last night – made by the apprentice traitor Devin Nunes confirming he believes the role of the Congress right now is to protect Trump from charges he MUST believe are coming “down the pike” toward Trump from Robert Mueller the reality “we the people” face is much darker than I originally thought.  Trump and Nunes obviously KNOW stuff “we the people” don’t – and, it appears they KNOW Trump was a “naughty boy” during the campaign and while in office.

Apparently, protecting Trump from any consequences for his actions in the campaign and since he took the “oath” of office is MORE important to Nunes (and the other republicans in the House – and, apparently, many in the Senate as well) – than protecting this nation against “attacks, foreign and domestic.”  Of course, they’ve all sworn an OATH to protect our nation against things like – well – Russians attempting to influence the results of our election process.  And, sure enough, reports say the Russians are still “at it,” and people like Nunes are still focused on protecting Trump, at all costs!

So, the reality is the DAMAGE I worried about when Trump was originally “elected” is mounting FAST and is approaching the level which will be difficult to recover from.  Those around the world will hold “we the people” accountable if this attack on the liberal democratic foundation of our modern nation that ORIGINALLY “made America great” – and, by that I’m talking about the New Deal of FDR, and the Great Society of LBJ which featured an effort to  end poverty in America and create a “safety net” for the elderly and those in “need,” along with the push for Civil Rights  and much more – with Trump attempting to Turn America into a WHITE powered nation is NOT stopped.  The reality is we GET to vote and, at this time, the representative of our vote is a DISGUSTING human being.  What ever “we the people” do in the upcoming election will send a message to those around the world wondering, “What the hell is going on in America?”  The reality is we are either going to affirm Trump or REJECT what he stands for!  (I’m sure you don’t need help in understanding where I stand)

Of course, the Trump supporters would note that this “White Nationalist” movement has legs in various places around the world which makes it all the more important for “we the people” to REJECT this philosophy starting in about 90 days in America’s “mid-term” election of 2018.  “We the people” have been in a leadership position world wide since the days of WW II and Trump and his supporters are busy attempting to repeal the gains made by working class Americans, by Americans of color, women, the disabled, environmentalists, and I could go on – since the days of the “New Deal.”  Americans in positions of great affluence have  fought the advancements of the New Deal since the days of its inception.  (Now, the Russians have joined forces with them)  Ironically, many of Trump’s supporters are those receiving the most benefit of “New Deal” and “Great Society” improvements to our “way of life.”

Trump’s supporters are speaking privately that Trump’s survival in office depends on republicans retaining control of Congress.  I’m personally assuming this means the republican led House of Representatives would not act to impeach Trump if Mueller returned evidence that he has committed “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  Well, it’s obvious to any impartial observer that he HAS done so.  His PUBLIC attempts to BLOCK Mueller’s investigation is OBSTRUCTION of justice – by definition.  Trump has done this several times in plain sight to EVERYONE and anyone who might be paying attention.  OBSTRUCTION of justice is what “did in” both Richard Nixon (leading to his resignation) and Bill Clinton (leading to his impeachment).  It’s clearly a “High Crime and Misdemeanor.”

Of course, there’s “Trump TV” (Fox “news”) where pundits (like Sean Hannity and Ms. Ingraham) will be working tirelessly to continue the BRAINWASHING they’ve been imposing on MILLIONS of Americans for as long as I can remember.  Back when Reagan was president, the republicans’ decision to “buy into” Joseph Goebbels’ “Big Lie Theory” began the effort to cause Americans’  to accept LYING by politicians as routine.  They’ve pushed the distortion that “all politicians lie” – so, president Trump’s LIES are considered “routine” by republicans and the FACT he’s LYING beyond anything we’ve EVER seen is irrelevant to them.  Periodically, I force myself to tune in to Fox (I can’t make it more than a few seconds – certainly, less than a minute) – and, the last time I did so the conversation was dominated by people (including Rudy Giuliani) arguing “collusion is not a crime.”  Republicans are going out of their way to prepare their “base” to accept that Trump CONSPIRED with the Russians to win the office of the president.  This is all beyond my ability to believe it’s not simply a BAD DREAM!

So, it should not be a surprise when Trump and his surrogates act with indifference to claims they are LYING or claims they are RACISTS.  Trump (and his surrogates) just pile LIES upon the LIES which have been exposed!  I’ve heard Trump, on several occasions, make the claim, “I”m the least racist person you know.”  Seriously, I’ve actually heard him say those words. And, with little to NO “blow-back” from the “analysts” on whatever show I’m watching at the time.  I believe the AMOUNT of LYING and the amount of SCANDALS are coming so fast the members of the “liberal media” don’t know exactly how to respond.  It appears to me, this is part of Trump’s “strategy.”  He’s prolonging Mueller’s “probe” and consistently attacking Mueller and it’s actually working to cause “we the people” to begin to question Mueller’s credibility.  Yikes!  (That’s exactly why, on so many occasions, I’ve pointed out they use the “Big Lie Theory” because it WORKS!)

Like I said above, the chief of staff John Kelly has shown himself to be a racist and Trump’s press secretary lies and supports racist comments from the podium – the podium where previous press secretaries have spoken out about the importance of the president’s press secretary REFUSING to tell or support LIES from that podium.  What Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Sean Spicer, before her, are doing is adding MORE DAMAGE to America’s traditional norms.  Sad!

The RACISM, the LYING, and the POLICIES of Trump SHOULD be enough to provide the energy necessary for a “Blue wave” in November.  Add to that, climate change is “rearing its ugly head” all around the globe – with the worst fires EVER in California and Trump continues to push the fossil fuel industry (including COAL for heavens’ sake).  Turning America away from the world community which is attempting to “fight back” regarding the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere is MORE of the DAMAGE Trump is causing for all us – ie “we the people.”

There seems to be something to cause jaws to “drop” every day.  Trump and his supporters are getting away with FLEECING TRILLIONS from “we the people” before he’s going to be removed from office in 2020 (I’m of course, hoping it will be sooner – but, I have to state, my feelings toward Mike Pense may be worse than toward Trump.  I can’t imaging Pense as president – but, of course, I couldn’t imagine Trump.  I owe a friend of mine a steak dinner because I bet Trump would lose.  We’ve gone double or nothing regarding 2020)  Trump has targeted the “uneducated voters” and his plan is working with them – the LYING is working.  It’s up to the rest of us to make a stand come November.

And, finally, when I talk about the “uneducated voters” I saw a picture the other day that put it all in perspective – a couple of guys at Trump’s rally in Ohio wearing shirts which were emblazoned with “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat.”  I just thought that pretty much said it all.  You can see it HERE.  On first glance I thought, “I wonder how many of Trump’s claims these two men have fact checked?”  And, then I thought, “How do they feel about the attacks on Social Security and Medicare?”  The next thought, “Do they believe the tax scam (er cut) was designed to benefit them?”  Or, “do they care?”  Or, “when’s the last time either one has read a book?”  And, lastly, “Do they really know what it’s like to live in Russia?”  I’m not trying to go “all superior” on them – but, honestly, they look to me like guys who didn’t pay attention to their sixth grade teacher! 😮

Full Disclosure:  It you didn’t read the title of my “blog” – I was a sixth grade teacher!

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