Journalists investigating Trump and the “Russia thing” are national heroes! They now appear to be working in a “war zone!”

Honestly, I may be just as anxious for Robert Mueller to finish his “probe” as our so-called president – who, this morning, CLEARLY committed ANOTHER act of OBSTRUCTION of justice when he “tweeted” what appeared to be “orders” telling Jeff Sessions to end the Russia investigation.  (Of course, Sessions CAN’T end the probe because he’s recused from it, the “original sin” according to Trump – but, here Trump is AGAIN venting toward Sessions in a way that is unmistakably OBSTRUCTION)  Is Trump really this STUPID?  Or is he just so impatient he can’t help himself?  I’m guessing, as the head of a mini crime family he’s just having a hard time accepting he doesn’t “get his way” on EVERYTHING and that there really is a government with “checks and balances” – not to mention the hated “free press.”  Oh, to be the president of Russia!

The main reason I’m anxious to get this over with is not because of Trump and his veiled threats against Mueller, it’s that the worst of the worst whack jobs supporting Trump are getting progressively more “whacky.”  And, of course, Trump is doing everything he can to pour “fuel on the fire” getting these people who believe in all sorts of UNBELIEVABLE (unless you’re a “whack job”) conspiracy theories on how either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama are preparing to exact revenge on our so-called president.  I’ve pointed out MANY TIMES on this site I don’t believe those people carrying the “tiki torches” and shouting Nazi slogans while carrying Nazi flags and wearing Nazi armbands in Charlottesville last year were “very fine people.”  And, I’ve pointed out MOST of them are likely sitting on HUGE caches of weapons and ammunition for what they believe will be the battle of Armageddon.  Trump, of course, is their demagogue (i.e. fuhrer)  Now these “very fine people” are walking around with big Q’s  on the back of their shirts.  Google it (Qanon) if you’re interested – I’ll write more about it later)

When Trump is impeached, I fully expect these people to be in the streets with their weapons in large numbers.  And, “we the people” will be depending on people like Jeff Sessions – as the head of the Justice Department and members of Trump’s “team” like John Kelley to be leading the fight to retain order.  Sound encouraging?  My friend, who’s an avid Trump supporter and buys into all the right wing BS is predicting a “civil war.”

My personal hope is that when Mueller makes all his evidence clear – which is likely to include “collusion” (OK, another word for “colluding” with the Russians would be TREASON) – let me be clear – and, this SHOULD be obvious, the June 9, 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with Don Jr., Manafort, Kushner, and a bunch of Russians WAS COLLUSION (Treason).  Clear and simple – whether they got the so-called “dirt” or not – the FACT Don Jr. emailed his Russian friend – “If it’s what you say it is, I love it” lets you know all you need to know about the Trump Team’s “intent.”  And, as I’ve been saying for MANY months – the idea Trump Sr. was unaware of this meeting was/is pure POPPYCOCK!  Trump Sr. actually ANNOUNCED a day or so BEFORE the meeting he would have the “incriminating information” on Hillary Clinton “likely next Monday!”  Personally, I don’t need a 2 x 4 up the side of my head to “get it.”  (And, believe it or not, this week Rudy G spilled the “beans” that Trump and his surrogates met a couple days ahead of the meeting to “plan.”  Yikes!!!)

Then, there’s ALL the STUPID comments, tweets, and interviews Trump has granted/issued/ written since OBSTRUCTION became “water cooler talk” all across America – which has left NO QUESTION Trump is guilty of, at a minimum, obstruction of justice and likely MUCH more!  Trump is now “getting hit” from multiple sides – as I’ve said repeatedly during his time in office, I believed he would come to loathe the day he walked down the stairs at Trump Tower and accused Mexicans of being murderers and rapists.  I’ve always believed he chose to run for president because of the “roasting” he took at the hands of the president from Kenya which was just too much for him – of course, never in his wildest imagination was he thinking he could “pull it off.”  I don’t believe even Trump thought the Russians could twist enough minds to get him over the “finish line” in “first place.”  (Of course, he DID lose by around 3 MILLION votes – but, I’m just sayin…….)  I don’t believe Trump had the slightest idea of what the Electoral College is until AFTER the “election.”

That gets me to another reason why I’d like Mueller to get this investigation over with (and, of course, he can’t until he’s actually dotted the “i’s” and crossed the “t’s.”  The Russians are still busy attempting to sow division among Americans – in very strategically placed Facebook postings and “Twitter tweets” – as they use our open society against us.  The Russians are clearly attempting to use what makes America great to actually undermine America’s leadership position in the world.  And, of course, they’re using the same “venom” in countries across Europe as they’re pushing a right wing autocratic wave of racist, nationalist propaganda to further the aims of Vladimir Putin in a way which actually makes Putin look like everyone’s “friend.”  Trust me, Putin is trying to “Make Russia Great Again.”  And, Trump is his stooge!  Putin is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams!

Reports are, at this point in time, that republicans in America, no less, are now more and more seeing Putin as an ally – because they’ve been so BRAINWASHED by Trump and the turncoats who are supporting him on Fox “news,” Brietbart, and other right wing websites who would love to see America relive the “robber baron” days.  Mueller is NOT leaking ANYTHING so “we the people” are left to watch/listen/read Trump’s boorish response to being a “subject” of this investigation with little to no push-back.  We don’t really know ANYTHING about what Mueller really “has” on Trump – because, NOTHING seeps from the investigation (save for commentary from witnesses who may have been interviewed)  It’s just that, based on Trump’s behavior, Mueller MUST have something significant.  (I find myself thinking, “who’s got more on Trump, Putin or Mueller?”)

Instead of just trusting the process (as an innocent person would do) and just going about his business with no concern for the investigation – Trump keeps it in the center of EVERYONE’S mind who’s paying any attention to politics/current events at all.  As Trey Gowdy advised Trump, “If you’re innocent, act like it.”  Well, saying he’s NOT acting like he’s innocent would possibly be the understatement of the year/century!  And, today, Trump “suggesting” Jeff Sessions should “end” the “witch hunt” was, as I said above, CLEAR obstruction of justice.  It’s really not even questionable at this point.  Look up “obstruction of justice” if you don’t believe me.

As has happened many times during this process the “White House” went into immediate “clean up the mess” mode after those comments became circulated in public.  First, it was dear old Rudy (Rudy should write a book titled “How to destroy your reputation – what was left of it – AND your client in one easy lesson”) needed to “get in front” of the anticipated reaction to this latest episode of OBSTRUCTION by hitting “Fox” and wherever else people will still listen to him (he’s now become entertainment) to suggest Trump was simply expressing his “opinion.”  He didn’t “order” Sessions to Fire Mueller and end the investigation – he just suggested he do so.

Then there was Sarah Sanders – giving her third or fourth press briefing in the past month – doing the same thing.  Sanders said, “The president has a right to his opinion – he was simply exercising his first amendment rights.  This while she was also defending the first amendment rights of people at Trump’s rally the previous evening who were threatening a CNN reporter with all sorts of violence and spewing obscene epithets at him.  I saw video of the crowd going off on this reporter – much to the delight of Trump and found it interesting to see white (what appeared to be) lower middle class women yelling “f bombs” at and flipping off the reporter.

Of course, Trump had “ginned up” the crowd and encouraged their obscene behavior.  Sarah Sanders, in defending this behavior, seemed to be taking a much different stance than the one she took when a restaurant owner declined to serve her – or when commenting on Trump cabinet members being heckled in public.  Personally, I don’t like any of it – but, I do see a difference between heckling someone in public and inciting mob violence against someone.  Sanders, at the press briefing, actually REFUSED to clearly state “the press is NOT the enemy of the people” – a question posed to her, I believe, by the reporter threatened the previous evening.  This is really getting ugly – and for all you out there who like to say it’s the same on “both sides” – I’m sorry, but you’ve drunk the “koolaid.”  Trump, along with his Russian helpers AND his surrogates, has been fomenting discord since the day he started his campaign!  And, clearly, he’s masterful at manipulating the minds of “the uneducated voters” he claimed he “loves” during the campaign.

The bottom line in all this is it shows how effective the Russians have become in their (REAL) “fake news” ASSAULT on the fundamentals of our system of government.  Their ASSAULT, as I’ve said MANY times, is ongoing AND the Trump administration’s ignoring of the issue continues.  This is the MAIN reason why I’m encouraging EVERYONE I know to get to the polls in November and vote these republicans into the history books.  I realize it’s a “long shot” for democrats to re-take the Senate – but, “miracles do happen” – and, people in places like Texas, Nevada, Tennessee, and Arizona need to realize they have the opportunity to send a clear message to Washington DC – and, that would be  that, as bad as many think democrats may be, these republicans “GOT TO GO!”

As far as the House is concerned, many are suggesting the democrats have a very good chance to re-take the House in November.  Well, I’d like to see them do that AND replace some of the most avid Trump supporters who, I believe, have also OBSTRUCTED justice.  People like Devin Nunez of California and Jim Jordan of Ohio – these two people make the hair on my back stand on end.  And, Jordan is facing credible charges that he turned a blind eye to sexual assault while the assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University. This appears to be a serious issue at that University – with, now, the football coach caught up in the scandal.

My family originated in Ohio and every-time I have to listen to Jordan on TV I have to struggle to keep from gagging.  If you live in his district – do something to help get him defeated.  He’s a BAD “dude” and I’m not thinking like bad = good.  One thing both Nunez and Jordan can keep up with Trump on is LYING!  It’s time for “we the people” to stop turning a “blind eye” to politicians who BLATANTLY LIE!  (According to Washington Post “fact checkers” Trump has LIED almost 5,000 Times in his first 500+ days in office.  An AVERAGE of 7.2 per day!  Yikes!!!

Trump is spewing the lies on an average, according to the fact checkers, of over SIXTEEN per day!  That’s beyond “record breaking” territory.  I’ve pointed out REPEATEDLY here Trump is a pathological LIAR – and, now I’m hearing TV pundits saying things like, “Trump seems to believe his own LIES as the words come out of his mouth.  I just have to wonder – do they not know what a pathological LIAR is?  Or, do they just not want to say it?  And, connecting Trump and the republicans (and Russians) to the Nazi’s “Big Lie Theory” is something pundits are “beating around the bush – but, won’t come out and inform the public of EXACTLY what is happening.  The LYING has become so BLATANT that it’s embarrassing to watch large crowds suck it up as if it’s OK.

Take for example what happened at Helsinki where Trump essentially committed a TREASON0US Act when he “threw” our Intelligence Community “under the bus” right in front of “God and Everybody” (Including his buddy Vlad).  I have to believe the people at his recent rallies (at least most of them) had to see that performance.  Vladimir clearly answered “yes I did, yes I did” to the question, “Did you want to see Trump elected president and did you attempt to help him win the election?” (or words to that effect) Any other president would have cringed hearing those words from a Russian spy who’s now the president of Russia – KNOWING the words were TRUE!

So, in Trump’s latest rallies he’s unflinchingly LYING (a clear symptom of a pathological LIAR) to his “base” by saying, “No one’s done more against Russia than Trump” and, “The Russians didn’t want Trump to win.”  Yes, only DAYS after Putin said the OPPOSITE!  These are what you’d call BLATANT LIES!  And, sadly these middle class WHITE men and women in his audience (who were throwing “F bombs” and flipping off the reporters – reporters, thanks to Trump’s rhetoric, who are now risking their safety to report to “we the people” what’s actually happening) willingly suck it all in.  To me, that is the largest problem in America – that there’s so many willing to buy Trump’s shtick – when they HAVE to know he’s LYING to them.  Rush Limbaugh calls them “ditto heads” and they wear that moniker like a badge of honor.  Believe me, this is what is really catching the attention of our allies around the world.  They will be watching November’s election with an intensity rivaling if not surpassing “we the people.”

Hold on to your “seat belts” – the next year or two are bound to be HISTORIC along with some of the most challenging periods in this country’s “checkered” history.  For example, I’m presently reading “RED SUMMER The Summer of 1919 And the Awakening of Black America” by Cameron McWhirter and I have to say Trump is seemingly “peeling” off the “scabs” left over from that shameful part of our history.  It seems the “shame” in America always is connected to racism and racists.  Trump is clearly a RACIST and he’s “ginning up” “white nationalists” all across the country.  There are cells of “hate groups” spread across America and Trump dug into that part of our country to form the most ardent parts of his “base.”

The rest of the republican party showed their “true selves” when the so-called “tea party” emerged following the election of our President “born in Kenya” – according to Trump.  Something like 40 – 50% of republicans STILL believe this is true.  When you listen to some of these “uneducated voters” he “loves” what you hear is SHOCKING.  However, this reality that about a third of America is proudly racist and Trump is their champion is undeniable.  It’s up to the rest of us to herd these people back under the “rocks” where they were hiding before President Obama’s election – and, we’d BETTER do it this November – or it will take maybe a decade or more for America to recover – if she can do so that quickly.  Remember Trump is PACKING the courts with right wing judges who are lifetime appointments!  Like I’ve said, this is going to get really ugly.

Final Thought:  Maxine Waters is NOT a “low IQ individual,”  The Russian investigation is NOT a “witch hunt,” or a “hoax,”  Trump has NOT done more against Russia than any other president,”  The Russians DID want Trump elected,  Our “free press” is NOT the enemy of the people, news that doesn’t see Trump in a “good light” is NOT “fake news,”  Robert Mueller is NOT out to “get” Trump (unless, of course, that’s where the EVIDENCE leads,  Mueller’s “team” is NOT made up of 13 “angry democrats who worked for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama,”  Trump’s “tax scam” is NOT ” the biggest tax cut in the history of our country,”  The Russians are NOT “unhappy Trump won,” and, I could go on.  I’m old and have a pour memory at this point in my life – those are the “ONLY” LIES I can remember from what I listened to in one Trump rally (in Pennsylvania).  It’s SHAMEFUL the audience ALLOWS him to get away with it!

One Last Thing:  Considering we’re talking about “uneducated voters” – the Trump rhetoric turning these people against the media is very possibly going to end very badly for a journalist or journalists when one of these Trump supporters decides to take matters into “his or her own hands.”  I’ve heard reports of reporters getting vile threats via social media and I pray that no one ends up being attacked – God forbid killed.  These journalists who are investigating all this are national heroes!  They are now working in a “war zone.”

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