Monthly Archives: June 2022

Question: How will the January 6th Select Committee’s hearings combined with the Court’s decision to overturn Roe effect the 2022 mid-terms?

I wrote recently that individual 1, referred to as a MORON by at least two of his original cabinet appointees, is much more “cunning” than many of us realized. His SCHEME to overthrow our government had been “birthed” well before the November 3rd, 2020 election and, as those of us who are watching the hearings of the Select January 6th Committee can clearly see, he ALMOST succeeded. I’ve been pointing out America has long had a corporate/government partnership (since the days of Reagan – which followed the infamous “Powell memo”) – the definition of Musolini fascism – but, of course, that’s never good enough for republicans so they enlisted our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to do what Adolf Hitler failed to do back in the 1940’s. He nearly pulled it off and still could – because he won’t be deterred unless Merrick Garland decides to deter him.

Cunning, you ask? Yep! So, if you’re watching the 1/6 hearings there can be NO doubt in your mind individual 1 is “GUILTY as sin” No here’s my point: Clearly, individual 1 is watching the hearings and he realizes he’s in “deep doo doo.” Naturally, his reaction is, well, NO surprise. Tonight, I read a post he put in his “Truth” Social – Twitter rip off. In it he made a point to claim he actually BELIEVED he’d “won” the election – despite the OVERWHELMING evidence he was told otherwise NUMEROUS times. (And, of course, he said he still believes it) Why would he make such a preposterous claim?

I’ve heard numerous RESPECTED former prosecutors point out the hardest thing to prove in cases like the MANY individual 1 may be defending himself in is “intent.” Some have asked, “Did he really believe” what Bill Barr called bullshit? Now, I’m suggesting he’s “cunning” not STUPID. (He thrives because he knows his supporters are STUPID – to the point they’ve grifted him about a quarter BILLION dollars since he LOST the 2020 election) The reality is our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is preparing his DEFENSE in advance of what I’m certain he BELIEVES will be his indictment for NUMEROUS felonies.

There’s so many possible charges individual 1 SHOULD be facing it’s hard to keep up. The judge in California who ruled John Eastman’s emails had to be given to the 1/6 Committee said it’s “likely” both Eastman and individual 1 committed the FELONIES of OBSTRUCTING an official proceeding of Congress and FRAUD against the United States of America. That’s for starters. Of course, the charge of “Seditious Conspiracy’ is much more serious and, to me, it appears obvious individual 1 and a plethora of his associates committed that offense.

We don’t hear much about the legal issues he COULD be facing in New York – where, apparently, the successor to Cy Vance as Manhattan’s DA has decided NOT to proceed with an indictment of individual 1 (and his children) because, well, who knows. Two prosecutors who were on the case for over a year resigned in protest saying, “our former president committed several FELONIES.” Will that case get revived? Who knows, But, individual 1, his eldest son, and his daughter Ivanka are going to be questioned under oath in mid July. The entire family “organization” could be in danger if New York’s AG wins a civi lawsuit alleging FRAUD by individual 1 and his children.

And, remember, his organization is already facing 15 FELONY charges which were already filed along with his former top aide being charged with FELONIES as well. Do you understand why I’ve been calling him a low level MOB boss for several years now? And, none of this even mentions Fani Willis in Fulton County Georgia who has a “Special Grand Jury” going on right now, as I’m writing this, which potentially could result in a RICO charge – meaning people like Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham could get caught up in individual 1’s illegal behavior.

RICO stands for “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.”  The law was brought in to help tackle large scale criminal organizations in the US. That would allow Ms. Willis to indict individual 1 and those who participated in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia in one felled “swoop.” When you listen to the 67 minute recording of individual 1 berating Brad Raffensperger – Georgia’s Secretary of State – attempting to get him to “find 11,780” votes – well, you’d have to be STUPID not to understand THAT is actual “election fraud.” (Fraud seems to be a common adverb when looking at individual 1’s behavior)

I read a column in the Washington Post tonight by Eugene Robinson titled “It will be bad if Merrick Garland prosecutes (individual 1 – he, of course, used his surname), and worse if he doesn’t.” If you’ve been on this site in the past you likely know I’m a firm believer in “no one is above the law.” Richard Nixon proved (I thought) “we the people” DON’T believe “if a president does it, it must be legal.” However, since the days of Watergate, our justice system has progressively proved maybe Nixon was correct.

For example, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush were in, up to their eyeballs, in the Iran/Contra fiasco. In “Iran/Contr” the Reagan administration was secretly selling ARMS to Iran, which was subject to an arms embargo (The Iranians had captured a large group of Americans out of the American Embassy and held them hostage – ironically until Reagan took office – raising other questions), and used the money to fund the Nicaragua “Contras” in an effort to topple Nicaragua’s “leftist” government – a CLEAR violation of Congress’ “Boland Amendment” which prohibited funding of the Contras.

Both Reagan and Bush (HW) went without punishment while several others in the Reagan administration were convicted of serious FELONIES. All were eventually pardoned by HW Bush in the latter days of his administration. This set the stage for the NEXT republican administration, that of GW Bush and Dick Cheney. Both GW Bush and Cheney admitted on national TV to authorizing TORTURE for their so-called “enemy combatants” (determined by them – or their “assigns”) and one of the first things Barack Obama did once he became president was to STOP all the investigations into the WAR CRIMES of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld administration. (Donald Rumsfeld was Sec. of Defense) I stated at the time, this would just be another “signal” to republicans that democrats didn’t have the stomach to stop their lawlessness. And, I said it will just get progressively worse.

I still FIRMLY believe that and, just imagine, how much worse can it get? Well, if you’ve paid attention to individual 1 since he was BOOTED out of the nation’s capital with his “tail between his legs,” he believes he’ll be back in POWER if he “chooses.” His lackeys have been busy changing election laws in numerous states since his failed coup d’etat. Apparently, there are a lot more Americans who don’t believe in our democratic republic than I thought. These “lackeys” are still busy and they’ve got their sights set on the offices of Governor, Secretay of State, and House of Representatives in various key states. IT CAN GET A LOT WORSE!

Here’s the reality: If republicans gain control of Congress (they already CLEARY have control of the courts) it won’t matter who the American people VOTE for in 2024 because republicans in Congress showed their “hand” in 2020. They will simply “object” to the results in states they “need” in order to control the Electoral Vote count and have the POWER to “overturn” the 2024 election – completing what they failed to do in 2020. As many people have said, 2020 was simply the “trial run.” And, sadly, MOST Americans have no idea what is going on. Of course, we can count on democrats to FAIL in pointing this out – if history is any gauge.

I talk to as many people as I can and most of them believe I’vel lost my “marbles.” It just doesn’t seem fathomable to them this could be true. Hopefully, they’re watching the 1/6 hearings which are pointing out what myself (and many others) have been saying for several years now. This republican party continues to tilt strongly to the “right” and it appears to have adopted out and out fascism at this point in time.

Remember, the “base” of the republican party is comprised significantly of outright white nationalists who are, at a minimum, neo-Nazi’s. If you don’t believe me, take another look (online) at the so-called “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia back in 2017 – with the “good people on both sides.” You tell me who the “good people” were carrying the Tiki Torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” while wearing swastika armbands and/or carrying confederate flags. David Duke was there and praised individual 1 for his “good people on both sides” comment. Yikes!!!

My point here is that while it may be true that when it comes to governing individual 1 is a MORON, when it comes to his self preservation he’s not only “cunning” but he’s simply put DANGEROUS. He appears to be void of any moral compass – he’s a MASTER con man a MOB boss. The “conservative Christian” community made the classic “deal with the devil” because individual 1 allowed Moscow Mitch and Don McGahn to flood the court system with right wing judges. And, individual 1 placed THREE right wing (and dishonest) judges on the Supreme Court – which will be a problem for a generation (unless progressive succeed in expanding the Court)

The issue with the Court, in fact, SHOULD motivate progressives to VOTE against republicans for the next MANY MANY elections – and, of course, to vote AGAINST individual 1 or those trying to take his “place.” I firmly believe if democrats lose control of Congress in the 2022 mid-term elections the republicans will have succeeded in achieving what Karl Rove called the “permanent republican ‘majority.'” It will be a kind of the American version of apartheid. As I’ve stated here before, Merrick Garland is, historically, on the spot. He had to decide if he has the stomach for prosecuting individual 1 – and the rest of us can do nothing but “sit on the edge of our seats” in anticipation. He will be roundly criticized one way or the other! And, prosecuting individual 1 will be the first step in salvaging this nation’s principles.

Final Thought: Every day I try to read something about what is going on in Ukraine – I do NOT want to allow myself to get tired of paying attention to Putin’s war of aggression there – a clear view of fascism (Putin’s Russia). I would just point out to anyone reading this that Putin’s war with America has not slowed down and you can be as sure as the sun rising in the East that Putin will have his “paws” all over the upcoming election in America. The last thing he wants to see is President Biden having success – kind of like republicans. How much they’re working in “unison” we may never know – but, rest assured they’re working toward the same end. My hope is the American people will FINALLY see through this “deplorable” partnership.

It didn’t work for Putin in 2020 because, likely, many more Americans were aware of what he’s up to, but the reality is while there were MILLIONS more people voting for democrats, there were also MILLIONS more voting republican. In fact, something I found interesting in watching the 1/6 hearings was something Brad Raffensperger said regarding why individual 1 LOST in Georgia. There were at least 28,000 Georgians who didn’t cast a vote for persident but voted everything else down ballot. So, had all Georgia’s republicans cast a ballot for individual 1 he would have carried the state by around 15,000 votes. So, good on all thos Georgians who had the audacity to refrain from voting for a CRIMINAL and I hope we see more of that in 2022. Individual 1 is a CANCER on this nation – the “cure” is in the hands of AG Garland!

I wrote the above yesterday – the day the Supreme Court overturned 100 years of gun safety laws in New York – now an “open carry” state (with more states likely to follow) and, today, they did what most have been watitng for and overturned Roe v Wade. Judges who had pledged in confirmation hearings they would honor precedence in this matter were, well, LYING. They were ruling on a case from Mississippi which severely limited Roe, but instead of agreeing to that case they decided to “go the full nine yards.” I know “Christians” who are very happy about this, but the reality is abortions will still happen – this ruling will simply create serious health care issues for an untold number of women in America. I have to wonder how many of them are planning to VOTE come November.

Several months ago, when I first allowed myself to use the word STUPID (a word I loathe) regarding republican leaders (and sadly many of their followers) I pointed out the results of some of their decisions. First was the so-called “HEROES Act” the democrats in the House “gave” to individual 1 (and republicans) during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Nancy Pelosi said, this will help us “crush the virus.” Of course, Moscow Mitch (republicans controlled the Senate) labled it “dead on arrival” with individual 1’s blessing. Passing that piece of legislation likely would have led to another (disastrous) four years of our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

Naturally, that decision led to the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION the result of individual 1 being the world’s WORST loser. And, of course, the INSURRECTION and MORE republican STUPIDITY led to the January 6th Select Committee. Republicans had the option of a 9/11 type “Commission” with equal representation and, not surprisingly, voted it down. (As usual, thinking is not a characteristic of republican leaders – and, the “flock” almost always does what they are “told”) The result of this STUPIDITY is very possibly going to be what, in conjunction with Supreme Court decisions which get the attention of just about EVERYONE, very well could be a massive move to the polls in November by people who don’t want America to be a fascist state (anymore than it already is).

Time will tell. I’ve always thought democrats were expert at pulling DEFEAT from the “jaws of victory” – but 2022 could very well see the shoe on the other foot. Of course, republicans have a decided advantage due to gerrymandered districts in determining the control of the House, but I just have a feeling democrats could gain a few seats in the Senate – enough to counter Manchin and Sinema – and, if they can keep control of the House it could be possible legislation aimed at “we the people” might actually happen. Make no mistake, I believe Joe Biden is pushing the most progressive agenda since LBJ. He believes in the “Bottom up Middle out” approach to governing. Let’s hope the Roe decision and the 1/6 hearings get enough people’s attention for them to realize what is at stake going forward for our nation!

Are Americans capable of looking past high gas and food prices when deciding on their leaders?

Here’s the alarming reality as I see it – looking at the “West” while I’m thinking about Ukraine. Way too many people who live in Europe and the United States are either part of the right wing lurch toward authoritarianism OR apathetic when it comes to what is taking place in Ukraine. It’s as if we don’t want our sweet lives affected by anything going on in far away places (Although, Ukraine is a part of Europe). Kind of reminds me of what I’ve read about the beginnings of WW II. I’ve pointed out here my total support of President Biden who, I believe, is fully attempting to prevent WW III. (At least regarding his commitment to Ukraine)

I’ve read recently where the promises of support for Ukraine from countries in Europe borders on emptiness. Weapons Germany has promised are going to be delivered “by the end of July.” My thought when I read that was, “Are you kidding me?” The Ukrainian people are putting up a valiant FIGHT in order to save their democracy from the world’s leading menace, Vladimir Putin, and members of NATO are “going to be sending aid” at the end of next month. (After further reading, the Germans have to train the Ukrainians how to use the weapon I referred to above)

I read today where Biden has authorized another $1 BILLION in military hardware to be sent (immediately, I believe) – but, if I understand the recent appropriation from Congress, there’s $54 BILLION allocated. To me, let’s get on with it. How are the French and the Germans and the other members of NATO going to react once Putin pushes beyond the boundaries of Ukraine? Or, do they believe they can simply allow the Ukrainian people to be slaughtered and that will be the end of it? Do we have some “Neville Chamberlains” out there? My hope is the Ukrainians push the Russians OUT of their country – and, that includes Crimea. But, clearly, it won’t happen without a solidified response from NATO.

We’re seeing in America, as the January 6th Select Committee is releasing the information it has collected in its inquiry of what actually happened on 1/6, 2021 and the months leading up to the INSURRECTION – that, individual 1, who in many ways comes across as a “moron” (to use a description from a couple of his cabinet officials), was actually very CUNNING in his plan to upend nearly 240 years of American democracy. And, obviously, he’s not finished with his attempted coup d’etat. You can check out my previous posts for my thoughts about that AND the role Merrick Garland has as democracies around the world are under assault.

But, as I watch Putin’s actions and I compare them to the actions of individual 1 while he had the reigns of POWER in America, the similarities are striking. While both seem deranged, I’ve come to conclude that both are sinister orgainzed CRIMINALS. Putin, who has Russia “by her short hairs,” and individual 1 who has cast a “spell” on maybe 20 – 25% of the American public seem like “two peas from the same pod.” In both cases it appears they have managed to pull together CULT followings by abusing social media – most notebly, Facebook. Yikes!

Much of what I read about regarding the Russian people and how they believe the words coming from Putin’s mouth – a LIAR on the same magnitude as individual 1 – demonstrates the intoxicating power of media outlets focused on pure propaganda and social media outlets more concerned with MONEY than mis/disinformation on their sites. In America there’s Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and various other right wing outlets keeping the “ditto heads” in order along with Facebook, where mis/disinformation quickly becomes “viral” – but, in America there are choices and some of the media outlets are actually attempting to do investigative journalism – something which is outlawed in Russia.

So, you look at the one fourth of Americans who’ve “bought the cool-aid” of individual 1’s blathering you see something resembling the Russian people. To me, it’s a much sadder phenomenon because of the “choices” people have when looking at the Americans who continue to support the so-called “big LIE” – most of them KNOWING it’s exactly what William Barr called it in his 1/6 testimony – “Bullshit” – but, many of them can’t pull themselves away from information they (SHOULD) know is, well, “Bullshit.” It’s called “willful ignorance.”

On a more positive note, there ARE those in Russia who understand what Putin is doing is MURDERINGG, in many instances, their relatives and LEVELING Ukraine in a brutal attempt to prevent the people of Ukraine from choosing their own leaders. Reports have Russians sympathic to Ukraine’s plight involved in sabotaging various strategic targets inside Russia. Kind of like the “underground” which developed during WW II in places like France.

In my view, too many people are worried about the cost of gas and groceries – which clearly are affected by the WAR in Ukraine – with little concern to the possibility this WAR could metastisize outside of Ukraine’s borders. What if Putin decided to push into Poland? Are “we the people” (I’m talking about Americans, of course) going to keep complaining about the price of gas instead of putting our support toward stopping Putin’s aggression? Honestly, I’m seeing Putin in a Hitler like “light” and I hope enough people in the “West” have studied their History books relating to WW II. This could get very ugly very fast – especially, if Putin has some rock solid agreement with China. I remember he went to Beijing right before he ordered the invasion.

My son is 32 and very perceptive and we discuss the Ukraine situation virtually every day – he is much more pessimistic than me about Ukraine’s chances for “success.” (Probably a more realistic position – especially, as I become aware of the “casual” response from the major European countries in getting arms to the Ukrainian “front”) The more concerning part to me is his disdain for politics – he doesn’t like politics to enter into any of our conversations. I tell him that’s exactly where the people I’m apposing want you to be. Disgusted with politics to the point where he doesn’t vote. To him, the cost of filling his tank while most jobs don’t pay enough to make even having an apartment where we live “affordable” is the result of “politics.” (And, largely, I don’t believe he’s wrong)

To a degree, it’s hard for me to argue with that – but, by my way of thinking, that’s because not enough people vote AGAINST republicans – too many Americans don’t vote. And, in the upcoming elections in America – critical for many reasons – the pundits believe republicans will retake control of Congress – in an election which may be the key to preserving America’s republic as it has stood for those 240, or so, years. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “you’ve got a republic, if you can keep it.”

All of this is tied together and it’s incumbent on the American people to take the next step in pushing this nation closer to its “ideal” and that will require voting the vast majority of republicans in Congress out of office. This is a challenge in one country after another in the so-called “West.” The one “democracy” which clearly believes in their right of self government enough to FIGHT for it is Ukraine – from where I’m sitting. Which almost breaks my heart.

The optimist in my says enough Americans will tune into the January 6th Committee’s hearings and enough will be paying attention to several upcoming Supreme Court decisions to understand the gavity of the situation the MAJORITY of Americans are facing. Solving the problem will require VOTING in large enough numbers to overwhelm the voter suppression tactics put forth by republicans in one state after another. It will require enough democratic Senators willing to get rid of the filibuster to, well, get rid of the filibuster.

Getting rid of the filibuster will require democrats to have enough confidence in their own beliefs to actually codify them into law. And, it will require democrats to be WILLING to fully defend the “bottom up middle out” approach to their domestic agenda. It will require them to have the courage to implement a progressive agenda, should they somehow retain control of Congress with enough Senators to actually pass Biden’s agenda this November. And, it will require them to LEARN how to compete in the world of “messaging” – where they’ve been woefully inadequate for as long as I can remember.

Not only is America’s domestic agenda at stake this coming November, but, additionally, our position as a leader in regard to NATO and relationships with Europe. I believe the Europeans are understandably cautious in their dealings with the U.S. because they are smart enough to see individual 1 “laying in the weeds” with the intention of retaking POWER in 2024. I’ve said this many times before on this site, but I believe individual 1 is more of a threat to the U.S.’s republic than Hitler was in WW II. I do not question he will attempt to align America with Russia and China should we be STUPID enough to vote him back into POWER again – and, the likes of the other republican “hopefuls” don’t offer a much brighter, if as bright, a “picture.”

I pray that “we the people” – in our short attention spans – don’t grow weary of supporting Ukraine, especially if Congress is “flipped” come November (as most “experts” predict) To me, the valiant FIGHT being put forth by the Ukrainian people has been inspiring. I’m no fan of America’s “war machine” – but, Ukraine has made it clear Putin has been attempting to undermine the world’s “democracies” for the past couple decades and he believes his “active measures” campaign designed to destablize America has created this opportunity for his “wet dream” of reconstituting the Soviet Union – starting with Ukraine. Very few people believed Ukraine was willing or able to put up the FIGHT which so far has exposed the weakness of the Russian military – but, one thing remains clear – Putin is a ruthless tirant who will stop at nothing in order to achieve his goals. Stay tuned……………….

Final Thought: I don’t agree with the consensus that President Biden blundered the U.S. out of Afghanistan – to me, there was no “easy way out” and Biden was “hamstrung” by the agreement individual 1 made in 2020 with the Taliban. The bottom line, to me, was: 20 years was nearly 20 years too long for America to have been entrenched in Afghanistan. The fact their “army” folded in a matter of days prior to our exit just confirmed that reality. I clearly remember America’s exit from Viet Nam, also with her “tail between her legs” and there’s just no way to “smoothly” exit a “war” you’ve clearly lost.

That being said, I don’t agree with President Biden on everything, just as I didn’t agree with President Obama on everything. Of course, I didn’t agree with individual 1 on almost anything although there have been things I’ve agreed with regarding republican presidents in the past – my evolution to voting AGAINST republicans began with Bush/Cheney and their LYING “we the people” into Iraq and their INCOMPETENT actions leading to the 20 year fiasco in Afghanistan. Biden’s soon to embark on a trip to Saudi Arabia which seems to be flashing a few “red flags” – and, I hope and pray it’s not a desperate attempt to get them to pump more oil – at the expense of some kind of long term defense agreement.

However, it’s not hard for me to think of reasons why it’s imperative for “we the people” to vote in a Congress with enough democrats for Biden to enact his domestic agenda not to mention the importance of protecting against key parts of the republican agenda – which I can’t believe I have to write about after four years of individual 1. For example, most progressives I know are alarmed at the makeup of the Supreme Court. Well, it should be obvious to ANYONE that if republicans gain control of the Senate there could be ADDITIONAL right wing judges added to the court. Right now it’s 6 – 3 – just imagine 7 – 2 or worse. There would be no way to even consider expanding the court in that case.

The court will be an issue for EVERY election going forward for well beyond my lifetime. Democrats should HAMMER that point ALL the time – every election. But, that, of course, is not all. Voting rights legislation was blocked because of two recalcitrant democratic Senators – progressives need MORE democrats in the Senate – which means they MUST vote in substantial numbers this November – there are several good options to flip seats – but, there are also contested seats for Senators already there. And, controlling the House is imperative is ANYTHING is going to be accomplished. Not only voting rights but CLIMATE legislation is critical, MORE infrastructure legislation is necessary to bring America into competition with other countries around the world, student loan debt should be addressed as well as reasonable gun legislation (like BANNING assault weapons and high capacity magazines)

The cost of higher education, making health care a right instead of a privilege, and balancing the budget via tax increases on the wealthy – including a “wealth tax” on the “wealth” of the billionarie class – are just a few more of the issues which COULD be addressed by YOUNGER and more PROGRESSIVE members of the House and Senate. My hope is young Americans will vote in record numbers despite republican attempts to prevent them from doing so. The future is theirs and I believe there are too many CORRUPT members of Congress (mostly republican) and too many who are way too old. Republicans don’t want young Americans and “Black and Brown” Americans to vote and they’re doing everything in their power to discourage them from voting. I can tell you this, if they allow republicans to take control in 2022 it won’t become any easier – and the stakes will be astronimically higher – posiibly too high for our constitution to withstand the right wing assault!

Is America going to become a full blown fascist state?

I’ve shared often here I’m a 74 year old retired 6th grade school teacher. I’ve been paying attention to politics since my earliest days when I clearly remember my Mom and Dad arguing over Eisenhower and Stevenson – my Dad the republican and my Mom the democrat. As I look back, Dwight Eisenhower was, in my view, a very positive president. Most Americans take the Interstate Hiway system, for examle, for granted. I still remember my Dad driving my brother, my two sisters, and my Mom and me, from our home in Vancouver, Washington to visit our grandparents in Ohio. There were a lot of two lane roads and the trip took several more days than it would on the Hiways which resulted from the investment pushed by Eisenhower.

As I look back to my early childhood there were some key “assumptions” which made it possible for “baby boomers” (especially those of us who were white) to move into the middle class and above without mortgaging our futures with heavy debt. I graduated from High School in 1965 and the cost of going to college was almost incidental (I did have to borrow $3000) during my first “run” at becoming “educated” – which, for me, didn’t result in a diploma – I left school during my final quarter due to family issues. As they say, “The times they are a changin.”

Of course, they’ve been constantly changing and what’s on my mind today is the culmination of the so-called “Powell memo” written back in 1971 by soon to be Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell laying out the “roadmap” for the overwhelming of America’s republic by corporate interests. Ronald Reagan put Powell’s plan into ful force and we’ve seen over 40 years since then of MONEYED interests taking the reins of POWER in this country I was born in and have loved since my earliest days. Honestly, some of the “stuff” going on in today’s America is DISGUSTING! (I thought maybe “deplorable” was a more appropriate term)

I’m going to start this with a situation close to my heart in my personal life, I love to play golf, which is undergoing an issue that kind of encapsulates today’s America – which I can sum up with one word – MONEY. If you follow professional golf at all you KNOW the Saudi’s are attempting to start a competing “tour” with the professional tours in the U.S. and Europe – among other “tours.” They are offering staggering “bonuses” to lure top golfers onto their “circuit” – reportedly $200 MILLION to Phil Mickelson and $100 MILLION to Dustin Johnson (along with others) – to get them to abandon the PGA tour where they’ve made MILLIONS of dollars competing and untold more MILLIONS with their endorsement deals. Personally, I’m disgusted by these – what I’ll call – “turncoats.”

However, that’s simply the way of today’s “world.” Go with the MONEY! If I had hundreds of MILLIONS in the bank would I be able to turn down an offer of another hundred? – especially based on knowing where it came from? I would hope so, but, who knows. (Tonight I made a $5 donation to Beto O’Rourke’s camaign for governor in Texas – to give a bit of perspective) Personally, I’ll NEVER watch a moment of this new tour on TV and I definitely won’t attend – the second round of their season will happen just a few miles from where I live. This simply reminds me of what has become “normal” in America.

Everyone knows we’re in the THIRD year of a once in a century pandemic where BILLIONAIRES have seen their wealth increas exponentially. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and a bunch more have become even FILTHIER rich and, yet, still do whatever they can to avoid TAXES. And, Musk – who spends a lot of time pulling his foot from his mouth – has now offered $44 BILLION of his “play money” in an attempt to purchase “Twitter.” Interestingly, “Twitter’s” stock price has dropped about 20% since his offer and, by all accounts I’ve read, Musk is fighting an epidemic of “cold feet” – which could cost him a “cool BILLION.”

I recently finished reading a book about Facebook and, in it, Mr. Zuckerberg was portrayed as a complete asshole – focused on making as MUCH MONEY as he possibly can no matter the consequences to “we the people.” January 6th, 2021 was helped along by various Facebook groups who actually did their scheming right on that platform. Zuckerberg (likely continues to) hestitates to allow “hate speech” to be taken down on Facebook under the guise of “free speech.” (Similar to Musk’s stated intention to allow individual 1 back on Twitter) – This is all “poppycock.” Simpy put, it’s about the MONEY!

Why should this be surprising? Since Mr. Powell’s memo, the corporate takeover of America has been very sophisticated and, apparently, near complete. Where’s the outrage for Musk “investing” money which SHOULD be going into his own companies to buy Twitter. Oh yes, that’s been the American way since Reagan – larger corporations buying up smaller entities and gaining even MORE POWER. (While spending MILLIONS to avoid paying taxes) It’s happened in one industry after another. I mentioned Zuckerberg, and he’s a good example. A company appears to be COMPETING with his, well, the solution is to BUY it. Solves the problem. In Musk’s case, it appears to be simply a RICH man who is somewhat out of control.

When I was in my formative years (pre Reagan) the income tax structure was set up to FIGHT exactly what we’re seeing routinely these days. Corporations and executives were encouraged to put PROFITS back into their own businesses – or otherwise pay tax rates which at one time were about 90% for excess profits. Reagan took this “theory” on with his so-called “trickle down” economic SCAM leading to two MAJOR outcomes. HUGE increases in both the income inequality in America AND the Federal budget deficits and ultimately, of course, the national debt exploding. Yikes!

Republican policies have been so draconian they’ve needed to find ways to convince America’s voters to keep supporting this lurch toward outright fascism. Their solution, which has worked famously, is to focus on “wedge issues.” And, of course, republicans are much better at the messaging necessary to make this strategy work because they WILLINGLY adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich in the 1980’s and have been getting away with it ever since. Then, along comes individual 1 and it’s possible the prolific number of LIES – while numbing to people like me – may be getting the attention of enough Americans to put an end to this political carnage once and for all. We can hope. (I have to add, I have an acquaintance who’s part of the CULT who I couldn’t convince he was wrong supporting individual 1 with OVER 4 years of occasional breakfrasts together.)

We won’t know until the mid terms of 2022 are complete – and, trust me, many – including most republicans – believe it’s a foregone conclusion that republicans will retake control of Congress this coming November. Will the American people allow this to happen? If I said I wasn’t a bit worried I’d be LYING. I’ve written recently about how discouraged I am that so many Americans seem to be more worried about the price of gas than the future of our republic. To them, inflation is more important than the war in Ukraine. There are a couple events which I believe may mitigate that situation.

First, tonight was the first night of the January 6th Committee’s public hearings. (After listening to Liz Cheney’s opening remarks I couldn’t help but think of the saying: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”) Will that change the political narrative? I hope so. Will it lead to individual 1’s indictment? Again, I hope so (along with a bunch of others – see below for starters.) Secondly, soon the Supreme Court is expected to OVERTURN Roe v Wade – another egregious example of republican justices “legislating from the bench.” That one very well could get the attention of enough women who VOTE to cause a bit of alarm with Moscow Mitch – who has promised to attempt to take the anti abortion issue to full blown legislation as a way to get republicans to the polls. Should be interesting. I’m 74 – my concern is for my children and grandchildren – and, it’s a real concern. Is America going to become a full blown fascist state? (It could be argued we’re already a “Mussolini fascist state” – corporate/government partnership) Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: Tonight was the first night of the January 6th, 2021 Select Committee’s report and there was footing showing the “legitimate political discourse” perpetrated by individual 1’s followers as they STORMED the Capitol – supposedly in a “tourist visit” – bludgeoning members of the Capitol Police and defacating on the walls of our nation’s Capitol (along with much more destruction and theft) – this was NO normal group of constituents filing through the Capitol “taking pictures.” Not only were the INSURRECTIONISTS portrayed HONESTLY, but there was information which came out we didn’t know prior to this evening.

One example I noticed was when Liz Cheney pointed out there were a group of republican lawmakers who lobbied for PARDONS from individual 1 prior to him leaving office. Why would a member of the House believe he or she needed a pardon? (OK, you know the answer to that question, don’t you?) Here’s something I picked up on – Ms. Cheney identified ONE of the members seeking a pardon and that was Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. The others we were led to believe we may or may not find out who they are.

Well, after the hearing, on MSNBC, Adam Schiff was interviewed and asked specifically to “name names” regarding the PARDON seeking members. He said he was unable to name anyone, but then slipped by saying something like the Committee subpoenaed a group of Congress members who chose not to comply with the Subpoenas – implying that was the group who were seeking the PARDONS. (Were they the ones leading surveillance tours?) We’ll see in the days to come, but, I believe, that would suggest we’re talking about Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Kevin McCarthy, Andy Biggs, and, of course, Mr. Perry. I don’t believe Mr. McCarthy, from what I’ve heard, was involved in the PLANNING of the INSURRECTION, but, the others, “not so much.” Cheney gave the line of the evening: “Trump will be gone, (I hate writing that word) but the republican dishonor will remain.” Things SHOULD get more interesting by the day! Stay tuned!!!

OK, I’ve got to ask this question: “Are you paying attention Merrick Garland?” (Update, HE IS! He said he’s watching every minute of every session)

OMG – I forced myself to tune into Tucker Carlson tonight as he was BRAGGING that Fox was the only “news” organization not showing the January 6th Committee’s hearing. He questioned, “why aren’t these channels focused on $5 a gallon gas, or inflation which is higher than at anytime in most American’s lives” – and, I can’t remember what else. Pure BULLS#$T (In the words of William Barr), deflection, and dishonesty. We know he’s speaking to about 3 – 4 MILLION “ditto heads” and, had they been tuned in it likely wouldn’t have made any difference. Remember, Carlson has lamented “why can’t we be like Hungary?” Where Viktor Orban, Hungary’s dictator, is the perfect role model for individual 1 loving republicans. Creeping fascism! Yikes!!! Fox “news” is an American trajedy!

Does Merrick Garland believe individual 1 actually IS “above the law?”

I used the word ARROGANCE the other day when I was writing about the level of belief by republican after republican that they are “above the law” – while, at the same time, suggesting they believe in the consitution. That is, they are inferring the laws are meant for you and me, but not for them. Today gave us one of the FIRST (in what I hope will be an avalanche) instance of listening to members of individual 1’s “inner circle” blowing “steam” after he was arrested for REFUSING to answer to a subpoena from Congress – and, of course, I’m talking about today’s arrest of Peter Navarro. OMG, Mr. Navarro was beside himself because he was “handcuffed” taken to jail and “put in leg irons.” He said, “They could have just called me.”

I couldn’t stop shaking my head in disbelief listening to Navarro complaining about his potential future reality – and, that’s being in jail. On top of all this, it appears Navarro is going to represent himself in court because he doesn’t want to spend the money for an attorney who would lead his defense. Of course, Navarro has ADMITTED to participating in the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the 2020 election for president – right on national TV. And, he pointed out his part in the CONSPIRACY was done at the side of none other than Steve Bannon. Personally, I believe Mr. Navarro’s legal jeopardy may very well go far beyond a “Contempt of Congress” felony. Might him and Bannon be part of a “Seditious Conspiracy” (with individual 1 and a plethora of other sycophants to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president)?

It was also announced today the Contempt charges against Mark Meadows and Dan Scovino will NOT be pursued by the Justice Department – apparently, because they at least negotiated with the Select Committee – in Meadows case, the text messages and email messages he turned over to the Committee have been – according to reports – critical in the Committee’s ability to piece together the TRUTH of what happened on January 6th, 2021 and the months leading up to the INSURRECTION. Personally, I believe Mr. Meadows has much greater worries than any contempt charge.

For example, by all reports, Meadows was right in the middle of virtually EVERY part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the government he gave an OATH to defend – against “all enemies foreign and domestic.” I believe Meadows will be given the opportunity, eventually, to cooperate with the Justice Department as this investigation approaches the Oval Office. What “we the people” already KNOW, publicly, in my mind, is enough to hold individual 1 accountable for – what actually, by definition, amounts to TREASON. That’s what the “Oathkeepers” and “Proud Boys” facing Seditious Conspiracy charges are facing and it makes sense that, at a minimum, individual 1 should be facing the same circumstances. It appears to me, Meadows is going to have to make a decision of how “loyal” he really feels to individual 1.

I’ve been suggesting individual 1 is nothing more than a cheap “mob boss” for the past three plus years and, for those of us thinking along those lines, it was NO surprise today when it was reported Mike Pense’s chief of staff, on January 5th, 2021 warned Pense’s Secret Service detail – the head of that detail – that Pense could be facing physical peril on January 6th, 2021 because individual 1 was going to “turn on him.” If you watched the INSURRECTION in real time on January 6th, 2021 you saw the gallows erected on the Capitol grounds and the rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pense” as they stormed through the broken windows and broken down doors while individual 1 was “tweeting” to these thugs who had erected the gallows.

Here’s the “tweet:” “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Following this “tweet” INSURRECTIONISTS, some carrying twist ties for tying someone’s hands behind their back, increased their push to find (and “hang”) Mike Pense. Naturally, they were after Nancy Pelosi as well – who knows what they would have done had they captured any of the members of Congress who were gathered into secured locations. And, Mike Pense? Nancy Pelosi?

Well, Pense was taken below the Capitol – to a still undisclosed location, where there was a caravan of bullet proof vehicles waiting to take him away to safety. Now, I haven’t been, nor am I today as I’m writing this, anything close to a “fan” of Mike Pense, but I have to say I’m thankful he REFUSED to get in the SUV the Secret Service wanted to cart him out of the Capitol in – he said, “I’m not getting in that car.” Pense was aware of the “plan” which could have succeeded had he been removed from the Capitol with the “president pro tem” of the Senate taking over the certification of the Electoral College vote count. No one knows what would have happened had Pense been moved, but the plan was for the chaos to prevent the final certification of the votes leading to, possibly, a declaration of “martial law” by individual 1. There can be NO question, individual 1 was attempting a coup d’etat on January 6th, 2021!

I say all this because I believe Mr. Meadows, Mr. Scavino, plus Mr. Navarro and Mr. Bannon, along with very possibliy OVER 100 others have much more to worry about than Contempt of Congress subpoenas. If Merrick Garland truly follows through on his promises that anyone involved in the INSURRECTION in ANY level ” whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy” will be held accountable SHOULD give the aforementioned cabal a bit edgy. I’ve defined a “conspiracy” here numerous times and there can be NO doubt individual 1 and a WHOLE bunch of sycophants could be facing the MOST serious of charges. Whether or not you approve of our government when you attempt to OVERTHROW the most fundamental part of our republic, the “free and fair election of our leaders” you are committing TREASON.

There can be no doubt the democratic party, when they’ve been in “power,” seem to be overly passive in fighting against this long term assault on our republic by the republican party which has continued its “lurch” to the “right” as they’ve long since come to an apparent conclusion that regaining POWER will be done through LYING to the public over and over again. It appears that as we approach the “mid term” elections this coming November, the democrats continue to be fearful about actually FIGHTING for what’s at stake come November. My fear is, once again, they’ll shy away from defending their OWN core beliefs!

Here’s a simple observation: If the republicans win in November the ONLY thing which will happen in the following two years will be retribution from republican members of the House and Senate who survive by stoking “culture wars.” To those Americans who are disappointed in what President Biden has “delivered,” the solution is simple – vote more democrats into the Senate – enough to overcome the filibuster, AND vote more democrats into the House. This would make Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema no longer the roadblock to progressive legislation coming from Congress. Both Manchin and Sinema COULD have been very beneficial to the process had they NEGOTIATED with the other democrats – but, they chose to simply BLOCK President Biden’s agenda – supported by 98% of democrats in Congress – because of, apparently, promises they made to their largest DONORS. This, of course, is exactly why so many Americans are turned off by their government. Democrats NEED enough Senators to overcome their obstinence! (More republicans solves NOTHING – unless you believe in fascism)

Republicans, and, in essence, those I witness in the “news” media, still are talking as if individual 1 will be the republican nominee in 2024. That tells me a significant portion of our country continues to believe, just as individual 1 and his sycophants, that they are above the law. In my mind, individual 1 should be in court in 2024 instead of running for president. (Or, in jail by then) Just as Peter Navarro felt he could explain his “Green Bay Sweep” on a national TV show, individual 1 came out and actually said, “Mike Pense COULD (my emphasis) have overturned the election.” Essentially admitting to his “intent.” The coup d’etat is no MYSTERY. The ONLY thing that is a mystery to me is just how many members of Congress are going to be “outed” in the January 6th Select Committee hearings. Stay tuned………………

Final Thought: I’ve come to conclude a significant portion of the American public is willfully ignorant – but, don’t ask them, because they’ll tell you they DON’T watch Fox “news” (or lie about it) and, or, they know how to find stuff on the “internets.” I’ve encountered several people in my own “sphere” who act as if you offended them when you suggest “you watch Fox don’t you?” and, then, after a full throated denial they will refer to “Sean” or “Tucker” as the conversation evolves (as if Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson are their long lost buddies – on a “first name basis”). THEY apparently assume I’m an idiot (which may or may be somewhat true) but I can piece this type of doublespeak together without a lot of effort.

The really discouraging thing to me when I think about my “fellow Americans” is the shear number of them who seem more worried about the price of gas at the pump than the FACT our democratic republic remains under assault from within. Or, just as problematic with me is the complaining about the gas prices and NOT about the Russians MURDERING Ukrainians by the scores EVERY day. Reports of the murdering and raping of Ukrainian civilians by Russian troops should have EVERY American up in arms. Yet, what I hear about is “inflation” (a world wide issue due to the pandemic AND the ILLEGAL invasion of Ukraine) and “gas prices.” (Likewise) (By the way, the “liberal media” perpetuates this type of thinking) It kind of breaks my heart because I’ve loved America for the past 70+ years and I’m discovering more and more of America which is getting hard to “love.”

My body is continuing to work toward failure, so my “bucket list” seems to be getting a bit shorter. Right at the top of the list – NOW – is that individual 1 will find himself in a jail cell within the next few months – as the evidence of his crimes become so OVERWHELMING – to those willing to listen (Merrick Garland?). Yes, there’s a significant portion of Americans who’ve allowed themselves to be sucked into his CULT – and, there’s a significant portion of America’s media conglomerates who continue to support the “slow motion” coup d’etat which has continued since January 6th, 2021 – not to mention the billionaire class and corporate entities which look out for their own self interest (MONEY) as opposed to the interest of “we the people.”

This will be an “uphill climb” but, as an optimist, I still believe the American people will not allow a cheap small time organized crime boss to destroy 240 years of self government. Time will tell!

Individual 1 violates our LAWS with IMPUNITY! Is anyone at DOJ paying attention?

The sheer amount of ILLEGAL corruption which occurred during the reign of individual 1 on our nation was dizzying. The incredible amount of LAWBREAKING was so brazen (arrogant? presumptuous? cavalier? haughty? cocky? you fill in the blank) it was difficult to keep up. It seemed like “we the people” (who care about a “nation of laws and not men”) were chasing our tails. Sadly, we’re STILL chasing our tails because individual 1 (along with Steve Bannon and other sycophants) continue what has now been called a “slow motion” coup d’etat. I’ve written this several times, Merrick Garland, whether he likes it or not, has been pushed into a position of significance in American History. Progressives continue to hope our constitution will be able to stop this attack on the foundation of our nation. Garland will be either a hero or “goat.”

Individual 1, Bannon, Mark Meadows, and a whole bunch of others who were involved in the CONSPIRACY (including a Supreme Court Justice’s wife) to overturn the 2020 election are acting as if they are immune from our legal system. To me, that’s on AG Garland. Every day he doddles along makes this all worse. There are republicans all across America attempting to undermine our system of laws – EVERY day. And, if they’re not subject to those LAWS then, I suppose, they’re correct when they assume “democrats” don’t have the “balls” to stop them. This is going to come to a head ONE way or the OTHER!

God, I’m tired of writing – mostly to myself. But, it’s God who spurs me on because He tells me what republicans are doing to the WORLD does NOT reflect His teachings. For heaven’s sake, since 19 CHILDREM were MURDERED in Uvalde Texas – just two weeks ago, there have been an additional 18 MASS shootings in America. There are HUNDREDS of MASS shootings in America EVERY stinking year. And, for the past nearly 20 years (since GW Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to “expire”) it’s been (MOSTLY) republicans standing in the way of SENSIBLE gun safety reforms – many which have the support of something like 90% of Americans! I wrote the other day about ALL the legislation of recent years that the MAJORITY of Americans support yet NEVER even gets a vote in the U.S. Senate – a body which suffers from MINORITY rule. Guns are at the top of this list!

So, today, the 18th MASS shooting took place in a Tulsa, Oklahoma hospital where 4 people died and 10 more were injured. Probably wouldn’t have made the “news” except for all those DEAD children being buried this week in Texas. And, clearly, the problem standing in the way of solutions is republicans in the Senate. Is it just Mitch McConnell? We KNOW he’s taken gobs of MONEY from the gun lobby ($1.2 MILLION just from the NRA) but, surprisingly, it’s Mitt Romney at the head of the pack with over $13 MILLION just from the NRA. Not surprisingly, the top 48 members of the Senate on the NRA’s “wish list” are ALL republicans as are ALL the top “earners” of NRA cash in the House. Do you see why THEY are the problem on this issue? But, I digress! (Sorry)

Am I concerned about the proliferation of gun violence in America? Of course! However, to me, the major concern is the above metioned “slow moving coup d’etat” being promulgated by republicans inspired via the LYING of individual 1. Honestly, I never even imagined saying this kind of stuff about either of America’s two political parties. But, I’ve LONG seen the republican push to attain POWER at any COST! Which is why I’ve been “lobbying” for America’s voting public to vote these people into the history books.

The republicans are MUCH more sophisticated than the democrats – who, in my mind, still don’t fully understand the gravity of what is happening right under their noses. The “Koch brothers” put a plan into place over 20 years ago and it pretty much has been “flying under the radar” – until recently. They’ve been focusing on local politics as well as national politics. Keep in mind, the Koch’s (now the “Koch” – David Koch has died) have UNLIMITED funds and they definitely operate via the mantra “the end justifies the means.” 40 years ago they were on the fringe of political thought.

The Koch’s were largely responsible for the so-called “Tea Party” movement – the backlash to “we the people” having the audacity to elect an African American to be our president. The “whiteness” of their scheme to gain their so-called “permanent republican majority” – when they’re fully aware republicans represent only one third or less of this nation – has become more and more OVERT as time has gone by. Republicans welcomed in the “Tea Party” – a movement based on “white nationalism” – with “welcome arms” because they were desperate for a way back into POWER – after the debacle of Bush/Cheney.

They showed they have no SHAME as they attempted to destroy President Obama’s administration and then, when – with the help of the Russians and James Comey – they managed to get individual 1 elected, the RACISM just became MORE and MORE overt. Watching all this from afar has simply confirmed to me that when CORRUPTION is the means to POWER, too many in our society will choose POWER. I’ve got a couple examples – the first of which is right in individual 1’s family. Jared Kushner is a practicing Jew and, yet, virtually everytime individual 1 showed his true RACIST “colors” what did we hear from Kushner? Yep, “crickets.”

There’s another example which I learned from a book I (tried to) read a month or so ago titled “A Team of Vipers.” The author, Cliff Sims, was “plucked” out of Alabama during individual 1’s 2016 campaign and became an intregal part of his “White House” once our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president was in office. As I read the book I felt as if Mr. Sims (a young man) seemed like a genuine Christian – of course, coming from Alabama, a “conservative Christian.” That part was what kept me reading until I got close to page 200. What kept turning me off was Mr. Sims devotion to individual 1 and his ability to look past ALL the ILLEGAL “un Christian” stuff, ALL the LYING, and ALL the “deplorable” smears which were (and are) fundamental to how individual 1 operates. (Not to mention individual 1’s PHONY attempts to keep “Christians” in line.)

For example, all the marriages and the KNOWN affairs didn’t seem to bother Mr. Sims. The Access Hollywood tape didn’t seem to bother him – to me, at that point, he SHOULD have said “no thankyou” to the prospect of working in Washington DC. But, as I said above, “POWER” definitely “corrupts.” It seemed to me, as I was reading the book, Sims allowed himself to be USED by individual 1 as he became somewhat the “White House” “tattletale.” At the point where I simply became disgusted by Mr. Sims (admitted) behavior, I had to put the book down. I kept thinking, this is how so many “Christians” have become part of the CULT. Are “judges” worth sacrificing our democratic republic and our moral compass? Well, unfortunately, based on “Christians” I know I believe the answer to that question is yes!

So, at this point – should Merrick Garland choose to be on the side of history which relates to how we saved our nation from authoritarianism (or worse) – the question becomes how many of these “Christians” are going “down with the ship?” I’ve pointed this out several times, a “CONSPIRACY” is defined as “An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.” Or, “An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.” Legally, if you DISCUSS the ILLEGAL activity with someone in the group and ANYone of the members of the group takes an action which is part of the “plan” then YOU are part of the CONSPIRACY and legally accountable.

Think of Ginni Thomas, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, Jeffrey Clark, Roger Stone, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Ghomert, (and, maybe) Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and who knows who all else was actually involved in the plan to overturn the 2020 election. What we do know is there was a CONSPIRACY and it started in the Oval Office with individual 1 and Meadows pushing to get Mike Pense to violate his constitutional DUTY in certifying the Electoral College results. There were something like 100 people who signed FRAUDULENT elector documents which, likely, was both a STATE, and a FEDERAL crime. Does Garland want to take all of this on? Of course, this is on top of prosecuting OVER 800 of the INSURRECTIONISTS who physically STORMED the Capitol!

DOJ recently subpoenaed Peter Novarro, a member of individual 1’s inner circle, who on national TV and, apparently, in a book, admitted to taking part in the CONSPIRACY along with Mr. Bannon. They devised the so-called “Green Bay Sweep” which was part of the scheme to get VP Pense to block electors from key states to be subsituted by the FAKE (fraudulent) electors which was put together by a “White House’ team (apparently, including Giuliani, Eastman, and Ellis). This is part of the group of people, apparently, the American voters think should be back in POWER! Yikes!!!

As I said above, the problem of keeping up with ALL the ILLEGAL activity almost ends up with NONE of it being prosecuted. Looking JUST at individual 1 – he committed around 10 potential cases of OBSTRUCTION of Justice – just in the Mueller investigation. Mueller pointed out the COLLUSION in volume 1 of his report and explained “collusion” isn’t a “crime” and they couldn’t prove a “conspiracy” to the point they could prove in court. Holding back the Congressionally approved assistance for Ukraine (so he could bride Ukraine’s president) was likely ILLEGAL. Individual 1’s associates violated the “Hatch Act” routinely as they did political activity on the “White House” grounds or while on official duty – it was as if they simply refused to acknowledge the existence of the Hatch Act.

The payments to the two women with whom individual 1 allegeldly had sexual affairs (while his wife was bearing his final son) right before the 2016 election gave him his new name (with me) “individual 1” in the case against Michael Cohen where he was listed as an unindicted “co-conspirator” – simply because DOJ believes a sitting president can’t be indicted. However, once out of office he COULD have been indicted – but, individual 1 hasn’t faced consequences for any of this. Nor has Mr. Garland chosen to pursue the 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice “memorialized” by Robert Mueller in the “Mueller Report.” This was when I began to feel bad about Garland and the DOJ.

Individual 1’s now infamous phone call to Brad Raffensperger, the Secretary of State in Georgia, along with other phone calls and attempts to BULLY Georgia’s authorities charged with overseeing elections has led to a Grand Jury in Fulton County Georgia where our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is the TARGET of a possible SERIOUS indictment – maybe even a RICO charge (along with others – are you paying attention Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham?) Like I said, it’s all “dizzying.” And, it’s a challenge to the strength of our constitution – essentially a piece of paper – like none other in the history of this nation. Sadly, there are many “Christians” in America who would destroy our constitution, in the name of – what? – the constitution! Makes you wonder how many have actually read it???

Final Thought: The January 6th Select Committee in Congress will begin to make public their report in about a week (I’m writing this on June 2nd). I’m looking forward to it, I have to wonder how many Americans will actually watch the public hearings? I believe the hearings will show the level of the CRIMINAL activity which occurred during individual 1’s reign. Will Merrick Garland be in the audience? Is the Justice Department up for indicting a former president – even a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president? Millions will be on the edge of their seats looking to find out. This is what I’ve been asking: Individual 1 violates our LAWS with IMPUNITY! Is anyone at DOJ paying attention?